/ !854."
/ !854."
of medals of this war. 0bv.: same as No. 10. Rev.: "VICTOIRE D’ALMA / REMPORTI~E SUR LES RUSSES / PAR LES ARMI~ES ALLII~ES / DE FRANCE / D’ANGLETERRE / ET / DE TURQUIE / - / 20 7bre 1854." 14. Commemorating the Victorious Battle with the Russians at the River Alma. Diam. 31/32 inch, by Blac’here. Obv.: head of Napoleon III surrounded by "NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR." Rev.: "BATAILLE DE L’ALMA / REMPORTI~E / SUR LES RUSSES / PAR LES ARMIES / ALLI!~ES / - / 20 SEPTEMBRE / 1854." Like Borrel, Blaehere had created his own series that had the above-described obverses and r~verses with inscriptions varying according to the subjects they commemorate. Besides the medal above, the following are known to exist: For the Taking of: Bomarsund, Inkermann, and Sebastopol. 15. Commemorating the Battle of Inkermann. Diam. 2-7/8 inches, by the talented E. A. Oudin~. Obv.: the head of Napoleon III surrounded by "NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR*", Rev.: two seminude, winged Victories wearing laurel wreaths on their heads. The left one,. symbolizing France, is annihilating a fleeing Seythian who is carrying the Russian eagle on his shoulder; the right Victory, symbolizing Great Britain, is using the same method to defeat a warrior who is defending himself with a shield bearing the Russian coat of arms. Above are the words "’BATAILLE D’INKERMANN." And in the exergue "5 NOVEMBRE 1854." 15a. Medal on the same subject. White metal, 1-5/8 inch in diam. Obv.: the head of Napoleon III. Rev.: "(8) / VICTOIRE / A / INKERMAN / 6 - 9_e / !854." 16. Commemorating the Victory at Inkermann. Diam. 1-15/32 inch, by ~orrel. Obv.: same as No. 10. Rev.: "VICTOIRE / D’INKERMANN / REMPORT~E SUR LES RUSSES / PAR LES ARMIES ALLI~ES / DE FRANCE / D’ANGLETEI~RE / ET / DE TURQUIE / - / 5 9bre 1854." (See No. 13). 16a. Token on the same subject. Bronze, 1-inch in diam. By Blachere. Obv.: same as No. 14. Rev.: "BATAILLE / D’INKERI%~NN / GAGN]~E JUNE 1955 1 / SUR LES RUSSES / PAR LES ARMI~ES / ALLI~ES / 5 NOVEMBRE Rev.: "VICTOIRE / DE TRAKTIR / REMPORT~:X; SUR LES RUSSES / PAR LESARMEES ALLIEES ’ DE FRANCE / D’ANGLETERRE / ET / DE PIEMONT / - / 16 AOUT 1855." This was to mark" the victory at the River Chernaya.) 20. Commemorating the Reciprocative Visit to France by Queen Victoria and Prince AlberL Diam. 2-3/32 inches. By Montagny. Obv.: the heads of Napoleon III and Eugenie and the words "NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR EUGENIE IMPE’RATRICE." Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Surrounding them: "LA REINE D’ANGLETERRE ET LE PRINCE ALBERT VISITENT LA FRANCE * AOUT 1855." Jehovah are .~c ~ ads of Queen Victoria-and Napoleon IlL Above themi along the: edge are tlaewords "REINE D’ANGLETERRE *EMPEREUR DES After the visit of the French imperial couple to England in April, 1855, a reciprocative visit was made to France by Queen Victeria and her husband. The purpose of these trips in ~he thick of the war was to demonstrate the sincerity and the steadfastness of the alliance. FRANCAIS" FRANCE et VENTION / PROVINCES 21. On the same ssblect. Diam. 2-1/16 inches. By Montagny. Obv.: the heads of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Imcr. same as on rev. of the preceding medal. Rev., "LEUR / SI~JOUR / P~ / 17. Commemoratim and Accomplishments fc Obv.: the radiant Mystic Triangle inscribed in -uhder Hebrew and below "1853/ALLIANCE / de la de L’ANGLETERRE / LEU!i IN’FE~CONTER L’ENVAHISSEMENT / DES TURQUES PAR LA RUSSU~ " Rev.: 1854 ~ P~IS~:; D~i BOMARSUND / BATAILLES DE L’ALMA / ET /DE S~BASTOPOL / LE / COMMANDAN~ PARIS * / 18 AOUT 1855." 22. On the same subiezt. Diam. 2-3,/16 inches. By Gayrard. Obv.: Queen Victoria. Along the circumference "VICTORIA D.G. BRITANNIARUM.REGINA’" Rev.: "VICTRIC~UM.ARMORUM / ICTO.FOEDERE / FIDENTER.FIq qCORUMSOCIA / ARTES. OBRIS. UNIVERSI / L~ dT.PARIS.IN.CONSP.EXPOSITAS / COMITANTE.E~’IPERATORE / INVISIT / - / A.M. DCCC.L.V." 23. 17a. On the same sub 2 inches in ti~nn. By Caq sultan, the queen, and the. emperor. Rev.: "A LA NOBLE, / A LA PUISSANTE ./ ET VICTORIEUSE ALLIANCE / DE LA FRANCE / DE L’ANGLET%RRE / ET DE,LA TURQUIE / 1854." I~. This is a hybrid medal. Its obverse had origimall), appeared on an earllier medal .~ev.: "1854 / LA FRANCE ET L’ANGLETERBE / FtDI~LES A LEUR ALLIANCE / ENVOIENT DES FLOTTES ET DES ARMI~ES / POUR REPOUSSER L~ENNEMI COMMUN / ET ASSURER L’INDI~PENDANCE / DE L’EMPIRE OTTOMAN." 19. Commemorating the Victory at Traktir. Diam. 1-15/32 inch. By Borrel. Obv.: same as No. 10. On the sa~,~ subject. Diam. 3 inches. By L. Merley. Obv.: Napoleon III and the words "NAPOLEON III EMPERE(Ji’t. Rev.: two female figures symbolizin g Great Ezltaia and France. Above them Genius is soaring, holding a ribbon inscribed "SOYEZ LA BIENVEN~E." On the left is the coat of arms of the British royal house and on the right of the French imperial house. Instr.: "VOYAGE EN FRANCE DE VICTOII[A REINE DE LA GR. BRETAGNE" above, and in tile exergue "VISITE A NAPOLEON III / EMP. DES FIIANCAIS / 18 AOUT 1855." 23a. On the same subject. White metal, 1-1/8 inch in diameter. By Borrel. Obv.: Queen Victoria surrounded by "VICTORIA REINE D’ANGLETERRE." Rev.: "SA MAJESTE / VICTORIA / REINE D’ ANGLETERRE / VISITE / SA MAJESTIC. / NAPOLEON IIl / EMPEREUR / DES FRANCAIS / 18 AOIIT 1855." 24. On the same subject. A token with loop. Diam. THE MEDAL COLLECTOR y Robineau. Obv.: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Surrounding them "’VICTORIA BRIT:REG. * ALBERTUS PRINCEPTS."Rev.: "’RI~CEPTION ET SI~JOUR EN FRANCE / DE / LA REINE / D’ANGLETERRE / ET’DU / PRce ALBERT / PARIS. AOUT / 1855." "FELIX ESCOFFIER ENTREPRENEUR DE MANUFACTURE IMPERIALE D’ARMES *" LA Commemorating the Taking of the Malakhov 26. Hill. A cast token. Diam. 1-11/16 inch. Obv.: the French Imperial eagle with thunderbolts in its talons and "GUERRE DE CRIMI~E ,/ 1 855 " surrounding it. Rev.: "Prise / de / Malakof / 8 Septembre.~ Grunt does not mention this medal. 27. A Token Commemorating the Taking of Malakhov Hill and the Fall of Sebastopol. Diam. 29/32 inch. Obv.: Napoleon III surrounded by "L.NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR." Rev.: along the eircumf. 24a. On the same 1-3/8 inch in diam. 24, except for 25. Bronze, he same as No. 27a. size. Commemora at the S. Etienne 3 inches, B, ey: symbolizin gue are the coats Of arms Token in Honor of Queen Victoria’s Visit, and for 20,000 Rifles by Great Britain. Diam. ObV,: two female figures and France. In the exerof both countries. Iascr. "UNIES SOUS LE DRAPEAU DU TRAVAIL COMME SOUS LE DRAPEAU DE LA GUERRE." Rev.: an eagle holding thunderbolts in its talons; below it "SOUS / NAPOLEON III / A LA DEMANDE DE DE SON ALLI]~E / VICTORL( I / 20,000 FUSILS DE GUERRE FABRIQU~S / A St._. ETIENN~ / PAR LES ARMURIERS DE FRANCE / ET CEUX D’ ANGLETERRE / 1855." And along the eircumf. JUNE t955 "PRISE DE MALAKOFF LE 9. 7e 1855. / SEBASTOPOL SUCCOMBE." In the middle "HONNEUR / NOTRE BRAVE / ARM]~(sic) / ET SES / ALLIltS." Grant does not list this token. Commemorating the Taking of Malah0v Hill and the Fall of Sebastopel. Gilt bronze, 15/16 inch in diam. Obv.: Victoria surrounded by "VISITE DE LA REINE VICTORIA A PARIS / AOUT / 1855." Rev.: same as No. 27. 28. Commemorating the Taking of Sebastopol. Diam. 2-31/32 inches. By Depaulis. Obv.: NapoleonIII 21