In the early days the Waxhaw:seeinpd to be a .sort of cradle of Remus, fnr no other section wielded .so Kreat an influence or furnished os many notable men. Here were A potpourri of information a boat the Jacksons. the Calhouns. and Union County and it* people the Pickenses. Andrew Jackson wa. compiled by John Foster born here. Patrick Calhoun for ;i Chapter D. A. R. time lived there and belonsed to the; Old Waxhaw Church. Here Gen-j e.ral Andrew Picken.s grew up ann ' THE WAX HAWS . Carolina, and thus pre.scn.-ed Wash- , here he married Rebecca Calhoun (Continued from January 22i | Ington in the Jerseys from an atta.-l: j Here in the Waxhaws grew up Wil Before tlic Revolutionary War rhc by Cornwallls until the French fleet ! liam R. Daviy" the dLstiiiRuished partisan leader in the War of the entire territory which lu»cl been the. Was ready to cooperate with Wash Governor of Nor t h ion. Revelut hunting ground,-, of the Waxh.r.v ington, j Indian*, and which is no\v Union In the Waxhaw*;. on the bunks nf j Carolina, one of the framer.s of the county, had become partially set Waxhaw Creek, near the old home 1 Constitution of the United States.' tled throughout. However, except place of Col. William Walknp wa-J Minister to Prance in the time of in Waxhaw Settlement, churches fought the Battle of the Waxlutw.,. 1 Napoleon, and founder of the Uni and .schools were still not MarUM. or the Battle of Waurmb's Mill. I versity of North Carolina at Cha It was only after the Revolution This was the real Battle of the pel Hill. N C William H. Crawthat churches and schools were Waxhaws, but it was the commoii ford, thr. great Georgian, went from established among these people. So. error df almost all historians lr» the Waxhaws. So. from these peo the religious and educntum.il train epeak. of the Battle of the Waxhaws ple went three of the greatest men ing of the children of tlwe early as being the Massacre of Buford": of their times Jackson. Calhoun pioneers were left (o the pa rente in Men by TarlUm. at tin- place ln- nnd Crawford, men who directed cally called "The Bufrml Batll-.-j the. politics of the nation, and whoM' the homes. No marker .show* the iieki I antagonisms became the untauonGround". Among the.se .st-i tiers HUT th.il the Battle of the Wax- 1 i-ms of the nation's people. The whereon part of the country wore the follow Smi'.h. ing: John Belie. Esq.. from Middles- haws wn.s fought although it is one | Waxhaws produced William Senato: States United and judge ;t 1 Rp.voluthe of battlefields the of borough. England; Siephcn Billew, and one in which there were .1 in South Carolina. Dr. John Brown. Thomjw Cocnran.. James Doster,, and I one of the early professors in the killed Jajor John Faster. Juhn Ford, one I" umber of .soldiers ol the signer* ol the Mecklenburg wounded, and m which battle Cant i University ot South Carolina, W:LS reaivd in the Waxhaws, and was :i Declaration of Independence. Rich- James Walkup iWauhab*. and .sev school-mate ol Jack.son. and with commanders American other eral &rd Griffln. Henry H.irgett from him when they were boys in their; founiit defeated, ultimately although Germany; George Helms and Till, man Helms from Pennsylvania: for a Ions time bnu-ely and well teens rotle under Da vie at Hanging went Waxhaws the From Rock. numbers .superior against James and William Houston from Among the many soldiers of thu Stephen D. JUIller, once Governor Virginia; Aaron Howie. John an:( a Sen William Lejnmonci from Ireland: county in the Revolutionary War of South Carolina, and once ator in an at;e of great men. From Col W.-Hthah. Jume.s Capt. were: George Lmey from Germany: Wil the Waxhaws. too. went Dr. J. Ma liam McRae, Hugh McCain, George Wm. R. Davin. Major Jnlin Fosti?:rion Simm.s a .surgeon of world CuthbertJohn rapt. Polk. CharKs McWhorter, Henry McNeelfc', John wide famr, and one who in his de Relk, John A-hi.raft. Thuma.1 eon. McCorkle, David Mrx>re, Charles has never been surpa.->sed. Montgomery. Capt. Charles Polk, parting Belk. Jeremiah Clout/, Geo partment iitii i i i"i»j"BHIitJMIII.Ll - - i " William Pyron. William Osborn<\|CaITiker lklHed». John Ewimv And many another notabif man in James Boss. John Stilwoll. Je^se {William Houston. John Lemmoml. the early days claimed 'the W.ixStilwcll. William Simpsoii. Jacob [William Lnnmond. David Moore haws for his home. ^ Secret, Emanuel Stephens «Stev- fWJlllam Mi-CVun. Junii-* McCain. In the neighborhood of the Wax- ! ens), Matthew Stewart. John Hugh McCain Jr. Hi'iir>' McNe-rlv. haws were many ::ir-p .siavy IioMers.; Thompson, John Wentz and other,. George McWhorter, James Ro^. the people had commodious old. Edward Richardson. Willhim SimpWhen the Revolutionary War eon, Emanuel Stephens <SU'vens» ante-bellum homes, and tAcv were far removed from the line; uf traf came, these people with the excenJohn Thompson. Phillip Wolfe. .uri fic, they were a reflned and splendid lion of u few who participated ri the Meiklenb'irrf Declaration affair. numerous other.-, w-hose names we people, and exerted coonhiderable exerc;sed theniselvfs but little about do not have. Nearly every man in Influence in both of the Carolina*. the war until about the time of the the. territory, which u* no*,v Union When the national military acad Battle of camden. Tarlon's tJlti- county, bclnneed to some military emy was about to be established, .c.acre of Buford's men. some fifteen company, and almost all of them the, community of the Waxhaws wa.s miles southeast of the Waxhav went nut and did .service for the influential enough to come within Church, over In South Carolina, American caufce But the names one vote of getting it at Great Falls turned these people from an at'.i- of all who did .ierviee are not ob on the Catawba River, instead of tude of almost indifference to the tainable, the rosters not having been at West Point. N. Y. struggle to a determined and ftercf kept, and many of them being too One of the wealthiest and best of participation in it. patriotic to apply for pay, thus the the PresbyLensLas in the old WaxIn th Waxhaws the minister was failing to cet their names on the haws was Major Jo£ui Foster, one of Insulted, his home and books burn- payrolls. The Britton Belk men the brave.st of the Revolutionary td, and thi- BiitUh soldiers declared tioned as having served in the Rev soldiers. He was buried on the against all Biblcs which contained olution was killed in the war. He south side of Waxhaw Creek, near the Scotch version of the Psalms. was one of the crowd present at the where his fine, old ante-bellum home It wa-s this conduct by the BrltUh adoption of the Mecklenburg Decla once stood. His grave is marked that fired the people of this sec ration of Independence. He took by a granite slab on which is this tion, and refilled Sumter's ranks. with him his ten-year old son, inscription: iiiid furnished many heroes of James Belk. and 100 yeans later, it, "Major John Foster, who departHanging RcK-k. King's Mountain. tin- Centennial Celebration of the ed thla life Jan. 33. 1820 A. D.. aged Cowpens. Wauhab's Mill, or the aforesaid Declaration, this same 72 years. He immigrated from Ire Battle of the Waxhaws. Euta\\ James BeJk. at the age of 110 year,* land 1765. and wa.s Capt. of a'*IY<*op was present, wa.s introduced to the of Horsemen in the Revolutionary Springs and Blackstock.s. It wa.s the rising of these people- iTrent gathering by Oov. Z. B. Vance. VVar, in which he distinguished which opened the way for Marion's and hr told the people present of hi thyself in several engagements, as fimous partisan warfare from the I his recollection of the affair, and of an : ctivc and brave officer. Grain vamps of the Pee Dee nnd the how the men threw their hats in hid if* «fte earth repays the peasjfiantee. which recalled Cornwallls the air when Col Polk finished ant's care, and evening sun but seta and delayed him in upper South reading the paper which declared to rise more fair. He ha* left his lolto independent. The OUR HERITAGE \\IM-, tlic ji-.;, the pious, and tin.' brave live in their deaths and flour ish from the grave." The Scotch-Irish, who made the Waxhaw Settlement, built the first Presbyterian church here, soon alter 1hf settlement was made in 1751.