Pretty T Girls - Rachel Williston


Pretty T Girls - Rachel Williston
Pretty T Girls
January 2012
The Magazine for the most beautiful girls in the world
Happy New Year
From Miss 2012
In This Issue
Miss 2012
Editorial by Barbara Jean
The Easiest Way to All Over Beauty from WebMD
The Sensitive Skin Myth from WebMD
The Exploits of Barbara Marie
An Apology to Lorraine Brown
Tasi’s Musing
In Memory of Jami Bantry
A Salute to our 2011 Cover girls
Medicare Benefits for Transgendered People
Angels In the Centerfold
TG Tips by Mellissa
The Adventures of Judy Sometimes
Tammy Chapter 11 (fiction by Barbara Jean)
Tasi’s Fashion News
Kathy’s Korner
Lucille Sorella - Top Ten Girly Power Songs
15 New Uses for Tea
Best Glasses for Your Face
The Gossip Fence
Shop Till You Drop
Work It
an Editorial by Barbara Jean
Well I had something else written for this month, but will hold it.
On January 3 ABC will air the first episode of a new series called
“Work It”. Now for those who may not be familiar with this new
show it is about two men who dress as women to get a job. I guess
we can say it is a rehash of the old “Bosom Buddies” show that was
on back in I think the 80’s.
But before it even hit the air there has been a lot of flack from the TG community about it. The
complaint of it being another show that makes light of being a TG. Two guys who dress as
women to get a job, when most of us who are TG cannot get a job as women.
But the show I think does bring another REAL problem to light. Today it is easier for a woman
to get a job than for a man. Also it is easier for someone who is fresh out of school or currently
employed, or even recently unemployed to get a job than for a man or for someone who has
been unemployed for a few months or longer. Also I think we all well know it is easier for
someone in their 20’s or early 30’s to get a job than for someone who has been a part of the
workforce for many years.
How often have we seen opinions from members of our community on the importance of
“passing”. The more we are able to fool someone into thinking that we were born female the
easier it is for us to become employed as a female.
Of course since the show is a comedy it does seem to make fun of some of the real problems
that we of the TG community have. The restroom for one thing. I seen one ad for the program
that showed two men dressed as women standing in front of a urinal, and in a clip of the show
they show a man dressed as a woman (lost the wig) scaring the bejezers out of a woman in the
ladies room. This of course does seem to be fuel for the fire for those who seem to lash out
about us in the ladies room. And of course when the two are dressed as women their voice is
distinctly falsetto. Of course when we speak we do not try and sound falsetto, yet for some of
us no matter how hard we try we simply cannot feminize our voice.
While our own lives do not have a plot, TV and the silver screen always does. In “Some Like it
Hot” it was to hide from the mob, “Bosom Buddies” was to get an apartment, “Tootsie” like
“Work It” was to get employment. “Mrs. Doubtfire” was to be able to be with his kids”. Others like “Transamerica” and “Normal” did show real problems that we face.
One of the complaints I hear also is that the actors themselves are not transgendered. I think we
will find that almost all actors at one point in their career do have to dress as women. (heck I
seem to recall a movie were even John Wayne had to dress as a woman in one part) No doubt
that there are transgendered actors out there, but most I think we will find working in little theater productions. Why none of them have hit the big time as of yet, I do not have the answer.
Perhaps it is that they are not know to the major movie/TV producers, or they do not want the
parts that the major producers want to give them.
Producing a quality show using transgendered actors, acting as transgendered, can it be made?
I think the answer is yes, but the big question is would it sell to the general public. Would it
return the huge investment that must be made in making the film or series?
What type of film/series would put us in a good light? A documentary, yes, but how well
would it sell? A drama, yes, but what role would the transgendered play in such a film and
again would it sell?
Maybe it is time for one of us to write the script and then sell it to the studios with the condition
that the actors themselves be transgendered. Our community has the talent, now we just need
someone with that talent to step up to the plate and write the script.
All-over beauty: The easiest way to get gorgeous
skin from head to toe
While most of us make at least some effort to keep the skin on our faces
clean, moisturized, and well- maintained, the rest of our bodies, and any specific skin issues, often fall into a state of at least semi, if not full-on, neglect.
That's a big beauty blunder, according to experts—since the skin, head-to-toe, is our largest organ, it's also one that can make us look inadvertently older and less healthy than we really are.
"The skin differs, depending on where it is on the body," says dermatologist Marie Tsoukas
MD, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, "so
it requires specialized care."
You already know what the first two words from any credentialed pair of lips will be: "SPF 30".
Beyond that, here's a guide to a full-body radiance:
Big Complaint : Fine lines and age spots
Expert Fix: Amidst the slew of products that promise youth, the one dermatologists agree you
should try (at least if you're not going to see a doctor) is an over-the-counter moisturizer with
the vitamin-A derivative Retinol–unless you're pregnant, in which case you should check with
your doctor. "Retinol exfoliates microscopically and helps the complexion look fresh," explains
Pamela Jakubowicz, MD, a dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. She also
recommends lotions with soy for discoloration and old acne marks. "There are some studies to
show that soy helps with sun spots," she says.
Big Complaint : Crêpe-paper texture
Expert Fix: "Oh, you mean the chicken skin?" asks Bella Schneider owner of LaBelle Day
Spas and Salon in the San Francisco Bay area. "The first thing I recommend is to tone the neck
muscles, because when you build volume, the skin tightens and you really get a lift." To that
end, Scott Vincent Borba a celebrity esthetician who has worked with AnnaLynne McCord and
Ashley Greene, prescribes a daily exercise anyone can do: Try to touch the tip of your nose
with your tongue 50 times while massaging in moisturizer or cream using upward strokes to the
jaw line.
Big Complaint : Mottled cleavage
Expert fix: Poikiloderma of Civatte may sound like a comic-book villain, but it's actually the
medical term for that reddish, spotty, crinkly skin between your breasts—the result of chronic
sun exposure—and it affects the neck as well. "You can use face products here," says Heidi
Waldorf MD associate clinical professor at Mount Sinai Hospital's department of dermatology
in New York, "but more gently. Since the neck and chest have fewer oil glands than the face,
start slowly with the retinols, and be sure to moisturize." In a low- neckline emergency, rednessdisguising self- tanner or bronzer can also save the day.
Big Complaint: Back acne
Expert Fix: Cleanse once or twice a day with a drug-store wash containing salicylic acid or
benzoyl peroxide. "These ingredients can help remove the oils from the skin, decrease inflammation, and reduce bacterial growth," says Andrea Cambio MD a dermatologist in Bokeelia,
Florida. "Don't scrub because you can irritate grumpy bumps into a worse breakout." Jakubowicz notes that for the same reason, you probably shouldn't go any higher with the benzoyl
peroxide than 2.5 %. She also suggests making sure that your hair products aren't somehow
dripping on your back and contributing to the problem (Isopropyl myristate is one ingredient to
look out for). And Waldorf adds that when you exercise, it's important to wear lightweight,
moisture-wicking fabrics, and rinse off as soon as you're done. "If the problem persists," she
says, "see a dermatologist because you may need a prescription cream or oral medication."
Big Complaint : Sandpaper elbows
Expert Fix: Exfoliate like a demon and smother with butter—that's the basic idea. Here you
can scrub. And when you're done? "Shea butter, cocoa butter, and Vaseline are great for these
spots," says Jakubowicz. For extra softening, Schneider suggests covering your moisturized elbows with cellophane for 10 minutes. "I don't think anybody has more patience than that," she
says, "unless you love to lie around and be wrapped."
Big Complaint: Old-lady hands
Expert Fix. Tsoukas tells her patients using retinol products on their face to rub the last little
bit into the backs of their hands, although the skin there is thicker and more resistant to improvement. Schneider is a big believer in olive oil for beautifying the hands (use fine quality oil
and rub into the skin thoroughly.) To address age spots, for those who don't want to use hydroquinone products, she suggests making a lactic acid lightening paste of whole milk, a little fullfat yogurt and a squeeze of lemon juice. "Massage into your hands really well," she says. "And
then just stick them into a warmed pair of cotton gloves for about 10 minutes."
Big Complaint: Stretch marks
Expert Fix: To be honest, there's no magic bullet here. Shea butter, cocoa butter, and Vaseline
may help prevent stretch marks. Once you have them, though, they are very difficult to treat,
says Tsoukas. Prescription-strength retinoids can help a little. Whether various lasers are worth
it is debatable, but she has found that the Fraxel can lessen redness and improve texture.
Big Complaint: Ugly calluses
Expert Fix. As designer heels teeter higher, our calluses grow thicker. Medicated salicylic acid
pads (Jakubowicz suggests using 40%) can soften the really tough skin. For general care, manicurist Marsha Bialo who's known for keeping the extremities of stars like Jessica Alba and Jessica Simpson camera-ready, has a routine. Start by soaking your feet in clean, soapy water and
patting the skin dry. You'll need two foot files. These come in different grits—the higher the
number, the finer the texture—and ideally, you want to start with a coarser file and finish with a
softer one. "File gently," she coaches. "Rather than sawing back and forth, I like to go around
and up, making a C motion, so I don't scar the skin." After you polish the area smooth, massage
your feet with moisturizer—you don't need anything fancy, A&D ointment for babies works
wonders, Bailo says. "Women always forget to do this. But beautiful feet? What a kick."
The Sensitive Skin Myth
If you think your face flare-ups are due to “sensitive skin,” you may be wrong.
WebMD the Magazine - Feature
A sensitive skin reaction can flare up at any time. Bonnie Roth, for instance, recently finished a
relaxing facial and soon began to feel the healthy tingling effects of the deep cleansing -- or so
she thought. Instead, it was a bad reaction to the products used during her treatment. “My skin
was completely broken out, red, and blotchy,” explains the 57-year-old, South Orange, N.J.
resident. Sadly, skin outbreaks are not new territory for Roth. She describes herself as having
sensitive skin.
She has plenty of company. “A majority of women would say they have it,” says Elizabeth
Hale, MD, clinical associate professor of dermatology at NYU’s School of Medicine. But, she
says, “only a small part of the population truly has sensitive skin.” So why do so many of us
walk around with patchy spots and reddish skin? And what does “sensitive skin” really mean?
What’s really “sensitive skin”?
While there is no dermatological definition for sensitive skin, the term is used to describe the
skin condition of people who easily break out in rashes and get blotchy, itchy, or stinging skin
in response to products or the weather. The majority of women don’t have a serious skin problem, but rosacea, a skin disorder with facial flushing and red blotches, can make skin sensitive;
so can eczema.
Once you’ve seen a dermatologist and have ruled out serious problems, most skin trouble, it
turns out, is of our own doing. To uncover our younger- looking selves, we use too many microdermabrasions, chemical peels, and retinoids that strip the skin of its protective barrier, says
Jeffrey S. Dover, MD, FRCPC, associate clinical professor at Yale University and co-author of
The Youth Equation: Take 10 Years Off Your Face.
Facial products and skin reactions
Retin- A, for instance, slows premature aging and sun damage. It isn’t supposed to cause extremely red skin or excessive peeling, so if that happens when you use it, cut down to twice
weekly. If you’re still reacting, your skin may be too sensitive for the product.
Those with easily irritated skin should play it safe with their face. Skip products containing the
following, says Hale: alcohol, beta hydroxy acids, and retinoids. Lanolin, used in many moisturizers to soften skin, can also cause allergic reactions; so can common preservatives that extend a product’s shelf life, such as parabens and quaternium-15.
Other sources of skin irritations include fragrances that companies use to mask the chemical
smells in unscented creams (it’s best to use “fragrance free” products) and formaldehyde (found
in nail polish and perfume). Best way to find out if you’re sensitive to ingredients in a product?
Dab the product on the skin of your forearm and leave it for 24 hours. If there’s no reaction,
there’s no problem. But if redness, itching, or blistering occur, this product’s not for you.
Bonnie Roth discovered that the culprit behind her major- league breakout wasn’t sensitive skin
at all. Instead, she was reacting to a vitamin C–based cream touted for improving the skin’s radiance. She now consults her dermatologist before using anything new. “It’s all about keeping it
simple,” she says.
New Bood by Teri Lynn Richards
Stress or Desire? $10.00 - by Terri Lynn Richards.
It has been several years since Teri transitioned at work. Her transition was initiated by her spouse, Jill, because she recognized that
"Terry" would never be completely happy until he became Teri. Jill
was aware of the constant stress in Terry's life and remembered that
when they were dating, Terry had mentioned that at one point in his
life, while he was single, he had attended a Halloween dress-up party,
going as the office secretary.
Stress or Desire is available from Mag Books
The Exploits of Barbara Marie
In my last article I mentioned that I had my eyebrow touched up and I also had lip liner
and my lips done (Tattooed – permanent make-up). My brows look good. When I apply a
little clear lip-gloss, it looks like I am wearing a light coat of pink lipstick. Even without
the gloss my lips are pink as I had her use a dark pink to fill my lips. It is getting harder
and harder for me to look like a “guy” even if I wanted to do so, which I don’t. I am considering the eyeliner as well the next time “Honey” is in town.
It is also interesting that since Sarah, Phoebe and my self gave the 2 classes at Georgia
Southern, I have had 5 customers come in to the nail shop that were students in one of the
classes. They had nothing but good things to say about our visit. This past Sunday I went
to church as usual. After church, I changed from a skirt to Caprice and sandals and participated in a benefit breakfast being given by the Pilot Club, of which I am a member.
The last time I did the breakfast, my wife was a member of the club and that was about 15
years ago. The guys worked in the kitchen doing the cooking. This time I helped out
front while the guys still did the cooking.. At the end of my 2-hour shift, I changed back
into my skirt and heels as I was going to be part of a panel discussion on TG issues at one
of the churches. How ever, it did not come to past. I miss read the invitation and thought
it was at one of the churches in Statesboro, which was not the case. I was to have been in
Brunswick, GA, which is about 75 or 80 miles away, at 1230 for the presentation. I was
still in Statesboro at 1200. Needless to say, I had to make my apologies via cell phone. The
panel was to consist of a gay professor, a F2M individual, a girl who has a trans parent
(M2F) and yours truly. I am hoping to be asked again.
I have 3 pecan trees in my yard and I have been picking up pecans every morning before
going out for the day. I took 250 lbs from my back yard and got $397.00 for them. Today,
Thursday, being Thanksgiving, I picked up about 80 lbs out of my front yard, while the
turkey was in the oven. I still have about a third of my front yard to do. I should wind up
with bout 175 lbs before I quit. When I finished, I went back in the house and completed
my Thanksgiving Dinner. About 5 pm my son, a friend and I sat down in the dining room
for dinner. I decided to be the perfect hostess and broke out the good china, crystal and
silver wear. They cleaned up for me. (Never got to watch any of the foot ball games I had
planned to watch.) Friday, I was out there again for a while in both the back as well as
the front yards picking up pecans that have fallen in the last couple of days. I wound up
with about 20 lbs. While I was in the back yard, a gentleman stopped to talk to me about
the pecan trees and picking up the nuts. He was from Michigan and was here for the
weekend visiting his daughter. During the whole conversation he thought that I was a real
Female. He mentioned that up there shelled pecans in the stores go for $8.00 to $10.00 a
pound. I did not tell him any different as to my gender. In the next day are so I will finish
the front yard. My trees are still loaded with nuts.. After a quick shower, I put one a pair
of “”Clorox” stained jeans that I purchase from Guess and a red and white V-neck top.
Since I had my lips done, my current make up appears too dark so I went to my friend at
Belks and was re color-coded. She left every thing the same but changed the color of my
foundation and also told me not to use powder. Actually it looks pretty good with out the
powder plus it is one less step for me to do when getting ready to go our.
Saturday morning before leaving the house, I basically finished the front yard the best
that I could. My efforts for the past several days in the front yard netted me 125 lbs. I
sold them for $197.00. There were several gentlemen at the store that came to the aid of
this “damsel in distress” as the sacks of nuts weighed about 40 lbs apiece. The money I
received will help off set my spending money when I leave for Dallas on the 4th of December to be with a friend who is having a “nip and Tuck” (GRS) surgery. I will be flying out
of Savannah and be there for about 2 weeks with her.
Sunday, I was wearing gray slacks with a gray, white and black v-neck top and black
heels as I was on my way to church. After church and quick change of clothes, I was on
my garden tractor, cutting up the piles of leaves in the back yard which uncovered almost
two more five gallon buckets of pecans which were then picked up. After a quick clean up
and change to a gray skirt with a white top and gray flats, it was off to the nail shop for a
few hours before heading to to a reception honoring the engagement of our assistant rector, Justin to Vanessa.. About half way through the party I went to the kitchen and
started cleaning up. When the ladies came into the kitchen to clean up, they were quite
surprised that every thing had been done! Monday morning before heading out for the
day, I picked up a small bucket of pecans. I took all of them to the same place I have been
twice before. It was a total of 42 lbs and I received $65.00. That brought my total to
$659.00 for my efforts. Tuesday morning, I was out there again and picked up another 5
gallon bucket, which I took to the nail shop as I had promised to bring the folks there
some pecans. Wednesday, before going into the shop I managed to pick up a 3-gallon
bucket of pecans, which I gave to the shop in Springfield., GA. Thursday was my son’s
sobriety date (4 years). Rather than go to Alanon that night, I went to his meeting to see
him get his four-year chip. Friday. I was wearing a red top and jean slacks when I left the
house to do some shopping before packing for my trip to Dallas on Sunday. I picked up 3
pair of slacks with matching v-neck sweater tops, as it will be cold in Dallas. After a day in
the shop, I went home to pack for the trip.
Saturday, I wore the same out fit on my trip to Savannah. Before going to my son’s
house, I stopped at Macy’s to exchange some makeup I had not opened. After spending
some time with my son and his family I enjoyed my grand daughters, I changed to a
black and red dress with black heels and a black pocket book and headed out the door for
the Chatham Artillery Christmas party I was wearing silver jewelry and had my membership pin on with 30 years on the dress. I sat wit a number of members and their
spouses/dates whom I did not know and had a great time. On of the ladies across from me
had been in the army for 5 years and
started questing me about my involvement
with the guard and the Chatham Artillery.
I told her I was a medic from 1964 to 1969.
Then she asked some questions about the
WAC’s. At that point in time we were by
our selves, so I looked at her and told her
the truth about my gender. She did not
believe me at first. I showed her my
driver’s license and military Card. Her
remark was “you sure had me fooled”,
then she complimented me on my looks
and the way I had conducted my self during diner just as any of the other ladies
had done. When the dancing started, I
decided that it was time to leave.
Sunday, I was wearing a pair of gray slacks and a
stripped sweater top when my daughter in law took
me to the airport.. After a quick check in, I went
through security, got a double take from the security
guard when He was checking my ticket and ID card,
but he smiled and said “ have a nice day, Mam!’ The
flight left on time. Her surgery is Tuesday morning if
all goes well. While on the flight, I had a very nice conversation with a lady from Claxton, GA. it turns out
the her 35 year old son is a M2F non-pre op transsexual. He has been full time since he was a teenager. I
gave her my card before we deplaned. I did introduce
her to my two friends who were waiting on me when
we got off the plane. After which we went in separate
directions. Teresa rented a car with me as the alternate driver and we went to the Staybridge Suites in
Plano, TX. The room was actually an efficient
“apartment with two double beds and a fold out sofa,
as well as a full kitchen. The three of us went for dinner at a Indian restaurant.
Monday after a good breakfast at the hotel dining room, the three “ladies” left for the
plastic surgery clinic for the pre op visit. I was wearing new brown slacks with a white
and light brown sweater top and black flats. It was 38 degrees, windy, rainy and cold. I
thought that Texas was supposed to be warm to hot. After the visit, it was off to La
Madeline French restaurant for lunch. After lunch, we took Milla back to the hotel and
Teresa and I went shopping for some last minute stuff. The other two “ladies” changed
clothes and went to the GYM for about 45 Minutes, as it will be the last time that Teresa
can do it before her surgery. It will be about 6 weeks before she will be able to return to
the gym. Dinner for two of us consisted of “left overs”. Teresa was on a clear liquid diet
and NPO after 2400. For the next day or so, she will be on a liquid diet progressing to a
soft diet. Her constant companion will be a Foley catheter for the next week. Tuesday
morning, we left the hotel at 8:30 am for the clinic. Both Milla and I were wearing jeans
and v-neck tops. Teresa had on a sweat suit. She was taken to the pre op area about 15
minutes after we got there. About 0950, she was taken to the OR and will be gone about 3
to 3 ½ hours. Milla and I made our selves comfortable in the waiting area before deciding
to go get something to eat. We got back about 15 minutes before she went to recovery
room. We were back at the hotel by 1615. Milla and I worked together taking care of
her. Wednesday morning one of the nurses from the clinic who had been here all night
with another patient stopped by to check on her. There were a total of 3 Post OP patients
at the same hotel this week with another one coming on Friday.
For the last two mornings, I ate breakfast with a lady sheriff who was here for training.
We had a great visit talking about a number of things normally women would talk about.
She still thinks I am a real female and I will not tell her any different. After breakfast, I
made a quick trip to Wally World for a few things we decided that we needed. The rest of
the day was just a lazy day.. Teresa’s recovery is going well. We go for her post op visit
on the 13th . At that time they will remove her catheter and teach her how to take care of
her self for the next couple of months. So far we have met the one Post Op TS who is 4
rooms down from us, and her spouse. She and her wife are not getting a divorce. They
are having a great time as girl friends and still love each other. We also met Oliver an
F2M who is a doctor and still has a practice. He is also quite active in the GLBT community. Next week he offered to pick us up on evening for a home cooked meal at his house.
We have also met Shannon, another M2F who is about 6 months post op. She is still married and has several children. They just recently bought a house, as she and her wife are
also the best of “girl friends’ now. She is also quite active in the LGBT community as they
run a recovery house for PO TS patients who did not bring some one with them or who
did not wish to stay in the hotel.
It is now Monday afternoon and Christie Ann is coming by and the two “ladies” and
yours truly will be going out for dinner. Currently I am in jeans and a gray sweater and
black flats. It is cloudy and 50 degrees out there at the moment. Teresa will be in a purple
gym set, as she will be wearing a leg bag for her catheter rather than the regular bag. Tomorrow is both hers and Christie Ann’s big day as they get their catheters out as well as
their packing. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant for supper and did a little shopping
before going back to the hotel. Tuesday was the “big Day” as the ladies got their foleys
and packing out. They were then shown how to keep them selves open for the next several
months until they are healed. Theresa and I met 12 retired school teachers(all GG’s) at
Chile’s at 4 pm far a social hour. One of the ladies brothers, a non pre op M2F, lives in
Montgomery and is a good friend of Teresa’s. After a great afternoon with the ladies, all
whom accepted us with out question into their group, Teresa and I went back to the hotel.
Wednesday, we met several of the ladies back at the restaurant for lunch. We also met
Courtney, the manger of the restaurant who is a non-pre op M2F as well having lived her
life full time as a female since before 1998. Many of the staff that work there are also
members of the TG community as well. However, it is a “straight” restaurant. Courtney
invited all of us back to the restaurant for dinner on the house and she will be joining us.
At 6:30 PM we were back at Chili’s for dinner. Christie Ann joined us as well so there
were 2 GG’s, 2-post op M2F and 2 non-pre op M2F people there for supper. Supper was
great and the company was superb.
We got back to the hotel about 9:30 pm after a wonderful evening. It is now Thursday
morning and we said so long to Christie Ann as she was leaving today Teresa and I went
for a pedicure to relax .
I hate to end it here but I have covered almost a month and I know that the fearless editor is going to do her best to trim this a little with her trusty pinking scissors. I hope that
every one had a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I also hope that Santa was
good to all of you as well. Until next year, have a good 2012!
An Apology to Lorraine Brown
Girls I am afraid I must make an apology to Ms. Lorraine Brown who was one of our cover
girls for November. I seemed to have misspelled her name both in the photo contest and then
again on her cover photo. Lorraine, I guess I am now due those 50 lashes with the wet noodle
from you.
Tasi’s Musings, January, 2012
Well, I actually did it –retired to Merida, MX - and it’s all a bit scary
and frustrating with the unexpected being the norm. Not that I miss
the cold weather because it was 15 deg in El Paso the week after I
left, and Merida is a balmy 75 deg and a bit humid. I’m having to get
use to “manama time” which means “whenever” to most of you.
I hope to provide a bit of a Mexican flavor to this column in the future
as this is a wonderful city and may offer some interesting tidbits on
my journey to womanhood. Merida is called the “white city”, some
say for the color of the buildings and others say for the cleanliness of
the city, but in any case, the population wears a lot of white. Sure glad
I have my white boho skirt with me.
This is the season of the “posada (meaning inn)” which is a festival
commemorating the journey of Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to
Bethlehem that ends in merrymaking in a very traditional Mexican way. See more here: http:// The Mexicans love festivals and there seems to
be one every week. I am amazed at the friendliness of the Mexican people. Most of them of
been very helpful in my settling- in process. After three weeks here, we did manage to find a
house, get my car and visit a few malls. Merida would be a wonderful place for a transgender
conference – we’ll have to work on that idea.
In the News
Transgender woman's sex bias claim upheld (from Julie, An attorney and the moderator of
the Yahoo dual- gendered group). If you weren't aware, I wanted to alert you about the Vandy
Glenn decision; this is a BIG deal, as this is an 11th Circuit opinion, a federal appellate court
immediately below the U.S. Supreme Court, and VERY influential. Truly a ground-breaker for
the Trans community. See the stories below, one is from a legal journal. The Supreme Court
said federal law bars discrimination not just based on someone’s sex, but based on someone’s
failure to conform to stereotypes associated with his or her sex. The Circuit court confirmed this
decision unanimously.
l=101470109221 foundation-laid- for-trans-equality
Two Twin Boys – one transgender – become brother
and sister. An interesting story from Maine. Matt, now
Nicole, knew from age 4 that he wanted to be a girl.
Their parents, Wayne and Kelly Maines, said they
brought their transgender daughter into the spotlight in
the hopes that their story might shed light on the struggle of others. The whole story is here: http://
Twin- Boys-One-Transgender-Become-Brother-andSister
Macy's Fires Employee For Refusing To Let Transgender Customer Use The Women's
Dressing Room. Boy, has there been a lot of discussion on this issue. Details are here but this
is just one of many articles: The employee violated Macys LGBT non-discrimation policy and after refusing a supervisor’s instructions; she was terminated. The right-wing conservative group, Liberty Counsel, has taken up the issue. Of course there is ample hate mail on the
issue as well as some staunch defenders. We applaud Macys for sticking to their policies.
Related to this issue is the annual Workplace Equality Guide which you can find here: http://
utm_source=Convio&utm_medium=email&utm_term=link-1&utm_campaign=BuyersGuide2012. The guide covers products and services from clothing to computers to kids' stuff, from
the latest hairstyles to the grocery aisles. It collected data on hundreds of businesses. And some
of the differences between companies selling similar products and services might surprise you;
here is a sampling:
Macy's (90%) vs. Neiman Marcus (15%*)
Nike (100%) vs. Adidas/Reebok (15%*)
Toyota (100%) vs. Nissan (30%)
UPS (100%) vs. FedEx (75%) vs. DHL (15%*)
AT&T (100%) vs. Verizon (20%)
Orbitz (100%) vs. Priceline (0%*)
Transgenders Fly the Sky..You might remember this from
several months ago but now it’s happened. Fasten your seatbelts! A Thai airline that hired transsexuals as flight attendants to set it apart from competitors has taken to the skies.
Details are here: ladyboy-flight-attendants- flight-PC-Air.html
An Interview with Anna
“My election proves that people are ready for change"
It’s easy to feel you are in a time warp walking the history-steeped
streets of Krakow. The masses of dowdy pensioners, students clinging to battered leather satchels and the many young monks and nuns
give the impression of a city guided by tradition and, more importantly, by the cloth.
It seems an unlikely background for the emergence of Ruch Palikota (Polikot’s Movement), a
political party known for its liberal aims and unconventional candidates, but in October the city
elected Anna Grodzka – now the world’s only serving, transgender parliamentarian – as one of
its 13 representatives in the Sejm.
Books and Movies
Valoy Gravois, of Davis CA, has published a literary-quality crossdresser novel titled Cherry
Single that is free online at It was originally published in hard
Work It, a new sitcom billed as a high-concept comedy centers
on two unrepentant guy’s guys who, unable to find work, dress
as women to get jobs as pharmaceutical reps. Not only do they
pull it off, but they might just learn to be better men in the process. Well, HRC and most of the LGBT/transgender advocates
are up-in-arms about the comedy calling it insulting and much
worse. You can see a trailer here:
Frankly I agree with Nellie Andreeva. Work It’ is not antitransgender, it is just a silly cross-dressing sitcom and unlikely
to invoke anything but a little senseless humor; not unlike the
humor found in the film, Tootsie, when it came out. Check out
Nellie’s comments: it- is-not-anti-transgender- it- is-just-a-silly-cross-dressing-sitcom/
Fashion and Beauty
QUOTE OF THE DAY "Properly understood style is not a seductive decoration added to a
functional structure; it is of the essence of a work of art." – Evelyn Waugh
I recently commented that “red lipstick” is the favorite accessory for women and had a close
friend agree – saying that she could not possibly start the morning without lipstick. So, for
Trish, here’s another confirmation.
I Love My...Red Lipstick
Anya Strzemien is the editor-in-chief of HuffPost Style, Stylelist, and
Stylelist Home.
"Slowly but surely, red lipstick has taken over my life. I now buy
clothes for it. I build outfits around it. I select colors that will look
good with it. I require pockets in which I can carry it. I apply it at my
desk without a mirror and I can now even apply it while walking. I really love my red lipstick. "My love for lipstick was probably passed down from my mother, who rightly wonders why a woman would apply Chapstick when she could apply lipstick. But I didn't
wear red until I met the right shade a couple years ago — "It Girl" by Sephora. It's got a
lot of orange-y pop, and it's not really an exaggeration to say that putting it on in the
morning makes my day.
"I'll admit that I'm kind of evangelical about red lipstick. In a somewhat extreme act, I
recently held down my red-haired-yet-red-lipstick-resistant friend Bethany and applied it
to her mouth. But when I was done, even she had to admit she looked great.
"When you wear red lipstick, it transforms an outfit. It's like the best kind of jewelry
(which I love, too).
"And in case I don't sound crazy yet, I occasionally panic that a color with as ephemeral a
name as "It Girl" will be discontinued, so I go to Sephora and buy a few more tubes. At
this point I have stockpiled enough to last me for the next 27 years. Like I said, I really
love my red lipstick."
With This Makeup Look, It Really Is As Simple As Black &
The Tip: This graphic eye is a throwback to the mod makeup of the
‘60s. Apply a white eyeshadow across the entire lid and directly below the lower lash line, then use a black liquid liner to draw a thick
cat-eye along the upper lash line.
The Tools: Shiseido Luminizing Satin Eye Color Trio in Snow
Shadow, Maybelline Great Lash Mascara, MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack.
The Trick: When choosing a white shadow, opt for one with a slight shimmer and a gold undertone — it’s much more flattering than stark white and will help brighten the entire eye area.
From the “River City Gems”, I came across this site and wow! They have an area with 13+
shoes! I wanted to share it as I
know finding cute shoes in bigger and wider sizes is always a challenge.
On the Lighter Side
From Rachel at River City gems:
A Friend Is Like A Good Bra...
Hard to Find
Always Lifts You Up
Never Lets You Down or Leaves You Hanging
And Is Always Close To Your Heart!!!
And for those fuller-busted ladies (or wanna-be’s), How are shoes like bras?? Check this out:
So until next month, Hugs to everyone …….Tasi
In Memory
Jami Bantry
We are saddened to learn of the passing of Jami Bantry. Jami passed away on the
night of December 2nd after a long battle with cancer.
Jami was a member of Pretty T Girls, Mature T girls, Dual Gender and other groups.
She was a valued and vocal member of the Chicago Transgender Community. Jami
was a poet, singer, activist and musician but most importantly a friend to anyone who
needed an ear or wanted to just hang out in either gender presentation.
She was a wonderful person and her caring voice will be very much missed. She lived
a gentle, peaceful life and died peacefully in her sleep.
"All you need is Love; Love is all you need."
(Write it, Say it, Feel it, Give it, Every moment... and you Live it)
That was Jami Bantry, an angel on earth who now walks among the angels.
A Salute to our 2011 Cover girls
A Salute to our 2011 Cover girls
The photos before you show the 13
beautiful girls who were selected by
you the members of Pretty T Girls to
grace the front cover of our magazine
and our groups home page.
We salute these girls. They represent
the best of the T Girl community.
Medicare is one of America’s most important health programs, providing health insurance
for millions of older adults and people with disabilities. As with private insurance, transgender people sometimes encounter limitations in their Medicare coverage or confusion
about what is covered - both for transition -related care and for routine preventive care. This
document provides an overview of benefit questions that may arise for transgender people,
and information on what to do in response to an initial denial of coverage.
Medicare covers routine preventive care regardless of gender markers.
Medicare covers routine preventive care for all eligible persons, including mammograms,
pelvic and prostate exams. Medicare and many private plans may automatically refuse coverage of services that appear inconsistent with a gender marker in Social Security records as
a means of preventing erroneous or fraudulent billing, with the unintended consequence of
denying claims for procedures that many transgender people need. Medicare beneficiaries
have a right to access services that are appropriate to their individual medical needs. Later
in this document we discuss what to do when coverage is wrongly denied due to an apparent
gender discrepancy.
Medicare covers medically necessary hormone therapy.
Medicare also covers medically necessary hormone therapy. These medications are part of
Medicare Part D prescription drug plan formularies (lists of covered medications) and should
be covered when prescribed. Sometimes coverage may be initially wrongly refused due to an
apparent inconsistency of the hormones with a gender marker in a person’s records. Nevertheless, Medicare beneficiaries have a right to access prescription drugs that are appropriate
to to their medical needs.
Medicare does not cover sex reassignment surgery.
Medicare currently does not cover sex reassignment surgery for transgender people. This
exclusion is due to a decades-old policy that categorizes such treatment as
“experimental.” NCTE is working to have this outdated policy re-evaluated on the basis of
current science, but this process may take several years. This exclusion applies only to
surgical procedures and should not apply to pre-surgical labs, post-surgical follow-up care,
or any other medically appropriate treatment for a transgender beneficiary that is generally a covered service.
Original Medicare
To address inappropriate denials of coverage, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) has approved a special billing code (condition code 45) to assist processing of claims
under original Medicare (Parts A and B). This billing code should be used by your physician or
hospital when submitting billing claims for services where gender discrepancies may be a
problem. When used with standard billing codes doctors use for specific procedures, this
code alerts Medicare’s computer system to ignore an apparent gender discrepancy and allow your claim to be processed. Details are explained in the Chapter 32 of the Medicare
Claims Processing Manual (see the Resources section below).
Private Medicare (Medicare Advantage, Medicare Cost Plus or Medicare
Part D, etc.)
These plans should also cover routine preventive care and hormone therapy for transgender
people, however, the Medicare override “condition code 45” cannot be used for private Medicare Advantage plans. If you have a Medicare Advantage, Medicare Cost Plus or Medicare
Part D plan and you are informed that your plan will not cover a service that is medically appropriate for you (for example, when a pharmacist tells you your plan will not cover your prescription drugs including hormones), the first thing you need to do is request a written
“coverage determination” from the plan. This request must be submitted with a doctor’s
statement explaining the medical necessity of the item or service to be covered. Submit any
documentation you can provide from your doctor supporting the medical necessity of the
item or service. For prescription drugs, it’s best to use Medicare’s “Model Coverage
Determination Request” form (see the Resources section below).
Appealing a negative coverage determination:
If you have original Medicare and a claim has been denied (for example, when Medicare
refuses to cover your doctor visits), you have the option of appealing that determination
within 120 days, persuant to the standard appeal procedures for all Medicare claims. The
first level of appeal is called a “redetermination.” You, or your doctor, or any other person
whom you appoint (such as a family member or friend) can call or write to the company
that handles your Medicare claims, as indicated on your most recent Medicare Summary
Notice, and ask them to cover your claim. If another person is going to assist you in this
process, you should contact the company to learn how to appoint this person to be your
Once the company receives your appeal, they usually take one week to inform you of their
decision (though faster appeals are possible in some circumstances). If their answer, called
a “redetermination,” is unfavorable, there are several additional levels of possible review by
Medicare and ultimately by a court. Review Medicare’s document “How to File a Medicare
Part A or Part B Appeal in Original Medicare” for more details (see the Resources section
If a private Medicare plan denies coverage, the appeals process is similar to original Medicare, but you must start by submitting an appeal to the plan. You, your doctor or your representative will typically need to file an appeal within 60 days with your plan, usually in
writing (though some plans will allow appeals to be made by phone). Specific appeal procedures vary by plan, and are specified in each plan’s materials. For more information,
see the Medicare documents “Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Cost Plans: How
to file a Complaint (Grievance or Appeal)” and “Medicare Prescription Drugs Coverage:
How to Request a Coverage Determination, File an Appeal, or File a Complaint” (see the
Resources section below).
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) office. We encourage you to also share your experience with NCTE to
aid in our advocacy efforts
If you encounter disrespect, discrimination, harassment or other inappropriate treatment
related to your gender identity or transgender status, you may make a complaint with the
appropriate entity. For problems when making inquiries or appeals in a private Medicare
plan, you may file a complaint or grievance with your plan. For any other customer service
problems, we recommend contacting your regional Center for.
Other Resources
general Medicare information
Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 32 - Addressing Gender Discrepancies
downloads/clm104c32.pdf (see section 240)
Medicare Interactive - A Resource from
the Medicare Rights Center http://
Medicare & You 2011 Handbook
Information About Filing Appeals and Complaints
How to File a Medicare Part A or Part B
Appeal in Original Medicare http://
Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Cost Plans: How to
File a Complaint (Grievance or Appeal)
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage: How to Request a
Coverage Determination, File an Appeal, or File a Complaint
Froms and other information
for prescription drug appeals https://
Contact Information for Regional CMS (Medicare) Offices http://
Alligator Shoes
A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a
pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to
pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.
After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle" attitude of one of the
shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, "Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own
alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!"
The shopkeeper said, "By all means, be my guest. Maybe you'll luck out and
catch yourself a big one!"
Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching
herself an alligator.
Later in the day, the shopkeeper is driving home, when he spots the young
woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he
sees a huge 9 foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. She takes aim,
kills the creature and with a great deal of effort hauls it on to the swamp
bank. Laying nearby were several more of the dead creatures.
The shopkeeper watches in amazement. Just then the blonde flips the alligator on it's back, and frustrated, shouts out, "Damn it, this one isn't wearing any shoes either!"
Angels in the Centerfold
Andria Nicole
Lizzie Kelly
Debbie Frank
Bobbie Vance
Maggie Mae
Mellissalynn’s Tips & Tricks
Welcome to 2012, ladies! A new year is upon us. I’ve made
my New Year’s resolutions; now to see if I can follow through
on them. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Santa
brought you all loads of wonderful stuff, including things to
pamper and promote your femininity.
What are your New Year’s resolutions, if any? Feel free to
share them with me, or tell me what you got for Christmas.
My e- mail address is, as always, [email protected] ;
there’s always room for your mail!
All right, here we go, the first column of 2012!
So to start off this last column of 2011, I want to talk about…armpits. Not that I’m saying anything about the way 2011 has gone, but…well anyway! We all have them, we all groom them,
and when that doesn’t go right, they can be a misery. Here are a few tips on how to do it right.
Start with a fresh blade. You’ll find that you have to press harder with a dull blade, which
damages that sensitive skin by scraping it. A decent blade should just glide along the
skin. Experts recommend changing your blade every two to three weeks, or, if you use
a blade that has a moisturizing strip, when the strip has lost its color.
Always use a shaving cream or gel to do your pits!
Shave as closely as possible without scraping.
Remember to approach the hair in your underarm from different angles. The hair comes in
from many different directions, so to get as close as possible, you should complete a circle with the shaving motions.
Wait about ten minutes after shaving your pits for deodorant. This gives the sensitive skin a
chance to recover. I always give my pits a quick splash of cool water before leaving the
shower to help the skin cool down a bit.
Remember that scratchy fabrics can irritate your skin.
I met a young lady recently with whom I had a fascinating conversation about hair coloring.
We bumped into each other in the color section at Wal-Mart as we reached for the same box of
color. I know, that’s exciting, right? Well, she mentioned that she was new to coloring, and
was trying to do her hair once a week. I gasped in horror, as she has long, absolutely gorgeous
blonde hair that I would topple governments to have, and then explained to her that if she
wanted to continue having such a mane, that she needed to give herself at least six to eight
weeks between colorings. As frequently as she was coloring, her hair was going to be like
straw! So remember, ladies, don’t color your hair too frequently, if you use hair coloring.
Makeup application tips often tell you (I never have!) to dip your eyeliner brush in water and
then into a powdered eyeshadow to use it as liner or even to intensify your eyeshadow. Did you
know water can actually contain bacteria and doing this can contaminate your makeup products? To prevent contaminating their makeup products, many makeup artists pour a little bit of
product onto a palette and dip their brushes in distilled water, available at any pharmacy.
Pour some distilled water into a container for dipping your brush in. If possible, dedicate a
brush specifically to this use and keep it separate from the rest of your kit.
Okay, this is a problem that we've all dealt with at one time or another, white makeup wedges
soaking up makeup. There's a secret to working with these wonderful little wedges; when you
learn it, you'll want them in your makeup kit. The pros use the wedges to soften lines and to
apply makeup in hard to reach areas. Remember, ladies, that wedges are really designed for
one-time use! They become bacteria havens, so please dispose of your wedges after use, or at
least wash them thoroughly.
The trick is to create an invisible layer on the wedge so it doesn't soak up the makeup. Moisturize your wedge to start, and then dip it in distilled water. Squeeze out the excess moisture. Apply just a drop or so more of moisturizer. This creates a barrier between the wedge and your
Lush, tasty lips are the gift that keeps on giving. Prep your lips for winter by taking your lip
regimen up a notch. Scrub your lips down with a soothing, moisturizing minty lip scrub. Large
and tiny granules slough off the year's worries, while essential oils leave your lips, smooth, fragrant and delicious.
This winter, try an irresistibly iridescent all-over highlighter in your makeup routine. Dust it on
your cheekbones, shoulders, cleavage and legs and you'll be positively radiant when you go out
and about. As a bonus, you'll glow in pictures and you'll have a tan-enhancer when March rolls
Always slather on a primer or some moisturizer before applying your foundation. If you do this
first, your concealer and foundation will glide on smoothly instead of settling into any fine lines
or wrinkles. Moisturizer works also, but not as well. The
trick is to apply your foundation within a minute after applying primer or moisturizer. You don't want it to soak into
your skin completely.
Sigh. Ladies, its winter. Our skins hate winter! The cold
dry air steals the moisture away. Here are some things you
can do to beat the dry skin winter blues.
- Cleansers strip away moisture as part of the job of removing makeup, and dry winter air tends to magnify the problem. Gel cleansers can be very drying, but creamy ones like
Dove deep moisture creamy facial cleanser and Neutrogena
deep clean cream cleanser should help.
- Use a moisturizing facial mask to replenish moisture lost
throughout the day.
- If your skin feels dry and tight even when you're inside your home, there may not be enough
moisture in the air for you. Scan the sale pages for a portable humidifier. Make a note to yourself to clean the filter regularly (dirty filters are bacteria hotels!)
- It's a beauty catch-22, but overheating a cold home can worsen dry skin problems. Try experimenting with different settings on your heater to find the right temperature for both you and
your skin.
- Any device that heats your environment will also steal your moisture, even electric blankets. If
dry skin is driving you crazy, throw another comforter on the bed, and see how you feel after
you've left the electric blanket unplugged for a couple of nights.
- Moisturize throughout the day, but try using body lotion even before you've left the shower,
right after rinsing soap or body wash. It will help lock in some extra moisture. Rinse off and pat
- Hot showers feel great in winter, but they wreak havoc on dry skin. Try a lukewarm shower
instead, and then pat your skin dry with a towel (which you should always do). Apply moisturizer again as soon as you step out of the shower.
- Use alcohol responsibly! No, I don't mean drinking it (although that applies too), but in your
products. Avoid skin products and hairstyling products high in alcohol. When alcohol evaporates it feels cool and refreshing, but it's also stripping away moisture, so look for alcohol- free
products when the air is already dry.
- Did I mention that your hair hates the cold too? 'Tis true! The cold dry air steals the moisture
from your hair as well as your skin. If you're already dealing with dry, brittle hair, resist the
urge to reach for the hair dryer. It'll only make things worse. Dry and style your hair with a
towel, and if you still use a dryer, time yourself and try to use it a little less.
Applying highlighters properly can both draw attention to your features and downplay those
you don't like. Use a little over the eyes for a wide-awake look, or around the cheek for contours and to emphasize the cheekbones
Water is your friend in the winter, sisters. Remember to moisturize as much as you can during
the day, and don't forget to drink extra water when it's cold and windy. Your hands, feet, knees
and elbows may need a little more help, too. I like rich products containing shea butter, petrolatum, mineral oil, tea tree oil, linoleic acid or glycerin. For intense relief, moisturize hands and
feet at night, and then slip on gloves or socks to lock in moisture.
Chapped lips can be a big problem in winter. The air dries out my lips, which makes me lick
them, which makes them chap even worse! Personally, I use a lip balm with at least an SPF of
15 and preferably one with antiseptic agents to aid in healing. Some lip balm products are made
with tea tree oil, which helps heal painful cracks. I also like lip balms with phenol, beeswax,
aloe, vitamin E and essential oils.
Misting your hair with fragrance is a great way to leave a gentle scent in your wake as you
move through your day. Those who you choose to get closer to be will also be rewarded with a
fuller scent. Be careful only to apply perfume to freshly-washed hair, or the natural oils (and
any lingering hair products) will affect the odor. Since perfume contains alcohol and can be
drying to your strands, apply sparingly and from a distance. A spray or two from eight inches
away will do.
Dull winter skin can also make you look less than rested. A quick fix for that is to hold a plastic
bag filled with ice against your face. This will give you a quick flush. Maintain the glow by
applying a cream that contains retinol, which is a skin brightener.
Well, as I’ve said probably too many times in this article, its winter. And as always, at the
change of a season, Mellissa wants to remind you that this is a golden opportunity to go through
your war paints and see what’s still safe to use, what you still like, and what needs to depart.
And with that, girls, I pull to a close. Once again, welcome to 2012! I hope the beginning of
your year goes well and you have many opportunities to be a gorgeous feminine person. I want
to toss a special shout out to my girls in the Chi Upsilon Iota group in central Illinois, who’ve
allowed me to become one of them.
If you want to tell me about how your year’s going, or discuss your favorite makeup tip, or have
anything else on your mind, you know the address: [email protected] No e-mail goes
Until next month, ladies, be safe and be beautiful!
The Adventures of Judy Sometimes
A true conspiracy
My wife and I had spent Memorial weekend at our cabin and on Sunday morning I woke up
with sinus issues. I had hoped it wasn't the start of a cold, but by days end it was obvious I
would be going down for the count. My wife left to go back to town on Monday around noon,
but I decided to stay since I wasn't up to the drive as groggy as I was. That evening proved to be
an interesting one as our area experienced some nasty weather which included straight line
winds with gusts up to 92 mph. Fargo took the brunt of things with many downed power lines
and hundreds of trees snapped off at their bases. The lakes area was spared the heavy winds, but
did receive a lot of rain.
I made the drive back to town on Tuesday and spent the rest of the day on the couch. By
Wednesday I still felt pretty crappy, but decided to head to my shop for a light day of painting.
Before I left the house I had received a call from our friend Brittney asking if I could help out
with a large branch that had fallen in her yard. She knew that I was sick so she said it was no
hurry. Of course being a guy with an ego I said, no problem, I would take care of it that morning. When I arrived at her house I suddenly wished I hadn't volunteered as quickly as the branch
ended up being an 8" limb on top of her fence. Armed with little more than a pruner and a bow
saw my work was cut out for me. After several cuts and many trips to the boulevard the job was
done, but operating on half strength at best I was whooped.
As I arrived at my shop I soon found out my day of "fun" wasn't over. My shop consists of a
corner lot with a small house and a 28x42 building in the backyard and unfortunately several
large trees that had dropped more than a few presents. It took me the better part of 3 hours to
get the mess cleaned up and I was one tired MF’er when I was done. Upon returning home I
barely made it to the couch in time to fall into a deep sleep. That evening I awoke rather depressed as I knew I would likely not feel up to our weekly Sundress Thursday outing. Apparently, my wife sensed my disappointment and spread the word to several of our gg friends and I
started getting texts messages telling me not to worry, we would postpone Sundress Thursday
for the week so as I wouldn't miss any fun, is that special or what?
Thursday morning I found myself feeling a bit better and decided to push my luck and cut grass
at home and the shop. I was just finishing up when out of the blue I get a call from my friend
Kim, the women who I barter services with; I do maintenance at her salon, she does my acrylic
nails for free. She tells me she has had a cancellation at 5:30 and if I wanted my nails done to
come on in. I agreed and she added, maybe a drink afterward? I said maybe. I figured going to
the appointment in drab because nothing makes a guy feel less feminine than having a cold with
a cough and raspy voice. A few minutes later I get a text from Brittney asking if I would be at
Duffy’s after I got my nails done. Hmm... how does she know I'm getting my nails done? The
wheels started turning. Later that day Kim texts and says, I think we should do your hair after
your nails, what do you think? Umm... duh... OK. I knew now that there was definitely something up.
Upon arriving home it was apparent these ladies wanted Judy to come out tonight so how could
I disappoint? Lol, I mustered up the energy to get cleaned up, find a pretty outfit and proceeded
to get dressed. As to avoid having two vehicles out later that evening my wife dropped me at
Kim’s and said she'd be back in an hour to pick me up. My fill ended up being a whole new set
of nails as Kim decided there just wasn't much worth keeping from the previous set. I was soon
sporting not only new nails, but French tips as well. After my nails dried Kim went to work on
my hair. Within about 10 minutes I had a lovely head of curls that would have made Farrah
Fawcett jealous.
My wife never did come back of course as the plan was for Kim and I to meet the rest of the
gang at Duffy’s. When we walked in, half the bar screamed "Judy". It was all I could do not to
tear up.
Judy (I live in a dream world) sometimes
Chapter 11
The Teen Years.
Fiction by Barbara Jean
School was starting to come to an end and soon Tammy, Nelly and Michael would all be graduating from elementary school and going to high school with Sally. The teacher gave them all
some things from the high school, a little booklet that showed them all what courses they had
that they could take. While they would still have to take courses like English, Math, History
and Social Studies, there were other courses that they could elect to take - bookkeeping, biology, typing, home economics, physics, and many more. Then there was the various clubs that
they could join. Of course there was the football and basketball team that Michael thought he
might like to try for, and Tammy did want to try out for the Drama club and Nelly thought she
might like to try out for cheerleader. A Mrs. Booker came from the high school to talk to each
of the students to help them determine what they wanted to do when they finished high school
and what they wanted to be for a career. She looked at each student’s grades and then told them
some of the things that they would be good at and might be interested in. Tammy thought she
might like to go into medicine, to be a doctor or nurse. Mrs. Booker then helped Tammy select
the course in high school that would help her there.
The school year ended and all three of them, Tammy Nelly and Michael graduated from elementary school to start high school the next year. Through the summer Tammy started to
worry. How was she going to be treated in high school? The kids there came from not only her
school but from 2 other schools in the area also. While she knew the kids from her school had
accepted her and treated her just like any of the other girls, what about those from the other
schools? How were they going to react if and when they found out that Tammy was still a boy?
Dr. Muxford insured that Tammy would not have to take the gym class, but that was only a
small part of the problem for Tammy. Mary noticed the problem also and decided that she
would have to talk with the high school principal.
After William and Mary had gotten married and got back from their honeymoon William
moved from his small apartment into the house with Mary and the others. The closet in their
bedroom suddenly became a little too small. Not only were Mary’s clothes in there, but now
there were clothes for William and for Wilma, and Wilma had quite a large wardrobe of
clothes. It really surprised Mary how much clothes for Wilma William had acquired.
To resolve the problem of where to put Wilma’s clothes Will and Alice built a small room in
the basement next to the play room that the girls used to play their video games in. They built a
large walk in closet and then Will built Wilma a vanity table where she could even do her
makeup. Of course, Mary and Tammy were a bit jealous now that Wilma had a vanity and they
did not. As a result that vanity did get used by everyone.
Summer was starting to draw to a close and it was time for the Fair again. While they did not
enter any contest at the fair they did go and enjoy food and watching the various dancing contest. Of course the girls all had to go on the rides and so they enjoyed all that.
September came and it was time for school to start once again. Now it was the high school for
Tammy and Nelly. Since Sally was already going to the high school again all three of the girls
rode the same school bus. While Tammy did not hear any snide remarks from any of the students, she did notice that there were quite a few boys from the other schools that were staring at
her. When Tammy went into the girl’s bathroom a couple of girls who she did not know suddenly walked out. That first day of school Tammy sort of knew that she would have some
problems again.
Tammy continued to go to school each day and while some of the kids would avoid her, none
ever made any snide remarks or really caused her any problems. One thing Tammy did have
was Michael, who always stood by her. The girls who walked out of the bathroom when
Tammy came in that day just started using a different girls bathroom.
Still Tammy was not really comfortable with things at the new school. She did not like the way
kids were avoiding her and she had heard from others from her old school that some of the kids
were talking about her behind her back. They never said anything direct to her, but they were
calling her things like freak and queer, and a few other names. Also, they were talking about
Michael and how he had to be a queer to go out with her. Michael was also having another
problem since he was on the junior football team, seems that he was always getting tackled hard
even when there was no reason for other kids to tackle him. Nelly, Sally and all of Tammy’s
friends from her school also were getting shunned by the kids from the other schools. Tammy
was afraid that she might lose some of her friends due to all this.
Tammy’s teachers were seeing the problem also and so they decided to have a talk with Mr.
Burtack who was the principal at the high school. Mr. Burtack decided to call a meeting of all
the teachers at the school. At the meeting he discussed the problem with them and then had Mr.
Kendala who headed the science department and Mrs. Como who taught the health class to
learn as much as they could about transsexualism. He told them he wanted to see them again in
two weeks where they were to inform him of what they had learned.
One day when school was about over for the day, Tammy went to her locker and found where
someone had slipped a note in it. The note read “I think I am like you. Please call me. 5552722. Alan. P.S. please don’t let anybody see this note and don’t tell anybody”
When Tammy got home she did show the note to her mother. Her mother told her to go ahead
and call the boy. Tammy called Alan and his mother answered the phone. Tammy then asked
for Alan and his mother called him and gave the phone to him. Alan took a while to say anything after saying hello, and then he was talking in a very quiet whisper. He asked Tammy if
there was someplace that they could meet, someplace they would be alone. Tammy asked Alan
if he would be comfortable meeting at her house with her mother. She told Alan everything
would be kept quiet so he did not have to worry. Alan agreed to meet with Tammy at her house
on Saturday. He would ride his bike there.
Saturday came and Alan got to Tammy’s house. When he went inside Mary first offered him a
Coke to drink. He told her thank you. As he drank his Coke one could tell that he was very
nervous. He just kept saying he had to talk to someone, but he was afraid; he did not want anybody else to know what he was saying. Mary and Tammy assured Alan that they would keep
his secret, that it would never leave the little farm property.
Alan began to talk, he told of how he would cry because he was born a boy instead of a girl. He
told Mary that his father was an ex-marine and had caught him dressed as a girl about four
years ago. His father beat him so hard and kept saying that no son of his was going to grow up
to be a sissy. Alan was black and blue from the beating for a week. Alan told Tammy that he
knew of all the snide remarks that kids were making about her behind her back, he really
wanted to be able to speak up for her, but he was just too afraid that if he did his father would
beat him again. Because of his father and fear that people would tell him, Alan told Tammy
that as much as he wish he could see her at the school he just could not. Tammy sort of understood Alan’s fears.
Alan was a senior at high school. He wanted to go to college after he finished high school, but
his father said that college was for sissies; Alan was going to be a marine just like his father.
Alan did not want to go into the military, especially the marines. He had secretly managed to
save almost a thousand dollars from some work he had been doing after school and on weekends. When he graduated from high school he planned to run away. He was looking to go to
California, to San Francisco. He heard there were places there where he could get work as a
girl, and while he may have to wait a year or so, he would eventually be able to go to U.C.
Mary told Alan about her husband William and how he was a crossdresser, and about Marie,
the minister at the church who was also a transsexual. She told Alan that if he could come back
the next Saturday she would have both of them there for Alan to meet. She again assured Alan
that everything would be kept quiet.
Just then Karen and Alice came back from doing some shopping and it startled Alan. Mary told
Alan not to worry. She told him of how Karen and Alice were gay and they too would keep
everything quiet for him.
The next week Mr. Kendela and Mrs. Como had their meeting with Mr. Burtack. They told him
of how they had been in contact with Dr. Malone who was now head of the sociology and psychology department at the University in Madison and also with Dr. Lexter who was the head of
the medical school. They had recommended that Mr. Burtack set up and assembly sometime in
the near future where they would come and explain to the students all about transsexuals and
other people who were different. They also said they would bring Dr. Simpson who was the
head of the history department at the university to give some history and of some famous people who were crossdressers and who were transsexuals. Mr. Burtack agreed and told Mr. Kendala and Mrs. Como to find out when they could come and he would schedule an assembly for
that day.
To help maintain Alan’s cover for coming to see Tammy and Mary, Mary, Karen and Will all
had come up with some work that Alan could help them with and earn money when he came
over. As a result his dad only knew that Alan was going to one of the farms to work and earn
some money. Now, when Alan was in the house working for Mary and Karen, William would
loan him some of Wilma’s clothes so he would be a bit more comfortable and at least have a
little time where he could be the girl he felt he was supposed to be. Alan had to be very careful
that his parents did not find out that it was at Tammy’s place that he was working. His parents
did know about Tammy. His dad was always calling her things like a sicko or saying that “that
it” needed to have someone really lay the law down on her and straighten her out. He was
really against the idea of the school allowing her to come as a girl. He kept saying that they
need to shove that “it” into the Marines and have them make a real man out of that wacked out
One day William was driving in Wautoma and noticed an old gas station for sale. It was one
with three bays for working on the cars. William looked the place over from outside as best as
he could and took down the number for the realtor to make an appointment to come and take a
good look at the place. While William did not plan to close his shop in Berlin, he did give
thought to opening up a second shop in Wautoma. He thought he had the business to do it, but
one problem he thought of would he be able to get qualified mechanics for the new store. He
did have one man by the name of Zack working for him at his current shop in Berlin. To open
the new shop he would need at least two more good mechanics. William knew he had to do a
lot of investigating of his books and other things before he made the decision.
Nellie’s sister Sally had now turned 16 and so she went to get her learners permit to drive.
Will, William and Karen all were taking turns teaching Sally how to drive. Tammy, becoming
rather proficient in her sewing abilities and was now being a big help to her mother with her
sewing business.
The fall weather was rather nice and often times on Sunday after church would find Michael
and Tammy out on a porch swing talking, holding hands, and every now and then one would
see Michael steal a kiss from Tammy. Michael knew that Tammy’s body was still male and he
did not care. He knew that one day it would be changed, but Tammy was the girl he loved. He
told Tammy that he vowed his love for her forever. Tammy would often dream of walking
down that aisle in that beautiful white wedding dress, to be by Michael’s side forever. She
knew it could not happen until she had her surgery, but still she would dream of life with Michael forever.
One day in October Mary got a call from Alan. His father had discovered that Alan was seeing
Tammy and Mary and had beaten him again really hard. The police were called and Alan’s father was taken to jail for assaulting Alan, and then his mother had kicked Alan out of the house.
Alan was now on the street. Mary found out where Alan was and then William went to get him.
Alan was badly bruised. When they got to the house Mary called Marie and told her what had
happened. Marie said that Alan could stay with her.
Monday morning Marie contacted the Department of Children’s Services and was asking about
having Alan’s custody turned over to her. Since Marie was not registered as a foster parent
they could not do that, but the case of Alan’s father was due to go before Judge Troy in the
morning. They did want Alan to appear and said that if Marie wanted to ask the judge for custody of Alan that she could.
Tuesday morning Alan’s father appeared in the court before Judge Troy. Judge Troy was the
same one that had heard Tammy’s case years earlier so he was now somewhat familiar with
transsexuals. He looked at Alan and saw the bruises and then ordered Alan’s father to stand
trial. He also ordered his father not to have any further contact with Alan. Considering that
Alan’s mother had kicked Alan out of the house, he also heard the request of Marie to foster
Alan. Judge Troy had suggested that rather than fostering Alan if Alan was agreeing to it she
should adopt him. He then talked to Alan and decided that he would put Alan in Marie’s custody while papers were being filled out for her to adopt Alan.
After Marie took Alan in she bought him a few dresses and some shoes and other feminine
clothes. Since his hair was short she also got him a wig to wear and told him that it would
probably be a year before it was long enough to wear his own hair and not need the wig.
Alan did not have him a feminine name picked out as of yet, so Marie gave him the name
Alicia. Alan wanted to start going to school as Alicia, but Marie advised against it. She told
him that he could be Alicia on the weekends and after school, but she told him where it would
be too confusing for the others that here he was Alan and now suddenly he is Alicia. She reminded him that Tammy had always been going to school as a girl.
But this was also Alan last year at school and so once summer come Alan could be Alicia full
time and he could then go to college as Alicia.
Marie helped to develop Alan into Alicia teaching her things like makeup and how to walk in
her heels. Alicia was also a help to Marie both at home and at the church. At home she would
help clean the house and plant flowers in Marie’s garden. At the church Alicia would do things
like setup the alter, put out the hymn books, and clean the church.
One Sunday after church Alicia looked very pretty in her new dress and just seemed so picture
perfect that Marie decided to get out her Polaroid camera and take a photo of Alicia. After it
developed Alicia looked at the picture then took a good look at herself in the mirror, even twirling around a couple of times, then she came up to Marie and gave her a big hug and kissed her
cheek and then said “I love you Mom”. Those words really lit up Marie’s heart. To hear her
say I love you was one thing but to hear her call her Mom, that was something really special to
Marie. She did not think she would ever get to be a mother and to hear someone call her Mom.
Marie returned the hug to Alicia and kissed her on the forehead and told her she loved her new
The holidays were pretty much the usual for everyone except for Marie and Alicia now. For
Marie, it was the first year that she had a family of her own; she now had a daughter. For
Christmas most of the presents that Alicia got were clothes. But Marie did get Alicia a stereo
for her room also. Alicia got her new mother a new winter coat and a new set of communion
chalices for the church. When the New Year came around Judge Troy had signed the adoption
papers and congratulated Marie and Alicia.
The rest of the school year went pretty normal for everyone. Tammy, Nelly and Sally all were
getting good grades and Tammy really did not have much more problems from the other kids at
the school. Alan had graduated and it was a special treat for Marie to see her daughter walk in
that processional to receive ‘his’ diploma. Once Alan had graduated, he had become Alicia full
time. Now that she had Marie for a mother she did not have to run away to San Francisco,
rather Alicia would be attending college in Madison. Marie did take Alicia to see Dr. Muxford
who had started Alicia on hormones.
With the new school year Tammy and Nelly would be starting their sophomore year, while
Sally would be in her senior year at high school. This year there was something new in the
school, a new class that they all could take. The school had gotten some computers and so they
were offering classes in how to use them. They would learn things like keyboarding, and something called BASIC and another thing call DOS.
Tammy went on to take courses in biology and in health since she wanted to go on to being a
nurse or doctor, and Nelly was taking courses in bookkeeping and accounting and one in small
business administration. Michael had made the varsity football team and Sally had taken more
courses in things like civics and history. She was thinking of going on to be either a lawyer or
Alicia had left for Madison and was attending the university there. She did come home to see
everyone at least once a month. William did buy the garage in Wautoma and hired some new
mechanics. He himself had sort of stepped down from doing much mechanic work and concentrated more on running the two shops he now had.
Getting near graduation Will and William went out looking for a used car for Sally, a graduation present. They found a Ford that was about five years old and in good shape. At least now
Sally would be able to get around and would be able to come home from school every so often.
She had decided to first go to a community college in Milwaukee and study to be a legal assistant, to work with a lawyer and learn more about law before she went on to a full college and to
her law degree.
Of course with each new school year there were new kids coming on from other schools, freshmen. They all heard about the kid at school who was a boy who lived as a girl. For most of
them Tammy was nothing more than a novelty and so, after seeing her most simply did not pay
much more attention to her.
The rest of the time in high school was pretty much normal for Tammy and Nelly. Michael was
still Tammy’s steady and was the one who took her to the senior prom. The surprise came for
Nelly in that she was elected to be prom queen. Again Will and William went shopping for
used cars for Nelly and Tammy’s graduation presents.
But the end of the school year did bring sadness for Tammy. Michael had received a football
scholarship for a college in Texas. About the only time Tammy would get to see Michael anymore is during the times like Christmas, spring break and in the summer. Tammy often wondered about her dreams, would she and Michael have a life together? Would Michael still be
there waiting for her after she had the operation? Tammy still dreamed of being married to Michael, but she knew that she would first have to have her surgery before that would happen.
How to wear belts: Guidelines for the belt challenged
A friend recently asked me about wearing a belt so I went scrolling through all my articles on
the subject and came up with this composite from a variety of sources. My source material and
some interesting links are at the bottom of the article. Hope you enjoy.
Do you have “ belt phobia” and think that belts are not everyone’s friend. Wearing any kind of
belt can be challenging, especially when you’re shy about drawing attention to your waistline.
On the other hand, belts are fun and useful accessories that have the potential to add a whole
new dimension to your wardrobe. They can add extra polish to an outfit, define the waistline as
needed, provide textural interest and even add a bit of edge.
Wearing belts effectively over tops and dresses is a marriage between the style, colour and position of the belt, and the style of top. That’s a lot of variables! So it’s really hard to cover all
belt solutions for all body types. Even if I took you shopping, I’d end up experimenting right
there with you in the store because there are few tried and tested rules in this area.
But there are a few loose guidelines that might help you to get started on your own. In some
instances you’ll apply many of these guidelines to one outfit, whereas in others you’ll only apply one or two:
1. Find your sweet spot: Position is important. Sometimes your sweet spot will be a little
higher than your natural waistline and sometimes a little lower. When you’re regular bust size
and carrying a little extra around the midriff, positioning a belt just above the waistline is usually the sweet spot. When you’re short-waisted and well endowed, positioning a belt lower than
the waistline in front and at waist level in the back is often the solution. If you’re long waisted,
wearing a belt high on the natural waist is usually most effective.
2. Pick a width: Once you’ve found your sweet spot (or spots — you might have more than
one) think about the width of the belt. Sometimes a wider elasticized belt worn a little above
your midriff extra bits does the trick. Sometimes positioning it right onto the extra bits does the
girdling trick. With a straight, undefined waistline, a narrower belt positioned a little lower in
front can work really well. Long waisted gals can usually wear extra wide belts, whereas shortwaisted gals tend to look better in narrower or skinny belts.
3. Think about contrast: Once you’ve found your sweet spt and the best widths for your
frame, you have a choice between making the belt contrast or blend in with your outfit. A low
contrast belt is usually best for waistlines which aren’t that defined, giving you a flattering long
lean line. Whereas a high contrast belt automatically draws more attention to the waistline.
4. Add another layer: Layering a jacket or cardigan over a top with either a low or high contrast belt is an effective way of wearing a belt without worrying about its effects around the
midriff. When worn this way, the belt adds an interesting textural dimension to your outfit.
5. Elastic is your friend: Where possible, choose belts that are part elastic because you can’t
beat the comfort. They’ll stretch with your body during the day.
6. Wovens work wonders : So you’re happy with how you look in a belt and it’s all sorted.
But your confidence falls to pieces when you sit down because those extra midriff bits start
spilling both over and underneath the belt. Enter the magical effects of woven tops and dresses
that don’t cling like knits, but glide over curves adding structure in the right places. Wovens can
either be rigid like shirt fabric, or soft and drapy like silk and rayon blends. Both work equally
Give it time : Belts can feel odd when you’re not used to wearing them. Sometimes it’s just a
question of getting used to the extra pressure around your waistline, so allow some time to get
used to the feeling of wearing a belt.
I’m not saying that belts are essential. You can absolutely look fab sporting a beltless style, but
they do add many more options to your existing wardrobe. If you would like to add belts to
your outfits, start by following some of the suggestions above. Below are some examples of
belts used in different fashion styles. Enjoy.
Wear a Belt to Play Up a Small Waist
One of the best ways to wear a belt is to show off a small
waist like Jennifer Lopez does here. She chose a narrow
belt in the same color as the dress for an overall slimming
effect. The thin belt, worn at the smallest part of her waist,
brings the eye to her trim torso.
Wear a Belt to Add Polish to a Casual Look
Although untucked tops have been the trend for the
past few years, we're seeing a return to polished casual looks like Kate Moss is wearing. The addition of a
belt on low-rise jeans gives it a mod, casual chic vibe
and pulls the entire look together. A wider leather belt
like this also completes a simple jean and T-shirt look.
Wear a Belt to Ground a Print
Sometimes a print can look overwhelming on its own,
and a black or dark belt can "ground" the print like it
does for Chandra Wilson. This somewhat newer way to
wear a belt works great on almost all figures.
Wear a Belt Buckle as a Piece of
Make your waist a focal point with a fabulous belt
buckle that doubles as a piece of jewelry like Katie
Aselton does here. While her look is definitely dressy,
you can also use this concept by adding a Westernstyle buckle to your casual looks to jazz them up.
Wear a Belt to Rein in Volume
Big, loose layers aren't flattering on anyone, so the best
way to create a feminine silhouette is to add a belt to
your top layers. Lauren Sweetser adds a braided belt
over a casual vest and t-shirt to create a slim look that's
casual and flattering
Wear a Belt to Pull Separates Together
If you want to get more mileage out of your separates
by mixing and matching pieces, add a belt to pull it all
together, like Kristin Davis does, here. Your belt color
doesn't need to match your bag, shoes or separates,
but the look is most cohesive if your belt goes with
(either matches or contrasts with) one major element of
your look. For example, if your separates consist of a
white blouse, black skirt and red jacket, the easiest belt
color to choose would be black because it matches the
Wear a Belt to Dress Down a Formal Look
Nothing looks chicer than mixing together formal and
casual looks for a unique style. Kristin Stewart takes a
dressy look, a sequin tank dress, and makes it look
modern with a simple brown leather belt.
]Wear a Belt to Create an Hourglass
Use a belted waist to create the illusion of an hourglass figure -- like LuAnn de Leseeps does here with a
belted sheath -- if you have a thick waist or boyish
Wear a Hip Belt to Balance Your
Not all belts need to be at the waist. Alice + Oliva
founder, Stacy Bendet, pulls off an adorable eclectic
look by placing a belt low on the hips over a full short
skirt. Wearing a hip belt -- whether it's on a tunic or a
low-slung skirt or dress -- visually
Wear a Studded Belt to Add Edge
Take a cue from First Lady Michelle Obama who uses
this fashion trick often: add a studded leather belt to
basics to give everything you own an edgy look. The
trick is to keep other accessories free from studs
(there is a thing as too much embellishment.)
Then here are some more tricks and tips:
Obi Belt + Shirt/Skirt Combo—
Sometimes, a tucked- in shirt can look
messy with a fabric skirt. Hide the weird
lumps with a wide, obi belt .
Leather Belt + Loose-Fit Dress—Not
everything has to sit high at your waist.
Wear your belt loose and slung around
your hips to give a shapeless dress an
interesting, '70s silhouette.
Shiny Belt + Layered Cardigans —
It's hard not to look boxy in thick,
textured cardigans and shirts. But if
you cinch your waist with an eyegrabbing, skinny belt in a patent or
bright color, you can keep from looking like a soup can
Wide Belt + Body-Con Dress—
Sometimes a body-con dress can feel too
revealing. Break up the line with a superwide, corset- like belt. It adds a little eye
candy to your look while giving you a little leeway to go crazy on the hors d'oeuvres.
Embellished Belt + Patterned Skirt—If
your floaty skirt's got a busy pattern, accentuate the chaos with an embellished
belt. Not only does it keep the skirt in
place, but it also gets in on the print-onprint trend without overwhelming the body
Knotted, Skinny Belt + Trousers —To
take the "Business Casual" out of structured trousers, we usually favor a long,
skinny belt to notch and then loop around
Double Wide Belt + Jacket—Making
a jacket the centerpiece of your outfit
only requires a heavy duty belt. These
double-wide belts provide the structure to keep your jacket closed, and
really flatters your figure.
If anyone has more belt wearing tips to share, let’s hear them. If there are further belt wearing
concerns let’s hear those too. Here are some additional links that you may find interesting. I
would love to hear your thoughts on this article. Please send any comments to
[email protected]
Building a Capsule Wardrobe for Women : Wearing Belts in Women's Fashion:
Fashion Friday: HOW TO WEAR A BELT!:
v=PB9Rgus32Ik&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL552DFEFAF43B7F75 ground-print-belt (slideshow-good)
Fashion: Belt Tips:
Finally, credits go to: By
Cynthia Nellis, Guide
Connie Wang, Katrina Dy
Kathy’s Korner
Mirror, Mirror
What do you see when you look in a mirror?
I am afraid to ask, Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of them all!
I’m sure I would hear hysterical laughing and then the mirror will
probably crack.
When we are in male mode, we probably don’t even look at our real selves, we look and see if
there are any more wrinkles, nose hairs that are not under control, zits, do my eyebrows need a
trim or do I need a shave? We look at little things not our whole persona, especially in that evil
male twin mode.
When we go into the “Gal” mode the mirror becomes our best friend, a tool that helps us get
ready to become our female selves. We look to make sure our foundation is evenly applied, eye
liner and mascara is applied correctly, eye shadow evenly applied, blush, not to much, setting
powder not spread to thickly and is not all over the sink and me, the lip liner and lipstick are
even. The wig goes on and hopefully straight.
I look at my transformation and usually smile with the smile of a transformed woman.
Sometimes I look deep into my eyes and wonder why I take so much pride in my appearance
even though I know I am not the shiniest pebble in the stream.
Sure, I wish I was younger, prettier and wonder where this turkey neck came from, but it’s all I
have to work with, it’s just me.
Have you noticed that when we are in “Gal” Mode we are never too far from a mirror? We have
one in our bathroom, another in the closet, one in our purse, our rear view mirror and the mirrors in the department stores and we are always checking our selves out. What do we look at,
especially just after we just left home?
To me, I look at myself in the stores because I want to see that women that I have spent so
much time to create; is she fitting in with the other women in the mall and am I passing? Is
there anything that sticks out that would make me a candidate of ridicule?
I guess you can say, I let my vanity go wild, it’s all about me and no one else.
The enjoyment I get from looking in a mirror when dressed is a kin to watching fireworks go
off on the 4th of July, the real me is standing there looking back and she is content.
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall who is the prettiest of them all”?
Kathy Ann
Top 10 Girly Power Songs to Bring
Out Your Inner Woman
By Lucille Sorella
ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Lucille Sorella is a GG (genetic
girl) who teaches crossdressers, transsexuals, and transgender females how
to look, act, and feel like real women. Her goal is to help T-women express their inner and outer femininity and increase their confidence as
women. She has a professional background in fashion, beauty, dance, and
natural healing and has been working
with the transgender community for the past 12 years. Her website is
loaded with useful information and is located at
index1.html .
The fastest way to be accepted as a confident, feminine woman is to FEEL like one.
Clothes, makeup, and hair help, but true femininity comes from within.
The great news is that you don’t have to wait until you are “perfect” to feel more confident and feminine NOW. The secret is to change your state of mind. Says motivational
guru, Tony Robbins: “The state that you’re in at any given moment determines your
perception of reality – and thus, your decisions and behaviors.”
In other words, your MOOD has a huge impact on how you feel and how you project
yourself as a woman.
So how do you go from a state of insecurity and doubt to a state of confidence and
Try MUSIC! Music alters your brain wave patterns and can literally change your state
within minutes. My advice is to create a playlist of GIRLY POWER SONGS to listen to
anytime you want to boost your mood and bring out your inner woman. Even better,
get up and dance! Moving your body is another powerful way to change your mental/
emotional state.
That said, here is my top 10 girly power songs for transgender women –
guaranteed to make you feel sexy, sassy, and totally feminine!
1. “Man I Feel Like a Woman” – Shania Twain
2. “Supermodel” – RuPaul
3. “I am Woman” – Helen Reddy
4. “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” – Cyndi Lauper
5. “She Wolf” – Shakira
6. “Lady Marmalade” – Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya, Pink
7. “Run the World” – Beyonce
8. “Respect” – Aretha Franklin
9. “Ladies Night” – Kool & the Gang
10. “My Humps” – Black Eyed Peas
(Note from Mellissalynn: This article contains music videos for each of the songs listed
above, as well as many other song titles suggested by Lucille’s readers. The link to
the original article is .)
15 new uses for tea
By Steve Graham, Hometalk
To get through the sleepless days of being a stay-at-home dad, freelance writer, and DIY remodeler with copious quantities of tea. I drink Celestial Seasonings Morning Thunder tea in a
big beer stein, which I believe to be quite manly.
I also hate to throw out anything I could reuse or recycle. So I scoured the Internet to find uses
for used tea bags and tea, other than the primary functions of keeping me hydrated and awake.
With thanks to “Reader’s Digest” and “Mental Floss” magazines, the Boulder Dushanbe Tea
House,, and several bloggers and Web forums, here is the definitive list of
other uses for tea.
We can’t vouch for all these home remedies, so let us know how they work. Also tell us if we
missed anything.
1. Clean carpets: Clean up musty, dirty carpets by sprinkling dry, used green tea leaves on the
carpet. Let them work their magic for about 10 minutes, then vacuum them up. Delicate Persian
and Oriental rugs can also benefit from a sprinkling of tea leaves. In this case, sprinkle nearly
dry, used whole tea leaves on the rugs, and gently sweep them away.
2. Shine wood floors : The tannins in black tea can help shine and color hardwood flooring.
Follow your regular floor cleaning routine by carefully rubbing some brewed tea into the floor
(don’t use too much water on hardwood flooring) and letting it air dry.
3. Polish furniture : Brewed tea also can help clean and shine wood furniture. The tannins in
tea will re-color light spots and scratches in wood surfaces. Dip a soft cloth in a small amount
of strongly-brewed tea, and use it to wipe down scratched tables, chairs, and more. Woodworker Jim McNamara suggested using "regular orange pekoe (Lipton's) or other dark tea" in
Woodworker's Gazette.
4. Clean mirrors and windows : Tea can remove stubborn, greasy fingerprints from glass, and
make it sparkle. Simply rub a damp teabag on the glass or fill a spray bottle with brewed tea.
5. Clean toilet stains: Rumor has it that used tea leaves can magically remove stubborn stains
in the bottom of the toilet bowl. Just leave them in the toilet for several hours, then flush the
toilet and brush the bowl.
6. Soothe a sunburn: Tea can soothe sunburns and other minor burns. Dr. Oz suggests sponging sunburned skin with "cooled chamomile tea" for it's anti- inflammatory effect. Don't try this
if skin is broken.
7. Soothe tired eyes: Warm, wet tea bags can reduce puffiness and soothe pain around tired eyes
— and tea bags on your eyes look a little less ridiculous than cucumber slices.
8. Soothe bleeding gums: After a tooth extraction or when an older child loses a tooth, try putting a cold, wet tea bag in the mouth where the tooth was lost and bite down on it. According to
the Cleveland Clinic, "The tannic acid in tea helps healing blood clots to form (blood clots
function similarly to a scab on an open wound). It can reduce bleeding and soothe pain."
9. Shine dry hair: Brewed tea makes a good conditioner for dry hair. Rinse with (unsweetened)
tea and leave to dry for a while, then rinse again with water.
10. Improve skin: The Mayo Clinic suggests that herbal tea ingredients chamomile and calendula can help soothe dermatitis when prepared as a topical cream. Consult with a qualified
health practitioner before using these remedies.
11. Soothe acne : Some acne sufferers swear by washing their faces with green tea because of
its mildly antiseptic properties. Dr. Andrew Weil suggests washing with calendula flower tea as
a natural alternative to benzoyl peroxide.
12. Tenderize meat: Marinate tough meat in black tea to make it more tender.
13. Add to compost: Pouring strong tea into a compost bin will help speed up the process and
encourage more friendly bacteria to grow, improving the compost.
14. Help houseplants: Occasionally use brewed tea instead of water to feed ferns and other
houseplants that like rich, acidic soil. Spread used tea leaves around rosebushes, then add mulch
and water. The tannic acid and other nutrients will benefit the plants. A few used teabags in the
bottom of a planter can help the soil retain water, and adds valuable nutrients.
15. Dye fabrics: Green and black teas have long been used in dyes for fabric and paper, particularly for generating a beige, faux-antique look.
Best Glasses for Your Face
By Mariel Rittenhouse Goodson,
The right specs can be your best beauty asset. See how to pick the best glasses for your
face shape.
Widen an Oval Face
Skinny rims can make a narrow mug seem stern. To
soften things up, choose glasses with extra deep
rims, so they cover more real estate. "Opt for
frames that go just beyond temples. The added
width will help fill out a sharp face," says Larry
Leight, founder and creative director of Oliver Peoples in Los Angeles.
Downplay a High Forehead
An elongated upper deck can look stark, especially if
you want to wear a slicked-back 'do. Rather than resigning yourself to a lifetime of bangs, try frames that
sit high up on your face and cover your eyebrows,
Leight suggests. They will help close the distance between the top of the frames and your hairline.
Soften a Strong Jaw
If a prominent chin is drawing focus away from
your brilliant baby blues, browns or greens, pick
up frames with rounded curves or embellished
rims, preferably accented with a bright color or
detail along the brow line. Steer clear of spectacles
with hard 90-degree angles; they'll emphasize the
pointiness of a chiseled jawbone.
Beef Up Disappearing Brows
Fake fuller brows and direct all eyes to your face by
getting brow- line-style frames. The specs feature a
thick plastic top line or have gradient shading. (The
color of the rims fades from dark at the top to light
on the bottom.) Choose frames that mimic the contours of your brow bone to bring even more attention
to your peepers.
The Gossip Fence
Transgender in the News
11th Circuit: Transgender Discrimination Is Sex-Based Discrimination
A Georgia transgender woman has won her appeal that she was illegally fired for planning to
make her gender transition. Vandy Beth Glenn had been a legislative editor in the Georgia General Assembly, but her supervisor, now-retired legislative counsel Sewell Brumby, testified that
he found the thought of her transition “unsettling,” “unnatural,” and something that others
would view as “immoral.” An 11th Circuit panel ruled that her termination constituted sex discrimination and the decision could have a far-reaching impact on protecting the rights of transgender people:
In each of these foundational cases, the Court concluded that discriminatory state action could
not stand on the basis of gender stereotypes. The Court’s more recent cases reiterate that the
Equal Protection Clause does not tolerate gender stereotypes. Accordingly, governmental acts
based upon gender stereotypes–which presume that men and women’s appearance and behavior
will be determined by their sex–must be subjected to heightened scrutiny because they embody
“the very stereotype the law condemns.”
The state could still appeal this decision to the full 11th Circuit or the U.S. Supreme Court.
It is worth noting that all three judges on the panel concurred, including Judge William H.
Pryor. Pryor’s nomination to the bench was opposed by LGBT groups, who noted that he had
filed an amicus brief supporting sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas. He also cast the deciding
vote to oppose hearing a challenge to Florida’s law that banned gay people from adopting.
Anti-violence program gets $100,000 grant to develop GLBT youth leadership crew
The Colorado Anti- Violence Program has been awarded $100,000 for a project to prevent sexual and dating violence by creating a base of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered youth
leaders to support violence-prevention and social justice efforts.
The multi- year grant was awarded by the private, Los Angeles-based Liberty Hill Foundation,
which supports social justice causes.
Founded in 1986, the Colorado Anti-Violence Program works to eliminate violence within and
against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) communities in Colorado.
Special rules for transsexual strip searches
OTTAWA - Anyone who's had a sex-change operation - or just feels neither fully male nor
fully female - has a special option available if pulled aside for a strip search by a border services officer (BSO).
QMI Agency has learned the Canada Border Services Agency issued a directive in August telling officers that transsexual and intersexed individuals can choose whether a man or a woman
will search them. Or they can opt for a "split search," notes the directive, which
involves two sets of border services officers - one all male, the other all female.
Officers can pull aside someone entering or leaving Canada and require a strip search if the
traveller is suspected of violating the Customs Act, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
or the Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Act.
Born in the wrong body: how gender-identity issues affect children
AN IRISH ORGANISATION dealing with gender- identity issues has seen a sudden rise in the
number of families wanting to talk about transgender children. An increasing number of Irish
parents of children with gender- identity issues are coming out on behalf of their kids.
Awareness may be growing, but Ireland has made slow progress in developing support for parents, families and the children themselves. “If you’re a parent and your child has expressed anything around gender- identity issues, there’s not a significant amount of professionals with a
large amount of experience here,” Giambrone says.“Parents come to us and they’re so scared.”
Some Irish children with gender- identity issues have been referred to the UK because of the
limited services here. Lacey tells of one Irish family with a 10- year-old transgender child that
has recently moved to London to access services.
So how do parents approach and discuss these issues with a child who is questioning his or her
gender? Dr Wallace Wong, a clinical psychologist in British Columbia, Canada, has just published a children’s book called When Kathy Is Keith , inspired by stories from his own clients.
Gender identity is a separate issue from sexual orientation, he emphasies, and needs to be dealt
with at an earlier stage. “A child becomes aware of their own gender at three or four years old,”
Wong says. “If kids have transgender issues they can come to realise it at that time, to notice
something unusual. Sexual orientation is totally different; that’s about who you’re attracted to . .
. That develops around puberty.”
At Google, a Transgender "Gold Standard"
In a move predicted by one advocate to become a gold standard for LGBT health, Google has
significantly increased coverage of transgender health care benefits for its U.S. employees, and
other companies are soon expected to follow suit.
The updated benefits, announced internally by company officials on Friday and effective immediately, cover transitioning procedures and treatment in accordance with the World Professional
Association for Transgender Health’s (WPATH) Standards of Care <> ,
and include gender reassignment surgical procedures determined to be medically necessary by a
Some of the procedures covered by Google’s health care plan include genital surgery, as well as
facial feminization for transgender women and pectoral implants for transgender men — surgeries that can be considered medically necessary depending on the “unique clinical situation of
a given patient’s condition and life situation,” according to WPATH’s seventh version of care
standards, published in September.
Google also has more than doubled the maximum dollar amount for transgender health care
benefits, from $35,000 to $75,000. The benefits are covered by the company’s existing insurance providers and apply to domestic employees, Newman said. Google is considering extending similar benefits to international employees, though it does not currently have a timeline for
doing so.
In June, Google joined a small but growing list of companies that offer additional salary for gay
employees whose domestic partner health insurance benefits are taxed as income by the federal
government — a result of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act.
“We're always looking for new ways to create a more inclusive culture and support our employees,” said Sarah Stuart, program manager of Google’s global diversity and inclusion team. “The
decision to improve our benefits for our LGBT employees started as a grassroots effort driven
by the Gayglers, who worked closely with our benefits team.”
Open transsexuals more happy at work
RICE / PENN STATE (US) — A new study reveals transsexuals who share their gender identity with coworkers are happier and more productive workers than those who are not open. For
the study, researchers surveyed 88 transsexuals across the nation about their workplace experiences to determine what factors impact their job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
In addition, individuals who were more open with their family and friends about their lifestyle
and who identified strongly as transsexuals were more likely to disclose their gender identity in
the workplace than transsexuals who were less open and did not identify as transsexuals as
strongly. “It’s important for individuals to have a consistent identity in the workplace and at
home,” Martinez says. “Having a strong support system at home can give transsexual employees the courage to disclose to their colleagues in the workplace.”
However, transsexual employees have lower rates of job satisfaction and commitment when
their co-workers react negatively to their gender identity. According to co-author Enrica
Ruggs, the study demonstrates how essential co-workers and organizations are in fostering a
positive work environment.
Trans Federal Employees: A Guide for Your Workplace Rights
If you are a transgender federal employee, you’ve no doubt heard about the recent victories that
make your job more secure and more fair. Today, NCTE released a guide to knowing your
rights as a federal employee.
With about 2 million civilian employees, the US government is the nation’s largest employer.
And since Barack Obama began his presidency, trans federal workers now enjoy strong workplace protections, and benefit from government-wide guidance on workplace transition issues.
NCTE has worked very hard and successfully to move this along. Key victories over the past
couple of years include the following:
* President Obama signed a Presidential memorandum in June 2009 directing federal agencies to take all available steps to ensure equal employment opportunity for LGBT people.
* In January 2010, gender identity was listed in the federal Equal Employment Opportunity
(EEO) statement on all federal job postings * The Office of Personnel Management issued
guidance for federal agencies in May 2011. This guidance covers many of the questions that
workplace supervisors would have about trans staff members such as facilities usage, transition
protocols, and employee privacy. * Individual agencies have begun clarifying that transgender people are protected in federal employment based on existing sex discrimination laws.
Of course, there is still work to be done. Federal workplaces across the government and across
the country need to learn about these rights and implement them fairly and firmly. And of
course, the federal government needs to stop discriminating against its trans employees with
arbitrary health insurance exclusions. All in all, though, the federal government has made great
strides in being a decent employer to transgender people.
We do hear from some federal workers and job applicants who experience discrimination, and
aren’t sure what to do. Thus, NCTE has produced a new resource, “Transgender Federal Employees: Your Workplace Rights,” which outlines your rights and the processes available to address discrimination on the job. While individuals who’ve experienced discrimination may still
need to find a lawyer to help them, this resource is a valuable place to start.
To fully achieve equality, we must assert our rights. And while we are still very much in need
of an Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) to make those rights unequivocal for all,
there are still things we can do now. We will be developing a similar resource for non- federal
employees in the near future.
If you are a federal employee and would like to report to us about your job experiences, please
call us at 202-903-0112 or email us at [email protected].
Read the new resource below, or download it here
[View this document on Scribd <> ]
Read the new resource below, or download it here
[View this document on Scribd <> ]
Macy's clerk fired for booting man from women's dressing room
The non-profit legal advocacy group Liberty Counsel plans to confront Macy's because the retailer dismissed a clerk who intervened when a man headed for the women's dressing room.
Clerk Natalie Johnson, according to Liberty Counsel, reported that she saw a man walking out
of the fitting room reserved for women at the San Antonio, Texas, Macy's and "politely told
him that he could not go back in because it was for women only." Johnson later told her employer, that she could not allow a male to change in a females' fitting room because of her religious beliefs. She cited the company's policy that protects against religious discrimination.
Macy's officials, however, ordered her to allow "transgender" customers to change in any dressing room they wished and warned that if she wouldn't comply she would be fired.
"Johnson refused to go against her sincerely held religious beliefs and was terminated from her
job," Liberty Counsel reported.
The man seen coming out of the women's room was "cross-dressing" and said he is "female,"
the legal group said.
Transgender: by the numbers
Transgender snapshot:
How many people in the U.S. are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender?
Precise numbers do not exist. But a growing number of population-based surveys include questions designed to offer better measurements of sexual identification and gender identity.
The most recent data from surveys including the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth,
the 2009 California Health Interview Survey and federal data such as the Decennial Census or
the American Community Survey were analyzed by Gary Gates, a distinguished scholar at the
Williams Institute of the UCLA School of Law.
Gates, co-author of "The Gay and Lesbian Atlas," released a detailed report on LGBT numbers
in an April 2011 study from the Williams Institute. Among his findings:
• There are nearly 700,000 transgender individuals in the U.S., or 0.3% of the adult population.
• Of those who identify as transgender, a majority have taken some steps to transition from one
gender to another.
• There are more than 8 million adults who identify as LGB in the U.S., or 3.5% of the adult
• An unknown number of transgender individuals also identity as LGB, so there is some overlap.
• Among adults who identify as LGB, bisexuals comprise a slight majority, 1.8% compared to
1.7% lesbian or gay.
• Women are substantially more likely than men to identify as bisexual, 2.2% compared to 1.1%
• An estimated 19 million Americans, or 8.2% of adults, report they have engaged in same-sex
sexual behavior.
• Nearly 25.6 million Americans, or 11% of adults, report they have had at least some same-sex
Source: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law
Rights group: Coverage for gender surgery jumps
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The number of major U.S. companies covering the cost of gender
reassignment surgery for transgender workers has more than doubled in the past year, according
to a new scorecard compiled by the nation's largest gay rights group.
The Human Rights Campaign said in a report to be published Thursday that 207 of the 636
businesses it surveyed for its annual Corporate Equality Index either are already providing
transgender- inclusive employee health benefits or plan to at the start of the new year.
Last year, 85 companies had insurance plans that paid for sex transformation surgeries, and
only 49 did in 2009. A decade ago, when the campaign launched the index, none did.
Among the corporations that expanded their insurance coverage this year are Apple, Chevron,
General Mills, Dow Chemical, American Airlines, Kellogg, Sprint, Levi Strauss, Eli Lilly, Best
Buy, Nordstrom, the U.S. division of Volkswagen, Whirlpool, Xerox, Raytheon and Office
Judge Rules Texas Transgender Man's Marriage Valid
A Dallas County judge has declined to void the marriage of a transgender man to a woman —
an outcome far different, and more positive for trans people, from that in some high-profile
Texas cases.
Judge Lori Chrisman Hockett last week refused to nullify the marriage of James Lee Scott and
Rebecca Louise Robertson; Robertson had sought the nullification on the basis that Scott was
born biologically female and Texas does not recognize same-sex marriage, reports. She instead
ruled that their breakup should proceed as a divorce — which will allow Scott, who is physically disabled from scoliosis, a chance at a fair share of the couple’s property, said his lawyer,
Eric Gormly.
“To our knowledge, this is the first time any Texas court has ruled that a transsexual man who
marries a biological woman is in a legitimate marriage,” Gormly told the Voice.
In another Texas case, Nikki Araguz, a transgender woman, has been seeking a share of her late
husband’s death benefits; he was a firefighter killed on the job. A Wharton County judge has
ruled their marriage void because Nikki was born biologically male; the case is on appeal. In a
1999 case the Texas Court of Appeals ruled that a transgender woman did not have the standing
to file a wrongful death claim after her husband died during surgery, saying gender is assigned
at birth and cannot be changed, and therefore their marriage was invalid.
Shannon Minter, legal director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, tells The Advocate
most states have long recognized the right of transgender people to marry in their confirmed
gender, but a small number of judges in conservative states have been resistant, leading to rulings like the latter two.
Government launches first-ever action plan to advance transgender equality
For the first time, the UK government has launched an action plan to tackle the inequalities facing transgender people in society. Entitled “Advancing transgender equality: a plan for action”
and released by the Home Office today, it promises tougher sentences for hate crimes, support
for trans pupils in schools, and tailored recruitment advice for businesses.
Statistics show that 70 per cent of children who are uncertain about their gender suffer bullying,
and 88 per cent of transgender employees experience discrimination or harassment in their
In September, the police reported a 14% rise in transphobic hate crime across the UK from
2009 to 2010
According to the action plan, the government will publish a “clear and concise guide for health
practitioners”, including GPs and Primary Care Trusts, on the treatment and care available to
trans people, and ensure greater consistency in commissioning gender identity services. The
document also commits the government to raising the starting point for the sentences of murders motivated by hostility towards a transgender person from 15 to 30 years.
“The plan came about through working with the trans community, and this includes young trans
people. I am delighted that Gendered Intelligence has played its part and that the voices of our
young people have also been heard.”
19 Action News, they probably never...": Action News gets Action for trans-
CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) - 19 Action News broke the story of a woman attacked at an RTA
stop last week and tonight we're getting action.
There has been some progress in the case, but are you safe?
Though still sore from being beaten and robbed, Alison Lancaster returned to the scene of the
crime, the RTA station at W. 65th and Madison. On November 19th, three teenagers shouted
gay slurs and punched and kicked Alison until she was unconscious.
She says the teenagers were shouting gay slurs.
A few days after the attack, Alison, a transgender female, felt like she was being brushed off by
police. We discovered the officer who took the report failed to record it as a hate crime, and
Cleveland Police took more than a week before they even assigned a detective to the case.
A few days after our story aired, the FBI's Hate Crime Unit showed up at Alison's door.
"Without 19 Action News, they probably would never have gotten wind of this. And I was
amazed, because no police agency whatsoever has done anything close to this," said Alison.
The place were Alison was robbed is dimly lit and no one can see you from the street. There are
emergency call boxes, but when Alison was mugged, two of the three did not work. And according to a detective, the surveillance cameras weren't working either. "My issue is, I'm coming home at eight o'clock at night, it's dark and I have to trust that this place is safe," said Alison.
19 Action News checked and the call boxes have been fixed, but what about the surveillance
cameras? A creepy place like that certainly needs them.
Protesters Occupy HRC Store in S.F.
The Human Rights Campaign Action Center and Store in San Francisco’s Castro district was
the site of a recent Occupy protest — but HRC officials say they share the movement’s concern
about economic issues.
Protesters with Occupy the Castro marched through the neighborhood chanting, distributing
literature, stopping to deliver a letter about economic injustice to a Citibank branch, and finally
ending up at the HRC store. Inside the store, they chanted, “HRC, don’t speak for me!” and
“We’re a movement, not a market!” (See video below.) They also delivered a letter highlighting
the high rate of poverty, homelessness, and
unemployment among LGBT people, especially transgender people. It reads in part, “We call
on the Human Rights Campaign to make affordable housing, living wage jobs, the maintenance
of benefits, and healthcare for all priorities that it pushes on both the local and national level.
Never has it been more critical for our national organizations to stand up for bread-and-butter
issues that affect the 99% of us who struggle to make ends meet every day.”
that HRC is “riddled with Democratic gay 1 percenters,” has effected little change for ordinary
working LGBT people, and “has sold out transgendered folks over employment and other protections.” The latter is a reference to the fact in 2007 the organization agreed to back federal
antidiscrimination legislation that covered discrimination based on sexual orientation but not
gender identity. The bill did not pass both house of Congress, and HRC has since supported
only a transgender- inclusive version.
Harmony Santana, Transgender Actress, Nominated for Independent Spirit Award
Over the last few decades the LGBT community has made major progress in the entertainment industry.
It was once thought of as career suicide to be openly gay, much less transgender. A major milestone was
passed last week when transgender actress Harmony Santana was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Independent Spirit Awards for her performance in Gun Hill Road. From what I can tell, she
seems to be the first trans actress nominated for a major Hollywood award.
Trans communities face an incredible amount of disrespect because of a lack of understanding about
pronoun use and various general misconceptions, and because of the confusion this nomination is particularly impressive. Trans people have to endure their identities debated by disconnected politicians
who oppose changing names on a birth certificate or gender markers on a driver's license. Santana was
nominated for Best Supporting Actress, in her proper category, against other female actors.
For the LGBT community this should be a milestone and a moment of celebration. It's incredibly encouraging to see a trans actress nominated for a prestigious award in the proper category.
Santana is new to the industry. Her credits only include three films to date. Beyond Gun Hill
Road, she appears in the LGBT camp comedy series Eating Out 4 and the upcoming Eating
Out 5. Despite the over-the-top sexual jokes in the series, Santana's character and struggle as a
young trans girl is treated with incredible delicacy.
Des Moines Public Works employee punished over transgender harassment incident
A Des Moines Public Works employee will receive unspecified punishment for harassing a
transgender person at a bar.
Numerous Public Works employees were drinking at Z’s Bar and Grill, 1511 South Union St.,
on Friday when a city employee approached an elderly transgender patron and pulled a wig off
the person’s head. “Appropriate disciplinary action” has been taken against the unnamed employee, Public Works Director Bill Stowe said on Wednesday.
“The actual level of discipline is between us and our employee,” Stowe said. “Suffice it to say, I
am confident that the message of inappropriateness, the deterrent effect and that it will not happen again have been communicated clearly and accepted by all parties.”
A Public Works supervisor went to Z’s on Tuesday to apologize for what happened. Stowe said
he planned to do the same on Wednesday afternoon. “No one wins in this kind of circumstance,” Stowe said. “We are mortified by the actions of our employee here. The impact on the
victim, I am sure, is irreconcilable. We are deeply apologetic for
that. “We will learn from this and communicate clearly to our workforce that anything like this
is completely unacceptable.”
Brandon McInerney receives 21 year prison sentence for gay school shooting
A US court has sentenced Brandon McInerney, the Californian student who last month pleaded
guilty to the second-degree murder of gay classmate Larry King, to 21 years in prison. McInerney was 14 when he shot King in the back of the head during a
computer science lesson in 2008.
Initially, McInerney had claimed that King, who identified as gay and was allowed to wear
feminine clothes by the staff at Green Middle School, Oxnard, had teased and provoked him.
McInerney claimed he had acted without thinking when he shot his
classmate, but the court was told he had informed a fellow student of his intention to kill King
the night before the shooting.
The plea deal means McInerney will serve 11 years for voluntary manslaughter and 10 years for
the use of a firearm, but in exchange for pleading guilty, he will not serve time for the murder
Court rules Ga. university can require counseling student to follow
ethics code on gay clients
ATLANTA — A federal court has upheld a ruling that Augusta State University in Georgia was
within its rights to require a graduate school counseling student to keep her biblical views on
gays to herself.
A three-judge panel ruled Friday that the university was following protocol when it put Jennifer
Keeton on a remediation plan and threatened to expel her after she repeatedly said she would
have difficulty working with gay clients.
The university argued that it would risk its accreditation if it didn’t hold Keeton to a code of
ethics. Keeton filed suit, claiming the institution was punishing her for her Christian views.
Amanda Simpson - First Transgendered Presidential-appointee
Amanda Simpson is the Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, in the U.S. Department of Defense. She is the first openly
transgender female Presidential-appointee.
Born in the Chicago area, Simpson grew up in Southern California. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in physics, and Master’s degrees in engineering and business administration.
As an undergraduate, Simpson trained as a pilot. “I quickly realized this was a way to use all the sciences and technology I had
been exposed to in the classroom,” she says. “I’ve been lucky to
incorporate my love of flight into my career.” Simpson is a certified
flight instructor, and has her airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate.
For 27 years, Simpson worked at Raytheon Missile Systems. She
spent 20 years as the manager of flight operations and departed as
Deputy Director of Advanced Technology Development. In 2005,
she successfully advocated for Raytheon to include gender identity
and expression in its non-discrimination policy.
In 2004, Simpson became the first openly transgender person in the
United States to win a contested primary by securing a Democratic nomination for the Arizona
House of Representatives. In 2008, she was a delegate for Hillary Clinton, at the Democratic
National Convention.
Simpson has served on the boards of numerous organizations, including the Arizona Human
Rights Fund, the Tucson Corporate LGBT Coalition, Out and Equal Workplace Advocates and
the National Center for Transgender Equality.
Before she was appointed to her current position, Simpson was Senior Technical Advisor in the
U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security. As the highest-ranking technical member, she advised on policy issues and monitored the export of weapons technology.
Simpson’s many honors include the 2001 Raytheon Woman on the Move Award, the 2005 Arizona Human Rights Fund Individual Award, the 2010 Louise Young Award, and OUT for
Work’s 2010 OUTstanding Individual Award. She resides in Tucson, where she was Grand
Marshal of the city’s 2005 Pride Parade.
l p!
T ro
Sh You
Advertisements and Opportunities
Want to advertise your TG-friendly store, service, club, group, or your own personal items
here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor [email protected]
EnFemme Boutique is a VERY CD and GLBT friendly Ebay store. Nan is the
wife of a Transgendered person, and understands how difficult it can be for some
to purchase items. She started this store for CD, TV, TS and TG’s that do not go
shopping in public, need help with sizing, or finding certain items. It is a place
where you can find items at reasonable prices and ask questions without worry.
All listing are PRIVATE listings, so no one will see what you have purchased.
Most are NEW With Tags and are 70 –90% OFF Retail Prices. This is Nan’s
way of supporting her spouse Amy and the T-Community.
The Glamour Boutique is a terrific TG store. You can also order online. Can’t say enough
about this lovely store! A discount is available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my
personal website!
Just You (
formerly Glamor Boutique 2)
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boutique is located in Las Vegas, NV, USA
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Bags & Accessories
Crazy 4 Clipons is a terrific online place to discreetly buy clip on earrings at a very reasonable
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available to Pretty TGirls members and to visitors of my personal website!
FemmeFever : Karen has developed a wonderful site and TG resource! Along with coordinating many TG events in the lower NY area, she has a store full of shopping opportunities
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Shoe Clips are an economical way to transform and revive your favorite footwear, embellish for
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Simply clip on Rhinestones, Flowers, Feathers, or Bows for a lasting, fashionable look that's all
your own!
"Shoe Clips Dot Biz" features over 300 Styles
including a huge Vintage selection and many Bridal clips.
Welcome to crazydaizys
I carry a large selection of Sexy Shoes & Boots, Costume Footwear, Lingerie, Hosiery,
Leather for Men & Women, & more!
Your 1 stop shop for all your Favorite things!!
I have Storewide FREE! combined Shipping!
Save @ Crazy Daizys!
Dont see what you are looking for? Contact me!
We're a Different Kind of Company...
Why? Because we understand non-traditional families share the same traditional bonds of love
and respect. We also appreciate the desire of all people to convey their feelings to those they
hold dear. Greeting cards are a vital means of communication that touch lives, as they distinctly
identify thoughts, words and actions; they comfort, inspire, celebrate, and stir a vast range of
emotions. For years we, too, have felt the void when looking for a greeting card to express our
feelings during life’s special occasions only to have to edit the available selection. It is this vacancy that inspired us to create our Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender friendly greeting
card company.
Why Teazled?... because it’s new. Teazled is a company whose motivation is to pioneer traditional greeting cards for the non-traditional family so that they might also be able to celebrate
those meaningful moments, express their innermost thoughts and communicate with those they
We are two nurses, Dina and Dina (Dom), who have seen all sides of life and the wonderment it
holds. We know the most powerful gift is that of communication as we have seen the hardships
caused when we don’t have the words to express our deepest emotions. Don’t let another moment go by.
Tell them... with cards by Teazled.
Hide and Sleek is a wonderful online shop with 2 physical store locations in Scotland as
well. Owned and run by Loraine (a gg) and also sponsors the Miss TV Scotland pageant every
Austin’s Angels … by Jamie Austin
I can’t say enough really terrific things about Jamie. Simply put, he works wonders. Careful
though, he has done such a wonderful job that several girls have seen how wonderfully beautiful they can be that they have become full time girls! Jamie offers several different makeover
packages … well worth every penny girls !
This is a fabulous place for GG’s and TGirls alike. Countessa is a GG, former model, and a
terrific supporter of the Transgendered Community ! There is an online store and a physical
location in Studio City, California. More to follow about this great Lady and her offerings.
Request for Transgender Identification Card
ALL information is required. Please print clearly.
*Starred fields must match with the legal document.
Date of request: ____/_____/______Email Contact:_____________________________
*Legal name: (Last, First, Initial [opt.]) ________________________________________
En Femme name: (Last, First)______________________________________________
*Driver’s License state: ___________________ *DL Number:_____________________
*Height: _______ Weight: _______lbs.
Tri-Ess Member No. _________________Chapter (Opt)_________________________
Be sure to include:
Head and shoulders picture en homme (preferrably .jpg file)
Head and shoulders picture en femme (preferrably .jpg file)
SASE with sufficient postage to return pictures or disc and ID card
Check, cash, or money order (US funds) for $15.00 payable to “G Cirak”
I hereby certify the above information to be correct and accurate. I understand that incomplete application/
attachments will be returned. I provide the above information, and attached pictures, willingly and authorize them to be used in the creation of a Transgender ID Card. The information supplied is not to be used for
any other purpose, but may be retained for use in providing additional cards to the requester. Tasi Zuriack
and sub-suppliers are released from all damages that might arise from the use of the information provided
or the use of said Transgender ID Card.
Please mail this completed document, your CD or floppy picture files (or pictures to be scanned and returned,)
along with your payment to:
Tasi Zuriack
1521 Luz de Sol Dr
El Paso TX 79912
Thank you for your order!
Questions can be e-mailed to: mailto:[email protected] .
Carollyn Olson has been a busy-bee this past 12 months culminating in the recent
release of her new book "Tricks of the Trade -- A Beginners Guide to Cross Dressing." Earlier this year she released a novel "Breaking Point," which is also available.
Tricks of the Trade is the fourth book penned by Carollyn, a married, straight, conservative, 50 year old cross dresser from California.
Ms. Olson has been an ambi-gendered cross dresser for over 30 years and is very
active in the community. She's a proud member and the Post Mistress of the Vanity
Club and the co-founder of the Mature Woman
"My desire is to create an illusion which is a compliment to all women," said Ms.
Olson. "Cross dressing is not meant to demean women, but to uphold their presence
and beauty. I try to accomplish that goal every chance I get."
"Reaching your goal as a woman is the reason I wrote this book. I hope I have given
you the information you need in the following pages to help you gain insight and
confidence in every aspect of your feminine life." Whether you cross dress fulltime, frequently, rarely, or even just in your thoughts, Carollyn Olson will get you
on your way with this new guide full of practical tips and advice.
The book is $12, including shipping, and can be purchased by contacting Carollyn
(PO Box 1241, Loomis, CA 95650 or [email protected]) or Mark (800359-2116) at MagsInc ([email protected])
"Crowning Glory" is now on sale. I believe it is my best book ever.
Read how Aaron and his business partners attempt to win a national
advertising account in a very unconventional way. The cost of the
book is $12 including shipping. To order, contact me at: [email protected], or contact my publisher Mags Inc.
( and click on the Reluctant Press tab.
"Crowning Glory" can also be bundled with "Breaking Point" for an
additional $6, but only through me.
To purchase a signed copy, please send cash, check or money order to:
Carollyn Olson, PO Box 1241, Loomis, CA 95650.
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January 2012