Annual Fund - Beaufort Academy


Annual Fund - Beaufort Academy
Dear Beaufort Academy Families,
As you peruse this report of annual giving,
I hope that you will enjoy looking back on
our 50th year. We had much to celebrate,
and I enjoyed all of the events as well as
meeting the Beaufort Academy family
and connecting the dots among all of our community. As
you all know, we have a terrific school community, and we
have a fantastic faculty and staff who truly care for and
cherish our students. The teachers and students are the
heart and soul of the school, and all of their hard work and
dedication is the key to our success. Clearly, we could not
exist without the great teachers and students, but we also
could not exist without the help of our donors and volunteers. On behalf of the school, thank you for your generosity and your support. I look forward to continuing to
build relationships with each of you.
Your support helps our students progress through 16
years of education and the formative years of life. We
have preschool students learning colors, how to write
their names, and how to read their first Dr. Suess
books. Our lower schoolers are learning to multiply
numbers, the names of the bones in their bodies and
the planets in our solar system, and the value of friendship. The middle school students are learning how to
write an organized essay, how to create works of art,
how communities and cultures vary and connect, and
the value of sportsmanship. In the upper school, our
students are learning calculus, the magic of photosynthesis and evolution, how to fire rockets out on the
fields, and the value of leadership. It is a source of
great satisfaction for me as I witness the smiles on students’ faces as they learn a new concept or reach a
new goal, the exhausted satisfaction of a hard fought
October 2014
This formal event
celebrating BA’s 50th
school year was an
evening to both laugh
about stories past and
dream about what’s to
come. As guests shared
fond memories and
even old school cheers,
a plan for BA’s next 50
years was launched.
Special thank you to our event chairs (center):
Jodie Bush Miller (’97) and Ginger & Charles Aimar (‘80)
And to our guest speakers: MC Bob Bundy (’94),
Ricky Akers & Robert Trask (both ‘81),
Ginny Meeks Shuman (’87) & Sydney Meeks Fowler (’89),
and Colin Crumpton (’04) & Bill Dalton (faculty since ‘94).
Beaufort Academy 2014-2015 Year in Review
game, or the boost in confidence attained from a hard
earned good grade. These milestones remind us all of
why we chose the education profession. They have been
happening at BA for the past 50 years and will continue
for the next 50. I look forward to sharing them with you.
Yours Sincerely,
Opening Convocation
Stephen Schools, Headmaster
Special thank you to our guest speaker,
Former Headmaster Dr. J. Lee Bollman (pictured below
with Mr. Schools and former Headmaster Mr. Woody Rutter).
Alumni Soccer Game, November 2014
Played in memory of William Trask (‘69) and Alex Apps (‘07) and sponsored by Trask & Lynn, CPA, PA.
Alumni Basketball Game, December 2014
The game was sponsored by Mikell, Weidner, Wegmann & Harper - James J. Wegmann & Frampton L. Harper, II.
An Event 50 Years In The Making
This was a weekend for the history
books! On Friday, May 1st, BA
inducted the inaugural Alumni Hall of
Fame class, and Saturday, May 2nd,
was the school’s official 50th birthday
party. The Big Five-O had it all; a
band, dancing, good food, and a great
auction. The event surpassed the goal
by raising more than $75,000!
Congratulations to our Hall of Fame inductees!
Special thank you to
the event chairs (right):
Alumni Hall of Fame Scott Huebel (BA coach)
The Big Five-O Katie Van Gysel Huebel (‘90)
(Pictured above, left to right)
Back: Coach Lee Bollman, Framp Harper (‘85), Matt Collins (‘00).
Front: Coach Jim Tobias, Suzanne VonHarten Sanders (‘84),
Meredith Andrepont Anderson (‘04), Ashley Stone Kuehne (‘89),
Laban Chappell (‘94), Coach Gary Mazzanna, Coach Paul Griffin,
Coach Rohan Naraine. Posthumously: Coach Tom Horton.
Not pictured: Mark Anderson (‘03), Reginald L. Jones (‘91).
Beaufort Academy 2014-2015 Year in Review
This Annual Report of Giving reflects gifts made
during Beaufort Academy’s 2014-2015 fiscal year, July 1, 2014
through June 30, 2015. Gifts received after that date will be
included in later reports.
Thank you to everyone who supported BA
through a gift during our 50th school year!
If you have any questions please bring them to our attention
by contacting Emma Roddey at 843-524-3393 or by email at
[email protected].
To make a contribution during the Beaufort Academy 20152016 fiscal year, gifts must have a postmark of no later than
June 30, 2016.
Top Givers
Donors whose gifts to all funds
during 2014-2015 fiscal year
(7/1/14-6/30/15) total $2,500+.
Dr. & Mrs. John Adams
The Benedict Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Boyne
Dr. & Mrs. Ben Burris
Dr. Karen Eller & Mr. Joe Floyd
The Gray Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gray Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hand
Mr. & Mrs. William Hatcher
Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Hefner
Dr. Katherine G. Hefner &
Mr. Ashley Hefner
CDR & Mrs. Thomas B. Hines, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike G. Hostilo
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jeter
Mr. & Mrs. William Massalon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mathai
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Matte
Mr. & Mrs. Earl McMillen III
Ms. Marjory Lee Miller-Mitchell &
The Lee C. Miller Trust
Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oelschlager
Dr. Bruce Pratt
Regions Matching Gifts Program
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Schools
Mr. David Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schools
Dr. & Mrs. G. Heath Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Trask Jr.
Mrs. L. Paul Trask, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tumlin
Col. & Mrs. Gary R. Van Gysel Ret.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Webb III
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Worrell
Dr. Caroline W. Wreden &
Mr. Garrett Wreden
Bridge the Gap
Annual Fund
The following lists include gifts to
the Unrestricted Annual Fund.
Gift Notifications:
^ 120 Club (a 20% increase in
Annual Fund contribution)
+ Soaring Eagle Alumni Giver
(Alumni giving clubs)
* Denotes a matched gift
Anniversary Club
Donors who have pledged or
given a total of $5,000 or more to
the Annual Fund between the
2012-13 and 2015-16 fiscal years
(7/1/2012 - 6/30/2016).
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Lin McDougall
Dr. & Mrs. G. Heath Simmons+
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Chandler Trask
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Trask, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tumlin*
Founder’s Circle
Golden Eagles
Ms. Carey Anderson
Ms. Maria Mariano &
Dr. Norman Bettle
Mr. Edward S. Dukes+
Dr. Karen Eller & Mr. Joseph Floyd
Dr. Katherine G. Hefner &
Mr. Ashley Hefner^+
Col. & CDR Wesley A. Jarmulowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jeter
Kinghorn Insurance of Beaufort
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Lindsay+
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mathai
Mr. & Mrs. Lin McDougall
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Nellen
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oelschlager^
Dr. Bruce Pratt^
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rhodes^
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schools
Dr. & Mrs. G. Heath Simmons+
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Chandler Trask
Mrs. L. Paul Trask, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tumlin*
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Webb, III^+
Wells Fargo Educational Matching
Gift Program^*
Dr. Caroline W. Wreden &
Mr. Garrett Wreden^+
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gray Sr.^
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Trask Jr.^
CDR & Mrs. Thomas B. Hines, Jr.
Mr. David Schools
Silver Eagles
Dr. & Mrs. John Adams ^
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bass
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Compton
Ms. Susanna Dalton
Mr. & Mrs. Tom DeGray
Mr. & Mrs. David Dillinger^
Annual Beaufort Academy Scholarships and Awards 2014-2015
Congratulations Class of 2015
Top Grads!
Taylor Vincent
Third Honor Graduate
Nicky Macuch
The Spirit Award was established in
1969 by two of Beaufort
Academy’s founders,
Charles S. Aimar, Sr. and
Neal V. Aimar, in memory
of their father, William
W. Aimar. This $500
college scholarship is awarded to the
graduating high school senior who best
exemplifies the qualities considered
most desirable in a BA graduate: character, service, scholarship, leadership,
and school spirit. The recipient is also
recognized on a perpetual silver bowl.
The recipient of the 2015 Spirit Award
was Casey Kahn.
The Dubart Cup was established in 1971 by
Head Basketball Coach
Ken Myers and Head
Soccer Coach Lee Bollman, and named after
their respective undergraduate alma maters,
Duke University and
Hobart College. This
award is presented to an upper school student
who excels in both the academic classrooms
and in the multi-sport competitions, and
epitomizes Beaufort Academy’s concept of the
scholar-athlete. The recipient is chosen by a
consensus of the coaching staff. The recipient
of the 2015 Dubart Cup was Casey Kahn.
(Silver Eagles continued)
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H. Dukes Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gaskin^
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Hart +*
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hiers^
Mr. & Mrs. Jason C. Hincher^+
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Hincher
Kinghorn Insurance of Beaufort*
Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Laffitte, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Malinowski
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Marks III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Patel^
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pingree^
Mrs. Rose A. Raber^
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rhodes^
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Roberts III
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Roddey^
Selective Insurance Group*
Mr.& Mrs. G. Dana Sinkler^
Mrs. Frances Jeter Stowe
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Twenge^
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Wise^
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Worrell
Bronze Eagles
Mrs. Charles Aimar
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Andrepont^
Mr. & Mrs. Howell Beach
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bundy Sr.^+
Mr. & Mrs. William Crossman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Dyson Sr.^
Mr. & Mrs. A. Duncan Fordham
Mr. & Mrs. E. Mitchell Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hetherington
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kahn^
Ms. Mary Lohr
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lubkin III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Marquart
Mr. & Mrs. Lin McDougall
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McMichael+
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Patel^
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Russell
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor Sr.*
Dr. & Mrs. Neil W. Trask III^+
Mrs. Priscilla Trask+
Mrs. Suzanne Gray Wilkie^+
Blue Eagles
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Anderson+
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Andrepont
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Baldwin Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bartlett
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Blocker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bundy Jr.+
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Butler
Ms. Evelyn Caldwell^
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Counts^+
Mr. & Mrs. Clay W. Danielson^
Ms. Susan S. Davis
Ms. Susan DiFabio^
Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Dobrozsi
Mr. & Mrs. A. Duncan Fordham
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Foreman
Dr. Lynette Gierbolini &
Mr. Hector Santiago
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Golden
Ms. Melissa Hamilton^
Mr. & Mrs. Frampton Harper II+
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Hiers
Mr. & Mrs. Ladson F. Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Liam Hulin+
Drs. Karen & Tim Keane
Dr. & Mrs. H. Lucius Laffitte Jr.^
Mr. & Mrs. Norris L. Laffitte
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Luckey
Mr. & Mrs. Don Maraska
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Marsh III
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCracken
Mr. & Mrs. John McDougall
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Mitchell
Ms. Gina Reilly &
Mr. Michael Morrison^
The Ray Sherbert Award was
established in 1975 as a
memorial to a former
eighth grade student.
This award recognizes an
outstanding eighth grader
for qualities of character,
leadership, perseverance, hard work,
friendliness, and loyalty. Nominated by
fellow classmates, then selected by
teachers, this award is given at eighth
grade graduation and the recipient is
recognized on a perpetual plaque.
The recipient of the 2015 Ray Sherbert
Award was Quinn Fleming.
Mrs. Nancy Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Nichols
Ms. Kimberly Olsson
Mr. & Mrs. John Potter
Ms. Paula Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rhatigan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Rhatigan
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Richards^
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Richards
Ms. Stacie L. Rine+
Mr. Graham Salzer+
Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Scheper, IV^
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Simmons
Mrs. Mary Trask^
Mr. William Trask Jr.+
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ttee
Mr. & Mrs. William Tumlin
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Twombley
Mr. & Mrs. Michel Whitaker^
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wilson^
Mr. & Mrs. George Wysor
Class of 1969
Mrs. Kathy Davis Bundy^+
Mrs. Priscilla Aimar Trask+
Dr. Neil W. Trask III+
Class of 1970
Mr. Charles Webb III^+
Class of 1971
Mrs. Martha Lynn Morris Webb ^+
Class of 1972
Mrs. Libby Danielson Golden
Class of 1973
Mrs. Louise Ragsdale Foreman
Class of 1974
Mrs. Jane Pike Miller
Mrs. Lea Sanders Taylor+*
Class of 1976
Mrs. Sandra Harley Counts^+
The Athletic Achievement Award was
established in
1978 by Head
Coach Rick
Sagar and
Soccer Coach
Paul Griffin.
This award is
presented each year to a student who
demonstrates superior ability, excellence,
and enthusiasm in several varsity sports - a
champion athlete. The recipient is chosen
by a consensus of the coaching staff. The
recipient of the 2015 Athletic Achievement Award was Drummond Koppernaes.
Class of 1977
Mr. Jonathan Hart+*
Mrs. Suzanne Gray Wilkie^+
Class of 1982
Mr. Walter Lubkin III+
Class of 1983
Mr. E. Chandler Trask
Class of 1984
Mr. Steve Compton
Class of 1985
Mr. Edward S. Dukes+
Mr. Frampton Harper II+
Mrs. Mary Heyward Stevens Harper
Class of 1986
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McMichael+
Class of 1987
Ms. Frances Jeter Stowe
Class of 1989
Mrs. Anne Jeter Lindsay+
Class of 1991
Ms. Stacie L. Milark Rine+
Mr. Jason C. Hincher^+
Class of 1993
Mrs. Amanda Fordham Hulin+
Mrs. Chilton Grace Simmons+
Class of 1994
Mr. Robert Bundy Jr.+
Mrs. Brayden Ryan Dinkins
Mr. Ashley Hefner^+
Mrs. Megan Harris Taylor
Class of 1995
Dr. Katherine Grace Hefner^+
Class of 1999
Mr. Cecil Mitchell+
Class of 2001
Mr. Garrett Wreden^+
Class of 2002
Mr. Graham Salzer+
Dr. Caroline Webb Wreden^+
The Lillian Spears Writing Award was
established in 1986 in
honor of Mrs. Spears and
her many years of outstanding service to BA and
her students as an instructor of English and Drama
and as English Department Chair. This
is awarded to an Upper School English
student signifying excellence in writing.
The recipient is recognized on a
perpetual plaque and presented with
an inscribed pen set. The recipient of
the 2015 Lillian Spears Writing Award
was Jacob Hincher.
Beaufort Academy 2014-2015 Year in Review
Class of 2003
Mr. Graham Hall +
Class of 2004
Mr. Mark Anderson+
Mrs. Meredith Andrepont Anderson+
Mr. William Trask Jr.+
Parents of Alumni
Mrs. Charles Aimar
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Andrepont^
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bass
CDR & Mrs. Dan Bible
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bundy Sr.^+
Ms. Evelyn Caldwell^
Mr. & Mrs. William Crossman
Mr. & Mrs. Clay W. Danielson^
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H. Dukes Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Dyson Sr.^
Dr. Karen Eller & Mr. Joseph Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. A. Duncan Fordham
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gray Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Mitchell Griffith
Mrs. Catherine Harley
Mr. & Mrs. Frampton Harper II+
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hetherington
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Hincher
Mr. & Mrs. Ladson F. Howell
Col. & Cdr. Wesley A. Jarmulowicz Ret.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jeter
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kahn^
Drs. Karen & Tim Keane
Mr. & Mrs. Norris L. Laffitte
Dr. & Mrs. H. Lucius Laffitte Jr.^
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Malinowski
Ms. Gina Reilly &
Mr. Michael Morrison^
Ms. Kimberly Olsson
Mr. & Mrs. John Potter
Dr. Bruce Pratt^
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Roddey^
Ms. Julia Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Scheper, IV^
Mrs. Lillian A. Spears^
Col. & Mrs. Charles W. Stockell
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor Sr.+*
Mrs. L. Paul Trask, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Trask Jr.
Mrs. Priscilla Trask+
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Webb III^+
Mr. & Mrs. Michel Whitaker
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Wise^
Current Parents
Dr. & Mrs. John Adams^
Ms. Carey Anderson
Ms. Angela Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bass
Ms. Maria Mariano &
Dr. Norman Bettle
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Blocker
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bundy Jr.+
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Compton
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dalton^
Mr. & Mrs. David Dillinger^
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Dinkins
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Dyer III
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gaskin^
Dr. Lynette Gierbolini &
Mr. Hector Santiago
Mr. & Mrs. E. Mitchell Griffith
Ms. Melissa Hamilton^
Mr. & Mrs. Frampton Harper II+
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Harvey
Dr. Katherine G. Hefner &
Mr. Ashley Hefner^+
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hetherington
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hiers^
Mr. & Mrs. Jason C. Hincher^+
CDR & Mrs. Thomas B. Hines, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Huang^
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kahn^
Drs. Karen & Tim Keane
Dr. Emily LaSalle & Mr. Roger LaSalle
The Pat Calhoun Award for Outstanding Fan Support was
established in 1989 in honor of
the late Pat Calhoun, who was a
great supporter of BA athletic
programs and all of the students
who participated, and whose sons
are BA alumni. This award is given
annually to an outstanding supporter of BA athletic teams. The
recipient can be supportive in any
number of ways, and Beaufort
Academy sports are better as a result of the recipient’s efforts
and contributions. The recipient is chosen by a consensus of
the coaching staff. The recipient of the 2015 Pat Calhoun
Award was Warren Richards.
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Lindsay+
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lubkin III+
Mr. & Mrs. &y Luckey
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Don Maraska
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mathai
Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott May^
Mr. & Mrs. Lin McDougall
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Mitchell+
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Nellen
Ms. Victoria Nellen
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oelschlager^
Ms. Kimberly Olsson
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Patel^
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pingree^
Mr. & Mrs. John Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Rhatigan
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rhodes^
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Richards^
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Richards
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Roberts III
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Roddey^
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Russell
Ms. Julia Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Chandler Trask
Mrs. Laura Trask
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tumlin ^
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Twenge^
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Twombley
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wilson^
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Worrell
Dr. Caroline W. Wreden &
Mr. Garrett Wreden^+
Mrs. Charles Aimar
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Alcorn Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bundy Sr.^+
Ms. Susanna Dalton
Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Dobrozsi
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin H. Dukes Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gray Sr.^
Mrs. Catherine Harley
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Hiers
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Hincher
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jeter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCracken
Mr. & Mrs. John McDougall
Mrs. Nancy Morgan
Mr. Arthur T. Olsson
Dr. Bruce Pratt^
Ms. Paula Quinn
Mrs. Rose A. Raber^
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rhatigan
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Robinson
Mr.& Mrs. G. Dana Sinkler^
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor, Sr.+*
Mrs. L. Paul Trask, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Tumlin
Faculty & Staff
Mrs. Weezy Alcott
Ms. Judith Babalis
Ms. Angela Barnes
Mrs. Bethany Byrne
Mr. David Byrne
Ms. Evelyn Caldwell^
Mrs. Nancy Compton
Mr. Bill Dalton^
Mrs. Jeanette Danielson^
Ms. Susan DiFabio^
Mrs. Brayden Dinkins
Mrs. Lynda Dyer
Mrs. Karen Edmonds
Miss Mary Green
Mrs. Cathryn Griffith
Mrs. Juliet Harvey
Mrs. Melissa Hincher^
Mrs. Carol Hollen
Mrs. Anne Lindsay+
Mrs. Jill Luckey
Mrs. Liz Malinowski
Mr. Richard Marquart
Mrs. Mary Marsh
Mr. D. Scott May^
Mr. Michael Morrison^
The T. Reynolds Robinson Scholarship was established in 1989.
This $1,500 college
scholarship is
awarded at the start
of the school year to
a rising high school
sophomore who
shows “all-around”
qualities such as
leadership, solid
academic standing,
and participation in
sports to the best of
his or her ability. The recipient is also recognized on a perpetual plaque. The recipient of the 2014 T. Reynolds Robinson
Scholarship was Todger Davis.
(Faculty continued)
Mr. Michael Namdar
Mrs. Amanda Patel^
Ms. Paula Quinn
Ms. Gina Reilly^
Mrs. Betsy Rhatigan
Mrs. Carol Ann Richards^
Mrs. Heidi Richards
Mrs. Emma Roddey^
Ms. Julia Sanford
Mr. Stephen Schools
Mrs. MJ Simmons
Ms. Pam Steman^
Mrs. Mary Trask^
Mrs. Angie Twenge^
Mrs. Carol Wise^
Board of Trustees
Mrs. Jackie Adams^
Mr. Keith Bass
Mr. Joseph Floyd
Mr. Phillip Lynn
Mr. Cecil Mitchell+
Mrs. Chilton Simmons+
Mr. James Taylor Jr.
Mr. Charles Tumlin^
Mrs. Courtney Worrell
Mr. Garrett Wreden^+
Friends of BA
Mr. & Mrs. Howell Beach
Mr. & Mrs. Tom DeGray
Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Laffitte, Sr.
Ms. Mary Lohr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martin
Mr. David Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ttee
Mr. & Mrs. George Wysor
Corporate Gifts
The Boeing Company*
Capitol Coffee & Supply
Kinghorn Insurance of Beaufort*
Regions Matching Gift Program*
The Ridings Foundation Inc.
Selective Insurance Group*
Wells Fargo Educational Matching
Gift Program^*
Annual Fund Gifts
Given in Tribute
or Memory
In honor of Amy '89 & Amanda '93
Mr. & Mrs. A. Duncan Fordham
In honor of Kane Thorp
Ms. Susan S. Davis
In honor of Woody Rutter
Mr. & Mrs. William Crossman
In memory of Sterling Laffitte
Mr. & Mrs. Logan Crowther
In honor of Eve M. Hartzog
Ms. Evelyn Caldwell
In memory of George Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gray Sr.
In honor of granddaughters:
EmilyAnn, MaryHanna & Margaret
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Hiers
In memory of Steve Olsson
Mr. Arthur T. Olsson
In honor of Emma, Laura '13 &
Thomas'16 Roddey
Mr.& Mrs. G. Dana Sinkler
In honor of Tom Horton
Col. & Mrs. Charles W. Stockell
In honor of Julia Corner Drew
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ttee
In memory of Tom Horton
Mr. & Mrs. George Wysor
The J. Lee Bollman Award was
established in 1990 by the
Middle School Student Life
Committee. During the 20
years that Dr. Bollman
served as Headmaster,
teacher, and coach, he
was also active in the service of his
community. This award is presented
to an eighth grade student who exemplifies high standards of dedication and
service to the school and the community set by Dr. Bollman. The award is
recognized at eighth grade graduation.
The recipient of the 2015 J. Lee
Bollman Award was David Mathai.
Gifts to
Other Funds
Restricted Gifts
Gifts given for a specific program
or project of the donors choice.
Beaufort Tennis Association
The Benedict Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. A. G. Burris Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Ben Burris
ExxonMobil Educational Alliance
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Gray Jr.
Harper Law Firm, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Mike G. Hostilo
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Lindsay
Ms. Marjory Lee Miller-Mitchell &
The Lee C. Miller Trust
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Mixson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oelschlager
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Rhatigan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Russell
Trask & Lynn, CPA, PA
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wegmann
Gifts In-Kind
Contributions of equipment,
services, or other tangible items.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Aimar Jr.
Maj. & Mrs. Robert Burgin
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hetherington
Livingoods Inc.
Mitchell Brothers, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oelschlager
Ms. Kimberly Olsson
Dr. Bruce Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schools
Twenge & Twombley Law Firm
The Kevin Malley Creative Writing
Award was established
in 1992. This award is
presented to an eighth
grade student who has
demonstrated outstanding creative writing ability. The gift of a pen, which
symbolizes the power of the written
word, is given in memory of Kevin, a
former BA student. This award is
given at eighth grade graduation,
and the recipient is recognized on a
perpetual plaque. The recipient of
the 2015 Kevin Malley Award was
Lawrence Lindsay.
Golden Gala
Amazing Event Rentals
Artistic Endeavors
Bill’s Liquor & Fine Wines
Coleman Creative Design
JLK Events
Plum Productions
Saltus River Grill
Vick Varner
Blue & White
Classic Golf
Ace Sponsor
J. H. Hiers Construction
Par Sponsor
A.C. Harvey's Screenprinting
Coastal Home Construction
Conbraco Industries, Inc./
Mr. Cal Mosack
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jeter
Lowcountry Real Estate
Martin & Lindsay Landscape, LLC
Palm Coast Contractors, Inc.
Palmetto State Bank
South State Bank
Trask & Lynn, CPA, PA
Caddie Sponsor
Allen Patterson Residential, LLC
Beaufort Gamecock Club
CBC National Bank
Chandler Trask Construction
Carroll Enterprises, LLC
Coastal Carolina Urology
Collins Pest Control, LLC
Ireland Electric Corporation
Powell Brothers Construction, Inc.
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
The Joseph Kessler Lipton Scholarship was
established in 1993 by Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred (Lolly) Lipton in memory of
their son. As a member of the Class
of 1973, Joe initially struggled in
high school, but through commitment, desire, effort, and perseverance, he graduated from BA and went on to
graduate from the Citadel in 1977 and became a
commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy. This $500
college scholarship is awarded to a graduating
high school senior who has shown marked
academic improvement during the upper school
years. The recipient is also recognized on a perpetual plaque. The recipient of the 2015 Joseph
Kessler Lipton Scholarship was Michael Brim.
Beaufort Academy 2014-2015 Year in Review
Southern Tree Services of Beaufort
Stokes Brown Toyota Scion of
Hilton Head
Tumlin, Levin & Sumner Investment
Group Wells Fargo Advisors
Wedding.Event.Design. (W.E.D.)
Whitmore Plumbing
Mr. Mark Burris
Mr. Mike Casey
Mr. & Mrs. John Cregan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cuckler
Mr. Carl Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doherty
Pender Brothers Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Staley
Alumni Games
(Soccer & Basketball)
AC Harvey Screenprinting
Trask & Lynn, CPA, PA
Mikell, Weidner, Wegmann &
Harper ~ James J. Wegmann
& Frampton L. Harper, II
Chilly Bean
5K & 10K and
Chili Cook Off
The Grand Chilly Beans
Beaufort Memorial Life Fit
Wellness Center
Bill's Liquors & Fine Wines
Coosaw Point
Eat Sleep Play Beaufort
K. Hovnanian Homes
Moss, Kuhn and Fleming PA
Southern Carpet Wholesale/
Creative Interiors
Yo Yo's
Garbanzo Beans
Aesthetic Dentistry, Drs. Gene
Grace and Katherine Hefner
Amazing Event Rentals
Chandler Trask Construction
Coastal Orthodontics
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Michael Hostilo - Attorney at Law
McDougall Law Firm
Merry Maids of Beaufort
Podiatry Associates of Beaufort
Schiller & Hamilton Law Firm
Sea Island Opthalmology
Kidney Beans
AC Harvey Screenprinting
Island Realty
Kazoobie Kazoos
Road ID
Q on Bay
Marsh Tackys
Wined it Up
Sea Eagle
The Kitchen
Boundary Street Cafe
The Big Five-0,
BA’s Birthday Bash
Paint the Town
Bill's Liquor & Fine Wines/
Missy Buskirk at Caldwell Banker
Grayco, Inc.
Kinghorn Insurance Agency of
Beaufort, LLC
Mitchell Brothers, Inc.
Whoop It Up
Aesthetic Dentistry
Lowcountry Real Estate
The Col. Charles R. Smith, Jr. Scholarship
was established in 2002.
This $500 scholarship,
which is applied to the
student’s tuition at Beaufort Academy, is awarded
to an Upper School student
who has exhibited enthusiasm, aptitude,
and a love for history. The recipient is
also recognized on a perpetual plaque.
The recipient of the 2015 Col. Charles R.
Smith, Jr. Scholarship was Jacob Dalton.
Port Royal Oral Surgery
River Happy
South State Bank
Celebrate Good Times
Beaufort Oral Surgery
Beaufort Orthopaedic Sports &
Spine Center
Caroline & John Trask
Harris Pillow Supply
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Harris
Martin & Lindsay Landscaping, LLC
McDougall Law Firm, LLC
Moss, Kuhn & Fleming, PA
Orchid Salon
Palmetto State Bank
Pro Slab
The VanGysel Family
Trask & Lynn, CPA,PA
Twenge & Twombley Lawfirm
Party All Night
A Cut Above
Allen Patterson Residential, LLC
Butler Marine
Capstone Advancement Partners
Cher & Ash Milner IV
Coastal Carolina Urology
Coastal Home Construction, LLC
Collins Pest Control
Donovan Family Dentistry
Executive Flight Training
Farm Bureau - Peter Clark
It's Retail Therapy
J.H. Hiers Construction
Little Flower Cleaning Services
Newpoint Corners
Palm Coast Contractors, Inc.
Powell Brothers Construction, Inc.
Robin & Christian Koppernaes
Sea Island Appraisal
Sea Island Ophthalmology
Shear Vintage Salon
Tumlin, Levine & Sumner
Investment Group of Wells Fargo
Amazing Event Rentals
Cole & Walter Lubkin
Coleman Creative Design Studio
Cru Catering
Eat Sleep Play Beaufort
Sands Publishing
The Island News
Two Smart Cookies
Alumni Sponsors
1969 Kathy Davis Bundy
1969 Michele Hipp Noel
1969 Priscilla Aimar Trask
1971 Mac Mitchell
1972 Bo Mitchell
1974 Caroline Gray Bevon
1976 Paul Trask, Jr.
1977 Suzanne Gray Wilkie
1977 Angus Trask
1978 Harry J. Koutroulakis
1979 Frances Pringle Cherry
1979 Tracey Greco Lubkin
1980 Richard Gray, Jr
1981 John Trask
1983 Herb Gray
1983 Chandler Trask
1984 Steve Compton
1985 Ricky Akers
1985 Edward Dukes
1987 Lee H. Inabinet in
honor of Carl Harper & James Reichart
1987 Pete John Kurr
1987 Clark Robinson in
honor of Carl Harper & James Reichart
1987 Virginia Meeks Shuman in
honor of Carl Harper & James Reichart
1987 Frances Jeter Stowe in
honor of Carl Harper & James Reichart
1987 Matt Trumps
1987 Byron Williams
in memory of Carl Harper
1988 David Braman
The Thomas H. Horton, Jr. Scholarship was established in 2004 in memory of
Mr. Horton commemorating his
contributions to the study of
English literature and to the
development of the minds and
characters of Beaufort Academy
students. For 23 years Mr. Horton
dedicated his time and talents to
the students, parents, and teachers of BA. This $4,000 stipend to
participate in a summer study
abroad program is awarded to a
rising sophomore, junior, or senior student exemplifying a passion for continuing
education and travel. The recipient is also recognized on a perpetual plaque.
The recipient of the 2015 Thomas H. Horton, Jr. Scholarship was Michaela Russell.
(Alumni Sponsors continued)
1988 Ashley Fogle
1988 Marjorie Trask Gray
1988 Marie Avery Moses
1988 Laura Tucker
1989 Ann Nunally Beck
1989 James Blaikie
1989 Lisa Boney Bradham
1989 Ashly Farrior
1989 Sydney Meeks Fowler
1989 Leslie Hand
1989 Caroline Robinson Horne
1989 Ashley Stone Kuehne
1989 Mia Fontana Larson
1989 Anne Jeter Lindsay
1989 J. Eric Norris
1989 Kathryn Denny O'Neill
1989 Matthew Pesavento
1990 Bobbi Evans Blansit
1990 Elizabeth Robinson Gallup
1990 Katherine Crockett
1990 Katie VanGysel Huebel
1990 Stephen Rigg
1990 Kim Simpson
1990 Barbara Gay Southworth
1991 Jason C. Hincher
1992 Chandler Bailey
1992 John J. Fontana
1992 Sally Rains Ragsdale
1993 Parker Barnes
1993 Andy Burris
1993 Shayna Isaac Citron
1993 Claire McKay Coffman
1993 Shawn Corley
1993 Kay Hodges Horton
1993 Amanda Fordham Hulin
1993 Sydney Korrell
1993 Arthur O'Kelly
1994 Bob Bundy
1994 Laban Chappell
1994 Bradi Ryan Dinkins
1994 Cindy White Lewis
1994 Megan Harris Taylor
1995 Katherine Grace Hefner
Ryan Mitchell
Erik Wallace
Patrick Harris
Cecil Mitchell
Sally Mitchell Dennis
Patrick Mitchell
Garrett Wreden
Jonathan Bush
Caroline Webb Wreden
Mark Anderson
Meredith Andrepont
William Trask
Richard Malinowski
Ted Malinowski
Caroline Carmody
Nathan Akers
Conner Akers
Mary Catherine Carmody
Lawton Harper
Charlie Humphries
Libby Malinowski
Laura Roddey
Scholarship &
Memorial Gifts
Burris Family
Dr. & Mrs. A. G. Burris Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Ben Burris
Emerging Leader
Robert E. Hostilo
Mr. & Mrs. Mike G. Hostilo
T. Reynolds Robinson
Memorial Scholarship
Gifts made in memory of
Mrs. Betsey Robinson
303 Associates, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. William Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. Fred G. Auld III
Ms. Carol Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. Howell Beach
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Boudolf
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Gresham Brown
Ms. Kathryn L. Brownlee
Mr. & Mrs. George Bullwinkel
Ms. Dolly Bush
Ms. Tosh Carden
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Clawson
Ms. Lois Cochrane
Ms. Emily W. Coffman
Mrs. Earnest Collins
Mr. & Mrs. J. Murray Compton
The Coulter Family
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Cracraft
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Cuppia
Mr. & Mrs. Laurance H. Davis Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Dewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Duncan
Mr. Dolf Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Duryea
Ms. Margaret Ehrhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Eidt
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Epting
Mr. & Mrs. William Ferrara
Lt. Gen. Edward M. Flanagan Jr. Ret
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvain Fleury
Mr. & Mrs. A. Duncan Fordham
Mr. & Ms. Martin Fosberry
Mr. & Mrs. William Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Sydney K. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Gallup
The Burris Family Scholarship was
established in 2012 by Dr. Ben Burris in
honor of his parents, Dr. Skeet and Gail
Burris. These $1,500 scholarships are
presented to a rising 9th grader and rising
12th grader who are former or current
patients of “Winning Orthodontic Smiles”.
The awards are based on overall student
potential, achievement, and commitment
to the core values of Beaufort Academy.
The scholarship funds will be applied to
the student’s tuition at Beaufort Academy
for the coming school year. The recipients
of the 2015 Burris Family Scholarships
Robert Hostilo, Chris Boggs, Mike Hostilo, Zion Green
were Josh Boyd and Carlyle O’Herron.
Ms. Harriette E. Gauze
Ms. Geros & Ms. Winters
Ms. Holly Golden
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. John Good
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gray Sr.
Drs. Lucy and Paul Guglielmino
Ms. Barbara J. Hamiton
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hand
Mrs. Catherine Harley
Harris Pillow Supply
Mr. R.P. Dick Horne
Mr. & Mrs. T. Carey Idlerton
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jeter
Mr. Michael L. M. Jordan
Ms. Anne M. Kinlaw
Ms. Barbara Klemans
Mr.& Mrs. Fred Kuhn
Mr. & Mrs. Montigue T. Laffitte
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Lindsay
Mr. & Ms. Christopher Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lubkin Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Malinowski
Mr. & Mrs. William Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Gean Martin
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Maybank
Mr. & Mrs. Claude McLeod
W. H. McLeod & Son
Ms. Sharon McRae
Mr. & Mrs. Guy P. McSweeney
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mix
Mr. & Mrs. Boulton Mohr
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Molony
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Morin
Mr. & Mrs. H. Stroh Morrison
Ms. Alice Moss
Mrs. Carol Myers
Ms. Lovett Taylor & Mr. Keith Myers
The Robert E. Hostilo Scholarship Fund
was established in 2013 by his son, Mike
Hostilo (BA ‘83), to help make a difference in the life of deserving students
attending Beaufort Academy. Candidates
must have the desire and ability to
progress academically, socially and extracurricularly toward college matriculation,
and have a considerable financial need
for tuition assistance. Funds awarded
through the scholarship will be applied
directly to the students’ BA tuition.
The recipients of the 2014-2015 Robert
E. Hostilo Scholarship Fund were Chris
Boggs and Zion Green.
Beaufort Academy 2014-2015 Year in Review
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Myers
Mr. & Ms. Phil Newsome
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Peabody
Ms. Nelle Pender &
Mr. Hugh Gouldthorpe
Mr. & Mrs. John Robert Perrill
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Pesavento
Mr. & Mrs. W. Earl Pickel
Mrs. Wyatt Pringle
Ms. Rhoda G. Rentz
Mr. Richard Robinson, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Rowland
Mrs. Betty Sams
Ms. Adele Shahid
Mr. Gerald M. Smith
South State Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Standridge
Col. & Mrs. Richard Stearns
Mrs. Frances Jeter Stowe
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Strohmeyer
Ms. Lois Strong
Ms. Kristina T. Thomason
Dr. Linda Hawes &
Mr. Richard Toomey
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Trask Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Trask Jr.
Ms. Mary Sharpe &
Judge Ralph Tupper
Mr. & Mrs. Roland L. Tuttle
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Vivona
Mr. & Mrs. William R. VonHarten
Mr. H.H. VonHarten III
Ms. Jeanne Wasson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Webb III
Mr. & Mrs. Norman West
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wills
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Wise
Dr. Caroline W. Wreden &
Mr. Garrett Wreden
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Young
Stowe Gaston
Dr. & Mrs. John Adams
Mrs. Elizabeth Barge
Mr. & Mrs. Colden Battey Sr.
The Boeing Company*
Mr. & Mrs. Howell Beach
Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Erickson
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Grace
The Gray Family Foundation
Dr. Michael Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Ladson F. Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jeter
Mrs. Lila N. Meeks
Mr. Harry M. Mims Jr.
Ms. Karla R. Pippins
Dr. Bruce Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Robinson
Ms. Genie Sullivan
Dr. Linda Hawes &
Mr. Richard Toomey
Mrs. L. Paul Trask, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Webster Trask
Col. & Mrs. Gary R. Van Gysel Ret*
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Williams
Capital Campaign
50th Anniversary
Gym Renovation
This list includes donations and
pledges made to this multi-year
campaign during the 2014-2015
fiscal year.
Dr. & Mrs. John Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Aivaz given in
honor of Madison, Conner & Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Alcott
Ms. Connie Ambrose
The Stowe Gaston Cup was established
in 2014 in memory of Joseph Scott
Stowe, the father of two BA students.
Stowe graduated high school from
Gaston Day School in NC where he was
a leader in the school, in his classroom,
and on his sports teams. This scholarship aims to recognize a current BA
eighth grader who exemplifies these
same qualities. Funds awarded
through the scholarship will be applied
directly to the students’ BA tuition.
The recipient of the 2015 Stowe
Gaston Cup was Emma Higgins.
Mr. & Mrs. George Babalis
Ms. Angela Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bass
The Boeing Company*
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Boyne
Ms. Evelyn Caldwell given in
memory of Bessie & Sims Caldwell
Capstone Advancement Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Compton
Mr. & Mrs. William Crossman
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dalton
Mr. & Mrs. Clay W. Danielson
Ms. Susan DiFabio
Mr. & Mrs. Claude N. Dinkins, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Dyer III
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Edmonds
Dr. Karen Eller & Mr. Joe Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. A. Duncan Fordham
given in honor of Amy E Fordham
(’89) & Amanda F. Hulin (‘93)
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Grace given in
honor of our daughters
The Gray Family Foundation
Miss Mary Green
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Hand
Mr. & Mrs. Frampton Harper II
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. William Hatcher
Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Hefner
Dr. Katherine G. Hefner &
Mr. Ashley Hefner
Mr. & Mrs. Jason C. Hincher
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hollen
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Luckey
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Malinowski
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Marquart
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Marsh III
Mr. & Mrs. William Massalon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mathai given in
honor of John & David Mathai
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Matte
Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott May
Mr. Neal McCarty
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Melville
Mr. & Ms. Patrick Mitchell
Emma Higgins & Athletic Director Neal McCarty
Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell
given in honor of Meredith,
Cecil and Patrick Mitchell
Ms. Gina Reilly &
Mr. Michael Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Namdar
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oelschlager
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Patel
Dr. Bruce Pratt
Mrs. Wyatt Pringle
Ms. Paula Quinn
Regions Matching Gifts Program*
Rentz Construction
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Rhatigan
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Roddey
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Schools
Dr. & Mrs. G. Heath Simmons
given in honor of past & current
teachers of Beaufort Academy
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Simmons
Mrs. Lillian A. Spears
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Staley
Ms. Pam Steman
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor Sr.*
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Taylor Jr.
Mrs. L. Paul Trask, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Trask
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tumlin
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Twenge
Col. & Mrs. Gary R. Van Gysel Ret*
Mr. & Mrs. John Warrick
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Webb III
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Willett given in
honor of Catherine Harley
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Worrell given
in honor of Norma Duncan
Dr. Caroline W. Wreden &
Mr. Garrett Wreden
The Emerging Leader Scholarship was
established in 2014 anonymously by
two Beaufort Academy parents. It is
designed to identify and support a
rising 9th grade student throughout
his/her upper school tenure at BA, with
a unique focus on identifying future
leaders and cultivating their leadership
skills. The recipient will receive a
scholarship every year throughout high
school to help to defray the cost of
tuition at BA. The first recipient of the
Emerging Leader Scholarship was
Virginia Dukes.
Rep. Shannon Erickson, Will Dukes, Virginia Dukes,
Elizabeth Dukes, Stephen Schools
240 Sams Point Road ~ Beaufort, SC 29907