FULL FACTUAL DOCS LINE-UP History Sport & Ethnology Science & Green Current affairs & Social issues Feature Lengths Pauline MAZENOD | Head of International Acquisitions & Sales | T: +33 (0)6 60 71 44 25 | [email protected] Noémie PHILIPPE | International Sales | T: +49 (0) 9 11 801 994 30 | [email protected] HISTORY THE THRACIANS’ GOLD Orpheus, Midas or Spartacus are all names part of the collective memory. Long before the pharaohs of Egypt appeared in the Balkans a mysterious population, called the Thracians, disappeared at the beginning of our era, this civilization can now be rediscovered thanks to archaeological excavations which help us expand our knowledge of mankind history. Who were them? How could they create such golden treasures? 778 – LA CHANSON DE ROLAND This docu-drama focuses on one of the most famous and oldest literary piece of European culture. Thanks to historical reenactments, discoveries made through archeological excavations and testimonies of experts, we embark on a 1 200year-journey back into the past, searching the origins and the meaning of the Battles of Roncevaux lead by the Emperor Charlemagne (Charles the great). THE LOST CARRACCI In Bologna, a young researcher rediscovers a painting by Carracci, which was believed to be lost for more than two centuries. A line accidently found in a book, in an old spectacular library, is the beginning of a thrilling search of clues. This quest will lead us to the lost painting, in an unexpected place. Which brother painted this work of art? The film is an excuse to depict the Renaissance period of time with a new angle. THE COACHMAN OF MOZART Mozart, who travelled in carriage his entire life in Europe, developed a real passion for horses. His music is marked by equestrian rhythms and cadences. This new dimension of Mozart is recounted by a coachman of Salzburg, whose ancestors certainly drove the genius on the roads of Europe. FR | 2011 | 4/3 / 1 6/9 | 50’ French, English (voiceover), Bulgarian, Bulgarian with German sub. & French with Spanish sub. By Nicolaï Tomov Partenaire Sofia Productions Broadcaster: Viasat ES/FR | 2011 | 52’/78’ | HD French, Spanish, Euskera & English (commentary voice + sub.) By Olivier Van der Zee | IDEM4, SMAC - audiovisuel Bordeaux Broadcasters: ETB, France 3 région Aquitaine, Basque Télévision, TV Aragon, Viasat, TVE IT | 201 2 | 52’ | HD Italian, English (sub.) & French (sub.) By Andrea Dalpian POPCult FR | 2006 | 26’ French By Stéphanie Vialfont & Nicolas Gasselin Pois Chiche Films WATERLOO, THE ULTMATE BATTLE This blue chip docu-drama tells the story of the battle of Waterloo, whose bicentenary is to be celebrated in 201 5. Hour by hour, even minutes by minutes, each decisive event of one of the most famous campaign in history is depicted. Historians sort out the myth from the truth, based on the most recent research findings. Beyond the historical facts, we discover how 'Waterloo' was lived by its key figures & soldiers in both camps. NAPOLEON, THE AMERICAN DREAM After Waterloo defeat on 1 8 June 1 81 5, Napoleon comes back to Paris. There are only few days left before enemy troups arrive and incarcerate him. Adviced by his brothers, he decides to live his own American dream. This film unveils for the first time the organization of his travel. Thanks to the exceptional access to Napoleon's Malmaison, Ajaccio and Aix Island's Museums (due to the bicentenary) we follow those day by day events prior Saint Helene's exile. DEADLY DEPTHS More than one million tons of chemical weapons are lying under water, near our coasts. From 1 91 7 to 1 970, armies have systematically been dumping their mortal poisons into the oceans, all over the world. Little by little, the active substances are being released. Why politicians and military staffs took this decision? What are the consequences on maritime life and on our health? This 2-year investigation explores the issue in all its dimensions & search for solutions. FORBIDDEN FILMS The Third Reich produced 1 ,200 feature films. More than 40 remain forbidden. Nearly seventy years after the end of the Nazi regime, they are banned from public screening in Germany and in many other countries, because they are still considered as dangerous propaganda. Should these films be made freely available? This is their story. THE HONNOR OF LIVING Geneviève de Gaulle and Germaine Tillion, two exceptional intellectuals and resistance figures met during WW II in a barrack of the concentration camp of Ravensbrück, Germany. Through exclusive archives, testimonies and their own writings we discover a segment of history, from 1 940 to 1 998, in which both played a key role. BE | 52'/80' | 201 4 | HD English, French & Dutch (dub. & sub.) By Hugues Lanneau Les Films de la Mémoire, Wallimage, Bataille de Waterloo 1 81 5 asbl Broadcasters: RTBF, ARTE, VRT, SVT, Ceska TV, TVC, ORF, LIC China FR | 201 5 | 52' | HD French, English By Christopher Jones and Marie-Dominique Montel Zoulou Compagnie Broadcaster: France 3 Corse FR | 201 4 | 52' & 90' | HD French & English (voiceover) By Bob Coen, Eric Nadler & Nicolas Koutsikas Georama TV Coproducers: ARTE, NHK Broadcasters: ARTE France, SF, RTS, LRT, LTV, CyBC, SNRT, CESKA, TV3, RT6P, TLT, RTBF, NRK, Estonian TV, La1 , TG4, RTVSLO, ERT, SVT, DW DE | 201 4 | 94’ & 52' | HD German & English (with sub.) By Felix Moeller Blueprint Film Gmbh Broadcaster: ARTE FR | 201 5 | 60’ | HD French & English (tbc) By Dominique Gros Pois Chiche Films Broadcasters: France Télévisions, France 2 NO JOB FOR A WOMAN THE WOMEN WHO FOUGHT TO REPORT THE WWII While women reporting war may seem commonplace now, their arrival in the profession is the result of 1 50 years of struggle. This historical documentary, narrated by Emmy Award winner Julianna Margulies of CBS’ The Good Wife, combines rarely seen archival footage, stills, & actors reading the written words of the main characters to tell the story of how Women war reporters during WWII, like Ruth Cowan, photographer Dickey Chapelle, & magazine writer Martha Gellhorn, Hemingway's wife, had to fight for access to the biggest news story of the century. HELENE BERR’S DIARY English Professor in Paris, Hélène Berr is 21 when she begins her diary. In 1 942, the anti-Jewish laws slowly shake up her life. She will die at Bergen Belsen a few days before the camp liberation. Over 50 years, the text only existed as a painful family treasure until its publishing in 2008 in around twenty countries. MODUS OPERANDI From 1 942 to 1 944, 24.91 6 Jewish men, women and children, were deported from Belgium to Auschwitz. Only 1 ,206 of them returned. A handful of Nazis elaborated the persecution of Jews in Belgium with the support of certain Belgian authorities. How could this have happened? This is the story of this film. This is our history everyone's story. USA | 2011 | 52' | HD English By Michele Midori Fillion HURRY UP SISTER PRODUCTIONS, Maria Agui Carter, Michele Midori Fillion, Jeanne Houck Broadcaster : PBS FR | 201 3 | 96’ | HD French & English (voice-over) By Jérôme Prieur Mélisande films Broadcaster: France 2 BE | 2008 |98' (or can be cut in 2x52' | HD French, English (sub.), dutch (2x52') By Hugues Lanneau Les Films de la Mémoire Broadcasters: RTBF, VRT FROM HOLLYWOOD TO NUREMBERG, JOHN FORD, SAMUEL FULLER, GEORGE STEVENS Through restored archives, often unreleased, by mythical American filmmakers, we rediscover World War II, from the allied landing to the Nuremberg trial. Their footages, which served as essential historical evidence of the war crimes, are also an aesthetic testimony of their cinematographic experimentations and genius. THE LAST CHARGE In 1 939, Poland was the first country to resist to the attack of Germany. The Polish soldiers who were still on horses resisted against the ultra-motorized German cavalry during only 35 days. Casimir Mihaovski, 91 years old, who fought on the Polish side, makes us relive the story of this massacre. This Charge on horses is one of the last ones in the History of wars. FR | 201 2 | 57’ French & English (voice-over) By Christian Delage Mélisande Films Broadcasters: Ciné +, Histoire FR | 2006 | 26’ French By Stéphanie & Nicolas Gasselin Pois Chiche Films HARTI & MARGOT The discovery in Normandy of Harti, a German pilot, buried under 7 meters of earth for more than 60 years, revives the memories of Margot, who was his fiancée, while she finally gets to know the real reason of his death. It’s also a story of people, which illustrates the reconciliation between French and Germans. FR | 2005 | 52’ French By Hubert Budor Pois Chiche Films BLACK MEN DESTINIES (2X52') BLACK DESTINY Raphaël Elizé became the 1 st French Black Mayor in 1 929. This documentary recalls the extraordinary destiny of a man from Martinique who after having survived from a Mountain eruption & WWI, got deported because of the colour of his skin in 1 945 to the Buchenwald’s camp, where he died. "CHOCOLAT", NEGRO CLOWN FR | 201 2-201 3 | 2x52’ | HD French Broadcaster: France Télévisions By Philippe Baron Pois Chiche Films In the recently released movie Chocolat, Omar Sy (The By Samia Chala & Thierry Intouchables, 2011 ) interprates Raphaël Padilla, the first black Leclère man to become a clown. Through the documentary Chocolate, Walter films Negro Clown, discover more about the tumultous life of this man, who was born as a slave and was by no means predestinated to become a star in Paris. ENTREPRENEURS´ PORTRAITS (2X52') THE HISTORY OF CHOCOLATE, THE MENIER'S STORY Menier, Suchard and Tobler were the first companies to transform cocoa beans into chocolate bars. The true history of chocolate began there, with the democratization of its consumption. You’d better have chocolate with you while watching the documentary. KOSMOS '68 The year 1 968 brought deep change in all Europe: for the youth in Soviet Estonia, it meant the discovery of rock music and counterculture! Using a lot of material from private archives the film dives into the 60s when music was a powerful expression of freedom against an oppressive regime. RED SUNRISE In 1 969 in Italy, young communists militants left their political party to form ‘l’Appartamento’ animated by revolutionary dreams. From this group will emerge the terrorists of the Red Brigades. In 2007, some of the ‘boys from 1 969’ meet at the hill-side restaurant, where the group took the fatal decision of engaging in armed combat. They are ex red brigades members back to normal life, after years spent in prison in different parts of Italy. FR | 201 2 | 60’ | HD French, English (sub.) By Eric Bitoun Skopia Films Broadcasters: Histoire & Stylia ET | 2011 | 59’ | HD Estonian & English (sub.) By Peeter Brambat Film Tower Kuubis, AD Oculos Film Broadcasters : ERR IT | 2008 | 77’ By Giovanni Fasanella & Gianfranco Pannone Blue Film Broadcaster: Current TV THE DESTINY TO BE A KING The “King” Siméon de Saxe-Cobourg Gotha is the only former sovereign to have come back to power, after having been democratically elected. Aged 6, he became King of Bulgaria after his father died. This portrait tells his reign and exile until his final return to Bulgaria in 2001 , to become the prime minister, with archives from key European events as well as interviews of him and prominent. King Siméon is related to the monarchies of Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway. OUR FRIENDS THE HOSTAGES In the summer of 1 990, the Merlet family was going to Malaysia on the British Airways flight 1 49. During a stopover at Kuwait on the day of Iraq’s invasion, they were taken prisoners by Saddam’s troops. They became “human shields” during 3 months, just before the first Gulf War. Why did their plane actually land at Kuweit city airport? Was it a negligence of British Airways? This documentary demonstrates for the first time that the civilians had been used to cover up a MI5 ‘s clandestine operation. The trial against the British government is about to start. ZAREMA AND THE OTHERS Mixing political, religious, social and gender issues, this docudrama recalls the story of a young Chechen, Zarema, who was caught hesitating to activate a bomb in the middle of Moscow during summer 2003, while the Chechen war was raging. The trial that followed brought this “kamikaze women” phenomenon to worldwide media attention. Archives alternate with interviews and reenactments. 211 : ANNA Anna Politkovskaïa, a Russian journalist, got murdered on 7 October 2006. Famous for being against Vladimir Poutine’s policy, including during the second Chechen War, she knew she was in danger. Through her biography, the documentary denounces the disappearance of 21 0 Russian journalists since the fall of the USSR. THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL After having declared many ceasefires along the years, the independentist Basque organisation ETA announced a ”definitive cessation of its armed activity”. This documentary, shot between the last ceasefire and this announcement, features testimonies of former separatists and Basque terrorists, explaining the reasons of their past actions, and the meaning of their current fight. This film is available in the Fipatel Video Library. FR | 2011 | 52’ French & English (sub.) By Nicolaï Tomov Partenaire Sofia Productions Broadcasters: TVC FR | 201 0 | 52’ | HD French & English (sub.) By Marie-Dominique Montel & Christopher Jones Pois Chiche Films Broadcasters: France Télévisions, Public Sénat IT | 2011 | 60' | HD Italian & English (sub.) By Giuseppe Carrisi Polis Film IT | 2009 | 89’ | HD Italian & French, Eng (sub.) By Paolo Serbandini & Giovanna Massimetti Polis Broadcaster: RAI 3 ES | 2011 | 1 00’ Spanish, Basque, English (sub.) By Eterio Ortega Santillana IDEM4 Broadcaster: ETB Basque Television THE COMOEDIA THEATRE, A REBIRTH The Comoedia is one of the oldest theatres in the world. It is located in Lyon (France), in the city where cinema was born. The history of cinemas is told through the life of this theater. Inaugurated in 1 91 4, this theatre exhibited sideshows before becoming a grand theater showing 70mm movies in the 60’s and 70’s. Saved from the demolition in 2003, it reopened in 2006, thanks to the commitment of passionate figures. FR | 2007 | 52’ | HD French & English (sub.) By Eric Guirado & Agnès Ribouton Fondivina Films ST THÉGONNEC, THE ENCLOSURES OF PROSPERITY The restoration of Notre-Dame de Saint-Thégonnec in Finistere, gives us the opportunity to return to the days of Breton society of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. JOCKEY, TWO REGIMES Through the story of an ancient great Hungarian jockey is told one of an empire which is told. Witness of the end of the Austria-Hungary Empire and the beginning of sovietism, he goes into exile to the United States, where he will pursue a successful career. In 1 991 , he returns to his country to build the “after-communism” which turns out to be difficult. YOLANDE OR THE SCARS OF SILENCE Yolande Mukagasana, wife of a high-ranking Tutsi official, lost her husband and children during the Rwandan genocide in 1 984. She makes us relive the first morning of horror and the atrocities that follow. This courageous woman can't stop there: after 1 6 years spent in Belgium in exile, she comes back to her country and makes the people talk about their traumas to rebuild a society still deeply affected by the genocide. VUKOVAR(S) In 201 9 will be celebrate the 20 years anniversary of the end of the civil war in Ex-Yougoslavia. The Serbian and Croatian communities living in Vukovar, a city in Croatia deeply affected by fightings, still don't reconciliate with each other. Segregation in every day life is still very much alive : children don't play in the same sand box & go to different schools, men don't drink in the same bar. Despite of the integration of Croatia in the European Union, the country remains a powder keg. FR | 2005 | 52’ French By Roland Thépot Pois Chiche Films FR | 2006 | 26’ French By Marine Lefèbvre & Marc Beugnot Pois Chiche Films FR | 201 5 | 50’ | HD French (sub.), English (sub.) By Léandre-Alain Baker Les Films du Paquebot Corproducers: Inzo Ya Bizizi Partners: CNC Cosip, Procirep Angoa, Région Haute Normandie, Pôle image Haute Normandie, OIF Broadcasters: CINAPS TV FR | 201 5 | 52' | HD English (sub.), French (sub.), Croatian By Grégoire Osoha et Timothée Demeillers Quilombo Films Broadcaster: TV Tours Val de Loire WHERE TO, ISRAEL? This documentary is a journey through the roots of the conflict between Israeli and Palestinians. The director questions Israeli’s and Palestinians’ capacity to live peacefully together in one or two States, through many interviews with Jewish or Arab intellectuals (Shlomo Sand, Aharin Appelfeld, Gadi Algazi, Sahar Vardi, Meir Margalit) & several stakeholders. He testimonies of inspiring initiatives showing that harmony between both communities is possible. NO SMOKING IN SARAJEVO The three leaders of the cult Yugoslavian rock band No Smoking were connected by friendship and music. When ethnic conflicts emerged between Serbians, Croatians and Bosnians, ripping apart an entire country, they split up and founded their own bands, two of them keeping the name of No Smoking. Kusturica will join the Serbian one, contributing to make it internationally famous. Their story reflects the one of Yugoslavia. Will they meet up after 20 years? FR | 201 2 | 1 23’ | HD English (sub.), French (sub.) By Camille Clavel Mélisande Films FR | 201 6 | 52' 4K English, Italien, French Gianluca Loffredo and Andréa Postiglione Producers: Grenouilles Productions Broadcaster: France 3 SPORT & ETHNOLOGY SPORT SOLIDARITY WAVE In North Morocco, two surf associations are trying to keep children and teenagers from deprived families away from the street and its harmful temptations. Abdellah El Ghazal, former surfing champion, as well as Youssef and Samia, offer them a safer framework to grow up promoting the values of education, environment and solidarity. INTO THE SEA Three women -an Irish surfer, an Iranian snowboarder & an Iranian diver- decide to introduce surf in Iran. In the Southeastern region, known for its waves, their belief in the values of sport allow them to connect with others and gain a new visibility in the society despite their veil. Surf could also bring economical development to the region. This film has been edited by the famous Iranian filmmaker B. Kiarostami. THE GOLF: IN QUEST OF THE SELF Three internationally renowned French sport champions make us go behind the scenes of golf. Despite their apparent tranquillity and solitude on the course, they resolutely master this intellectually and physically highly-demanding discipline, with a strong team and competitive spirit. Raphaël Jacquelin is the best French international player. Jean Garraialde was the best player in France before retirement. Bruno Saby, former rally driver, brings a complementary input on this thrilling "game". A WINNER'S JOURNEY Jane Bridge is much more than just the 1 st Judo World Champion Woman. This British athlete imbued by Japanese culture has a willingness that nothing can stop despite her small size. Through inventive special effects playing namely with archives, this humorous portrait reveals a sensitive charismatic woman defeating thanks to her huge love. FR | 201 6 | 52' | HD French (sub. and narration voice), English (sub.) By Michael Brusseau VLB Production FR | 201 4 | 52' | HD French (voice-over) & English (sub.) By Marion Poizeau FR | 201 5 | 52' | HD French By Caroline Puig Granetier Les Films de la Découverte Broadcasters: TV Grenoble, TV8 Mont Blanc FR | 201 5 | 27'40'' | HD English, French (sub.) By Risa Cohen Risa Cohen Productions ANGERED UNITED Angered United is a Swedish women’s football team in SE | 201 4 | 2x52' | HD Göteborg. It has been extraordinary successful advancing from Swedish & English 5th to 2nd division thanks to the unusual talent and By Thomas Reckmann determination of passionate girls of immigrant background. The documentary portrays some characters including scenes with football legends such as Pia Sundhage, head coach of the Swedish women national team and Torbjörn Nilsson, former international football player, also evolving in the Swedish national team. LADIES' TURN A group of Senegalese women fight for their passion: playing football, in a muslim society in which people prefer women to play a more traditional role. “Ladies’ Turn”, an NGO, organizing a female soccer tournament, manages to get the chance to play the final in Dakar’s newest stadium. There, they win a new visibility that is a reflection of the role that women are forging in the Senegalese society. SAY IT WITH OARS Three men with very different backgrounds embark on the “Bouvet Guyane” rowing race, a solo transatlantic crossing between Senegal and Guyana. How will this human adventure affect them? KING NAKI, AND THE THUNDERING HOOVES King Naki is a passionate unconventional horse rider, risking his livelihood to win races. Since he once won a prize with the greatest racehorse of his region, in rural South Africa, he keeps on pursuing a dream of victory in spite of failures. FR | 201 4 | 70' & 62' | HD French & Wolof (sub.) By Hélène Harder Wendigo Films Broadcaster: Arte, PBS FR | 201 2 | 52’ | HD French By Nicolas Milice Pois Chiche Films, Odysséus Productions, 54 West Broadcasters: France Télévisions Guyane 1 ère, Télénantes ZA | 2011 | 52’/80’ | HD English (sub.) By Tim Wege PLEXUS Film, JAN VRIJMAN Fund, NFVF Broadcaster: TBC COLLECTION HORSES GUIDELINES (5x52') NEW START NOTICE How to prepare a trotter and a galloper to race retirement? HORSES' HAPINESS How to make a horse happy? FR | 2011 -201 2 | 5x52' French By Emmanuelle Daude Pois Chiche Films Broadcaster: Equidia TO EACH HIS OWN HORSE What are the criteria to buy the right horse? PREPARING FOR THE OUTSIDE How to get prepared for a nice outdoors horse ride? A MEETING WITH EXPERIENCED HORSES How to manage aged & matured horses? THE SHOW GOES ON Neshka Robeva was the coach of the Bulgarian rhythmic gymnastics team in the 80s and 90s, famous for winning numerous gold medals at world championships and Olympic Games. Following her coach carrier, she started choreographing dance shows which became extremely successful in Bulgaria and toured in many countries abroad. The film tells the story of this talented and unstoppable woman who proves that success comes with passion and hard work. AN ETHIOPIAN DREAM What is the secret of Ethiopians, the world’s best long distance runners? Does the explanation lies in their morphology? The organic food they eat? Following Fassika, Henok, Tariku and the coach of Ethiopia’s best runners, we observe their special trainings and enter the deeper reasons of their motivation. With powerful images, this film pays a tribute to exceptional athletes and draws a social portrait of Ethiopia. BLACK BICYCLE, WHITE BICYCLE For years now France has its “Tour de France”, Africa has been having the “Faso Tour” When white bicycle runners come on the roads and tracks of Burkina Faso, the race against black runners engenders passions and awareness that the same sport isn’t practiced with the same means. Who is going to win? The Whites who are the most trained or the Blacks who have the strongest motivation? This human story transcends individual fates to stress development issues and North-South relations.. SURFERS FROM BEYOND On the French sea side, a group of passionate people lives only for surfing, in spite of difficult natural conditions. They tend to confront as much as they can with elements to remain in accordance with themselves. BG | 201 0 | 54’ | 4/3 Bulgarian, English (sub.), Russian (dub.) Vladimir Shterianov Miramar Films FR | 2009 | 46’ French & English (voice over and sub.) By Nicolas Barthez Broadcaster: Canal + Poland FR | 2007 | 52‘ French By Martin Fraudreau Pois Chiche Films, Amiral LDA, Martin Fraudreau Broadcaster: Orange sport FR | 2007 | 52’ French By Fabien Le Boulluec Pois Chiche Films DISCOVERY & ETHNOLOGY THE SHEPHERDNESS OF THE GLACIERS Far away from any civilization, on the dry Himalayan plateaus (up to 1 8,300 feet altitude), Tsering the shepherd devotes her whole life to her 300 hundred sheep and Pashmînâ goats, that she cherishes like a mother. She grazes them under the threat of wild animals. The new generations refusing this hard lonely work, it makes those images even more rare and moving. A life far from the western world luxury industries to which the cashmere wool is destined. FR | 201 5 | 43' / 74' | HD Ladakhi, English (subtitles and voice-over) By Stanzin Dorjai Gya and Christiane Mordelet Les Films de la Découverte, Himalaya Film House Original Broadcaster: ZDF, Arte THE FIANCES OF IMILCHIL The "Festival of engagement", ritual of collective celebration of marriages , takes place every summer in the sublime scenery of the high Moroccan Atlas. This documentary unveals in music a colorful facet of the ancestral Berber culture. THE LAST JOURNEY OF DASHDELEG Dashdeleg is about to leave his traditional Mongol's life of nomad to go with his family live in the city of Ulaanbaatar where his grandson lives. This transhumance through the beautiful landscapes of Mongolia is a story of the nomadic culture that is disappearing. FR | 201 5 | 52' | HD French, English (sub.) By Léandre-Alain Baker Angie'Films FR | 201 4 | 52'53+66' | HD French & English (sub.) By Philippe Mac Gaw Pronto Prod Broadcasters: Voyage, Ushuaia PEOPLE, JUST PEOPLE Yves, experienced doctor, used to humanitarian missions, FR | 201 0 | 52’ | HD brings three nurses in a hospital lost in the middle of the French Mongolia’s steppes. The NGO volunteers for the first time, By Dom Gabrieli willing to help improving the care standards, they discover a universe full of surprises. LANTANDA Creole is the only common local language in Guinea Bissau, former Portuguese colony, but is still not the official language since the country's independence in 1 973. It is still Portuguese. Creole was used to rebel against the settlers. It has become the language in which artists from different generations express their feelings & the social reality of the country. In this music documentary, we discover how they promote this language as a cement of the national identity, through their songs. ES | 201 4 | 67’/52' | HD English, Portuguese & Spanish (sub.) By Gorka Gamarra Icarukuri S.L THE MAN WHO WANTED TO MOVE THE MOUNTAIN In a mine in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, everybody from children to old people, works to extract, carry and crumb granite outside of any company’s organisation in the framework of rules established by the workers’ community. In the middle of this anthill, a man decides to move a huge quantity of earth to launch his own stones’ exploitation. Will he succeed? FR | 201 3 | 53' | HD French By Philippe Delassus Skopia Films Broadcaster: France 5 CREOLE COUSINS Maloya is a UNESCO World Heritage Reunionese traditional music, a blend of Capoeira & Moringue, of Samba de Roda & Afrobeat. This documentary follows the touring of its most representative band, Lindigo, tracing back their roots in the Brazilian black legacy. The band appeared at the Fuji Rock Festival, the largest outdoor music event in Japan, on the 27th 28th & 29th of July, 201 2. Ô ROOTS! The El Mansour Eddhabi dam, built in 1 972 by the Moroccan government, threatens the lifestyle of nomadic pastoralists. Water monitoring is problematic: should this resource be streamlined for the sake of the city development or should nature take care of everything? FR | 2011 | 52’ | HD French (sub.), English (sub.) & Portuguese (sub.), Japanese (sub.) By Laurent Benhamou & Valentin Langlois Hélico, Crunck Broadcaster: France Télévisions FR | 2011 | 55’ | HD French & English (sub.) & French voice-over By Cécile Couraud Wendigo Films Broadcaster: Vosges TV Images plus THE BAGYELI PYGMIES AT THE FRINGES OF THE WORLD The Bagyeli Pygmies lived from hunting & picking, in harmony with the Cameroon jungle. Confronted to the outside world, they are getting aware of their poverty & suffer from being discriminated against by always bigger, such as the Cameroonese to start with. The powerful oil company EXXON is building a pipeline in their forest and the World Bank hasn’t yet payed them the compensations owed for their expropriation. Angéline, Marcelline & Pascal belong to the generation of Bagyeli who try to adapt to this new way of life. LITTLE MARTINIQUE, A CONTINENT ISLAND “Tit Martinique” is a tax-free island which inhabitants live from all kind of business, should they be legal or not. FR | 201 0 | 90’/56’ | HD French & English (sub.) By François-Philippe Gallois Matango productions Broadcaster: Planète, EESTI, Canal + Poland FR | 201 0 | 52’ French By Patrick Sardi & Olivie Pekmezian Pois Chiche Films Broadcasters: RFO/Fran Ö, Canal Oversea, Planè Thalassa THE PUPILS FROM THE END OF THE WORLD To fight against the lack of education in Zanskar, located in FR | 2001 | 52‘ Himalaya, a school was created. We observe the life of pupils French and the conditions in which they study. What are their hopes? By François Gauducheau Pois Chiche Films AMCHIS, THE FORGOTTEN OF THE HIMALAYA Traditionally in every village of Zanskar, valley at the borders of the Indian Himalaya at 3700 metres high, lives a doctor called «Amchi». For a long time, the transmission of the knowledge has been made from father to son or from master to pupil. But over the years, with the construction of the road, the valley opened to the rest of the world and the young generation abandons this ancestral knowledge for the benefit of more lucrative activities. FR | 2000 | 43’ French By Samuel & Davis Ducoin Pois Chiche Films THE QUACKS OF THE HIMALAYA The few remaining quacks of Himalaya keep using the FR | 2000 | 26’ traditional medical & pharmaceutical practices of the Tibetans. French By Samuel & Davis Ducoin Pois Chiche Films RIGDOL, THE MAILMAN OF HIMALAYA Rigdol, the Tibetan mailman, transports between two snowy valleys of Himalaya official and personnal letters. FR | 2000 | 26’ French By Samuel et Davis Ducoin Pois Chiche Films SCIENCE & GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES BAZARUTO, THE DUGONG'S LAND: A TALE OF SURVIVAL Karen, a South-African woman, is doing her utmost to save one of the most endangered sea mammal: the Dugong. On the Island of Baruzo, off the coast of Mozambique, she works for an NGO at making the local population aware of the need to protect the endangered specy and at controlling the respect of conservation rules. Will she herself manage to get close to a Dugong, kwown for being so timorous? RHINOS IN THE FRIDGE Because of poaching and climate change causing the destruction of its environment, Rhinos and in particular Northern White Rhinos are endangered. In order to preserve these prehistoric giants from extinction, scientists deploy many strategies, such as artificial insemination. Travelling from Kenya to Malaysia and Hungary, Rhinos may find the ultimate refuge not in the wild, but in the fridge. THE MACAW PROJECT A place in the jungle of Peru, the home of the Macaws, famous colorful parrots, is endangered by the greed of oil companies and gold diggers. But some researchers don't let them destroy this paradise: they devote their life to save this untouched part of rainforest, inhabited by many creatures. THE PLASTIC CUP Each Spring, a huge amount of plastic garbage is swept away by the flood of the river Tizsa, flowing through Ukrain, Romania, Hungary and Serbia. Under the name of "Pet Pirates", Hungarian filmmakers lauched the "PET Cup": a long-distance race on the river with boats made of the collected garbage by local people and schoolchildren. FR | 201 6 | 52' | 4K UHD English, French, Portugese (sub.) By Franck Sanson Pronto Prod Broadcaster: Ushuaïa TV HU | Completion March 201 7 | 52' | HD English (sub.), Hungarian (sub.) By Attila Dávid Molnár Filmjungle Productions Broadcasters: Czech Television, SPEKTRUM Television HU | Completion end of December 201 6 | 52' | HD English (sub.), Hungarian (sub.) By Attila Dávid Molnár & Cintia Garai Filmjungle Productions Partners: Tambopata Research Center, Rainforest Expeditions Broadcaster: M1 , M4, Hungarian Public Broadcasters HU | Completion May 201 7 | 52' HD English (sub.), Hungarian By Attila Dávid Molnár & Zsolt Marcell Tóth Filmjungle Productions Partners: TZSM Productions Broadcaster: Spektrum Television THE DARK SIDE OF LIFE For 1 6 years, the scientific Proteus Project team have been exploring unknown breathtaking places: the caves underground of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its mission is to assess the spatial extent of the caves, to describe their ecosystem, and preserve their unique and vulnerable fauna. HU | Completion 201 8 | 52' | HD English, Hungarian (sub.) By Balázs Lerner Filmjungle Productions BUDAPEST INFERNO: THE SECRETS OF THE MOLNAR JANOS CAVE Cave divers take us into the Molnár János Cave, the largest underwater thermokarstic cave in Europe and show us the never seen before underground wonders of Budapest. Through the fascinating abundant wildlife, the deepest secrets of evolution are unveiled. DEADLY DEPTHS More than one million tons of chemical weapons are lying under water, near our coasts. From 1 91 7 to 1 970, armies have systematically been dumping their mortal poisons into the oceans, all over the world. Little by little, the active substances are being released. Why politicians and military staffs took this decision? What are the consequences on maritime life and on our health? This 2-year investigation explores the issue in all its dimensions & search for solutions. FIGHT AT THE DAM In the 90’s, in the North of Portugal, an exceptional archeological site of rupestrian engravings is discovered. Threatened of destruction by a hydraulic reserve project, international scientists and local inhabitants fight against the powerful national electricity distribution company EDP. ON THE SEINE The estuary of a river such as the Seine is a microcosm facing ecological & economic issues. This "best practice" documentary, beautifully shot introduces in a journalistic and scientific way the different actors who contribute to the richness of the environment, the beauty of the landscapes and the dynamism of the industries. They successfully enteract to protect biodiversity while fostering economical development. HU | 201 6 | 52' | HD English, Hungarian By Balázs Lerner Filmjungle Broadcaster: Hungarian State TV FR | 201 4 | 52'+90' | HD French (voice-over) & English (voice-over or sub.) By Bob Coen, Eric Nadler & Nicolas Koutsikas Georama TV Coproducers: ARTE, NHK Broadcasters: ARTE France, SF, RTS, LRT, LTV, CyBC, SNRT, CESKA, TV3, RT6P, TLT, RTBF, NRK, Estonian TV, La1 , TG4, RTVSLO, ERT, SVT, DW FR | 201 3 | 52' | HD French (English script available), no international version available By Jean-Luc Bouvret Le Miroir Broadcaster: France 5 FR | 201 2 | 52' | HD French By Olivier Pekmezian Pois Chiche Films Broadcaster: France 3 Haute Normandie STRADIVARI’S HEIRS Scientists, luthiers and musicians lead an international experimentation to recreate the sound of the famous Stradivari violin. Its perfection is believed to be linked to the density of the wood. They try to find it back using a special fongi. Will they succeed? Will they get to the bottom of it? AFRICA NEEDS PROTECTION While the industrialized world is concerned with the protection of the planet, some companies pollute Africa with complete immunity. How do African governments position themselves on environmental issues when their priority is economical growth rather than sustainable development? DE / CH / IT / NL | 2011 | 52’ | HD German & English By Corinna Engelhardt Leonardo Film Broadcaster: Deutsche Welle FR | 201 0 | 52’ | HD French By Franck Sanson Skopia films FISHES AND MEN (4X52’) THE GULF’S PEACE Gascogne’s Gulf offers a model in sea resources management by France and Spain, coordinated by the European Union. But it hasn’t always been the case. This evolution is both the result of a rigorous long-term scientific work and a politic will. THE COD WAS TOO BEAUTIFUL The cod specie is endangered. The warming of waters and the demographic boom of the seals, their predators, forbidden of being hunted, play a big role. Overfishing and trawlers damaging sea bed are also at stake. A program of «fishing sentinels» allying scientists and fishermen got set up to promote sustainable fishing practices. But the promising exploitation of geological resources in sea bed might become the next threat to the survival of the cod. HOW THE SALT WAS WON Damien Phélip, salt worker in Guérande, is about to leave his saltern to restore an abandoned one in La Trinité-sur-Mer. Through this ecological and economical challenge, made possible thanks to the support of the regional council, the municipality of La Trinité-sur-Mer and his salt worker friends from Guérande, we discover the salt production handcraft and history, still kept fully traditional and exempt from the use of any chemical. FR | 52’ 201 2 French (voice-over) By Patrice Gérard Pois Chiche Films FR | 201 2 | 52’ French By Alain Guelaff Pois Chiche Films Broadcasters: RFO/France Ô, France 3 W, TV5 Québec Canada FR | 201 2 | 52’ French By François Gauducheau Odysseus Productions BABEL'S GARDEN Community gardens improve the quality of life of urban citizens, often commuters, by providing them with a cultivable piece of land. Growing their own vegetables & fruits enables them to reconnect with nature & get them away from daily stress. These gardens have become spaces of self-accomplishment where communities get to know each other. They often help to reinvent new forms of solidarity, increase awareness on ecology & encourage mutual understanding beyond cultural differences. LIVES AND GARDENS (3x52') Series depicting people who want to live in a more sustainable way, re-centering their life on their garden. Paradise Found: Gabriella gave up her actress carrier to devote herself to her garden and flowers species saving. Live in This Garden: For Yves & Annick, their garden is a place of life, subsistence, an artistic work & a political manifesto. Landing on Earth: Brigitte & Patrick built their autonomous house in their garden & produce all their energy thanks to the sun & the wind. CONTAINERS ADRIFT The loss of containers is very common in sea transport. They represent a real danger for navigation and sometimes for the environment. How do teams retrieve them from the sea? How to prevent the fall of containers? What are the obstacles to international regulations? KIVALINA Kivalina is a village inhabited by Inuit people. Global Warming is threatening this village to disappear under water. They decided to sue big American oil companies such as EXXON, for having financed fake scientists to deny global warming. The final trial decision is pending. FR | 201 2 | 52' | HD French By Philippe Claudon Skopia films Broadcaster: Telessonne IT | 2009 | 52’/90’ By Patrizia Marani Anthropos Film & Popcult Italian & English (sub.) FR | 2004 | 52’ By Serge Steyer Pois Chiche Films French & English (sub.) FR | 2009 | 52’ by Myriam Rivière, Régis Roiné Pois Chiche Films French & English (sub.) FR, 2008, 26’ Version: French By Yannick Sohier Pois Chiche Films FR | 2009 | 53’ | HD French, English sub. By Nicolas Koutsikas & Stephan Poulle Georama TV Broadcasters: TG4 Ireland, Canal+ Poland GREAT SCIENTIFICS PORTRAITS WOMEN IN SCIENCE Each episode portrays five women scientists, coming from five continents, praised by the annual UNESCO & L’Oréal Foundation Award for their world-changing discoveries. Through interviews of them, of their relatives and co-workers, we realize their determination and how science can be synonymous of creativity, fun, freedom and citizenship. Highly inspiring. FR | 201 0 - 2011 | 2x52' | HD English & French (sub.) By Jaci Judelson, Véronique Durruty & Patrick Gued Froggies Média Broadcasters: TV5 Monde, Al Jazeera Nationalities & disciplines in episode 1 : French Biology, Egyptian Immunology, American Genetics, Filipina Biochemistry, Mexican Biochemistry Nationalities & disciplines in episode 2: Australian Geology, French Physics in Sweden, Kuwaiti Chemistry, Mexican Astronomy, Chinese Chemistry FRANCOISE BARRE-SINOUSSI : A PRICE FOR LIFE The French virologist Françoise Barré-Sinoussi has been rewarded of the medicine Nobel prize for the discovery of HIV. Through this "researcher activist" compelling portrait, we are thrilled by her continuous fight against AIDS. FR | 201 3 | 52' | HD French By Laurent Perrigault Froggies Media Broadcaster : France 5 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOOD COOP The "Park Slope Food Coop" is a cult cooperative supermarket with 1 6,000 members working in it for free during 2 hours 45 per month to earn the right to buy the best food in New York at incredibly low prices (40% less). Shot with a Hopper's esthaetic, this documentary shall inspire any of us. WATER: TAP OR BOTTLE? What are the differences between water in bottles & tap water? Which one is the tastier, healthier or more ecological? Water, common good of every consumer, is the theater of a split between French municipalities attempting to erase the tap water’s bad reputation & world companies inventing new marketing concepts to sell their branded water. THE GREAT INVASION Our ordinary lives are steeped in chemical products, which invaded our bodies. Thanks to renowned scientists and fun cartoons, the spectator enters the world of secretly poisonous substances, which are partly responsible for modern diseases such as breast cancer, obesity, sterility, etc. Often omitted from environmental debates, this form of pollution raises more than medical and scientific issues, it impacts economically and politically our society of abundance. STRESS AT WORK Stress can build up to dangerous levels, making recovery very difficult and mobbing can cause psychological traumas. To cope with both issues, we can learn from experiences and experts. Three managers of a leading Paris Hotel explain how they deal with their own stress and that of their teams. Suzanne, former advertising agency director tells us about her professional exhaustion/burn out and gives advice on prevention and treatment. Agnes, victim of psychological harassment, reveals how she overcame the difficulties. FR | 201 5 | 1 08' & 2x52' | HD English & French (with sub) By Tom Boothe Lardux Films Broadcaster: TELE BOCAL FR | 201 2 | 52' | HD French By Sylvie Briet APC Coproducer: France Télévisions Broadcasters: France 3 Bourgogne, France 3 Partner: CNC FR | 52’ | 201 0 | HD English & French (sub.) By Stéphane Horel Mosaique films Initial Broadcasters: France 5, Public Sénat, Ushuaïa TV CH | 2011 | 35' French & English voice-over By Lucette Quarteron Kenzara SARL CURRENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL ISSUES HUMAN RIGHTS DISTRICT ZERO A Syrian refugee lives in the second biggest camp in the world, Zaatari, in Jordan, counting not less than 60,000 refugees. From his mobile shop, he prints his customers' personal photos, making us get into their stories and life. ES | 201 5 | 52' / 67’| HD Spanish (sub.), English (sub.), Italian (sub.), French (sub.), German (sub.) in progress. By Pablo Tosco, Jorge Fernandez, Pablo Iraburu Arena Comunicacion Audiovisual LAURENT GBAGBO, DICTATOR OR ANTICOLONIALIST? Laurent Gbagbo’s trial in International Criminal Court for crime against humanity opened in January 201 6. President of Ivory Coast from 2000 to 2011 , was he an anti-colonialist liberator or a dictator? He’s sued for having stirred up hatred between his supporters & opponents, leading to the deaths of thousands of civilians & two European journalists. TAKSIM In May 201 3, the Prime Minister's illegal project of building a shopping center on the famous Taksim square in Istanbul symbolising democracy triggers off an uprising from Turkish people. This documentary makes us live it from inside. Will they succeed to save Taksim square from authoritarianism and so democracy? THE NEW SILK WAY A Russian woman is coerced by the Chinese to become a smuggler between Vladivostok and neighbouring China. This touching story takes the viewer into a world of daily survival battles. CI | 201 5 | 2x52' | HD French & English (voice-over) By Saïd Mbombo Penda Sentinelles Productions FR| 201 5 | 52’ | HD Turkish, French & English By Jo Beranger & Christian Pfohl Lardux Films FR-RU | Completion in 201 5 | 52’ | HD Russian, French & English By Edvokia Moskvina Co Production: Pronto Prod & Czeska Televize THE GIRLS WHO PLAY WITH FIRE What does it mean to be a political activist in Putin’s 201 4 Russia ? This doc tells the intertwined stories of three young women, who are political activists close to the LGBT community, fighting for the recognition of the rights of homosexuals and transsexuals, and by extension for the freedom of expression in Russia. NON CITIZEN LAND, FROM LATVIA TO UKRAINE Russian-speaking people still live in the former URSS-countries, where they sometimes hold no citizenship and are deprived of some political rights such as in Latvia. Through several characters living in Latvia and going to Ukraine, we discover this reality and better understand the roots of the Ukrainian conflict. ZAREMA AND THE OTHERS Mixing political, religious, social and gender issues, this docudrama recalls the story of a young Chechen, Zarema, who was caught hesitating to activate a bomb in the middle of Moscow during summer 2003, while the Chechen war was raging. The trial that followed brought this “kamikaze women” phenomenon to worldwide media attention. Archives alternate with interviews and reenactments. 211 : ANNA Anna Politkovskaïa, a Russian journalist, got murdered on 7 October 2006. Famous for being against Vladimir Poutine’s policy, including during the second Chechen War, she knew she was in danger. Through her biography, the documentary denounces the disappearance of 21 0 Russian journalists since the fall of the USSR. FR | Completion in 201 5 | 52’ | HD Russian, French & English By Rozalie Kohoutova & Edvokia Moskvina Pronto Prod FR | 201 5 | 90' / 52' (looking for pre-sales) | HD French, English (with voiceover) By philippe Mac Gaw Pronto Prod IT | 2011 | 60' | HD Italian & English (sub.) By Giuseppe Carrisi Polis Film IT | 2009 | 89’ | HD Italian & French, English (sub.) By Paolo Serbandini & Giovanna Massimetti Polis Film Broadcaster: RAI 3 WHERE TO ISRAEL? This documentary is a journey through the roots of the conflict between Israeli and Palestinians. The director questions Israeli’s and Palestinians’ capacity to live peacefully together in one or two States, through many interviews with Jewish or Arab intellectuals (Shlomo Sand, Aharin Appelfeld, Gadi Algazi, Sahar Vardi, Meir Margalit) & several stakeholders. He testimonies of inspiring initiatives showing that harmony between both communities is possible. FR | 201 2 | 1 23’/(52' version available under request) | HD English (sub.), French (sub.) By Camille Clavel Mélisande Films GOLPE IN THE GREEN PRISON During the «coup d’Etat» in Honduras in 2009, the army expelled the democraticaly elected President Zelaya, supported by a part of the population. Zelaya tried to come back. New elections are organised and won by the right-wing candidate supported by the army. Zelaya had pursued a policy favorable to the people, which alienated him the institutions controlled by a few families. In 2011 , Zelaya is finally able to come back. Revolutionary movements against the oligarchy kept in power by the Americans to keep access to oil are starting all over Latin American countries. THE AFGHAN KITCHEN A EU legislation on asylum right got adopted. The European States must implement this reform about applications assessment period, which are too long and welcome centers capacities which are too limited. The 'Afghan kitchen' organizes encounters where Afghans prepare meals to meet French. Through interviews with Afghans, experts & associations' leaders, we understand how they are stuck in a legal no man’s land, waiting for a political exile status during an average of 1 6 months, forced sometimes to sleep under Paris’ bridges. BABEL'S GARDEN Community gardens improve the quality of life of urban citizens, often commuters, by providing them with a cultivable piece of land. Growing their own vegetables & fruits enables them to reconnect with nature & get them away from daily stress. These gardens has become spaces of self-accomplishment where communities get to know each other. They often help to reinvent new forms of solidarity, increase awareness on ecology & encourage mutual understanding beyond cultural differences. HOW THE SALT WAS WON Damien Phélip, salt worker in Guérande, is about to leave his saltern to restore an abandoned one in La Trinité-sur-Mer. Through this ecological and economical challenge, made possible thanks to the support of the regional council, the municipality of La Trinité-sur-Mer and his salt worker friends from Guérande, we discover the salt production handcraft and history, still kept fully traditional and exempt from the use of any chemical. THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL After having declared many ceasefires along the years, the independentist Basque organisation ETA announced a ”definitive cessation of its armed activity”. This documentary, shot between the last ceasefire and this announcement, features testimonies of former separatists and Basque terrorists, explaining the reasons of their past actions, and the meaning of their fight. IT | 2011 | 55’ Italian & English (sub.) By Roberta Ferrari and Nacho Caro Rice and Beans POPCult CA | 201 2 | 56’ French (sub.) & English (sub.) By Geneva Guérin I am GG FR | 201 2 | 52' | HD French By Philippe Claudon Skopia films Broadcaster: Telessonne FR | 201 2 | 52’ French By François Gauducheau Odysseus Productions ES | 2011 | 1 00’ Spanish, Basque, French, English (sub.) By Eterio Ortega Santilla IDEM4 Broadcaster: ETB Basque Television THE SPANISH WINE CATHEDRALS The bodegas are silent witnesses of the passage of time, but above all they are fully-operational factories, earning the right to be called “Wine Cathedrals”. Architecturally, they are designed to meet the winemaker’s needs, but artistic features are often added as a symbol of prestige. WELLBODI BIZNES In 201 0, Sierra Leone’s government introduced free health care for pregnant women and young children. During the “Mother & Child Wellbodi Week”, hospital staffs raise awareness in the whole country. But reducing the high infant mortality and maternal death rates is a demanding and costly process, especially among a population left traumatized by civil war. ES | 2009 | 52’/82’ Spanish, English (sub.) & French (sub.) By Eterio Ortega Santillana IDEM4 Broadcasters: ETB (Basque television), Canal Sur SLE | 2011 | 42' | HD English (sub. & voice-over) By Miki Redelinghuys & Kyle O’Donoghue Plexus Films, UNICEF Broadcaster: TBC Screenings at Doc for Sales MY SKIN IS WHITE In Cameroon, as in many other African countries, albinos are still treated differently, with fear. This documentary gives a voice to these ‘blacks with white skin’. Neither white, nor black, a little bit African but also stranger, they need to protect themselves from the sun but also against suspicious looks. How can a genetic condition cause so much prejudice? How to fight against it? AFRICA NEEDS PROTECTION While the industrialized world is concerned with the protection of the planet, some companies pollute Africa with complete immunity. How do African governments position themselves on environmental issues when their priority is economical growth rather than sustainable development? THE ROAD TO CHINA Jacques-Francois Ryst, who produces Armagnac brandy, has been selling it in China for many years. He takes us along with him on one of his business trips to let us discover the intriguing mix of the old and new China, where for example a former civil servant can become a multi-millionaire and let build a luxury hotel, which is an exact copy of a French castle. FR | 201 0 | 52’ French & English (sub.) By Franck Sanson Skopia films FR | 201 0 | 52’ | HD French & English (sub.) By Franck Sanson Skopia films FR | 201 0 | 47’ French & English By Nikolas Koutsikas and Stephan Poulle Via Decouvertes BlueWing Films Georama TV Films Broadcaster: France 3 SISTERS Their names are Manou, Nathan and Aurélie. The three women live in the poorest district of Nantes in France. They founded a sewing company, which contributes to the employability and integration of immigrated women. They show us the life in their neighborhood in a new light. With them, «diversity» is not synonymous with «poverty», but more with «wealth» in terms of human exchanges and solidarity. LANDLESS FARMERS In Brazil, 45% of the lands are owned by 0,003% of the population, and are often not cultivated. Landless farmers’ movements fight for a redistribution of lands. After years of camping on them, some families obtain the expropriation, the right to collectively cultivate them and to organize a democratic way of living on it. THE CHILDREN’S EMPIRE In Dakar, Sénégal, thousands of children live on the street. Poor families from the countryside give their children to fake Coranic schools, pretending to provide them with an education, while they actually use them to beg. Desperate, children flee these schools and end up in the streets of Dakar. Anta M’Bow created in 2004 the NGO «the Empire of children» to rescue and socialize these children through artistic education. The ultimate goal is to re-insert them into their families. FR | 201 0 | 52’ French By Stephane Perrier Pois Chiche Films Broadcaster: TeleNantes FR, | 2006 | 52’ French and English (sub By Julien Farrugia Skopia Films Broadcaster: Telessone FR | 2008 | 52’ | HD French, English (sub.) & Spanish (sub.) By Gérard Moreau & Michèle Barrault Les films de l’Artichaut SOCIAL ISSUES STICKERS COLLECTING FEVER At each launch of a new Panini sticker’s album for a major football event, the craze of collecting spreads again. This behind the scenes view on passion, psychology & history of trading cards unveils Panini’s design, production & marketing. Thanks to interviews of the Panini’s sons, sport stars such as André Schürrle, 201 4’s world champion footballer & collectors, this doc pays a broader tribute to one of the oldest visual mass media. DE | 201 4 | 49' | HD German & English (voice-over) By Corinna Hackenbroch Leonardo Film Broadcaster: WDR 7 ACCIDENTS, INQUIRY ON THE CRASHES OF THE USUAL Through testimonies and dreamlike re-enactments, we share the experience of people recovering from road accidents. With psychologists & sociologists, we question our habits behind the wheel & our symbolic relation to driving. FR | 2007 | 52’/75’ French By Alexis Taillant Le Miroir, Europeus Films, The Hot Line, Fondation de France Brodacasters: France 3 LCA, TV Rennes BEYOND THE BARS Let’s enter into the daily life of a prison...from the employees'perspective! Thanks to this immersive documentary and vibrant testimonies, we understand why the Belgian characters purely love their job. FAST FORWARD A former trader who became a teacher questions the acceleration of our society with his 1 0 year-old pupils and the help of experts (such as Nicolas Hulot). Why does everything go faster? Is it implied by the pursue of economic growth? The highlight of our system limits by children makes this documentary a true "feel good" film. THE CHILDREN IN MEDICAL EXILE Did you know there are medical refugees? Some parents have to take the tough and risky decision to send their child away from their native country, Comores Islands, to reach illegally La Réunion's French island, where they will be healed. Suffering from severe renal pathologies, those children will be most likely away from their family their whole life. However, a new future may emerge for them... BE/FR | 201 6 | 57' | HD Frencg, Englis (sub.) From Daphné Baiwir Sebastien Cruz FR | 201 6 | 81 ' | HD French, English (sub.) From Gilles Vernet La Clairière Production Broadcaster: Vosges TV FR | 201 5 | 49' | HD French, English (sub.), German (sub.), Spanish (sub.) Chinese (subs.) From Philippe Bonhomme & Frédéric Cordier ON EN PARLE MERCREDI CULINARY ART THE FRENCH SAVOIR-FAIRE IN THE LAND OF MAHARAJAHS Who would have guessed that French crêpes could meet success in India? Nowadays, thousands of French emigrate to India, and some of them choose to bring their passion & knowledge for gastronomy. Through the stories of a enologist, a farmer and three friends who opened a French crêperie, we get to know what motivated them & how is the French touch the key of their success. FR | 201 3 | 31 ’ | HD English (soon with subtitles) & French (sub.) By Frédéric Cristea Skopia films Broadcaster: TF1 THE GOURMET BRETON (84x26') Directed under the sign of pleasure and French auto-mockery, this cooking magazine presents good products, French traditional recipies and big chefs from Brittany. FR | 2002-2003 French By Olivier Corre, Nicolas Milice/ Patrick Le Boëté, Mathieu Verge Pois Chiche Films PARENTING IN EXTREMIS Eleven pupils, who dropped out of high school (in Vitry-sur- FR | 201 5 | 62’ | HD Seine, Parisian region) and four retired people get involved in French and English (tbc) the writing and the acting of a theater play related to immigration By Colette Ouanounou and origins. This re-socialising project is animated by two professionals. Will this alternative educational project succeed to reintegrate in the society both groups, living their own way apart? INSATIABLE TEENS Alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, gaming & even social media can all lead to addictions affecting more and more teenagers nowadays. With interviews of young people and professionals trying to help them, this series gives a new approach on these social phenomenons. LEGAL HIGHS The use of legal highs within UK youth is ever growing. Teenagers testify about their own experiences with a variety of legal drugs while scientists warn about the consumption dangers and threats to the users. UK | 201 5 | 6x26’ | HD English By Christopher Kenna SDMC FR | 2009 | 21 ’ | HD French, Spanish, Italian, German (with sub. on dialogues and commentary voice) By Christopher Kenna SDMC Broadcaster: BBC 3 20 YEARS LATER 20 years later, we meet again atypical characters, who faced FR | 2011 | 4x32' | HD troublesome issues when they were children, such as teen French pregnancy, scholarship in a boarding school or early domestic By Claude Couderc responsabilities at home. Did their experience penalize them or Skopia films not ? What if they had to do it all over again? What if we were in Broadcasters: TF1 , TEVA their shoes? A 52' version of 'Teen Pregnancy' is available. EPISODE 1 : TEEN PREGNANCY, EPISODE 2: CHILDREN'S DOMESTIC RESPONSABILITIES, EPISODE 3: MY LIFE IN A BOARDING SCHOOL, EPISODE 4: WELL BRED, ILL BRED TEEN PREGNANCY 20 years later we meet again women who faced teen pregnancy. Did their experience penalize them or not? What if they had to do it all over again? What if we were in their shoes? A 32' version of 'Teen Pregnancy' is available in the series '20 years later'. THE ULTIMATE TEMPTATION Suicide is the first cause of mortality for teenagers. Through interviews of people under 20 and experts, we try to understand and analyze teenage suicide: in most cases, it would be committed to stop intolerable suffering that is not recognized by parents and educators. I WAS BORN WHEN I WAS 1 6 Dorine became paraplegic following a plane crash when she was sixteen. She overcame her handicap by becoming a pilot. Throughout the film, she delivers an exceptional testimony, leading up to her most poignant struggle, that of giving birth. FR | 2011 | 52’ | HD French & English (sub.) By Claude Couderc Skopia films Broadcaster: TEVA FR | 2009 | 57’ | HD French and English (sub.) By Claude Couders Skopia Films Broadcaster: France Télévisions FR | 2007 | 52’ French & English (sub.) By Eric Bitoun Skopia films Broadcaster: France 3 FEATURE LENGTHS DISTRICT ZERO A Syrian refugee lives in the second biggest camp in the world, Zaatari, in Jordan, counting not less than 60,000 refugees. From his mobile shop, he prints his customers' personal photos, making us get into their stories and life. FLOWERS FROM THE MOUNT OF OLIVES A 85 years old Estonian nun, Ksenya, lives in the Orthodox monastery of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, surrounded by her turtles. She joined it at the age of 60 years and is now heading towards complete silence, the Great Schema. But before that she has been given permission to tell the story of her life for the very last time. Through photographs and simple but powerful images, we discover his past life, from her biology studies to her addictions and her three weddings. TAXIWAY In the intimacy of their yellow cabs, New-York immigrant drivers tell their journey as well as their every day stories to the Big Apple. Through their testimonies, the film tells a collective tale of exile. ES | 201 5 | 52' / 67’| HD Spanish (sub.), English (sub.), Italian (sub.), French (sub.), German (sub.) in progress. By Pablo Tosco, Jorge Fernandez, Pablo Iraburu Arena Comunicacion Audiovisual EE | 201 3 | 59’ | HD English/ Estonian/ Russian (sub.) By Heilika Pikkov Silmviburlane Broadcaster: Estonian Television FR | 201 3 | 59’ | HD English & French (sub.) By Alicia Harrison Perspective films
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