March 22 - Our Lady of Lourdes
March 22 - Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 455 Hunter Avenue, West Islip, NY 11795 Msgr. Brian McNamara, Pastor Rev. Robert Scheckenback, Associate Pastor Deacon John De Guardi, Deacon Tom Lucie, Deacon Jack Meehan, Deacon John Teufel Sr. Nancy Campkin CSJ, Director of Religious Ed Trish Frodell, Director of Parish Social Ministry Louise Jane Krol, School Principal Sr. Diane Liona CSJ, Director of Religious Ed Debbie Meyer, Business Manager Robin Reynolds Brennan, Coordinator of Worship and Choir Director Vita Scorcia, Ministry Spiritual Director Parish Office Liturgical Schedule Phone: 661.3224, press 1 Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-7:30pm Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am-3:00pm Sunday: 9:00am-2:00pm E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 661.7143 Website: Daily Mass 8:30am Weekend Masses Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm and 6:00pm Reconciliation/Confession Saturday: 4:00pm-4:45pm or by appointment Rosary Daily at 8:00am Miraculous Medal Novena Monday at 8:00am Our Lady of Lourdes School Phone: 587.7200, press 2 Monday-Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm E-mail: [email protected] Religious Education Office Phone: 661.5440, press 3 Monday-Friday: 9:00am-Noon, 1:00pm-5:00pm, 7:00pm-9:00pm E-mail: [email protected] Parish Outreach Office Phone: 661.9262, press 4 Monday-Friday: 9:30am-3:30pm SAGE (Senior Advocates for Growth and Enrichment) Phone: 661.3224, Ext. 122 E-mail: [email protected] Sacraments Anointing of the Sick Throughout the liturgical year. If needed sooner, please call the Parish Office. Baptism Please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment. Marriage Arranged at least six months in advance, please call the Parish Office. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) A process to be embraced by the Catholic Church. For nonCatholics and for Catholics who have never received formal religious education. If interested, please call the Parish Office. Fifth Sunday of Lent • March 22, 2015 Welcome to our Parish Family New Parishioners are cordially invited to register as members of our Parish Family. Please call or visit our Parish Office. Remember: Together, we can do something beautiful for God! - Mother Teresa Pastoral Council Mission Statement Msgr. Brian McNamara Eileen Rega Mary Borgs Lisa Cantalino Sonia DaSilva Nilo DeLeon Jerry Esposito Trish Frodell Pam Gagliano Deborah Lamb Rosalie Mangels Deacon Jack Meehan John Muldoon Dottie Perdue Vita Scorcia As stewards of all that God has given us, the Parish Family of Our Lady of Lourdes serves and ministers to all who come to this place. Parish Staff Patti Anderson Parish Office AnnMarie Buonaspina Director of Youth Choirs Michael Buonaspina Parish Organist Anne Gregg School Office Mary Anne Lettieri Parish Office Rita Spera Religious Education Office Lori Walsh Bulletin Editor/Website Pat Young Parish Office 2 Regardless of a person’s history, ethnicity, gender, orientation, age or race, we commit ourselves to open wide the doors of our Parish to provide a place of welcome and hospitality. Readings for the Week of March 22 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/ Heb 5:7-9/ Jn 12:20-33 Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/ Jn 8:1-11 Nm 21:4-9/ Jn 8:21-30 Is 7:10-14, 8:10/ Heb 10:4-10/ Lk 1:26-38 Gn 17:3-9/ Jn 8:51-59 Jer 20:10-13/ Jn 10:31-42 Ez 37:21-28/ Jn 11:45-56 Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/ Is 50:4-7/ Phil 2:6-11/ Mk 14: 1-15:47 or 15:1-39 Financial Summary March 15, 2015 Weekly Collection Weekly Budget +/- for the week Catholic Relief Services $ 17,571.00 - $ 17,800.00 $ ( 229.00) $ 4,384.00 The estimated weekly collection needed to maintain and operate our parish buildings, ministries, programs and salaries is $17,800. As you know, traditionally, Lent is a time to focus on fasting, almsgiving and increased prayer. This week, I especially want to highlight the Lenten practice of “increased prayer.” Pastor’s Letter Dear Parishioners This week (Monday, March 23 – Thursday, March 26), we ar e hosting a PARISH MISSION, led by Fr . J ude Siciliano, O.P. and Sr . Patr icia Br uno, O.P. They will be conducting a presentation each morning at 9:00am in the Parish Center and every evening at 7:30pm in the Church. I urge everyone to come to the Parish Mission; bring a friend! I have quoted St. Augustine many times: “God is more anxious to bestow his blessings upon us than we are to receive them.” God wants to shower us with His blessings; allow God to do that; allow God to anxiously bestow his blessings and grace upon you during this Parish Mission. Parish Missions are opportunities but as with any opportunity, we have to take advantage of the opportunity. I would like to bring two issues to your attention. Governor Cuomo has included an Education Tax Credit in the annual Executive Budget. This tax credit is designed to generate scholarships for tuition-paying scholarships and for additional funding for public schools. Please write your Assembly-person, State Senator and Governor Cuomo that you support keeping the Education Tax Credit in the state budget. As a Catholic community, we need to let our voices be heard on issues affecting our community. A second issue involves movements promoting assisted suicide legislation. While there is no specific legislation yet, we need to be concerned about movements in this area by the New York state legislature. Visit for some solid information and resources concerning these issues. Also, please join It will keep you up to date to various issues affecting the Catholic Church and how you can contact our political leaders regarding important legislation. Remember: Together, we can do something beautiful for God. In Christ, Fr. Brian 3 Altar Society Altar linens this week will be cared for by Connie Lynch. If you would like to help care for our altar needs, please call the Parish Office at 661.3224. Members in the Military We ask that you pray especially for those in our parish that are on active duty in the Middle East conflict. Michael Fantauzzi-US Air Force Christopher Florca-US Marines Christopher Jensen-US Air Force Anthony Mannino-US Marines James Rooney III-US Marines … and remember those of our parish family that are in the armed services, listed in our Parish Book of Intentions. Pastoral Care of Our Sick Please call the Parish Office at 661.3224 to leave the names of parishioners who: Are homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist. Are in Good Samaritan Hospital and would like to be visited by a member of our Pastoral Care Ministry. Would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. Parish Spiritual Care Companions Do you know a parishioner who is homebound and would welcome a visit from one of our trained Parish Spiritual Care Companions? Please call Rick Danowski at 586.2192, Vita Scorcia at 669.4717 or Charlie Zeiss at 669.7189. Pray for Our Sick Please remember to keep in your thoughts and prayers … Salvatore Albanese, David Aslin, Dorothy Blandino, Mary Breest, Robert Burnett, Thomas J. Calogero III, Daniel Capo, Patricia Carlson, Grace Ciccarello, Anna Cinquemani, Luigi Cinquemani, Dennis Crowley, Robert Day, Dolores DellaVecchia, Karen DellaVecchia, Margaret DeLuca, Jane Desthers, Andrew DiBlasi, Nancy DiGruccio, Fran DiMino, Patricia DiMino, Amanda DiTingo, Mark Dixon, Frank Edwards, Paula Edwards, Jake Feldman, William Fuchs, Kenneth Garretson, Robert Garretson, Jeanette Giordano, Ralph Giordano, Tommy Haughney, Josephine Heffron, Patrick Anthony Heffron, Thomas Hicks, Jr., Betty Infurno, Shena Kahn, Anne Kerrigan, George Koehler, Rose Kordulak, Kevin Kuchler, Frank Licciardi, Sean Lillis, Barbara Malmquist, Paul Martucci, Jean McCauley, Vinny Meade, Tara Moore, Peter Murray, Ruth Murray, Dorothy Proctor, Jimmy Reilly, Jo Ann Roccaro-Kellner, Peter Rooney, Linda Anne Savino, Roseann Savino, Joseph J. Schiavoni, Ann Marie Schiraldi, Joseph Sepe, Marguerite Sullivan, Susan Vanduyne, Joseph Visconti, Camille Watts, Charles Zeiss Names of the sick are listed for five weeks for short-term requests and five months for long-term. 4 Monday, March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo 8:30am Ann Gorman 12:10pm Mildred Romeo Rest In Peace Margaret (Peg) Cowan Frank P. Mancini Thomas A. Savarese Roy T. Sorrese We extend our prayerful sympathy to the families and loved ones of those recently deceased. Tuesday, March 24 8:30am John Riley 12:10pm Marie Turano Wednesday, March 25 The Annunciation of the Lord 8:30am Giacomo Alfano 12:10pm Cheryl Nappo Thursday, March 26 8:30am Jack Holden Doyle 12:10pm John Liona Celebrating Sacraments Mass Intentions Friday, March 27 8:30am Una McGrade (living) 12:10pm Mary Kennedy Saturday, March 28 8:30am Patrick Patwell, Peter Santella, Josephine Raynor, Elizabeth Homann, James Mascarella 5:00pm Baptism Samantha Marie Apap Michael & Mary Tanner Fallon Hojnacki Paul & Samantha Vincenzo Joseph Stetler Joseph & Sharon Ayden Nicholas Michael Walshe Christopher & Christiane Eugene Maloney Msgr. Brian McNamara Sunday, March 29 8:00am All Souls Bertolotti Family Fr. Bob Scheckenback 9:30am John Lovari Msgr. Brian McNamara 11:00am Peggy Hanrahan Msgr. Brian McNamara 12:30pm Giovanni Andriola Fr. Bob Scheckenback 6:00pm People of the Parish, Dianne Martinez, Josefa and Cecilio Rivera, Anna Rizzo, Charles & Georgette Van Manen, James McDonough, Anthony Giovan, Ellen Shay Fr. Bob Scheckenback 5 Attention Ushers Ushers are needed for each of the Parish Mission evenings, Monday March 23 through Thursday, March 26 at 7:30pm. In addition, Holiday usher s ar e needed for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday at all Masses. The Vigil rehearsal for all ushers is on Tuesday, March 31 at 7:30pm. Thank you for your service to our Parish family. Please note your availability in the “Sign In Room.” Respect Life Ministry Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. Be Someone’s Angel - Volunteer with The Life Center! Volunteer opportunities include: Counseling, Data Entry, Clerical, Mailings, Fundraising, Grant Procurement, Office Cleaning, Donation Pick-ups and/or Sorting, Receptionists, Post-Abortion Ministry Team, Compassionate Hearts Support Program and Special Event Projects. Volunteers Needed: Calling Lectors, Public Relations and Speaking Enthusiasts ... “Looking for something to do in your spare time? Would you like to bring the message of The Life Center to churches on Long Island?” The Life Center is growing, and we are in need of additional Baby Bottle Campaign speakers who will give a brief three-minute prepared talk at Masses on various campaign weekends. Volunteer for campaigns around your schedule. Extremely flexible. For more information, please contact Sara McKenna at 516.798.9100. “Behold, sons are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons of one’s youth. Happy is the man whose quiver is filled with them.” ~ Psalm 127:3-5 Men of God! “It is not for putting in a shelf, but rather for having it at hand. It is reading it often, every day, either individually or in groups, husband and wife, parents and children; maybe at night, especially on Sundays. That way, the family can move forward with the light and the power of the Word of God!” - His Holiness Pope Francis Men, ever wonder how the bible has real application in your life or maybe you yearn for a closer more intimate relationship with our Father? Phil Campisi is hosting, along with Men’s Discipleship Network, Inc., a men’s bible fellowship starting on Monday, April 6 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Spiritual Life Center in the convent. Call Phil to r eser ve your spot at 631.742.9673. 6 LENTEN OPPORTUNITIES Monday, March 23 - Thursday, March 26: PARISH MISSION 9:00am in the PARISH CENTER Join with us as Fr. Jude Siciliano, O.P. & 7:30pm in the CHURCH Sr. Patricia Bruno, O.P. help us to draw closer to Christ. Friday, March 27: 1:00pm & 7:00pm in the CHURCH STATIONS OF THE CROSS Meditate upon the Passion and Death of Jesus. Tuesday, March 31: 7:30pm in the PARISH CENTER PATHS TO PRAYER: CHAPTERS 9 & 10 Deacon Jack will lead us in the Rosary and a discussion of Chapters 9 & 10. Tuesday, April 7: 7:30pm in the PARISH CENTER PATHS TO PRAYER: CHAPTERS 11 & 12 Fr. Brian will lead us in a discussion of the final chapters. Children’s Liturgy As we continue our PRAYER FILLED Journey of Lent, please join us: Holy Thursday, April 2 Church 5:00pm A child-centered service remembering Jesus’ loving act of washing the disciple’s feet and the celebration of the Last Supper. Good Friday, April 3 Church 12:00 noon Children’s Good Friday Liturgy Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 4 All Purpose Room/Great Lawn 11:00am Bring your Easter Basket along! 7 OLL Bereavement Support Group You are invited to join our next Bereavement Support Group. This is a wonderful opportunity to be supported in a small discussion group with people who have also suffered a loss. The group will meet on Wednesdays for eight weeks starting April 1, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. We will be meeting in the Spiritual Life Center in the convent. Please call the Parish Office at 661.3224, Ext. 121 or email Diane Ackerly at [email protected]. Always Our Children We are gay and lesbian Catholics, their family members and friends who meet once a month to pray, support each other, and discuss how God is present in our lives. We look forward to meeting this month on Thursday, March 26 at 7:30pm in the Spiritual Life Center. Each month, a relevant different topic is discussed and reflected upon. Come join us; all are welcome. Donations Around the Parish If you would like to make a donation to Parish Outreach in memory of a loved one, please call Trish Frodell, Director of Parish Social Ministry at 661.3224, press 4. 8 Laundry detergent Personal care products Soap Toilet paper Toothpaste Come and pray this Lent at “The Six” Sunday, 6:00pm Mass All 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and their families. Please join “The Six” with your grade… 5th Sunday of Lent March 22 Grade 7 Palm Sunday March 29 Grade 8 “Serve” Service Project Sunday “Pray” as Holy Week begins PEP 4 Religious Education The classroom program formally ended a few weeks ago, and at our closing celebration, Father Bob shared some of his Camino journey with the parents and children. As a response, some of the PEP 4 students answered the following questions: Religious Education LENT ‘15 This year, I felt more equipped to journey as a pilgrim with Jesus because ... The classroom lesson which helped me the most was ... This year, I felt more equipped to journey as a pilgrim with Jesus because all the lessons on the way helped me pick up clues on how to become a pilgrim of Jesus. The lessons were like a map. They were giving me directions and a place I want to go and explore. The classroom lesson which helped me the most was The Spirit Gives Life. The Holy Spirit is a guide. I felt as if I was on a ship with the Holy Spirit at the wheel, turning me to the right direction. This year, I felt more equipped to journey as a pilgrim with Jesus because I learned the Beatitudes, went several times to confession, received Holy Communion weekly, learned the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy and reviewed the Ten Commandments. These all help me to do the right things to make me and God happy. The classroom lesson which helped me the most was learning about the Holy Spirit. I feel better to know that even when no one may be around, that the Holy Spirit is always with me to help me do the right thing and make good choices. ~ Sabrina Cassese ~ ~ Johnny Fucci ~ Special K If you have a child in Kindergarten, please consider coming to a wonderful program! Designed to gently lead your child into formal religious education, this format will introduce your children to many Church traditions, children’s prayer experiences and some practical ways in which to participate in Mass on their age level. We meet monthly in Church from 4:30pm to approximately 5:10pm: April 17, May 15 Please register at: [email protected]. There is no fee for this program. 9 Easter Candles Once again, we are offering a Loving Candle which will be placed in the Tabernacle area and lit on Holy Saturday. This symbolic light will remain in the Tabernacle area for the life of the candle (approximately a week). This is a beautiful way to remember our living and deceased loved ones. The Loving Candles will be available after all Masses this weekend and next weekend and at the Parish Office (Rectory) during the week for a donation of $10. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 661.3224, Ext. 121. Our Lady of Lourdes School 50th Anniversary Did you go to Our Lady of Lourdes School during the sixties and seventies? Be part of our year-long 50th Anniversary Celebration. For further information, call Rich Maher at 631.661.5478 or Frank Antonawich at 631.587.7988. Congratulations! Congratulations to the following students who have achieved mid-year Honor Roll status at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School: Summa Cum Laude Honors (100+ weighted average) Zachary Krulder, Lisa DeMotta, Rory Hannigan, Amelia Virga Magna Cum Laude Honors (95 weighted average) Daniel DiPietrantonio, Madison Hoffman, Stephanie Vizzini, Kathryn Antonawich, John (Jack) Natale, Emily Brierly, James Sanchez, Joseph Vizzini, Shelby Alanis, Connor Hatton, Theresa Maher, Christina Natale, Mia Rogers, Jake Shapiro, Nicholas Zotto Cum Laude Honors (90 weighted average) Jacqueline Pappas, Vincent Piazza, Thomas Roulette, Jack Scheid, Emily Zotto, Frank Anastasio, Samantha Viola, Cole Amdur, Jessica Herbert, John Piazza, Jessica Trifoli, Daniel Antonawich, Krysta Flareau, Joseph Christian La Carrubba, James Schneider, Shannon Thomson Great job - keep up the good work! 10 Grandmothers ~ Mothers ~ Daughters ~ Friends Victorian Tea Sunday, April 19, 2015 2:00pm to 5:00pm Our Lady of Lourdes All Purpose Room Chinese auction-great local restaurant gift cards, Kindle Fire HDX, designer sunglasses Prizes for the Best Hat and Best Decorated Table Please bring your Favorite Teacup! Tickets $20 per person Now on sale in the Outreach Office First 75 tickets sold will receive five free raffle tickets! OLL has a Senior Singles Group that gets together every month. We’re a social group that comes together for adult conversation and good times. We meet in the Parish Center on the last Saturday of the month after the 5:00pm Mass. We have dinner and sometimes we have a game night. We’ve gone on trips to Niagara Falls, Lancaster, PA, Branson, MO and New Orleans, LA. If you are interested in joining us (remember, we’re “Senior” singles!), call Pat McKeefery at the Outreach Office at 661.9262, Option 4, for information on our next meeting. 11 Ministry of Praise Members pray at home for the intentions of the Church and Parish; designed for the homebound, senior citizens, etc. Monthly calendar is available in the Narthex. Prayer requests can be left in the Ministry of Praise box along with the name and address of any homebound person who might want a copy of the calendar mailed to them (please print). Good Samaritan Prayer Group of L.I. The Good Samaritan Prayer Group of Long Island holds their meetings every Friday (except the first Friday of the month) at OLL School in Room 16 from 8:00pm until 10:00pm. All are welcome to experience singing, praying and fellowship . Prayer for Divine Mercy An invitation to all men and women to be part of God’s plan. We invite you to meet in prayer for the world and our nation to put their trust in God. Our hope is that the nations will have a new spirit of morality. Please come with your love and hope for humanity as well as your prayer requests. We gather together every Thursday at 1:30pm before the Blessed Sacrament for about one half hour. For more information, call Charles Argento at 586.8528. Boy Scout Troop 179 For more than 41 years, Our Lady of Lourdes has been sponsoring Boy Scout Troop 179 of West Islip. We meet every Thursday in the School Cafeteria from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. If you are interested in joining Boy Scouts, check out our website and stop by a meeting! Website: Email: [email protected] Around the Parish Support Groups (all meetings are in Lourdes Hall - lower level of Convent) 12 Alcoholics Anonymous: Monday and Tuesday at 8pm and Satur day at 11am and 7pm. ALANON: Wednesday at 10am. Beginner ’s meeting at 9:30am. Fr ee babysitting available. AA Day-by-Day/Girls Night Out: Thur sday at 7:30pm. In addition to our parish website, please visit us on Facebook at The Parish Family of Our Lady of Lourdes. Click “Like” and you will receive the latest news on upcoming parish events and information. Fasting By Paul Turner Ever discover you just can’t eat? Maybe you have an exam coming up. Or you’ve had a death in the family. Maybe you’re about to give a speech. Or it’s only days before your wedding. Emotional events in our lives can cause a physical reaction -- tensing up in the stomach, making it hard to even think about food. We naturally fast as a means of preparing. Imagine the church, the Body of Christ, as one giant organism getting ready for the big event of the year, Easter. The emotional promise of that day is causing a physical reaction in us: it’s hard to think about food when we’re drawing so close to the celebration of the death and resurrection of the Lord. Our most common form of liturgical fasting is the hour we spend before receiving communion, abstaining from food and drink. Most of us don’t think about it any more, but it used to be a threehour fast, and prior to that, a fast from midnight. This had the advantage of making communion the first food of the day, a real spiritual “break-fast.” The canon and local laws regarding fasting during Lent are well-publicized each year. We abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent and we fast (eating only one full meal) on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. But the liturgy presumes that fasting, or some form of self-sacrifice, accompanies the Lenten season. On Ash Wednesday, the opening prayer asks God to “make this day holy by our self-denial.” The prayer of blessing over the ashes asks to “keep faithful to the discipline of Lent.” Before blessing the palms on Passion Sunday, the presider will remind us that “for five weeks of Lent we have been preparing, by works of charity and self-sacrifice, for the celebration of our Lord’s paschal mystery.” Holy Saturday, not just Good Friday, implies the presence of a fast. The church abstains from communion; it may be given only to the dying. And those preparing for Baptism “should refrain from their usual activities, spend their time in prayer and reflection, and, as far as they can, observe a fast.” We all may find that extending the fast from Good Friday through Saturday helps us celebrate Easter better. Fasting heightens our anticipation of Easter and gives us solidarity with the world’s hungry. A fast at home will give new life to the prayers we hear and the songs we sing this Lent. Copyright © 1997 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia St., #290, San Jose, CA 95112, (408) 286-8505. Paul Turner, pastor of St. John Regis Parish in Kansas City, MO, holds a doctorate in sacramental theology from Sant’ Anselmo University in Rome. His email is [email protected] 13 Divine Mercy Devotion On THURSDAY, MARCH 26 at 7:30pm at St. Agnes Cathedral Parish Center (lower hall), Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM will host an evening explaining the Divine Mercy Devotion. He will speak on the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Novena, the Hour of Mercy, Indulgences and Divine Mercy Sunday (April 12). For more information call Mary Tierney at 516 – 375 – 0738. Golden Wedding Jubilee This spring, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, April 19 at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville and on Sunday, April 26 at the Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. Both litur gies will begin at 2:30pm. Couples may register for ONE liturgy. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at the Parish Office. Registration must be received by the Office of Worship by April 6 for the April 19 liturgy and by April 13 for the April 26 liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the Fall for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions, you may call 516.678.5800, ext.207. Catholics for Freedom of Religion March 25, 2015 at 7:00pm St. James Church Parish Center 429 Route 25A, Setauket, NY 11733 Around the Diocese Join us as Kelly Shackelford, Esq. (President and CEO, Liberty Institute, Plano, TX) and Thomas Renker, Esq. (General Counsel, Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY) discuss why there is a need to protect and restore religious freedom in America and how it is under serious attack -- in our schools, our churches, our military and throughout the public arena. 14 Worldwide Marriage Encounter - Married Couples! Looking for the perfect weekend? A weekend that will bring a husband and wife closer together? A WWME weekend is exactly what you are looking for. At a Worldwide Marriage Encounter, the original and continually updated marriage enrichment program, you get away from the distractions of everyday life and focus on each other. Enhance your good marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! Weekends are scheduled throughout the Metro New York area. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for April 24-26 at The Immaculate Conception Seminary in Lloyd Harbor, NY. For more information about the weekends or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at On Call Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) or Registered Nurses (RN) Talbot House, Bohemia, NY – Chemical Dependence Services (Need flexible availability including weekends & holidays) Talbot House is a 24-hour voluntary chemical dependence Crisis Center, providing short-term medically monitored inpatient withdrawal and stabilization services to adults in crisis. We are seeking NYS licensed LPNs and RNs to work on call, monitoring, evaluating and caring for our clients. HS diploma/GED and work experience that demonstrates the ability to independently evaluate and triage clients’ medical/psychiatric conditions necessary. Experience working with individuals with chemical addictions is a strong plus! To apply, please submit resume and cover letter, detailing relevant experience to: [email protected] or fax to 516.733.7038. Please include “Talbot LPN/RN” in the subject line of your email or fax. Community Happenings Catholic Charities Job Opening Catholic Charities – Diocese of Rockville Centre. “Care With Dignity…….Life With Hope” An Equal Opportunity Employer 10th Annual St. Patrick School Car Show St. Patrick School, Smithtown will host its 10th Annual Car Show on the grounds of St. Patrick Church on Sunday, April 26th (rain date May 3rd) from 9:00am to 4:00pm. All are invited to enjoy a day of fun for the whole family. Admission is $5 for adults, no charge for children. Car enthusiasts are invited to bring their cars, motorcycles and trucks. The show will include a large section of movie replica cars and monster trucks, as well as the actual US National Broadway Chitty Chitty Bang Bang touring car from the stage production of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang musical, the 9-11 Veterans Car, the Mach5 Speed Racer, the Christine 1958 Plymouth Fury (with the original screen used engine, interior and body parts), and the Suffolk Sheriff’s Department. Admission for cars is $15 and $5 for motorcycles. All car clubs and private owners are welcome. The first 200 cars receive a goodie bag. Craft vendor space is also available. If you would like to display your car, truck or motorcycle, or if you are interested in vendor space, call John Forlenza at 631-588-2696. St. Patrick Church is located at 280 East Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787. Spirituality For Singles - 2015 Spring Singles Dance Saturday, Apr 11, 2015; 8:30pm to 12 midnight St. Aidan Parish Msgr. Kirwin Hall 525 Willis Avenue Williston Park, NY 11596 Hot Buffet, free wine & beverages, snacks & dessert included. Dancing all evening to Live Music by "Our Generation" All Singles Ages 30+ are welcome, $25.00pp Info: Ray - (516) 561-6994 or [email protected] 15 Lighthouse Catholic Media Lighthouse Catholic Media is seeking people to join us in the New Evangelization by making available inspiring CD talks and other media to people everywhere. We need both volunteers as well as paid, part-time account managers. All that is needed is a desire to help others come closer to Christ and His Church; free training is provided. Hearts Afire - also seeking anyone interested in “33 Days to Morning Glory” Marian Consecration and Hearts Afire Parish Program. Please call Theresa Piekut at 631.848.7612 or email : [email protected]. Cub Scout Pack 279 For 43 years, Cub Scout Pack 279 of West Islip has been serving boys, grades one through five, through scouting. See what adventures await you! For more information, contact Kelly Wood at 631-983-8026. The 17th Annual Elizabeth T. McNamee Memorial 5K Run Sunday, May 10 9:00am: 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk 9:30am: 5K Run West Islip High School Community Happenings Visit our website: For applications and information, call 631.321.0806 or register on-line at ACTIVE.COM. 3.1 miles professionally timed by Start to Finish Corp. 16 Molloy College Spring Open House For prospective students and their guests Sunday, April 26, 2015 1:00pm Molloy College Rockville Centre, NY 516.323.4000 Religion and Rock Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from 7am to 8am on WBAB 102.3 FM or 95.3 on the East End of Long Island. Listen on Saturdays at 11pm on Sirius Radio, Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11pm on XM Satellite, Channel 117. Next Sunday’s theme is “Being Joyful.” Growing with the Gospel Sharing the Gospel When you act bossy, selfish, or rude, no one will want to spend time with you. You will be lonely and unhappy. Follow the example of Jesus instead. Be strong in your faith. Do all that God asks you to do, even when it is not easy. Be honest. Be kind. Share what you have been given. Be helpful. Forgive. Show everyone what God is like. When you follow Jesus' example, you won't be lonely. When people around you see that your faith is real, they will come to you for help. They will want to know what makes you different. Then you can point them to Jesus. Mission for the Week Look for ways to be helpful in your family. Help set the table. Take the trash out. Put away your toys and books without being asked. When your family notices you being so helpful, tell them you are trying to follow Jesus' example. Prayer God, help me to follow Jesus. I want to show everyone how great you really are. Something to Draw Draw a picture of yourself sharing your lunch with a friend who has no food. 17