2007 Annual Report - Providence Life Services


2007 Annual Report - Providence Life Services
Rest Haven CHRistian seRviCes
2007 Annual Report
Just Right
It is God who arms me with strength
and makes my way perfect. (Psalm 18:32)
“Perfect.” That’s the word David uses in Psalm 18. In fact, he uses that word
more than once in this psalm. Surrounded by enemies, running out of options,
unsure of his next move, David has the faith to declare that God has made
his way “perfect.”
That kind of faith doesn’t come from passive living or religious routine. David’s
faith has been forged on the anvil of experience. He has a lifetime of evidence
proving God’s providence.
I suppose to David, “perfect” means that God consistently
provides exactly what David needs exactly when he needs it.
That’s the God we serve.
Richard C. Schutt, CEO
And that’s the God I want to reflect throughout this organization.
I believe that within the family of services under the Rest Haven umbrella, all our
constituents can find a perfect solution that is just right for their particular needs.
In-home help, maintenance services, Alzheimer’s support, rehab and therapy,
Hospice care, fitness programs—Rest Haven offers just the right service at just
the right time.
Thousands of people have already discovered this—and their testimonies are
recorded in the following pages. Take a look!
We pray that as you read on, your faith will be strengthened
and your vision for the future will be renewed.
Dr. Dave Beezhold, Board President
Emerald Meadows
Haven Park
Royal Atrium Inn
Royal Park Place
Park Place of Elmhurst
Rest Haven Central
Victorian Village
Rest Haven Corporate
Village Woods
Holland Home
Rest Haven South
Rest Haven West
Saratoga Grove
Park Place of St. John
Existing Sites
Proposed Sites
Our Mission
For those who need a
hand, we will be a haven. For those who love their freedom, we will
open doors. To come together as a community, to care as a family,
inspired by the love of Jesus Christ. This is our mission, and we ask
God for the strength and vigor to do this mission well. }
The RighT ChoiCe
Getting old isn’t what it used to be! A wide range of
services and resources is available, and people easily find
themselves overwhelmed by the research required to learn
which options are just right for their situation.
Rest Haven Christian Services isn’t what it used to be
Whether you turn to
the right or to the left,
your ears will hear
either. Over the decades we’ve expanded our expertise,
offered new services, and developed innovative
a voice behind you,
technologies—all while delivering compassionate
care in a Christ-like way.
This year’s Annual Report is a resource intended to help
saying, ‘This is the
way; walk in it.’
you sift through the options available, so you can find the
ones just right for you and your family.
IsaIah 30:21
Home-based services
Providence Home Health & Hospice Care /
Rest Haven Homecare Solutions
linda Brown, administrator
Judy Miner, Director
The help you
need To be
safe aT home
More and more people
are choosing to stay at
home as long as they
can. Rest Haven understands those strong ties to feelings of
independence, memories of family, and a sense of community
Royal Care Home Services
lynn Blondin, Director
or neighborhood. So we spent 2007 expanding our homebased services to accommodate people of all ages. Throughout
Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan, caring staff met people at
home to help with laundry, running errands, or just getting up
in the morning. We provided concierge services to people just
released from the hospital.
And, for people with medical
needs, we offered in-home
private nursing.
All these options mean that
staying home can be just
right for people who aren’t
ready to move.
Rest Haven Christian Services | The RighT ChoiCe
no more swatting at mosquitoes while pulling weeds in
the garden. no more wrestling to get the ladder out of the
shed. no more snow-shoveling, leaf-raking, or lawn-mowing.
Townhomes are just right for people who want affordable ownership and manageable
upkeep, as well as freedom from typical homeowner responsibilities.
victorian Courts
HoMER GlEn, Il
Mike venzon
Townhomes offer affordable ownership, manageable upkeep, and freedom
from typical homeowner responsibilities.
Rest Haven manages townhomes in Homer Glen, Illinois a vibrant community
populated with active residents who enjoy exercising on the walking paths,
fellowshipping in the community center, participating in educational social outings,
or relaxing by the fireplaces in their own homes.
Holland Home
SouTH HollAnD, Il
Deana Wilson, administrator
IndependenT lIvIng
ConTExT of CoMMunITy
“I don’t know why I waited so long to move here!”
We hear this again and again from people who
finally realize how fulfilling life in a retirement
community can be. The family atmosphere, the
professional staff, and the vibrant lifestyle make
Independent living just right for people who are
ready to trade an empty house for a full life.
Rest Haven’s Independent living communities offer
social interaction, learning opportunities, fitness
programs, and culinary exploration. Abundant
community areas give residents room to socialize
over coffee in large groups or small, while private
apartments offer a retreat from the world.
Royal Park Place
Jeff Zylstra, administrator
Saratoga Grove
D oW n E R S G Rov E , I l
Mary Kler enjoys working
Jackie Terpstra, administrator
out with the personal trainer
at Victorian Village, and
she insists on looking her
best—so she wears pearls
even in the exercise room.
victorian village
HoMER GlEn, Il
Mike venzon, General Manager
village Woods
laura veldhuizen, General Manager
The RighT ChoiCe
| Rest Haven Christian Services
Emerald Meadows
Kathy Higgins, administrator
Holland Home
SouTH HollAnD, Il
Deana Wilson, administrator
Royal Atrium Inn
assIsTed lIvIng
How do you measure peace of mind? There are certain
numbers and formulas involved—staff-to-resident ratios;
calorie-counts in each nutritious meal; a reduction in
falls in inverse proportion to sessions with a personal
trainer. But those numbers are part of the equation, not
the sum. At Rest Haven’s Assisted living communities,
we measure peace of mind in smiles on resident faces,
in laughter around the meal tables, in notes from families who are no longer worried
about Mom or Dad’s well-being. for these families, Assisted living is just right.
Many Rest haven communities offer assisted Living on the same
campus as Independent Living.
Jeff Zylstra, administrator
Saratoga Grove
D oW n E R S G Rov E , I l
Jackie Terpstra, administrator
A rich social atmosphere combined with higher levels of service allows for more peace
of mind. Many Rest Haven communities offer Assisted living on the same campus as
Independent living, which makes the transition even smoother.
victorian village
HoMER GlEn, Il
Mike venzon, General Manager
RehabIlITaTIon seRvIces
What makes our rehab services work? fully
equipped gyms, driver rehabilitation programs,
special technology to help treat swallowing
problems, programs that focus on everyday skills,
and interactive training to help with the transition
back home—we have just the right programs
and equipment for a variety of rehab needs. All
these resources, under the supervision of licensed
therapists, in the context of Christ-like care, help
people transition from “I can’t do it” into “I did it!”
village Woods
laura veldhuizen, General Manager
Bertha schaap works with
Krista sall, a Certified
Occupational Therapy
assistant at haven Park.
Rest Haven offers top-quality rehabilitation services
at four locations (Haven Park, Rest Haven Central,
Rest Haven South, and Rest Haven West) to people
of all ages. Clients get the support and resources
they need to regain life skills following surgery, a
stroke, or some kind of accident. Some choose to
move on-site during their term of therapy. others
simply drive to the campus each day they meet
with the therapy team.
Rest Haven Christian Services | The RighT ChoiCe
skIlled nuRsIng
Rest Haven Central
At some point, some of us begin to need more care.
More care than our family can offer. Care that requires
medical training. At some point, skilled nursing care
becomes the best option. And this is probably what
Rest Haven Christian Services continues to be best
known for.
Sometimes the need for skilled nursing care is shortterm—such as after a fall, or during recovery from
surgery. Sometimes it takes just a few weeks of
nursing care to restore health and independence.
PA lo S H E I G H TS , I l
Carol Shaw-Burns, administrator
Rest Haven South
SouTH HollAnD, Il
Case Rozema enjoys socializing
Evelyn Hanna, administrator
with CNa KImi harris when he’s
not playing cards or watering the
flowers outside haven Park.
other times, the need is long-term. As Alzheimer’s sets in, or when a stroke leaves
life-changing limitations, Rest Haven’s caring, skilled professionals can be available
24 hours a day.
Rest Haven’s skilled nursing facilities provide clean, furnished rooms, nutritious meals
and snacks, housekeeping and linen services, therapeutic recreation and activities, onsite medical staff, and ongoing evaluation and care planning.
Rest Haven West
D oW n E R S G Rov E , I l
Jackie Terpstra, administrator
Haven Park
Kelly Adler, administrator
fInAl STAGES of lIfE
Standing at the threshold of eternity, people find it
easier to prepare for that final transition when they enlist
the services of our caring, experienced professionals.
Rest Haven’s Hospice program focuses on caring rather
than curing, and preparation rather than prevention. Skilled staff graciously attend to
physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs.
I just want to say thank you for a beautiful memorial service and the Tree of
Life ceremony. Thank you for your continued help in healing—the holidays
will be very difficult, but thank you again to all the staff.
Hospice services are available whether a patient decides to live in his own home, in
the home of a family member or friend, or in a skilled nursing setting. our nurses
and medical director partner with a patient’s own doctor to provide care. We also
recognize the ongoing pain of loss, and we offer bereavement services to family
members for up to a year after a loved one’s death.
The RighT ChoiCe
| Rest Haven Christian Services
Providence Home Health & Hospice Care |
SouTH HollAnD, Il
linda Brown, administrator
The RighT idea
It began with a concern that grew out of compassion.
The deacons of Second Christian Reformed Church
of Englewood recognized a need among their elderly
members—a need for companionship, physical help, and
…[L]et him who does
right continue to do
sometimes medical care. An Association was formed in
1954 to find a way to meet these needs. By 1960,
right; and let him
Rest Haven Central, our first skilled nursing community,
was known as a haven for seniors and their families
who is holy continue
who needed rest and care.
to be holy.
But the idea is never to be “finished.” Today’s families face
different needs, so Rest Haven continues to offer new,
relevant solutions. A solid tradition of Godly compassion
and creativity forms the basis of this ministry, giving us the
right foundation for our dreams of the future.
In The woRks
Many people tell us that what they enjoy most about
moving to a retirement community is, well, the
community, the opportunity to be surrounded by other
people and actively involved in life. At the two new
campuses Rest Haven has on the drawing table—in St. John, Indiana, and Elmhurst,
Illinois—the sense of community will be vibrant, diverse, and just plain fun.
Adjacent to Timothy Christian School in Elmhurst, Illinois, and Crown Point Christian
School in St. John, Indiana, we’re designing our newest developments to be just right
for seniors who enjoy interacting with people of all ages and interests. At these new
campuses, the feeling of community will not only fill the building, it will spill out into
the surrounding neighborhoods as well.
Consistent with our history of identifying needs and working creatively to meet them,
today’s Rest Haven offers living options that are just right for seniors who are as
interested in serving as in being served.
celebRaTIng TogeTheR
ToRCHlIGHT EvEnT While every Torchlight
celebration is exciting, holding this year’s event at
the Art Institute of Chicago gave us the opportunity
to make it a Torchlight unlike any other. on Saturday,
november 3, Rest Haven constituents enjoyed elegant
hors d’oeuvres, insightful Christian perspectives on a
number of well-known works (thanks to Trinity Christian
College), an inspiring concert by the Purdue varsity Glee
Club, and sparkling fellowship with Christians united
around Rest Haven’s mission.
Why the Art Institute? The evening was designed to
draw parallels between traditional works of art and
the God-glorifying works of service that Rest Haven
constituents are involved with, in
often creative ways. “our
ministry is a canvas upon which many
different ‘artists’ contribute their best work,” explains Richard
Schutt, CEo.
CE “And God, the Master Artist, brings it all together
in His providence.” The evening’s program was designed in the
format of an artist’s sketchbook to reinforce the message and
serve as a keepsake of the event.
The RighT idea
| Rest Haven Christian Services
Our proposed campus in Elmhurst
(pictured), as well as the one in st.
John, will offer seniors a tangible sense
of Christian community and a variety
of services.
The RighT
Thousands of residents. Hundreds of families. Dozens of
board members. And untold numbers of volunteers.
All these come together to make Rest Haven
From [Christ] the whole
body, joined and held
Christian Services a living, growing family that
cares for one another.
Whether you see the ministry of Rest Haven from the
together by every
supporting ligament,
perspective of “resident,” “family member,” “employee,” or
“board member,” your view is necessarily somewhat limited.
This ministry is much bigger than any of us experience
on our own.
The listing of service options on the preceding pages
grows and builds itself
up in love, as each part
does its work.
gives a glimpse of the spectrum. The pages that follow show
another perspective—the resources that make
that spectrum possible.
EPhEsIaNs 4:16
volunTeeRs: The Gift of Time
you can see it in the sparkle of their eyes. you can hear it in their joyful greetings and playful
banter. The volunteers who donate precious hours to visit with residents, help CnAs, teach
classes or workshops, serve in the gift shop, and bring people to worship services are the
kind of people who just love life. And their cheerful service helps make life “just right”
for the rest of us. Some volunteers give a few minutes each day, whenever possible.
others, such as the Auxiliary members listed on this page, offer more structured
commitments. All give generously of themselves to make the world better for others.
rest Haven West Ladies auxilary
Lois Berger, alida Boerman (President), Ellen Cook (Boutique Liaison), Jeanne Dwarshuis
(secretary), sharon hoekstra (Vice President), Ruth hopp, Joan stulp (Ways & Means), Marge
Van Kampen, Marlene Vos (Treasurer), Fran Zuidema
rest Haven central Ladies auxilary
alice Blankenstein (Corresponding secretary), Millie De Groot (Recording secretary), Grace De
Roos (Ways & Means), alice Flasman (Chair/Treasurer), helen Noort, Vi Oostema, Jeanette stob,
harriett Van Beveren
Ladies circle of the Holland Home
Marie hamby, Queen Jackson, LaVerne Kampen (secretary), Leona Kats (President), Carrie
Koster, Marie Koster, Marlene Krist (Treasurer), Louise Oostman (Coffee shop Coordinator),
Marge Tromp, Jeannie Truxal (Vice President), angie Wilson
The RighT CombinaTion
| Rest Haven Christian Services
boaRd membeRs: The Gift of Experience
Rest Haven has been blessed to be surrounded with Godly leaders who willingly
donate their time, their insights, their influence, and their experience in a way that
propels this ministry forward. We are grateful that God calls just the right people
at just the right time to sit on our boards of directors. These humble leaders
are integral to the present success and the future preparedness of this ministry to
serve seniors.
Long meetings pass quickly when
the discussion is engaging. We are
blessed with board members who enjoy
leveraging their skills in the pursuit of a
Godly mission.
rest Haven christian services
2007–2008 BoARD MEMBERS
Dr. Dave Beezhold (President), Pat Bilthouse, Roger Boerema (Foundation Liaison),
Roger De Graff, John De Young (Vice President), Don Mannes, Kenneth Mels,
Kurt Nelson (Providence Liaison), Richard Schutt (CEO), Richard Van Hattem,
Bill Van Kley, Sam Van Til, Steven Vryhof, Robert Workman,
Jay Zandstra (secretary/treasurer), Van Zeilstra
Providence management and development
Doug DeGroot (Treasurer), Kenneth Hoving (Chair), Jack Mudde,
Kurt Nelson (Rest haven Liaison), Jim Olthoff, Richard Schutt (President & CEO),
Roy Van Eck (secretary)
christian Healthcare Foundation
Roger Boerema (Rest haven Liaison), Carol Brooks, Bastian Knoppers,
James Lagestee (President), Bruce Leep (Treasurer), Richard Molenhouse,
James Oberman, Richard Schutt (CEO), Howard Van Dyke (secretary),
Roy Van Eck, John Zeilstra (Vice President)
rest Haven executive officers
Richard Schutt (CEO), Cheryl Widdowson (COO), Bill DeYoung (CFO)
Rest Haven Christian Services | The RighT CombinaTion
donoRs: The Gift of Resources
This ministry has always belonged to God’s people. originally started as a service to
aging and ailing church members, Rest Haven now reaches a broad spectrum of people
in a wide variety of service situations. Throughout these changes, we have remained
faithful to our original calling to bring Christ’s compassion to people who need it.
This is possible only through the generosity of people like those listed below.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Abbring
Mr. and Mrs. larry Brand
Mrs. Carol Breems
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Mrs. Janice De Boer
Mr. Daniel Eizenga
Mr. and Mrs. fred Hoekstra
The John & Phyllis Groot foundation
Mrs. Barb Kamp
Mrs. Cora Kerkstra
James and Joyce lagestee
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond leerar
Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer
Mrs. Mary otte
Mr. and Mrs. Terance l. Saxsma
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Studebaker
Mrs. Marianne Tigchelaar
Mr. and Mrs. Roy van Eck
Mrs. Delores l. vander Wagen
Mrs. Jeanette vander Woude
John and Janice Zeilstra
lena’s PuRse
Mr. Ronald Hoekstra
Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hoekstra
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Keizer, Jr.
Mr. Herman Keizer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Studebaker
Mr. Robert B. veldman
Mrs. Evelyn M. Wettour
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dykstra
Mr. Joseph Erlich and Mrs. Janice
Mrs. Elvera Huizenga
Mr. and Mrs. owen Huizenga
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Huizenga
Mrs. Therese E. lussa
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Postema
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roczniak
Mr. and Mrs. fred Scholtens
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Schutt
Mrs. Catherine Solle
Mr. and Mrs. David Stuursma
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth vander laan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. veldman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Werkman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Werkman
Van eCk Rehab
Mrs. Cheryl van Eck
Mr. and Mrs. Roy van Eck
Ms. Ruth M. van Eck
Mr. Willard van Eck, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Bechtold
laverne Buikema
Ms. Mary Ann Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. William Buikema, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Buikema, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Carta
ACHS West Suburban Teachers union
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. James Alford
Mr. and Mrs. George Arangelovich
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence Burda
Mr. and Mrs. leslie R. Chayken
Ms. Mary Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne De young
Mr. Thomas Dixey
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Doogan
Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty
Ms. Roseann Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Edman III
Ms. linda fox
Mr. John Hillegonds
Mr. and Mrs. Egon E. Holiner
Ms. Mary Kandyba
Mr. and Mrs. William Kooienga
| Rest Haven Christian Services
alzheimeR’s Fund
The RighT CombinaTion
Ms. Sophie Kut
Mr. and Mrs. John n. lapka
Sandra little
Mr. and Mrs. David Marquette
Mr. and Mrs. William McKenna
Mrs. Mary Pycz
Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rogers
Ms. Jacqueline D. Ropski
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Schipper
Ms. naomi M. Schipper
Ms. Marilyn Schmal
Ms. Richelle Schmidt
Mr. Edward Sieracki
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sieracki
Mr. Thomas Sieracki
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sigler
Ms. Barbara Smykowski
Mr. John Stanis
Ms. Barbara Stephani
Mr. and Mrs. William Strong
Mrs. Harriette van Beveren
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. ventrice
Holland Home ladies Circle
Rest Haven Central unity Womens
Rest Haven West Women’s Auxillary
annual Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Abbring
Ms. Pearl Aleccia
Ms. Sheila Anderson
Mr. Aaron Aregood
Ms. Rachel Baker
Kathleen Barbier
Rev. and Mrs. lugene Bazuin
Ms. Patricia Beattie
Mrs. linda Blake
Ms. Danette Boros
Ms. Anita Boyd
Mrs. Debra Brandy
Mr. James H. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William Buikema, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Butler
Mrs. Carol Candell
Mrs. Cheryl Carr
Ms. Sophie Cheeptoo
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Courtney
Mrs. Beth Cunningham
Mr. Anthony De Graff
Ms. lisa DiGiovanni
Ms. Janet E. Edelmann
Mr. James Eizenga
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Elgersma
Mr. and Mrs. Don Engelsman
Mrs. Mary Evans
Mrs. Joyce fennema
Mr. and Mrs. Pete folkerts
Ms. Jacqueline frazier
Ms. Paulette fries
Mr. Dave Gawlinski
Mrs. Annette Gioiosa
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Goodfriend
Ms. Annie Gras
Mrs. Sonja Guyton
H2o Power Equipment
Ms. linda l. Hart
Ms. Bertha Herman
Mr. John Hohm
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hommes
Ms. Princie Hopkins
Mrs. Carrie Ingram-Palomado
Mrs. Mary James
Ms. Sonya Johnson
Ms. Ginnette Jurgel
Mr. and Mrs. George Kacmarek
Mr. Ted Kendzora
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kolzow
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Korzenecki
Mrs. Hilda Kuiken
Ms. Michelle lagestee
Ms. Myra llanto
Mr. Rolando luciano
Mrs. Rosemarie luciano
Mrs. Darlene Macelli
Mrs. florence Meyer
Mr. Jeff Mukamal
Ms. nakia nicholson
Ms. Ethel f. olthof
Mrs. linda osterman
Mr. and Mrs. larry J. otte
Ms. Cynthia Paarlberg
Ms. Jill Pfister
Mr. Robert H. Rohling
Mrs. Joan l. Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Schutt
Ms. Debra Scinto
Ms. Dolores Shaffer
Mrs. nancy Soleim
Mary T. Soule
Ms. victoria Stehle
Ms. Joanne Steif
Mrs. Morna Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Studebaker
Mrs. Barbara Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Trovato
Mrs. Jill van Kuiken
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan van Rhee
Mrs. Mary E. van Swol
Mrs. Alice van Tholen
Mr. and Mrs. Barry vander Genugten
Mrs. laura veldhuizen
Mr. Barry voss
Mrs. Cheryl Widdowson
Mr. George Wolters
giFTs FRom
Bethel Protestant Reformed Church
Calvary Reformed Church of orland Park
Calvin Christian Reformed Church
Christian Reformed Church of Western
Classis Illiana
Community united Reformed Church
Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church
Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church
faith Christian Reformed Church
faith Church in Dyer
fellowship Reformed Church
first Christian Reformed Church of
first Reformed Church of lansing
Grace Reformed Church
Hope Christian Reformed Church
lombard Christian Reformed Church
Momence Christian Reformed Church
orland Park Christian Reformed Church
Palos Heights Christian Reformed Church
Peace Christian Reformed Church
Protestant Reformed Church
Tinley Park Reformed Church
Wheaton Christian Reformed Church
giFTs FRom FRiends
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Aardema
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Abbring
Able Printing Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abramczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Adank
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson
Arlene f. Czarlinski Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Arnell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Auwerda
Mr. James Baker
Mrs. Ann Bakker
Mr. and Mrs. John Bakker
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Bakker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Barkrog
Dr. and Mrs. David Beezhold
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beezhold
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beezhold
Mrs. Anne T. Biela
Mr. and Mrs. Al Bilthouse
Mrs. Jean Bilthouse
Rev. and Mrs. Heino Blaauw
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Boerema
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Boerema
Mr. John Boeringa
Ms. Kit Bogan
Mrs. Mae Bolt
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bolt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Boomsma
Mrs. Janet Boomsma
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Boss
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Botma
Mrs. Dorothy B. Brink Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bruinius
Mr. and Mrs. William Bruinius
Ms. Stefanie Bruinsma
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buikema
Mrs. Janice Buikema
laverne Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buikema
Ms. Mary Ann Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buikema
Mrs. Sara M. Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. William Buikema, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Buikema, Sr.
Mrs. Marcella Buis
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bult
Ms. Trenice Bulthuis
Mr. and Mrs. lester Bundrick
Mr. John Bura
Ms. Elaine Butler
Ms. Althea C. Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Carlson
Mrs. Doreen Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James Clousing
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Courtney
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne David
Mr. and Mrs. John Davids
Mrs. Arthea De Boer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward De Boer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack De Boer
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob De Boer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul De Boer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. De Boer
Rev. Robert M. De Boer
Mrs. Henrietta De Graff
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas De Groot
Mr. and Mrs. nick De Groot
Rev. and Mrs. Bert De Jong
Dr. George A. De Jong
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob De Jong
Mr. Theodore De Jong
Ms. Bertha De vries
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. De vries
Mr. and Mrs. nicholas J. De vries
Mr. and Mrs. John E. De young, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. De young, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William De young
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Deckinga
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deckinga
Mr. and Mrs. James Dekker
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dekker
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Dering
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Devries
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Diepstra
Mr. Edward Dik
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dokter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn, Sr.
Mr. Henry Doorn
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Drenth
Mr. and Mrs. James Drenth
Mr. and Mrs. lawrence A. Dryfhout
Ms. Beatrice Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dykstra
a gift opens the way for the
giver and ushers him into
the presence of the great.
(Proverbs 18:16)
Dykstra Consulting llC
Mr. and Mrs. John Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. John Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ehle
Mrs. frances Eizenga
Mr. and Mrs. George Eizenga
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Eizenga
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Elgersma
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ellens
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Elzinga
Mrs. Martha Elzinga
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elzinga
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Don Engelsman
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Engelsman
Ms. leona R. Euwema
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. fiala
Ms. Jeanette fischer
Mrs. Alice flasman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Gazdziak
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Geller
Mr. Robert A. Gerritsen
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip v. Goers
Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Goodfriend
Mr. and Mrs. lambert Greendyke
Ms. Kathryn Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Griede
Mr. John Grotelueschen
Mrs. Sonja Guyton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Halleen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hamilton
Mr. Donald Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamstra
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. John Harbaugh
Mrs. Ethel Harmeling
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Harms
Mr. and Mrs. Chad M. Harris
Ms. leona A. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. James Hartgerink
Ms. Ann. B. Havel
Mr. and Mrs. William Heikema
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hemphill
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hoekstra
Mrs. Martha Hoekstra
Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hoekstra
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoff
Mr. Edward A. Hofstra
Mr. and Mrs. larry Hollaar
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hollender
Mr. and Mrs. James Holtrop
Mr. Donald Holwerda
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Homans
Mr. Randall Houtman
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoving
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hoyt
Mr. Martin Huisjen
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huitsing
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Huizenga
Ms. Carolyn R. Huizenga
The Huizenga foundation
Mr. and Mrs. larry Huizenga
Mr. and Mrs. fred Huizinga, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. larryl B. Humme
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hutt
Mrs. Amy Ipema
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ipema
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Ipema
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Iwema
Harry Jabaay
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew James
Mrs. Johanne G. Janke
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jansma
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Johnson
Ms. Janis Jonkman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Jonkman
Mr. and Mrs. George Kacmarek
Mrs. Barb Kamp
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kamp
Mr. and Mrs. lambert Kamp
Mr. and Mrs. leonard Kamp, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kamp
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kamstra
Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Edward Karl
Mr. and Mrs. George Kats
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kempkers
Mr. Ted Kendzora
Mrs. Cora Kerkstra
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kerkstra
Mr. and Mrs. lee Kickert
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Klinckman
Mr. Paul Kline
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Klompmaker
Mr. and Mrs. fred Klooster
Mr. and Mrs. Bastian Knoppers
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kok
Mrs. Evelyn J. Koldenhoven
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Korte
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kraai
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kraai
Mr. and Mrs. John Kroese
Mr. and Mrs. Terry l. Krooswyk
Mr. Paul H. Krueger
Ms. Petronella Kuiper
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kwasteniet
Mr. and Mrs. James lagestee
Mr. and Mrs. John G. lagestee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy lagestee
Mr. and Mrs. Karl lammers
Mr. and Mrs. louis landt
Mr. and Mrs. James v. langland
Mr. and Mrs. Dave larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua P. larsen
Mrs. Shirley lau
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. leep
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas lemmenes
Mr. and Mrs. Dale lilburn
Ms. Eleanor lint
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. loerop
Mr. and Mrs. Richard loerop
Mr. and Mrs. Mike lytle
Mrs. Helen Masco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGinnis
Medema Decorating Services
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Medema
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Medema
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mejan
Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Menninga
Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miersma
Ms. Carol l. Mikrut
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miner
Mr. and Mrs. Randall l. Mitchell
Ms. Marietta Moes
Mr. and Mrs. James Molenaar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Molenhouse, Sr.
Monroe Transportation Services
Ms. Judith A. Morehouse
Motorola, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mudde
Mr. Jeff Mukamal
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. nelson
Rev. and Mrs. Roger nelson
Ms. Christine nicodem
Mr. and Mrs. William G. noorlag
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. novotny
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy novotny
Mr. and Mrs. James oberman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard olson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd olthof
Mr. and Mrs. James olthoff
Mr. and Mrs. Peter ooms
Mr. Tom ooms
Mr. and Mrs. fred oosterhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Henry otte
Mr. and Mrs. larry J. otte
Ms. Barbara otto
Ms. Beverly ozinga
ozinga Brothers Inc.
Mrs. Grace ozinga
Mrs. Hilda ozinga
Mr. Martin ozinga, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paarlberg
Ms. natalie A. Paprocki
Ms. Ruth Pastoor
Pathway Senior living llC
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pegman
Peter and Anna vanderveld foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert l. Petroelje
Ms. Romayne Pluister
Mr. Clarence Post
Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Post
Mr. and Mrs. William Post
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Postma
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pruim
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Raatjes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Rapacki
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reitsma
Rest Haven West Women’s Auxillary
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Reusz
Mr. Robert Ribbens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Rieger
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Rieger
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rose
Mr. Edward Rosenwinkel
Mrs. Grace Rosenwinkel
Mr. John Rosier
Mr. Peter Rottier
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rudenga
Gifts from Friends
continued on page 13
Rest Haven Christian Services | The RighT CombinaTion
Event Sponsors
PasToRs masTeRs
ResT haVen oPen
Leadership Sponsors
Leadership Sponsors
Leadership Sponsors
Assurance Agency
Bovis lend lease
Dunhill Tuxedos
Peter and Heidi Huizenga
Bastian and Joan Knoppers
lagestee-Mulder, Inc.
Bruce and Mary leep
MB financial Bank–South Holland
James and Denise oberman
Martin ozinga, Jr.
ozinga Brothers, Inc.
Richard and linda Schutt
TCf Bank
John and Joni van Der Aa
Rich and Esther van Hattem
Assurance Agency
Bovis lend lease
Dunhill Tuxedos
Peter and Heidi Huizenga
Bastian and Joan Knoppers
lagestee-Mulder, Inc.
Bruce and Mary leep
MB financial Bank–South Holland
James and Denise oberman
Martin ozinga, Jr.
ozinga Brothers, Inc.
Richard and linda Schutt
TCf Bank
John and Joni van Der Aa
Rich and Esther van Hattem
Assurance Agency
Bovis lend lease
Dunhill Tuxedos
Peter and Heidi Huizenga
Bastian and Joan Knoppers
lagestee-Mulder, Inc.
Bruce and Mary leep
MB financial Bank–South Holland
James and Denise oberman
Martin ozinga, Jr.
ozinga Brothers, Inc.
Richard and linda Schutt
TCf Bank
John and Joni van Der Aa
Rich and Esther van Hattem
Amber Mechanical
Avalon Construction
The Brownstones at Park Place South
Colonial Chapel
CyberByte Sites, Inc.
Eenigenburg Quality Water
Georgio’s Banquets
Hallberg Commercial Insurors
Hitchcock Design Group
Hoekstra Engineers
Marquette Companies
Timothy J. McKenna & Co.
Morrison Sr. Dining
Jack Mudde- Edward Jones
Rest Haven A&D Team
Roseland Stair Works, Inc.
Sosin & lawler, ltd.
Southland Mortgage
Tom Bradley - laner Muchin
van Bruggen Signs
Alliance Pharmacy Services
Amber Mechanical
Bill & Kathy De young
Blue Cross Blue Sheild
Change Design
Colonial Chapel
Dave & Jill Beezhold
eHealth Data Solutions
Gas City
Goldstine, Skrodzki, Russian, nemec,
& Hoff, ltd.
Great lakes Roofing
Homewood Disposal
Marianjoy Rehablink
Midwest floor Covering
Morrison Sr. Dining
Resource Management
Retriever Payment Systems
Ruff, Weidenaar & Reidy
Schaaf Window
Sovereign Bank
Tom Bradley - laner Muchin
ungaretti & Harris
vander laan Brothers Concrete
Wentworth Tire Services
Ziegler Capital Markets Group
A friend of Rest Haven
Marvin and Donna Aardema
Arch Consultants
Dr. Dave and Jill Beezhold
Tim and Beth Bolt
Budget Blinds of Elmhurst
Paul and Pam De Boer
Bill and Kathy De young
John and Rachel De young
friends of Rest Haven
Goldstine, Skrodzki, Russian, nemec,
& Hoff, ltd.
Greystone & Co., Inc.
Homewood Disposal Service Inc.
K. Hoving Companies
Dick and Pixie Molenhouse
Providence Bank
Schepel Buick, GMC, Pontiac, Cadillac,
George and Alice van der Molen
The van Dyke Group
Sam and Judy van Til
Sovereign Bank
Walt’s food Centers
van and lois Zeilstra
Digital Blue
Cam Golf
Gibson Chevrolet
The Mitchell Corp
Porter’s Apparel
visuCom Graphics
Anderson Medical Supply
Cardinal Building Maintenance
HealthMEDx, Inc.
Pleasant view Dairy
noral Jewelers & Trophies
Golf Galaxy
Planet Toyota
Mancari’s of orland Park
Schepel Buick, GMC, Pontiac, Cadillac,
volkswagen of orland Park
oF CaRing
Leadership Sponsors
Leadership Sponsors
Assurance Agency
Bovis lend lease
Dunhill Tuxedos
Peter and Heidi Huizenga
Bastian and Joan Knoppers
lagestee-Mulder, Inc.
Bruce and Mary leep
MB financial Bank–South Holland
James and Denise oberman
Martin ozinga, Jr.
ozinga Brothers, Inc.
Richard and linda Schutt
TCf Bank
John and Joni van Der Aa
Rich and Esther van Hattem
Assurance Agency
Bovis lend lease
Dunhill Tuxedos
Peter and Heidi Huizenga
Bastian and Joan Knoppers
lagestee-Mulder, Inc.
Bruce and Mary leep
MB financial Bank–South Holland
James and Denise oberman
Martin ozinga, Jr.
ozinga Brothers, Inc.
Richard and linda Schutt
TCf Bank
John and Joni van Der Aa
Rich and Esther van Hattem
A friend of Rest Haven
friends of Rest Haven
Hallberg Commercial Insurors
Morrison Sr. Dining
Jeannie Truxal
Cheryl Widdowson
Hallberg Commercial Insurors
Colonial Chapel
Morrison Sr. Dining
John and nancy van Drunen
Sid’s Greenhouse and floral
Arthur Shuster, Inc.
Colonial Chapel
Darwill Press
Hallberg Commerical Insurors
Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it
may be matched by your completion of it, according to your
means. For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable….
(2 Corinthians 8:11–12)
Rest Haven Christian Services | The RighT CombinaTion
Gifts from Friends,
Ms. Jen Ruesch
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sanders
Mr. George Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schaap
Mr. and Mrs. luke Schaap
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Scheeringa
Mr. and Mrs. Don Schepel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schepel
Mr. Elton Schoon
Ms. Sandra J. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schutt, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seifert
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Senzel
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Slager
Mr. and Mrs. William Slager III
Mr. and Mrs. William Slager
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smit
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Smit
Mr. Robert Smit
Mrs. Margaret T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smith
Mrs. Catherine Solle
Mr. and Mrs. vincent H. Sommer
Mrs. Anna Spender
Mrs. Helen M. Stalman
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stob
Mr. and Mrs. William Stob
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Stolte
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Streu
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Studebaker
Sullivan & Gorman
Ms. Clara Swets
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tambrini
Ms. Amanda Tameling
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tameling
Mrs. Donna Terpstra
Mrs. Geraldine Terpstra
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Terpstra
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Terpstra
Mr. John Thoms
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tigchelaar
Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Timmermans
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Toren
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Trovato
Ms. Sandra Turnbull
Mr. and Mr. Cynthia uitermarkt
Ms. Coralee van Amstel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald van Beek
Mrs. Harriette van Beveren
Mr. and Mrs. John G. van Der Aa
Mr. and Mrs. George van Der Molen
Mr. and Mrs. John van Drunen
Mr. and Mrs. Milton van Drunen
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. van Dyke
Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. van Dyken
Mr. William van Dyken
van Eck and Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Roy van Eck
Ms. Ruth M. van Eck
Mr. Willard van Eck, Sr.
Guert and Carolyn van Hal
Mr. and Mrs. James van Kampen
Mr. and Mrs. Dan van Prooyen
Mr. Gerald van Prooyen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin van Prooyen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom van Prooyen
Mr. and Mrs. Henry van Proyen
Dr. and Mrs. Phil van Reken
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius van Til
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth van Til
Mr. and Mrs. Sam van Til
Mr. and Mrs. Clair van Zeelt
Mr. and Mrs. George J. vande Werken
Rev. and Mrs. Henry B. vanden Heuvel
Mr. and Mrs. Barry vander Genugten
Ms. Agnes vander Giessen
Mr. Brian vander Molen
Mrs. Helen vander Ploeg
Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. vander Tuuk
Mr. and Mrs. George vander velde
Mr. and Mrs. John vander Wagen III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark vander Wal
Mrs. Kerry vander Weele
Mr. and Mrs. Rick vander Woude
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart vander Woude
Mr. and Mrs. David vanderberg
Mr. and Mrs. William vanderberg
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall vanderbilt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert vanderbilt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth vanderhye
Ms. Helen vanderploeg
Mrs. laura veldhuizen
Mr. and Mrs. John C. veldman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. venhousen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael venzon
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius verhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael vermeulen
Mr. and Mrs. David J. veurink
Ms. luAnn R. vis
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin vis
Ms. Ann vos
Mr. and Mrs. Don vos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. vos
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. voss
Mr. and Mrs. David B. voss
Ms. Peggy voss
Mr. and Mrs. William vree
Mr. and Mrs. James vroom
Mr. and Mrs. Steven vryhof
Mr. Robert Wesche
Mrs. Evelyn M. Wettour
Mrs. Cheryl Widdowson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Wierenga
Mr. and Mrs. James f. Wiltier
Mr. and Mrs. James Wiltjer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiltjer
Ms. laura Witt
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wories, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Workman
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell yonker
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Zalane
Mr. and Mrs. Bartel G. Zandstra
Mr. and Mrs. Charles f. Zeilstra
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Zeilstra
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Zeilstra
Mr. and Mrs. van Zeilstra
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zylstra
Mrs. Shirley Zylstra
giFTs as memoRials/
Ms. Gwen E. Aardema
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Aardema
Mr. and Mrs. norman D. Aardema
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Abbring
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Adank
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Aharenholz
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson
Ms. Jane A. Anker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Auwerda
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Bechtold
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Becvar
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beezhold
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beishuizen
Mrs. Mary Bell
Mr. and Mrs. David l. Bere
Mr. and Mrs. Hank and Joan Berghuis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Biesboer
Mr. and Mrs. John Bishir
Mr. and Mrs. William Blaser
Concetta Blazek
Ms. Marianne Bodtke
Mrs. Jennie Boerema
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Boerema
Mr. and Mrs. John Boersma
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Boersma
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boersma
Mrs. Grace Bolt
Mrs. Jean A. Bolt
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bolt
Ms. Dora Boomstra
Ms. Evelyn Boonstra
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boonstra
Ms. Annemarie Borchert
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bosma
Ms. Bernice J. Bosma
Ms. Ruth M. Bosman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward f. Bossenga
Ms. Dana Bothwell
Mr. Gerald Bouziden
Mr. and Mrs. fred Brentrie
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Brinks
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Broersma
Ms. Pearl Bruining
Ms. Jessica M. Buckner
Ms. Amy l. Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buikema
laverne Buikema
Ms. Mary Ann Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buikema
Mr. and Mrs. William Buikema, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Buikema, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. fred Bussema
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Carta
Ms. Rebecca Cleveland
Betty J. Clousing
Mr. and Mrs. Don Clousing
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clousing
Mrs. Ellen Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooper
Ms. Karen J. Cunniff
Mrs. Doris Danielson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davidson
Mr. Al Davis
Mrs. Arthea De Boer
Mr. and Mrs. John De Boer
Mrs. Ruth De Boer
Mrs. Madelyn De Groot
Ms. Millie De Groot
Mr. and Mrs. Donald De vries
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. De vries
Ms. Mary J. De vries
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur De young
Mr. Albert J. Decker
Ms. Debra l. Decker
Mrs. Jeanette Decker
Mrs. Adriana Dekker
Mrs. Wilma J. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Delmar
Mrs. Grace DeRoos
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Devries
Sarah Devries
vito A. Dimucci
Mr. Carl l. Dinges
Mr. and Mrs. James Donovan
Mr. Henry Doorn
Ms. Betty Doornbos
Dordt Round Robin Memorial fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Berton East
Mrs. frances Eizenga
Ms. Gina Elberson
Mrs. Corinne Eldrenkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Elzinga
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Emanuelson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Engelsman
Mr. Paul Erickson
Mr. Joseph Erlich and Mrs. Janice
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Evenhouse
Mr. James H. Evenhuis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Eylander, Sr.
Ms. Jeanette I. fardig-Torres
Mrs. Marion fazio
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. ferro
Mr. Peter feyen
first Reformed Church of lansing
Mrs. Alice flasman
Mr. and Mrs. William foley
Mr. Alan M. folkerts
Ms. Theresa folkerts
Mrs. Wilma folkerts
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. forsberg
foundation Source
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gamlin
Mrs. Judith Gerretse
GlynnDevins Advertising & Marketing
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goldsher
Ms. Phyllis Gordon
Ms. Genevieve Graf
Mrs. Margaret Graffenius
Mrs. Marie Gregory
Greystone & Co., Inc.
Mr. Tom Gurskis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haak
Miss Dorothy Hagestad
Mr. Philip Hannema
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. John Harbaugh
Mrs. Ethel Harmeling
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harning
Harris Bank foundation
Ms. Ann. B. Havel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heerdt
Mrs. Ethel Hensel
Mrs. lucile Heringa
Mrs. Jennie Herlien
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hoekstra
Mr. Ronald Hoekstra
Mr. Donald Holwerda
Ms. Christine A. Hommes
Ms. Carol Housman
Mrs. Elaine Hoving
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoving
Mr. and Mrs. frank Hovinga
Mr. and Mrs. John Huiner
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Huiner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Huisenga
Mrs. Elvera Huizenga
Mrs. Geziena Huizenga
Mr. and Mrs. owen Huizenga
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Huizenga
Mr. Elmer Hurt
Mr. and Mrs. David Ipema
Mrs. Susan l. Iwanenko
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Iwema
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jager
Mr. Mark Jager
Mr. John A. Janowski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Janzen
Jerling Junior High Social Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson
Joint Commission
Georgia Jonkman
Mr. and Mrs. George Kacmarek
Mr. and Mrs. George Kacmarek
Mrs. Patricia Kaduk
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kazlun
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Keizer, Jr.
Mr. Herman Keizer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kenny
Mrs. Brenda Kernaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kezerle
Mr. and Mrs. lee Kickert
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kiemel
Mrs. Henrietta Kingma
Dr. and Mrs. James Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klompmaker
Ms. Jeanne Klouda
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kluck
fred R. Knol
Mrs. Kathryn Knol
Mr. Richard Knudsen
Mrs. Evelyn J. Koldenhoven
Mr. and Mrs. William Kooienga
Ms. Anne Kooyenga
Ms. Dorothy Korosic
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Krantz
Krooswyk Trucking & Excavating Inc.
Mr. lotus Krueger
Mr. Paul H. Krueger
Rest Haven Christian Services | The RighT CombinaTion
Mr. and Mrs. James lagestee
Ms. Ruth lakus
Ms. Catherine lancaster
Mrs. Catherine landt
Mr. and Mrs. louis landt
Mrs. Joy lanenga
Mrs. Jennie laning
Mr. and Mrs. William f. lapacek
Ms. Cheryl A. leevan
Ms. M.J. lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Henry loerop
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth loerop
Dr. Rosemary lucas
Mrs. Therese E. lussa
Ms. lenore S. Marema
Mrs. Helen Masco
Ms. Murleen McGinnis
Ms. Donna R. Medema
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Meekma
Ms. Carol l. Mikrut
Mrs. france Mildice
Ms. Eles Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morris
Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. neerhof
Mr. and Mrs. Richard noorlag
Clarence noort
Mrs. Marion norman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony nugent
Mrs. Martha odell
Mr. and Mrs. John oldenburger
Mr. and Mrs. Carl olesen
Mr. and Mrs. David olsen
Mrs. Dorothy olthoff
Mr. and Mrs. Peter ooms
Mr. Tom ooms
Mr. and Mrs. Richard oost
Ms. Jurine oostema
Mrs. Carolyn oostendorp
Mr. and Mrs. Jack oostendorp
Mr. Donald oostman
orland School District 135
Ms. Shirley M. orlick
Mr. and Mrs. larry J. otte
Rev. Walter D. otten
Ken and Chris Peary
Ms. Joyce Piekarski
Mr. George R. Pluister
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Postema
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Prazak
Provena Health Information Services c/o
Carolyn Searle
Mrs. Rose Pyle
Querrey & Harrow, ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reddin
Mr. and Mrs. lance Reinsma
Rest Haven Central unity Womens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richcreek
Mr. and Mr. Andrew M. Ridderhoff
Ms. Cheryl Ridderhoff
Mr. and Mrs. norbert Riha
Mrs. Constance M. Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Ringsrud
Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roczniak
Mr. John Rot
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rudnick
Ms. Carol Sack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schmid
Ms. Dorothy A. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Scholtens
Mr. and Mrs. fred Scholtens
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schurman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Schutt
Rev. and Mrs. Herman Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. John Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schutt, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Schutt
Ms. Susan Q. Sedler
Kay Sevenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Slager
Mr. Timothy J. Slager
Mr. and Mrs. John Slinkman
Mrs. Clareen Sluis
Mrs. Bernice Smit
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smit
Mr. and Mrs. frank Smit
Mr. and Mrs. James Smit
Mrs. Kate D. Smit
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Rosemary Smith
Mrs. Catherine Solle
Mr. and Mrs. vincent H. Sommer
Mr. and Mrs. nicholas Spoolstra
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Staley
Mr. and Mrs. William f. Stanson
Mr. and Mrs. William Stefek
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stob
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Stolte
Mrs. Kim Stoub
Mr. and Mrs. William Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Studebaker
Mrs. virginia Studebaker
Mr. and Mrs. David Stuursma
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Suda
Mr. William J. Sullivan
Mr. Thomas Swigart
Kim and Ken Szudy
Rev. and Mrs. Michael Talaga
Ms. Joan Tameling
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tameling
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tarulis
Mrs. Gertrude Tazelaar
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tazelaar
Agnes and M. florence TenHor
Mr. Robert Ter Maat
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Terpstra
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Terpstra
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson
Mrs. Clara Togtman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond f. Tomczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tomich
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Tomse
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Torringa
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Triezenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Tysiak
Mrs. Harriette van Beveren
| Rest Haven Christian Services
The RighT CombinaTion
Mr. and Mrs. Albert van Dyke
Mr. and Mr. James van Dyke
louis van Dyke
Mr. William van Dyken
Mrs. Catherine van Eck
Mrs. Cheryl van Eck
Mr. and Mrs. Roy van Eck
Mr. Willard van Eck, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas van Howe
Mr. and Mrs. leonard van noort
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius van Til
Mr. and Mrs. Sam van Til
Mr. and Mrs. Albert van Wieren
Mr. and Mrs. George J. vande Werken
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth vander laan
Mrs. Annette vander naald
Mr. and Mrs. James J. vander velde
Mrs. Joanne vander Wagen
Mr. and Mrs. John vander Wagen III
Mrs. Jeanette vander Woude
Mr. and Mrs. David vanderberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert vanderbilt
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie S. vanderbyl
Mr. and Mrs. G. vandermolen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon vazzano
Ms. Jeanette veen
Mr. Robert vegter
Mr. and Mrs. John C. veldman
Mrs. Beatrice R. veltman and Mr.
Donald R. veltman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert venhousen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. venhousen
Mr. venhuizen and Mrs. venhuizen
Mr. Clarence verbeek
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius verhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Simon visser
Mrs. Theresa visser
Mr. and Mrs. John visus
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin vlietstra
W.P. Williams Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Walstra
Mrs. Dorothy Weidenaar
Ms. Gail E. Weinberger
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Werkman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Werkman
Mrs. louise Westerman
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Wettour
Mrs. Adelene Wierenga
Ms. Kay Wiersum
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler
Ms. Annette Winter
Mr. and Mrs. frank Wohead
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wohead
Ms. Geraldine Woldman
Mrs. Theresa Woldman
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Woldt
Women of the Moose Zion Benton
Chapter no. 859
Mr. and Mrs. John Workman
Mr. and Mrs. John yff
Mr. and Mrs. neil Zandstra
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zinkel
Mrs. Clara Zuidema
When she was young, Juanita anderson played
violin in her school orchestra. she loved making
music! But after she grew up and got married,
times were tough, and music became a luxury
she couldn’t afford. her husband sold the violin
because they needed the money.
Years passed, and Juanita’s children never even
realized their mother had once been a violinist—
until she happened to mention it in front of her
grandchildren. The family bought her a violin
that Christmas, and Juanita began playing again.
she’s not ready for public performances, but
if you stand outside her apartment at Village
Woods, you might catch the sounds of her bow
dancing on the strings once more.
The RighT amounT
When you look at the financial information on the following
pages, you’ll see red. Health care costs continue to rise, and
Rest Haven continues to swallow the difference between
those costs and what our residents can afford to pay.
and my God will
meet all your needs
Last year we absorbed millions of dollars in medical costs.
This year we will do the same.
Through the advocacy efforts of our state and national
according to his
glorious riches in
non-profit associations, we actively petition our government
to increase the Medicaid reimbursement rate. So far, these
Christ Jesus.
pleas have been ignored, and we continue to lose $73.00 each
day for each resident who depends on Medicaid.
We know that God knows what He is doing. We trust
Him to provide just the right dollars at just the right times.
In the meantime, we continue to pray.
Will you join us?
PhILIPPIaNs 4:19
Constitution & Bylaws
selecTed fInancIal InfoRmaTIon
The selected financial information of Rest haven Christian services as of and for the years ended
December 31, 2006 and 2005 has been derived from consolidated financial statements which have been
audited by KPMG LLP. a copy of the audited financial statements of Rest haven and the independent
auditors’ report thereon may be obtained by contacting Bill DeYoung, Chief Financial Officer,
at 708.342.8100.
“The Purpose of this Association shall
philanthropy in obedience to our
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Savior and King.”
retirement Housing
Home CAre
The RighT amounT
| Rest Haven Christian Services
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Client Type by
Service Provision
skiLLed subACute
to demonstrate Christian charity and
for financial profit, but rather in order
of extending this Christian care is not
and treatment of the sick and afflicted
and the aged who are well. The purpose
Revenue from all Sources
be to furnish facilities for the proper care
Assisted Living
SUMMARY: Combined Balance Sheets
As of December 31, 2006 & 2005 (dollars in thousands)
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Short-term Investments
Resident Accounts Receivable net of Allowance
Property Plant and Equipment, net
other Assets
Total Assets
LiAbiLities And net Assets LiAbiLities
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Deposits from Residents
Current/long-Term Debt
Total Liabilities
net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities And Net Assets
SUMMARY: Combined Statement of Operations
for The years Ended December 31, 2006 & 2005 (dollars in thousands)
operAting revenues
net Patient Service Revenue
other Revenue
Total Operating Revenues
operAting expenses
Cost of Resident Care
Interest Expense
Depreciation and Amortization
Total Operating Expenses
Loss From operAtions
Investment Income
Revenue and Gains Deficient of Expenses and losses
Rest Haven Christian Services | The RighT amounT
RIghT now
Time is running out.
Rest Haven was founded, decades ago, by Christians who
The King will reply, ‘I tell you the
truth, whatever you did for one
wanted their aging loved ones to receive Christ-like care and
compassion. Throughout our history we’ve always been able
of the least of these brothers of
to help “the least of these,” no matter what their ability to pay.
But those days are running out.
mine, you did for me.’
The rising cost of medical care and the shrinking willingness
of our government to assist have created a “Medicaid Gap”
that Rest Haven ends up bridging. This adds up to millions of
dollars in “free” care each year. And as much as we want to, we
just aren’t fiscally able to keep operating this way.
We need your help.
Throughout this Annual Report,
you’ve seen the many ways Rest
Haven is a blessing to people
in need. We thank you for your
partnership in sharing that blessing
in the past, and we ask you to
continue to give, so that our parents and grandparents can
receive Christian care into the future.
Use the attached envelope to mail your gift to:
Rest Haven CHRistian seRviCes
18601 North Creek Drive
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Or call us today at 708.342.8108.
RighT noW
| Rest Haven Christian Services
MaTThEW 25:40
Rest Haven CHRistian seRviCes