The Happy Clown
The Happy Clown
KUTI 29 Syksy/Autumn 2013 ISSN 1796-587X © Tekijät/Artists Painos/Print-run: 7000 Painopaikka/ Print: Satakunnan painotuote Oy Taitto/Layout: Benjamin Bergman, Pauliina Mäkelä Kansi/Cover: Heta Bilaletdin Toimitus/Editorial: Kutikuti Vastaava PT/Editor-in-Chief: Sami Aho Tekijät/Artists: Sami Aho, Robert Deutsch, Celine De Cadt, Roope Eronen, Marcos Farrajota, Petriina Koivunen, Søren Mosdal, Tommi Ollikainen, Aapo Rapi, Alessandro Ripane, Heikki Rönkkö, Kari Sihvonen Julkaisija/Publisher: Kutikuti Mainokset/Ads: [email protected] Kontakti/ Contact: [email protected] Celine De Cadt 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 5. 7. In the first part of the article I focused primarily on the manipulation of images - comics jams, collages and “detournement” now I’ll try to show a second type of “comix remix”, focused on the potential to “mix” exclusively narrative units such as panels or strips. If in the first group of examples of “Comix remix”, the crux was the “creation” directed by an artist, almost without intervention of others, in the next group of examples, comics are offered like an open-source in which the authors lose control over their creation though, without extremism as in music. In comics there aren’t simple electronic tools to make remixes as in the musical area; just pick two CDs like Project Bicycle (Ache Records, 2006) or Bipolar EP (Raging Planet, 2006) of [f.e.v.e.r.], both have an audio track with all the separated sounds of the original music in order to be mixed by someone else who knows how to use a software as the Fruityloops. Building stories H ence, the more usual way of “losing control” is put in the form of reading the work, providing narrative games in the form of book, objects or even installations in exhibitions. In 2008, Jucifer participated in a project in which she had to use “PostIts” (1) to make original comics, later glued on a wall in a gallery. While most of the other participants created linear stories in these square adhesives, Jucifer, besides, having entitled her work Post shit (a feat in itself, as it distinguished her from “square” authors), took advantage of the fact that the square shape of a “post-it” allowed the panels to be autonomous, placed anywhere and, as such, aligned randomly, as the author or the visitors wanted to! Although, this opportunity for visitors to be able to change the order of the “post-its” hadn’t been given during the exhibition, unfortunately, the exhibition was never repeated, in order to have a new “remix”. Later, a self-published zine of this work was made, again without the possibility to mix the images as it appeared in the form of a stapled zine. The second volume of the Promessas de Amor a Desconhecidos Enquanto Espero o Fim do Mundo (2011) by Brazilian Pedro Franz is a package with several laminated sheets of paper that allows you to mix everything at random and to be read as the reader wishes to. The same happens with the box Building Stories (Pantheon, 2012) by the “crying baby” Chris Ware. It consists of 14 publications of quite different sizes, that allow you to read a story like a puzzle (2). The various phases of the life of these characters are butchered in those 14 publications, this means, none of these books / newspapers / pamphlets / brochures has a “full story”; everything is done in several random episodes, with the typical Ware’s depressing existentialism. This existential emptiness and the tiny lettering, didn’t captivate me to read it all until the “end”. Did I miss anything? There are also books bound by rings with their pages cut into two or three parts, especially in the field of children’s illustration like the fabulous Animalário Universal del Professor Revilod (2003) by the Mexicans Javier Sáez Castán and Miguel Murugarren. In comics, it is not common but you can find this kind of experiences here and there, like Bio Building 421 (Lök; 2012), which brings together several authors of an Italian collective where one can mix it’s strips - three per page - to create several different stories. In order to be a narrative sequence, the existence of two characters and a shelf to assemble it were established. As a punchline, there’s a final sentence: who else can love you, love less. Literally as “games”, we find some objects released by OuBaPo, like Le Coquetèle (L’Association; 2002) of Anne Baraou and Sardon, a “comic of three unordered dices.” Before that, Baraou had made another identical comic, Après tous tans pis (Hors Gambit; 1991) with drawings of Corinne Chalmeau. Both are boxes with three dices, each face of the dice has a panel. The “reader-player” has to throw the dices randomly, and then join them together resulting in a readable sequence emulating a comics strip; it is possible to obtain 216 hypotheses of reading. There is also the board ScrOUBAbles (2005) that instead of normal Scramble game letters has panels to create short stories. And, DoMiPo (2009) is a domino, only instead of the numbers on the pieces we have comics panels. In Slovenia, the team of the Stripburger made Stripple (2008) with the same assumptions but, this time with coasters! The idea is to put the coasters on a table and look for interesting narrative combinations with Matej of Cecco, Sasa Kerkos, Matej Lavrencic, Marko Kociper, Jakob Klemencic and Andrej Stular comics - each author made six panels and each panel is equivalent to a coaster. In the indications of this object, the organization offered a prize to the best combination and, also states that the “masters” of this game, at some point, could use the coasters for what they are really fit for: to place under glasses and bottles! If you’re a “bar fly” and a “comix nerd”, this is your game! by Marcos Farrajota Synthesis of all these experiences is Roope Eronen’s work, Ghost Story, a comic published in the anthology Glömp X (Huuda Huuda; 2009) and a part of an installation in the exhibition with the same name. It is a wooden structure consisting of four parallelepipeds, each parallelepiped has four strips of painted comics on the longest faces and, when rotated with a handle (set aside in each parallelepiped), they change the meaning of the “page”. That is, with the help of the object we obtain a comics “page” of four spinning strips. It was an interactive piece in the exhibition so that the public could read the many different possibilities of storytelling. In the book, the chance to recreate these parallelepipeds is offered by cutting the pages - each page has four strips of each parallelepiped. If the Stripple affected the player, they may cut directly in to the book, damaging a beautiful experimental comic book! Find the 7 differences I n September 2003, I had the opportunity to see Max Andersson and Lars Sjunnesson, two Swedes authors living in Berlin, working in the last chapter of their Bosnian Flat Dog. It was curious to observe the time they spent arguing with each other, (or else, the time seemed huge because I don’t understand a word of Swedish), all due to a detail of a panel. After a consensus on the story and paging, the authors drew over each ones’ drawings. An outlined image was inked from one or the other. Even, after this action one of the authors didn’t know whether the other was going to respect the proposed design or if he was going to add more ink to make contrast, to change the form or detail, textures, etc… The main purpose was to present a coherent comic and you couldn’t figure out who drew what, not even by the authors themselves. At some point, they even thought the comic could be made by a “third author”. This is an example of the recent history of the comics where the unthinkable can come to light: author duos who write and draw together, without any separation of tasks typical of industrial production comics, in which experts’ positions like writers, pencilers, inkers, letterers, colourists, etc... were created to deliver the publication on time for the deadline. In Bosnian Flat Dog, as in “comix-jams”, the work is beyond the absolute control of the creators, though the process is done by the artists themselves. The difference of “jamming” is that here we find a “fusion” of entities while in “jams”, panel to panel, individual styles of each participant are evident. Despite of mixing two quite different mediums, photography and drawing, it is worth to mention another “fusion” which is Le Photographe (3 volumes, Dupuis; 2003-06). Comics author Emamnuel Guibert uses photographer Didier Lefèvre’s (1957-2007) contact proof sheets to tell Lefèvre’s adventures in his first mission with Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan, in 1986. The comics are used in these albums as “glue” between the various temporal ellipses of photographs or groups of photographs. The comics tell what is not seen between shots. Undeservedly forgotten is the work of the “third author”, which unlike Bosnian Flat Dog, is actually a person! Frédéric Lemercier made the design of the composition of the book’s pages, a designer’s work that set up a functional way to the work. We know very little what was specifically his work in the arrangement of pictures, panels, colours, etc... but, this reminds us how many music producers seem to be “designers”, manipulating sounds and “gluing” them together to create a shape. Hang the DJ! O ne of the first cases of “narrative DJing” is Ed, The Happy Clown by Chester Brown. It’s one of the most incredible comics ever made and it has a rough and casual structure, for which there isn’t a definitive edition. Let’s take the 1992 Vortex one, sub-entitled The Definitive Ed book, although Drawn & Quarterly have recently announced the definitive one. The issue of different editions is due to the fact that Ed the Happy Clown has been pre-published as episodes in Brown’s Yummy Fur magazine. The story was built unintentionally and, perhaps that’s why there is no consensus on the “final edition”. In it we find surrealist elements like hands that are released due to Catholic sins, vampires, pygmies, ad infinitum defecation, interdimensional holes, the head of Ronald Reagan in the Ed’s penis, etc... These story elements kept originally appearing in several separated and unrelated comics from 1981 to 1985. Some of them were quite silly and juvenile as The man who couldn’t stop, that shows a guy in a toilet who can’t stop defecating. In 1987, Brown started linking the characters, situations and environments of several of these comics to create a coherent story. The publishing history of Ed, the happy clown reminds us what happens often with cinema when there is a “director’s cut” or versions cut by the producer or distributor, or even worse, by censorship! Moreover, some editions of Ed..., such as the British one, don’t include some of the “silly and juvenile” comics fearing of censorship. From here we get to the report of three contemporary projects in which the editor is the lead author (the “third author”), in which the collaborators’ work is handled in an artistic way and not as “techno- These two features, the fusion of Bosnian Flat Dog and Le Photographe design, are important points in the travelling book Boring Europa (Chili Com Carne; 2011) (3). Originally the idea of the book was to collect travel diaries of the six elements of Chili Com Carne that between 1st and 15th September of 2010 travelled over Europe, on tour as if they were some punk rock band. However, instead of giving sweaty gigs the CCC elements walked around to sell books and assemble exhibitions. The fatigue of driving, from town to town, annulled the wish to draw with almost all of the participants, making a posteriori a collective book. As one of the authors, I accumulated also the rule of editor’s and Joana Pires the designer’s. Together we kept ordering a variety of loose materials that were accumulated during the trip and after it: doodles, sketches, different graphic material like currencies, traffic fines, comix jams, tickets, illustrations, emails... We created a “freak” comix, which merged all the work to be read as one. There are several situations in which I used someone’s drawings to include them in my panels. Also, strips were displaced from the original page to another part of the book. The main concern was to keep a chronology of events and not to repeat the same stories of the six people involved. One of the moments of inspiration for this tour book organization, occurred during the meeting with the Austrian collective Tonto, from Graz. In the interview we made, Helmut Kaplan and Edda Strobl admitted that we have many people in the group who make many drawings but not comics! What Kaplan makes with these loose drawings is to mix and give meaning to them, and creating comics! opposite page 1. Pedro Franz: Promessas de Amor a Desconhecidos Enquanto Espero o Fim do Mundo 2. Jucifer Blam: Post shit 3. Stripburger: Stripple 4. Bio Building 421 5. Jess Collins: Nance 6. Roope Eronen: Ghost story 7. GIUDA this page Chili Com Carne: Boring Europa economic”, as with traditional publishers. These examples have in common the fact that they’re done by independent collectives of comics’ authors who publish anthologies and decided to expand the way to “edit”; it isn’t anymore the simple action of gathering the work of several authors and paging it in order over a book. At some point, they felt they should step in directly on the material to be published according to an instinct, a story to tell or a vision. In Italy, the magazine GIUDA came out (4 issues, 2009-12), with the same team that published Inguine mah!gazine. Elettra Stamboulis explains us what this new project is: we wanted to work as an avant-garde of the beginning of the last century: the graphic design reminds this, in particular Vienna’s Secessionist. Using automatism, aestheticism, casualty. We were coming from [the Komikaze Festival] year of mapping alternative forms of drawing from all over the world and we wanted to produce something completely different. Also, themes are always connected to a geographical representation: a place is always the centre of the story, drawn in a different way that traditional Geography, but it’s always Geography. From this idea came also the name Geographical Institute of Unconventional Drawing Art. What distinguishes the project from other comics publications is that in each issue there is always a comic with a text written by a person (the first three were by Stamboulis, the fourth by Marco Lobietti) and illustrated by various artists, reminding the experiences of Joe Meek’s comic in Twilight Jamming. Stamboulis explains: There is a huge work of research behind the texts and the images, but there’s always an idea of fate and strategies that are coming from OULIPO experiences in literature. It’s a script with very few indications divided already in squares. Every artist has his/her text to do, and can read all the story, but cannot see what the others are drawing. Sometimes the process gets complicated because there are also some complete pages that are connected to the general story, but they are written and drawn by the artists. Those pages are a kind of subtitle of elements of the main story and they become short stories itself. In the end Gianluca Costantini collects all the drawings and he puts them in the page. With a sort of magic powder of fortune, every time it works as if everything had been perfectly arranged. 1. Helmut Kaplan, Edda Strobl & Dice Industries 2. Martin López Lam: Dote de poto a tres 3. Futuro Primitivo 1. I must admit that the reason for this article was the fact that I produced the Futuro Primitivo (Chili Com Carne, 2011) and was disappointed by the lack of reflection on what happened, even when I publicized that the project was a failure. Nobody asked me why it failed nor suggested to analyse similar situations. The aim of the project was to join all the Chili Com Carne artists in an anthology that would combine its different comics to create a new “meta-comic”. To achieve some unity in the book, a postapocalypse theme was suggested. An aesthetic unity would be maintained despite its 40 different artworks; a structure was asked, two strips per page in order to displace them more easily from the original context to any other part of the book. To keep a guideline in this “meta-comic” the authors were also requested to choose a sub-theme, a list of technological advances in Humanity, from the discovery of fire to the Dolly sheep. The authors were also asked not to “close” too much of their stories, avoiding self-conclusive ends. Similar to when you buy a new sound-system, no one reads the instruction book, leaving “the clock of the video flashing 00:00 endlessly”, like Laurie Anderson once mentioned it in a song. Few authors respected the rules of the “game” and all sorts of situations appeared. Chaos was installed. The function of the book failed according to my “narrative DJ” expectations to try to control these unsubmissive matters but people felt it in another way, as this Swedish reader’s statement proves: I thought one great thing about Futuro Primitivo was that I couldn’t understanding all of it. It felt like that was the point, like a global, multidimensional dystopia and you only understand the bit you can see with your own eyes. On the other hand, I think that was my very own subjective reading experience (I understand a little Portuguese but not enough to be sure what the comics were about, a bit like dreaming and half-understanding). The exhibition also failed due to the lack of time to standardize formats because the idea was to mix the strips as in Post Shit. Damn artists! Finally, Tonto Comics is the example that concludes all that has been said here. Their last issue (#13, Noise) published by Avant Verlag (2012) made the bridge between comics, music and concepts of “remix”. In 1994, this editorial project began as a musical platform; therefore it was normal that Tonto anthologies were linked to music, especially because Kaplan uses identical procedures in music and comics: cut, montage, speed, running direction, superimposition. Kaplan organizes anthologies with “funny concepts” (according to some critics), a logic that we don’t understand very well. It is normal to find comics in the publication pages already seen many times in other publications around the world by authors such as Igor Hofbauer or Marko Turunen. To repeat these comics it’s not because there is a willingness to promote them in Austria (or Germany) but, because these comics have a special value for Kaplan who follows an internal program like a contemporary art curator. In Noise, Kaplan says: The material is quite heterogeneous. It has accumulated at my place in the last years. Quotes and remixes from the existing material plus additions (…) my own and from others. Leaving aside questions of ownership that Pop Art raised regarding the use of (anonymous and commercial art) comics for producing real Art, Kaplan manages to trace a path or to do a research that agrees with this article. Intersecting both there are some names coinciding like Max Ernst, Henry Darger and Dice Industries, but, two new unexpected situations appear that deserve a bigger highlight here. The starter for Noise was a version of a Jess Collins’s page (1923-2004) that Kaplan made who, in turn, in the 50s combined a Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy comic. This way, there’s a new reference to the “comics remix” experiences chronology, between Max Ernst and Chumy Chúmez. Check the recent book O! Tricky Cad & Other Jessoterica (Siglio; 2012) which includes the Jess’s collage work and the comics Tricky Cad and Nance; the latter turns the Warren Tuft’s Lance family classic with tough western dudes, into such a gay orgy that it could make Tom of Finland’s cheeks blush. In the beginning of the second part of the article, I mentioned the “problem” (not a problem really, maybe a difficulty) that there isn’t a “software” to mix comics as there is in music. Very ironically, Kaplan with Edda and Dice Industries invented and designed a scheme of a music studio (loops, signs, volumes, MIDI, LFO, mono channels) to create, in the end of the “mix”, a graphic style! Programmers of the world unite! 2. Extra Extra 3. Perhaps, not only do we live in a world of “copy / paste” but, also in a too fast world. Not only is there the coincidence of me and Kaplan addressing to similar situations in our projects but, also other people around the planet are exploring these possibilities with “comix remix”. Recently, I met the Brazilian Sama, living in Portugal, who has made some comics using some loose drawings that he had made previously for a mail-art project. Another case, Martin López Lam, a Peruvian resident in Spain, published the zine Dote de poto a tres (Ediciones Valientes; 2013), where he uses the images of his amazing book Parte de Todo Esto (De Ponent; 2013) to place them to the service of a completely different text – what connects them is that the one’s title is the other’s anagram. The result is that we are in the presence of “twin-works” separated at birth. This is the reason of the “remix”! To add something new on the intellectual property that has already given what it could give after being published. Who banned Katz does not care about it but, at this very moment there are thousands of people that can take the 14 Chris Ware’s booklets of and enhance them with scissors... (1) Quadradinhos. Historias Postadas (Yron Gallery, 2008) (2) By the way, this work of Ware reminds us the same fragmented strategy of the “oulipist” Georges Perec’s novel Life A User’s Manual, that tells the stories of each apartment of a building but the book is a single 500 pages volume. (3) English version online: Aapo Rapi TULEVAISUUDEN MIES - 4 € KELOMÖKKIEN MIES - 4 € Jarno Latva-Nikkola UKKOMETSOLA - 25 € Tommi Musturi VIIMEINEN TOIVON KIRJA - 14 € Roope Eronen ADVANCED OFFICES & HUMANS - 15 € Brecht Vandenbroucke WHITE CUBE - 20 € Ukkometsolan sikatila on vaarassa ajautua konkurssiin ja perintöverotkin pitäisi maksaa. Pystyvätkö kolme veljestä nostamaan sukunsa tilan uuteen loistoon? Ukkometsolan Arvo haluaa pelastaa kauan suvulla olleen sikalan ja siinä samalla moniongelmaiset veljensä Arvin ja Aaken. Onko sianmaitotuotanto ratkaisu kaikkiin ongelmiin? Ukkometsola on sarjakuva sianmaidosta, kapitalismista, ahneudesta, rasismista ja masennuksesta, mutta myös tarina periksiantamattomuudesta, lähimmäisenrakkaudesta ja toivosta. Toivon kirjat on tarina yksinkertaisesta elämästä, iloista ja suruista, kuolemastakin - kaikesta lempeän humoristisella otteella. Millainen on Toivon oma parisuhdesarjakuva? Millainen oli pariskunnan hippi-look ja millaisia haaveita heillä oli nuoruudessaan? Entä kuka tällä kertaa saa viimeisen valssin? Viimeinen Toivon kirja on fragmentaarinen leikekirja pääosapariskunnan eri elämänvaiheista. Talvi on saapunut vieden mukanaan syksyn synkeyden. Kopiohuoneita, videotykkejä, energiajuomia ja kiihkeää kilpailua menestyksestä! Astu ihmisten ihmeelliseen maailmaan Offices & Humans -toimistoroolipelin ja sen kaksipäisen pelinjohtajan opastamana! Heitä noppaa ja seuraa kohtaloasi pomosi suosioon tai kasvojesi menetykseen. Ja mikä tärkeintä: älä unohda viimeistellä CD-r:n kopiointia! AOH on täynnä absurdia huumoria, outoja tunnelmia ja yllättäviä juonenkäänteitä. White Cuben pääosissa ovat kaksi pulloposkista kaikkitietävää ja sangen samannäköistä ”kriitikkoa”, jotka teoillaan kommentoivat kokemaansa. Tämä hullunhauska sanaton sarjakuva sijoittuu kulttuurielämän pyörteisiin - museoihin, taidenäyttelyihin, performanssitilaisuuksiin, kokeellisen musiikin konsertteihin. Vandenbroucke uskaltaa nauraa tälle pyntätylle eliitille suoraan päin naamaa. Teos on syystäkin saanut esikoiseksi huomattavan hyvän vastaanoton eri puolilla maailmaa. Emmi Valve SIT KUN SUN NAAMA RÄJÄHTÄÄ - 12 € Lauri Mäkimurto KEITTOKIRJA - 8 € Tommi Musturi BEATING - 30 € Edward Gorey SEKOPÄISET SERKUKSET - 25 € Emmi Valveen esikoisalbumi pitää sisällään päiväkirjamerkintöjä vuoden 2011 ajalta. Yksinäisyyden, seksin ja rakkauden lisäksi teos kertoo läheisen ihmisen kuolemasta, kaipuusta ja aikuistumisesta. Valve tunnetaan sarjakuvakentällä tämän palkituista omakustanteista sekä räävittömästä blogistaan. Elämä on kielletty hedelmä, jota harva uskaltaa maistaa. Keittokirja on mustan huumorin sävyttämä ekspressiivinen kuvaus nuoren aikuisen matkasta itseensä. Teoksen päähenkilö on todellisuudesta syrjäytyvä miehenalku, jonka ajatuksissa ja teoissa risteilevät nyky-yhteiskunnan hedonistiset ja päämäärättömät unelmat. Härski Luke ja Kuti -lehdistä tutun Lauri Mäkimurron esikoisalbumi on erilainen keittokirja. Kokoelma Tommi Musturin piirroksia ja maalauksia. Kirjan yli 200 kuvaa on koottu vuosien 2003-2012 välisenä aikana julkaistuista loppuunmyydyistä taiteilijakirjoista ja pienkustanteista sekä eri puolilla maailmaa julkaistuista kuvituksista. Beating on kuvallinen löylytys - isokokoinen, energinen värien ja muotojen ryöppy, joka paljastaa tekijänsä laajan tyyliskaalan. Edward Gorey oli yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, kuvittaja ja sarjakuvantekijä. Kulttimaineeseen nousseen erakkosieluisen taiteilijan n. 100 teoksen tuotanto kuvittaa riipaisevan kauniisti kuoleman ja yksinäisyyden teemoja. Mm. ohjaaja Tim Burton mainitsee Goreyn yhdeksi tärkeimmistä vaikuttajistaan. Sekopäiset serkukset ja muita tarinoita on ensimmäinen Edward Gorey -suomennos. Kutikuti SPECTER - 15 € Chester Brown EN KOSKAAN PITÄNYT SINUSTA - 18 € Ruppert & Mulot HERRASMIESSAFARI - 14 € Helsinkiläisen sarjakuvakollektiivi Kutikutin uusin julkaisu Specter pitää sisällään epänormaalia kauhu- ja tieteissarjakuvaa. Tämän suurikokoisen ja värikkään teoksen 17 taiteilijan käsissä teemat venyvät ja paukkuvat kuin psykedeelinen purukumi – apokalyptiset tulevaisuuden visiot yhdistyvät arjen kauhuun ja paljon muuta. Mukana eetteripyörteissä mm. Aapo Rapi, Amanda Vähämäki, Roope Eronen, Jarno Latva-Nikkola, Anna Sailamaa ja Tommi Musturi. En koskaan pitänyt sinusta on riipaiseva omaelämänkerrallinen ja moniulotteinen muistelma menetyksistä ja yrityksistä sopeutua. Kirjan Chester on introvertti teini, joka käy taistelua tunteitaan vastaan. Ystävyyssuhteet, ensimmäiset rakkaudentuntemukset sekä äidin horjuva mielenterveys täyttävät ujon päähenkilön mielen. Kanadalainen Chester Brown vangitsee tähän teokseen murrosiän kaikessa sen tuskassa ja Herrasmiessafari vie lukijan kolonialistiselle merimatkalle Afrikkaan. Perinteiset keihäsmatkat unohtuva, kun tekijät ryöpyttävät lukijan eteen oman tuhon laivueensa. Teoksen pääosissa on kaksi reportteria, jotka kommentoivat oman maanosansa historiaa ja sen kautta nykypäivää. Tämä on kirja vallasta, sen vaikutuksista sekä moraalin lopusta. Anna Sailamaa PAIMEN - 20 € Roope Eronen KOIRANKAKKAA - 18 € Jaakko Pallasvuo PYYTÄJÄT - 10 € FINNISH COMICS ANNUAL 2011 (Toim. Ville Hänninen) - 30 € Paimen on Anna Sailamaan esikoisalbumi, tarina miehenalusta, joka löytää metsästä kuolleen joutsenen. Päähenkilö Olavi on jäänyt kotiseudulleen ja työskentelee paikallisessa leipomossa. Pienen kylän arjen on aika ohittanut. Jäljellä ovat tutut paikat, muistot ja ihmiset ongelmineen. Ristiriitojen keskellä Olavi etsii omaa suuntaansa. Lehti-ilmoitus etsii “kakkaajaa korkeatasoiseen sarjakuvaan”. Tämä ilmoitus muuttaa päähenkilömme elämän tyystin. Kakanpidättely, ufo-nauhat ja kustannusmaailman pyörteet vievät hauvamme mennessään. Roope Erosen esikoissarjakuva-albumi jatkaa tekijän absurdinhauskojen eläinsarjakuvien sarjaa. Lupa nauraa! Pyytäjät on salamyhkäinen tarina sukulaisuudesta. Päähenkilömme matkustaa kotiseudulleen veljensä hautajaisiin. Samalla hän matkustaa menneisyyteensä ja siihen uuteen todellisuuteen, jonka sukulaisen kuolema on paljastanut. Pyytäjät on Jaakko Pallasvuon esikoissarjakuva-albumi. Massiivinen yli 300-sivuinen sarjakuva-antologia ja vuosittaisen suomalaista sarjakuvaa englanniksi esittelevän kirjasarjan aloitus. 20 suomalaista sarjakuvantekijää Jukka Tilsasta Matti Hagelbergiin ja Riitta Uusitalosta Jyrki Nissiseen. FCA on katsaus kotimaiseen sarjakuvaan sen kaikessa rikkaudessa. WWW.HUUDAHUUDA.COM Kelomökkien mies on mustanhumoristinen strippisarjakuva masentuneesta, alkoholisoituneesta ja itsetuhoisesta elämäntapataiteilijasta. Se on ponunkatkuinen sukellus syvälle tragikoomiseen suomalaiseen sielunmaisemaan, jossa elämää ryydittävät kirosanat ja kuolemanpelko. Tulevaisuuden miehessä päähenkilömme on sattuman kautta ajautunut tulevaisuuteen. Riippumatta ajasta tai paikasta suomalaisen miehen elkeet ovat ja pysyvät. Hanneriina Moisseinen ISÄ - 25 € Läheisen kuolema on omaiselle helpompi asia kuin tämän katoaminen. Kun ihminen katoaa ilman syytä, ei voi kuin odottaa. Joskus omaisten epätietoisuus kestää vuosia. Missä vaiheessa kadonneesta aletaan puhumaan menneessä aikamuodossa? Missä vaiheessa voi surra? Isä on Hanneriina Moisseisen kolmas sarjakuva-albumi - omaelämänkerrallinen kirja katoamisesta, toivosta, unohtamisesta ja muistamisesta. Kamagurka & Herr Seele KASPER STROMMAN ILLUSTRATED COWBOY HENK JA LAHJAHEVOSET - 15 € DESIGN ENCYCLOPAEDIA - 19 € Roope Eronen OFFICES & HUMANS - 12 € Volta Valleyta pitää pelon vallassa bandiittijoukko, joka lahjoittaa pahaa-aavistamattomille lehmipaimenille hevosia. Preerian voi näiltä sadisteilta pelastaa vain Cowboy Henk! Ehtiikö Henk opetella aakkoset, ennen kuin joka pilttuussa hirnuu lahjahepo? Pitääkö tulitikkulinnoitus iowat loitolla pingisottelun ajan? Entä intiaanien jazztietämys? Cowboy Henk ja Lahjahevoset on absurdin huumorin helmi. Tämä ensyklopedia ei sisällä tylsiä yksityiskohtia kuten ”suunnittelijan nimiä” tai tietoa, joka perustuu ”tosiasioihin”. Kasper Strömman ottaa asiallisesti kantaa mullistaen koko suomalaisen design-kentän, sillä miten muutenkaan hyvä suunnittelu erotetaan huonosta kuin osuvin, painokkain mielipitein? Ensyklopedia opastaa lukijansa myös aivan kotikonstein ja ihan itse ”duunaamaan” omat designklassikkonsa. Miltä tuntuisi olla ihminen? Hypätä päivittäin tutun toimistopöydän ääreen ja osaksi kilpailuyhteiskuntaa? Lukemalla tämän kirjan se on mahdollista! Offices & Humans on lohikäärmeille tarkoitettu toimistoroolipeli, jossa pelaaja tavoittelee taloudellista ja sosiaalista menestystä. Roope Eronen taas on Tampereelta helsinkiläistynyt absurdimmanpuoleinen humoristi, jonka uusin teos kutkuttaa nauruhermoja! Daniel Clowes GYNEKOLOGIAA - 8 € FINNISH COMICS ANNUAL 2012 (Toim. Reija Sann) - 30 € Aaron $hunga VACUUM HORROR - 10 € Olivier Schrauwen MIES JOKA ANTOI PARTANSA KASVAA- 30 € Gynekologiaa on novellimittainen voimannäyte yhdeltä nykysarjakuvan mestareista. Clowes kaivautuu kirurgisella tarkkuudella herra Eppsin mielenlaatuun, tämän taitelijuuteen sekä ympärillä vaeltavaan seurapiiriin. Epps on katkeroitunut, ajan terältä tiputtautunut ihmisvihaaja, jonka koko elämä suuntaa kohti lamaantunutta yksinäisyyttä. Reija Sannin toimittama Finnish Comics Annual 2012 mittaa yksilön ja yhteisöllisyyden, paikallisuuden ja yleisinhimillisyyden rajoja. Pohjoinen arkipäivä saa sen sarjoissa fantastisia tulkintoja. Mukana olevat taiteilijat: Terhi Ekebom, Grönroos & Rantio, Matti Hagelberg, Pauli Kallio, Tarmo Koivisto, Mika Lietzen, Petteri Tikkanen, Tiitu Takalo, Lincoln on käynnistänyt maailmanlopun. Vallitsevat lait ja moraali on sysätty syrjään. Samaan aikaan maan asukkaiden sekaan on soluttautunut muukalaisrotu ”imurit”. Romahtavien kulissien ja sekasorron keskellä kirjan päähenkilön, teinityttö Lillyn, ensisijainen pyrkimys on selviytyä. Vacuum Horror on $hungan pulp-henkinen kulttiteos. Taiturimainen sarjakuva miehestä ja tämän seikkailusta kohti fantasiaa. Tarina alkaa kuvilla Kongosta, päätyen piirroskoulun kautta kohti mielikuvitusmaailmoja ja tulevaisuutta. Kirjan pitkäpartainen päähenkilö on tarkkailija, jonka elämää ja haaveita tekijä hienovaraisesti kuvaa. Schrauwen on nykysarjakuvan todellinen löytöretkeilijä. Jyrki Nissinen Ville Ranta Kamagurka & Herr Seele Eri tekijöitä Rui Tenreiro Kolbeinn Karlsson Läjä Äijälä Emelie Östergren Bendik Kaltenborn Ruppert & Mulot Eri tekijöitä Jarno Latva-Nikkola Hanneriina Moisseinen Gary Panter Tommi Musturi Olli Hietala Joann Sfar Michelangelo Setola Roope Eronen Aapo Rapi Yong-Deuk Kwon Ville Ranta Ruppert & Mulot Eri tekijöitä Anders Nilsen Aapo Rapi Anna Sailamaa Amanda Vähämäki Olivier Schrauwen Lilli Carré Ruppert & Mulot Jarno Latva-Nikkola Jeffrey Brown TYLSÄT RITARIT SANKARITEKOJA COWBOY HENK KIITOS ESTEBAN 2002-2010 METSÄN PIDOT Peikkojen kuningas X PIKKI JA RIIKKISET EI MUISTIKUVAA GO-GO CLUB ADIOS III JARNO MARKUKSEN KAUNEIMMAT SETIT JA PARTITUURIT JIMBON JUMALAINEN NÄYTELMÄ SAMUELIN MATKASSA LIHAN HIMO PASCIN BAR MIKI ELÄIMIÄ NAABURGER YÖLINJA ERÄÄNLAISIA RUKOUKSIA UHKAPELIÄ GLÖMPX SISYFOS KUNINGAS TOFFEE OLLAAN NÄTISTI ÄITIENPÄIVÄ POIKA KULTA KORPI-PETEN KOOTUT APINATARHA TUNTEIDEN MAISTERI HAPAROINTIA 8€ 8€ 25 € 22 € 25 € 26 € 25 € 8€ 8€ 8€ 30 € 17 € 16 € 30 € 25 € 6€ 25 € 6€ 8€ 12 € 8€ 10 € 19 € 28 € 6€ 12 € 8€ 10 € 20 € 14 € 14 € 12 € 12 € Kari Sihvonen
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