Steering Stem Installation Yamaha YFZ450 and
Steering Stem Installation Yamaha YFZ450 and
r0506 Steering Stem Installation Yamaha YFZ450 and Raptor 660 173 Oak St Marion, AH $302 Phone: 877 6 GO FAST www. houser-racing. com Do you have a Houser Racing handle bar clamp? You will need to have one to complete this installation process. Clamp Bottom Top Clamp bolts (4) Rubber Cones (4) \ Holes for Kill switch (4) Washers (4) .&:" t * Nuts(2) t + \\ Sleeves (2) Retaining Collar Steering Stem nut Clu*p Top (dogbone piece) Bolts (2) Fender and Handle Bar Removal ?, Rsmsxe *a*t r*gt rcrtr- 3" Reunax gas tark cortr. -F- sr.€ r*kl Mas bY reupr.rtrt srde bolte $ ges trnl. {. Start remotrag ?. AII bolts {bo{ddbc rcmored- Figure above slosx ar*s wke kk: cm be fotrd 1S, Rem*t'* tw* b*c* klx *f pt tank- 5. Rsmcr,'e balt &aan&tel fends rcse rr*e" 8. $rsep &*at [.ocst*d Il ffxt ft*&r **m rt*r fadr :0 tbe gcs t**t. . Rr*art ftvc ***i b*lt* af gte t**k 6" Rcmave dl baltc wkel fe*drr. *r 9. Reptrt g*: taul lid rma,r,xl *f ga* tark. *sd over the ta prry:r fcr 3l- Remor"e gsi tss! *xd *et cn &e *f *e*fV" Unheck *xv elec*rc*I *ox$*ctiec Fage ] bac& H*ndle Bar arrd St*ck Steering Stem Rem*val 1" Xmclre &ffit LnEdk Kccp kr noer pi*ce. 4. Ft tea tk retd @r $rradirg bsltx arl str€rng seu*ry. tCli*I;Ilare) 7. X.csatr c*ttrr gi:r }ocad rt the bottomof *eeirg *am. Sliert) 2. R*solr $to{& Mk lscs€rrsg tugbclx (4). rkcrlc*lg strchcd tnery brrcl""qr by {Sa*x} 5. Hemve ri*rirg *cn clary bolts. {$oc&et} S" Rm$$r stffiisg stdceerlr ($*elc) t&*AlV" Lcarr ** coatrols strrMunks ys art l:?lacbg hmdh bm. 6- Rsncw bs& sides cf *ruclrry, bale ffid ts*k. K**? th*x px::rx t*r rwx" 9- "4,bre*}cr brr enry bt 3tffiin* sterrBirl. Ed to F*ge 3 lm*m Stem Inst*llation Hcuser Steerr 1. *mee rEeidrg eIIff d m *m 2. glffi r$frcr s*d rw# 6o'm cto.* Ilnusr*siEgms* TbrSSre xtexiag st*u **r clqu, grffi &* *br*rpatrLstr fu:nxd *c*t*dm&tirge lqf- bcaicgwr:Ib€pxbc& e ;t. &{rle mc &e [Im*r kgo is eci*g &e &at of tlc*IV. 7. Xrykrfu & cl*rTsbo'& sidrs. e. Tigkm the 1& Pl*ct ee rerrieiag ccll*r a tc ffi rytire. *fhr & celkr i* irxr$, pla* &* gtesnrt olstk rytix. Lo{*Edby *qeryr botbsL 5. fir***ry*rfu'co*dput sf stm rrkr &e m ux#iry c!ry lrill rc*- t*rewr ll. tro "Irry bolt* ta fbe {$or}*} 1. IMf lisrr{r refr*rg rym into.&IV. Sli& &* did 6d of tk m irto & sesi"* et6rb*t6m- 6. nr*r$b6*t*I msllrerr s*cs*r* '& 9. *drc*Ecelpr*cctilrc fry* cre m drry tckt. (Chi*clllrrsnry) L{*kc sqre ekc}s *N pt*d fcwrrd rxs" {$ocert?t*rs} *d tigllee xtffi Frge,* Handle Bar Clamp Installation 3. 1. Grease steering stem handle bar clamp 2. Remove handle bar clamp from housing. Smear grease around on the inside. Insert metel sleeves into the cones. packaging. Remove black rubber cones, Place washers (indented end towards rubber cone) on each rubber cone, top washers and nuts from the handle bar the clamp. Grease rubber cones and insert and bottom. (narrow end inward) into each side of the steering stem housing, top and bottom. 4. Place Houser haadle bar clamp (Houser logo facing the front of ATV) onto the top of the steering stem. The handle bar clamp bottom bolts should be inserted into the metal sleeves. ljnscrew top bolts frarcthe steering stem clamp. 5. Place clartp nuts back onto clamp threads from under the steering stem. Tighten the nuts. (Socket/Wrench) 6. Figure above shows correct assembly side view (Allen wrench) 7. Figure above shows correct assembly 8. Remove top of handle bar clamp front view. insert stock handle bars" NOTE: l{onda handle bars have a metel piece located in the center. This will cause an obstruction to the Houser handle bar clamp. This center piece musl be removed. Houser Racing recomends purchasing aftermarket handle bars. and 9. Place top of clamp back onto bottcm clamp. Tighten four top bolts down. (Allen wrench) Page 5 Ib* llolrss b*dk ber clary will n* w** si& tk *oot a*tE pi*ce. T&i* pkt* anr*t br rmotl*d *aa tk SfIf *d cra rct &e $ttd- ?hr ksy sqrrttb umt bt plac*d wrerrhprc elsr ca tk .$lf to corylet* inxellatian l. Xmcv* tcy mitcL &a's ac*c pkcc" (*tEEr$ 2- tiiiry r lerge &*Ilit tk sffi <m,rII *iuc ** tlr k*k Tkhsk *ffild *km*ter m tL* tey swit&, &jII r itrtusi&of tkxklf.s&. k€ 6r rar cf &ATIi rrd bc in rr rre* t* rerc! u:k* ritting s*r &c seetstrsi**L 3- Irsst &c tcy lwiuh ixo &* wkrl ficder. t& th bob &as eae'y ,F i 1;. ,j, a, Fig* *kt* fuqs * r'i*x &amr*rfu rrM Mr. !d*kt erre *e re,ke* cre c3ffir Tie xrrys ruey b* uxd ay o&mrc*c*. to bld \ilTes to frerne ef 1" Xryl*c* top M h*& auto tk tey m{tc} md tighte*u*i! *"rs:g- {Sffketj&'?sr&} Pap 6