The Legacy Continues… - Notre Dame Preparatory


The Legacy Continues… - Notre Dame Preparatory
Annual Report 2008-2009
The Legacy Continues…
Always keeping God and family as our priority,
Notre Dame Preparatory, a Diocesan Catholic high school,
engages in the formation of students by integrating faith into
a college preparatory curriculum that promotes
academic excellence, moral values, and lifelong service.
The Legacy Continues...
Notre Dame Preparatory High School
Annual Report 2008-09
School Board Members .......................................................................................................................................................................2
Letter from David D. Gonsalves, Principal..................................................................................................................................3
School Board Report, Beth McDonald, President ..................................................................................................................4
A Legacy of Success ...............................................................................................................................................................................5
Finance Committee Report, Peter Morrow, Finance Chair................................................................................................6
A Legacy of Faith .....................................................................................................................................................................................7
A Legacy of Achievement ...................................................................................................................................................................8
A Legacy of Excellence ......................................................................................................................................................................10
A Legacy of Love ..................................................................................................................................................................................12
A Legacy of Strength ..........................................................................................................................................................................14
A Legacy of Support .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Catholic Tuition Organization of the Diocese of Phoenix (CTODP)........................................................................ 17
A Legacy of Support – Carolyn Rock, Director of Development ............................................................................... 18
A Legacy of Growth............................................................................................................................................................................21
For information: Development Office (480) 634-8234
This Annual Report was written and produced by Lauren Haro and Carolyn Rock, Director of
Development. Graphic design by Rubi Studio Visual Communications, LLC.
©2009 Notre Dame Preparatory High School
MEMBERS 2008–2009
Beth McDonald
John Berry
Lisa Berry
(Mrs. Brad Berry)
Lora Drummond
Mothers’ Guild President
Tony Calvis
Bryon Carney
Betty Fritcke
Phil Gallagher
David Gonsalves
Steve Grosvenor
George Kruger
Booster Club President
Peter Morrow
MaryBeth Mueller
Carolyn Rock
Development Director
Paul Rubsam
Director of Finance
and Facilities
Jim Schiffer
Fr. Eric Tellez
Kirk Tushaus
Mary Williams
Diana Zellers
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Dear Friends,
Notre Dame has recently completed another very successful school year. Over the first
seven years of existence, we have grown from a fledgling institution of 220 students to a
thriving and vibrant school that enrolls 925 students. During this time, we have remained
steadfast to our mission of providing a Catholic college preparatory program that excels
academically, athletically, and spiritually. This past year Notre Dame remained true to this
tradition of excellence.
Last spring we sent all of our graduating seniors on to higher education. Ninety-six percent
went on to four-year colleges, while four percent opted for community colleges. These
students were accepted to some of the finest colleges and universities across the nation
and earned more than $4.8 million in scholarship aid. Athletically, we won seven team state
championships, which brings our total to 19 over the past four years. Finally, and most
importantly, our students performed more than 36,000 hours in the community benefitting
those less fortunate.
All of the above was accomplished while still remaining true to those “Expected Schoolwide
Learning Results” (ESLRs) that we hold most dear for all of our graduates:
• Reverence for our Creator, while demonstrating a Christian moral awareness and approach
to the community based on the message of Jesus Christ.
• Respect for self, others, property, and the environment within which we live.
• Responsibility that goes with being a citizen. Accepting the responsibilities that come
with global awareness as well as being a student at Notre Dame. Possessing an awareness
and a willingness to respond to the issues and needs of local and global communities
while working to master subject knowledge, using critical thinking skills, technology, and
communication skills.
In conclusion, once again our students have shown themselves to be prepared to meet the
challenges of the outside world. We have accomplished a great deal this past school year
and with the help of our parents, friends, and benefactors we will continue to provide an
outstanding educational experience for the youth of the Valley of the Sun in the future.
David D. Gonsalves
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Dear Friends and Families of Notre Dame Preparatory,
Notre Dame Preparatory is a community of which we can all be very proud. In the seven years that
the school has been open, its growth and success are nothing short of phenomenal.
The achievements of our students are tremendous in every area, including academic, athletic, and
community involvement. The vast majority of our students continue their education after leaving
Notre Dame Preparatory with most of them going on to four-year colleges and universities. They
have been accepted at the most prestigious institutions in the country, including Ivy League schools
and military academies.
Our student-athletes are among the very best in high school sports anywhere in the country. They
excel not only on the playing field, but in the classroom as well. Many have been awarded athletic
scholarships and have become success stories at colleges and universities around the country.
The development of our students’ creative talents is another important aspect of the Notre Dame
experience. A group of parents and teachers who are dedicated to supporting the school’s visual and
performing arts programs founded the NDP Arts Angels in 2007. Artistic highlights of the 2008-2009
school year included an exhibition of NDP students’ art at the Phoenix Art Museum, 15 awards for
The Seraphim school newspaper from the Arizona Interscholastic Press Association, the growth of
Perspective literary magazine, and numerous performances by the NDP drama department, show choir,
and jazz band, which qualified for its first state competition
Notre Dame Preparatory continues its strong commitment to community involvement as evidenced
by our rigorous community service standards required of each student. Notre Dame students have
donated thousands of hours over the past year serving the poor, the forgotten, and those in need.
During the 2008-2009 school year, we have made strides in improving our communication with Notre
Dame Preparatory families and friends. Thanks to advisory board member Jim Zeumer we have a new
and improved Web site. Jim, along with his committee, worked very hard on this project to bring you
the most up-to-date information about Notre Dame Preparatory by simply clicking on our Web site.
Notre Dame Preparatory also continues to e-mail each family the “Mind, Body and Soul” newsletter
to keep you updated with school activities and news.
Our faculty continues to grow as our student body increases. Notre Dame Preparatory is committed
to recruiting and retaining a top quality teaching staff. The teachers are held to high standards, and as
evidenced by the success of our students, they are excelling at their jobs.
The Notre Dame Preparatory School Advisory Board is committed to its directive to help make the
school the very best experience it can be for Notre Dame families. Under the direction of Principal
David Gonsalves, the school, in a very short amount of time, has become a remarkable success story.
We continue our journey into the future with even more exciting projects to come. Much work
remains to be done. But at the end of each school day Notre Dame Preparatory’s goal can be summed
up very simply. We are here to teach our students Reverence, Respect, and Responsibility.
Beth McDonald
President, Notre Dame Preparatory School Board
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
A Legacy of Success...
We continued to prove in our seventh year that our students courageously accept the challenge
to live a successful and exemplary life by striving to attain their personal best. Our students have
achieved the highest honors as evidenced by NDP’s two 2009 National Merit Scholars in addition
to those who have earned recognition as National Merit finalists, semifinalists, and commended
scholars and National Hispanic Scholars. Ten outstanding NDP students were selected to attend the
school’s annual trip to the New York Stock Exchange, which included a in-depth tour of the trading floor conducted by NYSE analysts. NDP students have achieved highest honors in the national
Word Masters Challenge and at the American Mathematics Contest. Additionally, NDP students
have been selected on the basis of their academic records and high moral character to participate in
the Phoenix Youth and Education Commission, Valley Teen Leadership, Scottsdale Mayor’s Youth
Council, and the National Forum of Defense, Intelligence, Diplomacy, and Medicine.
At the core of
our success is the
unwavering belief that
an excellent education
is built on a foundation
of faith and that our
students deserve the
The Class of 2009 was awarded more than $4.4 million in college scholarships from prestigious universities nationwide. These students were accepted at the finest universities, including Stanford University,
Brown University, Northwestern University, University of Southern California, and the University of
Notre Dame. An outstanding combination of academic achievement and athleticism led to 32 members
of the Class of 2009 being awarded college athletic scholarships.
spiritual, academic,
moral, and social
support required to
Notre Dame’s athletic programs continued to flourish with the many impressive accomplishments of
our teams and individual athletes under the direction of the school’s staff of dedicated coaches. The
outstanding 2008-2009 sports season mirrored the previous year with talented NDP athletes earning
another eight team state championship titles. The phenomenal NDP football team capped an undefeated season by winning its second consecutive state championship. The boy’s golf team won its third
state victory in five years and the girls’ golf team won its second consecutive state 4A-II title. The girls’
tennis team took the state title for the third year in a row and the girls’ soccer team captured their first
state championship. The boys’ track and field team took home the 2009 state trophy and the NDP pom
and cheer teams dominated at state with a joint Spiritline championship award and a first place award
for the five-girl stunt team. Individual state titles were won by Patrick Foley and Blair Tushaus (track and
field), Jackie Chang (girls’ tennis and golf), Nick Losole (golf), and Alexis Daswick (swimming).
prepare them for life.
Ten NDP students visited the New
York Stock Exchange in June 2009
on a trip coordinated by NDP
Finance Committee Chair John E.
McMahon, former governor of the
NYSE. Trip chaperones were NDP
Vice Principal Preston Colao and
English instructor Alda McFarlin.
By providing a strong foundation designed to support spiritual, academic, moral, social, and athletic
development, Notre Dame prepares its students to meet challenges and for a lifetime of success.
Pictured, left to right:
Front row: Kathlin Ardell, Holly
Lehman, Samantha Stolper, Anna
Hughes, Elizabeth Crowell
Back Row: Tomie Shaw, Conner
Cole, Robert Sullivan, Tyler Jacobs
Graduates of the Class of 2009 are attending prestigious universities.
Notre Dame Prep’s student newspaper The Seraphim brought home
15 awards in the 2009 Arizona
Interscholastic Press Association
Fourteen NDP students served as peer leaders in April at a
statewide gathering of students for the Anti-Defamation
League’s “World of Difference Institute.” The symposium
focused on cyber-bullying and self-destructive behavior.
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
A showcase of artwork created by NDP students made its debut
in April 2009 at the Phoenix Art Museum. The event was organized by the Arts Angels, a support group of parent volunteers
who promote the growth of fine arts programs at NDP.
Dear Friends and Families of Notre Dame Preparatory,
I am pleased to report on behalf of the Finance Committee of Notre Dame Preparatory that
despite these challenging economic times, the school continues to remain in a sound and stable
financial operating condition.
For the 2008-2009 school year, Notre Dame continues to sustain itself in meeting the ongoing
expenditures required for operating the school, supporting extracurricular activities, and servicing our financial obligations by servicing our debt. This included capital expenditures in excess of
$400,000 as we continue to invest in our campus for items such as upgrading our fiber backbone
wiring throughout campus, additional gym lockers, extension of our multipurpose sports field, sixteen additional SmartBoards and projectors for our classrooms, and memory upgrades to more than
350 computer workstations. The school also leased four mobile classrooms to meet the needs of
our growing enrollment. Additionally, NDP’s five-year financial plan was updated to reflect current
financial strategies and results. The Finance Committee continues to monitor it on a regular basis to
ensure the school can meet its ongoing financial obligations while providing continuing investment
in the school’s infrastructure, technology, teacher resources, and student extracurricular activities.
The past year’s achievements were the results of the combined efforts and work of many people.
The tremendous support of our parents and other benefactors continued throughout this past year.
The well-attended Taste of Excellence Gala and raffle kicked off the school year and contributed
more than $20,000 to the school. The Booster Club’s Seventh Annual Golf Tournament and other
fund-raising activities raised more than $75,000 to the school. The Seventh Annual Mother’s Guild
Casino Night and Auction was a well-supported event and raised almost $80,000. This year’s Fashion
Show, highlighting the Class of 2009, was a great event once again. The increasing needs of our
growing student body continue to be supported by these various fund-raising activities.
NDP’s Administration has been proactive in addressing and planning for the current difficult
economic environment. All spending will continue to be closely monitored while not sacrificing
the education and extracurricular activities of our students. NDP increased the amount of in-school
scholarships for families with financial need this past year and again in the current school year. The
Administration continues to pursue other avenues of financial aid and is committed to doing everything it can to work with families encountering financial difficulties.
On a personal note, I would like to first thank John E. McMahon for all his contributions to
NDP over the years. John served as chairman of the Finance Committee and member of the
School Advisory Board since inception. I would also like to thank D.J. Cole and Bill O’Connor for
serving on the Finance Committee this past year and look forward to working with the committee
in the upcoming school year. Special thanks goes to Paul Rubsam for his continued leadership and
diligence as NDP’s director of finance. We are fortunate to have talented and dedicated
professionals guide us through these challenging financial times.
Peter Morrow
Chairman, Finance Committee
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
A Legacy of Faith...
Notre Dame Preparatory students actively contribute to our campus and to our community, aided
by the support of many generous parents and teachers. While NDP students are required to serve
our community by completing a schedule of Christian service hours, we are also blessed with
many wonderful students who go above and beyond the requirements. The Class of 2008 volunteered a total of more than 34,692 service hours during their four years at Notre Dame.
Sister Yolanda Mendoza
Director of
Campus Ministry
The entire NDP student body contributes thousands of Christian service hours each year to
their churches and to organizations, including Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, and
the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, to name but a few. This year, Theology Department Chair
Barbara Stanley and I were privileged to take 18 NDP students to Tucson during spring break
for the school’s annual mission trip. Students spent several days making improvements to
Capilla San Antonio, an abandoned chapel in desperate need of painting, tiling, and rebuilding.
Our students learned a great deal about the goodness of people and they can all be very proud
of the time and effort they put into this project.
In 2008, Fr. Michael Goodyear was assigned as chaplain to NDP by Bishop Olmsted and we
enjoyed his presence on campus three days a week. Having a priest on campus is a blessing for
our school as it is a wonderful opportunity for all to grow in their faith. This school year also
marked the debut of the Senior Legacy Club, whose purpose is to establish a legacy of service
and commitment to those most in need. The new club developed fund raising activities and
made several trips to Mexico where they worked to build new homes for the needy and distributed clothing in the barrios.
Freshmen: 6,391 hrs.
Sophomores: 7,937 hrs.
Juniors: 8,080 hrs.
Seniors: 12,061 hrs.
34,469 Hours Served
Senora Nazario (front row, third from left)
is the joyful recipient of the first home constructed
by NDP’s Senior Legacy Club.
Sarah Mann
(NDP Junior) with
Bishop Olmsted.
All-Star Kids Tutoring
Andre House
Boys & Girls Club After
School Program
Boys & Girls Clubs
Thrift Shop
Child Crisis Center
Child Crisis Center’s
Thrift Store
Children Forward/
Families Forward
Chrysalis Shelter
City of Scottsdale/
Human Services
Civic Center Senior Center
Clothes Silo
Extended Hands Food Bank
Forum Pueblo Norte
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Foundation for
Blind Children
Friends of the Orphans
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity
Helping Hands
Home Base Youth Services–
Food Service
Horizon Park After
School Program
Horses Help
Horse Sense
Hospice Inspiris
Hospice of the Valley Teen
Volunteer Program
Maggie’s Place
Maricopa Health Care
for the Homeless
My Sister’s Place
Notre Dame
Mentoring Program
Paradise Valley
Emergency Food Bank
Paz de Cristo
Community Center
Phoenix Children’s Hospital
Phoenix Rescue Mission
Project C.U.R.E.
Pueblo Norte Senior
Living Center
Reach Out and Read
Ronald McDonald House
Sacred Heart Hospice
Save the Family
Scottsdale Healthcare
Shoebox Ministry
Society of St. Vincent
de Paul
St. Mary’s/Westside
Food Bank
St. Vincent de Paul
Dining Room
St. Vincent de Paul
Thrift Stores
Tempe Community
Action Agency
Teen Lifeline, Inc
The Heritage at Carefree
The Welcome to
America Project
United Food Bank
Via Linda Senior Center
Vista del Camino
Community Center
Volunteer Center of
Maricopa County
Numerous Local Churches
and Parishes
A Legacy of Acheivement...
“We were honored to provide
the Shell Family Scholarship to a
deserving student who embodies
NDP’s core values of Reverence,
Respect and Responsibility, and
who had the desire to attend
Notre Dame in order to receive a
quality high school education.
We are confident that our NDP
scholarship has laid the
foundation for his academic,
professional and spiritual future.”
Class of 2009 Summa
Cum Laude Award Recipients
James Ardell, Lauren Elizabeth
Berry, Aaron Blumberg, Alexandra
Comeaux, Olivia Gassmann, Taylor
Goett, Christopher Guise, Mary
Heppner, Rachel Heredia, Tyler
Hugus, Megan Kelly, Alexis Kezirian,
Isabel Klosterman, Eric Knight, Mary
Linker, Sara Martin, Ashley Montag,
Katherine Murphy, Kaitlyn Nowicki,
Matthew O’Connor, Meagan Pagels,
Zari Panosian, Meghan Poage, and
Lillee Ann Stomski
Class of 2009 Academic
Honors Award Recipients
Eric Block, Heather Roths, Eric Block,
and Heather Roths
Class of 2009
National Merit Scholars
Rachel Heredia
Alexandra Comeaux
Class of 2009 Mater Dei
Award Recipients
Andrew Stutz, Kali Bills, Ashley
Montag, and Zari Panosian
The Johns Family, Mrs. Magish (OLPH), Principal Gonsalves,
Sister Marian Grace (OLPH) and Lora Drummond,
2008-2009 Mothers’ Guild President
CHARACTER AWARD was established in 2005 by NDP
parents Brenda and Keith Vanderhout and is awarded
annually to a student based on personal character and
outstanding academic achievement. In 2009, the scholarship was awarded to Andrew Stutz.
scholarship established in 2004 by Notre Dame’s
Finance Committee Chairman and is awarded annually to the graduating senior with the highest grade
point average. The scholarship was awarded in 2009 to
James Ardell.
scholarship that was established in 2006 by Keith
and Brenda Vanderhout Vanderhout and the BilliardVanderhout Scholarship Fund. It is awarded to a senior
who demonstrates a commitment to Christian service.
The 2009 recipient was Kali Bills.
non-profit, independent charitable organization.
The Catholic Community Foundation contributed
$9,000 in scholarship funds for qualified students.
Current students that have received scholarships from
CCF include Katherine Murphy, Megan Wolf, Grace
McGill, Sarah Lewis, and in 2009, Brooke Kramer.
year, four-year scholarship established this school year
by the Notre Dame Mothers’ Guild to benefit an
outstanding incoming female student. In 2009, the
scholarship was awarded to Rachel Johns.
AWARD was established in 2003 and is a $1,000 per
year, four-year scholarship awarded to an incoming
male freshman, based on high academic standing
on the Catholic High School entrance exam and
leadership qualities. In 2009, the scholarship was
awarded to Brian Cebrynski.
FUND was established in 2007 in memory of an NDP
The Ahern Family with Stephanie D’Amato, ’06,
Mr. Ochnser of Pope John Paul XXIII,
and Fred Zlaket, ’06
was established in 2001 by his son and daughterin-law Mr. and Mrs. John P. Haro. The scholarship
benefits a student from Our Lady of Joy Parish. The
2008-2009 recipient was Tyler Hicks.
awarded to incoming female students who score in
the top 25% on the entrance exam and demonstrate
character and leadership. In 2009, the scholarships
were awarded to Lauren Grossman, Megan Macaspac,
Meagan Shoemaker, and Justine Konderik.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shell for an academically qualified
freshman who maintains a 3.0 GPA to be awarded
$1,500 a year for four years. In 2009, the scholarship
was awarded to Patrick Foley.
was established in 2006 in memory of the late Caitlyn
Janssen (’08). The $3,000 per year scholarship was
established by Our Lady of Joy Parish and the Knights
of Columbus and benefits an incoming freshman
student. The 2009 recipient of the scholarship is
J’Seaun Pierre But’ierries.
recognizes a Notre Dame student who has demonstrated exceptional courage in overcoming challenges
while achieving success at Notre Dame. The recipient
in 2009 was Jordan Cuda.
is a $1,000 per year, four-year scholarship sponsored
by John E. McMahon that benefits an incoming freshman who has demonstrated outstanding academics
and leadership skills. In 2009, the award was presented
to Katherine Ahern.
is a $3,000 college scholarship recognizing superior
academic achievement. The 2009 award was presented
at graduation ceremonies to Rachel Heredia.
student who made a great impression on Notre Dame
during his time at the school. Since its inception more
than $35,000 has been contributed to the Burney
Scholarship fund.
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Athletic Achievements – 2008-2009 Team Championships
Girls’ Tennis
Notre Dame capped its undefeated
season record of 14-0 by winning
its second consecutive state
championship title with a 30-26
win over Tucson’s Santa Rita.
Coach Bemis was heralded as Head
Coach of the Year by the Arizona
Coaches Association, and Gary
Gregory was named Assistant
Coach of the Year.
cheer & Pom
The NDP Girls’ Tennis team
proved itself once again by taking
the 4A–II State title for the third
year in a row. In round two of the
team state championships, the girls
defeated Bradshaw Mountain
High School who, going into the
match, was undefeated in the
4A-II division.
The Boys’ Golf team won the
2009 State Championship title,
its third state victory in five years.
Player of the Year Nicholas Losole
III won the Individual State title
while sophomores Evan Markley
and Brian Blanchard took third
and fourth place.
Boys’ Golf
The NDP Cheer squad competed in State in January and performed
their best ever, earning first place in the overall division, along with
pom for the Spiritline State Championship. The superb NDP five-girl
stunt cheer team also took first at State. The NDP Pom team partnered with the NDP Cheer squad to win the 2009 Spiritline State
Championship in Prescott.
Led by Coach Scot Bemis, the Girls’
Soccer team captured its first Class
4A-II title with a final score of 2-1,
beating No. 1-ranked Cottonwood
Mingus in a hard fought match at
Arizona State University.
girls’ soccer
girls’ golf
Coach Shelley Dinges led the talented girls’ team to its second consecutive state 4A-II title after an undefeated season in division play.
boys’ track & Field
The Boys’ Track and Field team won the 4A-II division title with a score of 82 points.
Senior Patrick Foley scored 35 points including first place medals in the 100, 200 and
400 meter dashes. Junior Blair Tushaus took first place in the discus.
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
2008-09 Individual State
Patrick Foley, Track and Field
Blair Tushaus, Track and Field
Jackie Chang, Tennis
Jackie Chang, Golf
Nick Losole, Golf
Alexis Daswick, Swimming
A Legacy of Excellence...
Notre Dame’s development from a school of 200 students in 2002 to nearly 1,000 in 2008
reflects the growth and maturation of a successful school offering college preparatory, Honors,
Advanced Placement, and Summa Cum Laude programs of study. Notre Dame’s high standards
of academic excellence are fostered by a dedicated and enthusiastic teaching staff whose
commitment has allowed our students to soar.
“One of the best decisions
I have ever made was
to work at Notre Dame
Preparatory. The people
here are all dedicated
and amazing. I feel like
there is a real sense of
community among everyone
creating an outstanding
Chair, Math Department
English Department
World Language Department
environment to work in.”
English Department
Tanya Bartlett
Brenda Beers
Scot Bemis
Clay Boyd
Kathleen Bradley
Melissa Britt
Gary Burr
Anna Cameron
Elizabeth Kolb Caponi
Carmene Carbone
Jan Carteaux
Susie Clark
Alicia Coffey
Liz Collister
Brooke Dauphinais
Terry Derry
Shelley Dinges
Spencer Dobbins
Daniella Eguia
Fr. Phil Evanstock
Joseph Fagan
Gaetano Gianni
Leslie Gjerstad
Rob Gwinn
Laura Harris
Tracey Heisler
Bruce Hermie
Carl Hess
Kristofer Hill
Martin Hoehne-Sanchez
Mike Howell
Laura Jeselnick
Adrienne Jones
Siiri Julian
Frank Jury
Jennifer Kiraly
Mary Lou Lachvayder
Warren Laffey
David Lamb
Helen LaMoure
Juby Luensmann
Tom Mar
Sheila Martinez
Suz McDonald
Alda McFarlin
Ray Medhus
Andrea Miller
Christopher Moser
Brian Mostoller
Barbara Nejman
Linda Pecora
Rick Podraza
Steve Porianda
George Prelock
Lyn Richmond
Matt Rylski
Maribelle Salazar
Paul Schwalbe
Barbara Stanley
Don Sterkowitz
Dave Stoller
Patrick Stover
Rebecca Strolic
Matt Taylor
Mary Margaret Thompson
Michael Topczewski
Maureen Treadway
Dan Turnbloom
Oscar Varela
Margaret Watson
Bonnie Wilson
Gregory Yost
Linda Yturralde
John Clay
Mike Mahon
Athletic Director
Lillian Vancel
Mary Ellen Anderson
Julie Carpenter
Jim McConnell
Nancy Ronan
Kristin Sullivan
David D. Gonsalves
Preston Colao
Assistant Principal
Vinnie Marchese
Director of Admissions
Sr. Yolanda Mendoza, IBVM
Campus Minister
Fr. Michael Goodyear, LC
Campus Priest, Chaplain
Carolyn Rock
Director of Development
Paul Rubsam
Director of Finance
and Facilities
Bill Mueller
Director of Counseling
Maggie Duffy
Director of Technology
David Harris
Dean of Students
Theresa Yehle
Assistant to the Principal
Darlene Best
Macs Soja
Business Office
Van Goad
Facilities Manager
Barbara Kodimer
Cindi Buckner
Carol Rinella
Asst. Development Dir.
Liz George
David Gonsalez
Laura Gonsalez
Susan Houck
Kelly Jean
Christine Johnson
Lorin Marchese
Mary Ann Miller
Jo Palmer
James Pepe
Jim Rantanen
Mercedes Renteria
David Sheedy
Ellen Versen
Debi Wells
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
NDP 2009 National Merit Scholars
Select Stanford and ASU
2009 Summa Cum Laude
& Honors Graduates
Notre Dame Prep’s two 2009 National Merit
Scholars graduated with honors and considered
a wealth of opportunities before selecting universities in the West for their higher education.
RACHEL HEREDIA was accepted at eight
colleges and is attending Stanford University.
She is the winner of a $2,500 National Merit
Scholarship. A top student at NDP, she is a
Coca-Cola Foundation Scholarship SemiRachel Heredia & Alexandra Comeaux
Finalist, a National Hispanic Scholar, and an
Arizona Cardinals Community Quarterback
Award Finalist. Rachel also received Honorable Mention for the State of Arizona for
the Prudential Spirit of Service Award. Her activities at NDP included the National
Honor Society, Senior Legacy Club, Invisible Children, and the Ambassadors Club.
ALEXANDRA COMEAUX is attending the Barrett Honors College at ASU. An
outstanding student who is also an accomplished artist and actress, Alexandra was
a semi-finalist in the Lucerne “Cows and History” art competition and received an
AriZoni nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a Children’s Musical. She also won
three Grand Prize awards at the annual NDP Fine Art Show. She was a Silver Medalist
in the Grand Canyon State Games annual essay contest, and her writing was recognized by the National Council of Teachers of English. Alexandra was a semi-finalist
for the prestigious Flinn Scholarship and is a recipient of a college scholarship from
Novartis. At NDP she was a member of the National Honor Society, Drama Club,
Ambassadors Club, and the International Thespian Society. Her community service
activities included the Welcome to America Project and volunteering at St. Bernard
of Clairvaux.
2008-09 AIA Scholar Athletes
Valedictorian James Ardell
Salutatorian Rachel Heredia
SUMMA CUM LAUDE: James Ardell, Lauren Elizabeth Berry, Aaron Blumberg, Alexandra Comeaux,
Olivia Gassmann, Taylor Goett, Christopher Guise,
Mary Heppner, Rachel Heredia, Tyler Hugus, Megan
Kelly, Alexis Kezirian, Isabel Klosterman, Eric Knight,
Mary Linker, Sara Martin, Ashley Montag, Katherine
Murphy, Kaitlyn Nowicki, Matthew O’Connor, Meagan
Pagels, Zari Panosian, Meghan Poage
ACADEMIC HONORS: Eric Block, Heather Roths
NDP 2008-09
The NDP Booster Club proudly recognizes the 26
outstanding young men and women who represent the
highest standard of academic and athletic achievement.
Eric Knight, Baseball; Michael Yachera, Boys’ Basketball;
Kaitlyn Nowicki, Girls’ Basketball; Tomie Shaw, Cheer;
Alexander Maguire, Boys’ Cross Country; Anna Simperova, Girls’ Cross Country; Michael LaNue, Cycling;
Matthew O’Connor, Football; James Ardell, Boys’ Golf;
Mary Heppner, Girls’ Golf; Sami Kaldawi, Hockey; Luke
Zaro, Boys’ Lacrosse; Ashley Montag, Girls’ Lacrosse;
Brooke Morris, Pom; Luke Zaro, Boys’ Soccer; Cadienne
Naquin, Girls’ Soccer; Samantha Stolper, Softball;
Samuel Regonini, Boys’ Swim/Dive; Isabel Klosterman,
Girls’ Swim/Dive; John Blumenreich, Boys’ Tennis;
Katherine Grover, Girls’ Tennis; Christopher Guise, Boys’
Track; Anna Simperova, Girls’ Track; Ryan Harvey, Boys’
Volleyball; Caitlin Collins, Girls’ Volleyball; and Zachary
Romo, Wrestling.
The Class of 2009 included 30 NDP student-athletes who have accepted college
athletic scholarships. Golf: Nick Losole, Northwestern University, James Ardell, Brown
University; Football: Andrew Stutz, Stanford University; Patrick Foley, University of
Pennsylvania; Andy Wilder, Taylor Malenfant, and Matt Kron, NAU; Garrett Riggio, San
Diego State; Ryan Reardon, Portland State; Shane Lannan and Matt O’Connor, Trinity
College; Joe Forster, Shane Wolfe, and Jake Schuman, California Lutheran; Tyler Hugus,
Case Western Reserve University. Girls’ Soccer: Makenzie Bemis and Adrianna Ferrari,
Waldorf College. Baseball: Casey Upperman, U of A; Drew Ozanne and Matt Ozanne,
Santa Clara; Jordan Luvisi, UC Santa Barbara; Matt Blumenreich, Grinnell College; Eric
Knight, Oberlin College. Girls’ Volleyball: Cassie Uribe and Jessica Maxwell, The Citadel. Basketball: Sean Orlando, Miramar College; Nate Dudley, University of St. Thomas
(MN). Lacrosse: Nick Norris, University of Oregon. Tennis: Ben Slawsby, U of A; Andy
Londen, George Mason University.
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Kaitlyn Nowicki, J.D. Ardell
A Legacy of Love...
Lora Drummond
Mothers’ Guild President
Mothers’ Guild
Board 2008-09
Lora Drummond
Juliana Brutsche
VP/President Elect
Kristen Cole
Pat Simpson
Recording Secretary
Thea Schaeffer
Corresponding Secretary
Linda Nelson
Membership Director
Nancy Markley
Member at Large
Kristina Fauer
Member at Large
With more than 300 active members, the NDP Mothers’ Guild, comprised of 33 committees, serves
and supports the school’s students, faculty, staff, and the parent community . Highlights of the 20082009 school year included: • The seventh annual Mothers’ Guild auction raised nearly $80,000 for the
school’s operating budget. • The guild’s annual fashion show, showcasing the Class of 2009, was once
again a sold-out success. • Special events sponsored by the Mothers’ Guild this year included the
New Moms Luncheon, Faculty/Staff Christmas Party, Holiday Boutique, Junior Class Ring Ceremony,
Community of Faith Breakfast, Grandparents Breakfast and Mass, and Project Graduation. • Monthly
luncheons featured interesting and inspiring guest speakers who delivered presentations covering
a wide range of topics, including life coaching, heart healthy gourmet cooking, and cyber-bullying.
• Guild members provided volunteer support for the school’s chapel, front office, guidance office,
Varsity Shop, and also spearheaded numerous service projects benefiting the community at large.
Nearly 400 elegantly-gowned ladies and tuxedo clad gentlemen
gathered on the Notre Dame Prep campus on March 21 for the
Mothers’ Guild annual auction. The event’s new Casino Royale
theme raised $80,000 for the school’s operating fund. The lively
evening of wagering and dining also included silent and live
auctions, raffles, contests, and a sultry production of “Fever” by
the fedora-clad NDP Show Choir. Event Chair Amy Doyle,
Vice-Chair Adrienne Miller, and Mothers’ Guild President Lora
Drummond received warm praise for their leadership from Casino
Royale committee members Sheri Dogra, Karen Ely, Charmaine
Auction Vice-Chair Adrienne Miller
Berggreen, Kandace Rising, Mary But’ierries, Debbie Hooker, Lyric
and Auction Chair Amy Doyle
Naquin, Lauren Haro, Cathie Cuda, Janie White, Mary Hartman,
Pam Lannan, Carolyn Rock, and Carol Rinella. Notre Dame Preparatory acknowledges with deep
gratitude the Sponsors and Donors of Casino Royale who supported the school.
“Casino Royale”: Janet Ault, Voice of Choice; Great American Title Company; Tiffany & Bosco, P.A.
“Diamonds Are Forever”: Vern & Donna Haugen; Glenn & Tracy Hughes; Tom & Kristy Roskos; Dale M. Jensen; Avnet
“Goldfinger”: Mike & Amy Doyle; Pat & Pam Lannan; Starwood Westin Maui
In Special Recognition: Tom & Kristi Roskos
Abet International
Affinity Kitchens
Julia Ardell
Beauty by Veronica
Blue Moose Restaurant
Diana and Lee Boden
Boujis Salon & Spa
Christine and Tom Briehl
Hans and Juliana Brutsche
The Buchanan Family
Patty Burdick, Wiseman
& Gale Interiors
Calvis Wyant Luxury Homes
Camelback Inn
The Carstens Family
Center for Dental
The Cogliani Family
Conforta Quilts
Cookies In Bloom,
Andy and Mike Madden
DC Ranch Village Health
Club & Spa
Driving MBA
Karen and James Ely
Enchantment Resort
Express Yourself Interior
Design, Michele Storto
Bee and John Francis
Betty and Gary Fritcke
Mark and Tracy Grenoble
Donna and Vern Haugen
Hawaiian Experience Spa
The Heredia Family
Diana and Robert Hunt
Natalie and Tim Hyland
Images by Kay & Co.
Dr. Scott Keith, DDS
Penny and Timothy
La Lou Salon
Pam and Pat Lannan
Melissa and Tom Lehman
Debbie and Nick Losole
LPI Multimedia, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Masson II
The Mastro Families
Jill and Brandon Maxwell
McCay Photography Fine
The Melting Pot, Scottsdale
Millennium Day Spa & Salon
Adrienne and Larry Miller
Peter and Lisa Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy
The Nautilus Group
Linda Nelson, Century 21
Arizona Foothills
Oliver Smith Jeweler
Palmer Center for Natural
Elizabeth and Gerald Paquette
The Phoenician
Pinnacle Peak Ace
Home Center
The Pogue Center
Dr. and Mrs. Blair Reuben
The Resort Group
The Samples Family
The Schlott Family
Scottsdale Education Center
Scottsdale Ranch Animal
Hospital, Richard Stolper
DVM and John Nick DVM
The Seamans Family
Dr. Seuss Orthodontics
Stieg & Wachtel Orthodontics
Studio B Smiles
Kristin and Pete Sullivan
T’s Accessories, Terri Katz
Peter and Stacy Thomas
Tides Inn
Troon North Golf Club
Diane and James Tuton
Walt and Ellen Versen
Jane and Robert Young
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Mothers’ Guild Members 2008-09
Laurie Adams
Sue Anders
Michelle Anderson
Carrie Anderson
Margaret Anderson
Marina Applegate
Carol Archer
Julia Ardell
Sally Arnold
Nan Atom
Janet Ault
Kristy Badder
Marie Bale-Hansbury
Andrea Barakos
Debra Barker
Dalyce Barnett
Marie Barrios
Sharon Barton
Terri Benton
Michelle Bergevin
Charmaine Berggreen
Catherine Bernert
Karen Berns
Ann-Eve Berry
Lisa Berry
Marianne Biegler
Kirsten Bigler
Kathryn Blackwell
Cathy Blair
Sue Blanchard
Debra Boler
Caroline Bonacci
Amanda Bosco
Kim Bowe
Anna Boyce
Kathy Bradford
Barbara Brainard
Maria Brandon
Gail Breece
Jill Brenenstuhl
Judy Brouwer
Christa Brown
Juliana Brutsche
Sheila Bryson
Gwen Budnik
Priscella Buran
Barbara Buric
Linda Burns
Karen Burstein
Maria Busch
Mary But’ierries
Sarah Byrne
Karen Caldwell
Kristine Campagna
Marie Cancilla
Bonnie Caniglia
Kim Cantoni
Lisa Capra
Leslie Carlson
Judy Carney
Jennifer Carroll
Irene Carroll
Lourdes Cartledge
Susan Casaceli
Jennifer Casanova
Sally Cashman
Trudi Cassidy
Colleen Cassidy
Anna Cates
Anita Chang
Lisa Chiles
Sue Ciccolini
Georgia Cifelli
Carole Clancy
Gail Clarin
Cheryl Clarkin
Corre Clemens
Toni Clifford
Darcel Coco
Vicki Coffindaffer
Lora Cogliani
Susie Cogman
Katherine Cohen
Kristen Cole
Kim Coleason
Sheila Collins
Shari Comeaux
Anita Conduit
Jane Cooley
Paula Costello
Jennifer Cover
Suzanne Coyne
Peggy Craig
Tammy Crampton
Kelly Cravath
Kim Creamer
Cindy Crouser
Patricia Crowell
Jennifer Crowley
Carrie Curran
Lisa Dado-Foley
Susan D’Amato
Debbie Dammen
Kelly d’Arcangelo-Lew
Margaret Davis
Megan Dawson
Kris DeCant
Judy Defranco
Leslie Degenaars
Sylvia Deiana
Kay Delgado
Janet Dell Armi
Sue Demaine
Martha Demaree
Linda Demirjan
Sharon Dempt
Trisha Denney
Lou Ann Denny
Georgia DePaola
Beth DeRaad
Pam DeValeria
Carole Dickinson
Susan Dinovo
Kim Disbrow
Sheri Dogra
Nelly Dombrowski
Elaine Donovan
Nancy Dougherty
Amy Doyle
Elizabeth Dragoo
Lora Drummond
Mary Ducharme
Jen Duckworth
Vernanne Duermit
Monica Dugan
Karen Dunlap
Keri Durkin
Sydney Dye
Cathy Eckstein
Veva Eickelbery
Robi Eldred
Karen Ely
Kim Emery
Cecilia Eversman
Michele Fanelli
Kristina Fauer
April Feldman
Pamela Ferrari
Sue Fischer
Jan Fischer
Mary Ellen Fitzjerrells
Ester Flores
Gina Forster
Ellen Fournier
Judy Frainier
Bee Francis
Anne Francis
Dina Francis
Lori Franco
Debbie Frantella
Lori Frantzve
Josie Fratantoni
Tammy Fratantoni
Tammy Frazier
Thava Freedman
Sarajane Freeman
Cathy Freericks
Sharon Frigo
Betty Fritcke
Vanessa Fromm
Lisa Gallagher
Karen Garofalo
Ann Garriott
Sandy Garrison
Amy Gassmann
Laura Lee Gaudo
Kimberly Gergal
Camille Gietz
Kim Gleason
Tracy Goble
Karen Goett
Lisa Goldwater
Amelia Gomez-Barrios
Mary Gonzales
Tracy Grenoble
Barbara Gresser
Kim Griffin
Mary Jo Grogan
Heather Grossman
Kathi Grosvenor
Sue Grzybowski
Susie Guerra
Lisa Gund
Irene Gurczak
Jennifer Gurry
Andrea Haechler
Barbara Hallin
Pam Harmon
Lauren Haro
Donna Harris
Mary Hartman
Liz Harvey
Cynthia Harvey-Clark
Jamie Hauer
Dyan Haugen
Kathy Haugen
Shawna Hayes
Diana Hayes
Lisa Hebert
Mary Heigl
Lisa Henry
Susan Heppner
Elaine Heredia
Julie Hessler- Meshkowitz
Caron Hill
Debbie Hooker
Kathleen Hopkins
Carol Hoskin
Cindy Howard
Barbara Howell
Tracy Hughes
Marcia Hugus
Colleen Dr. Hunsaker
Susan Hurtado
Ana Huss
Dianne Hustad
Natalie Hyland
Jill Iserman
Janae Jaynes-Learned
Suzanne Jenkins
Ranae Jestilia
Jody Johnson
Lynne Johnson
Launi Jones
Michelle Jones
Marlene Joy
Sue Kado
Josephine Kaldawi
Sue Karp
Terry Karp
Loni Kast
Terri Katz
Colleen Katz
Shari Keith
Cheryl Kelley
Deborah Kelly
Ronda Kennedy
Carol Kessler
Mary Kezirian
Josefina Killinsworth
Phyllis Kirk
Jeri Klein
Chris Klokinis
Juliet Klosterman
Betsy Kohnen
Chris Kokinis
Jennifer Komer
Heidi Koper
Laura Krebs
Susan Krepp
Jeanne Kress
Stacey Krolak
Martina Krolls
JoAnne Krueger
Robin Kruger
Kelley LaBarbera
Bev Lackey
Penny LaFerriere
Amy Lambertus
Marla Lang
Pam Lannan
Cathy Largay
Penelope Larsen
Helen Lawrence
Melissa Lehman
Barbara Lentini
Lori Leonetti
Kathleen Lewis
Mary Lewis
Pam Lindgren
Julie Linker
Rita Lippman
Linda Little
Gail Littleton
Frances Lobst
Cheryl Londen
Victoria Longfellow
Debbie Losole
Mary Sue Lotzar
Judi Loud
Judith Loud
Mandy Lundy
Monica Lynch
Rosabel Macaspac
Angela Maguire
Judy Maguire
Robin Mahon
Lisa Mailliard
Tina Majerle
Barbara Makar
Jodi Malenfant
Rosy Ottavi Manca
Cathy Mangels
Cynthia Manocchia
Cami Manson
Lana Marchetti
Joni Marino
Martha Mariscal
Nancy Markley
Carol Marsh
Cindy Martin
Janet Martin
Sheila Martinez
Robin Martinez
Michelle Masson
Brenda Mastro
Marci Matt
Jill Maxwell
Laura Mayes
Terri McCloskey
Sheila McCravey
Diane McCroy
Carol McCume
Michele McCurdy
Susan McDonough
Tahnia McKeever
Mary McKeon
Lynne McPherson
Barbara McRee
Debra McShane
Susan McWeeny
Cecilia Medai
Robin Meeks
Zo Merevick
Pam Meyer
Debbie Michalowski
Chris Mignella
Sheri Miles
Laurie Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Adrienne Miller
Lisa Mindak
Carrie Mitchell
Cami Monsor
Cindy Montanarella
Cathy Montgomery
Claudia Moreira
Kathryn Morris
Lisa Morrow
Michelle Mowzoon
Kerry Mueller
Susan Mueller
Katie Muglia
Joyce Muller
Ellen Murphy
Jackie Murrietta
Maria Murrin
Annette Musa
Dianne Myers
Kimberly Nathanson
Lyric Naquin
Linda Nelson
Judy Nelson
Diane Neslund
Sarah Newtown
Lori Nitta
Diane Norris
Joan Novelly
Robin O’Connor
Beth Oelkers
Mary Oleary
Cecilia Olson
Patricia O’Neil
Sue Orlando
Mindi Osborn
Mary Panosian
Shellie Panzer
Lori Paolino
Liz Paquette
Ladan Paransun
Kalani Parker
Cheryl Parker
Patty Pascuzzo
Laura Pelikan
Faith Pembleton
Hilda Pena
Melissa Percopo
Kathy Pfeiffer
Pamela Piccolo
Heather Pietrangelo
Renee Pilot
Martha Poage
Laurie Polasko
Linda Polese
Stacey Polich
Natalie Pons
Kerry Postillion
Amy Powers
Paula Pratt
Rosalie Presseller
Christine Price
Katheryn Prostrollo
Donna Puchal
Maggie Puente
Jan Pupillo
Jane Quan-Young
Susie Quenzler
Paula Randall
Joan Raskin
Geralyn Reardon
Teresa Reardon
Pam Reaser
Shirley Regonini
Kristy Rehorn
Susan Rehorn
Keri Reichow
Tracy Reilly
Lori Reiman
Kathy Reisdorf
Edith Remaklus
Lisa Renfree
Lori Reuben
Laurie Reynolds
Karen Rezac
Ann Richard
April Riggins
Nancy Riggio
Carol Rinella
Kandace Rising
Elizabeth Rivadalla
Gezelle Rizk
Colleen Roberts
Julie Roble
Carolyn Rock
Belinda Roda
Debbie Rodakis
Cynthia Rollins
Lori Romeo
Debbie Rose
Karen Ross
Laurie Ross
Cindy Roths
Irma Ruiz
Riki Sadosky
Judith Sahid
Rossina Samples
Linda Sandry
Joan Saunders
Thea Schaeffer
Carrie Schallock
Gabriela Schelling
Lisa Schiffer
Lucy Schmidt
Maureen Schmitt
Kat Schulz
Jocelyn Schuman
Dawn Scola
Catherine Scott
Jane Seamans
Yoland Seanez
Kathie Seavey
Pam Sefton
Cindy Seifert
Karen Sellars
Fern Selvala
Denise Serro
Poala Sevela
Maureen Sewright
Notre Dame Prep seniors were “On Cloud ‘09” at the annual Mother’s
Guild Fashion Show April 26 at the Westin Kierland. The annual runway
event showcases the school’s graduating class, who honored their mothers, school, and classmates in a lively four-act choreographed production.
Fashion Show Chair Aimee Smith and co-chair Janet Ault spearheaded
a committee of 75 NDP moms who pooled their talents to create a
memorable day for the Class of 2009 and their families.
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Event co-chair Janet Ault, Principal David Gonsalves,
Mothers’ Guild President Lora Drummond, and
Fashion Show Chair Aimee Smith
Paula Shaw
Tracey Shaw
Laura Shell
Kathleen Shepherd
Angela Sheridan
Aelee Shin
Kathy Shook
Antoinette Shuba
Pat Simpson
Carla Sinclair
Iris Singer
Mary Slawsby
Leslie Smith
Aimee Smith
Emily Smith
Irene Soberats
Angela Sommer
Judy Sotelo
Denise Sottile
Carol Spencer
Lori Stevenson
Diana Stocker
Laura Stojak
Winnie Stolper
Laurie Strom
Susan Stuck
Karen Ann Stutz
Julie Sullivan
Kristina Sullivan
Mary Beth Svorinic
Stacey Swanger
Alice Tanico
Mary Ann Tashans
Suzanne Taussie
Shae Ten Eyck
Bernarda Teran
Lisa Tessler
Diane Thomas
Michelle Thorpe
Jan Tidmarsh
Karen Tierney
Nancy Tillinghast
Ginny Torpey
Laura Towers
Sue Trace
Margie Traylor
Sue Trent
Eileen Truty
Caroline Tuner
Diane W.R. Tuton
Terry Underwood
Lisa Upperman
Brenda Vadderhout
Lynne Valensin
Patrice Valley
Brenda Vanderhout
Sherry Verges
Ellen Versen
Nancy Vieburg
Dayna Vinje
Stacy Vlachos
Karen Ward
Maria Warner
Margaret Watson
Kathy Waugaman
Debi Wells
Valeria Wells
Laurie Westphal
Trish Wheeler
Paula Whelan
Janie White
Jeri White
Amy Whitney
Deanna Wille
Karen Williams
Mary Williams
Katie Winn
Maria Wojtczak
Michelle Woker
Kristen Wolf
Felicia Wong
Amy Wood
Carol Wright
Bonnie Yanish
Kelli York
Sandy Yozipovic
Arcelia Zaragoza
Sue Zarka
Sara Zeumer
Pam Zidich
Lisa Ziemann
Traci Zitzer
Ann Zobrist
Susan Zuckerman
A Legacy of Strength...
George Krueger
Booster Club President
Booster Club
Board 2008-09
The 2008-2009 school year was full of accomplishments for the NDP Booster Club and the school’s
talented athletes. Notre Dame solidified its well-earned reputation as a top tier high school that attracts
students who strive to excel both on and off the playing field. The trophies and accolades spanned the
entire school year as the Saints won team championships in Football, Girls’ and Boys’ Golf, Stunt Cheer,
Pom/Cheer Spiritline, Girls’ Tennis, Girls’ Soccer, and Boys’ Track and Field. The Booster Club is proud to
have supported these outstanding teams, their coaches, and our superb athletic director, Mike Mahon. In
just a few short years, NDP has become a powerhouse to be reckoned with in the Arizona Interscholastic
Association’s 4A Division II. The club is deeply grateful for its hardworking members who provide important social and financial support to Notre Dame’s athletic programs.
George Krueger
Phil Hugus
Vice President and
Mark Yachera
Mary Slawsby
Cathie Cuda
Membership Director
• Membership in the club rose to 376 members, including 83 Annual and 293 Lifetime members.
• The club funded the expansion of the school’s multi-use athletic fields so that more teams could
practice and compete on campus. • The success of the annual Fall Sports Festival spurred the club
to add two more festivals celebrating the school’s winter and spring sports programs. • The club
organized the first “Night of Champions” to honor the school’s 26 Scholar-Athletes, two Academic
All-Americans, individual and team state champions, and athletes going on to play college sports.
• The club’s popular annual golf tournament drew nearly 200 golfers for a day of fun and fundraising. • NFL star Seth Joyner and sports legend Joe Garagiola were two of the impressive guest
speakers the club brought to NDP.
Left to right, NDP Booster Club President George
Krueger, Principal David Gonsalves, Tournament
Chairman Tony Montgomery, Honorary Tournament
Chairman Tom Lehman, and Tournament Title
Sponsor Kirk Tushaus, ArMA Financial Services, Inc.
University of Notre Dame football player
Rudy Ruettiger
Tom Lehman, Honorary Chair
Tony Montgomery,
Tournament Chair
Jim Schiffer, Pam Ferrari,
Walt Versen, Cathie Cuda,
Lynn Johnson, Terri Benton,
Phil Hugus, Mike Harvey,
Susan McWeeney, Lisa Gallager,
Deanna Wille, Carol Rinella
Title Sponsor:
ARMA Financial, Kirk Tushaus
Saint Sponsors:
Michael’s Catering,
Brandon Maxwell
KEZ 99.9 FM, Beth Mcdonald
Patron Sponsors:
Delta Diversified Enterprises,
Brad Berry
Southwest Jet Aviation,
Jeff Schlueter
Lehman Design Group,
Tom Lehman
Champion Sponsors:
Calvis Wyant, Tony Calvis
RHM Group At Morgan Stanley,
Tony Montgomery
Digger Joe’s, Clarke Watson
Wespac, John Largay
Miravista Holdings, Brad Wilde
Delta Dental of Arizona,
Donna Willing
Roskos Family,
Tom & Kristi Roskos
Abart Properties, Inc., Art Ferrari
GMAC Real Estate and
NDP Lacrosse Coach,
Nick Protopopoff
Ascent Healthcare Solutions,
Rick Ferreia
Lindgren Family,
Charlie & Pam Lindgren
Hole Sponsors:
The Cuda Family
The Smile Company
Port O Subs
Bolt Guard Services
Janet Ault Voice Talent
Fleming’s Steakhouse
Sanderson Lincoln Mercury
Double AA Builders
O’Donoghue’s Irish Pub
The Crowley Family
Signs By Tomorrow
NDP Booster Club
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Booster Club Members 2008-09
Clark and Leticia Albright
Andy and Beetle Atsaves
William Bailey
John Bass
Maurice and Michelle Bergevin
Tom and Karen Berns
Jerry and Marianne Biegler
Kurt and Kim Bowe
Dave and Penny Brennan
Jerry and Gwen Budnik
Nicholas and Lora Cogliani
Steve and Cathy Coluccio
Patrick and Paula Costello
Mike and Cindy Crouser
Phil and Megan Dawson
Kevin and Vernanne Duermit
Keith and Karen Dunlap
Robert and Kim Ebert
Mark and Susan Engelhard
Carlos and Ester Flores
Brian and Nadine Foley
John Frederick
Fred and Sharon Frigo
Derek and Vanessa Fromm
Gale and Ann Garriott
Jeffery and Kimberly Gergal
Gary and Camille Gietz
Gary and Kim Griffin
Andrew and Irene Gurczak
John and Lauren Haro
Geoffrey and Lori Haxel
Cliff and Wendy Holland
Kathleen Hopkins
Ed Hopkins
Jeff and Kelly Ittel
John and Suzanne Jenkins
Rhett and Patti Johnston
Rick and Colleen Katz
Rob and Cheryl Kelley
Lee and Julie Kelpien
Scott and Kathy King
John and Heidi Koper
Tricia La Rue
William Lawson and
Sharon Ondreylo
Kerry and Monica Lynch
Philippe and Valerie Marcus
Joel and Loretta Mascaro
Bill and Marci Matt
Pete and Julie Hessler
Steve and Lisa Mindak
Mike and Carrie Mitchell
Michelle Myers
Michelle Myers/Audsley
Michael and Linda Nelson
Steve and Diane Norris
William and Joyce O’Connor
Gail Padish-Clarin
Adam and Renee Pilot
John and Rosemarie Prelock
Wade and Christine Price
Nick Protopopoff and
Lee Scanzano
Lousie Reilly
David and Gezelle Rizk
Jeff and Cindy Roths
Tom and Paula Shaw
Donald and Angela Sheridan
John and Pat Simpson
Joseph and Joan Sirven
Randy and Marti Snittjer
Tom and Karen Stutz
Jim and Patrice Valley
Rick and Karen Ward
Thompson and Karen Ward
Bradford and Patricia Wheeler
Janie White
Lucy Wilder
Dean and Barbara Wiltse
Timothy and Robin Wynne
Bob and Jane Young
Lowell and Jean Ziemann
Jay and Lisa Ziemann
Keith and Ann Zobrist
John and Nancy Zoutendyk
Doug and Patti Allday
Scott and Carol Archer
Sally Arnold
Allan and Kristy Badder
Neil and Ann Marie Bakker
Todd and Kimberley Bankofier
Kenneth and Theresa Barber
Tim and Marie Barrios
Chris and Terri Benton
Paul and Charmaine Berggreen
Brad and Lisa Berry
Isabel Bickman
Robert and Catherine Bidese
Todd and Kirsten Bigler
Dennis and Cathy Blair
Tony and Caroline Bonacci
Mark and Amanda Bosco
Bill Bradford
Tom and Gail Breece
Tom and Christine Briehl
Frank and Judy Brouwer
Hans and Juliana Brutsche
Tim and Linda Shields Burns
John and Sarah Byrne
Giuseppe and Diane Cala
Richard and Jan Cameron
Richard and Christine Campagna
Tony and Marie Cancilla
Dr. Ron and Bonnie Caniglia
Linda Cappellini
Elna Cardenas
Gary and Leslie Carlson
Bryon and Judy Carney
Irene Carroll
Phil and Jennifer Carroll
Tim and Colleen Carstens
Andrew and Sally Cashman
Craig and Colleen Cassidy
Tom and Trudi Cassidy
Jace and Lisa Cheatham
Darcel Coco
Sam and Katie Cohen
David and Angela Colby
DJ and Kristen Cole
Jim and Suzie Combs
Steve and Anita Condit
Brian and Jennifer Cover
Michael and Kim Creamer
Tracy and Cathie Cuda
Jayson and Debbie Dammen
Leonard and Kris Decant
Shawn and Katherine Decker
Mike and Judy Defranco
Michael and Sylvia Deiana
Trip and Martha Demaree
Chris and Louise Denny
Patrick and Pamela Devaleria
Ralph and Patti Dilandri
David and Sheri Dogra
Scott and Nelly Dombrowski
Jeff and Debra Doss
Michael and Nancy Dougherty
Mike and Paula Downing
Michael and Amy Doyle
Hank and Jen Dragich
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Jamie Drinkwater Buchanan
Tom and Mary Ducharme
Daniel and Jen Duckworth
Greg and Olga Dudley
Tim and Tracee Dwyer
Mike and Sydney Dye
Charles and Christina Eckert
Joe and Julie Eggler
Andy and Judy Eldridge
Scott and Laura Eller
Ewan and Melana Elliot
Hayley Elliot
James and Karen Ely
Harry and Dyan Ertter
Donald and Lynn Evans
Bill and Cecilia Eversman
Alan and Megan Fernandez
Art and Pam Ferrari
Gregg and Sharon Fields
Ray and Sue Fischer
Brian and Mary Ellen Fitzjerrells
Michael and Lisa Dado Foley
Joe and Gina Forster
Brian and Susan Fow
Dan and Dina Francis
John and Karrie Francois
Ray and Debbie Fratella
Charley and Cathy Freericks
Gary and Betty Fritcke
Phil and Lisa Gallagher
Sean and Sandy Garrison
Ted Gehrke
Philip and Kim Gleason
Bane and Jeanne Gojic
Don and Lisa Goldwater
Richard and Becky Gorley
Mike and Patty Greco
Terry and Linda Greiwe
Mark and Tracy Grenoble
Steve and Barbara Gresser
Jim and Mary Jo Grogan
Steve and Kathi Grosvenor
Carl and Katherine Grove
Paul and Mary Beth Groves
Tom and Susie Guerra
Paul and Kay Guidera
David and Lisa Gund
David and Lori Hargett
Mike and Liz Harvey
Craig and Jamie Hauer
Vern and Donna Haugen
Steve and Mary Hawes
Patrick and Mary Heigl
Brian and Kelly Hein
Dan and Laurie Hellman
Michael and Lisa Henry
Fred and Susan Heppner
George and Elaine Heredia
Michael Hessler
Jay and Michelle Holland
Robert and Karen Hommel
Tracy and Glenn Hughes
Jack and Kimberely Hughlette
Phil and Marcia Hugus
Tim and Natalie Hyland
Frances Iobst
Jim and Jody Johnson
Steve and Lynn Johnson
Geoff and Sandie Jones
Ken and Robyn Julien
Jim and Jennifer Kaiser
Guy and Mary Kezirian
Jeffrey Killoren
Donn and Kris Kinzle
Deb Kirby
Ken and Phyllis Kirk
Tom and Stephanie Knowlton
Jeffrey and Jennifer Komer
Tim and Susan Krepp
Jim and Felicia Krigel
Ed and Stacey Krolak
Sig and K. Martina Krolls
George and Jo Anne Krueger
Greg and Kathy Kruzel
Robert Lafferty
Patrick and Pam Lannan
Peter and Patti Laprade
Chris and Janae Jaynes Learned
Tom and Melissa Lehman
Joe and Lori Leonetti
David and Mary Lewis
Dale and Kathy Lewis
Charlie and Pam Lindgren
Bill and Gail Littleton
Nick and Debbie Losole
Larry and Shelly Lynott
Mark and Jodi Malenfant
John and Brenda Malinowski
Vincent and Jodi Marino
Colin and Nancy Markley
Mike and Carrie Chase Martin
Missy Martin
Matt and Robin Martinez, III
Thomas and Michelle Masson, II
Jeff and Jodi Mastro
Frank and Gina Mattio
Brandon and Jill Maxwell
Bob and Laura Mayes
James and Diane McCroy
Kelly and Michelle McCurdy
Jeff and Tannia McKeever
Dan and Tammy McMullin
Scott and Lynne McPherson
Jaime and Susan McWeeny
Bruce and Pam Meyer
Larry and Adrienne Miller
Caroline Miranda
Jeff and Jennifer Montag
James and Karen Montague
Tony and Cathy Montgomery
William and Stephanie Moore
John and Belinda Moore
Hugh and Kathy Morris
Peter and Lisa Morrow
J. Carl and Mary Ellen Mulac
Anthony and Joyce Muller
David and Ellen Murphy
James and Virginia Myers
Steven Nagy
Gary and Lyric Naquin
Jerry Neslund
Tom and Lori Nitta
Mark and Robin O’Connor
Blaine and Beth Oelkers
Joe and Mary O’Leary
John and Patricia O’Neil
Paul and Sue Orlando
David and Lisa Osselaer
Tom and Heidi Osselaer
Robert and Laura Pelikan
Don Petersen
Mike and Sandy Pflueger
Dan and Katie Pirotte
Douglas and Sonia Poole
Barry and Kathleen Poupore
Robert and Arlene Prather
Jim and Jan Pupillo
Rick and Paula Randall
Jeff and Valerie Raymond
Jeff and Teresa Reardon
Ken and Pam Reaser
Tim and Susan Reckell
Dave and Shirley Reggonini
Greg and Kathy Reisdorf
Jerry and Edi Remaklus
Dr. Kevin and Lisa Renfree
David and Deborah Rice, III
Nancy Riggio
Marty and Kandace Rising
Brian and Carrie Rogerson
Jim and Laurie Ross
Roberto and Irma Ruiz
Larry and Nancy Salamun
Tim and Rossina Samples
Dan and Linda Sandry
Peter Jorgenson and
Joan Saunders
Terrence and Marcella Scali
Robert and Carrie Schallock
Jim and Lisa Schiffer
Jeff and Janna Schleuter
Ted and Jocelyn Schuman
Robert and Dawn Scola
David and Jane Seamans
Ron and Kathy Senior
Randy and Laura Shell
Rick and Kathleen Sheperd
Mills and Carla Sinclair
Marv Sinderman
Denis and Mary Slawsby
Robert and Christie Slegers
Tom and Patti Sloot
Oliver Smith
Paul and Tami Smith
Joe and Emily Smith
Sergio and Judy Sotelo
Jeff and Sharon Stevens
Dean and Lori Stevenson
Robert and Laura Stojak
Richard and Winnie Stolper
Fr. Mike Straley
Jeff and Laurie Strom
Dominic and
Mary Beth Svorinic
Ket and Carrie Talley
Louis and Alice Tanico
Andrew and Suzanne Taussig
John R. and Susan Tellier
Jordy and Lisa Tessler
Peter and Stacy Thomas
Tod and Michelle Thorpe
Dave and Jan Tidmarsh
Matthew and Karen Tierney
Jim and Nancy Tillinghast
James and Kelly Tompkins, Jr.
Brad and Ginny Torpey
Wally and Sue Trace
Vern and Margie Traylor
John and Theresa Tsaninos
Tony and Mary Kay Turner
Kirk and Marianne Tushaus
James and Diane Tuton
Keith and Brenda Vanderhout
Walter and Ellen Versen
Mike and Maria Warner
Brian and Lauri Westphal
Steve and Deanna Wille
Mike and Mary Williams
Doug and Lynda Wilson
Peter and Katie Winn
David and Michelle Woker
Scott and Kristin Wolf
Jeff and Lisa Wolfe
Chris and Lisa Wood
Dan and Kim Wyant
Ed and Ashley Yankowski
Doug and Kelli York
Matt and Sue Zarka
Gary and Pauline Zaro
Brad and Diana Zellers
A Legacy of Support...
2009 Gala offered “A taste of Excellence”
An autumn gala celebrating NDP’s academic, artistic, athletic, and community achievements drew more than 800 guests to campus on October 4 for an evening of fine
cuisine and friendship.
NDP Arts Angels
The NDP Arts
Angels successfully achieved its
mission to support and develop
opportunities for
NDP fine arts
students. A highlight of the year was
a monthlong showcase in April at the
Phoenix Art Museum where Notre
Dame students had the opportunity
to exhibit their paintings, drawings
and photography. The Notre Dame
Arts Angels is a new support group
comprised of parent volunteers who
take an active role in promoting the
arts at NDP. Members of the Arts
Angels bolster the school’s art,
photography, ceramics, music, dance,
and theater programs by offering
their time and experience to support
the various artistic needs and aspirations of our fine arts students and
their instructors.
Amanda and Mark Bosco
A high point of the evening
was the drawing for the grand
raffle prize of a 2009 C300
Mercedes-Benz sports sedan
from Schumacher European
Ltd. of Scottsdale, provided by
Paradise Valley residents Mark
and Amanda Bosco. The ecstatic
winners were NDP parents
Glenn and Tracy Hughes.
Culinary co-chairs Brandon Maxwell and Michael DeMaria once again assembled an impressive roster of Valley chefs who prepared tastings of their specialties for guests to enjoy.
CTODP Offers State Tax Credit and
Provides Financial Aid to NDP Students
The Development Departments extends its sincere appreciation to everyone who
contributed to the Catholic Tuition Organization of the Diocese of Phoenix (CTODP)
and enjoyed a state income tax credit while funding scholarships at NDP. Your generosity provides valuable financial assistance to deserving students at Notre Dame.
As a rapidly growing school with a diverse student body, scholarship aid continues
to be one of our greatest needs. The 2008-09 CTODP campaign raised $328,000 in
scholarship funds (a 7% decrease from the previous year). More than ever before, the
need for financial aid at NDP is still greater than the available resources.
In the coming school year, you will have several opportunities to contribute to
CTODP. Please open your hearts and minds to this important need by taking advantage of CTODP’s dollar-for-dollar tax credit of up to $1,000. Your gift will make a
difference in the life of a Notre Dame student.
NDP thanks all of the dedicated parent volunteers who gave so generously of their time
to make the 2008-09 CTODP campaign an unqualified success, especially Susan Casaceli,
Holly Cooper, Nancy Dougherty, Donald Evans, Sue Fischer, Laura Hicks, Marci Matt,
Margaret Shoemaker, Catherine Wetter, Clara Ponce, Carol Ann Wright, Mareencita and
Javier Ramos, Amy Rivers, Annie Stempta, Margaret Nawrocki, and Nada Zlaket.
Catholic Tuition Organization of the Diocese of Phoenix (CTODP) Campaign
Scholarship Funds Raised 2005-2009
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
A Legacy of Support...
Notre Dame Preparatory extends its sincere thanks to those who designated NDP as the recipient of CTODP
funds so that deserving students at our school could receive financial aid.
2008 CTODP Campaign Contributors
Robin and John Arterburn
Deif Atallah and Karen Hobin
Patricia Baca Twiford and
Russell Twiford, III
William Bailey
Patrick and Allison Barkley
Brian Barr
Julian Barrolaza
Sharon and David Barton
Jeff and Jiorgette Beach
Charmaine and Paul Berggreen
Richard and Catherine Bernert
John Berry
Robert and Caroline Berry
Robert and Catherine Bidese
Dennis and Catherine Blair
Glen Blair
Anthony and Caroline Bonacci
Mark and Amanda Bosco
David and Kathleen Bost
Curtis and Kimberly Bowe
William and Kathleen Bradford
Robert and Gail Breece
Gerald and Karen Buck
Robert and Mary Burney
Timothy and Linda Shields Burns
Robert and Janice Calabrese
Richard and Janice Cameron
Susan and Scott Campbell
Antonio and Marie Cancilla
Kelli and John Carcasole
Timothy and Colleen Carstens
Aimee Chick
Alicia Coffey
Nicholas and Samuel Cohen
Katherine Cohen
Preston and Deirdre Colao
Donald and Kristen Cole
Theodore and Susan Collins
William and Patricia Crowell
John and Victoria Curtin
John and Kimberly Daniels
Jon and Trisha Denney
Harold and Arlie Denomme
Brent and Beth Deraad
Patrick and Pamela Devaleria
Gloria Di Sanza
Jayne Dilzer-Scott
Michael and Nancy Dimarco
Dallas and Linda Doyle
Elizabeth and Douglas Dragoo
Daniel and Jen Duckworth
Kevin and Vernanne Duermit
John and Joanne Dunleavy
Robert and Robin Ebert
Darrell and Catherine Eckstein
James and Mary Ann Egide
John and Mary Eichler
James and Catherine Eide
Robert and Rose Evans
Leslie Feldman
Janice and Jim Fischer
Leslie and Marla Fish
Robert and Helen Fogwell
Dennis and Judith Frainier
Chris and Karin Frank
Gary and Elizabeth Fritcke
Daniel and Ana Galindo
Thomas and Kathleen Ganahl
Philip and Kim Gleason
Richard Gorley
John Green
Joseph and Kelly Gregan
Don and Janet Gresco
Nioma and Manuel Griego
James and Mary Jo Grogan
Paul and Mary Beth Groves
Peter and Sue Grzybowski
Bruce and Barbara Hallin
Steven and Cynthia Hampton
David Hargett
Donna and Vern Haugen
Fred Heppner
George and Elaine Deredia
Cheryl and Carl Hess
Robert and Nancy Hinshaw
Leisa and Tony Hodges
Steven and Renee Hodkinson
Gregory and Katy Holditch
Sonia Holman
John and Carol Hoskins
Cas and Susan Hurtado
Tariq Husanyo
Timothy and Natalie Hyland
Brian and Jennifer Igel
Frances Iobst
Marlene Joy
Robert and Susan Katz
Tyson Kelley and Teri Twarkins
William and Laura Kerrigan
Stephan and Deborah King
Arthur and Jane Kinneberg
Matthias and Yvonne Kippenberg
Andreas and Jeanne Kress
Stephen Kupiszewski
Warren Laffey
John and Jo Anne Lannan
Julie Lazzara
Timothy and Brenda Lee
Thomas and Melissa Lehman
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Eric and Kimberley Leinweber
James and Deborah Lentine
David and Mary Lewis
Charles Lindgren
Debra and Ncholas Losole, Jr
Richard and Mary Ann Lund
Frank and Judith Maguire
Patrick and Katherine Mahan
Brenda and John Malinowski
Janet and Lucas Martin
Rory and Cindy Martin
Carol and John McCune
Matthew McGinnis
Jeffrey and Tahnia McKeever
John and Mary McKeon
Ray and Corina Medhus
Kathy and Kathy Merlo
Jeffrey and Karen Mongan
Velma Monks
Stephanie and William Moore
Peter and Lisa Morrow
Jennifer Morse
Marybeth and William Mueller
Stephen and Mary Muller
Tony and Joyce Muller
Marilyn Murphy
Mark and Jacqueline Murrietta
Oscar and Rita Murrietta
Gary and Lyric Naquin
Richard and Margaret Nawrocki
Mark and Elena Nethers
Joseph and Mary O’Leary
Sue and Paul Orlando
Susan Paplaczyk
Philip and Linda Pecora
Robert and Laura Pelikan
Robert and Martha Poage
Amy and Peter Powers
Wade and Christine Price
Daniel and Margaret Puente
Anna and Joseph Puhl
Richard and Paula Randall
Mary Reedy
Charles and Susan Reid
Gerald and Edith Remaklus
Charles and Laure Reynolds
Joann Rice and Richard Taylor
Kathleen Rice
David Richard
Anthony and Carol Rinella
Mark and Diane Ripperda
Patrick Robinson
Michael and Carolyn Rock
Mark and Diana Roggenbuck
Mark and Debra Rose
Jeffrey and Cynthia Roths
Paul and Karen Rubsam
Richard and Judith Rutkowski
Larry and Nancy Salamun
Ulf and Jeanette Samuelsson
James and Lisa Schiffer
Jay and Dawn Schlott
Jeff and Janna Schlueter
Paul and Jody Schnabel
Geoffrey Schwan
James and Paula Schwartz
Robert and Dawn Scola
David and Jane Seamans
Douglas and Maureen Sewright
John and Patricia Simpson
Marvin Sinderman and Jessica Spytek
Joseph and Joan Sirven
Alec and Denise Skelpsa
Margaret Slattery
Joseph and Emily Smith
Mark and Kathleen Spangehl
Kyle and Kayoko Squires
Steven and Lesa Stensrud
Brian and Erika Stevens
Dean and Lori Stevenson
Timothy and Diana Stocker
Robert and Laura Stojak
Chris and Joanne Storbeck
Helen Swanson
Gary and Diane Thomas
Justin and Pamela Thompson
Matt Towers
Anthony and Mary Turner
Kirk and Marianne Tushaus
Richard and Karen Ward
Mike and Maria Warner
Larry and Pat Wetter
C Lorraine White
Jade Williams
Dean and Barbara Wiltse
Paul and Gina Wise
Bruce and Debra Wiskirchen
David and Michelle Woker
Jeffrey and Anne Wolf
Scott and Kristin Wolf
Herbert Wolff
Lawrence and Theresa Yehle
Douglas and Nancy Yokois
Stephen and Linda Yturralde
Matthew and Susan Zarka
Peter and Nancy Zoutendyk
Joseph and Elizabeth Zveglich
A Legacy of Support...
Dear Friends of Notre Dame Preparatory,
On behalf of the students and faculty, I want to thank you for your generous support in the
2008-2009 school year. It was the most challenging of economic times, and even through last
year’s downturn, Notre Dame families and friends rallied to support the school. Your support
as volunteers and donors are major reasons why Notre Dame has become one of the most
outstanding prep schools in the Valley in a record amount of time.
Carolyn Rock
Director of Development
Certainly, the volunteer leaders of these important fund-raising efforts can be tremendously
proud of their results. NDP is blessed with outstanding parents, friends, and a growing number
of alumni who work thoughtfully and tirelessly work to make our philanthropic successes possible. Mark and Amanda Boscos’ donation of the Mercedes-Benz for the Gala was a wonderful
example of parents’ generosity in action. I would like to personally thank Lora Drummond and
George Krueger for their leadership of the Mothers’ Guild and Booster Club; Sally Cashman,
Amy Doyle, Aimee Smith, and Tony Montgomery for chairing the “Taste of Excellence“ Gala,
“Mardi Gras” Auction, “On Cloud Nine” Fashion Show, and the Booster Club Golf Tournament.
They faced adverse circumstances with creative strategies and inspirational leadership.
In 2008-2009, Notre Dame’s Annual Fund came to the forefront. An annual fund is the lifeblood of any school, and its importance was emphasized through the class competition. It was
a tightly contested race that concluded with the freshmen and senior classes winning. Chairs
Chris Mignella and Brad Zellers led the charge with co-chairs Judy and Bryon Carney and Laura
and Randy Shell (freshmen), Adrienne and Larry Miller (sophomores), Lisa and Phil Gallagher
(juniors), and Natalie and Tim Hyland and Martha and Bob Poage (seniors). The result of this
organized effort was a 262% increase over the previous year with a grand total of $213,214
raised. This was an important milestone in Notre Dame’s history. Without their leadership, this
giving record could never have been achieved.
Notre Dame was fortunate that support for the Catholic Tuition Organization was fairly steady.
The school was able to provide $330,000 in funds for financial aid for our students through the
state tax-credit organization. This is a critical factor in maintaining enrollment at NDP.
Please accept my personal thanks, as well, to each one of you who made a gift to NDP this
year for your generosity and your loyalty. I know that you have many worthy causes and
interests that merit your financial support, and your commitment to Notre Dame is inspiring.
Rest assured that your gifts to this new school have a powerful impact. They are, in fact,
essential, and they are deeply appreciated.
Best wishes to all of you for a successful year ahead, and thank you again for the success of the
past year.
Carolyn Rock
Director of Development
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
A Legacy of Support...
The 2009 Annual Fund
goal was $200,000.
All private schools have an
annual fund that covers the
difference between the cost
of tuition and the real cost
of educating a student.
Notre Dame Prep is deeply
appreciative of all of the
families who donated to this
year’s fund. Donors who
contributed $1,500 or more
to the fund were invited
to attend the annual
Principal’s Dinner in May.
annual fund donors 2008-09
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bosco
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Disbrow*
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vanderhout*
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Berry*
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dragoo
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Patterson*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Zellers*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pietrangelo
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Blackwell*
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hyland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roskos
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John Zidich*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cole*
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Polich
Mr. Deif Atallah and Karen Hobin*
Mr. Timothy Burns and
Linda Shields Burns, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Calvis, Sr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carlson*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cashman*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Creamer
Mr. and Mrs. John Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DiLandri*
Dr. and Mrs. William Eversman*
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Crowley, II*
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Ardell
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Berggreen
Mr. Robert A. Burney
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Cartledge
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Cassidy Mr. and Mrs.
David Colby
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forster, III*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fournier
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gallagher
Dr. and Mrs. John Green
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Grosvenor*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harvey*
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hawes
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Kress
Mr. and Mrs. William Littleton*
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Markley*
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Norris
Mr. and Mrs. William Crowell*
Mr. James Cusick*
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick DeValeria*
Mr. and Mrs. L. Michael Dye*
Mr. and Mrs. James Ely*
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fritcke
Mr. Peter Jorgenson and
Ms. Joan Saunders*
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Oelkers
Mr. Mark Panzer
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Raskin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Rock*
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schibler
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shell*
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson*
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Tushaus*
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whelan*
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wiltse
Mr. and Mrs. Doug York
Mr. Michael Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morrow*
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Percopo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Salamun*
Mr. and Mrs. William Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Sheridan*
Mr. and Mrs. David Osselaer*
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferrari, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grenoble
Enchantment Resort
Dr. and Mrs. George Best
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bonacci
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Brutsche
Mr and Mrs. Timothy Carstens
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cogliani
Mr. Salem Elia*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Evans
Dr. Michael Foley and
Dr. Lisa Dad
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldwater, III*
Mr. and Mrs. George Heredia
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hugus*
Mr. and Mrs. Tariq Husayno
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Emad Kaldawi*
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krebs
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Lannan
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Lundy
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mahon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James Montague
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nethers
Ms. Kaki O’Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Paolino*
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reaser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roble
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Roths*
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stocker
Dr. and Mrs. Juan Teran
Dr. and Mrs. James Tillinghast*
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Tuton
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waugaman
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kinneberg*
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Mychaels
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Valley
Mr. William G. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Cuda*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hayes*
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bidese
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. John Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Duermit
Mr. and Mrs. John Francis*
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Fromm*
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grove, III*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gurczak
Mr. Larry and Dr. Dyan Haugen
Mr. and Mrs. Cas Hurtado
Mr. and Mrs. James Kaiser
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kline
Mr. William Lawson and
Dr. Sharon Ondreyco
Mr. John McCune*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McKeever
Mr. John E. McMahon*
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Medeiros
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miller*
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mindak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Atul Patel
Dr. Ken Polasko and
Dr. Laurie LaPat-Polask
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Postillion*
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pratt
Dr. and Mrs. Blair Reuben*
Mr. and Mrs. John Schelling
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schlueter
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schuman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Serro
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shook
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Sinclair*
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Slawsby
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Snittjer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Trent
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams*
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Brenenstuhl
Mr. and Mrs. Trip Demaree, III
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Goett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Katz
Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy*
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Yost
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Flores-Vizcarra
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trace
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Losole, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Baylon*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Benton
Mr. John V. Berry Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Biehler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Breece
Ms. Margaret J. Briehl*
Ms. Jamie Drinkwater Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. John Buric
Mr and Mrs. Giuseppe Cala
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Caldwell
annual fund donors 2008-09 (Continued)
FRIENDS CLUB (Continued)
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryan Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Cancilla
Ms. Irene Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cassidy*
Mr. and Mrs. Jace Cheatham
Ms. Peggy Cochran
Mr. and Ms. Patrick Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cover
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daswick
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeFranco*
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas DeVries
Mr. and Mrs. David Dogra
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dunlap
Ms. Christine DuPont
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fischer
Mr. John and Dr. Karrie Francois
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gassmann
Mr. Robert Ebert and Mrs. Kimberly Gazlay
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gergal
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gietz
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Griffen
Drs. Michael and Lori Grover
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Groves
Mr. Michael Guilleaume
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hallin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. John Haro
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hillman
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Holle
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hooker
Mr. Edward P. Hopkins*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Houck
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Igras
Ms. Frances V. Iobst
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ittel
Ms. Dorota Jakob
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson*
Mr. and Mrs. James Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kelpien
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan King
Drs. Walter and Dorothy Kmiecik
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Komer
Mr. and Mrs. Sigurds M. Krolls
Mr. and Mrs. George Krueger*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Krych
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Laferriere
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Lang
Ms. Penelope Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Leyva
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Madden
Ms. Lisa H. Mailliard
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Mascaro
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandon Maxwell, III
Mr. and Mrs. James McWeeny
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Medai
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Meyer
Mr. Mark Mignella
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monks
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Naquin
Mr. Richard Nawrocki
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Nowicki
Mr. and Mrs. Joe O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Olson
Dr. Gail Padish-Clarin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pagels*
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paquette
Mr. and Mrs. David Pina
Mr. Robert Poole*
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Poupore
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Price
Mr. Nicholas Protopopoff II and
Mrs. Linda Scanzano
Mr. and Mrs. James Pupillo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Reisdorf
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Renfree*
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Samples
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schiffer
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sirven
Mr. and Ms. David Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Stolper*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stutz*
Mr. and Mrs. Ket Talley
Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Taplin
Mr. Russell Twiford III and
Mrs. Patricia Baca-Twiford
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Versen*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Warner
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Washburn
Drs. J. Wells and Valerie Sorkin-Wells*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Westphal
Ms. Janet Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Winn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. James Wraith*
Mr. Douglas and Dr. Nancy Yokois
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young
Dr. Richard Zimmerman and
Mrs. Faith Pembleton
OTHERS 2008—2009
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Engelhard
Dr. Julie Hessler Meshkowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heppney
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Nakib
Mr. Robert Lafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Strom
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maschue
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schlott
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mische
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Atsaves
Mr and Mrs. William Sellars
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poage*
Ms. Jennifer Buckley*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. David Seamans
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thorpe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Dombrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Yehle
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wiskirchen*
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Eckstein
Mr. Michael O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Zeumer
Ms. Susan Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ziemann
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Foley
Mr. and MRs. Thomas J. Franco
Ms. Jeanine Burke*
Mr. and Msrs. Jorge Garre*
Mr. and MRs. Curtis Bowe
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Coluccio
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goulet
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Budnik
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Comeaux
Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. But’ierries
Mr. Kenneth Lew
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cantoni and
Ms. Kelly d’Arcangelo-Lew*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Learned
Ms. Sheila Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Guidera
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Lynch
Mrs. Belva Frankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Rory Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Linder
Mr. ad Mrs. James Maguire*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murrietta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Read
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zaro
Ms. Sally Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. William Guise
Jim and Gretchen McGill
Ms. Chris Mignella
Mr. and Mrs. David Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Casaceli
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Senior
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wells
American Express Philanthropy
Intel Corporation
Freeport McMoran
Thunderbird Charities
Glaxos Smith Kline Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
*Repeat Donors to the NDP Annual Fund
Designated Gift and In-Kind Donors 2008-09
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Ault
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Badder
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Beers
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Benton
Dr. and Mrs. George Best
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bosco
Mrs. Maragret Briel
Mr. & Mrs. John Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cantoni
Mr. & Mrs. Bryon Carney
Mr. and Mrs. David Colby
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Creamer
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Cartledge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crevier
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Cuda
Mr. & Mrs. John Curtin
Mr. Kenneth Lew and
Mrs. Kelly D’Arcangelo-lew
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deiana
Mr. & Mrs. Garo Demirjian
Mr. and Mrs. David Dogra
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edide
Mr. and Mrs. James Ely
Mr. Roy Emery
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ferreira
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fitzjerrells
Ms. Susan Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forster
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Gassmann
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grenoble
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Grosvenor
Mr. and Mrs. David Gund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Vern Haugen
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hyland
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Emad Kaldawi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley
Kohler Academy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohnen
Mr. Michael Knupanoff
Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Lannan
Mr. andMrs. David Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. William Littleton
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Losole
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mar
Mr. and Mrs. Rory Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Maxwell
Mr. John McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Naquin
Mr. and Mrs. David O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. James Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Percopo
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reaser
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. David Reilly-Pina
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Renfree
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Serro
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shell
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stocker
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taussig
Mr. and Mrs. Michael TenEyck
Dr. and Mrs. Juan Teran
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thomas
Dr. Maureen Toal
Mr. and Mrs. James Tuton
Mr. Christopher Koruga and
Mr. Thomas Wall
Mr. andMrs. Douglas Waugaman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wiltse
Mr. and Mrs. Doug York
Mr. and Mrs. James Zeumer
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
A Legacy of Growth...
The 201 members
of the Class of 2009
marched at a
graduation ceremony
held May 18 at
Wells Fargo Arena.
At the core of Notre Dame’s success is the unwavering belief that an excellent education
includes the spiritual, academic, moral, and social support required to prepare our students for life.
Notre Dame Preparatory has graduated to date a total of 773 students who now attend prestigious universities and colleges across the United States. As a result of their dedicated effort
and an excellent college preparatory curriculum, many of these students are enjoying the benefits
of the more than $14 million in scholarship offers that have been awarded to NDP’s first five
graduating classes. Notre Dame alumni are maintaining their ties to the school through
a variety of activities, including the Alumni Panel Discussion for the current senior class, the
annual Homecoming Rally and football game, and the Alumni Christmas Party.
The Alumni Representatives who give generously of their time to spearhead these events:
Kali Bills, Kristina Stojak, Eric TenEyck
Ardell and Rachel Heredia
CLASS OF 2008: Chelsea Bergner and Roberto “Bobby” Ruiz
CLASS OF 2007: Lauren Streiff and Joe Anglim
CLASS OF 2006: Nichole Cuda, Fred Zlaket, and Natasha Vakili
CLASS OF 2005: Stephanie D’Amato and Anthony Wenzler
CLASS OF 2009:
CLASS OF 2008: James
134 $1,896,000
176 $3,067,000
181 $3,697,000
201 $4,297, 000
TOTAL: 773
Homecoming 2008
Graduation 2009
2008 Alumni Christmas Party
The Endowment—$125,000
The Endowment provides additional sources of income to ensure the longevity of the school.
These funds are held and invested to generate a reliable source of income for Notre Dame.
Gifts to the Endowment are long-term investments in the school’s future. The Finance
Committee’s goal for the Endowment is to increase the corpus and to use a portion of its
earnings for financial aid for deserving students. Financial aid is one of the school’s greatest
needs after payment of the construction loan.
notre dame preparatory high school • annual report 2008-09
9701 East Bell Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
(480) 634-8200