GB “The heart & soul of our boat company” ABOUT US In 1976, a small group of paddlers collected a trailer load of cutting edge fibreglass boats from our factory in England, loaded a few more on the roof of their van, drove them 7500 miles to Mount Everest and paddled down the first descent of the Dudh Kosi. Since then, we’ve stayed at the very cutting edge of white water paddling and the deep rooted lifestyle that encompasses it. In 2008, we’re still run by kayakers, which means we’re run for kayakers too. DE “Unser Herz schlägt für den Kanusport!” 1976 bauten wir in unserer Werkstatt für eine Gruppe junger und verrückter Kerle einen Hänger voll mit wegweisenden Glasfaserkajaks. Mit dem Auto fuhren sie von England 7500 Meilen zum Mount Everest und stürzten sich in unseren Booten als erste Paddler den noch unbezwungenen Dudh Kosi hinunter! Seit dieser Zeit lässt uns diese Lebenseinstellung, diese Neugierde nach neuen Herausforderungen, nicht mehr los! Auch im Jahr 2008 wird unsere Firma nach wie vor von Paddlern geführt, die sich voll und ganz dem Kanusport verschrieben haben! ES “El corazón y el alma de nuestra compañía” En 1976, un pequeño grupo de palistas cargaron un remolque lleno de kayaks de fibra de nuestra fábrica en Inglaterra, cargaron algunos más en la baca de la furgoneta y conducieron 12.000 kilómetros hasta el Everest, e hicieron el primer descenso del Dudh Kosi. Desde entonces hemos estado en el afilado lado del piragüismo de aguas bravas y hemos vivido y vivimos el estilo de vida que lo acompaña. En 2008, la compañía aun esta dirigida por piragüistas, lo que implica que lo hacemos para los piragüistas. FR “Le coeur et l´esprit de notre enterprise” En 1976, un petit groupe de kayakistes est venu chercher, avec une remorque, dans notre usine en Angleterre, des bateaux en fibre de verre, aux contours saillants; ils en ont chargés quelques-uns de plus sur le toit de leur camionette, ont parcouru 12000 kilomètres pour atteindre le Mont Everest et ont fait la première descente en kayak du Dudh Kosi. Depuis, nous sommes restés dans le secteur très pointu du kayak d´eau vive et dans le style de vie bien enraciné qui l´entoure. En 2008, notre société est toujours dirigée par des kayakistes, ce qui signifie que nous leur portons toute notre attention aussi. 02 QUALIT Y GB With over 30 years dedicated to WW development we could fill this brochure with the things we think we have helped improve kayak design. But were not like that! Our World leading designs come from true evolution and YOUR feedback on what YOU want to do. Our raw materials are all tested before we use them and again once we have made the kayak shell, for thickness balance and toughness. All our parts are likewise tested so we know exactly what they can withstand giving you the reliability and confidence you need in your equipment. Pyranha = evolution and quality you can trust. DE Mit unseren mehr als 30 Jahren Erfahrung beim Bootsbau könnten wir inzwischen ganze Bücher füllen mit der Aufzählung unserer Neuerungen und Ideen, die wir für den Kanusport entwickelt haben. Doch es ist nicht unser Stil, sich auf den Lorbeeren auszuruhen! In Zusammenarbeit mit den besten Paddlern aus aller Weit treiben wir die Evolution erfolgreicher Designs weiter voran! Alle unsere Ideen werden zuerst auf Herz und Nieren getestet, bevor wir sie übernehmen! Alle Bauteile werden auf Funktion und Zuverlässigkeit überprüft, damit Sie volles Vertrauen in Ihre Pyranha-Ausrüstung haben können! ES Con más de treinta años dedicándonos al piragüismo de aguas bravas podríamos llenar este folleto con las cosas que creemos que hemos ayudado a mejorar el diseño de kayaks, ¡pero no somos así! Nuestros diseños nº1 concebidos por los mejores palistas del mundo. Nuestros materiales son testados antes de usarlos y después de haberlos usado para nuestros kayaks comprobamos el equilibrio de grosor y la dureza. Todas las partes son testadas de la misma manera, así podemos saber exactamente lo que pueden resistir ofreciendo a palistas de todo el mundo la calidad y confianza que necesitan en su equipo. Pyranha; evolución y calidad en la que podéis confiar. FR Avec un développement dédié à l´eau vive depuis plus de 30 ans, nous pourrions remplir cette brochure d´informations sur le design que nous pensons avoir aidé à développer dans le kayak. Mais ce n´est pas celaque nous cherchons à faire! Notre monde dont le fil conducteur est le design vient de l´évolution faite et créée par de vrais kayakistes. Les matériaux bruts que nous utilisons sont tous testés avant leur utilisation et de nouveau une fois que nous avons fait la coque des kayaks dans la régularité en epaisseur et leur résistance aux chocs. Toutes les pièces sont également testées de la meme facon ce qui nous permet de connaître exactement ce qu´elles peuvent supporter et de vous donner la sécurité et la confiance dont vous avez besoin dans votre matériel. Pyranha, une évolution et une qualité dont vous pouvez avoir confiance. 03 de me the imp rov ed roc ker ma get the Rev aro und and to y eas it de ma .” l ion hul iou s act “Th e loo sen ess of the boa t is gre at for som e ser ger wa ves . All in all the big on ent fid con y ver l fee anh a Ma tt Ham ilto n – Tea m Pyr GB Get out and rip up your play wave or hole in a Rev. Pop higher, surf faster and throw down like you have never done before in a Pyranha boat that is designed specifically for the more playful paddlers! Class leading performance and unparalleled ease of use and control, the Rev is the play boat that’ll let any level of paddler endlessly carve faster and pop higher. Listening to lots of feedback has made the Rev a versatile wave or hole playing machine everyone will get on with. Its fast but controllable, precise but stable and comes in multiple sizes too. DE Geh' raus auf deine Surfwelle oder Spielwalze, und tob' Dich im Rev mal so richtig aus! In diesem, von Pyranha ganz speziell für die Spieler-Typen entwickelten Kajak wirst Du länger surfen, schneller wheelen und höher loopen als jemals zuvor! Wegen seiner unvergleichlich leichten Bootskontrolle und seinen unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten macht der Rev Paddler aller Könnensstufen glücklich, er lässt sie perfekt carven und ganz locker loopen! Eine Menge Feedback von Top-Paddlern weltweit ist in die Entwicklung des Rev eingeflossen und macht ihn so zu einer unglaublich vielseitigen Walzen- und Wellen-Maschine! Der Rev ist unglaublich schnell und präzise, aber trotzdem sehr sicher und leicht zu beherrschen! Ein unkompliziertes Spielgerät, mit dem praktisch jeder auf Anhieb zurechtkommt! Es gibt ihn in mehreren Größen, ganz sicher auch in deiner! ES Prepárate para salir para remar y jugar en tu ola o rulo favorito con la nueva REV. Bota alto, surfea rápido, y todo esto como nunca antes en un kayak Pyranha, diseñado específicamente para los palistas más juguetones. Con unas características que lideraran el Mercado, fácil de utilizar y controlar, el REV es el kayak de rodeo que va a permitir a palistas de todos los niveles, surfear rápido y botar como nunca.A partir de muchas informaciones y consejos nace la REV, un kayak versátil tanto para ola como para rulo, una maquina de jugar. Es rápida pero controlable, precisa pero estable y esta disponible en múltiples tallas. FR Prépares toi pour aller ramer et jouer dans la vague ou ton rouleau favori avec le nouveau REV. sauté tres haut surf rapide comme jamais avant sur un kayak Pyrhanha , dessiné spécialement pour les pagayeurs les plus joueurs. Avec des nouvelles caractéristiques, facile à utiliser et à contrôler, le REV est un kayak de rodéo qui va permettre aux pagayeurs ,de tous niveaux, de surfer rapidement et saute comme jamais. Après consultations, recherches et conseils, naît le REV, un kayak polyvalent aussi bien pour la vague que le rouleau, une machine de jeu. Il est rapide mais contrôlable, précis mais stable et disponible en plusieurs tailles. 04 Paddler: Jeremy Laucks LENGTH M LENGTH M-LONG LENGTH L LENGTH S Location: Hungry Mother, Kellerman Gauley River Photo: Jen gal / 23½" VOLUME 175lts / 46.2 186cm / 6' 1" WIDTH 60cm gal 53.1 / lts / 24½" VOLUME 201 188cm / 6' 2" WIDTH 62cm gal 56.8 / lts m / 24½" VOLUME 215 193cm / 6' 3½" WIDTH 62c gal 60.8 / / 26" VOLUME 230lts 198cm / 6' 5" WIDTH 67cm KEY FEATURES PADDLER WEIGHT RANGE 80 70 60 50 40 90 100 110 120 130 kgs 198 220 243 264 286 lbs S M ML L 88 110 132 154 176 Unique Pyranha vortex rails - Lengthened and lifted for more control and less tip Re-profiled deck volume - Gives increased vertical balance for controlling moves Chined stern - Less drag & faster hull speed Connect 30 outfitting - For adjustable comfort and control SUGGESTED EXTRAS: P Size Fish Deck Stern Air Bags 05 GB The Recoil provides a totally modern ‘true’ river running play kayak. Aimed at those who are going to play more and look to get all the fun they can whilst out on the river. The Recoil is a kayak that is easy to paddle, and has all the performance required to help everyone progress their paddling skills; squirt, spin, splat and cartwheel your day away with a flat playboat hull and generous foot room. DE Kein radikales ‘Park’n Play’-Boot, sondern ein ‘WW-Play’-Boot!’ Also perfekt zum Spielen auf leichtem bis mittlerem WW! Für alle, die am liebsten einen Fluss genussvoll runterspielen: surfen, wheelen, kerzeln, boofen, ohne Platznot und ohne schmerzende Zehen. Ein Kajak mit riesigem Spektrum und riesigem Play-Potential! ES La Recoil encaja totalmente con el nuevo concepto de river running para jugar. Diseñado para aquellos que juegan y buscan toda la diversión posible en el río. La Recoil es un kayak fácil de reamar, y tiene todos los elementos para ayudar a progresar a cualquiera en su técnica: chandeles, 360º, splat y cartwheels todo el día con un kayak de casco plano y generoso espacio para los pies. FR Le recoil se confirme comme un vrai bateau moderne, mélange de river running et de play - concu pour ceux qui veulent jouer un peu plus et qui recherchent le maximum de fun tout en étant capable de faire de la rivière – Le recoil est un kayak facile a manoeuvrer et qui requiert toutes les caractéristiques dont il a besoin pour faire progresser quelqu´un dans sa navigation; squirt, spin, splat et cartwheel avec un playboat à fond plat avec suffisamment de place pour les pieds. 06 Paddler: Andria Davis Location: Skykomish River Photo: Leland Davies / 45.4gal 62cm / 24½" VOLUME 172lts LENGTH 198cm / 6'6" WIDTH / 52gal lts 197 TH 63cm / 24¾" VOLUME M LENGTH 202cm / 6'7½" WID / 61gal lts 231 TH 65.5cm / 25¾" VOLUME L LENGTH 218cm / 7'2" WID S PADDLER WEIGHT RANGE 80 70 60 50 40 KEY FEATURES 90 100 110 120 130 kgs 198 220 243 264 286 lbs S M L 88 110 132 154 176 Balanced volume - Super stable on end for more control Tweaked rocker - Makes bow and stern easy to get down Tuned edges - Easy to carve, snappy edge to edge Connect 30 outfitting - For adjustable comfort and control SUGGESTED EXTRAS: P Size Fish Deck Stern Air Bags 07 Paddler: Matt Bostock LENGTH 249cm / 8' 1" M LENGTH 257cm / 8' 4" L LENGTH 265cm / 8' 7" S KEY FEATURES Location: Pyranha Fest, Graham Mackeret Tryweryn, Wales Photo: WIDTH 63.5cm / 25" WIDTH 65cm / 25½" WIDTH 68cm / 26¾" VOLUME 263lts / 69gal PADDLER WEIGHT RANGE 80 70 60 50 40 90 100 110 120 130 kgs 198 220 243 264 286 lbs S M L 88 More bow rocker - Gives extra lift over boils and eddylines 110 132 154 h VOLUME 180lts / 48gal VOLUME 210lts / 56gal 176 Smoother hull profile - Increases forward speed for dynamic manoeuvtability Modern ergonomic seating position - Increased comfort and edge control with more footroom Re-profiled rear hull and gunwales - Improved control and surfing Connect 30 outfitting - For adjustable comfort and control SUGGESTED EXTRAS: R Size Fish Deck Stern Air Bags 09 nha Fest, kereth Location: Pyra Paddler: Graham Mac er o: Dave Fairweath Tryweryn, Wales Phot TH 65cm / 25½" M LENGTH 257cm / 8' 4" WID TH 66.5cm / 26" L LENGTH 260cm / 8' 5" WID VOLUME 280lts / 74gal VOLUME 303lts / 80gal PADDLER WEIGHT RANGE 80 70 60 50 40 KEY FEATURES 90 100 110 120 130 kgs 198 220 243 264 286 lbs M L 88 110 132 154 176 High volume hull with softer rounded edges - For a forgiving and predictable ride Smoother hull profile - With softer edges increases ease of rolling Large Rocker and V shaped deck - Give increased lift and controlled resurfacing in big volume water Grab loops and rescue points - Safest and strongest on the market Connect 30 outfitting - For adjustable comfort and control SUGGESTED EXTRAS: R Size Fish Deck Stern Air Bags 15 wa s app are nt tha t thi s y to the Tam our riv er it wa the on i ty Kos Sun the uti on giv es gre at sta bili “W hilst pad dlin g dow n Its per fec t vol um e distrib ys. rne jou of ts sor se anh a boa t wa s ma de for the Pau l She rma n – Tea m Pyr ed mu lti- day riv er trip s” end ext for ded loa ilst wh GB We support some of the most experienced river runners out there so it’s fitting that one of our very latest design’s is ‘Expedition’ ready. Many people think a kayak this size has to be slow & sluggish, but it doesn’t. The Everest is quick and responsive and paddles like a boat half its size even when fully loaded. In fact its performance is good enough for a quick day paddle too! For less experienced paddlers, the Everest is the № 1 choice of confidence inspiring kayak. It’s very stable and will help advance your river running to the next level, for the ‘big boys’ the extra volume provides space and exceptional comfort for larger paddlers making the Everest a new benchmark boat for you. DE Wir bei Pyranha statten einige der erfahrensten und erfolgreichsten Creek- und Expeditions-Paddler weltweit aus! Daher ist es kein Wunder, daß wir nun mit dem neuen Everest ein spezielles, großvolumiges und voll expeditionstaugliches Boot entwickelt haben! Manche Leute meinen ja, ein Kajak dieser Größe wird sich träge und behäbig paddeln lassen - von wegen! Der Everst ist schnell und spritzig, er fährt sich vollbeladen wie ein nur halb so großes Boot! Sogar ohne großes Mehrtages-Gepäck macht er immer noch Spaß genug auch für eine kurze Ausfahrt! Vor allem große/schwere Paddler sind auch ohne Zusatzgepäck hellauf begeistert von diesem idealen WW-Kajak! Weniger erfahrene Paddler können ganz auf seine Stabilität und Sicherheit vertrauen. Der Everest erleichtert ihnen paddlerische Fortschritte und hilft ihnen beim Bewältigen neuer Herausforderungen. ES Sponsorizamos y ayudamos a algunos de los palistas expedicionarios más expertos, por esto nuestra nueva gama de kayaks 'EXPEDICION' ya esta a punto. Mucha gente piensa que un kayak de estas dimensiones debe ser lento, pero os aseguramos que no lo es, El Everest es rápido y maniobrable. De hecho su diseño te permite también navegar el río más cercano. Para los palistas menos experimentados, el Everest es el numero uno en cuanto a los kayaks que le van a inspirar confianza. Es muy estable y les va a ayudar a dar un salto en su nivel de navegación en aguas bravas. Para los palistas grandes de tamaño, el volumen extra les va a proveer espacio excepcional y confort máximo. FR Nous sponsorisons et aidons quelques pagayeurs les plus expérimentés en expédition, pour cette raison, notre nouvelle gamme de kayak EXPEDITION est au point. Beaucoup de gent pense qu'un kayak de cette dimension doit être lent, mais nous le rassurons que ce n'est pas le cas, l'Everest est rapide et maniable. Sa forme te permet de naviguer aussi bien en rivière manoeuvrière. Pour les pagayeurs les moins expérimentés, l'Everest est le bateau le plus rassurant et qui met immédiatement en confiance. Il est très stable, et permet de faire un bond dans son niveau de naviguation en eaux-vives. Pour les pagayeurs de haut niveau, le volume du bateau apportera un espace exceptionnel et un confort maximum. 16 tion: Nepal Photo: Paul Sherman Loca LENGTH 263cm / 8' 6" WIDTH 67cm / 26½" VOLUME 312lts / 82.4gal PADDLER WEIGHT RANGE 90 80 70 60 50 110 132 154 176 198 100 110 120 130 140 kgs 220 243 264 286 308 lbs KEY FEATURES More length - For greater speed and load carrying More rocker - Impressive manoeuvrability & predictability over river features Connect 30 outfitting - For adjustable comfort and control Expedition ready - You'll start planning one, honest! SUGGESTED EXTRAS: R Size Fish Deck Stern Air Bags 17 GB As the name suggests, the Pyranha Fusion is a cross-over kayak which allows the paddler to enjoy two great areas of paddle sport, white water and touring. Super stable, fast and easy to paddle, the Fusion gives you the freedom to choose from some fun whitewater or checking out some estuaries or a sheltered bay. The tried and tested Pyranha skeg system adds a great feature allowing you to track in a straight line and the drag reducing skeg box allows the water to flow straight out of the stern of the kayak. 18 tion: River Dee Photo: Helena Garfit Loca LENGTH 312cm / 10' 2" WIDTH 66cm / 26" VOLUME 308lts / 81.5gal PADDLER WEIGHT RANGE 90 80 70 60 50 110 132 154 176 198 100 110 120 130 140 kgs 220 243 264 286 308 lbs KEY FEATURES Super stable - Fun kayak for all abilities! High volume - For lift over river features Easily deplorable skeg - For perfect tracking Connect 30 outfitting - For adjustable comfort and control SUGGESTED EXTRAS: R Size Fish Deck 19 GB The Speeder is for those of us who want to get out on the water and paddle faster or for a longer distance, it's for when we fancy running rapids with a bit of speed to blast over the wave trains, it's for going out on all day paddles with your friends. You can paddle it around the coast or even power it along some flat water after a hard days work. The Speeder is super versatile and most of all the Speeder is great fun! DE Wenn Du gerne längere Strecken auf Wildwasser zurücklegst, oder Spaß an der Geschwindigkeit hast, und gerne mit Schwung und Tempo durch wuchtige Stromschnellen rauschen möchtest, dann wird Dir dieses völlig neue, extrem schnelle Kajak nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gehen! Der Speeder eignet sich aber auch hervorragend für eine entspannte Runde mit Freunden auf Seen, Großflüssen oder am Meer! Wo auch immer, mit dem Speeder kannst Du überall deinen Spaß haben! ES El Speeder es para aquellos que quieren remar largas distancias, es para cuando queremos correr rápidos con velocidad para cruzar los trenes de olas, es para salir a remar todos los días con los amigos. Puedes bordear la costa o en agua tranquila después de duros días de trabajo. ¡El Speeder es súper versátil y muy divertido! Ideal para competiciones de descenso de aguas bravas. FR Le Speeder est pour ceux qui veulent partir et naviguer sur l´eau sur une longue distance; quand vous voulez descendre des rapides avec un peu de vitesse pour prendre les train de vagues; il est fait pour partir la journée, pour naviguer avec ses copains. Vous pouvez naviguer le long des cotes ou meme simplement le pousser sur de l´eau plate après une dure journée au bureau. Le Speeder a des usages très multiples et vous aurez plaisir à naviguer avec. 20 and Photo: Tom Wells , Scotl er Location: Loch Ness Paddler: David Fairweath LENGTH 450cm / 14' 7" WIDTH 60cm / 23½" VOLUME 365.8lts / 97gal PADDLER WEIGHT RANGE 90 80 70 60 50 KEY FEATURES 110 132 154 176 198 100 110 120 130 140 kgs 220 243 264 286 308 lbs Fast efficient hull shape - Unparalleled efficacy through the water Rear wings - Impressive secondary stability Adjustable full plate footrest - Crucial for efficient forward paddling Connect 30 outfitting - For adjustable comfort and control SUGGESTED EXTRAS: R Size Fish Deck Bow Air Bags 21 GB OU TFITTING Your kayak outfitting is hidden inside your boat and is vital to your comfort, safety and overall performance out on the water. Often some ‘cheaper’ boats will skimp on this vital outfitting leaving you with a lot of work to do to get it set up before you get out on the water. With over 30 years of designing some of the industry’s leading outfitting systems you can be assured that your 2008 Pyranha Connect 30 boat comes with the very latest thinking and technology that will get you set up and out on the water in no time at all, and look after you while you’re out there. Connect 30 outfitting gives you all the adjustment you will ever need to quickly get your boat set up for your individual style of paddling and body size. This makes sure that you can maximise the performance ability of the boat without compromising your comfort too – more performance + more comfort = more time on the water, you’re a winner! Your new Pyranha boat will also come with an extensive instructional manual too, so don’t worry, you don’t have to remember all this! SEAT: The Connect 30 seat can easily be moved forward or backwards to let you ‘trim’ (this has a huge effect on how your kayak paddles) the kayak for your weight and body size and the gear you’re carrying. Once fixed in place it provides solid control over the kayak and is fully padded to provide great comfort too! THIGH GRIPS: Proper adjustment of the thigh grips is essential for getting the best out of your kayak, it ensures that you have vital contact with the shell so that you can ‘drive’ and ‘feel’ the boat. Our light and strong injection moulded thigh grips can easily be adjusted forward and back to get them set up when you purchase your kayak. Once set up they will stay 100% in place and provide you with great control and comfort. There is generally no need to further adjust them so it’s generally a one time adjustment. BACKREST: Having your backrest adjusted so that it supports you but is not forcing you forward or putting strain on your back is vital. Our quick and easy ratchet adjustment system is ideal for achieving this key support. Complete with a quick release system to give you more room to get in and out of the kayak or to relax in between rapids the Connect 30 backrest is also easily adjustable for height too so it works with a wide range of body sizes. You will use this adjustment pretty much every time you get in the boat so it’s important it is durable and can be adjusted easily, it won’t get any easier or reliable than this! HIP PADS: Your hip pads give you the vital connection with the kayak and provide the control required for good rolling and precise boat handling required out on the river. The pre shaped Connect 30 hip pads can be totally adjusted for fit with the supplied shims and can also be height and angle adjusted quickly and easily before you paddle. Once set up and tested there is generally no need to change your set up so again it’s normally a one time adjustment when you first get your boat. 22 22 FOOTREST: For intermediate you drive the kayak but still for different sizes of people generally no need to make and advanced river running, creeking and playing you require solid but energy absorbing footrests to let provide some protection when things go wrong as they can do! Both our systems have plenty of adjustment and have also been specifically designed to take some force out of ‘impacts’. Once properly set up there is adjustments except to get gear in and out of river boats on expeditions and longer trips. END GRABS AND RESCUE POINTS: Pyranha is synonymous with the design of advanced WW kayaks and this is something we take seriously, when things start to go wrong out on the water you need equipment you can rely on. Our R&D program with partners like DMM and Wild Country (specialist climbing gear manufacturers) ensures that when you see a kayak with the fish logo on it your getting the very best equipment you can buy. It won’t be the cheapest for sure but it’s worth every penny when you need it. Our end grabs are independently manufactured and tested to make sure they are up to the job. Want to get a carabiner onto a kayak quick? Then get a carabiner manufacturer to help design, manufacture and batch test your fixtures - that’s just what we did! The webbing on our end grabs is sewn to climbing gear standards and even has tubing inserted to make sure it stays in the best shape to hold or clip into so it’s always there when you need it, just in case! ADVANCED COMPOSITE PADDLER INTERFACE CLIMBING GRADE SAFETY BARS GRAB HANDLES NEW FULL PLATE POD DESIGN CAD OPTIMIZED INTERNAL FITTINGS NEW 'YANK THIS' BUCKLE WEBBING ADJUSTMENT QUICK ADJUSTMENT Its always worth taking a bit of time to get your boat ‘set up’ just right. If you have any questions or need any help get in touch with your Pyranha dealer or check out www.pyranha.com 23 OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT GB Since Pyranha began moulding polyethylene kayaks 25 years ago, we have always had the most energy efficient ovens in the industry. Whilst other manufacturers have huge box or clamshell ovens that lose most of their heat during mould change overs, our narrow tube ovens, with their controllable multi-temperature zones and auto closing, single ended chambers, retain heat to the highest level possible. This provides excellent insulation and our piped gas consumption is the lowest achievable. This cuts our Carbon Footprint to half of various other moulders methods. Pyranha were also the Worlds first company to control the moulding of kayaks using computer aided technology for quality optimisation and to achieve the same high level of moulding results time after time. The benefit of our moulding methods reduce excess waste material. We have had an extensive recycling program in place for over 10 years, particularly for waste plastic, such as cockpit cut outs and flash. Many of our PE kayaks made 25 years ago are still in use today. We are a British company that takes pride in the extensive R&D testing we carry out though the whole manufacturing process of every single kayak we make. 24 SPECS & COLOURS MODEL MAIN USE LENGTH cm ft & in REV S Freestyle 186 6' 1" 60 23½" 175 46.2 87 34¼" 48 19" 14.3 31.4 40 - 65 88 - 143 REV M Freestyle 188 6' 2" 62 24½" 201 53.1 87 34¼" 48 19" 14.3 31.4 50 - 85 110 - 187 REV M-LONG Freestyle 193 6' 3½" 62 24½" 215 56.8 90 35" 48 19" 14.6 32 65 - 95 143 - 209 REV L Freestyle 198 6' 5" 67 26" 230 60.8 91 35" 48 19" 15 33 75 - 115 165 - 253 RECOIL S Free Ride 198 6' 6" 62 24½" 172 45.4 86 34" 48 19" 14 31 40 - 70 88 - 154 RECOIL M Free Ride 202 6' 7½" 63 24¾" 197 52 86 34" 49 19¼" 15 33 65 - 85 143 - 187 RECOIL L Free Ride 218 7' 2" 65.5 25¾" 231 61 86.5 34" 49 19¼" 16.5 36.3 75 - 105 165 - 231 Z.ONE S Free Ride 249 8' 1" 63.5 25" 180 48 85.5 34" 47.5 18¾" 16.1 35.4 45 - 85 99 - 187 Z.ONE M Free Ride 257 8' 4" 65 25½" 210 56 90 35½" 47.5 18¾" 17.1 37.6 65 - 95 143 - 209 Z.ONE L Free Ride 265 8' 7" 68 26¾" 263 69 90 35½" 48 19¼" 17.9 39.4 75 - 115 165 - 254 AMMO S River Running 207 6' 9" 63.5 25" 218 57.6 86 34" 48.5 19" 16 35 55 - 90 121 - 198 AMMO M River Running 219 7' 2" 65 25½" 242 63.9 87 34¼" 48.5 19" 16.7 36.7 70 - 110 154 - 242 AMMO L River Running 226 7’ 4” 68 26¾ 288 76.1 93.5 36¾" 48.5 19" 17.5 38.5 85 - 125 187 - 275 BURN S River Running 238 7' 9" 64 25" 238 63 93.5 36¾" 48.5 19" 17 37.4 45 - 95 99 - 209 BURN M River Running 245 8' 65.5 25¾" 275 72.6 93.5 36¾" 48.5 19" 18 39.6 55 - 105 121 - 231 BURN L River Running 252 8' 3" 66.5 26¼" 301 80 93.5 36¾" 48.5 19" 20 44 75 - 127 165 - 279 KARNALI M River Running 257 8' 4" 65 25½" 280 74 89 35" 48 19" 21 46 60 - 110 132 - 242 KARNALI L River Running 260 8' 5" 66.5 26" 303 80 90 35½" 48 19" 22 48.4 80 - 130 176 - 287 EVEREST River Running 263 8' 6" 67 26½" 312 82.4 96 37¾" 49.5 19½" 21.1 46.5 75 - 137 165 - 301 FUSION River Tour 312 10' 2" 66 26" 308 81.5 90 35½" 49 19¼" 20.8 45.5 55 - 130 121 - 287 SPEEDER Multisport 450 14' 7" 60 23½" 365.8 97 90.5 35½" 49.5 19½" 22 48.4 55 - 120 121 - 265 Base: Yellow Mix: Jaffa Base: Jaffa Mix: Grey WIDTH cm in Base: Blue Mix: White VOLUME ltr US gal Base: Lime Mix: Yellow C/PIT ext L cm in C/PIT ext W cm in Base: Yellow Mix: Jaffa WEIGHT kgs lbs PADDLER WEIGHT RANGE kgs lbs Base: Blue Mix: White 25 CONTACT US Created and Designed by Bob Campbell, Sam Stephens and Liz Aspinall www.pyranha.com tion: French Alps Paddler: Ben White Loca Photo: Orlando Hampton IDE UK AND WORLDW Pyranha Marina Village Tel: +44 (0) 1928 716666 Preston Brook Runcorn Fax: +44 (0) 1928 714399 WA7 3DW UNITED KINGDOM Email: [email protected] NORTH AMERICA 26 Pyranha US Inc Tel: 828.254.1101 2004-J Riverside Drive Fax: 828.254.1117 Asheville NC 28804 USA Email: [email protected]