Amsterdam connects the rest of the world
Amsterdam connects the rest of the world
Volume 3 | October 2013 04 Amsterdam 09 Perspective 20 Zuidas development How the city of Amsterdam strives to attract foreign companies Demographic developments positive for Amsterdam real estate market Cooperation will have to lead to a lively district in Amsterdam ‘Amsterdam connects the rest of the world’ 09 25 Real estate and healthcare How Bouwinvest explores the healthcare real estate market Foreword 3 C&A has an illustrious 172-year history “We’re currently finalising plans with Top Vastgoed during which time the clothing store who have been commissioned by Bouwinvest to founded by the Brenninkmeijer brothers, redevelop the premises. Once the construction Mayors of major cities around the world portfolio in the city, Bouwinvest is are increasingly having a greater say in currently developing a further six Clemens and August, has grown into an interna- phases have been scheduled, work will start at the their affairs than their country’s prime locations involving a sum of 400 million tional business with 1,500 outlets in 20 European end of the year. It’ll be a fairly complex operation minister. Since international borders are euros, which amounts to an investment countries. The first store was opened in Sneek becoming less and less distinct, a mayor of of 10,000 euros per newcomer. It repre- and others soon followed in Groningen and a city such as Amsterdam – if he is doing sents an effective investment, since Amsterdam. The Amsterdam store on the his job properly - can help consolidate its Amsterdam has an undersupply of Damrak has always played an important rol status on the world scene. His task is to housing in the liberalised rental sector. and is viewed at C&A as the springboard for muster all the support that is necessary. In the long term, we are heading towards European expansion. ‘This is the biggest renovation I have experienced in my career’ a so-called Delta Metropolis, with The Hague keen to expand its law-based and The headquarters of C&A Nederland were also because the store will remain open while the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area stand international institutions, Rotterdam based here until the late 1980s and it was from renovation work is being carried out. Only the at the Expo Real. We strongly believe in its transport and logistical services, and these offices that collections were bought in floors and the support columns will remain intact, capitalising on the Amsterdam brand. Amsterdam a greater accessibility and an for its Dutch stores. With European expansion, the rest will be gutted and fully refurbished. Large cities like Amsterdam are able effective knowledge-based infrastructure. the fashion chain centralised its purchasing It's the biggest renovation I’ve experienced in to achieve wide support for on-going This will bring about a Delta Metropolis activities, with operations for women’s clothing my career. It’s as if there’ll be a completely development, attracting as they do with dynamic regions, an effective infra- moving to Düsseldorf and operations for men’s new building.” large numbers of people and economic structure and a strong green lung at its and children’s clothing moving to Vilvoorde. activities, thus creating a snowball effect. heart. This means there’s a lot of work The European headquarters of the company are This extensive overhaul will result in C&A’s first In the last few years alone, 40,000 people ahead for mayors and investors alike! now in Düsseldorf and Vilvoorde respectively. ‘Flagship Store’ in the Netherlands. “We’re going Colofon Published by Editorial concept Bouwinvest Business Development, La Guardiaweg 4 Marketing and Communications Amsterdam viervier strategisch ontwerp Dick van Hal, CEO ‘Real estate investments in Amsterdam are inflation-proof’ PO Box 56045 1040 AA Amsterdam Graphic design T +31 (0)20 – 677 1600 viervier strategisch ontwerp Nevertheless, according to Rob Zeedijk, C&A’s renovation. This new concept, designed by C&A Building & Real Estate Manager for the Benelux, Europe, was recently rolled out in Madrid and the Damrak store still holds a special place. Paris and is now being launched in Düsseldorf “This is probably because it was the first large and later in Amsterdam. These are large stores store. C&A grew from this base in Amsterdam, on lots of floors. In Amsterdam, the concept so there have always been emotional ties with will be modified: every flagship store will have the city and this spot in particular.” theme suited to the city. In fact, it will serve as 3 35 anSarasola examplehas forcomplete all the other C&A stores the Founder Kiki 9 Amsterdam offers 25 inFuture for investment explains Zeedijk, who that The 1960s building will shortly be given a complete confidence Netherlands”, that the ambitious project good opportunities inadmits healthcare real estate 1960s look of the premises really does facelift. storeDutch is in need of an overhaul and will be a bigthe success. Ideal timeThe to enter How doneed Bowinvest’s (international) renovation will ensure that the space in the real-estate market a makeover. “The current plans, which include tenants view Amsterdam? new façade, will do the Amsterdam store healthcare industry is on The Dutch The the Zuidas – a home justice.” the premises are being used theideal present, for the city more invest in the Netherlands, now’satthe the threshold of a new era of sweeping lovers is used more effectively. “Only 60%20 of Forbuilding real estate investors who want to resttoisenter empty; the centre of most Amsterdam, that’s time thefor market. As the Besides offices, there’s room for changes. This will also impact the a cryingand shame”, Zeedijkreal-estate believes. There are housing now dynamic transparent too requirements for healthcare real estate. plans to redesign the property so that it canThe be Zuidas is being transformed from market, Amsterdam offers the best Bouwinvest is already looking to the 4 Amsterdam: the organizer used in its entirety. opportunities in the Netherlands. a chiefly office-based district into a future and exploring opportunities to vibrant residential neighbourhood where invest in healthcare real estate. Cooperation inside and outside work and home-life mix. The first phase the metropolis 14 Room Mate: affordable luxury of development, Gershwin, is more or And more Executive Councillor, Caroline Gehrels, Amsterdam fits in with our philosophy less complete. 1,300 rental and owner- Menno Wigman Poem 28 Print and Managing Director of amsterdam Despite the crisis, the Spanish hotel occupied homes in a range of price 3x Amsterdam 29 Akxifo inbusiness, Hilde van der Meer tell us chain, Room Mate, continues to expand. categories are coming on stream. about the initiatives they’ve launched to Their latest hotel is at the IJdock. F +31 (0)20 – 677 1700 [email protected] Copy and editing Bouwinvest Monique Harmsen Coordination and editing Business Development, Photography Marketing and Communications Twan de Veer attract foreign companies to Amsterdam. inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 its large existing residential real estate to implement our new store concept with the inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 2 moved into Amsterdam. In addition to inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 This year, Bouwinvest will be manning market The location close to Schiphol Airport is one of Amsterdam’s cooperation within and outside the metropolitan area USP’s for international companies. Amsterdam: the organizer Amsterdam is a small and compact international metropolis, and in this respect it distinguishes itself from other large cities. Businesses 5 enjoy the fact that Amsterdam is so well connected with the rest of the world via its airport, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, its port and the largest internet hub in the world, AMS-IX. At the same time, when businesses move here, they find it not only easy to move around the metropolitan region, but also beyond it. Hilde van der Meer, managing director of Amsterdam inbussines Magnetisme Since 2007, it has been amsterdam inbusiness’ Businesses that have their headquarters in primary task to attract foreign businesses to Amsterdam often operate from other bases in Amsterdam and to facilitate these businesses. the Netherlands too. We try to encourage that, Initially, the Investment Agency focused solely on because it’s not just about cooperation within Amsterdam, but since 2008 four local authorities – the Amsterdam urban region, but with other Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Haarlemmermeer and cities, like Eindhoven, Wageningen, The Hague Almere – which form part of the metropolitan and Rotterdam as well. The mayor of Amsterdam region, have pooled their budgets and human and his municipal executive play a key role in this. resources in amsterdam inbusiness to handle If Amsterdam is doing well, then the rest of the the market together. country will follow. inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 4 market We use a range of tools to identify foreign several research institutes with which there businesses and then interest them in moving has been little cooperation up to now. That was to the Netherlands. We work closely with the evident from the marketing. Now there is a direct Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), link made with the conference market – globally which is part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Amsterdam is ranked the seventh most popular Affairs. They have 18 offices in a number of destination for conferences – and with tourism overseas countries where there are companies and the hotel industry. Since early 2013, city eager to enter the European market. But we also marketing for the metropolitan region – for get in touch with companies, for example, via residents, visitors and businesses alike – has been desk research or the service provision network. brought together in a single central organisation: Sometimes you’ll attract a business in a specific Amsterdam Marketing. sector and a few weeks later another company in the same sector will follow. In that case, we carry Combination of factors out market research to identify similar businesses Many companies come to Amsterdam to sell their and get in touch via the NFIA network, or we invite products on the European market, so we also them to Amsterdam for a conference or simply a have a strong logistics industry. Take a Chinese working visit. business, for example, that markets telecom where this can be done from a central location, In addition to other organisations, amsterdam Amsterdam ticks most of the boxes. This has a inbusiness also works intensively with the lot to do with its connectivity, the availability of Amsterdam Economic Board, a platform in which talent and more relaxed regulations, but also the 6 top business people, government representatives quality of life and the service providers in and and centres of learning share their know-how and around the capital. Other companies are drawn to networks, and work with each other to consolidate Amsterdam because of the added value that the the business climate and the innovative power of presence of businesses in a specific cluster offers. 7 the region. Prompted by market demand, amsterdam Although Amsterdam has a number of success- inbusiness concentrates its efforts on specific ful clusters already, little has been done with sectors and countries. In Asia, these are Japan, orientation, whilst cities in Germany, France knowledge-based institutes: there are two Korea, China, India and Taiwan. But amsterdam and the UK concentrate more on their domestic excellent universities on our doorstep and inbusiness focuses on America too, which accounts markets. This means that Amsterdam is extremely for 40-50% of projects annually, and the growth efficient and cheap in the international world of markets in Brazil and Turkey. Around 30% of consultancy. There are plenty of English-language Hilde van der Meer is the managing director all projects come from European countries, for service providers in the UK of course, but for of amsterdam inbusiness which attracts and example, Scandinavian businesses that feel that knowledge of the European market specialists facilitates international businesses to move to the marketing, sales and logistics can be better served are required. In the UK, you can pay a lot of money Amsterdam. Businesses always seek out the best Amsterdam metropolitan region on behalf of four from Amsterdam than from a city in Scandinavia. for this. In the Netherlands on the other hand, this place to carry out specific activities and, more local authorities: Haarlemmermeer, Amstelveen, For instance, Adidas’ marketing and sales operati- know-how is easier to find because the focus goes often than not, Amsterdam fits the bill because Almere and Amsterdam. Van der Meer is also the ons are based in Amsterdam. This is because of the beyond just the Netherlands alone and English is of the favourable price-quality ratio here. What’s deputy managing director of Economische Zaken know-how and skills in the city, the logistics and the lingua franca in the service sector. more, there are also many service companies such Amsterdam and sits on the strategic consultative the presence of international advertising agencies. inbusiness committee with Amsterdam Marketing, ‘If Amsterdam is doing well, then the rest of te country will follow’ as LinkedIn, Groupon and, all of From the very outset, amsterdam inbusiness which started small and are now seeing huge the Amsterdam Economic Board and Economische International services has seen the number of international businesses growth. We have a large number of businesses Zaken which deals with the economic aspects of the It’s precisely because we’re so compact that we’ve in Amsterdam grow. In 2008, we had around 90 to like this in the city and we hope to grow these in metropolitan region. In 2012, Van der Meer received always had such good contact with the rest of 100 companies, the following year this was 113, the future. the world. Amsterdam has a strong international and last year 126 foreign companies located to the Public Sector Manager of the year award. inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 Cooperation inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 products. If they’re looking for a market in Europe market vision Carolien Gehrels, executive councillor for Our strong position can only be sustained by staying alert to international developments, Economic Affairs, Art & Culture, Local Media, being receptive to the needs of international business and responding as adequately as possible Water Management, Monuments, Businesses, to these. We approach companies proactively, in close cooperation with the Netherlands Foreign Participations, Business Operations and Investment Agency. We also establish lasting ties with businesses and ensure first and foremost Purchasing in Amsterdam and also deputy mayor. that they feel at home in the capital and can work effectively. ideal time to enter dutch real estate market Amsterdam offers attractive prospects Amsterdam’s greatest opportunity is also its greatest challenge: the role that cities play in the Now is as good a time as any for investors to enter the Dutch real global economy is growing. An increasing number 8 Alert to international developments of economic activities are now focused on major A healthy business climate is an essential prerequi- centres of population. In this respect, Amsterdam site for Amsterdam. In fact, it’s one of the priorities has a strong position, but competition is increasing. which has been identified by the municipal We aim to remain one of the strongest regions in executive, our business community and centres Europe. Cooperation with the region, other Dutch of learning. In concrete terms, this means that cities, the business community and centres of we’re constantly seeking out opportunities and learning is crucial to this. To this end, we’re new openings, and trying to overcome obstacles focussing on strong clusters which will enable as quickly as possible. the region to play a pioneering role on the national estate market. After five to six years of decreasing values, the market currently finds itself in an upward swing. What’s more, the Dutch real estate sector shows all the signs of an excellent long-term risk-benefit ratio. 9 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 As it is, Amsterdam is a major draw for businesses Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, KLM and the region is and talent alike. We aim to consolidate this a good example of what we can achieve by working position and ensure that it stays that way. together. Schiphol is one of the top three airports We can do this by setting up a new technology in Europe. institute, for example, and encouraging the The Dutch real estate market also provides foreign According to Koot, there’s a perfectly reasonable investors with an opportunity to diversify their explanation for that: in addition to size, dynamics real estate portfolio. and growth prospects, data on the Amsterdam real market to expand the number of mid-range rental Major economic growth and employment oppor- properties for first-time buyers and international tunities will be generated by the technology sector talent by investing in culture, such as the public in the coming years, so it’s imperative for a city Transparent market transparent than anywhere else. For foreign library, the Stadsschouwburg municipal theatre, like Amsterdam to respond to these developments. Amsterdam offers the best opportunities in the investors, the Amsterdam real estate market is the EYE Film Institute, the Rijksmuseum and other We’re constantly seeking ways to entice know- Netherlands. In all sectors, the city has the most characterised by excellent accessibility and cultural institutes, and through city marketing ledge-based institutes, companies and talent to comprehensive, dynamic and transparent real availability of assets. What’s more, it’s a stable and acquisition. the city. One important aspect is that they add estate market. Amsterdam also provides excellent market, which – from an international perspective – value to the city. prospects with its population set to increase over shows little volatility. estate market is readily available, making it more the next decade. Demographic developments With Eberhard van der Laan in the office of mayor for the next few years, Amsterdam is clearly intent “Amsterdam is the city with the highest core- Demographic trends are working in Amsterdam’s on consolidating its international status; the same investment profile among foreign investors”, favour, too. While other parts of the Netherlands can be said of the municipal executive and the claims Bouwinvest’s Research Manager, Robert are experiencing negative or – at best – stable Carolien Gehrels, in her capacity as executive council. I firmly believe that this determination Koot. “When it comes to Europe, Asian investors, levels of population growth, the population and councillor for Economic Affairs and deputy will only increase in the coming years. Amsterdam for example, are attracted first and foremost to households in Amsterdam are expected to grow mayor, has the task to attract foreign investors cannot, however, succeed without the backing of London and Paris. If they look at the countries in numbers over the next decade. This will have a to Amsterdam. a strong central government, and vice versa. beyond, such as the Netherlands, Amsterdam is clear impact on the residential market. executive councillor usually at the top of the list.” inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 and international stage. The collaboration between vision “Demand for rented property in Amsterdam is Using Bouwinvest’s Global Market Monitor – a self- Neither is the picture in the residential market “For the time being, Bouwinvest is focusing its in- still enormous and that will remain the case”, developed system for monitoring international unequivocal, although a lot of foreign investors ternational campaign on the housing market. “Our Koot forecasts. “In particular, liberalised rented real estate markets using consistent methods of are missing out on the fact that investment in view is that the housing market will be the first to housing with monthly rental charges of between collating available market know-how – Koot is able the Dutch residential market can bring rewards. recover. Across the market as a whole, it will take €700 and €1,100 is extremely popular. Compared to identify Amsterdam’s strengths and weaknesses. “A lot of work still has to be done to give the office and retail property longer to turn the coner. market an international profile.” In Koot’s view, to the German market, where 40% of residential property consists of owner-occupied housing Broad economic basis attitudes towards the residential market among and the other 60% of liberalised rented housing, The city’s strength lies in its economic diversity, international investors are strongly influenced the situation in the Netherlands is exactly making it is less vulnerable to economic cycles. by the office sector. If you zero in on the housing the opposite, with 60% of residential property While Amsterdam has a strong financial services market, it’s clear that the owner-occupied market owner-occupied and 40% rented, most of latter sector, it also has a well-developed tourist industry: has suffered over the last five to six years and being in the regulated market. The liberalised it is the eighth most popular conference destina- experienced diminishing values. Those are the market is relatively small.” tion worldwide and the city has a strong creative kind of signals that the foreign media pick up on. ‘The worldwide trend towards urbanisation is expected to continue over the coming decades’ community. What’s more, the Netherlands has a In the long term, offices can represent a great market and decreasing values have also been ‘In all sectors, Amsterdam has the most comprehensive, dynamic and transparent real estate market’ investment opportunity. Dutch offices, especially Schiphol plays a key role in the city’s accessibility reflected in our valuations. Nevertheless, those at the Zuidas, are attractively priced again. and development. “There are few cities in the Amsterdam has remained relatively buoyant. Even if there’s no upward trend in values over the world whose airport is just 5 to 10 minutes away. Even during the ‘crisis years’, rent and occupancy next ten years, returns of 7 to 8% are still possible. Likewise, the knowledge infrastructure, a tax- levels, the basis for the cash flow, remained stable. In this case, I’m referring to offices that occupy friendly climate and the availability of a highly The crisis also presents opportunities: people multifunctional locations and are accessible by qualified, English-speaking population, are seen are choosing to rent rather than buy property. various means of transport, for which there will as major advantages in raising Amsterdam’s In 2011 and 2012, we have actually managed to inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 10 still be demand over the next ten years. However, The worldwide trend towards urbanisation is international profile. raise average rent levels in our portfolio. This can we are assuming that indirect yields will rise again only be achieved in a market where housing is over the next decade.” expected to continue over the coming decades 11 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 “Of course, the downturn in the owner-occupied relatively stable economic and political climate.” in short supply.” and that will have consequences for Amsterdam Times are tough economically for the Netherlands as well. Many companies and organisations are at the moment and this has been having a negative establishing (head) offices in the city. This creates impact on the market for commercial property Koot also expects that statutory measures, which jobs and draws more people to the city, which in and housing. Confidence among consumers and are making it more difficult to buy property, will turn attracts more business. “You could say it’s manufacturers is low. The Netherlands has seen help feed demand for rented accommodation. a chicken-and-egg problem”, adds Koot. better days and, historically, there has been a “Local authorities are now looking to also expand 70-80% correlation between economic growth the construction of middle-of-the-range rented and real estate valuations. property. Demand is growing for this. Home Top net initial yield for Amsterdam real estate compared with other international centres (2013) seekers are looking for good quality rented A more refined picture accommodation that provides a reasonable Housing* Offices Retail Koot is missing some of the finer points in this alternative to owner-occupied property Amsterdam 4.0 5.8 4.3 negative picture. “The sense of despondency is and offers flexibility.” Berlin 4.2 4.8 4.4 more prevalent in the office market, but here too residential fund the figures need to be qualified. If you take a closer International campaign Munich 4.2 4.4 3.8 look, non-occupancy levels for readily accessible According to Koot, to bring this to the attention of London n/a 3.6 3.5 In 2012 the Bouwinvest Residential Fund attained real office space in a multifunctional environment are foreign investors, more must be done to tie this in Paris 2.9 4.3 3.8 estate growth of 1.3%. Income returns rose to 3.4% and lower here than in the rest of the Netherlands. with the German market. “This is true of the housing fund returns to 0.6%. In 2012, €58 million was invested, Take the Zuidas for example, where square market as well. The Netherlands could be profiled as New York n/a 4.5 n/a and the like-for-like increase in rent was 3.2%. metrage of office space is actually on the increase.” a German ‘province’, so that it registers with foreign Tokyo n/a 3.9 4.3 investors. London and Paris are seen internationally Hong Kong n/a 3.0 2.9 as European financial centres and all real estate sectors are able to take advantage of that. Source: PMA, IPD (* country level), Bouwinvest Research edited fact robert koot, manager research bouwinvest 13 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 12 Amsterdam is the most transparant real estate market statement Room Mate: affordable luxury amsterdam fits in with our philosophy Room Mate Hotels is a chain of boutique hotels We believe travellers like to experience as much that offers affordable luxury to travellers. as possible in the time they spend in the city, Our philosophy is that the best way to travel so it’s important that our hotels are in the centre is to visit friends, who can share our lifestyle and of town. In New York we have a hotel in Times knowledge of the city with us. That’s why we treat Square, in Miami on Ocean Drive and our latest our guests like friends and they in turn consider hotel in Amsterdam, the Aitana, is located in the 14 our hotel their home. They’re not travellers who IJdok district right next to the central railway we just have to make sure we have attractive People might be spending less money than before 15 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 Kike Sarasola, Founder and Managing Director of Room Mate use our hotel just once, but return regularly to visit station and close to the city centre. We’re always hotels. A situation where there is little competition the crisis, but they still love to travel and continue their friends. For that reason, all our hotels have on the lookout for attractive and cultured cities and poor hotels is not good for the city. The new to do so. Travel has also become more affordable. the name of a fictitious friend, such as Aitana, with international allure. hotels that have opened recently or are now Worldwide, our hotel chain enjoys occupancy opening are of a good standard and that can levels of between 85% and 87%. We have managed only improve the city and its hotels. to find a niche market for our product. inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 Carlos, Mario, Grace and Alicia. Most beautiful I’m really happy with the hotel in Amsterdam. I just love the Netherlands. When I was a member Niche of Spain’s Olympic riding team, I lived in Maastricht In addition, Room Mate has found itself a niche in for three years. In my opinion, Amsterdam is the the market. We offer affordable luxury. Our guests most beautiful city in Europe, so it’s no surprise get five-star treatment in a four-star hotel. that our first Dutch hotel is here. The city has They should leave feeling they have stayed Room Mate is a Spanish hotel chain founded in 2001 by the everything: culture, open-minded people and a with friends. We’re convinced there’s a market flamboyant Olympic equestrian rider Kike Sarasola. The hotel’s progressive outlook. In fact, Amsterdam embodies for that in Amsterdam, as well as in other places. philosophy is based on the idea that the best way to travel is all the values we strive for with Room Mate and to visit friends in every city. The chain has hotels in Madrid, that’s very important. The city is in sync with Our hotels are in keeping with the current Barcelona, Malaga, Oviedo, Granada, Salamanca, New York, our philosophy. price-conscious environment in which people are room mate looking for extra value for their money. These days, Miami, Mexico City and Buenos Aires and, most recently, in Amsterdam at the IJDok: Room Mate Aitana. The hotel has 13 People sometimes ask me if it’s a good idea to you can fly with a low-cost airline like Easy Jet or floors, 283 rooms, seven conference rooms, various lounge bars, open a hotel in Amsterdam at the moment, since Ryanair, eat a good restaurant without paying an a restaurant and gym. following years of hotel room shortages, there’s arm and a leg, and buy fashionable clothes at Zara. now a rapid increase in their numbers. My answer And now you can also enjoy a luxury overnight stay The hotel was designed by Dutch architect Jan Bakers and is always yes. We’re not afraid of competition. in a Room Mate Hotel. We research where to locate Spanish interior architect Tomas Alia. On the contrary, competition is a good thing; and what prices are reasonable. ‘We treat our guests like friends and they in turn consider our hotel their home’ statement Opportunities making it a great starting place for travel to other After Amsterdam, we aim to open a hotel in parts of Europe. The city attracts tourists as well as Rotterdam and are also looking to expand business and is a gateway to other countries. internationally. There are plenty of opportunities at the moment, with lots of buildings available Aitana in Amsterdam is our most ambitious project that suit our purposes at reasonable prices. to date. The opening of Aitana represents an Current circumstances are favourable, so Room increase in the number of hotel rooms from just Mate is able to do well and maximise the oppor- over 1,000 to 1,300. Next year, we plan to open our tunities that present themselves. We might well fourth hotel in Barcelona and a fifth in Madrid. be in the middle of a crisis, but that same crisis also Between now and 2015/2016, we aim to expand offers great opportunities. As a Spanish business, the number of hotel rooms to 5,000, which is three we are experiencing hard times with the economy times the number at present. We continue to look back home, but, fortunately, 70% of our earnings for new opportunities, for buildings and hotels. are generated by our international activities. This means examining the possibilities offered We want to keep it that way. in Europe and North and South America, as that’s where our focus will be for future expansion. People sometimes ask if there’s a limit to our growth. As long as we keep succeeding in finding good partners and investors like Bouwinvest I can’t see any limits to our growth. Nevertheless, it’s not easy to find the right partners. You have to be fully au fait with the investment company. After all, we’re talking about long-term contracts of between 20 and 25 years. It’s like any marriage really: you have to be careful about who you hitch up with. We conduct considerable research The Netherlands is also facing its own economic beforehand to make sure we’re jumping into downturn, but I have great confidence in the Dutch bed with the right investor. This means investors market. Dutch people are hard-working and who have an affinity with our philosophy and determined. I believe in the Dutch. Furthermore, who try to get hold of the best locations in the the Netherlands lies in the heart of Europe, best buildings. Our relationship with Bouwinvest is excellent. They know the ins and outs of the aitana’s character business and are always very proper and helpful. If another opportunity comes along to do business To emphasis the uniqueness of each hotel and give travellers with Bouwinvest, we won’t have to think twice the feeling they are staying with friends, every Room Mate hotel about it. bears the name of a fictitious friend, whose unique character ties in with the location and city. Likewise, the city council has been extremely cooperative. I really appreciate that, as that’s not According to Sarasola, who personally derives a great deal of always the case. We’ve often had serious problems satisfaction from drawing up hotel profiles, Aitana – after whom in other cities where we’ve opened, but Amsterdam the hotel on the IJDock is named – is someone who loves music, listened proactively whenever any issues arose. plays the piano, likes electronic rhythms, is an art lover and trendsetter. Aitana cannot live without visiting art galleries and museums and is a well-versed, liberal-minded woman. statement kike sarasola, founder and director of room mate 17 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 16 ‘As long as we keep succeeding in finding good partners like Bouwinvest there is no limit to our growth’ Good partners Amsterdam has everything: openminded people and a progressive outlook Investments in Amsterdam our five most recent investments 1 Gershwin / Zuidas •Part of Amsterdam Zuidas project •Two residential buildings with 197 apartments •1,000 m2 commercial space including daytime childcare •Underground car park with 165 spaces 2 Noordblok, Stadionplein • 100 apartments (70% liberalised rental housing, 30% social housing) • Supermarket (Albert Heijn), retail space, restaurants and space for non-profit organisations • Underground car park with 205 spaces 18 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 Mosveld, Amsterdam Noord •Development of 7,500m2 shopping centre, car park with 140 spaces • Two supermarkets and other retail space for daily shopping 4 De Halve Maen, Overhoeks • Development of 86 apartments (liberalised rental market) • Part of ‘Residentieel Kwartier’ on ‘Overhoeks’, a high quality new district in the north of Amsterdam 5 Hotel Room Mate Aitana, IJDock •Trendy design hotel on ‘IJDock’ in Amsterdam •283 rooms and suites • Seven meeting rooms Residential Fund Retail Fund Office Fund Hotel Fund •Lounge bars •Restaurant •Gym 19 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 3 developments room for housing alongside offices Zuidas basis for a city lifestyle According to Ebe Treffers, Bouwinvest’s area In addition to sustainability, one of the conditions manager for acquisition and development set by the municipality in the Gershwin tender was residential, the Summertime project fits in with that the project be completed within a short time Bouwinvest’s objective of expanding the number frame. The chosen collaboration was a real of liberalised rental sector housing for its advantage in this regard, claims Huikeshoven. Residential Fund. Amsterdam is an important “As a Koninklijke BAM subsidiary, AM adopted an area of focus within this context. Values for real all-round approach to the project together with estate assets in Amsterdam remain stable and co-maker, BAM Woningbouw, the construction expectations are that this will continue to be company. We combined our vision for the location the case in coming years. Bouwinvest has a with the expertise of the construction company. large number of new projects in the pipeline in That’s why, when we submitted the plan, we knew Amsterdam, primarily in the liberalised rental we would be able to deliver the project for the housing sector. “Bouwinvest is an important price we had calculated and on the basis of the and active investor in Amsterdam, and we aim proposals submitted by AM and Bouwinvest. to keep it that way.” Treffers believes that now is an interesting time to invest in Amsterdam. “In the past, the municipality would focus mainly on developers for the owner- ‘The municipality has now discovered the investor’ occupied sector and housing corporations, but they have since ‘discovered’ the investor. For the first time, the Gershwin tender focused specifically inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 In the midst of office blocks, apartment complexes and other urban amenities in Amsterdam’s Zuidas, hundreds of new housing units are to be erected in coming years, thereby continuing the transformation of this vibrant neighbourhood into a community where city lovers, international employees and other groups can all feel at home. on investors and affordable mid-range rental Profile 21 accommodations. Partly as a result of the times In arriving at a joint vision on the type of resident in which we live, we started having much more required at Summertime, AM and Bouwinvest were contact with each other and our opinion – as an able to fall back on Bouwinvest’s marketing and investor - was requested for such matters a communication department’s extensive know-how land prices, car parking and other preconditions. of the liberalised rental market in the Netherlands. Through market-based consultations, the “One of the profiles that emerged for the project municipality endeavoured to gain insight into was that of the urban short stay, i.e. a person with a how investors viewed a project and the conditions tendency towards a city lifestyle.The international inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 20 under which it would be included in their portfolio. employee was also added as one of Zuidas’ target This increases the prospects of success.” groups. As far as the latter was concerned, we talked to the Expat Center and with international Cooperation employers at Zuidas.” Plans for the first phase of the housing Summertime From the very outset, there has been a close development project in Zuidas – in the One of the projects is Summertime, a complex that partnership with the project developer, AM, and its According to Huikeshoven, an advantage of this Gershwin neighbourhood – are more or less will consist of 197 middle-of-the-range liberalised parent company BAM. As a result of this coopera- process was that Bouwinvest was not only able to finalised. A blueprint has been put in place for rental sector apartments developed by the AM/ tion, it proved possible to optimise the plan at an involve its Acquisition & Development department, the area by the local authorities, investors and Bouwinvest consortium. Eye-catching on account of early stage, giving assurances about the develop- but also its Asset Management department. “It was developers, working in close cooperation with its whimsical design which maximises the exposure ment and construction costs. According to Ronald clear that there was an affinity between the each other. Gershwin will soon provide space for of apartments and balconies to sunlight and open Huikeshoven, Director of AM Noordwest, this was product and the people who would take charge around 1,300 owner-occupied and rental houses vistas, the complex also contains room for other not the first time there’s been an intensive of it. That was the formula for success. I expect in a range of price categories. activities, such as retail stores, restaurants, bars and partnership between developer and investor. this type of collaboration to become more and child care facilities. Designed by Search architects, “This approach is based on AM’s new business more common in the future. The traditional division sustainability is also a key priority. model.” In his view it’s a project worth repeating. of roles between developer and investor will make “Everything clicked into place immediately.” way for a partnership.” FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: RONALD HUIKESHOVEN, KLAAS DE BOER, EBE TREFFERS and adjacent rail line have been staggered. For the But the building of housing alone will not make egbert de vries Development Office, who is responsible for the time being, only the motorway will disappear Zuidas a residential district. It’s up to the Zuidas According tot executive councillor Egbert de Vries can the district Zuid be project as well as local area planning and infra- underground and the projected increase in office Amsterdam Development Office to ensure that there compared to its counterparts like Kensington and Chelsea in London and structure, believes it was a sensible ploy on the and housing developments has lagged behind. are amenities in place after 6 p.m. and on weekends Rive Gauche in Paris. Do you want to know how De Vries came tot this part of Bouwinvest and AM to cooperate from the Nevertheless, De Boer remains optimistic. “Plans for the people and businesses that locate here. comparison look at: very beginning. “I’ve known situations in the past may have been scaled back, but one way or another, where the investor joined the process at a much Zuidas hasn’t seen its development forestalled, Mix of activities later stage and made all sorts of demands, which as has been the case in the rest of Amsterdam. But the building of housing alone will not make meant having to redo parts of the work. Back in Office development has continued and we are Zuidas a residential district. It’s up to the Zuidas rehearsal area for the Metropole Orkest and a the days when the economy was booming, you now seeing reasonable levels of success in home Amsterdam Development Office to ensure that there nightclub, together with a number of shops and could play one investor off against the other, construction. Non-occupancy levels for existing are amenities in place after 6 p.m. and on weekends a hotel. In twelve years’ time it will be demolished but now the reverse is true. It is the investors office space is a good indication of this. In 2009 for the people and businesses that locate here. to make way for something more permanent.” who are defining the direction to be taken. this was 14% and, in 2013, 7.9%. Slowly but surely, “We have to kick-start the neighbourhood. Until The Bouwinvest/AM combination is a successful Zuidas is becoming the economic showpiece of recently, the emphasis was on office space, but our Ultimately, De Boer contends, all these efforts must one and has generated a great deal of satisfaction. the Netherlands. Over the coming years, housing aim is to create a vibrant community with a mix of bring about a good Amsterdam mix. “Of course, If there’s a good rapport between the investor construction will have to be sustained so that it activities. That means housing, offices and other there will be gravitation towards certain groups, and the developer, you can improve the becomes a genuine residential area. At the moment amenities. We encourage this in all kinds of ways, such as expats, but sale and rental will focus on product significantly.” there are 600 - 700 housing units and that’s too few. including temporary events and ideas. Activities the middle segment. We think we will be able Klaas de Boer, Director of the Zuidas Amsterdam In that sense, it’s good that we have an agreement include the ART Zuid sculpture route, the canalside to create a typical Amsterdam neighbourhood. Developments Zuidas continue with AM, Bouwinvest and others to substantially Grachtenfestival and the Zuidas Run. We have Dental practices and schools are locating here The economic crisis has held back developments expand the number of residential properties.” business incubators for innovative entrepreneurs and the children have been seen playing alongside and the temporary Adam building combines a the pinstripes and stilettos.” at Zuidas. Plans for tunnelling the A10 motorway 23 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 22 developments responsible in real estate ‘Children have been seen playing alongside the pinstripes and stilettos’ this area. “Zuidas has been primarily accustomed to attracting office blocks. But even with offices, there is a need for a decent quality of life in the surroundings. The Summertime plan also includes commercial premises where a crèche might locate. If the possibility for commercial properties is allowed in the residential complexes, it’s possible to create a vibrant street life and attractive place Amentties Future for investment in health care real estate to call home.” From time to time, De Boer organises roundtable sessions with dissenters. “We examine whether Project developer AM is also committed to Zuidas. we have the right amenities in place. Do we want “You can already see it occupying a special to create a more subdued restaurant style or a position in the city’s identity. It’s an extremely boisterous night-out-on-the-tiles image? The area attractive office location and is also growing in already has a 24/7 license, so it’s easier for a disco popularity as a residential area. What we have to stay open until 6 a.m. or a baker’s to do business learned with OpZuid [Ed. owner-occupied apart- all night. We hope it will soon be possible to order ments], is that if you come with the right product, breakfast at any hour of the day, so that when you people are happy to live there. Accessibility is land at Schiphol, regardless of the time, you can excellent: the station is close by, everything is jump on the metro and enjoy breakfast at Zuidas.” within cycling distance and the amenities are The Dutch health care industry is on the threshold of a new era marked by sweeping changes. Demographic developments are going to have a major impact. The ageing population – there’s even talk of ‘double-ageing’ – will place increasing demands on health care. something of the London Docklands about it, 24 Although the development office will assume which also developed around transport hubs.” responsibility for ensuring a decent quality of 25 are having to take on more responsibility themselves. life in the neighbourhood, Treffers is keen to stay Balanced mix involved and share Bouwinvest’s experiences in Treffers is convinced that Gershwin will look bouwinvest in amsterdam At the same time, state support is being dismantled, so individuals completely different in five years’ time when the Michiel de Bruine, Head Asset Management Residential at Bouwinvest planned housing developments are completed. He and Erwin Drenth, Business Development, Marketing and Communications Manager at Bouwinvest hopes that Bouwinvest will continue to enjoy the Bouwinvest projects: healthy relationship it has with the municipality •De Heelmeesters: 197 rental apartments, 3,000 m² of office space and and that a more balanced mix of projects evolves which facilitate different target groups, including This new order is also affecting real estate in Pension funds both the owner-occupied and rental sectors. the health care sector. By creating a strict dividing The biggest problem facing pension funds in restaurants & bars, 130 apartments for first-time buyers and 65 car-parking “That’s important for Amsterdam. First-time line between home and health care, in future most he decades ahead is the ageing population. spaces, like De Heelmeesters, is part of the Eenhoorngebied. buyers, young couples and international workers people will be compelled to pay for nursing care Some funds are nearing the point, or have already must be given a possibility to live at a top-quality and assisted living themselves. Only for the most passed the point, where they are becoming net rental sector apartments, 4,500 m² of retail space and car park with location within the city limits. Bouwinvest has a serious of health care cases (the so-called ZZP payers. From this perspective, it may be wise to 205 parking spaces. long-term commitment and we aim to retain the categories 4 and higher) will it be possible to consider investing in the health care market. It’s a quality of the neighbourhood. It’s my wish that use public funds to pay for accommodation. double-edged sword: by investing in health care when the owner-occupied market picks up again, One consequence of this will be greater consu- real estate, pension funds might benefit from what the needs of these target groups can also be merism, which will see individuals demanding is their biggest headache: how to hedge against Turnkey acquisitions: properly addressed. It is vital that developers, real high standards for their accommodation, while ageing. Investing in health care real estate also •De Halve Maen/Overhoeks: 86 rental apartments (BDI Residential Fund) estate investors, housing corporations and the also wondering why they’re having to shell out presents an opportunity to meet a social responsi- •Kop Zuidas: 75 rental apartments (BDI Residential Fund) municipality keep talking to each other, so that 500 euros a month for 30 square metres. bility, without losing sight of the fact that such • Room Mate Aitana: 285 hotel rooms (BDI Hotel Fund) new top-class projects can come about. I think the •Mosveld neighbourhood shopping centre: approx. 8,000 m² in Amsterdam municipality now understands this idea and that car park, largely completed. •De Feniks en Het Baken: 342 student apartments including 1,000 m² •Stadionplein: 70 liberalised rental sector apartments, 30 regulated •Redevelopment of retail premises at Damrak 70 (including C&A store) and Nieuwendijk 196/Gravenstraat (for BDI Retail Fund). Noord (BDI Retail Fund) can only be a positive development.” projects have to be financially sound. inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 Quality of life inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 good. Zuidas has an international character. It has responsible in real estate Rosorum providers are close at hand so that 24/7 assistance Health care fund unnecessary risk. For that reason, we’ve decided Bouwinvest recently entered into a partnership can be guaranteed. If required, there should be Over the coming years, Bouwinvest aims to invest to take a softly-softly approach. We’re already with Rosorum Residenties, an organisation options to offer more intensive levels of care as €300 million in the Health Care Fund. We’ll take a gaining experience with Rosorum Residenties. involved in operating exclusive residential part of a natural process. These types of complexes step-by-step approach, starting with those aspects facilities with high levels of service and care. are ideally suited to alternative uses, so in the long we’re familiar with and gradually expanding this The challenge is for hitherto unrelated parties The main building of the Johannes de Deo hospital run they could be used as normal residential units. to attain a critical mass. We’re already offering to start working with each other. Care providers in Haarlem, for example, is being turned into a investment services to the pension fund for the and investors are now sitting down together at complex of 34 luxury retirement homes, varying construction industry (bpfBouw) and we intend the same table. As an investor, we need a specific in size from 60 to 120 square metres. Even if they to make interesting propositions to other funds return for our pension fund, but those returns are too. It’s primarily pension funds that are perhaps in a different league to those that care providers doing this on the basis of expected yield, but it are accustomed to. We have to be careful to avoid also present opportunities for diversification. a stalemate, simply because neither party wants Health care is a different segment, with to come out of its familiar corner. There are a few different characteristics. things about the new situation that are clearly need more care in the future, residents will be able to continue living in the complex. The apartments are part of Bouwinvest’s Residential Fund. In terms of risk, the philosophy embraced by ‘We see an important future for retirement and assisted living complexes, with rents ranging between €700 and €1,500’ different. For some developments, there is simply Health care real estate could be an interesting no data available, so they’re unpredictable. it’s a niche market aimed at a top-of-the range market for pension funds. Nevertheless, estimates Together, we’re all trying to create a market care segment which we expect to be less affected on the required levels of real estate differ widely. and build up a mass of evidence-based data. There might be dozens of good reasons to not Rosorum is very much in line with our own: Institutional care The Economisch Instituut voor de Bouw (EIB), an group is accustomed to paying higher-than-normal As part of our social responsibility, we’re also economic think tank for the construction industry, do anything, but conversely there are just as living costs, so they’re more willing to pay extra for looking at institutional care, nursing and care has calculated that several million square metres many good reasons to take action. We believe a trouble-free retirement. Rosorum manages to of space must be added to real estate assets. in exploring this segment, but only in small, 26 Rosorum example mentioned above, these markets However, there are others who argue that people tentative steps. levels with a personalised care plan. If, due to are similar to hotels, i.e. there’s a single principal will no longer go into care, so the millions of unforeseen circumstances, the formula happens leaseholder and a single cash flow. So, there’s no square metres suggested are not needed at all. Stay informed about the Health Care Fund of to fail – which we believe is unlikely – we still have individual tenant, but instead a trust or care Everyone agrees that it’s a growing market, Bouwinvest via: a fantastic building in the centre of Haarlem that provider, where the regime is dovetailed to the but ideas still have to be developed about how healthcare can be put to an alternative use. needs of the individual occupants. To this end, we’re to maximise opportunities without running looking at health care establishments that have a We believe that the Rosorum concept is an clear vision on how to deal with these developments attractive one, but it’s also a niche one; so in and that have such things as the following to say: that sense it doesn’t resolve the future problems “We’ll no longer provide accommodation for of health care real estate. That’s why a health the least severe cases the so -called ZZP 1 to 4 care fund is needed. It’s not surprising then that categories, just care. To investors, we say: by all Rosorum is in our Residential portfolio. means, provide the housing, and we’ll deliver the care and concentrate our efforts on institutional Retirement homes and assisted living care for the more severe categories ZZP 4 and 5.” At Bouwinvest, our aim is to focus on the middleof-the-range section of the market. That’s where We also believe in an assisted living concept which we see an important future for retirement and incorporates psychogeriatric care. There are far too assisted living complexes, with rents ranging many cases of elderly couples being split up and between €700 and €1,500. What’s more, it’s a having to deal with the effects of this themselves, market we’re extremely familiar with. To this end, often with distressing consequences. It’s precisely the emphasis is on both living and care. Current this combination – where there is a strict dividing plans are focussing on medium-sized apartment line between assisted living and psychogeriatric complexes with around 50 to 60 units each to care, but where partners can still live in close preserve a human scale. It’s essential that care proximity – which particularly appeals to us. Photography: Daan Rhijnsburger 27 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 homes, and care of the mentally disabled. Like the combine exclusive living and excellent service inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 by changes in regulations and policy. This target poem Net als Venetië trekt Amsterdam dag en nacht narcisten aan. Het zijn de spiegels, 29 de diepe, zieke spiegels van de grachten, het is het water dat je gevel rekt, inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 28 het water dat bekwaam de luchten vangt en elke blik of kus op film vastlegt. Narcisten! Laat in mei! Hun fraaie tred, hun weergaloze kop: het komt op film. Het is een drukke stad die aandacht wil en krijgt. En jij staat bij het IJ en ziet hoe beeld na beeld in de montagekamer van het water glijdt en daar verdwijnt. Een bijrol zijn we, ijdel, lang van stof, en in een bijzin zullen we verdrinken. Maar voor we uit het script worden geknipt spiegelen we ons piekfijn aan het licht. Amsterdam Real estate investors, property developers and executive councillors all believe in Amsterdam’s special gravitational pull, but how do (international) tenants view living and working in the capital? Three tenants share their views of Amsterdam and tell us how they experience life in the city and what Amsterdam means to them or their business. Dutch poem Menno Wigman - Poet for the city of Amsterdam 1 Lynne Lawrence lives in the Het Kwartier stays alive at night. “There’s no demarcation like apartment complex close to the Olympic in other cities. People live above a shop or office, Stadium. It was her appointment as which makes it a livelier place.” Executive Director of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) five years ago that brought her to Amsterdam, where, from a small office, a network of Montessori schools and training centres is organised. Husband Steve and son ‘There’s no demarcation like in other cities’ Jamie – a professional footballer with RKC Waalwijk – moved here with her, and she has another son, Tom, who is still studying in the UK. For Jamie, there’s a massive difference compared to London where he lived for 16 years. In his It took them a while to find their current apartment mind, Amsterdam seems small, but he adds that with the three bedrooms they were looking for. everything is easily accessible. “Everything feels “There are lots of two-bedroom apartments in local; it’s a nice place to live.” His strict training Amsterdam, but one with three is difficult to find.” routine means that he doesn’t have much time For him, it’s more important to have two amateur taken her to live and work in all corners of the football clubs on his doorstep where he can play globe, has grown attached to Amsterdam, a city football with friends when he wants. He regularly which she feels has many characteristics that has friends over from London and some even make it a great place to live. “The city is very stick around because they like it here so much. 30 welcoming and with its fantastic public transport Whether he stays in Amsterdam depends largely 31 inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 to go out in the city centre or enjoy the nightlife. Over the last five years, Lynne, whose career has system it’s easy to get around. I travel a lot and on where his football takes him. “When my career now live just 15 minutes away from the airport and finishes and if my parents are still living here, 15 minutes from the city centre. The canals are just I may come back to be near them.” inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 two minutes away on foot and I’m a 15-minute walk away from the Amsterdamse Bos, the city’s Life in Amsterdam is easy for Lynne. “The city has very own forest. It’s a wonderful place, we can an international feel, but there’s also a real sense choose between the countryside and the city.” of familiarity. It’s easy to feel at home here, the people are friendly, and almost everyone speaks What’s more, Lynne adds, the shops in Amsterdam – English which is really great for me.” compared to other cities in the world – have held on to their individuality, which makes it so much On the other hand, Lynne feels that there really is more diverse. She also points out the wealth of a Dutch culture. “You can’t just plonk yourself in museums and art galleries, the music and the another country and continue living the same old concerts. “Socially speaking, it’s got a lot going way. The Dutch have a pragmatic, conservative and for it, the choice of things to do and places to open-minded attitude, which I’m trying better to visit is amazing.” understand. They can be pretty direct, you always get a straight answer and that’s what I like.” What she’s also noticed is that with its combination of shops, housing and offices, the city Lawrence family Following Lynne’s Jamie Lawrence have been living Montessori’s vision. Steve is an appointment as Executive Director of at Het Kwartier in Amsterdam. architect. Their son Jamie (21) is a Association Montessori Internationale From Amsterdam, Lynne flies professional footballer who currently (AMI) five years ago, Steve, Lynne and across the world to promote Maria plays for Dutch club RKC Waalwijk. 2 Under Armour,a performance sportswear company which is active on the European market since 2006, operating from its Amsterdam headquarters which, appropriately enough, are located in the Olympic Stadium. “Our offices here are perfect for our brand and ‘The Netherlands’ central location makes it an ideal base’ our activities”, says General Manager EMEA Matthew Shearer. “The surroundings and the sporting history are a great match for our brand. The only drawback was that the units weren’t Everything we do is based on performance and next to each other, so there was a lot of moving the stadium has symbolized that since 1928.” around between buildings. It was then that I started taking serious steps to find a more inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 efficient workplace. Our company is based on company – originally founded in the US – teamwork and our people need to be together to is targeting its efforts on growth across Europe. challenge each other. The landlord worked with us According to Shearer, the city provides easy access so that we could get two adjacent units. We had to to mainland Europe and the UK. “Our distribution get rid of the walls to create one single large area. centre is in Venlo, less than two hours’ drive from Communication is important. In sport, players our offices. What’s more, Amsterdam is home to gather in the locker rooms to discuss things as a highly qualified people from different cultural team, so this is our locker room. There will be an backgrounds who speak a wide range of languages. Under Armour Experience in unit 11 that will As a company, it’s a cool, efficient and productive include a large video wall and a show room where place from which to operate.” customers, retailers, partners and athletes can 33 experience our brand and to know our team.” inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 32 From its base in Amsterdam, the sportswear Since 2006, a lot of work has been put into consolidating Under Armour’s base in Amsterdam Shearer has been living in Amsterdam with his and a network of business contacts has been family for over a year now and he really enjoys it. developed with distribution partners and vendors “The longer I’m here, the more I like it. People in major regions and countries in Europe. An office ask me what I think about living in the city, and I has just been opened in Manchester and according tell them that it’s more like a village than a city. to Shearer the company is looking for office space The people who live here are really helpful and in Germany too. “Our main focus is on key markets have a multicultural attitude. It’s a very family- and cities. As such, the Netherlands’ central friendly place and everything is close-by and location makes it an ideal base.” within a bike’s commute, which makes it very easy to get around. I love this way of life, Rapid expansion since 2006 meant that the company soon outgrew the size of its office. The offices at the Olympic Stadium have been expanded twice since then. “We started off in unit 13. Once the team grew, we needed additional space, so we moved into unit 8, and then came unit 11. Matthew A. Shearer has been working and several regions in South America, In addition to his activities for Under at Under Armour since 2001 and is Australia and New Zealand for eleven Armour, Shearer was also in the responsible for their international years, he has been working and living Canadian lacrosse team for a number distribution. After working in Canada in Amsterdam for the past year. of years. where people work hard and play hard too.” Foreword 3 C&A has an illustrious 172-year history “We’re currently finalising plans with Top Vastgoed during which time the clothing store who have been commissioned by Bouwinvest to founded by the Brenninkmeijer brothers, redevelop the premises. Once the construction Mayors of major cities around the world portfolio in the city, Bouwinvest is are increasingly having a greater say in currently developing a further six Clemens and August, has grown into an interna- phases have been scheduled, work will start at the their affairs than their country’s prime locations involving a sum of 400 million tional business with 1,500 outlets in 20 European end of the year. It’ll be a fairly complex operation minister. Since international borders are euros, which amounts to an investment countries. The first store was opened in Sneek becoming less and less distinct, a mayor of of 10,000 euros per newcomer. It repre- and others soon followed in Groningen and a city such as Amsterdam – if he is doing sents an effective investment, since Amsterdam. The Amsterdam store on the his job properly - can help consolidate its Amsterdam has an undersupply of Damrak has always played an important rol status on the world scene. His task is to housing in the liberalised rental sector. and is viewed at C&A as the springboard for muster all the support that is necessary. In the long term, we are heading towards European expansion. ‘This is the biggest renovation I have experienced in my career’ a so-called Delta Metropolis, with The Hague keen to expand its law-based and The headquarters of C&A Nederland were also because the store will remain open while the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area stand international institutions, Rotterdam based here until the late 1980s and it was from renovation work is being carried out. Only the at the Expo Real. We strongly believe in its transport and logistical services, and these offices that collections were bought in floors and the support columns will remain intact, capitalising on the Amsterdam brand. Amsterdam a greater accessibility and an for its Dutch stores. With European expansion, the rest will be gutted and fully refurbished. Large cities like Amsterdam are able effective knowledge-based infrastructure. the fashion chain centralised its purchasing It's the biggest renovation I’ve experienced in to achieve wide support for on-going This will bring about a Delta Metropolis activities, with operations for women’s clothing my career. It’s as if there’ll be a completely development, attracting as they do with dynamic regions, an effective infra- moving to Düsseldorf and operations for men’s new building.” large numbers of people and economic structure and a strong green lung at its and children’s clothing moving to Vilvoorde. activities, thus creating a snowball effect. heart. This means there’s a lot of work The European headquarters of the company are This extensive overhaul will result in C&A’s first In the last few years alone, 40,000 people ahead for mayors and investors alike! now in Düsseldorf and Vilvoorde respectively. ‘Flagship Store’ in the Netherlands. “We’re going its large existing residential real estate Colofon Published by Editorial concept Bouwinvest Business Development, La Guardiaweg 4 Marketing and Communications viervier strategisch ontwerp Amsterdam Dick van Hal, CEO ‘Real estate investments in Amsterdam are inflation-proof’ PO Box 56045 1040 AA Amsterdam Graphic design T +31 (0)20 – 677 1600 viervier strategisch ontwerp Copy and editing Bouwinvest Monique Harmsen Coordination and editing Photography Marketing and Communications Twan de Veer Rob Zeedijk As Building & Real Estate Print Manager for the Benelux at C&A, Rob Akxifo Zeedijk is responsible for all tenancy renovation. This new concept, designed by C&A Building & Real Estate Manager for the Benelux, Europe, was recently rolled out in Madrid and the Damrak store still holds a special place. Paris and is now being launched in Düsseldorf “This is probably because it was the first large and later in Amsterdam. These are large stores store. C&A grew from this base in Amsterdam, on lots of floors. In Amsterdam, the concept so there have always been emotional ties with will be modified: every flagship store will have the city and this spot in particular.” theme suited to the city. In fact, it will serve as an example for all the other C&A stores in the The 1960s building will shortly be given a complete Netherlands”, explains Zeedijk, who admits that facelift. The store is in need of an overhaul and the 1960s look of the premises really does need renovation will ensure that the space in the a makeover. “The current plans, which include building is used more effectively. “Only 60% of the new façade, will do the Amsterdam store the premises are being used at the present, the more justice.” a crying shame”, Zeedijk believes. There are now plans to redesign the property so that it can be 4 Amsterdam: the organizer Cooperation inside and outside Business Development, 35 35 Nevertheless, according to Rob Zeedijk, C&A’s rest is empty; for the centre of Amsterdam, that’s F +31 (0)20 – 677 1700 [email protected] to implement our new store concept with the inbeeld No. No. 99 October inbeeld October 2013 2013 34 moved into Amsterdam. In addition to inbeeld No. 9 October 2013 This year, Bouwinvest will be manning the metropolis Executive Councillor, Caroline Gehrels, agreements, property leases, expansion He works with a 16-man team and renovation plans – like those in spread over the Netherlands, Amsterdam – and maintenance. Belgium and Luxembourg. and Managing Director of amsterdam inbusiness, Hilde van der Meer tell us about the initiatives they’ve launched to attract foreign companies to Amsterdam. used in its entirety.