Ground - San Sisto College
Ground - San Sisto College
Verigram From the Leadership Team Students, Past Staff and Community, Welcome back to Term 3. I hope that the holiday period was an enjoyable and restful one for you. The last day of term was a very special day in the school calendar. San Sisto Day Dominican Student Conference 2016 was a time for celebration—of reflection a day in which we recognized and acknowledged the gifts of those within workers for the preparations and the OP direct from her keynote speaking successful running of this carnival. role at the National CaSPA Conference I had been excited I would like to welcome Sr Sheila Flynn about the experience as I had heard and Mrs Jabulile Ndaba to the College much of this significant day in the this week. We are just one stop in calendar over the past twelve months. their very busy three week journey to The day commenced with a prayerful Australia. our community. celebration and was followed up by activities imbued with laughter and joy, singing and dancing and a staff/student act which showcased the talents of both staff and students. These celebrations had special significance in 2016, as we have joined with Dominicans all around the world to acknowledge the 800 Jubilee Year. Thank you to all involved for ensuring that we ended the term on such a high note. excitement with the College Athletics Carnival being held at the QEII San Sisto College Carina will host Common Ground 2016, a Dominican Student Conference, from Friday 15 July to Sunday 17 July. The College is proud to welcome a cohort of 47 students and 15 college staff leaders from eight Dominican schools throughout Australia and New Zealand. San Sisto College student leaders and staff have been working hard to organise a fun, Stadium on Tuesday. The degree of participation and athletic skill shown by the competitors was inspiring to all spectators. The girls were particularly energetic as they motivated their house groups with great spirit on the day. for attendees. Common (National Directors of Catholic Secondary Principals Australia) Melbourne earlier this month. in Also presenting will be Sr Elizabeth Hellwig OP, Archivist for the Dominican Sisters of Eastern Australia and the Solomons enjoyable and informative conference The first week back has seen much 21 Common Ground Dear Parents, Students, Staff, Past upon our past, but more importantly, EDITION 14 JULY 2016 Ground and Ms Marg O’Shea, Promoter of Dominican Charism for the Sisters. We at San Sisto College wish the visitors to the conference all the best for what is expected to be an exciting, enriching and enjoyable event in which they will get the opportunity to visit our college, participate in a conference at Noosa North Shore and make new friends whilst further developing insights into life through the wisdom of the Dominican Catholic tradition. We is a biennial conference providing an opportunity for students to feel part of the Dominican story, to discover how they can share in the creation of this ongoing story and to determine how they will take this story into the future. thank all of our staff (led by Mrs Marlene Warnick-Tomlinson) and students who have been involved in the preparations for their dedication to making this conference such a success and wish them well this weekend. God’s blessing for the week ahead, Thank you to the organizers (especially Guest speakers at the Common Ground Mrs Shelley Hamilton Mr Ryan Gould) and all staff and parent Conference will include Sr Sheila Flynn Principal Verigram I 1 Religious Education UQ World Symposium Religions On Wednesday 13 July, a group of Year 11 Study of Religion students travelled to the University of Queensland for the World Religions Symposium with other high school students from Brisbane. We started the day with a plenary introduction, where Dr Tom Aechtner, a UQ lecturer, explained to us that studies in religion are not specific to one faith, but rather about multiple faiths that also incorporate world politics, history and science. We then broke up into a series of different seminars with a variety of different speakers. These Indigenous Dance included sessions on how science and religion can come into conflict, Buddhism, new religious movements and spirituality in the everyday life. We finished with a very interesting and insightful panel discussion which opened our eyes to different views on common political and religious issue and the existence of a form of God. As we sat in each of the seminars, we got a true taste of what university is like, including lunch in a bustling university food court. Overall, the day was thoroughly enjoyable, and it opened our eyes to different views on religion. The day was fast paced and insightful, and on the bus ride home, we could not stop talking about how excited we all were about university, and all the different options we have for our futures. We would also like to extend our thanks to Miss Lang, Mrs Qureshi and Ms Cleary for their assistance in preparing for the day and for taking us to UQ. Your hard work, time and effort is greatly appreciated. Luisa Randall On Wednesday morning our Year 9 students and attended an Indigenous Indigenous students dance performance and presentation by Troy Allen. This is another way we celebrate NAIDOC Week. Mrs Erica Qureshi, Academic Leader: Religious Education e [email protected] 2 I Verigram Parenting Page A Parent’s role in the selection of subjects and career direction. How to do it well. At this time of year, students across many secondary schools are discussing subject selections for 2017. Parents have hopefully just attended evenings at schools to learn more about the options and are now listening to their teenagers talk about career direction – or perhaps just hoping they would talk about career direction. At San Sisto, we have just had the Year 10 into Year 11 evening and the Year 8 into Year 9 is coming up in August. Choosing subjects is an important part many girls come to the WELL, who want As parents, it’s important to keep the to talk about the pressures they are ball rolling and communication flowing. feeling from parents in terms of subjects Really listen to your teen and resist the and career expectations. They are torn temptation to offer unsolicited advice between not wanting to disappoint, but of your daughter’s life as she takes the or lecture, even if your daughter keeps wanting to be free to choose and begin changing her mind. Provide respect first steps on the path of her potential the next phase of their lives. and support while giving up some Essentially, students need to choose control. This is a time for young people future career, but keep in mind that today’s students will quite possibly have several careers over their working lives, including jobs that may not even exist yet. subjects they are interested and to develop decision-making skills and engaged in and are good at. If parents problem-solving skills. support them in this, then young people The internet is a good starting point are likely to do better. Furthermore, for researching information on your Parents want what is best for their with this approach, young people are daughter’s interest or course options. teenagers, however when it comes to less likely to do what friends are doing Encourage her to research the career choosing subjects and future careers, or throw in the towel. Your daughter’s paths of people in the public eye or parents must refrain from running the choices may be different from yours, those whom she admires. You might show and stick to their role which is but remember that a happy student/ be pleasantly surprised. Be open to only as an advisor. Career Counsellor, worker will always be more satisfied discussing your own choices and Dr John Taccori, says ‘sometimes than one who is stuck in a subject/ encourage her to speak with other parents are overwhelmingly keen to the career, or they do not like. Remember family or friends about theirs. Getting point that it suffocates the child’s ability that all Year 10 girls have done the a few days work experience with family to freely choose their own subjects.’ Career Voyager, which is the first step or friends can also be invaluable. Also, Instead of making decisions for them, in identifying areas of interest. Ask your speak with current subject teachers he suggests parents should let their daughter about this as a conversation who can give your daughter a feel of children own their decisions and not starter. what the subject content will be for overly try to influence their child with When the topic is ‘your future career’ particular subjects. their own perceptions. I have seen many young people try to shrug it off. Enlist Verigram I 3 the support of College Counsellors Mrs Kerry Kearns and Ms It’s never too early to start having Kyra Greisbach or Academic Leader conversations or planting the seeds VET and Careers, Mrs Kim Blake. These about possible career options with your Principal people are qualified and experienced daughters, even as early as Year 8. and can steer your daughter in the right This helps them to start thinking about Mrs Shelley Hamilton e [email protected] direction or refer them to good sources what their aspirations are and what Deputy Principal of information. These staff can help subjects they might need. Opening your students see the wider picture of career daughter’s eyes to the possibilities out Mr Brad Barker e [email protected] planning and understand that this next there is one part of the role of parents. stage is really a launching pad not a ‘live The other, though hard to do, is to step or die’ moment. Parents and students back a bit. Young people must feel free across all year levels are welcome to to choose whilst understanding that with make a booking to see these staff at any choice comes consequence. Trusting time, through the WELL. Remember, them to know what is best for them is a all parents of Year 10 students will be difficult yet important step in assuming involved in a SET plan interview with responsibility for one’s own life. their daughter during this term and Year Mrs Megan Vardanega, 12 girls will all have individual QTAC Student Wellbeing interviews. e [email protected] San Sisto Directory Assistant Principal RE Ms Marlene Warnick-Tomlinson e [email protected] Assistant Principal Mrs Anna Doré e [email protected] Business Manager Mrs Susan Boban e [email protected] SCHOOL COORDINATORS Caleruega (Years 7 and 8) Ms Lyne Tilt MacSporran Upcoming Events e [email protected] Term 3 13 — 14 July Sr Shelia Flynn and Mrs Jabulile Ndaba Visit 26 July Year 7/8 Immunisations Boostrix 15 July Year 12 Accounting - GU Careers in Commerce Day 15 — 17 July Common Ground Dominican Student Conference 18 July Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews 3.30 pm — 8.30 pm 20 July Salaka African Drumming Troupe - Yrs 7 & 8 + Classroom Music 21 July Year 9 English/ Drama Excursion 23 July Working Bee 8.00 am — 12.00 pm ‘Barber of Seville’ Excursion - Italian Students 12.00 pm — 1.00 pm Year 7 2017 Parent Information Evening 7.00 pm — 8.00 pm 30 — 31 July Sports Aerobics FIASF National Competition Sleeman Sport Complex, Chandler Fanjeaux (Years 9 and 10) Mrs Louisa Makepeace e [email protected] Bologna (Years 11 and 12) Mrs Julianne O’Leary e [email protected] COLLEGE CONTACT INFORMATION t 07 3900 9800 f 07 3843 1921 e [email protected] 2 Aug College Assembly 9.00 am — 9.40 am 3 Aug St Dominic’s Feast Day STUDENT ABSENCE LINE 5 Aug Dominican Family Day San Sisto & St Martin’s Primary School t 3900 9888 PCYC Dance Carindale 7.00 pm — 10.00 pm 9 Aug Year 8 into Year 9 Subject Selection Evening www. ROSE RETAIL CENTRE The Uniform Shop Hours: Wednesday 9.00 am — 2.00 pm Thursday 9.00 am — 2.00 pm or by appointment. e [email protected] 4 I Verigram Study Tips with Mrs Doré As we approach the second semester now is a good time to do a bit of a check-up to see if you can improve your approach to school: • Have you set yourself goals to strive for over this year? YES / NO • Do you know what motivates you to do work? YES / NO • Do you try to take a positive approach to your studies? YES / NO • the thoughts in your head positive ones? YES / NO • • you don’t understand something? YES / NO • NO • bigger tasks and scheduling the work in your diary/planner? YES / • Have you been keeping track what you complete unfinished and • thought • Have you organised your folders half hour blocks)? YES / NO • Do you have folders or somewhere schoolwork at home? YES / NO • at home to file away all your work for your topics? YES / NO Have you decided what you will keep or do your study notes in? Verigram I 5 Do you remove all distractions etc. when you are focusing on your for papers and digital resources for school? YES / NO Have you allocated set periods of • Do you prioritise each afternoon Have you thought about how you will overcome the obstacles you realistically time for school work (eg at least 3 x work? YES / NO • assessment? YES / NO face in achieving your best? YES / NO outside school activities? YES / NO rescheduling • you Are you doing more than ‘just reading’ when you study for an about whether you have too many NO • NO Are you doing around an hour and Have Have you reviewed the different use for your learning style? YES / • (2-3 hrs for seniors)? YES / NO conditions? study techniques that you should a half of schoolwork most nights Have you been breaking down of • Have you set up a good study YES / NO examination YES / NO where you can focus and work? Have you been writing all your Do you try to do lots of the practise under environment at home, a place planner and getting it done? YES / • • Do you have a term planner above see the heavy weeks? YES / NO homework into your diary or online • ‘practise’ the skills? YES / NO your desk where you can easily Have you been asking for help if When you study for a test, do you both ‘learn’ the content and Have you been working on study for a subject? YES / NO Are you making the most of class completing all work? YES / NO • • • notes each time you finish a topic time, listening and focusing and • YES / NO Do you make an effort to make • Have you set up some routines to try and create habits that will help you this year? YES / NO You can learn more about being more effective and efficient in your schoolwork at by logging in with these details: what you will work on that night? Username: forsansistoonly YES / NO Password: 29results When you make study notes, are Mrs Anna Doré , you making them visual with mind Assistant Principal Student Wellbeing maps, highlighting etc? YES / NO e [email protected] Working Bee 2016 Reunions Talent Quest Saturday 23 July 8.00 am — 12 noon All Past Students are invited to join us for Hurry. Tickets sales close 31 July 2016. San Sisto Day Highlight of the College’s Calendar The night’s live entertainment will feature Each year on San Sisto Day, the powerhouse annual College Talent Quest takes our Black and White Dinner on Saturday 13 August 2016 at the Stamford Plaza. entertainers, Sirens. Possessing vocals that will amaze, Sirens combine mesmerising guitar stylings making them a powerhouse six piece band that will liven up our celebrations. Sirens feature music from the 70’s through to today. The We are having our Working Bees on Saturday 23 July. We have lots of pressure washing, top soiling, weeding, pruning to do. Please bring wheelbarrows, gardening tools, gloves spades and pressure washers. graduating years of 1966, and 2006 1976, 1986, 1996 will be celebrating their 10th, 20th, 30th, and 40th 50th year reunions. Past and current students of the College are invited to join the San Sisto Alumni Group on LinkedIn for San Sister networking purposes. Attendance at the Working Bee Search San Sisto College Alumni and contributes towards your 15 hours click on the ‘Request to Join’ option in needed to qualify for a part Service LinkedIn. and Development Levy refund. The P&F Committee put on a great morning tea, so come along and get involved. place. This year did not disappoint, with a variety of teenage talent on display from solo performers to group and ensemble acts, including vocal, music and dance. A major highlight for the entire College was the teachers’ performance of the Grease classic - You’re The One That I Want, especially Mrs Megan Vardanega and Mr Ferraioli leading roles. Pink definitely was the colour that ‘ruled the school.’ The Talent Quest is a just one of the wonderful forums which demonstrates the variety and diversity of the talent of our students in singing, music and dance. Past Students can also follow the College on the official Facebook page, simply click “Like” at the top of the page - SanSistoCollegeCarinaQLD. If you have some spare time, please notify the office, ideally by 9 am Friday (to allow for catering to be determined), by phone on 3900 9800 or email [email protected] Mr Chris Steffan, Information Technology and Facilities Officer e [email protected] 6 I Verigram 6 1 0 2 y a D o t s i S San Verigram I 7 8 I Verigram Café Caterina Welcome Back! We have done a lot of work on the daily specials for this term and I am sure you will see there is more variety, but please note that some of our specials are only available through Flexi Schools. We From the Minister of Education 2016 Early School students. Leavers Survey Between July and August 2016, our The Queensland Government is conducting its annual statewide are endeavouring to Green our menu survey so you may have noticed some items school in Years 10, 11 and prior to disappearing! We will, however, be completing Year 12 during 2015. introducing new healthy options. Coming Soon of students who left The Early School Leavers survey is a short, confidential survey that collects information about what young people are doing the Mrs Margaret Kupper, Café Caterina Convenor e [email protected] students who left school in Years 10, 11 and prior to completing Year 12 last year, can expect to receive an invitation to complete a webbased survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office to complete the survey. Please encourage early school leavers to take part. year after leaving school. The For more information, information from the survey helps w w w. e d u c a t i o n . q l d . g o v. a u / our schools to understand the nextstep/ or telephone toll free on pathways young people follow 1800 068 587. after leaving school and to plan services to support transitions into study or employment for our Habits of Mind and Spirit Ask your daughters how they have used these habits during the week. Habits of Mind Habits of Spirit Thinking and communicating with clarity and percision. Acting justly and seeking justice for all. Verigram I 9 visit Why Study a Language? Ruby and Sammie, our 2016 Languages Representatives, have been researching the benefits of studying a language and reflecting on their own experiences of studying Japanese and Italian. The benefits of language study Studies have shown that learning a foreign language has many benefits. As language students, we both strongly agree with the following statements. Firstly, learning a foreign language can boost brain efficiency. As the brain works out meaning, it sharpens Hi, for those of you know don’t languages for approximately 13 know me, I am Ruby Davidson, years now, and Italian is by far my the Japanese representative for favourite! One of the largest benefits 2016. Personally, I started studying that I have noticed throughout Japanese simply my Italian studies is that it has enjoyed the culture and customs. improved my English skills. I am I have now studied Japanese for constantly leaning new words that I approximately nine years and am have never heard before and I have hoping to continue studying it into also gained a further and deeper recall the future. After graduating at San understanding of some aspects information better. A third benefit Sisto, I hope to study a course of grammar. Therefore, from my includes expanding career options involving international relations and own personal experiences, I can and potential. Being multilingual Japanese at university. Throughout promise you that through learning gives you a definite competitive my time studying Japanese, I have a language your vocabulary will do edge over others. It is an ability discovered that all of the above nothing but grow and your grammar that tells of a person’s dedication, statements are true. I hope that skills will improve (that’s right, you openness to a diverse range of many of you consider studying a can achieve the impossible). people and culture and also thinking foreign language, as it is not only skills. Learning a foreign language a subject, but an asset to hold onto Ruby Davidson and Sammie Berry, can even just be a hobby! You may forever. skills on reading, negotiating, and problem-solving. Another benefit is the improvement of memory. The more the brain is used, the better its functions will work. Learning a foreign language strengthens memory because the brain has built its ability to associate information with mnemonics and be interested in other cultures, or simply language itself. The Languages Representatives: because I Year 12 Languages Representatives Working along Ruby in 2016 will be myself, Sammie Berry, as the Italian Representative. I have studied 10 I Verigram Our Community Creating Behavioural Change - Free Workshop Come along to this free workshop on Wednesday 27 July from 10 am to 12 noon at St Catherine’s Community Hall, 388 Newnham Road Wishart, the workshop has been developed for parents, teachers, and teacher aids. The workshop is introductory presentation designed specifically to meet the needs of children and adolescents of all ages, their families and support people and will address the many issues that parents and educators in the home, school and community environments today face around behavioural problems. • Does your child have a diagnosis of ASD; ADHD; Dyslexia or Verigram I 11 otherwise? • Is your child having difficulty in communication, learning, attention & / or behaviour? This introductory evening is designed specifically to meet the needs of children & adolescents of all ages, their families and support people, and will address the many issues facing the parents and educators in the home, school and community environments today. The evening is for parents, grandparents, guardians and school staff looking to increase effectiveness and ease within process evidenced-based practice. Presenter: Scott Hardie utilising Senior University Lecturer in Early Education; Adjunct Lecturer in Speech Pathology Speech Pathologist, Autism & Behavioural Coach, Master Coach / Trainer of Coaching; NLP; Time Line Therapy®; Hypnotherapy & Mindfulness When: Wednesday 27 July 2016: 10 am – 12 noon Where: St Catherine’s Community Hall, 388 Newnham Rd, Wishart. RSVP: Monday 25 July 2016 to Julie Laherty on m 0419 880788 or e [email protected] Tea, Coffee and Nibbles will be provided for the workshop. Tertiary Studies Expo This Weekend 16 – 17 July This weekend, the 35th annual Tertiary Studies Expo (TSXPO) is on again at the RICC, Brisbane Showgrounds, admission is free. Featuring many local, interstate and overseas education providers and support agencies, TSXPO offers a unique opportunity for anyone interested in starting, changing or upgrading their career! If you have any questions, please contact the Expo office directly via or by email [email protected]. Saver Plus achieve a savings goal over a 10 month period, which is then matched up to $500 per family on completion of the program. The funds must be used for education related expenses. The Smith Family Matched Savings for Education Costs ‘Saver Plus’ has now assisted over 30,00 disadvantaged families over the 13 years that the program has been running. Some of our successful families have already been matched to pay for items such as ... • School Uniforms and shoes • Qld Resource Scheme We appreciate your on-going support and if you could include the attached flyer in your newsletters and on your Facebook page this term that would be fantastic. • School Camps and excursions • Sporting, Art, Dance or Music fees • Laptops, IPads equipment Just a reminder that my role, through The Smith Family, is to deliver a program which assists families in need, to develop financials skills in saving & budgeting. The ultimate goal is to For more information, please contact David Smit on t 07 3115 6202, m 0417 436 183 or by email [email protected]. Visit and related Saturday 13 August 2016 Hurry! Ticket sales close 31 July 2016. 7.00 pm — 11.30 pm San Sisto College To celebrate 800 years of Dominican life, for Parents, Staff, Past Students and Past Staff Tickets: includes petit fours. $125 per person dinner, drinks, Black & White Event Features: we will be holding a Dinner coffee/tea and Dress: Semi-formal (Black and White attire is encouraged) • Live Entertainment • Kopanang Women’s Group Stall Purchase online through Flexischools 12 I Verigram
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