vaq-139 maylor point trail opens fleet supply leader visits region
vaq-139 maylor point trail opens fleet supply leader visits region
Friday, MAY 7, 2010 • Northwest Navigator > WHIDBEY EDITION FLEET SUPPLY LEADER VISITS REGION Commander, Electronic Attack Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet Supply Officer, Capt. Joe Schauble leads Rear Adm. Michael Lyden, commander, Naval Supply System Command and the 45th chief of Supply Corps, on a tour Naval Air Station Whidbey Island during a site visit, April 30. Lyden conducted familiarization visits to installations around the Puget Sound April 28-30. MC2 Tucker Yates MAYLOR POINT TRAIL OPENS Tony Popp Another Oak Harbor and NAS Whidbey Island joint endeavor became a reality, April 29, as Capt. Gerral David, NAS Whidbey commanding officer, and Oak Harbor Mayor Jim Slowik officially opened the Maylor Point Trail on the Seaplane Base. Part of the cityís comprehensive plan for 15 years, various departments from Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Engineering and Planning came together to create the waterfront extension for the public. The trail is more than three miles from Scenic Heights to Maylor Point and spotlights birds, marshes and beautiful views of Oak Harbor. VAQ-139 ter, first aid and signaling. Thankfully the crew was able to experience a SAR situation in a controlled environment and the exercise ended with the SAR helicopter picking up the crew for extraction to NAS Whidbey Island. “I learned a lot today and am very confident that the Whidbey SAR team is among the best out there,” said Dearden. 357043 continued from > Page 1 Page 13
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