fo Wasllllilton b. - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
fo Wasllllilton b. - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
I" . .. l . , I out eastern ~),r.-;~y--------------------------------~~O~f-F~lC~l~-lL~O~H==G=A~N_:~O~U~THEASTEBN S~ATB COLLEGE . I ~~~~--------~-- VOL. XLI - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - = D_.::U:...=R=A=N_:_:. T, OKLA., WEDNESDAY; JANUARY 17,1962 Program Cited President SSC N,ws --;- Pianis·t · Visits Pre~Enr.ofment , ·student Exhibit For · e·w'Te 1 Lee LUvisi's piano aoucert was a memorable speri$ce, for maay people. But the ~ artist'a: Duraat vl8lt was undoub~y !*..,..,.. _ PNI4ebt ~recent- Hirs.s3o . Eigbt hunared thirtY jlarticularly signiftcaat for· one pre-enrolled · last· week far SoUtheastern student. - spring s mester, the ~ Tim Danielson, gradUating art fice re.Ports. · . major, was understandably proud · ·' W tth , 830. already regiatered. when Luvisi visited Tim's exhibit regular enrolment Monday aDCl which. is now on display in the Tuesday, Janua ry 29-30, lhoul4 ~ment . of the administration progress smoothly. During the regular eqrolmellt building. ' ""' r' .. "He ·seemed interested. in my period juniors and ·seniors wm register January 29. Freshmen and · work," Tim said. sbphomo{es · will regist er .January . ·, Although the Southeastern sen~ ior is known for his talent in music 30. Underitaduate nigh t cla88 -eii= a.S well a.9 · in art, mos t of their conyersation. was about the latter . rolment is set for 7 p. m. .Janu&1'7 29_ Fifth-year . students wm regTim · also picked up some side- iSter 9 a. m . Saturday, Februligbts about the musician. H e ary 3,at and at 6 p. m . :Monda;,~ learned, for instance, that Luvlsi was .suffering from a severe cold l' ~bruary 5. ..A new feature of the ' ~d when b e played his Sunday consemester schedule is the govcert. ernment course, listed 313A, which.· He also .learned that the pianist the college will offer in conn~oh is a native of Louisville, Ky., is with Continental Classroom.• . manied to his childhood sweetThe instruction will be offered hea.t1:, and -will give his next con- through TV lectures a nd wi11 be ::f'r t j n Mississippi. presented in the local area over LuviSi•s S~uhteastern concert Cbannel 12. Dr. Sever Eubank, drew the highest praise from the history professor, is t -hi! college d~ply responsive audience which coordinator of •the new f4udy._ represert~ the Texoma area. The crowd was described aa the largest ~or ~Y Community Concert tndivtaual artist. • COIIU!IImd~ the,- - e a l fitnetiB c;illl~ co~ttd - fn KUBkope aty Bcboola, -the action bad speol" ~ interest for certain people on 6 the Southeastern campus. The program cited for its ex.eellence by the President was that -"'Qf a Southeastern graduate, Alph - gtanfill, now coordinator of physic~ education in the Muskogee schools. Stanfill's achievement was particularly interesting to Dr. Dave Stevens, Southeastern fa c u 1 t y member. , The Muskogee educator was Stevens' assistant when the Southeastern teacher was high school football coach at Checotah. When Stanfill later earned htS degree at Southeastern, Stevens recalls that he "awarded" the diploma. With degree requirements com-. plete, military aervice prevented • Stu.fill from attending commence• ment_exercises. "'But when s~ pa.aed through Durant on a troop train, .I got the diploma from Dr. Montgomery, who was president at the time, and "presented" it to Stanftll through the window of the Slaughter Called Seiators Select . - f fo Wasllllilton b.(~' "Most Valuable" For Natal·Servic-e• ·Of VIVIIJ' r·. Membe )aq , em ·, train." . Stevens witnessed examples of . be :Muskogee physical fttneu 1-rocram when he Vlslted Stanml just before Chrl.ltmu. Debate Tein1 Tratels. To Allllllllo Toney BOLLING IN 'ftiB SNOW eu be a very chmtnc ~ J(peDy O.veaport ~ed tide fact last week wttb the belp of Rboadee, Olemla Wldte 111111 UDda AileD. 'lbe debate teuR IIDd coach Plttaburc tr&-- ~ ~~ : :. J'ebruai.y wm Dr. Eugene E. $_laughter, head of the JCngUsh department, Ill apendlng six weeks active duty Dale ..·· wood, aophomore trom In the n&'VY· Fox, baa been aelected by hia felBe will serve as a member of low senators as the most valuable · & naval reserve board lelect1Dg ·member-of thefr organiZation dur- oftlc:en for promotiao to comthe 11811le8ter. on & lllmUar . Wood'• work ' as ch&lrmaD of 1118 •eetpment ta ill the sm..u tfle school spirit coDunlttee was of Naval Per8oDDel, WublDgton, a Dlfojor ~actor 1D tnfluenctng the D. c. choice, eeD&te pretddent Billy .Joe About 40 omoen in the rep1ar Taylor eltP~I D&VJ' and the naval r111ne, of the B:iJ:lceemg pep .ralllea ad Jtan· ruk of commander or captain, niDg other "scbool .apirtt aetlvltles wm oompoee the board More thaD were among -Wood's contributions. 10,000 lleateDallt eQmmanden wDl He also cooperated with Charles be caulda'e4 tor pramotloll. 'llndrew8, speech 1D8tructor, 1D Dr. Sl&uallter NCeDtly recelncl planning th~ Frtendahtp Fire. & promotion to captain tn the :....:_.:..:.==~==-- naval rtl8erve. At present be ts llellfor adv1aer to an air lDtelllgence unit. South•stem Dean Goes On Naval Tour ·~ be a bUlly month for the 8qWUl. Toumamenta on 8Cbedule w1l1 be &t Norman, Arbdelpb!a, Ark.; Nacqdo·Dr. .John T. ltr&tttger, dean of ches, Tau: and BattiellbUrg', .students, 18 on a two-week tour 1088. of duty with the U. S. Navy. CoUep. Tradltton~. the Hattiesburg Kr&Wger, & eomma.nder in the • Sue receiftd a r&UDc of acel· trip Ill the Jdchlll'ht of the M&- Naval Reserve, went to the Naval leltt 1D oratory, and SaJl7 and .oa. - Air Station in Dallu for the flrat .John Hawldlul ncelved n.dDp of ..Bxperleace i8 what the teams week of hill &SIIlgmnent. excellent in poetry tnterpret&tlon. are a.tmtng at, ad next semseter's Be was then llcheduled to fly The nGt toumamat wm be &t toumament8 ahould provide it," to Alameda, cant. for the aecond Ka.naa.• State Teachen College at said AndreW& week of duty. Amarillo. '""&"·.Johnny GDptn and Roy White won their debate apiD8t Baylor and Sally liUI'I'y and Sue defetLtecl Tau Tech and Adamll ny.m; r.-IIR ~all =tit ~:a:rved -------------:---__::..__....:;:__ Wrighfs One Reason Band Sounds So Good the Lions All-State Band who tr~veled to New York City. Melbern NIXon, band director, recognized Ronnie's outstanding musical abilittes in high school and offered him a BCholarshi~ to Southeastern. It seems OU bad the same Idea. But Ronnie chose sse becaU8e ·-x just like it here, and I heard So11theastem bad a mwdc deputmat." ence at the concert wm Nlll8lllbel' good Tbe stage baud"• next performRonnie u one of the featured ance wm be a concert February trumpet pla:yent who played "'I'Ur9 when Romlle will be featured taticma.It . 1D a aolo, "Candftl of Venice." B:y Sally llarr&J' Those who attended the annual Christmas concert this year were excited about the vast Improvement the babd baa made. ' One of those people who helps make the band and ttll performances thlll year a auccea Ill Ron· nie Wright, Seminole frMJnnan, wbo playa tbe trumpet. Tbe audi- ~ 'lcl ., n £•" oftea ........... tbe Nll- sse ... 0 ~ta wm 'D be tnWeated tdeata of Sbeuw llaD, and a- to lmOW that a MW 6-plece comdenta haft ....... tile name, bo. "'The Blue IIGDclcMt." .... been ...Johnny Trumpet... - ...... orpm.ed OD CM'pu Bomde 18 • Bolmie'• ....... baclrpoand .. r=:· trumpet ju8t . . bltDiaat . . Jda aoau.ut- the Otber ~of the baDd are em pe!l'formal:miL Be bepa tak- Boward Pam, .,; .nm GabID& comet hniiiUI Ia tbe llbEtb bard, drulu; lay Wllllam1, piano; 80 ·thla 18 .Ida etpt1a ,_.. and Dr. Larr7 Hafner, at.rlDg bass. to be 1D ~ and concert .T hey have JII&J8d for dances at banda. Seminole and DUncan, also apAt Seminole HIP 8c1aoo1, Where peared on TV. Joe Reed Ill band director. Ronnie When uked aboUt hia plans for waa in the AD-State Baqd three the tutme. ~ replied, "Of ,_...., and wu &lit chair trum- course, my maiD IDtereltt- 111 muslc peter 1n the AD-state Bl.1l4 hill .a I would lJke to pla:y the trumpet .-lor~. after p-a4u&tlon." .._ the ....,,It lte iMidecJ, "The Allot~ teatll8r Ill Ida cap .. . . Blue ~ ue &ft~l&l~Je for Ida plaOe .. ant-eMil' oarMt iD ICJiool ....,... • TeXew~GIIl profee,.011aD~ Theme Js Selected For March Sc.dals A meeting concerning the March 29 production of the Sa' Scandals was held recentJ3r. Thl8 years' theme for the ScaDdais, Adventures Through To7· ~and, was annoUDced. AUditions will be held at a 'ater date for auyone wlllhiDc to participate in the prodactlon. Anyone wl8hfDc to audltloll • work on any upect of Jlllltlq • staging 18 uked to caatact !.-... beDe Sandefur or '1'omiDy 'J'h«Mnu directors of the BeeJidel• - .,Jobs In European -- -· WBDNBBDAY, i~NUARY 11, till f'BB BOVf'BBABf'BRN. Drmutt. OlcitrAD11111 theastern =~lATE AMO(:I&TIID PBE88 , IUW.rll ~ september, lin . Official organ of t!l.e Sou~em College uaoctauon publiallfld weekly during every maetth of tile year except June, July and A1JKU8! at Dunmt, Oklahoma. - the In~ of Southeastern · State CoUep. Durant, Oklahoma, -.nd fill higher education. .. · Mokiilg Violins Lambda Psis Pick 'Paradise' I~ Only One As· Theme·For Annual Dance . I sse. Of His Talents a- are Dyer, industrial arts profe.s sor and tennis coach, would SuNcrtp•OD Price ll'lfty cen~ a y-.r probably be called a "tbinkplg man" by the Viceroy advertisers. At any rate his activities are q(rlte diverse. In addition to coaching anc,i teaching, he has made three STAFF ·· violins. Editor •.. .... .........•........•............ .. .. . George Mot'I'OW At an MENC meeting WednesBusiness Manager . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Dyeon Feature. . ......•......... ...•...•.. ....... .... •. .. Rita Payton day, ·Dyer gave a lecture on the 8oclety ....... ~ . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Ann WllUams making of violins. He said that Sports ........ , . , ...•.•........ , .. , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Cbarles Lynch since he could not fulfill an ambiMailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ty Collllltoek tion to becpme a concert violinist, Advl&er . :. . . . . . . . , ...•.. : . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary M. Frye he decided to make the instruments. REPORTERS - Jue Jlunmen, ()arol Finney, Betty. Donn, Juanita . There are 45 parts to a violin. Bailey, Stanley Hopper, landra MUier, cart Ann~trong, :ttat"Y Keith, The best type of wood for them l8 Margaret Ann Browa, Harold E. slanley, Paula ~perry, Dian Tbomp- spruce or maple and should be son. Martha 1\lcCaner, Ialiy MQJT8y, Dessle Bretz. Jane New, Bob , aged at least 35 years. Ledbetter, Stanley CUoD. Practically all the carving l8 done by hand. Precision 1s tmportt. The more precise the carving is, the better the sound will be. Ebony is used for the bar and the t uners. Southeastern is primarily an institution dedicated to Dyer commented that a Stradivarius c'an now sell for $100,000. the training of teachers. ' His audience waa surprised to The curriculum fer a student who plans to be a teacher learn that use by a good violinist is designed to give that student not only a knowledge of will improve die sotmd of a. Yiofin. A Need Ror Spee~h his major and minot fields but a knowledge of education and psychology. As we know, a great deal of a teacher's ti.m e is spent in spealQng directly to his class. We also ~now that there are few thing& more disconcerting than a teacher who is constantly gropfng for words or saying "uh" between words. Yet when we consult the catalog about the Iequirements for a teaching degree we find that no course in peech is required. Spould a course in speech be required? If a great deal of the teacher's time is spent in speaking, th nit mu t be agreed that at least one course in speech should be required. -G. M. rJ'hey're Stitl Wise Clarence ''Paradiee" .,... the theme of the recent IAI:Dbd& Pill 0mep. nual eemt-formal_ dance helcl 1D the ballroom.- MuSic wu tundlhed by The Shadows Flve from Holdenville. All of the pledges of Lambda Psi Omega recelve.d gift paddles, which represented a parUal completlon of their pledp to tbe traternity. • There were 150 guests at tbe dance. Honored gueata were well Wright, former president, and three members from other coiJepta who plan to return to Tbq 1 Jim C9X, Bob Stewart. Uld Jerry Jo EWa. Ne-1 Acting as sponsors were Proctor Brown and Mrs. and Mr8. Ma.r9llV Layman. Carrying out the Paradise theme, real trees sprayed r.Uvea and draped with angel hair were ratnbowed by rotisserie Ughta. English ivy clung to the walla. A plaster of Parts island made a realistic centerpiece for t be punch table. ,. . Stork Works Overtime At SSC The stork has atopped at South-------....- _ _ _ _ __._ eastern! .Judging from the number of new births, he may be worldJIC 1SC Senior Weds overtim~~ Minnesota Man TuJaa Public 8cbool8 w.....,..~• WeatmiJulter School Dletrict w~. California Jllghth u. 'l,'UCl801l PubUc ldlacU .AlUoaa ' 'IPDII!iWIIIl.. 8. Civil Service ~tev• Cent! tensE fiv~ agau Du took and J guit"l ting · lead stan< Th ltligh And Low 1. tambda r Hold Ifnr•fla.llon For 14 I SIC.FLIC·s ~edl 2 Chi Ha scori 'hor Ve from ..defei Malo Mt follo1 rlen 1 lnf1 Int start ter. , All turnE later He' comp mura Dr. staff. ALL· Firs Rai • Kellu 'flendl SecoJi . Bul Ted Ci Pa.rh~ l IJdiGol or Jnchwtry ........... Jeftereon County Pobllc Scboola Lakewood. 001orado Tul8a. Okl•boma In •he TV Ads Rate ::,:a J'ebrU&It 11-D . ages test The Placement Interview Calendar will be broug ht up-to-date and . repeated each week 1n 'nle Southeastern. Your appointment for an intervieW should pe made during the two weeks immediately preceding the date of the schedUled intetview ill Which you interested. Please D~Ue that the calendar do•s not replace the bulletin board located Ill front of. Ule presiden~s office. You should contillue to cbeck thl8 bulletin board for placesnent notices received too late for tbe caJeDdar. Spring and summer graduates should file appHcation Placement BureaU at once.' Pl~ noWy the placement office 1 ately ~pon acoeptalhce of a ~tlo11. '!llllnCiq aa4 fttdl,y • . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert (Red) Westmoreland, 215 W. Mulberry, Wedding Vows were exchanged the proud parents of a aon, Steven Odis, born January 8 at by Carol Roberts, Southeastern 1:30 a. m. in the Durant hospital. senior, and Roger Lutz of MillHe weighed 7 pounds and 5 ouncea. neapolis, Minn. Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Heaa, lU tn the chapel of the F)rst Baptist • Vet Village, have a. daughter, Sa- Church of Durant. bra Ann, born January 8, 1n tbe Dr. Leslie Dwight, head of the Bryan Memorial Hospital. Sabra Southeastern mathematics departweighed 8 lbs' and 2 oz. ment, gave carol in marriage Mr. and Mrs. .John Massey, Joyce Oden was maid of honor former sse students, have a boy, and Russel Thompson was best John Michael,' who was born Jan- man. 1 uary 5 at 5:04 ~· m,. in the Durant Glynda Cooper sang a solo acHospital, weighing 8 lbs. companied by Clareece Sterling A ChriBtmas gift for former. on the· organ. , By Rita Payton SS"C students, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Immediately following the wed"I enjoy some television com- rrolman, was a son born Decem- ding there was a reception given mercials mo·r e than the shows," a bar 24. :Hrs. Holman is the former by Mrs. Dwight. · local coed said. 1D · tty .Jo Brown of Talihina . . Carol plans to continue her When asked if they too ,liked Other members of the "diaper studies at Southeastern and jotn -commercials, several people an- drag" are Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Roger in August. swered with the following re- Taylor (he is with the biology m arks. department) and Mr. and Mrs. ~ Sylvia Higgs- ..! like the 'l,"oot- C ecil Sullivan. Cecil_ works With ~s.·s sie roll pop commercials where the Southeastern pnnting of~ice. th re's a little boy named Faun- The Taylor daughter and Sulltvan • • • _ tl roy or som~thing.~ . son both arrived December 27. Pat Van Wtnkle- ''1 don't have (i any favorites but there are plenty 1 NOTICE: Dr. E. ~· Slau~hterl. · The Lambda Psi Omega formal l don 'L like.'.. Carolyn Sweeney 5 tardmess to initiation was Thursday. Kay Lowry- "The Johnson . and I the fi~a.l ~ursday was due to. her · Fom·teen pledges who b ecame J ohn on baby powder ones are ;,'llher .~ mlstake~ly 5 P r ~ Y 1 n g members are Phil Kennedy, Dick LUte 'cause they ,don' t say much snow. on her wmdshield mstead Drake, Jerry Boyer; Robert Anin them. Just sor.1e cute babies of de-Icer. derson, J erry Tripp, Gen e Griffin'. ' ;.icldng around~'.. Duane Jackson. Kay Eubanks-"Yon know those (clap, clap) cigarette should." Carl Houser, Troy Scoggins, Ron De chnut peppermint gum things Eddi~ Savages--''You know, that Hagg ard, Howard Penn, Butch are pretty sharp. Interesting too." reminds me of .when I was in the Jackson, Harold Wright, and RonRoy McCutcheon "What's Navy." nie Dodson. wrong with you, are you ·crazy or Kathleen Baggerly- "Silverkritt l -----something?" puts the OOO's in shampoos." Wiley Rickerson, Durant student Kay Pearce-"! .like the oldLarry Self- "I like Jax com- was named Top Teke Pledge fortimer, Winston tastes. good like a mercials because I like Jax." the fall ,semester. Very few people realize the universa l truth in the wisdom poken by the "old rna ters" of philo ophy. In reality, very few people know of any philosophers save, perhaps, Socrates. I Almost everyone bas heard of Sir Francis Bacon but few recognize his abilities to analyze the problems of mankind. Of interest today, even though he was a sixteenthcentury figure, are hilS essays. In an essay of studies he said "Read to weigh and consider. Do not study all things with the same level of intensity. Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man." In another essayJte says, Milton, Shakespeare, or Pope cannot be false to any man." --......, Any material by Bacon, Milton, Shakespeare, or Pope is considered bf most as "hea~ reading." Light it,-may. not be, but interestmg it ia. Force yoursel.f to ~ead a few ~rticles by some really g = t e r s and you Will be surpn~ed at the difference it in your abilities to ~. wnte, o~ converse. You ma)* surprised, too, at not having to' "force" yourself to r.d for long. - R. P. PLACEiiiBNf' INTERVIEW CALENDAR I . "N~w. now Susan ..• everybody oan't be the Homecoming Queen!" · ~· r • • 7 TBB BOU'l'BBABTBRN, Durtlllt, Oiddollia · WIIDNBBDAY, JANUARY 17, lHI i ! Savages TomahaWk B;onchos 117 a.m.. Lyaeh ~!OOD ptist. the ~art age c acrllng IVed-' fven · her join !Ulle )ick An- :nd, Ron ttch :onlent for PAN.UO.~ Phil ll'ree, biology major wbo graduate. at mid-term, wm be teacbtng at .Panama PhU did IIIII practice teacblDg last PllleMer at hia home ~. Red Oak. j I I I akafn. During this time Southeastern t()ok advantage of the situation and pumped in 11 points with Mc~uire hitting 6 and Muldrew netting 5. This upped the Savages' · lead to 19 points with the score standing 41-23. 7 The last few minutes of the c~>n test were filled with fouls. Bill Medley and Richard Muldrew hit 2 charity shots and Adams added ''; 'fl!il L Harold McDaniel wound up the scoring for the night hitting on. a •bc>rt jump shot. Vemie Walker, (6-4) junior from Welch, turned in a brilliant ....defensive performance in holding Malone to 9 points. Muldrew was high man for '·t ne Sa vag es with 23 points. McGuire followed with 18 tallies and Bear·1en hit 9. ·1l .i~J lnf mal . TO points with 9 mmutea to play before McGuire hit on another I point play. Jim Southard and Bill Laird hit a field goal apiece to pull the Bi8oD. within 5 points of the Savagw with 1:30 left. Bearden and McDaniel hit 3 tree Denver Bearden came ihrough w h i l e · ~uthe~tern scored . t throws between them to put the with a free throw and Harold· Mc- points. . · . · ' game on lee. The Savages posslb~y played Daniel added 2 more to put the ' Gary . Ry~ hit 2 field goals to cut Southeastern& lead tc;» 4 points their best game of the season In game out of reach. 'with . the scor.e Standing 16-12. ·. defeating OBU. This marks the Sixth WID •. • · 8 Quick Pola~ second straight year the Savagee When the buzzer sounded the ·MarVin Adams hit 6 points In a have downed the Bison on their Savages owned their sixth confer- 2-minute span to keep the Savag~s home court. ence win in seven starts. Thia-1 out in front. Bearden hit 2 long Connie McGuire was higb for leaves Southeastern in a first field g<)ais just before the half Southeastern with 17 points while place tie with OBU, each sporting en4ed to give the Savages a com- Adams and Walker hit 12 and 10 a 6-1 record. . fortable 12 point lead. · points respectively. OBU jumped to an early lead . McGUire .upped the lead to 15 Tbe Savages lake to the road only to see it disappear when Ad- points when he hit a hook and ' this week-end tacklbQ Northeutams connected from the t.Qp ·of added a free throw jus.t after the em at Tahlequah Friday night, the circle. The Savages defense. I s~ond J~alf got underway. then back to Ada to test the East held OBU scoreless f01: 3 minutes The ~ pulled within 10 Central Tigers Saturday night. a MID- ' 811 Char~ Lpu:Ja In an exciting finis)! Coach Bloomer Sulfivan's Savages put down a last half OBU rally 1:9 clip the Bison 68-50. The Savages had led most of the way and held a 13 point lead with 5 minutes rem~b;ling. ·They then elected to go into the stall game and· it almost backfired on them. The Bison found the range and wi~h 1 :30' left they had pulled within 5 points with.the score s~nd~ng 55-50. downed the highly rated Bronchoa t:if · Central State here TUesday night 85-38. Tbia was the Savages fifth conference win in six starts. The Bronehoa' offense was completely controlled as the Savages turned in their best defensive performance of the year. • After traUlng the Bronchoa 1n the early minutes of the game, Richard "Bubbles" Muldtew hit two long set shots to put the Sav' agea ahead 17-14. Marvin Adams, the Savages' ~-~r man hit a long shot from the comer and McGuire added a bucket and a free throw to pad the lead. Denver Bearden, standout on defense, JUt a layup just be{ore the half ~ give the Savages an eight-point lead. In the first three minutes of •he second half Thompson and ,tevenson each hit a bucket for Central State. The Savages' defense then held the Bronchos for fiv~ minutes before they scored ~tern vages DoWn Bison . The Boutheutem Savages ell8ily nged PAQB I'BBA ural .\ .. _ 'ETTING UP A. Pf..AY that helped 3outheaatern defeat OBU ·53 to 60 __......_ :s Denver Bearden. Denver ::ontributed to the Savages' cause Nlth a brlWant dlsplay of defen- .. ow wotil~· you spend a $5000 inheritance? ;ive ablHty• Former SSC student Carl Clark, ow living in Oklahoma City, visited the campus this weekend t o attend the Teke initiation. .ke: ~ ! ~e~ for Spring Term Intramural basketball play will Third Team start im m ediat ely second semes- ~ Ben Price, Jerry Marsh, Harry ter. , , · Ochs, Butch Thomason, Jerry All intramural teams are to be Warren. · d.trned into Dr. Don Parham no 1 late r than Friday. H i g l:t est Team Score. Six B's, Here are some of the statistics . . 91 points. compiled from last year's intra- Highest Team Average: ~~ B's, mural basketball tournament by 55 points per game. Dr. Parham and his intramural Best DefeDBlve Average: Six B's, staff 33.1 points per game. · Individual Bigb, One Game: DalALL·INTRAMUBAL ton Cavender, 34 points. Flist Team , Top Averages Ray Hall, Jackie Curren Jerry 1. , Caver1der . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 20.2 Kellum, Mickey Linnlng, Jerry 2. Ochs 19.2 flenderson. 3. Hall • . . • . . . . . . . . • . • • • . . 19 4. KellUill • . • • • • . . • . • • • • . . 17.6 Second Team 5. KeUuQi . ................ 17.8 · Duke Christian, Charles Lynch, 15. Parbatn . . . • . • • • • . . • • . .• 15.6 Ted Oliphant, Kac Golden, Donald 6. ChNtfaD . . • . . . • . . . . . . . 15 Parham, Dalton cavender. 7.. Kennedy .•••.••...••••• 13.2 more education' 0 Euro'pean tour. 0 Should·the faculty·. have ·the power to ·. 0 stocks 0 sports car e What's your favorite time for smQking? ce~sor c~mpus l· .. . . .. . . ... . .. .. . newspapers·?_:~:. . 0 d1,1ring bull sessions 0 while studying · oN~ . There's actually more rich-flavor leaf in l&M than even in some !:!!!: filtered cigarettes. You pt more body in the blendt more flavor in the smoke, more taste thnxlgh the filter. So aet Lot'S> More from fLJter with l&M the· cigarette that smokes heartier r •. • • as ~1 draws freely th-r-ough the purewhite, modern filter. 0 auring a date ......., ... w~-'4DNn HERE'S HOW 1029 STUDENTS AT100 COt LEGES VOTED! %S€""U!eJJS ... . •• BM IAM.,.I_ 'B SSIJ~S %0['" """'"""""~ %LZ............ IU!Aplq$ • %8C:'"'"SUOISSIS unq %6 ""m'"JI:l. %tZ...........___ ..._. %I£"" ......... . %9£" UOADPitJIIi I 'l'BB SOU'l'IIBAS'l'BRN, Dl&rat, Oi,__a · Art GoeS Tril . formal dlacuss1on on selling short stories to Tile Ladlea Home loom· Sigma Tau Delta met January In the private dlDing room with Murray presiding. E. E. Slaughter, eponsor, new members their eertiJtcatea, and the group had an In- ... Refreshments were served, and the meeting was adjourned to meet again on February G when Raymond P1ller, Ubrarlan, wUl tell about his trip to New York. ... Discipline ,.DNBSDA'Y-, JANUARY 11, SHEA Topic l)llalpllae a ..... purpoae. !t be aaed u an ouUet for either a parent or a teacher'• anpr. "Don't oorrect a chil4 wJdJe )IOU are angry . with him. You ~d not allow your own emotlou to Interfere with your dlaclpliDID&'," Dr. Sally said. Prolonged punlahment cauees a chlld to become resentfUl. Soon after puntabment he should be accepted back IntO that person's graces. ¥ethods for dlacipUnlng the older child are scolding, deprivation of privileges, and tsolatloa Discipline should be COD8Iatent with age, experience. and the way the child has been prevlou8ly handled. Spanking a child ecmal8t.ently- Is not an effective W8¥ of disciplinlng him. . When a alx or seven year old chtld rebels, one way to dlaclpHDe him Is to gtve him a eholee to The westem game aw leaders in tlle1r new unllfol~ t he first time. Everyone felt the wer.e "real aharp." The uniforms have just a popular trend In college t1116ailllaout the nation. So sse cheerleaders are In "high style" now. President A. E. Shearer gave Ida personal stamp of approval at hait-ttme when he told the a..rleaden, ''They look . Dice. Yaa're doing a fine job." sau-.. \ IlEBE FROM ().ARI,sBAD The Baileya-Mike, Molly, Jllehael and Alice-were hack fnJm ~lsbad, N. Mmt. during the holldays. The elder Baileys aeem pleased with their teaebtng Jo• and the younger Baileys wttJi. carlsbad In general._ otnic Phill Bue art; pbys Alai ~ Sigma Lay, Tt·exlt Pem~ Initiate R.PI bdslnt Butle EngW Th Russel Nlkke Phllil Wells, = Jerry ner,&l a soft, in fresh air ·•~ke Salent! CMittettte,
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