June 2015 - Denbigh Presbyterian Church
June 2015 - Denbigh Presbyterian Church
Denbigh United Presbyterian Church A Union of Second and Denbigh Presbyterian Churches June 2015 Denbigh Campus 302 Denbigh Blvd. Newport News, VA 23608 (757) 877-2048 (757) 898-1076 (Fax) (757) 898-1043 (Preschool) www.denbighpres.org [email protected] Second Campus 201 Menchville Road Newport News, VA 23602 Inside This Issue Vacation Bible School 1 Worship/Session News 2 Adult Education 3 Outreach 4 Fellowship 5 VBS Details 6 Preschool News 7 Notes of Thanks/ Announcements 8 Congregational Care 9 Birthday/Anniversaries 10 June Sunday Volunteer Schedule 11 June Calendar 12 June 22 through June 26, 2015 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. bag dinner served Closing program during the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, June 28 followed by a family picnic. Have you felt the Holy Spirit moving in your life? Have you always wanted to inspire young children to grow with God in their lives? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are a prime candidate to work in our legendary Vacation Bible School. To find out how you can make a difference and be an asset to a valuable program, please see p. 6 in the digest. Church Record Active Membership (504 as of December 2014) Attendance 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/24 Worship 164 134 146 154 Nurseries 9 10 7 8 Sunday School 54 47 40 43 Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Please join us in celebrating the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, June 7. Please prayerfully prepare for the celebration of the Pastor The Reverend Deborah Dail Lord’s Supper. Our Church Staff Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries Liz Marshall Director of Music Ministries Jane Martin Session Summary for May Approved DUPC Treasurer's report through April 30, 2015. Approved minutes of Stated Session Meeting of April 14, 2015. Approved transfer of Bonita Lois Phillips and Billye Lee Phillips to Thalia Trinity Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach. Accepted the resignation of Church Treasurer Lorena Riely effective May 31, 2015 with regret and thanks for her service. Noted the marriage of Katie Depp and Curtis Hutchison on May 9, 2015. Noted the deaths of Warren McKenna and Bernice Gillman. Accompanist/Organist Al Buchanan Administrative Assistant Jane Martin Sexton Team Mark and June Tessarolo Nick and Lauren Tessarolo Preschool Director Tammy Castagna Nursery Coordinator Alicia Lewis Treasurer 2 FINANCE REPORT Through April 30, 2015 Total Income: $131,257.60 Total Expenses: $136,179.54 Difference: $4,921.94 Are You Looking for a Circle of Friends? A Small Group May Be the Answer. Here at Denbigh United we have several Small Groups and are eager to start more. A Small Group is a group of 6-12 people who meet weekly or every other week for Bible study/discussion, prayer, fellowship and service. Deep and abiding friendships can grow in these groups as believers study God’s Word and support one another. Our existing groups are listed below. If you are interested in an existing group or in being a part of a new group, please contact Deborah Dail or Tim Jacoby. Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:30 p.m. This group meets at the church and childcare is provided. The facilitator is Kristi Spivey, and the group is currently studying Managing Life. For information, call Kristi at (757) 814-9538. Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:30 p.m. This group discusses state, national and world current events in the context of the Presbyterian faith. This group meets at the home of Dale and Keith Pennell. For more information, contact Dale Pennell at (757) 303-7762. Monday evenings (every week) at 7:30 p.m. This group meets at the home of Tim and Debbie Jacoby. The group is discussing What’s So Amazing About Grace? For more information, contact Tim Jacoby at (412) 720-4808. Additional Small Group information may be found in the Looking Ahead section of the Sunday Bulletin which is also e-mailed to the congregation weekly. Adult I Sunday School Class The summer quarter of Adult Bible Study will consider the theme of justice (and injustice) with studies in Amos, Micah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah and Malachi. The class meets Sunday mornings at 9:15 in the conference room. The quarter begins June 7. Study books are provided for those who wish one. All are welcome! Ladies Discussion Group The Ladies Discussion Group meet in the Parlor at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday. If you have further questions, contact Amy Schmidt (877-6904). Living as a Committed Christian in the Kingdom in the 21st Century Class The Discussion Group on “Living as a Committed Christian in the 21st Century” led by Mike Langrehr continues to meet in the Library. No books, no reading, just a discussion of local and world events from a Christian perspective. Men of the Church Conference PRESBYTERIAN MEN CONFERENCE AND FELLOWSHIP at Massanetta Springs in Harrisonburg, VA, is July 17-19, 2015. Information and registration is available at www.midatlanticmen.org or brochures will be available at church. Bible Conference 92ND ANNUAL MASSANETTA SPRINGS BIBLE CONFERENCE, a retreat of preaching, teaching and praise, will be held July 26-31, 2015. This event includes activities for the entire family from first graders to adults. Detailed information, including meal and lodging packages, can be downloaded at www.massanettasprings.org or brochures will be available at church. 3 S.H.A.R.E. Dates for June and July June 2015 S.H.A.R.E. orders will be placed the week of June 8-12. The June orders will be distributed in the Narthex area of Denbigh United Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 27 from 7:00-7:30 AM. All orders must be picked up by 7:30 AM on the 27th. Volunteers cannot be held responsible for orders which are not picked up. July S.H.A.R.E. orders will be placed the week of July 6-10, 2015. Distribution day will be July 25, 2015. The 2015 Food Bank Volunteer Schedule is now posted on the bulletin board near the kitchen counter. This year everyone who volunteered on the Time and Talent Survey to serve at the Food Bank has been placed on a team. Please see the bulletin board for the team to which you have been assigned and make note of the dates your team is serving. Thank you to Ken Bowers for developing the schedule again this year. For June 27 the team members serving at the Food Bank are: Connie Hunt Dae’Zhonna Jones Veronika Jones Mike Langrehr Nancy Langrehr Pete Marshall Lloyd Martin Betty Mayes John Mayes Roz McCrerry Summer Ministry to Children and Teens – Volunteers Needed. Our summer educational enrichment program will be held for eight weeks from July 6 through August 28 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. We need volunteers who are willing to read to children, tutor in general math, provide recreational activities, teach the Christian education component (curriculum provided), assist with student supervision in classes and on the bus or help in the kitchen. Please sign up at the kitchen counter or call Dale Pennell at 757-303-7762 to volunteer. This program is open to children/teens from the church and community in preschool through those who have completed 8th grade. Lunch is served each day of the program and additional food is provided students for the days the program is not meeting. 4 ☺Sunday, June 7, 11:45 AM – Prime Timers will host the Graduates’ Reception ☺Sunday, August 2, 2:00 PM – Oliver by the Williamsburg Players. Tickets are $20.00 each and reservations will be taken on June 21 and 28. ☺Thursday, September 17, 5:00 PM – Annual picnic at Riverview Park. $5.00 a person and bring a covered dish. DUPC Women Presbyterian Women nationwide support projects each year through the Birthday Offering. The DUPC Women held their annual Birthday Offering Breakfast on May 16 at the Arbors. This year’s projects are the Community of St Therese of Lisieux and the Bethesda Christian Community Center that support women in Memphis, TN and Barranquilla, Columbia to overcome oppressive violent situations. In Tennessee, women are seeking to learn a new way of life after surviving prostitution, human trafficking and addiction. In Colombia, women and children are ministered to after fleeing the brutality associated with the drug trade. During the breakfast Anneliese Collins and Jan Spruill were honored with a Life Time Membership in the Presbyterian Women for their outstanding service to the church and the community. Thanks to Elaine Minch for making this an outstanding Breakfast! 5 Vacation Bible School Mark your Calendars!!!! When: June 22 through June 26, 2015 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. bag dinner served Closing program during the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, June 28 followed by a family picnic. REGISTER NOW! Registration forms can be found on the bulletin board in the main hallway. We are looking for some volunteers in several areas, including Crew Leaders and Assistants, kitchen help for making snacks, Team Leaders for Recreation, assistants in Arts and Crafts, Music and Drama just to name a few. Volunteer forms can be found on the bulletin board. Place completed forms in Liz Marshall’s mailbox in the main office. Youth: if you would like to volunteer you must be a rising 9th Grader. If you can’t volunteer but would like to help in another way, check out the VBS supply board in the main hallway, grab a snow ball and return the requested item to the box designated for VBS. Mark your Calendars! **TRAINING MEETING** There will be a training meeting Wednesday, June17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room. VBS WORK DAYS If you would like to help with props and decorations we will have two work days in June: Wednesday, June 3 ~ 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. - Fellowship Room Wednesday, June 10 ~ 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Fellowship room Saturday. June 20 ~ 10:00 a.m. - Decorate church for VBS 6 Our preschool year has come to an end and what a wonderful year it has been! We have accomplished many things this year. Our bathrooms are beautiful and welcoming to our children. We have prepared 27 students to be successful learners in kindergarten and we have helped 36 children make new friends, follow routines, and learn through their play. Our wonderful staff endured many hours of training and helped our preschool, once again, to get a 4 star rating through the Virginia Star Quality Initiative! Families have donated over 300 items to THRIVE. One of our parents will continue to collect items by couponing. Our families are also supporting the Books on Bikes program by donating gently used books. We had our closing celebration and even the rain could not stop the fun and happy atmosphere that fills the church by our preschool children and families. We still have openings in most of our classes this fall. Registration forms and information can be found in the church office.(Monday—Thursday, 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.) Please spread the word about our excellent preschool program! You can also spread the word by dropping off DUPP fliers at local doctor offices and businesses. The fliers can also be found in the church office. I would like to take this opportunity, as director, to thank everyone for your warm welcome to Denbigh United. A very special THANK YOU to Pastor Deborah Dail, Jane Martin, and Liz Marshall for all of their encouragement and help in my transition. I am very blessed to be a part of Denbigh United Presbyterian Church and Preschool. I look forward to another wonderful and productive year in the fall! Many blessings! Tammy Castagna # of Days 2 (2 ½ or 3 years) 3 (3 or 4 years) 4 (4 years) Registration/ Supply/Activity Fees $120 $150 $220 7 Monthly Tuition $120 $150 $220 Notes of Thanks . . . . Announcements To my church family, It has been five months since my mom completed her journey to be with her Lord and Savior on Christmas Day. When she and my Dad were led to Denbigh Presbyterian Church over 50 years ago I’m sure they were drawn to the warm, loving folks they found here. The last few years of her life I was not able to bring her to church very often; however, I was able to bring her on November 23, 2014 not realizing then that it would be her last time. She was welcomed with open arms, lots of hugs and smiles and she was greeted with that same warm, loving feeling she had felt ever so many years before. When we were heading to church for the memorial service I imagined only a small number of folks to be there since my mom had not been able to come very often in her later years. Wow, I was overwhelmed when I saw the sanctuary filled with so many loving friends and members of my church family. Once again, I was reminded of why my parents had first been drawn to what is now Denbigh United Presbyterian Church. Everything was perfect the day of her memorial service. The service, the reception, the music, the people, and the message were all wonderful. Thank you all for the generous donations to the Haiti Mission Fund, the cards and the prayers. I am so blessed to have such an amazing church family. Sandi Murawski We would like to thank our church family for their thoughts, prayers, visits, cards, flowers and food during Brenda’s recent illness. Joe and Brenda Bender Alzheimer’s Association The Longest Day Sunday, June 21st Wear Purple On June 21, the longest day of the year, teams across the northern hemisphere will participate in a sunrise-to-sunset endurance activity to honor the passion, dedication and strength displayed by people with Alzheimer's and their caregivers, and to raise funds for Alzheimer's care, support and research. On that Sunday, which is also Father’s day, I will be preaching and will be sharing information about the Alzheimer’s Association and support groups. If you or someone you know is struggling with any of the many types of dementia (Alzheimer’s, MCI – Mild Cognitive Impairment, Lewy Body, Parkinson’s, Frontal Temporal, Vascular, and more) please invite them and especially their caregivers to join us in worship. The support group I lead is very grateful to the church and staff for hosting our group here at the church each month. I hope you will join us on June 21st – and don’t forget to wear purple. Grace and Peace, Rev. Barbara Bayley Shefelton 8 Our Military Myrna Bickhart Leslie Maloney Chip Shefelton’s father Morris Kincaid Hiromi O’Keeffe Nancy Fairfield Beau Riely Paul, Lynn and Kevin Ardary Lisa Canaday’s father Marcie Lynn Scott Jones Shelby Daniel Aida Hoover’s mother, Aida Cividanes Steffi Harris Jasmine Woollum-Tshiek Amelia Britt’s daughter-in-law Peg Householder Darlene Wickline Eleanor Gruber Jan Spruill Juanita Singletary Dave Anson Brenda Bender Leo McHenry Etienne Bote Tshiek Millie Shultz Kristi Lajoie’s Stepmother Bruce Baffer Fred Wong Mark Manoso Robert Depp Jacob Mayes Joel Silva Michael Shea Ryan Jones Daniel Jones Jennifer Dan Lazaro Lambert Barnhart Durruty David Nixon Jessica Powers Fombele Horine Jonathan Graebener (Nephew of Joanna and Bev Daniels) Our Missionaries Bruce and Deb Robinson Meredith and Sandy Elder Bob and Sharon Hallissy We express our sympathies to the following families. May God bring comfort andhope to all who grieve. †To the family of Bernice Gillman †Dawn Renee Moss on the death of her step-father †Kathy Baldwin on the death of her aunt Do you live alone? Would you like a daily phone call? Our Congregational Care Committee is exploring a ministry of daily calls to those who live alone. If you are interested in receiving a call or if you know of someone who may be interested in daily contact, please contact Carolyn Woodard (757-930-1683). 9 1 Randy Hultberg 1 Chang Bok Lee 1 LouDean Mayes 16 Kay Gray 1 Rian Shambaugh 17 Moses Lloyd 2 Bonnie Ellis 18 Eileen Williams 18 Amanda Banner A3 Michael and Kristin Lajoie A3 Joe and Brenda Bender 3 Caitlin Jones A21 Ronald and Jeanne Bensten 21 June Sharp 3 Dorothy Sharpe 21 Irene Hoopes 5 Lois Ballman 22 Christine Ragsdale 5 Jenny Fairfield Hughes 22 Amy Schmidt 6 David Baird 23 Curtis Barkdull 6 Eddie Greene 24 Beth Manoso 6 Sharon Easter 24 Rosalie Bauer 6 Irv Schmidt 24 Chip Shefelton 6 Curtis Barkdull A6 Bev and Joanna Daniels A6 Jeff and Denise Thurston 6 Warren Joyce 24 Carter Pennell 24 Lynn Ardary A24 Pete & Beth Manoso 25 Earl Lassiter 7 Mackenzie Baird 25 Ashley Chassard 7 Dexter Morgan, Jr. 25 Michael Canaday A8 Owen & Kristi Spivey 26 Martha Morgan A8 Bill & Dee Jones 27 Jessica Horine 8 Bayley Shefelton 8 Brandon Jones A8 Dan & Deborah Dail 27 Sarah Rogers A27 Bill & Janet Morrison 27 Debbie Vigilante 8 Doug Spruill 28 Logan Easter 9 Kristin Lajoie 9 Wylie Penell Crane 10 Owen Spivey 11 Bill Cole 28 David Lambert A28 Daniel and Bonnie Ellis A28 John & Gail McLeod 29 Barbara Keesee 12 Elizabeth Ballman 30 Rob Kyle 12 Greg Black 30 Al Hannum 13 Cheri Murphy 13 Claire Tuftie A14 Bill and Ellen Percival 15 Mason Murawski A15 Bob and Rosemary Murphy A15 Henry & Gloria Schwarting 16 Howard Vassos 10 June 7 14 21 28 Greeters (front/rear entrances) Dunn, Mary Lee Shefelon Kinsey Avery, Anne Crippen, Sara Aiken, Shirley Burns, Suzanne Bowers, Ken Bowers, Marcia Ushers * Denotes team captain *Murawski, Pat Jones, De’Zhun Moss, Dawn Murawski, Sandi *Reynolds, Paul Martin, Lloyd Brown, George Reynolds, Janeane *Shefelton, Chip Shefelton, Barbara Shefelton, Kinsey Sneddon, Bill *Spruill, Doug Hiltabidle, Jim Kyle, Jean Skaar, Becky Worship Leader Skaar, Becky Gore, Kevin Ames, Debbie Dail, Dan Youth Reader Andrews, Brennon Morgan, Rachael Graves, Diamond Smith, Nimere Children’s Moment Marshall, Liz Murawski, Sandi Spivey, Kristi Collins, Anneliese Crib Nursery Blinco, Lisa Hoopes, Irene Harris, Steffi Jones, Veronika Nance, Casey Nance, Jeff Lynch, Carol Smith, Pat Toddler Nursery Ames, Debbie Graves, Diamond Shefelton, Bayley Hunt, Connie Singletary, Alexis Spivey, Megan Gore, Alana Jones, Dae’Zhonna Marchese, Andrea Gore, Naya Morgan, Pat Welcome Table Ellis, Gerry Murawski, Sandi Nyenty, Thomas Bender, Joe Counters Marshall, Pete Spruill, Doug Ames, Debbie Pennell, Dale Miller, Charles Morrison, Bill Avery, Anne Crippen, Sara Preparation of Elements Aiken, Shirley Bender, Joe Burns, Suzanne Communion Hunt, Connie Jones, Bill Jones, Dee Joy, Betty Joy, Tommy Norman, Al 11 JUNE 2014 SUN MON TUE 1 2 10:00 PG (P) 1:00 Outreach Committee (CR) WED 3 THU 4 FRI 5 SAT 6 10:00 AA 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. VBS Workday 7 8 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship/ Communion/ Graduate Sunday 11:45 Graduate Reception 11:45 – 12:30 Youth Dancers 10:00 PG (P) 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 7:00 Choir (Ladies) 7:45 Bells 8:00 AA (FR,CR) 9 10 11 12 13 10:00 AA (FR,CR) 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. VBS Workday 7:30 Small Group @ Jacobys’ 7:00 Session (FR) 7:30 OA(Rm 9) 14 15 16 9:15 Sunday School 9:15 VBS Leader training (FR) 10:30 Worship 11:45 – 12:30 Youth Choir 3:00 Barbara Norman Student Recital/Reception (S, FR) 10:00 PG (P) 7:30 Small Group @ Jacobys’ 21 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship VBS Set-up 7:00 Choir (All) Last choir rehearsal until September 7:45 Bells 5:30 Barbara Norman Piano Recital Rehearsal (S) 8:00 AA (FR,CR) 17 18 19 20 Summer Hours Office Closed 10:00 AA (FR,CR) VBS Set-up 8:00 AA (FR, CR) 7:30 OA (Rm 9) 7:00 Bells Last Bell rehearsal until September 22 Digest 23 24 25 Deadline 11:00 – 2:00 EASE (FR,CR) 10:00 Congregational Care (CR) 10:00 PG (P) 26 27 Summer Hours Office Closed 5:30 Food Bank 7:00 SHARE 10:00 AA (FR,CR) Vacation Bible School June 22-26 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. 7:30 Small Group @ Jacobys’ 28 29 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship – VBS Sunday 11:30 Picnic 10:00 PG (P) 7:30 Small Group @ Jacobys’ 30 7:30 OA (Rm 9) AA – Alcoholics Anonymous BS – Bible Study CR-Conference Room ChR – Choir Room EASE – Early Alzheimer’s Support and Education EW – Education Wing FWF – Faith Weaver Friends FR-Fellowship Room HS – High School L-Library LRPC – Long Range Planning Committee MS – Middle School OA– Overeaters Anonymous P-Parlor PO - Pastors Office PEVA – Presbytery of Eastern Virginia PG – Prayer Group PT’s – Prime Timers S – Sanctuary WOC – Women of the Church YR – Youth Room 12