a cappella - Faith Builders Educational Programs
a cappella - Faith Builders Educational Programs
FA I T H BU IL DE R S C HOR A L E presents A CAPPELL A CHRISTMAS CANTATA A CHRISTMAS CONCERT Sunday, December 13, 2015, 4:00 p.m. First Fruits (a song of dedication).........................................................George Herbert (1593-1633) Emmanuel...........................................................................................................Isaiah 7:14, 9:16; Matthew 1:22, 23 Philippians 2:5-7 Adapted from Galuppi’s Adagio in D Lord, my first fruits present themselves to Thee; Yet not mine neither: for from Thee they came, And must return. Accept of them and me. The Lord Himself will give a sign: Behold, a Virgin will conceive Behold a Virgin will bear a Son For Thou, God Almighty, emptied of Yourself. In the form of a servant, born in human likeness, You emptied of Yourself. May the same mind be in me. And they will call his name Emmanuel, And they will call His name Jesus, He will save His people from their sin. Lord, my first fruits present themselves to Thee; Yet not mine neither: for from Thee they came, And must return. Accept of them and me. And make us strive, who shall sing best Thy name. Lord, my first fruits present themselves to Thee. Prayer of Dedication, John Coblentz (audience standing) Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Almighty God with us. For unto us a Child is born, For unto us a Son is given, The government will be upon His shoulder. refrain His name shall be known as Wonderful, Almighty God and and the Counselor, Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father. Lord, we gather to know Your coming among us. Make us beholders of Your light. Grant to us the mind of Christ, emptied of ourselves, of the day’s hectic scurry, of the season’s mindless bustle. We offer our eyes for seeing and our ears for hearing the glory of your appearing. Let us ponder with Mary the beauty of Your incarnation. Let us rise with Joseph, and shake off the paralysis of fear. Let us proclaim with the prophets the great hope of Emmanuel, Our almighty God with us. May our hearts make room for You. May we hear with joy the news of the angels: The great “Peace on Earth” is born for all. Lord, we gather to celebrate your coming among us. Grant us the mind of Christ. And make us both beholders and bearers of Y our light. Behold, a Great Light....................................................................................................Isaiah 9:2 (c. 740 BC) O people, walking in darkness, Behold, a great light has dawned upon you. O people, dwelling in shadow, Behold, a great light has dawned upon you. Break Forth, O Beautiful Light............................................................................. Johann Rist (1641) Break forth, O beautiful light and usher in the glorious morning. Break forth, O heavenly light, let all darkness flee away. O Shepherds, do not fear, for the angels bring great news of joy! O Shepherds, do not fear, for the Light of the world has come. The Child, now weak in infancy, our confidence and joy shall be For the Light of the world has come. The power of Satan breaking, our peace eternal making. Break forth, O beautiful Light. Amen. 2 3 Mary Treasured all These Things...................................................................... Luke 1,2; Isaiah 40 No Room.............................................................. Luke 2:7, Matthew 2:28, Phillipians 2:6, II Corinthians 8:9 One day the Lord sent an angel to a virgin in Galilee. “Greetings to you, highly favoured one” - what kind of sign could this be? The angel declared, “Do not be afraid, you will give birth to a Son.” Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. No room, no room in the inn. Mary laid her Baby in a manger. No room, no room in the inn. Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the countryside. Elizabeth met Mary at the door with her baby leaping inside. “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the Child you will bear.” Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. Joseph’s Dream (part one)....................................................................................................... Matthew 1:20 Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid. Take Mary as your wife - do not be afraid the Child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Program Note Into the narrative of heavenly plans and angelic visitations breaks a scene that reminds us that the work of God is accomplished in a broken world, a world ruled by kings who have their own agendas and programs. The power of Rome appears, at this moment, to infringe on the advent of Christ. Caesar Augustus issues a decree: Unconcerned for the families he uproots, the lives he disturbs, he sends forth his command, and unwittingly plays his part in the coming of the Christ. In this song, hear the chaos and the confusion of the Judea into which Christ was born. Caesar Augustus........................................................................................................................................ Luke 2:1-4 Caesar Augustus issued a decree. Enrollment to be taken of the Roman world. Everyone went to their home town, everyone went to be taxed. Joseph went up from the town of Nazareth to Judea. Foxes have holes, birds have their nest. Where does the Son of God lay His head? Though He was rich, He became poor. Now by His poverty we are wealthy. No room, no room in the inn. Mary laid her Baby in a manger. No room, no room in the inn. Program Note When we hear the “No Room” of the Christmas story, we so quickly assume that, had we been there, we would have made room. We would not have been wrapped so deeply in the minutiae of our own lives, the trivial pursuits of pleasures and greed. The next song gives us an opportunity to reflect on our human weaknesses in light of this heavenly presence. It calls us to honesty–to acknowledge that often we are caught unaware, and that the glorious relief of Christ among us surprises us over and over again. The Grief of Pleasure ...................................................................................... George Herbert (1593-1633) After all pleasures as I rid one day, My horse and I, both tired, body and mind, With full cry of affections, quite astray; I took up the next inn I could find. There when I came, whom found I but my dear, My dearest Lord, expecting till the grief Of pleasures brought me to Him, ready there To be all passengers’ most sweet relief? Oh Thou, whose glorious, yet contracted light, Wrapt in night’s mantle, stole into a manger; Since my dark soul and brutish is Thy right, To man of all beasts be not Thou a stranger: Furnish and deck my soul, that Thou mayst have A better lodging, than a rack, or grave. 4 5 Tidings of Joy ........................................................................................................................................... Luke 2:8-18 There’s a Cry Over Bethlehem................................................................................... Matthew 2:13-18 Shepherds in the field near by watching o’er their flocks by night Lo, the angel of the Lord appeared before them “Fear not, I bring you news of great, great joy! Lo, born for you this day is Christ the Lord.” There’s a cry over Bethlehem, there’s a wail of sorrow below. There’s a cry over Bethlehem, all the baby boys have been destroyed. Suddenly, up above, breaking forth, praising God “Glory to God, all glory to God in the highest!” Glory to God, tidings of joy. Peace on the earth, good will to all. Glory to God, tidings of joy. Peace on the earth, tidings of great joy! Joy unto you is born this day the long awaited Savior. Joy unto you is born this day, our prophesied Messiah. Hope of the world, our Prince of Peace, Christ our Redeemer. Tidings of joy! Glory to God, tidings of joy. Go to the manger. Program Note The entrance of Herod into the Christmas narrative is always appalling. His is not the disinterested superpower of Rome, but the malevolent face of evil. In a dream came a warning, “Stay away from Herod the Great.” So the Magi travelled home the other way, and the news he wanted came too late. Then the angel spoke to Joseph, “Take the Child with Mary and hide.” So the family hurried down to Egypt and remained secluded for awhile. Herod waited for the messengers but they never would return. In a rage he gave an order, “Kill all the baby boys two years and under!” There’s a cry over Bethlehem, there’s a wail of sorrow below. There’s a cry over Bethlehem, all the baby boys have been destroyed. Program Note Joseph Made a Treasure Box is admittedly imaginative. Placed here in the cantata, the song invites us to reflect on the tragedy in Bethlehem and what it means in the story of Jesus. In this song, Joseph the carpenter treasures his wife and her child, building a box to hold the gifts of the wise men. These gifts poignantly remind us that this small child is truly the Son of God, sharing our humanity. Joseph Made a Treasure Box................................................................................................ Matthew 2:11 Herod the Ruler........................................................................................................... Matthew 2:3-8, Micah 5:2 Herod, the Ruler, said to the Magi, “Come back this way and tell me where to find Him. Carefully look for the Baby. Carefully search for the Child.” For so it has been written by the ancient prophet, so it has been written many years ago. “O, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, from out of you will come a Counselor.” Joseph’s Dream (part two) ............................................................................................ Matthew 2:13, 21 Joseph, son of David, awake from your slumber. Three magi came to worship, bringing precious treasure. Now Herod brings grave danger. Make haste. Take Mary and the Baby and flee to Egypt. 6 Joseph made a treasure box from the wood of an olive tree; crafted it so tenderly and gave it to his wife, Mary. Mary took that treasure box and laid it upon her knee. “Here, within my treasure box, I will keep our treasures three” Golden bracelet for His tiny arm - symbol of royalty. Fairest Lord Jesus, make me pure, I long to worship Thee. Frankincense to make the air smell sweet - symbol of deity. All of our praise rises up to Thee, Holy Nativity. Bitter myrrh to use in time of death - curse of humanity. Lord, I will praise Thee with every breath - for all eternity. Joseph made a treasure box from the wood of an olive tree. 7 Little Lamb..............................................................................................................................William Blake (c. 1789) Behold, a Great Light (reprise).................................................... Isaiah 9:2 (c. 740 BC), Luke 2:14 Little Lamb who made thee? Do you know who made thee? Gave thee life and bid thee feed. By the stream and o’er the mead; Gave thee clothing of delight, Softest clothing wooly bright; Gave thee such a tender voice, Making all the vales rejoice! Little Lamb who made thee? O people, comfort to all. O people, peace and goodwill. O people, lift up your eyes. O people, sing and rejoice. Behold, a great, great light has dawned upon you. Little Lamb I’ll tell thee. Little Lamb I’ll tell thee. He is called by thy name, For he calls himself a Lamb: He is meek and he is mild; He became a little child: I a child and thou a lamb, We are called by his name. Little Lamb God bless thee. The Response, John Coblentz The audience, standing, reads the italicized text. DISMISSAL Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world. Behold him, He comes gentle among us, For He is meek and lowly of heart, and in Him our souls find rest. Behold him, He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, He was dumb before the shearers, and He opened not his mouth. By his stripes we are healed, and through Him our iniquities are pardoned. Behold the Lamb of God, He has risen; He has conquered death; He has become the propitiation for our sins. He has gone up on high, and now He gives grace to all. Behold the Lamb! We walk in His presence. We rejoice in His triumph. We dwell in His glorious light! 8 9 Faith Builders Chorale Soprano Hannah Airulla, Perkins, OK Frieda Kuepfer, Hutchinson, KS Elaine Martin, New Paris, IN Hannah Miller, Nickerson, KS Shavonn Miller, McConnelsville, OH Andrea Nisly, Hutchinson, KS Melissa Shantz, Linwood, ON Kathryn Williamson, Liberty, SC Tenor Tristan Eshleman, Richland, PA Kenneth Kauffman, Huntsville, AR Nelson Martin, Jerome, ID Obadiah Martin, Mifflin, PA Timothy Shenk, Partridge, KS David Yoder, Dover, DE James Yoder, Mifflinburg, PA Braden Zimmerman, Wakarusa, IN Alto Sarah Mannhardt, Guilford, NY Carla Smoker, Lititz, PA Rosalie Snyder, Ephrata, PA Janice Wittmer, Odon, IN Renita Zook, Burgettstown, PA Bass Jordan Lehman, Guys Mills, PA Christopher Miller, McConnelsville, OH Landon Miller, Hillsville, VA Stuart Mullet, Guys Mills, PA Matthew Nisly, Hutchinson, KS Gary Reimer, Spanish Lookout, Belize Peter Reimer, Spanish Lookout, Belize Joseph Shantz, Linwood, ON Austin Shenk, York, PA Guest Vocalists Soprano Debbie Mann, Moro, IL Rosemary Lebold, Millbank, ON Emily Troyer, Mogadore, OH Alto Abigail Nolt, Ephrata, PA Kristin Nolt, Ephrata, PA Kyla Hostetler, Malta, OH Tenor Nathan Good, South Boston, VA Bass David Gingerich, Uniontown, OH Patrick Mullet, Middlefield, OH Jeremy Yoder, Leetonia, OH Director Brandon Mullet Composer and Writer Larry Nickel Community Choir Soprano Courtney Brubaker, Guys Mills, PA Piper Burdge, Guys Mills, PA April Coblentz, Guys Mills, PA Joy Lehman, Meadville, PA Marie Mullet, Guys Mills, PA Julia Yoder, Guys Mills, PA Anna Zehr, Guys Mills, PA Tenor Antoine Brubaker, Guys Mills, PA Marcus Gingerich, Guys Mills, PA Stephe Russell, Guys Mills, PA Preston Yoder, Mattawana, PA Bass Conrad Brubaker, Cambridge Springs, PA Travis Brubaker, Guys Mills, PA Matthew Gingerich, Guys Mills, PA Justin Kauffman, Guys Mills, PA Kyle Lehman, Meadville, PA Christopher Mullet, Guys Mills, PA Eldon Ruth, Cambridge Springs, PA Matthew Weaver, Cochranton, PA Alto Emily Byler, Guys Mills, PA Angela Crites, Guys Mills, PA Abigail Miller, Guys Mills, PA Cathy Miller, Guys Mills, PA Joanna Yoder, Meadville, PA Kathryn Yoder, Mattawana, PA Dr. Larry Nickel is an active musician: singing, directing, and writing choral music. Larry was a music teacher for 25 years. He co-founded the West Coast Mennonite Chamber Choir in 1990. This choir recorded 13 CDs, including 120 of Larry’s compositions. He also owns Canada’s #1 choral music publishing company–Cypress Choral Music–and works together with over 100 composers across the country. Larry’s doctoral thesis, Requiem for Peace, has been performed twelve times over the past year in Sweden, Germany, Greece, Calgary, and Vancouver–and in Chicago next May with Dr. Julia Davids directing the full symphony version. The large work for chorus, orchestra and soloists, in thirteen languages, makes an earnest plea for forgiveness and reconciliation. “In 1989 I nearly died from viral encephalitis, emerging from a coma after fifteen days. I had to learn how to walk and talk again. Few people survive the rare illness and those who do are often severely brain-damaged. During my long convalescence I wrote and arranged a collection of choral music entitled “Songs My Father Taught Me,” which was recorded by the West Coast Mennonite Chamber Choir. My Mom and Dad used to sing songs while we drove to the Okanagan Lake in July, when I was nine years old. My three younger brothers and I sang along. I believe in the wonders of God and have experienced much love and grace in my life. Writing music is a way for me to worship and give back to others.” Larry and Edna live by the sea wall in Vancouver, close to their children and grandchildren. 10 11 Special Thanks to Concert Coordinator Katrina Weaver Program Notes and Prayers Piper Burdge Program Production Kyle Stoltzfus Décor & Staging Katrina Weaver, Darlene Albertson, and Anita Yoder Sound Kevin Shenk Ushers Dennis Yoder, Gerald Miller, John Mark Kuhns, Matthew Mast Program Attendants Darlene Albertson, Irene Bontrager, Anita Yoder, Tresa Yoder Serving Cider Glendon and Starla Strickler, John and Mary Nisley Thanks to Kauffman Fruit Farms for donating the cider.