Vigil Upcoming - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Vigil Upcoming - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
NON-PROFIT O R G U S POSTAGE PAID Volleyball Speech & Debate page 5 Volume 80, Number 6 DURANT.OK PERMIT «117 page 6 Southeastern October 1, 1998 Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, Oklahoma, 74701 "Grow Your Own Readers Vigil Upcoming ft IN THE NEWS Calendar October 1.... Picnic in the Park Candidate Orientation 2 p.m. A200. October 1-3.... The Mandrake, 8 p.m. Montgomery Aud. October 2-3.... Volleyball Tourn. Henderson State October 2.... Homecoming Campaign Begins Kappa Sigma Margaritaville October 3.... Footbal v Harding 7 p.m. Away. Softball Tulsa Univer sity Fest Residual A C T Test R223, 8 October 5.... Guest Recital Tony Carillo 7:30 p.m. Domestic Violence Vigil & Take Back the Night March 6 p.m. Homecoming Sweep stakes are Due October 6.... Volleyball v Austin College 7 p.m. October 7.... Junior Assessment Test ing (classes will meet) Drawing for parade positions, Student Union October 8.... Volleyball v Southern Arkansas 6 p.m. Away. Bonfire and Pep Rally 7:30 p.m. S O S U Chorale and Chamber IFC President's Club Room 4:30 SGA President's Club Room 6:30 The Texhoma Bass Anglers Club is having a meeting on Tuesday October 6 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held in Russell 300. There will be a fishing demonstration on rod and re els. Another camping trip is to be discussed. Skat's Inside Social Insecurity 2 Nu tty Professor 3 Volleyball team 4 Tennis 5 Speech & Debate 6 Program Encourages Children to Love Reading Community and University Unite to Honor Abuse Victims Kara Stevens Officer of the Year," in both the sheriff and police departments. Awards will also be presented to volunteers. In the Candlelighting Cere m o n y , everyone lights their candles, and then a moment of silence will be held to honor the survivors and remember the victims of domestic violence. Everyone can then join in on a few songs. In the Balloon Vigil, everyone will have helium balloons to release. In the balloons will be strips of paper with the Crisis Control Center hotline number on them. "Most people aren't aware of our services and what w e do," W a d e said. "The major thing is to raise photo by Shay Jones awareness." Volunteers for the "Grow Your O w n Reader" program are (back row L to R) Emily Conklin-PBL, N V - T H S , There will be children's activiJoe Conklin-PBL, Andrew Pagel-PBL, NV-THS, Boyd Newton-PBL President, N V - T H S President, Misty ties, including coloring and face Hewitt-PBL, Ginger Morris-PBL, Susan Turnbaugh-PBL, NV-THS, and Sharon Benedict-HERO. (front row L to R) Phyllis Shackelford-Family Literacy - VISTA, Durant Literacy Council, Donna Halbrooks-PBL, "Most people aren 't painting. Each activity is free of NV-THS, and Dennis Magee, R N . charge. aware of our services Purple ribbons will be given out and what we do," Shav Jones to represent Domestic Violence President Johnson was the Masand H E R O from Kiamichi Techmonth. Wednesday, September 29, nology Center volunteered as ter of Ceremonies. Johnson was " W e want to encourage people was the official kick-off celebra- clowns and directed the children joined by his wife, Melinda. — Misty Wade to wear their purple ribbons throughtion for "Grow Your O w n Read- to and from their buses. Mayor Norris made the proclaout the entire month," W a d e said. ers". According to Phyllis mation followed by M r . Paul There will be guest speakThe Crisis Control Center proDurant Mayor and Southeast- Shackelford, Family Literacy Cartledge, President of Durant Liters, including Dot Phelps, a mar- vides counseling, advocacy, court e m Professor David Norris has V I S T A , the purpose of the pro- eracy Council Board of Directors. proclaimed October as "Grow gram is to encourage children to Senator Mickle, Representative riage and family therapist in support, shelter, food, and clothing Your O w n Readers Month". love reading. Dunegan and Roy Davis, Director Durant, and Representative for their clients. " W e serve over 700 w o m e n and Children from area day cares The "Grow Your O w n Read- ofthe Kiamichi Technology Center James Dunegan. There will also and Head Start Centers were ers" event is the first step in all were present and gave remarks be a "Victim Speakout." M e m - children right here, in Durant," bers ofthe audience will be given Stockton said. treated to a special book reading, reaching families in the area w h o on the n e w program. The Crisis Control Center reon the lawn in front of Morrison. might need the services offered Roy Boatner, Director of S O D A a chance to tell their stories. Each person from the Crisis ported that: State Senator, Billy Mickle; by The Durant Literacy Council. was also present. * violence will occur at least State Representative, James H. "The day was wonderful and the Control Center w h o holds a title According to Shackelford, will tell about what they provide once in two-thirds of all marriages, Dunegan; and Southeastern once a week a volunteer will go kids enjoyed it," Shackelford said. for each client, Child Advocate * many battered w o m e n stay in President, Glen D. Johnson were to the area centers and read a "It was fun and educational. for the Crisis Control Center, an abusive h o m e because they feel readers for the event. book to the children. After the People really let d o w n their hair," Students representing N a - book has been read, the volun- Andrew Pagel, member of P B L and Misty W a d e , said. W a d e is a that there is no alternative. senior, psychology major at Their main office is located at tional Vocational Technical teer will donate the book to the N V - T H S , said. Southeastern. the corner of 115 C and 12 street, H o n o r Society ( N V - T H S ) , center, helping them "Grow Your " W e really appreciate the cenThere will be an Awards behind Salitas. The Crisis Control H O S A, Phi Beta Lambda (PBL), O w n Library". ters, staff, faculty and the students," Ceremony. A n award will be Center's 24-hour hotline is (580) Shackelford said. given to the "Law Enforcement 924-3030. October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month. The Crisis Control Center, Student Life, and the Southeastern Counseling Center will hold their annual Candlelight Vigil and "Take Back the Night March," on Monday, Oct. 5, starting at 6 p.m. This year's theme is "Together W e Can Stop It." " W e hold an annual Candlelight Vigil to honor the survivors of domestic violence and remember the victims," Director of Crisis Control Center, Norita Stockton, said. The March will start at the Fountain and end on the Courthouse Lawn. S O S U Announces 1998 Distinguished Retired Faculty "These Three Individuals Served the University With Great Distinction During Tenures," Johnson Said Lauren Moffitt always wanted to teach, and when gust of 1994. Since her retire- Oklahoma, and was also presented luncheon. Dr. Ernest Sturch was a the offer came for m e to go back to The annual Alumni As- ment, she has become an award with the first ever "Lifetime sociation H o m e c o m i n g Lun- winning quilter. "I use m y math Achievement Award" from the Red member of the University fac- Southeastern, I came." Dr. Sturch was also a little ulty from 1956-1989. Dr. Sturch cheon will be held on Saturday, skills to design quilts," said Dr. River Arts Council. Oct. 10, in the Visual and Per- Platter. "Quilting involves probDr. Risso earned her Bach- skipped the eighth grade, and league coach for 21 years, a little forming Arts Center, 1614 North lem solving." elor of Arts degree from Austin began college when he was 17. league basketball coach for nine First Street. Recipients of the Her husband, Dr. Allen College in Sherman, Tex., and her H e earned a Bachelor of Science years, and served as a cub scout 1998 Distinguished Retired Fac- A. Platter is a writer and illus- Master of Arts degree in English from Southeastern in 1951, with master for three years. "With three sons, it was a natural thing to be ulty Awards are Dr. Paula Platter, Dr. Ernest Sturch, and Dr. involved in sports." Dr. Sturch was the primary Molly Risso (posthumorus). University President, author of " A Plan for the SevenGlen D. Johnson, will present ties for Southeastern Oklahoma the awards. "These three indiState University" and a similar viduals served the University "Plan for the Eighties." Dr. Sturch served as pastor with great distinction during ofthe Church of Christ church, in tenures and truly respect the Bokchito, until January of this best qualities of Southeastern year, after his retirement in 1989. faculty members," said Presi" M o s t of m y favorite dent Johnson. "Their dedicamemories involve the old Science tion to the teaching profession Building with fellow faculty m e m is not the only admirable but bers, Dr. Lewis Barker, Dr. D o n also inspirational. Their loyal Collier, and Mr. Arnold Walker," support of Southeastern and its recollected Dr. Sturch. "It was 34 students will always be rememyears ago in that 'stair step' classbered." room that I met m y wife, Cathy." Dr. Paula Platter served Dr. Paula Platter Dr. Molly Risso ( p o s t h u m o r u s ) Dr. Ernest Sturch The Sturches have five children. Southeastern for 25 years, and trates his own works. He retired and theatre from the University of Tickets for the homecoma triple major in chemistry, mathwas a professor of mathematics. Dr. Platter is a native Texan, and in 1987, as the chair of Colorado, Boulder. Her Ph.D. was ematics, and physics in three and ing luncheon are $ 10 each, and a 10 percent discount will be given for earned her bachelor's degree Southeastern's Art Department. earned from Texas Tech Univer- one-half years. sity. The Platters' have a son and Dr. Sturch became the tickets purchased before Oct. 1. from the University of Northern Dr. Risso was diagnosed senior research chemist at O a k Tickets for all Homecoming events Colorado, and a master's degree daughter. Dr. Molly Risso served with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Ridge National Laboratories in are available in Durant, at the Welfrom East Texas State UniverSoutheastern from 1979 until her 1997, and cancer took her life. Oak Ridge, Tenn., in 1956. "It come Center, 425 University Blvd.; sity. Herdaughter, Riley Haynes was a good time to be a chemist," Landmark Bank, 900 W . Main; First Platter served as acting death, M a y 1,1998, as Professor chairofthe Department of Math- of Theatre. Dr. Risso was pre- Risso, and one of her sons, John Dr. Sturch said. "I was the only National Bank, 220 W . Main; and ematics. She also was on numer- sented with the 1997 Governor's Riley Risso, will accept the award mercury chemist, so I had sev- First United Banks, Main and WashArt Award for her contributions in their mother's behalf. Her other eral job offers and was able to ington Streets; or call (580) 924ous faculty committees. Dr. Platter retired in Au- to the cultural enrichment of son will not be able to attend the travel everywhere. However I 0121, Ext. 2362. Z Opinions The Southeastern Expand Recycling to Outside Areas Campus Boosts the Effectiveness of Its Campus-Wide Recycling Program Reformless Social Insecurity Staff Editorial The Stanford Daily (Stanford U.) {U-WIRE) Stanford, Calif.—Nestled in the heart of some of the most ecologically valuable regions in the nation, Stanford University has a pressing responsibility to its environment and to the people w h o live in it. The University, in cooperation with the Stanford Recycling Center, should boost the effectiveness of its campus-wide recycling program. ' The majority of student recycling done on campus originates from collections within residences. Dormitories provide collection bins for materials such as mixed paper, newspaper, glass and aluminum. M a n y cooperatives also take the initiative to implement extensive waste-reduction efforts, which include composting and purchasing eco-friendly goods. The Stanford Recycling Center also has a dropoff program for the larger Stanford community and collects waste like used tires at designated times. Few services are available, however, outside the setting of University housing or for recyclers without transportation. Facilities' approach relies on individual student's initiative to recycle, and this prevents recycling from being convenient and commonplace. Dormitories, for example, do not provide individual bins for October I 1998 Social Security Will Not See Reform Any Time Soon recycling in each room. At other universities such as Northwestern, designated blue recycling bins are ubiquitous. They are found in dormitories, libraries and classrooms. At Northwestern, recycling bins are next to almost every trash bin, so that students have a choice to recycle anywhere on campus. F o l l o w i n g Northwestern's lead by providing a visible means for students to recycle conveniently in their rooms would do more than give students free door stops. A relatively small investment in receptacles would demonstrate the University's awareness of a major issue facing not just the state of California, butthe entire world. Furthermore, placing a recycling container next to every trash bin in and out of residences would prevent the opportunistic tossing of waste. Facilities should also commit to making recycling available at all University-sponsored functions. Recent Orientation gatherings for graduate students served large quantities of bottled and canned beverages but failed to provide anything other than large trash containers. It is irresponsible for a major university to fail to provide a simple service to its community while the sanitation departments of tiny cities are able to offer door-todoor collection. Stanford would also benefit from implementing a program like that of Yale University. Yale employs a full-time Recycling Coordinator to manage its campus-wide recycling program. Collection materials include everything from paper to scrap metal. Yale Coordinator CJ M a y explained that he is currently negotiating with architects to include recycling-friendly alcoves in their renovation projects and new building designs on campus. Granted, Yale University only seized management of the recycling program in 1990 when Connecticut implemented a recycling effort, however, had been coordinated since the 1970s by student organization. Stanford Facilities should not wait for passage of a new stringent California solid waste law to take action. Further, student organizations such as Students for Environmental Action at Stanford should not continue overlooking an issue that strikes so close to home. W e should seek more inclusive and convenient recycling services outside dorm rooms on behalf of the environment outside of campus. Staff Editorial The Daily Athenaeum (West Virginia U.) which, as w e can n o w see, was almost completely useless. The idea of raising taxes in the hopes that {U-Wire) Morgantown, W.V.—Better start growing that nest egg now. Recent studies show Americans can stand the capitulation of current funds that by the time the average college student reaches to finance a not-so-secure future has failed too many retirement age, there will be no money left in times, mainly because it hurt the economy at that time more than it helped the fund it was paid into. Since Social Security for him or her to collect. This is an absolute travesty considering the then, the percentage of the average worker's yearly time and effort that is annually dumped into the wages collected all the way up to the 12 percent mark as of last year, ten percent more than was originally program Since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's N e w collected in 1945. The funds, meanwhile, have been misused for Deal, Americans have been paying a portion of their salaries into the fund. Every year, the amount years. Everybody takes a little here and a little there, available to retirees decreases, despite increases in and then there's not even a little left for the people that both retirement age and in the taxes collected to originally put the money into the program. If things stay the way they are, the system will be bankrupt resuscitate Social Security. Recently, President Clinton vetoed an across- mere decades into the 21st century. Unfortunately, Social Security will not see rethe-board tax cut, citing the damage that it would do to the Social Security program. That decision, form any time soon. N o politician will touch anyin retrospect, was not so much an act of kindness, thing that deals with it during an election year so as to avoid controversy. That's too bad, because there's but a lack of historical knowledge. For years, the accepted strategy for dealing going to be a lot more controversy when the money with Social Security problems was to raise taxes, runs out. The Southeastern welcomes guest columns, opinion pieces and Letters to the Editor. All submissions must be signed and submitted by Monday of each week. The Editor has the right to edit all submissions. W h a t D o You Think Is Worse, Drinking and Driving 99? or - • • interview and photos by Shay Jones 4* 4* tt Animal cruelty, because they can't defend themselves. •Sarah Wingfield Sophomore Undecided * ^ Animal cruelty, but both are bad. Y o u should be taught, growing up right from wrong. « Animal cruelty, because the person is sober, but crazy, when they do it. Both of them are pretty bad. -Stephanie Trotter Sophomore Undecided — J o e Davidson Senior Safety ±9- — A i m e e Woulfe Senior Communication rj ^ Publication MEMBER Southeastern Southeastern Oklahoma Collegiate Oklahoma Editor-In-Chief Press Association State University Shay Jones Oklahoma Press Box 4237 Association Durant, OK U-Wire Editor Associated Collegiate 74701-0121 Kara Stevens Press EXT 2696 Student Press Law E-Mail: Opinion Editor Center Southeastern @sosu. edu Kisha Queen Snider Business St aff Staff Manager Jodie Duke Promotions/Advertising Kellie Marksherry Distribution Tammy Jo Baker Writers Ann Forster Erin Love Macy Nickles Lauren Moffitt Sarah Weibling Faculty Advisor Janet F. Reeder Policy T h e Souiheasiern is published as a leaching instrument for journalism students under (he Department of Communication and Theatre on Wednesday during the school year and biweekly during the summer, except during examinations and holidays Opinions expressed in The Southeastern do not necessarily represent those of the studenl body. faculty. or administration. Opinions appearing in by-lined articles, columns or letters are those ofthe individual writer. Opinions in unsigned editorials are those ol the editorial board Letters to the editor must be signed, although names m a y be withheld upon request to the editor and the adviser. A n o n y m o u s letters will not be published. Letters must also include the author's address and telephone number for verification. The editor resen es the right to edit letters for space limitations and to comply with libel laws. Every eftorl will be m a d e to preserve the integrity ofthe lettd Letters may be mailed or delivered to Fine Aiis 203 Subscriptions are S 1 0 per year. Advertising rate cards are available upon request Off Beat October 1, 1998 The Southeastern %5 W i n Beer Distributor Harvard Students Invent N e w Nutty Professor Help Lukemia Society of America Brandi C Moreton The Daily Athenaeum (West Virginia U.) Andrew K. Mandel Harvard Crimson (Harvard U.) is located in Pittsburgh and is surrounded by five colleges and universities, including the University of Pittsburgh. It is a licensed 24hour, six-days-a-week distributor with a 16-by-28 walk-in cooler, an updated computer system and 3,000 square feet of office and floor space to hold up to 5,000 cases of beer. Estimated value of the distributor is $350,000. The perks of owning your o w n beer distributor goes way beyond all the free beer you could ever possibly consume. First, it would be easier to pick people up at bars w h e n your c o m e on line is, {U-Wire) Morgantown, W.V.—It's 9 p.m. on Saturday night and your crew of friends are debating which bar to hit first. After much discussion and many compromises, the plan of attack is to start at the top of High Street and work d o w n the road to hopefully end up somewhere around the Cedo's/Sports Page vicinity by 2:30 a.m. Searching for the remainder of the $50 withdrawn from the M A C machine Friday, a mere $3.75 is retrieved in the pockets of Friday night's outfit. It most have been one hell of a night. Too bad you can't remem-tt ber any of it. This sort of dilemma wouldn't Hey baby, you want to see m y distributor? be a problem if you had your o w n beer beer distribution. Worrying about trying to scrounge money up just to drink some beer would be as Next, you would be the hero every m u c h of a faded m e m o r y as your night when the bars closed d o w n and everyone was still raging. Just nights downtown. invite everyone back to your place All your worries m a y soon go and drink one of the thousands of away. The chance to have your cases. o w n beer distribution has n o w arA n d last, a secure job will be rived. University Beverage Cen- waiting for you after graduation. ter, a local beerdistributor, is hold- Forget about prepping up and being a contest to give away their ing nervous before interviews. beer distributor to the winner of Y o u soon could be the one doing their contest. Don't worry, the the interviewing. winner isn't determined by w h o All essays must be in by Oct. can do the longest keg stand be- 1 and an entry fee of $200 is refore blacking out or w h o dry heaves quired per essay. A percentage the the hardest the day after a night of proceeds will benefit the Leukeliquor. It's much simpler, and mia Society of America. For an safer, than that. entry form, rules or any further All one has to do is submit a information, call (412) 687-7332 100-word essay or less bearing the or visit the websites theme, " W h y I want m y o w n beer distributor." or Beverage Center w- 14 Arrested After Attack Amanda Cuda The State News (Michigan State U.) {U-WIRE) Cambridge, M a s s . — A smattering of physics stu- had conned the College. dents defied scientific law last winter. They created a professor out of William Kaminsky '98, w h o took Physics 125 last fall, told thin air—in a prank that C U E Guide Editor-in-Chief O n a M . Hans '99 Hahs that Doyle was the initiator of the C U E gag, and had duped The says "hoodwinked the entire University administration." Crimson into printing Fireloin's opinions on campus issues in the past. While sifting through course evaluations this summer, Hahs According to Kaminsky, Doyle told his students about his and her staff were tickled by the name of one ofthe professors evaluated Crimson Jokes as they were filling out their C U E guide evaluations, and in Physics 125, "Widely Applied Physics." some decided to help the tradition live on. Professor Ulf Fireloins was listed as "professor B " on about 10 According to Hahs, Eva Milofsky, and administrator in the evaluation forms received by the Committee on Undergraduate Educa- office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education, had already sent off tion ( C U E ) office, Hahs says. Loeb Associate Professor of the Natural the processed evaluations of Physics 125 to the physics department and Sciences, John M . Doyle, was "professor A." the Derek B o k Center for Teaching and Learning when she learned about the gag. The C U E Guide staff assumed Fireloins was real. The outlandish name did not faze anyone; it just elicited a few Fireloins had not received enough comments to warrant extenchuckles in the publications office. sive mention in the C U E Guide, but his name was listed as one of the " W e thought he was Norwegian," Hahs says. course heads and had to be removed before publication, Lowell says. The seeming legitimacy of the C U E guide forms, which Though a bit stung after being tricked, the C U E Guide staff included an alphanumeric code assigned to Fireloins by the dean of says the Fireloins search was the most amusing part of a summer filled undergraduate education's office, ended any suspicions about the with computations. professor's existence, Hahs says. Hahs thanks Doyle and Fireloins in this year's C U E Guide "The sheet that w e got from Professor Doyle's physics class acknowledgment section. looked completely official, and Professor Fireloins was evaluated by several students in a very convincing way," says Ali Ruth Davis '01, associate editor of the C U E Guide. " S o m e students evaluated his A n y break from tallying is nice, but looking for Ulf was especially fun because it became a manhunt clothing style—perfectly plausible for a C U E Guide evaluation." It was mid-July—after the statistical analysis of Physics 125, Davis said ^ ^ as well as about 500 other tallies C U E computes annually, were complete—when the plot thickened. Following tradition, Christopher Lowell '99, C U E guide asso- "Granted it was embarrassing that we had been fooled, but it ciate editor, wanted to create a staff tee-shirt featuring a fake C U E was the worst to find out that there wasn't someone w h o had spent his life with the n a m e Ulf Fireloins." evaluation on the back, using Fireloins as the course's professor. The staff also made sure there were no other errors. Hahs instructed Lowell to locate Fireloins and ask permission " W e were so bothered by the fact that w e almost missed Ulf for the use of his name. Lowell called the physics department. N o one had ever heard Fireloins that O n a had us double and triple check every name in the C U E Guide, including TF's and CA's," Davis said. "If there's a fake of an Ulf Fireloins. person in there, he or she has fooled the entire University too." Lowell phoned the Registrar's Office. Again, N o Ulf. Meanwhile, Doyle insists Fireloins—or Fuerloins, as Doyle Lowell contacted the University payroll office, which keeps spells the elusive professor's name—exists records of every professor w h o receives a salary at Harvard. Doyle told Hahs that Fuerloins was an adjunct professor joint Unless he had been teaching on a voluntary basis, Ulf Fireloins appointed in the department of physics at Phantasm University. was not a Harvard instructor. Fuerloins was a physics graduate student at Harvard, w h o m a y Directory assistance had no listing for a Fireloins. have written his thesis on high energy physics, "but it could have been higher energy metaphysics," Doyle says. Vtr "I do not recall not seeing Prof. Fuerloins on many occasions. It was getting ludicrous I do not recall him not teaching any lectures," Doyle writes in an e-mail message to The Crimson. "If he did, he was quite bad. I think that had Lowell said something to do with his low C U E guide scores." Doyle, incidentally, received a 4.9 out of 5.0 in the C U E . Then several C U E Guide staffers dashed off e-mail messages "One half of those polled are impressed by Professor John M . to friends w h o were physics concentrators. Doyle's expertise, and a slightly smaller number appreciate his sense of Hahs received a reply first, and learned the truth: Doyle's class humor," the C U E Guide reads. Fireloins could not be reached for comment for this story. Johnson said, the event m a y be related to an incident earlier in the week when big " M " in the center of the U-M's Diag was defaced with green and white paint. "Apparently, it was supposed to be retaliation for somebody going d o w n to U - M and doing some graffiti, but that's no excuse," she said. Aside from the attack on Sparty, Johnson said, the weekend was relatively quiet. "It didn't sound like any unusual disturbances or actions," she said. "It looked like quite a few people left for the weekend." There was also a little excitement in A n n Arbor, said U - M po- Alison Raima. Daily Collegian lice Lt. Douglas Swix. fPpnn Sst*t» n ) "There was quite a bit of partying going on," he said. "Other {U-WIRE) State College, than that, it was reasonably quiet." Penn.—Swarms of people buzzed around the Agricultural Science and Industries Building Saturday during the department of the entomology's sixth annual Great Insect Fair. "The insect fair started out Online," Sussman said. "But I'm 1984 movie Footloose. W h e n his as a way to introduce the public to very serious about this." idea was met with skeptical snickSussman hopes that the leader- ers, he responded, "Hey, it could the wonderful world of arthropods and to increase society's awareship board, to be elected at the next happen." C O T E meeting, will help him orgaThe meeting concluded with a ness of science," said, Steve nize events focusing on '80s culture short reminiscing session where ev- Jacobs, Penn State extension enappreciation. Suggestions for such eryone shared his or her favorite tomologist and a fair coordinator. events included movie theme nights, '80s pop-culture memory. About 1,500 people atsuch as the "Brat Pack" or Molly tended the first fair, Jacobs said, Ringwald, Karaoke night, and '80s "Definitely Rainbow Brite and and he estimated this year's turndance party and pop culture trivia She-ra, princess of power," College out to be more than 5,000, with at night. freshman, Caroline O'Reilly, said. least half of the fairgoers under A loyal Kevin Bacon fan, "I had all the toys and whatnot that age 12. Sussman posed the idea of holding cam with them." "Kids are curious, and a "Bacon-fest" featuring many of Tina Turner's "What's Love we're showing them that insects the actor's earlier films. A "Six Got to do With It?" was Engineerare out there doing all kinds of Degrees of Kevin Bacon" tourna- ing and Wharton freshman Eileen great stuff," said, Lyn Garling, of ment is in the works as well, based McCarthy's favorite memory. Integrated Pest Management at on the game that tries to link all "Joan Collins and Linda Evans Penn State. actors back to Bacon through his duking it out," said Dental School The children bring the many movies. freshman Elli Saba in reference to adults with them, and as a result, The most elaborate undertak- the prime-time soap opera Dynasty. the public receives an education ing Sussman suggested at the meet- "Classic television." about the natural world, Garling ing involves a trip to N e w York to Sussman was very excited about said. see the Broadway adaption of the the success ofthe meeting., Dan Capp's Magnificent {U-Wire) East Lansing, ceived a call about the incident at Mich.—Casey Shuck woke Fri- about 5 a.m. 14 people were arday morning to the sound of water rested in the incident. She said, balloons and paint balls hurling at warrants are being sought for the the Sparty statue. But despite the students through the Ingham County Prosecutor's Office. attack, damage was minimal. Shuck said, although he and The physical science junior was staked out by Sparty with other band members managed to fellow Spartan Marching Band clean most of the paint off the members, poised to protect the statue, many sleeping bags and statue from vandalism by Univer- other personal belongings were sity of Michigan students, when damaged in the attack. Johnson about 30 people attacked the area. said there was also paint on the Shuck, an alto saxophone pavement near the statue. "I was offended," Shuck said. player, said that at about 4:30 a.m., some people drove by and fired "It's our mascot. It's our tradition. paint guns and balloons at the We're going to defend it at all statue. Shortly after, more people costs." H e said, in the three years he came out ofthe bushes toting galhas been in the band, the incident lon buckets of yellow paint. M S U police Lt., M a r y was the most extreme act of vanJohnson, said the department re- dalism he has seen. Pen Students Start Club to Remember 1980s Amara Levine Daily Pennsylvanian (U. Penn) {U-WIRE) Philadelphia, Penn,—The recent celebration of 1980s pop culture in America— from last year's hit A d a m Sandler movie The Wedding Singer to the emergence of '80s theme nights at local dance clubs—has spread to Penn's campus with the founding of the Children of the Eighties club. The club held its first meeting Wednesday night at the Xando coffeehouse and bar near 36th and Sansom streets. College freshman, A d a m Sussman .officiated the gathering of about a dozen students. Sussman introduced himself to the attendants of the meeting as "founder of the C O T E club and a proud child of 1980." His claim to fame, he said, is that he and singer Debbie Gibson had the same orthodontist. The idea for the club "started out as a joke this summer on America -tH Wire Editor Kara Stevens Intern-Net: The Test-Marketing of the N e w s Drudge Report The Dallas Morning News Great Insect Fair Educates All Insect Collection, an assortment he began accumulating more than 4 0 years ago, was crawling with spectators. Capps, a Wisconsin resident, has never taken an entomology class, yet he constantly is bugged to put his extensive collection on display. "This is a rare opportunity for people to see things that they wouldn't normally see anywhere else," Capps said. Capps gave onlookers an extraordinary surprise when he broke his Guinness World Record for cricket spitting by propelling a cricket 38 feet, 1.5 inches. W h e n people ask Capps h o w he does it, he says he simply launches the cricket headfirst in a tight spiral. But with a chuckle, Capps confesses that he does not practice this talent. "I don't have a refrigerator full of crickets at home!" he said. People fluttered to the Insect Deli, sampling crunchy chocolate-covered crickets and pizza topped with meal worms. There were mixed reactions about the cuisine being served. Laura Barr, a 14-year-old Julian resident, tasted one cricket and scuttled away. Her 10-yearold sister Katie, however, could not wait to eat more. "They taste just like Rice Krispies," Katie said. Walter Yeatman, a 9-yearold State College resident, also discovered his palate for insect fare. "I love bugs, especially when I get to eat them," Yeatman said. More than 185 student volunteers helped with everything from face painting to the caterpillar crawl. Debbie Neff (senior-education) volunteered at the cricket hop, one event in the Insect Olympics. "Though interactive things, the kids are understanding a little more about insect lives," Neff said. Jamie Wunderlich, w h o studied environmental issues while in college in California, came with friends to volunteer at the fair "Something like this gives kids a better appreciation for bugs," she said. "They aren't just little things you squish." Sports The Southeastern October 1, 1998 The 1998 Southeastern Oklahoma State Women's Volleyball Team Players Misti Ramey #14 is junior majoring in Marketing and Business Management. Her hobbies are playing volleyball, softball, anything outside. "1 think so far the program is going really well. I feel it will only improve as time goes by." LaMonicaBell# 11 nicknamed "LB" is a Senior majoring in Criminal Justice. Her hobbies are watching sports, playing volleyball, and listening to music. "Every one has a good attitude which helps a lot." Celeste Cerda #8 is a junior m a joring in social work. Her hobbies are playing volleyball and art. "I feel as a first time program it has worked out well. "The coaching staff is really great. A s the team goes w e have really bonded together, w e are going to come out on top." S u m m e r Frame #9 nicknamed "Sums" is a freshman majoring in Biology. "Whenl'mnotplaying volleyball or studying I like to spend time with m y brother and little sister. Sleep is also a major hobby. Assistant coaches if** \ k Melissa Leach #6 is freshman w h o is majoring in Biology. "...I feel that with time and dedication it(the volleyball program) will develop into a dominating force in the Lone Star Conference." Lisa Ptacek #3 is a senior majoring in Elementary Education. Her hobbies are drawing, reading , going to the lake, and volleyball.. "I think it's great that Southeastern has another women's sport." Trista Cochran #12 nicknamed'T" is a junior majoring in Recreation. Her hobbies are sleeping watching T V , and playing sand volleyball. V J d Andrea Ramsay #4 nicknamed "Andy" is a sophomore majoring in Computer Science. Her hobbies are playing volleyball, gymnastics, and traveling. "I feel like since w e are the underdogs the only way to go is up and all w e can do is succeed" Kathryn Harris #7 is a Freshman. She undecided on her major. Her hobbies are playing all sports. " I a m proud to be on the first volleyball team at S O S U . " A m y Bilderback #13 is a freshmen undecided on her major. " M y main hobby is playing volleyball, but in m y spare time I like to play softball too." Holly Littrell #5 is a junior majoring in Physical education. She likes to play sand volleyball. "I feel very privelaged to be a part of SOSU's first volleyball program." Tifney Kelly nicknamed "Tif' is a senior majoring in Health & Physical Education and Recreation. Her hobbies are sleeping, shopping, watching cartoons, playing volleyball and basketball." Kathryn Remus #10 nicknamed " K T " is a freshmen undecided on her major. Her hobbies are playing sand volleyball, and church activities. " W e have no expectations preset for us, however our goals and standards for ourselves are enough to inspire us to be the absolute best w e can be." Stephanie Lewellen is a Health&Physical Education and Recreation Major. She is from Tyler. Texas. In her spare time, she enjoys Outside activities including Basketball. Baseball. She played two years volleyball at North Central Texas College in Gainesville Miranda Sikes is a Health&Physical Education and Recreation Major with a minor in Computer Science. Cherrie Wilmoth is the first year head coach of the volleyball team. She has a bachalors degree and masters degree from SOSU. ^ Sports The Southeastern October 1, 1998 W o m e n ' s Volleyball team gets Fired up against Harding Erin Love The Savage Volleyball team hosted Harding on Saturday, September 26. Coming into the game, the Savages were 2-7 and Harding was 12-6. In the first game, Southeastern came out hot. The Savages started 3-0. Lamonica Bell broke a tie serving four points to make the score 9-5, and giving the Savages the most decisive lead of the game. The Savages continued to capitalize on Harding's mistakes and w o n the first game 15-10. The Savages continued on their hot streak starting the second g a m e 6-0. This game wasn't as victorious as the first. Harding countered with eight unanswered points capturing the lead. They only allowed the Savages one more point during the entire second g a m e and w o n it 157. The third game was primarily dominated by the Savages. They beat Harding 15-8 to take a two games to one lead. The Fourth game was composed mainly of sideouts back and fourth between the two teams. Both teams had their highest amount of team attacks in the fourth game than all ofthe games including the fifth. The fourth game was also the closest with Harding coming out on top 1513. In the fifth game, the pace moved much more quickly with the Savages back on their heels. Harding took lead and ran with it. Harding was very efficient. They had eight kills and only two errors. T h e Savages were out of sync with only five kills and seven errors. Harding w o n the fifth game 15-8. The Savages lost 3-2. " Overall, w e are still playing well w e just don't have the killer instinct to go out and win yet. Harding is a good solid team ranked third photo by Ann Forster photo by Ann Forster in the conference. W e are really playing well with teams that have already been established. T o take them to 4-5 games is an accomplish- #11 Lamonica Bell got some air time on this spike past two Harding Preparing for the serve. The womens volleyball team played Harding, blockers. Bell is a Senior majoring in ment," Coach Cherrie Wilmoth said. the third ranked team in the conference. It is the Savages' first season. Criminal Justice. She gave no justice to these blockers. "Tiffany Kelly had a great game, w e got some things worked out. She really hit the ball well," Wilmoth said. Check out their next h o m e game against Southern Arkansas at 6 p.m. in the Bloomer Sullivan Gymnasium. ] SB £ ¥*% tai M Hot Courts SUPPORT OUR SAVAGE TEAM SPORTS Fanatic Fan Attends S O S U Football G a m e Women's Tennis Gets the Job Done Against Opponents Craig Burrough's quest to see all Colleges play football brought him to Southeastern. Erin Love Erin Love H o w far would you go to see a small college football game just because you had not seen the two teams play before? Craig Burroughs made the trip from Chicago, Illinois. H e left his house at 6:00 a.m. and arrived in Durant just in time for the kickoffof Southeastern and Texas A & M - c o m merce at 7:00 p.m. Burroughs watches football games all over the continent. His goal is to see all of the colleges in North America play. His goal came out of a miracle. H e was involved in a serious accident in 1987. His legs were ran over by a bus. The closest hospital to where the accident occurred was Northwestern M e m o rial Hospital . in Chicago. The miracle of this accident according to Burroughs was that the hospital, a teaching establishment, decided to experiment rather than amputate his legs. This decision saved his legs. H e is able to walk and have feeling in both feet, because the nerves to his toes were not severed. This injury gave Burroughs two years of being immobile to think and deliberate over what was not in his life, that he really liked to do. H e thought back to the days of living in a small town in I owa, going to games on Friday night, at Iowa State. O f course one of his favorite years of Iowa State football was in 1959, when John Cooper and the "Dirty Thirty" faced Oklahoma in the Conference final, one of only three conference finals in Iowa State's history. "I grew up in a state where there wasn't m u c h to do on Friday night, except go to a football game. I fell in love with college football," Burroughs said. This time of reflection in the hospital helped him to realize that he was fortunate and to not let this luck be wasted. " The first thing I did when I got out ofthe hospital, was I went to a Northwestern-Iowa game I really enjoyed it," Burroughs said. " I went to eight games in 1989, and I saw 37 games in 1990, including the Rose Bowl. That really hooked me," Burroughs said. "I just asked m y wife, would you mind terribly if I saw small college football games on the weekends. She supports me, and sometimes c o m e s with m e , " Burroughs said. The day that he believes he will see his final game will be N o v e m ber 14, 2004, give or take a few. With about 720 schools to keep him busy, he should not run out of colleges in the United States. Burroughs writes for two football magazines: College Football Chronicle, and D o n Hansen's National Weekly Football Gazette. H e had seen 470 teams play including S O S U . H e plans on attending 80 games this year. "This is the best game I have seen all year," Burroughs said about the SOSU-Texas A & M commerce. The Lady Savages tennis team opened up their season on September 15, by winning the match against East Central University 5-2. Their match against Austin College, on September 29, was just as victorious giving them a 2-0 record on the season. Lisa Pollack started the savages on the warpath by defeating Jennifer Favor in straight sets 6-0 and 6-0. Jennifer Johnson had another strong performance winnning against Alison Gibson. Christina Justice, a junior transfer student from Weatherford College, lost her match against Teena R a m o s 6-2,6-4. Lindsay Bloodworth held Jena Equierdo pointless 6-0.60. The n e w player Autumn Gregg started off strong against Rebecca Silva winning 6-0, 6-0. D u e to injuries, the Savages had to default one singles match and one doubles match giving Austin College two free points. In the doubles, the savages dominated with Justice & Bloodworth defeating Faver and Gibson 8-4. Johnson and Pollack held R a m o s and Esquierdo pointless beating them decisively 8-0. " W e were unfortunate in that w e had to start our match d o w n two points because of injuries, but the team rose to the occasion and had no trouble in most of the matches," Savages coach, Pat Mauldin, said. "Austin College's W o m e n s ' T e a m consists mostly of freshman and sophmores and I'm sure they will get stronger as the year progresses. Lisa Pollack served extremely well in both of her matches. Jennifer Johnson stepped up and played great in her singles match." Mauldin said. The Lady Savages next match is home against North Central Texas on October 6 at 2:00 p.m. W h a t it rakes to he ;i lather. W h a t it takes to he a dad. 4:00 5:30 M O N D A Y - FRIDAY • •. .. tfl h e > illtil Call I X O O 7'XI | > M ) S ' Il I I m Ph. 924-5050 1111 N. 1st Street SiWE 15* Durant, O K 74701 s) Save loToOfr Regular Menu Prices. Some Hwy 120 & 75 Restrictions May Apply. See Manager For Details, rwiv»n TX V ?sit Us At UAV^V. Uenison, I A : Corton Patch Cafe. Inc. (903)464-0097 iv News The Southeastern October L 1998 McCraw's N e w Speech and Debate Team Does Well "This Is the First Year That Southeastern Has Had Competitors in Individual Events Since '91," McCraw Said ATTENTION: Juniors Kisha Q u e e n Snider Southeastern's Speech and Debate squad recently competed with universities from across the nation and scored well. "This is the first year that Southeastern has had competitors in individual events since '91. Traditionally, the team has been debate oriented. Shannon M c C r a w , Instructor and Director of Forensics, said. "What I have found is, by opening the program up to those w h o are interested in individual events, increases the scope of programming and the amount of participants you have," M c C r a w said. " W h e n I got here there were two people on the squad and today there are ten." T h e squad consisted of freshmen Whitney Kerr and Kelli Crews, sophomores Milli Crews and Shawn Wiebers and M c C r a w , as their coach. S h a w n Wiebers gave a Persuasion Speech. ItwasWeibers first time to compete. "Shawn has a natural Informative Speech on "Global ability to persuade folks in a con- Capitalism". According to Kerr, versational style," M c C r a w said. she was nervous. "I got better as I went on," H e placed 12th in his di- Southeastern Speech and Debate T e a m recently competed with universities from across the nation. The team's overall outcome was good. T e a m members from left: Kerr, Wiebers, Crews, Coach Shannon McCraw, and Crews. photo by Kara Stevens According to Wiebers, he vision. "That is pretty good for had the jitters at first, but once he the first outing", M c C r a w said. started talking he got comfortable. Whitney Kerr gave an she said. " I did speeches in high school, but it was nothing compared to the level it was there." L a u r e n Moffitt The 1998 Career Fair, held at the ballroom last Wednesday, had about 350 students attend. Businesses from Texomaland and beyond participated. Booths were set up, and students walked around freely, looking at displays. "That's really good attendance," Director of Placement Services, Dr. Barbara Rackley, said. M a n y ofthe booths handed out candy, pens, and cups. The Career Fair hosted 50 employers. The businesses that attended range from banks to mental health hospitals. M a n y professional schools also attended. Brochures were handed out. M a n y of the companies had positions open, and had applications out on the table. M a n y students took the opportunity to find out what kind of job opportunities there are. I like the free food, but it also shows m e oppotunities that are available and informative about what kind of education is needed," A i m e e Woulfe, and Stacey Gibson. They are responsible for all of the choreography for the shows and stage directing for the members. T h e entire cast of T h e Chorvettes are: Tiffany B e a c h — sophomore, Melissa Falk—junior, Sherry Morriss Gray—freshman, Jennifer Harris—freshman, Lee A n n Johnson—freshman, Angela Kemp—junior, Laura Martinkus — sophomore, RebeccaMunn—freshman, April Smith—freshman, Aimee Woulfe—senior, Joe Alvarez— freshman, Dillon Bell—freshman, Jamie Burkhart—freshman, Stacey Gibson—senior, Craige M c H o r s e — f r e s h m a n , David Ogdon—freshman, Nathan Riley—sophomore, and Chris Temple—sophomore. The sound technician for the group is Jason Smith. Bergen Enterprises pass? , i T .^f Ph. 580-931-9363 Durant, O K 74701 Work (580)924-3908 photo by Lauren Moffitt Al Leighton-Floyd, personel manager at Tyson's Grannis/Broken B o w Complex, stands in front of his table at the career fair last Wednesday. senior, Kevin Johnson, said. "Students need to keep looking at our web site for more job opportunities and information," Dr. Rackley said. Placement Services website is Career Fair student door prize winners are Nick Robinson, portfolio; Tracy Walker and Dana Sutton, resumail; and Melini Smith, S O S U chocolates. Bring ID to the Placement Office, located in the Student Union, to pick up prizes. PREGNANT? Free Pregnancy Testing Confidential Services 111 East " A " St. Atoka, Okla. 74525 Toll Free 888-981-5683 44 W . Evergreen USEAUTTLERESreAIMT m i i n i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i n i i i i i i i r m WITH YOUR KIDS. GOTO EXTREMES! T>* *mi, T * urt*ofc* |**T W »U rMtVra li-nrlanrlrilOfkV ftotm n# w n g y u B — B W P»*lVw bi ihr had •*•>• irrrrmlVi' *•• forUr I ip rm rrrj W p rou C0UID LEAK * LOT M M * D U M P WCXLf TOUR SAFETY BBI rTexoma Business Servicesi Fast quality word processing. W e proofread, revise, and laser print with proper format. Submit your academic term papers or resumes with confidence. Call 9 2 4 - 8 5 6 4 . 210 B West Evergreen Durant, O K 74701 Banners, Magnetics Vinyl Lettering Plastic Lettering Auto Graphics Let us help you with your Digital p ^ g Homecoming needs. Textile Transfers T-Shirts, Caps -Hut. Kimberly Story Manager . it wc can you Pan Pizza $8.99 Oct. 1 Sicilian $8.99 Oct. 22 W e deliver after 4 p.m. Last Name: A - H V-Pac I-R Ballroom S-T Magnolia R o o m U - Z Russell 300 350 Students and 50 Employers Attend Group Will Perform Pop Tunes From Past and Present According to Gibson, the The Chorvettes will perform shows are motivational and they "Picnic In The Park" on Thursday, want their audience to just forget October 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the Visual about their worries for the night and enjoy the performance. They & Performing Arts Center. Right before the performance are upbeat and sing modern tunes. between 5:30-5:45 p.m., there will The Chorvettes want to lift up people's spirits. be a barbecue dinner "It will be a fun night," Dr. "This show is our first public Craige said. Durant show and it is free to every" W e will end our show with a one," Dr. Mary A n n Craige, Direcpatriotic song," Bell said. tor of Chorvettes, said. Dr. Craige stated, "Our show The Chorvettes will perform is going to showcase n e w m e m pop tunes from past to present. There will be dancing and big lifts. For bers as well as the new group." The Chorvettes performed in their opening numbers, they will sing Duncan, Oklahomain the Simmons and dance to "I'm So Excited" and go directly into "Get O n Your Feet". Center for their first show. "I want to c o m m e n d T h e " W e want to get the audience Chorvettes for their hard-work and involved in our show," Stacey dedication. It wouldn't be possible Gibson, senior, said. "Another number w e are per- without Dr. Craige and the entire forming is "Loveshack". It appeals Chorvettes," Gibson said. The three choreographers for to the college students in the audience," Dillon Bell, freshman, stated. The Chorvettes are: Derek King, The Junior Assessment Testing is a mid-level test for Juniors w h o have completed 60-89 hours. The test will be held October 7th from 8:20 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Instructors have been asked to dismiss Juniors from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Notices are located in various positions around the campus. If a student has not received a letter in the mail, contact the Office of Academic Affairs at ext. 2252 and ask for Bridgette Hamill. Test locations are as follows: Career Fair a Success for SOSU The Chorvettes to Perform 1 'Picnic in the Park at V P A C A n n Forster Kelli Crews presented a Communication Analysis of Steven Speilberg's "Saving Private Ryan". M c C r a w said, "Kelli placed within the top third of the nation, which is quite an accomplishment for the first time out this season." Millie Crews also presented a Communication Analysis. "I had never done this before, so it was all new to me," Crews said. Crews took sixth place, which is also within the top third. "We're competing against the flagship universities of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. It's open to all universities across the nation. So, I think our students need to be commended for their level of competition." „/ /' O W YOU CAN HELP STOP CHILD ABUSE BEFORE IT EVER STARTS. W e have Deli Style Three Great Ways to sandwiches Satisfy Your forHunger! small appetites. To learn how you can help, call Iho Nalkjnal Commlttne lo prevent Child A b u s e today 1-800-CHILOREN * 50 cents off 6" or 12" with S O S U ID 1428 Unversity Ph. 924-7707 Call-ins w e l c o m e Drive thru open *SUBWRV* H • • HSRHDIUICH SHOULD BE. ••• mip.niiiniiiniii-rrr™
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