New Prayer Tower at Bengaluru under Construction:


New Prayer Tower at Bengaluru under Construction:
My beloved friend in Christ,
Before I begin to pour out my
heart I took a few minutes to pray
for you from the bottom of my
heart that this month of April would
be a month of blessing for you. I
have prayed for blessings in your
personal life; upon your family,
upon your business, profession and
all the works of your hands and the
blessings for which you have been
desiring and waiting. Let me also
give you a promise from the unfailing word of God. Get this word
straight into your heart.
“Your sun shall no longer go
down, nor shall your moon withdraw itself; For the Lord will be
your everlasting light, and the
days of your mourning shall be
( Isaiah 60:20)
Since God Himself will be your
light, you will shine. Every aspect
of your life will shine. Even as you
are reading this letter you might be
sitting in darkness. You might be
waiting for a miracle to happen in
your life. But God will shine His
light upon your darkness and transform your sorrow into joy.
When Jesus was living in this
world a great sorrowful incident
happened in Mary’s and Martha’s
lives. Their brother Lazarus, whom
they loved so much, died and immersed the whole family into deep
sorrow. Martha and Mary were
filled with tears. It was at that time
Jesus entered the situation. And the
Bible records saying, “Jesus Wept.”
Look at the God whose heart is
moved to tears when He sees His
Jesus Calls
April 2016 
beloved also in tears, a God who
shared their sorrow; felt their pain
and like them, wept! (John 11:35).
And note that Jesus was not just a
sympathizer. He just did not stop
with weeping helplessly. He went
ahead and performed a historical
miracle. He called out to a man
who was dead since 4 days and
said, “Come out!”. And the man
Lazarus came alive! Friend! You
and I have the same Jesus in us.
He will bring back your dead losses
alive. He will restore your losses
and give you new life.
New Prayer Tower at
Bengaluru under
Bengaluru is a growing cosmopolitan city in south Indian state
called Karnataka. Around 10 mil-
lion precious souls are living in that
city. In a very important part of that
city is a place called “Frazer
Town” and it is here that the
“Prayer Tower” is being constructed in 30,000 sq.feet land.
This Prayer Tower will keep on
raining prayers for blessings upon
the people of Karnataka, and the
leaders of Karnataka, round-theclock. Yes! 24X7 hours!
The Prayer Tower will house a
Spiritual Counselling Centre
through which in a month around
25,000 people will get prayed-in
person, an auditorium where continuous prayer meetings will be conducted, a Chapel and a Training
Centre (Prayer Academy) to train
prayer warriors to pray fervently
for the people who visit the Tower.
This is one beautiful opportunity
for you to sow your seed of faith.
You can participate in the building
of this house of God by sending in your generous donations through
our website
You can also personally drop it at
the Prayer Tower near your place.
Come share-in the blessings. Build
God’s house and God will build your
house (2 Samuel 7:11)
Prayer Conference
God has given us the mission
of taking His love; His compassion
and His healing power, to the millions of people in India and around
the world - people of every nation,
tribe and language. This can be
done, not only by training people to
pray effectively for themselves but
also to pray fervently for others.
This has to be done through teaching them under the direction and
guidance of God. We have therefore planned to raise a group of
people who can pray powerfully
and by walking with the Jesus Calls
Ministries, prepare the world for the
second Coming of Jesus Christ.
“... these women who laboured
with me in the gospel, with.. the
rest of my fellow workers, whose
names are in the Book of Life.”
(Philippians 4:3)
As described in this verse, I
want to raise-up associate evangelists for the cause of the Gospel.
The Prayer Academy has been
started to give them an opportunity
to co-labour with us and thus fulfil
God’s calling upon their lives. We
are working on conducting a Prophetic conference in Chennai from
27th May, 2016 to 29 May 2016.
We will be teaching and training
you on the prayers of my family
and I, the different facets of the
ministry and various other aspects.
We are also making arrangements
to make the sessions conducted not
only in English and Tamil, but also
in many other languages. This conference will enable the participants
to get trained as Jesus Calls Prayer
Intercessors, Jesus Calls Associate Evangelists, and Jesus Calls
Ambassadors. So I extend a very
warm welcome to you to come
and participate in this conference.
Let’s put our hearts and hands together and prepare our world for
the Second Coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Please note that Prior
Registration is important for this
conference. Please look into the
special advertisements on this Conference in the pages of this magazine to get more details regarding
the same. You can also register
through the Jesus Calls website at
Your Part in
Saving Many
The Lord is graciously using our
family in carrying the comforting
and delivering truths of God to
many nations, to perform miracles,
Jesus Calls
April 2016 
signs and wonders and to bring
health and well being to them, and
through these acts of love and compassion draw them unto Himself .
The work of building the house of
God, - Prayer Tower and Spiritual
Counselling centres, is happening
continuously. I here below would
like to give you a few details of the
future mission and plead your precious prayers for the same:
May 2016 - Opening New Prayer
Towers in Guwahati and Shillong.
May 21,22 - Family Blessing
Meeting at Trivandrum, Kerala
May 20-22 - Shillong Prayer
Festival (Meghalaya)
May27-29 - Prophetic Conference at Chennai.
June 3-5 - Jeypore Prayer Festival, Odhisa.
September 29 - Opening Prayer
Tower at Amritsar (Punjab)
September 30 - Amritsar Prayer
Festival, Punjab.
October 15-16 - Kochi Prayer
Just imagine how much God
will be pleased with you when you
gratefully respond for the blessings
He has given you, by partaking in
His work of conducting these many
Prayer Festivals, through which
thousands and millions of hurt, hungry, desperate and sick and hopeless people will find healing, deliverance, comfort and peace. Pray
and decide today your part in this
great mission of God. We will be
sowing every bit of your precious
offering into the mission of taking
the love of God, we will be sowing
every bit of your precious offering
into the mission of taking the love
of God to people, and you will partner with us in the harvest too – the
harvest of abundant blessings upon
you and your family. You are welcome to give your support at the
nearest Jesus Calls Prayer Tower
or through online giving at, you can also
send through post. Our God who
sees your act of love will bless you
without measure.
Come! Pray at Israel
Prayer Tower
A 24X7 chain prayer is being
conducted at Israel Prayer Tower
at Jerusalem, Israel. You can have
the joy and blessing of participating in this chain prayer. If you want
more details on this please feel
free to dial +91 9500996470 and
the attending person will be glad to
guide you.
We have also planned Holy
Land Tour to Jordan, Israel and
Egypt. You can access here details
by calling 044-65556841/42/43. Or
email us @ [email protected]
/ [email protected]
Or click into
Get ready for this awesome tour
by beginning to pray and prepare
for it. You’ll enjoy every bit of this
historical experience as you live
through the days of our Lord Jesus
Christ where He lived, walked,
died and was resurrected. It’s just
not a mere tour. We also want you
to experience the touch and presence of God in this biblical land and
so we are organizing a prophetic
conference for you at Israel, as
part of the tour.
Your Children at
Karunya University
Meticulous arrangements have
been made for you to easily get the
Application forms for admission
into the Karunya University in all
Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, selected post offices and branches of
the Tamil Nadu Mercantile bank.
Most of the students of Karunya
are being wanted, recruited and
placed in attractive positions in sev-
eral MNCs, through Campus Interviews. You’ll be glad to know
that the leading newspaper called
“The Pioneer” has awarded the
Karunya University a “Five Star
Status!” for more details you need
to just call through toll free number : 1800 425 4300 or visit
We are happy to inform you
the Jharkhand state Government
has permitted us to start Karunya
University in that state. We request
your prayers for the fulfilment of
this project.
Karunya Christian
We are conducting a school the
Karunya Christian School in the
Karunya Campus. The school follows the CBSE syllabus. The
school conducts classes from K.G.
standard to X std. and for students
from IV std. there are high class
hostels built-separate for boys and
girls. You can have more details
09487846615/0422-2615629 /
[email protected]
and You will pave a
way for a bright future for your
child by putting him or her in
Karunya Christian School. Act
Prayer for the Leaders
Come! Praise God with me for
opening opportunities for us to meet
with our leaders Honourable chief
minister of Jharkhand, Mr.
Raghubar Das, and Honourable
Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
Mr. Chandrababu Naidu (1 Timothy 2:2).
Pray for Us
It is our only passion and goal
to fulfil and complete the ministries
that God gives into our hands in
perfect accordance with His will
Jesus Calls
April 2016 
and His way. This mission demands our continuous work without rest and hectic travel schedules. We plead with you as a family to pray for the health, protection, anointing and guidance of God
for me, my wife Evangeline, precious mother Stella Dhinakaran,
and children Samuel, Sharon and
Stella Ramola. Pray and praise God
specially for Evangeline who
would be celebrating her birthday
on the 24th April, she needs your
fervent prayers. Please pray that
God may bless Evangeline and enable her by His grace and power
to take meticulous care of the family and the ministry at the same
time which is a Himalayan task.
Pray that God anoints her with a
never before new anointing so that
she could present the Gospel to
millions in India and around the
world with power, signs and wonders. Pray that she be filled with
spiritual gifts, to take healing to the
hungry and thirsty masses.
I’ve prayed for you during
which time I have received a promise for you from God. Let me quote
it to you:
“And the ransomed of the Lord
shall return, and come to Zion
with singing, with everlasting joy
on their heads. They shall obtain
joy and gladness, and sorrow and
sighing shall flee away.”
(Isaiah 35:10)
Its my sincere prayer and faith
that His word will become true in
your life and you’ll experience reward for despair and struggle as
the filling of happiness and joy in
your hearts. Always praying for
Your beloved brother,
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.