REDLAND ELEMENT, 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR Science Fair Student Packet Grades 4 <& 5 th , tr-'l swill HHHr r.-'L'. : ml MB . J » Feria de Exposicion Del Proyecto de Ciencias th REDLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Octubre 13 , 2014 m Estimados Padres, Nuestra habilidad para resolver problemas en el presente o en el future depende de nuestra habilidad para cuestionar el mundo de manera nueva y creative. Nuestros conocimientos de este mundo estian aumentando rapidamente, pore so nosotros debemos abandoner la costumbre de que nuestros ninos memoricen los hechos. Debemos de enfatizar la habilidad de razonar para crear major organizacion a nuevos hechos. Que major oportunidad para que los estudiantes de Redland Elementary desarrollen estas habilidades que participar en la Feria de Ciencias que se efectua anualmente en la escuela? Las habilidades de razonamiento que un nino desarrolla mientras hace un proyecto de ciencias son las destrezas basicas que usaran toda su vida; el experimentar y aclarar problemas que existen y encontrar soluciones creativas para estos problemas. Es obligatorio que cada estudiante en 4 y 5 grado participe en la Feria de Ciencias. La Feria de Ciencias sera el miercoles 17 de Deciembre del 2014. Los proyectos de ciencias deben ser entregados antes del lunes 24 de Noviembre. Atentamente, Mrs. De Vroedt, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Giourgas, Mrs. Stearns, Mrs. Clements, Mrs. Sanmiguel The Science Fair Committee 2014-2015 ! : ; j L a declaration del Problema Y • Hipotesis Deben Octubre 16 - Octubre 20 ! i Provecto Final de Ciencias : Para el 24 de Noviembre! j th Feria de Ciencias Yo he revisado la informacion sobre la feria de ciencias con my Mjo/hija y nosotros entendemos los requisites para hacer unproyecto de ciencias. Yo entiendo que los Inaterials adjuntos deben ser usados para apoyar en la planeacion del proyecto y para terminarlo. Firma dl Padre: Fecha: Firma del Estudiante: **Por favor firme y devuelva esta hoja al maestro de su hijo/hija Fecha: th REDLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 24501 S.W. 1 6 2 Avenue Homestead, FL 33031 (305) 247-8141 nd October 13 , 2014 th Dear Parents, Our ability to solve present and future problems depends on our ability to question the world in new and creative ways. With our knowledge of the world growing so rapidly, we must move away from having our children simply memorize facts. Instead, we must emphasize on the tliinking skills that create organization for new facts as they emerge. For students here at Redland Elementary what better opportunity for your child to develop these skills than to participate in our school's Annual Science Fair! The tliinking skills a child develops while doing a science project are the basic skills that will be used throughout life - to sense and clarify problems that exist and to find creative solutions to those problems. It is mandatory that each student in grades 4 and 5 take part in this year's Science Fair. Students should select projects that match their interests and abilities. Science Projects are due on or before Monday, November 24, 2014 in the classroom. Attached, is a Science Fair Project Packet to be utilized by your child. Be creative, be investigative, and most importantly have fun while learning. We are looking forward to GREAT PROJECTS! \ Sincerely, Mrs. De Vroedt, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Giourgas, Mrs. Stearns, Mrs. Clements, Mrs. Sanmiguel The Science Fair Committee 2014-2015 Problem Statement & Hypothesis due by Oct 1 6 - Oct 20 ! tn th Final Science Project Due November 24 ! th Science Fair I have reviewed the Science Fair information and due dates with my child and we understand the requirements for a successful Science Fair Project. I understand that the attached materials are to be used to support in planning and completing the Science Fair Project. I will keep this information at home for reference. Parent Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date: **Please sign and detach this form. Return to your child's Science classroom teacher. . REDLAND E L E M E N T A R Y SCHOOL SCIENCE PROJECT 4 and 5 Grade Science Project 2014 - You are the Scientist! m m Encourage your child to choose a topic that is appropriate and interesting for your child's level and comprehension. Students are expected to give oral presentations of their projects in their classrooms and should be able to answer questions about their project. Attached are Science Fair Project ideas that can be used as possible choices, but the use of the Internet will provide you with a wider range of ideas and choices. All project ideas require prior approval by the Science classroom teacher. Science Fair Guidelines Volcanoes, Organisms, Chemicals, or Flammable substances are not permitted, and any project involving animals or human subjects requires prior approval from your child's teacher. Take photographs of the substances that you used to display on your board. Remember no identifiable humans or their parts may be displayed in photos. Procedures that may be harmful to animals are also not permitted. Only battery-generated electricity is permitted. Students are to follow the Scientific Method for their experiment. Projects without the Scientific Method will not be judged. Your child's name should not be written anywhere on the front, but write their name, teacher's name and grade on the back of the science board. Judges will be looking for: •S Scientific Method and approach S Creativity and originality •S Organization of materials and information V Overall appearance and neatness A l l projects must include a Student Log Book, which includes all the steps for the Scientific Method. A record of happenings, experiences, and reflections should be kept on a regular basis. Do not copy reports directly from the Internet. This should be your own writing. ( P R E F E R A B L Y T Y P E D ) or neatly written by the student) Parents may assist students by taking their child to the library for reference work, searching the Internet, proofreading, typing, and plenty of encouragement. Your child must conduct the actual experiment. Remember they are the scientists! Let the experimenting BEGIN!!! j The School Store will be ; selling Science Boards j while they last. j DAILY STORE HOURS : 7:45am to 8:20am P R O Y E C T O D E CIENCIAS D E R E D LAND E L E M E N T A R Y 4 v 5 Proyecto de Ciencias 2014 - Tu eres el cientiflco! th m Anime a su tajo/hija a escoger un tema que sea apropiado e interesante para su nivel y comprension. Los estudiantes deben dar una presentacion oral de su proyecto en su aula y deben poder contester preguntas sobre su proyecto. Adjunto encontrara ideas que puede usar como posibles opciones, pero si usa el internet podra tener una opcion mas amplia de ideas. (Las ideas ofrecidas y las hojas de trabajo estan en Ingles, su hijo puede preguntarle a su maestro si necesite entender major su tema. Science Fair Guidelines Cualquier proyecto que involuere animals o personas debe ser aprobado previamente por el maestro de su hijo(a). procedimientos que puedan ser daninos para los animals no estan permitidos. Los estudiantes deben seguir el metodo cientifico durante su experiment. Los proyectos sin el metodo cientifico no seran juzgados. El nombre de su hijo(a) no debe aparecer escrito en el frente del carton en ninguna parte, escribe el nombre del nino/nina, nombre del maestro, y grado en la parte de atras del carton de exhibicion. Los iueces estaran buscando: •S Uso del metodo cientifico (debe ser usado correctamente o el proyecto no sera considerado para ser juzgado) •S Creatividad y originalidad •S Organizacion de materials e informacion (el carton de exhibicion debe estar organizado de acuerdo con el ejemplo que se pone en este paquete.) •S Apariencia general y nitidez Todos los proyectos deben incluir un diario, que incluya informacion general, investigaciones hechas, progreso del experiment, y fotografias extras. No copie ni escriba reports directamente del Internet. Usa tus propios escritos. (Preferiblemente Impreso o escrito con mucha nitidez por el estudiante.) Los padres pueden ayudar a los estudiantes llevandolos a la biblioteca para buscar Yeferencias para su trabajo, usar el Internet, revisar su escritura, imprimir, y ademas dele mucho aliento. Su hi)o(a) debe Uevar a cabo su propio experimento. Recuerde que ellos son los cientificos! Comencemos a experimentar! La tienda de la escuela estara vendiendo los cartones. HORARIO DE L A TTFJSTDA Redland Elementary Science Fair School Contract I, . , in grade will submit a Science Fair project for Redland Elementary School's Science Fair due on November 6,2014. I understand that this requirement must be fulfilled based on the criteria outlined in the Science Fair packet. I further understand that failure to comply with the rules set forth in this guide will affect my final project grade. Date Classroom Teacher Problem Statement (The question I plan to investigate in my experiment.) Please obtain prior approval from your Science teacher for your project idea. I have discussed the project problem statement and the Science Fair packet with my parent(s) and I am willing to commit to following through on this project. Student Signature Date I have discussed the project idea and the Science Fair packet with my child and he/she will follow through with their project. Parent Name & Signature Date 4 and 5 GRADE SUGGESTED SCIENCE FAIR TIMELINE Th th DATE: October 1 3 - 1 4 , ; \S D U E : , 7; Packets distributed Science Fair introduced in class. October 1 6 - 2 0 Problem Statement & Hypothesis due in class October 27 - 29 Procedures and Materials Variables and Constants due in class O c t o b e r 2 9 - November 14 Continue working on Science Project Experimentation and track/log data. November 1 7 - 1 8 Results due in class November 1 9 - 2 0 Conclusion due in class November 21 Abstract, Bibliography <& Application due in class November 2 4 S C I E N C E PROJECT I S DUE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * November 2 4 - 2 6 December 1-4 December 17 Presentations in Science class Judging will begin Science F a i r a t Redland Elementary Time to be announced FECHAS SU6ERIDAS PARA LA FERIA DE CIENCIAS DE 4 Y 5 6RADO t h t h FECHE: O c t u b r e 13 Q U E 5 E DEBE TENER: Distribucion de panf letos, msirucciones sobre la Feria de Clendas en clase Octubre 1 6 - 2 0 La delcaracion del problema y la hipotesis deben entregarse en clase Octubre 27 - 29 Los procedimientos y materials, y las variables y constants deben entregarse en clase O c t u b r e 2 9 - Noviembre 14 Continua trabajando en el proyecto de ciencias, experimetos y anotaciones de datos Noviembre 1 7 - 1 8 Los resultados deben entregarse en clase Noviembre 1 9 - 2 0 La conclusion debe entregarse en clase Noviembre 21 El abstracto y la bibliograf ia deben entregarse en clase Noviembre 2 4 EL PROYECTO DE C I E N C I A S DEBEENTREGARSE EN CLASE ************* * * * * * * * * * * * Noviembre 2 4 - 2 6 Presentaciones de los proyectos en la clase de ciencias Deciembre 1-4 Deciembre 1 7 Se empiezan a juzgar los proyectos L a F e r i a de Ciencias toma lugar en Redland Elementary Scientific Method Terms Problem Statement (Question) Hypothesis Procedures Constants/Controls The problem statement is the beginning point in our process. What do you want to find out through experimentation? The problem statement is always written in fne form of a question. Think about what might happen in your experiment. This is called a HYPOTHESIS. Write down what you think will happen BEFORE actually doina the experiment. Be specific. List all the steps of your experiment in the order that you will perform them. Remember, any scientist should be able to take your procedure andfepeat your experiment following your instructions. Include quantities or amounts that you will measure using metric units. (Don't forget all the details!} And remember you should have 3 trials! A constant is any item or factor in your experiment that has stayed the same. (i.e. same amount of food, same type of light source, same amount of liquid) Variable A variable is any item or factor in your experiment that is changed in order to solve your problem statement. Materials List of the materials/equipment you will use in your experiment, including quantity and dimension. (Be specific) The result is the outcome of your experiment. State your findings in a summary or narrative form from your data table to show change. Determine if your hypothesis was supported or not supported. Answer the following questions to summarize what you have learned from the experiment. What was the purpose of the investigation? Was your hypothesis supported by the data? What were the major findings? What are possible reasons for the results? Keep a record or log of all the information you have gathered in your experiment. Display all your data in charts, graphs, and/or pictures even if it does not match what you thought was going to happen under the heading Data on your display board. (NO FACES IN PHOTOS) The abstract is a brief description of what you have done, and what you learned. Paragraph 1 - Describe what your purpose and hypothesis. Paragraph 2 - Briefly describe your procedure. Paragraph 3 - Describe and explain your results and also state if your hypothesis was supported or not supported by the results. Suggest a reason why it was or was not supported. Results Conclusion Data Abstract \ Bibliography & Application Paragraph 4 - Explain your conclusion and application(s). Put your bibliography of at least 3 different sources on the same page. Must be placed on the lower left corner as you face your board. Bibliography - It's important to cite vour sources for a s c i e n c e fair project. Put your bibliography of at least 3 different sources under bibliography. Application - How c a n the investigation b e improved? How c a n you use the findings from this investigation in your d a y to d a y life? Declaration del Problema (Pregunta) Hipotesis Abstracto Procedimientos Constantes Variables Materiales Resultados Conclusion Datos Bibliografia Terminos Del Metodo Cientifico La declaration del problema es el punto principal en nuestro proceso. £Que estas buscando encontrar con este experimento? El problema siempre se escribe en forma de pregunta. La hipotesis es una suposicion educada. Es una afirmacion basada en tus averiguaciones sobre el tema. La hipotesis se establece siempre antes de hacerse el experimento. El abstracto es una description breve de lo que has hecho y lo que has aprendido. 1 er parrafo- Describe tu proposito y tu hipotesis. 2do parrafo- Brevemente describe tus procedimientos. 3er parrafo- Describe y explica tus resultados y aclara si tu hipotesis fue corroborada por los resultados o no. Expon una razon por la cual la hipotesis fue o no fue corroborada. 4to parrafo- Explica tu conclusion y las aplicaciones. Pon la bibliografia de por lo menos 3 recursos diferentes en la misma pagina. Debes ponerla en la parte de abajo hacia la esquina izquierda. Haz una lista de todos los pasos de tu experimento en el orden que tu los hiciste. (No se te olvide dar todos los detalles) Una constante es un factor en tu experimento que se ha quedado igual. (ej. Misma cantidad de comida, mismo tipo de luz, misma cantidad de liquido). Una variable es un factor en tu experimento que ha cambiado para que resuelvas tu problema. Haz una lista de materiales/equipos que usaste en tu experimento, incluyendo cantidad y dimension. (Se especifico) El resultado es lo que sacaste de tu experimento. Demuestra tus resultados en un resumen, o en forma narrativa usando datos de una tabla para mostrar cambios. Tu conclusion es un resumen de lo que tu experimento muestra y como tu trabajo puede ser usado para futuras investigaciones. Explica lo que aprendiste de tu experimento, la importancia de tus resultados, y como este contribuye a mejor algo. Trata de demostrar una forma de aplicar los resultados de tu experimento. Escribe comentarios sobre tu proyecto, y como tu pudieras haber mejorado tu proyecto. ^Estuvo correcta tu hipotesis? Manten una hoja de anotaciones con toda la informacion que has obtenido en tu experimento. Usa graficas, tablas, y fotografias (no se permite exponer personas que puedan ser identificadas o partes de estas) para ayudar a otros a entender tu proyecto. Haz una lista de todos los recursos que usaste para completar tu proyecto. Deben aparecer en forma de listado y debes tener no menos de 3 referencias diferentes. La bibliografia debe estar en la misma pagina que el abstracto. Science Project Ideas A N I M A L STUDIES • What foods do mealworms prefer? • How do meal worms react to various surfaces? • What color of birdseed do birds like best? (K -2) • Does the color o f a birdhouse affect feeding habits of birds? • Do boys or girls have a higher resting heart rate? H U M A N STUDIES • Does exercise affect heart rate? • Does heart rate increase with increasing sound volume? PLANT STUDIES • Does it matter in which direction seeds are planted? • Can plants grow without soil? • Do plants grow bigger in soil or sand? • Do different types o f soil hold different amounts o f water? • How does light direction affect plant growth? • How does chlorine effect plant growth? • Does temperature affect plant growth? • What factors affect the growth of bread mold? • • • Do lima bean plants grow faster than green bean plants? Which seeds germinate the fastest: radish, tomato, or bean? Will this plant grow better in plain or salt water? • How does fertilizer affect plant growth? • Do plants grow better under fluorescent light, sun light, or incandescent light? • Do all sweet potato plants grow to be the same size? • Will a leaf covered with petroleum jelly be any different than any other leaf on the plant? • Does the color o f light a plant receives affect its growth? • Where do plants grow best? • Do bigger seeds produce bigger plants? (K-2) • Does the kind o f water absorbed by seeds affect germination? • What are the effects o f caffeine on the germination and growth of plant seeds? • What effects does crowding have on the growth rate of plants? • What is the effect of colored cellophane on the growth of lima beans? • Do vitarnins affect the germination o f seeds? • Does magnetism affect plant growth? Elementary Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Invention Fair Board Set-up f o r an Investigation Project Title of the Project Problem Statement Hypothesis Procedures Materials Variabiei £ Constant3 Results ™ ^ Data Conclusions Charts, graphs, and or Required Position of photographs Applications the /Abstract & Bibliography Elementary Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Invention Fair 15 4 & 5 STUDENT SCIENCE FAIR LOG BOOK m m NAME: TEACHER: TITLE: ****Project Due Date: Nov. 24, 2014**** My problem statement/Declaration del Problema: Due Oct 16-20 My hypothesis/hipotesis: Due Oct 16-20 Resources: You must have no less then 3 resources (books, magazines, newspaper articles, websites). Due Nov 21 List of materials/materiales or equipment I will use (quantity and dimensions): Due Oct 27 - 29 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. My results/resultados: Due Nov. 17-18 My conclusion/conclusion: A summary of what your experiment shows and how your work can be used for more research. How could I have improved my project? Did my results support my hypothesis? Why or why not? Due Nov. 19-20 - *. Abstract: Due Nov. 21 Paragraph 1 - Describe your purpose and hypothesis. Paragraph 2 - Briefly describe your procedure. Paragraph 3 - Describe and explain your results and also state if your hypothesis was supported or not supported by the results. Suggest a reason why it was or was not supported. Paragraph 4 - Explain your conclusion and application(s). Application/Applicatiom: Due Nov 21 ^Bibliography/Bibliografia: No less than 3 different sources. Due Nov. 21 1. 2. 3. Procedure/Procedimientos: Steps I will use to perform my investigation: Due Oct 27 - 29 Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. My constants/constantes: (If applicable): Due Oct. 27 - 29 My variable/variables: (If applicable): Due Oct. 27 - 29 USEFUL WEBSITES http ://pbskids, org/dragonflytv/scifair/ http://amasci.corn/scifair/bio.html h1^:// http ://www. acces sexcellence. or g/RC/scifair. html http ://www. ho wstuffworks .com http ://ctinventionconvention. org/ -ft asp SAMPLE IDEAS FOR SCIENCE F A I R PROJECTS (CONTINUED) SOUND AND LIGHT • How can the sound produced by a string on an instrument be changed? • How can the sound produced by blowing through a straw be changed? MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY • Can different sizes of magnets pick up different numbers o f paper clips? • Does the size of a light bulb affect its energy use? • Through which materials w i l l magnetism pass? CONSUMER TESTING • What brand o f raisin cereal has the most raisins? (K-l) • With which type of battery do toys run the longest? (K-2) • Which popcorn brand pops the most kernels? ( K - I ) • Which paper towel is the strongest? ( K - l ) • Which brand of tape hold the most weight? • Which dish soap makes the longest lasting suds? ( K - 2) AIR. L A N D . AND WATER • A t what time o f the day is your shadow the shortest (K-2) • What kind of soil (sand, clay, or potting sod) does water go through most easily? (K- • W i l l pond water and ocean water freeze at the same temperature? (K-2) • Which rocks best resist cracking from the impact o f a weight? • Which soil absorbs water most quickly? • What is the effect o f color on the rate o f evaporation? • Which liquid freezes most quickly? • Does color affect the rate at which an ice cube melts? • Does a bath take less water than a shower?