July - Nazareth Moravian Church
July - Nazareth Moravian Church
BIRTHDAYS July 1 - Rebecca Crook Anne Howlett Daniel Huston James Rohn 3 - Catherine Humphrey 5 - Paul Cilbrith Natalya Schienholz Jacob Trach 6 - Brendan Alvino Robert Reagle 7 - Wayne Albert 8 - Kellen Dietterich 9 - Megan Curtis 10 - Alix Hartshorne 11 - Annika Wettlaufer 15 - Holly Bartholomew Robert Bennett John Raub Kathleen Schulte 16 - Kathleen Adams Nicholas Neunzig 17 - Jerry Barndt Jordin Champlin 18 - Wendy Bauer Vicki Doule 20 - Janice Bartholomew Michelle Mahorsky 21 - Cindy Tsurumaki 23 - Patricia Heckman Ashley Neumeyer 24- Laura Drozdowski Patricia Morgenstern Kara Neunzig Rebecca Schoeneberger 25 - Diane Berl 26 - John Stocker 27 - Sabrina Konczyk 29 - Kimberly Jandrositz 30 - Diane Detweiler Waltraut McCabe 31 - Gabrielle Neunzig JULY ELEVATOR OPERATORS July 6 - William Kahler 13 - Holly Bachman (if service is indoors) 20 - Brian Trauger 27 - Wayne Longley JULY USHERS Roger Huth, Captain Karen Huth Jason Thomas Zachary Trach Katie Trach Kelly Luczkowiak Chris Luczkowiak Stephen Cunningham Patrick Cunningham Charles Mallon JULY GREETERS July 20 - Sandy & Scott Swedar JULY NURSERY CARE July 6 - Carrie Cilbrith 13 - Outdoor Service 20 - Chris & Rebecca Crook 27 - Lois Calvo JULY SCRIPTURE READERS July 6 - Gwen Ritter 13 - Outdoor Service 20 - Ed Werkheiser 27 - Deb Alvino ELDERS SERVING COMMUNION ON JULY 6 Serving - John Stocker Assisting - Gwen Peischl & Fred Bergstresser TH - JULY MUSIC SCHEDULE July 6 - Communion - Brass Choir Counting Offering & Card Person for July Gwen Ritter When to Contact the Church Office A member of your family is admitted to the hospital, so that visits can be made and the proper people notified. Your group plans to have a meeting, so that it can be cleared on the church calendar. Either your home or business phone number or email address has been changed. A new baby arrived in your family. You are planning to move. There has been a death in the family. A member of your family leaves home for college or service. You feel the church can help you in any way. Feel free to call the office to discuss issues that are important to you. July 1 - Suzanne & Jay Curtis Gloria & Ronald Sidovar 7 - Cindy & Jerry Barndt 18 - Diane & Tom Noraas 19 - Mary Jean & Ronald Huth 21 - Debbie & Thomas Bross 22 - Christa & James Knecht 24 - Sandra & Paul Swedar 25 - Dawn & Thomas Green 27 - Holly & Robert Bennett Susan & Ronald Mahorsky 28 - Margaret & Howard Schoeneberger Amanda & James Walter Be sure to mark your calendars for our outdoor worship services at 9:30 am on the lawn of the Whitefield House weather permitting th July 13 with Schoeneck Moravian Church Bring your chairs and blankets too! BIRTHDAYS August 2 - Charles Coutant Robert Kleintop 3 - Jeffrey Schienholz 4 - William Duane Elija Horan 5 - Amanda Duane 7 - John Rizzotto IV Kris Stofanak 8 - Delaney Bennett Jonathan Ochs 10 - Cindy Barndt Christian Morgenstern 11 - Susan Sigafoos 12 - Meghan DiRocco Emma Rawlings-Smith 13 - Dino Fantozzi 15 - Deborah Alvino Colin Bauer Ronald Serfass 17 - Joan Schramm 18 - Patrick Cunningham Albert Smith 19 - Holly Bennett Adam Bergstresser Robert Kemmerer 20 - Nicole Fleming Susan Mucha 22 - Lee Bauer Thomas Bross 23 - Lauren Scollo 24 - Monika Whitten Margaret Yeakel 25 - Grace Bankowski 26 - Andrew Toth 29 - Talia Fantozzi Roger Huth 30 - Stephen Brown Jill Kauffman Jeffrey Serfas Chris Tsurumaki 31 - Eric Kenlin Brian Trauger August 3 - Betty & Kevin Konczyk 5 - Donna & Eric Kenlin 6 - Barbara & William Kahler 7 - Virginia & Glenn Boerstler 12 - Sherry & Jeffrey Gehris 13 - Jean & Fred Balliett 14 - Barbara & George Moffitt 18 - Katie & Kyle Norass 19 - Sandy & Bill Gold Jeanine & Paul Wickmann Catherine & Rodney Ward 20 - Amy & Jeffrey Serfas 22 - Anne & William Moss III 23 - Tanya & David Furry 24 - Robin & Edward Anthony 25 - Kris & Michael Stofanak 26 - Bobbie & James Wagner 30 - Natalee & Christopher Hercik AUGUST ELEVATOR OPERATORS August 3 - Scott Swedar 10 - Terry Hunt 17 - Robert Reagle 24 - Ed Anthony 31 - Jay Curtis AUGUST USHERS Sandy Swedar, Captain Bonnie Walter Brian Walter Carrie Cilbrith Tabatha Clark Debbie Rizzotto Robin Anthony Cheryl Borck Wendy Frey AUGUST NURSERY CARE August 3 - Kathy & Dave Schulte 10 - Rebecca & Chris Crook 17 - Lois Calvo 24 - Rob & Holly Bennett 31 - Nora Fantozzi th ELDERS SERVING AUGUST 10 COMMUNION Serving - John Stocker Assisting - Natalee Hercik & Ed Werkheiser AUGUST LAY READERS Aug. 3 - Patricia Morgenstern 10 - Traci Stocker 17 - John Stocker 24 - Cheryl Borck 31 - Gwen Peischl August Card Person is Susan Mucha Counting Offering in August Through August 11 - Gwen Ritter August 18 - Susan Mahorsky August 25 - Catherine Ward AUGUST MUSIC SCHEDULE August 3 - Lovefeast - Brass Choir 10 - Communion Remember all articles for the September Chimes are due to the Church Office by August 15th. A change is being made I know, I know, we resist change; but this change will help us with our mailing expenses. The “Chimes” you have received this month, JULY, also includes the AUGUST “Chimes.” That’s correct; you will not receive another “Chimes” until the September issue. We are combining the summer issue. This will save us the expense of mailing, paper, ink, and time. So enjoy reading the events that will be happening in our congregation and in our community for the next two months and save the July/August calendars. Summer is a time for relaxation, vacations, swimming and attending picnics. I pray that your summer plans will keep you safe as you travel and as you enjoy your families. Remember to attend worship this summer, whether that is here at Nazareth Moravian or while you are on vacation. Remember also, that the church does not take a summer vacation. We will be open all summer long; so join us each Sunday at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary as we celebrate the joy of being a Christian. A Stewardship Moment “If you’re looking out for #1 Make sure you know who is Number 1 The First Commandment is: “You shall have no other Gods before me.” Deuteronomy 5:7 Jesus said: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:21 6/1 65 JUNE ATTENDANCE 6/8 6/15 6/22 6/29 162 148 Worship in July and August July 6 – Holy Communion – The John Hus Festival Our Call to Worship this morning will be Psalm 135:1-13 and we will celebrate the nation’s birthday by singing “America the Beautiful” and praying the Liturgy for National Occasions. In remembrance of what Jesus has done for us and in remembrance of John Hus, we will celebrate Holy Communion. Join us on this special occasion in the life of our Country and the Moravian Church. July 13 – Outdoor service on the lawn of the Whitefield House. This year the Schoeneck Moravian Church will be leading us in worship as combined churches we celebrate the joy of being a Christian. July 20 - Our Call to Worship today will be Psalm 86:1117 and we will welcome into our fellowship Victoria Marie Benner through Infant Baptism. Victoria is the daughter of Trisha and Dean Benner. The message today is entitled “Tell us a Story.” Read Matthew 13:24-20 before attending worship this morning. July 27 - Our Call to Worship today will be Psalm 119:129-136. The message today is entitled “Hidden Treasure.” Read Matthew 13:31-33 & 44-52 before attending worship. August 3 – A Lovefeast will be served in Celebration of th the Festival of August 13 . Join us for this special day. Not only will we enjoy a lovefeast but we will also celebrate the 30+ years of our Director of Music – Organist, Jeanne Serfas. This will be Jeanne’s last Sunday as our Director of Music – Organist. We have been blessed by Jeanne’s gift of music and we will miss her. Let’s start Jeanne’s retirement in grand style. Join us for this special celebration as we gather in Fellowship Hall directly after the Lovefeast. August 10 – Holy Communion will be observed in th Celebration of the Festival of August 13 . Our Call to Worship today will be Psalm 85:8-13. The message this morning is entitled “Faith drives out Fear.” Read Matthew 14:-33 before attending worship today. August 17 - Our Call to Worship today will be Psalm 67. The message this morning is entitled “The M&M’s of God.” Read Matthew 15:10-28 before attending worship this morning. August 24 - Our Call to Worship today will be Psalm 138. The message this morning is entitled “Who do You Say I Am.” Read Matthew 16:13-20 before attending worship today. August 31 - Our Call to Worship today will be Psalm 6:18. The message this morning is entitled “Life’s Strangest Paradox.” Read Matthew 16:21-28 before attending worship today. TAKE NOTE SEPTEMER 7, 2014 WE BEGIN OUR FALL HOURS. WITH WORSHIP IN THE CHAPEL AT 8:15 A.M. TAKE NOTE There will be ONLY ONE Service of Worship on th September 7 at 8:15 am. th Rally Day at Camp Hope on September 7 begins at 10:00 am. Our Sunday school teachers will be meeting with their classes at 10:00 am for some fun things to do. Then at 10:30 am we will all gather in the Lower Lodge for a time of singing – camp songs of courseLand at 11:00 am Pastor Gehris will lead us in a Service of Worship. After we worship together, we will gather at the tables under the picnic pavilion for fellowship and good food. The swimming pool and lake front will be open for two hours after lunch. This is a great time for families to be introduced to our Church Camp, particularly for children and youth who have never attended camp during the summer. Join us for a great day at Camp Hope. Please contact Patty Morgenstern at [email protected] or (610) 253-1547. Fall Bible Study The Fall Bible Study will begin on th Wednesday, September 10 at 7 pm. There will be a sign up sheet on the table in the rear of the Chapel. We will be studying the book of Daniel. This ten week study will guide us chapter by chapter through the Old Testament book of Daniel. “What Jesus said about the prophet John the Baptist we could say about the prophet Daniel. What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? L But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet.” Matthew 11:7 & 9. “Daniel dared to be different. Instead of bending and blending like a reed, he stood like a mighty oak, rooted in the Lord and defying the storms of change that raged about him.” Join us for this new Bible Study beginning on th September 10 at 7 pm. Confirmation Class of 2014-2015 Letters have been sent out to youth inviting them to be part of the up-coming confirmation class. If your th son or daughter is entering 7 grade or is 13 years of age and has not received a letter, please contact Pastor Gehris. Each confirmand has been asked to designate an adult mentor who they would like to work with during the up-coming class. I pray that if you are a member who is asked to be a mentor that you will prayerful consider serving and respond in a positive way. Confirmation class will begin on Sunday th September 15 with a covered dish dinner at 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. The Huth Educational Award The Huth Educational Award is a one-time only award that may be given to an applicant who is a member or applicants who are members of the Nazareth Moravian Church and who are continuing their education and seeking a degree from a four-year or two-year college or university. Applications to apply for this Award are available in the Church Office st and must be completed and received by August 1 . The Board of Trustees will review all applications and make a final determination as to who shall receive the award or awards. For more information contact the Church Office. Reaching In – Reaching Out The Joyful Noise Offering collected during July and August will be given to Loaves and Fishes. Loaves and Fishes continue to serve a hot lunch each Saturday at st nd rd Noon on the 1 and 2 Saturday’s in Bath and the 3 , th th 4 , and 5 Saturday’s in Nazareth. Nazareth Moravian will host Loaves and th Fishes at Noon on Saturday August 30 when we will once again set up a picnic area on our parking lot. The grill will be turned on and once again we will be grilling hot dogs for our guests. We will also be serving picnic type food on that day. If you would like to assist contact either Jan Ochs or Rodney Ward. The annual Summer Lunch Program began in June and will continue until the th week of August 18 . We have had a great turn out of volunteers this year and have been blessed by many donations of food and funds. Watch for a final report in September. Nazareth Days will happen once again th this year on Saturday July 19 . Once again we will be setting up a dunk tank and a moon bounce on the lawn in front of the parsonage. We will also be selling hot dogs prepared on the grill, potato chips and beverages. Volunteers are needed to help during the day to man different activities. Call Jan at 484-505-8145 to volunteer. Join us between 10 am and 4 pm for some ‘summer fun!’ Shoo Fly Pies We will be baking & selling Shoo Fly Pies for Nazareth Day on July 19, 2014. If you can bake or sell we would love to have you share your talents. The schedule is as follows: Baking th Wednesday July 16 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM th Thursday July 17 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Selling Thursday Thursday July 17 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM th July 17 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM Friday Friday July 18 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM th July 18 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM th th There is a job for everyone, so don’t be shy. Call Linda Crook 610-759-6704. Future Events September 14 8:15 am and 10:45 am Holy Communion at both services. Sunday School Covered Dish Breakfast 9:30 a.m. September 28 All Choirs Lovefeast at both services. th November 16 is open for flower sponsorship. If you would like to sponsor flowers for the Worship Service of November 16th in the sanctuary, please contact Holly Bachman (phone number is available in the church office or in the membership phone directory). Wonderful News from Kristen Shook Bodenstein We're very excited to report that Jacob Edward Bodenstein was born on Saturday, May 17th at Greenwich Hospital and weighed in at 7lbs 3oz. All are happy, healthy! Jacob has a big sister, Sarah (6), and in addition to my sister's children, Grandmother Bobbie Shook now has 5 grandchildren (2 girls, 3 boys!). Welcome Jacob! Bright Star Circle is still collecting labels, which can be any labels, from Campbell’s soups, including Chunky, Healthy Request, Campbell’s Select Soups. No Progresso labels please. We are also collecting labels from Prego Sauces, V8, V8 Splash and Pepperidge Farm products. Please bring in the whole label. We need the complete label with the UPC code. These labels will be sent to Navajo Indian students who collect them and receive remuneration for the labels. This helps them with their schooling. Remember, any Campbell, Prego or Pepperidge Farm label will help. Bring them to the church and deposit them in the box located on the shelf outside the church office. We would like to thank you all for supporting us in the collection of Campbell’s labels. Keep up the good work! Vacation Bible School will run the week of July 7 – 11 th from 9 am to 12 noon for ages 3 through 5 grade. Again both Nazareth and Schoeneck Moravian Churches have teamed up to offer VBS and it will be hosted at Schoeneck Moravian Church. The theme this year is SHINE! VBS registration forms may be picked up in the Church office or on the table in the back of the Chapel. Registration Fees are: $10 per child or $20 per family of 2 or more. Cash or check to Schoeneck Moravian Church (VBS). Pre-register to get your CD of VBS music! Helpers are always needed, and if you are interested in volunteering time and your talents to support the VBS ministry, please contact the Church office at (610) 759-3163 or [email protected]. Martin on Main event will be August 2, 1 to 7 pm, rain or shine. We already have a few volunteers signed up to help with the (4) 2hours shifts that will be needed; the shifts will be 12-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8. Items being sold are: bottles of water, soda, meatball hoagies, Moravian Sugar Cake and Hershey chocolate bars. Please contact Patty Morgenstern [email protected]. Teachers and helpers are still needed to help in our Sunday School ministry. We still have openings in K-1 grades class, 2-3 grades class and the Adult class. Even if you have not been personally contacted yet, but you would love to become part of our ministry, please contact Patty Morgenstern at [email protected]. th *Remember teachers on August 24 at 11 am there is Teacher Training scheduled with Marie Couts. Snacks will be provided. Contact Patty Morgenstern (610) 2531547 with any conflicts. REMINDER - There is no Children’s Church this summer. A Thank You from the Youth Group The Youth Group sponsored Ham Dinner held on May 30, 2014. 65 people attended and the profit from the dinner was $372.82. And a Thank You from Pastor Jeff I want to thank the members of the Joint Board, our Administrative Assistant and all the members of th Nazareth Moravian for the ‘surprise’ 30 Anniversary th Worship Service on Sunday June 15 . I knew something was going on but did not know what – and what a shock, to be able to sit with my family during worship and to have many of the board members pitch in and take over the service. Thank you also to The Rev. David Bennett, President of the Eastern District, for bringing the message. For the choir members for singing one of my favorite hymns and for the gift and cards presented to me, thank you! I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy working with all of you. Thank you for a very special day in my life and for serving God here in Nazareth. Bless you all and thank you once again. Pastor Jeff Gehris An Invitation The Rt. Rev. Edwin Sawyer will be turning 100 years old on July 20. He would welcome cards and notes. His address is 300 W. Lemon St. Lititz, PA 17543. Please keep him in your prayers at this century milestone! 2015 Daily Texts The pre-order prices for the Daily Texts for 2015 remain the same as last year. The due date for pre-orders will th be around August 13 . Call the office (610-759-3163) to order your copy before the due date to receive the discounted prices. REMEMBER... On the first Sunday of every month, we collect canned food and cereal at the entrances to the church. Food donations can be left on the floor at either the north or the south doors. The food will be gathered and taken to the food bank. Cash donations are welcome. Please mark the special offering envelopes with the words “Food Bank” and place in the offering plates so that the gift may be directed to the proper location. The collection dates for the remainder of the year 2014 will be July 6, Aug. 3, Sept. 14, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE LEHIGH VALLEY, PA PERMIT NO. 757 “The Chimes” Nazareth Nazareth Moravian Church PO Box 315 Nazareth, PA 1806418064-0315 0315 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED “On the Square” A Protestant Church since 1457 Phone: 610-759-3163 Fax: 610-759-3175 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nazarethmoravian.org Published monthly - Issue 7 DO NOT DELAY - DATED MATERIAL An invitation to worship in July July & August for - “The Chimes” Nazareth Moravian Church July July 2014 2014 Our Mission: “To minister, as living witnesses, the the saving grace of Jesus Christ” 2014 4… The Nazareth Moravian congregation’s Watchword for 201 “Christ says, “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me.” John 10:14 Rev. Jeffrey D. Gehris, Pastor Barbara Wieller, Administrative Assistant Jeanne L. Serfas, Director of Music Lois Calvo, Nursery Supervisor Patty Morgenstern - Sunday School Coordinator Our Summer Sunday Schedule 9:30 am Worship