a visit to the crossroads of history and science
a visit to the crossroads of history and science
EDUCATIONAL BROCHURE 2012-2013 NEW PLAN ! ETAR In a b ra 3D nd IUM n e w b u il d i ng HISTORY CENTRE – 3D PLANETARIUM In A VISIT TO THE CROSSROADS OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE… New worksheets Exhibition: 1942, the time of the roundups Mimoyecques V3 secret base « London super gun » ion with ciat so s a Imperial War Museum We have to be daring in order to progress! Dare to leap into the sky, travel to the moon or Mars. For 2012, La Coupole is being daring! This year marks a milestone in the history of our centre with the opening of the first 3D planetarium north of Paris. A natural scientific extension to La Coupole, the planetarium complements the museum’s historical programme. Exactly 70 years ago, one of the most tragic events of World War II took place in our region, the great roundup of 11 September. La Coupole is paying tribute to all the victims of this event, of which many people are still unaware, through a major exhibition. Browse our brochure, discover the new worksheets, see for yourself the extent of our new educational offerings, from primary to secondary school, from La Coupole to Mimoyecques, from Science to History! Thus, La Coupole is becoming the first historical and scientific cultural centre to fully develop the link between History and Science, between the best and worst of humanity. 2 Four major themes and a new exhibition, to tie in with the school History and Science curriculums, are proposed. THEME 1 THEME 3 NEW EXHIBITION An annihilated region: 1914-1945 Total war: the new weapons “1942, the time of the roundups in the NordPas-de-Calais and Belgium” The Nord–Pas-de-Calais, between 1914 and 1918, was a major war front and was occupied by the Germans for the first time, a particularly brutal experience for civilians. There are four main themes: the invasion; the occupation; resistance; repression, collaboration, liberation. At Peenemünde, von Braun’s men built the first large rocket in history: the V2. In America, at Los Alamos, physicists, lead by Robert Oppenheimer, put the finishing touches to the most frightening weapon ever made: the atomic bomb. Through the programme for these two weapons, the very nature of total war was unveiled: mobilising scientists, manufacturers, the workforce, propaganda… THEME 2 HISTORY CENTRE PLANETARIUM the history centre A JOURNEY INTO 20th CENTURY HISTORY EDITORIAL BY LA COUPOLE The nazi concentration camp and genocide system This theme recalls the different forms of German repression and analyses the persecution of the Jews and Romanies. A series of photographs, taken when the camps were discovered in 1945, closes the trail and provides reflection on the impact of this discovery on western civilisation. A new 20 minutes documentary gives an in-depth view of the nazi concentration camp and genocide system. THEME 4 The Cold War and Space Conquest The Peenemünde engineers were acquired by the winning nations in 1945 (Americans, Soviets, and also the French). They took part in the large military missile programmes of the cold war: the rocket, coupled with the atomic bomb, became one of the essential foundations of “the balance of terror”. The same men were also involved in the great peace adventure: the conquest of space. On 11 September 1942, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Nazis launched a major roundup targeting the Jews of Nord-Pas-deCalais. Over 500 people were arrested and sent to the Mechelen transit camp in Belgium. Four days later, they were deported to the Auschwitz extermination centre, where most perished. To honour these victims, La Coupole is proposing a major exhibition allowing us to understand the mechanisms of persecution by the occupiers and the Vichy authorities. Through 30 panels, we will explore the registration of the Jews, their exclusion from society, the spoliation of their property, the requirement to wear the yellow star from June 1942, the organization of roundups in Belgium and northern France and the deportation to Auschwitz. The documents presented will allow us to understand the administrative nuts and bolts behind the terrible events and to analyse different behaviours in the face of this tragedy. The exhibition will be on display between 15 September 2012 and 15 September 2013. 3 VISITOR’S MAP When you have received your audioguide headset, the visit begins with a walk through the railway tunnel; here you will discover an exhibition on the Great War in Flanders and the Artois region. You will then go 42 metres up in the lift. When you enter the dome, you are given the choice of two core themes. Each theme begins with a audiovisual show, in either the “Rex” or the “Cinéac”. THE NORD–PAS-DE-CALAIS IN GERMAN HANDS (1940-1945) Relive again in images the great moments of the German Army Occupation in northern France… The invasion, the exodus, the daily life of the population, the resistance and the Liberation. Projected on a replica of the wall where people were shot in the citadel of Lille, you will not forget the poignant letter of a young 21 year old teacher, 3 hours before falling under the German bullets. “REX” TOUR PATH HITLER’S SECRET WEAPONS AND THE HIDDEN SIDE OF SPACE EXPLORATION Discover the programme of the German V1 and V2 secret weapons. In Peenemünde, the people of von Braun built the first big rocket in history: the V2, a weapon designed as an instrument of a terror war against civil populations. After the war, the Peenemünde engineers were captured by the winners of 1945. They took part in the great military programmes of the “Cold War”. An area presenting models of rockets in the space conquest and many splendid pictures. Astronomy is undoubtedly one of the most popular sciences among children. A planetarium is a great tool for teaching science to pupils of all levels. Thanks to support from the General Council of Pas-de-Calais, the Regional Council of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, the State and the C.A.S.O., La Coupole has equipped itself with stereoscopic (3D) projection equipment allowing visitors to travel in space and discover the mysteries of the Universe. With a capacity of 133 seats (including 4 spaces for people with reduced mobility), the planetarium room is built in the image of a huge dark bubble. For sessions in 3D, viewers will be equipped with the latest generation in active glasses for an unforgettable experience Fed by a rich database of almost 100,000 stars, galaxies and planets and featuring a 360° hemispherical screen with a diameter of 15 metres and a 5.1 surround sound system, the planetarium offers viewers a total immersion in Space and the Sciences. The graphics capabilities of such a system can be considered to far exceed the scope of astronomical simulation, entering into the domain of immersion and computer graphics shows. This area for the discovery of the universe, celestial phenomena, the sciences and the environment is intended for all audiences: families, schools, teachers, students and, of course, tourists. 4 5 the Planetarium “CINEAC” TOUR PATH La Coupole’s Planetarium: how does it work? The schedule: The different films We offer 3 films to choose from: • Earth, Moon and Sun (Only in 2D) • Dawn of the space age At the dawn of the Space Age, we trace the milestones of space exploration from Sputnik to Apollo, not forgetting the first flight of Gagarin and the first spacewalks. The show continues with the current state of space exploration and the next steps envisaged (private flights, manned flights to Mars,...) The film also features some scenes on the training of cosmonauts. • Awesome Lights: Big Mirors on the Mountain This show presents major observatories located on Hawaii’s Monakea volcano, Subaru, Keck, Gemini and the Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), along with the research carried out there: exoplanetology, stellar studies, galaxy surveys, etc. The choice of session is at the initiative of the first group to make the booking. The resource and training centre: The Digital Resource Centre, open by appointment, allows for historical and scientific archives to be consulted. Among other resources, La Coupole has a large collection of photographs and also books and magazines of a historical or scientific nature. The Resource Centre is also an education venue for teachers and their pupils. Classes are available allowing for further work to be carried out to complement the visit. For more information, please contact the education department. • Either “the seasonal sky” (10 min) + one longer film lasting 25-30 min (see the list on page 6) • Or “the seasonal sky” followed by one or two module(s) The different modules, level by level: Around 15 mins. PRIMARY: • “The movements of the sky”: the sky changes. In the course of a day, the Sun, Moon and planets travel on the celestial sphere. In the course of a year, their respective positions change as well. To understand these apparent movements, we need to lift off, leaving our Earth. PRIMARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL: • “The Solar System”: directly inspired by science curriculums, this session allows us to explore the solar system and discuss the latest discoveries. • “The colours of the stars”: everything we know about the stars comes from their light. Their temperatures, speeds of rotation, sizes and compositions - all this information is carried by the light spectrum. the Planetarium The viewer is invited to discover various astronomical phenomena (the alternation between day and night, the Sun moving from east to west, lunar and solar eclipses, phases of the moon), clearing up any errors of interpretation which have coloured the history of these discoveries. Important: Planetarium sessions are presented in 2 ways - it’s up to you to choose between: HIGH SCHOOL AND VOCATIONAL COLLEGES: • “Magnitudes”: to study the Universe, astronomers first classified the stars by their shine, dreaming up the concept of magnitude. However, too many stars were beyond the view of the human eye alone. Optical instruments had to be invented to “bring the stars closer”. Prices: • 3.50 € per pupil - 1 accompanying adult goes free for every 10 young people (3.50 € for additional accompanying adults) • Supplement for 3D sessions: 1 € per pupil Opening hours: consult the Education Department by phone on +33 (0) 3 21 12 27 30 or by e-mail: [email protected] Average duration of a session: 45 minutes • “The Seasons”: the seasons have an important influence on our planet, but not all humans experience the same seasons at the same time. What would life be like on Earth if its axis was not slightly tilted? 6 7 WORKSHEETS PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL HISTORY “Paul, a war child” (from 9 to 11) SCIENCES “From the Earth to the Moon” (from 9 to 11) This tour, designed for pupils in further study classes, retraces the various stages in the conquest of space and shows how the rocket, originally intended to be a weapon of war, has become a symbol of reconciliation between men.originally intended to be a weapon of war, has become a symbol of reconciliation between men. “Mimoyecques: V3 secret base “London super gun” (from 9 to 11) NEW By visiting the secret underground base at Mimoyecques, pupils are made aware of the weight of recent history around Calais and the natural heritage of the two capes region. This new circuit for secondary school students helps them to study the part of the museography devoted to “The occupation of 1940-1944 in the Nord–Pas-de-Calais”. Several themes are approached and cover the whole of the exhibition. In this way, the circuit addresses key points of the secondary school syllabus: daily life under the occupation, economic looting, types of resistance and collaboration, repressive politics lead by the occupier, persecution of the Jews… discovery of a Franco-British cemetery where numerous Royal Air Force pilots are buried. NEW “London under V2 bombing” (from 13 to 15) HISTORY “The North of France in the hands of the Germans” (from 13 to 15) This comprehensive worksheet allows the teacher to study one or other part of the syllabus in-depth during the visit. Emphasis is put on all forms of visual analysis. 8 NEW “The Nord–Pas-de-Calais and the Tommies” (from 13 to 15) The Nord–Pas-de-Calais region maintained privileged links with the United Kingdom, its frontier neighbour, during the two world wars. Already, at the time of the Great War, the defence of the Northern part of the front fell to the British Expeditionary Force. Hundreds of thousands of Britains and soldiers from all over the Empire, found their way to the hell of the trenches of Flanders and the Artois region. The war was also the opportunity for them to get to know the inhabitants of the North of France. Powerful friendship links were forged. At the start of the Second World War, the British once again played a crucial military role in the region and this continued throughout the war. The following aspects are analysed throughout the circuit: the 1940 conflicts and the Dynamo operation, air attacks (one of the main theatres being the Northern region of France), bomb attacks on secret weapon launch sites, the links between the Resistance and the British secret services, operations at the time of the Liberation. The visit of La Coupole can also be completed by the Once you have studied how the first V1 and V2 missiles were developed in the ultra-secret Peenemünde centre, the worksheet takes a look at how these new weapons were used. The worksheet ends with an analysis of the consequences of these bombings on the city of London and its population. NEW “1942, the time of the roundups in Nord–Pas-de-Calais and Belgium” Mechanisms of exclusion, the organisation of roundups, deportation and the process of extermination of the region’s Jewish populations will be examined. . 9 Nos offres WORKSHEETS journées This circuit was devised for primary school final year pupils, to try and help them understand, by studying videos, photos, objects, what a child’s life might have been like in France during the dark years, through the fictional history of a small boy called Paul. This circuit takes the form of four sheets, the first to be filled in during class and the following three to be completed during the visit. SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL MIMOYECQUES Mimoyecques: site of the gun The multi-charge gun: on London (1943 – 1945) SCIENCES “From the A4 to Ariane, the history of rockets” (from 13 to 15) This worksheet, aimed at secondary school students, presents the rockets created and used during the Second World War and their development at the time of the cold war. This circuit, aimed at year 12 and 13 students, deals with scientists’ contributions to the war. It presents some of their work and the subsequent consequences. The educational objectives are as follows: • To promote an understanding of how the new weapons work • To get the students to reflect on the consequences of the scientists’ work • To assist the development of individual reflection on personal responsibilities and ethics in Science. This dossier is presented in the form of 6 worksheets enabling the teacher to adapt to their own teaching approach. “Wernher von Braun, a scientist in war time” (from 13 to 18) This worksheet, destined for younger secondary school students, presents the career of a scientist by the name of Wernher von Braun. It is a multi-disciplinary, sciencedominated worksheet that associates Science and History, looking at the ethics of science and techniques while finishing with reflection on the issues of social awareness and humanity. Students must pick up on information from the exhibitions to enable them to reconstitute the human and scientific career of Von Braun. You can download teaching notes from the «Teachers» section of our website: www.lacoupole-france.com 10 The multi-charge gun was first imagined in 1942 by the German engineer August Coenders. He attempted to design a long-range gun (150km) capable of striking London from French soil. For this to be possible, the barrel had to be very long (127m). A charge, located in the breech, propelled the shell inside and the projectile’s flight was accelerated by the successive explosion of additional charges. This project was designed to hit the civilian population in London in a “terrorist” manner. In 2010 La Coupole supervised the work on heritage development at the Mimoyecques bunker complex and has handled tourist management from that time onwards. In 1943, the Greater German Reich, which had suffered several serious military setbacks on the Eastern front, strove rapidly to develop new weapon systems destined to strike Great Britain, in order to force it to accept a peaceful settlement and enable the German forces to be concentrated on the Soviet front. The main target was London. The two principal new weapons, the V1 flying bomb and the stratospheric V2 rocket, were operational in the summer of 1944. But a third weapons system was being developed from 1943: this was a multi-charge gun. Its implementation required the construction of gigantic underground installations. The site chosen for these installations was Mimoyecques, near Calais. A primary level educational circuit is available on request from the education service. The choice of the Mimoyecques site: Speer, as Minister of Munitions, entrusted the construction of the launch pad to the Organisation Todt, the structure in charge of large-scale engineering projects for the Nazi State. The planned installations were massive and largely underground. These were tunnels for trains, storage areas, firing shafts, etc. The hamlet of “Mimoyecques” was the chosen location, 15km from Calais, due to its proximity to London and the lay of the surrounding land. On average, between 1,200 and 1,500 men were employed on the worksite; work continued day and night. The workforce was mixed (Germans, forced labourers, Soviet prisoners and Polish deportees). But despite the huge amount of work carried out, the most lucid German strategists understood by late 1943 that the effects of the “multi-charge gun” would be derisory. Failure during trials NEW Mimoyecques: V3 secret base “London super gun” (from 9 to 11) By visiting the secret underground base at Mimoyecques, pupils are made aware of the weight of recent history around Calais and the natural heritage of the two capes region. Prices: 3,35 €/pupil. 1 accompanying adult free for 10 pupils. Mimoyecques is situated on the D249 between Landrethun-le-Nord and Leubringhen (20 km from Calais) Information and reservations: tel +33 (0)3 21 93 07 07 e-mail: [email protected] 11 OTHER SITES A multidisciplinary science-dominated worksheet, associates Science and History and ends with a humanitarian reflection. This dossier is presented in the form of 5 worksheets enabling the teacher to adapt to their own educational approach. “Scientists during the war” (from 16 to 18) was common. In addition, the site was located by the RAF in September 1943 and bombed regularly from spring 1944. On 6 July 1944, the decisive attack with “Tallboy” bombs took place. This particularly accurate bombardment caused considerable damage to the site. At the end of July 1944, the worksite was abandoned. Allied attacks on the blockhouse continued nonetheless, and it was during one of these that Lieutenant Joseph P. Kennedy Jr was killed, the elder brother of the future United States president. More than 40 years after the end of the Second World War, the multi-charge gun had a strange new manifestation in “Project Babylon”, the Iraqi “super gun” ordered by Saddam Hussein. An educational worksheet is available, which highlights the understanding of the site. It enables us to grasp how the Second World War is proof of a step further down the road in total warfare, notably in the wish to exterminate the enemy. SUGGESTIONS FOR OTHER VISITS A DAY IN NORD–PAS-DE-CALAIS Arc International – Arques Isnor – Les marais The Arc International glassworks is impressive by its size and its omnipresence in the Saint-Omer region. Whether it is coloured goblets, slim flutes or refined stemmed glasses, entering the heart of the Arc factory, the young visitor discovers an unsuspected universe in the glow of molten glass. Agincourt Medieval History Centre With Isnor, you discover the Audomarois marshlands near Saint-Omer, one of the last marshes still cultivated in France: its fauna and flora, farming, architecture, life and traditions of the inhabitants... - Duration of visit: 1 hour 30 - Prices: 8.00 € for the two visits* (La Coupole + Agincourt) - Journey time from La Coupole: 40 min The Blockhaus in Eperlecques is a gigantic construction built by the Germans in 1943-1944. Destined originally to launch V2 rockets, it was transformed into a factory for liquid oxygen. Other recommended sites: Memorial sites Sciences and nature The Saint-Omer Heritage Activity Department Nausicaà – National Sea Experience Centre www.ville-saint-omer.fr www.nausicaa.fr Historical Mining Centre – Lewarde Rando-Rail – The “Rail Ramble” - Lumbres www.chm-lewarde.com www.rando-rail.com In Flanders Fields Museum – Ypres (Belgique) The Caps and Marais d’Opale Regional Nature Park www.inflandersfields.be Canadian Memorial – Vimy Guided visits or audioguides according to the choice stated at the time of booking. www.vac-acc.gc.ca - Duration of visit: 1 hour 30 - Prices: 9.00 € for the two visits (La Coupole + the Blockhaus) - Journey time from La Coupole: 30 min Historial of the Great War Péronne Notre-Dame-de-Lorette www.historial.org www.parc-opale.fr Enerlya – Renewable Energy Centre – Fauquembergues www.enerlya.fr La maison du papier – Esquerdes OTHER SITES Discover the most famous battle of the Hundred Years’ War at the Medieval History Centre in Agincourt. An interactive scenography using diverse video support material, and educational workshops A guide accompanies the pupils throu- adapted for 3-15 year olds, will enable ghout the visit and adapts his talk to the you to have fun looking at subjects studied in class in more depth and detail. age level of the group. Teachers receive an information pack. - Duration of visit: 1 hour 30 The visit of the Medieval History Centre - Open to children from 8 years onwards falls perfectly within the framework - Duration of visit: 1 hour - Prices: 8.50 € for two visits* of primary and secondary school pro- Prices: 10.00 € for the two visits* (La Coupole + Arc) grammes, whilst enabling the students to - Journey time from La Coupole: 15 min (La Coupole + Isnor) - Journey time from La Coupole: 30 min get interested in local heritage resources. The Blockhaus in Eperlecques tel: Le Bon Accueil – The Marshlands – Salperwick tel: Eden 62 - Nature activities www.eden62.fr *PRICE MAY CHANGE DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR 12 13 MEMORIAL SITES Bois des Huit-Rues V1 launch site, between Wallon-Cappel and Morbecque Memorial to the deportees and executed of the Nord–Pas-de-Calais Today, a freely accessible landscaped trail enables the visitor to discover most of the buildings comprising the firing structure. In spite of the allied bombings hitting the woods, the buildings are well preserved. An educational support document is available for the visit. www.sitesv1du-nord-de-la-france.com > RECEPTION Site in 4 languages - Warning! In order to enable each school group to visit La Coupole under optimum conditions, bookings are limited to a fixed daily quota. In spring 1943, the Germans began the construction in France, from the Cotentin Peninsula to the Belgian border, of 96 launch pads to enable them to fire the V1 “flying bombs” otherwise known as “pilotless planes”. The “Bois des Huit-Rues” site is one of these launch pads. All the necessary infrastructure for launching V1’s was concentrated within the perimeter of this site, known as the “ski site”.This name comes from the specific shape of the three large storage buildings which, from the air form the shape of a ski.The site is a complex of standardised buildings of breezeblocks, concrete and some bricks, dispersed over a large surface, particularly in the woods. All the sheds are connected by concrete paths. However, having been informed by the Resistance of the implementation of a new weapon, the British took photographs of suspect sites. From November 1943 onwards they launched an important bombing campaign against the 96 launch sites - “Operation Arbalet ”. The bombing of the “Bois des Huit-Rues” took place for the first time on 24th December 1943 at 2 p.m. In total, the site was subjected to 14 bombings between the end of 1943 and May 1944. This lead the Germans to abandon the site. At the same time, in spring 1944, the Germans had started to build about a hundred new bases, comprising of few permanent and easy to camouflage buildings. These new bases were used in the summer of 1944 for the V1 campaign. The “Bois des Huit-Rues” site was never used. Practical information - Infrared audioguided headset. - Picnic tables are available on the site. We also offer a picnic room, to book in advance of your visit (free service). We offer the option of a picnic basket for 5 €, including freshlymade sandwich, bag of crisps, ice-cream and drink (please reserve in advance). This memorial, situated at La Coupole, was created at the wish of the Pas-de-Calais and Nord “départements”. Between 2003 and 2006 La Coupole carried out a huge enquiry to establish the numbers and identities of men and women victims of repression by the German occupying army, their police and the Vichy regime forces of order between 1940 and 1945. The names of almost 8,000 men, women, Jewish and Romany children scroll down the screen. Following the loan of photographs from victims’ families, research carried out with archive centres, museums and libraries, 732 portraits now appear on the picture wall. Several computer terminals can be accessed, enabling the visitor to follow the journey of 8,000 people, from their arrest to their death, or to their return from deportation. > TIMES > CONTACTS Open every day all year round From 9 am to 6 pm, from September to June. From 10 am to 7 pm, in July and August. (1) (1) : Closed during the Christmas holidays (contact the teaching department for information) For the Planetarium, please consult the education department We recommend you visit during the calmer periods of December or February; during these times, it is possible to remain on the site for the whole day. The site has obtained the “Tourism and handicap” label, it is fully accessible to people with reduced mobility. Educational contact: Tel: 00 33 (0)3 Fax: 00 33 (0)3 e-mail: [email protected] > TICKETS PRICES • History centre(2): 4.50 € per pupil. Free accompagnying adult for every - Ensure that each pupil has a pencil. 10 pupils Clipboards are available at reception on 4.50 € per additional accompanying request to help the pupils take notes. adult. - Please leave bags in the coach or in reception. Booking contact: Tel: 00 33 (0)3 21 93 07 07 Fax: 00 33 (0)3 21 39 21 45 e-mail: [email protected] or from your usual tourist professional • Planetarium(2): - Automated session: 3.50 € per pupil - 1 accompanying adult goes free for every 10 young people (3.50 € for additional accompanying adults) - Supplement for 3D Session: 1 € per student (1 € for additional accompanying adults) : Tariff applies to all primary and secondary schools IMPORTANT La Coupole was a place of suffering. Today, it is a place of remembrance. Europeans of today, you who live on a continent at peace, please visit in SILENCE. In the event of incorrect behaviour, the Centre reserves the right to interrupt the visit. In the event of damage, it will take legal action. Please plan for a sufficient number of accompanying organisers and supervise your students during the visit. On presentation of your reservation form, you may carry out a preliminary free visit on a date of your choice. (2) PRACTICAL INFORMATION 14 15 LA COUPOLE HISTORY CENTRE – 3D PLANETARIUM London Dover Calais A18 Dunkerque A25 A16 Saint-Omer A16 A1 Educational contact: Tel: + 33 (0)3 21 12 27 30 Fax: + 33 (0)3 21 39 21 45 Douai Amiens E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] A26 A1 Rouen A13 A4 Paris Booking contact: Tel: + 33 (0)3 21 93 07 07 Fax: + 33 (0)3 21 39 21 45 A10 A26 Arras A28 Lille Bruxelles BP 40 284 - WIZERNES 62504 SAINT-OMER CEDEX FRANCE Reims Signposted itinerary GPS: N50.6984596 E2.2435140 CalaisSaint-Omer 45min. Boulogne-sur-Mer Saint-Omer 1hr DunkirkSaint-Omer 1hr Amiens Saint-Omer 2hr ArrasSaint-Omer 1hr LilleSaint-Omer 1hr30 Valenciennes Saint-Omer 2hr RouenSaint-Omer 3hr ReimsSaint-Omer 3hr ParisSaint-Omer 3hr BrusselsSaint-Omer 3hr AntwerpSaint-Omer 2hr30 GhentSaint-Omer 2hr YpresSaint-Omer 1hr15 This folder has been produced with the participation of: Graphisme : © Glu&Glu / www.gluandglu.com / Crédits photos : © Sébastien JARRY / CG62 - © Aérodrome de Saint-Omer © Photos CERA © La Coupole www.lacoupole-france.com
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Group brochure 2016
- Option B: tour of the History Centre + lunch + another tour
- Option C: tour of the History Centre + 3D Planetarium session + lunch + another tour
HERE - La Coupole
For your comfort, circuit is fitted with seats.
Our team is ready to provide you with information and
ensure a smooth tour.
The price of the headset is included in the price for the