WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Years Ended December 3lr z0l4 and Eric L. Anderson, C.P.A., lnc., P.S. Certified Public Accountant z0ll WHIDBBY ANIMALS' IMPROVBMENT FOUNDATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INDEPENDENT AUDITOR' S REPORT t-2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statements of Financial Position J Statements of Activities 4 Statements of Cash Flows 5 Statements of Functional Expenses 6 Notes to Financial Statements 7 -14 Member of: American lnstitute of Certified Public Accountants Washington Soclefy of Ceftified Public Accountants Private Companies Practice Secfion of Firms of ATCPA Eric L. Anderson, C.P.A., lnc., P.S Certified Public Accountant II\DEPEI\DENT AUDITOR' S REPORT To the Board of Directors Whidbey Animalst Improvement X'oundation Coupeville, WA I have audited the accompanying financial statements of Whidbey Animals' knprovement Foundation (a rionprofit organization) which comprise the statements of financial position as. of December 31,2014 and 2013, and the related statements of activities, cash flows, and functional expenses for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Managembnt's Rerponsibility for the f inancial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accormting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of intemal control relevant to the preparation and. fair presentation of frnancial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or erTor. Auditorts Responsibility My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audits. I oonduced my audits in accordirnce with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatembnt. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disilosures in the fmancial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgrnent, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or enor. In making those risk-assessments, the auditor considers intemal control relevant to the entity's preparation anS fair presentation of. the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entrty's intemal contol. Accordingly, I express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating.the overall presentation of the furancial statements: I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufEcient and appropriate to provide a basis audit opinion. -1- r PO. Box 5181 3125 Colby, Suite c r Everett, WA 98206 Phone: 425.257 .037'l ! Fax: 425.257 .0379 [email protected] I www.everettipa.com . for my Opinion In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Whidbey Animals' Improvement Foundation as of December 31,2014 ani 2013, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. eu ,Z o( zt- 1 Eric L Anderson, CPA, Inc., PS Everett, WA January 14,2016 -2- qc/+ WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION DECEMBER 31,2014 AND 2013 2014 2013 ASSETS Current assets $ Cash Restricted cash Accounts receivable Promises to give, current portion Inventories Prepaid expenses and deposits Donated land held for sale 102,625 $ 1,969,079 Total current assets 915,369 16,667 11,693 91,397 12,729 93,277 12,099 6,786 5,339 10,000 2,209,277 10,000 Property, plant and equipment Equipment and fixtures net of accumulated depreciation of $121 ,440 and $100,136, respectively 1,136,757 303,484 82,494 Land Construction in progress Net property, plant and equipment 297,725 82,494 438,758 863,528 1,249,506 Other assets Promises to give, less current portion Note receivable 818,977 3,010 75,000 78,010 Total other assets Total assets 89,001 $ 3,536,793 13,600 13,600 41,969,n1_ LIABILITIES Current liabilities Accounts payable $ Accrued construction costs Current portion, long-term debt 6,992 $ 38,399 100,627 2,607 66,897 Other accrued liabilities Total current liabilities 76,496 Long-term debt, net of current portion 8,950 Total liabilities 85,446 61,552 200,578 200,579 NET ASSETS: 1,363,475 2,087,932 3,457,347 Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets _$ See accompanying notes to financial statements. -3- 922,593 946,163 7,769,756 3,s36J%_ _$-1269,nL WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEARS BNDED DECEMBER 3I,2OI4 AND 2OI3 2014 Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted Total Support and revenue: Donations: $ Cash Noncash Thrift shop, merchandise 359,886 16,519 $ 1,681,383 s 2,041,269 16,519 sales and other fundraising revenue Grants Shelter program revenue 555,259 179,490 198,825 Miscellaneous income Interest :" l,l3l,l24 Total Net assets released from restrictionsSatisfaction of program restrictions 735,752 Total support and revenue L,866,876 555,259 179,490 198,825 A,)sq l5,3gg 1,894 1,977,521 l,gg4 3,008,645 (735,752) l,l4l,769 3,008,645 Expenses: Program services 520,437 Management and general 106,690 106,690 Thrift store operations 490,973 490,873 Fundraising 208,054 208,054 1,326,054 1,326,054 Total expenses 520,437 Change in net assets 540,822 l,l4l,769 1,682,591 Net assets, beginning of year 822,593 946,163 1,768,756 Net assets, end of year See accompanying notes _a_1,363,4r5_ to financial statements. -4- -S 2,087 W_ _S 3A51347 Unrestricted s 2013 Temporarily Restricted Total $ 349,968 186,252 1g,g96 31,717 536,220 51,613 229,200 229,200 533,320 533,320 171,735 4,155 1,079,074 171,735 (1,346) 2,809 820 820 446,643 1,525,717 464,591 (464,581) 1,543,655 (17,938) 1,525,717 542,953 542,953 60,244 436,139 436,139 207,211 207,211 1,246,547 1,246,547 _$ 60,244 297,108 (17,938) 279,170 525,485 964,101 l,4gg,5g6 822,s%_ _q_946,r63_ _$-1J68,?56_ WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2OI4 AND 2OI3 2014 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Changes in net assets Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation Received in-kind donated asset Net (increase) decrease in accounts receivable Net (increase) decrease in pledges receivable Net (increase) decrease in inventory and prepaid expenses Net (increase) decrease in donated assets held for sale Net increase (decrease) in accounts payable Net increase (decrease) in accrued liabilities Contributions restricted for long-term purposes NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES s I ,682,591 20L3 $ 279,170 21,304 (2,300) (4,994) (62,524) (2,088) 74,940 (27e) (31,407) 5,345 (1,684,430) 34,200 5,572 6,896 (440,326) (78,493) (21,198) (529,498) (9,105) (538,603) (109,034) CASH FLOWS (USED) FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Additions to construction in progress Purchases of property and equipment NET CASH USED BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES 8,906 (1,600) 11,323 ( 145,490) (254,524) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Principal payments on long-term debt Contributions restricted for long-term purposes (2,798) 1,684,430 ++o,lza NET INCREASE IN CASH AND RESTzuCTED CASH 1,067 ,334 164,604 CASH AND RESTzuCTED CASH AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 1,004,370 839,7 66 CASH AND RESTRICTED CASH AT END OF YEAR _s SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE: Cash paid for interest during the year See accompanying notes to financial statements. -5- z,wtlw_ _qj,004,3?o_ : I- | -\O (/1l -l Y<l oO f-l c.l -S ;liil O oi F.il .d ciool O Xl c.l -.1 bo I C 6l Ql -.8 S H 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The Foundation has four major programs: Animal Shelter -The Foundation works to improve the quality of lives of animals at the shelter by providing food, heat, medication, veterinary services and general animal care. They maintain a minimum kill facility in Coupeville and Oak Harbor, Island County by facilitating adoptions of shelter animals by advertising the availability of animals in publications and placing posters in local businesses. Cat Adoption Center -The Foundation maintains locations at Oak Harbor, Freeland and Coupeville, Island County for the adoption of cats. These locations provide adoption opportunities for cats that may not be adopted at the Animal Shelter because of space limitations at the facility. Communitv Outreach -The Foundation provides educational materials to be distributed to the public on the benefits of spaying and neutering and responsible pet care. They also distribute coupons to needy pet owners to defray the cost of spaying and neutering their pets. Spay/I'{euter Suite -The Foundation provides spay and neuter services to the homeless animals in the shelter in their own surgery suite. Local veterinarians provide these services through contracts and donations of their time. The goal of this program is that all animals adopted through the Foundation will be altered. Basis of Accountinq The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with accounting principals generally accepted in the United States. Estimates The preparation of frnancial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires the Foundation's management to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. -7- WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Years Ended December 3lr 2014 and 2013 NOTE A - (Continued) Basis of Presentation Financial presentation follows the recommendations of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in its ASC 958, Not-for-Profit Entities. Under ASC 958, the Foundation is required to rcport information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unreshicted, temporarily restricted and permanently restricted. When a temporary restriction expires, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statement of activities as net assets released from restrictions. As of December 37,2014 ard 2013 the Foundation held no permanenfly restricted net assets. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in various types of bank accounts including checking and money market accounts. The Foundation maintains cash balances with various financial institutions that may at times exceed insured limits. Restricted cash consists of cash in various types of bank accounts, including checking and savings accounts, where the Foundation keeps restricted cash donations, including those designated for the New Shelter campaign. Accounts Receivable The Foundation extends credit to its customeis in the normal course of business and performs ongoing credit evaluations of its customers. Accounts 30 days or more past due are not assessed finance charges. Management considers accounts receivable to be fully collectible. Accordingly, there was no allowance for doubtfrrl accounts at December 31,2014 and 2013, which does not materially differ from the allowance method. fnventories The Foundation records inventories at the lower of donated value or market. The Foundation records otler inventory at the lower ofcost or market on a first-in, first-out basis (FIFO). Contributions Received and Made Under FASB ASC 958-605, Revenue Recognition -Contributions Received, contributions are recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted support, depending on the existence or nature of any donor restrictions in the period that the promise is made. -8- WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Years Bnded December 3lr 2014 and 2013 NOTE A - (Continued) Depreciation and Capitalization Policv The cost of purchased fixtures and equipment or fair market values of donated assets are being depreciated using the straight-line method over a period of five to thirty-nine years. The Foundation capitalizes fixtures and equipment with a cost greater than $500 and a useful life ofone year or greater. Depreciation expense totaled $21,304 and $8,906 for 2014 and 2013, respectively. Sales Tax of Washington imposes a sales tax on all of the Foundation's non-exempt sales. The Foundation collects sales tax from customers and remits the entire amount to the state. The Foundation's accounting policy is to exclude the tax collected and remitted to the state from non-exempt sales. The state Joint F undraisine Costs The Foundation sends out newsletters that contain donation requests. A portion of the costs of these newsletters has been allocated to fundraising. The functional expense categories that include allocated costs to fundraising are printing and publications, supplies and postage. Advertisinq The Foundation uses advertising to promote its programs among the audiences advertising are expensed as incurred. it services. The costs of Allocation of Functional Exoenses The Foundation allocates all functional expenses to each program based on management's best estimates of program utilization after analysis of the cunent year budget and prior year's history. Where no prior information is available, expenses are allocated on a consistent basis which appears most reasonable to management. F'air Value of Financial Instruments Generally accepted accounting principles require disclosure of an estimate of fair value for certain financial instruments. The Foundation's significant financial instuments are cash, accounts/gmnts receivable, promises to give and other short-term assets and liabilities. For these financial instruments, carrying value approximates fair value. -9- WHIDBEY AI{IMALS' IMPROYEMENT FOT'IIDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Years Ended December 3lr20l4 and 2013 NOTE B - PROMISES TO GIYE-CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In 2010, the Foundation began a capital campaign for the construction ofa new shelter. The following is included in pledges receivable and restricted contributions as of December 31, 2014 and2Ol3. 2014 $ 9t,391 $ 3.010 Promises to give in less than one year Promises to give over one year f--94rCI1 Total 20t3 93,277 13.600 $--106.S77 Related Party Promise to Give An Oflicer ofthe Foundation pledged $300,000 in 2010 to the capital campaign, payable in increments of $100,000 each in January 2012,2013 and20l4. This pledge was paid in firll. NOTEC-NOTERECEIVABLE Note receivable is a $75,000 promissory note received as part of a bequest. The note is secured by a deed of trust and bears interest at 4% per annum with payments of$360 per month commencing the first day of October 2015 and continuing until September 2018 at which time the entire balance of principal and accrued interest shall be due. NOTE D - II\IVENTORY in the community donate used clothing and household items to the thrift shop for the Foundation's fundraising efforts. These items are sold in the thrift shops, located in Freeland and in Oak Harbor, Washington. Fair market value of the donated items is equal to what the Foundation can sell them for. Items donated to the thrift shops are recorded at the actual amount sold at resale value of 9575,174 and is included with noncash in-kind donations in the statement of activities for the year ended December 3l , 2014 . The used inventory held for resale has been consistently valued at approximately 1 o% of sales. People The Foundation also purchases sweatshirts and other small items with the Foundation's logo and sells them at the Animal Shelter. In addition to inventory for resale, the Foundation maintains an inventory of supplies and medications for use at the shelter. The inventory is valued at the lower ofcost or market on a first-in, first-out basis. Inventory at December 31, 2014 and,20l3 consisted of the following: 2014 $ t2,654 Used inventory held for resale Purchased inventory for resale 75 $f2JD Total inventory - 10- $ 2013 12,006 82 $_l2JS8 WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOI]NDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Years Ended December 31,2014 and 2013 NOTE E - IN-KII\D CONTRIBUTIONS The Foundation recognizes contributed property, facilities and services in accordance with Financial Accounting Standmds Board ASC 958-605-25-16, Contributed Services, the Foundation recognizes conhibutions of services only if the services received (a) create or enhance nonfinancial assets or (b) require specialized skills and are provided by individuals that possess those skills, and would need to be purchased not provided by donation. Donations of property and equipment are recorded as contributions at their estimated fair value at the date of donation. Such donations are reported as increases in unrestricted net assets unless the donor has restricted the donated asset to a specific purpose, Assets donated with explicit restrictions regarding their use and contributions of cash that must be used to acquire property and equipment are reported as temporarily or permanently restricted contributions depending on the restriction. The Foundation reports expirations of donor temporarily restrictions when the donated or acquired assets are placed in service as instructed by the donor. The Foundation also recognizes the donation of other noncash items of expense that the Foundation would have to purchase in the open market. Donated services and facilities are reflected in the frnancial statements at the amount that the Foundation would have had to purchase them on the open market. if During the years ended December 31,2014 and 2013, in-kind contributions consisted of the following: $ Thrift shop inventory Rent, Animal Shelter 2014 575,174 $ 4 909,325 16"519 13,67 Property, stock and vehicles Shelter food, supplies and materials Total 2013 543,338 13,67 4 35,317 2.622 $1514.692 $_594p5t The Foundation also had a substantial number of unpaid volunteers who donated significant amounts of time. The value of this contributed time is not reflected in the accompanying financial statements since there is no objective basis available to measure the value of such time and it does not meet the criteria for recognition under FASB ASC 958-605-25 -16, Contributed Services. NOTE F - LONG-TERM DEBT The Foundation entered into a capital lease to purchase a telephone system. Payments are $363 per month with maturity in December 2018. The lease is secured with the equipment acquired. Total outstanding as of December 3 1,2014 Less current portion Net long term portion -11- $ 11,557 2.607 $__ip50 WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATBMENTS For The Years Ended December 3lr 2014 and 2013 NOTE F - (Continued) Annual maturities of the capital lease is as follows for the years ending December $ 2015 2016 2017 3 1: 2,607 3,026 3,5 l3 2.411 201 8 $_LrJ57 NOTE G - TEMPORARILYRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Temporarily restricted net assets are available for the following purposes at December 31,2014 and 2013: 2013 New shelter capital $ 2,063 ,480 $ 92 I ,6 I 8 24.545 _$9116153 2014 24.452 campaigr Fund-A-Need Total NOTE $2,W-W H- SHELTERPROGRAM REVENUE The Foundation manages the Whidbey Island Animal Shelter under a contract with Island County for a minimum monthly fee of $4,026. The Foundation also manages an animal shelter for the City of Oak Harbor under a contract for a minimum monthly fee of $8,333. The loss of these funding sources would have a negative effect on the operations of the Foundation, and could put the future of the Foundation in jeopardy. In addition, medical and other fees are charged to individuals who use the shelter facilities to adopt or sunender animals. Program revenue is summarized as follows: 2013 City of Oak Harbor management contract $ I 15,000 $ 88,750 Island County management contract 48,3 10 Medical and miscellaneous fees 34.67 5 Total program revenue $_19&825 LIZLJ35 2014 52,373 31.452 -t2- WIIIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT F'OUNDATION NOTES TO F'INANCIAL STATEMENTS For The Years Ended December 31,2014 and 2013 NOTE I - OPERATING LEASES The Foundation leases four buildings and one parking lot on Whidbey Island, Washington. The first building, which serves as a thrift shop and cat adoption center, is located in Oak Harbor. This lease terminates July 15, 2015, with two successive extensions of this lease to be exercised separately, each such extension to be for a period of five years. The lease for the parking lot adjacent to the Oak Harbor thrift shop and cat adoption center, which began February 1,2013, also expires July 15, 2015. The second building, which serves as a thrift shop, is located in Freeland. The Freeland thrift shop lease expires July 31,2017, with one 5 year option to renew. The third building, which serves as a cat adoption center, is also located in Freeland, and expired August 31, 2013. The fourth building, which served as the Foundation's capital campaign office, is located in Langley and was on a month-to-month basis until tie premises were vacated November 1, 2013. In the normal course of business, operating leases are generally renewed or replaced by other operating leases. All of these leases require the lessee to pay all utility costs. These operating leases called for aggregate monthly payments of $8,290 and $8,290 for 2014 and 2013, respectively. Minimum future payments under these operating lease agreements for the remaining terms of the leases are as follows: For the years Ttirf December 3 l, $ 2016 2017 Total minimum lease rental 66,630 32,400 19.900 s l r7.930 Rental expenses under operating leases were $99,480 and $99,210 for 2014 and 2013, respectively. NOTE J - NEW SIIELTER CAPITAL CAMPAIGN The Foundation brought together a team to cotrrmence a capital campaign to raise the funds necessary to construct a new shelter on the land owned by the Foundation in Coupeville. Temporary reshictions on net assets at the end of 2014 and 2013 xe related in part to funds raised through the capital campaign. Funds are restricted for the acquisition and construction, plus other direct costs and expenses related to the new shelter. The campaign goal is $3.8 million for constructing both the main shelter for the care and adoption of companion animals, and for a second building to be used for storage and as a community center. The second building, the Annex, began construction in July of2013 and completed in October of2014. The Foundation is currently using the Annex for administrative offices and storage. Construction on the main shelter began in September 2014. - 13- WHIDBEY ANIMALS' IMPROVEMENT FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINAIICIAL STATEMENTS For The Years Ended December 31^r2014 and 2013 NOTE K- CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS The Foundation follows the policy of capitalizing as a component of construction in progress the expenses for consultants, architects, site preparation, utility installation and other expenses related to designing and building the new shelter. As a structure is completed, the associated building costs are removed from construction in progress and capitalized as a separate asset. The Amex was completed and the Foundation began using the building for administative offices Novemb et 7,2013, therefore $220,906 was removed from construction in progress during 2013. Cumulative capitalized construction expenditures at December 31,2014 and 2013 related solely to the new shelter project are $863,528 and $438,758, respectively. NOTE L_INCOME TAXES The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that is exempt from income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Intemal Revenue Code. The Foundation does not conduct any activities that would result in unrelated business income and therefore is not required to file Form 990T, Exempt Organization Business Tax Retum. Therefore, no provision for income tax is included in these financial statements. The Foundation's tax filings are subject to audit by various taxing authorities. The Foundation's open audit periods are 2011-2014, generally for tlree years after they were fiIed. At December 31,2014 and 2013, and for the years then ended the Foundation recognized $0 in interest and penalties in relation to income taxes in the accompanying financial statements. NOTE M - SIIBSEQUENT EVENTS Management has evaluated subsequent events t}rough January 14, 2015, the date the financial statements were available to be issued. In July 2015, the Organization secured a line of credit with a local bank for $750,000 to complete the construction of the new shelter. This line of credit has a maturity date of July 2016. NOTE N- CHANGES TO OPERATIONS The Foundation's Oak Harbor Animal Shelter, which was located on the U.S. Navy Seaplane Base and was part of a long-time contract between the City of oak Harbor and the U.S. Naly, was vacated September 30,2013. Beginning October 1, 2013 the Foundation is under contract with the City of Oak Harbor to operate their holding facility on Goldie Road for the purpose of caring for the animals during the statutory 6-day holding period, after which the Foundation relocates the cats to the Oak Harbor Cat Adoption Center and the dogs to the Coupeville Shelter for adoption and longer tenn care. -14-