advancing excellence 2013 - University of Illinois Urbana


advancing excellence 2013 - University of Illinois Urbana
Each time I meet with alumni I am struck by
their stories about the impact the College
of Media has had in their personal and
professional lives—how their education has
contributed to their success, how it continues
to give them competitive advantages in the
workplace and how the skills they gained
while studying at Illinois still shape the
decisions they make as leaders in media and other fields. Many
of our alumni are performing at the highest levels for top firms
in media, technology, finance and other areas. Regardless of
the industry, our alumni credit their accomplishments to the
education they received at the College of Media.
While there are far too many alumni to feature in just one
publication, we look forward to sharing the stories of a few
of them with you in this and future publications. The alumni
featured here all share a passion for the college and Illinois, and
we are grateful for their generous gifts of time and resources to
the College of Media.
advancing excellence
We are thrilled to present this first issue of Advancing Excellence, the publication of the Office of
Advancement at the College of Media. Since my appointment last fall, I have had the privilege of assisting in
a yearlong strategic planning process that engaged the college and campus in an intensive and far-reaching
discussion about our future. The college’s new strategic plan, Building Opportunities for Success, will assist
in strengthening the tradition of excellence for which we are known and will have a profound impact on our
students, faculty and research. Our goals are simple and articulated in our new mission statement: to meet
the evolving demands of an increasingly connected global society through agile media education, cuttingedge scholarship and professional synergies, all devoted to facilitating enlightened public decision making;
We are enormously grateful to those of you who provide your
gifts of financial support to the College of Media. Significant
decreases in state funding combined with rising tuition costs
make your contributions even more critical to our ability to
recruit and retain the most talented students and faculty and
provide them the resources to be successful in a fast-paced,
ever-changing global society.
As we continue to implement the college’s new strategic plan,
we invite you to consider how you will make a difference in the
lives of students in the College of Media. While scholarships,
assistantships and support for internships represent our greatest
need, every gift—regardless of size—makes a difference.
Whether you choose to give to the Annual Fund, provide funding
for a specific program or establish a bequest, your support is a
critical investment in future generations of media professionals,
scholars and educators.
fair, accurate, balanced and contextual representation of all groups in our society; and the preparation
of a new generation of leadership in advertising, agricultural communications, communications research,
journalism, media and cinema studies and public media. We are confident that the College of Media is well
The future has never been brighter
for the College of Media. To keep
pace with the ever-changing media
landscape, we have worked to
become more agile and responsive
to the needs of our students and
the industries we serve. We have
reorganized our internal structures,
revised curriculum, improved our
engagement with alumni and
created partnerships across campus.
These changes help us to recruit topnotch faculty who, in turn, prepare
our students to be the critical
thinkers and problem solvers that
business and academia require. As
one of only 111 accredited programs
in the country, the standards we use
in the classroom are determined by
the industries we serve. Our work
has just begun, and we cannot do
it without your continued financial
support and engagement.
Marlah Bonner-McDuffie
Associate Dean for Advancement
Jan Slater, Dean
positioned to fulfill this mission, and we look forward to sharing our progress with you.
Message from the Dean
A DVA N C I N G E X C E L L E N C E 2 013
new gifts
Karen Lucas Petitte Endowed Scholarship in
Karen Petitte has generously established a scholarship to
benefit students in journalism. Karen holds both bachelor's
and master's degrees from Illinois. Karen stated, "The
College of Media provides students with excellent tools
that enable them to be successful in their future careers.
It certainly did for me. I can't think of a more appropriate
way to support the important work the college does than to
provide a scholarship that helps a deserving student gain the
gift of an outstanding education."
While at Illinois Karen was among the first women selected
as editor-in-chief of the Daily Illini and the first following the
post-World War II period. After graduation, she worked for
the Chicago Tribune in its neighborhood news section and
then joined the Chicago Daily News—first as a reporter,
then consumer affairs columnist and then assistant city
editor. While covering the education beat, she and a
colleague won first prize from the National Council for the
Advancement of Education Writing in 1973 for uncovering
mismanagement and misspending at Malcolm X College in
While at the News, she served as first woman president of
the Chicago Newspaper Guild, which represents journalists
employed at publications in Chicago and Northern Indiana.
After leaving the News, she was appointed Chicago’s
Consumer Affairs Commissioner by Mayor Jane Byrne. She
then served as top editor of three national publications:
Consumers Digest, Modern Healthcare and Modern
Physician, the latter two published by Chicago-based Crain
Communications, Inc.
Karen retired from full-time employment in 2001. In 2007
she was inducted into the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame
and the Illini Media Hall of Fame. She currently writes and
consults and serves on the board of several organizations.
The Charla Krupp Endowed Scholarship for
Internships in Journalism
As a 1975 journalism graduate, Charla Krupp’s ambitions,
enthusiasm and accomplishments were an inspiration to
students, faculty and professionals alike. She was wellknown for her fashion and beauty savvy, having served in
top positions at Glamour and InStyle magazine, and as a
popular TV commentator and author. Krupp died January 23,
2012, in New York City.
While Charla found much success in New York City, she
never forgot her connection to her alma mater. She had a
big heart for students and helped them make connections in
New York City.
The establishment of the Charla Krupp Endowed Scholarship
for Internships in Journalism continues her generosity
toward media students in perpetuity. Established in 2012,
the Krupp Scholarship provides financial support for a
deserving journalism student pursuing an internship in New
York City.
The College of Media is grateful to Charla’s husband,
Richard Zoglin, for initiating this scholarship in her honor. The
college truly appreciates Richard’s efforts in establishing
the scholarship and his assistance with facilitating paid
summer internships for students at two New York-based
publications, People StyleWatch and InStyle.
The first recipient of the scholarship, Anna Hecht, is pursuing
“This internship means everything to me. It’s fulfilling and rewarding to know that all of my hard
work is paying off in the best way possible. Not only do I get to work alongside accomplished
journalists and professionals who also share my passion for fashion, but I’m getting to live out
my dream while honoring Charla Krupp.”
– Anna Hecht '15 Journalism, first recipient of the
Charla Krupp Endowed Scholarship for Internships in Journalism
a Bachelor of Science in News-Editorial Journalism. She is a
James Scholar Honors student and a member of the Dean’s
List for Academic Achievement. She was part of the editorial
team for College Fashionista, a producer at and
a writer and videographer for Impulse Magazine. Anna also
served as Vice President of Public Relations for the Kappa
Delta Sorority Council. Her internship this summer is at
People StyleWatch in New York City.
McDonald’s Corporation Provides Additional Funding
for the Paul Schrage-McDonald’s Corporation
Graduate Fellowship in Advertising
The College of Media is pleased to announce a gift of
$25,000 from the McDonald’s Corporation designated for the
Paul Schrage-McDonald’s Corporation Graduate Fellowship
in Advertising.
The fellowship was established in 2005 by Paul Schrage,
a distinguished alumnus of the Charles H. Sandage
Department of Advertising. Mr. Schrage joined the
McDonald’s Corporation in 1967 as National Marketing
Director and was elected Vice President in 1968. He went
on to serve as the corporation’s Executive Vice President
and became McDonald's Chief Marketing Officer from
1980 until 1997. Mr. Schrage’s highly successful career
and contributions to the advertising profession continue to
inspire and influence students and faculty.
To date, the college has awarded fellowships to four
talented students. This funding will allow the college to
admit an additional advertising student with financial need.
In addition, this gift will provide much-needed support for a
graduate student to work on a final project or complete an
Dr. Karin and Dr. Folke Dovring
The College of Media is pleased to announce the receipt
of a $1 million bequest from the estate of Dr. Karin and
Dr. Folke Dovring to establish the Karin and Folke Dovring
Endowment Fund to support the initiation and facilitation
of research and instruction of propaganda and persuasion
in the Department of Journalism. This bequest will also be
used to support the Karin and Folke Dovring Travel Award
for Analysis of International Persuasion, which will provide
a financial stipend to American journalists and students of
journalism for international travel, study and research. Dr.
Dovring has also donated her books, manuscripts and papers
to the College of Media, allowing students and scholars to
have access to this important work.
Dr. Jan Slater, dean of the college stated, “Dr. Dovring’s gift
is one of the largest in the college’s history. Dr. Dovring was
a great supporter of journalism excellence and an advocate
of intellectual discovery. We are honored by the trust she
placed in us to carry on her legacy and her passion.”
alumni profile: jim schlueter
1980, Journalism
Director, Technology Communications
Boeing Engineering Operations & Technology
Jim Schlueter is firm in his convictions: “Before I even
went to kindergarten or knew what high school was, I
knew I was going to Illinois like my brother Ray did.”
Jim grew up in a rural area outside of Edwardsville, Illinois.
His big brother, Ray, was 15 years older. Ray attended
Illinois during the time of Jim Grabowski and Dick Butkus.
In the family home were pictures of Jim’s mom and dad
on campus with Ray for Dad’s Weekend and other special
Before Jim had any idea what he wanted to be when
he grew up, he knew he wanted to go to Illinois. In high
school, he discovered his love of writing and thought that
he would become a sports writer. In those days, tuition
was a bargain. If you could get into Illinois, it was the
place to go. Jim was also fortunate that his parents were
committed to putting their children through college.
Jim started working at the Daily Illini his sophomore year.
“I am a DI lifer,” he boasts. “It was a great experience and
the best place to hone your craft.”
Junior year he covered women’s rugby, women’s cross
country and men’s track. By his senior year he was
the executive reporter in sports, covering football
and basketball. He was also the local stringer for the
Associated Press (AP) his senior year.
While Jim was covering sports, the university fired an
athletic director and a football coach. “It was not what you
wanted to experience, but it was a real-world lesson,” Jim
recalls. A losing team has a huge impact on a university
and a community, and he gained valuable experience as
a result of covering the teams during those years. He
attended news conferences, covered Title IX enforcement
and experienced what national exposure was like for the
basketball team.
Attending those events as a reporter allowed him to meet
other professionals from all around the state and the
country. During the annual Missouri basketball game his
senior year, Jim was sitting midcourt in the press box. The
reporter behind him, covering the game for KMOX radio out
of St. Louis, was Bob Costas. Jim remarked, “I was a lucky
What affected Jim the most were his fellow students.
“The caliber of students made me realize how hard I
would need to work, how committed I would have to
be to succeed.” He recognized that Illinois was full of
really bright, high-achieving students. At the Daily Illini,
upperclassmen were the bosses for the underclassmen.
There was a balance between competing and collaborating
that made everyone better in the end.
Jim’s career has taken a couple of unexpected turns.
After graduation, he was a reporter with the Daily Leader
in Pontiac, Illinois, and then a sports reporter with the
Danville Commercial News. He decided to expand his
education and earned his MBA from SIU-Edwardsville
while working as a sports editor at a Collinsville
newspaper. He then went to work for McDonnell Douglas
on its employee newspaper. After the Boeing merger, he
moved into communications, working with international
communications, commercial airplanes and technology.
Jim credits his Illinois education for preparing him for this
unexpected career path. “It puts you in a good competitive
position,” he believes.
The information technology revolution and the 24-hour
news cycle are the biggest changes Jim has seen in the
communications field over the years. Issues can arise and
spread quickly through social media, and communications
professionals must know how to respond and know how to
use those platforms to share their own messages.
What doesn’t change? The need for good fundamentals:
strong writing skills, tight copy and stories without holes
and gaps. Jim believes that the students graduating
today are more competitive than ever because they
understand new media technologies and platforms. Current
practitioners must surround themselves with and learn
from those who know these technologies. This is why
a university is so important. Students are working with
faculty to understand the world we are in. Those in the
working world must stay connected to this laboratory
setting where new technologies and concepts are being
discussed and tested.
Jim’s advice for current students is simple: “Write, write,
write, write, write, write, write. Writing skills are like a
muscle. The more you work them the better you get.”
Jim is proud of his Edwardsville roots, especially the
connection between Edwardsville and the University of
Illinois. He mentioned his pride at coming from the same
town as Mannie Jackson and Govoner Vaughn, who
starred together at Edwardsville High School in the 1950s
and became the first African-Americans to start for the
University of Illinois basketball team. Both went on to
distinguished careers on and off the basketball court.
For Jim, Illinois was a transformational experience. “I feel
the responsibility to give back to a place that did what it
did for me. I like that I belong to something that is bigger
than me, and it’s a gratifying feeling to be an Illinois
graduate. Illinois had a great impact. I hope others feel that
way too.” Jim is a generous supporter of the university,
giving his time and financial support for students in the
College of Media. In recent years, Jim has made frequent
visits to campus for classroom lectures and continues
to provide guidance to students interested in careers in
Jim is also serving on the College of Media’s new volunteer
leadership board, the College of Media Leadership Council,
lending his professional expertise to the college’s new
initiatives in the areas of fundraising, stewardship and
A DVA N C I N G E X C E L L E N C E 2 013
roger ebert's film festival
Roger Ebert Center for Film Studies
In 2009, Roger and Chaz Ebert made a gift of $1 million
toward the creation of the Roger Ebert Program for Film
At the time, Roger said, “The University of Illinois is deep
in my heart as a great institution. It informed and enriched
me. Although there were no film courses when I was an
undergraduate, it nevertheless guided me in my lifelong
love of film. I hope when this program and center are fully
realized, they will inspire new generations.”
It is our intention to raise enough money to turn the
program into the Roger Ebert Center for Film Studies in
the College of Media. A center at the University of Illinois
requires $5 million in funding.
The center will be the premier site for reasoned
deliberation of significant connections linking film—its
production, criticism, technologies and industry—with
social topics and issues. As changes in motion picture
and media industries continue to develop throughout the
world and as new technologies alter how films are made,
exhibited and critiqued, the Roger Ebert Center will be the
locus of ongoing discussion, evaluation and dissemination
of vital information.
Gifts will support activities and programs such as (but
not limited to) Roger Ebert’s Film Festival, seminars and
workshops to bring together policy makers, practitioners,
critics, historians, scholars and other stakeholders to
address issues surrounding the entertainment industries;
public programs of screenings, discussions and analyses
of motion pictures; master classes to bring to campus
critics, filmmakers, key crew members, industry executives
and scholars; and fellowships to create opportunities for
students to develop as critics at campus media outlets.
Above all, the center will be a place dedicated to furthering
Roger's mission to encourage, challenge and champion
filmmakers, critics and writers who follow their hearts and
work to illuminate and improve the human condition—who
embrace life itself.
Roger Ebert’s Film Festival
Founded by the late Roger Ebert, University of Illinois
Journalism graduate and a Pulitzer Prize-winning film
critic, Roger Ebert’s Film Festival takes place in UrbanaChampaign each April for a week, hosted by Chaz Ebert.
The festival presents 12 films representing a cross-section
of important cinematic works overlooked by audiences,
critics and distributors. The films are screened in the 1,500seat Virginia Theatre, a restored movie palace built in
the 1920s. A portion of the festival’s income goes toward
ongoing renovations at the theatre. The festival brings
together the films’ producers, writers, actors and directors
to help showcase their work. A filmmaker or scholar
introduces each film, and each screening is followed by a
substantive on stage Q&A discussion among filmmakers,
critics and the audience. In addition to the screenings, the
festival hosts a number of academic panel discussions
featuring filmmaker guests, scholars and students. Roger
Ebert's Film Festival is a special event of the College of
Media at the University of Illinois.
Roger Ebert’s Film Festival donors
FILM CIRCLE SPONSORS: $25,000 + Roger & Chaz Ebert
Champaign County
Anti-Stigma Alliance
American Airlines & American Eagle
Steak ‘n Shake
Betsy Hendrick
Leone Advertising
Shatterglass Studios
L.A. Gourmet Catering
The Academy of Motion Picture
Arts and Sciences
The News-Gazette *
Digital Theater Systems **
Geoffrey and Ann Poor
Balanced Audio Technology ***
President & Mrs. Robert A. Easter
Horizon Hobby
Big Grove Tavern
Steve & Susan Zumdahl
Marsha Woodbury
Tawani Foundation
Jim Johnson & Coleen Quinn
Chuck & Eileen Kuenneth
Debbie Hartman
Mike & Michelle Wellens
Marsha Clinard & Charlie Boast
Nell Minow & David Apatoff
Linda & Nelson Barnes
Don Tingle
J. Michael Lillich
Linda Smith Tabb & Charles Tabb
Ann Beddini - Barb Hulseberg
David Graham
Stan Lanning & Colleen Quigley
Chuck & Lynn Nelson
Maxine & Jim Kaler
Max & Betsy Mitchell
Sharon Shavitt & Steven Zimmerman
Carol Livingstone & Dan Grayson
Andra Takacs
David Graham
Bullock & Associates,
Cheryl & Don Bullock
Cobalt Digital, Inc.
Brand Fortner
Ann Benefiel & Joseph Kunkel
Fraeda & Gary Porton
Susan Evans & John Lamkin
Cowboy Monkey
Soma Ultra Lounge
Jupiter's Pizzeria & Billiards
Seven Saints
Advanced Hearing Services
Joe Bennett – Diane Kennedy
One Main Development –
Boltini Lounge
Chipman Design Architecture
Robeson Family Benefit Fund
Mike & Fran Reid
Tom & Judy Flynn
Lex Tate
Sam Murphy & Steve Peltz
Illinois Film Office
PATRONS: $750 +
Ashley Rodman & Matt Gladney
Greg & Anne Taubeneck
Howard & Kay Friedman
Paul & Martha Diehl
Bill & Wilma O’Brien
Hilary Frooman & John Lee
Carol Spindel & Thomas J. Bassett
Tom & Regina Galer-Unti
Michele Thompson
Bill Schroeder
Todd Salen
Bowen Cho
Eric & Shirley Pierson
Suzi & Don Armstrong
Yvette Scheven
Ed & Nancy Tepper
Doc Erickson
Robin & Robert Fossum
Robert & Beth Zeiders
Emmie Fisher
John Foltz
Jean Paley
Marlah Bonner-McDuffie
Chelsea Insprucker
Mary Susan Britt
Illini Radio Group
MIX 94.5
WIXY 100.3
EXTRA 92.1
HITS 99.7
Illinois Public Media
Pavlov Media
Smile Politely
Leone Advertising, Website
L.A. Gourmet Catering
Einstein Bros Bagels
Herriott’s Coffee Company
Stella Artois
Silver Creek & The Courier Cafe
Carter’s Furniture
The Daily Illini
Champaign Park District
Virginia Theatre
News Talk 1400/Lite Rock 97.5
Project Te, Inc.
Adams Outdoor Advertising
The Great Impasta
40 North/88 West
Ralph & Joe, Garcia’s Pizza in a Pan
Andrews McMeel Publishing
Community Concierge Magazine
Champaign County Tent
Sun Singer Wine & Spirits, LTD.
Premier Print Group
The BankVertising Company
Cream & Flutter
* The News-Gazette has made a one-time
donation of $50,000 toward the remodeling of
the Virginia Theatre's projection booth.
** DTS has made a one-time donation of
$10,200 worth of digital audio equipment for
the Virginia Theatre.
*** The Champaign Rotary Club, Geoffrey
and Ann Poor/Balanced Audio Technology,
Glenn Poor's Audio-Video and Phase Technology: a one-time donation of $26,000 worth
of equipment for speakers for the Virginia
Dianna K. Armstrong
Marge Perrino
Gary & Connie Wikoff
“Roger is just another of so many reasons why I’m so proud to be part of Illinois and our college.
His courage and inspiration over these past few years only adds to how proud I have been that
he is an Illini. It goes back to that desire I think we have of being part of something that is bigger
than any one individual. Leaders like Roger add to the great Orange-and-Blue tapestry.” – Jim Schlueter '80 Journalism
alumni profile: josh mcqueen
Josh McQueen
’72 ADV ’74 MS
Retired, Leo Burnett
For Josh McQueen, education was a family value. Josh
saw his father graduate from Eastern Illinois University in
his 40s after retiring from the Navy. It wasn’t easy, but it
set an example that Josh will never forget.
Another highlight of his time at Illinois: Josh met and
married his wife, Chris McQueen, who was a student in
the School of Music. They met in the only class where they
could have possibly met: biology for non-majors.
When it was Josh’s turn to choose a school, Illinois rose to
the top. At that time, the top scoring ACT of each county
received a scholarship for tuition to a state school. “The
U of I represented the best of the set of schools I could
be a part of,” recalls Josh. As someone who was paying
for his education himself, that scholarship represented
Josh spent his entire 30-year career in research with
Leo Burnett. The worldwide organization afforded him
opportunities to work in London, Sydney and Japan as well
as the United States. Leo Burnett was a very Midwestern
agency but had an international client base, and his
time outside the country made him valuable to many
conversations at the agency. He had a true passion for the
business and an opportunity to demonstrate what he could
bring to the issues at hand. He helped change the culture
from one of testing ads to one of bringing insight into the
brand. Through it all, he retained his passion for learning.
“Every given culture is different,” Josh said. “You don’t
have to know the answer; you just have to ask the right
questions. That is the essence of academic training.”
Josh finished his undergraduate degree in just 6 semesters.
He had always wanted to be a writer, but learned that
while his writing was good, it wasn’t great. He didn’t want
to be just good. His strong math skills made a master’s
degree focused on research a logical next step. Josh was
a Leo Burnett Scholar through the James Webb Young
fund—an endowed fund in the College of Media that
provides graduate assistantships in advertising. This gave
Josh access to research opportunities that the U of I was
uniquely able to provide. Josh loved research. He recalled,
“The communication program at the U of I is superior and
it lets you take it wherever you need. You have unfettered
access to the entire college.”
What Josh remembers most about the advertising program
was its focus on the discipline of the advertising agency.
Many instructors had worked in agencies and cared
about peer-reviewed work. He especially enjoyed the
team atmosphere of the campaigns course that brought
together all the disciplines to produce a campaign. Josh
also remembers the challenge of being at Illinois. “Going
to Illinois,” he recalls, “I was no longer the smart one.
Now you’re surrounded by smart people. That competitive
environment makes you work harder. At the University of
Illinois you’re never going to be top dog, but you’re going
to be surrounded by brilliance. I love smart people and
creative people and fun people. I got that throughout my
whole career, but it started at the U of I.”
His love of writing was put to good use. “My appreciation
for the human story really helped me to survive and thrive
in an agency like Leo Burnett, where the story was the
thing,” said Josh. “When you think of all the critters at
Kellogg’s—the Pillsbury Doughboy, the Green Giant, the
Marlboro Man—we were an agency that created epic
stories in which our brand was the central idea.”
His strong sense of ethics was also an asset. For Josh, it
was critical to find a way to be ethical in situations that
could have easily been unethical. “Research allows you to
prove that an unethical idea is a bad idea,” recalled Josh.
“I was able to use data to convince clients that ethical
claims were better for their brand.”
His advice for current students is to take advantage of
the opportunities you have for connecting in the college
environment. They allow you to see beyond cubicle
walls and beyond bureaucracy. He believes in constant
innovation and constant education. “Your passion, your
ability to innovate and reinvent yourself will help you in
your career,” he states. “Don’t rest on your laurels.”
Josh feels strongly about finding meaningful ways to
contribute to organizations for which he feels a deep
connection. He currently serves on the board of the
Allendale Residential Homes for disadvantaged children
and has given his time and resources to a number of
organizations throughout his career. In addition, Josh
currently serves on the College of Media’s Leadership
Council, a new volunteer leadership board for the college.
Josh is a generous supporter of the University of Illinois
College of Media and is a member of the President’s
Council, the university's highest donor recognition
He published a book in 2012, “Building Brand Trust:
Discovering the Advertising Insights Behind Great Brands.”
He is also the founder of McQueen and Associates, a
branding and research firm dedicated to assisting diverse
for-profits and not-for-profits improve the connection
between their organizations and the people they serve.
He also serves as Special Adviser for Research and Donor
Insights for KerstenDirect Response Agency.
Today, Josh lives in Marin County, California, and enjoys
walking the hills, being a granddad, appreciating the
outdoors and helping nonprofit organizations thrive.
A DVA N C I N G E X C E L L E N C E 2 013
an investment in excellence
The College of Media continues to evaluate new
opportunities that will help to ensure our position as one
of the leading colleges for media and communications
in the country. The goals set forth within the college’s
new strategic plan, Building Opportunities for Success,
include a strong emphasis on recruiting and retaining the
best students and faculty and providing them with the
resources necessary to be successful in an ever-changing
global marketplace. To reach these goals, we must
increasingly rely on support from our alumni and friends.
Significant decreases in state support combined with rising
tuition costs make private contributions even more critical.
The following gift opportunities represent the current
needs of the College of Media in order of impact:
Endowed Scholarships and Internships
Continued excellence depends in part on Illinois attracting
the most talented students right here in Illinois, across
the nation and around the world. Endowed scholarships
and funding for internships allow the College of Media to
remain competitive among the leading programs in the
country. We need to make Illinois affordable for students
in the state and provide those students with the essential
resources and experiences to prepare for successful
careers in the media fields.
Internships have become a requirement in the eyes of most
employers. Many of these opportunities are unpaid and
therefore unrealistic for many of our students who cannot
afford living expenses. Internship funding helps cover
those costs.
Endowed Professorships, Professors of Practice,
The traditional endowed professorship gives the college an
important advantage in recruiting and retaining the most
talented faculty members in the field.
Changes in the media and communications fields are
constant with the continuous adoption of new technology.
Faculty externships provide professional development and
continuing education opportunities for our faculty and are
vital in making them better teachers. Professors of Practice
grants allow us to bring industry professionals into the
college for short- and long-term teaching periods. Support
of teaching innovation through recruitment of professors
of practice and externships will make our graduates better
prepared to meet the demands of an ever-changing media
We strive to provide our students with real-world
experiences. Private support from our alumni and friends
gives us access to the tools of tomorrow. We can then
equip our labs and studios with the types of technology our
students will most likely encounter in the field and that will
allow for the development of portfolio content.
We invite you to consider how you will make a difference
for students and faculty in the College of Media. If
you have interest in establishing an endowed fund for
opportunities such as these or would like to explore other
opportunities, please contact the College of Media Office
of Advancement at 217.244.5466, or email us at
[email protected].
“Words cannot describe how incredibly thankful and grateful I am to receive the Goldie and
Marcus Cord Scholarship. Without this support I would not have been able to continue my
education at Illinois. This generosity truly warms my heart; I think about this unbelievable gift
every day that I am in school. This kind of support helps to make career dreams come true.”
– Taylor Rooks, '14 Broadcast Journalism
New Volunteer Leadership Group: The College of
Media Leadership Council
The college is pleased to announce the launch of a new
volunteer leadership group, the College of Media Leadership
Council. In partnership with Dean Slater, the council will
provide leadership in fundraising, advocacy and stewardship
for the College of Media and assist in achieving the
ambitious goals set forth in the college’s new strategic plan.
The college is thrilled to partner with the Leadership Council
on its immediate and long-term goals and in fully optimizing
our commitment to students, faculty and the research and
academic missions of the college. Members of the council
are demonstrated leaders in corporate, nonprofit and civic
organizations, and they embrace a shared vision and passion
for the advancement and long-term sustainability of the
College of Media.
The college is pleased to recognize the following alumni for
their service on this important new initiative for the college:
Katherine S. C. Denny ‘90 BS JRN
Project Manager, Editor
Jane Phillips Donaldson ‘67 MS JRN
Phillips Oppenheim
Felicia A. Fortenberry ‘91 BS ADV
Midwest Account Director
O, The Oprah Magazine
Robin Gareiss ‘88 BS JRN
Executive VP and Senior Partner
Nemertes Research Group Inc.
Wendy C. Levy ‘85 BS ADV
Midwest Director, Vogue
Conde Nast Magazine
Helen McGrath ‘77 BS ADV, ‘78 MS ADV
Vice President Market Insights, AT&T Inc.
Josh McQueen ‘72 BS ADV, ‘74 MS ADV
Special Adviser, Research
Carol Hillsman Sagers ‘79 BS ADV
Principal Consultant
CHS Marketing Consultants
James E. Schlueter ‘80 BS JRN
Director, Technology Communications
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
Jeanne Mariani Sullivan ‘70 BS ADV
General Partner, Co-founder
StarVest Partners, LP
If you are interested in serving on the College of Media
Leadership Council, or would like to learn more, please call
217.244.5466, or email [email protected]
Advancing Excellence: Gifts in Support of the College of Media (July 1, 2012–June 30, 2013)
The following list represents contributions to the University of Illinois College of Media from generous alumni and friends
during the 2013 fiscal year. We are grateful for your support of our talented students and faculty and your commitment
to the goals and mission of the College of Media. Members of the Presidents Council are designated with a (†). The
Presidents Council, the University of Illinois Foundation’s donor-recognition program for those who give at the highest
levels, is reserved for donors whose outright or cumulative gifts total $25,000 or more. Members of the Chancellor’s Circle
are marked with a (*). The Chancellor’s Circle honors donors who provide cumulative support of $2,500 or more between
July 1 and June 30.
FY 2013 Giving Levels
Dean’s Society: $10K & above
Mrs. Margaret K. Cummings †*
Karin Dovring Estate (DEC) †
Mrs. Helen B. Gray †*
Mrs. Karen Lucas Petitte †*
Dr. James E. Ross †*
Mr. Paul D. & Mrs. Janet C. Schrage †*
Mr. Joel D. & Mrs. Analee Weisman †*
Leadership Circle: $5K– $9,999
Mrs. Edna M. Campbell †*
Mrs. Betty A. &
Mr. Lloyd G. Schermer †*
Ms. Cynthia Amadon Schliemann †*
Visionaries: $1K– $4,999
Mr. Daniel J. & Nancy J. Balz †*
Mr. Thomas S. Barber
Mrs. Mildred L. Barnett †
Mr. Blake L. Crawford *
Mr. Aaron D. & Mrs. Doris Cushman †
Ms. Katherine S. C. &
Mr. Bradley J. Denny
Mr. Robert O. Endres †*
Mr. Ronald E. &
Mrs. Megan Guenther †*
Mrs. Joyce E. Hodel
Marilyn M. Kaytor Estate (DEC)
Mr. Daniel J. & Dr. Karen W. King †
Mr. Jack M. Klues †*
Mr. Frank A. & Mrs. Margaret M. Kulze
Mr. Robert C. & Mrs. Cathy M. Lachky †
Mr. Bruce H. &
Mrs. Cheryl Sullivan Little †*
Mr. Roger D. &
Mrs. Catherine J. Lundstrom †*
Mrs. Susan G. Marineau
Mr. Timothy M. &
Mrs. Judith M. McAuliff *
Mr. David Edward McCraw
Ms. Ann Helen McGrath †*
Mr. David Wayne Petrina
Ms. Marcia L. Rodgers
† President's Council
* Chancellor's Circle
Mr. Ryan Rouse
Mrs. Elaine Finney Sagers †
Mr. James E. &
Mrs. Amy K. Schlueter †*
Mr. Martin H. &
Mrs. Rosalie L. Snitzer †*
Mrs. Mary Lynch &
Mr. Andrew Snowdon
Mrs. Mary H. Sotir †
Mr. J. Shadley Thomas *
Dr. Angharad N. Valdivia
Mr. Patrick L. & Mrs. Diane K. Wilkey
Mrs. Suzanne Wyness
Innovators: $500– $999
Ms. Suzanne W. Bates
Ms. Mary Susan Britt
Mr. Bryan W. & Mrs. Linda W. Brown
Mr. Gregory A. Daugherty
COL Robert B. Downs
Mr. Robert Edward Erickson
Ms. Lyn Corbett Fitzgerald
Ms. Nancy E. Gallagher
Mr. Aran Hegarty †*
Mr. Warren E. Holtsberg Jr. &
Mrs. Mary Holtsberg
Mrs. Robin Neal &
Mr. J. Christopher Kaler †
Mr. Terry P. Kasdan
Mr. Alan R. Morris
Dr. Frederick M. O'Hara Jr.
Mr. Jeff & Ms. Kathryn Podjasek
Mr. Kevin Jay Schiesz
Mr. Glendon A. &
Mrs. Julie A. Schuster †*
Mr. Joel A. Segall
Mr. Isadore Shrensky
Mr. William Edward &
Mrs. Beverly J. Steiger †
Mrs. Marcia H. Thalhimer
Mr. John J. Toomey
Mr. Greg T. &
Mrs. Gloria Welch Towles †*
Mr. William H. Weintraub
Mrs. Enid & Mr. Kalman Wenig
Mr. Andrew Stuart Werner
Mr. Richard Zoglin
Advocates: $250– $499
Mr. Richard L. Adams †
Mr. William F. & Mrs. Joan M. Amideo
Mr. Richard J. &
Mrs. Lauren A. Barnett
Ms. Rachel S. Beck
Mr. Charles M. Bellatti †*
Ms. Laura J. Benson
Dr. Jack Zelijko Bratich
Mr. Terry P. & Mrs. Linda L. Brown
Mr. Barrett D. & Mrs. Erica M. Carlson
Ms. Patricia Hendrix Chicoine
Dr. Clifford G. &
Mrs. Priscilla J. Christians
Mr. Donald R. Dodds †*
Ms. Janet S. Eisen
Mr. Edward L. Epstein
Mr. Lee M. Finkel
Linda & Michael J. Fisher
Mr. John R. & Mrs. Sharon A. Foreman
Mrs. Barbara P. Francis
Ms. Lisa Gabor
Mrs. Linda Goldstein
Ms. Vicki S. Gowler
Mr. Robert P. &
Mrs. Joan R. Gundersen
The Reverend Henry O. Hardy
Mr. G. Robert Hillman
Mr. David Michael &
Mrs. Suzanne M. Holmes
Mr. Lawrence A. &
Mrs. Vicki Johnson Ingrassia
Mr. Albert P. Ishu
Ms. Mary Louise Kandyba &
Mr. Timothy E. Moore †*
Mrs. Ellen L. Knodell †
Mr. Steven E. &
Mrs. Marla R. Krause †
Ms. Esther T. Krupp
Ms. Shari Beth Levine
Mr. Harley J. Manning
Mrs. Marjorie A. McDermott †
Mr. Josh McQueen †
Ms. Mary Jo Meisner
Mrs. Paula Garry Noble
Mr. Joseph Robert Paszczyk
Ms. Diane E. Penny
Ms. Mary J. Porreca
Mr. Henry E. Reich Jr.
Ms. Jenice Rochelle Robinson
Mr. Gary N. Rowe
Mr. John R. & Mrs. Alma L. Schmitz
Mr. Jon C. Spacht
Mr. Bradley C. Stillman
Dr. Christina D. Urban
Mr. Douglas E. Winter
Ms. Anne M. Woodward
Friends Circle: $1– $249
Mr. Seymour Adelman
Mr. Joseph W. &
Mrs. Rachel A. Ahrens
Mr. John Ambrose
Mr. Carl D. Anderson
Mr. K. Stephen Anderson
Mr. Wayne J. Andrews
Mr. Michael D. & Mrs. Debra E. Annes
Mr. Larry A. &
Mrs. Karen Hansen Apfelbaum
Mr. Richard D. Applegate
Mrs. Betty Araujo
Ms. Ann E. Arellano
Mrs. Enid G. Arnowitz
Mr. Robert C. &
Mrs. Linda T. Arterburn
Ms. Ann F. Aspell
Mrs. Carolyn G. & Mr. Donald A. Axt
Mrs. Geraldine R. Baader
Mr. Robert D. Bakus
Ms. Kristen L.& Mr. Gary Ball Jr.
Mr. Paul E. & Mrs. Elizabeth L. Bargren
Ms. Mary Ann Barnard
Mrs. Cheryl R. &
Mr. Russell M. Barnett
Mr. Sean D. Barus &
Ms. Sarah A. Breitmeyer
Mr. William R. Bates
Mr. Rajeev Batra
Mrs. Kim S. Bauman
Mrs. Nancy F. Beasley
Mr. Willard D. Beckenholdt
Mr. James A. Beckwith
Ms. Amanda R. Bekoin
Mrs. Linda M. Bergstrom
Mr. Richard Bernal
Mrs. Monica M. Bhandarkar
Mr. B. J. Bilocerkowycz
Mr. Don E. Bissell
Mr. Sean M. Black
Mr. Brian R. Bland
Mr. Steven S. Bojan
Mr. Robert A. & Mrs. Joan M. Borich
Mrs. Mindy M. Botbol
Mr. Jason C. Bramhall V &
Mrs. Patricia L. Bramhall
Mrs. Lisa E. & Mr. Marvin S. Brashem
Mr. Justin Breen
Mrs. Margaret M. Breslin
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Brudos
Ms. Kimberly D. Brun
LTC Robert B. Buchanan
Mr. Kenneth A. &
Mrs. Margaret C. Buel †
Mrs. Valerie Anne Burhans
Mr. John-Paul &
Mrs. Linda S. Buzard †
Mr. Richard B. Cahan
Ms. Mary Catherine Campbell (DEC)
Mr. Bruce I. Carlson †
Mr. David R. Carlson
Mrs. Sylvia M. & Mr. Hartley L. Carlton
Mr. Richard A. Carvell
Ms. Elizabeth C. Carvlin
Mrs. Sandra R. Casserly *
Mr. David G. Catlett
Mr. Theodore K. Chamberlain
Mr. Kenneth H. Chang &
Ms. Ling Chen
Mr. Patrick J. &
Mrs. Nancy M. Chesley
Mrs. Nancy Jo Christianson
Mr. Brett D. Clark
Ms. Lisa Clemmons &
Mr. Sean T. Stott
Ms. Carolyn Welch Clifford
Ms. Kathleen M. Clonts
Sister Joy Clough
Mr. Jarrett S. Cohen
Mr. Joseph W. Cohen
Mr. Brian A. Cole
Mrs. Sandra L. & Mr. David J. Colee
Adriana E. Colindres
Dr. Jack & Mrs. Kay L. Colldeweih
Mr. Jack J. Colwell
Mr. John C. & Dr. Barbara S. Conrad
Mrs. Holly G. &
Mr. John Thomas Jr. Conroy
Mr. Charles G. Cooper †
Mr. Douglas K. &
Ms. Halina Sleszynski-Cowin
Mr. Robert P. &
Mrs. Yvonne B. Crawford
Mr. Jeffrey Scott &
Mrs. Ann Riley Currie
Mr. Steven E. Curry
Ms. Geraldine L. Cygnor
Mr. Gregory J. Czernik
Mr. Stewart K. &
Mrs. Judith Lipsky Dan
Mr. William H. &
Mrs. Kimberly A. Danielson
Mr. Michael H. Dann
Dr. John Scott Davenport (DEC)
Mrs. Abbey E. Davis
Mr. Andrew Davis
Mr. John T. Davis
Ms. Melanie C. Davis
Mrs. Linda S. & Mr. David A. Dawson
Mr. Leslie E. &
Mrs. Constance M. Deatherage
Mrs. Melissa A. DeLuca
Ms. Dana B. Dempsey
Mr. Brett Denuo
Mrs. Sara C. Devlin
Mr. Ben Dobbin
Mr. Alan R. Dolinko
Dr. Dennis J. &
Mrs. Elvira Meza-Dombkowski
Mr. Joseph R. Dominick Jr.
Mr. Michael Drayer
Mr. Ronald G. Dudzik
Ms. Nadine A. Duerwachter
Mr. Jordan A. Dziura
Mr. Richard L. Eastline
Dr. Matthew Ehrlich
Mrs. Judith M. Einbinder
Mr. Alan B. Eirinberg
Ms. Michele R. Eisele
Mr. Daniel John Eisenberg
Mrs. Jody E. Ellyne
Mrs. Karen J. Elsner
Ms. Judy F. Emerson
Mr. Clarence O. Erickson †
Mr. Daniel J. Farnham
Dr. Fred A. Fejes
Mr. Ronald R. Fett
Mr. Dennis M. Finneran
Mrs. Mary S. Fleming
Mrs. Jean S. Fornango
Mr. Donald C. Forti
Mr. Michael R. Freimann
Mr. Rex G. French
Ms. Joan Friedman
Mr. John P. Fundator &
Mrs. Jennifer L. Satterlee
Dr. Richard H. &
Mrs. Diane Koos Gentry †
Ms. Antonina B. Geraci
Mr. Alan H. Gersten
Dr. Robert R. &
Mrs. Ileene Turovitz Giering
Ms. Anna Maria Gillis
Linda L. Goersch
Dr. Gary R. &
Mrs. Marla Finer Goldstein
Ms. Arlene S. Goldstine
Mrs. Mary Rubin Goodman
Mr. Eric R. Gordon
Mr. Marc Gordon
Mr. Robert W. & Mrs. Karen L. Gordon
Ms. Suzanne M. Gordon
Mr. James K. &
Mrs. Pamela Wade Grant
Mr. Murray B. Greenberg
Dr. Ulrike Gretzel
Ms. Marilyn Geskey Gunthner
Mrs. Susan Haber
Mr. Terry M. Hackett &
Ms. Anne E. Rago
Dr. John S. Hadley
Mrs. Susan D. Hajny
Ms. Linda J. Hall
Mr. Dale R. Haller
Mr. Donald K. Hanes
Mr. Richard L. Hare
Mr. Thomas A. Harm
Mrs. Joan Joiner Harrison
Mr. Ronald L. Hartshorn &
Ms. Nancy Ronald
Mr. Anthony J. & Mrs. Lynn Hebel
Dr. Judith A. Heerwagen
Mr. David L. Heim
Mr. Joseph F. Heis-Palka Sr.
Ms. Mary K. Heitzman
Mrs. Jennifer Pierceall Herman
Mrs. Patricia A. Hess
Ms. Sarah C. Hester
Mrs. Janice B. & Mr. Scott P. Hill
Ms. Sarah A. Hoban
Mr. Brian L. Hogan
Ms. Shannon C. Hogan
Mrs. Elaine &
Mr. Joseph G. Holtschneider
Mr. Mark I. Holzman
Dr. Elizabeth A. Hopp-Peters
Mr. David J. Hornung
Mr. T. Lee Hughes
Dr. Donald L. Hurwitz
Mr. Jung-Hwan Hwang &
Ms. Susan L. Niemeyer
Mr. Michael Imrem
Mr. Paul J. & Mrs. Susan Ingrassia
Ms. Chelsea L. Insprucker
Dr. Ralph S. & Mrs. Janet P. Izard
Mrs. Beverly R. Jacobson
Mr. Mahmood Jafroodi
A DVA N C I N G E X C E L L E N C E 2 013
Ms. Nancy A. Jennings
Mr. David R. Jern
Mrs. Lisa Jewell
Mr. Brian K. Johnson
Mr. Bruce C. Johnson †
Mr. Steve & Ms. Lesa A. Joiner
Ms. Paula E. Jones
Mr. Raymond C. Jones
Mr. Russell C. & Mrs. Marlo D. Jones
Mr. Keith M. Jorstad
Mr. Robert T. Joseph &
Ms. Karen R. Goodman
Mr. Richard William Judy
Mr. Robert E. & Mrs. Arlene M. Kagan
Mr. Kenneth R. Kalthoff
Mr. Bruce J. Kandel
Mr. Jeffrey L. Katz
Ms. Nora M. Kaufman
Mrs. Anna Maria Kendall
Ms. Lisa C. Kernek
Dr. Paulette D. Kilmer
Mr. Andrew George Kitick
Dr. John M. Kittross
Mr. David L. Klehr
Mr. Marvin Klein
Mr. Lance M. Klobach
Mr. James J. Kloss (DEC)
Mrs. Jolean Olson Knop
Mr. Michael K. Konrad
Mr. David J. Kravitz
Ms. Marianne Kroeger
Mr. Jay Krupp
Mr. Terry Krupp
Ms. Jungmin Kwon
Mr. Lawrence K. Labiak
Mr. Dale E. Lampertz &
Ms. Beverly J. Nicksic
Mr. Lynn P. Landberg
Ms. Laura E. Larson
Mr. Scott P. Larson
Ms. Jordanka L. Lazarevic
Dr. Richard W. Lee
Ms. Kim M. Leistner
Mr. Garry S. & Mrs. Nancy B. Leonard
Dr. Lembit U. & Mrs. Karen V. Lilleleht
Dr. Edward S. & Mrs. Barbara Z. Linn
Mrs. Amy A. Litner
Mr. Daniel M. Logue
Ms. Jane E. Long
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Barbara Lopaty
Mrs. Bonnie M. &
Mr. George M. Lowrey
Ms. Pamela M. Lowrey
Ms. Ann Lowry
Mrs. Roxanne N. &
Mr. David O. Lucchesi
Mr. Mark D. Ludwig &
Ms. Catherine L. Snapp
Mr. James R. &
Mrs. Marjorie Lundgren
Mr. Tim Mahl
Mrs. Dena Mahon-Bagger
Mr. Hiroaki Manaka
Mr. David A. &
Mrs. Diane A. Manthey †
Ms. Dorothy Lee Marchetti
Mr. James P. Marchiori
Mr. Steven C. Marcus
Mr. Joseph H. Markman
Ms. Frances Martin
Mr. Richard M. Marzec
Mrs. Elaine H. Matternas
Mrs. Nancy B. Matthews
Mrs. Rosalynn F. Maudlin
The Honorable Karen S. May
Mr. Donald O. Maylath †
Ms. Kathryn T. McAlevey
Mrs. Christa L. McCaffrey
Mrs. Lois Todd McCulley †
Ms. Maggie R. McEldowney
Mrs. Janet V. McGrath
Mr. William F. McKeown
Mr. Paul G. Meeden
Dr. Robert Mejia &
Ms. Jennifer A. House
Mr. John R. Melchi Jr.
Mr. Thomas F. Meyer
Mr. Gerald Y. Meyers
Mrs. Mae A. Michels
CDR Bryan D. Mickelson
Mr. T. Alan & Mrs. Peg A. Mickelson
Mr. Robert E. Miner
Mr. Andre D. P. Mitchell
Mr. Charles P. Mitchell
Mrs. Mary L. Mohrman
Ms. Maria T. Mooshil
Mr. Bruce C. Mosher
Mr. Bruce D. Murdy
Mrs. Nancy Ann Mutter
Mr. Brian G. Nadig
Mrs. Lora Sue Nasby
Ms. Laura H. Nash
Mr. Denis L. Naylor
Ms. Kristin Lea Nevius
Dr. Michael C. Nielsen
Mrs. Sharon Andrews Niemet
Mr. Robert D. Nolan
Ms. Betty N. Norberg
Mr. Richard W. Norris Sr.
Ms. Cara E. & Mr. Joseph Novelli
Mr. Charles R. Novitz
Mr. Paul F. & Mrs. Linda L. Nowack
Mr. John P. &
Mrs. Shirley L. O'Connell
† President's Council
* Chancellor's Circle
Mr. Steven J. & Ms. Cynthia M. O'Dell
Mrs. Sandra R. Offergeld
Ms. Laura R. Oftedahl
Mr. Gary A. & Mrs. Ann S. Olson
Mrs. Lisa C. Orman
Ms. Jennifer A. Orwick
Ms. Nina B. Ovryn &
Mr. Jerrold A. Schwartz
Mr. Roman M. Paluta &
Ms. Christine H. Engels
Ms. Karin R. Papanhausen
Dr. Donald E. Parente
Dr. John J. Pauly Jr.
Mr. Don Peasley (DEC)
Mrs. Diane K. Pellettiere
Mr. Michael G. Peskura
Ms. Kristin Peterson
Mr. Thane E. Peterson
Mrs. Debra Morrison Petges
Ms. Barbara Mangel Nemiroff Pfeifer
Mr. David L. & Mrs. Janet C. Phillips
Mrs. Margaret E. Pinsky
Mr. John J. Pizzo
Mr. Duane R. Placko
Mr. Steven P. Pokin
Mr. Marshall E. Poole
Mr. Mark F. & Mrs. Beth L. Porst
Mr. Richard Potter
Ms. Gwen E. Potucek
Mr. Gary W. &
Mrs. Maureen C. Pratscher
Mr. William L. Prentiss
Mr. Timothy E. Pretzsch &
Ms. Dona L. Miller
Mr. Ricardo B. Pringle
Mr. Charles E. Quarnstrom
Ms. Lisa G. Radin
Ms. Barbara Gold Randolph
Mr. Michael E. &
Mrs. Michelle G. Rapaport
Mr. Charles L. Rasberry
Mrs. Janet Neiman Reed
Dr. John Albin Regnell (DEC)
Dr. Leonard N. Reid
Mrs. Howard E. Reinhardt
Mrs. Francine P. Richard
Mr. James M. Rick
Ms. Mary G. Rickard
Ms. Nancy Ridgeway
Mrs. Linda Giering Rodenburg
Mrs. Jennifer J. & Mr. David I. Roen
Prof. Karen M. Roloff
Mr. Peter J. Rooney
Mr. William M. & Mrs. Patricia H. Rotz
Ms. Gwynne K. Rowe
Ms. Karen A. Rugen
Mr. Keith F. & Mrs. Diane M. Ryan
Ms. Mary M. Ryan
Mr. Michael B. Sachs
Mr. Irwin J. & Mrs. Janice G. Saltz
Mr. Lawrence A. Sandler
Mrs. Shannon E. Sanew
Mr. L. E. Sarbaugh
Dr. C. Dennis & Mrs. W. Jan Schick
Mr. Daniel J. & Mrs. Diane L. Schick
Mrs. Judith Schindler
Mr. Bernard A. Schoenburg
Ms. Georgia Marie Schreiner
Mr. Jay S. Schulman
Mr. James S. Scofield
Mr. Charles L. Scott
Mr. John W. Scott Jr.
Mr. James E. Sedgwick
Dr. Kimberly A. Selber
Mr. Charles A. Sengstock Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth M. Serafin
Mrs. Joni M. Lucas Shapiro
Mr. David C. & Mrs. Annilee A. Shaul
Mrs. Rebecca L. Shaw
Ms. Laurie J. Sherman
Ms. Ann Shilladey
Mrs. Danielle Duss Short
Mr. Franklin R. Shuftan
Mr. Michael D. &
Mrs. Sallie M. Sienza
Mr. Steven J. Silverman
Mrs. Rebecca S. Simpson
Mrs. Moira K. Skinner
Mr. David L. Slader
Mr. Thomas J. &
Mrs. Rosetta M. Slavin
Mr. Stanley L. & Mrs. Joyce A. Slusher
Mrs. Barbara W. Smith
Mr. Dale E. Smith
Mr. Lowell F. &
Mrs. Katherine L. Smith
Mrs. Lynn C. Smith
Ms. Ramona A. Smith
Mr. Robert D. Smith
Mr. Norman Snitovsky
Mrs. Sara D. Snowden
Mr. Theodore L. &
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sodergren
Ms. Patricia G. Solomon
Mrs. Betty R. Spearman
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Stafford
Mr. Zachary &
Ms. Melissa Mares Stambor
Mr. Richard J. &
Mrs. Louise A. Stancliffe
Ms. Susan L. Stapleton
Mr. Cameron L. Stauth
Ms. Lynne M. Stiefel
Mr. Bruce L. Still
Mrs. Joette G. Storm
Mrs. Barbara S. Strang
Mrs. Barbara I. & Mr. Kent Strange
Mrs. Carole Ann & Mr. William Strong
Mrs. Joanne I. Strong
Mr. Joel A. Sucherman
Mr. Martin Joel &
Mrs. Judith Kreutz Suffield
Michael & Dorit Suffness
Mrs. Carolyn H. Surguine
Mr. Scott E. Taylor
Ms. Bette Nance Terry
Ms. Dorothy Ann Textor
Mr. Geoffrey M. Thomas
Mr. James P. Thompson
Mr. Robert H. &
Mrs. Carole C. Thornberry
Mrs. Linda F. & Mr. Dirk L. Tierney
Mr. August R. Tonne
Ms. Connie L. Tonsor
Mr. Donald R. Torrant
Ms. Veronica A. Toussaint
Mrs. Kathryn D. Triller
Mr. Wayne L. & Ms. Heather S. Tucker
Mrs. Karen E. Tulli
Ms. Lucille Turigliatto
Mr. Quinn T. Turner
Mr. Timothy J. Unzicker
Mrs. Jenny Van Treese
Mr. Robert M. VanAntwerp
Dr. Bruce G. &
Mrs. JoAnn M. Vanden Bergh
Mrs. Sandra L. Voight
Ms. Nancy B. Walker
Mr. Gene A. Wallace
Mr. Patrick G. Ward
Dr. Catherine A. Warren
Ms. Renate &
Mr. George B. Wasserman
Ms. Nancy E. Webb
Ms. Linda A. Wedenoja
Mr. David W. & Mrs. Colleen Ann Weir
Mr. Martin Jay &
Mrs. Elisabeth Weiss
Mr. Raymond B. Weiss
Mrs. Mary N. Welge
Mr. Michael A. &
Ms. Michelle R. Wellens
Mr. Michael C. Whalen
Mr. James H. White
Mrs. Roberta R. Whitworth
Mr. Romayne C. &
Mrs. Linda M. Wicklund
Mr. Edward J. Wietecha &
Dr. Peggy J. Burke
Ms. Kira Wigoda & Dr. Daniel B. Sobel
Mrs. Cynthia R. Williams
Mr. Robert K. Williams
Ms. Karen L. Wilson
Mrs. Winnie R. Wilson
Mr. L. Patrick &
Mrs. Holly M. Windhorst
Mr. Thomas E. &
Mrs. Bonnie L. Winski
Ms. Janice W. Wise
Mr. Sherman H. Wolf
Mr. Richard L. &
Mrs. Mary Lou Wright
Mrs. Bambi Wulf
Ms. Whitney B. Wyckoff
Mr. Ervin E. & Mrs. Joyanna H. Wyne
Mr. Richard R. Zaker
Mr. Eugene F. Zelek Jr. &
Ms. Margaret A. Christie
Ms. Susan L. Zimny
Mr. Glen A. & Mrs. Judith A.
Corporate Gifts
Dean’s Society: $10K and above
Marajen Stevick Foundation
McDonald’s Corporation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Leadership Circle: $5K– $9,999
Adler Schermer Foundation
National Communication Association
Visionaries: $1K– $4,999
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
The Boeing Company
The Cardiff Group
Deloitte Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Glass Box Research Company
Harold Matson Company, Inc.
The Hill-Snowdon Foundation
Indiana University
Newell Rubbermaid Office Products
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Innovators: $500– $999
@Communications, LLC
California State University
Bakersfield Foundation
Duquesne University
Emerson College
Endicott College
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
Chicago Legacies & Endowments
Penn State University Page Center
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Union University
University of Minnesota
Advocates: $250–$499
AllianceBernstein LP
CEW Foundation
Event Photography Group
IBM Matching Grants Program
Ishu Productions
Kraft Foods Inc.
Macy’s Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
The Urban Charitable Trust
Friends Circle: $1–$249
GE Foundation
Lockheed Martin Foundation
MetLife Foundation
Monroe and Florence Nash
Foundation, Inc.
The Northern Trust Company
The Procter & Gamble Fund
Tampa Bay Times Fund
Time Warner Employee Matching
Grants Program
TLM Enterprises
Wells Fargo Foundation
Questions or corrections may be
directed to [email protected]
or 217.244.5466.
The College of Media Legacy Society: Creating a
Legacy of Excellence
The College of Media is pleased to announce the launch of
the Legacy Society, a new giving society that acknowledges
and honors those who have chosen to include the College of
Media through a bequest, charitable trust or other planned
gift vehicle. Donors who remember the College of Media
in their estate plans provide critical funding to establish
scholarships, awards, fellowships and other student and
faculty support.
The College of Media would like to recognize the following
alumni and friends as members of the Legacy Society:
Dr. Jules and Mrs. Jody Becker
Mr. Charles M. Bellatti
Mr. Morris R. Beschloss
Dr. Bradford P. and Mrs. Ellen Blakeman
Ms. Marian Boruck Brody
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Dunn
Mr. Lyman D. Dunn (DEC.)
Dr. Samuel Watson Dunn (DEC.)
Mr. Clarence O. Erickson
Mr. Dennis G. Frary
Dr. Richard H. Gentry
Mr. Harry J. Gray (DEC.)
Dr. John Laddie Lastovicka
Mr. David A. and Mrs. Diane Manthey
Ms. Ann Helen McGrath
Mr. Kent E. Parks
Mr. James M. Paul
Mr. David A. Pearson
Mrs. Lucerne Rice (DEC.)
Mr. Harry O. Richards
Dr. James E. Ross
Mr. Martin H. Slottow
Mr. Richard Slottow
Dr. David F. Stein
Mr. David R. and Mrs. Susan D.
Mr. Joel D. and Mrs. Analee Weisman
Robert B. Wentworth Trust (DEC.)
Ms. Jeanne E. Zasadil
We invite you to consider becoming a member of the Legacy
Society by sharing plans you have made to include the
College of Media in your will or other planned gift vehicle.
We encourage you to share your plans so that the intent of
your gift is properly executed and recognized. If you would
like information on how to establish a bequest or other
planned gift to benefit future generations of students in the
College of Media, please contact Marlah Bonner-McDuffie
at 217.244.5466 or email at [email protected].
Advancing Excellence is a publication of the Office of Advancement at the College of Media at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. Vol. 1/No. 1 Summer 2013
Associate Dean for Advancement: Marlah Bonner-McDuffie
Editor: Heather Tucker, Director of Communications
Director for Advancement, Associate Director of the Roger Ebert
Film Festival: Mary Susan Britt
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Development:
Lesa Brandt
Follow the College of Media!
A DVA N C I N G E X C E L L E N C E 2 013