2016 - Term 2, Week 6 - Marrickville West Primary School
2016 - Term 2, Week 6 - Marrickville West Primary School
newsletter NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING TERM 2 · WEEK 6 2016 Marrickville West Primary School Beauchamp St, Marrickville NSW Ph: 02 9558 1137 Fax: 02 9559 5961 Email: [email protected] We acknowledge the original owners of this land, the Cadigal People of the Eora Nation and their elders past and present. PAGE 2 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 TERM 2 · WEEK 6 2016 From The Office Opal Cards – Message from State Transit From the Principals’ desk… It is a condition of use that students tap on and tap off at the start and at the end of each trip with their Student Opal Card. This is important to ensure correct patronage data is recorded, which is used to plan school special and regular route bus services. This data helps State Transit ensure adequate capacity is provided, so students can travel to and from school safely. Currently, many students are failing to tap on or off the Opal readers when using their Student Opal Card. National Reconciliation Week is an annual celebration. It is a time for all Australians to reflect on our shared histories, and on the contributions and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It is timely that Reconciliation Week follows Sorry Day, a day that commemorates the moment in 2008, when Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the suffering endured as a result of our government’s laws and policies; laws that separated children from their parents, families from their communities and people from their land; laws that led to the “Stolen Generations”. Government “Assimilation” policy over the last century has meant many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living today did not know their parents; have no connection with siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins; have not felt the land they belong to and will never know the language of their ancestors. Only by understanding the truth of what is past and sharing the stories of all Australians, can we build a future that Invoicing respects and includes all people. This term, teachers have been working with Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers, Aunty Fay Caroll, Tianna Fatnowna and Jane Stanley to develop a deeper understanding of Aboriginal culture and ways we can enhance the teaching of Aboriginal perspectives across all key learning areas. We are privileged to have several parents at our school who have joined our NAIDOC Committee to help us plan events and celebrations that respect, educate and strengthen connections across our diverse school community. Follow the link below for more information about Reconciliation Week and the historical events that have brought us to where we are today. More information about Reconciliation Week can be found at: www.reconciliation.org.au/nrw/ Ruth Bradfield-Ling Principal Invoices will be sent home shortly. This will give more opportunity to settle accounts before they become unmanageable. All outstanding amounts from last year will be carried forward to this year. Hats Please remember to bring a hat every day, and put your name in your hat. Medicine Any medicine that needs to be taken at school has to come down to the office. A form has to be filled in by the parent or guardian before we can administer any medication. Traffic Incidents Diary/Log We have a Log / Diary for Traffic incidents that occur at our crossings outside our school. Please feel free to update the log if this occurs. from Miss Stav & Miss Anne Student Leaders doing a fabulous job of leading morning assembly Ryder Evans – another special Marrickville West baby helping out Dad after school Calendar Dates Every Wednesday – 3:30–4:30pm Homework Club Every Friday – Yr3–6 Sport (PSSA– 8:50am) Every Tuesday or Wednesday – K-4 Gymnastics Every Wednesday – Enrichment Groups (2:40-3:25pm) Tuesday 14th June – UNSW Writing Comp Wednesday 15th June – U NSW Spelling Comp Thursday 16th June – 12:30pm Kindergarten Assembly 2:45pm 1H Assembly 7pm P&C Meeting Staff Room Thursday 16th June – 2:45pm 1H Assembly School website contains news, class overviews for the term, useful information from DEC and a school calendar with links to permission notes. Go to: www.marrickviw-p.schools.nsw.edu.au 20th & 21st June Stg 3 Nasca Leadership Project PAGE 4 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 TERM 2 · WEEK 6 2016 Joke CORNER PSSA Soccer Report In the past two weeks, students in Years 3-6 have been going to PSSA on Fridays. The senior soccer team have won both their games. Our first game result was 3-2 and the second game we won 4-0. By: Darren What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta Teacher: “Kids! What does a chicken give you?” Students: “Eggs” Teacher: “Very good! What does a pig give you?” Students: “Bacon” Teacher: “Great! Then what does a teacher give you?” Students: “HOMEWORK!!!” early STAGE ONE page In Kindergarten this term our writing focus has been on procedures. We have been talking about how to make things, then writing our procedures down – making sure to use a verb at the start of each sentence! Gymnastics Program MWPS would like to acknowledge and thank the Iacono family – parents of Ethan in 2C – for their generous donation of 4 brandnew magnetic chess sets. They will be a valuable addition to the school’s collection. Sports Monitor Report My name is Aryan, I study in 5/6 PR and I am a sports monitor. I hand out sports equipment. I first get the keys and unlock the sport room. Then I take a clipboard and some papers, sports equipment like balls, hula-hoops, tennis rackets etc out to the playground. I take the equipment to the assigned spot. Then the students make a line and ask for the equipment. I write their name, class and what they need. It’s a hard job to do. But I manage it. Sometimes students come to return it and ask for different equipment But there’s a problem, sometimes some students lose it. But someone else comes and give it back. I just wish that student would return it five minutes before the ‘end of lunch bell’ By Aryan In this lesson, we made fairy bread, the children had a great time talking about spreading the butter and sprinkling the 100’s and 1000’s on the bread before gobbling it all up. PAGE 6 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 2 · WEEK 6 2016 Visit from the Sunday Telegraph Year 5’s heads were buzzing with excitement at 12:15 on Friday the 27th of May because Mitch and Ben, the journalists and Tim, the photographer from the Sunday Telegraph were coming to our school. They were wanting to ask students in Year Five about our role models and heroes. Mitch and Ben had been going around to lots of schools talking to kids about heroes. Students at Marrickville West chose heroes from musicians, to sport stars, to authors, to family members. The journalists put this information into an article for the Sunday Telegraph. Tim the photographer took photos of some of us as well. Some of those photos were put in the newspaper too. We had so much fun with Mitch, Ben and Tim. So look out for the article about our school in The Sunday Telegraph! By Billie, Wavey and Romy READ… READ… READ… …. and choose more great books for our school library! Book Bonus encourages students to read books for the Premiers Reading Challenge while raising funds to help resource our school with high quality books. Our school will receive books to 100% of the value of funds raised and we’ll also be helping schools in need across NSW. 50% of all funds raised will be used to provide books to schools in need through Dymocks Children’s Charities literacy support programs. HOW BOOK BONUS WORKS ...MORE FROM WESTWALK! PAGE 7 PAGE 8 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER KITCHEN GARDEN PAGE 9 TERM 2 · WEEK 6 2016 1 me STAGE Persuade Stage 1 has been learning how to craft a It’s been a busy fortnight in Kitchen Garden. Our snow peas have started to fruit and they taste delicious and sweet. We’ve also harvested our first pumpkin and used it to make fresh pumpkin scones with cinnamon. persuasive piece of writing. Mr Burman from 1B said, “They are doing an amazing job writing a title, point of view, arguments and a conclusion.” Here’s just a sample from 1B, 1P, 1H and 2G: update page In garden lessons, we have pH tested our soil to find out how acidic or alkaline it is. We discovered it is just right for veggies which is great news for our winter crops. Deovan from 1H agrees that dogs are better than cats! Lillian from 1H disagrees that dogs are better than cats!. Claire from 1P agrees children should wear hats at school. The First Pumpkin. The results of our pH test. Cricket Clinics with Cricket Australia were loads of fun. The SPARK Program is occurring again this year, providing a lucky group of students with 1:1 reading support every week for the term. This support is part of a program run by ABCN -Business Partnering With Education. Volunteers from larger corporations (often professional administrators, economists, solicitors and managers) contribute their time to work in a school. The benefit for students in terms of their self-esteem and reading skills is always significant. See Think Wonder – Stage 1 visits the Powerhouse Museum Captains Report The SRC has started a system to try and help reduce the rubbish in the playground. We decided that every two handfuls of rubbish you pick up you get a raffle ticket that goes into a box. The winning ticket will be drawn every Thursday and whoever wins gets a choice of prizes to keep for the week. Just a reminder tell the playground buddy when you’ve picked up rubbish. So far the system is working well. Thank you to all the people who are keeping our school clean! Remember to report back to the captains or the SRC if you have any ideas or concerns that can be fixed and improve the school. Peri and kiet On 11 May Stage 1 had an opportunity to explore the museum’s science exhibits and experiment with heat, light, chemistry, electricity and movement. PAGE 10 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 2 · WEEK 6 2016 PAGE 11 pullout & keep! WEEK 6 T2: MWPS CALENDAR Kindy Assembly 12.40PM ICAS Spelling Comp Stg3 Nasca Leadership Project Kindergarten Info Session 9.45am Marrickville West Primary School Beauchamp St, Marrickville 2204 Phone: 9558 1137 Email: [email protected] Stg3 Nasca Leadership Project Engadine Band Festival 12.30 – 4.30pm Saltbush Arts Club – Stg2 (20 students only) ELECTION DAY School website contains news, class overviews for the term, useful information from DEC and a school calendar with links to permission notes. Go to: www.marrickviw-p.schools.nsw.edu.au PAGE 12 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 2 3 STAGE STAGE page Stage 2 took a glimpse into the past at our recent History excursion. We explored key locations from My Place by Nadia Wheatley, which is based on the history of our area. page The My Place house. 3/4 Kelfie 3/4K at the Big Tree. 3/4S at the Big Tree. PAGE 13 TERM 2 · WEEK 6 2016 It was fascinating to discover which places from the book had changed over time, and which were just the same as in the story. My Excursion to Sydney Observatory On Wednesday 4th May 2016, Stage 3 students went to the Sydney Observatory. We caught a train at Dulwich Hill station to Wynyard station and walked to the observatory. When we reached the observatory, we were hot and sweaty so we had a snack and waited for our guides. The guides told us that the observatory was 105 years old. We went into a dome where there were three telescopes connected to computers, Evan got a chance to turn a wheel which opened the dome. The telescope was then turned towards the sun via a computer. Then we had turns seeing the sun through the telescopes. After that, we saw an ore, it showed us the speed of rotation of the two planets, the Earth and Mars. Then we went into a room called the ‘space theatre’ In there we saw a movie titled the ‘Bigger than Big’. We went in to another room, in that room the sky was projected above us so the guide made it night and then he showed us constellations like Scorpio, Orion, Hydra, Leo etc. The observatory had a ball above one of its roof that raised and fell in the water at 1:00pm. Then we had our lunch and played in the park. My favourite part was to see the sun through the telescope. by Aryan Joke CORNER “Knock knock? “Who’s there?” “Isabell” “Isabell who?” “Isabell on your bike?” A man walks into a bar and he picks up some peanuts, one of the peanuts says “You look handsome today” The man asks the bartender “What’s with theses peanuts?” The bartender says “They are complimentary”. PAGE 14 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PAGE 15 TERM 2 · WEEK 6 2016 The WestWalk 2016 numbers are in! facebook.com/MWPandC Your efforts have raised a record $10, 700 for our school! Congra P&C UPDATE Please Touch the Art ‘Please Touch the Art’ is looking for parents/carers etc. to help out on a weekly/fortnightly basis in classrooms. You don’t have to be an artist, just be interested in one of the following: Silk screening Painting/drawing Making art in nature (using rocks, leaves etc.) Photography Knitting/weaving/braiding/sewing etc. Sculpture and crafty 3D things Sound/electronics All help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact [email protected] if you’re interested. There will also be a meeting about this project on Friday June 3, 3:30pm in the staff room. All welcome. Election Day – Sat 2nd July On Saturday 2nd July thousands of people will be coming to our school to vote in the upcoming Federal Election. The P&C will be using the opportunity to make more money for the school. We’ll be running a sausage sizzle, having a cake stall and opening the canteen to sell coffee. We’ll need over 30 volunteers to help us on the day with making coffees, selling cakes, cutting bread rolls, frying eggs, and BBQing bacon and sausages. As it is the first day of the school break some families will be off on holidays so if you can help please do so. We’ll have three shifts: 7-10am 10am-1pm and 1pm-4pm. If you can help out at one of these please fill in the roster tulations to 5/6PR! Working as a class, they have raised a champion total of $1,164.80. They will receive $100 to purchase something for the classroom. at goo.gl/QYXCbU or put your name on the rosters at the school Hall wall. Cake boxes will also be sent home in Week 10 and we ask that each family donate a few homemade yummy goodies (cake, slices, biscuits) or some homemade jams, pickles, salsas, relishes or anything similar for our cake stall. Help a family in need You may have heard earlier in the year of a family in our school who needed assistance to get through some hard times. We are again asking for more help for this family. Temka is a student in Yr 6 who came to our school in 2013. Unfortunately his Dad, Batjargal, was last year diagnosed with stomach cancer and despite surgery and chemotherapy for the last year it has continued to grow and has now spread to his liver. Many thanks to those who donated money earlier in the year to help them get some emergency childcare for their other two babies Temuulan and Tingis, while Batjargal and his wife Altantuya attended many chemotherapy sessions. However with his steady decline Batjargal and his family would like to return to Mongolia, their home country, for a last visit with their families. Unfortunately flying to Mongolia is not a cheap proposition and will cost them $9600. The P&C has started a crowdfunding campaign to help raise they money they need. You can go to http://chuffed.org/project/batjargals-cancerjourney-home to donate money or share the story with your family and friends. A local business CHOICE is Australia’s leading consumer advocacy group. They campaign for consumer rights, make shopping easier, test products and give unbiased advice about food, finance Con gratulations to Wolli! The donations supplied by students within Wolli house totalled an astoundi ng $3,980.40. They will have a house disco on 10 June. Congratulations to KH! 86% of their class returned money for this fundraiser. They will receive $100 to purchase something for the classroom. The top student fundraiser raised the award winning amount $486! Congratulations Samuel in 1B! He has won a see Sydney FC. pass for 4 to We are rewarding the top to fundraisers in each stage. They will receive $30 gift certificates to Manoosh Pizza or a double pass to see GWS Giants v. Carlton. Kindy winners are Aki from KA who raised $208 and Billy Rose from KA who raised $193. Stage 1 winners are Samuel from 1B who raised $486 and Bill from 2C who raised $260. Stage 2 winners are and health. They have donated a one year subscription to their magazine/online site worth $131.80. If you donate money to our campaign for Batjargal you go in a draw to win this one year subscription. Many thanks to CHOICE for this kind donation. Lucy from 3/4S who raised $170 and Ned from 3/4E who raised $165. Stage 3 winners are Chris from 5/6PR who raised $360 and Wavey from 5/6CR who raised $195. Thanks! We have a wonderful group of parents who help out in our canteen on a totally voluntary basis each week. Every afternoon children Anyone who would like to run other have the opportunity to buy snacks and drinks at recess and this fundraising events for this family are welcome is possible because of Mina Cheng, Ariyani Sulawo, Jenny Pham, to do so. Please contact Melanie Stopic Amrita Murgad, Nimfa Lacbungan and Jo Smith. Of a morning a ([email protected]) or Vivi Martin at dedicated group consisting of Jo Smith, James Goodman, Mina Connect ([email protected]) Cheng, Lindy Alwis, Melanie Stopic, Talia Gill, Ann Callaway and for more information. Shelley Wilson give up their time to make coffees for the teachers and visitors to our school. Thank you all very much! NEXT P&C MEETING: Thursday 16th June 7pm in the Staff Room. All parents are welcome to come along and learn more about the school and give their ideas on how to make it a better place. PAGE 16 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 1 1 PAGE 17 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2016 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 1 “ M W a t lif wi c d pr th C CommunityCommunity Kouzina Kouzina New Beginnings: New Beginnings: Refugee ArtsRefugee and Arts and Community Community Kouzina Exhibition Kouzina Exhibition CelebratingCelebrating Diversity Diversity Open Kitchens Open Bus Kitchens Tour Bus Tour Culture Festival Culture Exhibition Festival Exhibition The CommunityThe Kouzina Community ProjectKouzina comes to ProjectThrough comes to Filmmaking Through Filmmaking Around the Around World - the World Open Mic Competition Open Mic Competition Lebanese Cultural Lebanese DayCultural Day 11 12 An insight into the An insight art andinto literature the artofand theliterature of the renowned world Lebanese renowned artist Lebanese and poet artist and poet life at Chrissie Cotter life at Chrissie Gallery during CotterOpen Gallery during Open Sample diverse Sample cuisine diverse on a tour cuisine to local on a tour to local Settlement Services Settlement International Services (SSI) International (SSI) Ethnic Community Ethnic Services Community Co-operative Services Co-operative An open mic singing An open competition mic singing showcasing competition world showcasing Khalil Gibran, regarding Khalil Gibran, his life, regarding art and books. his life, art and books. Marrickville. Featuring Marrickville. images, Featuring ingredients images, ingredients kitchens. In 2015 kitchens. Eleni Christou In 2015was Eleniawarded Christou was awarded presents the New presents Beginnings the New Exhibition Beginnings as Exhibition as presents Celebrating presents Diversity Celebrating Through Diversity Through the musical multicultural the musical mosaic multicultural of mosaic of Plus an exhibition Plus ofan early exhibition Lebanese of early settlers’ Lebanese settlers’ and stories, Community and stories, Kouzina Community is an KouzinaFilmmaking, is an a grant throughathe grant Sister through Citiesthe International Sister Cities International part of its annual part Refugee of its annual Arts & Refugee Culture Arts & Culture a showcase Filmmaking, of animated a showcase film of animated Marrickville. film Sing Marrickville. a song of somewhere. Sing a song of somewhere. lives in Australia, lives dancing, in Australia, live entertainment dancing, live entertainment ethnographic documentation ethnographic documentation of kitchens ofby kitchens Exchange Program Exchange (IEP) to Program develop(IEP) the to develop the Festival. Curated Festival. Curated by Miriam Cabello, by Miriam Cabello, young people byfrom young diverse people backgrounds from diverse backgrounds Anyone can enter, Anyone any national can enter, or any folkloric national or folkloric and entrants food for alland to enjoy. food for all to enjoy. and gardens in and Marrickville gardensand in Marrickville Kos, Greece. and Kos, Community Kouzina Community Project,Kouzina which included Project, which theincluded exhibition atthe Chrissie exhibition Cotter at Chrissie Gallery Cotter Gallery withGreece. a disability.with Theafilm disability. is an opportunity The film is an foropportunity song willfor do. Cash song prizes will do. for Cash the best prizes entrants for the best Celebrating members Celebrating of themembers community of the community studying local cuisine studying in local Kos, Greece cuisine (Sister in Kos, Greece (Sister works showcases showcases by talented works artists by talented from artists from these young people theseto young sharepeople their stories to share andtheirand stories a box and of chocolates and a boxfor of everyone chocolates willing for everyone willing throughpractice, their culinary Community practice, Community City). Now home, City). Eleni Now continues home, Eleni her continues refugee her backgrounds. refugeeThe backgrounds. closing event Theon closing through event ontheir culinary perspectives with perspectives the broader with community. the broader community. to stand beforeto a microphone stand beforeand a microphone sing. From and sing. From Kouzina food as explores a culturally foodrich as a culturally rich project by showing project how byfood showing cements how food cements Sunday will include Sunday delicious will include food and delicious live food Kouzina and live explores Come and celebrate Comethe andfilmmakers’ celebrate the diversity, filmmakers’ Japan diversity, to Morocco, Japan Bolivia to Morocco, to Finland...Sing Bolivia tousFinland...Sing us and portable form andof portable identity,form transcending of identity, transcending person-to-person person-to-person exchanges, strengthens exchanges, strengthens music. music. talents and creativity. talents and creativity. your song. your song. borders through borders the movement through the of people movement of people neighbourhoodneighbourhood networks, and creates networks, bonds and creates bonds and their imagination. and their imagination. that can traverse that thousands can traverse of kilometres. thousands of kilometres. 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 Sa kit a Ex C st Ci pr pe ne th C O Murra Murra, Murra MakeMurra, Do Make Do 5th Multi-Cultural Kouzina Kouzina Kouzina Kouzina Rhythms, Colours, Rhythms, Flavours Colours, of Perú Flavours of PerúBaby Bilingual Bilingual Rhymetime Baby RhymetimeCommunityCommunity 5th Multi-Cultural 7 a Side Knock7 a SideCommunity Knock- Community Create Weaving Create Workshop Weaving Workshop at Stanmore atPublic Stanmore School Public School Rhythms, Rhythms, Flavours Colours, of PeruFlavours is the of PeruImmerse is the your child Road Walking Road Tour Walking Tour Colours, Immerse in local yourlanguages child in local or languages or Out Football Out Tournament Football TournamentMarrickvilleMarrickville official opening official event for opening the Open event Marrickville for the Open Marrickville sing along withsing a familiar along nursery with a familiar rhyme nursery from Based rhymeon from “Murra Murra” is“Murra a Wiradjuri Murra” word is a meaning Wiradjuri to word meaning to for recipes Based collected on recipes for The collected for The Join a walk along Join Marrickville a walk along Road Marrickville to visit Road to visit (Football (Football Fitness) for Fitness) Discover Festival. the Coastal, Discover Andean the Coastal, and Andean yourand own background. your own Languages background. include Languages include Kouzina Make - Do and Create. Make - Do and Create. Community Community Project,Kouzina Eleni Christou Project, Eleni Christou theCup’ favourite grocery the favourite stores, grocery delis andstores, snackdelisFestival. and snack Be a spectator for Be an a spectator exciting ‘World for an Cup’ exciting ‘World Amazonian Amazonian of Perurhythms and enjoy of Peru and enjoy Vietnamese, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Greek, Portuguese, Aboriginal Greek, Aboriginal Wiradjuri, Yuin, Dharug Wiradjuri, Aboriginal Yuin, Dharug woman Aboriginal style woman and Kitchen Specialist and Kitchen Dimitra Specialist Alfred will Dimitra Alfred will of local residents bars of who localparticipated residents who in participated in rhythms football (soccer) style football tournament (soccer) between tournament bars between mouth-watering mouth-watering cuisine. Learn to cuisine. prepare Learn to prepare and Nepali. Receive and Nepali. a free bilingual Receive a nursrey free bilingual nursrey and Master Weaver, and Master Nadeena Weaver, DixonNadeena presents Dixon presents communities create a menu for create Stanmore a menuPublic’s for Stanmore KitchenPublic’s Kitchen Communitythe Kouzina Community Project.Kouzina Gain insight Project. Gain insight multicultural multicultural from communities all over from allthe over the traditional cuisine the traditional that has cuisine taken the that has taken the rhyme book at rhyme Baby Rhymetime book at Baby sessions Rhymetime sessions two weaving workshops two weaving celebrating workshops the celebrating sea the sea Classes, using ingredients Classes, using grown ingredients in the grown in the toamong the relationships to the between relationships purchaser between purchaser Sydney and helpSydney promote andharmony help promote among harmony gastronomy world gastronomy by storm.world Visit our by storm. kid’s Visit our kid’s held during theheld Festival. during Presenters the Festival. will Presenters teach School’s will teach life found in thelife Cooks found River. in the Participants Cooks River. Participants Stephanie School’s Alexander Stephanie Garden. Alexander The Garden. The and provider – and provider some tasty – and samples! some tasty samples! asylum seekers,asylum refugees seekers, and migrants. refugeesThe and migrants. The corner featuring corner arts and featuring crafts and arts storytelling and crafts and storytelling children and families children some and simple families songs some in simple songs in will make their own will make and contribute their own to and a contributetournament to a menu will be inspired menu will by the be inspired cuisine and by the cuisine and A Marrickville Council A Marrickville Sister Cities Council andSister Cities and willtournament connect young will connect people who young people who old Inca legends. of old Immerse Inca legends. yourself Immerse in the yourself the theirinmother tongue. their mother tongue. collaborative piece collaborative which willpiece hangwhich at Council will hang at Council stories of both Kos stories andofthe both diverse Kos and culture the diverse culture International International supported Exchange project. supportedofproject. have recently arrived have recently in Australia. arrived Freeinactivities Australia. Free activities Exchange vibrant culture of vibrant Peru by culture browsing of Peru ourbystalls browsing our stalls during the Festival. during Nadeena’s the Festival. weaving Nadeena’s weaving of the Marrickville of the area. Marrickville A Sister Cities area. and A Sister Cities and such as face-painting, such asaface-painting, jumping castlea and jumping castle and and tasting the food and tasting and beverages the food available and beverages available programs aim toprograms promote,aim share to promote, and reviveshare and reviveskills forfootball International Exchange International supported Exchange project. supported project. football kids willskills be provided for kids will as well be provided as as well as for sale. Family Friendly for sale. event. Family Friendly event. the practice of Indigenous the practiceweaving of Indigenous skills. weaving skills. the opportunitythe to meet opportunity A-league to players. meet A-league players. 13 13 Open Marrickville Open - ten Marrickville days of free - ten celebrations days of free and celebrations events, great and food, events, art, great children’s food, art, children’s activities, talks, activities, sacred sights talks,and sacred tasting sights tours and and tasting moretours - is held andannually more - istoheld celebrate annually and to celebrate and share all the inner share west’s all the many inner cultural west’sand many artistic cultural traditions. and artistic traditions. 14 14 15 15 16 16 Sacred Sights Sacred Tour Sights Tour Documentary Screening Screening The FestivalThe of the Festival Oliveof the Olive Documentary Vietnamese Vietnamese Cultural Group Cultural launch Group launch 17 18 Every June, in aEvery variety June, of locations in a variety across of locations the inneracross west, the we come inner west, together we come to ensure together our to On ensure A showcase of various A showcase facets ofof various the olive facets of the olive Faraway... So Faraway... Close to So Homeland Close to Homeland this our spiritually Onenlightening this spiritually journey, enlightening journey, (Granma Multicultural (Granma Multicultural Festival) Festival) trees contribution trees to contribution culture and society to culture from and The society fromscreening Aunty Jenny Elder will Aunty Jenny will Community andCommunity younger citizens younger recognise, citizens honour, recognise, and celebrate honour,their and cultural celebrate backgrounds. their cultural backgrounds. Aboriginal ElderAboriginal premier The premier of Faraway...So screening Close of Faraway...So to Close to Cultural Connections and Cultural Connections a Greek perspective. a Greek Experience perspective. various Experience types various types demonstrate a smoking demonstrate ceremony a smoking and ceremonypresents and Homeland directed Homeland by independent directed by Syrian independent film Syrian film the Vietnamese presents the Cultural Vietnamese Group Cultural Group While Council nurtures While Council and steers nurtures the festival, and steers it’s the community festival, it’s the groups community who make groups it who make it of olives and olive of olives oils from and different olive oilsregions from different talk about Aboriginal talk about dreamtime Aboriginal beliefs dreamtime beliefs and regions documentary and maker, documentary Maher Jamous. maker, Maher The Jamous. The launch as part of launch their inaugural as part of Granma their inaugural Granma in Greece and Australia, in Greeceand andthe Australia, music and and the music and the plight and the significance and the of the significance Cooks River. of the Cooks Festival. River. The Festival happen. Experiencing happen.other Experiencing ways of life other guides ways usoftolife beguides more tolerant, us to be accepting, more tolerant, and accepting, and film shows film shows of 10 Syrian the plight refugees of 10 who Syrian refugees who Festival. willThe feature Festival Seniors will feature Seniors which complements food whichthe complements consumption the consumption The bus tour will The then bushead tourto will the then Al Hijrah head to thefrom Al Hijrah respectful of difference. respectfulRemember of difference. thatRemember when you’re that having whenfun you’re at one having of the fun many at one Open of the many Open fled in 2013 to neighbouring fled in 2013 to countries. neighbouring Thinking countries. Thinking several CALD fromand several Aboriginal CALD groups and Aboriginalfood groups of crafts olives according of olives to Greek according Culture. to The Greek Culture. Mosque, St Nicholas Mosque, Orthodox St Nicholas Church, Orthodox St Church, St story-telling, they The would be away they for would just be a short awaytime for just theya short time they presenting presenting anstory-telling, arts and crafts an arts and Marrickville events! Marrickville events! Festival a display includes on theahistory displayof on the find history of Brigids CatholicBrigids Church Catholic and theChurch Buddhist and the Buddhist themselves find isolated themselves and alienated, isolatedwith and alienated, with exhibition, Tai Chi, exhibition, dance, songs Tai Chi,and dance, foodsongs and foodincludesFestival the olive the oliveinand English a speech on Greek in English no on return Greek date inno Mahamakut Temple. Mahamakut Temple. sight. return Presented date in sight. by SSI, Presented the by SSI, the which illustratewhich cultural illustrate beliefs, cultural practicebeliefs, and practice andand a speech Vanessa Chan Vanessa Chan mythology and mythology the olive tree. and the olive tree. screening is partscreening of the New is part Beginnings: of the New Beginnings: values. values. Interim General Interim Manager, General InnerManager, West Council Inner West Council Refugee Arts & Culture RefugeeFestival. Arts & Culture Festival. Open Marrickville Open is an Marrickville unbeatableis opportunity an unbeatable to take opportunity a journey tofrom take athe journey Dreamtime from the Dreamtime to Portugal andto Peru, Portugal from and foodPeru, to photography from food toand photography bilingual nursery and bilingual rhymes,nursery to gypsy rhymes, to gypsy folklore and tours folklore into the andheart toursofinto ourthe inner heart west. of our inner west. 17 18 19 19 Council has many Council aspirations. has many Oneaspirations. is that we remain One is that welcoming we remain andwelcoming proud of our and diversity. proud of our diversity. Another is that Another we are a iscreative that wecommunity are a creative thatcommunity values our that localvalues identity our and local sense identity of and sense of place. I’m delighted place.that I’mOpen delighted Marrickville that Open is achieving Marrickville both. is achieving both. Come and celebrate Comewhat and celebrate our community what our hascommunity to offer! has to offer! Richard Pearson Richard Pearson Administrator,Administrator, Inner West Council Inner West Council For the latest Arts & CultureFor the latest Arts & Culture in Marrickville, sign up for in Marrickville, sign up for marrickville.nsw.gov.au/arts marrickville.nsw.gov.au/arts PachamamaPachamama Festival Festival 20 Arts & Culture Arts & in Culture the inner in the west inner west The inner west isThe theinner centre west of Sydney’s is the centre independent of Sydney’s artsindependent scene. arts scene. Council providesCouncil a rangeprovides of programs a range thatofencourage programs that participation encourage in arts participation and cultural in arts activities and cultural at activities at all stages of life. all Council’s stages of programs life. Council’s include, programs Art Post:include, What’s Art On,Post: Arts What’s and Cultural On, Arts Grants, and Cultural Artist Grants, Artist Residency Programs, Residency Chrissie Programs, Cotter Gallery, ChrissiePerfect Cotter Match, Gallery,MOST, Perfectthe Match, Newtown MOST,ArtSeat, the Newtown the ArtSeat, the Sister Cities Program Sisterand Cities festivals Program andand events festivals throughout and events the throughout year. For further the year. information For further about information about the Arts and Cultural the Arts program and Cultural visit Council’s program website visit Council’s and signwebsite up to Art and Post. sign up to Art Post. To view photos from To view thephotos Open Marrickville from the Open festival Marrickville or to upload festival your orown to upload photos your or comments own photos or comments use:#openmarrickville use:#openmarrickville You can also ‘Like’ YouCouncil’s can alsoArt ‘Like’ Post Council’s Facebook Artpage Post Facebook to keep uppage to date to keep with events up to date and with events and opportunities oropportunities contact Council or contact on (02) Council 9335 2222 on or (02) visit 9335 marrickville.nsw.gov.au 2222 or visit marrickville.nsw.gov.au Our land of theOur Cadigal-Wangal land of the Cadigal-Wangal people is also historically people is also Greek historically and Vietnamese, Greek and Vietnamese, Portuguese andPortuguese Italian, andand Arabic-speaking. Italian, and Arabic-speaking. We are home toWe a significant are home number to a significant of number of Aboriginal and Torres Aboriginal Straitand Islander Torresresidents, Strait Islander and we residents, are seeing andemerging we are seeing communities emerging communities from Nepal, Sierra from Leone, Nepal,Bangladesh Sierra Leone, andBangladesh the Pacific and Islands. the Pacific Islands. Have a great festival. Have a great festival. 20 Balkan Bonanza Balkan Bonanza Arraial do BRACCA Arraial do BRACCA Klub Koori Open Klub Koori Marrickville Open Marrickville Klub Koori returns for Klub Koori another returns for big night another of big night of A unique festival A of unique films,festival storytelling, of films, poetry, storytelling, poetry, life in Brazil rural andlife Portugal in Brazil and Portugal Balkan food, live Balkan musicfood, (including live music bands), (includingCelebrate bands), rural Celebrate Aboriginal music Aboriginal and live performance. music and live performance. dance, organic dance, gardening organic and workshops gardening and workshops by adressing farmer with up aspainted a farmer with painted dance and performances dance and–performances Greek, – Greek,by dressing up as Featuring livefrom performances electro-soul from electro-soul (bookings required) (bookings by Latin required) American by Latin American freckles, straw hats, freckles, pigtails straw and hats, a checkered pigtails and a Featuring live checkered performances Macedonian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Croatian, duo Bow & Arrow, duoDJ Bow Tikelz, & Arrow, hip hop DJ artists Tikelz, hip hop artists and Indigenousand Australian Indigenous communities Australian communities dress or t-shirt.dress Enjoyor the t-shirt. music, Enjoy traditional the music, traditional Hungarian and Hungarian Romanian. and Homemade Romanian. Homemade Phillywith and Mooks Philly and and hosted Mooks by Sydney’s and hosted by Sydney’s connected through connected Marrickville. through TheMarrickville. Festival The Festival party vibefood, and “square” party vibe dancing and “square” with dancing Balkan foods. Dance Balkangroups foods.from Dance allgroups over fromfood, all over For the latest Arts & Culture For the latest Arts & Culture in Marrickville, sign up for in Marrickville, sign up for homegrown MChomegrown Izzy. Klub Koori, MC Izzy. Klub producedKoori, produced brings together artists brings together artists to celebrate cultural to celebrateSydney culturaland handcrafts Brazilian Brazilian twist. theTraditionally festival is the festival is Sydney and on display. handcrafts Let your on display.aLet your twist.a Traditionally Gadigal by Gadigal Service, is Information one of Service, is the one of the belongings to land belongings and water. Free to land and musical water. Freesoul musical the welcoming the of the welcoming rain season of the andrain is also seasonby and is alsoInformation be taken away soul on be ataken Balkan away odyssey. on a Balkan odyssey. longest runninglongest regular running Aboriginal regular and Torres Aboriginal and Torres dance performances, dance traditional performances, foodtraditional and an food and an known as São João known or as Festa SãoJunina. João orFamily Festa Junina. Family Strait Islander music Straitevents Islander inmusic Sydney events in Sydney. . Indigenous yarning Indigenous circle by yarning Yarn Australia. circle by Yarn Australia. Friendly event. Friendly event. marrickville.nsw.gov.au/arts marrickville.nsw.gov.au/arts PAGE 18 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 1. Community Kouzina Open Kitchens Bus Tour Varied locations in the Marrickville Area Friday 17 June, 10:30am – 2:30pm Booking info: Free, bookings essential, places limited book via:trybooking.com/LHHS Contact: Eleni Christou, [email protected] Website: thecommunitykouzinaproject. com/ & facebook.com/ communitykouzinaproject Special thanks: To the locals who opened their homes to the community for the Open Kitchens bus tour 2. New Beginnings: Refugee Arts and Culture Festival Exhibition é Chrissie Cotter Gallery Pidcock Street Camperdown ST SON Friday 17 – Sunday 19 June, by L I W appointment Monday 20 – Sunday 26 June, 11am – 6pm Official closing event: Sunday 26 June, 3 - 6pm Booking info: Free Contact: Carolina Triana, 8799 6700, [email protected] Website: newbeginningsfestival.com.au 3. Community Kouzina Exhibition é Chrissie Cotter Gallery Pidcock Street Camperdown Friday 17 – Sunday 19 June, by appointment Monday 20 – Sunday 26 June, 11am – 6pm Official closing event: Sunday 26 June, 3 - 6pm Booking info: Free Contact: Eleni Christou, [email protected] Website: thecommunitykouzinaproject. com/ & facebook.com/ communitykouzinaproject Special thanks: Participants in the Community Kouzina Project , Curator: Rosell Flatley, Mark Taylor, Natalie Tsirimokos 4. Celebrating Diversity Through Filmmaking é Herb Greedy Hall 79 Petersham Road Marrickville Friday 17 June, 6 - 7pm Booking info: Free, bookings required Contact: Hawanatu Bangura, 9569 1288, [email protected] Website: ecsc.org.au Special thanks: Australian Foundation for Disability (AFFORD), dLux MediaArts, St Vincent de Paul Society - Ability Links 5. Around the World Open Mic Singing Competition é Newtown Square King Street (corner of Australia Street) Newtown Saturday 18 June, 10:30am - 12 midday Booking info: Free Contact: Ken Saunders or Colin Hughes, 9564 7333, [email protected] or [email protected] Website: newtowncentre.org 6. Lebanese Cultural Day é Marrickville Town Hall 303 Marrickville Road Marrickville Saturday 18 June, 12 midday – 4pm Booking info: Free Contact : Rania El-Chidiac, 9564 3506, [email protected] Special thanks: Gibran Museum in Bsharri Lebanon, Bsharri Association of NSW, The Australian Lebanese Historical Society 7. Murra Murra, Make Do Create: Weaving Workshop é Marrickville Library Corner Marrickville and Petersham Roads Marrickville Saturday 18 & 19 June, 1 – 5pm Booking info: Day 1 Free for Elders / concessions, limited places, book online via: trybooking.com/KXCI Booking info: Day 2, $25pp, limited places, book tickets via Nadeena Contact: Nadeena Dixon [email protected] Website: murramurra.com & marrickville. nsw.gov.au/openmarrickville Special thanks: Thanks to the Aboriginal Elders who have maintained our cultures and traditions for millennia so that we are still able to learn and share culture today 8. 5th Multi-Cultural 7 a Side Knock-Out Football Tournament (Football for Fitness) é Tempe Recreational Reserve Holbeach Avenue Tempe Sunday 19 & 26 June, 9:30am – 6:30pm Booking info: Free, no bookings required Contact: Jebin Dhoj Shahi, 0423 678 074, [email protected] Website: multiculturalfootball.com & sydneyfg.org Special thanks: headspace Camperdown, CatholicCare Lewisham, Charlie Coorey 9. Community Kouzina Marrickville Road Walking Tour é Meeting point – Alex Trevallion Plaza (Near the Post Café) Marrickville Road Sunday 19 June, 11am – 1pm Booking info: Free, bookings essential, places limited, book via: trybooking.com/LHIA Contact: Eleni Christou, [email protected] Website: thecommunitykouzinaproject. com/ & facebook.com/ communitykouzinaproject Special thanks: To the local shops who participated in the tour 10. Rhythms, Colours, Flavours of Perú é Marrickville Town Hall 303 Marrickville Road Marrickville Sunday 19 June, 12 midday - 5pm Booking info: Free Contact: Lidia Luna, 0413 437 767, [email protected] Website: rcf.org.au Special thanks: NSW SLASA (Spanish and Latin American Association for Social Assistance), Multicultural NSW 11. Bilingual Baby Rhymetime é Library branches Monday 20 June, 10:30 – 11am (Vietnamese) Corner of Marrickville and Petersham Roads Marrickville (9335 2173) Tuesday 21 June, 10:30 – 11am (Portuguese) 12-14 Seaview Street Dulwich Hill (9335 2182) Wednesday 22 June, 10:30 – 11am (Greek) Stanmore Reserve, Douglas Street Stanmore (9335 2183) Thursday 23 June, 10:30 – 11am (Aboriginal) Corner of Marrickville and Petersham Roads Marrickville (9335 2173) Friday 24 June, 10:30am – 11am (Nepali) St Peters Town Hall, Unwins Bridge Road Sydenham (9335 2184) Booking info: Free, suitable for children 0-2 years, please call from 9:30am onwards (numbers above) to book on the day of the session Contact: Csilla Radvanyi, 9335 2173, [email protected] Website: marrickville.nsw.gov.au/library/ Special thanks: Csilla Radvanyi, Georgette Giatis, Lien Ngo, My Ai Ngo, Marta Martins, Oletha Ribeiro, Vivi Martin, Gyanendra Pradhananga, Nepalese Association of Australia 12. Community Kouzina at Stanmore Public School Tuesday 21 June Booking info: A closed event for Stanmore Public School students only Contact: Eleni Christou, [email protected] Website: thecommunitykouzinaproject. com/ & facebook.com/ communitykouzinaproject Special thanks: Stanmore Public School, Anne Abbott, Dimitra Alfred, Stephen Jackson 13. Sacred Sights Tour é Meeting point Marrickville Council Admin Building (front steps) 2-14 Fisher Street Petersham Wednesday 22 June, 9:30am – 2:30pm Booking info: Free, places limited, register to attend at: trybooking.com/KYYI Contact: Olivia Patchett, 9335 2293, [email protected] Website: marrickville.nsw.gov.au/ openmarrickville Special thanks: Aunty Jenny, Al Hijrah Mosque, St Nicholas Orthodox Church, St Brigids Catholic Church, Buddhist Mahamakut Temple PAGE 19 TERM 2 · WEEK 3 2016 14. Vietnamese Cultural Group launch (Granma Multicultural Festival) é Gumbramorra Hall, Addison Road Community Centre 142 Addison Road Marrickville Wednesday 22 June, 10am – 2pm Booking info: Free, bookings essential, 9518 0222 Contact: Annamarie Reyes or Vi Pham, 9518 0222, [email protected] Website: ccci.org.au Special thanks: Department of Social Services Multicultural Arts & Festival Grants and Community Underwriting Small Grants 15. The Festival of the Olive é Greek Orthodox Parish of St Nicholas 203-207 Livingstone Road Marrickville Thursday 23 June, 9:30am – 1:30pm Booking info: Free, call 9516 2188 to book Contact: Jim, 9516 2188, admin@gwccs. org.au Website: gwccs.org.au 16. Documentary Screening Faraway... So Close to Homeland é Chrissie Cotter Gallery Pidcock Street Camperdown Thursday 23 June, 6:30 - 9pm Booking info: Free Contact: Carolina Triana, 8799 6700, [email protected] Website: newbeginningsfestival.com.au Special thanks: Ignite Small Business Start-ups SSI 17. Pachamama Festival é Addison Road Community Centre 142 Addison Road Marrickville Friday 24 June, 6 - 10pm, Saturday 25 June, 12 midday – 11pm Booking info: Free, $8 for film tickets Contact: Mark Taylor, 0405 116 183, [email protected] Website: sydneylatinofilmfestival.org School banking is Wednesday 9-9.20am Connect Marrickville SaCC and CatholicCare Parent Education Program presents: in the LIBRARY Parenting Side by Side A four session course for Parents Kindly funded by Resourcing Parents Inner West Small Grants This brand new course is especially for parents who have moved to Australia from another country. The course will help parents who are wondering how they can maintain their culture whilst parenting their children in Australia. It explores: Value and Identity – celebrating traditions Parenting Styles and Experiences Sharing our Cultures Understanding Australian Schools Begins Wednesday morning 31st August 2016 Dates: 31st August and 7th, 14th and 21st September 2016 Time: 10.00am to 12.00pm Venue: Connect Marrickville SaCC (in the grounds of Marrickville West Primary School, Livingstone Road, cnr Beauchamp Street) Cost: Free To book: Sms Vivi Martin on 0421 550 119 or Email [email protected] Need more newsletter? Current & past issues of the newsletter are found at: www.tinyurl.com/MWPSnews Limited child care places available booking essential 18. Balkan Bonanza é Marrickville Town Hall 303 Marrickville Road Marrickville Saturday 25 June, 3 - 11pm Booking info: Free Contact: Yorgo Kaporis, 0412 861 187, [email protected] Majestic Performing Arts academy 19. Arraial do BRACCA é Petersham Town Hall 107 Crystal Street Petersham Sunday 26 June, 11am - 8pm Booking info: $5 entry fee, gold coin donation for BRACCA members and children under 10, $5 kids area Contact: Cinthia Nascimento, 0430 486 353, [email protected] Website: bracca.org/arraial/ Special thanks: ABCD 20. Klub Koori Open Marrickville é Newtown Social 387 King Street Newtown Sunday 26 June, 6pm (6.30pm start) – midnight Booking info: 18+, Tickets available online newtownsc.ticketscout.com.au/ gigs/5388 and on the door until sold out $10 Contact: Danielle Tuwai, 3984 4000, [email protected] Website: kooriradio.com Special thanks: Gadigal Information Service, Koori Radio Wheelchair logo é This indicates the venue has step free entry and provides a pathway within the venue. However, circulation may be restricted and not all areas including toilets may be accessible. Direct further queries regarding access needs to the project coordinator listed in this program. NE W Ju n io r z Ta p/Ja z f o r ss la c o b c om e ar 1 M a rr ic k We s t Pu v il le blic k id s lo ve d a n c ing! k in de r/y classes in CSTD classical ballet, modern Jazz, Tap & contemporary Dance For the latest Arts & Culture in Marrickville, sign up for social ladies tap classes open drama classes for confidence and self expression marrickville.nsw.gov.au/arts tiny tots, song & dance, private singing lessons STUDIOS - LEVEL 1/249 MARRICKVILLE RD, MARRICKVILLE CONTACT PRINCIPAL - Sharin Jessop 9591 1193 email - [email protected] website - www.majesticpaa.com.au dance & drama tuition for talented performers PAGE 20 MARRICKVILLE WEST PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Before School – Fuel Up! Cheerios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Sultanas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Seasonal Fresh fruit from . . . . . . . . . . . 70c+ (No snack foods will be sold to students before school) Super Sandwiches, Toasties & Salad Buttered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vegemite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baked Beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vegemite & Cheese . . . . . . . . . Egg/Cheese/tuna/chicken slice/ham Cheese & tomato . . . . . . . . . . . Egg & lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicken, lettuce & mayo . . . . . . . Tuna & mayo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuna or Ham or Cheese with Salad . Ham & cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . Ham & tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheese & tomato . . . . . . . . . . . Ham, cheese & tomato . . . . . . . . Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.30 $1.60 $2.60 $2.60 $2.60 $3.00 $3.00 $3.40 $3.00 $3.80 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.40 $3.30 Filling (each) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll or wrap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayo/tomato sauce . . . . . . . . . . . Sweet chilli/BBQ/soy sachets . . . . . Salad plate/ box . . . . . . . . . . . . . (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, celery, carrot) Add – Tuna/egg/ham . . . . . . . . . . . EXTRA Plastic Spoons. . . . . . . . . . Drinks Up & Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200ml 100% Juice (box) . . . . . . . . . 200ml 100% Juice (bottle) . . . . . . . . Plain milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yoghurt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flavoured Milk (lite) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60c . 60c . 30c . 30c $4.00 extras . . +60c ea . . . . . 5c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.10 $1.30 $2.00 $1.30 $1.30 $2.00 Frozen Treats Sold after the second lunch bell Frozen fruit pieces (bag) . 99% fruit juice ice sticks . Juicies . . . . . . . . . . Peters Fandangles . . . . Gelato cups – 2 flavours . Frozen Yoghurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c . 60c $1.00 $1.60 $1.60 $2.00 Something New! Steamed Vegetarian Gyoza (V . . Cheese & Spinach Triangle (V) . Vegetarian Rice Paper Rolls (V) . Pizza Wrap (meat or Cheese) . . Mini Spinach & Ricotta Roll (V) . Mini Potato Top Beef Pie. . . . . Fried Rice (gluten free)(V) . . . . Vegetarian Lasagne . . . . . . . Fruit Salad Cup . . . . . . . . . . Hot Corn Cob. . . . . . . . . . . Snacks Popcorn . . . . . . . . . Roasted Seaweed . . . Potato Chips (28g) . . . Grainwaves . . . . . . . Gingerbread Folk . . . . Hard-boiled egg . . . . Vegetable Sticks (bag) Sultanas (box) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDATED MAY 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70c $1.20 $1.50 $3.50 . 80c $1.50 $3.50 $3.50 $2.00 $1.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 $1.00 $1.20 $1.20 $1.60 $1.00 . 30c . 80c DAILY MEAL DEALS MONDAY: CHOOK CHOOK 5 Chicken wedges or Chicken Burger (Halal) . . $3.50 MEAL DEAL w/ oak milk & pieces of fruit . . . . $5.00 TUESDAY: PASTA & CURRY & PIZZA Homemade Bolognese Pasta . . . . . . . Lasagne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juicy Pizza Slice – Ham & Pineapple . . . Vegetarian Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mild Butter Chicken Curry with rice. . . . MEAL DEAL w/ oak milk & pieces of fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 $3.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $5.00 WEDNESDAY: SUSHI & SOUP (soup T2 & T3 only) Sweet corn and chicken soup . . . . with bread roll . . . . . . . . . . . . Sushi (pre-order Tuesday) . . . . . . . MEAL DEAL oak milk & pieces of fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 . . . $3.50 from $3.20 . . . $5.00 THURSDAY: CHOOK CHOOK 5 Chicken wedges or Chicken Burger (Halal) . . $3.50 MEAL DEAL w/ oak milk & pieces of fruit . . . . $5.00 FRIDAY: PIES Chicken Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Halal Beef Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traveller Beef Pie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEAL DEAL w/ oak milk & pieces of fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00
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