activity sheets - Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
activity sheets - Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
Drive Safely Work Week Thursday Take care of your vehicle so it can take care of you 1 Drive Safely Work CREATE A “BREAKDOWN PLAN” Resource Provided • Penny Check Instructions A U.S. penny is a great tool to help determine if a tire’s tread is worn past 2/32”—the minimum tread depth where it would be considered bald and unfit for driving. This is another good lunch-time activity either on its own or combined with checking tire pressure. We’ve provided instructions — you could provide the penny! d Check your tire trea enny check” The three-step “p dforefingerwith eenyourthumban •Takeapennybetw intingdownward. theQueen’sheadpo grooveson -firstintooneofthe erethetread •Putthepennyhead ointonyourtirewh thetread.Selectap . appearsthelowest theHintheword ipsofthecrownor dsofaninch •Ifyoucanseethet 2/32n tiresarewornpast “Elizabeth”,your lacethem. andit’stimetorep d Check your tire trea enny check” The three-step “p dforefingerwith eenyourthumban •Takeapennybetw intingdownward. theQueen’sheadpo grooveson -firstintooneofthe erethetread •Putthepennyhead irewh yourt ointon thetread.Selectap . appearsthelowest theHintheword wnor thecro ipsof ninch •Ifyoucanseethet npast2/32ndsofa rewor tiresa “Elizabeth”,your lacethem. andit’stimetorep DISTRIBUTE A SHORT VIDEO ON TIRE PRESSURE ny check” SAFETYThTIPS e three-step “pen d Check your tire trea dforefingerwith eenyourthumban •Takeapennybetw intingdownward. theQueen’sheadpo grooveson -firstintooneofthe erethetread •Putthepennyhead ointonyourtirewh lectap ad.Se thetre . appearsthelowest theHintheword ipsofthecrownor dsofaninch ethet canse •Ifyou 2/32n tiresarewornpast “Elizabeth”,your lacethem. andit’stimetorep Sponsored by Monsanto and created by Driving Dynamics This could be an activity on its own, or combined with activity 2. watch?v=cWYIdWdYaKo EMAIL THIS 3 4 What are your roadside assistance option s? I subscribe to an in-vehicle service system, accessible at the touch of a button and scription is up-to-da the subte. I subscribe to an auto club. The number to reach it is: ________________ __ My vehicle came with roadside assistance that is good through ___________. The phone to reach it is: ________ number __________. My company provides a roadside assistance plan. I can reach it by calling ________ ______. This plan is also availabl e to family members driving this vehicle and I have discusse d it’s availability with them and they know how and under what circumstances to use the plan. ___ Yes ____ No. My vehicle insuranc e plan provides 24-hour roadside assistance. I can reach it by calling ______________. Resource Provided • Breakdown Planning Worksheet GIVE TIRE TREADS THE “PENNY TEST” Even the best preventative maintenance can’t provide full assurance that you won’t someday experience a flat, blowout, or breakdown, leaving you stranded. To help you keep calm and get through a potentially unnerving experience, plan ahead and complete a “Breakdown Plan” so you’re ready just in case. This is a great resource to also complete with your spouse and any other driving members of the household, particularly novice drivers. Week Thursday Breakdown Plann ing With or without a roadside assistan ce plan, if you need help and/or feel you may be in danger, call 411 from your cell phone and request to be connected to the local police departm ent. Depending on the circumstances, request the non-em ergency or emergency number . How will you make your vehicle visible? I will use emerge ncy flashers and am familiar with where they are located. I carry a reflectiv e triangle or flares (and know how to use them properly .) If it’s dark, I will turn on the dome light but keep the engine running (if possible ) so the battery doesn’t run down. I will lift the hood and tie a white flag to the antenna . Tire change tool box To change your own tire, make sure you are equippe d with: 9 Safety glasses 9 Spare tire: full-size, or 9 Gloves 9 A jack 9 Lug wrench 9 Wheel chocks Planning to change your own tire? •With a flat tire, it may be smarter and safer to risk damaging the wheel rim by driving to where you can get off a busy road than to try to change it near speeding traffic. •Regardless of whether you have a full size or tempora ry spare, make sure to regularl y check the tire pressure so it’s ready. •Remember, a temporary spare is designed to get you to a service station and generall y should not be driven more than necessary (check the owner’s manual) or at speeds greater than 65 mph (105 Km/h). •Which tire has gone flat may impact your decision on whether to change it yourself or call for assistance. If the flat is on the side next to traffic, the safer, smarter choice is to call for roadside assistan ce. temporary spare 9 White flag (t-shirt, handkerchief, etc.) Once assistance is called • It is generally safest to wait inside the vehicle with your seat belt buckled and doors locked. You have some protection inside your vehicle, but none outside of it. • If circumstances are such that you feel safer outside the vehicle, do not stand in front of or behind it; rather stand behind a guardrail or a good distance off to the side of the road. • It is generally inadvisable to walk down the side of an interstate, particularly in inclement weather. 2 GIVE TIRES A PRESSURE CHECK Resources Provided • Card to record tire pressure and/or use as drawing entry Encourage employees to check their tire pressure at lunch time, ideally after their vehicle has been sitting for at least three hours. You could purchase or borrow a handful of tire pressure gauges to leave near your entrance/exit to the building for employees to use and return, along with a card to record their tire pressure levels. You might even consider using the cards to enter employees into a drawing to win a vehicle safety-related item, oil change from a local service provider, etc. To encourage and aid in the development of the good habit of a monthly tire pressure check, consider repeating this activity on a monthly basis for a period of six months or more. 5 HOST A MAINTENANCE CHECK Resources Provided • Vehicle Maintenance Checklist n Check List Vehicle Inspectio 1 Tire pressure __ __________________ __________________ __________________ _____ __________________ __________________ __________________ 2 Tire Wear _____ __________________ ____________ ion_______________ Condit 3 Oil Level / ________________ __________________ __________________ Fluid 5 Windshield Wipers 6 Windshield 7 Transmission ______ __________________ __________________ ____________ 4 Air Filter ______ ___ ____________ __________________ __________________ ______________ __________________ ______ Fluid ____________ Level 8 Antifreeze _____ ____________ __________________ __________________ ___________ __________________ ______ ion ____________ Condit 9 Belts Loose/ ________ __________________ __________________ ____________ 10 Hoses ______ Make and Model ___ __________________ __________________ __________________ 11 Brake Fluid _______ __________________ ____________ __________________ _________________ __________________ ______ tor ____________ Initials of Inspec _______ __________________ __________________ ____________ Date ____________ during ______________ courtesy of _______ was provided have been made. This inspection or adjustments vehicle Week. No repairs help keep your Drive Safely Work tions made to ’s tions are sugges the manufacturer Any recommenda as provided in tly as possible efficien as ing operat . specifications As part of Amerifleet Transportation’s Drive Safely Work Week campaign, each year they host an employee vehicle maintenance check, regardless of the campaign theme. You might consider partnering with a local service station to host a maintenance check of your own during the campaign week. To assist in your efforts, Amerifleet Transportation has provided its maintenance checklist for anyone to use.