CoH Today - Cathedral of Hope
CoH Today - Cathedral of Hope
WORSHIP July 12, 2015 T O D AY Volume 2 | Issue 28 | 9 & 11 a.m. Worship Services | 7th Sunday After Pentecost Family Sunday CELEBRATION The Spirit Within: “Embracing Our Diversity” INSIDE A Note from Neil Order of Worship Membership Class Sign-up TODAY! LEGACY Event 45th Anniversary Volunteer Opportunities Children’s Church STAFF THE SPIRIT WITHIN WELCOME to Worship! Cathedral of Hope is a congregation of the United Church of Christ. Your presence here is a blessing to us, and we hope you will return often. Cathedral of Hope began in 1970 with a circle of 12 friends, and has since grown into the world’s largest liberal Christian church with a primary outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning people. •The VISION of Cathedral of Hope is to be a community of hope proclaiming God’s inclusive love, removing barriers to faith and empowering all people to grow in grace toward wholeness. •The MISSION of Cathedral of Hope is to reclaim Christianity as a faith of Extravagant Grace, Radical Inclusion and Relentless Compassion. Notes for Newcomers Restrooms are located near the double glass doors behind the Sanctuary. Private restrooms are available off the hall to the right of the Hall of Heroes area. For more information about the church, please come to the Ministry & Visitor’s Center located next to Sources of Hope bookstore. Our worship services are recorded for broadcast around the country. We make every effort to respect your privacy. However, if you would like to ensure that you are not seen on screen, please sit in one of the last five rows of pews in the center section. Large-print bulletins and assisted listening systems are available in the bookstore. In consideration of those seated around you, PLEASE, No Flash Photography or Video Recording during the service. PLEASE, Silence Your Cell Phone! Thank you. C AT H E D R A L O F H O P E P E N T E C O S T 2 0 1 5 O Welcome to Cathedral of Hope! ver the past couple of weeks the nation and the world have been coming to terms with the fact that Marriage Equality is the law of the land here in the United States. Of course, many have been trying to use this latest shift in our culture as a wedge issue and using religious rhetoric to say that only some lives matter; only some people are acceptable to God. Here at Cathedral of Hope, and in many other communities of faith that celebrate diversity, we see life as a gift. We believe that God does not discriminate and that when, in the beginning God created humankind in God’s very own image, God saw it as good – no, very good! Today, we celebrate the Spirit Within as we embrace our diversity. We claim the truth when the Apostle Paul said that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, female nor male, that we are all one in Christ Jesus. He echoed the words of Jesus and embodied those values, values that took him outside of his comfort zone and into the zone of Jesus. Today, we want to enter that zone and embrace the current and the future diversity of all that is created in the very image of God. We want to push ourselves to see how wide, how vast, how radically inclusive is the love of God that we must not only preach, but live out. Cathedral of Hope is a vibrant, inclusive, progressive Church that is willing to question and challenge the dogmas of religion and embody the values of Jesus. It is through this embodiment that we are able to celebrate our diversity today, and every day. The Reverend Dr. Neil G Cazares-Thomas H O P E Quotes “I try to watch online when I can. Very excited for the congregation to have Dr. Cazares-Thomas! Blessings to all at the Cathedral.” (6/14/15 Service) —S.V., North Olmstead, OH “Praise and Blessing to you all! Our loss is CoH’s gain in welcoming your “new” senior pastor. May God continue to bless each of you as you continue ministering to the world.” (6/14/15 Service) —T.T., Los Angeles, CA Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Todd Scoggins Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle Theologian in Residence [email protected] Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman Associate Pastor [email protected] Sean Baugh Assoc. Director of Music & Worship [email protected] Chris Chism Assist. Director of Music & Worship [email protected] Lee Covington Exec. Assistant to the Senior Pastor [email protected] Shelley Darling Webmaster [email protected] Dan Dubree Executive Director [email protected] Anita L. Haddy Ministry Development Coordinator [email protected] Jerry King Director of Media Ministry [email protected] Yadi Martinez Minister of Youth, Young Adults & Missions [email protected] David Moldenhauer Director of Music & Worship [email protected] Dan Peeler Minister for Children & Families [email protected] Jim Summers Director of IT [email protected] Lynn Taylor Director of Facilities [email protected] Cover graphics designed by Charles Owen, based on Pentecost concept by Sean Baugh. Seventh after Pentecost 7th Sunday Sunday after Pentecost eventh Sunday after Pentecost Ju ly 12, 2 0F1 5 |DAY9 ●&JULY 1 1 a.2015 m. | O r de r o f Wo r sh i p FAMILY DAYAMILY ● JULY 12, 2015 ● 12, 9 & 11 A.●M9. & 11 A.M. ITURGY OF PREPARATION RGYLOF PREPARATION ELUDE PRELUDE Near to the Heart Near to the Heart of God/Children ofHeaven Our God in Heaven of God/Children of Our God in arr. Brant Adams arr. Brant Adams Gary Barkey, Les Holben, piano Gary Barkey, trombone; Lestrombone; Holben, piano ATHERING OF THE COMMUNITY ATHERINGG OF THE COMMUNITY Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas Rev. Dr. NeilRev. G. Cazares-Thomas Rev. Todd Scoggins Rev. Todd Scoggins **E EXCHANGE OFXCHANGE PEACE OF PEACE **PROCESSIONAL HYMN Sing a Into NewBeing World Into Being PROCESSIONAL HYMN Sing a New World WORSHIP NOTES Insight into the various elements of our services Sing a New World Into Being/Hymn to Joy Words by Mary Louise Bringle © G.I.A Publications, Inc. Words by Mary Louise Bringle © G.I.A Publications, Inc. Music by Ludwig van Beethoven Music by Ludwig van Beethoven License # A-705445 License # A-705445 **The people willorrise in body or spirit. **The people will rise in body spirit. HYMN TO JOY Ludwig van Beethoven’s final completed Symphony, the Symphony No. 9 in D minor, is among the best-known works of the classical music repertoire. It was the first example of a major composer using voices— four soloists and choir—in a symphony. The words of Friedrich Schiller’s Ode to Joy are sung during the final movement. Beethoven’s majestic melody was adapted as a hymn tune, HYMN TO JOY, and is commonly sung in English-language churches with the lyrics Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee by Presbyterian minister Henry van Dyke. Today our services open with lyrics written in this century by Mary Louise Bringle , calling us to Sing a New World Into Being—a world where “all who worship find their lives and loves belong,” and “where the lines that once divided form instead the ties that bind.” Mary Bringle is Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies and chair of the Humanities Division at Brevard HYMN TO JOYCollege in Brevard, NC. Her texts and translations are included in publications from numerous denominations. Cathedral Hope UCC • 5910Road Cedar• Springs Road • Dallas, 75235 ••(214) 351-1901 • Cathedral of Hope UCC •of 5910 Cedar Springs Dallas, TX 75235 • (214)TX 351-1901 5910 Cedar Springs Rd | Dallas, TX 75235 | 214-351-1901 | | Office Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon-Thurs 1 **INVOCATION LITURGY OF THE WORD EPISTLE LESSON Ephesians 1:3-14 Lee McLeod Praise be to the Maker of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless. In love we were predestined to be adopted children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with God’s pleasure and will—to the praise of God’s glorious grace, which was freely given to us in the beloved One. In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that was lavished on us. God has taken pleasure in revealing the mystery of the plan through Christ, to be carried out in the fullness of time—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. In Christ we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of the One who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of God’s will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of God’s glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s own—to the praise of God’s glory. ANTHEM You Chose Us Word and Music by Joseph M. Martin Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra Before the foundation of the world was laid, before the planets and the stars were made, before You spoke and all creation obeyed, You chose us to be your children. Before You, God, had named the darkness night, before the galaxies adorned the height, before your words commanded, “Let there be light,” You chose us to be your children. You chose us to be your children, to be a family for all eternity. You chose us. You chose us to be your children. Before the lightning blazed a trail on high, before the thunder echoed its reply, before You placed a rainbow in the sky, You chose us to be your children. Before all time, redemption was Your plan. Before the law had made its first demand, before your Chosen One on earth did stand, You chose us to be your children. You chose us to be your children, to be a family for all eternity. You chose us. You chose us to be your children. You chose us. PASTORAL PRAYER You Chose Us The beautiful message of our Epistle from the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is reflected in the poetry and music of the Anthem, You Chose Us, words by J. Paul Williams, music by Joseph M. Martin, which has become a Cathedral of Hope favorite. The wonderfully picturesque images of Williams’ text examine the wonders of creation and the power of the Almighty. But before all of that, before the very foundation of the earth was laid, before God said, “Let there be light!”—we were chosen to be God’s children. “To be a family for all eternity.” 2 2 GRADUAL When You Speak to Me Choir: When you speak to me, when I take the time to listen, there is peace to cover any pain. When you speak to me, when you place your word inside me, I am filled and I am strong again. There is an answer to every question; the answer is you. All: Words and Music by Twila Paris © Mountain Spring Music arranged by Bruce Greer; adapted by David Moldenhauer CCLI License #123333 **GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 12:46-50 One: All: One: All: Candace Thompson Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. Come, Holy Spirit. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew. Glory to you, O God. While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers were standing outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you. But to the one who had told him this, Jesus replied, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my God who is in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” One: All: This is the Gospel of Hope. Praise to you, Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit. 3 3 **GLORIA Words and Music by Steven Couch; arr. Steven Couch © SDC Music CCLI License #123333 SERMON The Spirit Within: Embracing Our Diversity Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY Love Will Be Our Home Words and Music by Steven Curtis Chapman Autumn Van Volkinburg, soloist Tenors and Basses of the Sanctuary Choir Les Holben, piano; Steve Borucki, keyboard Charlotte Duke, bass; Ellen Gay, drums CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION WORDS OF INSTITUTION PRAYER OF CONSECRATION TO OUR GUESTS Cathedral of Hope celebrates an open Communion. We understand the sharing of the bread and the cup in Jesus’ name to be a representation of an ancient vision of God’s feast for all people. We don’t require you to be a member of this church, or any church, to participate with us in this feast of grace. Simply come forward at the ushers’ direction. After dipping a wafer in the cup, the minister will place it on your tongue and offer a brief blessing. If you prefer to serve yourself, cup your hands in front of you as you come to receive Communion. 4 4 INVITATION One: All: Jeremy C. Wayne Come just as you are; hear the Spirit call. Come just as you are; come and see, come, receive; Come and live forevermore. Words and Music by Joseph Sabolick © Maranatha! Music CCLI License #123333 DISTRIBUTION OF THE ELEMENTS MUSIC DURING COMMUNION Holy Spirit, Rain Down Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down; O Comforter and friend, how we need your touch again. Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down; Let your power fall, let your voice be heard, Come and change our hearts as we stand on your Word; Holy Spirit, rain down. Words and Music by Russell Fragar © Integrity’s Hosanna! Music CCLI License # 123333 Spirit of the Living God Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me! Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me! Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me! Ven, Espíritu de Dios, cae sobre mí. Ven, Espíritu de Dios, cae sobre mí. Tómame, cámbiame, lléname, úsame. Ven, Espíritu de Dios, cae sobre mí. Words & Music by Daniel Iverson; trans. Alberto Merubia © Birdwing Music license # A-705445 TO OUR GUESTS It has become a tradition at the Cathedral of Hope to rise as we end our time of communion (as indicated by **), join hands as an expression of our unity in Christ, and lift them up in glory to God. We invite you to join as you are able, in body or spirit. God Is Moving by the Spirit God is moving by the Spirit, moving in all the earth. Signs and wonders when God moveth, move, O God, in me. Words and Music by L.C. Hall © Mrs. L.C. Hall/Gospel Publishing House CCLI License #123333 Holy Ground We are standing on holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around. Let us praise Jesus now, we are standing in God’s presence on holy ground. **We are standing on holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around. Let us praise Jesus now, we are standing in God’s presence on holy ground. Words and Music by Geron Davis, adapted © Meadowgreen Music Co. CCLI License #123333 **PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING 5 5 **BENEDICTION **BENEDICTION RESPONSE We Are the Church Alive Words by Jack Hoggatt-St. John & David Pelletier; Music by Jack Hoggatt-St. John © Jack Hoggatt-St. John & David Pelletier CCLI License #123333 CHURCH ALIVE POSTLUDE Flowers are given to celebrate God’s great love and the union of Tom Martin and Gary Kindley in the Covenant of Christian Marriage on July 7, 2015. Time of Prayer After the service, caring ministers will be in the chapel area to offer you personal prayer for healing and comfort. Time of Fellowship Please join us for refreshments after the service in the Fellowship Hall. Join the Sanctuary Choir for Heroes Among Us and Anniversary Sundays! July 19 and 26 A ttention singer friends! We are making it easy to sing with the Sanctuary Choir for our upcoming special Sundays—Heroes Among Us on July 19 and our 45th Anniversary on July 26! If you can attend three rehearsals and do a little “home study” via online links, we’d love to have you join us! Rehearsal schedule listed below. Help us “pack the loft” for these amazing worship services. For more information, contact Director of Music and Worship David Moldenhauer, [email protected] or print the Keyword: ANNIVERSARY CHOIR in the comments section of the registration pad. Be sure to include your contact information. THIS Thursday, July 16, 7-9 p.m. THIS Saturday, July 18, 9:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, July 23, 7-9:30 p.m. Cathedral of Hope Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra, with Voices of Hope. 6 6 News July 12, 2015 BRIEFS New Cathedral of Hope members and class facilitators from the first membership class of 2015. Become a Member of Cathedral of Hope—Attend Membership Class T NEXT Sunday, July 19, Fellowship Hall, 3–7:30 p.m. hinking about becoming a member? If so, we are excited to invite you to our next Membership Class, conducted in both English and Spanish, on Sunday, July 19. Attending this class does not obligate you to join, but we do ask anyone who wants to join to attend this fun and informative session. Benefits of Membership Requirements for Membership • Provides you with a spiritual family to support and encourage you on your There are three basic requirements for becoming a member of Cathedral of faith journey Hope: • Gives you a place to discover and use your gifts in ministry, and •Attend a membership class •Be baptized (either at Cathedral of Hope or in a prior church) • Gives you the accountability you need to grow •Be confirmed and welcomed by the church during New Member Sunday, July 26. • Identifies you as a person of faith TODAY is the last day to request childcare for this class. Privileges of Membership • Voting at Congregational Meetings To let us know of your desire to participate, print the Keyword: MEMBERSHIP in the comments section of the registration pad OR register online at so we can prepare for your arrival. • Eligibility for lay delegate positions • Eligibility to serve on committees of the Board of Stewards • Eligibility to serve on the CoH Board of Stewards (along with other For additional information, contact Anita Haddy, Ministry Development requirements) Coordinator, at [email protected] or call 214-351-1901 x135. 7 NEXT LEGACY Event L UCC History & Polity Course Rev. Anna Humble, our outgoing North Texas Association minster, is offering an online course in the History and Polity of the United Church of Christ between July 20 and August 31. This course is open to all interested persons, including lay persons, clergy and candidates for authorized ministry in the UCC. The course is available free of charge, but donations will be accepted. If interested, please contact Anna Humble at [email protected]. THIS Saturday, July 18, Private Home EGACY is a Cathedral of Hope social group made up of single or coupled mature adults (50 or better) who meet the third Saturday of each month for an outing or a potluck dinner at church or at a private home. At times, LEGACY provides nurturing care for those who are in need of assistance with medical problems or challenges. We will gather at Bruce and Stan’s home at 5 p.m. for pool time, appetizers and drinks. Dinner will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Bruce and Stan will provide grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. Guests will need to bring an appetizer, side dish or dessert, and a drink of your choice. Wear cool, comfortable clothing. Cathedral of Hope Our July event will also be a Sapphire45 Party. We welcome donations in an amount you feel comfortable which has a 4 & 5 in it. We prefer checks made 45th Anniversary: Sapphire Dreams out to Cathedral of Hope with Sapphire45 in the memo – so that individuals Throw a party, attend a party—but whichever you choose, we want you to receive their own giving credit. There will be Sapphire45 Offering envelopes DANCE!! CoH is celebrating our 45th Anniversary on July 26, and we want for cash and/or credit card information if you prefer that method of giving. every congregant to participate. You can do this by: If you would like to swim, bring a bathing suit and beach towel – darts, bocce 1. Throwing a Sapphire Party—not just any party, but one that celebrates the ball and croquet will also be available.RSVP is required (as gated communilife and core values of Cathedral of Hope. The party can be held anytime before ty). Contact Jeanette at [email protected] for detailed information. July 26, anywhere. 2. Attending an Event—and you may attend more than one! Event information will be posted on a special Facebook page. For details keep an eye on Pool Volleyball Party Fundraiser THIS Saturday, July 18, a pool and volleyball Sapphire45 party fundraiser for CoH 45th Anniversary, 12-6 p.m. Suggested donation $45, but anything helps! The 45th Anniversary is the Blue Sapphire Anniversary. At each party, there will be a Blue Sapphire Hat. We’re asking guests to fill the hat with an anniversary financial gift for the ministries of the Cathedral. If you’re throwing a party, let your guests know about the hat and the fundraising goal you may choose to set. All who attend an event—please give generously in honor of the Cathedral’s 45th Anniversary. At the home of John Rieger in Coppell, TX. For directions and RSVP email [email protected]. Finally, get ready to Dance! On Sunday, July 26, following the 9 and 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. worship services, we will all gather together in one LARGE celebration from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. for a time to DANCE!!! Location will be announced soon. For complete details, visit: or the 45th table in the Narthex. 8 Ministry in Action For the month of May the following information was recorded: 22 New Ministry Assignments Started 45 Ministry Groups Reporting 95 iCare Meals Served for a value of $325 198 Bags of groceries given out at iCare for a value of $2,376 484 Volunteers Participating in Ministry 1071 Meals served at BACH for a value of $5,622.75 1049 Refill meals served at BACH for a value of $3,409.25 4938 Number of Ministry Hours Reported $115,555 Value of Ministry Hours Reported L LifeWalk 2015 Team Recruitment Has Begun ifeWalk 2015 - the 25th Annual – will be held on Sunday, October 4th, at Robert E. Lee Park, 3333 Turtle Creek Blvd., here in Dallas. LifeWalk is a 5K (3.2mile) fun run/walk through Turtle Creek and Uptown. Familyand pet-friendly, LifeWalk is a great community activity for everyone, with “Dog Den,” “Kids Kamp,” a variety of food and drink, information vendors and entertainment for adults and kids. Free, confidential HIV testing is also provided. LifeWalk is fundraising event benefiting AIDS Arms, Inc., the largest local nonprofit HIV/AIDS service organization in North Texas, serving over 3,400 HIV individuals and reaching thousands more through testing, prevention and education efforts. AIDS Arms has been serving Dallas and 12 surrounding counties for 28 years. AIDS Arms offers medical care, case management, HIV testing, outreach, education, prevention, and HIV empowerment. All services are offered regardless of ability to pay. LifeWalk is AIDS Arms’ largest fundraiser, providing funds for AIDS Arms and LifeWalk Partner Agencies. This year Cathedral of Hope is a LifeWalk Partner Agency. As a partner agency, Cathedral of Hope is responsible for recruiting individual participants and teams to raise funds for the event. Cathedral of Hope will receive 100% of the first $1000 we raise; 85% of all funds we raise above $1,000 will be returned to us to support our AIDS Crisis Fund. TODAY! Artists from Sweet Harmony Crosses will be at Sources with their glass pendant crosses and wall crosses. Men’s Jewelry at Sources We are currently recruiting individual participants and LifeWalk teams, selling raffle tickets, and recruiting volunteers for our Event Day booth. How many times have you looked for a cross pendant only to find that the chain is thin and only 18” long? Well, this problem has been solved at Sources. We’ve located a men’s jewelry company in New York which has cross pendants with great 20” and 24” chains that are relatively robust. We also have stainless steel spinner rings in sizes 9 – 13 and leather bracelets 8” and larger. ($14 - $58) Stop by and browse our selections. For more information contact Paul Kolasci, [email protected]. Giving and Attendance at a Glance Service Worship Town Hall Auto-Give Mail/Credit Cards Total Ministry Goal Over/(Short Fall) Week Ending 07/05/15 Attd. Ministry 1,025 $10,591 Week Ending 06/28/15 Attd. Ministry 1,456 $14,638 Week Ending 06/21/15 Attd. Ministry 1,157 $10,106 118 904 $25,261 $9,070 $44,922 $9,908 $3,992 $28,538 $29,281 $2,477 $42,768 1,025 $40,385 $4,537 1,456 $40,385 ($11,847) 1,275 $40,385 $2,383 9 Pictures of our Children You might have noticed that Rev. Neil loves children! It is likely in the months to come that we will be seeing them more often through their participating, being blessed and recognized in our worship services and, of course, taking their pictures on our cell phones is a natural reaction. Please feel free to do that for your private memory collection, but also please remember, we never post any image of our children or of minors from our youth groups on Facebook or any of the other public media without asking for and obtaining permission from their parents or guardians. Thank you for helping us in always insuring the privacy and safety of the children of our church. BTD Dinner & Raffle Tickets On Sale Now! A Black Tie Dinner, November 14, 2015 —Dan Peeler, Minister for Children and Families. s a beneficiary of the Black Tie Dinner (BTD) this year, CoH is selling Dinner Tickets and raffle tickets in the Narthex and will receive a percentage from all tickets sold by our organization. How can you help? Stop by the BTD display in the Narthex TODAY to buy your Dinner and Raffle Tickets from our BTD representative, Leslie Frye. Where Is…? If you have already purchased your tickets, but not from Leslie Frye, please Below are some frequently asked contact Leslie at [email protected] so he knows how many tickets have been questions and their answers about the location of certain areas in the church. purchased on behalf of CoH. We are pleased to announce that Anita Haddy has been selected to receive a Q: Where is the Hall of Heroes? John Thomas Scholarship for the dinner. Each beneficiary can nominate some- A: It’s located at the back of the one to receive a scholarship. The John Thomas Scholarship Fund allows tire- Sanctuary, through the double glass less and deserving community volunteers who, otherwise, would not be able to doors, where the portraits of the experience an evening of empowerment, education and entertainment, to attend Senior Pastors are displayed. the dinner. Q: Where is the CLC? Win a 2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA250 or GLA250. You could be a proud A: CLC stand for Congregational owner of your choice of a brand new 2016 Mercedes-Benz CLA250 or Life Center and is where the GLA250, graciously underwritten by Park Place Motorcars. These stunning Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, vehicles are both engineered for performance driving with a 2.0-liter, 208 horse TV/Media Ministry Studio, and some power engine, alloy wheels, agility control, sport suspension and power sun- staff offices are located. It is at back of the Sanctuary, through the double roof. Approx. MSRP $38,000. glass doors. How the raffle works. During the course of the year, twenty tickets are pulled from a hopper. All tickets purchased prior to the day of each pull are eligible for Q: Where is the Fellowship Hall? that drawing (excluding those tickets already drawn). During the Dinner, a final A: The Fellowship Hall is located at drawing from the twenty tickets pulled will decide the winner of the vehicle. the back of the Sanctuary, to the left through the wood doors. It is where Therefore, “buy early, and buy often!” refreshments are served on Sunday Only 1,500 raffle tickets are available. Tickets are $100 each and can be pur- after services. chased from our Black Tie Dinner representative here today or online at Q: Where is the IPC? A: IPC stands for Interfaith Peace Other ways you can help - sign up to become a Table Captain at Chapel and it is the white building, or get your company to be a located across from the church. corporate sponsor or volunteer! Have questions? TRIBUTES IIn Memory of Raymond Pratt By Stella Howarth In Loving Memory of Bea By Aurora F. Soto de Law In Memory of Jimmy Smith and Matt Vega By Ed Trimble To make an honorary or memorial gift, please contact Tom Martin at [email protected] or 214.351.1901 x210, or use the envelope in the pew rack. Free Rapid HIV Testing Offered on the first and third Sundays (no appointment needed) between the 9 and 11 a.m. services, in the lower level of the IPC, Room C, and the second and fourth Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. during iCare (no appointment needed). Offered by appointment on the first and third Wednesdays of each month here at CoH. Call 469-291-2800 to schedule an appointment. Greening Tip Look to see if dioxybenzone is listed in your sun screen ingredients. There is strong evidence of its skin toxicity as being a hormone disrupter and its manufacture poisons the environment itself. Email Leslie at [email protected]. Pastoral Care/Prayers If you know anyone who would like to be included on the church prayer list, send the request to [email protected] or online at If you know of someone in need of pastoral contact, please notify Rev. Todd Scoggins by phone at 214.351.1901 or [email protected]. 10 Why Volunteer? • • Current Volunteer Opportunities Volunteering is good for your career. It’s the perfect way to learn new To volunteer for any of the following opportunities, PRINT the Keyword in skills, or to test a different field as you contemplate a career change. And the comments section of the registration pad. Be sure to include your contact your volunteer service will look great on your resume. information so Anita Haddy, Ministry Development Coordinator, can follow up Volunteering is good for your health. It reduces heart rate, blood pressure, with you. You may also contact Anita at [email protected] or and stress. And research shows it increases emotional health by pumping 214-351-1901 x135. up your self-image and confidence. Anniversary Choir • Volunteering is good for your social life. You’ll probably enlarge your Join the Sanctuary Choir for Hero of Hope Sunday, July 19 and Anniversary social circle to include more acquaintances, contact and friends. Sunday, July 26! See full article on page 6. Volunteers say they get “helpers high” – that feeling of elation caused by the free choice of work (instead of feeling pressure or a sense of duty) and contact with other people (instead of being alone). Want to become a CoH Volunteer? Print the Keyword: VOLUNTEER in the comments section of the registration pad. Be sure to print legibly and include your contact information. You may also contact Anita Haddy, Volunteer Coordinator & Ministry Development at [email protected] or 214-351-1901 x135. Craft and Chat Have you ever wanted to learn how to sew, crochet, or knit? Are you already a pro fiber artist and just want a place Chancel Floral Design Team to hang out and do your thing? Experienced floral designers sought to join our NEW Chancel Floral Design Let’s come together once a month for Team. Designers will shop for materials and create the fabulous floral arrangea Craft and Chat. We’ll all meet and ments that are seen each Sunday on the chancel. share tips, works in progress, create When: Saturdays fellowship, and maybe enjoy a snack or two! We could even work on spe- Time: Four hours per month; two for shopping, two for designing. cific projects for our community...i.e., Volunteers Needed: Four total preemie baby hats, scarves for the Location: CoH Sanctuary homeless. If you’re interested in joining this brand new CoH group, email Keyword: FLORAL [email protected] or print the Keywords: CRAFT AND CHAT in the comments section of the registration pad. Be sure to include your contact Office Angels information so we can follow up with you. Our receptionists are the wonderful volunteer ministers who are aptly named “Office Angels!” They are some of our “behind the scene” heroes who keep the front office open for you on Sunday mornings. Training provided. CoH Five Core Values: We are a people of Compassion. We are ministers who embody the tangible When: Sunday mornings. love of a Savior who fed the hungry, healed the hurting, and told us bluntly that Time: Two Sunday shifts are available - 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. OR what we did to the least, we did to him. from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We are a people of Inclusion. This is a value Jesus held. We believe Jesus Volunteers Needed: 8 total, 2 per Sunday (one per shift). came to include, not to exclude. All are welcome around his table. Location: Front reception area in bell tower. We are a people of Liberation. We seek to challenge all oppression, particularly the oppression of queer people. By embodying grace, we live out Keywords: OFFICE ANGEL our liberation until all are set free. Prison Ministry We are a people of Hope. We are people filled with joy and unrelenting optimism because we believe: God is good. With God all things are possible. The Prison Ministry is a ministry of correspondence with those who are incarcerated. Currently we are corresponding with more than 50 individuals and God can use us to transform the world. have a wait list of 40 individuals. If you’re bilingual (English/Spanish), we can We are a people of Jesus. We believe Jesus was the incarnation of God’s definitely use your help. grace. Jesus resisted the status quo of oppression and showed us the way to the When: On your own time. abundant life God intends for all people. Time: About 2 hours per month. Have You Missed a Worship Service? Watch online at: Volunteers Needed: 10 Location: Your own home. Keyword: PRISON 11 Chil d r e n , Yout h & F am ilies Children’s Church T his week’s Illustrated PowerPoint story continues the Book of Acts. One day, while Peter is on his flat rooftop enjoying the cool breeze of the evening, he has a vision that instructs him that he should be spreading the good news to Gentiles as well as to Jews. He sees a large sheet open before him, filled with formerly unclean animals all of which are now, in the times of the New Covenant, legal for him and other Jews to eat. Even as Peter is protesting this brand new theology, a visitor enters his home and tells him he is invited to the home of Cornelius the Roman Centurion who is a new believer in Jesus and wants to know more about him from Peter, who learns a lesson in inclusion as he is entertained by the gracious Cornelius, who serves him ham, shellfish and other foods that, until that day, had been unclean. Meanwhile, Paul and his associates, such as Phoebe, continue to spread the Good News elsewhere. Phoebe preaches Paul’s words. Each week, Dan Peeler, Minister for Children & Families, and Charlie Rose create beautiful illustrations for use in the Children’s Church PowerPoint lessons. Advertise Your Business, Event or Service! Each week, we put the Cathedral Weekly Newsletter, CoH Worship Today, DIRECTLY into the hands of the hundreds of people who attend the Sunday 9 &11 a.m. worship services. At, the online version has the potential to reach even more! Advertising with us not only promotes your business, but also helps cover the cost of producing this publication, thereby allowing more money to be used for ministry and service to our community. Contact Charles Owen at: 214-351-1901 x212 or by e-mail at: [email protected]. Ocean and River Cruises • Tours • All-Inclusive Resorts CoH receives a charitable donation for each cruise booking. JONATHAN D. F. NELSON, P.C. Attorney & Counselor At Law Board Certified - Civil Trial Law Voted one of the Top Lawyers in Texas General Practice & Civil Litigation 817-261-2222 [email protected] Doug Thompson [email protected] 214-254-4980 Hawaii • Weddings • RSVP • Groups Serving DFW Metroplex 1400 W. Abram St. Arlington, TX 76013 CHILI’S IS PROUD TO SUPPORT The Cathedral of Cathedral of Hope Hope TODAY ONLY Let do Chili’s the cooking while supportThe Cathedral of Hope at the at the Let Chili's thedocooking while wewe support Cathedral of Hope same With time. With presentedononJuly July 12th 12, 2015 Chili’s will donate same time. eacheach flyerflyer presented 2015 Chili's will donate of the eventday daysales salesback back to to this 10%10% of the event thisgreat greatorganization. organization. The of Hope Event TheCathedral The Cathedral of HopeGive GiveBack Back Event is:is: TODAY 12, 2015 July July 12th 2015 from 11 - 7 pm from 11 am am-7 pm only at: Knox 3230 Knox St. Dallas, TX 75205 214-520-1555 - We look forward to seeing you at Chili’s! more GIVING BACK happens here This Give Back Event AD Required with each check to receive credit for the sale. Give Back Event flyer required with each check to receive credit for the sale. Sale cannot be included in donation amount with flyer. Offer only valid on the date and location stated above. Donations will not be given on sales made prior to or past this date. Sale cannot be included in donation amount with ad. Offer only valid on the date and location stated above. Donations will not be given on sales made prior to or past this date. PRESENTS FORMER KING’S SINGER PAUL PHOENIX in concert WITH TURTLE CREEK CHORALE’S CAMERATA BENEFITING CATHEDRAL OF HOPE & TURTLE CREEK CHORALE SATURDAY, JULY 18 AT 7:30 PM Interfaith Peace Chapel at Cathedral of Hope Free Concert - $20 Suggested Donation PAUL PHOENIX WILL ALSO BE FEATURED IN THE TRADITIONAL WORSHIP SERVICES AT 9 AM & 11 AM ON SUNDAY, JULY 19TH PENTECOST H OP E on th e H oriz on EVENTS at a GLANCE* July 2015 Sunday, JUL 12 • FAMILY SUNDAY The Spirit Within: “Embracing Our Diversity” Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Isabel Marquez, 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, JUL 15 • PULSE: STAYCATION Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, JUL 19 The Spirit Within: “Heroes Among Us” Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish PULSE WEDNESDAYS AT CATHEDRAL OF HOPE Monday, JUL 20 • Board of Stewards Meeting Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m. Wednesday, JUL 22 • PULSE: STAYCATION Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, JUL 26 • 45th ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, JUL 29 • PULSE: STAYCATION Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. August 2015 Sunday, AUG 2 Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, AUG 5 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, AUG 9 Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, AUG 12 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL MAKEOVERS 817.714.3456 Sunday, AUG 16 Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Monday, AUG 17 • Board of Stewards Meeting Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m. Wednesday, AUG 19 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, AUG 23 Rev. Dr. Neil G. Cazares-Thomas, Traditional Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Alberto Magaña, 1 p.m. Spanish Wednesday, AUG 26 • PULSE Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m. *Information subject to change without notice and will be updated as needed. Share us with your friends! Follow @CathedralofHope on Twitter for updates & insights!
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