report - Médiamétrie


report - Médiamétrie
Top 25 Worldwide 200
■ Home Country
honomichl top 25
083009_Honolead_INI.indd 20
7/30/09 4:23:05 PM
ide 2008 Revenues
■ Non-home
Country Revenue
083009_Honolead_INI.indd 21
honomichl top 25
7/30/09 4:25:08 PM
marketingnews 08.30.09
State of the Industry Report
2008 Real Growth is Minimal, Outlook for 2009 is Dismal
By Jack Honomichl
The world’s 25 largest marketing, advertising
and public opinion research conglomerates had, in
toto, revenues of $18.9 billion in 2008, an increase of
3.9% from 2007. That is after adjustment for acquired
revenues due to acquisition and excludes the effects of
exchange rates.
However, the estimated world inflation rate
in 2008 was 3.3%, and after factoring that in, the
so-called “real growth” was 0.6%. The comparable
number for 2007 was 4.7%.
Twelve of the Top 25 organizations had a revenue
decline in 2008 (see table, page 24) or did not grow enough
to cover the inflation rate of 3.3%. A sign of the times.
Given the state of the world’s economy, this may
seem to say that the giant market research conglomerates had, through 2008, fared relatively well. But there
are other considerations.
First, in 2008 there were 17 publicly held research
conglomerates headquartered in six countries (not
all made our Top 25). For those 17, total market capitalization (based on share trading prices) fell by
nearly 38%. Second, our Top 25 list is dominated by
huge database and syndicated service firms, such
as Nielsen, IMS, Arbitron, GfK, IRI and a sizable
part of Kantar. Since these syndicated services are
often under long-term contracts, they are relatively
protected from downturns in the economy that can,
and do, have an immediate impact on custom survey
firms where clients quickly can cut spending.
However, while contracts can slow down revenue cutbacks, they can’t in time prevent them. For
instance, while both Nielsen and IMS showed revenue
gains for 2008, fourth quarter 2008 and first quarter
2009 showed revenue downturns.
While it is impossible to calculate how this revenue
trend plays out for all Top 25 firms, it seems very likely
that, should this analysis be calculated for this year’s first
quarter, the Top 25 would show a significant downturn.
These are the major findings from this, my 14th
annual analysis prepared exclusively for Marketing News.
Where the Top 25 Live
During 2008 the Top 25—as a group—acquired 32
market research firms, which, at the time of acquisition, had aggregated revenues of $2.4 billion.
Almost all of this was concentrated in the top six
conglomerates, all of which have had a long-time
acquisition strategy that, in essence, has helped them
to buy their way to the top. Specifically, last year:
• The Nielsen Co. acquired three companies with
revenues of $33 million.
• The Kantar Group made four acquisitions, the
largest of which was London-based Taylor Nelson
Sofres plc, with annual revenues of $2.1 billion.
Before being taken over by Kantar in October,
TNS, in turn, had made three acquisitions totaling
about $43 million in revenue. Not included is one
$18 million-in-revenue U.S. research firm acquired
by Kantar’s corporate parent, WPP Group, a
marketing service conglomerate based in London.
For organizational purposes, WPP did not include
this in the research subsidiary Kantar’s portfolio.
• IMS Health bought five firms with total revenues
of about $42 million.
• GfK, the large German-based conglomerate,
acquired five firms with $27 million in revenue.
• Ipsos, the French-based conglomerate, made six
acquisitions in 2008 for a total of $47 million in
• Synovate, the British conglomerate, made four
buys with $27 million in revenues.
Both J.D. Power and Associates and comScore
made acquisitions as well. NPD Group, Arbitron and
Maritz Research had divestitures. Not included were
those instances where a Top 25 firm bought less than
controlling interest in another research firm.
To make sure these acquired revenues did not
“hype” revenue growth rates, corrections were
made. Either the revenue from an acquired firm
USA 13
UK 4
Brazil 1
Germany 1
France 3
Japan 3
was included for the full base year and 2008, or it
was not included at all.
Almost all of the acquisitions made by the Top 25 in
2008 (and previously) were of research firms away
from their home country. The end result of this
practice is dramatic: 58% of the Top 25 revenues,
in total, came from either subsidiaries or branch
offices outside their home countries. Only one firm,
Westat, did not have any revenue from outside its
home country, although the overseas revenue for
three Japanese firms (INTAGE, Dentsu and Video
Research) was nominal.
The top firm, The Nielsen Co., based in both New
York and Haarlem, the Netherlands, has operations
in 108 countries, mostly through wholly or partially
owned subsidiaries. Eight more of the top firms
reported revenue from 12 or more countries.
> continues on page 26
Top 25 — Annual Revenue Growth
n Year-to-Year Revenue Growth
n Inflation Rate
n Real Growth (after adjustment for inflation)
honomichl top 25
083009_Honolead_INI.indd 22
7/31/09 4:13:11 PM
marketingnews 08.30.09
Top 25 Global Market Research Organizations
Web Site
Number of
Countries with
Branch Offices1
Revenues3 (US
$ in millions)
from 20074
Revenues from
From Outside
Parent Country
(US$ in millions)
Percent of Global
Revenues from
Home Country
The Nielsen Co.
New York
The Kantar Group*
London &
Fairfield, Conn.
The Kantar Group*
London &
Fairfield, Conn.
Taylor Nelson Sofres
IMS Health Inc.
Ipsos Group S.A.
Westat Inc.
Rockville, Md.
Arbitron Inc.
Columbia, Va.
J.D. Power and
Village, Calif.
Maritz Research
Fenton, Mo.
Opinion Research Corp.
Princeton, N.J.
chart continued on page 26 >
083009_Honolead_INI.indd 24
7/30/09 4:27:34 PM
marketingnews 08.30.09
> continued from page 24
Web Site
Number of
Countries with
Branch Offices1
from 20074
Revenues3 (US
$ in millions)
Revenues from
From Outside
Parent Country
(US$ in millions)
Percent of Global
Revenues from
Home Country
The NPD Group Inc.
Port Washington, N.Y.
Harris Interactive Inc.
Rochester, N.Y.
Video Research Ltd.**
Sao Paulo
comScore Inc.
Reston, Va.
Cello Research
& Consulting
Market Strategies
Livonia, Mich.
Lieberman Research
Los Angeles
BVA Group
You Gov plc
Dentsu Research Inc.
* Estimated by Top 25
**For fiscal year ending March 2009
Includes countries which have subsidiaries with an equity interest or branch
offices, or both.
Includes some non-research employees
The biggest change, as noted, was the acquisition of
TNS, No. 3 on last year’s list, by the Kantar group, No.
5 on last year’s list. The result is that Kantar now has
$3.6 billion in annual revenues and is No. 2 in 2008.
One other firm from 2007 dropped off this year—
OTX, Los Angeles—due to revenue level. New to the listing are Mediametrie in Paris and YouGov plc in London.
Individual profiles of this year’s Top 25 follow this
overview. I urge you to read them to get a more thorough understanding of the enormous array of research
products and services that these firms offer around the
world, the ownership of these firms and the identity of
Top 25 executives.
You’ll note that 14 of the Top 25 are either public
companies listed on major world stock exchanges or
subsidiaries. Nielsen, the largest organization, is not
public but it does make public revenue/profit/loss
data just like a listed company. These 15 firms account
083009_Honolead_INI.indd 26
Total revenues that include non-research activities for some companies are significantly
higher. This information is given in the individual company profiles.
Rate of growth from year to year has been adjusted so as not to include revenue gains
or losses from acquisitions or divestitures. See company profiles for explanation. Rate of
growth is based on home country currency and includes currency exchange effects.
The Top 25 Employment Picture
Number of Employees
n Full-time Employees n Annual Change Percentage
Annual Change Percentage
As for home country, 13 of this year’s Top 25 call
the United States home. Four are based in the United
Kingdom, three each in France and Japan, and one
each in Brazil and Germany.
Because so many of these top firms were doing business in numerous countries around the world, they
were taking in revenues in numerous currencies, and
the value relationship of those currencies was shifting constantly. For each top firm in this analysis, I took
its revenue as stated in its home country currency—be
it yen, euros or pounds—and calculated growth rates
on that basis, excluding currency exchange rate effects.
Then for revenue growth in total, those revenues were
converted to U.S. dollars, using average yearly exchange
rates developed by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Inflation, as usual, was calculated by taking the
known inflation rates in the United States, Western
Europe and Japan and weighting them to derive an
average over those three markets. The latter account
for the lion’s share of the world spend for research
services. In 2008, that came to 3.3%, which was then
applied to the total revenues of all 25 top firms.
honomichl top 25
for 87% of the Top 25 revenues so, in that sense, the
worldwide research industry is open for financial
inspection. It is a glass house. The remaining 10 firms
are either privately held or employee-owned.
As for the executives who head these firms, generally they are not well-known in the United States
research community. They do not attend research
industry conferences and are seldom recruited to
speak at such forums. Yet, as a group, they are the
most powerful (and well-paid) executives in our
industry. Many had no career experience in the
research industry prior to their present job.
All this, and much more, is to be found in the
company profiles that follow. We hope you will find it
a rich and enlightening read.
Jack Honomichl is president of Marketing Aid
Center in Barrington, Ill., and founder of Inside
Research, a market research trade publication.
7/30/09 4:27:53 PM
The Nielsen Co.
David L. Calhoun
The Nielsen Co., formerly VNU Group N.V.,
based in New York and Haarlem, the Netherlands,
was founded in 1923 and sold to a consortium of six
private equity firms in 2006.
David L. Calhoun, 52, is chairman and CEO of
Nielsen. He earned a B.S. in accounting at Virginia
Polytechnic Institute.
Research-only revenue in 2008 was $4,575.0
million, up 4.4% over 2007. In 2008, 51.2% of total
research-only revenue, or $2,344.0 million, was from
outside the United States.
The growth rate includes 2007 and 2008 revenue
for the 2007 acquisitions of Bilesim Medya in Turkey
in February and Telephia Inc. in the United States
in August; and excludes revenue from the 2008
acquisitions of Audience Analytics in the United
States in February; IAG Research Inc. in the United
States in May; and Mesearch Ltd. in the Czech
Republic in November.
Revenue is from two of Nielsen’s consumer and
media research divisions, which include some nonresearch businesses, mostly information services.
Worldwide research and nonresearch revenue for
Nielsen was $5.0 billion in 2008.
Nielsen is a global information and media firm
offering services in marketing and consumer information, TV and other media measurement, online
intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows and
business publications. Its two research divisions
employ 34,516 worldwide.
Consumer Research
Nielsen’s Consumer Research division measures
markets and trends at the retail level, in the home and
on-the-go. The firm serves consumer product manufacturers, retailers and sales agencies with market
research, products and services, and analytical tools.
Its core business activities serve brand, category, sales
management and strategic planning:
• Retail Measurement Services provides continuous
tracking of product sales to consumers, based
on information gathered at the retail point-ofsale. RMS information is available in more than
80 countries.
• Consumer Panel Services research tracks the
purchasing behavior of consumers in more than
300,000 households in 28 countries worldwide,
primarily through the use of in-home scanners.
• Assortment and In-Store Space Services provides
help in making decisions on issues such as shelf
inventories, shelf space, category growth opportunities, product listings and how best to distribute
merchandising information.
• Retailer Services are used to evaluate competitive
performance, increase traffic and sales, leverage
083009_profiles_INI.indd 27
• Decision Support Services provides software tools
and delivery methods with tools that range from
analytical and data-management systems to standard reports that are automatically refreshed when
databases are updated.
• TDLinx provides universal coverage and unique
codes for stores, outlets and accounts, as well as
Trade Dimensions directories.
Nielsen Claritas
Nielsen Claritas ( provides marketing research demographic data, marketing software
and market segmentation services. Claritas is used to
increase profitability, select the best site locations and
market more efficiently and effectively by targeting the
most profitable customers.
Nielsen BASES
Nielsen BASES ( is a leading provider
of pre-market consumer insights for marketers of
consumer packaged goods. BASES combines primary
consumer research with forecasting techniques to estimate the sales potential of new product initiatives
prior to market entry.
Nielsen IMS
Nielsen IMS ( is an international
provider of information systems and services
for the media industry. It produces media
planning and analysis software for both industry
and proprietary research.
Nielsen IAG
Nielsen IAG ( offers real-time measures of
the effectiveness of TV advertising and product
placement. It also measures viewer engagement with
TV programming and Internet content. It collects
metrics about every ad, product placement and
program sponsorship occurring across all U.S.
broadcast networks and major cable networks
during prime time.
NielsenHealth integrates and utilizes Nielsen’s
experience in marketing and media information
and analytics to produce insights into the attitudes
and behaviors of consumers, patients and physicians.
It provides intelligence on areas such as trend spotting, segmentation, physician messaging and advertising effectiveness.
Media Measurement
Nielsen measures audiences for all types of electronic
and print media, on all available technologies. It gathers competitive information about advertising expenditures and creative content, measures motion picture
box office results and CD, DVD and book sales,
and provides integrated entertainment information
services. The firm offers media planning information,
software services, and advertising rate and circulation
data across print and electronic media.
In the United States, Nielsen Media Research
provides TV audience measurement informa-
• TV, Radio and Print: The AGB Group and
Nielsen Media Research International operate a
joint venture that offers TV ratings in 30 countries under the AGB Nielsen Media Research
brand. Nielsen provides radio audience measurement services in nine markets, and print readership services in 10 markets, establishing the
size and demographic profile of the listening or
reading audience. Nielsen also offers customized
media research services to explore specific audience- and advertising-related issues for individual clients. Nielsen Media Research’s Media Index
and Panorama surveys study print, TV, radio,
cinema, outdoor and Internet audiences, as well
as lifestyles, attitudes and product consumption
in nine markets across Asia Pacific, and globally through a partnership with BMRB (TGI).
Together, Nielsen Media and TGI carry extensive
information on 20 product and service sectors,
500 categories and 100,000 brands worldwide,
collected from 750,000 interviews conducted
each year in more than 50 countries.
• Online: Nielsen Online (
delivers independent measurement and analysis
of online audiences, advertising, video, consumergenerated media, word of mouth, commerce
and consumer behavior, and includes products
formerly marketed under the Nielsen//NetRatings
and Nielsen BuzzMetrics brands. It analyzes the
Web habits of more than 410,000 people around
the world, and quantifies Internet advertising gross
ratings points (GRP) delivery, reach, frequency
and ROI. Video Census is a tool for measurement
of streaming video usage.
• Mobile/Telecom: Nielsen’s Telecom division
provides syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets. Nielsen integrates Telephia’s services in telecom with Nielsen’s
global media and marketing research capabilities, and uses its measurement tools and largescale consumer panels to understand the digital
consumer’s behavior, attitude and experience. It
provides analysis of the mobile media consumer
via Bill Panel, Site Census, On-device Smartphone
Metering, Server Log Analysis and the Mobile
Survey sample of more than 1 million subscribers.
• Movies: Nielsen EDI ( provides
box-office data to the global motion-picture industry by collecting data from about 50,000 movie
screens in 18 markets worldwide. Nielsen National
Research Group (NRG) conducts strategic research
for the studios and their home entertainment divi-
honomichl top 25
• Customized Research Services provides qualitative
and quantitative measures of consumers’ attitudes
and purchasing behavior, customer satisfaction,
brand awareness and equity, advertising effectiveness and other marketing issues.
• Analytic Consulting Services addresses business issues such as pricing, promotion, marketing
mix, assortment and product rationalization, category placement, category structure and in-store,
in-market auditing and testing.
tion for broadcast, cable network and station executives, cable system and satellite service providers,
program producers and distributors, and advertisers
and their agencies. U.S. National TV Services provides
viewership data generated from Nielsen’s National
People Meter Sample, providing demographic audience ratings daily. U.S. Local TV Services provides
local market TV audience measurement in all 210
Designated Market Areas (DMAs). Measurement is
conducted by using people meters, set-tuning meters
and paper diaries for local TV stations, agencies,
advertisers and local cable outlets with 70% of U.S.
spot TV revenue receiving overnight ratings.
Outside the United States, Nielsen Media Research
International provides media measurement and
advertising intelligence in 45 markets, operating
from regional business centers in New York; London;
Hamburg, Germany; Milan, Italy; Amsterdam, the
Netherlands; Sydney, Australia; and Shanghai, China.
marketingnews 08.30.09
frequent-shopper data and build consumer loyalty,
improve performance of private-label products,
and understand results across all product classes
and categories.
7/31/09 3:10:06 PM
The Nielsen Co.
David L. Calhoun
The Nielsen Co., formerly VNU Group N.V.,
based in New York and Haarlem, the Netherlands,
was founded in 1923 and sold to a consortium of six
private equity firms in 2006.
David L. Calhoun, 52, is chairman and CEO of
Nielsen. He earned a B.S. in accounting at Virginia
Polytechnic Institute.
Research-only revenue in 2008 was $4,575.0
million, up 4.4% over 2007. In 2008, 51.2% of total
research-only revenue, or $2,344.0 million, was from
outside the United States.
The growth rate includes 2007 and 2008 revenue
for the 2007 acquisitions of Bilesim Medya in Turkey
in February and Telephia Inc. in the United States
in August; and excludes revenue from the 2008
acquisitions of Audience Analytics in the United
States in February; IAG Research Inc. in the United
States in May; and Mesearch Ltd. in the Czech
Republic in November.
Revenue is from two of Nielsen’s consumer and
media research divisions, which include some nonresearch businesses, mostly information services.
Worldwide research and nonresearch revenue for
Nielsen was $5.0 billion in 2008.
Nielsen is a global information and media firm
offering services in marketing and consumer information, TV and other media measurement, online
intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows and
business publications. Its two research divisions
employ 34,516 worldwide.
Consumer Research
Nielsen’s Consumer Research division measures
markets and trends at the retail level, in the home and
on-the-go. The firm serves consumer product manufacturers, retailers and sales agencies with market
research, products and services, and analytical tools.
Its core business activities serve brand, category, sales
management and strategic planning:
• Retail Measurement Services provides continuous
tracking of product sales to consumers, based
on information gathered at the retail point-ofsale. RMS information is available in more than
80 countries.
• Consumer Panel Services research tracks the
purchasing behavior of consumers in more than
300,000 households in 28 countries worldwide,
primarily through the use of in-home scanners.
• Assortment and In-Store Space Services provides
help in making decisions on issues such as shelf
inventories, shelf space, category growth opportunities, product listings and how best to distribute
merchandising information.
• Retailer Services are used to evaluate competitive
performance, increase traffic and sales, leverage
083009_profiles_INI.indd 27
• Decision Support Services provides software tools
and delivery methods with tools that range from
analytical and data-management systems to standard reports that are automatically refreshed when
databases are updated.
• TDLinx provides universal coverage and unique
codes for stores, outlets and accounts, as well as
Trade Dimensions directories.
Nielsen Claritas
Nielsen Claritas ( provides marketing research demographic data, marketing software
and market segmentation services. Claritas is used to
increase profitability, select the best site locations and
market more efficiently and effectively by targeting the
most profitable customers.
Nielsen BASES
Nielsen BASES ( is a leading provider
of pre-market consumer insights for marketers of
consumer packaged goods. BASES combines primary
consumer research with forecasting techniques to estimate the sales potential of new product initiatives
prior to market entry.
Nielsen IMS
Nielsen IMS ( is an international
provider of information systems and services
for the media industry. It produces media
planning and analysis software for both industry
and proprietary research.
Nielsen IAG
Nielsen IAG ( offers real-time measures of
the effectiveness of TV advertising and product
placement. It also measures viewer engagement with
TV programming and Internet content. It collects
metrics about every ad, product placement and
program sponsorship occurring across all U.S.
broadcast networks and major cable networks
during prime time.
NielsenHealth integrates and utilizes Nielsen’s
experience in marketing and media information
and analytics to produce insights into the attitudes
and behaviors of consumers, patients and physicians.
It provides intelligence on areas such as trend spotting, segmentation, physician messaging and advertising effectiveness.
Media Measurement
Nielsen measures audiences for all types of electronic
and print media, on all available technologies. It gathers competitive information about advertising expenditures and creative content, measures motion picture
box office results and CD, DVD and book sales,
and provides integrated entertainment information
services. The firm offers media planning information,
software services, and advertising rate and circulation
data across print and electronic media.
In the United States, Nielsen Media Research
provides TV audience measurement informa-
• TV, Radio and Print: The AGB Group and
Nielsen Media Research International operate a
joint venture that offers TV ratings in 30 countries under the AGB Nielsen Media Research
brand. Nielsen provides radio audience measurement services in nine markets, and print readership services in 10 markets, establishing the
size and demographic profile of the listening or
reading audience. Nielsen also offers customized
media research services to explore specific audience- and advertising-related issues for individual clients. Nielsen Media Research’s Media Index
and Panorama surveys study print, TV, radio,
cinema, outdoor and Internet audiences, as well
as lifestyles, attitudes and product consumption
in nine markets across Asia Pacific, and globally through a partnership with BMRB (TGI).
Together, Nielsen Media and TGI carry extensive
information on 20 product and service sectors,
500 categories and 100,000 brands worldwide,
collected from 750,000 interviews conducted
each year in more than 50 countries.
• Online: Nielsen Online (
delivers independent measurement and analysis
of online audiences, advertising, video, consumergenerated media, word of mouth, commerce
and consumer behavior, and includes products
formerly marketed under the Nielsen//NetRatings
and Nielsen BuzzMetrics brands. It analyzes the
Web habits of more than 410,000 people around
the world, and quantifies Internet advertising gross
ratings points (GRP) delivery, reach, frequency
and ROI. Video Census is a tool for measurement
of streaming video usage.
• Mobile/Telecom: Nielsen’s Telecom division
provides syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets. Nielsen integrates Telephia’s services in telecom with Nielsen’s
global media and marketing research capabilities, and uses its measurement tools and largescale consumer panels to understand the digital
consumer’s behavior, attitude and experience. It
provides analysis of the mobile media consumer
via Bill Panel, Site Census, On-device Smartphone
Metering, Server Log Analysis and the Mobile
Survey sample of more than 1 million subscribers.
• Movies: Nielsen EDI ( provides
box-office data to the global motion-picture industry by collecting data from about 50,000 movie
screens in 18 markets worldwide. Nielsen National
Research Group (NRG) conducts strategic research
for the studios and their home entertainment divi-
honomichl top 25
• Customized Research Services provides qualitative
and quantitative measures of consumers’ attitudes
and purchasing behavior, customer satisfaction,
brand awareness and equity, advertising effectiveness and other marketing issues.
• Analytic Consulting Services addresses business issues such as pricing, promotion, marketing
mix, assortment and product rationalization, category placement, category structure and in-store,
in-market auditing and testing.
tion for broadcast, cable network and station executives, cable system and satellite service providers,
program producers and distributors, and advertisers
and their agencies. U.S. National TV Services provides
viewership data generated from Nielsen’s National
People Meter Sample, providing demographic audience ratings daily. U.S. Local TV Services provides
local market TV audience measurement in all 210
Designated Market Areas (DMAs). Measurement is
conducted by using people meters, set-tuning meters
and paper diaries for local TV stations, agencies,
advertisers and local cable outlets with 70% of U.S.
spot TV revenue receiving overnight ratings.
Outside the United States, Nielsen Media Research
International provides media measurement and
advertising intelligence in 45 markets, operating
from regional business centers in New York; London;
Hamburg, Germany; Milan, Italy; Amsterdam, the
Netherlands; Sydney, Australia; and Shanghai, China.
marketingnews 08.30.09
frequent-shopper data and build consumer loyalty,
improve performance of private-label products,
and understand results across all product classes
and categories.
7/31/09 3:10:06 PM
marketingnews 08.30.09
sions worldwide, including positioning and brand
studies, tactical research on marketing materials, research screenings of upcoming movies, exit
surveys of movies in release, intent–to-purchase
DVD studies, attitudes and usage studies and an
annual Moviegoer Benchmark Report that is fused
to other Nielsen media data sets. In addition, NRG
syndicates film tracking services in the United
States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany,
Australia and Japan, and a DVD tracking service
in the United States. NRG’s extensive database of
research and related information is available to the
studios through its eCinesys product.
• Music: Nielsen SoundScan ( tracks
sales of music and music video products throughout the United States and Canada. Sales data from
point-of-sale cash registers is collected weekly from
more than 22,000 retail, mass merchant and nontraditional (online stores, venues, etc.) outlets as
well as all digital music downloads sold through
digital retailers. Nielsen SoundScan is the sales
source for the Billboard music charts. Nielsen
Broadcast Data Systems (BDS) monitors overthe-air music using pattern recognition technology to identify more than 1 million songs played on
more than 1,700 terrestrial radio stations, satellite
radio, video music channels and Internet streaming services in real time in 140 markets throughout
the United States. Nielsen Music Control monitors
music broadcast on more than 700 radio and TV
stations across 18 countries worldwide.
• Books: Nielsen BookScan (
measures retail sales activity for the book industry
via point-of-sale data from retail locations. Nielsen
BookScan operates in the United States, the United
Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Denmark,
Ireland and South Africa. Nielsen BookData and
the U.K. ISBN agency provide product identification and resource discovery services on 5 million
book titles published by 40,000 publishers. Nielsen
BookNet provides a full B-to-B e-commerce
service for the U.K. book supply chain.
• Advertising: Globally, Nielsen Monitor-Plus and
its affiliates measure advertising expenditures,
media placements and creative content in 30 of the
world’s leading advertising markets. Coverage is
extended to more than 80 countries, representing
85% of the world’s advertising spending, through
partnerships around the world. Reports cover
ad occurrences across all major media, as well as
copies of ad creatives. Information is available for
all key media by country, by region or on a global
basis through the Nielsen Global AdView service.
Scarborough Research
Scarborough Research (, a joint
venture between Nielsen Co. and Arbitron, identifies
local, regional and national shopping patterns and media
usage of the American consumer. It surveys 210,000
adults ages 18 and older on a variety of characteristics,
including shopping, lifestyle, media and demographics.
Kantar Group
Eric Salama
The Kantar Group, based in London and
Fairfield, Conn., was founded in 1993 and renamed
the Information, Insight and Consultancy Division of
WPP Group plc, a London-based public company.
Eric Salama, 48, is chairman and CEO of the
Kantar Group. Salama earned an M.Sc. at London’s
Birkbeck College.
Research-only revenue in 2008 was estimated at
$3,615.1 million, up 3.6% from 2007. In 2008, 75.3%
of total research-only revenue, or $2,722.6 million,
was estimated from outside the United States.
The growth rate excludes 2007 and 2008 revenue
from the 2007 acquisitions by Kantar of All Global
Ltd. in the United Kingdom in January; Foresight
International Inc. in the United States in March; Teenage Research Unlimited in the United States in April;
and Cheskin Inc. in the United States in December; and the 2008 acquisitions by Kantar of Opinion
Research Taiwan in February; Zdology in China in
March; Data Intelligence A/S in Denmark in October;
and TNS plc in the United Kingdom in October.
It also excludes the 2007 and 2008 revenue from
the 2007 acquisitions by TNS of Research Surveys
Pty. Ltd. in South Africa in January; Sorensen Associates and Cymfony Inc., both of the United States, in
February; Expert Monitor in Poland in March; Retail
Forward Inc. in the United States in March; the financial services unit of Abt Associates Inc. in the United
States in May; Conversa Global Ltd. in New Zealand
in July; Presswatch GmbH in Germany in July; I.D.
Magasin Ltd. in the United Kingdom in September;
and Landis Strategy & Innovation LLC in the United
States in December; and the 2008 acquisitions by TNS
of LatinPanel Holdings in Brazil in January; Prospera
Research AB in Sweden in February; and Compete
Inc. in the United States in March.
Kantar’s estimated research-only 21,500 total
employees work across 80 countries and across
the spectrum of research and consultancy disciplines, offering business insights at each point of the
consumer cycle. The group’s services are used by more
than half of Fortune 500-ranked companies.
Following the 2008 acquisition of TNS, Kantar
restructured in February 2009 by merging Research
International with the TNS Custom division and formed
four new vertical divisions: Kantar Media, Kantar
Healthcare, Kantar Retail and Kantar Worldpanel.
The group now comprises the following research and
non-research business units: Added Value, Center Partners, IMRB International, Kantar Healthcare (incorporating TNS Healthcare, Ziment Group and Mattson Jack
Group), Kantar Japan, Kantar Media (incorporating Kantar Media Intelligence, Kantar Audience Measurement, TGI Global and Kantar
Media U.S.), Kantar Operations, Kantar
Retail (incorporating Glendinning, Cannondale Associates, Management Ventures Inc.,
Retail Forward and Red Dot Square), Kantar
Worldpanel, Lightspeed Research, Millward
Brown, The Futures Company and TNS (operating as TNS/Research International in select
Added Value
Added Value (, which
includes Added Value, DR Added Value
(formerly Diagnostic Research) and Icon
Added Value (formerly Icon Brand Navigation), operates in 25 offices across 15 countries.
Added Value focuses on brand development and marketing insight through the use
of its Emotional Brand Connections methodology to deliver services such as cultural and
trend analysis; market segmentation, mindset
mapping and brand portfolio management;
brand evaluation, diagnosis and strategy
creation; ethnography, idea generation and
development; marketing mix optimization
and concept evaluation; decoding, planning
and copy testing; and planning, tracking and
spend optimization.
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• Icon Added Value (Icon-Added-Value.
com) in Nuremberg, Germany, provides
research and consulting services, including brand communications, product
research, brand tracking and customer
satisfaction studies through offices in
four countries. In addition, the firm
offers support for advertising agency
selection; coaching in brand management, communication development and
agency management; and tailored seminars and workshops for defining brand
identity. Its research activities are built
around a brand value management
structure with four brand components:
analytics, strategy, implementation and
ing firm that specializes in providing pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients with strategic
direction support, including analytics, corporate
development and brand optimization. In addition,
the firm provides subscription services and tools
that include the EpiDatabase, Forecast Architect,
Cancer!MPact and Oncology Marketing Strategies.
Kantar Media
Kantar Media ( includes media
specialists TNS Media Intelligence, TNS Media
Research, KMR and TGI. The business is organized
into four units: Kantar Media Intelligence, Kantar
Audience Measurement (formerly Media Research),
TGI Global (including other single-source services)
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• DR Added Value offers custom research services,
including consumer and B-to-B research, across
a number of product and industry categories that
include copy testing, brand and advertising tracking,
market/consumer segmentation, product design and
customer satisfaction.
IMRB International
IMRB International (,
based in Mumbai, India, offers a range of
custom and syndicated services in media
and panel research, customer satisfaction,
business and industrial research, Internetrelated research, social and rural research
and qualitative research, with eight
specialist units.
Kantar Healthcare
Kantar Healthcare incorporates the Ziment
Group, Consumer Health Services, Imap
Research, Mattson Jack Group and TNS
Healthcare businesses, which all specialize in
healthcare research, insight and consulting.
• The Ziment Group ( has
three divisions: Ziment, All Global
and Syndicated, which incorporate
Imap Research and Consumer Heath
Sciences. The Group offers products to address a wide range of strategic marketing issues and also provides
e-healthcare support, Internet research
and multivariate services. The company’s products include: From Compound
to Profit, Ideaz, Trialz, Segz, Zapp, Tagz,
MDS (Market Dynamics Studies), Payz
and RxOl.
• All Global operates one of the world’s
largest online physician panels that
includes more than 160,000 participating physicians across Europe and North
America, and a chronic illness panel
with more than 350,000 patients in the
United States and Europe covering 100
different chronic illnesses.
• Imap Research conducts worldwide
syndicated marketing research studies,
and incorporates iTRAK and National
Health and Wellness data provisions.
• The Mattson Jack Group is a global
healthcare/pharmaceutical consult-
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and an integrated company covering all disciplines in
the U.S. market. The business also includes Compete
and Cymfony and is leading the development of the
Return Path Data initiative, which tracks digital data
when an ad runs on a digital platform.
Kantar Media is an integrated research, information and software group, specializing in marketing and media services, software data systems for
data analysis, multichannel planning and analytical
services. Key services include TV audience measurement (TAM); print/single-source services, including
TGI and MARS; KMR Software; and custom projects, including data fusion and database modeling.
TGI and TAM services are available in more than 80
countries worldwide.
Kantar Retail
Kantar Retail consolidates the companies of Glendinning, Cannondale Associates, Management Ventures
Inc., Retail Forward and Red Dot Square. The focus of
the business is on deepening and rolling out digitally
delivered intelligence on retailers, extending shopper
insights and consulting capabilities. Two recent additions to the division are the consulting capability for
retailers provided by Retail Forward (formerly part of
TNS) and the virtual reality platforms developed by
Red Dot Square.
Kantar Worldpanel
Kantar Worldpanel, formerly TNS Worldpanel, operates Worldpanel and managed-access panels in the
United States and major countries in Europe and
Asia, including specialty panels and custom proprietary panels. IMRB’s panel in India will also be linked
to Worldpanel with business in key emerging markets
such as China, India, Mexico and Brazil. They provide
understanding of the impact of economic changes on
consumer in-store purchase patterns.
Lightspeed Research
Lightspeed Research ( is a
provider of global online market research services.
The firm specializes in Internet data collection to
provide market research services through building and maintaining proprietary panels for industry
sectors such as financial services, healthcare, B-to-B,
subject matter experts, automotive, family and more.
Through its network of proprietary panels and
accredited panel partners, the company provides access
to more than 20 million registered panelists across 45
countries in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific.
Consumer panels are available in North America,
Great Britain, the Netherlands, Australia, China, Japan,
France, Germany, Italy and Spain, providing access to
adults, teens, kids and other specialty audiences.
Lightspeed Research’s acquisitions of both Ultimate Consumer
Panel (now Financial Services
Group) and Foresight International expands its range of
services in financial services and
employee satisfaction.
Brown Group
Millward Brown Group
includes Millward Brown
(MB), Greenfield Consulting,
MaPS, Dynamic Logic and
The Focus Network.
• Millward Brown (Millward provides a full range of qualitative, quantitative and consulting services
focusing on brands, marketing communications, media
and marketing effectiveness. It works across a wide
range of industries and categories, operating in areas such
as brand strategy and experience; creative development and
campaign evaluation; media
planning and strategy; ROI,
forecasting and investment
management; brand valuation
and analytics through its MB
Optimor unit; and demand
and activation. Key products
and services are Link copy testing, BrandDynamics, Dynamic
Tracking, D&A, Mbuzz, MB
Precis, AdIndex, sales response
modeling and qualitative.
• Greenfield Consulting ( is a North
American qualitative agency
083009_profiles_INI.indd 30
that conducts focus groups and in-depth interviews
globally, across consumer and B-to-B sectors.
• Marketing and Planning Systems (MaPS)
( is a North American research firm
and consultancy that combines marketing science
with consultancy experience.
• Dynamic Logic ( is a leader in
measuring the impact of digital marketing initiatives and marketing effectiveness as well as the role
they play in the broader cross-media mix.
• The Focus Network ( is a
network of five focus group facilities located in New
York, Chicago, London, Mexico City and Toronto.
BMRB (, based in the United Kingdom,
offers services in conducting quantitative social policy
and public interest research, media and marketing research, and omnibus services, plus customer,
employee and stakeholder research. In February
2009, its social research team joined social and polling teams within TNS to form a network of social,
governmental, and polling capabilities. In the United
Kingdom the business is branded TNS-BMRB.
TNS (TNS Research International in some markets)
was created from the merger of TNS with Research
International. The merged firm is the world’s largest custom market research service provider and
the world’s largest qualitative research service. It has
offices in 80 countries.
The firm provides marketing knowledge and generates insights into consumers and markets. TNS has experience in most major sectors, particularly consumer
packaged goods, retail, new media, financial services,
energy and utilities, political and social, and technology
and telecommunications. In each area, the firm draws
on its worldwide knowledge bases and includes both
custom approaches and proprietary techniques.
Proprietary techniques include: Equity Engine (brand
equity management), MicroTest (sales forecasting), BrandSight Gallery (an internationally validated visual system
for exploring brand personality), Locator (brand positioning optimization), eValuate, Insightment and Loyalty
Driver (evaluating and managing customer loyalty), TRiM
(stakeholder management), Conversion Model (commitment measurement), Needscope (motivational research),
AdEval and AdEffect (advertising evaluation and effectiveness), InnoSuite (new product development), WebEval
(Web site evaluation), Optima (usage and attitude understanding) and BPO (brand equity research).
IMS Health Inc.
David Carlucci
IMS Health Inc. (IMS) in Norwalk, Conn., was
founded in 1954 and is a publicly traded company
listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
David Carlucci, 54, is chairman and CEO of IMS.
He earned a B.A. in political science at the University
of Rochester.
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Revenue in 2008 was $2,329.5 million, up 1.2%
over 2007. In 2008, 63.9% of total revenue, or $1,487.5
million, was generated outside the United States.
The growth rate excludes 2007 and 2008 revenue
from the 2007 acquisitions of Value Medics Research
LLC in the United States, MERG Forschungsgruppe
Medizinische Okonomie GmbH in Germany, Datasurf Co. in Japan, Aremis Consultants Holding SA in
France, Brylake Ltd. in the United Kingdom, MIHS
Holdings Inc. in the United States, and GCE Servicos
Tecnologicos Ltda. in Brazil; and the 2008 acquisitions
of Robinson and James Research Pty. in Australia,
Fourth Hurdle Consulting Ltd. in the United Kingdom, Health Benchmarks Inc. in the United States,
RMBC Pharma Ltd. in Russia, and the services practice group of Skra Corp. Inc. in the United States.
IMS is the leading global provider of intelligence to
the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, providing services in more than 100 countries. The firm offers
market intelligence products and portfolio management capabilities, commercial effectiveness services,
and managed care and consumer health offerings.
Its Global Consulting and Services teams provide
insights and recommendations to improve productivity and the delivery of healthcare worldwide.
083009_profiles_INI.indd 32
IMS business lines include:
• Commercial Effectiveness services are used principally by pharmaceutical manufacturers to
measure, forecast and optimize sales force productivity and improve territory management.
• Portfolio Optimization offerings are multinational,
integrated analytical tools and syndicated pharmaceutical, medical and prescription audits. They
assist in identifying the optimum mix of products in portfolios and pipelines, and in resolving
various strategic issues, including which therapy
classes to enter, which products to develop and
license, and how to pursue market opportunities.
• Launch and Brand Management offerings
combine information, analytical tools, services
and experience to address needs relevant to
each stage in the life cycle of prescription and
consumer pharmaceutical brands. They provide
insights and support decision-making relating
to market segmentation and positioning, pricing and market access, promotion and performance management, and health economics and
outcomes research.
• Managed Care services provide an array of information to quantify the effects of managed care on
the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
• Consumer Health services provide detailed product movement, market share and pricing information for over-the-counter, personal care, patient
care and nutritional products.
• IMS’s Consulting and Services teams support strategic planning and decision-making with a combination of information and analytics. Customized
analysis and interpretation of business intelligence
is offered in key practice areas: Commercial
Effectiveness, to help maximize the value of sales
and market investments; Pricing and Market
Access, to help assess the cost, value and anticipated
consequences of therapies and treatment options;
and Product and Portfolio Development, to assess
portfolio opportunities by determining the value
of various strategic options, and evaluating choices
based on risk and return trade-offs.
IMS is launching new businesses in implementation
services and knowledge process outsourcing such as
market research and sales force compensation and
reporting. IMS employs 7,500 full time worldwide.
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Klaus L.
telecommunications, sports equipment, tourism,
consumer electronics and entertainment media.
• The Media sector provides information services on
the range, intensity and nature of media usage and
acceptance in more than 20 countries in Europe
and the United States. The data sources for this
sector come from TV, radio, print, outdoor adver-
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• The Retail and Technology sector provides information and consulting services based on retail data from
continuous surveys and analysis of sales of technical consumer goods and services in more than 70
countries worldwide. These services include regular
surveys on the market segments of office communications, photographic technology and optics, electrical household appliances, information technology,
GfK SE, a public company based in
Nuremberg, Germany, established in 1934
comprises the operations of GfK Group and
NOP World, which was acquired by GfK in
August 2005.
Klaus L. Wübbenhorst, 53, is the CEO
of GfK SE. He earned a Ph.D. from Technical University in Darmstadt, Germany.
Revenue in 2008 was $1,797.2 million,
up 5.5% from 2007. In 2008, 77.3% of total
worldwide revenue, or $1,389.1 million,
was from outside Germany.
The growth rate excludes 2007 and
2008 revenue from the 2007 acquisitions
of Satisteme SA in Paris in September;
Daphne Communications Management BV
in the Netherlands in September; Beijing
Sino Market Research Co. Ltd. and China
Market Monitor Co. Ltd., both of Beijing,
in October; and GfK Beijing Custom
Research in August; and the 2008 acquisitions of Blue Moon Group in Australia in
January; Bilesim International Research
& Consultancy in Turkey in March; Shopping Brazil in April; Chart-Track Ltd. in the
United Kingdom in July; and Arbor Strategy Group in the United States in August.
GfK is a global market research organization providing services in custom
research, retail and technology, and media
business sectors. The firm has 150 operating companies and 9,692 full-time employees offering market research services in
more than 150 countries.
The Custom Research sector provides
information and consulting services for
operational and strategic marketing decisions in more than 30 countries, and
via partnerships in more than 60 countries. This sector offers a broad range
of services that include tests and studies for product and pricing policy, brand
management, communications, distribution and customer loyalty. GfK monitors
products and services from development and launch, through maturity and
to the degeneration phase. Its portfolio comprises continually collected data,
such as from household and doctor
panels, as well as ad hoc studies tailored
specifically to individual questions.
The data for this sector is provided by
consumers and physicians.
The sector comprises the segments
consumer tracking, healthcare, automotive, business and technology, financial
services, consumer and retail, and other
custom and multisegment research in
Central and Eastern Europe, Latin
America, Asia and the Pacific.
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tising and online. Its services are provided to
media companies, agencies and the branded goods
industry. The range of services includes continuous and special one-off studies and analysis.
Ipsos Group SA
Didier Truchot
Ipsos Group SA, in Paris, was founded in 1975 and
listed on the Nouveau Marché of the Paris Stock Exchange
in July 1999. As of April 2003, Ipsos was listed on the
Premier Marché of EuroNext Paris Stock Exchange.
The chairman and CEO of Ipsos is Didier Truchot,
62. He is a graduate in economics from PanthéonSorbonne in France.
Revenue for 2008 was $1,442.1 million, up 7.8%
over 2007. In 2008, revenue generated from work
conducted outside France was $1,283.5 million, or
89.0% of total revenue.
083009_profiles_INI.indd 36
The growth rate excludes the 2007 and 2008
revenue from the 2007 acquisitions of Apoyo Opinion y Mercado SA in Peru in February; KMG
Research and Consulting in Turkey in January;
Eureka Strategic Research Pty. Ltd. in Australia in June; Markinor in South Africa in July;
Indica Research Pvt. Ltd. in India in October; and
ResearchPartner AS in Norway in October; and
the 2008 acquisitions of Forward Research Inc.
in the United States in January; Monroe Mendelsohn Research in the United States in April; Livra.
com S.A. in Argentina in July; B-Thinking in China
in July; Alfacom in Brazil in August; and Strategic
Puls in Serbia in October.
Ipsos is a global market research firm that is exclusively dedicated to survey-based research, and is both
controlled and managed by research professionals.
The firm is present in 64 countries and employs 9,049
full time worldwide.
Ipsos has created the Global PartneRing, a
unique program that provides multinational clients
with efficient and coordinated day-to-day working
The firm has five core specializations in advertising, marketing, media, public opinion and customer
satisfaction research.
• Ipsos ASI comprises advertising research
specialists who help define advertising concepts,
and measure and forecast the effectiveness of
marketing communications. It is a worldwide
provider of advertising pre-testing services
and offers a full range of advertising research
services at all stages of the advertising development process, including copy testing, advertising tracking and brand equity evaluation. The
service delivers performance evaluation with
comparable results across countries.
• Ipsos Marketing—the firm’s innovation and
brand research specialists—provides strategic and
tactical information about markets and brands,
whether to launch new products, understand
consumer behavior or analyze and track brand
performances. Experienced special teams from
consumer goods, industry and services, health
and qualitative divisions offer business services,
including forecasting, modeling, market knowledge and consumer insights.
• Ipsos Public Affairs—the firm’s social research and
corporate reputation specialists—offers research on
social issues and the attitudes and behaviors of citi-
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zens and consumers. Its research is based not only
on public opinion, but also on elite stakeholder,
corporate and opinion research. In partnership with
Thomson-Reuters, it delivers multicountry polling
results on consumer attitudes and issues, economic
confidence and other timely occurrences in geopolitics and policy environment.
• Ipsos MediaCT are the media, content and technology research specialists with long experience
in audience measurement of major national and
international media. The group provides media,
content and audience research as well as research
on technological platforms for new media.
• Ipsos Loyalty—the firm’s customer and employee
research specialists—provides global research
services integrating survey research and transactional data to optimize marketing spending and
customer loyalty. It measures the quality, appropriateness, marketing and economics of customer
service propositions, and conducts research for
employee relationship management.
To deliver reliable, consistent and accurate information, Ipsos Global Operations and Ipsos Inter-
083009_profiles_INI.indd 38
active Services have implemented tools integrating
new technologies for collecting, processing and
supplying data. Its aim is to optimize the firm’s
capabilities and ensure high-quality and costeffective service.
Adrian Chedore
Synovate, based in London, was created in
2003 and is the market research arm of Aegis Group
plc, a London-based public company listed on the
London Stock Exchange.
Adrian Chedore, 55, is global CEO for Synovate. He
earned a B.A. in sociology from the University of Sussex
in the United Kingdom.
Revenue in 2008 was $961.0 million, up 2.3% over
2007. In 2008, revenue from outside the United Kingdom was $817.3 million, or 85.1% of total revenue.
The growth rate excludes
2007 and 2008 revenue from
the 2007 acquisitions of Interview-NSS in the Netherlands in
January; Metra Seis SA in Spain
in September; and Research
Solutions Ltd. in New Zealand
in November; and the 2008
acquisitions of Oncology Inc.
in the United States in Janury;
CIMA Group in Chile in January; Steadman Group in Kenya
in July; Peter Seagroatti & Associates Ltd. in the United Kingdom in March; and Marketing
Management Analytics in the
United States in April (from
parent Aegis Group). In 2008,
revenue of Aegis Group was
$2.5 billion.
Synovate is a global market
research firm based around a
borderless organization whose
flexible structure allows it to
establish teams wherever its
clients are located, mirroring
their requirements and offering
local access to the firm’s global knowledge and
Its clients range from Fortune Global 500 companies
to entrepreneurial start-ups and come from all sectors
of business: consumer packaged goods, petrochemicals,
media and advertising, government, healthcare, financial
services, retail, restaurants, technology, automotive and
more. The firm employs 6,746 staff worldwide.
Synovate’s global capabilities include:
• Brand & Communications: The firm offers Brand
Value Creator, Market Barriers, Mind Clouds and
other services to grow brands, assess obstacles
and track the impact of communications. Synovate’s brand research can also be integrated with its
customer loyalty and shopper research capabilities,
providing a holistic view of customers.
• Shopper Insights & Retail Performance: Synovate’s
shopper capabilities include shopper behavior and
segmentation to help in-store messaging and category, aisle and brand optimization. Equipment
counts and tracks shoppers in the store during all
times of the day to assess the impact of promotions,
displays, store locations, layouts and other factors.
• Customer Experience: This service helps develop
and implement customer, employee and stakeholder loyalty programs and customer experience
management strategies.
• Marketing Management Analytics: MMA’s analytics, technologies and consulting address marketing
mix, pricing and sales force effectiveness issues for
marketing performance.
• MarketQuest: This service guides clients through
the entire product development process, from
initial concept to ongoing performance monitoring, to ensure effective market decisions and
accurate volume estimates, including during challenging economic situations.
• Aztec: This specialist service provides data
processing, analysis and support services across
the grocery, pharmacy, liquor, mass merchant and
petrol/convenience channels.
• Syndicated Services: Synovate’s syndicated studies
include PAX and EMS, which examine media behavior and product ownership among affluent consumers; Young Adults Revealed, which provides insights
on the changing youth market; Young Asians, which
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examines youth behavior across 12 Asian markets;
Mail Monitor, which tracks direct mail credit card
offers in the United States; CSI (Customer Service
Index), which tracks consumer opinions of Canadian
financial institutions; and DuraTrend and Household Equipment Canada, which tracks purchases of
household durable goods and the home improvement industry in North America.
Synovate recently partnered with Vision Critical in
offering community panels, providing a way to regularly engage with customers and prospects online.
John G. Freeland
IRI, formerly Information Resources Inc.,
was founded in 1979 and became a public company in
1983. It was acquired in 2003 by Symphony Technology
Group LLC, a private company. IRI is based in Chicago.
John G. Freeland, 55, is president and CEO of IRI,
and Romesh Wadhwani, 61, is chairman. Freeland
earned an M.B.A. at Columbia University and Wadhwani earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.
Revenue in 2008 was $725.0 million, up 2.3% over
2007. In 2008, 37.4% of total revenue, or $271.0 million,
was generated from work outside the United States.
IRI is a worldwide provider of consumer, shopper
and retail market intelligence and insights for CPG,
retail and healthcare companies. It offers a combination of integrated market information, automated
and predictive analytics, enabling technologies and
domain experience.
The firm operates in 58 countries through standalone operations, wholly owned subsidiaries, partnerships and alliances. IRI offers services in six areas:
Comprehensive Market Content
• InfoScan Retail Tracking: The census-based IRI
InfoScan point-of-sale (POS) tracking service
provides access to detailed information on sales,
share, distribution, pricing and promotion across a
wide variety of retail channels and accounts.
• IRI AllScan Convenience Store Tracking: The
AllScan tracking service provides scanner-based
POS data across the entire
convenience channel using
data from more than 15,000
sample convenience stores.
• Enhanced Shopper Insights:
IRI and the Europanel Association have formed a single
panel research service
combining the IRI Consumer
Network household panel
in the United States with
Europanel to create a global
consumer network representing 600 million households
in 54 countries.The IRI Shopper Insights platform offers
a series of integrated insights
and shopper and specialty
panels that are enabled
through a portable, personal
collection device. An analytics-driven application built
on the IRI Liquid Data platform provides insights into
shopper segments, trip
missions and buyer behavior.
083009_profiles_INI.indd 40
Automated, Predictive
Analytic Insights
IRI offers analytical modeling, consumer and
shopper insights, and new product and media testing services supported by an experienced analytics
staff. In 2008, IRI introduced a new series of pricing and promotion capabilities for understanding
pricing sensitivities, gaps, thresholds and competitive implications.
The IRI Marketing Mix Analytics services quantify, test and simulate return on marketing investment
by deconstructing the drivers of current business
trends and simulating the effects of changes on future
brand plans. For scenarios that cannot be simulated
using historical data, the IRI BehaviorScan in-market
testing service is a new product and media testing
capability that executes in-market media weight and
copy tests. IRI also offers other testing services to
compare in-store media, assortment and pricing decisions, as well as media plan alternatives.
Decision Support Services
IRI’s Liquid Data (ILD), an end-to-end information
management and insights platform, supports business applications by re-imagining how businesses
make decisions based on immediate access to strategic
information and insights. It leverages integrated data
assets and redesigned workflows to predict the success
of future decisions and initiatives.
ILD provides data management capabilities
driven through a combination of hardware, software,
patented algorithms, industry models, data integration and supporting applications that are offered as a
hosted service or as a separate infrastructure within
the customer’s legacy data environment. The platform
holds data in a flat or unstructured universe of points
and leverages predictive automated analytics to generate information and insights in minutes.
Industry Vertical Services
IRI offers vertical experience and customized products and services for multiple industry verticals,
including healthcare and wellness, center store,
confections, beer, wine and spirits, bakery and dairy.
• Healthcare and Wellness Insights: The IRI
Healthcare Solutions Group provides pharmaceutical, healthcare, CPG companies and retailers with consumer intelligence, targeting and
analytic services for the healthcare marketplace
via a suite of retail tracking, consumer panel and
analytic-driven products and services under the
RxPulse brand.
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• Beverage Alcohol Industry Insights: This service provides retail tracking products
and analytics for the beverage alcohol industry, including retail sales trends, purchase
behavior and consumer insights in grocery, drug, mass merchandise, convenience,
liquor and club stores.
Consulting and Innovation
In 2008, IRI launched a Consulting and Innovation practice dedicated to providing a
comprehensive range of analytics, strategy, implementation, change management and
metrics services with expertise in several areas: micro-segmentation of major shopper
segments, brand building and sustainment, private label optimization and opportunity
identification, value proposition maximization and collaboration, and predictive strategic
business planning capabilities.
IRI Partner Ecosystem
IRI provides an integrated and differentiated “partner ecosystem,” formed to leverage the
skill sets of the retail tracking and panel leaders, providing coverage, experience, products and services. Complemented by relationships with sister companies in the Symphony
Technology Group, as well as partial ownerships and alliances, key partnerships include:
• Acxiom Corp.: The partnership provides consumer insight services that target specific types
of consumers who have a high likelihood to want and buy selected product categories.
• IBM Corp.: This partnership delivers on-demand market intelligence to the CPG, retail
and healthcare industries using IBM software to support the development and delivery
of IRI decision support software services and real-time market information processing.
• IMS Health Inc.: This alliance provides integrated, longitudinal marketplace information, analytics and consulting services for the ethical (Rx), consumer (OTC) and CPG
markets in the United States and Europe.
• TiVo Inc.: This provider measures the impact that DVR technology has on consumer
viewing patterns and subsequent product sales, and quantifies the effectiveness of specific
advertising campaigns and brand recognition programs in TiVo DVR households.
• Worldpanel: This partnership with Kantar provides a single-panel research service,
delivering global consumer insights in 54 countries, covering 88% of the global gross
domestic product.
IRI has 3,600 full-time employees worldwide. It as offices throughout the United States
and in the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain.
Westat Inc.
Joseph A. Hunt
Westat Inc. in Rockville, Md., is an employee-owned company founded in 1961.
The president and CEO of Westat is Joseph A. Hunt, 73. He earned an M.S. at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Revenue in 2008 was $469.5 million, up 0.5% from 2007.
Westat conducts survey research for agencies of the U.S. government as well as businesses, foundations, and state and local governments. Its staff capabilities are in statistical
design and analysis, survey operations, scientific and clinical research, program evaluation
and computer systems.
Westat’s projects serve a broad range of needs including assessing the educational
achievement of students, understanding health and environmental risks, gaining new
knowledge of the causes of disease, evaluating the performance of social programs, and
supporting the development of policy and regulations in many areas of government.
The firm also provides Internet-based public information services to federal government agencies and performs clinical trial work for the U.S. government, pharmaceutical
and biotech clients, both in the United States and through its international operations.
Westat conducts CATI at five telephone research centers throughout the United States
and through its national network of home-based interviewers. Westat’s nationwide staff of
field interviewers uses computer-assisted interviewing methods on many large long-term
surveys. To support and manage these distributed operations, Westat maintains a large,
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secure, nationwide computer and communications
The firm continues to expand its methods research
capabilities with an emphasis on maximizing cooperation across a broad range of respondent types and
applying Web technologies to the collection of survey
information. It operates a behavioral research facility specializing in Web usability studies to augment its
cognitive laboratory and focus group capabilities.
Westat distributes and provides user training
and support for its WesVar statistical processing
software and for Blaise, a COTS software system for
CATI and complex survey processing developed by
Statistics Netherlands.
Westat’s staff numbers 1,998 full-time salaried
employees. In addition, Westat’s telephone-interviewing, field-interviewing and data-editing staff averaged
about 1,700 during 2008. It also maintains research
offices in Atlanta, Houston, Bethesda, Md., Raleigh,
N.C., and several international locations.
Arbitron Inc.
Michael P. Skarzynski
Arbitron Inc., based in Columbia, Md.,
was founded in 1949 and in 2001 became a public
company listed on the NYSE.
Arbitron’s president and CEO is Michael P.
Skarzynski, 52, who earned an M.B.A. at Northwestern University.
Revenue in 2008 was $368.8 million, up 9.0% over
2007. In 2008, 1.2% of total revenue, or $4.4 million,
came from outside the United States.
Arbitron is a leading media and marketing
research firm primarily serving radio, cable, advertising agencies, advertisers and out-of-home media.
Arbitron’s four main services are measuring radio
audiences in local markets across the United States;
measuring network and national radio audiences in
the United States; providing consumer shopping and
media usage information to radio, cable, advertising
agencies, advertisers, retailers, broadcast TV, out-ofhome media, newspapers and
online media; and providing
application software used for
analyzing media audience and
marketing information.
Media Services
• Local Market U.S. Radio
Audiences: Arbitron
measures the size and
composition of radio
station audiences by
periodically surveying
radio listeners in nearly
300 U.S. markets.
• National U.S. Radio
Audiences: Arbitron also
provides measurement of
network radio audiences
through its two national
ratings services: RADAR
and Nationwide. The
RADAR service provides
a measurement of national
radio audiences and the
audience size of network
radio programs and
commercials for 58 separate radio networks. Radio
Nationwide is a source
for local/regional market
network ratings. The
service, issued twice each
year, is based on
the company’s fall and
spring surveys.
• Local Market Consumer
Surveys: In addition to
its radio ratings service,
Arbitron also provides
consumer profiles of radio
listeners, broadcast TV and
083009_profiles_INI.indd 42
cable TV viewers, newspaper readers and
consumers reached by outdoor and out-ofhome advertising displays. These profiles contain
detailed socioeconomic data and information
about what consumers buy, where they shop and
what other forms of media they use. Arbitron
provides measurements in approximately 277 local
markets in the United States through the Scarborough service (a joint venture with The Nielsen
Co.) as well as two other services that conduct
ongoing consumer surveys.
• Application Software: The firm supplies software
applications that provide access to media and
consumer information from Arbitron and other
research providers. The software assists in making
media buying and selling decisions, as well as in
managing and programming radio stations.
• Out-of-Home Services: Arbitron markets its
consumer information, sales training programs
and custom research services to a variety of outof-home media companies. The out-of-home
customer base includes traditional billboard
companies as well as new and emerging placebased media in locations such as malls, retail
stores, airports and cinemas.
Traditional out-of-home companies use
the Scarborough local market consumer data as
primary sales tools. For new media, the firm offers
case studies documenting the awareness, acceptance, engagement and effectiveness of these new
media choices.
• Custom Research Services: Arbitron provides
custom research services such as audience listening estimates for sporting events and custom
research studies for the telecommunications
industry and out-of-home/place-based media.
Portable People Meter System
Arbitron is transitioning its data collection business from
diaries to portable electronic measurement devices that
passively provide measurement services without additional manual effort by survey participants.
Its Portable People Meter (PPM) technology is
capable of measuring audiences for programming and
advertising purposes across multiple media including,
among others, broadcast and satellite radio, broadcast,
cable and satellite TV, the Internet, and retail in-store
audio and video broadcasts.
• PPM in the United States: Arbitron plans to commercialize its PPM ratings service in 49 top U.S. radio
markets by the end of 2010. As of April 1, PPM audience estimates are now the buy/sell currency available in 14 local markets. The company plans to
commercialize the PPM radio ratings service in 19
additional local markets in 2009.
• PPM in International Markets: The firm’s commercial agreements with international media information services grant licenses to use Arbitron’s
encoding technology in their audience measurement services in specific countries outside the
United States. The technology is currently being
used for both TV and radio media measurement
in seven countries.
PPM technology was first used in a commercial audience measurement panel in Belgium and has been used
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SDI), syndicated consumer panel services (SCI,
SLI, personal eye), syndicated promotion effectiveness measurement panel services (SPI, IFI),
Kitchen Diary, price and store sales promotion
analysis packages (price elasticity analysis, APRiCOT), MR (medical representative) activities
effectiveness panel service (Rep Track) and inte-
grated marketing research data delivery systems
(Partner & Brains, RESME).
• Customized Services: INTAGE addresses needs for
customized services in management, strategy and
strategy implementation evaluation, and business
process efficiency. The firm leverages technology
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to track TV and radio there since 2003. In 2006, Norway
adopted a service using PPM technology to produce
radio currency ratings, and Kazakhstan adopted a
service using PPM technology to produce TV currency
ratings. In 2007, both TV and radio currency ratings
were produced in Iceland using PPM equipment. In
2008, the radio industry in Denmark began using PPM
equipment, and it has been similarly deployed
in Singapore since 2001.
PPM technology has been used for TV
currency ratings in Montreal and Quebec,
Canada, since 2004. In the fourth quarter of
2008, BBM Canada, a not-for-profit media
ratings organization that produces widely
accepted ratings for Canada, commercialized its PPM radio ratings service in
Montreal. The Montreal market launch
is the first phase of BBM Canada’s PPM
service rollout plan. BBM Canada has also
announced its intention to launch PPM
panels to generate radio and TV currency
ratings in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and
Edmonton in Fall 2009.
Arbitron’s headquarters were relocated in 2009 to Columbia, Md. The firm
has six regional sales offices located in the
metropolitan areas of New York, Atlanta,
Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and Columbia, Md. It has operations offices in Dallas,
Houston, Indianapolis and Birmingham,
Ala. Its survey research, technology and
data collection/production operations are
located in its Columbia, Md., facilities.
Arbitron has 1,116 full-time and 500
part-time employees in the United States.
Norio Taori
INTAGE Inc., based in Tokyo, was
founded in 1960 and listed on the Tokyo
Stock Exchange in November 2001 and in
March 2009 on its First Section.
Norio Taori, 61, is president and representative director. Taori earned a B.A. in sociology at Hitotsubashi University in Japan.
Revenue was $332.2 million for the fiscal
year ended March 2009, up 3.7% over fiscal
year 2008. In fiscal 2009, 1.1% of revenue, or
$3.8 million, came from outside Japan.
INTAGE addresses management strategy and marketing issues through marketing and business intelligence in consumer
markets, service industries and healthcare
sectors in three areas:
• Marketing Tracking: INTAGE provides
syndicated data services through data
delivery systems. Information details
retail sales trends, consumer buying
behaviors, sales promotion activities
and other market indicators. Market
tracking services offered include syndicated POS retail panel services (SRI,
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and systems as well as marketing research resources
and capabilities to optimize marketing activities
and business processes via customized research,
global research, medical marketing research, Internet-based marketing research, social marketing
research, system applications and operation (system
development, data processing outsourcing, system
operation services), and analytical tools and applications (Self-Choice, brand management tables,
brand equity analysis models, advertising effectiveness measurement models, Lyche Pro).
• Strategic Solutions: INTAGE combines information
technology, system development capabilities and
marketing intelligence to construct business application systems to address strategy issues and operating environments. Database services apply data
utilization and analysis tools for support systems.
The firm offers integrated services (INTAGECRM, data mining and customer portfolio management tools), business reliability planning and business
process outsourcing services, drug development solutions (CRO, SMO services), supply chain management
services (supply and demand planning, logistics planning), micro-area marketing applications (AreaManager) and business application products (Job Hunter3).
083009_profiles_INI.indd 46
INTAGE established its second overseas office
in Thailand in July 2008. It also acquired Hyperlink
Research, based in Shanghai, China, in July 2009.
The firm has 1,779 full-time employees.
J.D. Power and Associates
Finbarr O’Neill
J.D. Power and Associates (JDPA) in Westlake
Village, Calif., was founded in 1968. In April 2005, it
was acquired by The McGraw-Hill Cos.
Finbarr O’Neill, 56, is president of JDPA. He
earned a J.D. at Fordham University Law School.
Research-only revenue in 2008 was estimated at
$272.2 million, up 2.2% over 2007. Revenue from
outside the United States in 2008 was estimated at $83.6
million, or 30.7% of total research-only estimated revenue. The growth rate excludes 2007 and 2008 revenue
from the acquisition of Umbria in April 2008.
JDPA is a global marketing information services
company that conducts independent consumer surveys of product and service quality, customer
satisfaction and buyer behavior. Services include industrywide and client-commissioned
research, business-to-business
consulting, automotive forecasting and media research.
Annual syndicated studies
are based on survey responses
from millions of consumers
and business customers worldwide. The firm does not review,
judge or test products and
services; it relies on the opinions and expectations of verified owners of the products and
services being rated.
JDPA is best known for its
work in the automotive industry,
where its metrics have become
the industry standard for
measuring quality and customer
satisfaction. A team of associates
worldwide conducts quality and
customer satisfaction research
across industries including automotive, telecommunications,
finance and insurance, real estate
and construction, travel and
hotels, and healthcare.
Leveraging real-time transaction information, the Power
Information Network transforms
vehicle-specific data into business analysis tools for manufacturers, retailers and lenders for
decision-making regarding vehicle incentives and financing.
The firm has 15 offices in
eight countries with 850 fulltime employees worldwide.
Maritz Research
Michael Brereton
Maritz Research, based in Fenton, Mo.,
was founded in 1973 and is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Maritz Holdings Inc.
Michael Brereton, 49, is president of Maritz
Research. He earned an M.B.A. at Bowling Green
State University.
Revenue in 2008 was $230.7 million, up 2.6% over
2007. In 2008, 14.4% of total research-only revenue,
or $33.3 million, came from outside the United States.
Maritz Holdings Inc.’s revenue in 2008 was $1.5 billion.
Maritz provides services that close the gap
between brand promise and brand experience through
an understanding of customers, employees and channel partners. Its specialized divisions are focused on
the automotive, financial services, hospitality, technology, retail and pharmaceutical sectors.
Maritz conducts customer experience research in
more than 90 countries annually through stand-alone
operations, partnerships and alliances. It fields more
than 4 million telephone surveys, 35 million mail
surveys, 5 million online surveys and 32,000 mystery
shops annually.
The firm’s services focus on three customer
dynamics: why customers select a product or service;
what happens at key “moments of truth” with customers; and why customers return, defect or buy more.
Maritz customizes its marketing research services
using methodologies and technologies suited to
unique situations. In 2008, the firm adopted new
research techniques for discovering and communicating survey insights. Its approach combines these
techniques with communications models to deliver
consultative research findings.
The firm designs and constructs Integrated Voice
of Customer (VOC) Architectures that combine VOC
touch points and links them to business results and
upstream enablers. In addition, experienced in-house
text analysis staff categorize and mine verbatim VOC
data for integrated VOC intelligence
Maritz’s research findings can be acted on through
the other business units of Maritz Holdings Inc.
These businesses offer synergy as a way to apply
research insights and develop learning and motivation programs. Maritz Research employs 756 people
full time worldwide. Offices are located in Chicago;
Detroit; Hamburg, Germany; Kansas City, Mo.; Kirksville, Mo.; Los Angeles; New York; Marlow, U.K.;
Minneapolis; St. Louis; and Toledo, Ohio; and in
Saskatoon, Montreal and Toronto, Canada.
The 2008 Top 25 At-a-glance
Total Revenues:
$18.9 billion, up 3.9% from 2007
After-inflation growth: 0.6%
Where they are: USA 13; UK 4; France 3; Japan
3; Brazil 1; Germany 1
What they bought: 32 firms with revenues of
$2.4 billion in 2008
Who they are: 14 publicly traded; 11 private
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Opinion Research Corp.
Gerard J. Miodus
Opinion Research Corp. (ORC) in Princeton, N.J., is the market research division of infoGROUP Inc., a public company. ORC was established
in 2006 from acquisitions of four market research
firms: ORC (including Macro International), NWC
Research, Guideline Inc. and Northwest Research
Group Inc. In 2009, the Macro International unit was
sold to ICF International Inc.
The president of ORC is Gerard J. Miodus, 52. He
earned a B.S. in economics at Michigan State University.
Research-only revenue in 2008 was $227.7
million, down 0.3% from 2007. In 2008, 36.2% of total
research-only revenue, or $82.4 million, was from
work conducted outside the United States.
The growth rate excludes the 2007 and 2008 revenue from the acquisitions of NWC Research in
Australia in July; Guideline Inc. in the United States
in August; and Northwest Research Group Inc. in the
United States in October. Total research and nonresearch revenue in 2008 was $265.1 million worldwide.
ORC, founded in 1938, is a global market research
firm offering a portfolio of research products and
services that provide insight into the attitudes and
needs of both consumers and business executives across
a range of industries. The firm integrates primary
research, secondary research, competitive intelligence
and experienced insight to address strategic issues.
083009_profiles_INI.indd 48
ORC’s experience is focused in the areas of
customer strategies, employee engagement, corporate
brand and reputation, market planning and development, on-demand business research, product development intelligence and competitive intelligence. It
specializes in the financial services, pharmaceutical,
healthcare, technology, industrial, energy, telecom and
public service sectors.
In addition to its own research analysts, the ORC
Guideline unit provides access to more than 13,000
prescreened, peer-reviewed industry, science, technology and business experts through its Intota network
The company offers several specialized
services, including its portfolio of Caravan omnibus products, which consist of the Caravan Telephone Omnibus (the oldest continuously running
consumer omnibus survey in the United States),
Online Caravan, Teen & Pre-Teen Caravan,
Caravan International and Small Business Caravan. Other specialized products include the ORC
Customer Strategies Toolkit to measure and monitor customer expectations; CityMARKS, a citizen
satisfaction measurement tool for local governments; new product testing; in-home use testing;
FDA-related research; and claims substantiation
and copyright infringement research.
ORC delivers the CNN/Opinion Research
Corp. Poll and has partnered with NYSE Euronext, which surveys CEOs of the New York Stock
Exchange’s listing companies on topics ranging
from globalization and governance to strategy
and human resources.
ORC has 10 U.S. offices
and offices in the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and China. It employs 485 full time worldwide.
The NPD Group Inc.
Tod Johnson
The NPD Group Inc., based in Port Washington,
N.Y., is a privately held corporation founded in 1967.
Tod Johnson is chairman and CEO of NPD, Karyn
Schoenbart is president and COO, and Tom Lynch
is CFO and COO. Johnson, 64, earned an M.S.I.A. at
Carnegie Mellon University.
Revenue in 2008 was $226.1 million, up 6.6% over
2007. In 2008, 25.5% of total revenue, or $57.6 million,
was generated from work conducted outside the United
States. The growth rate includes 2007 and 2008 revenue
from the acquisition of Current Analysis in May 2007.
NPD provides consumer and retail information for
a wide range of industries. The firm identifies new business opportunities and guides product development,
marketing, sales, merchandising and other functions.
Information is available for the following industry sectors: automotive, beauty, commercial technology, consumer technology, entertainment (video
games, music, film, video), fashion, food (foodservice,
food and beverage consumption), home (appliances,
housewares, home improvement, home textiles), office
supplies, software, sports, toys and wireless.
Its products and services include retail tracking,
consumer tracking, shipment tracking, causal information, special reports and custom services.
NPD’s retail tracking services are based on pointof-sale store movement information collected from
750 retail partners representing more than 150,000
doors worldwide. It also offers market- and storelevel tracking for approximately 50 U.S. designated
market areas, as well as more granular market views in
Europe. Store-level services are available for consumer
technology, automotive and athletic footwear in the
United States and for beauty in France.
NPD monitors commercial sales of information technology products through an alliance with the Global Technology Distribution Council, whose members comprise
approximately 80% of the IT distributor market.
The firm’s consumer tracking services in the United
States are based on information collected from the
NPD Online Panel of more than 3 million registered
members that has high cooperation rates compared
with online industry norms. NPD also offers a second
U.S. panel option, its longitudinal panel, AccuPanel.
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DisplaySearch, an NPD Group company, provides
market research on the flat panel display (FPD) industry’s
supply chain, covering component suppliers, equipment
manufacturers, FPD producers, OEMs, brands, distributors and retailers. It offers information on shipments
and revenue, as well as forecasts for displays, applications,
manufacturing equipment and components.
In Canada, NPD offers POS and consumer panel
information for the consumer technology, commercial
technology, entertainment, fashion and foodservice
industries, as well as food and beverage consumption;
in many cases, consumer information is collected
from NPD’s Canadian online panel.
In Mexico, NPD’s primary business is retail tracking in the consumer technology market.
In Europe, NPD offers information for the beauty,
foodservice, sports and toys industries. Tracking
services are provided in 11 European countries and
include both consumer and retail tracking services.
In Asia, foodservice and sports tracking are available in Japan. In China, NPD offers tracking services
for foodservice and the prestige beauty industry.
In 2008, NPD launched POS tracking for beauty
in Spain and a multi-country report on the video
games market. NPD introduced e-commerce tracking for the consumer technology industry and
online subscriptions tracking for the PC soft-
083009_profiles_INI.indd 50
ware, PC games and video games industries. In late
2008, NPD also launched The Economy Tracker,
a monthly report on consumer perceptions of the
economy overall, their personal economic situations and retail response.
NPD also launched a customized Consumer
Tracking Service for Walmart and Sam’s Club, for
vendors doing business with the retailers.
NPD’s joint ventures include a series of companies
owned by NPD and GfK SE. In 2008, NPD sold its
interest in LatinPanel to TNS.
The firm, which has offices in 25 cities around the
world, has 1,090 full-time employees worldwide.
Harris Interactive Inc.
Kimberly Till
Harris Interactive Inc. (HI), based in
Rochester, N.Y., was founded in 1975 as Gordon S.
Black Corp.; and together with Louis Harris and
Associates, which was founded in 1956, it became a
public company in 1999, listed on Nasdaq.
Kimberly Till, 53, is president and CEO of HI. She
earned an M.B.A. at Harvard Business School and a
J.D. at Duke University.
Revenue in 2008 was $221.8 million, down 10.8%
from 2007. In 2008, $84.7 million, or 38.2% of total
revenue, was generated outside the United States.
The growth rate excludes 2007 and 2008
revenue from the 2007 acquisitions of MediaTransfer AG in Germany in April; Decima Research
Inc. in Canada in August; and MarketShare Ltd.
in Hong Kong in August; and the sale of the Rent
& Recruit unit in August.
HI is a global custom survey research firm that
provides insights and strategic advice. The firm is
widely known for The Harris Poll, one of the longestrunning independent opinion polls, and for using
online market research methods. HI serves clients
worldwide through its North American, European
and Asian offices, and through a global network of
independent market research firms.
Through its Centers of Excellence, HI offers services
and experience in the areas of brand and communications, loyalty, youth and qualitative research. Its
industry experience includes advertising, consumer
packaged goods, financial services, healthcare, govern-
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VR released its MAGASCENE report in February 2009, a survey started as a single media survey on
magazines in 1999 and implemented every October in
seven major regions in Japan. The latest summary of
the survey results provides information such as how
people read each magazine; reader profiles with information such as basic attitude, awareness in daily life
and media involvement; as well as a magazine quality
category that includes magazine image, frequency of
read, place of purchase and reading attitude.
In November 2008, VR released its third out-ofhome media integrated survey called SOTO in order
to improve and enhance the existing survey for outof-home media within a 30-kilometer (18.64-mile)
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ment, media and entertainment, technology, travel and
tourism, public policy and public relations.
In 2009, HI established an internal Center for
Innovation to produce its future services. The first is
Harris Interactive Text Analytics, which integrates text
mining technology from Clarabridge and advanced
analytics to map market trends. It is intended for use
by organizations that want to integrate the
many sources of information about their
market to optimize investment in market
research dollars and produce better trend
HI has 899 full-time employees worldwide and has international offices in the
United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany,
Hong Kong, Singapore and China.
Video Research Ltd.
Itsuma Wakasugi
Video Research Ltd. (VR), based
in Tokyo, was founded in 1962 by a consortium of Japanese broadcasting companies,
major advertising agencies and advertisers.
The president and CEO of VR is Itsuma
Wakasugi, 63. He earned a B.A. in business
and commerce at Keio University in Japan.
Revenue for the fiscal year ended March
2008 was $188.3 million, down 2.5% over the
same period last year. In 2008, there was estimated revenue of $200,000, or 0.1% of total
revenue, from work conducted outside Japan.
VR is a media and marketing research
firm whose main service is TV audience
ratings research. It is based on a sample of
6,600 households equipped with set meters
for household TV ratings in 27 markets
throughout Japan. In the Kanto (including Tokyo) and Kansai (including Osaka)
markets, VR reports both household and
individual ratings using VR People Meter.
VR has obtained ISO 9001:2000 certifications for its meter-based TV rating
research (household and individuals), as well
as for the diary method of individual rating
research. Its major clients are in the broadcasting, advertising and CPG industries.
Radio rating research is conducted in the
Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya markets four to six
times per year with samples of 3,000 per wave.
In March 2009, VR released its eighth
Nationwide Newspaper Readership Survey
(J-READ), which gathers and organizes
standardized data on newspapers throughout all 47 prefectures of Japan. This oneweek survey of newspaper browsing is
designed to measure items such as media
contact, lifestyle, consciousness and product use to shed more light on how reader ad
targets interact with newspapers.
Also in March 2009, VR released its
second service Readership and Profiling of
Readers of Free Papers and Free Magazines
(J-AIR) report using J-READ data.
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radius of Tokyo. The survey covers railroad usage,
automobile usage, visits to the major towns and vicinities, and purchase behavior. SOTO will start in the
Kansai area in 2009.
A subsidiary of VR, Video Research Interactive Inc.,
conducts various types of Internet-related marketing
research, such as Web site contact status by panel survey,
visitor profile analysis and mobile Web site surveys.
Audience and Consumer Report (ACR), is VR’s
syndicated research, which was started in 1972. It
is designed to study consumer trends and media
contacts in the Japanese market through a singlesource approach. Since VR conducts its research
periodically, changes in purchase behavior, brand
share, etc. can be recognized chronologically. The
Media Contact Report (MCR), started in 1985,
provides insight into the daily “media lifestyle” of a
target audience.
VR launched these new syndicated services, the
Communication Drive report, Campaign Kazrte and
TV-CM Scope for measuring and evaluating TV
VR Data Cupid-Age File is a marketing analysis
tool of VR syndicated services that provides easy analysis of communication targets in detail.
083009_profiles_INI.indd 52
VR has 393 full-time staff operating in its Tokyo
office and other regional offices in Japan, New York
and Bangkok, Thailand.
Carlos Montenegro
IBOPE Group in São Paulo, Brazil, was founded
in 1942 and is privately held.
Carlos Montenegro, 55, is president of IBOPE
Group. He earned a degree in economics at the
University of Gama Filho in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Research-only revenue in 2008 was $158.9 million,
up 28.3% from 2007. In 2008, 22.5% of research-only
revenue, or $35.7 million, came from work conducted
outside Brazil.
Revenue and growth rates exclude research
companies in which IBOPE owns 50% or less, includ-
ing IBOPE-AGB Mexico, TIME-IBOPE Chile and
AGB-IBOPE Venezuela. In Brazil this includes Millward Brown, MQI and Informidia. Also excluded
are non-research companies, including Megadata in
Brazil and Markdata Europe.
IBOPE is a Brazilian multinational research
company operating in Latin America and specializing in media, public opinion, polls, consumption, behavior, market, brand, advertising and the
Internet, among other areas. IBOPE has offices
and branch offices in 12 countries and employs
1,884 full time in companies in which it has a
controlling interest.
IBOPE is a group built from different companies
that focus on the following areas:
• Media: Research on consumption habits and audience measurements on various types of media
(TV, radio, newspapers/magazines and the Internet), product consumption, population habits and
behavior, advertising investment and communication management system.
• Internet: Measurement and analysis of online
audiences, digital commerce and consumer
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• AdHoc: On-demand research for strategic information and tactical solutions, either qualitative or
• Public Opinion: Qualitative and quantitative diagnosis on political, public and social issues, and
follow-up on political polling.
• Brand and Communication: Tracking brand development, providing best practices and ways to
reach consumers.
• Market analysis: Strategic analysis, periodic market
tracking and customized reports for decision-making
and the development of products and services.
• Data processing: Processing and analyzing large
comScore Inc.
Gian Fulgoni
ComScore Inc. (cS), based in Reston, Va.,
was founded in 1999 and listed on the Nasdaq stock
market in June 2007.
Gian Fulgoni, 61, is chairman of cS, and Magid
Abraham is president and CEO. Fulgoni earned a
master’s in marketing at the University of Lancaster in
the United Kingdom.
Revenue for 2008 was $117.4 million, up 26.7%
over 2007. In 2008, revenue generated outside the
United States was $16.5 million, or 14.1% of total
revenue. The growth rate excludes 2008 revenue from
the acquisition of M:Metrics Inc. in May 2008.
cS continuously measures the digital behavior of
a global cross section of 2 million Internet users who
provide their browsing and transaction behavior,
including online and offline purchasing. Its panelists
also participate in survey research that can be integrated with their observed online behavior.
• comScore Media Metrix (CMM) provides Internet audience measurement for advertising agencies, publishers, marketers and financial analysts.
CMM reports details of online media usage,
visitor demographics and online buying power
for the home, work and university audiences
across 100 local U.S. markets and around the
world, including detailed reporting for 37 countries. It offers tools for reach and frequency
analysis, day-part planning, online and offline
local market analysis, and emerging applications. Other services in the CMM suite include
comScore Video Metrix, for measurement of
online video viewing; qSearch, for measurement of search behavior; comScore Ad Metrix,
for measurement of online display advertising; Segment Metrix, which describes the online
behavior of various consumer segments, including those defined by Prizm and Personicx; and
comScore Marketer, a search marketing intelli-
083009_profiles_INI.indd 54
gence tool. In 2008, CMM released several new
measurement tools and product enhancements,
including Ad Metrix Advertiser, the measurement of display advertising by the advertiser and
publisher; Plan Metrix 2.0, monthly releases of
the attitudes, lifestyles and product preferences of
online audience segments; Extended Web Metrix,
the measurement of distributed Web content,
including widgets, gadgets and social networking applications; comScore Media Planner, an
integrated tool that uses data from several syndicated comScore data sources to facilitate agencies’ media planning and buying processes; and
comScore Post-Buy Analyses, which identifies
the characteristics (demographic and otherwise)
of online campaigns.
• comScore Marketing Solutions (CMS) combines
the cS Internet user database with the experience of comScore analysts to deliver insight into
the online behavior of consumers for clients in the
automotive, consumer packaged goods, entertainment, financial services, media, pharmaceutical,
retail, technology, telecom and travel industries.
CMS also integrates online behavior with offline
purchase and product ownership data. The cS
online tracking technology has been installed
on the computers of IRI’s Consumer Network
panel that measures CPG buying behavior across
all important retail channels. cS also matches its
online database with clients’ offline buying databases (such as grocer Kroger’s loyalty card database) to create large datamarts that allow the
measurement of the impact that online marketing
has on offline buying behavior.
CMS offers a full range of custom and syndicated
survey research services for a variety of industries,
using the cS panel with offline and online applications.
CMS also integrates survey responses with online
behavior passively captured for the same respondents.
• comScore Mobile Solutions provides mobile
measurement that uses passive on-device
measurement. It surveys mobile users and works
with handset manufacturers and network operators worldwide. cS’s syndicated mobile services
are available in the United States, the United
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Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Italy. The
services currently offered under the cS Mobile
umbrella include MobiLens, a mobile market
intelligence service that connects consumers’ use
of mobile devices, content merchandising, and
the capabilities and characteristics of the devices;
Mobile Metrix, a passive measurement of mobile
Web browsing using cS’s software application
residing on mobile devices; and Ad Metrix Mobile,
which tracks mobile Internet display advertising.
cS data and services support numerous applications
including market and competitive intelligence for any
online category; benchmarking and opportunity gap/
SWOT analysis; customer profiling and segmentation
models; the integration and study of online behavioral data with offline purchase data; choice models
based on pricing, taxes and promotions, among other
factors; controlled measurement of the effectiveness
of interactive marketing programs; and scoring of
customer files for direct marketing programs using
markers and propensities derived in aggregate within
the cS database and applied using shared attributes.
In 2009, cS enhanced its Brand Metrix service,
which measures the branding impact of online advertising campaigns, to encompass the use of attitudinal
and behavioral metrics.
cS has 581 fulltime employees, with
offices in Reston, Va.,
Chicago, London,
New York, Paris, San
Francisco, Seattle,
Tokyo and Toronto.
Cello Research & Consulting
Richard Gilmore
Cello Research & Consulting (CR&C), based in London, is the research unit of
Cello Group plc that was founded in 2004. In November
2004, Cello was listed on the AIM section of the London
Stock Exchange.
Richard Gilmore, 63, is chairman of CR&C.
Research revenue for 2008 was $98.8 million, up
8.9% over 2007. In 2008, revenue generated outside
the United Kingdom was $39.3 million, or 39.8% of
total revenue.
The growth rate excludes 2007 and 2008 revenue
from the 2007 acquisitions of Rosenblatt and Digital
People, both of London and both in January; mruk
Research in Scotland in June; and 2CV in London
in October. Research and nonresearch revenue of
CR&C was $123.2 million and Cello Group plc was
$258.0 million.
CR&C is a global market research and advisory business with strong positions across Europe and the United
States in a number of industry sectors. It has core strengths
in healthcare research and qualitative research focused
largely on CPG, retail and the branded goods areas.
Eight businesses contribute to market research in
CR&C, which employs 451 in research worldwide:
• Insight Research Group ( offers
marketing research and consultancy principally
in the healthcare sector. ISG’s research offerings
span the product life cycle, with a high proportion of work conducted prelaunch. The business
currently works with the majority of the top 10
global pharma organizations.
Patient research is one of ISG’s key focus
areas, with new techniques and methodologies
to enhance information gathering that include
TriSight and a range of observational techniques,
including ethnography.
• RS Consulting Group (
provides quantitative and qualitative research
services in business services, technology, financial
services, logistics and other sectors.
Core competencies include telephone and
online interviewing on demanding subjects with
hard-to-reach respondents or in situations where
sample is scarce. Also, market sizing and forecasting make the best use of customer loyalty, satisfaction and advocacy information.
• Leapfrog Research & Planning (LeapfrogResearch. helps companies in retail, media, consumer
healthcare, finance, food and drink, consumer
telecoms and the automotive sectors. LR&P
uses qualitative research approaches to explore
consumer and brand issues, and quantitative
research to measure whether clients are meeting
their objectives.
• The Value Engineers ( is
a strategic brand consultancy with the purpose of
value creation through brands and branding in the
food and drink, personal and household, financial
services, telecoms, and travel and leisure sectors.
TVE have developed a number of key
processes and tools to handle the most
common business and brand issues,
offering consulting services in branding,
innovation, strategy, consumer understanding and marketing capabilities.
• mruk Research ( is a fullservice market research agency working across the United Kingdom via a
network of regionally based offices. The
business operates mainly in the public
sector, but also with organizations in
the private and not-for-profit sectors.
Core competencies include attitudes
and usage research, public attitudes
and consultation, service satisfaction,
communications and marketing.
• Rosenblatt ( is a qualitative research agency specializing in the
broadcast media and communications,
CPG, leisure, education, social research,
automotive and charity sectors. It is
experienced in strategic development,
encompassing new concept and product
development, branding and communications.
• Digital People (,
a digital engagement business, creates
dynamic online environments in which
media owners in CPG and telecommunications can interact with consumer insight
and the findings from research.
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• Brand Strategy and Tracking: LRW expanded its
brand practice with the launch of its new brand
paradigm developed from R&D work to identify which brand metrics link to financial performance. Its Relevant Brand Clarity helps directly
manage the contribution of brands to their financial performance by linking two new brand
concepts, emotional clarity and functional clarity, with traditional measures of the brand funnel
(such as awareness, trial, conversion, etc.), delivering a predictor of sales and profits.
• Customer Satisfaction Diagnostic Evaluation and Tracking: The LRW methodology,
Diagnostic Blueprinting, determines to what
extent customers’ requirements are being met
and provides clear direction for actions to be
taken to meet these requirements. Utilizing its
CIA Approach to Tracking and CSAT Portal
Reporting Platform, LRW provides continuous ideas for improvement and feedback via
intuitive dashboards and other online analytical tools.
• New Product Development: The firm uses analytical techniques such as discrete choice modeling where several product configurations are
presented in a scenario that enables researchers to
measure the relative importance that individuals
place on product attributes.
• Actionability Suite: LRW offers the Actionability Suite of products to engage stakeholders in
the research process. It consists of four distinct
approaches built upon an action-oriented philosophy: Immersion, Lieberman Learning Labs,
Actionability Workshops and Synthesis.
In 2008, LRW expanded European operations and
will open three new offices globally in 2009.
LRW has 324 full-time employees worldwide.
Data collection facilities include five CATI telephone
centers with 525 stations and the capability to conduct
interviews in more than 65 languages. In addition to
its Los Angeles headquarters, the company has offices
in London; Chicago; Charlotte, N.C.; Huntington
Beach, Calif.; Shanghai, China; and Tokyo.
2008’s Most
Prolific Dealmakers
IMS Health
Nielsen Co.
*TNS deals before it’s acquired
by Kantar
Bruno Chetaille
Mediametrie, in Paris, was founded in
1985 and is a media research company owned by the
French radio and TV media, advertisers and their
advertising agencies.
The chairman and managing director of Mediametrie is Bruno Chetaille, 55. He is a graduate of
HEC Paris.
Revenue for 2008 was $85.4 million, up 5.6%
over 2007. In 2008, revenue generated from work
conducted outside France was $9.4 million, or 11.0%
of total revenue.
Mediametrie provides audience measurement
services in France, including TV, radio, cinema, Internet and mobile telephone.
The company continues to develop its range of
services and is extending its scope by working on new
media, new multimedia, cross-media, etc. It offers
products designed for specific users and has offerings on the international market regarding consumers’
listening and viewing habits.
Bringing together representatives of radio, TV,
advertisers, advertising agencies and media brokers
contributes to the development of research tools used
to measure the emergence of new stations and broadcasters as well as the development of new markets.
Among them are:
• Mediametrie//NetRatings offers the Mediametrie//NetRatings Panel and the MegaPanel in France.
The M//NR Panel provides agencies, publishers and
marketing professionals with audience measurement for the Internet in France. The MegaPanel
offers a panel of Internet surfers, combining surveys
of surfers with their Web usage.
• Mediametrie and eStat, a joint company created
in 2005, provides Web site traffic measurement in France. It offers a full range of “sitecentric” measuring tools: CybereStat, with
its Cyber’Streaming, Cyber’Podcast and
Cyber’Clics modules; and eStat’Pro, with its
eStat’Clics, eStat’Track, eStat’Multicritères and
eStat’eCommerce (ROI) options.
• MarketingScan, created in 1993 with GfK SE,
provides measurement in three areas: tests under
real conditions, the effectiveness of advertising and
promotions on sales, and shopper analysis.
• Metric Line, a subsidiary of Mediametrie (60%)
and Thomson (40%), specializes in the design
and delivery of automatic services to measure TV,
interactive services, radio and outdoor advertising
audiences, as well as services to track audio-visual
content. Metric Line also provides consulting and
engineering services in all audience measurement fields, whether automatic or by interviews.
The services are offered to all international audiovisual markets.
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• Brand Strategy and Tracking: LRW expanded its
brand practice with the launch of its new brand
paradigm developed from R&D work to identify which brand metrics link to financial performance. Its Relevant Brand Clarity helps directly
manage the contribution of brands to their financial performance by linking two new brand
concepts, emotional clarity and functional clarity, with traditional measures of the brand funnel
(such as awareness, trial, conversion, etc.), delivering a predictor of sales and profits.
• Customer Satisfaction Diagnostic Evaluation and Tracking: The LRW methodology,
Diagnostic Blueprinting, determines to what
extent customers’ requirements are being met
and provides clear direction for actions to be
taken to meet these requirements. Utilizing its
CIA Approach to Tracking and CSAT Portal
Reporting Platform, LRW provides continuous ideas for improvement and feedback via
intuitive dashboards and other online analytical tools.
• New Product Development: The firm uses analytical techniques such as discrete choice modeling where several product configurations are
presented in a scenario that enables researchers to
measure the relative importance that individuals
place on product attributes.
• Actionability Suite: LRW offers the Actionability Suite of products to engage stakeholders in
the research process. It consists of four distinct
approaches built upon an action-oriented philosophy: Immersion, Lieberman Learning Labs,
Actionability Workshops and Synthesis.
In 2008, LRW expanded European operations and
will open three new offices globally in 2009.
LRW has 324 full-time employees worldwide.
Data collection facilities include five CATI telephone
centers with 525 stations and the capability to conduct
interviews in more than 65 languages. In addition to
its Los Angeles headquarters, the company has offices
in London; Chicago; Charlotte, N.C.; Huntington
Beach, Calif.; Shanghai, China; and Tokyo.
2008’s Most
Prolific Dealmakers
IMS Health
Nielsen Co.
*TNS deals before it’s acquired
by Kantar
Bruno Chetaille
Mediametrie, in Paris, was founded in
1985 and is a media research company owned by the
French radio and TV media, advertisers and their
advertising agencies.
The chairman and managing director of Mediametrie is Bruno Chetaille, 55. He is a graduate of
HEC Paris.
Revenue for 2008 was $85.4 million, up 5.6%
over 2007. In 2008, revenue generated from work
conducted outside France was $9.4 million, or 11.0%
of total revenue.
Mediametrie provides audience measurement
services in France, including TV, radio, cinema, Internet and mobile telephone.
The company continues to develop its range of
services and is extending its scope by working on new
media, new multimedia, cross-media, etc. It offers
products designed for specific users and has offerings on the international market regarding consumers’
listening and viewing habits.
Bringing together representatives of radio, TV,
advertisers, advertising agencies and media brokers
contributes to the development of research tools used
to measure the emergence of new stations and broadcasters as well as the development of new markets.
Among them are:
• Mediametrie//NetRatings offers the Mediametrie//NetRatings Panel and the MegaPanel in France.
The M//NR Panel provides agencies, publishers and
marketing professionals with audience measurement for the Internet in France. The MegaPanel
offers a panel of Internet surfers, combining surveys
of surfers with their Web usage.
• Mediametrie and eStat, a joint company created
in 2005, provides Web site traffic measurement in France. It offers a full range of “sitecentric” measuring tools: CybereStat, with
its Cyber’Streaming, Cyber’Podcast and
Cyber’Clics modules; and eStat’Pro, with its
eStat’Clics, eStat’Track, eStat’Multicritères and
eStat’eCommerce (ROI) options.
• MarketingScan, created in 1993 with GfK SE,
provides measurement in three areas: tests under
real conditions, the effectiveness of advertising and
promotions on sales, and shopper analysis.
• Metric Line, a subsidiary of Mediametrie (60%)
and Thomson (40%), specializes in the design
and delivery of automatic services to measure TV,
interactive services, radio and outdoor advertising
audiences, as well as services to track audio-visual
content. Metric Line also provides consulting and
engineering services in all audience measurement fields, whether automatic or by interviews.
The services are offered to all international audiovisual markets.
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The firm employs 515 full time.
• Polling and Social: The firm takes the public pulse
via BVA Opinion.
• Technology: BVA Telecom Multimedia is a
primary research provider to the IT industry,
including content digitization, mobile phone, fixed
line, Internet, TV, software and other products
such as digital cameras, video cameras, GPS, etc.
• Healthcare: BVA Healthcare provides qualitative
and quantitative market research in all therapeutic
areas, from dermo-cosmetics to rare diseases, and
works for almost all pharmaceutical laboratories.
BVA Group
Marc-Antoine Jacoud
BVA Group, based in Paris, is a privately held
firm founded in 1970.
Marc-Antoine Jacoud, 47, is BVA’s CEO. He
earned an M.B.A. in marketing at the University of
Lyon in France.
Research-only revenue in 2008 was $83.9 million,
up 3.0% over 2007. In 2008, $10.7 million, or 9.0%
of research-only revenue, was from outside France.
The growth rate excludes 2008 revenue from the 2007
acquisitions of E/O Consult and In Vivo, both in Paris
in November.
BVA is a market and opinion research firm with
experience in several areas including transportation,
services, opinion polls, consumer behavior, health,
technology and multimedia.
BVA has expanded both its experience and
geographical presence. The In Vivo unit provides an
eye-tracking tool, a spontaneous, direct and nonintrusive instrument that follows an individual’s vision
facing a visual stimulus. This allows analysis of shopper behavior in a natural purchasing environment
within experimental stores.
The firm operates across Europe with offices in
France, Italy, Germany and Great Britain, and across a
network of 25 countries. It has a full-time staff of 742.
BVA is experienced in the following sectors:
• Consumer: In Vivo BVA analyzes shopper behavior in a natural purchasing environment in its nine
experimental stores with techniques such as eye
tracking and virtual reality. In Vivo BVA is experienced in testing new products and concepts,
packaging, merchandising, buying behavior, store
organization and point of sale.
• Qualitative Studies: BVA operates under BVA
Reason Why in all market sectors and business
areas. It has put together a multidisciplinary team
experienced in social psychology, ethnology and
semiotics to develop strategic qualitative studies
and to optimize synergy between qualitative and
• Mobility and Transportation: Research techniques
and statistical and econometric models are used
by BVA Mobility staff to employ a range of analytical tools, from established industry standards to
more advanced approaches such as modeling and
YouGov plc
Nadhim Zahawi
marketingnews 08.30.09
• Mediametrie and the Netgem group have jointly
developed measurement of the digital TV market,
providing information about households that have
digital decoders, particularly Netgem terminals.
The information, which is collected by feedback
from decoders, complements Médiamétrie’s TV
audience measurement operations.
YouGov Plc, based in London, was founded
in 2000, and in April 2005 was listed on the AIM
section of the London Stock Exchange.
Nadhim Zahawi, 42, is CEO. He earned a B.S. in
chemical engineering from the University College,
Revenue for 2008 was $82.9 million, up 18.9%
from 2007.
In 2008, revenue generated outside United Kingdom was $58.8 million, or 71.0% of total revenue. The
growth rate excludes 2007 and 2008 revenue from
the August 2007 acquisitions of Psychonomics AG in
Germany, A/S in Sweden and Polimetrix
Inc. in the United States.
YouGov plc was one of the early users of the Internet and information technology to collect high-quality, in-depth data for market research and stakeholder
measurement, including staff, customers, brands and
• Geomarketing: BVA Geomarketing is experienced in
Geographical Information
Systems environments, which
build and deliver databases
based on cartographic data.
• Product or Service Development: BVA Services provide
tests for new products and
the optimization of the mix
for existing products and
services, including concept,
product and price testing.
• Fieldwork Resources: BVA
Operations give the firm’s
business units access to its
resources and operational
support for face-to-face and
telephone interviewers, a
CAWI platform, and omnibus surveys using face-toface, telephone and Web
Where are They Now? The Bottom Five of 2000
21. Jupiter Media Metrix Inc.
Liquidated in 2002 after selling
pieces to NetRatings (now part of
Nielsen) and comScore
22. Dentsu Research Inc.
No. 25 in 2008
23. IBOPE Group
No. 17 in 2008
24. Harris Interactive Inc.
No. 15 in 2008
25. MORPACE International Inc.
Fell off the list in 2002
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marketingnews 08.30.09
investors, as well as assessing opinion among the
general public and the media.
The firm has developed its online market research
activities into an international research network with
online panels of 2.2 million people in more than 30
countries. It currently has 16 offices in nine countries
and a full-time staff equivalent of 474.
• United Kingdom and Southern Europe: YouGov’s
U.K. operation is a full-service research company
primarily using online panels to provide quantitative and qualitative research across a range of
markets, including consumer, financial services,
technology and telecoms, media, and politics
and the public sector. Its service offerings include
consultancy, syndicated and product offers, and
omnibus, field and tab services.
• Middle East and North Africa: YouGovSiraj is a fullservice research company with a boutique philosophy and regional experience. It operates in the Gulf
Co-operation Council area, Levant, North Africa
and Turkey, offering both qualitative and quantitative
research, online, CATI and face-to-face.
• United States and Canada: YouGovPolimetrix
combines data collection technology, integration
with large scale databases, and novel sampling and
analytic techniques. The firm is primarily active in
the public affairs, university and government sectors.
• Germany and Central and Eastern Europe:
YouGovPsychonomics provides a range of techniques for market and organizational research
and consultancy services. The firm works across
a range of markets, specializing in the healthcare,
insurance and financial services sectors, including annual tracking studies and frequent surveys
analyzing key markets, segments and custom-
ers. Its specialist areas also include service quality assessment, insurance business consulting and
Great Place to Work, which evaluates workplace
relations and helps businesses to improve them.
• Scandinavia and Northern Europe: YouGovZapera covers the entire Nordic region with
offices in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. It offers
consulting services as well as data collection
services, qualitative research and standard software solutions.
YouGov has a range of syndicated products that
compliment its geographic coverage. Its core syndicated product, BrandIndex, is a brand tracker that
continuously tracks public perception of brands
across many sectors simultaneously for a picture of
the brand’s own and competitor brands’ health. It is
available in the United Kingdom, the United States,
Germany and Scandinavia, and will be expanded into
new territories in the coming years.
Other products include Recession Tracker, DebtTrack, DongleTrack, PeopleIndex and PublicIndex.
Dentsu Research Inc.
Kiyoshi Nomura
Dentsu Research Inc. (DRI) in Tokyo was
founded in 1967 and is a subsidiary of Dentsu Inc., an
advertising agency listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The president and CEO of DRI is Kiyoshi
Nomura, 61. He earned an M.B.A. at the
Graduate School of Business at Keio
University in Japan.
Revenue for 2008 was $68.2 million, up 0.3% from
2007. In 2008, 0.3%, or $200,000, was from outside Japan.
DRI provides full-service quantitative and qualitative research services, with surveys for media,
consumer, brand image, customer satisfaction,
in-store (distribution) and B-to-B as well as existing
data analysis.
Among its analytical methods are quantification,
correspondence and conjoint analysis, text and data
mining, and projective techniques.
DRI provides a range of research services:
• Internet Research: DRI offers Dentsu Millionet for large-scale monitoring of up to 3 million
respondents. The firm’s Rnet provides inspection
guarantees for online respondents, while speed
and cost are optimized with DR919 service. The
firm also provides online panels from large-scale
panel providers in Japan, removing any redundancies. Both blog and mobile research are offered,
and photos collected in online research are turned
into reports.
• Quantitative Surveys: DRPS are omnibus surveys
conducted door-to-door monthly in the Tokyo
area. Other surveys include central-location tests
(CLT), collective surveys, product placements,
telephone polls, mail surveys and deliver-andcollect surveys.
• Qualitative Surveys: Both focus group interviews
and in-depth interviews are offered as well as
mixed mode surveys that include Internet, mobile,
qualitative and quantitative surveys.
DRI has 163 full-time employees and has branch
offices in Fukuoka, Nagoya and Osaka. m
Methodology: Invitations to market
research firms with estimated annual global revenue of more than
$50 million (U.S.) are sent in April
of each year, requesting revenue
information for the prior year,
a company profile of activities
and other company metrics. Top
25 rankings are based on global
revenues, with home country currencies converted to U.S. dollars.
Verification of revenue is required
of each private firm by their outside accounting firm for ranking.
For further information, call Larry
Gold at (847) 526-0707 or Jack
Honomichl at (847) 382-3246.
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