Part 1 - Bloodhounds West


Part 1 - Bloodhounds West
Bloodhounds West
Southern Chapter
February 2011
“A Note from the Editor”
If you are unable to access links
included in the Gazette, Please
cut and paste them into your browser.
President ............................... Lyn Sherman
[email protected]
Vice President
Buell Boaz
[email protected]
Recording Secretary.............. Kim Hansen
[email protected]
Treasurer................................ Lynne Aguirre
[email protected]
Corresponding Secretary....... Louise Uphus
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor...................... Claudia Myers
[email protected]
Directors: Steve Aguirre, Stacey Mattson, Claudia Myers, Barb Casciole, Evelyn Jones
We are dedicating this Gazette to Andre Tomatis. He and his spouse Esther were some of the founding
members of Bloodhounds West and they have both been active in the dog world for years. The recent
dog show at Orange Empire was dedicated to Andre’s Memory. Our sympathies go to Esther and her
daughters Louise, Theresa and Andrea.
From the Orange Empire Dog Show Memorial Page
“Andre was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Southern
California. He graduated from Colton High School in
1945. He attended San Bernardino Valley College and
graduated from California State University with a
Masters Degree in History. After retiring from Kaiser
Steel Corporation, he worked as a substitute teacher for
Fontana Unified School District.
Andre Tomatis
July 7, 1927 – July 10, 2010
Andre was a very active person involved in many clubs
and activities. He enjoyed hiking and attending field
trials. Some of the many clubs he participated in were
Orange Empire Dog club, Vizsla Club of Southern
California, Southern California Beagle Club (where he
was Field Trial Chairman for many years), and was a
founding member of Bloodhounds West. He was a
licensed AKC Field Trial judge for Beagles, Bassets and
Dachshunds. always ready for a new experience, he
enjoyed his affiliation with Fontana Police K9 Pals.
His life was always open to new ideas and current affairs.
A prolific reader, her covered science, history and politics
as well as sports. Andre was an ardent Yankee fan, and
followed baseball all his adult life. He loved his backyard
garden and was well known among friends for his tomato
Andre is survived by his wife of 54 years, Esther and
daughters Louise, Theresa and Andrea.”
I hope everyone survived the holidays, I know I am glad that they are over and I can concentrate on the
upcoming year.
At the 2010 Bloodhound Nationals in Georgia this year, our very own Larry Harris was presented with
the Meritorious Service Award and one of our very own Southern California bloodhounds, Credo, won
Best of Breed and Kiss won an Award of Merit. Credo also won the Top 20. Another California
bloodhound, Cindi Sim’s Sage, was awarded the bloodhound Meritorious Service Award.
This year’s National will be closer to home, in Clarkston, WA and I hope that many of us will be there
to support the event and to enjoy the Pacific Rim Bloodhound Club Hospitality. If you have never been
to a National it is an exciting and educational event. You can see bloodhounds doing what they are bred
to do - trail. Other activities at a National include obedience, rally, “Top 20, Best of Breed, “parade of
honor” for all dogs, etc, etc.
On a local level, Bloodhounds West had their annual meeting at the Palm Springs show early in January.
All the club officers agreed to stay on for another year, Evelyn Jones joined the board of Directors. We
are looking at options for our Regional show next year. For the past few years it has been at the Lompoc
Sight hound weekend, but the Sight hound people are really not happy with sharing their space with
scent hounds, especially “big slobbery bloodhounds”. For this reason I would like to find another show
weekend for our Regional, hopefully somewhere in the Northern part of our Region so it would be easier
for our Bloodhounds West-Northern members to join us for our Regional. I would welcome any
suggestions for where we could have out 2012 Regional; it is time to start that planning now!!
I am still looking for bloodhounds and their owners who want to work on trailing. I have been going up
to Northern California for training, but I would like to see some of us in Southern California start a trailing
group that could maybe meet once a month. I have some ideas of who we might get to help us start
working with our dogs, but I need commitments from at least five other people to make it happen. I hope
2011 is a safe and happy year for everyone, hug your hounds for me.
We welcome Derek and Carla Thompson to Bloodhounds West! Their dog and cat family includes two
bloodhounds, Deuce and Deacon. Deuce is the son of Yeager and grandson of Knotty! Derek has just
been promoted to Gunnery Sergeant! Congratulations Derek!
Badgershill Lorcan “Deuce”
With Derek & Judge Donnelle Richards
Orange Empire Dog Club- 29 Jan 2011
M.McCarthy, A. Doran,
S. Robertson & H. Whitcomb
By GCC CH Heathers Where Eagles Dare
CH Cailin Ailinn At Andorra
Derek & Carla
Celebrating Derek’s Promotion to
Gunnery Sergeant in February 2011
It’s Dues time! At our website you will find our Application/Membership Renewal
form Click "Membership" and please either send
your $25.00 dues payable to Bloodhounds West to: Louise Uphus
812 E. Chase Drive
Corona CA 92881
Or you can use Paypal. The account is [email protected]
Please make a comment that the payment is for dues renewal.
As we were all gathering at Lompoc we received the heart aching news that our dear friend and mentor
Judy Robb had died. I met Judy at the Nationals in Santa Rosa in 1990. I had brought my puppy
Emma to the show because Emma’s dad’s owner Bev Mestressat, asked me to bring her so she could
go in the ring with her dad. I’d never been to a dog show and had no idea what that was about! I
walked up to the front desk of the hotel so I could try to find Bev. Judy happened to be standing there
with Kay Schmitt. They told me the sad news that Bev had recently died.
Three years later my dear Emma died and I called Judy and even though we had only met that one
time, she was incredibly supportive of me and my loss. I’ll never forget her telling me, don’t you worry,
and when you’re ready to get another bloodhound we will find you one. This started an amazing and
wonderful friendship with Judy and Myron and their bloodhounds. I’ll never forget what a wonderful
time we all had sharing a cabin at the Nationals at Lake Murray.
So many memories -- so many stories -- so sad that Judy has left us. I will always cherish the friendship
we shared. Rest in Peace dear Judy.
There is an amazing biography of Judy in the January Bonckers with many wonderful photos. Go to
our website and click on Newsletters.
In the October Bonckers you will find a write up of the Lompoc show and a heartwarming article written
by Sherry Robertson about Judy “Me and My Buddy.”
The Gavilan Regional Specialty is dedicated to Judy.
Our Regional Specialty is dedicated to the wonderful and loving memories
of Judy Robb..... our friend, mentor and founder.
Regional Specialty, April 29, 2011, Show Superintendent, Carolyn Goepner
Claudia Myers, Show Secretary
Gavilan Kennel Club, April 30 - May 1, 2011, Show Superintendent, MBF, Inc.
Regional Sweeps Judge - Katherine Dettmer
Regional Breed Judge - Kent Delaney
Please plan on joining us on the beautiful central Coast for some springtime fun.
Don't forget to send in your trophy donations or donations to the general fund!
More information to follow regarding lunches, banquet, EECT & CGC evaluations.
Contact: Myron Robb, Show Chairman, [email protected] or 209-295-8420
Go to our website and click “Events” to
download the flyer for full information including trophy donation form, judges information,
superintendents, meal reservations & more!
American Bloodhound Club - NATIONAL 2010
Credo won both the 2010 American Bloodhound Club's National Specialty and 2010 Top 20 Competition.
The only other Bloodhound in history to win these top honors in the same year was Credo's sire, "Knotty."
Credo and Matt Hawley win The Top 20 competition at the National Specialty!
BISS, GCH, CH Am., Pan Am. Mex. Quiet Creek's Windfall, CGC
CH Heather’s Knock on Wood x Ch Tsa La Gi’s Mountain Windsor
Credo and Matt Hawley after (left)
winning the ABC National Specialty
under judge Edna Martin.
Pictured with his breeders, Susan
Hamil, Lyn Sherman, Lori Burch, his
Dad, Michael Hansen and ABC
President, Marybeth Cline.
Recipient of the ABC’s Meritorious Service Award
Larry Harris was awarded the MSA for his outstanding work in law enforcement. Larry was
Instrumental in the invention of the Scent Transfer Machine which is being used by the FBI. He’s
an expert in Scent Theory and Scent Discrimination and he and his spouse Jean have been a
members of Bloodhounds West for many years. He was deeply honored and we are so proud of
him and happy he got this well deserved honor!
Below, Larry and Jean
Above Larry Harris after
accepting the Award
Susan Hamil, Larry & Lyn Sherman
Recipient of the ABC Meritorious Service Award for a Bloodhound
The MSA for a bloodhound was given to Cindi Sim’s and Sherry Duling’s “Sage,” Sherick’s M&M
Heaven Scent, CD, RN, ECT. She was honored as an exceptional service dog and for her
performance and service titles. Cindi was unable to attend so Sherry Duling & Molly Nye who
bred Sage, accepted the award for Cindi and Lyn Sherman read a note from Cindi about how
deeply grateful she was for Sage’s recognition.
Best of Breed
MBIS/MBISS GCH Am/International Churchils Treasured Moon, Hall of Fame
Sire: CH Atbay Hangover The Boss Dam: CH Shilohs Nomoblues O Churchil
Breeder(s): Michele M Mckinney Owner(s): Judy Walker & Janet Kano & Michele McKinney
“Moonie” and Stephen Cabral
Best of Opposite Sex
GCH CH Quiet Creek's Kiss And Tell
Sire: CH Heathcliffe Claimjumper Dam: CH Heathers Go Tell It On The Mtn
Breeder(s): Susan LaCroix/Heather Whitcomb Owner(s): Susan Lacroix & Heather Whitcomb
“Kiss” aka “Smooch” and Bruce Schultz
Pictured above with Judge Gloria Geringer
Ventura Group One 1/20/11
Best Bred By in Breed/Variety
CH Heathers Where Eagles Dare
Sire: CH Heathers Knock On Wood CD Dam: CH Sapphires And White Diamonds
Breeder(s): Heather Whitcomb/Peter Whitcomb/Noel Stockwell/Lyn Sherman
Owner(s): Lyn Sherman & Heather Whitcomb
Lyn Sherman & “Yeager” who earned his EECT at the
National in Georgia this year
1st Award of Excellence
GCH CH Heathers A Little Night Music
Sire: CH Heathers Knock On Wood CD Dam: CH Sapphires And White Diamonds
Breeder(s): Heather Whitcomb/Peter Whitcomb/Noel Stockwell/Lyn Sherman Owner(s): Elissa L Befus
Group First Lisa Befus and “Maverick” Lincoln, NE 11/10
2nd Award of Excellence
GCH CH Quiet Creek's Windfall
Sire: CH Heathers Knock On Wood CD X Dam: CH Tsa-La-Gi's Mountain Windsong
Breeder(s): Susan LaCroix Hamil/Lori Burch/Lyn Sherman
Group First BISS GCH CH Quiet Creek's Windfall CGC
Doug Carlson and “Credo” Amana, Iowa on 9/4/10
Our Meet the Breed booth was a huge success and we had many visitors stop by to meet the
bloodhounds and our “Elvis” impersonator. Our theme was “You Ain’t Nothin But A Bloodhound.”
Yeager standing by his daddy Knotty’s photo
from Knotty’s Eukanba Best in Show Win
Bloodhounds West could sure use your help, please volunteer and/or consider sponsoring a rescue
and sending contributions. For rescue information, please contact Stacy Mattson
[email protected] or Susan Hamil [email protected]. Our rescue website can be found
by going to and clicking “Rescue”. There’s also a link at our Rescue
page from Southeast Bloodhound Rescue for an excellent article “Is it a Bloodhound or Coonhound?”
My local shelter had no idea the differences so I printed this out and took it to them and I
recommend folks do this for their local shelters! Claudia
From Stacy Mattson:
As far as my rescue info goes, Rio (16 yr old, blind rat terrier) continues to live with me. This summer a
bloodhound/rat terrier owner became suddenly very ill and passed away several weeks later in a Los
Angeles hospital. His will left no provisions for his 2 dogs. The 13 yr old bloodhound, while boarding
with me, subsequently was diagnosis and past away from lymphoma several months later. Be sure
that you update your will to specify any treatment and financial care for your dogs. Be sure to let your
vet, family and friends know of your wishes.
Rio has adjusted to the loss of his long time bloodhound companion and "eyes”, new surroundings, and
spends his days and night with my senior bloodhound.
As always, any donations can be sent to Bloodhounds West c/o Susan Hamil, Canyon Animal
Hospital, 20372 Laguna Canyon Rd, Laguna Beach, CA 92651-1164
From: Jamie Olsen
I thought it might be nice to recognize Julie Coontz in the next Bloodhounds West Newsletter. She's done so
much and spent hours driving places, on the phone, on the computer and fostering and training. I asked her to
summarize the rescues that she helped in 2010. She didn't ask why so she doesn't know I'm asking you to do
this. Mostly I wanted her to recall the phenomenal work that she's done. The following is her account of some
of the rescues of 2010:
This all started because my first Bloodhound Mo’s training was so successful and he was doing so well I
decided I wanted to help Susan and Stacy with Bloodhound Rescue since I knew dogs didn’t place super fast
and we turned away dogs that had aggression issues etc.– boy how things grow !
My first attempt at “rescue” was literally that! And it was by far the most emotional of them all! I had started
searching Craigslist nationally to see what all was out there in the BH world and came across a woman in
Bakersfield that had a 6 months old BH pup she wanted to get rid of. In her ad it stated the poor baby was
caged/crated 22+ hours a day. I spoke with the woman who was initially very happy to be rid of the dog and
made arrangements to go and get her. The night before I was to go we had been texting back and forth and
long story short it turned out the dog was in Ohio! Hello! I told her I would make arrangements to get the dog
and bring her out here but she balked and thus started a 5 day journey with the woman getting irate and me
hunting through every scrap of info she’d given me to discover her whereabouts. I reached out to several
rescues whom I had never met along the way and long story short, was able to use Google Earth and the name
of a street she’d given me to find her – talk about a needle in a haystack!!! I was determined to get that poor
puppy out of her current situation since the woman admitted she had 6 kids in a trailer park with 2 other dogs
etc. and mentioned health problems the puppy was having. A local rescue took the address and marched right
up to her front door, handed her $100, untied the poor baby from the tree out front where she’d been with no
shade or water and that was that! I cried for 2 days I was so happy and have tears now even explaining.
Mellie – Chicago area – 1 ½ yr old female – the woman was despairing because she couldn’t find a good home
and had discovered she was severely allergic. I found a local rescue to do a courtesy post and wrote the
description and got her to give me pics and after about 2 months Mellie found a great new home on a big,
fenced farm across the state line .
Scarlet – From a family in AZ that was very sweet but had no clue about raising dogs – they had 5 and only
ever put 3 bowls of food out each day and had another dog that was very aggressive toward Scarlet. I drove
to AZ to meet them and to pick her up and she peed twice on the backseat on the way back – poor baby got
carsick easily! She has since overcome her understandable food aggression issues and is a very happy
camper living on a 27 acre ranch in Valley Center with a new name of Bumpus…She has a coonhound sister.
We are fortunate to have a good relationship with AZ Basset Rescue that helps place bloodhounds in Arizona.
Ellie was a 3 year old I found in Austin TX who was being sold and when they didn’t get the requested $1000
they threatened to dump her in a high kill shelter. Through the grace of God I found her a ride last minute with
some people leaving the next day and driving to San Diego. She was also food aggressive and a little unsure
of other dogs. She has since learned her good behaviors and is happy living with a Bernese Mountain dog
named Ivan in Carlsbad with a huge backyard and people who walk 5 miles a day.
Copper was a 1 ½ yr old in FL I found and offered to help and was initially rejected because they wanted
money. Long story short I got an urgent email some weeks later asking me to take him immediately or he was
being dumped in the local pound. At the last minute, I found a great family for him in FL with BH experience. I
worked with them over a couple of months with some issues he had to help him settle in and got him enrolled
in classes and last I heard he was doing great!
There was Darla, from the Orange County Animal Shelter; she had been turned in because she repeatedly ate
rocks and other objects which had to be surgically removed. Despite everyone's best efforts, Darla ended up
having to be put down after she continued to eat rocks – that was the only sad ending for the year.
Marx of course was my BH mix puppy that has become the newest member of my own family and is learning
to control his aggression issues.
Solomon (nee Titus came) from Sacramento after receiving an urgent call saying he’d be put to sleep or in a kill shelter
the next day if we didn’t get him ASAP. I had been trying to work with them more than 6 weeks prior with no good
response. Through amazing cooperation between several rescues he arrived north of LA and I took off work to drive up
and get him. That was a hard lesson learned in that NOT all facilities are created equal as he came to my home with
kennel cough (bordatella). Another dog flew in the day after from a CO rescue (Marx) and I also had a female BH with
me along with my 3 and everyone ended up getting sick. 6 dogs with kennel cough is awful, believe you me, but we
made it through!! Solomon was Pig Pen in a dog and he tried my patience something fierce between sexual aggression,
general messiness, hyperactivity, zero manners etc. but we hung on and he is now on 2 acres with a family that ADORES
him in Fallbrook – yay!
Clyde was a group effort and still a work in progress due to some dog aggression issues when walking on a leash. Thanks
to Derek Thompson who found him in the 29 Palms Shelter, brought him extra food and Randy Olsen who drove up to
get him, paid his adoption fees and arranged transport to Canyon Animal Hospital for neutering.
One Eyed Jack! Rangy red boy who lost an eye and with some reported aggression issues. Despite Susan's
reservations about taking him, I did volunteer to work with him and I did find a home willing to accommodate and manage
his issues. Jack has gone from aggressive and withdrawn to now being a therapy dog!!! Woo Hoo!
Let’s not forget Magoo too! Purchased from a non ABC/BHW member, Magoo's new owner had lost her job and although
Magoo was only 3 months old he could not go back to the breeder either. Transport was arranged and Magoo arrived
in So Cal. He had a very outgoing and stable personality. When contacted, the breeder did provide his AKC registration
papers and Magoo was chosen to accompany another Bloodhound puppy about the same age going to Italy to work as
a SAR dog in the Italian Alps.
Many thanks to Julie for her assistance with our rescue bloodhounds. She has been a tremendous help in fostering,
training and working with prospective adopters and providing back up for bloodhounds in new homes.
July 30, 2010
Dear Member~
Earlier this year, the American Kennel Club announced a program for all the Parent Breed Clubs to apply to have their
unique titles finally receive AKC recognition for pedigrees, etc. The American Bloodhound Club Board through the diligent
efforts of Trailing Chairperson, Jan Rothwell, began this process. The AKC after reviewing our application, sent representatives to the Midwest Regional Trailing trial, to see our dogs in action, and how our trailing trials were conducted.
It is my extreme pleasure to announce that the American Bloodhound Club is the first breed club to have its titles recognized.
Dogs earning the Mantrailer, Mantrailer Intermediate, or Mantrailer Excellent titles after January 1, 2009 are eligible to
apply for formal AKC recognition of their titles.
There are, of course, fees and an application process to go through, and more information on that will be in your next Bulletin.
My heartfelt thanks go to Jan Rothwell and the entire Trailing Committee for getting our dogs and our club this long overdue
Dr. Marybeth Cline, DVM, President
American Bloodhound Club
Sent: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 9:17 am
Subject: Amendment to the AKC recognition of man trailing
Morning Marybeth,
Just got word that AKC have amended the date that they will record and recognize trailing titles. They will now go back
to January 1, 2000. It was the last issue I had hoped they would "give" on. YIPPEE!!
Jan Rothwell - ABC NTTC
First American Bloodhound Club Title to be Recognized by AKC- CH Heather’s Reason To Believe MTX
by Roxanne Chandler
Reason was born in Canada on August 2, 2007. His breeder, Heather Whitcomb, told me she chose Reason to
be my dog because his nose was always on the ground and he was consistently the first in the litter to solve
staged problems.
He earned all of his titles before 19 months of age. Three days short of his eight-month old birthday, Reason
earned his MT by completing his trail in thirteen minutes. At 10 months of age and in 34 minutes, Reason earned
his MTI. And on March 22, 2009, Reason attained his MTX completing the trail in 30 minutes.
Thank you to the judges who give their time and share their knowledge, the breeders that preserve the nose
and the form and function of our beloved hounds, and the dedicated people who share their knowledge, love of
the breed and the sport of mantrailing with others. I would like to recognize the members of the American
Bloodhound Club and the American Kennel Club for their efforts in striving to see the recognition of these titles
to fruition. For all the wonderful, talented bloodhounds and their handlers that have attained Mantrailing titles I
am deeply honored that Reason is the first Bloodhound to be recorded as a Mantrailer Excellent.
Bloodhound West Members’ Bloodhounds and their Offsprings’ Grand Champions!
“Maverick” 5-31-2010
Group One
Lisa Befus and “Maverick”
Lincoln, NE 11/10
“Credo” 7-04-2010
Group One
“Credo” and Doug Carlson
Lincoln, NE
“Kiss” aka “Smooch” 7-11-2010
Best In Show
“Kiss” and Bruce
Antelope Valley Kennel Club
“Moonie” 8-01-2010
“Ditto” 9-26-2010
“Ditto” with Ken Griffith won
the Hound Group twice in
Tennessee and Finished the
year as the #8 bloodhounds in
all-breed points
“Elphie” 11-13-10
“Elphie” and Leslie Puppo
GCH CH Heathers Where Eagles Dare
From Sherry Robertson:
Above Rattlesnake Training
From Lee Clifton:
Here are some pictures of "Lady
Brandy Trac and Trail to the Max"
Brandy and Lee Clifton
on Potato Mountain
BIS BISS GCH CH Quiet Creek's Windfall aka "Credo" 2/12/11 in St Joseph MO
Congratulations to owners Michael & Kimberly Hansen, Susan Hamil, & Lori Burch
and breeders Susan LaCroix Hamil, Lori Burch, & Lyn Sherman
Houndwalker Bloodhounds is pleased to announce the arrival of 8 black & tan
babies born Feb. 6, 2011. Five boys and three girls. Dam: Ch. Houndwalker's China
Moon (OFA Hips Excellent, Elbows normal, cardiac clear) Sire: Ch. Houndwalkers
Dark Cyde of the Moon (OFA Hips Good, elbows normal, cardiac clear). Breeders: Jill
Beniak and Judy Walker
Kiss Takes Breed at Westminster!
Credo receives AOM!
Denny & Marsha Bratcher’s “Heidi” turned 7 September 2, 2010
Heather's Rocky Mountain High, MT
Dixie, aka: Ch. Sapphire’s Spitfire of Dixie, TD,
MTI, CGC, ABC Hall of Fame-Working Dog. Born
April 17, 1997, she went to sleep peacefully in my
arms July 29, 2010, only to be greeted at the
Rainbow by her best friends Beauregard and Gunny.
She was “The Best” working dog and our most loving
companion, partner and best friend. As a working
girl, she saved the lives of many lost people by
finding them before they succumb to the elements.
She was able to give closure to families of drowning
victims by being able to pinpoint their locations
underwater. And she tracked down criminals on the
run to put them in jail.
She was our go anywhere girl. She was not afraid of
anything and went any where she was needed, land,
sea or air, where ever the job took us. She loved to
watch the tiny cars on the roads below us from
airplanes and would jump into a running helicopter
without hesitation. She loved the fresh air in her face
from the front of the boat and she rode shotgun many
hundreds of miles in the car, truck and motor home.
Dixie loved people and all animals alike and gave
beautiful “smiles” to her special friends. We have 13
years of wonderful memories of our precious Dixie
to reflect on with laughter and tears.
In Loving Memory of Dixie
She is dearly missed and will forever be in our hearts.
She was my pride and my joy.
Thank you Noel and Heather for breeding this
wonderful litter and allowing Denny and me to take
Dixie, our first bloodhound of many, home to enrich
our lives.
Marsha, Denny, & Heidi
Forever in our hearts
Dixie & Sir Hawthorne
Howling on her 13th Birthday
Emerson and Dixie
Hall of Fame Working Dog ABC National 2004
High in Trial First Leg Obedience ABC
Ch. Sapphires Spitfire of Dixie, TD, MTI, CGC, 2/3 of a CD, ABC
Hall of Fame Working Dog (Dixie)
Heathers Sugar Daddy (Beaureguard)Ch. Asherwoods Gunmetal Blues,
MT (Gunny) And the other Bratcher kids: Dos E. Doe, Moxi, & Brandy
From: John & P J Morehead
Covina, California February 4, 2011
My name is John Morehead. My wife P J and I have been honored to have shared the lives of four rescue
Bloodhounds. We just got back from the vet and our most recent love Bubba, went on to Bloodhound Heaven at 4:15
PM. And it is with heavy heart that I share our story and experiences with you and all who may find time to read this.
I'll get back to Bubba in a few minutes.
It started in about 1985. We heard about Bloodhounds West and decided that we would try and rescue a Bloodhound.
We were fortunate enough to meet up with Evelyn Jones at her home in the foothills of Upland in San Bernardino
County. She had several Bloodhounds in rescue. Most were fairly young. But one older dude caught our eye. Evelyn
said his name was David and that he was older (6 or 7) and that he had been abused. We could see that he was
scared and some of his teeth were broken off due to abuse. He was head shy and looked lonely. Evelyn spent about
45 minutes trying to convince us with all the reasons, why we did not want a Bloodhound. We decided that David
needed a home and we needed a friend.
We took David home and welcomed him into our life. It wasn't long before he became acclimated to our life style. We
decided to rename him Muggs because he had lots of facial wrinkles and skin hanging and the name fit him well.
Muggs became a very good companion and lived well. He became ill with cancerous tumors about a year and a half
later and we lost him. What a love he was.
We didn't last long and made contact with Stacy Mattson who we had previously met at a Fun Day. She had several
Bloodhounds in rescue and we made the trip to her canyon ranch and fell in love with a really lively guy we named
Boomer who was about four years old. He turned out to be a real hand full. He was a good watch hound and usually
would nip anyone he did not like, including the mailman. Boomer was with us about three years or so and we lost him.
After another short period of time we again visited Stacy and after talking with her and Susan Hamil, we decided to
adopt Claude. He from the get go was an adventurous hound and probably the smartest of them all. We decided his
name should be Jean Claude, which really fit him. We found that he could open car doors and get in the front seat
by himself.
One time we were re-doing the kitchen and had to move the refrigerator outside. We came home from shopping and
found that Jean Claude had opened the refrigerator door and got into some cold cuts. He was in the process of burying
a large piece of Swiss cheese in the back yard when we caught him. Of course he was not remorseful. My company
transferred me to Oregon for awhile. Jean Claude had to be taken everywhere we went because he would dig out
under a fence when we were gone and be waiting on the front porch when we returned. One time it had rained (wow
figure that in Oregon) and he dug out. When we got home he was really muddied up on the front porch waiting for us.
There was a note in our mailbox from the Portland Police saying that he hoped the dog on our front porch belonged
to us, because he could not get close enough to check his tags and if he wasn't, to give them a call. We returned to
Southern California in about a year. Jean Claude was quite a guy and he was with us until about late 2000.
We decided not to get another pet, but after several months it was lonely around our home without a hound being
around. In January of 2001, we contacted Susan about wanting another Bloodhound. She said there was a young
male that they had just come into rescue and that we should
consider visiting Stacy to see if we were interested. My wife P J
said that if we rescued another Bloodhound we would name him
Bubba because she always figured that a name like Bubba would
be fitting for a Bloodhound.
We drove to Stacy's ranch and were greeted by many hounds,
bellowing as we pulled into her kennel area. We could see one
particularly active in his kennel, apart from the others. Stacy said
that was the one that just came into rescue. When we asked what
his name was, Stacy said his name was Bubba!
Well that did it and the following week we picked up Bubba from Susan at her husband's animal hospital. We had to
wait for him to be checked out and neutered, etc. Apparently Bubba had been shipped from a Missouri breeder and
the owner did not realize that Bloodhounds get big quick and wanted to send the dog back to the breeder. Susan told
the breeder that she could place the hound and that was that. Bubba was ours. Bubba was between 18 months and
2 yrs old so we decided he should be two.
Every year around January 1st we celebrated Bubba's birthday. On January 1st 2011 we celebrated Bubba's twelfth
birthday. He has been the love of our life for all that time. He never spent a night outside the house and when we
traveled he stayed in the best kennel with an inside bed and piped in music. He would always greet us when we got
back and loved to ride in the back of our SUV. He enjoyed his frequent trips to the groomer. When friends would visit,
he would always check them out and make sure they were alright. Bubba was somewhat shy, but once he got to know
you he was a great friend.
He loved his toys to play with. After eating in the evening he would get his Duck that squeaked when he bit down on
him and bring it to you to throw so he could fetch it. He just loved squeaky toys. He had his own couch in the family
room and spent about 22 hrs a day sleeping on it. Especially the last few months. When I would be away from home,
I would call and ask P J if Bubba was there because I wanted to talk to him. She would reply that he was deeply
engulfed in his mid morning nap and that he would not be taking any calls until he woke up. It was kind of a standing
joke with us.
Bubba was a large male and weighed in at about 125 lbs. The last month or so he lost a lot of weight and we knew
that he was ill. His vet advised that he had several large tumors and that his quality of life could not be guaranteed if
surgery was performed. He was not in pain and was dealing with his illness and old age pretty well. He became quite
weak, had not eaten for several days and our visit to the vet today was his last.
Bubba's ashes will be spread on the grounds of the Gateway Pet Cemetery in San Bernardino, California, along with
those of Muggs, Boomer and Jean Claude, that have gone to rest there before him. May their soles be blessed and
may they run around Bloodhound Heaven for ever.
From Billy Kift
I'd first like to pass along that my K9 partner Lucy passed away unexpectedly in May from a stroke that
completely disabled her. She had been retired from work for about a year, but was still in good health.
This caught the family off guard and came as quite a shock to everyone. Lucy was really part of our
Lucy was different than my other police dogs in that I picked her out as a puppy and did all of her trailing
training myself. The whole family went to the Robb's Cabin to pick her up when she was just 11 weeks
old. I selected her out of the litter for her outgoing personality and desire to work. Who knew then that
she would travel all over the country and become so well known for her work with the FBI in human
trailing. She worked for over 9 years.
Lucy excelled in trailing after people. She loved the chase, but really loved the good ear massage she
would get after finding someone. A good ear massage would literally bring her to her knees. Lucy
completed her training in only six months and became one of the youngest working bloodhounds around
at only 9 months old. Her abilities soon came to the attention of the FBI after she participated in a class
where bloodhounds successfully trailed to a person from pipe bomb fragments after it had exploded.
The FBI invited Lucy and me to assist with security at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2001.
We were at the games for 23 days and assisted in several investigations, including a bomb that was
detonated inside a power station.
Lucy worked cases throughout Southern California and assisted the FBI with Federal Investigations
throughout the country. Lucy worked cases from California to Florida, Maine to Alaska and numerous
states in between. Lucy has participated in some of the largest federal investigations in history including
the search for Eric Rudolph, the Anthrax letters and the DC Sniper attacks.
Lucy was called many times when investigators needed a break in the case and many times she was
able to provide that break. She worked a case where a newborn baby was stabbed to death and thrown
into a dumpster. Lucy followed the odor to a nearby apartment building and lead investigators to a door.
After being interviewed a women inside the apartment confessed to murdering her newborn baby.
Lucy’s last FBI case was the kidnapping of a nurse in Anchorage, Alaska.
Lucy followed the scent of the kidnapper from an ATM back to his house 5 miles away and 15 days later.
The evidence from the dogs assisted in obtaining a search warrant, which lead to a suspect being arrested.
The victim was later found murdered and the suspect eventually confessed to murdering two female victims.
He is currently serving life without parole.
Lucy is greatly missed and the satisfaction of helping in so many criminal investigations will never be
Lucy rest in peace.
"Lucy" Pine Hollow's Gold Seeker
CH Button Bay’s Chips and Salsa “Nacho”
CH The Ritz EZ MS-B-Haven Of PH “Bea”
Breeders - Judy & Myron Robb
2011 ABC SW Independent Regional Specialty
& Gavilan Kennel Club Supported Entry & all breed show.
April 29 – May 1, 2011
Bolado Park, Hollister CA
Our Regional Specialty is dedicated to the wonderful and loving memories of
Judy Robb.....
our friend, mentor and founder.
Note - Two Separate Superintendents
*Regional Specialty, April 29, 2011, Show Superintendent, Carolyn Goepner
Claudia Myers, Show Secretary
*Gavilan Kennel Club, April 30 – May 1, 2011, Show Superintendent, MBF, Inc.
Regional Sweeps Judge – Katherine Dettmer
Regional Breed Judge – Kent Delaney
Please plan on joining us on the beautiful central Coast for some springtime fun.
Don’t forget to send in your trophy donations or donations to the general fund!
More information to follow regarding lunches, banquet, EECT & CGC evaluations.
Contact: Myron Robb, Show Chairman, [email protected] OR 209-295-8420
NAME OF PARTY ___________________________________________________________________________
#__________ X 8.50 PER PERSON = ____________________
NAME OF PARTY ___________________________________________________________________________
#__________ X 8.50 PER PERSON = ____________________
We Need Your Help! - Please Sponsor a trophy or make a donation to the
ABC SW Regional & Supported Entry to Gavilan KC - April 29th & 30th, 2011
Checks payable to: Bloodhounds West - Mail with form to:
Sherry Robertson, 18 Glenn Ave., Salinas, CA 93907
Contact: [email protected]
Dogs - 1st Place $10 Each / 2-4 $5 per class
Puppy 6-9
Fri/Sat 1st Fri/Sat 2-4
________ ________
Dogs - 1st Place $10 Each / 2-4 $5 per class
Fri/Sat 1st Fri/Sat 2-4
6-9 Puppy
________ ________
Puppy 9-12
________ ________
9-12 Puppy
________ ________
JR 12-18
________ ________
________ ________
JR 18-24
________ ________
________ ________
Bitches - 1st Place $10 Each / 2-4 $5 per class
American Bred
________ ________
Amateur Owner Handled ________ ________
Fri/Sat 1st Fri/Sat 2-4
Puppy 6-9
________ ________
________ ________
Puppy 9-12
________ ________
________ ________
JR 12-18
________ ________
Bitches - 1st Place $10 Each / 2-4 $5 per class
JR 18-24
________ ________
6-9 Puppy
Best Puppy $15
________ ________
BOS Puppy $10
________ ________
Best JR $15
________ ________
BOS JR $10
________ ________
Grand Sweeps $25
________ ________
Veteran Sweepstakes
Dogs - 1st Place $10 Each
Vet 7-9
________ ________
Vet 9-10
________ ________
Vet 10+
________ ________
Bitch - 1st Place $10 Each
Vet 7-9
________ ________
Vet 9-10
________ ________
Vet 10+
________ ________
Best Vet Dog $15 ________ ________
Best Vet Bitch $15 ________ ________
Fri/Sat 1st Fri/Sat 2-4
________ ________
9-12 Puppy
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
American Bred
________ ________
Amateur Owner Handled ________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
Best of Breed $30
________ ________
Best of Breed Trivet $25
________ ________
Best of Opposite $30
________ ________
Best of Opposite Trivet $25
________ ________
Best of Winners $25
Winners Dog $20
________ ________
Winners Dog Trivet $15
________ ________
Winners Bitch $20
________ ________
Winners Bitch Trivet $15
________ ________
Reserve Winners Dog $15 ________ ________
Reserve Winners Bitch $15
Donations received by March 1st
will be listed in the catalog
________ ________
Non-Regular Vet Classes 1st Place $10 ea/2-4 $5 per class
Veteran Dog
Veteran Bitch
Fri/Sat 1st Fri/Sat 2-4
________ ________
________ ________
Donation from:____________________________________________ Email:__________________________
How would you liked your donation to be listed in the catalog?_______________________________________
Association of Bloodhound Breeders (U.K.)
Pacific Rim Bloodhound Club (Northwest)
Prairielands Bloodhound Club (Northcentral)
Colonial Bloodhound Club (Northeast)
Canadian Bloodhound Club
The Bloodhound Club UK