economic and cultural development committee
economic and cultural development committee
472 ADOPTED MINUTES of the ECONOMIC & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING held on Tuesday 5 February 2008 at 3.00pm Gold Coast City Council Chambers 135 Bundall Road Surfers Paradise Our positioning statement Working for our future - today Our vision Naturally, the world’s best place to be . . . because we will create a city that is recognised internationally for the quality, diversity and sustainability of its lifestyle, economy and environment. The Gold Coast’s future will be secure as Australia’s most desirable place to live and favourite place to visit. Our mission To benefit our local community by sustainably managing the City’s resources and opportunities, and by delivering high-quality, affordable services, in partnership with the community, State and Federal Governments, educational institutions and the private sector. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 3 ADOPTED MINUTES INDEX AGENDA 472 ECONOMIC & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 5 FEBRUARY 2008 ITEM DIRECT FILE PAGE 1 EDMP CS105/274/08(P4) 5 2 EDMP PD330/792/357/08(P1) 12 3Ì EDMP LG426/603-(P13) 19 SUBJECT RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF GOLD COAST SCHOOLIES WEEK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO 409 Film Fantastic ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO 410 Minutes of REDAB Meeting 5 December 2007 GENERAL BUSINESS EDMP 4 CS105/227/01 23 2007 MISSION OUTCOME REPORT CLOSED SESSION EDMP 5 CM787/790/04 25 DIRECTOR DISCUSSION KEY: CEO CG CMS EDMP ES GCW OS PET - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CITY GOVERNANCE COMMUNITY SERVICES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ENGINEERING SERVICES GOLD COAST WATER ORGANISATIONAL SERVICES PLANNING ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORT 470th Council Meeting 25 January 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 22 January 2008 4 ADOPTED MINUTES ATTENDANCE Cr J Grew Cr G Betts Cr S Douglas Cr R La Castra Cr D McDonald Cr P Young (Chairperson) Mr D Scott Mr R McNab Mrs A Norton-Knight Ms J Moore Director Economic Development and Major Projects Executive Office Special Events Coordinator Economic Development Industry Development Officer APOLOGIES PRESENTATIONS RESOLUTION G08.0211.019 moved Cr Grew seconded Cr Young That the Report of the Economic & Cultural Development Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 5 February 2008, covered by Recommendations EC08.0205.001 to EC08.0205.004 be received. CARRIED ADOPTION OF THE ECONOMIC & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT RESOLUTION G08.0211.020 moved Cr Grew seconded Cr Young That the Report of the Economic & Cultural Development Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 5 February 2008, covered by Recommendations EC08.0205.001 to EC08.0205.004 be adopted CARRIED 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ITEM 1 5 ADOPTED MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MAJOR PROJECTS RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF GOLD COAST SCHOOLIES WEEK CS105/274/08(P4) 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not applicable 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT A partnership agreement between Council and the Queensland Government that refers to the roles and responsibilities of the parties in relation to the 2005, 2006, and 2007 Schoolies has now expired. It is proposed that a slightly revised agreement to address the next three-year period be finalised. The purpose of this report is to seek approval to finalise negotiations and execute a renewed partnership agreement with the State Government in relation to Gold Coast Schoolies Week (GCSW) in 2008,2009, and 2010. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS There have been a number of reports and resolutions relating to the management of Gold Coast Schoolies Week in recent years. The following resolutions are those that are most relevant to this report: Ex Minute C04.0826.010 (in part): That Council writes to the Premier: 1 Congratulating him and the State Government on the progress made by his officers in coordinating Gold Coast Schoolies Week 2004. 2 Requesting that, should the State Government be planning to undertake a reduced planning and coordinating role for future years, that an appropriate management structure to coordinate Gold Coast Schoolies Weeks be investigated and established and resourced as a matter of urgency. 3 Seeking confirmation that the State Government will continue to provide resources to continue to coordinate Whole-Of-Government activities during the planning stages and provision of staff and resources during the conduct stage of future Gold Coast Schoolies Weeks at levels at least similar to those provided for the 2003 Gold Coast Schoolies Week. 4 Advising that Council would be prepared to provide a representative(s) to sit on the Board/executive of the management structure. 5 Advising that Council will continue to provide support by means of planning assistance and provision of temporary infrastructure, in a similar manner and level as that provided to the 2003 Gold Coast Schoolies Week. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ITEM 1 (CONTINUED) 6 ADOPTED MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MAJOR PROJECTS RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF GOLD COAST SCHOOLIES WEEK CS105/274/08(P4) Ex Minute EC04.1207.013: 1 That Council confirm its position in relation to the future management of Gold Coast Schoolies Week as outlined in the report. 2 That Councillor Grew be endorsed as Council’s advocate in relation to the future management of Gold Coast Schoolies Week, and authorised to promote Council’s position with the Premier, Ministers and State Government members as appropriate, and to act a Council’s sole spokesperson to provide media comment as appropriate. 3 That the Mayor writes to The Premier of Queensland, The Hon Peter Beattie MP and the Minister for Community Services, The Hon Warren Pitt MP, enclosing a copy of this report and Council’s resolutions for their information. Ex Minute EC05.0712.009: 1 That the report and attachment be deemed confidential documents and be treated as such in accordance with sections 250 (2) and 1143 (4) of the Local Government Act and that the documents remain confidential unless Council decides otherwise by resolution. 2 That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to finalise negotiations and execute a Partnering Agreement with the State Government in relation to the joint management of Gold Coast Schoolies Week, as outlined in the report. 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 Background The Government (both state and local) response to Gold Coast Schoolies Week (GCSW) relate to the crowd management and public safety actions including diversionary activities, staged in Surfers Paradise to coincide with the influx of school-leavers from Queensland schools in November each year. In this context, GCSW is a series of actions designed to: provide a safe environment for Schoolies and protect them from exploitation; protect and enhance community safety during the concentration of Schoolies on the Gold Coast in general and Surfers Paradise in particular; and to protect the city’s image as a tourist destination. The staging period is usually of about ten days duration, (usually coinciding with the week that Queensland Schoolies attend) but is preceded by a very heavy workload in the planning, coordination and consultation processes necessary to ensure success. Because of the complexity of issues, the range of stakeholders and opinions and the number of agencies to be coordinated, the planning, consultation and coordination activities often take most of the year to address. The crowd management strategies employed during GCSW were introduced and conducted by the Queensland Police Service (QPS) in about 1996 but the QPS withdrew from the ‘lead agent’ role in 1999. Council reluctantly assumed the role of coordinating these activities in 1999 and continued as ‘lead agent’ up to and including the 2002 GCSW. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ITEM 1 (CONTINUED) 7 ADOPTED MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MAJOR PROJECTS RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF GOLD COAST SCHOOLIES WEEK CS105/274/08(P4) The Queensland Government was ‘lead agent’ for GCSW in 2003 and 2004. Council favoured the Government’s assumption of the ‘lead agent’ role as the main service providers to support Schoolies are various State Government agencies and departments, with additional support provided through community engagement. Council provided logistic support, a cash contribution of $50,000 each year (ie for GCSW 2003 and GCSW 2004), and officer assistance and support during the planning and conduct stages. The State Government withdrew from that ‘lead agent’ role after the 2004 GCSW. As Council had consistently indicated that it was unwilling to again resume the ‘lead agent’ role, a series of meetings and negotiations were conducted in order to secure the best outcomes for all parties. These discussions resulted in a three-year partnership agreement being executed in accordance with EC05.0712.009 above. That agreement covered the responsibilities of both parties for the activities to support GCSW in 2005, 2006, and 2007. It is timely to address the arrangements for the next three year period, and discussions have reached the stage where a new Agreement that has only a few minor variations from the original agreement can be prepared and executed. 5.2 Overview of Proposed Arrangements It is clear that while there is a shared vision, and there are objectives and outcomes for GCSW that both parties share, neither is prepared to take ‘lead agent’ responsibility individually. Neither is there an appropriate third party that can assume that position at this time. It is therefore proposed that the partnership arrangement be renewed (with the changes outlined below), in which the State and Council jointly undertake that central planning and coordination role, while each continues to provide support in its core business areas. For example: • The ‘Joint Venture’ (ie both parties acting jointly) would appoint the Event Coordinator, and undertake strategic planning and monitoring etc; • State Government will continue to provide emergency services personnel (eg Police and, Ambulance), Government agency coordination, education activities, etc; • Council will continue to provide temporary infrastructure, lifeguards, beach shaping, cleaning services etc; and • Both parties will contribute funding to underwrite GCSW in the short term, with a view to moving towards self-funding model over a longer timeframe if possible. A significant advantage in joint management is that it provides certainty regarding the respective roles and responsibilities for a three year period. It is proposed to commence a tender process, under the auspices of the state government, to appoint an event coordinator as soon as possible in order to provide reasonable lead times for the appointee to consult, complete planning, and pursue sponsorship opportunities. It is therefore timely for Council to consider its position in relation to the proposed arrangements and adopt an appropriate resolution to enable the agreement to be executed in the near future. Negotiations to draft the new agreement are approaching the final stage. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ITEM 1 (CONTINUED) 8 ADOPTED MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MAJOR PROJECTS RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF GOLD COAST SCHOOLIES WEEK CS105/274/08(P4) 5.3 Changes from 2004-2007 Agreement There are few changes from the model which has proven successful over the past three years. The changes are summarised below. Funding In addition to the provision of in-kind support by way of temporary infrastructure (eg toilets, road closures, cleaning etc), Council has provided a cash payment of $200,00 (plus GST) each year as a contribution towards the costs of planning and staging the support and diversionary activities. This represents the minor share of the cash costs after sponsorship income (eg in 2007, Council’s contribution was approx 30%, with the State Government contributing the remaining 70%). The payment is made to the Department of Communities on invoice after GCSW each year (ie not to third parties). It is proposed to increase the level of Council’s cash contribution to take account of inflation over the past three years and to allow for anticipated CPI increases over the next three years, as follows: • • • 2008: $220,000 (plus GST) 2009: $225,000 (plus GST) 2010: $230,000 (plus GST) These levels are considered reasonable. They are a reflection (rounded up slightly) of the continuation of the original value of Council’s financial contribution for Schoolies 2005 relative to, summarised in the table below. Year GCSW 2005 GCSW 2006 GCSW 2007 GCSW 2008 GCSW 2009 GCSW 2010 Financial Year 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Qld CPI * 2.6% 3.3% 2.75% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Amount $ 200,000.00 $ 206,600.00 $ 212,281.50 $ 217,588.54 $ 223,028.25 $ 228,603.96 * Actual and projected changes in the Queensland CPI (as advised by the Queensland Treasury) Consultation and Planning In addition to representation and input at the Management Committee / ’Board’ 1 level, Council officers provide limited input at the operational level of planning and coordination. It is proposed to formalise the input of Council officers to include: • • • 1 Active participation in the Regional Managers’ Coordination Network Schoolies subcommittee coordinated by the Department of Communities Daily attendance at the coordination meetings which take place each evening on the official Schoolies site during Schoolies Participation in quarterly forums for significant stakeholders to be coordinated by the Department of Communities The Management Committee / ’Board’ is the forum for strategic overview and joint decision-making and guidance in relation to GCSW planning. It currently comprises an independent chairman, two officers from Government and two officers from Council (viz Director Community Services and the Executive Officer Special Events). 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ITEM 1 (CONTINUED) 9 ADOPTED MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MAJOR PROJECTS RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF GOLD COAST SCHOOLIES WEEK CS105/274/08(P4) 6 STATUTORY MATTERS There are a range of Acts and Regulations dealing with public safety and behaviour in public places that are the responsibility of the Queensland Government. Section 40 of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 deals with the Declaration of notified areas allowing Police to exercise move-on powers. Council has facilitated such a Declaration for GCSW for several years. Some Council Local Laws apply and are monitored by Local Law Officers. 7 CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Strategic Priority 1: A Safe Community – To achieve the following outcome: 1.1.1 A safer community with decreased crime and injury. 8 COUNCIL POLICIES Not applicable. 9 DELEGATIONS Not applicable. 10 BUDGET/FUNDING The 2007/08 Budget (571 2219-Festivals) contains an allocation sufficient to meet the cash contribution and to meet in-kind support costs for the 2007 GCSW and it is intended to increase the allocation for the increased cash contribution as outlined above, in the draft 2008/09 budget and future budgets. 11 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION The Director Community Services and Executive Officer Special Events have participated in a number of meetings with Department of Communities officers to discuss and negotiate the issues outlined in the report. 12 TIMING The matter is urgent as no further progress can be made in the planning of GCSW 2008, and in particular the process to seek submissions for the appointment of event coordinator until the signing of the new Agreement. 13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS GCSW comprises a number of activities timed to coincide with the influx of school-leavers into the City. Experience demonstrates that the school leavers will come with or without the activities of GCSW and that the activities are successful in assisting crowd management and modifying behaviour. The strategies are aimed at enhancing public safety and community safety during GCSW, and the personal safety of the participating Schoolies. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ITEM 1 (CONTINUED) 10 ADOPTED MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MAJOR PROJECTS RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF GOLD COAST SCHOOLIES WEEK CS105/274/08(P4) There are a number of residents and traders within the Surfers Paradise precinct affected by GCSW. The Surfers Paradise Alliance (SPA) represents the interests of several key stakeholders in the precinct and receives several enquiries from local business and residents in relation to GCSW. 14 CONCLUSION It is considered that the community’s interests, Schoolies’ interests, and Council’s interests would be best served by the State Government and Council agreeing to continue to work jointly and in partnership to provide strategic planning and management of GCSW, and to underwrite the costs, for the immediate future, with a view to encouraging the development of GCSW as a self-funding activity in due course. The existing arrangement with the State has proven to be a successful approach and ensures that the vision and goals of protecting the Schoolies and the community are achieved. Each party would continue to provide support to GCSW in line with its core functions. In the State Government’s case, it is crucial that Police and other emergency services be provided without charge, and that interdepartmental coordination is maintained. Council would provide support services and temporary infrastructure as in previous years. Both parties would provide cash support and the contribution by Council is considered to be at a reasonable level and the increased allocation reflects actual and projected CPI increases only. The partnering agreement is intended to achieve those outcomes, and it is recommended below that the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate final details and execute the final agreement as soon as practicable. 15 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows: 1 That the report and attachment be deemed confidential documents and be treated as such in accordance with sections 250 (2) and 1143 (4) of the Local Government Act and that the documents remain confidential unless Council decides otherwise by resolution. 2 That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to finalise negotiations and execute a partnering agreement with the State Government in relation to the joint management of Gold Coast Schoolies Week, as outlined in the report. Author: Ray McNab Executive Officer Special Events 17 January 2008 Authorised by: Colette McCool Director Community Services 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ITEM 1 (CONTINUED) 11 ADOPTED MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MAJOR PROJECTS RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF GOLD COAST SCHOOLIES WEEK CS105/274/08(P4) Changed Recommendation COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION EC08.0205.001 moved Cr Douglas seconded Cr Betts That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to finalise negotiations and execute a partnering agreement with the State Government in relation to the joint management of Gold Coast Schoolies Week, as outlined in the report. CARRIED 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 12 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 2 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT No 411 FILM FANTASTIC PD330/792/357/08(P1) Refer 7 page Attachment 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to sponsor the 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival to be held from 16 to 19 October 2008. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS Council at its meeting of 10 June 2005 resolved ex minute in part (G05.0610.032): 1 That Council notes the completed report into the Gold Coast Film industry, “Film Gold Coast Now and Beyond”, completed by the Allen Consulting Group. Council at its meeting of 1 November 2004 resolved ex minute in part (G04.1101.026): 1 That Council continues to support the ongoing implementation and continuous improvement of the economic development program. Council at its meeting of 18 October 2004 resolved ex minute in part (G04.1018.033) 1 That Council approves funding of $20,000 for the 2005 Gold Coast Film Fantastic event to be sourced from the annual 2004/2005 Economic Development Branch Budget, Project Number JE66, subject to Queensland Government funding of an equal or higher amount. Council at its meeting of 9 March 2006 resolved ex minute in part (G06.0313.024) 1 5 That funding of $20,000 for the 2006 Gold Coast Film Fantastic event be included in the draft 2006/2007 Economic Development Branch Budget (Project Number JE66 – Creative Industries) for consideration. Such funding to be subject to two other corporate or government cash sponsors being secured. DISCUSSION Council has a long-term commitment to development and broadening of the economic base of the City. The Council’s Gold Coast 2010 Economic Development Strategy identifies creative industries (including film, games and the music sector) as one of the nine key industries within the Gold Coast City economy. Film production and film related event activities have an important role to play in achieving this outcome. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 13 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 2 (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT No 411 FILM FANTASTIC PD330/792/357/08(P1) Gold Coast City’s Film Industry is recognised as a significant contributor to the economy and employ over 1,400 people, making it the largest employer within the Creative Industries sector on the Gold Coast. In 2005 a Gold Coast City Council commissioned report ‘Film Gold Coast Now and Beyond – An Economic Impact Study of Gold Coast City’s Film Industry’ by The Allen Consulting Group found that the film production sector in the City generated direct and indirect benefits of $472 million during the period of 2003/2004. As part of this study an economic development strategy for the City’s film sector was identified and the following 3 strategies were recognised as integral to the future development of the sector: a Visibility – to the local, national and international film production industry; b A destination where it is easy to do business – improved tax offsets, film permits; and c A vibrant hub of ongoing film production activity – support for small-scale films and support of the City’s annual film festival and competition. As part of developing a ‘Vibrant hub of ongoing film production activity’ a specific recommendation was made regarding support and growth of Gold Coast City’s film festival. This recommendation seeks to grow the profile of this event. 5.1 National & International Events in Gold Coast City Gold Coast City is now the host of four of Australia’s most high profile and prestigious film industry events. These events are listed below: a b c d Australian International Movie Convention (1 – 4 September 2008); Screen Producers Association of Australia Conference (12-14 November 2008); Inside Film (IF) Awards (13 November 2008); and Asia Pacific Screen Awards (November 2008). These four events combined attract over 4,000 of interstate and international high-level film industry professionals to the City, offering a significant opportunity to the Gold Coast’s film and creative sector. The relocation of two key film events to Gold Coast City include the IF Awards and the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. These key events provide added investment attraction opportunities and profiling of the City’s capabilities to interstate and international filmmakers. 5.2 Local Events in Gold Coast City A local complement to these national events that Gold Coast City now hosts is the Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival (GCFFF). Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival provides a vibrant mix of screenings, professional development workshops and a showcase competition for the City’s emerging film production industry. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 14 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 2 (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT No 411 FILM FANTASTIC PD330/792/357/08(P1) Council has over the past five years provided financial and in-kind assistance to the GCFFF, which has been successful in developing a reputation amongst the wider film industry and residents as a popular film event engaging a diverse range of participation from the City’s community. 5.3.1 Gold Coast Film Fantastic The 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival will be coordinated around four key elements: a b b c Programming; Interactive opportunities; Workshops; and Competitions. The program for the 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival is based upon three themes: a b c Sports-themed programming; Local programming; and Fantasy programming. The Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival will be held at a number of venues around the City. Venues for consideration include: a b c d e Birch Carroll & Coyle Cinemas - Robina Town Centre; Readings Cinemas – Harbour Town; Birch Carroll & Coyle Cinemas– Pacific Fair; Robina Community Centre; and Gold Coast Arts Centre. It is proposed that Council sponsor the Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival and in return for this sponsorship the following benefits be provided (the Sponsorship proposal is presently under negotiation with Council Officers and the Festival Project Management, however the following major components have been agreed). a The Gold Coast City Council will have the presentation rights to one of the feature films screened in the festival; b The Gold Coast City Council will be promoted as a Major Sponsor of The Gold Coast Film Fantastic, with logo placement in all key Film Fantastic promotional material; c Gold Coast Film Fantastic will engage and include collaborative projects in the 2008 program with Gold Coast training providers, students and the Gold Coast Music Industry Association; d Branding across the event would at all times incorporate both Gold Coast City Council and BusinessGC logos, including the right to brand major events with signage and promotional material; e Gold Coast City Council will be promoted with advertisement space in the official 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic program guide; and f The Gold Coast City Council will be recognised as an organisation that supports emerging talent, and encourages locals with their personal development and film making skill. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 15 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 2 (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT No 411 FILM FANTASTIC PD330/792/357/08(P1) 6 STATUTORY MATTERS Not applicable. 7 CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Strategic Priority 5 - Cultural Development, and in particular the following desired outcomes: 5.1.1 The city values and celebrates its cultural diversity and heritage 5.1.2 Cultural development is considered in planning the city’s future 5.1.3 Signature cultural activities and events are sustained 5.1.4 Local art and cultural enterprises are promoted and sustained 5.1.5 Collaboration and coordination between community arts and cultural groups is facilitated Strategic Priority Economy 10 - Diversify & Strengthen the Economy - To achieve the following outcomes: 10.3.1 Continue to place emphasis on the eight key industries identified in the economic development strategy by focusing on sustainable employment opportunities, export development, global recognition, life-long learning and innovation 10.3.5 Focus on developing international business connections with the aim of increasing the number of firms orientated to exporting with a resultant increase in the number of jobs required by these firms Strategic Priority 11 City Image - To achieve the following outcomes: 8 11.1.4 Improved national and international connections, with a focus on trade, investment, education and tourism 11.3.1 Via the City Image and Infrastructure Funding Strategy, promote and manage (together with the business sector) an accurate, consistent and positive image of the city to domestic and international markets based on transformation through innovation 11.3.10 Continue to implement international connections contained in the economic development strategy, export development, attraction and promotion city’s business capabilities global audience. COUNCIL POLICIES Council’s Financial Assistance Policy requires a Major Event Risk Assessment Checklist be completed prior to consideration of any sponsorship in excess of $10,000. This assessment acts as an internal check and provides the basis for determining the applicant’s ability to implement the project. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 16 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 2 (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT No 411 FILM FANTASTIC PD330/792/357/08(P1) A Major Event Risk Assessment Checklist has been completed for the GCFFF and has also been undertaken for the previous years sponsorship of this event (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 events). This 2008 GCFFF event satisfies the criteria contained in this checklist (refer Attachment 4.1). 9 DELEGATIONS Not applicable. 10 BUDGET The cost to Council to sponsor the 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival is $25,000. The costs associated with the sponsorship will be sourced from the 2008/2009 Economic Development Branch Budget JE 66 – Creative Industries. Film Fantastic’s payments will only be made by Council following the achievement of specific project milestones and deliverables. The following lists other potential sponsors currently being pursued by Gold Coast Film Fantastic: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Australian Film Commission; Gold Coast Sports Taskforce; Queensland Events; Avid Australia; Apple; Provisual; 105.7 - Radio Metro; Style Print; The Pacific Film and Television Commission; Queensland State Government; Warner Roadshow Studios; Pepsi; Powerade; Surf life saving Queensland; Special Olympics Queensland; Billabong; Globe; Kewday – skateboards; Conrad Jupiters; Sports Super Centre; Griffith University; Bond University; Gold Coast Institute of TAFE; Three Plus Consultants; Gold Medal Popcorn; Panavision; Cutting Edge; Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS); Gold Coast Sporing Hall of Fame; and Sony Playstation. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 17 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 2 (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT No 411 FILM FANTASTIC PD330/792/357/08(P1) A large number of local businesses and film industry members have provided invaluable inkind support over the past number of years for this events and planning for this support in 2008 is underway. 11 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION An officer from the Economic Development Branch will continue to act as liaison for Council’s sponsorship of the 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic event. Consultation regarding Council’s sponsorship and support for this event has taken place with the Chair of the City’s Film Industry Working Party. An experienced Project Manager is employed by Gold Coast Film Fantastic’s board to manage the day-to-day management of this event, co-ordinate all marketing activities and secure sponsorship with state and federal government bodies and the private sector. Local film industry and city business stakeholders involved in the development of Gold Coast Film Fantastic include members of the Film Industry Working Party, and organisations such as the Pacific Film and Television Commission. These stakeholders play an integral role in the growth and support of the 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic. 12 TIMING Gold Coast Film Fantastic will be held from the 16 - 19 October 2008. 13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival provides local film industry stakeholders with the opportunity to work closely with major state government agencies and other industry associations at a national level in order to increase the number of film related events in Gold Coast City and to further develop the event as a significant international film event. Increased community participation in this event is resulting in growing recognition of the film and creative industry and its rising importance to the City. 14 CONCLUSION Support for Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival is integral to the on-going growth and profiling of the film making talent within Gold Coast City. This event has been successful in previous years and demonstrates growth at a local, regional and national level. By continuing Council’s strong support for Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival, Council will be demonstrating a commitment to its Economic Development Strategy and ongoing efforts to establish the City’s image as a pre-eminent destination for film and film related activities. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 18 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 2 (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT No 411 FILM FANTASTIC PD330/792/357/08(P1) 15 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows: 1 That Council acknowledges and supports Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival as a key initiative intended to raise the profile and awareness of the City’s film makers. 2 That Council approves the allocation of $25,000 from the 2008/09 Economic Development Branch budget (JE66 Creative Industries) subject to the proponent securing two other corporate or government cash sponsors. 3 That the Chief Executive Officer (Director EDMP) conveys a copy of this report (via email where practical) and Council’s resolutions for their information to: a b c Professor Bruce Molloy – Interim Chair of the Board, Gold Coast Film Fantastic Mr Alex Fischer - Project Manager, Gold Coast Film Fantastic Ms Lynne Benzie - President, Warner Roadshow Studios Author: Jo-anne Moore Industry Development Officer 22 January 2008 Authorised by: Darren Scott Director Economic Development and Major Projects COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION EC08.0205.002 moved Cr McDonald seconded Cr La Castra 1 That Council acknowledges and supports Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival as a key initiative intended to raise the profile and awareness of the City’s film makers. 2 That Council approves the allocation of $25,000 from the 2008/09 Economic Development Branch budget (JE66 Creative Industries) subject to the proponent securing two other corporate or government cash sponsors. 3 That the Chief Executive Officer (Director EDMP) conveys a copy of this report (via email where practical) and Council’s resolutions for their information to: a b c Professor Bruce Molloy – Interim Chair of the Board, Gold Coast Film Fantastic Mr Alex Fischer - Project Manager, Gold Coast Film Fantastic Ms Lynne Benzie - President, Warner Roadshow Studios CARRIED FILM FANTASTIC ATTACHMENT 2.1 Gold Coast City Film Industry - Event Calendar 2008 Event Australian International Movie Convention Date 1–4 September 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic Festival 6 – 19 October 2008 Screen Producers Association of Australia Conference 12 – 14 November 2008 Inside Film (IF) Awards 13 November 2008 Asia Pacific Screen Awards November (date to be released) Description The peak Australian movie industry trade event has been an annual gathering on the Gold Coast since 1944. Held at the Royal Pines Resort the convention includes three days of workshops, forums and seminars discussing the latest industry developments. The 6th Gold Coast Film Fantastic showcases something for everyone as it capitalises on location and culture of the surrounding community, community support with its family component, and international interest as it embraces new technologies. The Screen Producers Association of Australia (SPAA) represents the interests of producers on all issues that affect the business and creative aspects of independent screen production. The annual conference is held over three days and attracts more than 650 delegates, which makes it the largest and most significant screen industry gathering in this part of the world. The Lexus Inside Film Awards are the people's choice awards for Australian films. The Lexus Inside Film Awards celebrate and champion Australian film and creative talent. The Inside Film Awards creates a unique dialogue between Australian filmmakers and their audience, supports and promotes Australian cinema and invigorates a national screen culture. The Asia Pacific Screen Awards is a collaboration involving CNN International, UNESCO and the FIAPF — International Federation of Film Producers Associations. Feature programs produced by the Asia Pacific Screen Awards in association with CNN International will be broadcast to a global audience showcasing the works and personalities of Asia-Pacific filmmakers. Current as at 22 January 2008. ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FILM FANTASTIC ATTACHMENT 2.2 Gold Coast Film Fantastic 2008 – Major Event Risk Assessment Checklist Risk Level Criteria 1 Event concept. 2 Visitor numbers /delegates/exhibitors Officer Comments Event Specification The Gold Coast Film Fantastic (GCFF) will be Australia’s premier Feature Film Festival as it capitalises on location and culture of the surrounding community, community support with its Family component, and International interest as it embraces New Technologies. For 2008 will be held on the Gold Coast from 16-19 October 2008 incorporating specific activities, across a number of venues within the City based upon the following themes: a Sports-themed programming; b Local programming; and c Fantasy programming. 9,000 attendees to the screenings, workshops and various other fan based events are anticipated. Satisfactory (Yes, No, N/A) Yes Yes anticipated. 3 (Consider the need for external advice from specialists in the relevant industry sector and/or a rigorous methodology for testing proponents’ claims.) 4 Market segment/source of visitors ie international, interstate (this has a strong relationship to bed nights sold and economic benefits). 5 Venue booked? 6 Proposed dates (any known major clashes?) 7 Event budget including marketing expenditure. N/a Yes Approximately 80% of attendees are expected to be Gold Coast residents and with the reminder of attendees to be attracted from surrounding government regions. Yes Robina Community Centre Yes Negotiations underway also with 1. Readings Cinemas Harbour Town; 2. Birch Carroll & Coyle Cinemas Pacific Fair and Robina Town Centre; and 3. Gold Coast Arts Centre. 16 – 19 October 2008 Yes Undisclosed and not required Yes ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FILM FANTASTIC ATTACHMENT 2.3 8 Profile of other proposed sponsors. Sponsorship negotiation underway with the following potential sponsors. Public Sponsors a Gold Coast City Council b Gold Coast Film c Gold Coast Sports Taskforce d The Australian Film Commission e Queensland Events f The Pacific Film and Television Commission g Queensland State Government h Festivals Australia Yes Private Sponsors a Warner Bros. Movie World b Pepsi c Poweraide d Billabong e Globe f Conrad Jupiters g Kewday - skateboards h Gold Coast Sporing Hall of Fame i Style Print j Sports Super Centre k Three Plus Consultants l Gold Medal Popcorn Industry Sponsors a Warner Roadshow Studios b Panavision c Avid Australia d Provisual e Apple f Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) g Cutting Edge h Just add makeup Video Game Sponsors a EA Sports b Sony Play Station Educational Sponsors a Griffith University b Bond University c Gold Coast Institute of TAFE Media Sponsors a Gold Coast Bulletin b 105.7 - Radio Metro c Film Inc. Magazine Sports Sponsors a Gold Coast Titans b Gold Coast Blaze c Surf life saving Queensland d Special Olympics Queensland Location Sponsors a The Gold Coast Arts Centre b Readings Cinema or BCC Robina or BBC Pacific Fair ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FILM FANTASTIC ATTACHMENT 2.4 9 Event history or inaugural/entrepreneurial event. 10 In the case of established events, three years of financial statements should be requested. 11 Is the event established or an inaugural event (an inaugural event is likely to be higher risk)? 12 If it is an established event, detailed information regarding the last three events should be obtained, including: Financial statements b) Venues c) Attendances d) Caution: Very large attendance levels at previous events held in the Northern hemisphere or Asia may not apply here. The event commenced in 2002 and has steadily grown during this time. This year will see the event spread across the City at a number of screening venues. Have seen financials as part of previous sponsorship. Event History Established Event – 2008 will be the events 5th year of operation. The GCFF previous outcome reports have been reviewed and accepted. Yes N/A Yes Yes e) Ask for country by country breakdown of delegates at the last event (if an established event) 13 Who is the host organisation? Is the host organisation well known/supported within the target market? Host Organisation The Gold Coast Film Fantastic board is comprised of a mix of film industry professionals, professional service individuals (accountant – legal services) and university academics. Yes 14 What is the structure of the host organisation (company, association etc)? Not for profit company Yes 15 Does the host organisation have a locally based legal entity? Yes – the Gold Coast Film Fantastic is based within Gold Coast City. Yes 16 What is the history of the host organisation (how long established, directors/principals, members etc)? The event commenced in 2002 under the direction of the Film Fantastic board. Current board members include: • Bruce Molloy – Interim Chairman of the Board Gold Coast Film Fantastic • Julie Anderson – Project Co-ordinator • Chris Brown • George Friend • James Goodwin • Julie Mikeska • Geoff Smith Yes ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FILM FANTASTIC ATTACHMENT 2.5 17 Will decisions concerning the conference be made here, or by the host organisation representatives interstate or overseas? Is there a local event committee and who is on it? What experiences do the committee members and/or host organisation have with the events? Have they appointed a Professional Event Manager or Conference Organiser (if yes, does this entity have experience and success with similar types of events)? Does an event business plan exist? What percentage of total event revenue/funding is sought by way of financial and in-kind assistance? Proposed registration/entrance fees. What are the required break even numbers, and is this realistic? Is there an exit strategy in place? Up to six or seven months before an event the organiser should be able to cancel and return money to exhibitors and delegates, although perhaps not sponsors if they have assumed some risk. Provisions for the event to be underwritten in case of loss. GCFF based within Gold Coast City. Yes Management Structure Yes GCFF Board plus additional City volunteers Yes The majority of this committee are local business operators and have experience within coordinating local and national scale events. The GCFF Board have extensive business backgrounds, which ensures that the GCFF will be coordinated appropriately and promoted to a diverse array of participants and industry. Alex Fisher – Project Manager 9 years of international and national experience in creating film festivals. Business Plan Considerations A schedule of events, and planned program exists, but nothing in the form of a formal Business Plan. A outline for a new and improved 2008 festival is presently under development and some components have been disclosed to Council. Yes Yes Yes 90% No Cinema screening fee - gala evening Yes 7,000 – yes Yes Exit strategy to be included within sponsorship agreement. Yes Not applicable. No ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FILM FANTASTIC ATTACHMENT 2.6 Marketing Does a marketing plan exist; what are the promotional opportunities? Specific marketing objectives. What extent of television and other media coverage is projected? What will the event give in return for investment? What will the event give in return for investment? What are the components of the sponsorship package? Marketing and promotion of the GCFF is under development by the GCFF Board. Yes Growing audience participation and engagement within the film sector. Profile of the City’s capabilities. Yes Within the Gold Coast Bulletin and Local Radio. Yes Return on Council investment The likely return for investment will be an increase in exposure of the City’s creative industry sector and promotion of Gold Coast City as a film production industry hub. The likely return for investment will be an increase in exposure of the City’s creative industry sector and promotion of Gold Coast City as a film production industry hub. a The Gold Coast City Council will have the presentation rights to one of the feature films screened in the festival; b The Gold Coast City Council will be promoted as a Principal Sponsor of The Gold Coast Film Fantastic, with logo placement in all key Film Fantastic promotional material; c Gold Coast Film Fantastic will engaged and include collaborative projects in the 2008 program with Gold Coast training providers, students and the Gold Coast Music Industry Association; d Branding across the event would at all times incorporate both Gold Coast City Council and Business GC logos, including the right to brand major events with signage and promotional material; e Gold Coast City Council will be promoted via an advertisement in the official 2008 Gold Coast Film Fantastic program guide; c The Gold Coast City Council will be recognised as an organisation that supports emerging talent, and encourages locals with their personal development and film making skill. Yes Yes Yes ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FILM FANTASTIC ATTACHMENT 2.7 Likely economic impact on the city, including bed nights sold to interstate and international attendees Economic Impact The GCFF generates a high level of local, and regional exposure and obtains state and national media recognition. The festival includes a free and ticketed component at a number of venues across the City (Robina Community Centre, Readings Cinemas etc) which ensures participation from the community and the film industry. Yes Does the event (and those likely to attend it) deal with an area that is of interest to the city? The economic benefit that is generated from this then flows back into the City. The GCFF promotes the capabilities of the City’s Creative Industry sector, which is a key industry for the Economic Development Branch of Council. Does the event represent an important opportunity to promote the city to a targeted group/sector? The GCFF provides an opportunity to showcase the Gold Coast’s business capabilities and talent in the film and creative sector to a diverse audience. Yes Will the event create or contribute to opportunities for tourism, investment, and/or employment within the state? The event has the ability to attract drive tourism. The event employs a range of people from those in the provision of hospitality to more technical for the workshops. Yes Yes ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 19 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 3 Ì ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO 410 MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 LG426/603/-(P13) Refer 23 page Attachment 1 BASIS FOR CONFIDENTIALITY Not applicable. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Not applicable. 3 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to present to Council the minutes and outcomes of the proceedings of the Regional Economic Development Advisory Board (REDAB) meeting held on 5 December 2007, at the Gold Coast Arts Centre, 135 Bundall Road, Bundall, Gold Coast. 4 PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS Council, at its meeting of 12 November 2007, resolved in part G07.112.028: 1 5 That Council notes the Regional Economic Development Advisory Board (REDAB) Minutes from the meeting held on 26 September 2007 at Mitchell Environmental Industry Park, 6 Quinns Hill Road East, Staplyton, Gold Coast. DISCUSSION The Minutes from the REDAB meeting held on 5 December 2007 are attached to this report (refer Attachments 3.1). The meeting was held at Gold Coast Arts Centre, 135 Bundall Road, Bundall, Gold Coast. Items discussed included: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 7 6 Welcome & Apologies; REDAB Industry/Working Party Reports; Presentation by Mr Grayson Perry –REDAB Outcomes Report; Discussion of REDAB, Economic Development Issues and Opportunities; and General Business. STATUTORY MATTERS Not applicable. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 20 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 3 Ì (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO 410 MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 LG426/603/-(P13) 7 CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Strategic Priority 10 Diversify and Strengthen the Economy – To achieve the following outcomes: 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 10.3.5 10.3.6 10.3.7 Continue to place emphasis on the eight key industries identified in the economic development strategy by focusing on sustainable employment opportunities, export development, global recognition, life-long learning and innovation Revitalise the commercial centres of the city through the provision of assistance in developing business and marketing programs with the local business community and enhanced streetscaping (Centre Improvement Program) Continue to work within the Pacific Innovation Corridor Centres to foster Cluster Development and city-wide access to the infrastructure needs of business with a focus on cost effective high speed telecommunications infrastructure Coordinate and manage the Gold Coast Harbour to ensure that the city’s marine gateway is maintained and enhanced Focus on developing international business connections with the aim of increasing the number of firms orientated to exporting with a resultant increase in the number of jobs required by these firms Support infrastructures to retain workforce skills and knowledge based industries as catalysts for buoyant economic activity Develop and implement a Tourism Strategy focused on improving the overall performance of the industry consistent with the objectives of ecologically sustainable development and the Gold Coast Tourism Visioning Project; targeting the development of specific niche markets and the continued development of areas of strategic tourism focus within the city Strategic Priority 11 City Image –To achieve the following outcomes: 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 11.1.4 11.1.5 8 A clean, safe and welcoming city image An accurate and consistent national and global image of the Gold Coast Enhanced presentation of the city for residents and visitors Improved national and international connections, with a focus on trade, investment, education and tourism Global recognition of the city’s strengths and capabilities in terms of business and industry COUNCIL POLICIES Not applicable. 9 DELEGATIONS Not applicable. 10 BUDGET/FUNDING All projects discussed at REDAB and various working party meetings are currently funded from the Economic Development Branch Budget for 2007/08. 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 21 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 3 Ì (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO 410 MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 LG426/603/-(P13) 11 COORDINATION & CONSULTATION REDAB members are consulted in the development of an annual program of initiatives and projects that are currently underway or under investigation by members and REDAB working groups. 12 TIMING A date for the next REDAB meeting has not been set. The term of REDAB is based on four years, or the life of the current Council. As per Section 367(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, an Advisory Committee must not be appointed as a standing committee, therefore it is bound to the abovementioned terms. Council elections will be conducted 17 March 2008. A report will be provided to the new Council regarding the continuation of REDAB as an advisory committee. 13 STAKEHOLDER IMPACTS REDAB provides industry leadership and input into the City’s Economic Development Strategy and supports its subsequent implementation, to broaden and deepen the economic base of the City. Additionally it advises Council on issues related to industry development in the City, ensuring such issues are raised and addressed. 14 CONCLUSION Council officers support the information contained in the minutes to the 5 December 2007 meeting of REDAB, at the Gold Coast Arts Centre, 135 Bundall Road, Bundall, Gold Coast. 15 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council resolves as follows: 1 That Council note the Regional Economic Development Advisory Board (REDAB) Minutes from the meeting held on 5 December 2007. 2 That Council note the success achieved by REDAB in the development and implementation of the Economic Development Strategy 2010. 3 That the Chief Executive Officer (Director EDMP) forwards a copy of this report and Council’s resolutions to all REDAB members. Author: Authorised by: Anne Norton-Knight Coordinator Economic Development Darren Scott Director Economic Development and Major Projects 25 January 2008 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 22 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 3 Ì (CONTINUED) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO 410 MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 LG426/603/-(P13) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION EC08.0205.003 moved Cr Young seconded Cr Douglas 2 That Council note the Regional Economic Development Advisory Board (REDAB) Minutes from the meeting held on 5 December 2007. 2 That Council note the success achieved by REDAB in the development and implementation of the Economic Development Strategy 2010. 3 That the Chief Executive Officer (Director EDMP) forwards a copy of this report and Council’s resolutions to all REDAB members. CARRIED MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.1 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.2 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.3 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.4 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.5 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.6 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.7 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.8 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.9 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.10 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.11 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.12 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.13 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.14 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.15 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.16 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.17 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.18 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.19 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.20 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.21 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.22 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REDAB MEETING 5 DECEMBER 2007 ATTACHMENT 3.23 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 23 ADOPTED MINUTES ITEM 4 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS GENERAL BUSINESS 2007 MISSIONS OUTCOMES REPORT CS105/227/01 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION EC08.0205.004 moved Cr Young seconded Cr Betts That the Director EDMP bring forward a summary report of Outcomes of Overseas Missions undertaken by Councillors and Senior officers on 2007 CARRIED 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 24 ADOPTED MINUTES CLOSED SESSION SECTION 463 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 PROCEDURAL MOTION moved Cr McDonald seconded Cr La Castra That the Committee move into Closed Session pursuant to Section 463 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Reprint No. 4), for consideration of the following items for the reason shown:- Item 5 Subject DIRECTOR DISCUSSION Reason Prejudice Matter CARRIED PROCEDURAL MOTION moved Cr McDonald seconded Cr La Castra That Committee move into Open Session CARRIED 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 ITEM 5 GENERAL BUSINESS DIRECTOR DISCUSSION CM787/790/04 25 ADOPTED MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MAJOR PROJECTS No Recommendation was made at this time 472nd Council Meeting 11 February 2008 Economic and Cultural Development Meeting 5 February 2008 26 ADOPTED MINUTES I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THESE PAGES NUMBERS 1 to 26 CONSTITUTE THE ADOPTED MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF 5 FEBRUARY 2008 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. CHAIRPERSON