02/25/1899 - Atlantic County Library System


02/25/1899 - Atlantic County Library System
YOL. 37.
Boys .;
BootSo .
and Embalmer
Twelfth St., between railroads:
Hammonton, N. J.
7 A few more pairs of
those/ Woonsocket and Boston
Boots, sizes 1 to 3 remain
Your choice, $1.25 a pair
F'ri SALE.
Tuesday, lUureli 7, 18!>!>,
; i t t w . o ' c l o c k in" the i t ( 'eri.opu of srd d a y , n t
(be h o t d ol .-\le\iiinler Aiilttiii, i n 'li« Town of
I I i i i m n o ' i t o i i , C o u n t y ol A i l i m i u 1 ami ^ f i t t u o f
N e w Ju!>ey, all t h e I'olIuivirjNr ilesrribi d ' t i M c r
o r piecr i>. h i n d , i i n d premises s i t u a t e , I v i n t r
ainl b e i n g in tho To * n M i i p uf Muliir-v, in t i n C« u M y "t A t l u n t i c and .State *£ N e w Jei>«y,
b o u n d d HP l o l i t - v i s :
Uc^i ni iu' at n p o i n t in the i n U d is oi'
HUM. in:: th'-riL-f
Always a Good Stock
Ii>; v i n u o o! n writ of fi^ri fii« - ia^,f" me <li
re"ted. i s s u e d o u t nt the N e w JiM^ey r V u r f o f
C t i i i n i ' i ' i y , in it rnu,-t; ivhort-in J o h n U l l o p u
u d l i.ii'i J - i l i i i A. I.'ullock. t x c c u i ' - i > of J o l m
C IIopiMvell, Jcceii'-ctJ, arc c o m p l i i i i u m t . s ;nid
S u mud J5. C o u . n h l i n , uf :ilt*., ;tiv <i.'lt-nd:m s, I
w i l l e> IMIJ-U t o salt- n t p u b l i c ; v c r i d u f , ->n
(1 ) nl" rip
r n id d So
We are selling an excellent
Match (200s) at 8 cents
per dozen boxes.
To our DRIED. FRUIT stockPitted Cluirrk'K
Are you in the market for
Pure Leaf Lard ? We will
sell you 2 pounds cheap, or
we will put you in a 30-lb.
tub at a penny a pound less.
P i t t e d California PI urns "
California Apricots
If you crave~ K i n i i - t l i i i i " t a r t , t r ^ si)ine of the Prnnelliis
Expect some Quarts and
Oval Pints about the middle
of April. Will sell them
•cheap from the car if ordered
nOW)—cash on delivery.
Leave your orders at once.
[iv.J|^ A h t - j i v ) i'< I t W i n d o w Shade at 1± cents.
MI -M- or h ^> to t i n - in i < t ' j | i < . of A ,'ii.-.-iy, .- i n - - I ;
. i h d t l i t - l h - o ( - 1 ) ' . I i . l i e ; Hit- m i i K l I t : D s - a i d - l i c o t
!i n l i l o r y U : r > >
i i e ^ ri-i 1 .- t w < - i . ' \ i » o M I HI it u>. v tr,-t i n - f . ty t M j i h i r h . i i : ^ mid t i h t - x " .
l i n l - : s , i i p ' i o or ' i - ~ ^ , I N t i n ? i l a . c ol : i - ^ i n n i ; . ; : .
' • • n , i ; i n . i :; u- ( i i i n ilu; i i l o . v i - L . - i - r i 1 - ! - - ! ' H U M
.1 in*'- f v o l u i i i I n - . l . t i x l l i l ' i . - i n sn-iv.-- "l i m o l .
I i " Hi
.".inns i n - r.' 1.1 h - ~ .
I ' M - I I M : i ! i . ' .-a n i f
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• i h i M r r > , , j t A n n i t ! M. ( ' ( . ( n r j l i n . t h i s timrlj - i ; : - I - H ' K - i \ < . u io j * r . - i . n : | - i i r l o l p u r f l i i i M i
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When t/von see
a "snap,"
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Eeal Estate and
Insurance Agent
Hotary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds,
A l i ' X i i i r i i r Ai l - . i t i , i n I •• • • ' « ! . ul
M . I . I - n l N'ci\ .1. I P n , ; i l l l i , , , l I ' H i . r I r . i r l !•!
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Office, 101 Railroad Av-e.
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.M.ll'.- l.,lll'll,.;'
It ' I.I, IM in.-
, , , , , , ' , i i i l " i • 111 i l , . 'I A . . u . I i >
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l l f - i n l ' / . ' I ' o i i i i i l o ( ! | i i i l n i ' \ w a > 'J.-') <:. a I m l l l r . u u w l!(lc.
l l c - u i l / i n i l i a l l c l i . ' - l i w.i.s '_!•) a I m l l l i - . now
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Frantz A. Zebman
!_!0 c
l l ' - i n l / . K c v - l o i i c I )i c.-iisin;- w a n l - i r . a l i o l l l i 1 , I I D \ V I I I
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1 '' t'..i
ffo® Best I
Shoes made to Order is my
Specialty, and full
satisfaction is guaranteed.
.Repairing done.
An Item cf Interest.
Give us meal! -'
Men—from every rank,
I'resli and free and frank ;
Men of thought and reading,
Men of light and leading,
Men of loyal breeding,
MouoffaHb and not of factlou,
. Men of lofty aim In action;
Give Ufl men—I say ngalu,
Qlvo u n m c n l
It certainly speaks well lor the thrift,
pconomy, arid sobriety of. the people ol
IlammoDton, that during tbe excessive
cold and storm that came to us, so few
of real need were to be found in a
population of about four thousand, and
so many of them comparatively poor.
Such are their habits and foresight, as
Givens men!
to make few needy cases; and such is
Strone and Btn!wart oneB;
the spirit of pur people tbat all known
Men whom' bfgbest nope inspires.
necessitous cases were- readily relieved.
Men whom purest honor flres,. .'
Men who trample self beneath them,
The Overseer ot the Poor tells me that
Men who make their country wreatiiothem
he has had no new applications for help
A.B ber noble eons,
since the blizzard. W. N. OGBOKN.
Worthy of their alres!
Men who never elanme their mothers,
Men who never fall their brothers.
True, however false are others;
Give us men—I say again,
Give us men!
; ' .
.Give us m e n I . . .
Men, who when the tempest gathers.
Grasp the standard of their fathers
la tha thickest fight.
Men wbo strike for home and altar
(Let the coward cringe and falter),
God defend the right!
. True as truth, tbongb lorn and lonely.
Tender—as the brave are only!
Men who tread where ealuls have trod,
Men for country, and for God.
Glveusmen! I say again, again.
Give us such men I
—JlisJtop of Exeter.
This.gem is from a western paper:
Not long since, in a near-by school, a
student's examination paper contained
this marvelous budget: "The human
body is divided into three parts—the
head, the chist,j and stummick. Tbe
head contains the eyes and brains, if
any. The cbist contains tbe lungs and
a piece of liver. The stummick is devoted to the bowels, of which there is five,
a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes w and y."
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
Bollovao Avenue,
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for' sick and nervous headaches.
Common Sense and Snow.
They make pure blood and strong uerves
»nd build up your health. Easy to take.
It docs not require any deliberation Try
thorn. Oaly 25 cents. Money back
to determine what should be done dur if not cured. Sold at Crowell's.
ing periods of emergency. Common
sunee is the foundation of all laws, or
should be. Qjclones, blizzards, floods
The last of the present series of popuPennsylvania K. R. personally conAuthorized Capital, $50,000 flres, and wrecks demand immediate lar
ducted tours to Jacksonville will leave
New York and Philadelphia by special
Paid in, $30,000.
I am satisfied that j the people are train of Pullman Palace cars. Tuesday,
Surplus, $17,000.
ready to give'a hearty vote ol thanks 16 March 7. Round-trip tickets, valid to
return on tegular .trains until May 31st,
Messrs. Boyer and Bachelor, of tbe and
including railway traupertation In
R. J. BYBNBS, President.
Highway Committee, for BO promptly each direction, and Pullman accommodaM. L. JACKSON, Vice-Pros' t
taking hold ol tbe emergency of snow tions (one berth), and meals on special
Roing, will bo Bo!d at the following
W; R. TII/TON, Cashiet blocked roads, and to Mr. Bicklord for train
rates: New "Xork, $50 ; Philadelphia,
so tflick-nlly responding to the request $-18 ; Canandaifrua, $52.85 ; Erie, $54.85;
of the committee. The credit for relief Wilkenbarre, $50.35 j Pittsburgh, $53 ;
1. J. Byrnes,
belongs to both, — the committee anc proportionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, and iull infortho overseer ol highways.
mation apply to ticket afreutd ; Tourist
--•cut, 1190 Broadway, N. Y.; Thomas
Elam Btookwol)
irdy, 'passenger agont Lon^ Branch
O. F. Baxton,
district, 780 Broad t*t.. >Wark ; Thos,
0. F. Oegood,
W. R. Tllton.
from Co. F, Fourth Hew Jersey. E. Watt, pasHonger agont Western Dis;riot, Pittsburgh; or address Geo. W.
A. J. Smith,
Boyd, A.B8t, Gen. Paasongor Agt., Broad
J. 0. Andoreou.
Camp Wetlicrill, Grccnvlllo, S. C,
8t. Utation, Philadelphia.
W". J. Rmith.
W. L. Blaok.
K«b. 15.1S80.
Hammonton. : .: N.J
.»it l l i a To-\ n ' - l i i j i und i l i t ; T,m ti »'• l l a - n i n o n
t o i i ] n o r i h forf - s i x dcL'rt-c-?
t h i r t y ci .Ji t
i n i u u cs t'Ji'M -s'i.-vonty f o u r c l i . n i > .ui'i M - M - n t v
t w e n t \ M i v i ' M L ' l i ; t M H . ' a n d t i v c - n l y - M ' \ c n ! M I k,-,
n i ' T u or 'ii-s ; i I I C I M <• ( ; { ) -MI i ii i - v ' \ \ n r < i ji
All arrangements for burials made
and carefully executed.
Second St., near I'loiiHiint,
Hoar BoriihouHo'a JVftll
. Hammonton.
firtif/itt' AVi/y.v iin»! JVi>>ttt>^ //'//<• Ci'/n1 11 \>(\
j)o»t-|)iiiil, lor $1.35. Cnluli ([unit full lnf(irIllation I roc ID lllM.io win) wiyli to lnv r i:.ll'
jjiitl' lint. Sriul iiiiiuo on poMtnl i nr'<l.
lu»« lor 44 yciira Iwcu Ilio atunilutil. Oidled
l>y U. H. llurrmi of ICducuiloii " Tho Amorlean System." Vital |>rizc, Worlil'.-i l''ulr.
TlIK I'lIONOOUAl'lllC iNtiririJTK Co.,
Of Hammonton. N.J,
MB. HO'YT:—Ae 1 am .on guard at
tho reginiLDtal hospital, unil liuvo a few
minutes to dparo, I will BOO what nowa
can toiid you. Out ot tliu (ivo rcgiHill's Block, Haiunioaton.
nicnle here, there are Oi men fa the
!)i.tconnl <laje--Tuesday and
Office Hourn, 7:80 to 10:00 A.M.
1:00 to 8:00 and 7:00 to 0:00 P.M.
I1 ridav of I'-iu-h week.
and piHiunionia.
Jin I u Dtflppvd lost Saturday, but was
Bafo Deposit 1» xos for rcnt,—f 2 followed liy n blizzard. Six Inches ol
$0.00, $5. untl ilOycr year.
enow toll, and blcighing was good two
dayn, will) tho thcrnuimutor at live
S»|}*' Bring orders for Job
below Hero. No trniim havo run luto
Oiiouvillo eincu luai. Sunday, from the
north, and tralnH goinu north could not
{jut boyond Charlollo, N. C., until toPrinting to tho
nlpht. Tho boyH nio anxloun to hour
Our line of new wheels from Iho lolka at home. IVoplu horu
GUV that tlilu IB tlio hunli«t miiMcr thuy
li»r '('8 riui^«' in price
havo Hfcn lor twenty >t<are. No ituunlB
from $20 t<> ^
been on H I tier, Sulimlay, »n It, WIIH
Republican oflice.
th-.too cold for thdin to lio on pnal.
\Vni. J. Black in ncltlng to bo quito a
ornck nliot,— gocB ^uniiini); every day,
mill ul way a comes In with gumo.
John ,T. l"'r( nch liil(«:« bin (lrnt trick
ii!) coijioiultol tho guard to-day.
iluminoiitoa Hotel
In tlio bull at Greenville. liiHt ni(jlit,
while tho piny won ill, lu |H:inlit, a
"lor(( jouc.luiHiuij;, i xaiaino
joiinu iniiii rot up In dm niiillenco and
nil' HU)i',k, \vlu< Ii i,-< I i.o
welted li.r chcerB for tho 2()ilrd New
no»t,con)pl»it(5 in town. ,
Yc rl(, unil about n (Uwn rrapouded,
Aixilhur propoHtd the 201M, and got
Ourting and Delivering of all lUiuln
iibout IIH oiany. Then nomo follow
douo promptly, on nhoit notice.
called lor clicciH lor "iho 4t,ti .Jorsoy,
Double CnrrlnguH to hire,
the b(',Hl drilled unil IK-HI, Ixilmvcd rejiil>y tho duv <"' hour.
nienl in ^irenvillo,» und that brought
down iluj IHHIHO.
Our lioyH iiru i\ll in thfl bunt of huulth,
Iind nro in'liopen they will bo at homo
In April.
Oortlflo.itex of ucpesit Issued, bearing
ior'i.'it, nt tlid i-JUi of 2 per oont. per ani") II' ill-Id nii inonttiR, and OpercentH
uuii ouoyenr.
Ohas, Cunningham, M,D.
Physician and Surgeon.
They who walk
Ride I
Spalding, Crawford,
Waverloy, Stornior.
Livery and Boarding
Mmiiiii >>/ J'A<Wi\i;nif/iy, liy Jloiiu •I'iliiuiu
null Jcroiuo II. llmv.inl. A in'il.:rt :ii'lf-lnatructor. Over ;;",'',, ooo hi LI. Tliuii>.aiiilti
Iliivi: niii'ttc-iol it ; .•>» run y in, Sol. I hy /ill
IjOOllJR'lli'lS, or Wi! will ' d r i l l u l l l i
The People's Banli
Eopair ing. firing,
and Sundries.
Bicycle Store-
A.iullaBHnrtmuut of hand ami machln
lundo,— fur work or driving,
.Trunks, Valises, Wliipa
Riding Saddles, Nets, etc.
Jluinmonton. N. J.
HO. 8
A. H. Phillips & Co.
The Barber
3rd and BeUevue,
Hamm ontoji, N. J.
Good stock -i f the
• " • . ' . • ' •• " ,
Best Brands of Cigars..
Has ttree chairs
every Saturday.
ISli H.
Official Town Attorney,
Arlitz Bnllding, Hamraonton,
Union Bank Building, Atlantic City.
In Hammonton
every Thursday
Practice in all Conrts of the State,
Money- for first mortgage loans
Oil Stoves
No. 25 Third Street,
Only the choicest.
Bread & Cakes
Alwaya the best.
Cor, Second and Bellevue,
Wm, Bernshouse,
Lumber Yard.
All varietiea of the
Fluent Mill
Sabh, Dooro aud Blindu.
Fire Insurance.
couiiuuu-b llvu Union wu much
ten UN coflov.
Io 1673 no ant ol Congroua abollahcd
""Ktjluij in Ihn ujtvy.
Front bun a varloly of (tlliictH upon
dlflbrtint [uoduotH, I Tudor tho eamu Inlluvnco, cgca will burat, iipplea contract,
uiul potutuat) turu bluuk.
Mortgage Loans.
GoTroapomlenco Boliolted.
828 Atlnutlo Avoiiuo.
Atlantic City, N. J.
A Specialty
Near the Railroad Stations,
Hammonton, X, ii
, ;.-,:H
' V JHM'* ^
Eaved tier Conscience.
"What do you think of your new
neighbors?" asked the hostess of tho
"eweet" old lady who wa» "filing.
"You know that I . ne\-.j/speak un,
kindly of any one. I have nothing to
lay of her; but I will say of her husband.
••»\at I feel very, very sorry for him."
ChlcauoMnn'a Invention Knableu Fom JTraclc Fatalities tliat Have Occurred
Her Writings "Show a Wide Divermltr
Upon tho Stage.
Contentnnta to Ploy.
in Quality and Purpooc.
The recent calamity on a London
The Detroit Journal in commenting
board watching two contestants tt1 itage In, which nn actor actually killed
opon the death of -Mrs. Isabel' A. Malwork on a ganie, whose fingers havi » follow player In the scone where hei
lon, known to the public as "Bab" and
to nm him through with a
Itched to make a move the plu^err ivas supposed
"Euth Ashmore," says that she repre1
A Wlnnln's Way.
would not see. In fact, t ow gamea an dagger has brought to light numerous
sented a dual personality.
Algy—Well,, old boy, I've Just touched
played where outside advice is not toi former occurrencea of a similar charac1
AB "Hath Ashmore" she appeared In
Regffy f° ' another tener.
. . .
A. Lancashire miner wna -badly in- plentiful for comfort. One man recent ter.
the Ladles' Home Journal in the guise
Chappie—What! And got it? How
ct guide, philosopher and friend to jured one night, and, on being'taken
on earth do you do It?
thousands of young women. She j to the infirmary, was told by the docAlgy—Oh, it's very easy. I just cnsuV
answered their yearning for knowledge tors that he must give up the ale he board. Now a Chicago man comes t« that he fell upon u elave nnd killed him ally mention his resemblance to th«
of the influlte in the same Issue In loved or lose his leg. Looking ruefully the front with a board which admit! on the spot. Farquhar, in Dryden'u Prince of Wales—Tid-Blta.
which she adverted to the changes In down at the Injured mfimber, he said: of four contestants. This board adinlti "Indian Emperor," . wounded n fellow
the style of .cloaks, hose or writing If this 'ere wound can not stand n\of two men playing partners againsi j act0r BO dangerously that he was said i —
to have died from his wounds. In
tup o' good yale, him and me must part the other two or all 1'going it alone."
This four-handed chepker board dlf- Stockholm, early In.the sixteenth cen' Her writings abounded In common company. Off wi' '1m!"
sense; they were informed with more
One day, when Sir Walter and Lady [ers i alically fromjhe old style, or th« tury, an actor who was playing Lonree-uanfled board,AThe later has sell ginus In "The Mystery of the Passion,"
than usual Intelligence, and they were Scott were roaming about their estate,
Two Letters to Mrs. PirLkham.'
squares outside the old board so ar was so realistic hi his playing that he
~oa pure in tone as a ray of light. Prob- | they saw some playful lambs in a
ably this widely circulated magazine meadow. "Ah," said Sir Walter, " 'tis rjinged that the players can lnvad« pierced the inimle Christ so severely
Mrs. JOHN WILLIAMS, Eng^ishtown,
ch other's territory at will. The ne\i that his death on the cross wns actual.
bad no more popular contributor. Cer- no wonder that poets from the earlitainly she was appealed to by women est ages have made the lamb the.em- boardjhas a double row of squares out- Many years ago, an Italian artist nam- N. J., writes:
" DEAR MBS. PINKHAM:—I cannot beblem of. peace and Inocence!" "Thej side the old with a.central square Ol ed Lombard!, playing In "Antigone," gin to tell you how I suffered before
are indeed delightful animals," said
taking your remedies. I was so weak
Lady Scotti "particularly with mini wings are designated A A A A by thi breast to his own, and did it so cer- that I couldhardly walk across tho floor
tainly that he fell dead.
without falling-. I had womb trouble
panylng cut. The squares are arranged
The vicar of Skegby, England, wai In parallel rows In alternate colors, a! Upon the opening night of the pro- and such a bearing-down feeling; also
Lontonducting a marriage where the bride In the old board. The black squarei
suffered with my back and limbs, pain
was a regular attendant at Sundaj are indicated by D and the white by E don, in 1881, Mr. Charles "Warner, In in womb, inflammation of the bladder,
, . When
,v u«, she
^ was
„ ,„ asked:
™«u. "Wilt
,, u, ,
squares obliquely It vrll lain of the piece, and In the duel with piles and indigestion. Before I had
* n
^ n ^ runs ,t
thou have this man to be thy wedded
taken one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's
daggers which ensued Mr. Warner was
indr she replied: "Yes .verily b, ,continuous
Contlnuou8 rows.
rows. !lnslae
'Inside the
the wings
wings „ badly wounded. Barry Sullivan once Vegetable Compound I felt.a great deal
God's help, so I will, and I heartllj a similar arrangement of black and
better, and after taking two and onethank our Heavenly Father, who hats white squares, which the inventor. attacked Richmond in "jKlehard the half bottles and half a box., of your
brought me into the state of salvaLiver Pills I wn,s cured. If more would
opponent's sword was struck from his take your' medicine they would not
band and n serioui accident barely have to suffer so much."
Little Louise, from Boston, was strugaverted. The elder Baron, a French
Mrs. JOSEPH PETERSON, 513 East .St.,
gling alternately with her arithmetic
actor of note, performing in'"The Old" Warren,Pa.,writes:
. ' • " " " . ."•
and her natural history lessons for the
"DEMI MRS. PINKHAJII-TJ have sufmorrow, without making much ^headof his path and In so doing punctured fered with womb trouble over fifteen,
way. Finally she exclaimed: "I wish I
his foot; the matter was trifling at first, years. I had- inflammation, enlargewere an Australian rabbit!" "An Ausbut later on gangrene set In and the ment and displacement of tho womb.
tralian rabbit!" said her mother; "why
. - dled;<
, Charles Kemble. at one I had the backache constantly, also
do you wish yon were an Australian 1 A
time playing Macbeth to Mrs. Slddon's j tteil(iache. and was so dizzy. I had
Lady Macbeth, flung away a goblet hoart tjoubie, it seemed as though
rapidly," was the reply,
with such violence that it shattered a heart was in my throat at times
chokand girls for the settlement of the thouOne morning Emperor William, who
sand and one questions of varying Im- baa a great penchant for building
head. That lady bore It without flinch- I could not lie down, for then my heart
portance that beset the sex, and sel- churches, was riding in his carriage" on \
ing, however. At the dress rehearsal would beat so fast .1 would feel aa
~t3om In vain.
0nter den Linden, when an old gentle- j
ef "The Huguenots" at, Paris several though I- was smothering. I had to
•* This was "Ituth Ashmore." When man espied'him from a distance, and.
years ago, the-famous-tenof Noufltt, In 8 it U pin bed nights in order to breathe.
.we come to "Bab," it is with a feeling Immediately bared his head, whicl)!
pretending to Jump from a fourth-story I was so weak I conld not do anyFOUB-HAXDED CHJJCKEIl BOARD
that we have here a suggestion of a was as bald as a billiard-ball. Sudden•
female Mr. Hy.de. Where "Ruth Ash- ly the old gentleman felt i somebody Frank F. Glfford, calls the Infield. Its window, injured himself so .that the j thing.
"I have now "taken several botmore" W«LS sedate and calm, "Bab" was touching his shoulder, and heard it squares run in right, left and oblique piece had to be. delayed for a week. At
excited and frivolous. It would not voice behind him saying: "Say, oiclines with the wings. King rows P and the final rehearsal of ."Faust" the orig- tles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
perhaps do to Insist that -the writings j man, you had better cover your head i jj are inside this, and In the center is a inal Mephistopheles, Balnnqne. contriv- Compound, and used threel^ packof tile latter were too highly flavored | for wherever the Emperor notices a ' goal which may be circular or decorat- ed to wear a /pair of 'diabolical red ages of Samitivo Wash, and can say,
wings. With these outspread, he rose I am perfectly cured. I do not think '•
with a suggestion of Vanity Fair, but bald spot he.'ll surely build a church.' ed fancifully.
certainly as meat for babes they had
tints i from a trap in the first act, and, by I could hnve lived long if Mrs. PinkAn English officer whose ship was
The klug rows are colored
hung too long to meet the taate of a stationed off the coast of Ceylon went differing from the ordinary
>fket i touching a spring* these later became hnm's medicine 'hail not helped mo."
refined palate.
for a day's shooting, accompanied bj squares, but serves,much the same pur- the conventional cloak. But the spring ]
Pretty nearly everything. In short, a native attendant. Coming to a partic-:- i pose The game runs up to ten points' behaved badly, and the actor's face was |
The Senatir'. Cow.
.that the young woman under the guid- ularly Inviting river, the officer resolv-•• In the coal the player who makes tula I horribly lacerated-"by the fluttering ' When, lu a certain legislative pro1
ance of "lluth Ashmore" would become ed to have a bath, and asked the native | number first
' winning. The rules of the whalebone ribs, over which the cloth coillns,', It was proposed to make an ap"Bab" was not. Sho stood for the gay to show him a place where there were game are those of ordinary checkers, was arranged.
proprlatlou lu a series of expenditures
and the frivolous, the "smart" set, for no alligators. The /native took him to the object being to cut down the enemy | Deaths from eutldeu nnd unknown that never came to an end, the Hon.
loud colors and noisy manners.
a pool olose to the/estuary. The otficoi while advancing one's men by the tisu | caiise.s are frequent on tho stage, and It I'hlletus Sawyer, then a United States
The explanation of this strange con 'thoroughly enjoyed his dip, and, while nl moves and Jumps.
! has generally seemed that the pausing Senator from Wisconsin, salil tlmt tho
^.tradletlon is simply that Mrs. Million drying himself, he nuked his guide wh> i
of the HCtbr'e soul has always been at case reminded him of a cow that ho
wrote to fill two dcmandn'of very dif- thero were never any aliigatorH in that I
Home moment when his words were once Imd on his farm. Ho toltl tho
ferent kind. That the less attractive, pool. "Because, sar," promptly replied '
! particularly applicable to the clrcum-| story thus: Ont'e, when we-were llv1
From the point of view of tlie moralist, the Cingalese, "they plenty 'frald ol
.. on the farm a man came along nnd
Recently Appointed United £tntea stauee. Not long ago Federlcl was
was written to supply the newspapers, shark."
playing-"Faust" In Melbourne, and Juat wanted to buy a certain cow. I offered
Minister to Anatriu.
Is not to their credit or to tho credit of
him another, but nothing would do but
Lord Blessingtou, the husband of tin
Addison C. Harris, appointed by tu« after he uttered the lust word before his the one he pointed out. Then' I toltl
their readers.. So far ns she was con- celebrated
President to the post of United States
cerned, the question was one of supply
fell dead. At this actor's funeral, as him that the cow was one.I hud given
and demand, for the sake of the Income a horror of a draught. He was able- minister to Vienna, is an eminent ritl- the venerable clergyman llulshed Bay- to my wife, and that I could not sell It
afforded. But what n strange contratect a current of air rautu*d liy the Uoj tlngulshcd lawyers, Mr. I^fip-ls wa.- ing "In the mldiJt of life we are In without her consent.
diction would be found If Sirs. Mallou's being
" 'Well,' wild thn man, 'wouldn't sho
left crossways in the keyhole of
death," he fell lifeless. I'nterson tiled
writings should be collected and "Bub" the door. He nnd his wife and n youth born in 1840 and wa» educated at tht while preparing Clautllo for execution Bell the cowV
ind "Ruth Ashmore" • alternate wltb j were one day walking on the banks of Northwestern University. Choosing tin lu "Measure for Meumire," saying ot
"1 went Into tho hoiwe and nuked my the poison and Its aJitldotcsU
the Thames. The boy, skipping backlife "a breath thou art." Cumniliigs. wife If I should sell the cow.
" !Oh. vet),' she said, 'but I want tho
ward nnd forward, went several tlinuH
us Dunioat In "Jane Shore," expired
with u quotation for Clod's mercy on money.'
ITS WONDERS LITTLE KNOWN. (langerouHly clone to the edge of the.
"I sold the cow for.$^0, gave my wife
bank. "Tuku care, take care!" Tied
his lips, and I'aliuer, as manager nnd
and wild:
Ice-Sentineled Booth Pole Will Be Lord BlesaliiKton, exhibiting a degree
actor, tiled n* he exclaimed. "Oh, timl!
Hunted, by Krplorein.
" '('all on mo when you want more.'
of solicitude most unusual where anUddl There In another and a better
"Then, after that, when my wife
The north pole IB to have a rest while other person was concerned. "Foi;
wanted a dress, a bonnet, or monoy to
jhe south pole in being hunled. Tho lienvon'a Hake, mind what you aro
get a wedding present, wile would unit
vast Antarctic continent, about which about, boy, or you'll certainly fall Into
A TOJUH Swing.
very llttlo Is known except that It la the river." After«two or three repeMr. It. II. Zimmerman, of Warren, me for some of tliat cow money. I had
wrapped In eternal ice nnd »now und tition!) of his alarm In thin fashion for
lian what IH probably the highest nwlug paid her several thousand il'olhim of U.
washed by a fathoinloBM ocean, la to ba the lad, Lady Bk-HHliigiou. losing paIn Texas. The frame la made of plue ami wondered when tliu credit would
explored. Lieut. Borcligrevlnk, a Nor- tience. nnld: "Oli, lot tlie boy alone; If
logs seventy-eight feet long, which aro be exhausted, when we built a hoimo.
wegian, backed' by the Hoyal Society he doeH full Into the water hu
not lu the ground eight feet, milking tho Then U had to he furnlohed. We figiiml the Hoynl Geographical Society of i Uk<) u „„,,.. ..y,;H, yes,",mild hla lord
uwlug soveiWy feet high. The cross ured up what tho cost would bo of tho
booulon, salleil recently from Sydney, ship in Injured IOIICM, ••lliut'u.nll very
piece lu ulx by »lx hicheu, heart, and is thi.igis we wanted, and found that It
well; tint what about: me? 1 Hhiill catch
fastened to tho top of the upright piece* amounted to several thousand dollars.
my death of cold driving home In tho
In such u way as to b«,jis at rung iw If I said:
"NVIte, I'll pay you tho balance of tlmt
citrrliige with him."
the I'nime watt all of one piece. On tlm cow money, and yon can pay for furnorUi
forlyYCHI-H iigo, when Frank I'urmeleo
ulitlilMK the houso with It."
tvvo feel high, at tllrt lop of which Iu a "It wan 11 bargain, and at last the cow
WUH riiiinliiu hlH 'turn line In Chicago,
pulley. The person who wishes to ill-ill was over. That animal cost moMU.VM the Iteconl, he hud a driver
AIinlBON (-'. I I A I I H I H .
HWlng IH Mlrappeil lu, If he or obti do- unt far from $'JO,()UO; but It wan all
niimeil "Hob," anil he had Ills mmplcloiiH Hint he WIIHII'I, getting all Hie law for hlH profenHlon, he WIIH ndmlttoi slres, and then takes hold of out) end rlghi."
fiu-en he WIIH entUlei) to. "Hob" hiul n to the bar and mum formed 1111 lulvnu of Hie rope, the other cud of which lo
habit of talking to blnim-lf, a,nd oiii> tageoilH piirlnei-Mlilp. I I I n largo nbilltj run through tho pulley and fitstencj
How InHflOta Hide.
night I'nrmolee caught him In the »la- and hlH extreme care In Hie preparatUn to a team of horsos. Tho horses aro
How inaiiy have evw nolilccd thd
blo reekonlng tip tlui ilay'H prori>e<I». of bin CIIHOH tirotiKhl l'l'» Into promt Blurted iilf and Ihe swinger IB pulled
nltllll'ul way In which many InncctB dieNo\v Hotith Walen, for thin wonderful He Imd omptleil lilti biiekHklii IIIIK <mt nence. He l» a powerful orator, l» li to the top of thu pole. When tho top Is giiluo UiemiielveH when In danger from
,,-liuiid. Cupt. Oook dlMcovcrwl th« conti- ' on u iini'l! of oal'i, ami WIIH stacking up tlie prime of htH menial vlf^or, and I reached ho drops th« ropu and Is at dome larger animal or bird? Probably
OIHVO launched Into upaee, Honmtlml's gonent In 1712, Hlnce which tlnui very lit- Hllver liollai-H In two pIleH. "Ileni'H a high type of Aiiuu-lciin miinliiiod.
ttollnr for me, ami here'n a ilollar for
ing IIH high an 1(11) feel on tho opposlto you have all observed that the catwUii IIIIH been learned alioul it.
pillar "pliiys dead" when he In 'dinIi'ranlc,"
Hot.li the Iniiil ami the sen hold trendHide from Hi" pole. <>"" lllnl "l llln tiirliedand that many InHccta choose foi
turn of a Helentllli; churai-ler that IIKII
their himieti Home tree or nhriib wliona
one for thai evening. Hlnco thn creo- hnrk or folhign match tlieaiHdlviwi In
ran now only BIMWH nt. l<'rom tho ocean tl.ln \vuy mil 11 lie hail all Hie niimey
thin of the HWlng Mr. JMmmormnn's
volcnii(M>H rear tli«»lr mlKhty headn Into <>(|iinlly divided, w l l h n dollar over;
bonne IIIIH become a resort every even- color,
tbe clolida, some m them 10,(KKt or li!,- I'ltniH'Ico kept mill anil walled to uro
'i'ltere Is n certain variety of moth,
1X)(> feet lilfcli. OinlliiR Ililn iiiiknown what "Hob" would tlo wllh that dollar.
ing Tor the young pwiplo of Warren, quill* common around olmn, which flxc«
coiilliioiit In the (jrcat ico Imrrler, ter- "Hub" looked at It and weighed It In
uiiiV purlieu frequently, eonie froim Hy- Us wings HU that they Homily resombla
minuting iieawnnl In u HhiN-r wall of ice hlH hand, "Hlmll I keep HV" h>' "UVM to
att anil other neighboring towns lo en- HpivIM or lloheiiH on Ihe bm'U of I ho trod
1(H) to :)()() foot hljth. HlraiiKe curreirtB, hlniHelf; "no, I'll let Kritnk have It. Ho
Joy un ovenlng In "the HWlng."— Dalian nnd cnu (inly h« delected by a trained
alternating warm und colil, iiuderllu IIIIH to feed the hortieH." rnrmeleu
eye. A n u l h e r moth, wluwn principal
Kliirj-m-i--i.il and curlouii fortim of animal brnki) In on him then, und gathered la
eoliini are pink nnd yellow, arranges
lift) lafi-wt them) ineaiuiivle:)n doiitlm. the whole pot. Next lie proceeded lo talk
"Do ymi HilppoHo that M|MH l>»nlidii l ll.'irl!' mi the lildsMiim oT n prlmroHe, HO
Blxly yearn ago Hlr .Innxtt U<KIH paid kindly but llrmly to bin driver. "It'll u
tlm young nctnms, will over heroine n IIM i n wholly cscuiie mvllcn. I n I ho ICanl
out -l.dOO fat'tionm of line In llm Ant- KOdd IhluK you had Home ^ImmerlngH
HtarV" "A H t n r l Why. rmo'll KO high, liulliin I'lliimln there IH a uplder which
urctlc occiui without n'achlng hottdin.
of coimeleiiei) remnluliiK, you Infernal
tirl AftiOi'.shii's a alar n while she'll r..|>iim'H mi the ii)i|>i-r :)ldc n f ' i i , lnv|i<
old dc.oimdrel," lie wnld; "If you hadn't
gratlimli) liltd tlm conllnuoiiM pet-riirm Irnl' III Hiieh n imape t h a t It perfectly lt>
turned over tlml odd dollar, I'd hnvo
aiif" branch i>f the priifiwilim; HOD It nrmliles decayi'd mill ler,
er- I haven't any rhniigo with tired you, mire."
A h u n t e r III truplcal regliiu.1 t<>l!« of
Him don't."-•Hoxbiiry Uazt'tte.
ino Ililu luniliiK; will yim t m u t mo Tor
Hi'i-lag li cricket purHiied arouiiil llu
a iiDutiiK ' ntmn\> u n t i l Id-morrow?
II1« ICiKirinttiiu i^lrcunifuroiicv.
t n i i i U of it U-cc liy n IJ/.nrd. Hitdilenlj
lerh Certainly, Mr. .lulled.
"lltibly, what In llm deuce did you tlie lirirrl iinl.lli'il l i M r i r 111 a Hnmll dik"II, itpiiitiirH t h a t tin- neiircHl (li'M.
Customer- Hut Hiippiimi I nhuuld gut Hlmftiir could get to tlm front WIIH n
mean by Idll"!! thai notu 1 Indorsed piVMslon, In Ihe l i k r k , spread out IM
killed, or
fur you KII to prole.sU"
point, threo mllen away."
w l n ^ K silghlly and flattonnl llnelf i^
Drug Clerk I'niy don't speak of It,
"\Vliy, miui, thorn wan no otiier vviij Hint I)»• ll/.ard a c t u a l l y crawled (iv»'|
"Jorlclui! I didn't t h i n k Im wan ae
Mr. Jorum, The lomi would U/ Uut a fat uu thutl"—Oloveliiiid 1'liiln Dt'uler. -Judy.,
luilrsii I paid thu thliijj."—I>«l«»lt !»''
It nnd went a w a y w l t h u i i t over knowing what had butnmiu of It.
'.fealso depJore'abuse of trust funds be- Do ctiut'iluleu. rtCliintlsts toll us that
cause the abusers fly in tho face of dlvln« a oolumu of air forty-five miles
goodness which seems determined to hloas la height rests on every man's head
shoulders. But that Is nothing
tills land. We are having a se.ries of unex- and
ampled national harvests. * The wheat compared with tho pressure that busiuona
Lesson 8, February 19, 1893.
gamblers got hold of the wheat, and the life has put upon many of you. God made
corn gamblers get bold of tne corn. The up His mind long ngo how inany or how
Feeding the Five Thousand.
dnbject: "DldtinnMt < Trnninctlona"—On« fall tide of God's moroy toward this land is
• — -of th» Crying Evils of Modern W'fn I n , put l>aok by those great dikes of dishonest have. Trust to His appointment. The
Text: I am the bread of life
tlie Abnnc of Trii!it«.Hewar«oftli« W«l> resistance. When God provides enough door will soon open toilet you out and lot —John 6: 35.
of PecaliUloh—AcJrlcr to BuMiieBU Men. food nnd cloth leg to feed and apparel this who for thirty years have been In business
(John 6: 1-14. Memory verses: 9-11)
whole nation tike princes, tho scramble of
Matt. 14: 12-21; Mark 6: 31TEXT: "Whosa trust shall be a spider'* dishonest men to got more than their share, tnxlety when they shallfluddenly awake In 44,Compare
and Luke 9: 10-17. '
web."-4ob vlil. H.
and net it at ull hazards, keeps everything
irotic regions there are two places whose
Tbetxro most skill fill awhiteotsinnll the Brmltlne with uncertainty anil flvsryboflir names are remarkable, given, I suppose,
world ate the bee imd thespider.. The ona Bsklue "Wlmt next?" Every week make.i by
polar expedition—Cape Fareputs up nangar manufactory and the other oew revelations. How rnnny' morn hank wellsome
' and Thank God Harbor. At • Topic: Caring for the Hungry.
builds a slaughter house, for fttoft. On a presidents. and hunk cashiers hnve been
last the Polaris wintered In 1871 and
blight oummor morning when the eun jpecnlatinR with other people's monev, and this
In 1873. Some ships have
comes out ami; shines upon the spider's how many mor» bank rtlr^rctors nre In Im- passed the onpo,
never reached the I. THE HUNGRY CROWD (vs. 1-7).
web, bedecked with, dew, the gossamer heolle sllenco.. lettlnp the perdily t-o oo, harbor. But from yet
what I know of many 01 1. The Crossing:
structure genius bright enough for a sus- thn great and natlont God only, knows! Mv you I have concluded
Jesus went away to the other side
that, though your
pension bridge for aerial belngs'to cross opinion IB that we have eot nncr the botof life may be very rocgb, ^cn in- of the sea (1).
on. Cut alan for thn poor fly vrhloh in the tom. Tho wind has been ptlcked from thu voyage
withdrew.. In a boat, to a desert
to by Icebergs on this side and icebergs on
latter part of that very dav ventures on it Brent bubble of A.rnerlean speculation. The tbat,
place (Matt. 14: 13).
will In due time reach Capo Fareand is caught and dungeoned and de- men wlio thonirht that the judgment dav well, you
there bid goodbye Ic all annoy- They went away in the boat to a.,
stroyed! The fly wns informed that It was was at leaat 5000 yenrs off found It la 189B ances,and
place apart (Mark 6: 32).
and soon after d;op ananor in the
a free bridge and would'cost nothing, but or 1897 or 1896.: And tills nation has been calm and
at the other end of the bridge the toll patd
2. The Following:
was Its own life. The next day thore out of oilier people's pockets. Great bus- Sod Harbor. "There the wicked- cense
A great multitude followed him (2).
oomes down a strong wind, and away go inesses built on borrowed capital hnve from troubling snd the wearv lire Ei rest." The multitudes;.followed him on foot
noththo web nnd tho marauding spider and
(Matt. 14:13),
the- victimized fly. So delicate are the ing have lost all they had. I believe we
The people saw them going, and..ran
silken threads of the spider's web tlmt are on a higher career of prosperity than
there (Mark 6: S3).
many thousands o! them nre put toxether this land has ever seen, if; and if, and If.
If the first men, and especially Christian
before they become visible to the human
The Dilemma:
The mutton breeds of sheep are reeel-x 3. Whence
eye, and It takes 4,000,000 of them to mnke men, will learn never to speculate upon
can we buy bread, that these
a thread as large as the human hair. Moat
may eat? (5).
cruel as well as most Ingenious IB the take your own money nnd turn It into before. It is estimated that eight The place is desert, and the time is
spider. A prisoner In tbu Bastille, France, kites to fly them over every common in the sheep can be ke.pt in- place of one cow,,
already past (Matt. 14: IB).
had one BO trained tbat at the sound of the* United States, you do. society no wrong, but the cow entails more labor. She Send the multitude away, that they
eat coarser food in winter, Jiowviolin It every day came for Its meal of except when -you tumble your helpless will
may..get victuals '(Luke'9: 12).
flies. The author of my text, who was a children into the poorbonse for the public ever, than will the sheep, but the latter
leading scientist of his day, bad no doubt to take care of. But you have no right to can thrive on scanty pasturage that 4. The Intent:
watched the voracious process of this one take the money of others nnd turn it Into will not support a cow. There Is mue*
He himself knew what he would
••insect with another and saw spider and fly kites. jThere Is one word that has deluded land which is more suitable for sheep do (q). . .
swept down with the sumo broom or scat-) more people into bankruptcy than any than Tor cattle, and It Is upon such Jesus saldj. .They have no need to go
tered by the same wind. Alas tbat the other word in commercial life, and that Is lands that sheep should be kept rathei
away (Matt. ,14: 16).
world has so many designing spiders and the word borrow. That one word la re- than to permit the land to be unproft- He said unto them, Give ye them to
sponsible for all the defalcations and em- able.
victimized flleal
eat (Luke 9: 13).
There has not been a time, when the bezzlements and financial consternations
To make fence posts more durable 5. The Emergency:
utter and blaok irresponsibility of many of the last twenty years. , When executors
tnea having the financial Interests of; eonolnde to speculate with the funds cj an lake boiled linseed oil, stir In, pulverTwo hundred penny worth., is not
coal to the consistency- of paint nnd sufficient (7).
others la charge has been more evident
than In these last few years. The bank- not purloin; they say they only borrow. five the post one or two thick coatings. Shall we go an<l buy two hundred
ruptcy of banks and disappearance of ad- When .a banker makes an overdra.fi upon Coal tar, thickened with pulverized
pennyworth? (Mark 6: 37).
ministrators with the funds of large estates bis Institution, lie does not commit a theft; coal, will also answer, but It will be They were about five thousand men
better to first use the linseed oil and
(Luke 9; 14).
and the disordered accounts otUnlted States he only borrows.
the coal tar. Apply both mixofHcIals have sometimes mude u pestilence
If I had only a worldly weapon to use on then
of crime that solemnizes every thoughtful this subject, I would giye you the fact,
II. THE SCANT SUPPLY (vs. 8, 9).
man and woman and leads every philan- fresh from the highest authority, that the posts against water. After each
thropist and Christian to ask, What sball I ninety percent, of those who go into wild post Is set In its place use the coal 1. The Present Supply:
be done to stay the plague? Thore la ever | speculation lose all, but I have a better tar mixture freely at the surface of the A lad here..hath five 'barley loaves
and anon a monsoon.of swindle abroad, a warning than a worldly warning. From ground.
and twoflsheX(9)./^
How many loaves haverye? go and see
typhoon, a sirocco. 'I sometimes nsk my 7 the place where men have perished—body,
Those who buy wheat and corn foi
(Mark 6: 385. ,/^
self it it would not be better for men nmk? mind, soul—stand off, stand offl Abstract
ing wills to bequeath the property directly pulpit discussion must step aside on this fowls should try millet seed.The seeds God shall fulfill—every need of yours
(Phil. 4: 19).
to tho executors and officers of the court question. Faith and repentance are abso- are very small and are, more perfect
and appoint the widows and orphans a lutely necessary, but faith and repentance as a ration for laying hens than grain.
committee to see that the former got all are'no more doctrines of the Bible than An advantage in using millet seed Is I. The Evident Insufficiency:
that did not belong to them. The simple commercial Integrity. "Bender to all their that the fowls must ent slowly, as
What are these among so many? (9).fact Is that, there are a large number of dues," "Owe no man anything." And they will be compelled to hunt for every We have here but five loaves, and two
fishes (Matt. 14: 17)., <
men sailing yachts and driving fast horses while I mean to preach faith und repent- seed, and by so doing will have more
and members of expensive clubhouses and ance, more nnd more to.preach them, I do exercise. The cost of the commercial No more than five loaves and two fishes
(Luke 9: 13).
controlling country seats who are no! nc". mein to cpend any time in chasing the seed should be no greater than foi
worth a dollar it they return to others Hittltes and- Jebusltes and Girgashltes oj wheat, and every poultryman should
their Just rights. Under some sudden retimes when there are so many evils the seed Is difficult to procure. Millei
(vs. 10-14).
verse they fall, and with afflicted air seem Bible
womto retire from tho world and seem en for tlmo and for eternity. Tho greatest Is a summer plant and need not be
i 1. The Expectant Company:
almost ready for monastic life, when in two evangelistic preacher the world ever saw, seeded In until May or June.
I The men sat down,..about five thousor three years tbeyblossom out again, hav- a man who died for his evangelism—peering compromised with their creditors—that, less Paul—wrote to the Romans, "Provide | The black rot of the grape was the | and (10).
Is, paid them nothing but regret, and the I things honest in the sight of all men;" subject of experiments conducted last He commnnded the multludes to sit
down (Matt. 14: 19).
only difference between tho second chapper cent, of 'copper sulphate was i
to the Corinthians, "Do that'which | 2year
ter of prosperity and the first IB that their wrote
In France. A solution of Bor- '. They sat down in ranks (Mark 6: 40).
pictures are. Murilloa instead of Kensotts
containing not less than
things aro honest;" wrote- to I Seaux mixture
nnd their horses go a mile in twenty sec- "Wnatsoever
to give the best results. The i 2. The Thankful Distribution:
Hebrews, "Willing in all things to live ;! found
onds less than their predecessors, and In- the
be made when j Having given thanks, he distributed
honestly." The Bible says that faith with- ! the shoots are should
stead of one county seat they have thruo. out
quite short. The ef- '• to them (11).
works is dead, which, being liberally i (Icency of the subsequent
I havo watched and have noticed that nine translated,
sprayings He blessed, and brake and gave the
means that it your business Ufa | Sepends upon the time of their
loaves (Matt. 14: 19).
out of ton of those who fall In what Is called does not correspond
subso- j
high llfo havo more means after than be- your religion is u humbug.
] depends upon the time of their applU He gave to the disciples to set before
them (Mark G: 41).
fore the failure, and In many of tho case! Gathered in all religious assemblages cation. For ordinary black rot four
failure is only a stratagem to eaaupe the there are many who have trust funds. It jr five sprayings will be sufficient.
3.The Abundant Supply:
payment of honest debts and put tho world is iv compliment to you that you have been
As much np they would. And.,
off tho trick while they practice a largo so Intrusted, but I charge you, in the pres- "Any fine manure that can be spared
swindle. Thore Is something woefully ence of God and tho world, be^ns careful may now be spread on the garden plot they were filled (11, 12). wrong In the fact that these things are pos- of the property of others as you are care- to advantage. If the land was plowed They did all eat, and were filled (Matt.
14: 20).
of your own. Above all, keep yourown lash fall so much the better. Manure They did eat, and were all filled (Luke
First of nil, I charge tho blamo on care- ful
private account at the bank separata from that) hns been well decomposed Is not
less, indifferent bank directors and boards your
as trustoo of an estate or sovJlable to contain seeds of weeds
having In charge great financial Institu- trusteeaccount
of an institution. That Is tbo point as that which Is coarse. Early in the I. The Superabundant Fragments.
tions. It ought not to be possible for a ut which
people mnko ship- spring, ns soon as It can bo done, plow
They..filled twelve baskets
president or cashier,or prominent officer wreck. They got theof property
of others the garden nnd harrow the land until hrok«h pieces (13).
of a banking Institution to swindle it yeat mixed up with their own property;
it Is as fine ns the soil can be made.
uftor year without detection. I will under- put It into Investment, and nwuy it all
14: 20).
. take to Bay tlmt If those frauds are carried goes,
A hog pen Is bad enough In summer,
and they cannot return tbat which
which remained over..twelve
on for two or ttireo years without detec- they borrowed.
but If It Is dump in winter It Is th-? That
(Luke !): 17).
tion either the directors are, parcnora In sion, and the money market In shaken, place where corn will be rapidly wasted
the Infamy and pocket part of tho theft 01 and tho" press denounces, and the church The IIOKH .must be dry nnd warm 01 I '
they aro uullty of a 'julpablo neglect of thunders expulsion. You havo no right the food required for warmth will coal B. The Resultant O»-letlon:
| Thin IB of a truth the prophet that
duty for which Ooil will hold thorn aa reuse tho property of others, except foi •nore than the animal Is worth.
rometh (14).
sponsible ns Ho holilathe acknowledged de- to
unthou he that rometh? (Mn.lt. 11: 3).
frnu(lor». What right havo prominent less they are minors. If with their consent
Poison -Ivy (UhUH toxlcodendron} Art
businessmen to allow their mines to be you Invest their property us well as you Is known aluo IIH three-leaved ivy, Thou Art..he that comcth into the
(John 11: 27).
published as directors In u financial Instianil It Is all lost, you am not to blame, and in some localities JIB posion onlc
tution «o that unsophisticated people nra can
thereby Induced to deposit their money In comn into tho delusion which hns ruined less Virginia creeper or American Ivj
INTERNATIONA!, HOME RTCADor buy tho scrip thereof when they, the 80 ninny men of thinking bnonuno n thing (Ampelopsls qulnquofolla). To avoid
published directors, urn doing noth- in In their possession therefore It la theirs, mistaking one for the other, remem- i Mon.—John G: 1-14.
Pqedlng the flve
ing for the safety of tho institution! You have u solemn trust that Goil IIIIH ber tlmt the poison ivy nan but three I thousand.
It In n cnan of deception moat Klvon you, In nny assemblage thero may leaflets on a Htem, while the Vlrlglnlj I TtiPH.—Murk 8: 1-9. The four thoiisreprohonBlblo. Mirny pnoulowlth a surplus b» some who Imv'u IdnlsiipproprlHtod trust creeper nan flye. Children dlstlnRUiiri i and fed.
of mouoy, not uuotluil for immediate use, ,fiuids.
Put them bank, or If you Imvn them an "three-lenved Ivy" and "nve- I Wed.—Mark R: 14-21. The mlraclft
' although it mny bo a llttlo further on In- so hopelessly
involved thorn that you lenved ivy." The poison Ivy benra I remembered.
dtspolianblu, am without frlenda competent icnnnot put them
bnok oonfesa thn whole nlustcrH of 'nmull nmooth berries, green- ! Thurs.—Pent. 8: 1-G. Not by bread
to ndvUn thum, and they itra guided solely thing to those whom
! only.
you Intvu wrougt*d ish white when ripe.
by tho character of tho men whose names ;mid you will sleep liottiir
| Krl.—Matt, (i: 25-33. Tho drat things.
and you
urnuBMoolutod with tho Institution. When (will havo tho bettor ctmnconlglitn
Pat.—John C: 22-M. Tlio truo bread.
thH unisli'enmo anil wltlv tho overthrow at jWhnt n nnd thing It would botorIf your
Sun.—John fl: 35-51. The bread of
utter you three .cents exti-ii for dark effga art
the bunks went th« Biniill tiiirnliigH nnd nre dead your administrator should
Informed tlmt tho color of the Hhellfl life.
limited fortunes of widows anil orphans out from thu noooiint hnak» or from tlml
(Thou*) Home nendlnRii are the soleedoes
nnd the helplessly ngei), tlm dlroctorn
ot vouehi'r.i tlmt you nre not only OBRB. Experiment^ madn In Mint di- tlonH of tho International niblo Tloudntood with Idiotic stare, anil to tho Inquiry luck
bankrupt In estate, but tlmt you lost your rection nhow that the egRB with while Imir AnMoclatlon.)
of the trended depositors and stockholders uoull
If M the trust funds that havn linen nhells ui-o fully enunl to tho dark nholl
who bad lost their all, and to thu arrnlgn- misappropriated
suddenly Ily to onen What should bo done In buylnq
roentofan Indignant imbllo. hud nothing their nwnnr.H anil should
nil tint properly tlmt bin egRH by tho dozen In to select th<'
to say except: "We thought it was all hnuu purloined Hliould
go liaeli Inrifent ns CBTKH really nhould he Bold
right. Wo did not Icuow fhoro wan any- to Its owners. It wouldmiddenly
orimh lute ruin by weight. Thus K In that many lonpthing wrong going on." It wan their duty every olty In Auierleii.
Flrnt Quarter, 18D9.
to know. They utood In a position whlali ' A mlnslonnry In one of the Inlands of tho eHtnlillHhed cuHtonlH and theorlcH ar«
deluded tho people with tho Idea that they I'nelllo proanhed on illtilioiius!.y, nnd tho belnK overthrown.
Topic for tho Quarter: The Unwero aiirefully observant. Calling themKcnrolmblo niohca of Clirlat.
aelves directors, they did not direct. IV y inext morning hit looked out of Ills window
Ooldon Text for the Quarter: My
liu saw his ynnl full of uooils of all
T1110 WUl'ICK. '
had opportunity of auditing aooountu anil land
Bheop hoar my voice, and I know thorn,
Inspecting tho books, No timn to do HO? jklnda. Ho wondered anil iiskod thn I'lkiixn
they follow me.—John 10: 27.
Then they had no (business to accept tin: »( all thin. "Wiill," Haiti,thn natives, "our Arrimii tlm night a irniy moon fell,
Tlii'niiKh burn of shifting flnuil. lo M-t
position. It iitioms to bo tho pride of HOIMI, uodu that wo hnve btiim worshiping permit
to ntenl; lint lu-eorillnn to what you nnlil
When! Iron reef anil wlilto wave nit't
inonoyod men to bo dlrootorn in a grunt IIH
many Institution!!, nnd nil they knuw \t yesterday, thn Hod of tionvim mid earth Hullcnly at UK; doom (if hull.
• vrhuthor or not they K nt thulr dividend*
regiilnrly, mill their minimi urn unod IIH ilu- {thusu goodu and wo nsk you to liulp It HIIW lli» griMit nhlp'H dying throe
Ily Profi-Hsor M. II. HUlillo, n. n.. I,t,.l>.
In taking them to the plliei'H where they
aoy (lii<ikn to lirlni; othoro iionr <moui(li to jlli
AH «m> w i t h dim, dnuvn fai'o.who H.-C:I
In) inndo Knmn of, VVIint llrnt of all In linloug," If Hunt Hubliuth ull the iiilnliitnra
Intervening KveutH.- -The further d i n - 1
A iliinili brunt In Itn iiKonliMi.
Amorlna nhoiild pruneh Bornioim on tho Anil
1'iini-He In John fi ri'ftTH to Jdhn tlio'
neoilnil IH that GOO lunik directors und In- In
inuy nol liolp, iiml ruimot go;
M l l p t l H t IIH I V l t l H ' M M l l I K to .TCHIIH, bill
nuriuioo compiiuy illruutorH rotil({ii or ut- ubunii of trust funtln anil nn the evils ol
toml to tliulr liii»lmt»H IIH dlrootorn. Tlui mirlolnlng, uiul th» IIITIIIOIIH vvero ull And peering iitlll from w l m l - w r o t i n h t ii|HH'«In td hlKhrr rvlili'iKio, to tho
of Ojnl niul roKiilutloiiH were inailt
li'atlier, untl to tlm HerlptureB, t;ld«ln(f
bunliliinn world will lie full of frnuil jnnt ml (ili)nued
1 w i t h u i-flmUo of iinli-'ltcf. A whtiln
IOIIR IIM fraud In HO tinny. Whuti you nri'imt hat all thpie things should lie tultim til
I'tiiir, npcnt lu Oulllee, IM piiniii'd ovor
tlio j>rt)uld"iit niul Hecrntfu'y of u hunk for
Unlovely iildimi. each a llfii,
very oltvlmli In Ameileu would heoroivded
nuomt>f?K/tlnimmt enrrlml on for wnjiy youtrt, from
In Hllenc« by John, who <<liooneii out
enllnr to eupolu,
Tdimtiil mi tin) uproar of tho wuveit.
ho Burn t<> IKIVII plnnty of BtiurlrfH out thu
one HtrlkUiK mlnn'lc which WIIH ftilI.et
manlowt'd liy ivreat unlii lli'f. In Matthew.
nanio tiny to nrrent
nil tint directors, They
Murk and l.vlki', f u l l ilctiillM arc Klvi-n
urn Kiillly either 1 <if iieulnot or complicity. ner to nil young men, illnhononty will never (licit ti> tin- hitiirl \vllh four unliilil
Of that mail »lum;lil<-r liiilf-dciici'liul, of thin yi-nr of the inlillntry, \vlileli
Wo iiiutt osptiolnlly iloplorn thn tnlHfor- pay. An nlili)t wnnted to liny u (ilnoo of
It erupt In-hind a rlouil, uuil died.
\viiti iitteiKtcd with oiitwiinl mid'cmi:
tuiinn of linnltM In viirloiiH pnrU of tlilH
tlie owner llnnlly miiiniinted to let It Tliitu lit" Murk ulnl't WIIM luy cold.
tlii- cvi-ntu mirniti-il nri- numi-rniiH, bc(!i>iuitry In thnt tlitiy ilnmiiK" tbu hiiukliif( lillt
luatltiitliiii, whlnli In the ccieut oiiiiviiiilniinn to him until he ooulil rulno one eroji, uuil
K l n n l i i K w t l h M iiulitmth coiitrovrviiv.
of tlui iMiiiturliiH nnd liidlnpiMiMiibln to eoni- tho uhhot Howed uiiornii, u erii[i of '^1)11 l.uiil.ollt ol' tlui I'liiinri calmly l>rl({lit.
Mini ciulliif; \ v l t h un Mi'count df the
mnrou nnd tlm ndvnmm of nntlonii. W i t h ynarnl And I loll you, ynuiiK iiiun, tlmt
Day dawned; iiml, w i t h a Kreitltii'•' dciilli dl' .Idlin the I l i i p t l H t , An outMm- nl' tin' hlMtdl-y In <'lii-iiiidldr;lcul
onu hnnil It liloinoi Hut lenilur, und with tlm dlalioneslltvi which you plant, in your
d C l l i - f f l l l l III- Ill'Ht d l l t f l l l l t - r l by |-(>iutlll|(
tliii iithor II liliinnuM tlm linri'inv.ir. On |innrl und life will Mehm to lie vtiry Inidfi- T r l i n n i ' h m i t Oenm llunic tit Mhore,
M u r i t •:,: :".\ i» li: :!i; :!: ir,-'j:: ; r, ; L"4 to
thtilr nlmiildorn nni the Intoriwtn of pvlvutn nlllciint, hut they will KTOW up u n t i l they I I I n lii-iiUi'ii ) i ] n y l h l i i c . M of i l i r ulr.lit.
liiillvliliinlit nnd i;''"i»t iMir|>iiriitlniin. In will overshadow you with lierrlhlo dnrK(!: I I .
1'ltu-f. All u n 1 n b i i l > l t < - ( l M|)dt, dii tb«'
them nre tlie Knmt nrterltvi tliniui(li wliloli
i i d r t l i e i i N t e n i ulion- df t i n - it.-a .if ( l u l l ,
r u i i t h e iiurrontH of the nntloii'n life. 'l'li»y It will 1not hen oni|i rnr '^01) yearn, hut n
huvo Ilium the rtniouteer* i>T the thoiifimd.-! nrop fill everluMtliiK HKen.
(•""nine t e e t h f n r horni-ii, w h l r l i worn I . M - , ,-ldlltlli-MMt df lU-lbnillllll .IlllllIM
ot Mnnnelern In dnyn oT hmdnesn exl|;eney.
I have al'to u word of eoinloit for nil MUK!'.enti-<t hv I t l o pri'Mlitent df a 1'Yonrli d.tilic 9: lo. \'.'.; M n i - l t 0: :il, i l l j ) .
TliiH-. M h i n - l l y bcl'div l l m ( I l i l n l )
Thtiyrilnnd fur ni'Miiiuiiiodatloii, for f u t i l - who nulfer fi-omthe innlfeiiiinnee of others, h u m a n e h i H - l e t y a few yenni an", liavo
ity, for Initlvldunl, Htnlr mid nntloiml ro- iiml every Inmost mini, womiui and ehllii a r i i u i l i y l»-rii I n v e n t e d , a n d a n - K i t l u - |i!U'HdVi'|- (lien V. -I). A . ' i ' d l ' i l l l l i t Id I l l i lluf. Al theli' hnnil (tnil In tliolr tnniuif{»- iloim nulTnr from what ifijnn on In '.nr l : i \ d i - w i t h u u i i i - ' H nf luiT.e iltitlileii. i l i r i i n d l d M y u r c i ' i i l « ' i l I h ' i i - , t b l i t u t i M In
l a t t e r i i i t r l df M u r r h . or t i n - b i ' n l n nieut lliere nrn 1111 iniieli lnt"reril nnd inenil Iliiunelnl neampdiim. Hoolety |<i no hound
Tlio Iiuv.eiit Htlilo In 1.1m wiirlil In a 111.n l i i K df A p r i l , y e a r df l i d i u c VH'J. t l m t
wurtli nn In nny eliuwi of men, imrhiipM together that all the ml:ilortuiie.-i whleli miinuiiei-lpl
VatlIM . A. D,1 :::i.
inoi'O. I f i i w nefnrliniM, then, tho liehnvlor Kood |iiH>ple MiiiTerln limdniwimatleiii oninn r a l l , \ v e l j ; h l l l K H-'O plUllldfl.
I'crridiu .II-MIIM, t h e ''v.'h'i- .llHi'llib'M,
of tliDtie wlio hrhitf dltire|iute upon thl.-i Irom tho mhideedn e( otliern. Hem- up un--•A nnfjrii woman In tin- imnttmtyiti-r I ' h l l l p unit Aiiitri-vv IX-IIIK np.-cliilly n u - n veneriihlii, l)nnlj;imiu nnd (<»il honored In- iler dlntniMii, ntrotiK In (loil. He will see yon
tloned: ii luil \vlid had "live hurluy
IhioUKli. tlunutli your lulufoituiioa uhuulij ut UMlntd Inlnnil, H. t.:.
loaves, and two fishes;" a great mul«f
tltude, numbering five thousand me
besides women and-children (Matthe.
Parallel Passages.—Matthew
21; Mark G: 30-44; Luke 9: lOJtff Thi»
is the only "miracle narrated by all
four evangelists, and-^as the .time of
year Is noted, it serves to fix the
chronology- Compare also , the feeding of the four thousand, Matthew 16;
32-38; Mark 8: 1-9; anathe reference to
the two distinct occasions in Matthew
16: 9, 10; Mark 8: 19, 20,X
Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa.
"Have yon. steam lieat?" aeked th«
prospective tenant.
And the janitor, who had been through
a "revival," could only answer: "We
have steam pipes."—Indianapolis Journal.
Fond Anticipation.
Robbie—Mother, were all the bad
men destroyed by the; flood? . ,
Mother-T-Yes, my eon..
Robbie (who has Just recelved.a whipping from his father)— When Is there
going to be anotherflood?—Tit-Bits.
He Was Skeptical.
Shoutcr—You have mv sympathies,
elr. I have Just heard that your vylfo
has departed to that bourne . from
which no traveler returns. .,
Doubter—I ain't eo tjure about that,
air. She never went anywhere In her life
that 'she didn't buy a return ticket.—
Boston Courier.
They Knew Mamma's Tricks,
The teacher—Now, children, .what
does v-a-fl-e-1-i-n-e apell? Doesn't anybody know? Why, what does your
mamma put on her nose when she has
a cold?
The class (in chorus)~Face powder,
ma'am [^Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Deceptive Appearance.
Barber (after the hair cut)l—Shave?
Brooks—No; I shave myself.
Barber (sarcastically)—Oh, I thought
perhaps you were merely suffering with t
a skin disease of eome kind.—Cleveland Leader.
Lady—Let me see, have you '"Kisaed
Me by Moonlight?"
Clerk—I guess It must have been the
other clerk. I've Just come here.—New
York Journal.
Hln Share.
She—What did you get out of the
Ho—I got the deuce.—Yonkers Statesman,
Seemed Reasonable to Him.
"I urn Juat tired to death," began
Mrs. Whimper.
"I am not surprised at all," eald her
"Why should you be?" naked tho
lady, tartly.
"As I said before, I ain't. Some people might be surprised at your continuing to talk after you ore dead, but K
nm not."—Indlanapolla Journal.
He Hasn't Been -Ansvrered Tot.
Tommy—Oh, paw!
Mr. Flgg-Wcli?
"How can a solid fact leak out?"-iv
Indlannpolln Journal.
Advlco Unheeded.
"Pa, lam going to marry Mr. Qay."
"Haven't I alwnya told you not to go
gay?"—New York Tribune.
No Need for Hurry.
Them witn a young liiily of Orewe,
Who wanted to catch the 2:2;
Sulil tho porter, "Don't hurry.
Or ncurry, or flurry;
It'ii a inlnuto or 2 2 2:21"
Over the Turtle Houp.
Muinatin—It la o<ld that all the fa»»
eet tihould be no fond of ouch a Blow
animal n» tho turtle.
JumpHon—Not alow In our oaoo, my
boy. Ho la the llrat to get htsro.--lBxcliuugo.
Hard to Vleaac.
"lll'in lavlu' yez thin iuorntn r *
"Why, llrhlgoM Wluin I huv« dona
nil or your work «lueu you hiiv« btinu
w i t h UH|"
"'1'lidt'n tin? ralHiiti, mum. Ol don't
lolkw (ho way y«a done It."—MxcJuvugu,
Free of Charge.
The Man who Doesn't/ u
Carry some Ljfe Insurance is not making proper provision
for his family, is not doing hia duty, is not independent.
He "IB itikinsr obanoen, but urii(irtjjnii,tely he is marking his
family take chancv •* too..wh?n whnt they need is protection t-
THE PRUDENTIAL'' Ins. Co. 'of America,
Home Offlce, Newark, N. J.
LESLIE 1). WftUT*, Vice, Pres't.
Sncotid Vice Pres't and Counsel.
•-* ;- "-,.,.,
. Uatiiiuonton, New Jersey.
Centre of Attraction -;.....
on the breakfast table is the
Sugar Ctired Bain sold
at Mclntyre's Market.
cial, attention given to children
Is well equipped for any kind of
Pure Lard!
50 pounds at 7 cents.
3 to 5 pounds at 8 cents.
1 pound at 9 cents
Large or small,
Skin-back or regular,
. At J. Eckhtardifc Market,
240 Bellevue Avenue.
Philadelphia Weekly Press
New York Weekly Tribune
and the
South. Jersey Eepubliean
U'hree weekly papers one year,
to at\y addreHH in Auantio County for $1.50
I Entered as second olaau matter. ]
SATURDAY. FEB. 25, 1869.
Several years a«o, Will. 0.
Jones. Becond son of Mr. J. Newton
Jones, went to Maryland, and worked
at bis trade, jeweler, until bis employer
became.bankrupt. Then Will and a
young friend took the business, but Jacjj,
ot capital and dull times competed
them to give It up. Will was diaeonraged, lost heart, and decided that "the
best thing for me to do is to drop out of
sight" Since then, for mbre> than
three'yeara, bis parents fenew nothing
ol bis whereabouts, until last Friday,
when a .etier came from him, wtiUtiu
in Brooklyn, N. Y. When he l«lt
Maryland be went to Plltsburg, and
there enlisted in the regular arojy,. and
was assigned to the Third" U. S. Cavalry.
With ibtm he served in various parts of
tbia country, including the Indian
Territory. Finally, they were allaent 10
Cuba, and took part in the battles
around Santiago, being part ot the force
so warmly received at ElCaney. Later
Will was taken sick with typhoid fever,
and cnme near dying. While Convalescent, be assisted ubout the hospital,
won the regard of doctors and others,
and was made acting hospital steward.
The work being agreeable, when his
thre§_y?ar|! expired, he took an honorable discharge and re-enlisted in the
hospital department.
He is now
attached-to-ibe Twelfth D. S. Infantry,
and Is^with them on the transport
Sheridan" en route for the Philippines
via Sutz Canal,—being still acting hospital steward. Last Saturday Mr.
Jones wtnt to Brooklyn, and was just
0 time for a pliwaat visit'with his son
ere the vessels started on their Ions
WHAT NEXT ? It does seism as tho'
the stedsnitu would stop somewhere,
M there comes a work of art. Thiuk
of it, tweniy-tour pages lithographed in
colors,—uot gaudy chrornos, but Irom
photography in colors, upon an entirely
new plan. This, in HseH, is enough to
turn every woman's head. Then follow
about one bundled more pages, Hi led
will) baudsoiue halt-tone illustrations of
fluweis, IruilB, and vugtlables, phi-to;raphed Irom nature, all priutud ou doe
paper and euuiocsed in au eleguiil-uDVer
ot while and gold. Vick'a Garden aud
Floral Guide also contains (uil dteunptioua aud directions lor planting flowers
and vegetables, plants, small fruits, etc.
It explains a ucw departure iu Bulimy
vegetable seeds by weight in place ol
packets ; also a grand oiler giving customers credit for lull amount ot purchase to apply on their order for implements and uselul articles. Thin work
ol' art will bo mailed with a due bill
good tor 25 cents worth ot seeds, for 1C
cents. Writu to James Vicka Suns,
Rochester, N. Y.
jtQf It has been considered wonderful
to publish a magazine (or leu cents containing UB much -reading matter as
would bo Klvi.'ti In CO columns ot tbu
average newspaper. But tho great
Philadelphia Sunday Press" comes to
ihe front with the announcement, that,
beginning last Sunday, Feb. 19, it will
l)u so enlarged tlmt each number will
contain six llmea aa much rending mutter aw any ten cunt magazine. Juut
Ihink 1 V»v llvu cents you can got the
"I'hiliidcl|ihla .•Sunday Pices" ami llnd
an much (•nterliiinmmit and itintrucllon
H8 il jou fpi'iU (SO cents for miitiiixlnea.
Look out lor in'Xl Cundiiy'u iomiti. It
will foe a womlur.
(W List ot uncul)od-for loltorH In tho
(lammonton Pout-Ollloo, on Buturday
Fob. 25, IbOD
fiifttIi»U(*nl«rr,iinitloiTl<!limUitlia a,
flWH F
wllU OJ
,., Vllikll Ion »'Hk "f nrt. It liu»2< UUKK4 III wiliim, t liugM nmivonlr ; mill ncn'lr 11*1 l'"l-"-» 1II'"I *»l>
T luuHlwuu* li«||.UMi« Illiuliulluu, of Klimnn, Vrinlalitf,, 1'Uuti, KriilU, t:Lo.. nl™»iitly liuuiiil III wlilUi
T oiul ^<iltl. A tiiarvnl In <'«tftl4>f!tiii innkliiif: nn nullMMlty on all milOut^ |n;rt»liitii(( t<i tlxi vurniiu, wllli
Iliillis ftml rlnuti) Imvo KOIVO tsi lliotifunrtH of
w ti'HIi yi-ni1 Iu 1iunlnt"«i wu lmv<i Uiiml lf|r»l/'C f*
^ ludLiM^liiililAti'ly, Imt wu witiil uvi-ryoiie liilcrciteit In HKOWI gnrtllm t*» lmvfl« <:"i'y, Ilirrtfor* wo will
Ol K,iul tli. Uulilo with Due Itlll lor 1C ,,»„ lll«ll>buwnr«<IUI»lv«nri>rAilliiuiuliut
>% 'J3 ol>. nrartb «(iMvda for oulx l«* v»O«of purchiuo «• B"» olner i>uud».
illU|ll/ till
* v 'VIok'B tittle Com CatnloBUp. A wrfrci iiuu ran of • I>HM 11,1.
:<)ii.I«n«-(I, rtiitly Uluilriiinl, «niT In luuiily «U»p», fltltli.
liii|>n»<«I,-U|>t»iUt«im nil nllijecta rBlnllnij toO«M«-nlti|[._iror4>ur n«W plan 'I
T.e.ubl< »«dl «!"• »»r« tut ioor B»BI> Ib.a m/ M«l lunM U A«urli>.
Usually study the situation — only
making purcbaaas where safety is
atmired in prices and in qualities.
Buying right moans added savings,
aud yet perfect results for efficacy
and purity of drags. We guarantte
our prices, and we earnestly assure
yoa that every qualify is the beat
aud purest obtainable.
A little list of items that are specialises with as,—
The demand for CrowoIl'sUeadacho
Cure is still increasing. It must be
doing good work. 6 doses, 10 c.
Prescriptions are giyen ' best and
prompt attention here. Onr facilities
enable an to meet your needs, and yet
at a most reasonable cost-to you
Crowell's Compound Syrup of
Tar, Wild CUcrry and Uoarhouud will stop the child's croup and
cure your cough. 25 o. pel Dottle.
will do all that m iequire«l of a flr/jtolasa liniment. 25 c, per -bottlo.
"Crowcll" on tbe label is the same as
••sterling" on silver.
Crowell's Pharmacy.
Open Sundays frou. 0:bO a.m. to 12.
3:00 to 7;OU p.m.
G. K.
Groceries & Provisions,
1000 and!
Leading Articles
in the Hardware Line.
Full line of
Sunshine Stoves.
Also others,—some so
cheap they are too cheap
to be very good.
Staple articles of
such as Beds, Mattresses,
. Bed-springs", Chairs,"
Tables, etc ,—all NEW
Prompt delivery by onr
own wagons. At»y
article not satisfactory
in price or quality may
be returned.
To tell you about the storm
would eimply be an old chestat the REPUBLICAN office nut. You all want something
new,—and we offer
Funeral Directors,
All business in their line
promptly and car<.fu!ly
attended to.
Embalming a Specialty
Office and Residence-,
'208 Peach Htreiit,
and n moat rollnblo lino ot
all tliu populitr braiulu of
Tobucoo, und i»Y own umUo
v New Smoked Herring. 50 in
^a box, for 16 cents.
English Bloaters, 2 for 5~c.
Codfish, 7 c. Ib.
Sardines, 5 and 8 cte.
Salmon, 10 and 15 c, eon.
Bot.ton Baked Beanf, 7 c.
2-pound can Tomatoes, 7 c.
Sliced, canned
Tomatoes, 12 c.
Lemonn, 15 c. dofrjii.
Arbudtli/H Coffee, 1'2 c.
Lion Cciice, 11 c.
A very good looao Java
Coffee, 15 c.
Mocca and Java blend, 25 c.
Pure Java, liO c.
Fine Cream Chocsc,
15 curit» pound.
In wliut I oull thu utiontlmi
of my old liloiiilh, unil now
filimdn. AlHii, \voll imlcotud
lino of nj)ortlu(( |',OI>I!H,
Tho nickel plating dnctt not glvu tho
engine uny power.
Tho owmlon IH nl ways around 11011111wliuru whim 11 IH n qmicd.
• Iliitutiionton, N.J.,
JuBtici^ of the PiMiPd.
Cjar* riTifr n }oiiv
not Inter than VV''dneH<lny
cvi'iiidfr, to idinire i t n rcUiru
by Suturday morning
Tim Troy L i i i i i i i h y , for wliidi:
wu uns ii<,'cnlM, i.s tlui liirj^i lit
iu tSontk J<!i'H;-y.
Ollloo, Mnooiul unil f'lu-n v iVn.
'c-. -J. A. iy¥«»,
in:; olll.'o |ioitlli>iiiH, wliflNi lioiiiluoluw mid
U Kill UK MM'
frmiornl l>ii<l f«rllii|?n from irrn^ulitr hub
lirt c'Klnt, Hint Uri!"li'H /Vugtint Flownr In
a grniul rowdy. It, ilnox not Inj'irn thn
hyHtliin l>y fri«|iu>iit nun, mid IH oxucllmir OHloo Diiyc,—Kvorj- woolc-dsy.
fur Hour hliMiiuflliH unit indluiuitloii."
Hikinul" IxiHIo* fron itt (Iruwoll'H l"lmr
iiiiicy. Kold by diuloni In nil olvllltud Moolmrgofor extract lux \vlUi I;«H, v/huii
tocth uru urdorod.
• jgy Tqwn Council meeting to-night,
—the last one this year.
jgyTho town finance report was
ready lor distribution yesterday.
JSSy The E. K. Sproul homestead is
to be sold at auction, April 22nd.
Full line of
in all brunches
Address p. O. Box 610, Hamrqontou.
Job Printing
Valentine & Hood
8ATTJEDAY. FPB. 25,1890.
•ANTED—a Recond-band/€ovcr?**nBon.
Bought,,Sold,and Exchanged.
f . t H l l l N l H (111(1 H I l l r m i l t i M , Of ft>r {lOl'HOIIti (1)1-
Odd Fellows Block.
New and Second-hand
Mr. Ktwlior lltmtley.
"It, in u fnii'iii-lHlng funi." MHVH I'rof,
Iliiiiton, "lluil In my liiivnln In till |>url»
nl' tho \vnrld, for t l i o l utt, tun youi'M, I I'livo
MH't, moil- |H<iip!o liuvni|{ mini Clroon'ti
li'loWOl- Iliuii liny otlim iniocdy
I - 'i 1 «iyH|t('|}»lii, ili-i''tnuntl Itvtu 1 . mill ttlomnoli, unil li»r (5'HintliiuUuii. 1 llnil lor
Gash, Store
Crowell's, Rheumatic Liniment
I'tii-HOim calling for uny of tlio above
lutturu will plouuo utatcthut It him boon
U, imiii-diiKiiiliii-n WwMiiuj iMiiiiMK.r WlblV o Ui
Any adult suffering from a cold sqttled
on the broiut, broucliitis, throat or lung
troubles of auy nature, who will call at
Crowell's Pharmacy, will. be presented
with a sample bottie of Boschoe's German Syrup free of charge. Only one
bottle gtv*in 10 one peril/a, and none to
children without orc'cr from parents. No
throat or luntf remedy eyer had such a
sale as Bosuhee'H German Syrup in all
parrs of the civilized world. Twenty
years ago millions of bottles were given
uwujv and year druggist will tell you its
success was marvelous. It is really the
only throat and lung remedy generally
endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent
bottle will euro or prove its value. Bold
by dealers everywhere.
Bee-Hive Cash Grocer
OppOHltO tllO
Volunteer. Firc-IIouee.
The Baptists are about paving
the walk in front of their church building. . '•" .
• . ' ' ' • •
" •
.DOT Hammontou'K & B. Aesociatioa
, meeting next Thursday evQping, .March
\ ' •
$@F Miss Lillian Jacobs, teacher at
Port Kepublic, is home to stay oVer
, ;
IST We received a peculiar love-story
from Ilosedalo ; but it is too personal
• for publication.
J®" James Scullin will spend the
cotuiog eeasoD as clerk in the Holmburst
hotel, Atlantic City.
$@F Judging from conversation overLeard, the Band had an enjoyable mask
ball on Wednesday night.
B®- August W. Helbig, an aged resident of Hammonton), died on Tuesday
last. lie has baen. nearly helpless for a
year or two, and -his death, though
sudden, was not .unexpected.'" ' Funeral
USy-Some papers still insist that
Hammonton is to have a big battle at
the polls next month. Perhaps they
know, but the preliminary skirmish has
not begun, and no one seems to be in a
lighting mood,
8®- The Board of Education met on
Tuesday evening, aud resolved to ask
the people, at tho coming annual meeting, March 14th, to appropriate five
thousand dollars to build an annex to
the Central School building.
The Union Services.
The special evangelfatic services held
during the past week have been fall of
Interest und blessing. Rev. M, P.
Fikes is certainly a taking man. His
stylo of putting Ihings-aUolds attention
throughout, and his Christ-like spirit
commends itself to all. lie ia not hero
to help any particular church, but to
help all the churches, and already quite
a number have .come forward and^igni3ed their purpose to serve the Lord
JOSHS. His topics for the/week are—
Aiternoon, "The Bride's Q»]l,"
, Evening, "A stranger at tho door.".
3:00 Three-fold Peace.
7:80 Christ In Chains.
HE PEOPLES BANK of Hammonton, 'Wednesday—
N. J. The annual meeting of the stock10:3i) a.m. The Inner Circle.
holders of this Bank, 'tor the election of di3:00 Unanswered Prayer.
rectors for tbe piiBUlng year, will be heltl at
7:20 The Unpardonable Sin.
the banking-house, on Thursday, March flth,
1893, from oiie to three p, m.
W. R.TILTON. Cashier. .
S:W Spiritual Grave-diggers,
7:30 Ulghteoua Eetributloa.
jjgy Universalist Church to-morrow.
10:30 a. m.. Prayer and Sermon,— Fridny—
3:00 Seized to Serve.
"Some Fathers of the Early Church."
7:30 The worst thing In tho world.
7:00 p. m., Y/P. C. U., "Right vs. Sunday—,
Might." Wednesday eve, 7:30, Prayer,
8:00 Beginning to Sink.
4:00 Does it Pay?
and a short meditation- on the Church.
7:30 Just Outside.
I have just put in a large sloe??—
Iprihg 'Styles,
If ew Patterns
which I invite everybody to call and examine.
BSf Lenten services are held, daily at Sunday is expected to be,-of unusual
St. Mark's (Episcopal) Church, at 9:30 interest. Regular services will be held
a.m. and 4:30 p.m., except on Friday, in the several churches in tbe morning.
when the evening service is held at 7:30 At 3 p.m. there will be union service m
as usual. Holy Comniunion on every the Baptist Church, for Sunday Schools.
ANTED—a Bltuatlon to nsslst Inhouso- Thursday at 8 a.m. Sunday services Teachers are especled to come in with
iwork. Good reference. Address
N M. S., Box 1, Bosedale, Atlantic Co.. at the usual hours. An address or their classes. Address by Mr. Fikes.
£®1 Mtes Emma Jones has a position reading every day at the 4:30 p: m. At 4 o'clock, a men's meeting—FOE
MEN ONLY — will be held at the M* E.
with a %encb dress-maker in Philadel- service. All are welcome.
E. C. ALCOBN, Rector.
Church, to be addressed by Mr. Fikes.
phia, and doing her finest work.
J56T Charlie Parkhuret has been em- The' male quartette will, singl . At 7,
JST Bemember the blind people's entertainment nest Tuesday evening, in ployed in San Francisco, California,. for iu the M. E. Church, there will be a
a year or more. Recently he accepted union meeting of the Presbyterians,
Union Ball. Tickets at Crowell's.
a better position in Chicago. When he Baptists, and Methodists, at which Mr.
£©" Every man „ in Hammonton
started from California, the thermome- Fikes will speak. Let there, be an
should bear Mr. Fikes to-morrow afterter showed a temperature seventy above unusual attendance. We stall look for
noon at 4 o'clock, in the M. E. Church.
zero ; twenty-four hours later he was in a large choir, a large congregation, and
I©- Will. O. Hoyt was the guest of the Rocky mountains, in the midst of a large results.
^ Jiiuuteoant Parker, on the UnitedStates violent snow-storm, with mercury down
. Battleship "Columbia," at dinner, one to fllty-sqmething below zero— a change
P. S. Tickets for the men's meeting
day this week.
of 120 degrees. A rather chilly expe- will be given out, and can also bu had
jjgy- Mrs. Kate. Morris, long a suffer- rience.
at the door.
er from cancer, died on -Tuesday last.
jgy Last Saturday was cloudy, rain
Funeral Thursday, conducted by Rev.
Wo like to see a genuine, good
Sunday, very pleasant and warm.
G. B. Vandyke.
So was Monday. Tuesday was warm, nat/ired snow-ball battle, where sides
BQf Council will to-night, probably, cloudy, then clear towards night. arc nearly equal, and every boy is doing
autliorizo the Town Clerk to call a Wednesday was cooler, cloudy for a h'is level best. But we consider it
caucus lor nomination of a general ticket time, then clear. Thursday dawned mean when half-a-dozen boys attack
to bo voted March 8th.
clear, clouded over, but no storm,— one, and give him no fair play. And it
TXHl 8AI.K nt nliout half cost. An elglit evening pleasant.
Friday, cooler- becomes disorderly conduct, a crime,
r room house ><nd onu aero of land, on
Twelfth Sired, Birmerly occupied by Mr. mercury at 28 at seven o'clock, clear. when a party of young men stand on a
.lotRC WlillTc-ii. 10'iby it-rmH to responsible
puny. For tiarllculurn, cull on or nddresa
The snow has mostly disappeared - five corner and pelt with balls any passer-by
foot drifts onlj a few inches deep, and who may attract their attention. Wo
BST Rev. J. C. Killian spent throo much bare ground visible. Mud pre- eaw several, Tuesday, at Second 'and
days here, in connection with the re- valent.
Bellevne, , who came near paying a very
vival meetings, occupying the Baptist
severe penalty for their "sport." An
pulpit on Sunday morning.
No. 302, ot twenty shares of ulock In the Italian passed, giving them no attenHerlva of tho liuminouloii Loan
EST The Overseer of tho Poor has HovonloeiiMi
unit Uulldlng ANHocUulon, Issued to tho un- tion, when one ot the crowd threw a
husbecn lota or niolon. Having snow-ball, just missing tho man. Ho
bills posted for tho sale of Mrs. John made implication
for the payment of the
Miller's personal property at auction value ortj'ild uharcs thereby cancelling them, was enraged, and turned back with an
all pornons are hereby warned iiKaiiiBl re\ this aftnrnaon, at two o'clock.
exclamation, and in a threatening atticolvluuur lining the nlort'HiUI ccruttcatc.
C. 1). LOVEI.A.ND,
tude, In his hand was an open bnife —
^-S^Tmj W^C. T. U. will meet with
. Mrs. NuttitfTomlin, Tuesday afternoon
At the coming town meeting, a a big one. The boys ran ; but when
nuxt, at 2:30 o'clock. A cordial invita- resolution will be presented, providing tho Italian started ou bio way, they
tion Is extended to all women.
tor the appointment of a committee ot scut several bulls after him. Tben be
gg$r Uonionibcr -tbo Shippers' Union three citizuis, whose duty ^ehall be to turned again, the open kuilti ready for
this aftornooo, in tho school-house on consider tho advisibility of surrendering use, und 'chased the rmnluiderH several
Alain Iload. All who desire to join our present town charter ; also, to cx- rods down Second Street. It required
nuiino all state laws for Incorporating good, earnest effort to omuin tbe man,
.aio Invitud. Important business.
who certainly acted as thoiij-b he would
037* Hero wo are again, an largo an towns and cities, and to select the one
life. Tho storm ceased, temperature most favorable for Ilammonton. This have used tho kuifu ou his lor men tors,
had they not been loo swilt-toolcd.
moderated, sick recovered, and tho committee, shall report to a special
purItKPDiitiCAN reaumud its normal S!KR.
Htiv. Maurice I'unfluld Fikoa,
pose of receivint; and acting upon said put tor of tlio First ]!apti«t Church of
>Ultl,IC rtALK—on Hnlurilny, Kalirunry M,
IHIIU. ut 1 o'clock |>.Ill , (111 lll«l |irit|illH«H. report. This move haa been too long
Trenton, conducted union evangelistic
la lluiumoiiton, nil lliu hoiiHoliold oM'ootH of
delayed, and should now roccivu unan- services at tho Bnptlwt Church this
jiio Into John Jj, Ilnllurtl. —x
MltH. 1". WKSCOAT.Uuiirdlun, otii.
imous indorsement. To-day, title town
SQf Sprint; election but little moru in neither ono thing nor Uotlier. In week. Ho is an oloqumit preacher, ono
1 luin a Wflok off, and not a caucus called, eoine points wo follow tbo cliartur ; In ot ilm most plenBlni; pulpit orutorn that
•not a ticket In the lluld. That big flj-ht olhoru we violate It. On soiuu pointu was over heard in Hanimonton. Tho
muHl havo boun blown away by tbu ihu clmrtor Is silent, and wo work under Intercut nuuilfoHtod bus been intense,
and good leiuillH are indicated. On
guuural laws. Some doalrablu things Tuosdiiy at 12:80, Mr. 'Flkcn held a
Btty* According to Tuesday'B papers, wu cannot do, — thuro buing no law that
half-hour mooting at llio Wlnslow Ilrlck
tlio Fourth Now JorHtiy roclraunt is to IHrt our ('ami. Lut ua hnvo BOiuothiug
Works. On Wednesday, prayer rnue.tbo inuttturud out ot ncrvlco. In fact, all delliille, and havu it right BOOH.
wore lield at nimt o'cloel; in ninny
•voluntuur roglmontu uow on homo HOI!
; pteaehlnn service at 10:30, and
itro to be discharged.
uull'iiliiK canned by Ihu lalu bll/.i'.iud. again at throo o'clock.
Jtey" WashhiKton'H Dlrtlidny received
Mr. (ieo. Widloiil, who renuled on hia
ncunt notlcu Iu llumitiontorr.
cranburry bon, ubi. ill two and oiie-lmll
Spoin'M Qroi'tcst Wood.
HIIUH wvro dlnplayoil, Hulmolu wore opon inileii Irom DiiCiiHta Hlation, toward
Mr It V Olivia, of llarei-lonu, R|>ul.i,
aa iiHtial, tho Post UIllcu and Dank \Vejinuutli, dleil IIODI heart Inmlilo on
ni>(indn I, a wlntorH nt Alknn, H.O. V<ml<
<:lo«ud, und tbo II,nul |;avo u niimk Suiuluy, thu l-i li. On Monday, a tiMlgli- nnrvva liud ouumul nnvoro (lulnx In tlin
of bin lirnd. On lining ]0luotrlo
bor, Clirlnlnpluir Knell. alluni|iln(l to Imulc
Illttorn, Ain«rlo:t'H grinitoNt blooil und
J&y Dr. Orowoll wan oulltnl upon Walk to Klwood, to leleunipli to hiendti nnrvn roini'd)', nil pain noon left him.
Moil lay, to attend a mini who, Uio ol tin: ilceeutied, lint thu di lll:i und utorin Ho Hiiya IlilH Krund inmllolno IH what liln
niCHHiiiigur Hiild, hud biii:u "tilahliccl bivd wi'iu too miveru, und hit liantil liaeli. fOiintJy ni'(|<)l(. All Aiiioi'ln.x known thut
It oiintti llvur uuil Iddnny I loiilm. jiiirlllnH
l y a cow."
Appwu'aiioim Indlcatud On Tiii'hday lm hlurleil nj;iilli,Mmt \VIIH tlin l)loo<l, lonrii iipllin Htoniiiiih, Hlrioilli.
Iliixt Ihu "cow" w.ia ik nialu, ami u compiillrd l.o clop heloni iMil.liu: I'll- IMIH tliii nri'vci', pulii v i m ; vi;;<.>r, anil imw
wood, al. l l n i liotiho ol Mr. M iilllut, lilo Into nvery iiuiHolo, iiorvo uiul oi^uu
ol' l l i o liiiiiy, K "i'iili, ilr«il, or ulUiif;,
fi«y" Thu liimrds of nonintrusion will v\lifi'i) It wan louiiil Hint lilx liitit. weft \ou luM'il It. Mvery Itottln ^naritnteiMl,
illicit uoKl Tuuiidiiy, Foli. :M, IVoni ono li'c/.en. '1'lin limilly (loureit lint \vuler only fid nonlH. riold til Dr. Orowoll'ii
* V
ID nliio 1>. 01. Flrnt precinct in tin- to llnivv liln hootx, und u l u i i uncovered,
(I|)iiiiell Room; itocond prouliu;!. Iu
A JiYtBhtfiil Dlundor
Plruiuun'H Hall, Main Iload.
'I'hn cntidltUiii. Ho wait kepi, till Wcilnendiiy
often Oiiuno u horrible liiirii,ncnld,
luitur Hoard were to moot Iu tlui u u i i l iiiinnlnH, tliuii taken lu>me on liorm:biu;k. outWill
or lirulmi, HnolUln'H Arnlua Halvu,
plitcu, but Union Hull wan routed, Im I t lo .yet uiu:(iilnlu wlmllinr ho will not thu butt In tlio worlil, will kill tlio pain
and promptly luml It. Cm on old noron,
that ovonliiK, to thu blind troupo.
thn ductiauud could tut neeiired until lovi-r OOII-H, uliii<in, Imilti, IVilonii. oornn,
nil nliln oruptloiiu. lUmt pilo ouio on
W Inauro with A. II, L'hllllpa & Co., 'I'liuraday, wlien Mr. Hood eucctciltd In oarth. Only '.ill otn. a tiox. (Join nu,utho I'Uicu.
13U8 Atlaullo Avo., AtlauUu City.
ivutced. Hold ut (Jrufi'a L'btiviUKoy.
lill Heads and
Bellevue & Central Aves.
Eepubliean Office,
•; •; . .
If it's .Tinie you want,
And Time you will have.
Bring your Watch or Clock in for repairs. '(-
Robert Steel, Hammonton Jeweler.
To our DRIED FRUIT stockPitted Cherries
Pitted California Plums
California A.pricots
If you crave something tart, try some of the Prunellas
A heavy felt Window Shade at 12J cents, .
on spring rollers.
is u Goad Thing .
to know of a butcher Hhop where a
personal inspection of overytliing you buy is nnvor
no(;cHeary. Taking our word for it that you alvvayn
get tho bofct men'j liore tlmt the market udbrdu, iu
doing UH tho hiuiplont Hort of jiiHti-ie.
I "But I professed not to understand
there, faithfully guarding tho! 1treaffardj
" 'But he Is an assassin.'
' I was afraid of being shot on the spot. " 'No,' I cried, 'he Is'a soldier, though
- The following little story, told by
Oh, wLen I was a tiny hid I wandered In There was much of the executioner he does not wear the nniform. Imag-lne,
friend of mine, Is not as painful, but
a wood,
and little of the Judge In those days, your highness,' I said, 'If I should have
adds force to the thought: Think befora
{Da tool for fairies or for flowers, as every monsieur.
dared so mnoh for a murderor.'
THIS IS THEIR DEPARTMENT OP you strike any .creature that cannot
laddie should.
. -Much to iny relief, my arms wore
flpealc. "When I wps young, and HveoV
"'But he has fought as a FrancTHE PAPER.
» ' ,ai. i.,
hound behind me, and we set out for tlreur, not as a soldier.'
up in the mountains o£ New Hamp.
thc hamlot wherc the Crown Prlnco
shire, I worked for a farmer, and waa
' "'What of that? And If he had not
to look for them instead, «» Frederick had his headquarters.
fought for France In her hour I would Qnalnt Haytnco and Cute Doings of the given a span of horses to plow with,/
•"As fortune would have It, Jeanne spurn him from me. He must go free, Little FolUn Everywhere, Gathered one of which was a 4-year-old colt. Tho
ercry laddie does.
met us on the rood. Monsieur -would your highness, If you value "your life.'
and Printed Here for All Other Ut* colt after walking a few steps would
1 sought tU^retty fairy folk in all th« suppose that Jeanne Is a quiet little " 'My- life -Is In the hands of God, tie Ones to Bead.
.yellow flowers,
<vomnn, out monsieur has not seen her mademoiselle,' he, said, lifting his eyea
| was provoked and told me to sit on the
,Where nothing but the busy bees im- thoroughly aroused. She was ronsed to mine. Threats'do not move me, but In a sunny nook sat two disconsolate 'colt's head, to keep him from
proved the shining hours.
then, monsieur. She flung herself on, you are a brave woman.'
little boys. It was Auht>feather's birth- while he whipped hi-n 'to break him of1
Uncle George was going to give that notion,' as h§ said. But Just then.
1 roun^Httle catorpilUr han^
and sieur, and I dropped the pistol and her a, pretty hook of poems "in memory • neighbor came; by. He said, There'o<
l had n
°^ b<«6ed her for my sake flung myself "sobbing at his feet and of the event. Cousin Lester had saved Lromehlnij wrong here,, let him got upJ put him in a buttercup and took him lf
he calm she would have fought the beseeched and entreated him. And he up his pcnnles-and bought her a nice i t t n d let us flnd out wn** ls the matter.'
home Instead.
whole party single-handed. Then she raised me, monsieur, and made me handkerchief; Aunt Olive had made He Pitted the colt, looked at his barI caught some minnows in a pool, and fell to beseeching them, for she could drink wine and tell him all the story. ber an apron, and so on around the clr- i neBS - **A th£n 8a'd, 'Look at this colthought myself a man,
. speak German well, but they onl Ah, but he was brave and a true gen- cle of friends. Mollie and Sue, John i l a r ' l t lsso long and narrow.and carries,
Because I found-that I could flsh, as every laugtied at her and drpve her off wltl tleman! And when I told him all he and Henry, all had some gift for Aunt ; t h e ..harness so high, that when he beInddiecan.
foul.words. My heart was like lea he said, 'He shall be pardoned.' add- Esthor.
i gins to pull It slips back and
But I did not know ing with a smile. 'Such a devoted worn-, But Bob and Ray had nothing Some ' hlm' 8O that ne cnn>t breathe.1 And ee*
I sot my father's pocket knife—its blade
an must not go husbandless. And then way they had not the means to buy '* waa; and but. for that neighbor wo
was red with rust—
And cut my name on many a tree, aa every "I was taken before the prince' I fell to weeping again, monsieur, and anything, and their little hands were 8houM have whipped as good a creaadjutant, who promised me liberty If
laddie must.
ktsed his hand and tried to thank him. not strong enough to mak<* what they ture n8 we had on the farm - tee
would betray my compatriots. But
And he took me to Felix, and he was rnlglit plan for the aunt they ledid so :ne - Iay ,,down wnen be «>«to
I mad* a sturdy walking stick, to climb feigned stupidity, and when he foun< released. I flung myself on Felix and dearly. And so they were very sad breatne-"
the highest hill.
that I would tell nothing he ordered m cut his bonds myself, and we thanked and thoughtful this bright morning.
Boys, always remember that all anlmnls
And whittled till the knife was blunt, as to be shot at nve "the next morning the prince together. We women don't
«re dumb,'and cannot make theirevery
era-y laddie will.
t then,'' he said, 'to
' find find 6ut If men nre worth It till afterv you till
.^ B||ve
Roraethlng," said Rny, with aqiilver in wants bnown- Think before you strikea
ward, monsieur," with a sly look at her hls'voice; "she's always good to me." i
««atnre «>ai can' not speak.-TheI owned a treasury of things that I had
' And he laughed,
husband. "Three days later an orderly "And me, too," was Bob's quick re-: Cnlldren's Friend,
fo«n<l or caught.
And changed them oft for better ones, a» "I was bound like a log. monsieur came with a bracelet from his high- ply. -"Don't believe there's another '
Editing God'* Bermono.
nnd thrown Into a hut and brutally ness, and on It was engraved, 'To a
every laddie ought.
auntie like her In all the whole world. | A clergyman was In his library one
kicked. My thoughts were not pleasant brave and devoted Frenchwoman.' See, They would not anybody else give us day preparing his Sabbath discourse..
I had A little puggy dog, and peta of'all this time. I lay thinking of Jeanne I wear It still.
so many nice things as she does.'
He paused frequently to review what
ninny kind*,
. whom I should never see again, plctur- "Ah, monsieur, we wept when that Ray had nothing to say to this. The !' he
had written, and would often eraseBut aoii:t! they died, and some got lost, ing that, woman-like, she would go noble prince died, and the great doctor
two boys agreed perfectly on the point 'a word or sentence and substitute onas every laddie finds.
home and weep In her helplessness and could not save him. We sent a wreath, of Aunt Esther's goodness.
other, and his 5-year-old son, who was
T coveted a ronj- and a gun to shoot the despair. But I did not know her then. and I presumed to write to the empress. "But I don't see what we can do,". watching him, asked: "Papa, does God
She was -worklng_for me with all the She Is a worthy daughter of your Bob kept on, gloomily. "If I hadn't
tell you what to preacli?" "Certainly,.
A pony is a beauteous beast, as every enerSy »nd w11 o* a woman. Jeanne, queen, monsieur. She sent me a letter broken my jumplng-jack, and lost my my son," was the reply. ''Then why doladdie knows.
Jeanne, ma petite, come here."
written with her own hand. She was marbles, and left my rubber ball over. you scratch it out?" queried the Uttle.
[ Jeanne oame to the door.
worthy of that true and; brave gentle- to Millie's, I'd give her some of them." observer.
What most Moved were fireworks and all "Come and tell monsieur how you man, her husband."—Waverley.
And there was silence for a little i .
while. It looked very much as if Aunt ! _, Thc "anJrere «>f Jnf««»°"' M
But these sometimes are treacherous, as A blush overspread Jeanne's features.
Estter-s birthday would "golby UMCJ Tommy the 5-year-old son of a candlevery laddie learns.
for a local offlce was told that hte
"What, that foolish story again?"
membered by any token of love from date
father had got the' nomination, and.
"Certainly not foolish," I Interposed.
My coats grew shorter in the aleevea, my "I should deem It a kindness If you A Simple Description of Thlo Uocfal these sorrowful nephews. By and by
nlng Into h
Bob's eyes rested on a big pile of wood f"°
«f °f exclaimed::
slippers crushed my toes,
and Interesting Process.
lying loosely in Aunt Esther's back- °?' ^mftmD1ia!t;«r- Jones says papa's,
But such tilings always smaller seem as would oblige me."
"If monsieur wishes It, and monsieur
every laddie grows.
yard,, just as the hired man had left It •£*
? "° « xvlll allow me, I will get my "knitting." centuries. Many years previous to the the day before. An idea came Into his the measles?"
—St. Nicholas.,
nventlon of printing the leaves of mls- loving little heart
"Certainly," I said.
Didn't Sound I.Ike It.
"When I saw him carried off," Jeanne als and other manuscripts were pre- "Say, Ray," he stfld, more cheerfully, ' "Bobby," said his mother,"go and seebe an
J E A N N E ' S R R A V R T J Y i s as soon as she was seated, "I
"I'll tell you wha/t we can do. We can ". P P has succeeded In getting the
nclosed In covers of wood, sheepskin, carry that wood In and pile It oil up baby to sleep." A few moments later
• _ : _ _ _ _ _ , . waa ln des P fllr ' for T knew wh*t Ws
orna.fate, would be. And then the good
nice in the -wodshed. I guess Aunt Bobby returned and said: "No, I don't
l ELIX LABARD1E had been a y|rg|n put nn Idea ,nto my head and
mented with gold, silver and Jewels. Esther would be glad to have that think he's trying to put It to Bleep."
Franc-tireur In the great war of prayed to her-to give me strength and Some of these voluu&s are still to be done."
'Why not?"' asked his mother. "Be-1870, and I liked nothing better cunning to carry It out. There had been een In the museum? and monasteries "Alll right," replied Ray. "If we cause ho's singing," was the reply.
In the evening than to sit and listen to a sharp fight a week before, and I f the old world.
can't give her anything we can do
his stories of the terrible time when kne^, Jacqv,es peliot had possessed
Why Be Had to Stop.
There are two main divisions In mod- something for her." •
"I suppose you say as many bright
France lay gasping and "bleeding.
himself of some German uniforms that rn bookbinding — "forwarding" and
One evening we had been silently he had taken from the dead. So I de- finishing"—and in each of these de- So at it they went. In an hour's time things as ever," said a visitor to 6-yearsmoking for some time when he said. manded them from him and threatened artments there are various sub-divl- they had carried It all In and piled It old Harry. "No, Indeed.," answered the
snugly under the roof of the shed.
little fellow, "I had to shut 'em off."
"Did I ever tell you, monsieur, how I , him till he produced them. A sous lieu- lons. Forwarding comprises what Is
they brought Aunt Esther out "Why so?" asked tho visitor. "Because
fell Into the hands of the Germans and tenant's uniform fitted me nicely, and eally necessary for the preservation toThen
°"fxf S^? ,, , (T 4.,
, . „
' ; after cutting off my linlr and conceal- f books; llnlshlng is simply cmbelllsh- "This -Is our birthday gift. Aunt Es- mamma wears heavy slippers now,"'
was the significant reply.
;. No. I said. "I thought the Germans !ng „ plstol nnd dagger ,n m h ,
ng them.
ther," they eaJd; "we hadn't anything
shot all the guerrillas they caught."
hurried away. I crept along cautiously The first operation In bookbinding IB to give."
Second Bell Hlnelng Flrot.
"They let me go free', monsieur," he when I ncared the enemy's lines, for o fold the sheets by means of a thin
Auat Esther knelt down with an arm "Why nre you running so fast, Ver- •
said, with a grim laugh. "It may seem j m y plftn wns to gct through thc Ben.
lece of Ivory called a folder; machlnIncredible monsieur, but Jeanne yon-, tr!cs without being challenged. When ry has been used with much success around each of the rosy-cheeked little ale?" asked a teacher of a small pupil.
fellows, and said, with a tear In her "That's only the first bell." "Jennie
der held the life of royalty on her fln- , heard tne plcUcts l dropped on th
n folding. The object is to bring tlie eye:
"My darling little men! You said It waa the last bell," replied
ger tips."
ground and crawled like a snake. And ages togcthe*r In regular order.
"I. should like very much to hear the yet I was nearly caught. A German After being folded, the sheets, are could not have done anything that Vernle, "nnd that this morning If wnsshowed me more plainly how you lovo rluglug before tho first."
story," I said.
officer was leaning against a tree, nnd athered and collated to the numbers,
"Certainly, monsieur, nnd If monslcut t-almoBtlouched him. I lay still with- , 2, 3, etc., that are placed at the foot Aunt Esther. Every time I como out
here I shall think of your affection for
thinks what was done was wrong' ho out breathing audibly for a long time
of the outside page of the.'folded sec- me."
-must excuse a woman In love.
—how long I cannot say—until he tions. These numbers are (called sig- Then kissing each of them, she led (Cluhtr People In Purl* Dine at Sdf*
"After Sedan, monsieur, a meeting moved away. Then, once Inside the
Per I'late.
natures. The book Is then made solid thorn nway, tholr hearts full of Joy that
was called In our village, and thirty of linos, I rose up and hastened to tho by
to which some
us enrolled ourselves ns n company of prince's headquarters. I prayed for
slghty peojilii sat down In Paris, 1»
Francs-tlreurs. We felt we could do couragu and then walked up to tho under some other pressure, such as the make Aunt Esther's birthday brighter. said to havo cost 508 a plate for viand*
more for Franco as Irregulars than floor. I trembled so that I could hardly nature and the size of the book may rejoiely, exclusive of wines and decoraIlnlunclna an KBIT. •
serving under Incompetent generals. apeak. Fortunately the officer did not quire.
Tho next process In to saw Indenta- The Juggler's trick of keeping an egg tloiiH.
We were well armed, and a bravo and observe my agitation.
spinning, on Itu small end an Indeilnlte
Skillful old veteran commanded UB. As " 'Take me tO(hhi / nlghneHs liiHtautly, 1 tions In the back of the book, prepara- length.of time IH ensy enough for the. "Tlio profit must have l>ecn preposterous," Hald an cxix>rlenccd Now Ortory
the Germans were In force around I said In my host German. 'Important
by passing the buck of the book or non-Jugglor once he understands. Take leuim caterer. "In this country tho •
Metz.wo marched In that direction and dispatches.'
(luoat meal that could possibly be presheets over rapidly revolving circular
made our headquarters In the hlllo bo- " 'Who from?' lie begun.
pared for that many human beings
hind a village called Pency, about " 'To his hlghni'HH ItiHtantly,' I eala aaw«'. The book la then Hpwed on a
would not cost over $10 a plate. To bo
throe leagues from tho fortress. It wn» boldly, but my kn<-cs nhook under me. frame called n Hewing xBeiicli, each
luro I am talking of food only. As to
In Poucy Jeanne lived, and from the "He looked at mis cloudy liiitho dim
n'jnea nnd ncccHsorles the posalhllltlea
first moment I saw her, monsieur, I light, and 1 felt ready to Taluk Then cords across tho buck.
w« Dimply llmltluaa. Thcro Is raro
oald to myself.'If fortune Is kind, Felix, without n word lie took mo | to~~ the Whon removed from tho sewlu^tipneh
:larnt, wlierry and port that would be
that girl shall bo your wife.' Her fath- prince's room. 'Important dispatches,' tho book receives Its "\\fiiHte papers,"
:heap ut $20 the bottle, and I might
er was tho miller of Poncy, and tho ac- ho Bnld, knocking and showing mo in. or blank leaves. Then ft IH trimmed
Migrave the menu on Uibleto of HoJId .
by being cut on the edges with a knifo
. curacd Uhlans had almost ruined him. " 'Ifrom whom?' linked the prince.
rold. But $10 a plut/e would moro They wore very bitter against the In- " 'In private, may It please your high- uparatuH. The edges lire either left
vaders, nnd my profession made mo ness.' I stammered, but feeling that I whlto or are colored by being npi-lnltled VIC11Y BIXPI.II WIIUN YOU KNOW HOW, than pay for tho most elaborate din.flnd favor In her eyes. Before wo had would not leave without IiYlhc'H life or with color thrown on with 11 brush. u luird-boJled cge. Hut It Hplnnlng on aor Unit could iwsHlbly IK; conceived,
"Marbled" wlgt-H are inado by dipping a Japanned tray. By the Bllg1ito«t pos- Including every Imaginable delicacy,
been at Prancy a month we had pilglit- another for It.
by tho
tho.cdgew of the leaven In colorn thut sible motion of tlio wrist revolve 'the native or foreign, and prepared
ed our troth, on tho undorfltaudlng that
" 'Kotlro and leave ua, Haupe,' > B M llout on tin? mirface of gum water.
1 am
wo should not 'marry until Franco wn» <hu prince, and the olllcor, cloHliiK t|u?
tray In a small circle, moving lu tho
Tho "comb edge" IH made by draw- uppoolto direction from tlio egg. It will llfdirlng on a I)««|H' of from elg-hty to
rid of tlio enemy.
loor behind him, obeyed. .
100 Kiie«t«, for the •Hinnllor the number
Ing a comb through the coloni on the spin for omy length of time.
"Small aa our bund was, w« mndn
"'And now,' wild tho prince kindly,
the tci'i-atw Iho COHC pro rnlia, and have
ouroolvoH a terror to tho marauding 'You look pule and III. nlr. VVIuit In Btirfnco of tho gum water before tlio
not taken Into account what might bo
book IH dipped. If Hie book In to huvo
Dhlaim, tlmnkH to tlio gencralHhlp o(, your name?' \
How a Ifalaoliood Orowa.
.•ailed freak illiilieii.
n gilt C<|KC, it IH placed In a prctm mid
Flrat, Homebody told It,
old Montbon. Jminno wan Invalimblo
"The key waa In the door, nn<l I
"What do I miian by tho term? Well.
Then the room wouldn't hold It,
to ns. Bins wait nil oycrn and »-ara, mid turned It swiftly. 'And now,' ,1 mild. u coating of roil color applied; tlio
Bo tho huuy tomjiicn rolled It,
I will lllimtrnito. TluTt! IH a certain rare
Hnro then nl/.eil with whlto of egg,
Montbon called h«r tho 'head of tho In- pulling out my pliitol and polntlnx it
Till they K"t U outxlile;
eaiiiflit In tint Yellow Hlver In
telligence department' of our band. I full at lift) face — my hum! did not rvon gold leaf IH Inld over Hie Nixing, and
Then the crowd cuiiie nero»H It,
NorHiern China and called tho hlaii-tu.
used to meet her every evening, when Iromlilo ut that Huprcnw moment - iftor It lint* dried thoroughly the gold
Anil, never oneo lout It,
It IH rogarded n;i a g-ix-at dvllcucy by
It was pnsHllilc, In n llttlci <-nvo I bad 'your hlgluii'HH,' I mild rupldly, 'If yon leaf lu ImrnlHhed with agate or bloodIlllt tOHHell It Ulld tONHI'll It,
iiutl.'e eplcurcu, and II.M far an I know
discovered, which, having no outletii, Mill out, you nro n (lend iniiii.'
Till It «rew loiu; uml wide.
In found nowhere ulmi In tlm world.
won proof iigaliint tiurprlHc.
"Ah, ho WIIH n Utvnmii, hut ho wim he back of the book, after which 1! In
Now hit un Hiippooe Mutt imnki weallhy
''Wo Htaycd thrt'o inonlliH nt IVnej,
Then thlx ll» linniKht forth others,
lirnve, HO hravc! He did not i-vi'ii
totinnot wlaluid to triMit bin frlendn to
uml then tliw plac«» became too hot for NO
Diirk iiliitoni anil lirothc.ru,
iiicknd by meuiiH of u mnohlno Hint
thin particular illiih. Ho would havo
A n i l fiilluTH and mcitlicru—
us, anil wo prepared to leavti for a vil- iiyi-u and Hinllcd.
;|VCH ronndneuH to the back mid preto malt it miiidal arniiiKomoutH for
A. terrible cre\y;
lage Home IcngncH to the miuth. I fell
"'All,' h» uatil lightly, 'a Hlruliii^in!
Anil while heaillniiK they hurried.
inimiporlaUnn la tiuiku of chilled \vator
Into the ham'- of the Ilararlanu Ihn
The people they llurrli'il,
MI oiio of tho I'lu-llli- mall HUNitiiom,
In-fore we were to leave Who ant yon, mid whnt do you want?' eavcH of-th« bonk, over which the oiil" 'MoiiHlelir Ie prlnrc,' i Hiild, 'I nni
Anil ti-oulileil anil \vorrieil,
iiid It I« oiutlrely iKimilblo that eneh litI'oney.
AH Hen iilwuyH do.
Ie llBh- -t'boy iu-o only about nix Im-hra
"Jeanne dedal-en to llilH day, mid l the iliuighlrr of I lie miller of IVnry. tr., la (jHlencil w i t h glue, M
( ' h r l H t i u n Olmerver.
K--would coHt him $100 by tho Iliuu
bellevo rlKhtly, llutt I wan betrayed l>y
i -iiouirli beliiK left between the two
1 ..
u , I'rnni
llnnir. I DIIIU'lIM
. . t.l ).111
. .I.l i r ,I l l l r U, l l f, I ,l l i l 1)00;
ho coiiHlKiinienit arrived. I would coll
n vlllngei-, 11 yiMini,' fellow nanie<l ,„ , .
dead, In- In «'i>n. „,
.. i-ovi'f .IH i. red,
. . I.n - rinliel
OdMiU, who Iielli-vi-d Ihe Virgin Iniil In- If In- li< not iiltvudy
I i-eiaenilier reaillni; In my boyhood Unit a frcaJt dish, formliitf no IIIIH|H af
tended .feanne for |I|H wife, anil who l l r l l l l U - i l . I wiuit |I!H I If it or- you lour Iliiliini-nt In iloiiii by :tliuii|>liij,' (ho ili-nlr- alxiul a nierchant traveling on hnrHit- ^ileulatlim for any repant, no miittw
how i-li-itnnl ami elaborate. 1 had lu
H'»H even navage vvlien Hhe rufiiNed yoill-H, lilounlrlir.'
" ' A woman!' lui mild. '\\ r cll doiio,'I IM| li'lli-rn or ilriil|(ii In i;nM, black or linrk, aeompanled by a <li>K- He I|!H- ailiiil the (lelleaelejt HiMierally WHKdim. 'Hut lie Hint MK II may, inoiiHleiu-,
m-rlI u'lm tiel/.eil at ilmili Hint cvriilni; an nnil lu> Hiiilleil, uml tin' plulol iiliniiMl l tint lincli ol' Ibo lunik IH I l l t e i l I n l o It (Inilally (Iropiii-il hln |iurlia/;n of money. nl/.nl by people of illHcrlmlimtlilf; ami
1 \VIIH i i i i i i n y uu.y In nieel .Irniiiic, anil ili'iippi-il I'roni my liiniil svltli I In- pll y ol°; mill 1,'lilril, file lilanU |ni|;rM un' lianleil Tin' iliij; HIIW II, Ihe merehaiil illil not. ratvllilliiiiii uiMr, ami 1 Imilal1 t h a t my
W/IH" llildTI HO completely by inirprlHe It 1111 I lln)ii;;lil of l''ellx. 'J liiiuw notli i lo Hii- liiHlili- of Ilir rover nnd t i n
Tim ilo|; harlieil to rilop him, anil an ho MO eMllmale IH above nil'liei I him hoIlilx, my K<>»<1 woiimii. No, but;
H i n t I had tint tile li-aul clmnei- of ili- , if *.
low Ihe iiiarlc."--Nirw Orlcami 'I'lmeH.
n l , ' ^ .. In nliUM'd In a nrenH to ri'iiialn until drv rnilr I'arlhci' honnileil In I'nial of HID
„..'... wbleb
...,.,.,. II.,'riniirii reaily
,.. I'm1 llm pilU
I'endliiK jnywlf or t r y i n g li> eHeape. anil. Hliiy. Hero are Home papeni lOllierfi'l.l friiiil
woi'He, ( h a i l all, U'IIH liilu-n w l l h the him left for inn to nl|;ii. Mi, lu-rn II IH. lie. riihnlrl[ililil 'ritneii.
The mi-reliant llioll|;ht he liail ((iiiln
l''ellx Ijilninlle, [leMiinnl, lalii-n w i l l )
rifle In my Inlinl.
Hulk unit \Vi-iicMl ol* Hnow.
lAiiil, ilrew a plalol from bin holnler,
" 'Vou are nil ilMMiiHrtln,' Halil Hie iiloul
cubic foot of n e w l y fallen tinovi
anil hhol Mm. The wonnileil iloj;
l i t t l e nlllcei' In c o i i i i n i i i K l In hMi-hiiriiiiii
' No one Imn ever hren iihle In e x p l l l l l i erayleil oaeU lo Ihe pueluiKe, uml when
liH live anil n h a l f pomuln. anil
It'reilrh. ;Yoii tjlnlll Ixi uluit VVliero uro -I eonlil not UilT.'lti'ii him w i t h WunlM, why Iniiii lieinleil men havo llich- huh Hi.- meri-hanl illHi-overeil liln lomi anil
Ivvi'lvii tlim-ii tho hulk of c(juu|
but my nltilol wan'Mteiuty.
cut ol'U'in-r tliau ullier uicu.
of vvutur.
I'll i k- haek ho found hln ilylnu ilo|,r lylnj;
He Sittcth, Waiting and Watching, with
The Chinese Celebration of New feOr'i
Blnsoel and Oyster Being Domesticated
in Ban Francisco.
and Taught the Jewelry BnnlncBEi.
Theodore Wores, the artist, has a
Diamonds, rubies, cmeraldH and sap Btory of Chinese life In San Francisco
•phlres havo all been produced In th< In St. Nlchobas, under the title of "Ah
laboratory, and It is now the turn ol Gau's New Year's Celebration." Mr.
the pearl, says the. New York Times Wores says: The procession—for some
The chemist, however, Is not himsell queer reason the Chinese always seem
the maker of the new artificial pearls; to walk in single file—was headed by
he is only the collaborator. It Is true the father, carrying the baby brother
that false pearls are made from proudly la his arms. The mother and
mother-of-pearl, but their luster Is nol •sister carried baskets, filled with offerlip to the mark. The Chinese Utiv« Ings to the gods; while Ah Onu had conlong Introduced grains of Hand and tented himself with parading his tiuery'
little knots of wire Into tlio aliell of tho only.
; pearl oyster In order tlfal the auluial, . The Interior of the Joss-house was
ito relieve itsoif from the Irritation so but dimly lighted; and when the eyes
caused, may eoat the foreign HUbstancc once became used to the mysterious and
'with pcnrl. If this matter be Inserted smoky atmosphere that filled the place,
'between the shell nnd the mantle the strange and^ weird face? of gods and
oyster cau eject it by contractions ol demons showed through the darkness
hts body. *J,)o" prevent thin M. Boutan and gazed solemnly down from rich al;» French experimenter, has trepanned tars upon the visitors. A-jjrlest, seated
the shell and Introduced a small beat at the entrance, had a supply of painted
of unere, which migh.t. however, be t candles, sticks of Incense made of santrue pearl of a small size,, through thf diilwood, and packets of papers conhole, nnd fixed It by nienns of ceraenl taining printed prayers.
to thc shell. This bean was in coursn
Having bought a supply of these
• of time, covered with nacre by the oys- helps to worship, Ah Gau and his famter, ami a line large pearl was the re- ily had entered the inner room of the
sult. Dealers catiiiot distinguish II pagan gods. In the presence of these
from an Orient pearl. The question ol Images, with hideous, painted faces,
.making pearls In tills way was receatlj dimly looming out of the darkness and
discussed at a meeting of the Acade- mystery of the Incense-laden atmosmies des Sciences, Paris, and M. Berthe. phere, most American boys of Ah Gnu's
lot, the famous chemist, observed thai age would have been terror-stricken.
!uch a pearl could only be considered « He, on the contrary, seemed to be quite
true pearl If it hiidTat least a hundred at ease among these strange things and
layers of the pearl nacre; otherwise i) went near to the uncanny Idols with
-would only be a foreign BUbstanct quite an air of famlUariW. He boldly
covered with nacre. Of course, If thi walked up to a largeTdrujn standing In
•foreign matter Is a pearl Itself this ob- one corner andjf eelzlng a drumstick,
jection disappears, and we have thi pounded on It with all his might, for the
means of-producing pearls at will. Ac- purpose of drawing .the attention of the
cording to M. Lacaze Duthier, somi gods to the worshipers.
two years would be required for i
He then Joined with the family In
hailotide to produce a big pearl. Th< placing a large number of lighted. ,canartificial pearl of the trade, fabricated dies and smoking incense stick?, upon
from nil ere, could also be coated lu th« the altar; after wblcli they had bent
same way. Evidently, the pearl mus themselves In prayer before the prlnclsel and oyster are about to be domestl pal Image In'the temple. A number of
cnted for the production of pearls, ai offerings—cakes, fruits, and various nr'the solder Is for silk. Pearl divers maj tieles of food, as well as rice wineiecome a legend of the past,
were next piled up before this deity.
Their devotions ended with the burning
of a. lot of printed prayers In a little
A Great, DI«t-'tvcr.T.
brlek; furnace erected In a corner of the
Mrs. Read—Isn't It strange?
Joss-house for that purpose. As they
Mr. Mend—What, my dear?
Mrs. Read—There never yet lias been left, u pack of, firecrackers was set off;
•a strike In an alarm clock factory.— nnd then, thoroughly satisfied 'with
themselves, and with minds at rest,
Jewelers' Weekly.
they had gone homeward.
Tlie Difference.
Cloth buttons are machine made, a
"After all, what's the difference bevery Intricate piece of mechanism
tween fame and notoriety V"
"When thc crowds neo a famous mail ! stamping tfte metal, then cutting the
approaching they whisper, 'Here ho cloth, placing It fn position, drawing II
vomes,' but when the notorious man op- over the button and putting the cap In
place, leaving a projecting portion ol
years they Bay,;'Get.on to 'Im!' "
cloth In the center for the thread. Rice
PTATD OF Onto, CITY OF Tourao, I
buttons are made of the \vhltc earth
FRANK J.OnuNiiY mokeit ontli tliat ho Is tho uaed In chlnawaro. There Is a variety
wnlor imrtnor of the firm of F. J. CHUNIY A- of button manufactured, from tlia
anil SUUi iiforcnulil, undtbntaittil firm will i>oy starch of rice, which is almost as hard
tho fliini of ONK HUNUitaii UOI.I.AIIB for each and quite a« durable as the chlnn butuml ovury oami (if OATAiilin that cannot bo
ton. Horn buttons are cut from tlia
cured by tho Una of UAM.'H UATAIUUI CUIIB.
material by machinery. Metal buttana
Sworn to before me anil nubuorlbed In my
..» - i priinonoii. tllln llth liny of Docomber, are nlso mnehlno made, a die stamping
BBAI.V A. O. 18W).
A. W. (1UA80N.
tlio metal Into proper shape. Pearl but—>—J
jyutorw FuNto.
IfnlVn Ofttarrh Car* IB Ul^on Intornnlly, nnd tons are turned by machinery from the
acta illn clly on tha bbxxl nnd mucoan Bnrtaocn oyater or mussel shell nnd aftcnvowJ
of Uie ayutvm. Henil (or ti-ntlmonlnlo. froo.
F. J. fHBNBY A Co.. Toledo, O. pierced by Blown drills. -The cheapest
Hold by DruKKlHtx, 7Ao.
grades of collar Imttoim are. made of
HuU'n Fttinlly 1'llla arc tha beat.^
fho mntorlnl (iHccl in chinawaru, a better
Oustlo building may bo n, tiHelesH quality IH turned out of hone; thc motal
vocation, Imt It i;lven UH a ploaHant collar buttonn art- manufactured by
•ucouputlon and liarnui no one.
machinery from bniH.M platen and aftorwurd glided uyllw oUHjtro-plutlng proco.<m, 'I'lie bratis buttons used on uniEducate Your l»<mcl» TVItn tluicnrot*'
Ciuuly CiUlinrlli', ouru vnnNilpallon foruvar, forms uro nmdn by machinery, aapeclal
lOo, Wo. If 0. 0. C. <ull> druuiduiu rotund money
die stumping tho. required Inlllal or deIn tbl>i Hfo anticipation nf Joyn In vice on the face. Tim campaign buttons
Btoro, Riven more plcnmiro than tho nre made by photographing a portrait
realization of tho mom matured plan. or dovlee upon n plnte of nic/tnl, u very
Intrlcuite machine afterward Blamplng
thi! face of tho button Inio nhapo uml
(;urii<limrniiti<Ml hy I>H J. 11. ItlAYIUU.UUn titling on Ihe buck and Hlmnb. Tlio
A110IIMT., I'lllI.A., 1'A. ICuuo ut iiliun; ni> fnney nnil expensive buttons uaod on
<>|ii'nui'Mi or doluy from lm»li>™, Oonmiltntliin
Ircio. ICmlnrnoinonu of iihyiilcliui-i. ludlo* nuil litdltvi' ooHtuuies urn iiMunlly Importi'd
prominent <iltlr.on». 1 Huinl n>r clioiilnr. Oillui
fixim U'ninco or (iermany, wboro tlia
hi.ui.iHA. M. l o l I . M.
lirjit tfradix-j are biind-mitde.
MaTWea are manufactured from the
material whldh gives them their name.
At tho marble quarries the refuse atone
Is broken by hand Into small cubes. A
bushel or more of these is poured Into
a great revolving cylinder, which is
supplied with water from a fancet. The
cylinder Is revolved -at a high, rate of
speed, and the cuties, by attrition, are
ground down to the tliiy spheres which
give sucQi delight to the hearts of the
boys. From one to two hours are usually required to finish a lot of marbles,
and "they are afterward^ sorted accordIng to size and painted by hand.
crockery marbles, or "potteries,"
molded of the same material as o:
ary earthenware, and are then glazi
and baked. The glass.marbles containing Images and flowers are molded.
In Bed Rooms.
Oil stoves and gas stoves should never be kept burning In a bedroom, for,
being burned In the room and having
no connection with a chimney, they
throw the poisonous products of com'bustlon Into tlie air of the apartment
and make It unfit for respiration. Even
an oil lamp is dangerous If left burning
all night; but the evil effects of an oil
etove are worse, inasmuch as stoves,
having n- larger flame, consequently
consume more oxygen and give off more
poisonous gas.
A Frtirhtfnl Blander.
Suitor (seeing flower on the table)—
May I take this as a token of your
: •
Fashionable Miss—Good gracious, no,
sir! Why, that's , my new bonnetSpare Moments. *
X Rays on a Mummy.
The genuineness of an Egyptian
mummy having been questioned Its
British owner subjected one of Its
haiu?B to the X rays, when the perfect
outline of the human bones was shown.
Butter must be sweet and clean. That is the first
requisite. It can not be perfectly sweet unless the place
in which it is made and all the utensils used in its manufacture are perfectly clean.
The old rule,was: "Do not use soap to clean the
churn "—this referred to sticky rosin soaps.
Ivory Soap can~be used freely; it is the best for
creameries or dairies, because it rinses easily and leaves
neither odor nor taste.
The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made, and its purity,
§ fit it for many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe and
Coi7iltl>t,U«.t7Tl>i Procter *G«mU» Co., CbclaattL
Strength, Vitality, Manhood.
Your heart beats over one hundred thousand times each day.
One hundred thousand suppliesof
good or bad blood to your brain.
Which is it?
If bad, impure blood, then your
brain aches. You are troubled
with drowsiness yet cannot sleep.
You are as tired, in the morning
as at night. You have no nerve
ower. Your food does you but
ttle good.
Stimulants, tonics, headache
powders, cannot cure you; but i
A Great Medical Treatise on Happy
'Marriages, the cause and cure of Ex- (
hausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical i
Debility, Atrophy (wasting), and Vari-"
cocele, also on ALL DISEASES AKD
WEAKNESSES OF MAN Jrom whatever cause arising. True Principles of
Treatment. 870 pp. 12mo, with En-^
It Contains 125 Invaluable Prescriptions for acute and chronic diseases. Embossed, full gilt,
PRICE ONLY St BY MAIL (sealed). (Now edition, with latest observations of the author.)
Head this GKEAT WORK now and KNOW THYSELF, for knowledge In power.
Address Tho Peabody MudlcalInstitute, No. 4 Bujflach St-jBoston^Mass. (Esfabllshedlh 1860.)
The National Medical Association awarded the Gold Medal for this Grand Prize Treatlso, which
!s truly A BOOK FOR EVEUY JIAN, Young, Mlddlo-aRed, or Old.' Married or Single.
Tho Diagnostician, or Know Thyself Manual, a iM-page pamphlet with testimonials and endorsements of tho press. Price, ftocents. hutmalledFREEforCOdftys. Bendnow. It Is a perfect VADK
WECUM and of great vulue tor WEAK ami FAILING 31 Eft hyn Humanitarian and Celebrated
attained has milijecte.il it to a test which only a meritorious Institution could~under¥ci!-Bos(<n« Journal.
•• Tho I'eabudu Mtdicat Institute 1103 u-.oi'y Imitators, but no C(uials."-£cuti>n Ucralti.
"After I w»« Induced to try
BETS, 1 will noyor bu without them In tho house.
My liver nan In a very bud auapo- and my bead
uchod and I had otonmoh trouble. Now, since takIIIK CuacutotB, I fool One. My wife has also usod
tliom wltu lionodolal roculto for eour utomaoh."
Jos. UlUBaLlNa. 11)21 ConKresa St.. 6t. Loulu. Mo.
Abnolutu peace exlntn only wbon
time eeiiHoM to be. Approxlnmte neiiee
<-un bo enjoyed In olieer(iilni'iiM of
Don't Tolncro Spit •"* Hmoko Vour Life in*y.
To i|iilt tolmaoo onnlly and forovor, bo rang.
nolle, full of Uto, nnrvu and vliror, tuUo No-'l'olino tlio wondiir worker, llmt iiiulnui \voaU innn
htrone. All drumilntn, BIKiorll. Uurauuiu-uu.
t.n-<l, HooUlot und Biiinplu »ro». AiMrnno
HHirlliiB Hcmody Co., Ublimijo or Now York
He vvbn reeelveh u Komi t u r n ttliimlil
inwer fornot It; be who doon "in-,
iihniild Hover remember It.
JMi*o'r» ()ur« In u wonilnrrul ('miKb nicdlnliuv
• Ml". W. I'IIIKBUT, Vnu HlnliMi imil Illnka
Avon.. DrooUlyn. N. V.. Out. su, HUl.
An lioiieiit fool In prefei'iiblo to i\ i-uiillhlr ilov'll.
An Inquiry.
'1'be tillp ' I w l x t 1 1"' I'lip uml Ihe U
iloe.in't pruvont dm imuttucliu from itut
Ui>a Into Llio IKHIU.
To Huston
You will be moro rapidly cured
If you will take n laxative dose of
Ayer'a pills each night. They
arouse the clttgglsh liver and thus
cure biliousness.
Wrfia to our Docfora-
W* Imva tli« «xo)ii«tvo larvlcd* of
nnmo nf tho moui mntuuut pltyidclatifl In
tlit) Knltnd Hlutcs, Writ, freely nil <!>•
particular* In your CAHU.
Addrril. I>11. J. O. AYEIt
Lowell, Mu*.
Jenny—no you bellovo that there l»
ant. Pnlatablo, Potent. Tnnto Goad. Da
^lurrying In heaven'/
Uuud. Nnvor Hlckun. W6akun, or Qrlpo, Uto, 2ito.60o.
Johnny-O'l'lulnly not. Itm't It houv- ... 'CURE CONSTIPATION. ...
euV—New York World.
Bold and Kuiirnnir crt by aUdrnir«|sia to 4J1JJSU 'rohttoto UoblL
l lta prrnuinontlv oured. No tlu or iiei-voimncm ullcr llrat ilav'a i»o of Dr. K l i n e M Uma
S'urvn itcntoi or, K! trial bnttto ami tn-utl.iu (roo
Dlt. 11.11. KLINK. Ltd. IWI AroliHt. 1'hll.i. I'a
To bo truly loved, oven lor n short
linu, brlKliteiui tbn lorigpHt «xl«ten«o.
Vo dare Constipation
TakeOuucarotH Candy Cuilmrtla I0o otSBo.
It a O. O. (all to euro. (U-uuulstu rotund money
Never promlHO rnulily; but onee
lveti, U Hboiild be kupt nti miere<| UH
the t u n comrnundinniitH, for It In nu
% bap boen uned foywiiUlonflOtiuotlinnfot ttielr i
S cMidrnnwhlioTeiiUilnfforovor Htly Vfjms. J
> It •oollio. tin-tUIKl. foft«» tli» f uau, «i|aj« '
J all D«to, ounu wl«<> uollo, oud U the Ixwl
5 rflmeiU tor dlarrlKU*.
Tnfcniy-ava ConU a llollla.
' ->.xn<wuuvwn«\nj»wiM>A
Mrn. \Vli)Htow'H Hoottuni{ Hyruik (<ir ulillilnm
c-tliliiK, Holirii-i tli« KIIIIIV. rt'iluiiluic Inlliutmm.
lion, alliiy.i II.IDI t'lin-i w l n < l coltir. '.','u.' i\ Dotil.i.
.•Imiint- lioui-Mty.
To <)ur« A Oolrt >n «>n« l>ay.
Tnkn liftxiitlvo HriiiiioiJulnliioTubleta. .vi
l>r»i(uinti< rnfiiml inuiitiY I t l l fulls m miro. ;i5n.
Now Arrival I'm u reporter for tho
Dully HeiiHiillon.
lliifl'oiiiiory hi t l i n r o r f i i p t l i i i i of \v|t.
iMepblHlo|ihele!i |nl liiiinn) Intend lo
IM U n t i v i - r y IH Ihn r i > r r i i | i l l i i n ol' IcnoxvU
Hlay or bnve you merely como to wrlln
II CUM) ATIOM"" '"" -H»mi>l«1ii>Hlii, 4fl»y«' ,'lll(C.
ltl>mAllolVllr..«tniimt. IHI^I...!.!, 1(1 o,,,l»,
UH up for Hniulay'H piiperV—Brooklyn
A I . K M A M D V I I U E M K I I I <]ii..'.lliI(lrii»nwlr)iHt., N. V,
IVANTK.I) .i-iinoott Imil lirnltli Hint I f l - l ' - A - N - ' l
ll« Uot Them.
"What Hunt that dog away howling
«i>V" nnliril tbe 'poiwiim.
Ka-To-Uaa tor If my Oentu.
mild Ibe porenplin!, "be wan
fluarunim.il wlmooo littblt euro;hialcem weal,
niiHliiK aiiiuiul I'or liil'iiniiullon anil 1
mini HLi'iiim, Wood num. W)o,JI)^AU<liuiiKlul».
Ulmlly mipplli'ii him w i t h n few polntnj
N u v e r falter III ilnli'ir Ijootl ami
your f u t i i r o iilennuiH reitri'l. w i l l Im that lu nil." — IndliimiiiollH .lonrnul.
( l i n t you illil m>l d'> better.
Hcan<r I" Hluaa Deep.
l)r.H«tbAn>old'H Oouub K l l l n r IB the briul
will. It makes the liver, kidneys,
skin and bowels perform their
proper work. It removes all impurities from the blood. And It
makes the blood rich In Its lifegiving properties.
Hard to IIinlerntniKl.
Il«—Thoro Is one thing I cnnnot im.
(lerntand about yon women.
Slio—What IH Hint?
"Why, you are mich experlii at tnporIng walHtti nnil Hiicb bimontablo fullnreti wbeiV It eonuii to tuporlnu leiul
penellH."—Yonkern Htntfoumn.
Clean blnoil im-iini. u olfiui iiliin. No
bciuity wlllioul It. CiiiK-iu'Dtn, Cunily (Jiitliiir
tliLeli-mi your blnoil imil ki-op it cleiin, by
utirrliiH tip tlio lu/y liver uml tlriviim all liniiuiitlcii (mm tlio limly. Hi'«in to iluy to
imniuli pllniili'U, lioil.i, bliili'lit-ii, nlurklivnila,
nnil tlmt nu'kly liiliiniii complexion by tiililnu
(Jniirarelit,—bi-iiuty for l«n t'liiiln. All ilnijjiafactiun uuuiunlcud. 100, !!So, OUc.
*' will mil, lii'iii-llt,, Ki-nil 1 I:IA. to lllimnnllliiiinl'ii
Ni-vv Y d l k , lor II) numpli-n unit linn) tfiilllUDtttivU
$1. Hit, KI1AI). ion ^outll Street. I'lilla.
ii"ll,.,'k. Hr" ll'inio AIIIII«.,MIOI,I« liii-.lu.lliiii li» Now
I-I..V. .In,! lnmi,-,l <•!,«,i.,I,.., H,,ll.,i., Cl.ll.Uoil'n l-luy*.
N U H H I 1-trtVH, l>lul»itu«. Ui. J u , l u v ' " W H K W u r U n , t M l i V
l - h i v n , l'j.|i«i' M.un.iiy, l-l'iyn l»i \luln llliui.K'l.ilH ..illy,
r.ll.lvuiu V l v i l i l a , MnV.ilIll II. I,..I..I., A i i K l n l l l ' * l l i l l i U
Lu U.olllauo, UnUU I.. Itnlo. |[|||I I'l.yt, - llnw lu Mulna Hl>.'
HnndlVintal for Trnmlnm Lint to tlio Dr. Hetli
^l•uolll Mntli-nl Clorvuratlon. Woon»oi-k«t, It. J.
?»J*i». W l)"i*lt«i!l5b,'
I'kn. liT.rll Uli.a i)nl,li«ag.
" Hurlloul HoiUloet.
" ilillVurnU l''l('r«iu>to, rnhl
I " |-:«rlr Uli.Mi-r (luinil,
' Illn
Wartk C1.OO. fur 14o<mu, ^TT6
AtioolD l>liK»."wVirilf f 1.00, wowlll
uinlt y«u Iron, toiiollicr witlt our
iroltt I'lnill silil Kuiul (,'Al..l,>u..o
iipiui ri'.iulpl »t tliln iKill.-i' & I-to
iUf<i*. \V«i lnvllo >i.ur trnilu ftiiil
>w wliiui you otitui try Hat'/.rr'n
HIMIltNlrllU w M l l l o T t t r H v l . n l 1)11 U H It )l ,i>iitlhinu. Olll«uSi<i*iUIHf.«nil '
iiu,, ,, jb, ViiiHlorx ut ijl.liO
J O I I \ A. H4I//.I.U lil:ivll III.. I.* I HII
MA 11111:1. I<III;N<:II,
VII \ViM«l 'J'Jil r»U-««l,
N">" V«u-l, Clly.
D R OPS Y?.M-"««"»«:^! In a World Where "Cleanliness is Next to
>, Atunt4, o».
ll.mk I.I t<i.liiu..ld.l.«iul IO lilt >«' ll>»ti»"lil
Godliness' 1 no Praise is Too Great for
, \
"WITH . . .
oar borne treatment. Wo are pbyaicions, und you get the benefit, of our
experience. .No matter what your
trouble in, how simple or how hopeJem, we can rlo yon pood, 'and if wo
can't we will honestly tell you so.
Tiionsands of tired, weary, oick, and
Tiopelesn people have been entirely
laid permanently cared by
Why not take heart, again and investigate ihiftfiraat pii'ioipie. Wo have
thousands of testimonials. Send for
book on homo treatment, wonderful
CUTUB, advice to the sick, etc., free.
Drs. Starkey fe Palen,
1112 Glrard Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
, Write tor our Interesting books " Inventart Help" and "Haw you are swindled."
Bend pa a, rough Bkoton or modol of your
Bnrenuon or Improvemont ond we will tell
— tree our opinion as to whether It Is
ably patontable. We make a specialty
t» -Appll^atlona rejected In other hands.
Highest references /uraished,
<tm t Mechanical Engineer!, Graduates of tho i
IWjrwcbnlo School of Engineering, Bachelors In I
JtajaJed BoloncoB, Laval f/nlvormty, Mcmlicrs i
Bnmtldir Association, American Water Works,
AtBfefetion, NOW England 'Water Work! As«oo. ,'
P.O. Surveyors Association, Assoe. Momboi Can. ,'
Baaety&f Civil Engineers.
QtrvtntraJ WASHINBTOW, D. O.
OfflCtia. -i JtoNTKBiLOAff.
Bring orders for
Job Printing
to this office-
The modern standard Family Medicine: Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Ifuiuinontnii Steam
roni Works
In 1B8U)
Macaroni, Vermicelli,
owl Fancy Paste,
The butt mndo la tho Uuiiod Stolen.
Sold Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Imported & Domestic
Imported Olive Oil.
BAPTIST. Rev. T, U. Atboy, pastor; Sunday services: Preaontag 10.30,, Sunday-school
11.45, Junior 0/E. 3.00 p. m., Christian Endeavor 6.00, Preaching 7.00. Weekday prayer
mooting Thursday evening 7*80. Boys Brigade; moots Wednesday eve, in B. of V. Boll.
rector. Sunday mags 10.30 a. m., vespers at
7.30p.m. x^V
Aleorn, rector. Celebration of Holy Hacharist
let and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Other Sundays, 7:30 a.m. • Morning Prayer, Litany, nnd
Sermon, 2nd and 4th Sundays at ICr.SOn'.in.
Evensong W> p. in. Snnday School 9,30 a.m.
Friday Evensong, 7.30. Snlnts Day Celebration, 7:30 ».rn. Special eorylccs iu Advent and
-"* • '
pa.«tor. Snnday services: class 9.30, a. m.
preaufiing 10.10, taoday. school 12.00 noon,
Euworth I<oagne ".00 p. m., preaching 730.
Class Tuesday and t V7ednes4ay evenings 7.30.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. tn.
Mission fit Pino Road.
PRESBYTERIAN. Rov. Q..B.VanDylto pastor,
Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a. m., Sunday school 12.00 noon, pronehing 7.00 p. m.
C. E. prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30 p. m.
Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m.
Missions at folsom and Magnolia.
Italian Evangelical. Rev. Thoroas'Fro/zalo.
Pastor. Sunday School at 10,30 a.m. Preaching jai,9 a.m. Sntarday, 7 p.m., preaching,
UHIVERSALIBT. Bcv, St. Etbtllert Gates,
pastor. Snnday services: preaching 10.30 a.m.
Sunday school, 12.00 noon, preaching 7 00
p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings.
Mrs. Charles Smith, president. Mrs. W. N.
Ogborn cor reorotdrv, Mrs 8 E Brown sec.
, CLERK. J. L, O'Donnell,
MAr.nn.M,, CliHfl. E. Roberts
JUSTICRB. G. W. Prcssey, J. B. Ryan, Jos
11 Oarton
CoRSTABLEB.'Qeo Bcmshonsc, E Shnokley
OvEKSBBii HianWAYS. Rosooa Bickferd
OVERBEKR op TBE Poon. Qeo. Bornshouso.
1'inu.Cnir.F. B 18 lirown. H M Phillips
VOLUNTEER FIRE Co. D. S, Cunningham,
president; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. Meets
3rd Monday evening of each month.
Indotisndont Fire Co. ; Meets Dret Wednesday evening in each inontb,
Town COUNCIL. Alex. II. Suttcn. Chairman,
Wu Cunningham, E W Batcbelor, M K Buyer,
Henry Lolbfrid Waylnnd DcPuy.
Ments last Saturday eve each month.
BOARD OF EDUCATION. C F, Osgeod, president: ll. 8,.Cunningham,clerk; Kdwla Adams,
J L 0'Donnell, Mrs J Ii Ransom, Miss Anna
Prossey, Mre E A Joslyn, Thomas C Elvins,
Mrn Kirk Spear, Meets 2nd Tuesday ovcn'fj
OBoh mouth.
Grip's* Ravages Boomed.
So 'ranch misery und DO many (leaths
have been caused by tho Grip, that every
ouc Bhould Itrow what a wonderful remedy for this malady ia found in Dr.Kings
Now DiBcovcry. That dtatressing otubborn cuugh, that loflames your throat,
robs you of fk'ep, weakens your F.yBtom,
and puvoa tbe way for consumption, is
quickly stopped by this matchless euro.
If you have chills and fever, pain in tbe
back of tbo head, soreness In bones and
musole's, sore throat, and that cough
that pripa your throat like a vice, yon
need Dr. King's New Discovery to euro
your Grip, and prevent pneumonia or
AnmANB Onnun OP MUTUAL PHOTHOTIOH. consumption. Price, M) cents, and $1.
D B Cunningham, M A i A U Davis, Seo'y. Money bnok if not cujod. A trial battle
Moots first Tuesday evening iu eaoh month In free at Crowoll's Pharmacy.
Mechanics' Hall.
WINHLOW IJOIIQK, 1.0. 0. F. Jos II Qarton
N. Q.l Chas W Austin, Financial Secretory".
Orvillo K Hoyt, lice 600 Meets ovory Wed
neiday evening, In Odd Follows Hall.
HIIAWMDKKIN TnliiK I. 0. R. M. Charles
C Combo, Sachem j CbasW Austin, Chief ot
Records. Moot ovory Tuesday's Bleep In Rod
Mens' Hall,
M. B. TATLOK LODOE, F. A A. M. Robert
Stool, W Master j Alonto II. Davis, Hoo'y.
3nd and 4th Friday nights in Musnuio Hall.
K. 1<\ Illriclmmn, Couu.; Harry Murphy, 11.6:;
A. T. Lobloy, If. B,
Moota every Friday
evening In Mechanics' Hall,
L'niillinun, Couimanddr; W. II. H. Bradbury,
Adjutant) II. V, Kdsnll, Q. M. • Moots lit and
3r<l Saturday nights In Mechanics Hall.
Nora Monforst Boorotnry, Mlos Nellie Dol'uy.
Alternate Friday qvos, Mechanics Hall.
GUN. D, A. RUBHBLI. CAMP SONB or VETBHAHH, No. 14, Cape., Harry 0 Leonard ; First
Morgt., II. I). Kutherforii. Kvory Tuesday
eve, Altkon's Hall.
Hurry Hinlih, president I Albert ).. Jnokaon,
aooraiary; W. DoPuy, biisobull uiunngor. Meetsevery Monday ovo, at Aasoelutlon Hall,
BVterhood Ilraneh, No. tl), O. Iron Hall of
lliilllmuro. Hurnli A, Hood, 1'res't. Carrla A.
King. Hno'y, Moots in Mechanics' Hall first
Hint third Wednesday ovo'e, 8 o'clock.
Mlllo Ila Ha Cninoll, No. 27, D. of P.
Miss I.izilu llernnlioiigo, 1'oeahontaa | Carrie A
Kini?, K. of U. Moots Monday evening In Rod
Men's Hall.
BiumonB OrcnnlEatloiis.
IIauufiiotiuor and Dealer in
Posts, Pickets, etc,
Foleo.ni. N. J.
|Wi» Lumlior .Miwod J^ooi-der.
Orders ivocivoj hy mall promptly IHlci?,
Prl«;cH Low.
^h aint deioHptton va*i
il out* opinion fruo wnutlior na
m i m in prt>hftl)ly
tlona Htrkitljr fxmllilentfa),,
on I'ntettl*
9t luiency for necttrln
t«t«n llir.juu), Murm * Co. mcvlve
M, without charge, Inlku
Scientific American,
lr. I*r««it clr*A«nUD« ]<>ttni«i. IWnia, 13
Queen Victoria rules more people
than ever liefore acknowledged the sovereljznty of frinjr, tlucen, or empress.
Don't forget that quitting a fault is
the beat way^to correct it.
Knowing how to think aids in knowIDE what to think.
Tbe devil is not greatly dlSturbM by
church services; it is Christ-service he
Ulsters arid roll-top desks hide many
things from the public.
To confess an error is to more than
half alone for it.
We always reap mor^ than we sow,
especially wild oats.
A diplomat is one who can lie to you
and look ritjbt into your face while
doing it.
A modern high grade locomotive la
composed of 6003 pieces.
The man who first made steel pens
got a dollar apiece for them.
Over a thousand persona -die of delirOtu treaiens every'year in this country.
In the cities of Germany, only seven
or eight persons in every hundred use
Recruits for the Chinese army are not
accepted unless they can jump a ditch
is feet wide.
In Lmzil there are said to'be three
hundred languages and dialects spoken
by the Indiaus.
Don't envy your neighbor's luck ;
envy his pluuk, if anything.
Don't attempt to talk if your mouth
is full or your bead is empty.
An unwelcome guest is one of the
best things going. "
Fruit drowcre' Association, J. R. Abbott secretary, si ippori of fruit und produce.
Haninionton I<oau and Dulldlng Association,
W. R. Tllton Boorolnry. Moots every lot
Thursday In Firemen's Hull.
Wofklnitiucii's 1.onn and Building Aneoelatlon,
AV. II. lIcruAhoiiPO, ««oroinry, Meets ovoiy
lit Mondiiy l» Firemen'* Hull.
Po.ii>lo'a Hank, W. U. Tlltmi cn»hl«r.
Orvillo 1!. ll»)t, |iubll>1iei, ]-,lnl.ir.
H K Brown St. t'ti, lutrilwar' 1 , jrrocertca
1! 11 Whltu, Iloo hlvo more
i;il II. Olutndlnr. ultuinoy.
Hn«<m<> lllokliinl. Ice.
Monlurt Cycle Company
O F !J»UB, ttarber
VAlQ'kt'tut A HoiMl^iuijlrrlukflrr.
F A l."l\mnn, blitokMnlili atiil wheelwright.
.lulin 1> 1UII, rlictrlriiin.
John l'r»x'l|, -Ir,, nndcrtnkcr.
Win, llnlt.r, lUiiuilth.
Robert Hlool, l«widor.
H, Fiedler, tobneoo and cigars.
M, 1.. Jftcknon, modi and produoo.
1.. \V. Cogley, hnroemi,
(l.W. Pron>ey,Jii'tleo.
W.ll. llornnbouso, luinlior, coal, lilnyaloa.
Dr.J. A. W»»s, denllsi.
John Murdoch, rtioos.
Hnnry K rumor, (Fulnom), «edar luuibor.
<l.;orgo Elvlns, dry goods, groc«rle», eto.
Jtiftub Kokhardt, ui«at and produce.
t'lios, Cunolngbain, pbynlolan and turgcou.
.1.11. Hraal), h&ker and uonf«cttoner.
II. L. Molntyro, ruoat and'produce.
< l r t . AlUon, livery and boarding ulal.len.
Wra. 1>. BUek, drj gooJu, groeerlct, nte.
I*. U. A^OO, iMaeearoul, vormacftlll.
jUuni hlo«kwoil, out).
1*. H.nen, m»cc»rcul, vcrmaetlll.
Jniicph I. Taylor, adurinlitrater of Philip
Koladll, itcGonacd, by direction of the Bu ro
gate of tho County of Atlaotio, hereby given
notioo to the oredltnra of tho siild Philip Kolnall to brlnjr In tholr debts, demands, and
claims againut tho estate of the until decedent,
under oath, within nine moniha from tMs
date, or they will bo forever barred of nny
action iliurnfor agalnat the unlil nilmlnlstrutor.
Utttod January 14th, A.D. 181)0.
Tuesday, March 7, 18J>5>,
nt two o'clock In tho uflernoou of cn'd dny, at
the hatul of .tloiuniler Aliken, In tho Town »f
Hatnuiouton, County of Atluntlc and Htuto (if
New Jerroy, all tho following deKorlhud traot
or |)looo 01 Iiind nnd |>reiulflea Hltuuto, lying
and living In the '1\>« tinhlp of Mullloa, In the
County ol Atluntla nud Hluto of Now Jeney,
bound il at follows:
lleglhnlng at a point In the middle of
jafrtli Htrcot nnd of Bovrntb Street, nnd
ninnlng thuiiao (1) along tho middle of
Bavenlh blreut [tlio tonnnhlp lino between
Miilllou TuwnnUlp und iho Town of llammon
ton] north fort) nix degrcei thirty ol K ht
ailiuucs east »nventy-four clmlnn and tovonty
nine lluki more or leiii j thenco (1) touth
twonty-uevenchalno and twenty-woven llnka,
more or loin; thence (3) noulti forty four do
gronn wnt ol^hty.rU olinlnn und flftoeu llnlia.
more or lean to the middle of Agaaalfl Blruoti
and thence (4) 'ulouK Iho uil<ldle 01 fixld ttroet
H i r l h t o n y - t h r u , degree) twenty (wo minute* went tttouty ulgiit ehalna and flfloun
lliiKu, inoro or loan, to tho pluiio of beginning,
otmluMng within Iho »l|ovo den^rHtnd I'onn
iLirlcn two hundred and Ill'luoil noren of Innd,
ho tho tMina morn or lend, llelni^ thn aauie
|)rc'inl»«ii that KMjxIi 0. (!att«ll mid nllo \>y
dnod honrlnK avon date licmwlih nnd inleiidml
to IMI f u r t h w i t h ri'Cdriled, |>nintiul mul cunvuytid
u n t o (tin fluid Annie M. Oniighllu, thla inurtgitgo bolng given to nccuro part of purohaao
money tti'irul'or.
H A M U K L K U t l l V , HherilT.
Dntod Feb. 4, IfiOU.
J. A. liui.u.cK,, Hollcilnr.
: : For 1890.
Some of tbe special daily features include
A Sporting Page, contributed to by a sUfl'of the bo«t sporting authorities.
A State Pag-e, in whiclfeveryJiappeniDg of interest in every njace in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware aDO-MayylaLd is told by special dispatches from
our own correspondents.
. /r
A "Woman's Page, where every morning the latest fashions and every
feminine interest arc cleverly dealt with iu profusely illustrated article.
A Cable Page, where the dolnga of our foreign cousins are reproduced in
special cable dispatches.
All til e JVeivs,; from y Everywhere, by tio ftrir iVasooia'ed Press service and
special dispatches.
JS?° Best of all ia tho Sunday Inquirer.
•• ^%.
•"'• Included in the Sunday Inquirer each 'week is a coloriil'Tfc'ction, with the best of'
pictures by well known artists, in brilliant color and softest half-tone, Tbe colored section of the Sunday Inquirer Is not equaled by any other papdr.
\ The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
is contributed to'-W tho yery best writers, such os Cotan Doyle, Rudjard Kipling,
Robert Barr, Anthony Hopo and Ian MacCIaren, Besides the brightest of short
stories and aerials, there are {many articles by eminent authorities on subjects
religious, mechanical, literary and scientific. Then, too, there are puzzles with
cash prizes '•tuaon'otivg to $500.,/ If you want to make your wits profitable, get
the next Sunday Inquirer.
Jf yon want a position in Phila., an^Inqtiirer Want Ad will fix itforyou.
Tho 'Philadelphia Inquirer is Philadelphia's leading newspaper in influence,
enterprise and circulation.
Tuesday, October 4,1898
p. m. 9. Oi. a. m. p m p.ro p.m p.m a.m.
fin ;Su
a.m. a.m a m. p.m. p.m tiiui
a ra p.m p..m.
•i 4/i o on 800 030 5 3i 500 2 fit 8 50
Hjila.lcljihinII !S 8 55 1025
4 58 0 I'Z s in 6 4 2 •7 42 510 211. 8 12
855 9 K'fl 25
, 0 18 8 4 4 1000 625
6 10 045 —
r> 05
823 0511 551
9 1 1,11 14 S
8 10 .....West CollingHWOod..... 006
1000 (i 03
5 16
882 053 000
5 2(1
"8 tfi 7 12 6 J4
Cfi;5 59
8 42
-Laurel Sprlugn,
939 540
8 & 7 10 6-18
541 ""' 007 720 e 20
.. \. 8 m ....Wlllfiunitown Jnnc 580
9 28 827
5 47 "*" 0 15 71:1 G 85
8 B7 5 ail
Cedar Broo*
8 20 7 4 0 0 49 ?42
12 ...\VlnslowJnnc. (I've)... e 10
912 s no j'i'i ti 12 ft J4
002 ifi'o 931 7- 45 055 547 'i"x 90 ID
900 453 607 8 04i5 05 S'h
0 08
I) BO 750
855 -fjsr
6 15
9 4 0 757
7 ftDlS (M
8 49 4 4 1
0 22 io"<s B&'l 80.5
751 4 S2
eo:: a'o'i 982
9 40
42 4 «•! 552 7 41 4 45 '"'65
19 (10 8 12
tl 40 ,oT It) 10 8?rl
S 84 42")
r x>\4 ai
o "o. V'i'n
O M 10 30 10 20
s ia 4 14
2514 !4 .7 '89
0 SOJS 23 1010
.. . •".'(5 8 15. 405 > $n 77 15-4
15 730
T i oxvt>»
KIXSON J. UKEJJS, Odl. 1'ataongtr Agent
aim. Hun,
Ace. Ace. Ace. Ex.
P.m. la m. p.m.
'4 so :<
4 in 8
Sohedule in effect October 4,1808
Ei. Ex Ace. A co.
152! (16 OS
I.OJ5 00|4
, HO 4 00 2 01 10 50
5 10
4 45; 83l|
4 56 8 ::l|
Hr> 11:1 853!
5 I/, II115 0 52
0 » » 10 n w
7 l.'t
7 111
7 80
I -I
|A'o.|Acc.|Eip. Ace
a.iu. a.ni. lo, m. IP- W.
Italian nnd American
Manufacturer of the flnont Vermicelli
mid Fancy I'an to,
Maccaronl In packages, with directions.
Thn loooo, an well an tho packed of the
06110 58: 8 Wl
II 10 8 W.
II 1(1 8 27
III I'll 8 Ii"
11 38 8 19
,11 44, 8 51
111 BS| 902
11 67 9 00!
9 121 ..WIiiBlr.w Jc.(l'vo),
9 18]
ft 1(1
II 87
0 57
Atlantic City
Ace Ana
;w,u go lo 21 1 6 Si 85.'.
. em
20 8 20
1 SI) ) 19 r8 4-'IS
2 67'
17 12IH 14
1 23 R 10 8 S5 S^OT;
8 60 .,
8 03
1 12 k CO 1 SO i Mt11)41
1 Ol. 4 47 8 U9 6 224»
1265 I 41 8 03 S 10.
i(6<ia2'2!''5 7 30
1247 |4 SO 7 6 ( 5 0 7
ie 187
K _.
4 1 4 7 si 5 oa
!« Ill 7 !<ll
1237 I 10 7 47 4 67
741 4 CO
781 1 SO
7 24 4 31
7 Wi t 12
6 5 5 4 CU>
Hammonton Electric Light and Power Co.
Commercial Electric Lights.
House Lighting
10 O. P.
FlrHt & J.^Klitsi Sl.Ofl pr montli
Nnxtf> I.titlilH I5o. oni'li pr mo
Next 10.
10 c.......
Next 10
All additional.... 60
S3 C. P.
J1.75 pr mo.
25 c. each.
17 <i.
8tore Lighting
5 n)i;lilB to8:80,1 nluht tolO..,..30 o, one!) 5So
6 nlRlits to 10,1 night to 12 45 c. oucl>....7& o
Street IJtrlithiff
5'JO a ycnr n>r n 32 O. P. ovcry night t» 12
$10 a your far a 1(1 C, P. pvory night to 12
$00 a year for a 2000 0. P. Are ovory night nxeopt Sunday to 10 o'clock.
Motor Dittos, 10 o. per 1000 Wait*.
Wo do ull kinds of Electricftl Work, such as Telephone,
Annunciator, and Bell work, at lowest possible rates.
Dodgers,"—all sizes,
Printed promptly, at the REPUBLICAN 0fliCc.
The New York Weekly Tribune
The great
National Family
The South Jersey Republican;
Both ouo year for $1.25
Irlv Trinnnn
M , Yx. Wpr
" "" ARriouituroi l)<-pnrtnn-nt of UK?
hlgl)C,t mviilt nll lmi)ut ; ullt ll<)Wllof t,^
NRlliin aii<> Worl«i, c(iiupr«licni|v« and ndlnMn nuulirt iej«irt», »bl« idllorljtls,
Intorcatlun Hhort Btoilon, fiolcnlllla und niccbanical iuformation, illustraud fashion
ttrtlolon, litiinoroiiH piotuion, lintl in Ir.utrnctlvo and eniertaiiilui; to ovory member
of every family,
very beat <|uaJlty, nnd nothing Inferior Thn Rpnllhlinnri K'vo« you nil the local nrwn, political nuil ooclul, Inijuiyou
iUU lief uuiiuau ]„ 0;,IBB t,, ur h W |th your utlKht'ori »nd JVIuiidB on (.ho farm
and to tlio village, uud U & welcome wi-kly visitor at your borne.
6teamiihlp Agnnt, FlrDt-olana tickets to
all parU of ttio world, with twlu-tcrow
Send all Bubscriptione to theJLliu'iiuucAN, Hammontou.
exptess service.
to tlio Imported onna.
HAMMX3HTON, H. ^., MARCH 4,: 1899.
NO. 9
That Throbbing Headache
quickly leave yoa if you used
by C. E. FoWLER.' In several parts.] Dr.Would
King's New Life Pills. Tbotjnands
PART in. Object ofcl»w nnd Orflor,
of sufferers have proved tbotr matchless
We do 00150 things in order to accom- merit for sick and nervous beadaobea.
plish certain other thioea, We eow Id They make pure blood and atrongnervea
ttbd build op your uoaltb, E,»sy to take.
order to reap. If we .want bread 'there Try
{hem. Only 25 cents. Money back
3rd and Belle viie,
is a certain order to bo pursued if we if not cured. Sold at CroweU'B.
Twelfth St., b'etwean rallroada.
hopa to encceed,— we.^rnoat prepare the
Boll,- plaint the seed, .reap the grain,
| Hammonton, N. J..
HammontonvN. J.
grind it. then take tbe bread. '
• The last of. the present series of popu,
All arrangemente for burials made
In order that this earth may be tit for lar Pennsylvania R.R. personally conand carefully executed.
the habitation, of men, it is necessary to Now York and Philadelphia by special Good stock ' f the
those Woonsoeket
have firet the mineral.-^econd the vege- train of Pullman Palace cars. Tuesday,
Boots, sizes 1 to B xemaia.
tablflvthird tbe animal kingdom. This Marcb 7, Round-trip tickets, valid to
Best Brands of Cigars.
return on vcRnlar trains until May 31st,
order is neceesary, whefher the planet la and
Your choice, ^1^6 a pair,
. including railway tranpertation in
- •
developed according to divine or natn. eaoh direction, and Pullman accommodaral laws, or both. ' In the development tions (one berth), and meals on special Has three chairs
of society a certain order»of growth is train going, will be so!d at the following
every Saturday.
We are •selling an
rates : New "York, $50 ; Philadelphia,
necessary, beginning- with despotism $48; Caaandaigua, $52 85 ; Brie, $54.85;
Match (200a) at S cento
and ending with freedom, with a long Wilkesbarre, $50.35 ; Pittsburgh, $53 ;
list of isms between, — republicaniam proportionate rates from Other points. . >•
jpear dozen bose?.
For tickets, itineraries, and full inforShoes made to Order ds my being one, the one that a large part of mation
apply to ticket agents ; Tourist
society ie to-day BtroRgling to attain,
Specialty, and full ..
but which we 'are far from reaching.
Official Town Attorney, .
catisfaction is: guaranteed*
A <ew years Ago i,T was considered E. Watt,
Arlitz Building, Hamtn on ton,
you in the market for
passenger agent Western Dismoral for one man to bold other men as trict Pittsburgh ; or addreea Goo. W. Union Bank Building, Atlantic Oity.'
Pure Leaf Lard? We will
chattels (slaves), and that domineering Boydi Asst, Oen. Passenger Agt.. Broad
•sell you 2 pounds cheap, or
feeling'ia not all gone yet. In fact, St. Station, Philadelphia.
there are very few men to-day who do
we will put you ia a 30-lb.
at times have some desire to attend A N/6RDIWANOB to provide for th»
tub at a penny a pound less.
Practice in all Courts of the State.
to other people's bufline6«,8*nd tell them jC3L' ,preservation of the peace, estabBellevne Avenue,
what they ought to do. Some jjoeo for the .penalties for violations of this ordi- Money for first mortgage loans
aa to try to compel others to do accord- nance. • ,' • - . ' , . . . .
. •
' ' .
P. Introduced Deo. 31.1898. .
ing to their convictionrof right
/ •
Expect some Quarts aod
I am trying to prove to the reader 'f."P*tM Feb. 25,189»i /
Be It ordained by the Town of Hammontcn, in
bval Pints about the middle
that society ie progressing, and that '?••••
Council oBeomhled,—
progress ip. and must neccesBflrily be in , IhU it ahall be unlawful for any person or
of April. Will sell them
a certain oVder <; and I dwelt upon this ' fire crackora, except on Jol; 4th In each year,
• cheap from the car if order ed
because there is a class of 'persona and inch ether d»y» as tie Town Council majr
At it&orized Capital, $60)000 point
noWj-^-cash on delivery.
who, if they think they can projre that •peeiilly deilgnato, in any of the streets,
alleyi, and roadways, and close proatmUy
any part of society one hundred; year* thereto, in the T'.wn of Hammonton; to ace
Leave your orders at once.
Surplus, $17,000.
ago'was ahead of any part of society lond, violent, abasiTe, profane, or indecent
to indulge u> flghling or other
to-day, or because we don't build pyra- language;
vlofedt eondnet; to perpetrate any malloloas
R. jr. l BTRNEB, President.
mids as they did a«ea ago (though they tnlcchief. cneb as defaclne buildingg or other
property^ breaking windows or otherwiBo, In
M. 1*. JACSSON, Vice-Prefl't did it by brute force),: claim that society, [ jnrlng
or destroying property.
No. 25 Third Street,
is going backward; and ady one wbb. ; And bo it further erdained, That it!« and
W. 3B. TILTON, CasMei does not realize that, society is a pro- ehall bo the doty of tbe police offlelals of the
Town of Hammonton to arrest or oaneo the
gresBJye entity need not trouble himself arrest, with or without warrant, of anj and all
to read farther, as all toy remarks will persons violating tbe terms of this ordinance,
'. B |sm«a,
to cause the person or perjons 10 arrested
be; based upon tho idea that society is and
to be proceeded ogalnst before aJostioeof
golbp: forward, and that its intellieent the Peace, a» provided by an ordinaaoe entitled "An ordinance rcluilug to tho method of
membors. are etruaglitfi' towards f'ree- proceedure
before a JUKI ice of the Peace or
2. B1. Osgood, •
dorfl. This implies that eome members oihor maglitraie in violation of any of the
of the Town of Hutninonton,"
r.B.TUtpB. are .pncroacblng upon' tie freedpra.of passed Augu.t
20, 1885.
A.J. 0 HSitb,
Only the choicest,
And be U farther ordained, That the penalJ.O. A<ndoraon.
tor any ooi.vlctlon for .a violation of the.
7. L* Black. do as friend Jacobs occaaionally does, ty
provisions of this ordinance shall be by a fine
bo a little persooal; tint I will try to not
exceeding Ten Dollars, or ImprlBonn ent
Oortlflcc t ,tmaof J»cpeeit leaned, beuing, conflnemy persorjalltlea -to''myself (no not exceeding ten days in tht Oopnty Jail, at
Intpront ot Ciss ra!«a of iiiper•cent, per an- reflection intended). ^
the discretion of tbe presiding magistrate.
num if bo) linbe
mecrbhs, and'Sperofmtlfl
Chairman of Town Council.
. ,'
Office, 101 Railroad Ave. hoi<l oiioyt ft .,'
Town Clerk.
onu «rcat inducemont, waa that this woa
Hammonton. Difcount <^3fr—Tuesday and a terutwranco town,'.at least in name,
and Iboy did taot bnvo elgas up inviting
tali tlio buns and drunkards to come Job Printing
Uwayg- thq
83T Safe D< fnwlt B.-iea tot rent,—S2 thoro fttid drink. It la well known that
$3.50,, P
ib« Oret Betters iu tbUWxiUntry bad but
littlu trouble with the Indians until
Uicy commenced to ritual their lands and
in all branches
soil tboni Intoxicating drinks. Adroitv Practical
tine; tbat a nmu ho» a r'lRht to drink all
' •
ho. has a mind to, and ctt as drunk ae
at the REPUBUOAN oflBce
/uo.'ohooeea, evoii wiWi/'mouey that bclonjgs to/his .wife and'family, I tblnk
Our lin
of mew ^wi^eeIfl/ that
Cor. Second and Bellovue,
every sober man will ugioe with
•for '08 rttM,g<»an prioe ./ tti'iMhat ho has noiij^bt, while in thiU
from $20 ' to>
condition to tintci' public plucts and
comprieing thv
HtiBnUlt, niunlor, or Insult penuuublo cltEunii,,or to destroy theii*'proporty ; uud
IHH'a Block, lluiiinioutoii.
whtfn such actions become hubitiml Offloo flQurn, 7:80 to 10:00 A.M.
with diunldirde, people have a right to
1:00 to 8:00 and 7:00 to 0:00 r.u.
nrcVbut us lar uu nou^tlo tho causu of
Second-hand W M '«
/ / «uoli conduct.,' And w.liun tho olllcore
i. :<<ma'($S ^.S2C. ol'u town likA lluinmontoii, contrary to
Ifuiinnoutoii Hotel
Second St., near Pleasant,
tho wluUoa of a uinjorlty ot Its citizutiH
, Beforo purchnoin i .-«,«.*v,
(I includtt Ibu ludlca), lluunau ealooua to
Hear BernhouBc's Mill
our ytook, yihicli r a f'l'e/ / ,
null, euch/ptulf, thuy taku upon tliommost complete in \ pvi"
dulvcH urtfct roaponelblllj.ieSfi
Ii ' i
' ' ' / '•
II Iti u fuixlHUJoutul, pirlucfplu In all'
//: Repairing',
Carting and Delivering of all hinds
i thut fin who jitokca tliu pi-oUta
done promptly, on nhoi t notice.
uluo atund tho IOHIHMI ; uud /I
tbinU It uo efloro thdn rl((ht that Bt
and Double Carriages to hire,
tlw towu luio HUDO lntT) lliu buBlaiji)^ ol
All varietiea of the
; by tlio day or hour.
llcdiiulnjj tbu halo ol Intoxicating drlfilm,
ELF-TAUGHT «,,7y,,Mh0
.. U.Fhllllua.
Fiuent Mill Work;
lluvt ut luuht purt of tbo iiiouuy Ibu i roW. A. Kauuoo.
Al.tiniiil f/ Phonography, by Ilciin 1'ilnuin
inuand Jcruino II. Ilowanf. A perfect nrir.lnSaflh, Doors and Blinds.
fllruclor. Over J55,ooo Bi>lil. . Tliou:iaiub
KV«,daii) by drunken pc^yjilu Iu towu, uud
llavo iiiaitcKiil I t ; no (.'an yuii. Sold bv idl
that t/.'wt j in r I ol llui llcotiuo fccJnot
Itookacllcri, or wo will twml wlih I'hotH*.
. ixirliiit; tlio poor (in (is t of
j*raptiic Kiailtr and Phonographic d'fy lltvk, A.iullanaorliiKiut of liand and maoblu
|)O9t-|>,ild, for $1,25, OUnloj; and lull inl'orwhom nfo poor Inoinnvquonco ol rl.
mudo,—for work or driving.
' inutloci free to Ilioso wlio \vl.ih lo invi:itlohonld IM ruBurvod tor th'at purpoao.
- MO~NEY -
The Barber
Always a Good Stock
In Hammonton
E ammonton. : : N. J.
Oil Stoves r
.3 The People's BaEk
Of Hammonton. N.J.
And your favoritn home paper,
¥OL. 87.
Ilj virtue of it writ offlerl fiiclnfl.lo uiodlreetod, lunuod out of the Now Jitrsoy Court of
O h n n o c r y , l n a cause wherein John 11. Hopo
woll nnd John A. Itulloek, oxncutom of John
0. llnpotrell, doooiuod, are eoinplulanutB uud
Sniuutil 1). Coufrhlln, ot nil., are dolVndn.n i, 1
will oxp<»Re to fmlu nt puhllo vondue, on
W. H.
Insurance Agent
Notary Public,
Commissioner of Deeds.
Bread & Cake*
! ' • «
' r f »
Erantz A, Lehman
may It
\ Ohas. Cunningham, M,D.
Physiciati and Surgeon.
Win. Bernshous®,
i I-
Livery and Boarding
Lumber Yard.
A. H. Phillips & Oo.
Fire Insurance.
Ijulc Hint. Send mono «u.pi>'ilal c;/ird.
tint for 44 yearn been llic otunduid. Culled
by U. S. llunuiii of Kduimiibii " The American 9yntcm." First prUc, World'a Fulr.
22a W. 4th St.,
Trunks; Valises, Whip®.
J'l'o tiavontlniittd.J
Mortgage Loans.
Hiding Saddles, Netfl, etc.
£-„ m/oocKLanf
Hammonton, N,J.
.jBtir We will pny two emits aplnco for
Correaiioudoucu Holloltcd.
ten copies of the llKi-XttfUCAN of Feb.
18tl»,--lb«i jHiny edition/ JJrmg tlwui 1828 Atlantio Avenue.
to this offlco.
Atlantic City, N.
A Specialty
Near tlio Railroad Stations,
Hammonton, X.