

\[ t
P u b l i s h e db y I n d i o n L o k e L o d g e ,C e n l r o l C i t y , P o .
Vonyo, Kimmel,
Withrow Win in
Referrql Contest
John Vanyo, Johnstown; Willianr
Kimmel, Somerset; anci Mitchell \Withrorv, Incliun Lekc, are winners in thc latest Indian Lake Rcferml Contest. Iirr
being thc top sponsorsof ncw properry
owncrs all tl-rreereccive cxpcllse peici vrrcatit>nsfor 2 to lller.rtl-rera
lslancl, Ilirh:r'I'his
inclrrclesjet fliuhts on 1'\X/A
ancl Pan Arnerican Airways, plus rooms
ernd meals for 7 clays ancl 6 nighrs at
Arnokl Palmer's Islancl Inn.
This contcst hu,.l an aclcleclbonus for
the winners who ure membcrs (sceson
pass llrlclcr ) of Inclian Lake Loclge.
And all thrcc winners qtralify for the
John Vanyo won firsr place rrnrl his
bonus is 2 cornpletc ski oLrtfits, rvhich
includcs skis, polcs, b<xrts ancl pirrkrLs.
For finishing seconci,$Tilliarn Kirnrncl
reccives 2 pair of ski boots. f
plrrce w,inner Mitchel Wirl-rrorv cers 2
ski parkas.
(-ongratr,rlationsto the rvinners, encl
*'elcomc to all nerv property o\\,ncrs.
Wqt e r B q l l e t S ch e d u l e d
F o r F e b r uc r y 1 7
Sometl'ring ncn, lras been scl-recjr.rlecl
l r r . l r . r nL , L k eL , r . l t e . A 1 , , 1 1 1s1nqi m r n i n g
tellm of girls fnrm thc Johnstown
Y!flCA w,ill perforrn ir one-hour wirrer
ballet at 7:00 p.rn Satr-rrclay,
The swin.rrning ream, called the Dolphins, is mecle r.rpof 2) girls ransing in
age from 10 to ltl.
The ballet rnay be observecl flrrn rlrc
dining treir or prxtlsicle.
Saturd r r y . . h eb r u r r r l l T r t t 7 : { ) { ) p . r n . C ( ) n l c
early, see the show and stay for dinner.
Special grollp rares are available for
ski outings. Rates include tow, charges.
rneals rrnd other activiries.
1967 t n Review
1967 was another ycar of prollressand good timcs for Indian Lakc and tl-rc
hunclrcdsof recrcationrninded familics who continr,rcto make this area more than
just a sccondhome.
Highlights of thc ycar incluclcd ( I ) Arnold Palrner Golf Day ( 2 ) ConstrLrctionof a condominir-unhotcl (3) Varicty Shows ar thc Lodgc (4) Ski
l{rr.ccsancl ( 5 ) Ground school and flight training at rhc air-park.
I n l l c t w c t ' nt h c s t c v t n t s w ( r c i r ( t i v i t i t ' rsr n d : l n n o u n c c r n c n0f fs l r r l r j o ri r r r P o r tuncc to all Inclianl,akers.
Thc ycar startcd off on a brigl.rt note u,ith thc opcning of a bcauty shop in the
Lodgc. Nancy Gr,rarino,mlrnaller,kcpt up u,ith appoinrrncnrsall ycar tr>cnable
laclicst;f thc Lodgc to cnjoy rnorc of the sociallifc at InclianLakc.
If nttthing cvcr l.rappensin lrcbruary it clocsn'tmarrer much bccauscthc ski
raccsclominatcrhc scenc. Thc'66-61 season\ras not a big onc in tcrms of goocl
skiinr: u'catl'rcr. Ilut InclianLitkc's annuai ski raccsprovicleclmany rhrills. There
u . t s . t r r c \ \ c i t r r l t t l t i oi nn c v c r y( : r t c g o r yr L sR i c i l i V i c i n t y r cl c. t j : r i l s i i r e r sb y r , r t l n g
Dining, Doncing, Enlertoinment
Voriety Show Set for
Feb.3 ot lodge
The first in a ncw serics of entertunment nights at Inciian Lakc Loclge
rvill be hclcl Stttrrclay,Fcbruery .i. f'hc
Prograrn will fcrture corncclian Sonuy
I)ly anrl tlie beauriful Irlaina.
Sonrry Day is 1r rop flishr collic wllo
hrrs w,ow'c,.1rudicnces in sornc of rlic
rnost popular night spots in the cotrntry.
He will acr es Masrer of Cererronies.
Elaina rvill fill out thc twin bill r',,ith
l r c r s i r r g i r r g: r n t l . l : r r r c i n gr o r r r i n c s .
Or-rccagain rhere w,ill be tu,o brrntls
for clancing, rvirl'r the Mclocly Mel lrrcl
For,rrGuys pnrvicling the rnusic. .firnrny
Rr-rssellrncl Bill Schacfcr w,ill fLrrnisir
rnr,rsicfor your clining pleasr.rre.
Shorvs rvill be presented in both din'I'he
ing roorns.
firsr shov', rvill begin
at 9: l0 in the f ront clining rrxrn.r for
those rvho *,ish to dine early. ancl tl're
s e c o n ds h o r v r v i l l b e g i n a t l 1 : 0 0 i n t h e
rnrrin dining room. Make reservrrtions
There is no cover charge for Indian
Leke Loclge members irnci rheir gucsts.
Non-members pay a S).00 cover chrrgc.
the l4 gate course in 27.2 seconcls,
tirne of the clay.
(lolfcrs hrrcianothcr big year as rctivitics got unclcr way ir-rMarclr with a golf
clinic irr-rcl
werc climlxecJ in Ar.rgust*,ith
thc club chrrrnpior-rship.Francis (.mur
l ) c L i L n )tcl r e t l r i r t l < l r . u n l r i , r ri r r . r s r n r r r r l
years by bcating yor,rng1i.lrn Slrroull for
thc club charnpionslrip.
Illrbura Phcnicie wt>n thc womcn s
for tltc scconci vear
;t''l ,:]]-]"'n''nsl'rip
.foc Parkcr w,on the Mcn-xrrial l)rry
Clolf Clussic antl Jeck Butlcr enclecihis
s t r i n g o f s c c o n d ; r l e c ef i n i s h c si n I n c i i u r r
I-ake golf cornpctition by rvinning the
llrst enntrel K. H. \(agner Mcrnrtrial
(irlf 'Iirr-rrnentent.
The big story on thc Inciian Lakc golf
sccne in 1967 was Anrold Palner Ciolf
I)ay. Pahner playccl l8 holes here rvitlr
rl'irrners in the custorler referrrrl contest.
And. r'r,hata clay tlrat rvasl Relexecl ar-rcl
smilir-rg ali cJay.Prrlrner set new coLrrse
recorclsw,ith his i uncler par 3l on t1-re
fnrnt nine ar-rcllu-hole score of ) uncler
p',tr 67.
Progressrvas mede on the new l8-hole
charnpion golf course. Arnolcl Palrner,
designer of the coLlrse! spenr r coll(Conrinaed on pdgc 2)
New Up-To-Dqte Slides
Moke Story More Interesting
Title Chonqedfo
"Recreqtion rnvesfment
l'hc sliclc progrxrn on lnrlien l.akc
continucs to gain attcntion :rs rnore iur(l
rnore intcrcstccl grollps of invcstols,
orgrrnizetions anri busincss,
mcn vierv tlie story rLncl bccon-rc rLcqtraintc,.lrvith thc aclvanragesrrncl bcncfits of bcins a pert of lnr.lian Lakc.
basic progrlun is prcscntcrl
throtrgh cokrrfr-rlslides showinv the stcpby-stc1> clevckrprnent of lnciirLn l-akc.
Ernphasisis ;rlaccclon thc lrrivrrtc cntcrprise philosolrhy encl rhc scconti-homc
furnily living conccpr.
l)ctails on the ncw,golf coursc rrncl
thc conriominium lrotcl principle r.rc
elso givcn. Increase in lcisure tirnc en,.l
1'ci'.rn>unll rccrcii.tioilllrc 1:<;interirtr.rtirs
thc unclerlyingfrrctols in thc.lcvclol-rn-tcnt of InclilLn L:rkc uncl the crrnclrrminitrnt ltotels.
lnforrnutior-r r>n this intcrestinc rrtrl
inforr-nativcprogr:rm can be obtrrinetl by
c a l l i n r I n c l i a n L r L k er r t l J l 4 1 1 t 5 1 1 9 .
A conclcnsecl
l3-prrgc,full cokrr btxrklct
Your \iTings in a llccchc r : r f t " i s e v a i l r L b l et o p r o s p c c t i v cs t u d e n t
p i l o t s e t I r . r c l i aL
n r L k cA i r P a r k .
l'he booklet is e step-by-stepguiclc to
olrtrrining l privlrtc piktr's liccnsc. It
bcgins r'"'ithcnrollinrr in the 11fing sclrool
encl cncls u,ith cornrncnts on the tcsts
tiven by rhc FAA.
T h e S m o k eS i g n o l
1967 in Review
lCrtrtlitttcl lrr.nt p,rgc | 1
. i , i c r , r b l c. L n r , u n t , , f t i r n c s r r | c r v i s i n l
constrr.lction o;rerations. He plans to
slrenclnrotc tinre here nexr summer.
Jinr (.olcrnar-r,plo slrop manuger, .qor
l r i s C h r i s t r n a sg i f t c r L r l yi n l 9 6 J 1 r [ ) r o
builclins is rrot clurtc con-r
plctcd ir-rsicJc.
but things \\,cre sul'c ntuch
rnorc cllicient rrroLrncl
the first rcc.
strong thc l)xsr
l'cllr iIS I)enny Robinson organizcci ;rncl
r i i r c c t c d u c t i v i t i c s r L l ls u n r r n c r .
\Wrrter skicrs hlcl a big ycar in I967
:rs thc fnclian Lake \Wetcr Ski Club pLrt
on its lirst rvatcr ski show.
hey hrrcl
Lakc Stonycrcck Ski (.lLrb, *'ho last year
Pr-lton theif sixth annlr:rlshorv. A dunce
hcld in C)crobcrto clirnax thc
$Ulrile on thc subject of tirc llke, rvc
crrn't ovcrkrok thc in-rportantstrirlc n-rlcle
in thc lppoinuncl)r of a srLfcty patrol
oliiccr for the lrLkc. llLrr it is still thc
bo:rt o\\,ncfs thcrnscivesrvho rltrst prectice srLfcboating.
A n o t h c r h i u h l i s h t o f tlrc lakc \\':rs thc
cflorts marlc by rhe ncrvly ortenizcd
lnclian Lrrke fishing (-lLrb. Stocking
pl:rns rvcrc caffic(l out i n t h e f : r l l , u n t l
hopcfrrlly, there slroulcl be goocl fishing
in l96lJ.
[)r'. lcirvin I-. Cooper, l]iolo!ist front
P c n n s y l v a n i l S t r r t c U n i v c r s i t y , n r r r r l cl r i s
a n n t t r L li n s l r c c t i o n o f I n c i i a n I - r r k c r r n r l
rc1>ortcrlrhe wutcr quulity ls exccllcni.
It rvus orr his rccomrncrrriutionthar thc
lrshing clLrbstockcclthc llke rvirh brccilcrs in an ilttclnpt to huvc biggcr un,l
bcttcr hshing at lnrlien Llkc.
SpcrLking of lrsh, l9(r7 rnarkccl rhe
ycur of thc rccorcl fish for Lrcliun Lake.
C)zzic LivcngoocJc:rr,rghtu scvcn pouncl.
2) inch rainbow trout! Lugesr cvcr tekcn
frorn thc clcep waters r>f lnclian l-akc.
lncliirn Lake Air-Park becnrnea cenrer
of lrctivity in 1967 with regularly
scheclLrledgror,rnclschool and Ilight training classes. Three new, hangars *'ere also
adclecl to the complex. Ancl, construction is now undef way on u ne\\r
.4000-foot paved airstrip and 1000-foot
extension to tl-reexisting runway.
A n o t h e r r n r j o r c o n s t r u ( r i o np r o j e c t i l )
1967 wirs the 32-room condominiLrm
l.urtel. The br"rilding is r:nder r(x)f and
was schedLrled to open in February.
However, opening dlte has norv been
changed to May 1.
I'ublishctl nronthly by Inrlian Lake I-odgc
and Alleghcny Mountilin I-akes. Inc., in the
intcrest()f property owners from Intlian Lake,
l - : r k c S t o n y c r e e ka n r l m e m b e r s o l l n t l i l n L a k e
J\Ianaging Editor and Advertising Director
h , x e c u t i v ea n d E d i t o r i a l O f l i c e s : I n c l i a n L - a k e
Air Park, l{. D. 1, Centrnl Ctity, I,a. 15916.
I'hone lll4-754-5159
o r l l l 4 - 7 5 4 - 4 6 1 6 .F o r a d lertising rates apply to Advertising Director.
l ) l e a s es e n c lc h a n g e o f a d < i r e s sn o t i c e t o I n d i a n
Lake Lodge,R. D. l, ('enrralCiry, pa. 15926.
A r l c l r e s sc o r r c s p o n d e n c ea n t l e d i t o r i a l c o n t r i b u tions to lnclian Lake Air Park. Not responsib l e f o r l o s t m a t e r i a l . A l l r i -e h t s r e s e r v e d .
l { c p r o r l r r c t i o ni.n w h r ' l c r r r i n p r r r t , i n r n y
fornr, must be obtained in writinu from THE
f'he shootir-rg center hati pler-rty of
rctivit), in 1967. l-here rvere shoorer
slfetl, clinics ancl a Lelrn to Shoot ;rrogrem that attrecteclplent1, of rrttentiori.
A n-rrrjolrrclditior-r
to Ir-rciirrn
Leke's long
l i s t o f r e c r e r r t i o n er lr c t i v i t l ' * : r s t h e r i c i i n s
stablc. lt o1-rcncriin .Jrrnc ancl quickly
bccetnc rr favoritc sllrt frlr mrrny lntlirrn
ilig time cntcrtrrinntentcuntc to lnclian
Lakc l-odge in 1961 t,ith montirly veric'l'hc
tl' sho*'s.
sho*,s rrrc hcld thc lirsr
Srrturcleyof every, month xnd u,ill cont i n L r ci n I 9 6 l J .
Ilanquets for skiers, golfcrs ar-r.ifishing club, akrng rvitli thc flshion slro*'.
C l r r i s u r t : r s. r r t t l N t r r Y c : r r ' s | . 1 1 ' 1 j s\s\ c . r ( .
r r l s ob i g c v c n t s i l ) 1 9 6 7 .
no ferlsolt w,hy 196t3\\'on't bc
rurothcr big ycar rrt lltcliun I-lke.
SALES and SF,l{\/lCE
,\ll N{akcs rntl Nlodcls
S r er c r r
Phone: 267-3541
Reo ltor
llr-S:tlc llrokrrrgc
Indi:trt Lakc :urrl Stonlcrcck
l.rke Propcrtl OHners
D A V I D M . B E L LR
. eollor
139 West Union, Somerset, Pq,
(814) 44s 2453
Evenings 267-9580
Now's the Time to Buy Your
New '68 models are lighter, faster, and
quieter-plus one piece tr{tck, reverse gear
and added horsepower-all add up to prov i t l c s p i r i t c df n n r i l y r e c r e a t i o n .
PHONE: (8r4\ 267-23OA
J o n u o r y ,l 9 6 8
T h e S m o k eS i g n o l
Poge 3
iclcalskiins conclitionsat lndian Lakc and skicrshavc bccn
Skiing ls for Everyone. Rcccnt hcavy snowfall proclucccl
turninr: out in fr-rllforcc. Sr-rb-zero
tempcrlrtlrresovcr thc Ncu' Ycar's wcckend kept somc skicrs au'ay, hou'evcr, thc cold
wcather is kccping the slopesin cxccllcnt conclition. Also, sntt',vn-rakingmachineshavc bccn in opcration clayand night.
Inclian Lake Ski School has been busy tl-rcpast feu' \vceksas shou'n in thc picturcs above. At lcast thrcc scparatc
classcshavc bccn hclcl cvcry Saturclayancl Sunclay. At lcft, instructr>rI{ick Moors clircctsyounsstcrsthnrugl'r their paccs.
Ski pr<;Villi Klcin, ccntcr, prcparcsto takc a sroup t>f .jr-rnior
thc slopcsu'hilc Lincla Klcin, risht, is sctrins:l
r:rotrpof acltrltskicrs rcaclyfor sorncsno\\rplou ror-Ltincs.
Ski schcolclasscsarc hclclcvcry Siltlrrclay
anclSirnclayat I l:(X) a. r.n.ancl2:00 p. m. I{atcs for a onc holrr clrrssarc S.1.00
aclLrltetnclli2.(X)cl-,ilclrcn. It's $ii.(X) for a onc hoLrrprivatc class. Spccialratcs for t\\,o or morc skicrs in a;rrivatc clrrss.
Ski Rocesto be
! {e ! d S u n . ,F e b. ! I
IncJiun Lrrkc's thirci rrnntral giant sleIonr ski lacc rvill bc hcld Srrnclly,Fcbrur L r 1l l,r L t 2 p . r r .
Ilick Mclntyrc, w,ho LLstycrrr rccorrlcci
thc bcst tinrc of rhc clrry,tt 27.2 sccontls,
rvill bc L':,ack
ro rlcfcnd his titlc. FIe rvill
bc crrurl'rctinu in thc lirys I j to IlJ
( ) t l t t r t . r t c r l o r i t .osl t , , r n 1 . 1 .i t{i,tn . t r ( .. l \
folkrr','s:lloys l2 er.rclLJnclcr;Iloys I I ro
lfi unrl Mcn l[] rLnrO
l vcr.
l'hcrc w,ill bc threc curcsofics for thc
erc: Ciirls l2 rrr.rrlUnder;
Girls l.l to l8 encj \i7ornen l{J ancl Ovc'r.
A farnily trophy u,ill so to thc best combinccl tirnc of rny one fernily of skiers.
1'rophics lncl prizes rvill bc rLrvarclcd
et the ski brLnqr,ret,
Febrturry l7
.rt [3 1r1
) sr ) $ .
. 1 . M l t k r y o r r r r c s e r v i r t i ( ) rn
Complete Cocktoil Bors
For the Home-Droft Beer Systems
615-617 Rqilrood Streef
Bor-Restouront-Hotel Supplies
ond Equipment
Phone:(814) 539-l 129
1 3 1 , V r r - r -Kl t - t , t x , I n t l i t r nL t k c S k i P r o
Takins lcssot-rs
is tl.rcbcst \\rayto learn hou' to ski. YorL'vc lrrobubll' hcrrrcl
this statcntcntso n-tuchlatcly that you'vc l'raclscconcltl'roughtson thc urirttcr. NIrryLtcyor-L
cnrttllcclin thc ski scl-urol,
took a lcssonor tu,o, rrnclnovu'r.r'onclcr
u,hy yoLr
can't slii rLsu,cll irssontcothcr skicrsltcrc at lnclian Lalic.
Whilc cnrolltlcnt in thc ski scl-roolis tl.rcplacc to stirrt in bcc<>minsrr goocl
skicr, it is sorrctiucs thc bcsinning of clillicirltyfor niany skicrs. You not onll'
havc to l)racticcu'hat you'vc lcarncclin thc school,but you nlry hrrvcto follo'ur'-u1r
u'ith nrorc lcssons.
InrlirLnI-akc is notcclfcr havinr: thc bcst bcginncr and intcrnrccliirtcslopcsof
any ski arciL. Blrt too mrrnyskicrsthink bccatrscthcy u-rovcfr<>ntonc slolrc to thc
t;'thcrrvithor.tttruch cliflicultytl.rrLtthcy arc soocl skicrs. Tl'rcrc'sll)orc to skiing
than jr-Lst
mrrkin.lrit to tl'rcbottor.n<;f thc skrpc u'ithout falling. Bcing ablc to clo
thc snou' plor". isn't cnough. Skiing is fr.rn. Ancl bcing a toocl skicr is rl.rcbcst
\\'ay to gct thc most cnioymcnt our of skiing. So, don't wait until rhc scrtsonjs
ovcr, or scvcralycars,bcforc getting morc aclvancecl
instruction. Having thc riglrt
mental attitlldc is important, trxr.
Spcakingof rncntal attitLrde,nou,'sthe tirne to start thinking about thc chan.rpronshipraceswl-richwill bc hcld Sunday,Fcbrr-raryI L Being in thc right frarne
of mind and practicingwhat you've letrrnedin the ski schoolwill help yoLrdcvclop
confidencc to competc in the raccs. Don't worry about whetl-reror not you'rc
good cnoueh to be in the rrrces. There's 11cateljory for everyone. Good luck!
Sec you on the slopes.
Don't forget the ski get-together and rnovie Satr-rrday,
February 3. This
u'ill be in the Pub Lounge betwecn 5 and 7 p. m.
The chanpionship rac,js
u'ill start ^t 2 p. m., Sunday,Fcbruary 1 l. Everyoncis invited-skicrs and spectators. Trophies ancl prizeswill be awarded21rrhe ski banquer Satr-rrday,
February 17, ar fj p. m. Vear your ski clothes.
Poge 4
T h e S m o k eS i g n o l
. Indian Lake Style
t'rtct/ioa l.tona i-r ttn itttportutt part ol the lwlidn L,rkt
.tcetle. Propertl, ou'/ter.t here tontjntre to expre.r.rtlteir cr,,ttfidcnca
in llse trct b1'hrtiltliag an olt.rtuntling co/lection rtl /ci.rtrrc lsottta.r.
I: ro n t ctt.rt o ttt h t i/ t - t o - n antrld ct rletl - t o - drt' /: it ect d e.si gnatl, t,4ctti o u
holte.r fi lntlitn Ltkc not onll rcf lact tt.rt1,leol lh,ing, htrt ul.rrtt/.tc
pcr.rrtnd/ cxprc.r.rion.tol thc ou,ttcr.r.
hor.re .rltou'n r.tn tlti.r pdge ).r ou,nctl h1 Mr. antl Mr.r.
Ohur/c.r Slonc ol Pitt.rhtrrgh. It u,tt.ttlc.rignel h1, 171t1,
.ron, I)orultl ,
d rc,Ji.rtcrel Architcct, ul.ro ol I>itt.rbttrglt.
lrotrt the ortl)ntr1,, Arcltilcct Strtnc ha.r cottthincd rtrigin,.t/it1,antl lh',rbi/jty iI re/r.tonttb/.eco.tt.
Intitle, holtl tr.rc ot' nt,t.r.rit'ett//t//rd/ fin).rbctl tittthcr crcLttc.l Lln Llttil0r.pherc of rrggcl, trninhibitatl 1'./L'dtiottlit,)n.4.
Thcrc'.r erc/t LlLtiruloor.rtt'inglor chi/tlrcn.
lt hutg.r t'rott ratontl lloor cailing tntl rtt'ing.r ttlottg /dkcf ront tt'ittlotr -u't/1.
tilhotette itt the lit,ing area. Adttlt bedroctnsant/ ch)llren'.rbunk rr,ont-t"tt'L/tp-\t,rit.t.
J o n u o r y ,1 9 6 8
T h e S m o k eS i g n o l
To Open Moy I
inclian Lake's l2-room conciominium
hotcl rvill be reaclyfor occupancyMay l.
it rvls originally scl-recluledto open lrebruary l. Tl'rcre havc been no rnajor cJeleys btrt ir is fclt thet bl, rnovins thc
opcning tlate to Mey I ell aspectsof thc
hotci u,ill be organizecl rLnclrerrciy for
occllpancy w,ith a minirnunt ar.nount of
it'tcotrvcniencc to foorn o\['nefs :ur(l
The hotel takes f trll ircivantesc of
Indian Lakc's beautiful scuing. Tl'rcrc's
a rnagr-rificcr-rt
vicw of the leke flrrr onc
sicle ancl the krclge anri 9-hole golf cor-rrsc
frcrn thc other.
stories higl-r, thc
hotel hus sixtecn units on elch sidc.
R<rrxr-rsarc 14 x 21 ancl have two
clouble bcds, clay-night clivln, slrovu,cr,
bath ar-rclvanity,/sink refrigcrator.
Condominium Hotel Plon
Mqkes Attroctive lnvestmenl
TI-rencrv hotcl is being builr rrs r condorniniurn. Errch nxrnr is orvnccl by lirr
incliviclLralinvestor. \Whcn not in use
by thc owncrs, r(x)ms arc rcntc(l on rr
drLily busis xs pirrr t>f the sr.rrnrnerun(i
wlntcr resort opcrutions of Incliun Lakc.
Rtxrrl <lrvncrslu'c [)urt of thc crlrpora t i o n ' s o r - i g i n r Lpl l r r n o f o n l y l i ( X ) p r o p c r t y o w n c r s . I n a c l c l i t i o nt o u n l i r n i t c c l
socirLllncl rccrc:Ltionlrllife, nron-ro\vllcrs
rcccivc a rcturn on their investcclcrl.rittl
through l)ro-rxt1l sharing of monrhl),
rcntal rcceipts.
A c<rnscrvlriveoccupllncy r'tte of 11(,1
s h o u k l r c t u r n u n e r i r r c o r n co f $ l , 1 l l l J . ( ) 0
to clich f(x)rn o\r,nef for the ycar.
Rooms Srill Avqiloble
Scvcrll rooms lrc still rLvaillblc in thc
hotc.l. [)crsolrs inrercsteclin purchesir-ru
onc of thcse rrnits uncler the conclorr-tiniur.r-r
lrrrengcfircnrcen t]o so by crrllint
I n r l i a n L e k e [ Jl , i 7 , 1 1, i 5 1 6 . O r , s t o l >
Lrrkc Air-Plrk to see thc n-urclcl
24-Hour Towing Service
Sho n k s v i l l eAu to C o mp o n y
T ru ck s
Service& Repair Vork on All Make
and Mcldcl Cars oc Trncks
Phone: Berlin 267-5762
Poge 5
Frivqte Pilot Ground
Schoolfor Women to
Be Held in Spring
Boro Council
Approves '68 Budget;
A 6-rveek private pilot groLur(lsch(x)l
for rvornen rvill be hclci this s1':rrinrirt
lnclien Lake Air-Park. Official srrlring
ciete hrrs r-urtbccn cstablishctl.but tentltivc plrns arc for thc school to oircn in
c i t h e r c i r l l y M u r c h o r l r L t cA p r i l . O p e n ing cletc rvill bc lunoLrnccci in l.-cbrLrirry.
Tl.rerc rrre approxirrately ) )0,00t)
liccnscd pilots in the Unitccl Strtes, rLnci
15 pcr cer-rtof tl-researe wollcn. Most
of these pcopie consiclera pilot's liccnsc
lusinrportant as u clriver'sliccnse. Horvcver, rnlrny women cnroll in grouncJ
scl-uxrlclasscs without ever pr.rrsr-r
ing a
prrrticular rating. Sorne rakc thc coursc
to bc of assistanccto tl-reir l'rr-rsbancls
fly for botl-r business rrncl plcasr-rre.
Ir-r jLrst a little over onc ycar Inclirrn
I-:Lkc Air-Park has grorvn into rL first
rrrtc airport. Tltc flying school ltas bccn
extrcmcly succcssful. Three separrrtc
grotrntl sclrtxrl sessions wcre helci l:rst
ycrrr u'itli approxirr-ratclyi0 sturlents cnrollcrl untl working torverclsvarioLrsrlrrings. Scverul wollcn rvcrc cnrollccl in
thc school.
lnclian Lekc borough cotrncil ancl representrttives from Allcuhcnl' Mountein
I-akes. lnc,. rret F-ridiry,Jlnr,rary l9 to
rcv ic*, 1967 operations ancl clisctrsstire
I96u buciget. Thc nc\\, budget wirs
Othcr btrsir-rcss
at thc rrccting centerecl
i r r o u n c lp o l i c i n g t L n d g c n c r a l s c c u r i t l ' o f
lnclian I-ekc. It rvus en-rpl'ursizecl
tl-rat thc
borough police olliccr, (-lrrir Kirnrnel, has
cor-npletcrcsyronsibilityrrnd eutliority to
takc uction regarciir-rg unla'nvfui ircts
rugainst tfre personrrl property ancl secr,rrity of rLll rcsi,.lcnts r'"'ithin thc borrtugh, ancl for violation of borough
orclinrrnccs.Hc is elso thc borotrgh sanitrrry ins;rcctor.
In acidirion to policing the roacls,murinr, krrlge ancl air-purk. it r'",asagrec.l
thet thc bonrr-rgh;rolicc olliccr rvoulcl bc
ruvrLilablcfor cmcrrrcncy scrvicc calls.
c a l l s w i l l i n c l t r c i es r . r c ht h i n s s : r s
rvutcr line scrvicc, cer brcukclorvrrsun.l
othcl crncrgcncy rnlintculrncc crrlls. It
ri is tiir1,i,usiz..l il,.ii iir(/ir!i'ii- oi\'r.!is
slroulclnot krok rrgn thc boroush policcnr:rn lls t n-ttrintenlr-tce
nt:ln, btrt that hc is
r u v r i l e b l cf o r c r L l l si n v o l v i n g t l t c t c n c r r t l
rvclfarc of propcrty o\\'ncrs.
contrrct thc policc olllccr of lnclirrn
I-akc bororrgh cell 814-li4 4747 or
No Prerequisiles
Gror.rnd school clusscs ure se[)lrrlrtc
frorr-t lctuel flight instnrction.
lrrc no prcrccluisites for cnrollrncnt.
Instrtrction is dcsigncd primarily ro prc1-rarcstrrrlents for tl-re Fccicral Avietion
Auency's r"'ritten cxarninatior-rfor a plivetc pilot ratir-rg. Stuclcrrts rnLrst plss
tltc writtcn cxaminltion bcfore tlking rr
flighr rcsr.
Securityto be Exponded
R o l p hG u q r i n o
Audio-Visuql Aids
lrLtcst luclio-r'isuel aicls elc trscrl
to l)rcsenr the nratcrial. OrgrLr-rizccl
6 s c c t i o r r st,h c p r i v l r e p i k r t c l e s sb c g i n s
rl'ith rL prcvieu' of thc aviariorr ficLl und
cttcls rvith the FAA rcgr-rlations. Othcr
scctionscovcr fl),ing lrrelirninaries.fliqht
c o m p u t e r . n r L v i g i r t i o n r. a r l i o n a v i g r t t i o r r
and rnctconrlogl,.
\(/omclr interesteclin er-rrollingin thc
grounci schrxrl shor.rlclcull Inclien I-rLkc
Air Prrrk et 81,i 71]t >159.
for thc 6-rveekscssiorris S)0.00.
1967 Veterans Act pnrviciesrcirnbutsement from tl-re Veterans Aclrinistration for flight rrair-ring. Detailcd
information at Indian L r k e A i r - P a r k .
Cuslom Home Building
Lond Cleoring r
G r o d i n g o D i t c hi n g
Phone: Cenirol City 754-53Q9
Generol Conlroctor
S h o n k s v i l l e ,P o .
P h o n e :( 8 1 4 ) 2 6 7 - 5 1 3 3
T h e S m o k eS i g n o l
Poge 6
Indion Loke KeepsGr ow i ng;
M onthly Pqr tiesW i l l Enqbl e
Lot Owners Get Acquointed
F u n d q m e n l q l so f
Cloybird Shooting
Trop ond Skeet
Ilcforc goins into thc basics of propcr shooring, it is irnport.Lnt, lirst of all, to
know sorncthins abolrt trap ancl skcct.
Lct's start by gcttint acclr-raintccl
\\'ith trap shootins. A trap sclr-racl
is lrsually
utaclc r.t1'r
of fivc lrcoplc. Thc shootinu is clonc frcn.r fivc acljaccnt positions in rr
crcsccnt shalrccl forulttion l6 yurcls bchincl thc trap holLsc u,hich conccals tl'rc
CIay ttLrgcts urc tltrou,n fron-r tl-re housc irt varior-rsanglcs unknown to thc
s h r l t ' ; t t : r . T a r t 3 c t s : t r t ' t h r o l r , n u u ' r r y f r o l n t h c s h r x r t c r u t , r r l i s t l r n c r - , o fs o n r r ' 5 ( )
yitrcls, uncl in any clircction rvithin abor.rtir .15 clcgrcc raclius.
Shootins is clonc in rotirtion u,ith thc pcrson in nr-rmbcr onc station firing first
Itncl stt tln. I'.:rch lrcrson fircs at an incliviclturl tursct.
Aftcr firins fivc sl.rots
fr<;ttt a ;rarticr.rlar position on thc crcsccnt, cvcryonc m()vcs onc stxtion to thc
right trntil sltootcrs hrrvc firccl from rrll fivc positions frtr l total of 2i sh<>ts.
of lcacl, su,ing ancl follolr'-througl.r rrc csscntial in iLll fornrs
tlf shtttl-ILrnshootins.
In trap, jLrst as in sl<cct, t stol-rlrcclglln lt thc instunt of
I i r i n l i s t c r t r L i nt r ) ( i l u s L . ' rr r r i s s .
N{ost turscts iLre risins as u'cll as goinu urva1,f1iy111
thc sh<xrtcr. Ti-rcrcforc,
itn ttpru'arcllcirrl in aclclition to u qLrirrtcrins lcrrcl is usr.rallyrccluirccl. So, it's inrportant to havc thc right l'rttrizontal ancl vcrtical lcacl u,hilc continr-rinrrtl'rc su'ing
and follcu,-thnrLruh.
l',xpcricncc l.rclps sl-rttotcrsto form a r.ncntal pictr-rrc of hou, firr ovcr, rislrt or
lcft to lcacl cvcry tarsct.
It u'ill takc tirnc, br-Lteventually evcry mcmory irnagc u,ill cor.nc rhroush ro
cvcry targct ansle. Next month wc'll cxplain somcthins about skcct.
Leonard E. Boxler, Owner
Aulhorized ATLANTICOlI Products
Metered Service"
C o l l - 4 4 5 - 5 8 74
?ennwood QalLeries
O p e n W e e k d o y s9 f o 5 . F r i d o y 9 t o 9
A1l famous name merchandise. including
carpets and draperies, delivered and completely
installed by factory trained experts.
E x c l u s i v eR o n c h O o k D e s N e r
Cqll Somerset 445-4111
Invitqtions fo be Bosed on
Anniverssry of Lot Purchose;
lndion lclke fo Serve os Host
Dicl yotr becorne an Indian Lrkc property owner in Irebruary/ Aprili'
\Whatever month, yotr'll be a gucst of
lndirrr-rLake rrt r cocktail perty marking
yrtur anniversxr)'ils iln Ir-rcliunLrrkc proi'rcl ty o\vncr.
The pertics u,ill bc helcl in tlie Pub
I-ourrgcrbout the third Saturrleyof cvcn'
rronth beginnint in Ircbrurry. Nc*'
pl'ol)clty o\\'ncrs lll some r.nonths u'crc
grclrtcr thun othcrs. so thclc r.rruy'
bc nrorc
t h l r r r o r r c p u r t y i n s o n r c r r u r n t l r so. r t \ \ , ( )
rt-tonthsor nrorc nrrrl'bc cor-nbinc.l for
onc pirfty.
If 1,otr'runot cxuctll' sur-r * hct, \'ou
b o r . r g h tI ' o u r k r t , . i o n t * o r l y , r r b o u t i t .
Y o t r ' l l b c r c l r t i r t , l c r. lr t t l t r t n i r t v i t . r t i t , tn, '
r t t c t t c i y o u r p a r t i c t r l r r rl r r r n i v c r s l r r cy o c k teil pirltl'.
A r l r r . l r . r rLr . t k u r , , t t t i r t L t ttso l ] r r r r r .i t
Lrccontcsncccssllr')/for cvcrl'onc to uct
bcttcr rrccluaintc(lin ()r(lcr ro kccp it th.:
iclc:rl plrcc to livc ,rrtci1rlrr1'. Hol.ciull',,.
thcsc partics rvill rrccomplish this b1'
lrroviding thc pftrlrcr sociitl rrtutosl)hcrc.
Also. the prrrtics rLre lndi:ur Lrrkc's n'rlv
of slrou'it-tgapprcciutiou for 1'otrr kinri
I l y L r s i n ut h c l t t r t r i y e r s l l r ) ' l n o l t t li)t s e
basis for invitrrtions. it u'ill give a goocl
( r ( ) S s\ ( - ( l i t r no f l r l o P c I t ) ( ) \ \ ' l t c r si r r t r r r r t :
of thosc u'ith rrnclrvithout cottrlges.golfers, skiers. bolting enthusirrsts,shtxrters,
fishcrrnen, ctc. Ilveryone u,itli one big
tl-ring in comllon i)wr-ring property lt
lnclian Lake.
Plan nor'"'to trttend yorlr itnntvers,.rly
cocktail party anci ger ac<1r-rainted
other Inclian Lakers.
Have you l-reard ebout the nerv Pub
ClLrb!' It's brsically a special progrlun
to mernbers of Inclirr.r Lake
Lodge. YoLr'll lind all your tirne spent
at Indirrr-rLeke cen be more enjoyrrble.
Inquire at tl'reolfice for full cierails.
Poge 7
T h e S m o k eS i g n o l
J o n u o r y ,1 9 6 8
Work ContinuesoR New AirstriP
Th e F i r s fN q t i on q l B q n k
of B e r l i n ,P e nn syl vo n i o
Open Doily 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Wednesdoy & Soturdoy
9 A. M. to Noon
Fridoy Evenings6,30 to B:30 P. M.
Full Service Bonk
N'lembcr Fetlcral Dcposit Insuritnce Corporatitln
of Ncw
QI rAt.t't'Y "artr1g ltlRNISlIIIRS
8 Miles South of Somerser
Route 5 3
Opcn l)aity 9 to 9 including Saturday
CIosed Wcdncsday
Phone: 8l 4-926-6000
Constructioncontinttcson thc ncu' 1(XX)-foot pitvccl airstrip ftlr
Air-Park. Also incluclccli n t h c p r o j c c t i s a l 0 ( X ) - f o o t c x t c n s i t l n o f
Most of thc trccs havc bccn cLcirrcd ancl rotLgh graclinr: is still
Thcrc is plcnry of clirt to bc n.tovccl but u'ttrk u'ill continuc
Inclirrn Lrrkc
tlrt cxistinq
in pro{rcss.
as ltlng as
Thc ncrv airstrip parallcls No. ll fairu'a1' of thc ncu, lfi-holc cl.rirnrpionship
solf coursc r,r'hich is Lrcing bLrilt rLnclcrtl-rc clircction ttf Arnttlcl Prrlrlcr.
ccrnl',lctcd, tl'rc sorLthcastcncl of thc neu, airstrip rvill bc locatcd bctu'ccn No' lj
srccn and thc trap-ancl-skcct sl.rooting ccnter. In thc irbclvc pictr.rrc thc grccn is
on thc lcft bchind thc trccs tncl tl.rc sfrtltlting ccntcr on thc right.
ll.oLrgh graclins ancl constrrLction of thc runu,iry basc is cxPcctcd to bc conlplctccl by April, l96fi. Paving u,ill bcgin in Ma1', ancl thc ncrv lirstril. ()pcn t()
trirff ic by Jur-rr:,l96li.
Busy Sqntq Tqkes to the Air
All Types of lnsuronce
K. H. Wogner Agency, Inc.
Agents & Rrokers"
R. D. 2
Stoyslown, Po.
P h o n e :( 8 14 ) 7 5 4 - 4 7 2 1
W m . G. Bohzer& Son,l nc .
Santa Clirus took to tl-rcair to keep r-rpn,ith his br-rsyscheclulcaroltntl Inclian
Decembcr 2 l, l-relcft his rcinseilson. On Tl-rursday,
L:Lkcduring thc Christn-ras
clccrar tl.rcNorth Polc and flcu' in to InclianLakc Air-Park u'ith his bag of trcirts
School. Hc r,r'ascscortcclto thc
for yor,rngstcrs
at tl'rc Shanksville-Stonycrcek
school and sreeteclby sor.r.rc
i)0 happy childrcn.
S:rnta rcturncci again Saturday, Dccembcr 2-1, this tirnc u'itl-r rcincleer ancl
trcatsfor Indian Lakc children,as shou,nat right.
The Loke's [.eoding Builder
Mosonry Controctor
Shonksville, Po.
Authorizcd Stanmar \racatittn
Homc Dcalcr
Phone: (814) 267-9974
"EvsnYrurnc Fon lHtt Hovu"
F r o m N o t i v e T i m b e r t o C u s t o m S i d i n g o n d P on e l i n g
e R U S T I CS I D I N G
Buckstown, Po.
. S O T I DP A N E T I N G
P h o n e ,( 8 1 4 ) 7 5 4 - 5 1 1 2
Shonksville, Pq.
'oN t!rlrad
'od '^{l)
'qol 'solog r>;5drqsuo;duroq3
'qeJ '^or'ls {lerron
9(,691 'Vd 'Alt) lvurNl)
10001 l)vl NVtqNl
tcvlsod 's 'n
atpu lln€
lvNcrs r)ows lHl
Indion Loke t odge Sociol Schedule
Skiing flrrn T:00 to 10:00p.rr
Satr-rrclty,Febnrary l
Skiing frorn 10
to Il:00.
(x)t o
Skiing frorn 10:00 to ).00 rnd 7:00
to I l:(X).
Fcbrurr-y I I
i :00 rurtl 7:(X)
Ski movie, Pub Loungc 5 to 7 p. rl.
Slxrw featurir-rg corneclirLn
Sonny Day ancl the singing ancl clanc'l'he
ing of lllaina. Also,
For-rr Guys-Jimrny Russell ancl Bill Schaefcr. Only dinncr
reservatior-rswill be ucce;,tec1. Shows
at 9:j0 ancl I1:00. No cover chargc
for rnembcrs ancl tl-reirgLlcsts.
CharnpionshipSki Races, 2:00 p.m.
Club" opens ar 2:00 prn.
Sunclaydirrrrer-farnily style or btrlTer.
Skiing frorn 7:00 to I0:00 p.m.
Saturclay,February l7
S k i i n g f r o m l 0 : 0 0 t o ) : 0 0 a n r . l7 : ( X )
to I l:00.
Skiing fron"r l0:00 a.rn. to 9:00 p.rn.
Club" opens ar 2:00 p.m.
S k i b a n q u e t ,8 : 0 0 p . r n .
style or bulTet.
Friday, February 9
Skiing frorn 7:00 to 10:00 p.rn.
Februery 2.i
Skiing f rorn I 0: 00 to ) : 00 rLncl7 : (X)
to I l:00.
Strnclay,February 2)
Skiins fn)rn l0:00 a.rn.to 9.00 p.rn.
"l' Ufl
Club" opens :lt 2:00 p.m.
Dinner F:rrnily sryle ancl buffet at the
Srrturciay,Mrrrch 2
Variety Nigl"rt featuring the Ve rrrns.
I\{cntalist, Edclie Veran ',virh Jeannie.
the krvell' sonllstress. See tl-reirarnrz"Ptcking
Box Elltrsion". Gr.rest
and his Men of Rhytl.rrr.r.
Bing Crosby Tournqmenl, Jonuory l5
February 10
Valentine Day Dance. Tl're Melody
NIen ancl Jimmy Russell entertain.
Friclay,Fcbru:rry 2i
Skiin! frorn 7:00 nr l0:00 p.m.
Music for ciining rncl clencins by
Jirnrny RLrsscllancl the Mcloriy Men.
Friclay, February l6
$7ater Ballet presentecl by tl're Dolphins of the lohnstown \'\)7CA.
Show starrs art 7:00 p.rn. YOu mrry'
u r r r c ' hf r o r n r l r c r l i n i n g r r x ) r n ( ) r i r t
prxrlside. Jimrny Russell ancl rhe
Ivleiody Men entertain.
SLrnday,Febrtrary 11
Sr-rnday,February i[.]
Skiing frorn 10:00 a.rn.ro 9:00 p.n'r.
Club" opens irr 2:00 p.m.
At rolcl
E'errts*win 'race Sho*.i::lln
.?li."",,l] .i"..?,1,l,]. \;';ll::l'