JBWS 2013 Annual Report - Jersey Battered Women`s Service


JBWS 2013 Annual Report - Jersey Battered Women`s Service
­­P.O. Box 1437, Morristown, NJ 07962
Doorways to Change
2013 Annual Report
Jersey Battered Women’s Service, Inc.
(as of December 31, 2013)
James Gerace
Vincent Grenier
Grenier Wealth
Vice President
Patricia Lee
Wyndham Worldwide
Helen Hallberg
Geoffrey Stubbs
Deloitte & Touche LLP Merrill Lynch
Judy O’Hagan
Cindy Weiss
AAA NJ Automobile
Deb Hughes
Automatic Data
Processing, Inc.
Joseph Longo
Longo ElectricalMechanical, Inc.
Randi C. Roberts
Mary Stine
The Provident Bank
Brooke Wiener
PricewaterhouseCooper LLP
Amy Komoroski Wiwi
Mark McBride
Lowenstein Sandler
Tri-County Orthopedics PC
Maureen A. Brundage
The Chubb
Nancy Miller-Rich
Edwin F. Chociey, Jr.
Vlasta Moravkova
Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Ernst & Young
Hyland & Perretti LLP
Elaine Noonan
Raymond DeRiggi
Merkle Inc.
City National Bank
Executive Director
Patricia Sly
Jorge Caballero
Mirian Graddick-Weir
Laurie Peter
Christopher Reidy
Gretchen Wilcox
Our Mission
is the prevention of domestic violence through the protection
and empowerment of the victim, the rehabilitation of family
members, the advocacy of social reform to prevent partner
violence, and the education of the public about domestic
violence and its consequences.
Doorways to Change
The doors we open and close
each day decide the lives we
— Flora Whittemore
Our Vision
is to create a community-wide culture that does not tolerate
the presence of any form of family or partner violence…
a culture that holds abusers accountable for their actions and
victims blameless for their victimization…and a culture that
works purposefully to foster healthy relationships, teaching all
children the importance of mutual respect between partners.
In Take the Journey, all doors, windows, and curtains are drawn open. To evolve, we
must bring taboos to light. Even though separate perspectives, rooms, and views
are collaged together, there is an entity that connects them all—light. The light
creates an instantaneous communication among the parts, a unity that is all of a
piece. The works are designed as devotional grounds for transformation. Every time
we look more closely at the Universe, another door or room with many views opens
up. The artist reminds us that it is our perception; the light in which we see things
determines the world we experience.—Kathy Imlay of Imlay Fine Art
For more information about the works of Janet Taylor Pickett and her upcoming
one woman show at the Montclair Art Museum, please visit www.imlayfineart.com
Every day, victims of domestic violence are beaten,
threatened, and degraded behind the doors of their
own homes. Overwhelmed by fear and despair, they
make the decision to seek help and break away from
a life of violent abuse after exhausting all other options.
Then, the question of where to go and how to leave
safely must be considered. For thousands of victims
since 1976, the answer is Jersey Battered Women’s
Service, Inc. (JBWS).
The journey through the doors of JBWS provides a respite
from the violence and abuse and leads to peace of mind,
support, self-sufficiency, and an opportunity to create a
new-found freedom.
This 2013 report, Doorways to Change, describes how your
valuable contributions have opened doors for more than
2,500 individuals to receive safe housing, crisis counseling,
and/or advocacy, and for thousands more to receive
education and training to prevent domestic violence.
Throughout the report, you will read firsthand accounts
from the people you have helped, as well as thoughts
from others about why they give of themselves to help
those hurting from abuse.
We are proud of the services we have developed over
the past 38 years. The mission remains the same but the
services have evolved to 1) met the growing number of
clients; 2) open the doors for the underserved populations;
and 3) extend beyond the initial crisis so that victims can
take the necessary steps to rebuild their lives.
Once a victim closes the door on domestic violence,
our doors must be open to serve. We thank you, our
friends and supporters, for building “doorways to
change” for those courageous victims who are ready
to take the journey.
Take the Journey
by Janet Taylor Pickett
collage on canvas
(diptych); 12 in x 33 in
Jim Gerace
President Patty Sly
Executive Director
Doors To Safety And Success
The safe house kitchen received a fresh coat
of paint thanks to the dedicated Deloitte
employees who volunteered their labor during
the company’s annual Impact Day.
When you open doors for families hurting from abuse, safe places are created, trust is established, relationships are
built, children thrive, lives are restored, people change, and the future becomes brighter. Thanks to you, more than
2,500 individuals had a place to turn when faced with violence in their relationships. Here is a description of the
comprehensive services provided in 2013 and what our clients had to say about them.
Safe House
JBWS serves as a lifeline for those who need
confidential answers to difficult questions, or to just
talk to someone who understands. Trained staff and
volunteers respond to calls 24 hours a day. Your
support allowed us to answer:
Thanks to you, women and children threatened
or harmed by domestic violence found safety in
JBWS’ safe home. Arbour House is a beautiful, large,
warm, and comfortable home. But most of all, it is
secure and safe.
• 5,492 helpline calls
• 73 families found protection in the safe
house for a total of 8,030 nights of shelter.
I called the helpline and spoke to a kind lady.
Finally, I could tell someone about the abuse. I
continued to call her for a month on my lunch
breaks. She helped me to get up the nerve to get
a restraining order and come to the safe house.
When I did, my kids and I ran with as little as possible. — C
• 3,102 hours of individual supportive
counseling and 1,386 hours of group
counseling focused on domestic violence
safety planning, as well as the complex
added problems experienced by some,
including a history of childhood sexual
abuse, poverty, language barriers, current
involvement with child protective services,
and substance abuse.
New Vernon Fire Department volunteers cookup a tasty beefsteak dinner to support JBWS’
annual Night at the Races fundraising event.
The event is organized by the Friends of JBWS.
Children’s Services
A child’s exposure to a father abusing a mother is the
strongest risk factor for transmitting violent behavior from
one generation to the next. Your donations help JBWS
break the intergenerational cycle of domestic violence
by teaching alternatives. Children participated in
individual and group counseling, recreation programs,
structured play, and before and after school programs
that were all aimed at the prevention of abuse.
• 127 children participated in specialized services.
Thank you, guys, so much for everything.
When I first walked in there I was nine years
old and scared to death! Also, I was angry.
Now, at 12 years old I realize it was a new
start. JBWS, thanks for all the things you did. —S
How do you photograph a HOPE or a DREAM? That was the question posed by an award-winning
photojournalist to fifteen children living at JBWS. Surprised with cameras, the children captured their
images through a lens. JBWS was one of the agencies in the country chosen to participate in
“Pictures of Hope.” Beautiful greeting cards, with each child’s photo, were created and helped to
boost their self-esteem. Thanks to the generosity of Gearhart Chevrolet, 100 percent of the proceeds
from the cards benefited JBWS.
Doors To Safety And Success
Transitional Living
Counseling and Legal Assistance
Following a two-month stay in the temporary safe
house, some families move on to transitional living,
allowing them to build a stronger foundation
toward self-sufficiency and a safe new life. Thanks
to your support,
At JBWS, a person does not need to stay in the
safe house or transitional living facility to receive
supportive counseling services. Legal advocates
from JBWS accompany victims to court and provide
support and information on victims’ legal rights and
options. Services are offered in English and Spanish.
Thanks to you,
• 18 families found a temporary home at the
11-apartment unit Carol G. Simon House
for a total of 9,609 nights of stay
• 6 families were ready to move from the Simon
House to affordable housing in the community
When I first came to the ACT program, I was at the
point in my life where I didn’t think it was possible
to change. I was never taught right from wrong.
So, I started to do to my spouse what my father did
to my mom. Through my weeks in ACT, I learned
how to communicate better with my spouse and
to love my children the way I should. I am learning
more and more every day.
•407 victims benefited from specialized counseling
•1,121 victims were accompanied to Family or
Municipal Court
•Volunteer Crisis Response Team members were
called out by their local police departments in
238 cases of domestice violence
Client Assistance
Batterers’ Intervention
Thanks to the generosity of the community, several
outreach assistance projects help families to get back
on their feet and stay connected with JBWS for years
beyond the initial crisis.
Jersey Center for Non-Violence is a JBWS-sponsored
program assisting those who are using force or abuse
in their relationships. JCNV includes ACT, a program for
men; Choices, a program for adolescent males; and
Vista, a program for women.
• 65 families gathered for a private Day of Unity
luncheon program to share their stories of
survival and celebrate their successes
I was determined, from the day I walked into JBWS, to do whatever
I could to live my life substantially and abuse free. Living in an
apartment in the Carol G. Simon House, I receive counseling and
legal support to get a divorce and I attend budgeting classes.
But, most importantly, JBWS helped me to become a full-time
student on my way to a degree in nursing.
Piper Rawding of Montville earns her
Girl Scout Gold Award by helping
the children living in Simon House to
create hot air balloons based on Dr.
Seuss’ inspirational message,“You’re
off to great places! Today is your day!”
• 115 families received donated turkeys and food
for the Thanksgiving holiday
• 203 moms and their 371 children, received
donated holiday toys and gifts
• 11 children received a wonderful summer camp
experience, making it possible for their moms to
go to work
• 166 males attended the ACT and Choices
programs in 2013. Of those, 96 were fathers of
children under the age of 18. All of the men
participated in a new 26-week curriculum that
includes added emphasis on the impact
of domestic violence on children, as well as
supportive parenting and positive discipline
with children.
• 24 women participated in the Vista program
Doors To Safety And Success
Dating Abuse Prevention
Thanks to our donors, we are able to teach youth
the warning signs of dating abuse and appropriate
bystander intervention. The Dating
Abuse Prevention Program provides
school-based programs for middle,
high school, and college students;
outreach programs for at-risk
adolescents; counseling for teen
victims and their parents; an annual
youth leadership conference; and
consultation to school personnel
and professionals.
Actors from the University of
Rutgers’ SCREAM Theatre perform
a skit on teen dating
during a JBWS sponsored
Leadership Conference for
students and teachers from Morris
County high schools. The event
was a highlight of Teen Dating
Violence Prevention Month.
Community Education/Professional
Various professional, civic, business, and faith-based
groups throughout the county were engaged in
discussions about the prevention of domestic
violence by JBWS experienced public speakers
and trainers.
• 223 speaking engagements and trainings for
professionals were presented; 5,971 persons
• 363 programs were presented reaching 6,889 teens
• 25 hours of counseling were
provided for teens and their parents
You were my first counselor and I was very reluctant and
scared to talk about the dating abuse. You put me at ease,
and showed me that talking is good and healthy. I realize
now that if I hadn’t met you when I did, I would be a very
different person today. Thank you for working with me
through my most difficult time.
— L
JBWS volunteer Jackie Richardson shares
information on JBWS services with the public
during one of more 200 community
education presentations in 2013.
Opening Doors: Our Donors at Work
The success of our clients lies in the hands of those who open doors for them. Here are just a few examples of those who
give generously of themselves to advance the mission of JBWS and improve the lives of others.
Mirian Graddick-Weir: Making a difference in her community
“It was at a Grand Tastings event,” Mirian Graddick-Weir
says,“when a woman, who lived in a $3M house in
New Vernon, spoke about the abuse she suffered at
the hands of her husband. I was unable to move as
the woman described the situation in her home. Her
story smashed the myth that domestic violence is
mainly a problem of poverty and really helped me
see how JBWS helps turn lives around.”
Mirian grew up in a military family and, though she
never experienced or witnessed domestic violence
at home, she was aware of occurrences on the base.
“It was not openly talked about, but we heard about it,
especially among returning servicemen suffering from
PTSD. I am still concerned today about service folks
coming back and not having the support they need,
and then having violence spill over onto the family.”
the Board of JBWS, Mirian accepted and served for six
years (2006-2012). Today, Mirian sits on JBWS’ Advisory
Council, where she continues to share her resources
and talents.
Mirian is a substantial supporter of JBWS and remains
committed to the agency: “When I talk to people
about domestic violence in our community, I start
with statistics: 2,500 reported offenses each year in our
county. Domestic violence is a problem in our community.
Thankfully, Morris County has JBWS to provide not only
temporary shelter but also all the services needed for
a family to start over. JBWS gives families the resources
to pursue their lives in a different way.”
As the mother of three daughters, Mirian is all about
prevention: “JBWS’ Teen Dating Abuse Prevention
services are great! I talk to friends who have kids and
tell them that abuse so often begins in high school in
the form of verbal abuse. It can then escalate from
there. It’s important to be proactive with your family.”
Mirian is not new to serving on nonprofit boards
through her work as Executive Vice President of
Human Resources at Merck, however she wanted an
opportunity to make a more personal impact in her
community of Morris County. So when invited to join
Mirian Graddick-Weir and Michael Weir were awarded the JBWS
Distinguished Service Award during the 2013 Grand Tastings. Mike is
past multi-year Co-Chair of the JBWS Hope Classic golf committee.
Opening Doors: Our Donors at Work
William E. Simon Foundation: Giving Commitment
For more than 25 years, the William E. Simon Foundation
has been a remarkable partner in its support of
JBWS’ services, events, and capital campaigns:
“My mother had a passion for JBWS and my father
supported her in that passion,” says Peter Simon,
co-Chairman, along with his brother, William Jr.,
of the William E. Simon Foundation. “My mother
served on the JBWS Board, and the Foundation
started a campaign to raise the money to build the
Transitional Living Resource Center, named for my
mother, Carol G. Simon.”
When asked why the Foundation continues to give to
JBWS, Peter says: “It’s not only out of love and respect
for our mother, but also because domestic violence
is a terrible, pervasive issue in our
society. It is an embarrassment
that the world doesn’t know more about it. I am
thankful that JBWS exists to serve the women who
are forced to flee their homes.”
Named after its principal benefactor, the William
E. Simon Foundation’s main charitable purpose
is to assist those in need by providing the means
through which they may help themselves, a goal
shared by JBWS. “The victims of domestic violence
who leave their abusers and go to JBWS are trying
to help themselves,” Peter says. “As a Morris County
resource that is focused on a specific problem that
is more pervasive than most people realize, JBWS
needs to be supported.”
Mr. J. Peter Simon co-founded William E. Simon & Sons, LLC, a private equity firm located in Morristown.
He currently serves as co-Chairman. Mr. Simon’s civic leadership is extensive and includes serving as the
Chairman of The William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Advisory Committee at the University of
Rochester and as a Member of the Peck School Endowment Committee.
JBWS board president Jim Gerace (3rd from left) joins his foursome
for a day of golf at the annual JBWS Verizon Hope Classic. Pictured
with Jim at the beautiful Somerset Hills Country Club are (l-r)
Dan O’Donnel, Jim Gerace, Sr., Jim Gerace, and Mike Gerace.
Area football team spreads awareness of domestic violence
by wearing purple ribbons on their helmets in observance of
JBWS’ “Purple Thursday Campaign.”
Wyndham Worldwide:
Giving Through Corporate Citizenship
Irene Dolan and Pat Swanson:
Giving Time and Talents
One of the world’s largest hospitality companies, Wyndham
Worldwide is a long-time supporter of JBWS through
in-kind and monetary donations, volunteer hours and
awareness activities. JBWS is most grateful to have
Patricia Lee, Wyndham’s Senior Vice President, Human
Resources and Organizational Capability, who currently
serves on JBWS’ Board of Directors as its Vice President.
Patti is an active and engaged leader who exemplifies
Wyndham’s core value to support the communities
where they live, work, and play. The entire Wyndham
Worldwide workforce enthusiastically supports the
ongoing donation drives benefiting our clients.
For 23 years, volunteer Irene Dolan (l) has come
into JBWS one morning every week to assist callers
on the helpline. And, for the past ten years,
volunteer Pat Swanson (r), has
worked by her side. We are
incredibly touched by their
dedication to serving victims
of domestic violence and their
commitment to JBWS. Irene
received the 2004 Garden
State Seeds of Hope Award
for her outstanding efforts.
Irene and Pat are two of
more than 100 volunteers
who logged a total of 11,666
hours in 2013.
Thanks to the employees of Wyndham Worldwide and their annual “Backpack
Mania Drive,” our children get a fresh start for the new school year. Pictured
among the backpacks are JBWS executive director Patty Sly (seated on far left)
and Wyndham’s senior vice president Patti Lee (standing 3rd from right).
Opening Doors: Our Donors at Work Financial Report 2013
The Diane Gaffney Family: Giving In Memory
The wonderful family of Diane Gaffney contributed a lovely memorial garden in her honor. Guy Gaffney, Jr. was
careful to plant Diane’s favorite flowering plants, especially those that attract butterflies. At the private garden
dedication, executive director Patty Sly thanked the family for sharing their time and resources with JBWS and for
“honoring Diane’s memory with a garden – a place of beauty for our clients.”
Individuals and businesses
616,015 Fundraising events
665,868 $1,281,883 42%
Government 1,205,547 40%
Foundations 311,806 10%
United Way
135,145 4%
Other income
111,498 4%
Operating income
Investment gain
487,344 Diane served on the JBWS Board of Directors, was active on the capital campaign for the transitional living facility,
and was an original “Friend of JBWS.” “The reality is,” remarked Sly,“Diane did whatever was needed. She was a
very special volunteer. Our clients’ lives are better because of her. And we are blessed to have known her.”
Total income
$3,533,223 3
1. Personnel
2. Operating
3. Depreciation
2,299,013 907,840 228,756 $3,435,609
Expenses by Program:
The children and grandchildren of Diane and Guy Gaffney
celebrate their Mom’s memory by dedicating a butterfly
garden for the enjoyment of the residents of JBWS.
1. Arbour House and Children’s Services
$1,024,663 2. Simon House and Vocational Services
658,209 3. Professional Training & Community Relations
362,209 4. Center for Counseling & Advocacy
460,783 5. Jersey Center for Non-Violence
237,558 6. Administration
421,056 7. Fundraising
271,131 Total
3,435,609 30%
Expenses b
Contributors in 2013
Benefactors — ($50,000.00 + )
F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
United Way Of Northern New Jersey
William E. Simon Foundation
Patrons — ($25,000.00 + )
Chubb Corporation
Fannie E. Rippel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Gerace
Dr. Mirian Graddick-Weir and
Mr. Michael Weir
Harris Coy Foundation Trust
Mrs. Barbara Ridder Irwin
Merck & Company
Ms. Elaine Noonan and
Mr. Stephen Noonan
Wyndham Worldwide
Sponsors — ($10,000.00 + )
AAA New Jersey Automobile Club
Acrow Corporation of America
ADP Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Altman
Burgdorff Foundation
Daniel J. Wilcox Memorial Fund
Ernst & Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gates Helms Hawn
Ms. Patricia Lee
Longo Electrical-Mechanical, Inc.
Mrs. Julia Averett Peet
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Dr. Billur Samli
Ms. Margaret Stone and
Mr. Jonathan Dee
The Iolta Fund of the Bar of NJ
Donors — ($5,000.00 + )
Ms. Lara Abrash
Acorn Hill Foundation, Inc.
ARQ NJ Trail Series
Mr. and Mrs. Blair A. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Caballero
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Edith P.C. Taylor Charitable Trust
Mr. Terence Golden
Hyde & Watson Foundation
JBK Associates, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Kleppe
Lee Hecht Harrison
Lowenstein Sandler, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Mark McBride
Ms. Vlasta Moravkova
Novartis Corporation
Ms. Judy O’Hagan and
Mr. Pete O’Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Keefe
Ms. Laurie Peter and Ms. Betsy Bernard
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Robert & Joan Dircks Foundation
Mr. and Ms. John F. Ruffle
The Fred C. Rummel Foundation
The Provident Bank
The Swanton Family Foundation
Twig 21 Plus
Supporters — ($1,000.00 + )
A. J. O’Connor Associates, Inc.
Mr. Nick Adamo
Ms. Amy Alegretti
Ms. Marie Anderson
Ms. Barbara Anelle
Ms. DiAnne Arbour and
Mr. James Bergen
ASIS International
Avon Products Foundation
Baker Street Trust
Mr. Dennis Baldassari
Bank of America Foundation
Ms. Barbara Barra
Beacon Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becht
John Bickford Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Boni
Boyden of New Jersey, LLC
Dr. and Ms. John A. Brennan
Ms. Maureen Brundage and
Mr. Terrance Brundage
Mr. Michael Burak
Catholic Health Initiatives
CB Richard Ellis
Ce De Candy, Inc.
Ms. Cathy Cerbo
Charles & Lucille King Family
Charles Emil Thenen Foundation
Community Foundation of NJ
Mr. Ronald Dadd
Mr. Paul Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Dellanno
Mr. Cuong Do and Ms. Lori Rickles
Mr. Ed Douglas
Ms. Amalia M. Duarte
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio G. Egea
Ms. Tricia Etzold
EWGA of Northern New Jersey
ExxonMobil Foundation
Facility Interiors, Inc.
Ms. Joen Luy Ferrari
First Presbyterian Church of Boonton
The Frelinghuysen Foundation
Mrs. Anne Fritz
Dr. Anthony Fusco
Mr. W. Nicholas Gaffney
Mr. Richard Gallagher
Ms. Bonnie Gardner
Gearhart Chevrolet
Mr. John Gerity
Mr. Charles Gibbons
Gibson Family Foundation
Ms. Faith Ginsberg
Mr. Brian Giovinazzi
Goldman, Sachs & Company
Mr. Stephen Gray and
Ms. Kathleen Ulrich
Gross Family Foundation
Mr. Frederick Gruel
Ms. Helen E. Hallberg
Mr. Joseph Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hardy III
Ms. Gisela Harpell
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Harrington
Mr. and Ms. Stephen Heil
Mr. and Ms. Eliot Heller
Dr. Nancy Henseler
Ms. Nicole J. Hinton
Mr. and Ms. Michael Hopkins
Ms. Linda Horn
Imperial Painting & Coating Corp.
Iron Horse Cavalry Motorcycle Club
Jersey Girl Electric, LLC
John Snow, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Ed Johnson
Mr. James Johnston
Ms. Elizabeth Anne Keat
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kellogg
Mr. Peter Kellogg
Ms. Andrea Kimmet
Mr. James Knight
Mr. Paul Knight
Ms. Amy Komoroski Wiwi and
Mr. Christopher Wiwi
Mr. Jeffrey Kotzen
Ms. Aru Kulkarni and Mr. Amol Kulkarni
Mr. Murray J. Laulicht
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Leroux
Lillian P. Schenck Fund
Ms. Karen Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Longley
Mr. Michael Louro
Ms. Beverly Luehs
Mrs. Christine MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Maher
Dr. Margaret Mahoney
Mr. J. Mahshie
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Marcotte
Ms. Priscilla E. Marks
Ms. Andrea M. Mattei
Mr. and Ms. Bruce Robert Mc Ewan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCormack
Mr. and Mrs. John McIntyre
Mr. Morgan McKeown
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McReynolds
Ms. Nancy Miller-Rich and
Mr. Jeffrey Rich
Mr. Hector Mislavsky and
Ms. Judy Martinez
Ms. Rita Mitjans
Dr. Robert Mohr
Mr. and Ms. Harold F. Moore
Morristown Municipal Airport
Morristown Rotary Club
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy
N2O2 Branding Inc.
Nisivoccia & Company LLP
Olympus Holding, LLC
Mr. and Ms. Mortimer O’Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Otterman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Painter
Palriwala Foundation of America
Mr. and Ms. David W. Panhorst
Pershing LLC
Ms. Tracy Pester
Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg
Poor Herbie’s
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Probert
Ms. Vikki L. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Reidy
Mr. and Ms. Donald Richards
Ms. Randi Roberts
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth Robin
Mr. and Ms. Shawn Rogers
Rotary Club of Denville
RR Scaffolding
Salesforce Foundation
Sandy Hill Foundation
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Sanzone
Ms. Leigh Scherrer
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schnog
Ms. Tami Scribner-Jones
Mr. and Ms. Robert Sherman
Mr. Robert B. Silver
Ms. Carolyn Slaski
Ms. Patricia Sly and
Mr. Robert Chernow
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith
Ms. Jennifer A. Spang
St. Peter’s Church
Ms. Kathleen C. Stewart
Mr. and Ms. Gregory Stover
Mr. and Ms. John Stratton
Mr. Geoff Stubbs
Swiftwater Foundation, Inc.
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
The Cookie Jar Foundation
The Glenmede Trust Company
The Jones Group
The MCJ Amelior Foundation
The Paul B. Greetin and
Beryl S. Greetin Foundation
The Tiger Baron Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Thebault
U2 Rigging & Hoisting, Inc.
UBS Financial Services
Union County Plate Glass Co.
Mr. Dean Vanech
Vincent Grenier and Associates, Inc.
W. M. Ross & Company
Mr. David Wahl
Ms. Linda M. Weakland
Mr. and Mrs. James Weichert
Ms. Cindy Weiss and
Mr. Michael Weiss
Wells Fargo Foundation
Ms. Brooke Wiener
Mr. Mark Wilson and
Ms. Ayo Sanderson Wilson
Ms. Alice Yoson
Contributors — ($500.00 + )
A Speedy Sewer and
Drain Service, Inc.
Dr. Marilyn Althoff
American Gold and
Diamond Buyers, LLC
Ms. Hanne Ankersen
Mr. Kenneth S. Antos
Ms. Elizabeth Bacot-Aigner
Mr. and Ms. Ronald E. Baughman
Beacon Hill Tavern and Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Bernal Silva
Ms. Claire M. Bianco
Ms. Cyra Borsy
Ms. Helen Boudreau
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bowman II
Ms. Ellen Brody
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Byrd
Calvary Baptist Church
Mr. and Ms. Raymond G. Chambers
Mr. Edwin Chociey, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cole
Mr. and Ms. David Conroy
Mr. Glen Conty
Mr. Robert Corman and
Ms. Laura Landy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crnkovich
Ms. Doreen Csutoros
Mr. and Ms. Vincent Cubelli
Mr. Marc D’Agostino
Mr. and Ms. Raymond J. DeRiggi
Ms. Christine Detjen
Mr. and Ms. David Difusco
Ms. Gloria Dighton
Ms. Nancy Doyle and
Mr. Mark Doyle
Dublin Ironworks Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Duffy
Mr. Peter J. Dugal
Edgar A. Weber and Company
Ms. Eileen Egan
Mr. Peter Falzarano
Ms. Chana Fitton
Ms. Carole Foley
Forst Contracting &
Development Corp.
Ms. Jeri Frankel
Dr. Dawn L. Gabriel
Mr. and Ms. Trevor Gandy
Mr. Geoff Garabedian
Ms. Karen Gerhold
Mr. Paul Geyer
Gillette Amoco Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Joseph Giordano
Ms. Maryella Gockel
Mr. Thomas S. Gordon
Mr. Joseph J. Grano, Jr.
Ms. Susanna J. Gray
Ms. Elaine Grillo and
Mr. Anthony Grillo
Ms. Gail Grossman
H.A.F., Inc.
Dr. Darlene Hart
Mr. Philip Hastings and
Ms. Marcia Biber-Hastings
Ms. Virginia Hawkins and
Mr. Russell Hawkins
Highland Financial Advisors, LLC
Hilltop Community Bank
Ms. Sunita Holzer
Ms. Kirsten Hotchkiss
Mr. Andrew Hume
Inez Branca Family Foundation
Dr. Unjeria C. Jackson
Ms. Anne Marie Jarka
Ms. Michele Johnson
Ms. Michelle Johnson-Lewis
Jotech Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Ms. Kathryn Kimber
Mr. Scott D. King
Ms. Beverley Kinney
Knights of Columbus,
Bishop McLaughlin Council 3495
Mr. C. David Koncz
Mr. Greg M. Koplitz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Krump
Mrs. Karen Leonard and
Mr. Jack Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Paige B. L’Hommedieu
Ms. Laura Baskes Litwin
Dr. Mary Ann LoFrumento and
Mr. John Hallacy
Ms. Irene Marinich
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Martini
Ms. Izilda P. Martins
Mr. Joseph Matina
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Matthews
Ms. Veronica McGowan
Meyersville Presbyterian Church
Dr. Deepa Minhas
Ms. and Ms. Rajalakshi Mohan
Montville High School
Montville Township Women’s Club
Ms. Gina Moran
Morristown Medical Group
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
Ms. Margaret D. Murphy
Nauticus Group
Ms. Yolanda Navarrete Mendez and
Mr. Alberto Mendez
Parker Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Podiak
Mr. Michael Portegello
Mr. William Reichel
Ms. Judith Reid
Ms. Jackie Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Rufener
Mr. and Ms. Paul B. Saxton
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schaenen, Jr.
Mr. Douglas Schoenberger
Mr. and Ms. James A. Silverstein
Sino-Sing International Corporation
Ms. Tara Skirzenski
Mr. James Sonneborn
Mr. Richard Spiro
St. Andrews Nursery School
and Kindergarten
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Stachenfeld
Ms. K. Stepsus
Ms. Virginia Swanson
Mr. Marie Tanzi
Mr. Thomas Tapen
Taylor’s Corp.
Ms. Amy Tener
Ms. Bentina Terry
The Bank of New York Mellon
The Glenmede Trust Company, NA
The Lookout Foundation
Chris W. Tiber
Ms. Kate Tomlinson and
Mr. Roger Labrie
Mr. Thomas Torzewski
Township of Millburn
Ms. Lynn Vergano
Vicendese Family LP
Mr. and Ms. Joseph S. Wargo
Washington Township
Education Association
Assemblyman Jay Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Welsh
Mr. Michael J. Wilk
Mr. and Ms. Fritz Winans
Ms. Dorothy Young
Mr. Matt Young
The Sylvia & Edward H. Zucker
Foundation, Inc.
Contributors in 2013
The Legacy Society
Friend — ($250.00 + )
A&M Roofing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Adey
Mr. Nik Aktas
Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity
Ms. Marcia Avedon
Babyland Family Services, Inc.
Mr. Robert Bailey
Mr. and Ms. Gregory W. Bangs
Ms. Carolyn Bardach
Ms. Judith Bayard
Ms. Shelley Bird and Mr. Jerry Wiese
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bitar
Mr. John Bolich
Ms. Regina Braham and
Mr. David Braham
Mrs. Helen Britton
Ms. Sharon Brookes
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brouillard
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buteux
Mr. and Ms. Todd Carnevale
Ms. Robin Carroll-Mann
Carver - Delaney Families
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Catherine M. Cavanaugh
Ms. Stephanie Charles
Circle Eleven, Presbyterian
Church of Convent Station
Ms. Mallory Copeland
Creative Heartwork
Ms. Janet Critchley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curnin
Mr. David Curto
Ms. Virginia Delalla
Ms. Lucia Diana
Mr. Daniel DiNubila
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Dise
Ms. Mary Virginia Dotzauer
Mr. John F. Doyle
Ms. Phyllis Doyle and Mr. John Doyle
Ms. Catherine Ellman
Empire Lumber & Millwork Co.
Estate of June E. Briant
Ms. Annmarie Fairweather
Mr. Robert Farnon
Ms. Diane Farrell
Mr. and Ms. Steve Feld
Mr. David Felton
First Presbyterian Church
of Rockaway
Fisk Associates
Ms. Debbi Fitzgerald
Ms. Judeth Forlenza Wesley
Ms. Lisa M. Fosmire
The Honorable Rodney P.
Ms. Sharon Gaglione
Ms. Lucy Giannone
Mr. Terrance Gilligan
Girl Scouts of Northern NJ
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Gorman
Mr. and Ms. William E. Gourgey
Ms. Lori Groves
Ms. Catherine Hagen
Hanover Park High School
Ms. Beverly Hays
Healey Family Foundation
Ms. Crystal Henry
Ms. Berit Hirsch
Ms. Debra A. Hochron
Ms. Deborah Hughes and
Mr. Allen Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Adam T. Hurd
Mr. Jerome Hurwitz and
Ms. Lois Butler
IBM Employee Services Center
International Friendship Club
Mr. David Jareckas
Ms. Alyson Johnson
Mr. and Ms. Michael Karp
Mr. John Klug and Ms. Carol Klug
Mrs. Lucille Knapik
Mr. Steven Kohutic
Mr. Todd Komoroski
Mr. Fred Kuntzman
Ms. Suehwa Kuo
Mrs. Michele Kus
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lacey
Mr. Stuart Lasser and
Ms. Tracey Ibsen
Mrs. Helen Le Frois and
Mr. Gregory Le Frois
Ms. Sheryl A. Lee
Ms. Bettie Lefebvre
The Honorable Marceil A. Letts
Mr. Michael Long
Long Valley Junior
Women’s Club, Inc
Mr. Gregory C. Lowack
Ms. Susan Lu
Mr. John Lynch
Mr. Donald Macgowan
Dr. Jory Magidson and
Ms. Caren Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mauriello
Medco Employee
Giving Campaign
Ms. Christin Merkel
Mrs. Virginia H. Moriarty
Mountain Lakes Women’s Club
Mr. James Nesci
New Jersey Door Works, Inc
Ms. Pat Noonan and
Mr. Thomas Noonan
Mr. Joseph Nosofsky and
Ms. Laurie Siegel
Ms. Janine Nowatzky
Ms. Sharon O’Connor
Ogden Memorial
Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Dean O’Hare
Mr. and Ms. Daniel J. O’Neill
Mr. Michael Padula
Ms. Rose Pancirov
Ms. Kathleen Parker and
Mr. Jonathan Parker
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Passerini
Peak Medical LLC
Ms. Ann C. Peel
Ms. Amy Pepper
Mr. David Pipeno
PNC Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Mr. Michael Polese
Posen Architects LLC
Mr. Leonard Posey
Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Mr. Paul Racioppo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ranger
Ms. Krish Ravishankar
Ms. Renee M. Rem
Ms. Peng (Helen) Ren
Ms. Kathy Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roth
Mr. Celia Rulle
Salerno Duane Ford LLC
Ms. Carol Sapikowski
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Sappenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Schautz
Ms. Olive Schiff
Mr. and Ms. Peter E. Schmiedhauser
Ms. Annette F. Seaman
Mr. Paul Selver and Ms. Ellen Roller
Ms. LoisJean M. Seybold
Ms. Martha Shepard
Ms. Lucy Shurtleff
Mr. Robert Skeele and
Ms. Carole O’Brien
Mr. Don Slaght and Ms. Sarah Slaght
Mr. and Mrs. William Sly
Ms. Dorothy Sobieski
Mr. Vincent Spagnuolo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Spatz
St. Mary’s Parish
Mr. and Ms. Doug Stephens
Ms. Mary Stine and Mr. Richard Stine
Stirling Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Stone
Mr. and Ms. Alan Stuart
Studio 1200, LLC
Mr. and Ms. Robert B. Tafaro
Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Talcott Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Gary T. Taylor
The Ayers Group
Tyco Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Ms. John Ubhaus
V. A. Spatz & Sons Construction, Inc.
Valley Memorial Funeral Home
Ms. Janet C. Vartinen
Ms. Minal Vazirani
Mr. Timothy Vitale
Ms. Mary Anne Walk
Warrenville Hardware
The Westerhoff Family Foundation
Mr. Brian Williams
Mr. David M. Wissert
Mrs. Barbara K. Woodhull
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Woodward
Individual — ($100.00 + )
A. Deluca Paving
A. J. R. Cobblers Workshop, Inc. T/A
Morris Plains Shoes & Repair
Aboyoun & Heller LLC
Acupuncture to Serenity
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Adler
AIG Matching Grants Program
AL Pepe & Sons, Inc.
Ms. Linda Alexander
Alto Enterprise
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Alvarez
Ms. Mary Ann Ancona
Dr. Mary Anello Sieber
Ms. Elizabeth Anroman
Ms. Maria Aprile
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Armelino
Mr. Matt Askins
Ms. Andrea Assarat
Mr. Michael Astino
Mr. and Ms. Keith Ausbrook
Mr. and Ms. Edmund Aversenti
Mrs. Juli Bachir
Ms. Danielle Baker
Mr. Edward Balazs
Mr. and Mrs. Giorgio Balzer
Mr. John Barile
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barilla
Ms. Katy J. Barton
Ms. Melissa Baumgartner
Mr. and Ms. Michael E. Beams
Ms. Jeanne Bearden
Ms. Randi Beck
Mrs. Janet Bell
Benson-Kresge Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Margaret Bergh
Ms. Margaret Berlin and
Mr. Roger Berlin
Dr. and Ms. Ernest S. Biczak
Dr. and Ms. Darren R. Blumberg
Ms. Joan Bogusat
Mr. Christopher Bondi
Mr. Paul Boudreau
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bove
Ms. Eileen Brady and
Mr. Timothy O’Connell
Ms. Denise M. Brennan
Ms. Tracey Brochu
Ms. Maria Bronfen
Brown Brothers Harriman
Ms. Elizabeth Brown
The Honorable and
Mrs. Anthony M. Bucco
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Buchwalter
Ms. Maria B. Bueno
Mr. and Ms. Glen C. Buono
Mrs. Marianne Burke
Ms. Neeltje L. Bwire
Ms. Dawn Cafora
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cahill
Caldwell College
Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan
Mr. and Ms. Frank Calo
Ms. Esmeralda Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Cameron
Ms. Linda L. Campbell-Smith
Ms. Yahaira P. Caraballo
Mr. and Ms. William Carapezzi
Mr. Kathleen M. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Carro
Ms. Janice L. Caruso
Mr. and Ms. Dominic Cascio
Mrs. Joyce Casillo
Dr. Ronald Cauchard
Ms. Margaret Cedzik
Ms. Margaret Mary Cerbo
Certified Carpet Management
Water Emergency Technologies
Champion Uniform Supply Inc.
Chatham Interfaith Church Women
Ms. Meeta Chatterjee
Mrs. Shirley Chernow
Ms. Patricia A. Chirico
Ms. Anna Christakos
Citadel Cleaning
Ms. Janice A. K. Clark
Mr. Michael Clauder
Mr. and Ms. Gary Cloninger
Community Hope, Inc.
Ms. Cynthia D. Conklin
Ms. Jane E. Cook
Corner Butcher Block Inc.
Mrs. Eileen Cottington
Ms. Nanette I. Courtine
Ms. Lisa Cupelli
Ms. Carolyn Curtis
Mr. Zach Dabah
Mr. Suhrud Dagli
Ms. Arlyne J. Dalman
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dana
Ms. Janet Danieli
Ms. Leslie D’Ascoli
Ms. Lisa Davis
Mr. Jackson Day
Ms. Francie Day-Degen
Mr. Michael Dee and
Ms. Marilyn Dee
Ms. France Delle Donne
Mr. Felix DeMicco
Ms. Lauren Demore
Ms. Carolyn Deodene
Ms. Sarah DeVizio
Dewitt Animal Hospital
Ms. Lisa Diamond-Braumann
Ms. Lorraine DiBella
Mr. Andrew G. Dick
Ms. Bonnie lee DiCola
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Diehl
Ms. Anne DiGiacomo
Ms. Patricia A. Dilavore
Ms. Danica Dilligard
Mr. and Ms. Michael Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dodd
Ms. Maureen Donovan
Ms. Kathryn Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Drake
Mr. James Drake
Ms. Angela Duguay
Ms. Marge Dukes
Ms. Deborah Dwyer
Mr. John Earl and Ms. Teresa Preskar
Ms. Mychel Edelson
Mr. and Ms. Elias I. Elyoussef
Ms. Susan Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ewig
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Failla
Mr. and Ms. Robert Fass
Ms. Dorothy V. Faux
JBWS has been providing vital services to
victims of domestic violence and their children
for more than 38 years. Just as important as
the work that has been accomplished, is the
planning for the enormity of the work that still
needs to be done. Your help and support is
critical to the future of JBWS. Thank you to the
following partners who made Legacy gifts to
JBWS or have included JBWS in their plans.
Ms. Linda Grandis Blatt
Ms. June E. Briant
Mr. James M. Brown
Mr. Robert B. Callahan
Mr. John P. Duffy
Ms. Anita Fitelson
Mr. Mark Foster
Mrs. Marian Frank
Ms. Clementina Gardner
Mr. Baxter W. Graham
Ms. Maria M. Hale
Mr. John P. Hellstrom
Ms. Barbara Ridder Irwin
Mrs. Leokadia Sardi Jensen
Ms. Mary Kufta
Ms. Patricia Lee
Ms. Paige B. L’Hommedieu
Ms. Beverly Luehs
Mr. John K. Lundberg
Mr. Joseph F. Maher
Mr. Kevin J. Maher
Mr. Morgan J. Murray
Ms. Virginia H. Pace
Mr. Philip Pagano
Mr. Thomas S. Paluck
Ms. Dorothy J. Parker
Mr. Steven M. Parker
Ms. Julia Averett Peet
Mr. James M. Porter
Ms. Ann L. Probert
Mr. Frederic C. Reynolds
Mr. C. Graydon Rogers
Ms. Susan Ruf
Mr. John F. Ruffle
The Children of
Carol G. Simon
The William E. Simon
Ms. Kathleen Smith
Ms. Ann B. Sobine
Ms. Margaret Stone
Ms. Maureen Thomson
Ms. Barbara D. Tomlinson
Mr. G. G. Wells
Mr. Alan M. Willemsen
Ms. Lucia G. Worley
Ms. Nancy J. Wynant
Dr. David O. Zenker
Contributors in 2013
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ferm
Ms. Joy Fernandez
Ms. Debra J. Fetchik
Ms. April Fey
Father Peter Filipkowski
Ms. Dorothea Finson
First Presbyterian Church
of Succasunna
FirstGiving, Inc.
Mr. Gary Fisch and
Ms. Elizabeth Fisch
Mr. Michael Fischer
Ms. Sarah L. Flaherty
Mr. and Ms. Richard C.
Ms. Ann Flower
Ms. Lenore Ford
Mr. John B. Franklin
Ms. Linda Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fritz
Mr. Michael Frodella
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gakos
Ms. Mary R. Gangemi
Ms. Betty Garger
Dr. Joseph Gaudio
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gerace
Ms. Michele Giordano
Mr. Edmund Glowacki
Ms. Bonnie Glynn
Ms. Bianca D. Godoy
Ms. Denise Goetting
Ms. Priscilla Gordon and
Ms. Keith Dent
Ms. Penny Grant Cohorsky
Ms. Maureen Grant
Mr. and Mrs. H. John Greeniaus
Ms. Laura Greenwald and
Mr. David Strom
Ms. Sheira Greenwald and
Mr. Elihu Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Greenway
Mr. Vincent J. Grenier
Mr. Elliot L. Gruenberg
Ms. Michele Gumeny
Ms. Teresa Hagans
Ms. Connie Hagelin
Mr. and Ms. Theodore Halchak
Mr. Scott Halliday
Halls Garden Center & Florist
Mr. James Halston
Mr. Thomas Han
Mr. William A. Hanley Jr.
Ms. Donna Hansbury
Mr. Ridgely W. Harrison
Ms. Terri Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Hartelius III
Mr. Alfred Harter
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hasker
Mr. Robert Hausleiter
Ms. Kathleen G. Havens
Mr. Thomas Haverty
Ms. Carol Head
Ms. Judith Heim
Ms. Susan Heineman
Mr. and Ms. William A. Heisel
Helfand & Associates
Ms. Shirley Henderson
Mrs. Joyce C. Henry
Ms. Amy G. Herman
Hildale Park Presbyterian Church
Mr. W. August Hillenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge T. Holland
Mr. and Ms. Peter M. Holloway
Dr. Howard Holtz and
Ms. Laura Prato
Home Depot Foundation
Mr. J. Kimpton Honey
Mr. James Hopgood and
Ms. Mimi Hopgood
Ms. Deborah A. Hornbeck
Ms. Beverly J. Horstmann
Mr. Paul Hough
Howe Family Foundation
Mr. William Hoy
Ms. Judith Huggins
Mr. and Ms. Michael J. Humienny
Mr. James Hunter
Ms. Lois Ann Hyde and
Mr. Carl Hyde
Ms. Sue Idleman
Ms. Maria Impallomeni
Independent Thrift Shop
Innovative Marketing Designs
Ms. Maria Ionfrida
Ms. Jean Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Dale M. Jacobs
Mr. Robert Jacobs and
Ms. Faythe Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Janiec
Ms. Debra V. Jones
Ms. Dianne Jones
Ms. Jill A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. R. Sidney Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones
Ms. Jocelyn R. Juhasz
Mr. and Ms. Benjamin H. Kaestner
Kalkin Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. William Kanjo
Mr. and Mrs. Willliam L. Keefauver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Keenan
Ms. Iris B. Keim
Ms. Pam Kelleher
Ms. Elizabeth Kelly and
Mr. Steven Jandoli
Ms. Pamela Kelly
Ms. Ann L. Kelsey
Mr. and Mrs. David Kelso
Kerzner Associates
Ms. Elizabeth Ketterson Carter
Ms. Kae Wol Kim
Mr. Stephen King
Ms. Janet Kleedorfer
Ms. Anna Klobus
Mr. and Ms. Joseph Komoroski
Mr. Brian Kong
Ms. Shirley Kraft
Mr. and Ms. Walter Krich
Ms. Martha Krimendahl
Mr. and Ms. Dennis LaFiura
Ms. Jacquelyn A. Larson-Bonkoski
Mr. Anthony J. Laura
Ms. Donna Laverme
Mr. Ken Lehat
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leiwant
Ms. Gretchen Lerach
Mr. and Ms. Mark Levenson
Ms. Janet Levy
Ms. Barbara Lewin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lief
Ms. Sandra Beach Lin and
Mr. Patrick Lin
Liquid Church
Mr. and Ms. Ronald Litchkowski
Ms. Geri Lombardi
Ms. Janit London
Long Valley Woman’s Club
Mr. and Ms. James LoSapio
LOTH The Office Experts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Louria
Dr. and Mrs. Barry H. Lowell
Ms. Linda H. Lower
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lundberg
Dr. William Lupatkin and
Dr. Julie Lupatkin
Ms. Gretchen Lynch
Mr. and Ms. Richard Lynch
Ms. Jeri Lyness
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyon
Ms. Virginia M. Lyttle
Ms. Louise MacKenzie
Ms. Ann Mackey
Mr. and Ms. Edward A. Malone
Ms. Karen Maloney
Mr. Evan Maltese
Mr. Joseph Mammon
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Mangum
Mr. David Marconi
Ms. Adele M. Maria-Cui
Ms. Cheryl R. Marier
Ms. Jacqueline J. Marrone
Ms. Judith Anne Martorelli
Marylawn Catholic High School
Mr. and Ms. Andrew Masini
Ms. Eileen G. Mathews
Ms. Mary Matosian
Matthew C. Sellitto Foundation
Mr. John McArtney
Mr. and Ms. Michael McBurney
Mrs. Cathyann McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGrath
Dr. Maureen McGreal
Ms. Katherine McGuinness
Mr. Brian McKenna
Mr. Kevin McMahon and
Ms. Sara McMahon
Ms. Ellen McSherry
Mr. Michael Medaglia
Media Consultants LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Meehan
Mr. Chris Mensing
Ms. Elizabeth S. Merritt
Ms. Marie Messina
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Ms. Laura A. Mindek
Mr. Paul D. Mitchell
Montville Reformed Church
Mission Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Moore
Ms. Lana Moore
Mr. Jack Moran
Morris Hills Veterinary Clinic
Ms. Lori Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris
Mr. Brian R. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Moss
Ms. Colette Mott-Feldmeir
Mr. Jack Muhlstein
Mr. Daniel Mullin
Ms. Valerie Murray
Mr. Larry Muse
Mrs. Tish Musell
Ms. Alyce Ann Myers
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Nelson
Ms. Julie Nevins
Mr. and Ms. Tom and Kim Nicastri
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Nicastro
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Nice
North Jersey Detail
Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel Church
Ms. Deborah Nungester
Mr. and Ms. Kenneth O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan O’Brien
Mr. and Ms. Mark S. O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. John Olcott
Mrs. Nadiya Oliver
Mr. Arnold M. Olshan
Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Shea
Ms. Kathleen O’Shea Melli
Mrs. Leslie Otto
Ms. Susan N. Oxman
Mr. Ryszard Paliwoda
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Palla
Ms. Pam Palumbo
Park Avenue Club
Ms. Dolores Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Parker
Mr. Robert Passero
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pastore
Mr. Leo Paytas
Mr. Christine S. Pearson
Ms. Robyn Pelligra
Ms. Beth Perrone
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey J. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pfafflin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Phillips
Pivirotto & Foster CPAs PA
Ms. Joan V. N. Powell
Presbyterian Church of Chatham
Presbyterian Church of Morris Plains
Ms. Ramona Pringle
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pshick
Pub 199
Mr. Justin Pulgrano
Mr. and Ms. William Pullen
Purple Om Yoga
Mr. Thomas Quane
Quest Membership Services LTD
Mr. and Ms. Jonathan I. Rabinowitz
Ms. Giulia Racchi
Ms. Pravina Raghavan
Ms. Barbara Raia
Ms. Johanna Ramirez
Ms. Barbara Ramsay
Mr. Kirk Raslowsky
Ms. Eileen Rath
Mr. Thomas J. Rechen
Ms. Paulette Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Ricca
Ms. Carolyn Robertson
Mr. and Ms. Murray S. Robertson
Ms. Alice S. Roche
Ms. Mary B. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Roselius
Mr. Mitch Rosendorf
Mr. Gary Ross
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rovick
Mr. Blair Ryan
Ms. Jenn Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sachs
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Sadowski
Mr. Dennis Salko
Ms. Maria Sandoval Zahm
Mr. Richard C. Sanford
Mrs. Virginia Savell
Mr. Leonard Scara
Ms. Edie Scerbo
Ms. Judith Schleicher
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Schlessinger
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Val Schuszler
Mr. and Mrs. Cary M. Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schwartz
Mr. Richard Schwarz and
Ms. Joanne Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Sciales
Scordilis Family Chiropractic P A
Ms. Patrice Scully
Mr. Stephen Seeland
Mr. Robert C. Shawger
Mr. and Ms. Ilya V. Shchukin
Mr. Mark Shearman and
Ms. Linda Bohrer
Mr. Patrick Shrout and
Ms. Jane Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Sichel
Ms. Anita J. Siegel
Ms. Michelle M. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Simon
Ms. Margery Simpson
Ms. Donna Sittmann
Ms. Stephanie Skehill
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Skorewicz
Ms. Carol G. Sly
Ms. Catherine R. Smith
Ms. Eleanor C. Smith
Sobel & Co., LLC
Mrs. Marianne Solomon
Mrs. Margie Southard
Mr. Thomas Spade
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Spatz
St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox
Mr. Alan Steinberg
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey M. Steinberg
Stephen S. Martino Memorial
Suburbanites of Morris Area
Ms. Doreen Sullivan
Mr. and Ms. Edward H. Sullivan
Susani Realty
Ms. Adele Szpaichler
Ms. Barbara Tarchak
Ms. Teri L. Taylor
Ms. Patricia A. Teffenhart
Mr. and Mrs. John Tenbroeck
Ms. Marilyn Terhune
The Buzak Law Group
The Corcoran Law Group, LLC
The McHattie Law Firm, LLC
The Stanley Congregational
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Thebault
Mr. Robert Tintle
Mr. Michael P. Tippner
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Toedtman
Ms. Janet L. Toler
Ms. Aileen Torres
Mrs. Laurie Trank
Ms. Martha A. Treiber
Mrs. Maryalice M. Trull
Mrs. Sharon Tunis
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tweed
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ughetta
Unique Cycle, Inc.
United Methodist Church
of Green Village
Ms. Carmel Urgo
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Ursino, Sr.
Mr. and Ms. Richard E. Van Ness
Mr. and Ms. Richard Vanduyne
Mr. and Ms. Rene J. Vedder
Ms. Michelle Vice
Ms. Linda K. Vivilecchia
Mr. and Mrs. Gert Von Der Linde
Ms. Veronica Vros
Mr. Robert Ward
Ms. Rosemary C. Ward
Ms. Tammy Warner
Ms. Ann Marie Weeks
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Weinberg
Ms. Tori Weinstein and
Ms. Erica Diehl
Mr. David A. Weippert
Ms. Monique Weir
Ms. Carolyn Weiss
Ms. Ellen Weiss
Ms. Bonnie Welch
Ms. Marlene Wendolowski
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Wentz
Mr. Wesley Wilcox and
Ms. Bridget Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Willemsen
Ms. Virginia Wilson
Withum, Smith & Brown
Ms. Margaret Witt
Mr. Richard Wolff
Woman’s Club Parsippany/Troy Hills
Women of Irish Heritage
Women’s Club of Madison &
Florham Park
Ms. Sze K. Wong
Ms. Marilisa Zanarella
Ms. Cynthia L. Zey
Editor/Director of
Community Relations
Regina Braham
Pro bono communications
and marketing services to
increase access to JBWS
Brushfire, Inc.