3-30-2016 - Brookfield Academy
3-30-2016 - Brookfield Academy
BROOKFIELD ACADEMY News 3462 North Brookfield Road • Brookfield, WI 53045 brookfieldacademy.org Volume N, Number 24 WEEKLY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, March 30 •Upper School Winter Sports Awards 6:30 pm, Patriots Hall FRIDAY, April 1 •Treasures of the Milwaukee Art Museum Primary School and Lower School 11 – 11:50 am, Patriots Hall Middle School and Upper School 2:20 – 3:10 pm, Patriots Hall •Upper School Parents and Students: Registration deadline/lock in current price for trip to France, Spring Break 2017 (see Upper School section) WEDNESDAY, April 6 •Parents: Levels 2 – 5 Lower School Seminar 6 – 8 pm, Liberty Hall Library THURSDAY, April 7 •Level 2, field trip to Cave of the Mounds FRIDAY, April 8 •Ben Franklin visits Level 1 1:30 pm, Constitution Hall •Middle School Honor Roll Assembly 8:15 am, Freedom Hall Gym •Carroll University visits Patriots Hall 11:30 am, College Room •Parents: RSVP for Evening With Ron Lieber (see All School section) •Upper School Student Art Exhibit 6 – 8 pm, Patriots Hall Atrium HHHHH Open House Sunday April 17, 1 - 4 pm Share the date with family, friends, and neighbors. We would love to meet them and tell them about BA! Wednesday, March 30, 2016 5 STAR MESSAGE Encouraging Dreams, Achieving Excellence! “…every conversation about money is also about values. Allowance is also about patience. Giving is about generosity. Work is about perseverance. Negotiating wants and needs and the difference between the two has a lot to do with thrift and prudence. And running through all these conversations is a desire for kids to have perspective – to know that they may have more than most people in the world but will probably never have more than every one of their peers. And why there is no shame in having more or having less, as long as you’re grateful for what you have, share it generously with others, and spend it wisely on the things that make you happiest. It’s true for our kids, but it’s true for us, too.” ~Ron Lieber, Personal Finance Columnist, New York Times Speaking at BA, Friday, April 8 (see below) HHHHH ALL SCHOOL H Congratulations! Twenty-four BA students competed in the American Math Contest (AMC). BA Math Club came out strong with Alex Zhu earning the highest score in the AMC 12 followed by Jason Tan in second and Heidi Chen, Rajiv Kodali, and Leah Wang in a tie for third place. The AMC 10 was hotly contested with Yuran Liu scoring first, Ravi Kodali scoring second, and Andy Liu, the only Middle School participant, scoring third. H Congratulations! Ryan Beckley, Arushi Dhingra, Christian Hong, and Andy Liu (Level 8), Daniel Perelman (Level 7), and Ronit Gupta (Level 6) participated in the State MATHCOUNTS meet in Madison. The mathletes represented themselves and BA very well. Andy made BA history by participating in the “Countdown Round” (the final speed round used to rank the top 10 students), finishing third in Wisconsin and advancing to National level competition! Only four students from each state qualify for "Nationals" in Washington, DC in May. Good luck Andy! H Host families needed for international students for 2016-17. A stipend is given to all international host families. Contact [email protected]. H Treasures of the Milwaukee Art Museum, Friday, April 1, Patriots Hall. Chief Educator at the Milwaukee Art Museum, Barbara Brown Lee, has shared her enthusiasm for the arts with patrons for over 50 years. Learn the history, stories, and background of her favorite works of art in the museum’s collection. Primary School and Lower School: 11 – 11:50 am; Middle School and Upper School: 2:20 – 3:10 pm. Sponsored by BA Parents, Brian and April McCarty. H Upper School Student Art Exhibit, Friday, April 8, 6 - 8 pm, Patriots Hall Atrium. H Parents ~ An Evening With Ron Lieber: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money. Don’t miss this special event with husband, father, New York Times personal finance columnist, and best-selling author of The Opposite of Spoiled. Bring the toughest question your child has ever asked about money and stories of your own efforts to raise grounded young kids who know how to save, splurge, and give in the most mature and meaningful ways. Tuesday, April 12, 7 pm, Patriots Hall Upper School. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing. No cost to attend; reserve your seats at brookfieldacademy.org by Friday, April 8. Sponsored by BA Parents, Will and Kate Schoyer. Open House, Sunday, April 17, 1 - 4 pm. Share the date with family, friends, and neighbors. We would love to meet them and tell them about BA! A postcard is enclosed with this newsletter; yard signs are available in each building lobby. H Admission Screening for 2016-17, Saturday, April 30, for K4 - Grade 12 applicants. Please contact Admissions to schedule a morning appointment. H Early Payment Discount! BA offers a discount when the 2016-17 tuition is paid in full by May 1. See your invoice for the amount to pay or contact the Business Office with questions. H Brookfield Academy is planning on hosting a float in the Elm Grove Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 30. Any families interested in being part of this event please contact [email protected]. H BA’s Varsity Baseball Team will host Fond du Lac St. Mary’s Springs at Miller Park on Monday, May 9! Save the date. More information to come. UPPER SCHOOL H Upper School Winter Sports Awards, Wednesday, March 30, 6:30 pm, Patriots Hall. H Parents of Sophomores: Please return the permission slip for a trip to Lake Forest College and Northwestern University on Wednesday, April 20, to expose sophomores to a large and small campus and introduce them to the Admissions Office process. H Upper School Parents and Students: Opportunity to travel to France during Spring Break 2017! We will visit Paris, Chartres, Versailles, the Loire Valley, Mont St. Michel, St. Malo, Normandy, and the D-Day Beaches. Registration deadline to lock in the current price is Friday, April 1. Contact [email protected] for information. H Carroll University, Waukesha, Friday, April 8, 11:30 am, College Room. H University of Dallas, Dallas, TX, Wednesday, April 13, 11:30 am -12:30 pm, College Room. H Michigan Technologic University, Houghton, MI, Wednesday, April 13, 11:30 am, College Room. MIDDLE SCHOOL Honor Roll Assembly, Friday, April 8, 8:15 am, Freedom Hall Gym. Level 8 students will be receiving Upper School course request forms this week for the 2016-17 school year. A Transition Coffee for Level 8 Parents will be held in Patriots Hall, Monday, April 11, 8:30 am, to answer any scheduling questions and discuss the transition to the US. Students will go to Patriots Hall after school with Mr. Ricci on Wednesday, April 13, to meet with their new US advisors and make initial course selections. Parents are invited, but not required to attend. Course selection forms can also be returned directly to the MS or US offices. Parents will receive course recommendations from Level 8 teachers and have an opportunity to approve course requests before schedules are completed. Level 6 and Level 7 students will make course selections for the 2016-17 school year by Monday, April 25, after meeting with teachers in advisory sessions for an overview of the selection process and the languages and electives offered. A course selection form is being mailed home for parent/student discussion and signature. Parents with questions, contact any teacher, your child’s advisor, or Mr. Ricci. PRIMARY SCHOOL & LOWER SCHOOL Level 5 parents: Students will make course selections for the 2016-17 school year by Monday, April 25, after receiving an overview of classes and electives. A course selection form will be mailed home this week for parent/student discussion and signature. Parents with questions, please contact your child’s teacher, Mrs. Pryor, or Mr. Ricci. Parents: Levels 2 – 5 ~ Lower School Seminar, Wednesday, April 6, 6 – 8 pm, Liberty Hall Library. Enjoy presentations focusing on important lessons for BA scholars. Be inspired by our own Lower School master teachers. Invite a friend! Flyer enclosed. Level 2, field trip to Cave of the Mounds, Thursday, April 7. Ben Franklin visits Level 1, Friday, April 8, at 1:30 pm. Level 5 parents: Transitioning to Middle School ~ What to expect in Level 6, Thursday, April 14, Freedom Hall Library. ADVANCEMENT/ VOLUNTEER NEWS Thank You Special thanks to the volunteers who helped complete our Dinner Auction invitation stuffing! Please keep an eye out for your invitation and register online! Happy Notes Let Auction volunteers deliver your messages of congratulations, good luck, and kindness to BA students, teachers, staff, and coaches. Happy Notes are $25 each and include a voucher for one scoop of frozen custard from Culver’s! Send one to someone you love or appreciate today. All proceeds benefit the Brookfield Academy “Big Knight Out.” Division Projects The Dinner Auction is excited to announce a new way for your donation dollars to directly impact Brookfield Academy scholars: Division Projects. This year, in place of Level Baskets, we have identified a specific need in each division. Please donate to one or more of the Division Projects and watch them come to life! Contributions received over the Division Project goals will go toward the Auction’s total proceeds. Five Star Raffle The Five Star Raffle is back, and this could be your year to take home the $5,000 Grand Prize! Enter to win one of three cash prizes - $5,000, $1,500, $500. Tickets are $20 each or 6 for $100. Purchase 6 tickets before March 11 and get a 7th ticket FREE! Auction committee volunteers will fill out the 7th ticket for you. Winners will be drawn on May 7 at the Dinner Auction. You do not need to be present to win (but it is a lot more fun if you are!). Provide your name and phone number on the small end of the ticket. Tear tickets where perforated - you keep the large section. Return the small sections of the tickets, along with your payment, to any school office in the envelope provided. If you have any questions, or if you would like additional tickets, please contact kelly. [email protected]. Thank you and good luck!
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