Conference Program


Conference Program
ACM IMCOM 2016, January 4–6
Danang, Vietnam
Conference Program
| Hosted by |
| Sponsored by |
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
모시는 글
ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP) 가 후 원 하 는 제 10 회
IMCOM (International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and
Communication)가 2016년 1월 4일(월)부터 6일(수)까지 청정 보호 구역과 최고급
시설이 함께 어우러진 휴식지인 베트남 다낭 Hyatt Regency Resort and Spa 에서
개최됩니다. 새로운 미래 생활 환경에서는 인간, 컴퓨터, 사물 간의 상호작용을 위한
새로운 패러다임 생성과 라이프로그를 이용한 전생애적 컴퓨팅, 사물의 특성을
고 려 한 어 포 든 스 (affordance) 컴 퓨 팅 , 그 리 고 개 별 사 용 자 를 위 한 맞 춤 형
(customization) 컴퓨팅으로의 변화를 요구합니다. ACM IMCOM 2016에서는 IoT 미래
사회 발전과 새로운 패러다임에 기여하는 학술 교류 활동 및 전문 지식의 전파를
위해서 세계 최고 수준의 전문가들을 모시고 심도 있는 토론의 장을 마련하고자
ACM IMCOM 2016는 SCOPUS와 EI에 등재되어 있어 국제학술대회로서의 높은 권위를
유지하고 있습니다. 금년에는 16개국, 국내외 50개 이상의 기관에서 총 305편의
논문을 제출하였고, 그 중 107편의 논문이 선정되었으며, 수준 높은 학술 교류를
위해 각각 두 분의 기조강연자와 초청강연자를 모셨습니다. 기조강연자로는 미국
Pennsylvania State University의 Jim Jansen 교수님, 3D 비주얼 컴퓨팅 및 Machine
Vision 분 야 의 권 위 자 인 중 국 Peking University 의 Hongbin Zha 교 수 님 을
초대하였습니다. 초청강연자로 Ho Chi Minh University of Technology의 Tru Hoang
Cao 교수님, SDN 분야에서 명망 높은 Hanoi University of Science and Technology의
Thanh Huu Nguyen 교수님을 초빙하여, 수준 높은 강연을 준비하였습니다. 열띤
토론과 학술정보의 교환은 물론 폭넓은 친교를 통해 성대한 만남의 장과 성공적인
학술회의가 이루어질 수 있도록 부디 적극 참석하시어 본 학술회의를 더욱 빛내
주 시 길 부 탁 드 립 니 다 . 또 한 학 술 대 회 행 사 중 논 누 옥 (Non Nuoc) 의 환 상 적 인
해안선을 탐험하면서 고요하고 황홀한 풍광을 감상하거나 다낭 최고급 호텔에서의
휴식을 통하여 재충전의 기회를 충분히 즐기시길 바랍니다.
대한민국 성균관대학교에서 시작된 작은 학술회의가 발전의 발전을 거듭하여 이제
매년 300편 이상의 논문이 제출되고 많은 분들이 아끼며 주목하는 세계수준의
학술회의로 자리 잡았습니다. 많은 분들께서 노력해 주심으로 인해 미국과 유럽
중심의 저명한 국제학술회의와 어깨를 견줄 정도로 발전하고 있음에 진심으로 감사
드립니다. 모두의 노력과 희생이 헛되지 않도록 아시아지역에서 더욱 성실하게
성장하는 학술회의가 되기 위하여 운영진 모두가 최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다.
여러분의 가정에 항상 평화가 있으시길 기원합니다.
성균관대 정보통신대학장 전 병 우
성균관대 소프트웨어대학장 엄 영 익
ACM IMCOM 2016 학회장 이 석 한
Lajos Hanzo
Roslan Ismail
프로그램위원장 김 동 수
김 상 욱
운영위원장 추 현 승
Message from General Co-Chairs .................................. 02
Message from Program Co-Chairs ................................. 03
Organizing and Program Committees ............................ 04
Program at a Glance ................................................... 05
Keynote Speakers ....................................................... 07
Invited Speakers ......................................................... 08
Conference Program .................................................... 09
Maps ......................................................................... 23
Welcome Reception ..................................................... 24
Banquet Dinner……....................................................... 26
Travel Information ...................................................... 27
Memo ........................................................................ 36
Message from General Co-Chairs
On behalf of the organizing committee, we welcome you to Da Nang, Vietnam,
a world renowned vacationing place, for the 10th International Conference on
Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication sponsored by ACM
(ACM IMCOM 2016). We are very fortunate and honored to have renowned
people of their respective fields gathering here getting involved in the process
of submitting papers, chairing sessions, reviewing papers, and organizing the
Over the years IMCOM has evolved into a distinguished conference in Asia
Pacific region. Behind this success, is the hardship of many committee
members who have devoted their precious time to promote and advertise
IMCOM pole to pole. The conference is an amalgam of high-quality submissions
brought forward by thorough research to meet the high standard required, as
of in today’s world.
Suk-Han Lee
Sungkyunkwan University,
On the occasion of 10th conference of the IMCOM series, we proudly present
you with terrific technical and social programs. 3 days of technical programs
are carefully designed to cover encyclopedic diversity, inspiration and
technicality. Your active participation in the sessions will be awarded with
precious yet timely messages you can take home from the two keynote and
two invited speeches by high-profile speakers.
That’s not it! Meanwhile your stay here in Da Nang for your research can also
be a great source of recreation. Da Nang! A central coastal city is a world
famous travel destination with her sandy beaches, picturesque surroundings,
rich culture, diverse heritage and profound history. Please, enjoy your stay by
combining your conference activities with surfing, diving, experiencing cultural,
historical and archaeological attractions, visiting shopping centers, spas, cafés,
parks, and many more. We believe you will make unforgettable memories here.
Lajos Hanzo
University of Southampton,
Again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the committee
members’ and referees’ contributions in this event. Our special thanks are due
to Profs. Dongsoo S. Kim and Sang-Wook Kim: the Program Committee CoChairs, Profs. Amna Saad, KC Keecheon Kim and Sang Yep Nam: the Local
Arrangement Co-Chairs, Profs. Hyunseung Choo and Azliana Mohamed: the
Treasurer and Operation Co-Chairs, and all other Chairs. Last but not least, we
appreciate the support from international and domestic partnerships for this
event, that is, the partnerships between Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, and
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as well as with Yonsei University, Ajou
University and Chonnam National University, Korea.
We wish your participation in ACM IMCOM 2016 being a memorable one with
both valuable technical exchanges and wonderful cultural and outdoor
experiences in Da Nang.
Suk-Han Lee
Lajos Hanzo
Roslan Ismail
General Co-Chairs
Roslan Ismail
Universiti Kuala Lumpur,
Message from Program Co-Chairs
Welcome to the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information
Management and Communication (IMCOM) 2016. This year venue perfectly
matches the diversity of this conference by presenting its own rich diversity in
picturesque scenery, history and culture.
The ACM IMCOM 2016 aims to provide a platform for promoting new visionary
approaches and interdisciplinary researches. New evolving technology and
novel ideas on the horizon, in the areas of information management,
communication technologies and their implications for social interaction, lays
the firm foundation of the conference. The conference has served as the most
vital platforms for researchers and developers to exchange innovative ideas,
information and significant research achievements; and provides a unique
opportunity in which both technology and social science meet. Two main tracks
for information processing management and communication will be held,
covering both research and application works of information management,
intelligent information processing, interaction management, networking
/telecommunications, and social interaction.
This year's conference contains four outstanding speeches of two keynote
speakers, and two invited speakers, 12 oral sessions, 4 poster sessions, and 3
short sessions. This year's review process was very competitive and rigorous,
which resulted in a very strong and pivotal conference program. We received
305 submissions from many countries around the world. As a result of a neat,
careful and strict review process, we selected 107 papers to be presented in the
oral and poster sessions (35.1% acceptance rate). All of the accepted papers
not only consists of novel ideas, new results, work in progress, and state-ofthe-art techniques, but also provides us with the directions and stimulation for
future research activities in the area of information management and
communication technologies.
We are grateful to all of the authors, reviewers, and members of the program
committee for their remarkable efforts and contributions. Without their most
valued help and cooperation, the tedious task of submission handling and paper
reviewing could not have been successfully accomplished. We also praise the
valiant effort by session chairs who accepted our request to manage sessions
of the conference.
Dongsoo S. Kim
Indiana University,
Sang-Wook Kim
Hanyang University,
We thank the General Co-Chairs, Suk-Han Lee, Lajos Hanzo, and Roslan Ismail
for their great support and help. We also thank everyone who has contributed
to the program – the authors, the reviewers, the program committee members
and other organizing committee members for their splendid work.
We wish you to have a productive and enjoyable conference in Danang,
Dongsoo S. Kim
Sang-Wook Kim
Program Co-Chairs
Organizing and Program Committees
Organizing Committee
| General Co-Chairs |
Suk-Han Lee
Lajos Hanzo
Roslan Ismail
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
University of Southampton, UK
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
| Program Committee Co-Chairs |
Dongsoo S. Kim
Indiana University, USA
Sang-Wook Kim
Hanyang University, Korea
| Advisory Co-Chairs |
Sajal K. Das Missouri University Science & Technology, Rolla, USA
Susanto Rahardja
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Zalizah Awang Long
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Jin Hyung Kim
KAIST, Korea
| Keynote Speaker Chair |
Masato Oguchi
Ochanomizu University, Japan
| Publicity Co-Chairs |
Toyohide Watanabe
Nagoya University, Japan
Safurah Abdul Jalil
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Zhenhua Duan
Xidian University, China
Wei Yao
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
| Poster Chair|
Gary Geunbae Lee
| Registration Chair |
Eui-Nam Huh
KangWoo Lee
Kyung Hee University, Korea
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
| Local Arrangements Co-Chairs |
Amna Saad
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sang Yep Nam
Kookje University, Korea
KC Keecheon Kim
Konkuk University, Korea
| Treasurer & Conference Operation Co-Chairs |
Hyunseung Choo
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Azliana Mohamed
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
| Sponsorship Co-Chairs |
Samratul J. Sidal, Suhaili Din
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
| Event Co-Chairs |
Kim De Silva
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
| Special Session Co-Chairs |
Vyacheslav Zalyubovski Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia
Lekha Chaisorn
National University of Singapore, Singapore
| Partner University Co-Chairs |
Hyeran Byun
Yonsei University, Korea
Young-Bae Ko
Ajou University, Korea
GueeSang Lee
Chonnam National University, Korea
| Journal Co-Chairs |
Minho Jo
Dong In Kim
Sungyoung Lee
Korea University, Korea
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Kyung Hee University, Korea
Program Committee
Nazim Agoulmine
University of Evry, France
Nilanjan Banerjee
IBM, India
Andrea Bianchi
KAIST, Korea
Frank Biocca
Syracuse University, USA
Jit Biswas
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Jaehyuk Cha
H an y an g U n i v e rsi t y , K or e a
Mainak Chatterjee
University of Central Florida, USA
Asmatullah Chaudhry
PINSTECH, Pakistan
Kwang-Chen Chen
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Hwan-Gue Cho
Pusan National University, Korea
Kwangsu Cho
University of Missouri, USA
Seong Je Cho
Dankook University, Korea
Sung-Bae Cho
Yonsei University, Korea
Hyung Jin Choi
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Jongmoo Choi
Dankook University, Korea
Seongsook Choi
University of Warwick, UK
Yong Suk Choi
Hanyang University, Korea
Wook Choi
Samsung Electronics, Korea
Robson Cordeiro
Sao Paulo University, Brazil
Tran Khanh Dang Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam
Alok K. Das
Jadavpur University, India
Ding Zhu Du
University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Hongwei Du
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Young Ik Eom
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Hiroshi Esaki
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Adil I. Erzin
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia
Sidney Fels
University of British Columbia, Canada
Angel Pasqual Del Pobil Ferre
Jaume I University, Spain
Olivier Flauzac
Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
Xi aofeng Gao
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Deke Guo
National University of Defense Technology, China
Hwansoo Han
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Syed Faraz Hasan
Massey University, New Zealand
Choong Seon Hong
Kyung Hee University, Korea
Byeungwoo Jeon
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Jae Wook Jeon
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Beomjin Kim
Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA
Donghyun Kim
North Carolina Central University, USA
Hyoungsick Kim
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Mihui Kim
Hankyong National University, Korea
Kazuhiko Kinoshita
Osaka University, Japan
C.-C. Jay Kuo
University of Southern California, USA
Tei-Wei Kuo
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
B e l l at re ch e L a d j e l
E N S MA , F r an c e
Jae Young Lee
Boston University, USA
Jee-Hyong Lee
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Jinkyu Lee
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Kwan Min Lee
University of Southern California, USA
Sang-goo Lee
Seoul National University, Korea
Tae-Jin Lee
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Wonjun Lee
Korea University, Korea
Dan Li
Tsinghua University, China
Deyi ng Li
Renmin University, China
Xi anyue Li
Lanzhou University, China
Hu an Li
Beih an g Un ive rsi ty, Chin a
Fangming Liu Huazhong University of Science Technology, China
Qi an g M a
K y ot o U n i v e rsi t y , J a pan
Masahiro Mambo
Kanazawa University, Japan
Yoshifumi Masunaga
Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Manki Min
South Dakota State University, USA
Tutomu Murase
NEC Corporation, Japan
Shahrulniza Musa
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Matt W. Mutka
Michigan State University, USA
In Seop Na
Chonnam National University, Korea
Anh Tuan Nguyen
University of Information Technology, Vietnam
Huu Thanh Nguyen
Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam
Van Duc Nguyen
Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam
Pavan S. Nuggehalli
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Heejin Park
Hanyang University, Korea
The Bao Pham
University of Science, Vietnam
Cristina M. Pinotti
University of Perugia, Italy
Wenny Rahayu
La Trobe University, Australia
Alexey S. Rodionov
Siberian State University, Russia
Minsoo Ryu
Hanyang Univeristy, Korea
Kouichi Sakurai
Kyushu University, Japan
Ai mi n San g
NE C L aborat ory , U SA
Navrati Saxena
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Winston Seah
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Vladimir Shakhov
Dong Hee Shin
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Dongkun Shin
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Yeong-Tae Song
Towson University, USA
S. Shyam Sundar
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Dan-keun Sung
KAIST, Korea
David Taniar
Monash University, Australia
Fumio Teraoka
Keio University, Japan
Nam Thoai
Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam
Trung Dung Tran
University of Science, Vietnam
R yu y a U da
T oky o U n i v e rsi t y of T e ch n ol ogy , J apan
Taketoshi Ushi ama
Kyushu University, Japan
Shahrokh Valaee
University of Toronto, Canada
Duc Lung Vu
University of Information Technology, Vietnam
Koichiro Wakasugi
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Qi anxi ang Wang
Peking University, China
Wei Wang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Dongho Won
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
F an Wu
Sh an gh ai J i ao T on g U n i v e rsi t y , C h i n a
K ai Xi n
U n i v e rsi t y of Sci e n ce an d T e ch n ol ogy , C h i n a
S an e y a su Y am a gu ch i
K oga ku i n U n i v e rsi t y , J a pan
Chung-Huang Yang
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Haruo Yokota
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Seong-Moo Yoo
University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
Jiangsheng Yu
Peking University, China
Cangzhou Yuan
Beihang University, China
Yan Zhang
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Xiangliang Zhang
King Abdullah University, Saudi Arabia
Huachun Zhou
Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Program at a Glance
| January 04, 2016 (Monday) |
Session 1:
Session 2:
Ad-Hoc Networks
Cellular Networks
Coffee Break &
Poster Session 1: Networking/Telecommunications
Session 3:
Wired and Wireless
with Invited Talk 1
(Prof. Thanh Huu Nguyen)
Session 4:
Lunch Break
Keynote Speech 1: Prof. Jim Jansen
Opening Remarks (SALON IV + V)
Coffee Break &
Poster Session 2: Interaction Systems
Session 5:
Session 6:
Network Softwarization
Short Break
Short Presentation Session 2:
PAM (Performance, Algorithm and
Short Presentation Session 1:
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Free Time
Departure for Naman Retreat
(Two buses are operated)
Welcome Reception
(Naman Retreat)
Program at a Glance
| January 05, 2016 (Tuesday) |
Session 7:
Session 8:
Social Analytics
Big Cloud
Coffee Break &
Poster Session 3: Social Intelligence
Session 9:
Computational Intelligence
with Invited Talk 2
(Prof. Tru Hoang Cao)
Session 10:
Computer Vision
Lunch Break
Keynote Speech 2: Prof. Hongbin Zha
Coffee Break &
Poster Session 4: Data Acquisition and Learning
Session 11:
Session 12:
Machine Learning
Information Retrieval and Management
Short Break
G-ITRC Workshop - Intelligent Interaction Technologies for Companionship
Free Time
Conference Banquet
(Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa – Ballroom)
| January 06, 2016 (Wednesday) |
Program Committee Meeting
Coffee Break
Organizing Committee Meeting
Keynote Speakers
Monday, January 04, 2016, 13:50-14:30
Jim Jansen
College of Information Sciences and Technology
Information Searching and Learning Laboratory
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Principal Scientist
Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar
The Transformed Role of the Viewer: Second Screens
and the Social Soundtrack
The nearly ubiquitous use of mobile devices integrated with easy interface with social
media platforms facilitates a unique social interaction about broadcast media and other
events that alters the role of the viewer from a passive to an active function, with the
visitor engaged in information sharing, consumption, and dissemination often in real time.
This technology affordance for online conversation about an event is referred to as the
second screen phenomenon, although there may be multiple (i.e., more than two) screens
involved. The resulting online conversation from second screen interaction about an event
is referred to as the social soundtrack. The social soundtrack is an interesting
conversational form of information sharing, information interaction, and information
diffusion. This keynote will introduce the theoretical constructs and empirical measures of
social soundtrack and second screen research, along with application of these constructs
and measures in current investigations involving millions of posts on multiple social media
platforms. Research concerning social soundtrack and secondary screens is important in
identifying the influence and affordances that technology has on social media
conversations from an information sharing. Research findings can also shed light on social
communication in relationship to the cultural impact of broadcast media events, the social
interaction in cross technology usage for second screens, and the effect of second screen
technologies on pop culture and human information processing.
Tuesday, January 05, 2016, 13:50-14:30
Hongbin Zha
Department of Machine Intelligence
Key Lab of Machine Perception (MOE)
Peking University, China
3D Reconstruction for Object Modeling
and Scene Analysis
3D reconstruction is an important field in computer vision, and results accumulated in the
field have found wide applications in virtual reality, creative media design, and robotics.
But nevertheless, we still face great challenges when we try to use the techniques in
modeling both objects with complex structures or large-scale scenes. The major difficulties
come from several constraints in traditional approaches, including ambiguity and
uncertainty inherent in the reconstruction algorithms, limitation on viewpoint movements,
occlusion of objects, and low-resolutions of available 3D data. In the talk, I will introduce
some newly developed methods aiming to solve the problems by making good use of
imaging geometry principles and fusion of data from different sensors. Main topics
include: reconstruction from silhouettes from a camera system with two planar mirrors;
depth image super-resolution based on similarity-aware patchwork assembly; urban scene
description by analysis of 3D data collected from car-mounted sensors. I also will report
results from an application of such 3D digitization techniques in heritage documentation,
mainly for grotto objects and scenes.
Invited Speakers
Monday, January 04, 2015, 11:10-11:50
Thanh Huu Nguyen
School of Electronics and Telecommunications
Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Resource Efficient Virtual Network Embedding Based on
Software-Defined Networking
Network Virtualization (NV) allows multiple heterogeneous architectures to simultaneously
coexist on a shared infrastructure. Embedding multiple virtual networks (VNs) on a shared
substrate deals with efficient mapping of virtual resources on the physical infrastructure
and is referred to as the Virtual Network Embedding problem (VNE problem). Recently
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is considered as a potential technology that
overcomes current limits in network virtualization as it provides a flexible, customizable
way to abstract virtualized networks from physical infrastructure. However, since SDN is
still in its infancy, there are still technical issues that need to be further investigated. In
the first part of the talk, taxonomy and issues of network virtualization in SDN are
addressed. In the second part, REsource reSERvation in generalized Virtual NETworks
(ReServNet), a Software-Defined Networking platform designed for embedding multi-level
virtual networks on physical infrastructure is developed. By defining new softwarized
logical functions, ReServNet allows network administrators to create and manage multiple
virtual networks on top of the physical network and allocate bandwidth resources to them
accordingly. Moreover, the ReServNet framework allows for designing, prototyping,
benchmarking and evaluating the performance of different network embedding algorithms
easily in real SDN virtualization environments.
Tuesday, January 05, 2016, 11:10-11:50
Tru Hoang Cao
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Chair of Information Science
John von Neumann Institute
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Entity Recognition for Intelligent Information
Entity recognition is used here to name a broad task that recognizes textual mentions
representing entities in a document. An entity is a named entity, i.e. one that is referred
to by a proper name, or an abstract concept. Recognition levels may vary from as simple
as classifying an entity into a predefined category, to as far as linking it to an appropriate
entry in a knowledge base. In this sense, entity recognition covers or is related to a
variety of problems under different names such as named entity recognition, coreference
resolution, record linkage, entity disambiguation, and entity linking. Firstly, this talk
introduces entity recognition as a key component in natural language processing,
knowledge discovery, and information management applications. It then presents stateof-the-art approaches and methods for entity recognition, in particular entity linking.
Finally, it draws some open challenges in achieving a high accuracy entity recognition
system. Recent proposed solutions and obtained results of our research in this area are
also discussed in the talk.
Day 1
Conference Program
| 09:00-10:20, Monday, January 04, 2016 |
Session 1: Ad-Hoc Networks
09:00-10:20, Monday, January 04, 2016
Room: SALON IV + V
Session Chairs: Eui-Nam Huh, Vyacheslav Zalyubovskiy
The Betweenness Centrality Based Geographic Routing Protocol for Unmanned Ground Systems
Jinhyuk Yim (Graduate School of Ajou University, Korea),
Hyochun Ahn (Ministry of National Defense, Korea),
Young-Bae Ko (Graduate School of Ajou University, Korea)
A Secure Data Aggregation Approach in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks
Wei Min (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China),
Chen Ruixiang (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China),
He Shunbin (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Energy-efficient Topology Construction for Multi-attribute Data Gathering in WSNs
Naoki Shoji (Osaka University, Japan), Kazuya Matsuo (Osaka University, Japan),
Akimitsu Kanzaki (Shimane University, Japan), Shojiro Nishio (Osaka University, Japan)
A Routing Protocol Method that Sets up Multi-hops in the Ad-hoc Network
Woobin Kim (Konkuk University, Korea), Jungha Jin (Konkuk University, Korea),
Keecheon Kim (Konkuk University, Korea)
Session 2: Cellular Networks
09:00-10:20, Monday, January 04, 2016
Session Chairs: Dongsoo S. Kim, Masato Oguchi
Real-Time Traffic Activity Detection Using Mobile Devices
Cuong Pham (Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam),
Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy (Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam)
A Novel Weighting Method for Multiple OTDOA Based Positioning in 3GPP LTE System
Han Jun Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Kyunghoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Hyung-Jin Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Influence of The Spatial Correlation Properties on Coded MIMO-OFDM System Performance
Based on SCM in Urban Microcell Environment
Bach Tran (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Nga Nguyen Thu (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Van Duc Nguyen (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Byeungwoo Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Cluster-based Collaborative Caching for Amorphous User Cell Association
Tae Yeong Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Dong In Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Day 1
Conference Program
| 10:20-11:10, Monday, January 04, 2016 |
Poster Session 1: Networking/Telecommunications
10:20-11:10, Monday, January 04, 2016
Session Chairs: Van Duc Nguyen, Vyacheslav Zalyubovskiy, Farahwahida Mohd @ Abu Bakar
Hosting Virtual Machines on Distributed Datacenters
Chuan Pham (Kyung Hee University, Korea), Nguyen H.Tran (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Minh N.H. Nguyen (Kyung Hee University, Korea), Jae Hyeok Son (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
A Textile Antenna for Wearable Applications Using RFID Technology
Hien Doan Thi Ngoc (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Khang Nguyen Van (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Chien Dao Ngoc (Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Reduction of Wake-up Time for Partial Networking in Automotive System
Chae Hong Yi (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Yong Ju Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Jae Wook Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
A Distributed Scheme for Broadcast Scheduling in Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Networks
Thang Le-Duc (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Duc-Tai Le (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Byung-Seok Kang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Hyunseung Choo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Dung Tien Nguyen (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Vyacheslav Zalyubovskiy (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia)
Coalitional Game Theoretic Approach for Cooperation in Heterogeneous Cognitive Wireless
Tuan Le Anh (Kyung Hee University, Korea), Saeed Ullah (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Nguyen H. Tran (Kyung Hee University, Korea), Sung Soo Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Seung Il Moon (Kyung Hee University, Korea), Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Design of a Shipboard Outside Communication Network and the Test Bed Using PLC: for the
Workers’ Safety Management During Ship-Building Process
Jun-Ho Huh (Pukyong National University, Korea), Taehoon Koh (Pukyong National University, Korea),
Kyungryong Seo (Pukyong National University, Korea)
High Performance Indoor Location Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Using Invariant Received Signal
Mohd Nizam Husen (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Sukhan Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Parameterized Collision-tolerant Scheduling for Broadcast Latency Minimization in Duty-cycled
Wireless Sensor Networks
Duc-Tai Le (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Thang Le-Duc (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Yechan Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Hojin Hwang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Vyacheslav Zalyubovskiy (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia),
Hyunseung Choo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Dynamic Load Balancing of Local Mobility Anchors in SDN based Proxy Mobile IPv6
Syed M. Raza (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Donghan Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Yongdeuk Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), KangWoo Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Hyunseung Choo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Day 1
Conference Program
| 11:10-12:30, Monday, January 04, 2016 |
Session 3: Wired and Wireless
11:10-12:30, Monday, January 04, 2016
Room: SALON IV + V
Session Chairs: Minho Jo, Roslan Ismail
Invited Talk 1:
Resource Efficient Virtual Network Embedding Based on Software Defined Networking
Prof. Thanh Huu Nguyen (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
A Mechanism on Energy Harvesting and Data Communications in WiFi Network
Won Jin Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Syed Tariq Shah (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Daniyal Munir (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Tae-Jin Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Min Young Chung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
A New Approach to Measure the Utilizable Bandwidth
Dung Trung Tran (VNUHCM-University of Science, Vietnam),
Phong Thanh Tran (VNUHCM-University of Science, Vietnam),
Tu Tuan Tran (VNUHCM-University of Science, Vietnam)
Session 4: Authentication
11:10-12:30, Monday, January 04, 2016
Session Chairs: Hyoungshick Kim, Shahrulniza Musa
Electronic Door Access Control Using MyAccess Two-factor Authentication Scheme Featuring
Near-field Communication and Eigenface-based Face Recognition Using Principal Component
Delina Beh Mei Yin (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Muhammad Izzuddin Kamal (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Nurul Sharaz Azmanuddin (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Siti Haryani Shaikh Ali (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Abu Talib Othman (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Rita Zaharah Wan Chik (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
A Novel Authentication Protocol for Micropayment with Wearable Devices
Alexander Yohan (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan),
Nai-Wei Lo (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan),
Vincentius Randy (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan),
Shih-Jen Chen (Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan),
Ming-Yuan Hsu (Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan)
Personal Identification by Flick Input Using Self-Organizing Maps with Acceleration Sensor and
Takumi Nohara (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan),
Ryuya Uda (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)
Covering the Plane with Equal Sectors
Adil Erzin (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia),
Natalia Shabelnikova (Novosibirsk State University, Russia),
Vyacheslav Zalyubovskiy (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Day 1
Conference Program
| 14:40-15:30, Monday, January 04, 2016 |
Poster Session 2: Interaction Systems
14:40-15:30, Monday, January 04, 2016
Session Chairs: Ryuya Uda, Jinwoo Kim, Myzan Noor
Indoor Human Activity Recognition with Contextual Cues in Videos
Changmo Nam (KAIST, Korea),
Jun-Cheol Park (KAIST, Korea),
Dae-Shik Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Adaptive Features for MRF Based Cosegmentation
Huong Ninh (Chonnam National University, Korea),
Guee-Sang Lee (Chonnam National University, Korea)
MLP Based Pedestrian Counting
Kang-Min Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Gyu-Jin Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Gyu-Jin Jang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Young-Nam Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Moon-Hyun Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
A Hybrid Scheme for Face Template Protection
Abayomi Jegede (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia),
Nur Izura Udzir (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia),
Azizol Abdullah (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia),
Ramlan Mahmod (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
OS_Searching: Optimized Skeleton Based Recommender Searching Mechanism for the TrustAware Recommender System
Weiwei Yuan (University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China),
Donghai Guan (University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China),
Taeyeon Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Young-Koo Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Two-layered Ontology Model for Semantic Representation of S-100-based Data
Daewon Park (Dongseo University, Korea),
Jaeyang Park (Dongseo University, Korea),
Suhyun Park (Dongseo University, Korea)
A Real-time Facial Expression Recognizer Using Deep Neural Network
Jinwoo Jeon (KAIST, Korea), Jun-Cheol Park (KAIST, Korea),
Youngjoo Jo (KAIST, Korea), Changmo Nam (KAIST, Korea),
Kyung-Hoon Bae (SK Telecom Future R&D Center, Korea),
Youngkyoo Hwang (SK Telecom Future R&D Center, Korea),
Dae-Shik Kim (KAIST, Korea)
A New Under-sampling Method Using Genetic Algorithm for Imbalanced Data Classification
Jihyun Ha (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Jong-Seok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Day 1
Conference Program
| 15:30-16:50, Monday, January 04, 2016 |
Session 5: Network Softwarization
15:30-16:50, Monday, January 04, 2016
Room: SALON IV + V
Session Chairs: Van Duc Nguyen, Dongsoo S. Kim
Joint Vertical Handoff and Resource Allocation in OFDMA/TDD Systems Based on Software
Defined Wireless Network
Tung Doan Van (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Thanh Nguyen Huu (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Nam Tran Manh (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Hung Nguyen Tai (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Dung Nguyen Xuan (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Automotive ECU Software Reprogramming Method Based on Ethernet Backbone Network
to Save Time
Young Seo Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Jin Ho Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Seok Jin Jang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Jae Wook Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Monitoring Dynamic Modification of Routing Information in OpenFlow Networks
Saneyasu Yamaguchi (Kogakuin University, Japan), Akihiro Nakao (The University of Tokyo, Japan),
Masato Oguchi (Ochanomizu University, Japan), Atsuhiro Goto (Institute of Information Security, Japan)
Shu Yamamoto (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Improved Multi-hop Routing in Integrated VANET-LTE Hybrid Vehicular Networks
Zeeshan Hameed Mir (Qatar Mobility Innovations Center, Qatar),
Jaebeom Kim (Ajou University, Korea), Young-Bae Ko (Ajou University, Korea),
Fethi Filali (Qatar Mobility Innovations Center, Qatar)
Session 6: Security
15:30-16:50, Monday, January 04, 2016
Session Chairs: Keecheon Kim, Farahwahida Mohd @ Abu Bakar
Context Information-based Application Access Control Model
Young-Gab Kim (Sejong University, Korea), Yonghan Lee (IBM Korea, Korea)
Threat Assessment in the Cloud Environment – A Quantitative Approach for Security Pattern
Priya Anand (Pennsylvania State University, USA), Jungwoo Ryoo (Pennsylvania State University, USA),
Hyoungshick Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Eunhyun Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Cross-group Secret Sharing for Secure Cloud Storage Service
Chenyutao Ke (Kyushu University, Japan),
Hiroaki Anada (Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies, Japan),
Junpei Kawamoto (Kyushu University, Japan), Kirill Morozov (Kyushu University, Japan),
Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu University, Japan)
Effective CAPTCHA with Amodal Completion and Aftereffects
Kouta Sawada (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan),
Ryuya Uda (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)
Day 1
Conference Program
| 17:00-18:00, Monday, January 04, 2016 |
Short Presentation 1: Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
17:00-18:00, Monday, January 04, 2016
Room: SALON IV + V
Session Chairs: Jinwoo Kim, Ryuya Uda
A Study on Student Enrollment Prediction Using Data Mining
Norhaidah Abu Haris (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Munaisyah Abdullah (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Nurdatillah Hasim (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Fauziah Ab Rahman (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
A Customer Emotion Recognition through Facial Expression Using Kinect Sensor v1 and v2: A
Comparative Analysis
Hoa T. Le (Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology, Vietnam),
Larry A. Vea (Mapua Institute of Technology, Philippines)
Automated Content Analysis: A Sentiment Analysis on Malaysian Government Social Media
Siti Salwa Hasbullah (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Diana Maynard (University Of Sheffield, United Kingdom),
Rita Zaharah Wan Chik (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Farahwahida Mohd (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Myzan Noor (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Digital Congkak: The Art, Play and Experience Framework
Ahmad Fahmi Hj. Mohamad (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Jessifa Joana Mohd Supian (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Muhammad Syafiq Md Ribuan (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Smoke Detection Alert System via Mobile Application
Wan Hazimah Wan Ismail (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Herny Ramadhani Mohd Husny (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Norhaiza Ya Abdullah (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Mobile Games Usability Using the Idea of Mark Overmars
Farahwahida Mohd (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Myzan Noor (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Ezri Hielmi Che Daud (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Siti Salwa Hasbullah (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
A Linked Data Driven Semantic Model for Interpreting English Queries in Question Answering
Phong Nguyen Tran (University of Information Technology Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam),
Dang Tuan Nguyen (University of Information Technology Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
Actor in Multi Product Line
Azizah Rahmat (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Suzana Kassim (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Mohd Hasan Selamat (Universiti Putra, Malaysia),
Sa’adah Hassan (Universiti Putra, Malaysia)
Day 1
Conference Program
| 17:00-18:00, Monday, January 04, 2016 |
Short Presentation 2: PAM (Performance, Algorithm and Measurement)
17:00-18:00, Monday, January 04, 2016
Session Chairs: Toyohide Watanabe, Sangwook Kim
ACESS: Adaptive Channel Estimation and Selection Scheme for Coexistence Mitigation in WBANs
BeomSeok Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Jinsung Cho (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Dae-Young Kim (Changshin University, Korea),
Ben Lee (Oregon State University, USA)
An Efficient Grid Index for Moving Objects in Indoor Environments
YongHee Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
HaRim Jung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
JaeHee Jang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Ung-Mo Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Elasticity Improvement of Cassandra
Shohei Miyokawa (Kogakuin University, Japan),
Taiki Tokuda (Kogakuin University, Japan),
Saneyasu Yamaguchi (Kogakuin University, Japan)
A Novel Approach for Reducing HSR Unicast Traffic Using Pre-defined Dual Paths
Nguyen Xuan Tien (Myongji University, Korea),
Jong Myung Rhee (Myongji University, Korea)
Evaluating Semantic Relatedness Between Concepts
Phuc Duong (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam),
Hien Nguyen (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam),
Vinh Nguyen (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam)
Performance Analyses of Duplicated I/O Stack in Virtualization Environment
Minhoon Yi (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Dong Hyun Kang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Minho Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Inhyeok Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Young Ik Eom (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Penetration of Sunlight in the Multilevel Crown: A Case Study in Tropical Rain Forest
Yasmin Yahya (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Roslan Ismail (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Defect Density: A Review of the Calculation Based on System Size
Nurdatillah Hasim (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Norhaidah Abu Haris (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Aedah Abdul Rahman (Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Day 2
Conference Program
| 09:00-10:20, Tuesday, January 05, 2016 |
Session 7: Social Analytics
09:00-10:20, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Room: SALON IV + V
Session Chairs: Sung Y. Shin, Shahrulniza Musa
Stock Market Prediction Using Financial News Articles on Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange
Duc M. Duong (University of Information Technology - VNU HCMC, Vietnam),
Toan Nguyen (University of Information Technology - VNU HCMC, Vietnam),
Minh Dang (University of Information Technology - VNU HCMC, Vietnam)
Bypassing the Integrity Checking of Rights Objects in OMA DRM a Case Study with the MelOn
Music Service
Jusop Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
William Aiken (Pennsylvania State University, USA),
Jungwoo Ryoo (Pennsylvania State University, USA),
Hyoungshick Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
An SNS Based on Implicit Beneficial Social Relations in a Regional Community
Tomoaki Imajo (Kyushu University, Japan),
Kazutoshi Sumiya (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan),
Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu University, Japan)
The Social Media Dialogue through Ubiquitous Interactivity to Children’s Cognitive Development
Myzan Noor (MIIT UniKL, Malaysia),
Farahwahida Mohd (MIIT UniKL, Malaysia), Siti Salwa Hasbullah (MIIT UniKL, Malaysia)
Session 8: Big Cloud
09:00-10:20, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Session Chairs: Masato Oguchi, Choong Seon Hong
Fuzzy Fault Detection in IaaS Cloud Computing
Dinh-Mao Bui (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Thien Huynh-The (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Sungyoung Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Dynamic File Placing Control for Improving the I/O Performance in the Reduce Phase of Hadoop
Eita Fujishima (Kogakuin University, Japan),
Saneyasu Yamaguchi (Kogakuin University, Japan)
Hyper Word Clouds: A Visualization Technique for Data and Relationships Examination
Dinh Quyen Nguyen (Tan Tao University, Vietnam),
Dinh Dam Le (Tan Tao University, Vietnam)
Robust Features for Trustable Aggregation of Online Ratings
Hyun-Kyo Oh (Hanyang University, Korea),
Sang-Wook Kim (Hanyang University, Korea)
Day 2
Conference Program
| 10:20-11:10, Tuesday, January 05, 2016 |
Poster Session 3: Social Intelligence
10:20-11:10, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Session Chairs: KangWoo Lee, Sangyep Nam, Roslan Ismail
Solving University/Polytechnics Exam Timetable Problem Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Azmi Ahmad (University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
Faizah Shaari (Polytechnic Sultan Salahudin Abddul Aziz Shah, Malaysia)
Web Access Behaviour Model for Filtering out HTTP Automated Software Accessed Domain
Manh Cong Tran (National Defense Academy, Japan),
Yasuhiro Nakamura (National Defense Academy, Japan)
A Study of Security Management with Cyber Risk Insurance
Tomohisa Ishikawa (Kyushu University, Japan), Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu University, Japan)
Biometric Authentication by Handwriting Using Leap Motion
Satoshi Kamaishi (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan),
Ryuya Uda (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)
HTML and PDF Fuzzing Methodology in iOS
Je-Gyeong Jo (Chungnam National University, Korea),
Jae-Cheol Ryou (Chungnam National University, Korea)
A Virtual Server QoS Enhancement Method in Cloud Computing
Berihun Fekade (Korea University, Korea), Taras Maksymyuk (Korea University, Korea),
Minho Jo (Korea University, Korea)
An Index Scheme for Similarity Search on Cloud Computing Using MapReduce over Docker
Tri Nguyen (Kyung Hee University, Korea), Chan Ho Yong (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Xuan Qui Pham (Kyung Hee University, Korea), Huu Quoc Nguyen (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Loan Ton (Kyung Hee University, Korea), Eui-Nam Huh (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Auto-Scaling to Increase Throughput of Enterprise Applications on Private Clouds
Hung Ba Ngo (Cantho University, Vietnam), Nhan Cao Tran (Cantho University, Vietnam),
Loc Huu Nguyen (Cantho University, Vietnam)
A Study of Load Balancing between Sensors and the Cloud for a Real-Time Video Streaming
Analysis Application Framework
Yuko Kurosaki (Ochanomizu University, Japan),
Atsuko Takefusa (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan),
Hidemoto Nakada (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan),
Masato Oguchi (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
Clustering Search Engine Suggests by Modeling Topics of Web Pages Collected with Suggests
Yusuke Inoue (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Takakazu Imada (University of Tsukuba, Japan),
Syunya Doi (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Lei Chen (University of Tsukuba, Japan),
Takehito Utsuro (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Yasuhide Kawada (Logworks Co., Ltd., Japan)
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of Efficient Password-based User Authentication Scheme Using
Hash Function
Jaewook Jung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Donghoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Jiye Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Youngsook Lee (Howon University, Korea),
Dongwoo Kang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Dongho Won (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Day 2
Conference Program
| 11:10-12:30, Tuesday, January 05, 2016 |
Session 9: Computational Intelligence
11:10-12:30, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Room: SALON IV + V
Session Chairs: Toyohide Watanabe, Sung Y. Shin
Invited Talk 2:
Entity Recognition for Intelligent Information Management
Prof. Tru Hoang Cao (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam)
Multiple Influence Maximization in Social Networks
Honglin Sun(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China),
Xiaofeng Gao(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China),
Guihai Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China),
Jian Gu (The Third Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security, China),
Yongjian Wang (The Third Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security, China)
An Ontology-based Approach for Business Process Compliance Checking
Tuan Anh Pham (WIMMICS-INRIA/I3S - Nice Sophia Antipolis, France),
Nhan Le Thanh (WIMMICS-INRIA/I3S - Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)
Session 10: Computer Vision
11:10-12:30, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Session Chairs: Myzan Noor, Taketoshi Ushiama
An Interactive Activity Recognition Approach Using Articulated-Body Estimation and Pose-based
Thuong Le-Tien (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam),
Thien Huynh-The (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Sungyoung Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Yongik Yoon (Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea),
Operational Support for Origami Beginners by Correcting Mistakes
Hiroshi Shimanuki (Nihon Unisys, Ltd., Japan),
Yasuhiro Kinoshita (Nihon Unisys, Ltd., Japan),
Koichi Asakura (Daido University, Japan),
Hideki Sato (Daido University, Japan)
Toyohide Watanabe (Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute, Japan),
Virtual Running of GPS Vehicles for Trajectory Analysis
Bokuk Park (Pusan National University, Korea),
Sung-Hwan Kim (Pusan National University, Korea),
Taeyong Kim (Pusan National University, Korea),
Jinkwan Park (Pusan National University, Korea),
Hwan-gue Cho (Pusan National University, Korea)
An Efficient Geometric Shape Coding and Representation Approach to Obtain both Skeleton and
Ji Won Yoon (Korea University, Korea)
Day 2
Conference Program
| 14:30-15:20, Tuesday, January 05, 2016 |
Poster Session 4: Data Acquisition and Learning
14:30-15:20, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Session Chairs: Shahrulniza Musa, Sangyep Nam, Tru Hoang Cao
An Efficient Method for Monitoring Continuous Top-k Queries
JaeHee Jang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), HaRim Jung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
YongHee Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Ung-Mo Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
A Monitoring System in Real Time Based on Android Platform
Trung Xuan Pham (Dong-A University, Korea), Chien Van Dang (Dong-A University, Korea),
Tri Minh Ngo (University of Science and Technology Danang, Vietnam),
Ki-Je Sung (Dong-A University, Korea), Tin Trung Tran (Dong-A University, Korea),
Jong-Wook Kim (Dong-A University, Korea)
Improving Similarity Measurement of User’s
Personalization System
Kim Ryong (Chungnam National University, Korea),
Kyung-Hye Park (Chungnam National University, Korea),
Young-Kuk Kim (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Identifying Species Based on Relative Synonymous Codon Pair Usage Combining K–means and
SVM – An Application for Bacillus
Nguyen Ho Minh Duy (University of Science, Vietnam), Tran Tuan-Anh (University of Science, Vietnam),
Ngo Quoc Viet (University of Science, Vietnam), Pham The Bao (University of Science, Vietnam)
Efficiently Exploiting the Context of Object-Action Context for Object Recognition
SungBaek Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Seho Bae (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Hanjae Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Liu Hua (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Zheng Ziqi (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Juneho Yi (North University of China, China)
Developing a Model for Continuous User Engagement in Social Media
Song Jung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Sangwon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Improvement of Biometrics and Smart Cards-based Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server
Jongho Moon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Jiseon Yu (Korea University, Korea),
Hyungkyu Yang (Kangnam University, Korea), Dongho Won (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Identification of In-Home Appliances through Analysis of Current Consumption
Tin Trung Tran (Dong-A University, Korea), Gi-Dong Lee (Dong-A University, Korea),
Trung Xuan Pham (Dong-A University, Korea), Geun-Jun Kim (Dong-A University, Korea),
Jong-Wook Kim (Dong-A University, Korea), Bongsoon Kang (Dong-A University, Korea)
The Development of the Hardware Architecture to Perform Template Matching Using Distance
Seong-Wook Jang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Byeong-Oh Jo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Sang-Jun Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Jae Wook Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Analyzing Concerns on Companies through Statistics of Search Engine Suggests and Its
Correlation to Market Share
Takakazu Imada (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Yusuke Inoue (University of Tsukuba, Japan),
Lei Chen (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Syunya Doi (University of Tsukuba, Japan),
Takehito Utsuro (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Yasuhide Kawada (Logworks Co., Ltd., Japan)
Day 2
Conference Program
| 15:20-16:40, Tuesday, January 05, 2016 |
Session 11: Machine Learning
15:20-16:40, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Room: SALON IV + V
Session Chairs: Jong-Seok Lee, Kangwoo Lee
Standard Based Personal Mobile Health Record System
Yeong-Tae Song (Towson University, USA),
Tao Qiu (Towson University, USA)
The Hybrid Approaches for Forecasting Real Time Multi-step-ahead Boiler Efficiency
Hieu Duong Ngoc (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam),
Vu Nguyen (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam),
Tam M. Nguyen (Petro Vietnam Fertilizer and Chemical Corporation, Vietnam),
Hien Nguyen (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam),
Vaclav Snasel (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
A Hybrid Semi-supervised Learning Approach to Identifying Protected Health Information in
Electronic Medical Records
Phuong Nguyen (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam),
Chau Vo (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam),
Bao Ho Tu (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
A Framework of Information Technology Supported Intelligent Learning Environment
Toyohide Watanabe (Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute, Japan)
Session 12: Information Retrieval and Management
15:20-16:40, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Session Chairs: Shahrulniza Musa, Sangwook Kim
A Buffer Cache Algorithm Using the Characteristic of Mobile Applications Based on Hybrid
Memory System
Chansoo Oh (Hanwha Techwin, Korea),
Dong Hyun Kang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Minho Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Young Ik Eom (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
A Syllable-based Method for Vietnamese Text Compression
Vu Nguyen (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam),
Hien Nguyen (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam),
Hieu Duong (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam),
Vaclav Snasel (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Candidate Searching and Key Coreference Resolution for Wikification
Minh Pham (John von Neumann Institute, Vietnam),
Tru Cao (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam)
Huy Huynh (Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam),
Escalating Memory Accesses to Shared Memory by Profiling Reuse
Yohan Ko (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Hyunjun Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Hwansoo Han (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Day 2
Conference Program
| 17:00-18:00, Tuesday, January 05, 2016 |
G-ITRC Workshop-Intelligent Interaction Technologies for Companionship
16:50-18:30, Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Session Chair: KangWoo Lee
The Development of Hardware Architecture for Real-time Chain Code Based on FPGA
Byeong-Oh Jo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Sang-Jun Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Jae-Wook Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Video-based Bio-Signal Measurements for a Mobile Healthcare System
Hyo-Haeng Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Eun-Joo Seo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Ji-Su Yang (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Sang-Min Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Kwang-Seok Hong (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
A Real-time Object Tracker Equipped with Deep Object Recognizer
Youngjoo Jo (KAIST, Korea), Jun-Cheol Park (KAIST, Korea),
Jinwoo Jeon (KAIST, Korea), Changmo Nam (KAIST, Korea),
Junghee Han (PoongSan Co., Korea), Yongin Park (PoongSan Co., Korea),
Dae-Shik Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Mathematical Model for Processing Multi-user Requests on POMDP Hybrid Dialog Management
Sang Jun Koo (POSTECH, Korea),
Gary Geunbae Lee (POSTECH, Korea),
Hwanjo Yu (POSTECH, Korea)
Automatic Determination of Neighborhood Size in SMOTE
Jaesub Yun (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Jihyun Ha (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Jong-seok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Efficient Content-based Image Retrieval for Multi-Image Queries
Taeyeon Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Tu Nguyen (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Young-Koo Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
The Naughty Drone: A Qualitative Research on Drone as Companion Device
Hyun Young Kim (Yonsei University, Korea),
Bomyeong Kim (Yonsei University, Korea),
Jinwoo Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
Distributed Pricing Power Control for Downlink Co-tier Interference Coordination in Two-Tier
Heterogeneous Networks
Tai Manh Ho (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Nguyen Hoang Tran (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
S. M. Ahsan Moon (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Seung Il Moon (Kyung Hee University, Korea),
Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
SD-MONET: Software Defined Mobility Management in Enterprise HetNet
Rajesh Challa (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Syed M. Raza (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea),
Jinkyu Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea), Sangyep Nam (Kookje University, Korea),
Hyunseung Choo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Day 3
Conference Program
| 09:00-12:00, Wednesday, January 06, 2016 |
Room: SALON IV + V
09:00-10:20, Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Chairs: Dongsoo S. Kim, Sang-Wook Kim
Open Discussion Time for All Committee Members
Future ACM IMCOM Organization Meeting
10:40-12:00, Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Chairs: Suk-Han Lee, Roslan Ismail
Organizing and Program Committee Meeting
ACM IMCOM Annual Business Meeting
Maps – From the Danang International Airport to the conference venue | From Danang International Airport to Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa |
Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa is located approx. 11 kilometers from Danang International Airport. The
journey from the airport to the resort takes approximately 20 minutes by car. From airport you can arrive at the
resort by taxi.
 Regular Taxi (Airport → Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa)
We recommend this way to go to the conference
venue, as this is much cheaper. Taxis from
several companies are available on the arrivals
level. Confirm a fixed or metered rate with a taxi
representative. The taxi fare from the airport to
the resort is about USD10.00. Mai Linh taxi is a
reputable company serving Danang International
 Hotel Transfer Service (Airport → Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa)
Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa provides the airport transfer service as follows:
-By Mercedes R300 (for a maximum 4 guests)
One-way transfer: USD45.00 (Subject to 5% service charge and 10% VAT).
Round-trip transfer: USD80.00 (Subject to 5% service charge and 10% VAT).
-By Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (for a maximum 11 guests)
One-way transfer: USD65.00 (Subject to 5% service charge and 10% VAT).
Round-trip transfer: USD115.00 (Subject to 5% service charge and 10% VAT).
To book the airport transfer service please contact the Hyatt Regency Danang Resort
Tel: +84 511 398 1234
Email: [email protected]
Conference Event
Welcome Reception
| Naman Retreat |
Address: 5 Truong Sa Street, Hoa Hai Ward,
Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: +84 511 3959 888
Email: [email protected]
Date: Monday, January 04, 2016
Food: BBQ Seafood Buffet
Venue: Pool Lawn
Attire: Smart Casual
Participants depart for Naman Retreat
Arrival of participants
Arrival of guests/VIPs
Welcoming Address by Prof. Dr. Shahrulniza Musa - Dean of Malaysian Institute of Information
Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Welcoming Address by Prof. Byungwoo Jeon – Dean of College of Information and Communication
Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
Montage Presentation
Dinner begins
Cultural Performance 1
Exchange of Souvenirs
Cultural Performance 2
Cultural Performance 3
Dinner ends
Conference Event
Welcome Reception
| From Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa to Naman Retreat |
The Naman Retreat resort is located approx. 5.5
kilometers from the conference venue. The
journey from the conference venue to the resort
takes 6 minutes by car. Two buses are operated
for the conference.
Conference Event
Conference Banquet
| Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa |
Address: 5 Truong Sa Street, Hoa Hai Ward,
Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: +84 511 398 1234 Fax: +84 511 398 1235
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Food: Vietnamese Chinese Cuisine
Venue: Regency Ballroom
Attire: Smart Casual
Arrival of participants
Start of Banquet with Greeting messages by Prof. Suk-Han Lee(General Co-Chairs in ACM IMCOM)
Greeting message by Prof. Sung Y. Shin – Professor & Graduate Coordinator of Computer Science South
Dakota State University, USA and Chair of the Association of Computing Machinery, Special Interest
Group on Applied Computing – ACM SIGAPP
Montage presentation
Achievement and Honorable Paper awards
Dinner begins
Dinner ends
Travel Information
– About Vietnam & Danang -
| About Vietnam |
Vietnam is a country of breathtaking natural beauty with an incredible heritage that quickly becomes addictive.
Unforgettable experiences are everywhere in Vietnam. There’s the sublime: gazing over a surreal seascape of
limestone islands from the deck of a junk in Halong Bay. The ridiculous: taking 10 minutes just to cross the street
through a tsunami of motorbikes in Hanoi. The inspirational: exploring the world’s most spectacular cave systems in
Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park. The comical: watching a moped loaded with honking pigs weave a wobbly route
along a country lane. And the contemplative: witnessing a solitary grave in a cemetery of tens of thousands of war
victims. Vietnamese cooking is a fascinating draw for travelers by the incredibly subtle in its flavors and outstanding
in its diversity. Geography plays a crucial role, with Chinese flavors influencing the soups of northern Vietnam, spices
sparking up southern cuisine and myriad herbs and complex techniques typifying the central region, rightly renowned
as Vietnam’s epicurean epicenter. Vietnamese people are energetic, direct, sharp in commerce and resilient by nature.
The locals love a laugh and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to socialize with them and hear their tales. Vietnam is
developing at an astonishing pace and inevitably there are some issues to consider. However, on the whole this is an
extremely safe and wonderfully rewarding country to explore.
| About Danang |
Danang is Vietnam's third largest city, and is located on the Eastern Sea coast, midway between Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh City and the largest city of Central Vietnam. The city itself has neither the atmosphere of Hanoi nor the hustlebustle of Ho Chi Minh City, but has its share of sights and is close to the charms of Hoi An and the imperial capital of
Hue, making it a popular vacationing spot for those looking to explore the attractions of central Vietnam or soak up
some rays while hanging out on the city's beaches. The city is often overlooked by tourists but is one of the most
friendly in all of Vietnam. My Khe Beach is now home to a small community of guest house owners, marble statue
shops, and other various trades. Some of the most beautiful and isolated beaches in Vietnam are found here, among
some of the friendliest people. Danang has become Vietnam’s “most ideal” holiday destination. With an excellent
international airport, pristine white sand beaches and cultural World Heritage sites, Danang offers visitors a unique
and memorable experience unmatched throughout the world.
| About Conference Venue |
The conference will be held at Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa -- a top standard 5-star hotel in Danang,
Vietnam. Poised on a tranquil stretch of white-sand beach, between the Marble Mountains and the sun-kissed
beachscape of renowned Non Nuoc is Hyatt's newest offering in Vietnam. Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa has
ushered in a new era in contemporary design with touches of the Asiatic. The resort feels secluded, yet just 15
minutes from Danang International Airport making both location and accessibility most favorable for group events. It
is situated in Dannang only moments away from the UNESCO World Heritage Town of Hoi An and two international
class golf courses.
Travel Information
– General Information -
| Banking Service |
| Electricity |
There are plenty of ATM's that are open 24 hours.
Vietcombank is the most common ATM service and
accepts nearly all overseas cards. Other banks will
accept cards depending on their alliances within
Vietnam. If you use ANZ, you can use Vietcom and
Vietin banks. If you use HSBC, there is an agreement
with Techcom bank. The limit per withdrawal is 2
million VND. In larger cities it is possible to withdraw
more, but in the centre, it remains capped at 2 million.
Locally, you are charged a 20,000 VND fee.
In Vietnam the standard voltage is 220 V. The
standard frequency is 50 Hz. The power sockets that
are used are of type A / C / G. You can use your
electric appliances in Vietnam, if the standard voltage
in your country is in between 220V - 240V (as in the
UK, Europe, Australia and most of Asia and Africa).
Manufacturers take these small deviations into account.
If the standard voltage in your country is in the range
of 100V - 127V (as in the US, Canada and most South
American countries), you need a power (voltage)
converter. Some hotels supply adaptors on request.
| Credit Card |
Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted
by most of the bigger businesses and at hotels.
Vietnam is not yet equipped to use EFTPOS where
money is debited directly from your normal bank card,
but credit cards are accepted by most commercial
centres. VISA and Mastercard are widely used. You can
also arrange for cash advances with Vietcombank if
needed. Many shops that accept credit cards add a 3%
to 4% service fee.
| Currency |
The Vietnamese currency is the dong (abbreviated to
‘d’). US dollars are also widely used, though less so in
rural areas. For the last few years the dong has been
fairly stable at around 21,000d to the dollar.
Vietnamese Dong comes denominated in bills of
between 1,000 and 500,000 Dong. For simplicity's sake
people often leave off the 'thousand' when quoting
prices so we shall do so here: notes are available in
denominations of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 2 and 1
thousand, as well as a 500 Dong note, while coins come
in 5,000 , 2,000 and 1,000 as well as 500 and 200 coin.
Most Vietnamese people prefer notes to coins and
occasionaly may refuse to accept a coin.
Whilst Vietnam is typically warm and humid, the
weather can vary significantly from one region to
another due to the countries length. At times there
has been snow (yes white snow!) in the mountainous
far north whilst the beaches in the south enjoyed 32
°C and sunshine. Hoi An, Hue & Danang in the centre
of Vietnam have dry weather from mid-January to late
August, with temperatures often reaching the mid-30's
°C. During the winter months the rainfall increases
with October and November achieving peak levels,
occasionally in the form of typhoons.
| Language |
The official language is Vietnamese. It uses a modified
Roman script and is tonal. The script can be confusing
to foreigners as some of the roman letters have very
differnet sounds to what they do in English. Getting
the baisc (counting, hi and thakyou etc.,) are easy,
but you'll need a bit of time to get a good grounding
in the language. In tourist centres many Vietnamese
will speak some English, but a lot will speak none. In
more remote areas, English speakers can be very rare.
Some older Vietnamese will speak more French than
| Currency Exchange |
| Office Hours |
Foreign currency, whether in banknotes or traveler’s
checks, should be exchanged at major banks or
authorized moneychangers. Exchange rates offered by
the moneychangers are generally better than the banks;
they also stay open longer and transactions are quicker.
Look around for variable exchange rates advertised on
boards along the footpaths or windows outside shops.
Always ask about any commission imposed before the
exchange as many moneychangers with better rates
often charge a small commission.
You can get a cash advance on credit cards as well.
Business Offices:
Monday - Friday 8 or 9 a.m. to 4 or 5 p.m.
Some offices are open half day on Saturday
(Note) Tourists can exchange money in the bank near
the hotel you stay. Visit following URL for information
about the money exchange centers around Danang:
| Climate |
Government Offices:
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
| Time Zone |
Vietnam Time - is abbreviated as ICT (Indochina
Time). It is GMT/UTC + 7h during Standard Time.
Travel Information
– General Information -
| Tipping & Tax |
| Shopping |
Tipping is not part of the culture in Vietnam, and you
are not required to tip anywhere. There will be a
service charge of around 10% for more upscale
restaurants. People more accustomed to receiving tips
are tour guides and in Western style hotels. As many
people know, Vietnam is a developing economy. This
means that many people do not receive high wages.
When they receive tips, it is greatly appreciated.
However, tips should always reflect their level of service!
When visiting a fabulous tourism city as Danang,
spending time shopping in Han Market is invaluable.
Built from nearly a decade ago, Han Market has
become the most crowded market in Danang. Due to
its location near Han River, farming products as well
as seafood can be accessible to be traded. Not far
from Han Market, Danang shopping mall is
considered to be the most attractive place in Danang.
The building is located in the central of the city with
two giant complexes where people can purchase
fashion items or even food or enjoy relaxing time in
entertainment places, for instance bowling clubs and
| Emergency Numbers |
Ambulance: 115
Fire: 114
Police: 113
Country calling code: +84
International Operator: 110
General information service: 1080
| Medical Service |
Besides, art crafts and ceramics are sold commonly
in souvenir shops, vending streets, and even in
hotels. However, people prefer buying in Non Nuoc
village, where they can observe the process of
making these products. Non Nuoc village is located in
Ngu Hanh Son Mountain and famous for its
masterpiece products. There are numerous wellknown supermarkets are in the making in Danang,
namely Metro, Big C and Intimex.
The services of Health and Safety at Danang are as
| To/From the Airport |
Hoan My Danang Hospital
161 Nguyen Van Linh, Thanh Khe, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: +84 511 365 0676
+84 511 365 2883
+84 511 3650 950
Danang General Hospital
124 Hai Phong, Thach Thang, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: +84 511 3826 755
Danang C Hospital
122 Hai Phong, Thach Thang, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: +84 511 3821 118
| Dress Code |
The Northern part of Vietnam (Hanoi, Sapa) is very
chilly in the winter months and you will need a coat,
scarf, sweaters, jeans and boots to stay warm. Ho Chi
Minh City and the Southern parts stay hot all the time
and you will want lightweight linen pants, cotton
dresses and skirts. Shorts and tee-shirts are OK, but
not too skimpy. It’s respectful not to wear shorts or
expose lots of flesh when visiting pagodas and temples,
although this is often overlooked in places heavily
visited by foreigners. You’ll definitely need to bring
swimming gear, unless you’ve no intention of
sunbathing or bathing. Suitable sizes for westerners are
available in busy beachfront tourist areas in Vietnam,
but are of poor quality and not exactly fashionable. To
avoid drawing unwelcome attention and offending
Vietnamese women, teeny bikinis and skimpy
swimming gear should be avoided.
Danang International Airport (DAD) is located in Hai
Chau, a county of Danang city. Hyatt Regency
Danang Resort and Spa is located approx. 11
kilometers from Danang International Airport. The
journey from the airport to the resort takes
approximately 20 minutes by car. From airport you
can arrive at the resort by taxi. Taxis from several
companies are available on the arrivals level. The
taxi fare from the airport to the resort is about
USD10.00. Mai Linh taxi is a reputable company
serving Danang International Airport. Hyatt Regency
Danang Resort and Spa also provides the airport
transfer service. To book the airport transfer service,
you can contact the Hyatt Regency Danang Resort. If
you want to book taxi by yourself, following are taxi
companies contact numbers: Mai Linh (Tel:
511., Tien Sa (Tel: 0511.,
Vinasun Green (Tel: 0511., Dana (Tel:
| Public Transport |
Vietnam is a large country and flying is the quickest
and safest way to travel between the large cities. You
should consider flying if travelling from Danang to
Hochiminh city or Hanoi, just about an hour journey
compared with more than a haft-day by bus or train.
There are many air carriers offering domestic flights.
Bus travel is the most common form of overland
travel and not recommended unless you are only
travelling a short distance. Hiring a car with driver is
perfectly acceptable, however, and is often the best
way to travel. Be aware that long distance travel by
road can be very slow owing to variable road
conditions and traffic.
Travel Information
– Foods -
| Cau Mong Beef|
Cau Mong beef is a specialty of Cau Mong, located 15 km from Danang, in the
South. Cau Mong beef has been served for a long time and is found in many
places outside Danang, such as Hoi An, Tam Ky, Vinh Dien, and Ho Chi Minh City.
The meat along with its skin is cut in thin slices, half cooked, and eaten with nem,
a dip which contains fish sauce mixed with soy sauce, sugar, chili, garlic, lemon,
star fruit, vervain, and green banana.
| Banh Xeo|
This is a popular pancake in the South and in the Middle of Vietnam, local people
usually eat Banh Xeo on cold days in small kiosks. Banh Xeo appears at families
gathering, friends meetings. They eat Banh Xeo as the way to start
conversations. You can find places where serve Banh Xeo with many different
styles easily.
|Cao Lau |
Hoi An's most famous dish, and only be available in this tiny town. A
generations-old legend stipulates that the noodles can only be made with water
from a special, bottomless local well. Cao Lau is hawked on every corner in Hoi
An, and while we doubt every bowl is made with this special water, most
renditions are still delicious: thick udon-esque wheat noodles in a smidge of
ultra-rich pork broth, with roast pork, fresh herbs and fried noodle "croutons"
for crunch on top.
| White Rose Dumplings |
Named for their supposed resemblance to the flower, these delicate steamed
dumplings are filled with shrimp and pork, then topped with crunchy fried shallots
and served with a sweet dipping sauce. Like Cao Lau, the translucent wrapper
dough is supposed to be made with the special well water, so white roses are a
dumpling variety native to Hoi An and Hoi An alone.
| Quang noodle |
Quang noodle soups differ than most normal noodle soups in that the soups
have just enough broth to barely cover the noodles. If we do not eat a Quang
noodle bowl fast enough, the broth will generally quickly be soaked up by the
noodles. Quang noodle soups are generally pork and dried shrimp broth based,
although some regional and family recipes will use chicken and even duck. What
makes Quang noodle soups unique is the richness of the broth and the crushed
peanut toppings on the noodles.
| Bun Bo Hue |
Hue's eponymous soup, a fiery rice noodle number chock full of beef, pork,
cartilage and offal (if we ask nicely). The broth is laced with tomatoes and
lemongrass, and the dish, like most Vietnamese soups, comes with DIY platter of
raw vegetables and herbs to munch on between bites.
Travel Information
– Beverages -
| Huda Beer|
Huda is a traditional Vietnamese beer brewed and bottled in Hue, Vietnam, by
Hue Breweries Ltd. Being aromatic and refreshing with a slightly "hoppy" bouquet,
Huda is a favorite beer among many domestic and foreign consumers. The good
quality of the beer also caused Huda to win a silver medal at the World Beer
Championships in 2013. Huda is available as canned, bottled and draught beer.
| Sticky Rice Wine |
Rice wine, which clocks in at around 29.5% alcohol, is the traditional masculine
tipple and drinking it is a social activity (a very social activity). Groups of friends
will gather to drink rice wine out of a communal shot glass or two. Sticky rice wine
(rượu nếp cẩm) is smoother and sweeter than the regular rice wine, which can be
quite fiery.
| Coffee |
The two most popular ways to drink local coffee are iced coffee with condensed
milk or iced black coffee. Note that unless you specifically request ‘no sugar’ or ‘a
little sugar’, the black version will come with four or five teaspoons. You can also
get your caffeine fix with a yogurt coffee or the Hanoian specialty, egg coffee,
made with whipped egg yolk. These caffeinated wonders are so delicious it's easy
to suck them down in three quick slurps. Having a coffee is an excuse to sit and
watch the world go by, either from a small chair at a streetside stall or from the
window of a blessedly air-conditioned cafe.
| Fresh Coconut |
Coconut water may have just shown up on your grocery store shelves a few
years ago, but it's been a popular drink in Vietnam for centuries. You won't see
the packaged stuff, though: here, it's drunk straight out of the coconut—and this
coconut water is grassier, sweeter, and more full-flavored than anything you'll
find in a package—trying it is like drinking raw milk for the first time. Generally,
the smaller coconuts are sweeter than the larger ones.
| Lime Soda |
Lime Soda hits the spot on a steamy day: essentially, it’s a fizzy homemade
limeade that’s usually served partially prepared. You’re served a glass full of ice
with sugar and sometimes lime juice in the bottom, with the can of club soda on
the side. Sometimes you’re given a glass of ice and sugar and a little dish of
lime wedges so you can squeeze your own juice into the glass.
Tourist Attractions
Travel Information
– Tourist Attractions –
| Ba Na Hill |
Ba Na Hill is an immense mountain resort catering to local and foreign
vacationers alike. Ascend the lush tropical forest from a non-stop cable
car, the longest and highest of its kind in the world. At the top, the view
goes all the way to the coast, surveying Danang and the surrounding
areas. While fog banks frequently obscure the panorama, the rich
atmosphere they provide makes up for any slight. Like Dalat and Sapa,
Ba Na looks just as good in gray as it does in blue.
| Linh Ung Pagoda |
Located in Bai But (Buddah’s Sanctuary), Linh Ung Pagoda is often revered
as the most magnificent work of its kind in the area in terms of architecture
and artistic value. Stationed nearly 1400 metres above the sea, this is
where sky meets earth, the embodiment of Ying and Yang. Combined in
perfect harmony between modern and traditional features, the Pagoda has
become revered throughout the area, particularly as a tourist destination.
| Son Tra Peninsula|
The 13.5km-long mountain to the northeast of Danang acts as a barrier
protecting the city from strong winds and storms coming in from the sea.
Covering a total area of 4,370 hectares, Son Tra is the habitat of more than
100 species of fauna, including 8 rare animals like the red-shanked doucs.
The diverse flora here comprises 289 plant species, including 64 large tree
species and 107 medicinal and ornamental plants. It is an ideal place for
sightseeing, tourism, convalescence and cultural activities.
| Marble Moutains |
The Marble Mountains, located at Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District,
are a major tourist attraction in Danang and are alongside the Danang Hoi An roads, 8 km to the southeast of the central area of Danang. They
consist of 5 mountains with many mysterious caves, Buddha statues and
beautiful pagodas. Each mountain is named after the natural element it is
said to represent: Thuy Son (Water), Moc Son (Wood), Hoa Son (Fire),
Kim Son (Metal or Gold) and Tho Son (Earth).
| Hoi An |
Ancient and peaceful, Hoi An is one of the most popular destinations in
Vietnam that caters to travellers of all tastes and across the continents.
The little town is just the perfect candidate of what Vietnam tourism
ministry is aiming to show to the world. Hoi An has to this days well
preserved its most sacred treasure, the centuries-old architecture. The
town used to harbor foreign traders back in the 17-18th, and once is an
important heavily-frequented trading port in Southeast Asia.
Tourist Attractions
Travel Information
– Tourist Attractions –
| Unique Beauty of Bridges |
The city possesses many unique and beautiful bridges, Danang will put
you in touch located maze of streets hard to admire the architecture is
unique in many novelties in this great bridge. Dragon Bridge with
feature fire, water spray especially on the 7th at 21h, Sunday. Han
river bridge in Vietnam turned only be used as a trade route in the old
days was considered a stopover tourist attraction because of its
| Suburban Springs |
Hoa streams, springs Mo, Phu Thanh Hoa, Well God, is the final
location tour stop in Danang you should not miss when visiting the
city in summer. Spring or participate in game slide and waterfall
risky experiences. Destinations you just take a day off to be able to
feel and drawing are the highlights and most interesting of his
travels. These springs can make you refresh after day long
| Han Market |
One of the biggest markets in Danang is Han market located in the
center of the city among 4 streets: Tran Phu St, Bach Dang St,
Hung Vuong St, Tran Hung Dao St. It covers an area of 28.000
square meters. Han market is famous for various goods including
fabric, clothes, footwear, fresh fruits and flowers, especially special
fish sauce typical for local people's dishes. The market is not only
known for abundance of commodities but for the reasonable prices
of items also. It is truly a good place for shopping in Danang.
| Danang Beaches |
Danang has a coastline of 30km long, famous for many beautiful
seashores stretching from the north to the south such as My Khe,
Nam O, Xuan Thieu, Thanh Binh, Tien Sa, Son Tra, Bac My An, Non
Nuoc. They are calm seas with green water during four seasons, not
being polluted with 60% salination and high safety. The water is a
beautiful mix of turquoise and blue, framed by white sandy
beaches with powder soft sand.
Tourist Attractions
Travel Information
– Arts & Museums –
| Museum of Cham Sculpture |
The Museum of Cham Sculpture is one of Vietnam's most significant of
its kind and the world's only museum documenting this early period in
the region's history, with many artefacts relating to the indigenous
Cham people of Vietnam. The collection mostly depicts Hindu deities in
animal form, and the Hindu trilogy of Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma. This
attraction was founded in 1915 and contains over 300 individual pieces,
and some more contemporary exhibits displayed in the rear annex, an
addition in 2002.
| Fifth Military Division Museum |
The city's Fifth Military Division Museum displays tanks, aircraft,
armored personnel carriers, weapons, cannons and other similar
military themed material. All of the exhibits shown here relate to the
city's struggles for independence during the French and American wars.
In particular, look out for the A-37 Dragonfly light-attack aircraft, the
CessnaO-1 Bird Dog observation aircraft, and the M48 Patton gun tank.
| Le Ba Dang Art Gallery |
Opened as recently as 2006 and functioning as a museum of the arts,
this gallery is a showcase for famous Vietnamese artist Le Ba Dang and
displays many of his works brought back to Vietnam from Paris, where
he studied and worked. The Le Ba Dang Art Gallery is located in the
historic city of Hue, which is a comfortable journey away from the city
of Danang, lying to the north and being reachable in just over 90
| Danang History Museum |
Set in a pretty garden, the city's History Museum displays an
assortment of traditional artefacts relating to the long and interesting
heritage of the city, including its past French and American wars.
Legends, folk songs, heroic acts of local bravery and stories of
everyday life give visitors a glimpse into the people and events which
make up this bustling city of today.
| Ho Chi Minh Museum |
Set within spreading grounds, the impressive Ho Chi Minh Museum has
a fine collection of traditional artefacts, as well as a great deal of
information about the long centuries of habitation in the region. Outside
are more military relics from China, Russia and the USA. Of special
interest inside are local legends translated into reasonable English.
There is also a replica of Ho Chi Minh's Hanoi home, which is situated
just behind the main buildings.
Travel Information
– Restaurants–
| Fatfish Restaurant and Lounge Bar |
Striving to offer something a little different, Fatfish are a Mediterranean /Asian
fusion restaurant and lounge bar, drawing from the gastronomic traditions of
two of the world’s most beautiful culinary cultures to create innovative, fresh
and delicious food! With their own in house bakery, outstanding craft beers,
and a carefully selected wine and cocktail list, Fatfish is the place to indulge
your taste buds in Danang.
Address: 439 Tran Hung Dao, Danang, Vietnam.
Tel: (+ 84) 511 3945 707
| WATERFRONT Restaurant & Bar|
Located on the Han River in the city’s center, Waterfront is set over 2 levels,
with an upstairs restaurant and downstairs bar with live music. Designers have
created an interior that is fresh and modern, yet balanced with a definite Asian
ambience. Waterfront offers delicious International and Vietnamese dishes
created by Chef Brandon Winkeler, and served by efficient and friendly,
English-speaking staff.
Address: 150-152 Bach Dang, Danang, Vietnam
Tel : (+84) 511 3843 373
| Family Indian Restaurant |
The Family Indian Restaurant Danang is new in town and it has made a good
impression so far with good food at great prices. Expect a full Indian menu with
the usual favorites, a variety of breads and rice dishes plus delicious samosas.
There are plenty of curries to choose from with seafood, chicken, lamb or beef.
Vegetarians are also well catered for with a large selection of non-meat dishes.
A real family restaurant.
Address: 231 Ho Nghinh, Son Tra District, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: (+84) 511 3943 030
| MY Casa Restaurant |
The perfect spot to feel at “your casa” in the heart of Vietnam. MY Casa is
specialized in Italian pasta, Malaysian cuisine & Spanish Tapas. They do
birthdays and other events. MY Casa garden is perfect for outdoor birthdays,
company dinners or any other kind of celebrations. The perfect spot to feel at
“your casa” (“tu home”) in the heart of Vietnam. Enjoy this paradise with
homemade quality food.
Address: 52 Vo Nghia, Son Tra District, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: (+84) 126 9919 273
| Co-Hosted by |
Universiti Kuala Lumpur
Malaysian Institute of Information Technology (MIIT)
Sungkyunkwan University
Intelligent ICT Convergence Research Center
SmartTV 2.0 Software Platform
Convergence Research Institute
Interaction Science for Developing Global
Human-Informatics leaders focusing on UI/UX
Development Group of Access Technology Agnostic Next-Generation Networking
Technology for Wired-Wireless Converged Networks (IITP Research)
Development Group of Core Technology for Autonomous Network Control and
Management (IITP Research)
Kyung Hee University
Ubiquitous Life Care Research Center
Yonsei University
Data Science Research Center
Ajou University
BK21Plus Research Group for Autonomous Network Software
Department of Computer Engineering
| Emergency Numbers |
Fire Brigade
Ambulance & Hospital
Directory Assistance
Domestic long distance telephone service
International telephone service
General information service
Law Consultancy service
Phone number enquiries
Immigration office
+ (84) 7511-3823383
Visa Customer Assistance
MasterCard Global Services
| Co-Hosted by |
Sungkyunkwan University
Universiti Kuala Lumpur