10/01/14-12/31/14 - The Methodist Home


10/01/14-12/31/14 - The Methodist Home
The Methodist Home
Lego Competition Champions
Because of You
See page 6
Your giving taught Hunter
and Elliot to give back.
See what you inspired
“It made me feel that I was
doing a good thing for the
world.” ~Hunter (at left)
on page 10!
Methodist Home
Americus • Columbus • Macon
St. Marys • Valdosta • Waverly Hall
Ms. Alison E. Evans
Mrs. Jill C. Myers
Executive Vice President
Dr. Jeffery D. Lawrence
VP/Programs and Services
Mr. Bruce Stanfield
Mrs. Robin Trantham
VP/Human Resources
Mr. Todd Bennett
Chief Development Officer
Mr. Lonnie Bivins
Director of Facilities
Mrs. Caroline Edenfield
CEO/The Methodist Home Foundation
The Gateway is a quarterly publication of the
Department of Development/Public Relations and
is designed to highlight Methodist Home life, to
encourage inquiries about potential admissions,
and to challenge donors to continue their generous
contributions for the children.
Ms. Hannah Allen
Mr. William (Bill) Allen
Dr. Charlene Black
Mrs. Jane Brown
Mr. Chuck Briscoe
Rev. G. Allen Cason
Dr. James Crosse
Mrs. Joyce F. Dent
Rev. Beverly Flowers
Senator Tim Golden
Mr. David F. Green
Mrs. Jennifer Harper
Mrs. Catherine Harrington
Dr. Chapin Henley
Ms. Eugenia Jones Henderson
Rev. Ramon Hernandez
Rev. Earl James
Mr. Michael Kemp
Dr. Ben C. Martin
Mrs. Mavis Moore
Dr. David Mosely
Mrs. Elizabeth Ogie
Mr. Tom Rawlings
Mrs. Karen C. Shockley
Mrs. GiGi Taylor
Senator Ross Tolleson
Mrs. Judy Tott
Mr. John “Johnny” C. Walker, III
Rev. Reggie Williams
Mrs. Frankie Evans
Mr. Michael Stone
Rev. V.L. Daughtery, Jr.
Bishop C.W. “Handy” Hancock
Dr. Edwin Chase
Dr. Edwin M. “Buddy” Cooper
Mr. Walter M. “Sonny” Deriso, Jr.
Rev. Cleo McRae Gilchrist
Dr. Laudis H. “Rick” Lanford
Dr. Wayne Moseley
Rev. Henry Bass
Rev. Wayne Racz
Bishop James King
Mrs. Cater O. Thompson
Mr. Hubert “Hu” C. Lovein, Jr.
Alesha Mathis
In response to Christ and the Church, the mission of the Methodist Home is to be a
model organization that restores childhoods, strengthens families and cultivates a
people-building organization.
We accept children and youth regardless of race, color, creed, national origin or
religious background.
The Methodist Home is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
The Methodist Home
P.O. Box 2525 • 304 Pierce Avenue 31204
Macon, Georgia 31203 - 2525
(478) 751-2800 (office) (478) 751-2888 (fax)
Email: [email protected]
Issue 1 Volume 37 ©2015
Picture on cover: Read about the challenges the Eaglebots over came to become champions! Pictured: Back Row: Howard High School student coach Trey
Powell, Price Education Faculty/Sponsor Brandon Tolle. Front Row: Howard High School student coach Ansley Hanes, Alex, Dylon, Shamonte, and Beth Leah
2 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
“Let the morning bring me word of
your unfailing love, for I have put
my trust in you. Show me the way
I should go, for to you I entrust my
life...” Psalm 143:8 (NIV)
Alison Evans,
“What are you thankful for?” It is not a hard
question, nor a trick question. Most people can
quickly rattle off a few pretty good, socially
acceptable answers such as “my family,” “my
health” or “a good job.” But, a lump came quickly
to my throat when one of our children answered,
“I am just thankful to be alive.”
I know this child’s history…she is not
exaggerating. There is no doubt in my mind she
went to sleep some nights wondering if she would
awake in the morning. Can you imagine the
trauma and sheer fear of not being safe in your
own bed? How do you get up the next day and try
to succeed in school or believe that tomorrow will
be a better day?
Things had to change; and for her, they did when
she came to live at The Methodist Home!
Because of your charitable gifts and loving
support, WE provide a safe home that is far more
than four walls, a roof and three meals a day. Our
services include counseling, education, guidance
and so much more. WE pray our children will
claim the promise of God’s unfailing love each
morning as WE care for them.
WE celebrate the success of our boys and girls,
small or large. WE encourage their talents and
praise their accomplishments. WE nurture good
behavior and teach them ways to conquer their
fears. WE stand to applaud and kneel down to
pray…WE love them as our own!
YOU are a part of “WE”! All of this is possible
because of you! Together, WE lift them up and
show them a new way to go…one filled with
encouragement and possibility; one built upon
trust in God. Your generosity truly blesses the
lives of our boys and girls, giving them safety for
today and hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Thank you for your faithful support. Your
encouragement and investment is deeply
Alison Evans
PS: Enjoy this edition of THE GATEWAY as
WE celebrate the success of our children!
www.TheMethodistHome.org GATEWAY SPRING 2015 3
Welcome to
My Cottage!
you to her
home on this
cottage tour.
As you walk up the driveway
to Collum Cottage, you see a
neat manicured yard. There is
a spring wreath on the door.
It is easy to forget the everyday
challenges faced by the residents
behind the closed door. Flowers
are beginning to awaken. It looks
like any other house in Georgia.
The quiet roadway is typical of
your neighborhood. As you ring
the doorbell, you are greeted by
Miracle*, a shy resident at The
Home. She greets you with a smile
and says, “Welcome to My Home!”
We first see a foyer and as we
turn the corner, an open floor plan
is revealed. Comfortable furniture
fills the room. You notice a TV
and computers. Miracle explains
they eat dinner in the Dining Hall
Monday through Friday but have
breakfast in the cottage everyday.
On Saturday they eat every meal
sitting at this table. She points to
the table that seats 10. They eat
4 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
Home is where the heart is and one resident
wants to share her home with you.
breakfast before church on Sunday
and then have lunch in the Dining
Hall when they come home.
Wednesday evenings, after chapel,
they have dinner in the cottage.
“What about the meals you
have to fix in the cottage? Where do
you fix them?” you ask.
Miracle takes you to the
kitchen. Here you see a kitchen
with a large island in the center. She
tells you that everyone has a chore
at dinner time. You help cook, set
the table, or clean the kitchen. “I
always like it the month I get to
take out the trash”, says Miracle.
“Why? you ask.
“Because its easy and I like
to go outside. And I don’t have to
clean the kitchen!”
Now she takes you back
through the living room into the
family room and leads you down
a hallway that you can turn left or
right. She explains there are 10 girls
living here right now. Some have a
separate bedroom and some share
a room with another resident.
Miracle has her own bedroom. She
opens the door to her room. It is
brightly decorated with items she
received at Christmas. You can tell
Miracle is proud of her room as she
tells you how surprised she was to
get the exact comforter and pillows
she asked for at Christmas. She
shares a bathroom with two other
girls. Can you imagine trying to get
ready for school? Everyone has to
share a mirror!
As your tour wraps up, Miracle
thanks you for coming and waves
goodbye to you from the door. She
enjoys showing off her home. It isn’t
where she came from but it is what
she makes of it. Home.
After seeing Miracle’s cottage,
would you like to take a tour
yourself? Call the campus of your
choice to set up a tour today!
*not real name
Miracle shows the
kitchen where the girls
eat on the weekends.
I have never
had this many
Christmas gifts
in my life!!
a child in our care,
age 9
Being in the Methodist
children’s home has been
a blessing in my life. If it
wasn’t for The Methodist
Children’s home I
would’ve been lost.
Jessica, former resident
Thank all of you for sending us your
Christmas card. We were so impressed
at the creativity and beauty of it. It sure
made us smile and it was put in a special
place so we could easily see it. God bless
everyone there in your care and all who
make it come together. Go forth in the
blessing of our Lord.
Bill and Betty S.,
...I just wanted you all to know that even
though I wasn’t always the ideal resident you
made such a difference in my life...Despite
everything, I turned out okay and a huge part
of that is because of the love and patience
that I was shown while living there. I am now
a mother of five and grandmother of two and
my life truly could not have turned out better.
I have so many good memories, enabling
me to have a happy childhood, thanks to the
Methodist Children’s Home in Macon.
a former resident via Facebook
encouraging notes
www.TheMethodistHome.org GATEWAY SPRING 2015 5
Because of Our Generous Donors
It was a brisk morning when Beth Leah, Alex*, Shamonte, and Dylon opened the doors to the Regional
Lego Competition. The gym vibrated from the high-energy music. The blast of heat from the room and the
loud music made them take a step back. They wanted to run. They overcame many challenges just to get here.
But, now that they were here, it was scary. It was overwhelming. It was beyond their imagination. The looks of
shock gave way to complete excitement. They were here!!
It All Started When…
Last fall, Beth Leah, Alex, Shamonte, and Dylon joined the Lego Club. They had no idea how that one
simple act would change their lives. The Lego Club set the goal of competing with other students. This goal
meant building a robot and obstacles out of Legos. After everything was built, the computer on the Lego robot
had to be programmed
to take on each obstacle.
But the robot was only
one-third of the challenge.
One-third was also
explaining the logic
behind the building and
the programming of
the robot. Another onethird was teamwork and
knowing the core values
of the competition like
gracious professionalism, a
quality they demonstrated
at the competition. The
Eaglebots exemplified this
graciousness when another
team had a broken part.
Beth Leah said of the
Our kids not only knew
competition, “It was like
David and Goliath and
the fix needed but gave
we were David!”
the competition the
correct part!
6 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
Four students at The Methodist
Home’s Price Education Center
competed in a Regional Lego
Competition and blew their
competitors away.
No one expected this
accomplishment. Without the
generosity of our donors, they
would not have been able to go!
Getting to the Lego
“The first challenge came
because we hadn’t been together
as long as the other teams,” says
Dylon. They had to learn quickly
how to respect each other and work
together. They also knew that they
would have to give a presentation to
four judges. Some members of the
team had to overcome the fear of
public speaking. For anyone who has
that fear, you know it is no small feat!
The next challenge was assigning
responsibilities to each child based
on interest and ability. Beth Leah
became the Chief Programmer and
discovered Math was her strong
suit. Alex became the one who
gave the team focus and was the Core Values Coach. She honed her concentration and because of her desire
to participate, her grades improved overall. Dylon was the Robot Game Manager and he loved the challenge.
Shamonte was the Project Manager who had to know a little about everything. As they worked on their project,
they realized they needed money for supplies and entrance fees to compete. Without those funds, all their efforts
would be for nothing. Generous donors stepped up, solved the money problems, and gave our kids a huge
opportunity to succeed!
The Competition
The gym pumped with loud energetic music. The camera over the Lego table projected onto a 50 ft screen. It
was intimidating. It was scary. It was exciting. They were nervous. They were prepared. The team went with only
one goal in mind—leave feeling happy. The morning competitions consisted of a Healthy Eating presentation
and Teamwork challenges. Overcoming the fear of public speaking happened in the Healthy Eating Challenge
when they had to present an idea to the judges that encouraged healthy eating.
Now it was time for the robotic competition. Beth Leah said “it was like David and Goliath” and they were
David! They went up against large robots with teams backed by engineering firms and strong, active parental
support. The first round they were in 10th place. Alex, Dylon, Shamonte, and Beth Leah did not lose hope. In the
second round, they rose to 8th place. Maybe they had a chance?
www.TheMethodistHome.org GATEWAY SPRING 2015 7
With the music pumping
and competition fierce in
the third round, the band of
friends soared to first place!
When all competition was
done, the kids were awarded
the First Place Robotics
Performance Award and
the Third Place Champions
Award. They also found out
they had the highest project
score for their Healthy Eating
presentation. “I almost
cried,” Dylon said about
getting the award. Alex
“felt she had accomplished
The team waits to
hear the results.
What’s Next?
For the short term, they
are focused on the next round
of competition. The ultimate goal is to get to
the state competition. Then, they want to do
it again next year. The division they competed
in was for Fourth through Eighth grades. The
participants had to be fourteen or younger
to participate. Alex and Shamonte won’t be
eligible. For Alex, it is sad. “I don’t want to
leave everyday!” she exclaimed. Brandon
Tolle, the teacher and sponsor of this team,
The Lego robot had to be programmed by Beth Leah
said he would love to expand this program to
to navigate the obstacle course and Dylon had to
include the next level. It would be open to sixth
make sure the instructions were correct.
through twelfth grades, allowing everyone on
campus an opportunity to compete.
For the long term, this competition gave the kids an understanding of end goals and made them better
students. Dylon and Beth Leah are now considering careers in Engineering! It also gave them confidence and
a sense of accomplishment. Those are things a child with their background finds priceless.
Would you like to help us with creative educational opportunities? Your generous gift can
change the course of a child’s life.
Editor’s note: The team went on from this first competition to Super Regionals where they placed fourth and were
able to advance to the State Finals. At the finals, held at the University of Georgia, our kids won the prestigious
Judges’ Trophy. Way to go Eaglebots!
8 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
*names changed
Girls Bake up a
Thank You
for Donors
Girls from the Valdosta Campus bake and decorate between
40 and 60 dozen cookies to surprise donors who have gone
above and beyond to make their lives so sweet.
Baking cookies at Christmas is a long-standing tradition at the Valdosta Campus. The girls bake and decorate
between 40 and 60 dozen cookies each year for people in the community who have gone above and beyond for
them. It is a special “Thank you” from our young ladies.
The Preperation
The morning light comes through the windows as the girls make their way to the kitchen. It is early for a
Saturday but these twelve girls have a lot of cookies to bake today. One girl says she does it because it makes “me
feel very joyful inside because we get to make someone else happy.”
As the girls make the cookies, one of them wants to make a Spongebob cookie. The girls get so wrapped up in
making the special cookie that the smaller ones got a bit “overdone”! Lessons learned and all a part of learning to
A Surprise
This year, Catherine, a special supporter, was on the list to get some freshly baked cookies. It was the first time
she would receive them. The girls wrapped the cookies up and went to Mrs. Catherine’s home. They rang the
doorbell. Mrs. Catherine’s husband answered the door. They asked to see Mrs. Catherine. Mrs. Catherine came
out to greet the girls confused by the reason they could possibly be there. The girls handed Mrs. Catherine the
cookies and told her thank you for caring about them. Mrs. Catherine was so surprised! It is what giving back is
supposed to be—making someone else happy.
Thank you for your support of the kids at all the campuses of The Methodist Home! Each child’s life is a bit
better with you in their world!
www.TheMethodistHome.org GATEWAY SPRING 2015 9
Cheering You On
Anika, like every High School girl, saw the
Basketball cheerleaders and wanted to be
just like them. For a child at The Home, that
wanting can feel so far out of reach.
But Anika decided to make it happen.
Tryouts were hard, especially when you miss the first day. Still,
Anika pressed on, striving to reach her goal of becoming a cheerleader.
She was surprised to learn she had to learn a different way to yell. There
is a certain way you have to present your voice. If it doesn’t come from
your diaphragm, it comes out squeaky and you never make the team.
But Anika’s determination and her natural ability to stomp and smile
overcame the difficult challenge. She was a Basketball cheerleader!
Cheerleading is a positive impact on Anika’s life. It is a reminder
that to stay on the team she has responsibilities. She must meet those
responsibilities to the team, to herself, and to her education. Anika also
says, “it keeps me out of trouble.”
Being on a cheer squad means bonding with fifteen other girls. It
means having fun and getting to go places. For Anika, it also means
“being a part of something I’ve never had.” Anika says she enjoys
being part of a team because “it is a great feeling. It gives you a reason to
stay connected.”
Will you help Anika feel like she belongs through being connected to
activities by supporting her and the other girls on our campuses?
Changing the World
Because of You
Two boys, Hunter and Elliott, rang bells
for the Salvation Army and learned a little
about giving back to their community.
10 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
Hunter and Elliott spent four hours in the cold in the small coastal
town of St. Marys. They were at the Kmart helping raise money for The
Salvation Army. For Hunter and Elliott, this wasn’t the first year they’d
done this. They volunteered in the past and volunteered to do it again.
They like helping others in need. Both boys knew what it is like to need
and wanted to make a difference in the world.
Elliott is an avid reader, loves to sing and smile, and is described as
“alive”. He volunteered to ring the bell again because it “was fun and
Hunter is a solemn young man, very serious about life. He loves to
ring the bell because “it made me feel that I was doing a good thing
for the world.”
Your giving teaches our kids to give back! It is your support that
shows them a better life and inspires them to be better members of our
Won’t you continue your support?
The McIntosh Society
A Legacy of Love
“His greatest love was children and he always befriended them.”
The McIntosh Society is a special recognition program created to honor donors whose testamentary
gifts have become their “legacy” in support of the mission and ministry of The Methodist Home.
The Society is named in loving memory of Dr. Thomas Murdock McIntosh. Dr. McIntosh was born in
Thomas County, Georgia in 1853, lived and worked on his father’s plantation until he reached the age of
eighteen, at which time he entered the Atlanta Medical College. Dr. McIntosh graduated with the highest
honors of his class and practiced medicine in Atlanta and Topeka, Kansas before returning to Thomasville
in the fall of 1877. He practiced medicine in Thomasville for fifty years and was recognized as the foremost
physician and surgeon in southwest Georgia and northern Florida for many years.
Dr. McIntosh lived out his life compassionately serving the needs of others professionally and personally.
After his death, he continued his tradition of service leaving a sizable gift that became the basis for the
endowment of The Methodist Home and was instrumental in the building of what is today our spiritual life
center for the children and youth to use.
“His magnificent gift to this institution is a beautiful expression of his devotion to children
and to the children of the home who are sharing his generosity…”
At The Methodist Home, we are extremely grateful for our donors who have chosen to express their love
for our children by including us in their gift and estate planning. They have provided the means for us to take
care of God’s children now and in the future.
If you would like to talk with someone about joining the McIntosh Society, please contact Todd Bennett,
Chief Development Officer of The Methodist Home or Caroline Edenfield, Chief Executive Officer of The
Foundation of The Methodist Home at (478) 751-2800.
www.TheMethodistHome.org GATEWAY SPRING 2015 11
If the struggling plant that has taken root in
a barren or unhealthy place is transplanted
to “good soil” it can be strengthened and
enabled to grow to reach new heights. All
we want to know is, “How can I help?”
I met her on a slick muddy hillside during a pouring rainstorm. She was a picture of despair, a
picture of defiance, a picture of fear. Who was she? She was a teenage girl who was brought to The
Methodist Home because she could not go home. She was a flower buffeted by the rain; she was, in
essence, a little girl being pummeled by life’s cruel circumstances. We naturally ask ourselves, “Is
there anything we can do?”
Jesus often used seeds in his parables to illustrate his message. In Matthew 13 we find the
parable of the sower. Jesus describes how the potential of the seed is inhibited when they are
just thrown along the path, or when they are sown on rocky ground or among the weeds. In our
society today, so many children are raised on barren ground or are influenced by their destructive
environments. Like seeds carelessly sown, these children have little or no hope and essentially just
wither and die. There is so much need... inspiring us to ask, “What can we do?”
Of course we know there is hope! If that seed can be carefully picked up and planted in the
“good soil” it can germinate and grow and reach its full potential. If the struggling plant that has
taken root in a barren or unhealthy place is transplanted to “good soil” it can be strengthened and
enabled to grow to reach new heights. All we want to know is, “How can I help?”
The angry, soggy, defiant teen I met on that rainy hillside almost a year ago has since gained
strength and determination in the good soil of The Methodist Home. She is doing well in school
and in church, even volunteering for a missions project. She is working hard in her spare time
12 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
helping in an office to learn professional
skills. Her picture of success encourages us
to proclaim, “I want to be part of helping
Who is she now? This young lady is
a blooming woman with promise. She
is a beautiful picture of success. She is
reaching out to help others. She is filled
with joy! You can be a part of helping
too! Your one time gift will help keep
the good soil of The Methodist Home fertile, or provide a
safe place for new seeds to grow, or nurturing for those growing here, or encouragement for
the blossoms brilliantly lifting their color to the sky. Your monthly gift will help keep the good soil of
The Methodist Home fertile, and provide a safe place for new seeds to grow, and nurturing for those
growing here, and encouragement for the blossoms brilliantly lifting their color to the sky.
Thank you for your gift of hope for the children and youth who are in need.
~ Alison Evans, CEO of The Methodist Home
 Yes, Alison! I want to be a part of encouraging kids at The Methodist Home blossom!
Enclosed is my one-time gift of:  $25
 $50
 $100
 $250
 Surprise Us! $ ______
 Yes, Alison! I want to provide good soil, a safe place, a nurturing environment, and encouragement for the kids to blossom on a continual basis.
Enclosed is my first monthly gift of:  $10/month
 $25/month
 $50/month
 Surprise Us! $ ______/mo.
 I will continue this gift through online giving.
To give online, go to www.themethodisthome.org
Name: ________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________ State: ____________________ Zip: ______________
To give by credit card, please fill out the information below:
 Visa
 Mastercard
 American Express
 Discover
Name as it appears on card __________________________________________________________
Card Number __________________________________________ Expiration Date ____________
Signature ________________________________________________________________________
Use this form to make certain your gift is properly identified. Please send your gift in the enclosed envelope or mail your gift to
The Methodist Home | PO Box 2525 | Macon, GA 31203-2525
Thank you for your caring and timely www.TheMethodistHome.org
Five Star Collision Center employees collected
gift cards for the kids’ Christmas this year. The
employees brought in $2,000 worth of gift
cards. They also presented a matching check
from Five Star Dodge. Pictured from left to right
are Charel Lock of Five Star Collision Center
and Alison Evans, CEO.
Mrs. Hobbs delivered five beautiful quilts to
Alison Evans, CEO of The Methodist Home.
The quilts were made by the Tazewell Quilters,
led by Shirley Bryan, of Tazewell Methodist
Church in Buena Vista, GA
Epsilon Omega Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Inc. Brenda Youmas, First VicePresident and Sekema Harmon, Former Chapter
President and currently Regional Director of
Dept of Family & Children Services present Kecia
Lewis and Clara Miller, Lighthouse Visitation
Program Representatives, pajamas for the kids
receiving services. The Lighthouse Visitation
Program gives parents a location and coaching
for supervised visits. Pictured from left to right
are Sekema Harmon, Kecia Lewis, Clara Miller,
and Brenda Youmas.
Thank you to The Methodist Home
Thrift Shoppe Volunteers for earning
$80,000. This money is donated back
to The Home for the care of the kids.
The Thrift Shoppe will be relocating
off the Macon Campus. Pictured
are Thrift Store volunteers and The
Home’s staff from left to right: 1st Row:
Marianne Johns, Darlene Sheck, Sue
McGraw, Marlene Hill, Alison Evans (The
Home’s CEO) 2nd Row: Jean Kennedy,
Emmett Johns, Bobby Simmons, Nancy
Simmons, Peggy Sim, Lonnie Bivins (The
Home’s Director of Facilities), Margarett
The Methodist Home was one of 13 agencies
to receive funding and recognition through the
Georgia Natural Gas 2014 TrueBlue Community
Awards. The Home won the Natural Leader
Award. As part of the recognition, The Home
received $2,500. Pictured are emcee Karyn
Greer, Atlanta TV personality and The Methodist
Home President and CEO, Alison Evans
Mercer Law Students Megan
Patterson, Amal Mohamed,
and Tomita Lewis dropped off
gifts to Alison Evans for the
kids at The Methodist Home.
The kids’ Christmas was so
much brighter because of
thoughtful people like the
Mercer Law Students!
Lizz Hamrick, Manager Assistant of Enterprise Rent-A-Car and former resident, and Wesley Barton,
Area Manager for Area 55EA of Enterprise brought donations for three of the kids’ Christmas gifts
from the employees of branches in Milledgeville, Macon, Warner Robins, Perry, Dublin, Swainsboro,
and Vidalia. Thank you for your generosity!
14 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
S UM M A RY July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
The Methodist Home served
138 youth on any given day
and provided residential care
to 249 youth over the past
year. The average length of
stay is 197 days.
n 63% of the youth who left
our residential programs went
to placements described
as a one of “permanence”
such as home of relatives,
foster homes, college, or
We served 12 different
sibling groups over the year
and worked diligently to
keep these families together.
74% of the youth served were 14 and older and eligible for
additional independent living services.
84% of the youth surveyed answered agree and strongly
agree to the statement, “Youth and staff work together to
make sure that we all feel safe.”
87% of all the youth enrolled in school were promoted to
the next grade level.
94% (15 of 16) of eligible young men and women graduated
high school or received a GED.
The average Performance Based Contracting Scores at all
sites exceeded 90% in all areas of Safety, Permanence and
Children from 67 counties in Georgia were helped by The
Methodist Home.
The Methodist
Home is nationally
accredited and
evaluated and
improved by
feedback from
clients, employees,
parents and guardians:
n Dept. of Family/Children/Youth Services
n Cash Contributions
n Clinical Services
n Federal, State and Private Grants
n Other (USDA, Rumford Center, Etc)
n Endowment &Trust Income
$7,407,208 $2,345,959 $1,583,957 $708,176 $698,156 $311,929 $13,055,385 Expenses
n Children & Family Services
n Administrative Support
n Fund Raising
$10,650,357 $1,750,732 $654,296 82%
$13,055,385 100%
“Thank you Methodist home for taking care of me, I thank all what you do for me.” ~Resident
“I love this place and that I really feel safe at this place and that this is the best
place for me.” ~Resident
We would love to come and
share our ministry with your
church, Sunday school class,
circle, civic group, school or
community event.
Please contact The Home
at (478) 751.2800
Speakers Available:
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Goff (60th)
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Burch
Gwyn & Walter Mattison (68th)
Mrs. Janet K. Collins
Donna Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Rozar
Joe & Shirley Cannon (80th)
Mrs. Joyce H. Williams
Jimmy Cason
Don & Mary Kea
Sara Ford
Ms. Mary Anne Andersen
Ms. Karen Neidlinger
Ms. Wilma Pace
Ramond Hall (90th)
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hutchings, Jr.
Rus Hardy
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Guerry
Allene Harris
JoRuth Porter
Carol Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Rozar
Gwynn & Walter Mattison (90th)
Mrs. Janet K. Collins
Harriett E. Mayo
Ms. Carol A. Treible
Kyla Jayden McAdams
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. McAdams
Savannah Brooke McAdams
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. McAdams
Margaret Borders Northington (90th)
Mary Ann & William Zamula
JoRuth Porter
Allene Harris
Ashlyn Reddick
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Reddick
Brittany Reddick
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Reddick
Annette & Ted Abbot
Ms. Alice S. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. E.W. Abernathy, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Abernathy, Jr.
Donna Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Rozar
Dr. & Mrs. James C. Acton
Ms. Margaret King
William C. Acton
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Black
Ms. Margaret King
Jane Adams
Mrs. Margaret S. Smith
Lucy Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Smith
William & Cheryl Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Whitten
Miles Ahern
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hester
All Care Home Health
Mr. Allen Freeman
Phillip E. Allen
Mrs. Delthia T. Conrad
Wayne & Frances Sue Anthony
Doug & Sue Cromer
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Arnold
Billie & Jim Gatewood
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Jimmy Asbell
Dr. & Mrs. W. Winston Wilfong
Patsy S. Waddell
Allene Harris
JoRuth Porter
Henry Carlton Hagan
Derek & Charlene McAleer
Michael Thomas Miller
Larry & Carol Pearce
Evan J. Tracy
Derek & Charlene McAleer
Allison Adams & Zac McQuade
Lee & Merilyn Guerry
Timothy Hunsucker
Ms. Suzanne Jennings
Paul Salter
Ms. Suzanne Jennings
Louisa & Dave Awbery
Ms. Doris C. Songer
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Moye
Mr. & Mrs. E. K. May
Susan & Tim Bagwell
Beth & Darrell Lumpkin
Christy Bandy
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Derden
Linda Barbour
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett W. Bowers, Jr.
Terry & Kitty Barfield
Mr. Louie Skaggs
Rev. & Mrs. Eugene Barlow
Rev. & Mrs. Fred M. Foster
Emory & Betty Gilbert
Dorothy D. Barrow
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. A.P. Barry, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn Trimble
Stephen J. Bashinski
Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Griner
Ms. Rhonda Eldridge
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert Beckum
Crossroads SS Class
Rev. & Mrs. Emory C. Gilbert
Ben F. Williams SS Class
Ms. Marion Purdy Crombie
Ericha Benshoff
Dr. William C. Acton
Jennings & Laura Berry
Laura & Randall Ozment
Larry E. Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Black
Lonnie Bivins
Mr. Mallory C. Jones, III
Mr. Dawson A. Mims, Jr.
Catherine Black
Dr. Charlene R. Black
Finnegan B. Black
Dr. Charlene R. Black
Roger A. Black
Dr. William C. Acton
William R. Black
Dr. Charlene R. Black
Wayne & Jean Bloodworth
Mr. & Mrs. Ed S. Sell, III
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bowdre
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Wyche, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. H.M. Baskin
Robert A. Bowen & Family
Frank & Pat Horne
Coach Emmett Bowers
Mrs. Emmett W. Bowers
Emmett W. Bowers
Dr. & Mrs. Worth Bowers
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The Methodist Home is blessed to receive support from various
Foundations and Corporations. We would like to thank the following
groups for their recent generosity:
CMS Foundation
Briscoe Family Foundation
Community Foundation of Central Georgia
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation
Sumter EMC Foundation
UPS Foundation
Georgia Natural Gas
Mary Wilmer Covey Charitable Trust
Elam Alexander Trust
William I.H. and Lula E. Pitts Foundation
George E. Crouch Foundation
Georgia Power Foundation
Roy L. Parker Family Foundation
Pezold Family Foundation
National Christian Foundation
Prince Foundation Trust
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Tull Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
St. Marys UMC Foundation
George E. Bowers
Mrs. Emmett W. Bowers
Joseph H. Bowers
Mrs. Emmett W. Bowers
Sarah Hammack Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett W. Bowers, Jr.
Wendell Brannen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giddens
Wendy Brannen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giddens
The Brinson Family
Harry & Brenda Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Broome
Mr. & Mrs. Erv Sloan
Brenda Bruce
Margaret & John McCarty
Michael & Ella Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Bryant
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Buck & Family
Margaret & John McCarty
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Tarbutton
Elick S. & Margaret Bullington
Harry & Brenda Carter
John & Sarah Burch
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Burch
Madison, Nathan & Isabella Burch
Janis & Michael Burch
Patti Burns
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Peeler
Rev. & Mrs. Whit Byram, Susannah
& Sarah
David & Grace Stallings
Martha T. Cain
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Johnston, Jr.
Cairo First UMC Staff
Rev. & Mrs. Whit Byram
Nan Canington
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Bedford
Angie Carr
Mr. Robert Bowman
Nelson & Betty Ann Carswell
Jim & Anne Kirkland
Avirett & Joseph Cartwright
Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Adams
Jimmy Cason
Tom Johnson SS Class
Hines Causey
Mrs. Carolyn K. Dominy
Luann & Eddie Causey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Vanderhoef
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Cayene
Mrs. Joyce H. Williams
Ray Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Nelms F. Graham, Jr.
Edwin & Carole Chase
Dr. Laudis H. Lanford
Dr. Edwin Chase
Ms. Alison E. Evans
Ms. Camille S. Oneill
William B. & Caroline Tye
Martha Cheney-Payne
Mrs. Martha B. Parker
Children through the years at the
Methodist Home in GA
Griswold SS Class
Ms. Lauren Powell
Ellis Chapel UMC
Sammy Clark
Mr. Billy Lawless
Barbara Clearman
Ris N. Bell, Jr. Bible Class
Coastal District Office
Mr. William A. Strickland
Carol & Sydney Cochran
Rev. Marcia J. Cochran
David C. & Mandy Cochran
Rev. Marcia J. Cochran
Edward & Jenny Cochran
Rev. Marcia J. Cochran
John & Lucy Cochran
Rev. Marcia J. Cochran
Marcia Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton H. Pease
Dorothy P. Colhard
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Pope
Pat Collier
Eilene King
Janet Collins & Family
Walter H. & Gwyn Mattison
Joe & Diane Cook
Mrs. Ann P. Cook
Virgil Cooper
Ms. Virginia Harris
Ms. Suzanne F. Newman
Benjamin Harris Coppage
Dan & Cindy Coppage
Michael John “Skip” Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Felix G. Marbury, Jr.
Peggy Cox
Mr. Virgil E. Cooper, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Culpepper
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Dave Cyr
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Bennett
Mr. William Gregory Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cofelice
Ms. Shanda Elliott
Mr. Scot Ethridge
Mr. Bruce W. Evans, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Fallon, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Graham
Mr. Michael J. Harnage
Mr. Cory T. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hightower
Ms. Jennifer E. Karmel
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Loudermilk
Mr. & Mrs. William Loudermilk
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Maultsby
Mr. & Mrs. Lucas E. Molina
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Pope
Mr. Bradley Rhodes
Mr. Craig Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Simmons
Mr. Jeffrey S. Sterling
Mr. & Mrs. Randall E. Stillwell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Strauser
Mr. & Mrs. Britton Sutton
Ms. Breanna N. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Ches Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Turrell
Mr. & Mrs. B.A. Webb
Mr. Kevin Wigley
Mr. Randall Williams
Barbara Ann Daniel
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Daniel
Ann P. Davis
Rev. & Mrs. Emory Gilbert
John Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Peebles, Jr.
Malcom Davis
Dr. William C. Acton
Mike Davis
Donald & Gayle Edwards
The Dean Family
Ms. Anna Humnicky
Joyce Dent
Dr. & Mrs. Laudis H. Lanford
Hannah Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bartlett
Rebekah Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bartlett
Kathy Dixon
Craig & Mary Root
Dot Doak
Mr. Emory F. Peacock
Billy R. Dodson
Mr. Robert C. Betzel
Neal R. Dolvin
Mr. Johnny Lewis
Chris & Suzanne Doty
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Doty
Alice G. Douglas
Rev. & Mrs. David T. Haygood, Sr.
John F. Douglas
Rev. & Mrs. David T. Haygood, Sr.
Ella L. Dowd
Sherrie & Bill Collins
Richard B. Draper
Mr. C. Louis Keene
Irene Drew
Rev. & Mrs. James B. Jensen
Josh Duckworth
Margaret & Jim Deal
Rev. & Mrs. Jimmy Duke
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus V. Tripp
Renee Easterlin
Mr. & Mrs. Jasper B. Easterlin
Mr. & Mrs. Will Easterlin
Mr. & Mrs. Jasper B. Easterlin
Margaret Edalgo
Mr. & Mrs. Terrell Edalgo
Edison UMC Past & Present Members
Edison UMW
Alison E. Evans
Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. Kea
Betsy Ezell
Mrs. Anne Kirkland
Katy Falk
Dr. & Mrs. Randall R. Ozment
The Faye DeBary Group
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. DeBary
Family & Friends
Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson W. Willis
Betty Farr
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Butler
Fellowship Class
Mrs. Janie May
J.C. & Barbara Fennell
Suzann Smith
Ben & Marc Fleetwood
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Burch
Rev. & Mrs. Fred M. Foster
Rev. & Mrs. Emory Gilbert
Jimmy Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Jasper B. Easterlin
Carol Freyne
Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Terrell
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Blankenship
Friends & Clients of Charles Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Smith, Jr.
Beth & Dean Fulghom
Mr. & Mrs. Jerre Pearson, Jr.
Mary Margaret Fuller
Laura & Randall Ozment
Marcus A. Gandy, Jr.
Mrs. Stephanie Davidson
Sandra H. Gardner
Mr. Andrew J. Gredell
Ms. Karen W. Johnson
Mike & Karen Garrett & Family
Wiley & Martha Walker
Mr. & Mrs. McKenna Garvin
Frank & Pat Horne
Barry Giddens
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giddens
The Giddens/Wohlert Family
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giddens
Rev. & Mrs. Emory Gilbert
Rev. & Mrs. Fred M. Foster
Millie Gilmore
Mrs. Reva W. Barge
Buddy & Gwenn Glawson
Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Barrs
Mr. & Mrs. A. David Haney
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Morris
Mrs. Catherine Renfroe
Mrs. Alice Reynolds
Great Grandchildren
Mrs. Catherine Renfroe
Larry W. Grant
Dr. William C. Acton
Chip Grantham & Family
Mrs. Penny
T. Sikes
Gayle Graves
Mr. Michael See
Gray UMC Staff
Women in Mission
Genevieve Green
Lamar & Dorenda Weaver
Cynthia & Bob Greene
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus V. Tripp
Randy Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. James G. McLendon
Kari & Clay Griffith
Rev. & Mrs. E. Saunders Pinckard
Mr. & Mrs. Clay Griner & Family
Dr. & Mrs. Minor C. Vernon
Alexander Guevara
Mr. Andres Guevara
Miriam Hagan
Mrs. Mary Exley
Don Hall
Issues & Answers Class
Lloyd Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby G. Clark
Lynda Hall
Midway UMW
Raymond T. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Manguno
Richard Hall
Ms. Susan C. Henson
John & Nancy Hamilton
Mrs. Jacalyn S. McCall
Buddy & Linda Hamrick
Mr. Louie Skaggs
Judge & Mrs. Jeffrey Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Whitten
Gene & Lynda Harbuck
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie L. Singleton
Dan Harper
Ms. Beverly H. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harrington
Ms. Margaret King
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Harris
Billie & Jim Gatewood
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Virginia Harris
Mr. Virgil E. Cooper, Jr.
Zula Hartzog & the Sunshine Girls
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Tanner
Bunny Hatchett
Jim & Anne Kirkland
Mr. & Mrs. Durwood Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Almon, Sr.
Thad, Laura, Gentry & Ruthie
Laura & Randall Ozment
Thad Haygood & Staff of Dublin UMC
Mr. Roger Folsom
Nick Hazelton
Rev. & Mrs. Nick Hazelton
Earnestine Heard
Ris N. Bell, Jr. Bible Class
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Helton
Mr. & Mrs. E. K. May
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Moye
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Henderson
Dr. Wiley L. Drury
Marion S. Herring
Ms. Alice S. Brooks
Marie Hitchcock
Mrs. Gladys Womack
Corene Hobbs
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Swearingen
Lyn & Frank Hobbs
Laura & Randall Ozment
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Hobsun & Family
Dr. & Mrs. Minor C. Vernon
Jones & Stephanie Hooks
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Root
Steve & Kelly Horne & Family
Connie & Tommy Meeks
Cartherine Houle
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Curtis
Jane J. Houston
Mr. David G. Jeffords, III
Julia Houston
Mr. David G. Jeffords, III
Susan Houston
Mr. David G. Jeffords, III
Rev. & Mrs. Carl Howard
Rev. & Mrs. Fred M. Foster
Margot R. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Cochran
Wilder W. Howard
Dr. Don R. Robinson
Joan M. Human
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Cotton
Dr. & Mrs. William Hurdle
Ms. Carol A. Treible
Greg Ivey Family
Mr. & Mrs. Judge Ivey
Lynn Jaudon
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Jaudon
Pat C. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Watson
Laura Jennings
Mrs. Mary R. Abercrombie
Jim Jensen
Ms. Carol Conner
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Jeter
Mr. & Mrs. Jasper B. Easterlin
Margie Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Moye
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Rice
Pam & Allan Zeigler
Sara Johnson
Vernon & Marjorie Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Johnson
Ms. Dawn Young
Wayne Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James G. McLendon
Emmie Jones
Ms. Peggy B. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. J.Y. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Randall R. Ozment
Paula Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Victory
Phyllis J. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Jackson
Verlin & Cathy Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Chadwick
Georgia Jordan
Bobby & Kaye Smith & Family
Louise Jordan
Ms. Harriett E. Mayo
Dr. & Mrs. Ferdinand V. Kay
Mrs. Gloria Wynn
Mary Grace Kay
Margaret & John McCarty
Don & Mary Dale Kea
Mr. & Mrs. Terry A. Henderson
Dr. Laudis H. Lanford
Mr. & Mrs. Billups P. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Charles H. Yates, Jr.
Vernon M. Keenan
Ms. Frances Hogan
Jane Keene
Mr. C. Louis Keene
Lowell L. Keene
Mr. C. Louis Keene
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Kellum
Dr. William C. Acton
Jack & Ruthanne Key
Mr. Roger Folsom
Laura & Randall Ozment
Katie Lee Killebrew
Mrs. Peggy N. Floyd
Margaret King
Dr. William C. Acton
J. Wesley Krulic
Mr. David G. Jeffords, III
www.TheMethodistHome.org GATEWAY SPRING 2015 17
Mrs. William F. Ladson
Frank & Pat Horne
Sidney & Bonita Lambert
Margaret & John McCarty
Daddy Rick Lanford
Harden’s Cattle Farm
Dr. & Mrs. Rick Lanford
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Morgan
Ms. Dale Welch
Dr. & Mrs. Homer Lassiter, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Billy F. Ward
Judge & Mrs. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Remler
Louise Layfield
Rev. & Mrs. Fred M. Foster
Richard Lennington
Dr. William C. Acton
Hugh Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Rozar
Tucker & Lori Lewis Family
Mrs. Beth Hatton
Cile & Mark Lind
Sally & Chapin Henley
Lester Lord
Beryl & Derek Spry
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Lord
Mr. & Mrs. E. K. May
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Moye
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Tarbutton
Martha Taylor Lord
Beryl & Derek Spry
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Lovein
Ms. Anna Sharpton
Mr. & Mrs. F.L. Lunsford
Ms. Doris C. Songer
Rick & Davis Lunsford
Ms. Doris C. Songer
Sawyer & Clara MacMillan
Tommy & Jo Anne Thompson
Linda Mallette
Mrs. Anne Kirkland
Henry Manders
Mr. David H. Peeler
Mr. & Mrs. Baldwin Martin
Mr. & Mrs. H.M. Baskin
Benton Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Dixon
Fred & Traci Martin
Judge Beverly B. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. E. K. May, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Moye
Frank & Susan May
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry T. Smith
Rev. & Mrs. Mike A. McAfee
Rev. & Mrs. Emory C. Gilbert
Mildred McAfee
Mildred McAfee Bible Study
Derek & Charlene McAleer
Oak Grove UMC
Grace & J.E. McAleer
Dr & Mrs. Charles A. McAleer
Patricia McCarthy
Covenant SS Class
Carl McDonald
Adult Fellowship Class
Nancy B. McDonald
Ms. Colleen Cassiday
Mr. Kenneth C. Coe
Theo McDonald
Adult Fellowship Class
Benning McGraw
Morning Glories Circle
Sarah McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby G. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Billy McMaster
Mr. &. Mrs. E. K. May
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Tarbutton
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McMath
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Peeler
Charlie & Sharon McMillen &
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Cotton
Mr. & Mrs. Ivey McMillan
Dr. William C. Acton
Ms. Margaret King
Laurie C. McRae
Rev. Marcia J. Cochran
Community Foundation of
Chattahoochee Valley
Steve & Cindy Meguiar
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lewis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Twiggs, Jr.
Kitty & Rob Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Middleton
Methodist Home for Children
Ms. Lauren Powell
Michael & Adair Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Middleton
Robert & Trish Middleton
Mrs. Jeanette Hunt
Frances & Doyle Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Keith E. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Rick Wilbanks
Carolyn Millican
Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Bohler
Rick Mitchell
Mrs. Elizabeth Minter
Daphne W. Moody
Ms. Sally W. Clark
Laura Moody
Douglas Moody
Dana Morris
Dr. Clell Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Parnell Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Moseley
Mrs. Grace S. Cabaniss
Mr. William A. Strickland
Sherie Moses
Ms. Ashley Moses
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Moye
Mr. & Mrs. E. K. May
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Frank C. Moye
Adult Fellowship Class
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Moye
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Nan Freeman SS Class
Mr. & Mrs. Hinton Harris
Freeman & Betty Henderson
Gary & Sandra Nearhoof
The Exchange Club of Columbus, Inc.
Betty Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Zuker
Laney Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Stelling Nelson
Suzanne Newman
Ms. Virginia Harris
Suzy Newman
Mr. Virgil E. Cooper, Jr.
Patricia Newsome
Rev. & Mrs. Fred M. Foster
Mandry & Athen Nobles
Mrs. Peggy N. Floyd
Joy Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Jordan
Robert & Marianne Norris
Laura & Randall Ozment
Oak Grove UMC
Hubert & Dale Reeves
Carolan T. Odom
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Palmer
Hunter & Caroline Odom
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Odom
Elizabeth Ogie
Mrs. Martha Ruth Whatley
Ethridge O’Neal
Mr. C. Louis Keene
Dr. & Mrs. Mufid Othman
Ms. Zula F. Hartzog
18 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
Laura Ozment
Mrs. Anne Kirkland
Sandy Page
Mrs. Marianne D. Peel
James & Jodi Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Ed S. Sell, III
Betty Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerre Pearson, Jr.
Gary & Kathie Peavy
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Chadwick
Jeffrey Peebles
Ms. Jennifer Peebles
Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Peebles, Jr.
Jennifer Peebles
Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Peebles, Jr.
Stuart & Emily Peebles
Mr. & Mrs. Louis O. Peebles, Jr.
Bonnie Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Jordan
Eden & Len Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Ed S. Sell, III
John D. Persons
Mr. Samuel M. Tift
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Philhower
Mr. & Mrs. H.M. Baskin
Ann Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. William Smith
Andrea & Keith Pinckard
Ginger & Sonny Pinckard
Sarah Plaster
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Plaster
Tyler Plaxico & Family
Ms. Louise B. Peavy
Henry Pridgen
Mrs. Marilyn Williamson
Margaret Prosser
Mrs. Mary R. Abercrombie
Jim & Marsha Pullen
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Chadwick
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Purvis
Billie & Jim Gatewood
Lance Rackley
Ms. Amy Thompson
Dee Rainey
Mr. & Mrs. Jerre Pearson, Jr.
Frances Ramsey
Harry & Brenda Carter
Michael & Lisa Ramsey & Evelyn
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Chadwick
Vicki Ray
Dr. & Mrs. Minor C. Vernon
James & Joyce Rayburn
Mr. James Keller
Leigh Ann Raynor
Margaret & Jim Deal
Brad & Jennie Ann Reed
Mr. & Mrs. James Garland
Carl & Betty Reese
Mr. Eddie Pipkin
Charles & Faye Reese
Mr. Eddie Pipkin
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Sparks
Brandon Rentz
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Rentz
Jimi & Dawn Rentz Family
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Rentz
Sheila Rentz
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Rentz
Peggy Rewis
Mrs. Martha B. Parker
Mary Rhodes
Mrs. Brandy Wheelere
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Riccardi
Billie & Jim Gatewood
Mary Margaret Riddle
Mr. & Mrs. Jasper Easterlin
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Peeler
H.P. Robins
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Christmas
Helen & Sam Rogers
Robert & Bonitta Bowman
J. Roy & Luella Rowland
Jim & Anne Kirkland
Steve L. Rumford
Mr. Ronald R. Monson
Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Rumph
Mr. Malcolm J. Rumph
Chuck & Peggy Rumsey
Daniel & Katie Rumsey
Sandersville UMC
Margaret & John McCarty
Anna Kate Sass
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bray, Jr.
Harper Scott
Ms. Mary Exley
Jay & Lynn Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Chadwick
Tom Scott
Crossroads SS Class
Jane & Tom Seaman
Mr. William A. Strickland
Loretta See
Mr. Michael See
Fred W. & Gayle Shaver
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Hagin
Irma Lou Sherwood
Ms. Jane M. Sherwood
Tine & Linda Shingler
Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Lowe, Jr.
Jane Shirah
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Dixon
Harold Shoats, Jr.
Oglethorpe UMC SS Class
Karen & Bill Shockley
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus V. Tripp
Ken & Donna Shoemaker
Rev. & Mrs. Chris Shoemaker
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Sietsema
Houston Medical Center Auxiliary
Andy Slavens
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Plaster
Dr. & Mrs. Glen Smalley
Dr. & Mrs. Randall R. Ozment
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Drane Smith
Claudia Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy D. Martin
Gary & Mollye Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Middleton
Rev. & Mrs. Jim Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Leo & Kathryn Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Middleton
Lucy Nell Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Moye
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Randall R. Ozment
Thomas Smith
Mr. Tommy Walker
Mrs. William E. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Shaffer
Donald J. Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reese
Bobby & Patsy Stalnaker
Mr. Louie Skaggs
Terrell Stanley
Dr. William C. Acton
Carol & Jack Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin G. Whitley
Ann & Dan Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cassidy
Daniel P. Stewart
Mrs. Susan Botsford
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. H.M. Baskin
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Wyche, Jr.
Albert H. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Joe King
Grant Strickland
Mrs. Janet E. Strickland
Isabelle & Blake Sullivan
Ms. Mary L. Marbut
Maxine Summers
Ris N. Bell, Jr. Bible Class
Sushi Girls
Mrs. Virginia L. Davidson
Bill & Fran Sutton
Ms. Alice S. Brooks
Gloria Sutton & Family
Ms. Alice S. Brooks
LaVerne Sutton
Ms. Alice S. Brooks
Mary Frances Sutton
Ms. Alice S. Brooks
Conni & Van Tane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Middleton
Margie & Vernon Tanner
Dr. & Mrs. Mufid Othman
Marjorie Tanner
Ms. Zula F. Hartzog
Diane Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Jordan
Ryan, John & Lexi Taylor
Dr. Charles Adams
Tom Teate
Concord UMC
Erbis Tennant
Mrs. Anne Kirkland
Miriam & Rob Terrell
Ms. Marge Wilson
Maddock Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Adams
Mrs. Randy Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. E.K. May
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Moye
Richard & Ellen Thomas
Ms. Martha Thomas
Theodore Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Adams
Edwina Thomley
Ris N. Bell, Jr. Bible Class
Tommy & Jo Anne Thompson
Doug & Sue Cromer
Sara Tift
Mr. Samuel M. Tift
Dan Torbert
Dr. & Mrs. Louis A. Riccardi
Dot Towson
Mr. Roger Folsom
Jim Trask
Mr. Dennis Carey
Hooper Turner
Susan & Sonny Middlebrooks
Billy & Delaine Tyson
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Hagin
Harriet Underwood
Rev. Marcia J. Cochran
Tom Vallance
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giddens
Robert E. Vanderhoef
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Causey
E.J. Vann
Mr. David G. Jeffords, III
Velma Veal
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Matt Voss
Margaret & John McCarty
Steve Waechter
Ms. Jennifer Peebles
John Henry Waites
Mr. Burke B. Murph III
Rev. & Mrs. Steve Waldorf
Ms. Carol A. Treible
Carol, Brian, Caitlyn & Kelly Walker
Henry Walker
John A. Walker & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Chadwick
Judge & Mrs. Hardy B. Gregory, Jr.
Kathy Walker
Ms. Virginia Boyd
Moye Walker
Mrs. Frances Walker
Paula Walling
Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Terrell
William Walls
Mr. C. Louis Keene
Kaye Wansley
Frank & Pat Horne
Linda S. Wardell
Mr. & Mrs. H.W. Wardell
Joan Warren
Puckett-McDonald SS Class
Jim Waters & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Waters
Joyce Waters
Avalons Ladies Bible Class
Phil & Cler Doty Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Doty
Andrew Watson
Mrs. Janet Strickland
Andy & Louise Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Lowe, Jr.
Annie Watson
Mrs. Janet E. Strickland
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Garth Webb, Jr.
Jane Wellborn
Ms. Zula F. Hartzog
Ryan & Lori Wetherington
David & Melonie Lee
Amy & Bobby Whaley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Wheeler
Billie & Jim Gatewood
Roy White & Family
Hubert & Rebecca Reddick
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Whitten
Ms. Margaret P. Bell
Terry Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Rozar
Amber Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Crosby
C.S. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Judson M. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. J. Samuel Brockinton
George C. Andrews
Ms. Marjorie C. Andrews
J. D. Arnold
Mrs. Ruth F. Arnold
Nancy Layne Arnold
Mrs. Ruth F. Arnold
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Atkinson
Ms. Virginia A. Hein
Christine Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Freddie E. Autry
Ms. Mary A. Johnson
Joel W. Avera
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett
Gregory Avritt
Ms. Blanche F. Farley
B. Nell Bagwell
Mr. Lawrence W. Drinkard
Beth & Darrell Lumpkin
Mrs. Janice B. Peek
Ms. Treva Smith
Warren Assoc., Inc.
James H. Bailey
Annette, David & Donnie Bailey
Robert Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Massey, Jr.
Dwight & Betty Baker
Frances & Jean Whittemore
Kathleen B. Baker
Mrs. Audrey V. Beasley
Linda Rae Banks
Ray & Patsy Banks
George L. Barber
Ms. Nancy Zaj
Sid Barge
Mrs. Reva W. Barge
Mark Barkalow
Ms. Beverly K. Schneider
Dorothy Barlow
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Wilbanks
W.G. Barnwell
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Crosby
Carolyn Barrs
Rockledge UMC
Rockledge UMC Sunday School
Wayne & Sharon Wilkin
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Chadwick
Dr. & Mrs. Allen L. Williams
Mr. Fred A. Williams
Amy, Brett, Brooke, Sarah &
Brad Williams
Henry Walker
Dr. & Mrs. John Williams
Laura & Randall Ozment
Robert F. Williams
Laura & Randall Ozment
Rev. & Mrs. Burns Willis & Family
Mr. Sydney Blackmarr
Harvey & Twila Willis
Jim & Anne Kirkland
Dennis Wills
Mrs. Reva W. Barge
Marge Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Terrell
Richard & Anne Wilson
Susan & Sonny Middlebrooks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wommack
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Tarbutton
Mr. & Mrs. Harrell Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Wood
Cecil Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Martha Lou Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Wyche, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. H.M. Baskin
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bowdre
Mrs. Gloria Wynn
Chloe & Morris Wynn
Susan & Sonny Middlebrooks
Mrs. Maurice B. Wynn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Wyche, Jr.
Eric Yandle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Middleton
Greta, Dot & Bruce Yandle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Middleton
Charles H. Yates
Mr. & Mrs. H.M. Baskin
Larry Young
Mrs. Sam Young
Ricky Carter
Rob & Angela Fletcher
Charles Jackson Castellaw
Warren Assoc., Inc.
Jack Castellaw
Mr. Andy Greenway
Mrs. Roberta Johstono
Craig Castleberry
Hon. Hugh Lawson
Minnie Lee G. Cheeves
Mrs. Betsy H. Bennett
Andrew Christian
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Sirmons
Joel Clark
Calvary UMC
Wendell R. Clark
Mrs. Christine Clark
William S. Clark
Mr. Emory F. Peacock
Edward Claxton
Bill & Jackie Snell
Wynona Clements
Rev. John M. Clements
Judith Ann Clements
Mrs. Ruth F. Arnold
Kretski W. Cleveland
Ms. Alison E. Evans
Ed Cocke
Mrs. Alma C. Cocke
Keaton Coker
Ms. Jean W. Melton
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Coleman
Harry & Brenda Carter
Jerry Coleman
Harry & Brenda Carter
W.T. & Loretta Coleman
Grover Reeves
Wendell Coleman
Calvary UMC
Mauvita Coley
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Harper
James Collins
Walter H. & Gwyn Mattison
Mary Collins
Rockledge UMC
Rockledge UMC Sunday School
Sylvia Collins
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Elizabeth W. Connor
Mr. Thomas N. Connor, Jr.
Thomas N. Connor
Mr. Thomas N. Connor, Jr.
Elizabeth “Bebe” Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Eargle
Mr. & Mrs. W.G. Shockley, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus V. Tripp
Ann Eskew Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Felix G. Marbury, Jr.
Virginia Costos
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Roy Cowart
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Bashinski
Amy McEver
Betty Cox
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bolin
Ms. Paula Horton
James H. Crawford, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Rumford
Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Couch
A.D. Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Crosby
Addis Crowe
Ms. Wynn L. Herndon
Mr. & Mrs. James Garland
Charles Culbreth
David & Grace Stallings
George B. Culpepper, III
George & Martha Christian
Mrs. Mollie A. Fincher
Steve & Joyce Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert C. Lovein, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Yount
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sutton
Warren Assoc., Inc.
David Danzie, Sr.
Warren Assoc., Inc.
Edith Annalee Davis
Ms. Wanda Jordan
Gail Davis
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Minnie Davis
Billy & Helen Young
William T. & Mildred M. Davis
Dr. Annette Nichols
Mr. Julian Nichols
Rene & Leslie Dawson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Scott
Bob Deaver
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Rose Delleani
Ms. Alison E. Evans
Ginny Denson
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Patterson
Johnathan Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bartlett
Jeffrey Beasley
Mrs. Mary W. Davis
John Wesley Beasley
Mrs. Audrey V. Beasley
Ronald Beatty
Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Faust
Duram K. Bell
Mr. Walter T. Johnston
Bill & Fay Bennett
Mr. William Bennett, Jr.
Clarence Lee Bennett
Mrs. Joyce Witham
Howard E. Bennett
Mrs. Betsy H. Bennett
Ralph Bennett, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Preston J. Hayslip
Ms. Jennifer Taylor
Mary Bentley
Mrs. Janice B. Peek
Reese Bentley
Mrs. Janice B. Peek
James Berg
Hubert & Ann Lovein, Jr.
Jackie Berryhill
Hon. Hugh Lawson
Sue Horne Bishop
Mrs. Lavon Smith
Ms. Stacey Williams
F. Garland Black
Woody Powell SS Class
Marion & Lucile Blizard
Mr. & Mrs. Terrell Edalgo
Mr. & Mrs. William Clanton Blocker
Mr. & Mrs. Medra M. Purvis
John T. Boatwright
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Crosby
Mary Anne Baines Bornham
Don & Mary Dale Kea
Carl J. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Judson M. Boyd
Doris Boyer
Mr. Emory F. Peacock
Betty Boys
Hon. Hugh Lawson
Nelle Brady
Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Beckham, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus V. Tripp
Bonnie Bragg
Mrs. Betty Ann Kitchens
Billy Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Snell
Pate Bridges
Mrs. Gail Bridges
Charles L. Briscoe
Briscoe Family Foundation
Clyde Brogdon
Mr. & Mrs. George Lee
Betty & Allan Brown
Ms. Devereaux Brown
Jesse William Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Daniels
Harold Searcy “Buddy” Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn D. Jones
Martha Brown
Elizabeth S. Gwines
Watt Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Turley
William L. Brown
Ms. Gena Bryant
Derek & Charlene McAleer
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McLendon
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Turley
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Turner
Mr. & Mrs. M. C. Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. John Megginson, Jr.
Bill & Patsy Burke
Rev. & Mrs. Douglas H. Mays
Jane Burgstiner
Wildwood UMC
Brigitte Burns
Mrs. Maria C. Miller
Edgar and Betty Burroughs
LTC Susan Burroughs USA, Ret.
Ronald & Peggy Bush
Larry & Kay Wilbanks
Virgil & Theola “Jackie” Bynum
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie F. Bynum
Barney & Emma Cain
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Phillips
Lee Cain
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Johnston, Jr.
Fay Canington
Mrs. Betty E. Wise
Johnna Cannon
Ris N. Bell, Jr. Bible Class
Jennie Cape
Earlynne & Edward O. Jaindl
Plomer Cape
Earlynne & Edward O. Jaindl
Millie W. Carson
The Geo D. Warthen Bank
www.TheMethodistHome.org GATEWAY SPRING 2015 19
Jackson Dent
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Bell
Carolyn Derrick
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Perry Doak
Mr. Emory F. Peacock
Richard Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norris
Ricky Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Anderson
Michael S. & Peggy Meyer Von Bremen
Mrs. Ann Monk
Milliard Marion DuBose
Mr. & Mrs. John C. DuBose
Theodore & Hasseltine DuBose
Dr. Peggy DuBose
Mr. Robert Rush
Danny Dunaway
Mrs. Sherry Ammons
Jennifer Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Dickie Bryant
Tim Dupree
Mr. Cabel T. Dupree
Rick & Judy Goddard
Mr. Chester A. Lowe
Mrs. Linda Shingler
Catherine Durden
Ms. Reba W. Avery
Ms. Rebecca Avery
Poplar Springs SS Class
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde L. Snell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Eason, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Eason, Sr.
Talmadge Edalgo
Mr. & Mrs. Terrell Edalgo
Jack Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wiley
Myrtice Elder
Mrs. Betty Terry
Kathie Ellingburg
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Harper
Vernon & Mildred Ellis
Mr. Jeff Ellis
Emogene Etheridge
Mr. & Mrs. Royce Conner
Don Eubanks
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Donald V. Eubanks
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Bohanan
Ms. Margaret Bolt
Mr. & Mrs. Royce Conner
Neurology Assoc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Satterfield
Don Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Young, Jr.
Willena M. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Young, Jr.
Howard Faircloth
Mr. & Mrs. P.J. Bennett, Jr.
James Farmer
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lynch
Eunice & Fletcher Farrington
Ms. Suzanne Jennings
D.C. Faust
Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Faust
Ronald E. Ferguson
Ms. Betty E. Wise
Annie Laurie Fincher
Mrs. Mollie A. Fincher
Douglas B. Fincher, Jr.
Mrs. Mollie A. Fincher
Douglas B. Fincher, Sr.
Mrs. Mollie A. Fincher
Emory Fletcher
Ms. Dana Burris
Ms. Julie S. Kumpel
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Steptoe
Ms. Cindy Wallingford
Barbara & Hubert Floyd
Merilyn & Lee Guerry
Robert L. Floyd
Danny & Carol Falligant
Ronald L. Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel Falligant
Ernestine S. Forehand
Merilyn & Lee Guerry
Barbara Fort
Mr. & Mrs. Grant L. Bennett
Darien Foster
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Shirley A. Foster
Elizabeth S. Gwines
G.W. & Lucille Fountain
Ms. Barbara Rhyne
Harriett Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Lord
Myrlene Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Wolf, Jr.
Maxine Fruitticher
Mrs. Janet Flowers
Lori Ann Fugate-Brock
Mrs. Lavon H. Smith
Anthony & Rebecca Fuller
Ms. Rebecca F. Trask
Gordon S. Garbutt, Jr.
Gene & Virginia G. Sheppard
Ida Frances Garbutt
Gene & Virginia G. Sheppard
Flora Grace Geer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Rentz
Jim & Linda Giddens
Mrs. Ruth Thorne
Morris Giddens
Hon. Hugh Lawson
Carl & Iris Gillis
Ms. Gwenda L. Gillis
David Ginn
Ms. Faye Johnson Ginn
Tyler Eric Golder
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Golder
Samuel Goodrich
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Eugene Goodrum
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Matthews
Gertrude Gordon
Dr. Gertrude G. Groves
Wendell Graham
Mr. & Mrs. P.J. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hiram H. Peeler
Tegler Greer
David & Grace Stallings
Henry Clay Griggs
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Doty
Mary Griner
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Becton
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Reynolds
David & Stanley Thompson
Louis H. Grueber
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Blanchard
Ms. Susie Dismuke
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Joiner
Rev. & Mrs. Mike A. McAfee, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Pohl
Mr. & Mrs. P.D. Sterling
Asa Hamby
Mr. & Mrs. Joey Ammons
La Rue Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Harbuck
Betty Ruth Hamlin
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Loper
Julian Hammond
Richard & Julie Bennett
Patsy Ann Hardie
Mrs. Betsy H. Bennett
Margaret Brady Hargrove
Mrs. Harriet Smith
Dr. & Mrs. H. Wilbur Harper, Jr.
Robert F. & Laura Fowler
John H. Harrell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Haynie
Michael T. (Mickey) Harrelson
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Walker
20 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
E.W. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Hartman
Thomas F. Hartnett
Ms. Donna Hartnett
Ms. Glenda Hartnett
Mrs. Fred M. Harwell, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Lancaster, Jr.
Patricia Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bridges, Jr.
Mrs. Beth C. Brooks
Mr. Christopher Chan
Mrs. Betty S. Childs
Mrs. H.P. Childs, Jr.
Ms. Patricia J. Childs
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Coon, Sr.
Mr. James T. Davis
Dave & Margaret De Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Edwards
Cecil, Betty & Peyton Ethridge
Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Faulkner
Ms. Elizabeth Fox
Ms. Carol Freeman
Maxine & Kim Gandy
Mr. Gene Giles
Mrs. Alice Golson
Mr. & Mrs. F. Waverly Golson
Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Steve B. Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hall
Mr. Preston P. Hawkins
Ms. Pamela Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. W. Carl Joiner
Ms. Ves Childs Jones
Ms. Arnette S. Kamp
Dr. & Mrs. A. Keith Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Luther Tony Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Sam P. McMichael
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Monteith, III
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Owen
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Petty
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Priester
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Smalley
Mrs. Cheryl Y. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Wilson
Caroline Haynes
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Turley
Holland Haynie
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Jernigan
Julia Page Haynie
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Jernigan
Clyde Heard, Jr.
Society of GBI Retirees
Fred Hefner
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Watson III
Anna Helfrich
Mrs. Maria C. Miller
Julian & Runa Henderson
Mrs. Ann H. Whitaker
Hollis T. Hendricks
Ms. Suzanne Jennings
Roselyn “Cookie” Henry
Mr. James M. Henry, Jr.
Jimmie Lee Herndon
Ms. Wynn L. Herndon
Frederick Shane Herrington
Calvary UMC
Leon R. Hilburn
Mrs. Betty C. Hilburn
Alvin J. Hirsh
Warren Assoc., Inc.
Dora Hitchcock
Mrs. Sherry Human
Joe Hobsun
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Hobsun & Family
Mazie Ruth Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Cayere
Eunice Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde K. Wright
Patricia Hortman
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Arnold Horton
Alamo UMC
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Rance Benton
Ms. Lena T. Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Travis P. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Daniel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Forehand
Ms. Janet Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Walker
Dee Horwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bullock
Georgia Hughes
Mrs. Sandra B. Andrews
Nancy Hunt
Bob & Joanne Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Guerry
Elizabeth Hussey
Mr. Emory F. Peacock
Findlay Irwin, Jr.
Scotty & Pendery McCoy
Ben M. Jackson
Erin & Harold L. Jackson
Benny H. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan E. Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Eargle
Ms. Veronica Jones
Lowe Electric Company
Mr. Louis Moody
Youmans Chevrolet
Jim Jamieson
Mr. & Mrs. W.D. Harrington, Jr.
Elbert Jarrett
Don & Carole Daniels
Kathleen Jarratt
Scotty & Pendery McCoy
Mary Francis Lamb Jarrett
Don & Carole Daniels
Anita A. Jarriel
Ms. Lori Steelman
Lynn Jaudon
Gregory Jaudon
Harold J. Jennings
Mrs. Audrey Jennings
Gus Johnson
Dr. Keith Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Vickery
James M. Johnson
Ms. Mary A. Johnson
Michael A. Johnson
Ms. Gael C. Johnson
Ms. Dee Ann McDaniel
Deming Jones
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Eunice Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Klett
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jones
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Frank & Annie Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Henderson
George S. Jones
Mrs. June J. Willis
Harold Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Klett
Jack Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Jackson
Juanita Jones
Mrs. Claire Scott
Nita Jones
Mr. Emory F. Peacock
Phyllis Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Jackson
W.C. Jones, Sr.
Ms. Patricia K. Jones
Kent Keener
Ms. Joan Human
Evielyn B. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Kennedy
Charles Kent
Danny & Carol Falligant
Durell Kicklighter
Mr. Dil Middleton
Billy King
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond King
Cecil King
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond King
Mary T. King
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond King
Nancy Jackson Kinsely
Ms. Leslie H. Blair
Laura Kitchens
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Faulk, Sr.
Walter Kitchens
Carroll & Hope Arnold
Glenn P. Kite
Mr. & Mrs. F. Kennedy Hall
Frances White Klay
Ms. Louise Cooke
Ms. Julie Speer
Johnny LaCount
Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Wilbanks
Frances Lamb
Annette, David & Donnie Bailey
Wanaza Lamb
Larry & Carol Pearce
Duke Lane, Sr.
Mrs. Peggy Jerles
The Lastinger Family
Mr. Mark V. Simmons, Jr.
Richard Law
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Mr. Ernie Lawhorne
Ms. Susan C. Monteith
Mr. & Mrs. M.R. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Lawson
John & Mildred Lee
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Lee, Jr.
Ouida Lefiles
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Loar
Lola Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Rozar
Katherine Linder & Glenn P. Kite
Ms. Carla D. Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. F. Kennedy Hall
Marcia & Joe Lintz
Dr. Tina Singleton
Miss. E. Ione Stephens
Walthall Oil Company
Pauline Linder
Dr. Charles Linder
Joan Lomis
Shirley & Dave Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Victory
Amanda Lovett
Ms. Jean W. Melton
Grover C. Lovett
Mrs. Janet Flowers
Wendell E. Lovett
Mrs. Janet Flowers
Don Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lynch
Gwendolyn M. Lynn
Curry Management Corporation
Mrs. Ruth Smith Durant
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Garner
Lentile Construction
Mr. Erbis Tennant
Walker, Hulbert, Gray & Byrd
Shirley H. Maddox
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Donehoo
Ms. Kim Freeman
Ms. Karin McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Perry
Mr. & Mrs. H. W. Thompson
Airey Mallard
Mrs. Ann H. Whitaker
Mildred S. Maloy
Mrs. Jeanette D. Ray
Maureen Marchant
Ms. Elizabeth Marchant
Ruth & Emmett Marrett
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Liles
Elizabeth Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Harbuck
J. William Martin
Sandra & Wesley Blanchard
Joyce H. Massee
Mr. & Mrs. M.H. Massee, III
John & Mattie Mathis
Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Hagen
Walter Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. C. Taylor Bone
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Bobbie Lynne Mays
Ms. Barbara J. Mays
Amelia Brantley McAfee
Mr. & Mrs. B. Lamar Doolittle
Johnette & Delma McAfee
Mr. Hubert Dollar
Darwin McCollough
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight R. McCollough
Arthur McCoy
Scotty & Pendery McCoy
Edith & Scott McCoy
Scotty & Pendery McCoy
Mike McCoy
Mrs. Katye V. McCoy
Scotty & Pendery McCoy
John B. McCranie
Mr. Cabel T. Dupree
Brett McDaniel
Ms. Gael C. Johnson
Jack David McDaniel
Ms. Dee Ann McDaniel
Roy C. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Joey Ammons
Nolan McGarity
Ms. Leila B. Holmes
Rachel Elizabeth McGill
Ms. Emily McGill
Phil McRae
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bowden
Helen Means
Mr. & Mrs. James Edward Rabun
Marinell Melton
Mrs. Betty E. Wise
Emma Nicole Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Clint Smith
Tenecia Miller
Ms. Suzanne Jennings
Mitch Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Al Rogers, Jr.
Betty Monson
Mr. Ronald R. Monson
Cleon Emerson Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Askew
Emma Moore
Mrs. Gayle Wagoner
Ruby Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dalziel
Shay Daniel Moorman
Mr. & Mrs. Veal Moorman
Abel Morel
Scotty & Pendery McCoy
Justine Morel
Scotty & Pendery McCoy
Dorothy Morgan
Larry & Kay Wilbanks
Dot Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Arthur Motes
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis S. Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell W. Belk
Mrs. Janet K. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Couch
Mrs. June Foster
Ms. Betty George
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Hurt
Mrs. Roberta Johstono
Mrs. Anne McCrary
Mrs. Doris Mountjoy
Paula Motes Circle
Mrs. Marguerite Pound
Janice Lee Muggy
Rev. & Mrs. Hubert Reeves, III
Logan Murphy
Tommie & Mary Donaldson
Kenneth Myers
Mr. & Mrs. David Trantham
Marty Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Moore
George & Violet Nearhoof
The Exchange Club of Columbus, Inc.
Lawton M. Nease, Jr.
Lawton M. Nease, III
Catherine Nettles
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Pittman
Vergil Newberne
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Garden
Mildred Newberry
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus V. Tripp
Earl Nobles
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Nobles
Robert Kelly Nobles, Jr.
Ms. Alice S. Brooks
Sally Nobles
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Nobles
Beth Norris
Shirley & Dave Peterson
Rev. David Ogletree
Ms. Ellen J. Whitlock
Charles Oliver
Mrs. Betty Ann Kitchens
Mrs. Cadwin O’Steen
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Q. Futch
Linda Owens
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Peeler
Ida Pace
Mr. & Mrs. Edward O. Jaindl
John Pace
Mr. & Mrs. Edward O. Jaindl
Mr. & Mrs. Hiram H. Peeler
Doris Thomas Parham
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Woods
Al Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Pledger Parker
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus V. Tripp
Roy Parker, III
Roy L. Parker Family Foundation
Regina Garrard Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Pope
Jean Pattishall
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Pittman
Larry Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Guerry
Amanda Perez
Ms. Anna Mashburn
Thomas M. Perkins, Jr.
Ms. Linda P. Mathis
Tom Perkins
Mrs. Helen S. Bowie
Friends of Jarrell Plantation
Ms. Madalynn Squires
Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Terry
Bill Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Frank Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Bill S. Hargrove
Joe Dan Petty
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Richert
Betty Phillips
Ms. Dorothy S. Tucker
Bryan Phillips
Ms. Jean W. Melton
James Pittman
Mr. & Mrs. Prentice J. ‘Roscoe’ Bennett, Jr.
Martha Pitts
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Guerry
Loren Posey
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Haynie
John M. Poythress
Ms. Eva P. Higgins
Gladys & James Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight R. McCollough
Nikki Pulsifer
Ms. Jennifer Jenkins
Ira Purvis
Mr. & Mrs. Medra M. Purvis
Mr. & Mrs. Ivey Lee Purvis
Mr. & Mrs. Medra M. Purvis
Gloria Ragland
Ms. Celia M. Daniel
James Ralling
Derek & Charlene McAleer
Rev. Gilbert Ramsey
Harry & Brenda Carter
C.O. (Ras) Rawl
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Guske
Thomas E. Ray
Rob & Angela Fletcher
Bryan Davis Redd
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Black
Brandi Leigh Redmond
Patsy & John Redmond
Annie Mercer Reed
Mrs. Katherine Anderson
Kay Reed
Ms. Susan C. Henson
Bob Reynolds
Ms. Shirley J. Gray
Reuben M. Reynolds
Dr. & Mrs. Don R. Robinson
Ouida Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Patterson
Charles & Sammie Riggs
Mr. & Mrs. Kadar Jones
Grace Riggs
Ms. Treva Smith
Emmitt Roberts
Mrs. Sybil Willingham
Mary Lou Robins
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Christmas
Betty Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Mrs. Sandra Wardell
Elizabeth Robinson
Rev. & Mrs. Emory C. Gilbert
Betty Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Willard D. Moore
Lloyd Rogers
Ms. Anne R. Moore
Preston Rosser
Mr. & Mrs. David Culpepper
Doris Rush
Mrs. Lisa Smith
Leslie & Lucile Rushing
Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Terrell
Bobby G. Sanders
Mr. Charles R. Tidwell
Stella M. Saxon
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Saxon
Richard & Thelma Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Scott
Sharon & Robin Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Scott
Irene Shaffer
Richard & Julie Bennett
Delores Sharpe
Carter Mechanical
Ris N. Bell, Jr. Bible Class
Maggie Sue Sheffield
Mr. & Mrs. P.J. “Roscoe” Bennett, Jr.
Betty Shierling
Mrs. Sherry Ammons
Winnie D. Short
Mr. Denver E. Short, Jr.
F.J. (Johnny) Shuman
Ms. Francyne DeLoach
Helen Sieber
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Thornton
Barbara Siebert
Ms. Harriet Underwood
Jim Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Al Rogers, Jr.
Mark Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Adams
Greg Simpson
Ginny & Walter Simpson
Jim Sineath
Wesley & Sandra Blanchard
Dr. Wiley L. Drury
Evy Slappey
Mrs. Ruth F. Arnold
Ben Smith, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. James B. Jensen
Betty Smith
Mr. Tommy Walker
Davis Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Couch, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Smith
Hoke “Buzzy” Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
James W. Smith, Jr.
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Robert Smith
Mrs. Joyce R. Smith
Ruby Souter
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Allen, Jr.
Joseph Speight
Macon Touchdown Club
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Ann Stansell Spradlin
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Tabb
Cheryl Stanford
Mrs. Lavon H. Smith
Calvin Starr
Mrs. Nancy Pye
Buddy Stevens
Robert & Ginger Stribling
M.H. Stevens, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Stevens
Sam Stevens
Mrs. Carolyn F. Stevens
Chet Stiller
Jimmy & Christie Foddrell
Agnes Stokes
Azalee Wight SS Class
Patsy Stokes
Mrs. Roberta Johstono
William P. “Billy” Stone
Society of GBI Retirees
Harper F. Story
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Black
Mike Strickland
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Parker
Jay Surratt
Mrs. Sarah C. Surratt
James O. Sutter
Ms. Suzanne Jennings
Melinda K. Swick
Mr. & Mrs. Royce Conner
Hon. Hugh Lawson
John & Miriam Talley
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Cates
Timothy D. Taunton
Mr. & Mrs. William Amos
Ms. Judy Bargainnier
Mr. & Mrs. H. Glenn Cross
Ms. Kristy Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McLendon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Shealy
Mr. Wayne Woodworth
Ann S. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bailey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wilkinson
Emogene Taylor
Mrs. Mary W. Davis
Graham Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. P.J. “Roscoe” Bennett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Royce Conner
Ellie A. Telega
Ellie Long Telega
William P. Telega
Clara Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence W. Ernst
Mildred Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. George Brinson
Mr. Ronnie Dickey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Saxon
R. B. Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. Kea
Wilma F. Tippett
Ms. Ellen J. Ginn
J.T. Trice
Rev. & Mrs. James B. Jensen
Charles Tyson
Al & Shirley Greenway
H. Grady Underwood
Mrs. Curtis Ricks
Margaret Utley
Mrs. Roberta Johstono
Curtis Veal
Robert & Ginger Stribling
Kenneth Walker
Mrs. Glenda T. Walker
Louise Walker
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Bartlett
Martha Thompson Wallauer
Mr. James B. Hudson
Marti Moran Wallauer
Mickey & Melody Burke
Lewis Watson, Jr.
Brown Brothers Sand Company
Margaret Arnold Watson
Burke & JoeAnn Dunn
The Cecil Edge Family
Ms. Joanne Ogilvie
Mr. Bill Starr
Ms. Gloria M. Stiles
George Whelchel
Mrs. Beverly Whelchel
Cordele First UMC
Alton J. Whiddon
Mrs. Doris Mountjoy
Ossie White
William & Sherie Moses
Mary Wilkerson
Ms. Elizabeth K. Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. G. Carl Tott
Gloria J. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Vickery
Peggy Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. John DeWitt
Owen Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus V. Tripp
Vera Williams
Lawrence-Smalley SS Class
Doris Wills
Mrs. Reva W. Barge
Durward & Sedell Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Brinson
Floy Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Epps
Frederick & John Wilson
Mr. Donald R. Mortenson
J. Fredrick Wilson
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Hall, Jr.
Dora Wisham
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Haynie
William Lee Wood
Ms. Leila B. Holmes
Jimmy Ray Woods
George & Bobbie Haynie
Sue C. Wyce
Thomas & Karyn Wyce
Rev. & Mrs. Bird Yarborough
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Yarborough
Roland Yarborough
Ms. Francyne DeLoach
Marijane Yates
Ms. Mary A. Johnson
Harris Yaughn
Mr. Charles R. Tidwell
George E. Youmans
Robert & Ginger Stribling
David H. Young
Ms. Cynthia Stapleton
Sandy Youngblood
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin W. Lewis
www.TheMethodistHome.org GATEWAY SPRING 2015 21
22 GATEWAY SPRING 2015 www.TheMethodistHome.org
~ Foundation CEO
When I think about the impact of
The Methodist Home, I immediately
think about the lives of the children we
serve, the lives of the families we help,
and the lives within the communities
we strengthen. I also think about the
lives of our donors, people like Chuck
and Carolyn Stafford, whose lives have
been forever touched by the Children’s
Chuck serves on the Board of
the Foundation. He was the Chair of
the Investment Committee and the
Treasurer when I began working here
in 2013. Before serving on the Board of
the Foundation, Chuck served on the
Board of the Home for eight years.
Sixteen years ago, Chuck felt God
was calling him to service in some
capacity and began praying that the
Lord would show him what He wanted
him to do. Mary Dale Kea, who was
on The Home’s Board at the time,
called and asked if he would consider
serving on the Board of the Children’s
Home. Chuck said he would think
about it; already knowing he would
begin to do the work that God had
called him to do. As part of his Board
orientation, Chuck learned about all of
the ways The Home helps children and
families. He took a tour of the campus
and remembers saying to himself, “It
cannot be like this; there’s no way that
The Home can do all this.” He then
saw a child run up to ‘Daddy Rick’
Lanford, give him a huge hug and
say, “I love you, Daddy Rick.” Chuck
said that he knew then and there the
Children’s Home was truly an amazing
place because you cannot fool a child.
Since becoming involved on the
Board, Chuck and Carolyn have
been faithful supporters of the work
we do at the Children’s Home. They
have generously given of their time,
their talents, their gifts, their prayers,
and their service. They have bought
“back- to- school” supplies for our
children, they have sponsored tables
at fundraising events, they have
supported summer camp for our
children, and they have given to the
Joseph Company to provide for the
children who will be served by The
Home in the future. If you ask the
Staffords about giving to the Home,
they are quick to share that they are
the ones who have truly been blessed
by giving.
I have a story to share with you. It
is one that always comes to mind when
I think about Chuck and Carolyn. It is
we saw some of the girls playing. We
continued driving and saw a young
man sitting outside. We stopped the
car, and I got out to meet him. The
young man’s name was Jerry. He was
friendly, and I really enjoyed getting
to visit with him. I introduced him to
Carolyn and the other folks with us.
We all enjoyed getting to spend time
with Jerry. He was so personable and
so friendly. I usually carry a Jesus coin
in my pocket all the time, so I took the
coin out and told Jerry that I wanted
to give it to him. He said, “Thanks,
this is my lucky day. You are giving me
this coin, and today is my birthday.”
When we found out it was Jerry’s
birthday, we left him with some “mad
money” so he could celebrate. Jerry
was so appreciative, so personable and
so friendly. I will never, ever forget
meeting him. Jerry inspires me. He
“Chuck said that he knew then and
there that the Children’s Home was
truly an amazing place because you
cannot fool a child.”
the story of when they met Jerry, one
of our middle aged boys who sports a
huge smile and has a heart of gold.
“We met Jerry on September 15,
2014. It is a day Carolyn and I will
never forget. We had been to Macon
to move our son who was beginning a
job with the DOT. A couple folks who
work with us were along to help with
the move. I told them I was going to
take them to see the Children’s Home.
They were excited because they have
heard me talk about The Home a lot.
As we drove through the campus,
blessed me, my wife, and the folks who
were with us. Meeting him was the
highlight of our trip. ”
When you see and hear Chuck
talk about Jerry, you come away from
the conversation knowing that he
and Carolyn were blessed by their
encounter with him. I know the
Staffords will always treasure their time
with Jerry. They gave of themselves
and in doing so received a wonderful
gift from God…Their hearts have been
forever touched by a boy named Jerry.
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Give to The Methodist Children’s Home
through the Combined Federal Campaign.
Our 5 digit CFC code is 48612.
Join us for a snow slide
and a snow pit, kids’
carnival, live and silent
auctions, food, and
so much more on the
Macon Campus at
304 Pierce Avenue!
For more information,
contact Julia Plonk at
save the date
The Methodist Home
478-751-2898 or by
celebration day
11, 2015
email at Julia.Plonk@
Celebration Day contact is [email protected]