St Swithin`s Day, if thou dost rain, For forty days it will remain. St
St Swithin`s Day, if thou dost rain, For forty days it will remain. St
St Swithin’s Day, if thou dost rain, For forty days it will remain. St Swithin’s Day, if thou be fair, For forty days ‘twill rain nae mair’. JULY 2008 ENFORD NEWSLETTER ENFORD NEWSLETTER From The Committee/The Village Hall – A Big Thank You 1 Plan of New Village Hall 2 More about the New Village Hall 3 Good Bye to the Old Village Hall 4 Enford v Chisenbury Golf Match 5 Photographs request and Thank you 6 Enford Football 200 Club 7 Thank you/ Get Well/Upavon Good Companions 8 From the Bishop of Ramsbury 9 All Saints Church 10 Cuba – by Ann Houghton 11 Highways/Food Waste/National Year of Reading 13 Feed The Children/Book Club/Plainwatch 14 SPTA News 15 Advertising 17 Village Committees July Dates 27 28 DATE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday 16th July All items for inclusion, whether they are handwritten, typed, 3½ inch floppy or via e-mail, MUST be submitted by the date of the meeting or they will not be published until the following month. These articles may be handed in to any Newsletter Committee member. Please send e-mails to [email protected] Enford Newsletter Committee reserves the right to reject or omit from publication any material that is considered by majority of Committee Members to be detrimental to any person or which is not in the best interest of the community as a whole. All letters and articles must be signed, but the Committee will withhold the name of the writer if this is requested at the time of sending it in. July 2008 ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 FROM THE COMMITTEE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 2008 During the month of August we shall be producing a new Telephone Directory for 2008. If you do not wish to be included will you please let me or Ken Monk know before the end of July. If your details have changed or if you are new to the Parish also let us know so that we can make sure that your telephone number is included ENVELOPE COLLECTION Thank you for all the contributions so far towards the running of the Newsletter. If you have not been able to hand in your donation yet don’t forget you can give it to nay member of the committee or pop it through my letterbox at 12 Coombe Lane. Next month is a double issue as there is no meeting in July. If you have notices for August you will need to get them to the Committee by Wednesday 16th July. FANTASTIC NEWS FOR THE VILLAGE – Thanks to a huge amount of work, generosity of time and ceaseless determination work on the new Village Hall is soon to begin. A HUGE …Thank you to Judy D’Arcy Irvine and your wonderful Team for securing a brand new Village Hall for Enford The idea was first conceived by Dominic Campbell in the late 1990’s but has taken another 10 years to realise. This momentous achievement cannot pass without highlighting the tireless work of one person, Judy D’Arcy Irvine. Yes, others have helped enormously but, her dogged determination, persistence and drive, has produced this wonderful result. It has involved:•Negotiating with the Architect regarding design, plans and cost •Submitting the Planning Application •Hundreds of hours spent Researching statistical info., grants, etc. •Production of comprehensive Business Plan •Numerous applications for grants •Answering dozens of questions from the grant Providers •Attending countless meetings •Spending a fortune on petrol, postage, paper, etc. etc…! •Lots of blood, sweat and tears…..!!!!! A truly gigantic task, we are extremely grateful to everyone who has been involved. Thank you very much. This is just the beginning …… now we have a very exciting time ahead when lots more support will be required to create the best Village hall for our local community – for everyone to enjoy ! Thank you All ! ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 THE NEW ENFORD VILLAGE HALL LOTTERY GRANT SUCCESS! Fantastic news - the Village Hall Committee is delighted to say that we have been awarded a Lottery Grant of £192,500 towards the New Village Hall! This grant means we have raised enough to start building the New Hall which will be completed by next Spring. The other grants we have received are from the Football Foundation, Kennet District Council, Wiltshire County Council and Viridor Waste Management, all adding up to a grand total of £550,000 ! We will still need to raise more funds of around £20,000 to £30,000 for tables, chairs and equipment. The Football Foundation grant is to help the Enford Football Club and the Red Lion Teams continue with their successes on the playing field. The Football Club will be helping set up children’s and youth teams – so lots of opportunity to come and cheer on the sidelines! We are starting to build the new hall at the beginning of September Come to the Party on 22nd August to say “Farewell to the Old Village Hall” commemorating 43 years of the old hall’s life – details in the Newsletter. The New Hall is for Everyone! What would YOU like? Please let us know - so we can help organise new activities The Committee would like to include your ideas for what YOU would like to see happen in the New Hall – some ideas we have been given so far: Whist and Bingo, Short Mat Bowls, Movie Evenings to show the latest box office hits, Playgroups, a new Youth Club, Coffee Mornings, exercise or dance classes – plus Cubs, Brownies, Cadets, arts & crafts, gardening, local history! With the New Hall opening next spring, and the Enford & Chisenbury Fete starting up next year on the Recreation Ground, there will be lots going on - so come and support the ‘Farewell Party’, drink and dance to Bertie’s music, and give us your ideas for what you would like to have in Enford’s New Hall e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 THE NEW ENFORD VILLAGE HALL ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 ENFORD VILLAGE HALL To celebrate 43 years of the Village Hall’s life and the many events that have taken place there, the present Committee would like you to join us for a “trip down Memory Lane” and to say a fond “farewell” to the old hall! Come and enjoy some photographs which illustrate the many activities which have made it a central part of the community for all those years. From the beginning of September the Hall will no longer be available for our use as we start the construction of the NEW ENFORD VILLAGE HALL YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO A “ FAREWELL TO THE VILLAGE HALL” HALL” PARTY Friday, 22nd August 2008 – from 7.00 pm Music: Enford’s very own “Bertie” will be singing! Cash Bar Beer, Wine & Soft Drinks If you can, please bring a plate of small eats to help (crisps/nuts or anything!) No Tickets – Please just come and enjoy the evening! ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 ENFORD V CHISENBURY GOLF – 1 AUGUST 2008 1. General It is proposed to hold a fun day out with an Enford and Chisenbury golf match at the Upavon Golf Course on Friday 1st August. Assemble at 12.00pm for a Tee Off at 12.30pm. We are looking for a minimum of 10 but preferably 12 players to take part. The intention is for 4 teams of 3 players to play the 18 holes. 2. Costs The cost for the afternoon golf is £22 (£17 for the green fee and £5 for prizes). Any money remaining will be donated to the Village Hall and Church. Members of Upavon Golf Club need not pay the £17 green fee. 3. Handicap All play will be off full handicap. Maximum handicap for gentlemen is 24 and 36 for ladies. Please be honest when completing your entry form! 4. Prize Giving Prize giving will take place in The Red Lion at 6.30pm. After prize giving everyone along with wives and friends are very welcome to stay on and have supper afterwards. 5. This is a fun day out, so come and join us. ENTRY FORM Name Phone Number Handicap If none Gents 24, Ladies 36 and be honest Entry Fee £22 or £5 if a member at Upavon Please reply by 21 July to either: Adrian Orr Chapel House Chisenbury Tel: 670447 PK Kenny Wayside Cottage Longstreet Enford Tel: 670033 JULY 2008 ENFORD NEWSLETTER DO YOU HAVE ANY OLD PHOTOGRAPHS OF ENFORD? For the Farewell Party at the Village Hall on Friday 22nd August Anyone who has old photos of Enford and would be prepared to lend them for the evening, could they please contact Sarah Campbell on 670414. We will take great care of them. Thank you Sarah MEXICAN EVENING ENJOYED BY ALL A big thank you to Morton and Mary Burdick and their army of volunteers who made The Mexican Evening at Enford Church on Saturday 10th May a resounding success. It was a great evening and most enjoyable and as I understand it a lot of funds were raised for Enford Church and this was without the sponsorship of the New Vicar taking a hairy jump out of an aircraft over Netheravon. Thanks to all the team involved for a really enjoyable event. Stan and Pauline Bagwell New Buildings. LITTER PICKING AT NEW BUILDINGS New Buildings carried out a Litter Pick Up Day on Sunday 15th June. We litter picked New Buildings and part of the A345 also Enford Church Yard, Enford Hill and the Memorial Gardens and bus stops. I must say that with the exception of around the bus stops the area was almost clear of rubbish. A big thank you to volunteers Sam and Jake Slater and also to Louis who volunteered but was on Cadet Manoeuvres on the Salisbury Plains and could not join us, thanks Louis for your support. Stan.B. E.P.C. ENFORD CHURCH TEAS AT CHISENBURY PRIORY 8TH JUNE 2008 Thank you to all those ladies who so generously contributed to the teas at Chisenbury Priory on the 8th June with their wonderful homemade cakes and to Ann Brend for all the delicious scones. Thank you too to all those who helped on the day, serving teas, collecting the used cups & saucers and washing up. We estimated that altogether more than 275 teas were poured. The weather was perfect and the teas raised just over £545 for the church funds. The Parochial Church Council would like to thank John and Tessa Manser very much for allowing us to use this occasion for our fund raising. Sue Poole-Warren, Secretary, Enford Parochial Church Council ENFORD NEWSLETTER ENFORD FOOTBALL CLUB ENFORD FOOTBALL CLUB JULY 2008 The winners of the Tuesday 3rd June 200 Club Draw are as follows: £50 21 Alan Smith £25 109 Jay Flowers £15 100 Dave McCauley £10 125 Colin Pearse £10 122 Caroline Young £10 183 Roger Foot The next draw will take Place on Saturday 5th July ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 Christian Aid Week Including the tax back through Gift Aid, the total stands at £ 2,966-30 Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way CHILDREN FROM CHERNOBYL Once again I must say a huge thank you to all who contributed to our recent group of Chernobyl children. It was a picture to see, when the children saw all the goodies donated to them from suitcases to clothes, toiletries, jewellery and money. I can tell that there wasn’t much left but it was a pleasure to see it all go. One girl was taking things for her younger sister and brother and of course something for Mum and Dad. Also many thanks to Jeni Scott Dalgleish who kindly let the children have their picnic lunch in their garden and then a swim and a game of tennis. They thoroughly enjoyed it. Well done everyone Thanks Jane Young Messages for Friends and Neighbours We would like to wish a very warm welcome to all who have recently moved into the Parish of Enford. We hope that you will find many new friends and neighbours GET WELL To Ricky Gillett UPAVON GOOD COMPANIONS Anyone over 50 is welcome to join the Upavon Good Companions The next outing is on Tuesday 8th July to Christchurch Non-members are welcome to help fill the coach For further details please telephone Mrs S Davis - 01980 630552 ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 The Bishop of Ramsbury (Stephen Conway) writes about one of the events in the Avon Valley during Heartbeat week in June (the other event in Enford was the pub quiz in The Swan and the Heartbeat team came 2nd!): Once a year the Mansers open their beautiful gardens at Chisenbury Priory to the public. They were very generous in allowing us to hold an open air service in the garden at the close of the event and to host all-comers for drinks afterwards. The weather was glorious, the setting idyllic and the singing angelic. Then they had to listen to me speaking. I spoke principally about how the Biblical record of our salvation is so intimately associated with gardens in which God himself was intimately present: the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Garden where the tomb was located in Jerusalem where Mary Magdalene mistook the Risen Christ for the gardener and the Garden of the New Jerusalem where all tears shall be wiped away. The sub-text of what was a very ecumenical occasion at which many Roman Catholics were present. I alluded to my catholic roots in Ireland and there was an intrigued queue of people after the service wanting to quiz me about my particular allegiance. We had good conversations and a lot of laughter. It was also a good event planning occasion. John and Tessa have no fewer than three donkeys - and own a donkey cart -and so we are negotiating how we might journey around the Avon Valley on Palm Sunday in a couple of years time. Songs of Praise at Chisenbury Priory 8th June JULY 2008 ENFORD NEWSLETTER ALL SAINTS ENFORD CHURCH August July 6th 13th 20th 27th 1030 0900 1030 1800 Benefice Service, Netheravon Holy Communion Family Communion Evensong 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st 0900 1030 1030 1800 1030 Holy Communion Benefice Service, Netheravon Family Communion Evensong Benefice Service, ENFORD August 1st August Lyn Riche & Fanny Surtees 8th August Jean Kearney & Helen Hadfield 15th August Sue Poole-Warren & Hilary Horsford 22nd August Sarah Campbell 29th August Tessa Manser CHURCH CLEANING ROTA July 4th 11th 18th 25th July July July July Sue Poole-Warren & Hilary Horsford Sarah Campbell Tessa Manser Gai Rickett September 5th Sept 12th Sept 19th Sept 26th Sept Gai Rickett Lyn Riche & Fanny Surtees Jean Kearney & Helen Hadfield Sue Poole-Warren & Hilary Horsford OPEN GARDEN AT IVY COTTAGE NETHERAVON Ivy Cottage is next to the school And the Phoenix Hall, and opposite the Hairdresser. in aid of CANCER RESEARCH And Village Charities on SUNDAY 29TH JUNE 2 – 5PM Afterwards have tea in the Phoenix Hall where there will be plants for sale ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 CUBA Aaaah Cuba! I’m sure some of you reading this article will have been here for a nice relaxing holiday. However, our trip there was anything but relaxing. We arrived in Havana, hot and tired, and checked into our hotel. First thing was to change some money which I did at the hotel, the rate being more or less the same everywhere. Fortunately I checked the amount I’d been given to find that I’d been short changed by a considerable sum. I returned to the desk where the gentleman reached underneath the desk with a rather sheepish grin, and came up with my money. Then a trip to the supermarket for water and a bottle of wine. We were met at the door by a big jolly coloured lady who opened the door for us and presented us with a basket. What a nice lady we thought. She proceeded to follow us around until we reached the checkout. When I opened my purse to pay she started to tell us this awful story about how she’d not long had a very big operation, couldn’t work, had lots of children etc. etc. and of course, with a bulging purse open what could we do but give her some. She went away and we came out of the shop realising that we had once again been short changed! I went back and once again the guy felt underneath the till and produced what he’d creamed off my change. We then decided to have an ice-cream. This time I handed over a small note and the guy vanished out of the back of the shop. I never did see my change! So, in the space of 20 minutes or so, we’d been ripped off 4 times. We later found that this is pretty standard practice in Havana as most of the population doesn’t earn enough to live on. All their food is rationed and their allowance lasts for two weeks if they’re careful. The rest of the month they have to go to the supermarket and pay tourist rates. In spite of this we had a good few days exploring the fascinating old town, spending our days in the Museum of the Revolution, touring around in a 1950’s Chevy convertible, sitting in pavement cafes listening to salsa bands, browsing the markets and of course the must-see visit to a Cuban nightclub for a fantastic show of Cuban music and dancing. We got chatting to another couple who told us a far worse story of being fleeced by locals. Apparently they’d met a local couple who offered to take them to ‘a friend’s’ club. When they got inside they were made to buy them drinks and food and then asked for money. When they refused they were warned that not to pay up could result in them ‘not enjoying’ the rest of their stay. Needless to say they paid up. As we wanted to travel around Cuba and knew it would not be easy on our own we had booked a comprehensive tour for three weeks. We had seen what we wanted in Havana and left for Trinidad, some 350 kilometres away. We soon realised why it would have been difficult to travel on our own. There is no transport system in Cuba. Hundreds of people lined the roads waiting for a lift to their destination. Some waited all day. The number plates of the vehicles denote their use. Blue - transport vehicle, red - hire car, yellow – privately owned etc. As we were a group of tourists we were not allowed to pick anyone up but any vehicle with a blue number plate is obliged to stop and pick up people if it has room. We stopped along the way for a comfort break at a café which had a mini-zoo attached. We were somewhat alarmed to see people betting on a board called “Spin the guinea pig” to win a bottle of rum! The coffee however was delicious served with a stick of sugar picked from the neighbouring sugar plantation. Our next stop was to be the famous Bay of Pigs where we spent time looking around the museum which gave an account of the invasion there back in the 50s. We carried on to some natural pools, formed when some of the caves collapsed and filled with water. What joy to get out of our bus and cool off! After a visit to Cientefuego we arrived at our hotel in Trinidad at around 7.30. As we were out of town we decided to eat in the hotel. We had been warned that the food would be basic out of the main cities and that quickly proved to be the case. Rice and black beans are served with every meal and the food is very bland in spite of seeing chillies, garlic etc being sold at the roadside. After fish followed by ice-cream and coffee we decided a mojita or two would go down well. This is a local drink made from rum. We woke the next day to hear the news that Fidel Castro had resigned. Huge news here and everyone was buzzing with excitement and waiting to hear who would be talking over the reins. We went into Trinidad, a town which hasn’t changed for 400 years. Old men on donkeys trotted down the cobbled streets amongst bicycles, old American cars, handcarts etc. The area around the church is being renovated and is now a UNESCO heritage site. We were on our way to find somewhere to eat lunch when the Heavens opened. The streets emptied like magic as a torrential downpour swept down. After a few minutes the roads were so full of rushing water it was impossible to cross the road. It was over quickly though and the sky cleared so we grabbed a couple of hours lounging by the pool watching hummingbirds and swimming. Our guide suggested we tried a ‘local restaurant’ this evening. As Cuba is a Communist country everything is Government owned. However, some local people open their homes to small numbers of tourists, and we were assured that the meal would be unforgettable – lobster and prawns as well as fish or pork chop! It certainly was unforgettable! The lobster had been boiled far too long and was impossible to coax out of its shell. After serious scooping and digging with a fork it pinged out hitting the ceiling only to be devoured by one of the many cats and dogs around our feet. The prawns were like bullets, but the fish was almost raw. What a wicked waste of such lovely food. We rounded off the evening with a visit to the Casa de la Musica where we spent a great couple of hours trying to salsa like the locals. We next headed up into the mountains to a hacienda at Codina. Some of us travelled in an old Russian open backed truck while the others hiked. Due to my injured knee I was persuaded not to do the hike as our guide described it as “up, up and down, down”. It turned out to be the right decision apparently. After a perilous journey ‘up up and down, down’ bumpy dirt tracks, full of deep potholes, sitting on a hard wooden bench, hanging on for dear life, I was more than happy to relax in an old rocking chair on the veranda of the hacienda looking down over the mountains, drinking coffee and reading until the rest of the group arrived. They eventually turned up, very hot and very tired. After lunch we were taken on a walk round the area and after dinner we all lay out on the veranda in our sleeping bags looking at the stars before falling into a not so blissful sleep. ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 The snores and grunts of a dozen or so men, and women, combined with cockerels who had no idea that crowing was supposed to occur at daybreak, not from 2am, ensured that only Terry had a peaceful sleep! (For those of you who don’t know us, Terry is profoundly deaf!) Next morning, after a hearty breakfast of the inevitable ham and cheese, a huge chunk of one of my teeth came out. Why is it that you’re about as far away from a dentist as you can possibly be when these things happen? Luckily someone had brought an emergency dental kit with them. Two of the girls turned out to be nurses, not that that was at all relevant in these circumstances, but they took the task in hand and duly mixed the cement and tried to glue my tooth back together. It was rather weird sitting on a veranda high in the mountains with a circle of amateur photographers snapping me showing my mouthful of fillings to the world. Certainly embarrassing! The walkers then set off to our next camp, another hacienda this time deep in a valley next to a beautiful river. This time we were given the option of a tent perched up on the hillside. We gladly accepted and lugged our bags up the hill. We were soon surrounded - by chickens, pigs, goats, a white horse and of course, another night of noisy cockerels. When the rest of the group arrived we had lunch and left to hike up to a waterfall and lagoon, a wonderful walk along the river and up through the forest. Along the way the guide pointed out the national bird of Cuba, the Cuban trogon, a gorgeous red, white and blue bird high up in the trees. We arrived at the waterfall some two hours later and thankfully jumped in and enjoyed half an hour of swimming under the waterfall and just taking in the magnificent scenery around us before returning to the hacienda along the other side of the river. The next morning after a quarter of an omelette each, with bread and fruit we headed of to Camaguay and found our accommodation overlooking the railway station. After dinner we decided to check out the local Casa de la Musica which was not as good as Trinidad and consisted of tourists mainly. The next day we explored the city by bicy-taxi before heading on, via Bayamo, to the Sierra Maestra mountains and the hideaway of Castro and Che Guevara. This was one of the highlights of the trip for me and I was really looking forward to seeing the village where they spent so many months in hiding. Castro’s living quarters are just as he left them as were those of Che Guevara. There was a fully working hospital up there along with the living quarters of the revolutionaries. Food and provisions were transported up there by sympathisers on the backs of mules but no-one else had any idea there was a camp up there. As we got close to the mountains we had to change to a smaller vehicle and endured a hair-raising journey through the mountains – sheer drops and the steepest hills I’ve ever encountered. The gears of the truck were screaming as we went down and again as we went up. I was glad it was dark! We had a hurried meal of beef in tomato, rice and beans, papaya in syrup and coffee and were then told that, due to the recent rains, the climb the following day would be much more challenging than previously thought and I was told that I would be unable to partake. I was determined to do it and got up and ready with the others. A lady then took me to one side, sat me down, and convinced me that to do this could jeopardise the rest of our travels, we were miles from the nearest hospital and is it really worth risking my knee and the rest of the travelling we’d planned for the sake of one hike? I decided she was probably right, so stood and tearfully waved Terry and everyone else off. I was dreadfully disappointed but went off on a less challenging walk around the area with another girl who’d damaged her back when falling out of the top bunk of an Indian train the year before. When the others returned they were full of it and said it was definitely worth the hard climb. That didn’t improve my mood much but at least Terry got some video footage of it all to show me. Our next destination was Santiago de Cuba where we visited the Bacardi Rum factory as well as the city centre. It proved to be the hottest day so far so we headed back to the hotel before the others. We spotted a guy standing next to a very smart taxi so approached him to take us ‘home’. We agreed a price and he then led us off down the back streets to a real old banger which looked like a ‘cut an shut’! We couldn’t back out of the deal so arrived at our hotel somewhat dishevelled but alive! On then to Santa Clara, another important city of the Revolution. Che Guevara fought the military who were arriving in the city by train and defeated them. There were 39 of his men against 408 soldiers. From there to the Che Mausoleum where his remains lie and the museum describing the events of that battle together with photos of Che Guevara over the years. Our final stop was in the region of Vinales, the tobacco growing area for those famous cigars. The scenery changed dramatically here with limestone mogotes (hills) dotted around the area. There is only one other place like this in the world and that is in Southern China around Guilin which we’d visited 18 months before. We did several treks around the area, visiting tobacco drying sheds and learning the history of tobacco growing. I found this scenery stunning, green fields full of tobacco, bullock carts moving between them with a backdrop of the amazing limestone hills against the brilliant blue sky. The life of a tobacco grower is very hard. The Government says they must grow 50,000 plants a year. Only three times in the last 17 years had they reached this quota, mainly because of the weather. The farmers have to grow maize in the meantime to feed their families which is not subsidised by the Government. To round off our tour we took a ferry over to Cayo Valesa, an island off the coast. When we arrived at the harbour there must have been 100 people waiting for a ferry which carries 20 but we were able to board after an hour of waiting and spent the day on the beach swimming and relaxing before returning to Havana, dining in a salsa bar with the friends we’d met along the way and finishing with drinks in Hemingway’s bar. We left then for a final week of relaxation to our all-inclusive hotel in Varadero a holiday resort peninsular on the north coast, before returning home. Quite a trip! After the excitement of the Central American countries which were so different from anywhere we’d visited before, with their volcanoes and exotic bird and animal life, Cuba gave us the fun of the salsa and the history of the Revolution, as well as total relaxation. Unforgettable! ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 HIGHWAYS NEWS. Hello Enford Residents The C32. We have sent a second letter to Wiltshire County Council Highways requesting for traffic calming action along the C32. We are now lobbying for a site meeting with a Highways Safety Engineer with a view to get the C32 on the Traffic Calming Programme for 2009. The A345. Enford Parish has been chosen for a Pilot Community Speed Watch Scheme for Wiltshire. It entails Parish Councillors and Residents getting involved (trained) to operate Speed Camera Technology. Seven have already been trained and we have five others in reserve for training. It will mean that two to four trained people will be involved in the operation at any one time and the survey site will be Enford Hill near the bus stop on the A345. Information of speed of vehicles will be identified and will be logged and then relayed to the police for action if necessary. This scheme is not about spying on motorists or local people, it is about endeavouring to get motorists to slow down to the 30mph Speed Limit through Enford. It is also hoped that by taking part in this Pilot Scheme that we will bring some "Due Care and Attention" by all motorists who are passing through Enford. If, in our efforts, we manage to bring some awareness that speed causes accidents and injuries and should we also get a long term reduction of speed though this area we will have achieved something. The operation will take place during daylight hours on a clear day and will be in conjunction with the Wiltshire Police. We trust that you will all give this Traffic Calming venture your full support to make Enford a safer area for all users. I would like to thank here all of the Parish Council and to also the volunteers who have made this scheme possible for Enford. Safe Motoring to All. Stan. W. Bagwell Enford Parish Council (Highways) Food waste digester offer The latest figures show people in Wiltshire are recycling more than ever – and the county council is hoping that performance can get even better. As part of that effort, the council is offering discounted food waste digesters to residents. They can deal with raw and cooked waste including items as fruit, vegetables, bones, pasta, fish and meat. There are two types of digester available and prices start at just £20. You can order one by ringing a special free hotline number 0800 019 2064 or via National Year of Reading As part of the National Year of Reading, the county council has organised lots of events to encourage people to get the most out of reading in all forms. Events for June include: - Deborah Gaye from Avalanche books will lead an interactive workshop looking at how best to get a story into print (Warminster library on 26th June) - Author Deborah Moggach will be giving a book talk on her latest book In the Dark (Devizes library on 18th June) - Author Judy Jones will give a talk entitled Travels with my Dog where she shares her passion for walking and explains how the hunt for a lost dog inspired her latest book (Wootton Bassett library on 27th June) Tickets are available from individual libraries but details of all upcoming events can be viewed on the county council website ( ) ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 PLAINWATCH PLAINWATCH is specifically designed to rapidly identify suspicious activity on the Plain: firstly and principally to identify criminal activity but secondly to deter such activity. The Book Club meets once a month to exchange opinions and review books that members have recommended. An excuse to meet over a glass of wine!! Anyone interested, please ring Vic on 01980 670928 SPECIAL CONTACT NUMBER 01980 674700 ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 SALISBURY PLAIN TRAINING AREA NEWS SHEET July 2008 Any general comment about military training should normally be made through Parish Councils to the Liaison Officer nominated by the appropriate Garrison Headquarters. Any specific complaint should be made in writing or if urgent by telephone as shown below: HEADQUARTERS SALISBURY PLAIN TRAINING AREA Westdown Camp, Tilshead, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP3 4RS Telephone: Stonehenge (01980) – 620819 TRAINING: July will be a busy month on the Plain with several simultaneous armoured exercises up to Squadron level and 1 R ANGLIAN from Pirbright converting onto the new BULLDOG APC during the first two weeks. Then from 23rd – 31st July 3 Commando Brigade will be exercising over all areas (and in Wales) preparing for their forthcoming tour in Afghanistan. This will be one of the biggest predeployment exercises we have seen with some 6000 troops taking part. It will involve considerable helicopter and fast jet activity which may cause some local noise nuisance for which we apologise in advance. ARTILLERY FIRING FROM SALISBURY PLAIN (WEST) (AS90) 1 AS90, 22, 23, 24 LATE FIRING DAYS ON SALISBURY PLAIN (WEST) (AS90) 22, 23, 24 ANTI TANK FIRING DAYS ON SALIBURY PLAIN (WEST): NIL ARTILLERY LIVE FIRING DAYS FROM AREAS 7 & 8 22, 23, 24 ARTILLERY FIRING FROM SALISBURY PLAIN (EAST) 26 LATE FIRING FROM SALISBURY PLAIN (EAST) 2 AS90 LATE FIRING DAYS LARKHILL/WESTDOWN RANGES 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31 NON FIRING DAYS LARKHILL/WESTDOWN DANGER AREA 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27. NON FIRING DAYS BULFORD RANGES 5 to 20 Inclusive. NON FIRING DAYS ON WARMINSTER RANGES 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27. NOTE: Due to unforeseen changes there is always a possibility that there could be firing on other of the days listed. This is particularly so now operational training is being conducted to meet many and varied exigencies. The public should be careful to check that Red Flags are not flying before they enter the range. It is the time of the year when we change late night firing times. From March through to October the Tue, Thurs and Sat night firing times will revert back to 2330hrs. HELICOPTER NIGHT FLYING : : Night flying normally takes place Mondays to Thursdays inclusive over parts of SPTA. Some aircraft will show no lights but all will operate under strict area control. AIR ACTIVITIES : Dates and timings given below are those listed at the time of printing but may be altered due to aircraft serviceability or weather conditions. AIRCRAFT TRIALS: Aircraft may conduct trials over Larkhill Range on each Wed and Fri from 1200 - 1700 hrs which could involve circuits to the East crossing the Avon Valley. ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 PARACHUTING. : Parachute dropping is scheduled to take place on EVERLEIGH and FOX COVERT DZs during normal working hours on most weekdays. Outside working hours and at weekends the dates and approximate times are: PARACHUTING 3 11 16 17 18 IMBER DZ (C130) FOX COVERT DZ (C130) 1900 – 2100 0100 – 0200 + 2200 – 2300 1800 – 17 0300 1700 – 18 0300 1800 – 19 0300 NIL NOTIFIED EVERLEIGH DZ (C130) 8 1800 - 2000 STRIP LANDINGS DEPTFORD DOWN (C130) 1 14 15 23 24 29 30 31 KEEVIL (C130/C17) 2300 – 2 0100 2000 – 15 0100 0100 – 0300 + 2000 – 16 0100 1900 – 24 0100 0300 – 0500 + 1700 – 1900 2300 – 30 0100 2200 – 31 0300 1900 – 2200 NIL NOTIFIED UPAVON (C130) NIL NOTIFIED FAST JET ACTIVITY (FGA) SPTA ‘W’ 15 1400 - 1600 SPTA ‘E’ NIL SPTA ‘C’ NIL 23rd – 31st INCLUSIVE – 3 CDO BDE MRX* HELICOPTERS/FASTJET/C130 ACTIVITY POSSIBLE IN ALL AREAS H24 DURING THE PERIOD MINISTRY OF DEFENCE – DTE SP (WEST) IMBER RANGES 1. Notice is given that only the roads from: a. Warminster to Gore Cross via Imber, and b. Bratton to Heytesbury via Imber will be open to the public from 12.00 hours (Mid Day) Friday 1st of August 2008 through to 18.00 hours (06.00pm) Sunday 17th August 2008 2. Please bear in mind that ONLY METALLED ROADS will be opened, all other tracks, stone tracks and Southern Range Road and IMBER VILLAGE remain closed (Out of Bounds) in accordance with the Imber Ranges Bylaws. Any movement off the aforesaid roads on the Imber Ranges is forbidden, trespassers are liable to prosecution. 3. Red Flags are only flown at the vedette post when live firing is taking place on the ranges. The absence of red flags does NOT imply that the roads are automatically opened to the public, times for which are notified in the Press and displayed on the entrance notice boards. 4. The roads identified above are not maintained to public road standards, if traversing the training area drivers should do so with extreme caution. Due to Operational Training Imber will be Closed over the August bank holiday COMPLAINTS MAY BE TELEPHONED THROUGH TO STONEHENGE (01980) 620819 AT ANY TIME ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 BUS SERVICES SERVICE 210 ENFORD TO DEVIZES THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS OUT RETURN Enford Bus Shelter Enford Corner 09:34 East Chisenbury Upavon Avon Square Upavon, Ship Inn Devizes Market Place 09:31 09:38 09:42 09:45 10:24 Devizes Market Place Upavon, Ship Inn Upavon Avon Square East Chisenbury Enford Corner 13:17 Enford Bus Shelter 12:30 13:07 1310 13:13 13:18 Please Note! Return Fares from Enford, East Chisenbury or Upavon to Devizes £6.00 Adult, £2.25 Child. With a valid Wiltshire Fare pass anyone over 60 can now travel FREE ! (instead of half-fare) on this service. Building Services Bricklayer & General Builder All Building Works undertaken Including Extensions, Garden Walls, Patios, Roof Repairs, Plastering Floor & Wall Tiling etc 01980 671078 Mobile No: 07719916854 ENFORD NEWSLETTER AGRICENTRE Now stocking Frontline for cats and dogs at an unrivalled price Excellent products at an excellent price from well-known horse wormers Electrical fencing Complete range of Briswim pool chemicals FREE HOME DELIVERY! Contact: Justin Young, A.M.T.R.A. 07850 184111 01722 320316 JULY 2008 WORRIED ABOUT INLAND REVENUE SELF-ASSESSMENT? Why not talk to a commercially-experienced Chartered Accountant? Local help is at hand. MERPEN ACCOUNTING Accountancy & Small Business Advisory Management *Hands-on help *No job too small *Even part-time, money-making hobbies *Initial discussions free of charge *Further work done professionally for probably the lowest fees around Alan Merrett FCA Eagle Lodge, East Chisenbury, Pewsey, SN9 6AQ Tel: 01980 671441 Pet Care Services Mobile Pet Grooming Pet Sitting Home Sitting Pet Taxi Dog Walking Warm Water Hydrobath Full Grooming Nail Clipping Established in February 2005and based from our own village of Enford, Comfy Critters aims to bring piece of mind to pet owners in our rural communities Mob: 07789 378413 Tel: 01980 670458 Avon Valley Chauffeur Service Airports & stations Business appointments Hotels & restaurants Hospitals & doctors Schools & colleges Special occasions Member of National Association of Pet Sitters RCM Plumbing & Heating • Kitchens • Heating systems • Competitive rates • General maintenance • Bathroom shower pumps • New and replacement bathrooms • New and replacement cylinders (vented and unvented) • Fully Insured 24 hour callout 01980 630094 [email protected] Tel: Russell McBride 07758 228 743 ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 VtÜÑxà VÄxtÇ e|v~ç YÄ|Çà Xáà DLLJ YÜ|xÇwÄç _ÉvtÄ fxÜä|vx VtÜÑxàvÄxtÇSuà|ÇàxÜÇxàAvÉÅ ZÜxtà UxwãçÇ CJJLL EDHKFJ Open for Lunch and Dinner every day Try our Quiz Night every Tuesday! Starts 9.30pm £1.00 entry per person (teams of up to 4) Great for Sunday Lunch A choice of Roast Sirloin of Beef, Leg of Lamb or Loin of Pork Plus Specials every Sunday Outside Catering can also be arranged on request Call Clare or Paul on 01980 670338 to book Email:[email protected] Full Menus on our website: ENFORD NEWSLETTER M NASH & P WILKINS ALL LANDSCAPING WORK UNDERTAKEN FENCING*PATIOS*PATHS*PONDS*BRICKWORK HEDGECUTTING*GARDEN CLEARANCE Tel: MIKE 01380 840767 Mobile:07977 950654 Tel: PAUL 01380 840763 07970 557002 Mobile: JULY 2008 CAN I HELP? CONSERVATORY CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING & GENERAL MAINTENANCE Using state of the art ladder systems I can reach every part of your conservatory. I also carry out normal window cleaning service and can turn my hand to most general maintenance tasks in the home and garden All work is guaranteed. For free quote and written estimate if requested Contact Peter 07875 238730 MODERN & TRADITIONALLY DESIGNED MEMORIALS ELSTON VETERINARY CLINIC ELSTON LANE, SHREWTON M J SLY Monumental Stonemason New Memorials, Additional Inscriptions Restorations, Free Home Visits Free Brochure Marlborough (01672) 516797 Email: [email protected] Website: Workshop & Showroom at Pelham Court, London Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire ROD SMITH The Garage Netheravon UNIPART CAR CARE CENTRE MOT Tests Car Repairs & Servicing Now able to service air conditioning units Batteries, Exhausts & Tyres at Competitive Prices Handy Gas Tel: Stonehenge (01980) 670348 Dr. Enid Frantilla, DVM MRCVS Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Providing high quality pet healthcare and a caring, friendly professional service HELPING YOU TO HELP YOUR PETS!! Consultations by appointment, Mon-Sat For appointments or enquiries, and 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 01980 621999 ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 DJ Landscaping No Job Too Big Or Small Just call us we do it all • • • • • • • • Lawn Mowing General Tidying Hedge Cutting Turfing Fencing Ponds Paths Brick Works • • • • • • • Leaf Collection Pruning Weeding Decking Patios Pergolas Driveways Free estimates, Hourly Rates Regular appointments are available Call the company you can trust Tel: 01980 846740 Mob: 07717 831907 “ 14 years in the area” ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 CHINA RESTORATION Specialist in Antiques & Figurines 24 Years Experience Workshops Arranged Throughout The Year Tel: 01672 851445 Web: FRED MONRO M. Tansley Arboricultural & Forestry Consultant Tech Cert (Arbor. A) Nat. Dip. (Forestry and Woodland Management) A Local Arboricultural and Forestry Professional Tree Condition Inspections, Surveys and Reports Woodland Surveys and Reports All Aspects of Tree Management Fully Independent, Qualified and Insured 01980 671 646 [email protected] Contemporary Interiors Bespoke carpentry Made-to-measure kitchens and furniture Affordable prices Free quotations Call: 07717 416423 Email:[email protected] Made-to-measure kitchens and furniture THE ENFORD NEWSLETTER For just a few pounds you can place an advertisement ********B J LONG******** in the Enford Newsletter. £15 per small square for 10 issues ( AKA BERTIE ) Live music from the 1950s 60s 70s FOR BOOKINGS 01980 670767 0772 4104106 E-Mail: [email protected] £30 per half page for 10 issues £5.00 per half page (1 issue) £10.00 per page (1 issue) Please contact Peggy Waterkeyn 01980 670418 ENFORD NEWSLETTER GRAHAM BUCKLAND SERVICES General building maintenance: plumbing, Carpentry, glazing, brickwork, etc Free quotes and reasonable rates ‘Man with a Van’ hire. Removals and House Clearance JULY 2008 Cape Cuisine ONLY THE BEST HOME-COOKED FOOD Weddings, Anniversaries, Parties. Hot or Cold Buffets Undertaken Tel: 01980 670870 or 07831 889 666 For Quotations Phone: 01980 590808 CLEAN LIVING You have probably seen our cleaning van around the village as we operate a Carpet & Upholstery cleaning companyCleanLiving. Some of you have already used our service and have been amazed at the results we achieved. Stain removal is our speciality. Steve is more than happy to help anyone with a cleaning problem on carpets & upholstery. Of course we cannot guarantee the removal of every stain, but we are confident that, with our specialist training, if we cannot remove it then no one else will either. As an introduction to our services we are offering to clean your hall & stairs FREE when you have your lounge carpet cleaned and Stain Protected. So call Vanessa my wife and business partner for your FREE survey. Tel: 01980 621621 PEST CONTROL SERVICE RABBITS, RATS, MOLES WASPS, SQUIRRELS BIRD PROOFING CALL NIGEL 01980 670804 07854 828904 GDB TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED Computer/IT support Small business and Home users Networking issues/installations PC Problems Tuition General IT advice/help Upgrades Data Recovery Service Support Options Call 01980 623052 or visit to see if we can help. GRAHAM C BROWN & SON Oil boiler maintenance A well-established, friendly, local company, operating within the Salisbury Plain area. 01980 622737 ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 OFTEC REGISTERED COMPANY 12A Pewsey Road, Upavon, Wiltshire, SN9 6DT Tel: 01980 630700 Mobile: 07717 574477 Domestic & Commercial Oil Tank Installers Friendly, Quick & Efficient Service Please Phone Paul for Free Quotes & Advice Competitive Prices ENFORD NEWSLETTER AEROBICS CLASSES Phoenix Hall, Netheravon Monday 6.30pm Aerobics Thursday 6.30pm Fitness Yoga £3.50 per class or £6 for both in same week For more information about classes or details about personal training please call Selaine on 07801 427358 JULY 2008 TIM BUCKLAND BOILER MAINTENANCE FOR SERVICE AND BREAKDOWNS Friendly and efficient service Wide stock of boiler spares in stock VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES Also AGAs and RAYBURNs serviced Tel: 01980 625846 All standards welcome. Please bring water and a towel with you CAROL G DAYTON ITEC MGPP IIHHT T.A.Th Massage Therapist Indian Head Massage Reflexology Skenar Therapy Reiki Hopi Ear Candles Injury Treatment Waxing and Sugaring For further information please call: 01980 653151 or 07787 513563 Whether it’s a dazzling new colour, new textured or classic haircut, Louise and Stacie look forward to helping you achieve your stunning new look. Come along for your free consultation. Appointments not always required. Tina’s Hairdressers RGV ENGINEERING (NETHERAVON) Ltd HIGH STREET NETHERAVON 01980 670667 High Street, Netheravon Local family business established over 30 years Open – Tuesday 9-5.30, Wednesday 9-2, Thursday 1-7, Friday 9-6, Saturday 9.00-2 Closed – Sunday and Monday SPECIALISTS IN PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECRICAL BOILER SERVICE AND COMMISSIONING Tel: 01980 670628 CORGI * OFTEC * NICEIC * ECA ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 VILLAGE COMMITTEES PARISH COUNCIL Chairman Vice Chairman Parish Clerk Councillors VILLAGE HALL Ken Monk Tessa Manser Bill Vergette Stan Bagwell Norman Beardsley Sara Everett Michael Fay Ann Merrett Rosie Taylor Jane Young Frank Horsford Adrian Orr 670540 670605 670132 670154 670860 670475 670553 671231 671078 670532 Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer Secretary Parish Council Rep Gun Club Rep Football Club Rep PCC Rep Newsletter Rep Booking Officer Property Officer Grounds Officer Judy D’Arcy-Irvine Rob Coulthard Alan Merrett Jeni Scott Dalgleish Jane Young Paul Goodship Julian Lee Sarah Campbell Jacqui Elkins Judy D’Arcy-Irvine David Spencer Hamish Scott Dalgleish CHISENBURY AND ENFORD SHOW PARISH HALL Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer Secretary Chairman Treasurer Colin Pearse Jacqui Elkins Margaret Young Katrina Knight NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE THE VICAR FOOTBALL CLUB Chairman Secretary Treasurer 1st Team Manager 2nd Team Manager Julian Le Julian Lee Ollie Stagg Julian Lee Ian Lawes Rev Colin Fox The Vicarage, Netheravon 01980 670326 PAROCHIAL PARISH COUNCIL Church Wardens Treasurer Secretary Council Members: In abeyance Michael Hadfield John Poole Warren Jonathan Walsh Sue Poole-Warren Sarah Campbell Judy D’Arcy-Irvine Bob Hastie Frank Horsford John Manser Alan Merrett Henry Middleton Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Advertising Tanya Becker Linda Mundy Claire Burge Linda Mundy Peggy Waterkeyn Jacqui Elkins Anne Houghton JaneYoung Sylvia Latham Honorary Member Gay Monk SCHOOL GOVERNORS Chairman Clerk Enford Rep Colin Cruikshanks Sally Jones Andrew Marx NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH COORDINATORS Area Co-ordinator - Steve Becker ([email protected]) Coombe Lane East (30-45) Coombe Lane West (1-17) & Fifield Coombe New Town Enford South (LongStreet) Enford Central (Enford Hill & Hill Farm Road) New Buildings Compton West Chisenbury Jo Crossland Angie Taylor Terry Mundy Ednah Beardsley Peggy Waterkeyn Not Filled Venessa Murray Hill Sarah Campbell Stan Bagwell Bruce & Lucy Waight Derek Ford Rod Mason East Chisenbury (North) East Chisenbury (Central) East Chisenbury (South) Enford North & Littlecott) Grants Road (North) (14-29) Paddocks Close Water Lane (East) (East from Field View) Water Lane (West) (1-10) Grant's Road (South) (1-13, 30-33) Stephen Calton Vicky Orr Barry Chamberlain Not Filled Ian Teasdale Colin Pearse Lyn Riche John Powell Not Filled ENFORD NEWSLETTER JULY 2008 For Your Diary July 2008 1st Tuesday Quiz, The Swan Inn, 9.30pm 2nd Wednesday Book Club – Red Lion, 8.00pm 3rd Thursday Black Bin 4th Friday 5th Saturday Enford Football 200 Club Draw 6th Sunday Benefice Service, 1030am, Netheravon 7th Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday Quiz, The Swan Inn, 9.30pm 16th Wednesday AGM & Newsletter Meeting, 7.30pm, 12 Coombe Lane 17th Thursday Black Bin 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th Sunday 21st Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Sunday 28th Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st Thursday Good Companions Outing to Christchurch/Quiz, The Swan Inn, 9.30pm Recycling Holy Communion,9.00am Family Communion, 1030am Quiz, The Swan Inn, 9.30pm Recycling Evensong, 6.00pm Quiz, The Swan Inn, 9.30pm