2014 Annual Report - Summerside Nazarene


2014 Annual Report - Summerside Nazarene
April 28,
Order of Meeting
Pastor’s Report
General Reports
Details of 2013 meeting
Ministry Reports
Treasurer report
Committee Reports
Department Reports
Annual Meeting
Annual Celebration Sunday
Order of Service
May 4, 2014
Order of Service for Annual Meeting Sunday, May 4, 2014
Pre-service Songs
Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons) 282
Hallelujah (Your love is amazing) 105
Welcome/Announcements/Scripture/Tithes & Offering
Lord I lift Your name on high 17
SDMI Report-Maureen
NMI Report- Glenda
Today 113
NYI Report - Wes
ADMIT/Worship Report -Peter
Shout to the North 107
Facilities Report -Ron
Board Secretary Report - Frank
How Great Thou Art H5
Pastor’s Report - Pastor Eddie
Blessed Be Your Name 75
Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons) 282
Closing Prayer and Grace for Potluck
Potluck lunch for everyone
Agenda for Annual Meeting -After Potluck- members please remain after meal
Opening Prayer
Review of the minutes from May 2013
Appoint and Approve Board of Tellers
Setting of the Voting Bar
Motion to Accept Reports from Morning Service
Financial Report and Presentation of Budget for 2014/2015
Motion to accept budget for 2014/2015
Presentation of ballot results
Motion to destroy ballots
Motion to adjourn
Closing Prayer
Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Activities
The annual meeting of the Summerside Church of the Nazarene was held on April 28, 2013
All Reports and recommendations that appeared in the Annual Meeting Book were presented and approved.
The Proposed Budget for 2013-2014 was presented and approved.
Election results for 2011-1012 year:
Church Board
Ron Geary
Miriam Jackshaw
Continuing 2 year term:
Peter Gallant
Frank Lavandier
Maureen Praught
Vikki Kurylyk
Sunday School Ministries Board
S.S. Superintendent
Arrangements have been made.
SDMI Board
Minerva Hardy
Sandra MaCaull
Anna MacDonald Harold Steinwand
President :
Glenda Wright.
NMI Council
Fran Steinwand
Judy MacDougall
Delegates (Conventions and Assembly to be held in Moncton,
May 15-17, 2013,
Sandra Geary, Maureen Praught, Harold Steinwand
Fran Steinwand (alternate)
Potluck luncheon was shared after the service.
Annual Meeting
Committee Report
Nominating Committee Report
All the following nominations have been approved by the Church Board
= accepted/not turned down nomination
Church Board (up to 4 to be elected)
Linda Dias 
Peter Gallant 
Frank Lavandier Mark Linkletter
Andrew Hardy
Evie Porter
Continuing 2 year term: Ron Geary
Vikki Kurylyk 
Miriam Jackshaw
Maureen Praught
S.S. Superintendent
Linda Diaz
Alex Gallant
Scott Wilson 
SDMI Board (up to 4 to be elected)
Joe Dias
Edna MacAuley
Vicki MacCarville
Scott Wilson 
Alex Gallant
Sandra MacCaull 
Courtney Mullen
Debbie Young
Victoria Kingyens
Dean MacDonald
Maureen Praught
Lowell Kurylyk
Anna MacDonald
Cristy Rossiter
NYI Nominations
NYI President
Wes Jackshaw
NMI Nominations
Glenda Wright
Council (up to 4 to be elected)
Linda Dias 
Adeline Ellis
Nadine MacLean
Courtney Mullen
Judy MacDougall
Evie Porter
Andrew Hardy
Cindy Mendoza 
Carl MacLean
Effa Morrison
Delegates (Conventions and Assembly to be held in Moncton- June 4,5, 2014)
Nominations of Delegates (up to 3 to be elected, 1 alternate)
Linda Dias
Frank Lavandier
Joe Dias
Judy MacDougall
Ron Geary
Maureen Praught
Sandra Geary
Annual Meeting
Committee Reports
47 ballots were cast with the
following election results declared.
Report of Board of Tellers 2014 Election results
Church Board
Linda Dias
 Peter Gallant
Vikki Kurylyk,
Frank Lavandier
Continuing 2 year term: Vikki Kurylyk, Frank Lavandier, Peter Gallant
Sunday School Ministries Board
S.S. Superintendent
Scott Wilson 
 No
SDMI Board
Sandra MacCaull
Anna MacDonald
Debbie Young
Scott Wilson
Wes Jackshaw 
 No
Glenda Wright.  Yes
 No
President :
NMI Council
Linda Dias,
Judy MacDougall,
Cindy Mendoza
Delegates - Conventions and Assembly to be held in Moncton, May 15-16, 2013 (3 elected, 1 alternate)
Delegates: Joe Dias
Linda Dias
Frank Lavandier
Judy MacDougall
Alternate: Joe Dias
Linda Dias
Frank Lavandier
Judy MacDougall
Thank you so much to all who were willing to let their name stand for this year’s elections.
The results were tabulated on May 4, 2014
Thank you Harold Steinwand, Mark Linkletter and Shawn Kinch, for officiating the elections.
We wish you God’s blessing as you seek to do His work.
Annual Meeting
Committee Reports
Finance and Facility
We have been blessed this year, BIGGEST BLESSING is Pastor Eddie, Christy and family. With
lots of willing hands we were able to move them down from the west and into their Summerside
home, Thank you Lord!
With your faithful tithes and offering all the District and WE Funds Allocations have been paid in
full and extra monies have been sent from Thanksgiving, Easter and other mission offerings, all
of which are listed in the Treasurers Report.
We enjoyed air conditioned comfort in our sanctuary last summer, replaced flooring and office furniture in our office area, landscaped around rear entrance, washed the total exterior of the
church, installed a new church sign, - some of the more major projects this past year.
Thanks to all the willing hands that have done so much to keep our church in tip top shape,
Thanks Again!
Respectfully submitted on behalf of Peter, Al, Harold
Ron Geary
Committee Reports
Social Committee
This past year has been a busy yet exciting year for the Social Committee. We had six planning
meetings during the year to plan the social events of the church including: 5 potlucks, 4 wedding
showers, 3 baby showers, 1 funeral reception, and 1 Adult fellowship. We also assisted with the
food planning and serving for Teen Challenge (thank you Anna), the Fall Fair, BBQ and the Filipino Relief Fundraiser. Also, at various times through the year members have cleaned and maintained the downstairs kitchen.
This next year will provide some challenges and
changes to the committee. Retiring from the
group are Carl and Nadine MacLean, Fran and
Harold Steinwand, and Linda Dias.
Continuing on are Anna MacDonald, Katherine
Linkletter, Vikki Kurylyk, and George and Winnie Sheen and Evie MacKinnon Porter. Sandra
Geary is undecided.
It has been a privilege to serve in this capacity
for the past two years.
Respectfully submitted,
Nadine McLean
Annual Meeting
Pastor’s Report
Connect Grow Serve
Pastor's Report to the Annual Meeting and Congregation of Summerside Church of the Nazarene
This a true joy and privilege for me this morning for me to be able to bring this report to you. I count it a
blessing to be here, as your pastor, and to be able to worship with and serve all of you every week. It has
been wonderful getting to know you and your families and being able to bear with you, your struggles and
victories in prayer. Some of you I know better than others, but as I continue to become connected, I will
get to know you more. I truly echo the words of Paul in Philippians chapter 1:3-6. “I thank God every
time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident that he who began a good work
in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
I would like to thank, right at the start, my family. Christy, Emily, Spencer and
Aiden, you have been troopers this past year. All of the things that we have
gone through, the ups and downs, and finally moving to another city, another
house, another school, another group of friends, and you did it with smiles on
your faces. Kids, thank you for your love and for the young people you are
becoming. Christy, thank you for being a godly woman, who prays with and
for me. Without your support, behind the scenes, and all you do for our family, I would not be the man I am today, or the pastor God has called me to be.
You are a great role model for our kids and Christy you are the best thing that
has ever happened to me.
I also would like to thank, my Admin Assistant, Anna MacDonald. Anna is the
one who keeps the wheels going around here. Thanks for all that you do behind the scenes and not so
behind the scenes. It is great knowing there is someone who has all the answers to all my questions.
Thank you for all the extra hours and all the little things you do to make sure Sundays go off without a
To the church board and all the leaders of all the departments I would like to say, Job Well Done!! The
hardest thing for a church to do is to be without a leader and keep everything together. The leadership
team of this church worked together, over the past 18 months to ask some hard questions. They found
the answers, worked on restructuring and then put a plan into place to help the church grow, and it did!
This was not an easy process but it left the church in a great position to hire a pastor and they did all the
hard work of interviewing and calling a pastor, me. They lead with passion, and purpose and above all,
grace and my prayer is that you have all gotten a taste of that this morning as the leaders gave their reports. Thank you and it is my hope that God will bless us all as we lead together into the future!!
Coming from a rural environment to a urban one is a challenge but one that I have embraced. It is good to
be able to go to Wall-Mart and be home in 5 minutes instead of an hour, for example. The church looks a
little different as well. Multicultural, different levels of education, different socio-economic levels as well, all
of these things play into our congregation and how we look to our community. The theme of our Annual
Meeting has been community and I chose that theme because community is very important to me, and I
think it is very important to you too.
We, here at the Summerside Church of the Nazarene are part of a great community and we want to make
a difference in that community. I have had this as the core of what I do for a while now. It hit me as I read
a book called Simple Church and after reading Ephesians 2:19-22. “Consequently, you are no longer
foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of His household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief
Annual Meeting
Pastor’s Report
cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple int he Lord.
And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit.”
This is how we will make the difference, three words, Connect, Grow, Serve.
Connect: As the Senior Pastor one of the things I get to do is think big picture and whole church and I love doing that. I love looking to the future and spending time praying about where God is leading and directing. To
connect, to get together, to have fellowship. That is one of the things I love to think about. I really believe that
the people of God are better when they are together. One of the ways we can make a difference in our community is by bringing people into fellowship and community with us. I mean, we have Peter Gallant in our congregation. Enough said!! Seriously though, getting together and giving our community the opportunity to join in and
be a part of what we are doing is so important.
The potlucks, the Hawaii night, the date nights, open houses, evening services and even Sunday mornings are
all opportunities for us to connect with each other and with our community. It is great to be in a place where I
feel comfortable inviting people because I know when my friends or acquaintances walk through the door they
are going to be welcomed and loved and are going to feel, in some way, connected. In the upcoming year we
are going to be doing things that you will be able to invite your families and friends to. A beach day, a classic all
Church picnic, Sunday School Kick Off, George Canyon concert and many more days like them. We want to be
a church where our community knows we love them and feel welcome in this place.
We also look for ways to get people connected with God. This is the main thrust of everything we do here in
Summerside. All of the leaders here have a deep desire to see people come to saving faith through Jesus
Christ. All our Sunday School classes, all our special services, our times of communion, anointing, prayer, bible
studies, and everything else we do has this as our goal; to have people connect with Jesus Christ. This coming
year I hope we have more conversions, and people joining the church than ever before. I pray that God really
opens up the floodgates in this place and that people find Him and find each other in new and exciting ways.
Grow: This is our spiritual growth and discipleship. The image is of a Christian growing from a spiritual baby to
a mature Christian. This is one area that I am putting some deep thought into. We have a great Sunday School
department with some great classes for our kids and an adult class. We have a ladies bible study and a small
group that meets on Wed evening. We have an active youth group and have special times of learning periodically through the year, like Engage the Word.
I am praying that God would start to work in two or three people's hearts, so that they would feel called to teach
a class in their home, or at the church. I think it would be great to have some more studies going on through the
week. I plan on starting one up in September for new believers or those who need a spiritual reboot.
Spiritual growth is so important and is deeply intertwined with connection. We grow best when we are in community with each other. When we can hold one another accountable, when we can ask each other hard questions
in love, when we can hold each other up in prayer. We need to connect with Christ and each other to grow. If
you feel stagnant in your spiritual life, if you feel far away from God, like it has been a long time since you
learned anything new about Him, start coming to the adult Sunday School Class, or a small group, or talk to me
and I can set up a time with two or three to meet and go through a book of the Bible. I would love to do that.
Whatever you do, do not neglect your spiritual growth. Paul wrote this in Colossians 3:15-16. “ Let the peace
of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, through psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your Hearts.
Christian service is so important for connection and for growth, in order to Grow we need to be en8
Annual Meeting
Pastor’s Report
gaged in service. Also one of the best ways to connect is to be engaged in Christian service. Here in Summerside we want to be a place where everyone feels like they have a place and a purpose and can use the
God given gifts they have for His kingdom.
I have had the joy of being here during the set up of various events and it is great to see all the people and
the camaraderie they have with each other. To hear the laughter and hear the stories of the past events at
the church. People forget they are setting up for a potluck. I have the joy of coming to service every Sunday
and hearing the worship team practice and can sense even before the service, that the team has been
blessed in their practice. I have the joy of hearing the stories of the Sunday School teachers as they laugh
at the things kids say and how insightful they can be a times, especially about the things of God. I have the
pleasure of seeing all these things fit together and to hear how people are blessed because they serve.
You get so much more back from serving God.
That being said I know the struggles of service, finding time to help out, being willing to serve and getting
over the fear that God can't use us. The fact is God can use all of us, just as we are, for His kingdom. The
other fact is that all churches are only as good as the people who are willing to serve. God can use you.
Seniors we need you, Moses started leading when he was in his 80's and he worked until the day he died!!
Young families, we need your energy and your ideas, we need you more today than ever. Teens, there is a
place for you to serve, young adults and college kids, if you really want to make a difference the church is
the place for it. If we had enough a mission trip could be on the agenda or a trip to the food-bank to serve
our community....but we can't do it without you.
In closing this report today, I would like to quote A.W. Tozer, one of my favourite Christian writers and thinkers.
“Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically
tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another
standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshippers meeting together,
each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were
they to become unity conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship.
Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified. The body become stronger as its members become healthier. The whole church gains when the members that compose it begin to seek a
better and higher life.”
That is Connect, Grow and Serve in a nutshell. When we keep our eyes on Christ, connecting with Him,
we connect with each other. When we keep our eyes on Him and seek Him we grow in our spiritual life, our
lives are purified. And when we are connecting and growing we are serving and seeking a better and higher
life, through growth and connectedness to and in Christ. It is simple! Connect, Grow, Serve.
Respectfully Submitted
Rev. Edwin C Rossiter
Senior Pastor Summerside Church of the Nazarnene.
Annual Meeting
Ministry Reports
Prayer Chain
young person had to rely on God for many areas in his life.
I want to thank you to Miriam Jackshaw for
her many, many years and years of dedication as Prayer Chain Co-ordinator. Miriam
has finally been able to retire from this, but
still fulfills many areas within our Church and
outside of it. I pray the Lord continues to carry Miriam’s yoke and give her rest and
Members and friends of the Summerside
Church of the Nazarene, on behalf of the Prayer Chain Ministry, I would like to submit the following report for the church year 2013/2014.
This is the fifth year of the Emergency e-mail
Prayer Chain. We currently have 58 prayer
warriors on e-mail. More details are able to
be provided by this method. We have 13 prayer warriors who receive phone calls regarding
the request with two Captains; Helen Kozak
and Audrey Dawson and one sub-captain
Shirley Wadman. A big thank you to these ladies who continue to be vigilant in contacting
the other prayer warriors.
Vickie MacCarville has come on board to facilitate e-mail prayer requests.
Mark Linkletter has created a new web-site for
our Church and a new prayer request section.
You can submit a prayer request at the following address: http://www.summersidenazarene.org/
(click on more) near the top of the page, (click
on prayer request). Both Vickie and myself will
receive these requests. A response will be
sent to acknowledge their request has been
prayed for.
A separate Prayer Chain will be set up for requests that are non-emergency prayer requests. If you are interested in praying for
these requests, contact me and I will put you
on the list.
Matthew 18:19-20 “Again, truly I tell you that if
two of you on earth agree about anything they
ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in
heaven. For where two or three gather in my
name, there am I with them.”
We have received our
first prayer request on
April 19th, 2014 from
the Church Website. It blessed my
heart to see the
faith in God this
The Lord has answered numerous prayer requests which are all important to us, but the
biggest request I believe He answered was
supplying our congregation with Pastor Eddie
Rossiter. This is definitely one of His blessings to our congregation. Nineteen months
without a physical Sheppard and then to have
Pastor Eddie become available, all in God’s
timing. Please continue to prayer daily for
our Pastor and his family.
Our Congregation continues to grow with
each Sunday and we are grateful. His word
is reaching more people, more seeds being
planted, more growth and more harvesting all
for the Lord’s glory and kingdom.
I want to thank you the Summerside Church
and God for allowing me to continue in this
powerful ministry of speaking to God on behalf of those that need support, help, and reassurance. God is so awesome, listening
and providing miracles to our requests. We
are so very blessed for none of us deserve all
that He gives us, but yet He is so loving. I
love to tell everyone about the answered
prayer so please keep me informed, so I can
let others know.
Thank you Father in heaven for
Respectfully submitted
Maureen Praught,
Prayer Chain
Annual Meeting
Ministry Reports
Books DVDs CDs Magazines
The library continues to grow and be updated! It is
a popular place to visit after the services and at other times as well.
We have so many new and relevant books, DVDs
and other materials in our library that are available
for anyone’s use. We have over 3,500 titles that
cover the areas of Fiction, Non-fiction, Teens,
Youth and Children as well as CDs, DVDs and even
some VHS tapes
Each time a new book, CD or DVD is purchased, it
is done so with the hope and prayer that it will bring
a special blessing to the one borrowing it.
If you have not been down to the library
recently, have a look and see what’s there that
God might use to bless you today.
Our library is a place of reading growth for children
and adults. This year our Reading to Learn, Reading for Life program funded through the Literacy
fund at the Journal Pioneer was completed.
library a vibrant and vital part of our church. You have
helped make this a valuable ministry. As you can see
in the picture below, we have an incredible amount of
material available for use.
God speaks to us in many ways
and His wisdom is often
expressed to us through the
thoughts of others as they share
God’s love and wisdom with us
through their creativity.
it out.
I want to say a huge thank you
to all those who are supporting
our library.
Please continue to do so. There is
so much information that when
bought for a library can be shared
by so many people Your
contributions of books and dollars as
well as regularly dropping by and borrowing an item
or two (or three) makes the
Annual Meeting
Ministry Reports
Prime Time Ministry
This past year Prime Timers Ministry has followed the monthly schedule of a Noon Meal on the
first Thursday of each month. Bowling on the second and fourth Thursdays and Bible Study/
Inspirational Time and Prayer along with Tea and snacks on the third Thursday of the month.
In July, we met for a Mid-Summer Strawberry Shortcake Tea at the Steinwand residence.
In September , Kick-off was a Fall Round-up - Corn Roast and followed by a Hymn Sing-Song.
October was a Thanksgiving Meal of BBQ
chicken with 30 people in attendance.
The Annual Fall Leaf Tour started at the
church and concluded with Tea and goodies at Edna M home in Miscouche. Thank
you to Anna M and Sandra G for their assistance in this event.
November is the month to Remember our
Veterans and that we did with our own
George Sheen speaking at a Potluck
Meal / Remembrance service.
Once again in December 38 people celebrated Christmas Prime timers with a
Christmas Pudding Tea (thanks to Fran for
making it) and enjoyed the music by Everett Boulter and his team.
The New Year 2014 started with a Potluck Meal and followed by a fun time of table games.
In February, Catered Meal was enjoyed and we were inspired by a personal testimony by Linda
In March, we enjoyed a catered Meal and followed with a challenge and a prayer-circle time
lead by Glenda Wright, our NMI President of our church.
For April, we encouraged our people to attend our community Church Lenten service /Lunch.
Many enjoyed and attended the Friday Lenten Service /Lunch.
On the third Thursdays, we enjoyed the inspirational / prayer time with an attendance of 12-14
people, this time was lead and shared by various people of our congregation. They shared a look
into a favourite Psalms.
A thank you to so many people who graciously shared; again thanks. Our Bowling at CUP continued through out the year, for about 6-7 people all competing for top score.
Thanks to many of our prime timers, who help and support this ministry. It is with great privilege
and pleasure to serve in this ministry. God is greatly honoured and we are thankful. Thanks again
Prime Timers and friends.
In His service. we submit,
Harold and Fran Steinwand
Annual Meeting
Department Reports
Sunday School (SDMI)
music to start the Sunday
School morning off before
the child disperse to their
individual grades.
The SDMI consisted of MinerSDMI District Training Day in
va Hardy, Harold Steinwand,
Moncton was attended by four
Sandra MacCaull, Anna Macof our congregation.
Donald, Glenda Wright (NMIMissions), Wes Jackshaw
(NYI-Youth), Maureen
Praught. Sunday School
Teachers were always invited to attend the meetings.
The SDMI met monthly from
May 2013 to March 2014.
Minerva Hardy put together a
great closing breakfast for
Sunday School in June 2013
with the help of SDMI. There
were 70 people in attendance.
The closing breakfast will be
June 8th, 2014 with presentation in the service.
Minerva headed the Sunday
School programs for grade 6
down to Junior Kindergarten.
Preparing schedules for
nursery and Junior Church
leadership. The nursery was
outfitted with a flat screen TV
and speaker system to view
the service. The nursery volunteer list is scheduled until
June 22. The summer will be
open to parents to watch their
little ones. The new SDMI will
revisit the schedule further.
Minerva has been leading
these areas for countless
years and will be taking a
break for the 2014-2015
years. She will continue to
teach our budding children,
planting seeds, fertilizing and
harvesting God’s crop. Miriam Jackshaw has been
providing energised action
Sunday School restarted September 2013 with an outdoor
service and BBQ with games for
the children.
Jr. and Sr. High Sunday
Keilah Bias and Glenda Wright
were teaching the Junior and
Senior High on a rotation of
every other Sunday.
Adult Sunday School:
Adult Sunday School was led by
Dean MacDonald giving Andrew
Hardy a much needed break.
Ladies Bible Study:
Linda Dias has led a Women’s
Bible study at Phyllis DesRoches home since Sept. All women
of the church are invited.
Adult Small
This is held at
the Ron and
Sandra Geary’s
home on
Wednesday evenings. It is open
to anyone in the
Prime Time:
Prime Time was led by Fran
and Harold Steinwand inviting
guest speakers, musicians
and Prime Timers to mingle at
month lunches and bible studies. Bowling was the exercise
promoting many laughs from
fumed gutter bowls to the best
of 3 strikes in a row.
Kids Club:
Kids Club is led by Phyllis
DesRoches and a team of
dedicated teachers and Alexandra Gallant as music leader
on Tuesday evenings. This is
for Children age 4 to grade 6.
From 6:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Minerva Hardy and Anna
MacDonald worked tirelessly
on the VBS.
This year was
the first Park
Days (VBS)
led by Sandra
MacCaull and
many helpers.
This took place in two nearby
parks Notre Dame Park by the
Boys and Girls Club and Maple St and Central Street Park
in Aug 2013. Puppets were
used to tell Bible stories.
Crafts were made and songs
were sung. On two separate
Annual Meeting
Department Reports
Sunday School (SDMI) Cont.
Youth Group:
Is every Wednesday evening
from 7:00 p.m. full of games, dedays’ children from two different votions and snacks.
daycares attended. Outreach to
approx. 60 people were made
Graduation Sunday will be June
through families in the park
22 forTanner Mendoza, Jasmin
handing out Lobster Carnival fly- Geary and Aquillia Bias.
er materials with our Church activities. Welcoming anyone to
attend the many activities we
provide. The program ran for
one hour each for three days.
The City of Summerside allowed use of the parks after
completing their form.
College and Career:
Have had two meal related
Junior Church:
gatherings with great attendJunior Church had been taught ance.
by Sandra MacCaull until the
end of June 2013 and the Clip- Lobster Carnival Parade Float:
board program started. In Sep- Many hand worked to put the
tember 2013 the Junior Church church float in the Lobster Carniwas moved into the Fellowship val Parade on July 6th, with
Hall to accommodate the inChristian music proclaiming
praise to our Lord and Savior by
the Gallant family.
crease in
Between Minerva Hardy and Anna MacDonald a co-ordinating
schedule of new volunteers have
stepped forward to teach on a
rotational basis, with a Mission
Sunday held consistently each
month. The last teaching Sunday will be June 29th, 2014 with
clipboard starting the week after,
during service.
Christmas Parade:
The City of Summerside Christmas Parade was another cold,
cold evening. The Church put
together the Church float with
Mary, Joseph and Shepherds
and Angels.
with mouth-watering home
baked treats and coffee in the
foyer. Fran and Harold Steinwand have been back-up for the
Samaritan’s Purse Christmas
Shoe Boxes:
Harold Steinwand and Anna
MacDonald with
the help of
Churches in
the area distributed and
shoes boxes
for other
The total was 1050 boxes.
Lenten Lunch:
St. Mary’s and our Church collaborated together this year. We
supplied 7 cakes. They supplied
baked beans or macaroni
casserole, tea and coffee.
VBS 2014
Since a new board and Sunday
School committee will be in
place soon with a new SDMI Superintendent, VBS will be revisited for the Summers 2015.
In His service
Maureen Praught,
Acting SDMI Superintendent.
Welcome Group:
Linda Dias and husband Joe
have been welcoming people
Annual Meeting
Department Reports
Sunday School (SDMI)
Ladies Small Group: is gra-
by God as these fine group of
ladies and myself journey together. We have eat together,
cried together, laughed together, prayed together as we
shared our stories of how God
has worked miracles in our
lives, letting our hands remain
open to receive what God’s
plans are for us.
Your Servant in Christ
Linda Dias
Kids Club 2013-2014 has
been a wonderful year of ministry for the children in the
program and their
families in
ciously hosted in the home of
Phyllis DeRoches on Monday
night at 7 p.m. There is anywhere from 10 to 14 in attendance.
We have studied the
Named Series with 6 lessons
on the Unnamed and 6 lessons on the Named people in
the Bible who God used and
Blessed and the writers felt so
important to write their stories
so we, could relate, grow spiritually as we journey thru with
our stories.
Today we are now in a series of One Thousand Gifts
written by Ann Voskamp. This
is helping us to take time for
God, focus on the gifts we already have and to live a life of
Thanksgiving, “Eucharisteo”.
It has been a pleasure
and very rewarding to be used
nations going to the food bank,
"Operation Christmas Child,"
Christmas Musical and Carolling at Wedgewood Manoroutreach to their family and
community , "Valentine's Tea"serving others, and "Shopping
Nights" where children exchanged points earned
throughout the year for prizes.
Also New this year:
"Fellowship Time for Parents"
hosted by Linda Dias. A BigThank you to the team for
making this ministry meaningful to our 28 children and their
families. God Bless from the
kids Club Team.
We have continued to provide
a Nursery Program for infants
to age four over the past year.
Although there are not very
many children within this age
group in the church, each
week a nursery adult worker
and a teen helper is available
for members and visitors who
wish to leave their children in
the nursery. A monitor has
been installed in the nursery
so that workers and parents
can watch the church service
community. Our main focus
has been showing children
how Jesus can make a difference in their lives by helping
them start a growing relationship with Him. Worship Time
is led by Alexandra Gallant
where children experience
God's word through music and
song. Teaching staff this year
included : Vikki MacCarville,
Katherine Linkletter, Phyllis
DesRoches, Sandra McCaull,
Pastor Eddie and Herald Steinwand. Helpers included: Kim
Coughlin and Jocelyn Perry. Highlights for the year:
"Fall Blessings" party with do- while attending to the children.
Annual Meeting
Department Reports
Sunday School (SDMI)
Junior Church
Junior Church attendance has
continued to grow, with ten to
seventeen children attending
each week. Due to the increase in numbers, we outgrew our room at the bottom of
the stairs and have moved to
the large downstairs worship
hall. This move has given the
teachers the freedom to include more bible based games
and worship/praise in their lesson plans. Junior Church has
been led by a dedicated group
of volunteers, who work on a
rotational basis; each week
being staffed by a leader and a
helper. Thanks so much to the
volunteers! The curriculum
used for the first half of the
year was Kids’ Travel Guide to
23rd Psalm; where children
learned of God’s promises of
provision and protection. The
second half was Kids’ Travel
Guide To The Fruit Of The
Spirit; where children learned
about expressing God’s love to
others through caring actions and
healthy attitude, with the help of
God’s Spirit. Each week children
go on an exciting journey filled
with bible stories, fun, prayer and
Glenda Wright. They have been
studying the book, Crazy Love.
There is also an active Adult Sunday School class; facilitated by
Dean MacDonald. This group
has been conducting an in depth
study of the C.S. Lewis’ book
Mere Christianity. Sunday
Sunday School
Over the past year, Sunday
School has continued with the
format adopted last year. Children, ages four to twelve, gather
in the large worship hall for singing and praise led by Miriam
Jackshaw. The children are then
divided into three smaller individual Sunday School classes. A
points system serves to encourage children to bring their bibles,
attend Sunday School and learn
scripture verses each week. The
curriculum used for this group
was Faith Connections. The Junior and Senior High classes were
combined due to low numbers.
This class has been led by dedicated teachers Kayla Bias and
School will wrap up in early June
with a potluck breakfast celebration. Last year the breakfast celebration was a great way to wrap
up the year and highlight the children’s and teacher’s dedication.
There was attendance of approximately 70. Sunday School also
partnered with the social committee in the Fall Fair. The Sunday
School teachers organized tables
and games for the children who
In His Service,
Minerva Hardy
Annual Meeting
Department Reports
Worship Ministry Report
and a beautiful spirit of leading
worshippers. We hope to be expanding in this department again
We have introduced close to 20 new
Music is a huge part of our culture and that of everyone else on songs this year and now have over
300 songs in our catalogue. We conthe planet.
We listen to it. We participate in tinue to keep our pulse on the church
family and seek God’s help in deterit. We work to it. We play to it.
mining where to go next with the gifts
It’s used to motivate, move and
He’s blessed the church with. We
help work through things.
strive to keep a healthy mix of the
hymns of the past that are so richly
We sing when we rejoice. We
steeped in our heritage and the new
sing when we mourn. We sing
songs that speak so well to the
to pass the time. We sing bechurch in its current form.
cause we love to. We sing to
remember. We sing to our Heav- We are always looking for guidance
as to where to go with music in our
enly Father. We sing to each
services. Our demographic is not
other. We sing to the world.
evenly distributed and it’s hard to alPsalm 40:3 reminds us that “He ways know what styles and types of
put a new song in my mouth, a
songs to pick and sing at services.
hymn of praise to our God. Many We are always leaving our hearts and
will see and fear the LORD and minds open to what God has in store.
put their trust in him.” Bottom
We pray that our church family will do
line, there are so many reasons the same as we forge in to new terriand ways to sing – and, the
tory with music, worship time and all
world will be affected by this.
that it might and can be.
So, if you are a child of the King,
by all means, feel free to SING! We introduced a song that is sung
and acted (signed), “Hear From HeavAnd SEE what God will do.
en”, this year and the response was
I am so thankful for the dedicavery strong. God clearly speaks
tion of our worship team memthrough this song and songs like it.
bers and their tenacity to bring
It’s different and it ministers. Get
their talents forward and say,
ready for more “different”.
“here Lord, use these, use me!” I
Courtney has introduced a number of
am humbled by their selflessKari Jobe songs that strike directly to
the heart of the worshiper. This is so
We have had a wonderfully
important as every church has family
blessed year with two worship
members that are at various stages in
teams: one led by Courtney Mul- their walk with God and music is very
len and the other by me. I am
important when it comes to speaking
pleased beyond words that my
to every one regardless of what stage
wife, Christine, is now in rotation he/she may be at, thus the need for
for leading worship as
different styles and different mediums
of delivery. We want to speak to and
pour into everyone’s lives.
well. Our equipment is in good shape, yet
we will be needing to upgrade in cerShe
brings an tain areas this year (microphone
stands, drumset pads, monitor for
wealth of
singers, etc..). We are thankful that
we have good equipment.
We presented “Arrest These Merry Gentlemen”, a Christmas musical for all ages. Thanks to the
willing participants for your awesome dedication – and patience!
We have been blessed with so
many talented people!!
We are preparing the Easter
presentation, “Sunday’s On The
Way” for Easter morning. We understand and embrace the idea
that people learn and absorb
truth (and other forms of information) in different ways. Drama
speaks to those who may not
necessarily be readers and listeners but may have better experiences “seeing” the truth. Humor
doesn’t hurt, either!
We are pleased to be working
with the talented and dedicated
Mark Linkletter in adding content
to the new church website. The
music department has a blog
component called “Everything
Worship” which features updates
on new music being introduced
and links for church family members to hear the music and interviews with the song writers. As a
creative component to the website, we are arranging and recording “Hymns Different Ways”
– a new take on hymns from the
traditional Nazarene hymn book.
Again, embracing the concept of
We have a new song-filing system that is making our lives a lot
easier (thanks Courtney, Miriam
and Anna) and a revamped room
that we can now call our music
So, we rejoice in what the King is
doing in our church and with our
music department. We endeavor
to worship Him!
Music Director/Worship Leader
Annual Meeting
Department Reports
Nazarene Youth International (NYI)
At the end of the 2013 phase of our youth program, an
NYI student council was formed, consisting of four students and the NYI president. The objective was to oversee the student leadership development as they took on
more responsibility for the administration and operation of
the Wednesday night youth group, local and regional
group activities such as rallies and other planning meetings for the district, and eventually mentoring of other
Our youth group currently enjoys the participation of four
to five adults with youth attendance consistently in the 10
to 15 range each week. Our program this year focused on
three main activities: First Hand Faith, Unbroken, and an
activity night. Generally twice a month the youth were taken through a DVD discussion series on making their faith
in Christ a first hand reality, compared to the faith of their
parents or grandparents. Once a month Unbroken, a missions-based program, led the youth through a series of
different attitudes towards others that developed an intentional missions outlook. Once every one to two months
there would be a sabbatical from youth night or an activities based night such as bowling, Slemon Park physical
activity, or a board games focus. In conjunction with Pastor Eddie, we had an evening just before Passover where
we took the youth through a traditional Seder meal, explaining all the elements of the Jewish preparations for departure from Egypt and how these are connected to our
current Communion experience.
Throughout the winter we missed several evenings due to
the stormy weather, but we were able to hold a local rally
over a weekend in February with special speaker Scott
Wilson. It was also an opportunity to have Pastor Eddie
spend some dedicated time with our youth in his new
role as our Senior Pastor. The whole weekend was
masterfully coordinated by Anna, while our youth leaders participated as much as their busy schedules permitted.
With two months remaining in the school year, we will
be completing each of the different focus curricula,
while laying the groundwork for NYC next summer.
Fundraising for youth and leader participation in this
major event will take place over the next year.
It has been a pleasure to work with our leaders and
youth over this last year, and I look forward to another
year of continuing growth and development.
In Christ,
Wes Jackshaw
As Youth Coordinator I want to thank our leaders and
Youth Council for their consistent participation and support for our Youth group. The students, Hanna. Sarah,
Devon and Jocelyn , provided games in a rotational basis and met with the leaders to plan the year. Our Leaders, Wes, Peter, Mike, and Glenda along with myself
worked each week to provide an environment where
God was taught about and honoured. I pray we have
made a difference. Thank you to the ladies who provided snacks for our Youth.
You have no idea how
much that means!
With thankfulness,
Anna MacDonald
Annual Meeting
Department Reports
Nazarene Missions International(NMI)
Members and friends of the Summerside Nazarene Church.
Another church year is coming to a
close and as we take a moment to reflect on the past year let us also look
forward to what God has prepared for
I would like to share with you what
the NMI Mission Statement and our
NMI Mission Statement:
To mobilize the church in mission through praying, discipling, giving and educating.
NMI Objectives:
To encourage people to pray for
all efforts of world evangelization
To inform people of the world’s
needs and what the church
is doing to meet those
To challenge children and
youth to learn about and
participate in the mission of
the church.
To raise funds for mission outreach.
Our 4 core values:
Praying – Prayer is a place of solidarity. Just as Jesus bore our burdens on His cross, we can bear the
burdens of others, laying them before the Father in prayer. Prayer is
not only for ourselves – prayer is
unselfish, allowing the body of
Christ to join in one voice of praise,
thanksgiving or petition to our Lord
Jesus Christ.
“For we do not have a high priest who
is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has
been tempted in every way, just as we
are—yet he did not sin. Let us then
approach God’s throne of grace with
confidence, so that we may receive
mercy and find grace to help us in our
time of need.” -Hebrews 4:1516, NIV
Discipling - "Go and make disciples"
were Jesus’ parting words as he sent
his friends to join his mission in drawing all people to Him.
NMI is committed to discipling new
generations in their faith journey. To
teach them about the Global church.
To help nurture that passion for missions. To give them opportunities to
serve, to participate in mission work
here at home as well as abroad no
matter what their age. Thank you to
those who volunteer their time to do
just that.
Giving - Just as the earliest Christians
“pooled their resources so that each
person's need was met,” (Acts 2:45,
The Message) believers today eagerly
share what they have to bring new
members into God’s family.
Thank you for generously sharing your
resources through the Alabaster Offering, Thanksgiving Offering, and Easter
Offering. Thank you for helping us dig
a well in Malawi. In December NCM
to Malawi as
part of
partnership with
Chiyimba Church of the Nazarene, to
fund 2 wells and to repair the roof of a
church. The wells will provide fresh,
clean drinking water for two of the villages surrounding Chiyimba and also
to the Child Development Centers
there. You are making a difference!
Educating – NMI is committed to
helping our local church tell the mission story. There are resources that
will help inform and help educate each
of us. We share not only what other
Nazarenes are doing in mission, but
how you can get involved as well. We
have mission books and Cd’s that
share stories of Nazarenes on the
mission field. Please take some time
to read through them if you have not
already done so. They have some
great mission stories.
We have had a couple of opportunities
to hear some great mission stories this
year. Dave Pizio from the Elmsdale
Church of the Nazarene was with us
and share of their trip to Rwanda. Rev.
Tonya Kucey and her family were able
doing in Costa Rica and how He organized and called them to Haiti. Jodi
Getson, International Field Operator
with NCM Canada was also here sharing stories from the mission field of
As we begin a new year, I look forward to hearing your mission stories.
You see we are all Missionaries. God
has called you, God has called me, He
has called the Summerside Church of
the Nazarene. So, Go into your Jerusalem, throughout your Judea, into
your Samaria and to the ends of the
earth, Making Christ- like Disciples in
the Nations.
All for His Glory
Glenda Wright
Annual Meeting
General Reports
Church Board Secretary
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean
not on your own understanding; in all your
ways acknowledge Him, and He will make
your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3: 5-6
I would like to begin my Report by expressing
my heart-felt appreciation to the Church
Board members - Vikki Kurlyk, Maureen
Praught, Glenda Wright, Miriam & Wes Jackshaw, Peter Gallant, and Ron Geary - for
their ongoing commitment, dedication and
faithful service. I certainly have valued the
Church Board’s sense of integrity, cohesiveness, and mutual respect exhibited throughout this past year. As we all know, this year
has proven to be somewhat challenging for
our church family without a full-time pastor;
however, the Church Board, in conjunction
with all the church ministries, have consistently worked together, in order to ensure a
smooth transition period.
In addition, the Church Board would like to
say a special thank-you to Dr. Clair McMillan,
our District Superintendent, for his steadfast
leadership, unwavering support and fervent
prayers, particularly during our lengthy pastoral search.
Lastly, as a Church Board, we want to take
this opportunity and express our genuine
Christian love and affection for our church
family, who have individually and collectively
exhibited the utmost patience and unwavering prayerful support, as we have all attempted to move closer to our precious Lord and
During this past year, the Church Board, in
addition to our regular monthly meetings,
have had a number of special meetings, including a joint meeting this past August, with
a number of representatives from the various
church ministries, including the SDMI and
Social Committees, in attendance. In turn,
steps have been taken to create an organizational flow chart, which will constitute a
valuable instrument going forward, as our local church attempts to become more open,
accessible and structured in its daily operations.
As a Church Board, our main priority this
past year has been to seek God’s direction
in securing a new pastor. A number of potential pastors were prayerfully considered
and interviewed. In late September, our
prayers were answered, and it was with
great joy we welcomed Pastor Eddie and
Christy Rossiter, along with their three children, Emily, Spencer and Aiden, to our
church family. God sometimes speaks in a
soft, quiet voice; however, on that early fall
Sunday morning, He spoke loud and clear,
with the first words in a new chapter in the
life of our church being written - what a glorious God we serve!
During the past year, we had the inclusion of
8 new members, with the current membership being 122
The Church Board is looking forward, with
great anticipation, to the next year and how
we can best serve our gracious and loving
God, keeping in mind we cannot do it alone,
and as Matthew 19:26 reminds us, “With
men this is impossible; but with God all
things are possible.”
Respectfully submitted,
Frank T. Lavandier
Church Board Secretary
children mercy
need unity
loving prayer shared
important reading
our peopleGod
you caring
active place single
belong leadersresponsibility
basic widows belonging care meaningful perseverance