Vol. 20 # 21 Police Cheif Search


Vol. 20 # 21 Police Cheif Search
Port Orford Today!
Read us online at www.mydfz.com/dfz-pot.htm
Vol. 20 Number 21
Thursday, May 28, 2009
© 2009 by Downtown Fun Zone, Inc.
Downtown Fun Zone, Inc.
Evan & Valerie Kramer, Owners
832 Highway 101, P.O. Box 49
Port Orford, OR 97465
(541) 332-6565 (Voice or FAX)
Police Chief Search
By Evan Kramer
The Port Orford City Council met on
Thursday night, May 21 two days after
the passing of the Police Levy. Mayor
Pro Tem Jim Auborn and councilors David Smith, Caroline Clancy, Scott Luhr,
Tim Pogwizd, Bill McArdle, and John
Hewitt were all present for the short
meeting. There were no citizens concerns so the council jumped into departmental reports.
The council was particularly pleased
with Public Works Director Allan Wagner’s public works report and the way
he is handling the job. The water loss
rate for the month of April was 44.5%;
a decrease over previous months. The
department produced 4.051 million gallons of water at the treatment plant and
metered 2.244 million gallons. Councilor Luhr led the council and public in
a round of applause for Wagner over his
and the department’s efforts with Allan
making sure to give credit to his crew.
Chamber of Commerce president David Smith reported that the Chamber is
working on a new brochure promoting
the area and he is working with help
from councilor Pogwizd and Jeff MacFarlane.
Please send advertising-related email to
[email protected]; press releases and
letters to the editor to [email protected].
Deadline 3:00pm Tuesdays.
Mon-Thu 9:30-5:30pm
Fri & Sat 9:30-6:30pm
Port Commission member and council
liaison to the Port Scott Luhr reported
on Oregon House Bill 3013 – the funding bill for Marine Reserves which at
this point is projected to provide $1
million for the reserves if it becomes
law. Watershed liaison Bill McArdle reported that progress is again being made
on the greenway project and also on fire
suppression for the watershed. He suggested bringing Joanne Ruoff to next
month’s meeting to discuss the greenway project.
Both councilor Luhr and Caroline Clancy reported that the past weekend over
a period of five days there had been a
massive die off of baby crabs at Dock
Beach, a popular dog walking spot.
They questioned what caused the die off
but so far no one knows what happened.
If you understand what happened contact them at city hall.
The council discussed Resolution 200912; a Resolution of the council increasing the connection fees for new water
installations. The current cost for installing a new water meter is $200. The
resolution proposed to increase the fee
to $1,300 for a three quarter inch standard water connection; $1,524 for a
one inch service; and for those services
above one inch $1,700 down payment
with the remainder of the costs billed
Pacific High School
Class of 2009
to the contractor when the water connection is completed. Allan Wagner
explained there was a shortfall in fees
with the current rate. Councilor Luhr
wanted to raise the new fees even higher
and said the city should make a profit on
the connection with the department run
more like a business. The main purpose
of the Resolution was to make sure the
city recovers its costs when installing
water connections. The council voted
4-2 on David Smith’s motion to adopt
the Resolution with Luhr and Clancy
voting no saying they wanted higher
connection fees and Smith, Hewitt,
Pogwizd and McArdle voting yes. The
council will revisit this issue and make
sure the city is recouping its full costs
with the new fees.
The council discussed contributing
funds to the Port of Port Orford to fund
a lobbyist for the new cannery and administrative buildings at the Port. The
lobbyist will participate through the
Oregon Way program which is helping lead the way for a new cannery
building. This is money from the federal government related to the stimulus
program to create jobs. Scott Luhr explained the Port is trying to replace the
old cannery building and also build an
additional building that would house the
Continued on Page 2
Page 2
Frederick J. Carleton
Shala McKenzie Kudlac
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Tuesday and Thursday
Call 332-0826 anytime
Monday thru Friday
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Tide Predictions For Port Orford - 42° 44.735 N 124° 30.832 W
Produced by “WXTide32” version 4.7 by Michael Hopper - http://wxtide32.com
H0240 7.6
L0950 -1.8
H1643 6.1
L2156 3.0
H0340 7.0
L1042 -1.2
H1737 6.2
L2310 2.7
FQtr 05-30
H0447 6.2
L1135 -0.4
H1829 6.5
Police Chief Search
Continued from Page 1
Port offices, POORT offices and a new
space for Griff’s Restaurant. If this all
comes about the building currently occupied by Griff’s would be raised and
a fish cleaning station built in that location. Luhr said the Port was asking for a
contribution of $1,000 toward the cost
of hiring Cheryl Coon as a lobbyist for
the project. The Port, Curry County,
and the Chamber of Commerce have all
contributed to the hiring of the lobbyist with POORT agreeing to pay for her
travel expenses. Luhr will be attending
a meeting in Salem on May 28 where
he will present the Port’s case for the
$9.7 million grant for the project. As he
put it they are going to Salem to “sell”
the project. Another leg in this project
would be a Marine Interpretive Center
at Battle Rock Park at the Visitor Center
which would become a two story building to house the Interpretive Center.
Luhr explained the key element in getting this grant is jobs and job retention
at the Port. David Smith asked if the city
L0028 2.3
H0604 5.5
L1229 0.4
H1918 6.7
L0145 1.6
H0729 5.0
L1324 1.1
H2006 7.0
L0252 0.8
H0852 4.8
L1418 1.8
H2049 7.2
could donate money to a lobbyist and
was told by city attorney Shala McKenzie Kudlac no but they could give the
money to the Port. David Smith made
a motion for the City to give $1,000 to
the Port for the Oregon Way project and
it passed 5-0 with Luhr abstaining. The
council also directed city administrator
Mike Murphy to write a letter of support
for the project.
Councilor Hewitt offered a motion to
pass the consent calendar which included approved Griff’s OLCC application
for off premises beer and wine sales and
approving the OLCC renewals for the
businesses in town selling alcohol and
it passed.
The council fresh from a convincing
victory for the police levy local option
tax took the first step in hiring a new
police chief. They discussed whether to
hire a full time or part time chief with
all but Caroline Clancy in favor of a full
time police chief. One point that swayed
the council is they felt a part time chief
would only have time for office work
and they want the new police chief out
L0349 0.1
H1007 4.9
L1511 2.4
H2131 7.3
L0439 -0.5
H1111 5.0
L1601 2.9
H2211 7.3
patrolling part time as well and being
visible. Mike Murphy was instructed
to begin advertising for a full time police chief but be open minded if they do
find a person who wants the job but not
full time. The council recently passed
the City’s 2009-10 budget and included
funds for a full time police chief.
Mike Murphy reminded one and all
about the upcoming household hazardous waste clean up days in Port Orford.
They will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 19 and 20, from 11:00am to
2:00pm tentatively set to be held on Idaho Street between Eighteenth and Nineteenth. June 19 date is for businesses
only and June 20 is for households and
is free to homeowners. You may bring in
all manners of hazardous waste from old
paint, gasoline and diesel fuel, batteries,
fluorescent lights and pesticides. There
will also be a mercury thermometer
exchange where you bring in your old
mercury thermometer and you will be
given a brand new digital thermometer.
Mark your calendars as these household
hazardous waste clean up days occur infrequently.
Page 3
Savoy Theatre
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Election Wrap Up
By Evan Kramer
The votes are counted and in North
Curry County the results were eagerly
Port Orford residents overwhelmingly
approved passage of the local option
police tax levy by a 61.15% to 38.95%
margin with 266 yes votes and 169 no
votes. This is almost a complete reversal of the results from the November
2008 police levy election when it was
defeated by a 61-39% margin. This
means there will be a police department
in Port Orford’s future for the next five
years though the levy was for $10,000
less than the current one which expires
on June 30, 2009.
The Port Orford Rural Fire District
board had three contested races including one very unusual one. Ken Fliszar
beat Dave Bassett for Position #2 by a
vote of 135 to 123 or 51.33% to 46.77%.
Brice Wagner beat Dennis Woodard for
Position #4 by a margin of 55.26% to
40.13% with Wagner garnering the most
votes of any candidate with 168 votes to
Woodard’s 122. In Position #3 incumbent board member Ed Tennant was de-
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feated by a write-in campaign by local
rancher Joe Marsh. The percentage going to the write-ins was 57.79% or 167
votes while Tennant gathered 40.13%
or 122 votes. Marsh’s name wasn’t on
the ballot but he is a lifetime resident of
the Elk River community and very well
known. It is very unusual for a write-in
candidate to win a race but it happened
in Port Orford. As of Tuesday, May
26 the results for this write-in election
winner are still unofficial according to
Connie Higgins with the County Elections Department. The Elections Division will convene the write-in board on
Wednesday, May 27, and certify the results and make them official soon.
The Port Orford Rural Fire District
Board will consist of Edna Auld, Marie
Van Aart, Ken Fliszar, Brice Wagner
and Joe Marsh after July 1 of this year.
SOLV Project
A big ‘thank you’ to the volunteers
that helped the Port Orford Parks
Commission Brush and Weed Removal
Event at Pinehurst & Old Mill Pond on
Saturday, May 16th! The weather was
perfect for the 10 volunteers as they
enjoyed water and snacks courtesy
of Ray’s Food Place. Each volunteer
received a free tote bag and a new pair
of gloves provided by SOLV for helping
out at the event. Everyone worked
hard and fortunately there were only
sore muscles and few minor scratches.
Volunteers were Austin Benavidez, Jim
Billings, Caroline Clancy, Ken Gibson,
Briana Goodwin, Grover Hatcher, Ken
Hughes, Mark Murray, John Sovereign
and Julie Sholes.
And here’s to those that worked behind
the scenes to make this event a success:
Ray’s Food Place for donating water and
snacks, Curry Transfer and Recycling
for waiving disposal fees, Allan Wagner
for providing the City’s dump truck,
Mark Murray and Austin Benavidez
for ensuring the donated refreshements
were available, and Briana Goodwin for
providing First Aid expertise.
The Parks will be receiving 10 donated
Rhododendrons from Mike Carpenter
and possibly some Azaleas from another
donor in the future to add in between the
established mature trees on the west end
of the pond next to the parking lot.
Page 4
‘Neath The Wind Realty, inc.
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Betty Sejlund - Principal Broker
Marlette Homes
Call these brokers for real estate
Maralyn’s leisure time is filled with
such activities as squash, skiing, and
bike riding, swimming and running in
Maralyn calls Colorado home. She and
John moved there in 1982. Her fondness
for Port Orford was cultivated through
her visits here with John when he came
to perform a reading of Fool’s Hill and
again when she came to place his marker at Tichenor’s Cemetery. Her deep
connection has brought her back on two
other occasions since John’s death.
Ed Beck
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George Bennett, (541) 251-0577
2009 Grand Marshal
alike to share in the continuing magic of
this place called Port Orford.
Letter to the Editor,
Maralyn Moore is an accomplished
woman in her own right. A native of
Vermont, she earned a B.A. from Colby
College in Maine, and an MBA from the
University of Denver. She is the owner
of a business called CIP Information
Service which serves three states.
To all the patrons of the Port Orford Rural Fire Protection District. I thank you
for your consideration and votes in this
It is with delight and pleasure we name
Ms. Maralyn Moore our Grand Marshal
for 2009.
Maralyn is the widow of John Quick.
John is a direct descendant of William
Tichenor, founding father of Port Orford
and the author of Fool’s Hill.
Maralyn bestowed a generous gift to
this community when she gave her kind
permission for our own Theatre 101 to
adapt John’s book into a play.
John and Maralyn were married almost
twenty years when he died in 2001.
Fool’s Hill is a wonderful, thought provoking peek into Port Orford’s recent
past. Maralyn’s gracious gesture enables
us to bring another dimension to this fascinating look backwards. It’s a chance to
share this historical legacy with our entire community. Indeed, it is difficult for
this writer to put into words the incredible journey and relationships that have
occurred in the months of research and
preparation for this play. One can only
imagine the memories that may surface
at the end of each performance for those
who have lived here most of their lives.
It’s a rare opportunity for old and young
Now we will have the pleasure of her
company once again as we honor her on
this 2009 Jubilee.
Thank You Voters
Rural Fire District Election.
In sincere appreciation,
Brice Wagner
Saturday, June 6
10:00am to Noon
Children’s Art Fun
Port Orford Arts Council and Port Orford/Langlois Libraries.
FREE at PO Library
Griffs on the Dock
Restaurant & Seafood
Now Serving Breakfast 7-11, Lunch & Dinner Daily
Daily Specials!
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Time to Propose
The Curry County Commission on Children and Families (CCCCF) is pleased
to announce the availability of Request
for Proposal (RFP) packets. CCCCF
is looking for local community-based
projects that will provide supports for
families and children in Curry County.
There are several categories or grant
streams that will be under consideration.
They include: Great Start (Children 0-8
and the children’s family), Child Care
and Development Funds (child care for
0-13 years and children with special
needs up to 18 years), Children Youth
& Families (Age 0-18 and their families), and Youth Investment (Age 13-18
non-delinquent youth who are chronically acting out or are victims of neglect), Healthy Start (children prenatal
through five and their families), Family
Preservation Services (for children and
families designed to protect children
from harm and help families at risk or in
crisis), and Juvenile Crime Prevention
(youth ages 10-17 clearly demonstrating at-risk behaviors).
The CCCCF seeks applications to provide funding for programs that are based
on best practices and are supported by
the Curry County Coordinated Comprehensive Plan, the Juvenile Crime Prevention Plan and the State Plan for Federal Child Care and Development. This
process is a public process wherein existing and new proposals are welcome.
(541) 332-8985
Funded projects are to be conducted
from July 2009 through June 2011.
Sealed RFP’s must be returned to the
CCCCF office by noon, Wednesday,
June 17. Late requests will not be accepted. Deliver or Mail To: Dr. Myrna
Barber, Director, Curry County Commission on Children & Families, P.O.
Box 746, 29805 Mary Street, Gold
Beach, OR 97444.
CCCCF will hole a public meeting
Wednesday, June 24 to announce funding recommendations to the Curry
County Board of Commissioners for the
2009-2011 fiscal year. The Board will
review and confirm funding recommendations on Monday, July 6.
KOA Wins Awards
“We did not win these awards, we
earned these awards with hard work and
lots of elbow grease” says owner, Max
Meeks. The Bandon/Port Orford KOA,
Page 5
located 16 miles south of Bandon, has
been notified by the KOA home office
in Billings, Montana that they have received not only the President’s Award
(awarded for inspection totals), but
also the coveted Founder’s Award. The
Founder’s Award is based on customer
satisfaction, and only two KOA’s in Oregon received this award.
In addition to these two awards, they
have been notified by Trailer Life (Good
Sam Club) that they have received the
“Best of the Best” award for placing in
the top 300 of more than 12,000 campgrounds in the network.
“We have spent 23 years at this KOA
building a facility that has resort amenities like wifi, pool, hot tub, and half
acre playground, while keeping the
campground atmosphere where families
can enjoy s’mores around the campfire”
says wife, Claudia Meeks. “We raised
our own children on the campground,
and they have met kids from all over the
world. Our goal has been to add something each year to the park. Last summer the Big Dog concession stand (with
char broiled burgers, fish and chips, and
chowder) took residence at the park.
Having food available at the park was
an instant hit with campers and locals - it
was a win/win for everybody involved”.
Asked about plans for this year the response was “customer service is always
our number one goal. Besides that we
will be building two camping lodges.”
Free In Home Estimates
Window Treatments
Blinds $ Shades $ Shutters
50422 Highway 101, Bandon
Sea Breeze - 05-28
Page 6
Hard Rain Café
Summer Solstice Celebration
1st Annual Support Your Local Musicians Day
Looking for local musicians who would like to participate,
young and old. All tips for music will be split between all
musicians who participate. Call Joani 332-0376 to get a
time slot or for more info. Thanks!
Purely Voice
“Purely Voice” a seven member a cappella vocal ensemble from Gold Beach
headline the first 2009 Mildred Hill
Concert at Zion Lutheran Church in
Port Orford, Sunday June 21 at 6:00pm.
“Kammeroque Trio” of flute, oboe and
harpsichord will open the program with
a set of baroque masterpieces. $10 tickets available from Downtown Fun Zone,
[email protected] and at the door, with youth 18
and under free.
“Create In Me a Clean Heart, O God”
from the program section of four songs
of faith will be followed by four songs
on Joy such as “You Are The New Day.”
Following intermission, the sections are
Comfort as in “I’m going Home,” Love
as in “If I Loved You” from Carousel,
and Story including “Who’ll Be A Witness.” The entire vocal program includes 18 songs with harmony, rhythm
and memorable melody with no keyboard accompaniment.
Four of the group began singing together and added three more singers by
acquaintance and informal audition, to
achieve their high standard of perfor-
mance. Mildred Hill Concerts is delighted to bring this group to Port Orford for
a full blown concert. If you love vocal
music, this concert is for you.
Donna Roselius and Suzanne Monks
bring their years of accomplished performance on flute and oboe with harpsichord accompaniment to an opening
set of baroque music from the likes of
Telemann and Mozart. Donna for many
years hosted the informal monthly kammeroque gatherings, with flute, recorder
and strings, and other instruments. Now,
the trio enters formal performance again
to open this enticing concert.
Mildred Hill Concerts offers four performances each year to fill the niche for
somewhat classical repertoire not filled
by Arts Council events or Theatre 101.
These concerts are backed by a generous bequest from the Hill family in Mildred’s memory.
Mudeye Puppet Company
Here’s mud in your eye! Portland’s
Mudeye Puppet Company is headed this
way to present a workshop for making
giant puppets (perfect for marching in
our Fourth of July parade), and a free
community puppet show.
Sea Breeze
& Best Wishes
to the Class of 2009!
World Wide Wire Service
(541) 332-0445 Shop
311 6th St.
888-484-2234 (toll free) Port Orford
The adventure starts off with the puppet-making workshop, Thursday and
Friday, June 11 and 12, 1 to 6:00pm,
at Port Orford Community Building.
This two-day activity is only $35/$30
for Arts Council members, $10 for a
child with enrolled adult. Register early,
space is limited. To reserve a spot, call
332-0487; mail checks to POAC, P.O.
Box 771, Port Orford, OR 97465.
The free puppet show, “Treetop Collector’s Club,” will be offered to the community, Saturday, June 13, at 10am at
the Community Building.
Through esteem-building arts workshops, puppet performances, and parades, the Mudeye Puppet Company
promotes waste reduction, encouraging
creativity through use of reused materials. To support recycling and the puppet
workshop, donations of the following
materials may be brought to the Arts
Council Office-Gallery at 1320 Oregon
St., June 8 through 10 from 1 to 4 p.m.:
heavy cardboard, paper grocery bags,
house paint in bright colors, large sheets
of scrap fabric, old mop or broom sticks,
bicycle inner tubes, plastic buckets. No
styrofoam, please.
For further Mudeye Puppets information, go to www.mudeyepuppets.com
and www.bruceorr.com. Call 332-4045
or 332-8882 regarding local puppet
events. These functions are sponsored
by Port Orford Arts Council and the
Kinsman Foundation.
Alden Wayne Boice
Alden Wayne Boice, 81 was born in
Bandon March 25, 1928 to Allen H.
Boice and Carrie Guerin Boice, and
died in Brookings May 22, 2009. Alden
was the last of their twelve children. He
joined five brothers and six sisters when
he and his mother were brought home
to Langlois.
Alden attended school in Langlois and
when he was just 17 he quit high school
to join the U. S. Marines in World War
II. After spending two years in the Marine Corps, he returned to Langlois and
received his diploma from Langlois
High School. He worked in the logging
industry for N.S.P. and also Griffey &
Laird. With his brother Jerry Boice
and Mort Strain they formed their own
B.B.S. logging company.
He married Frances Cornoyer of Bandon on November 5, 1948. She preceded him in death in 1997. Their daughter.
Trudy died in 1968.
He was always interested in boats and
racing, and built his first wooden boat
in the Boice barn in Langlois. He raced
small boats and then hydroplanes winning many races including the Marathon
from Gold Beach to Agness setting a record at the time.
His interest in boat building culminated
in his building aluminum boats which
he designed to be capable of running
over the riffles of Rogue River at very
high speeds, and in extremely shallow
water. He worked with the Berkeley Jet
Co. and perfected the Boice Built Boats
using the Berkeley Jets. He built the
“Klamath Queen” with a capacity for
72 passengers, which his brother Court
piloted on the Klamath. Alden’s favorite
boat was the “Trudy D”.
He designed the boats his brother Jerry used in Jerry’s Jet Boat business on
Rogue River. In 1972, Alden and Bill
McNair bought Jerry’s Jet Boat passenger business. In 1984 Alden sold out his
Recycled Materials For
Giant Puppet Workshop
Page 7
The following materials are needed for the
Mudeye Puppet Workshop (June 11,12):
Heavy cardboard $ Paper grocery bags
House paints - bright colors
Scrap fabrics - large sheets
Old mop or broom sticks
Bicycle inner tubes $ Platic buckets
Bring items to Port Orford Arts Council Office - Gallery,
June 8-10, 1-4pm. For further information, call Weld at
interest to McNair and had a few years
not knowing what to do. Then in 1988
he took a job with the U. S. Forest Service. They were building trails along
the Rogue and they needed bridges
built to span the creeks. Alden designed
and built twelve bridges and worked
with high school and college kids who
learned a great deal from him.
When he finally quit the Forest Service,
he and Frances would go south to the
desert and spend winters there. One of
his greatest thrills was to see the ‘Blue
Angels’ perform and even to meet them
Alden was always proud of his work
and took pride in doing things right. His
work ethic was beyond reproach, as was
his honesty, self reliance and integrity.
He was a true patriot and was proud of
his family and his country.
He started working at Cedar Bend Golf
Course and spent 18 years there as their
greens keeper. On Dec. 5, 1998 he married Kathy Harrington and together they
worked at the golf course.
He is survived by his wife Kathy;
daughter Aldene McCaw of Lebanon;
sons, Greg Boice and wife Maryann
and Bill Boice and his wife Bobbie of
Gold Beach; step-daughter Lisa Cox
and her husband Tom Cox and two sons;
grandsons, Rich Boice, Chris Boice, Jed
Boice and Zack Boice; granddaughters,
Nicole, Sheena, Sarah, and Savannah,
and numerous great grand children..
Also surviving are sisters, Dora Autry of Gold Beach and Mary Capps of
Bandon; and brother, Allen H. Boice
now living in Brookings. Four brothers
preceded him in death: Howard, Fred,
Court, and Jerry and also four sisters:
Edna Baker, Ada Campbell, Hilda Auer
and Alma Deets.
Services will be held at 11:00am
Wednesday, May 27 at Docia Sweet
Hall on the Curry County Fairgrounds
in Gold Beach. Pastor Doug Jamieson
will officiate. Interment will follow at
Rogue River Cemetery in Gold Beach.
The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Veterans Flags
on 101 in care of Myrtle Grove Funeral
Service-Bay Area, 2645 Woodland Dr.,
Coos Bay, Or 97420.
Services are under the direction of Myrtle Grove Funeral Service-Bay Area,
Page 8
Bandon Supply
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CLASSIFIED ADS are $3.50 for the first
25 words or less, and 10¢ each for any additional words. Normal deadline for submission is 3:00pm Tuesday. Downtown
Fun Zone, Inc., 832 Hwy 101, Box 49,
Port Orford, OR 97465 (541) 332-6565.
FOR RENT: Studio and 1 bedroom apartments from $300.00. Call Robin @ Port
Orford Property Management (541) 2536107 www.rentportorford.com. Vacation
rentals still available for Memorial Day.
Inn Trailer Court, 557 Ninth Street. Near
beach. Cable TV, garbage, water, sewer
included. Coin laundry. Quiet neighbors
and close to stores. RV Trailers from
$350 per month, RV space $275 (541)
Camp Blanco RV Park! $310 Includes
cable, Internet, and discount on propane. 332-6175.
has a 10 x 16 building for rent. Contact
9.5 ACRES, year round stream, good
building sites, one with ocean view,
DEQ septic approval, developed spring,
power and phone through property. This
is a very private spot, about 5 miles from
Port Orford. $165,000, possible owner
financing with 35% down. 541-332-0353.
FOR RENT: Multiple 2 Bed 1 Bath units.
$625-650/ Month. Please call BandonRentals Property Management, LLC for
information. 347-1876.
BEST INTERNET FOR LESS!! Briskweb, Inc. Service Available Nationwide.
Unlimited local 56K dialup, friendly tech
support & more. $16.00/monthly. www.
briskweb.net (541) 332-1337.
keys, installations, repairs, locks opened.
Auto, home, business. Bonded 332-7404.
space for rent. $450 including Internet,
2 large bays, restroom & utilities. 20th
street across from City Hall 332-6175.
– Doors, windows, siding, decks, roofs,
painting. All calls returned. Eugene Hill
Construction, Inc. CCB # 168971. (541)
studio unit with great “city views”, as well
as peeks of Humbug, ocean and beach.
Close to Battle Rock, beaches, and much
more. Rent is $450/month including utilities. Call 332-0989.
Repair, auto & truck refinishing, auto &
truck glass, custom lettering & graphics.
Lifetime warranty, on time delivery, insurance approved. Call the friendly staff at
Napier auto Body (541) 347-3219.
Douglas Trimble
Tree Service
Locally Owned
and Operated
Since 1996
Lic. # 119157
 Lift Truck
 Chipper / Clean-Up
 Storm Damage
 Danger Tree Removals
 Limbing
 Topping
 Falling
Home (541) 332-1010
Cell (541) 530-8778
metal, custom cut cedar lumber. Shakes
& shingles or fireproof shakes, framing
lumber, plywood, stainless steel. Call Ben
@ Winter Lake (541) 290-1598.
or small projects. We can do it all. 30 years
experience. Dependable, honest with fair
prices. Call Martin Batch (208) 246-0345
or 332-1697. CCB# 186233.
LEAK SPECIALIST Roofing, Windows
& Siding B.C. Construction CCB#155726
the summer? I am a certified teacher. I
can help your child learn anything or
take them on day hikes. $8 per hour. Call
Keren: (732) 668-2305.
BUILDING - New construction or remodeling, residential or commercial, or
just needing repairs, Call Daniel Wilson
Construction. 25 years on the southern
Oregon coast. Also lot clearing, gravel
fill dirt, plan drawing custom design.
332-5321. Lic # 61322.
Continued on Page 9
Page 9
Blue Sky Tree Service
Pinwheel Sprinkler
Wild Bird Seed
Reg. 7.99
$ Colorful sprinkler features circular
coverage up to 900 sq. ft.
$ Spray from center and spinning
While supplies last.
1 Mile South of Bandon
(541) 347-4356
Classified Ads
Continued from Page 8
James’ computer & network diagnostics,
repair, tutoring & more. Onsite services
provided to Port Orford through Coquille.
Drop off service available. Call for appointment. 332-1337.
STAKING ENGINEER with CoosCurry Electric Cooperative, Inc., Gold
Beach, Oregon. Close date: June 1st,
2009. Staking Engineer will translate
distribution plant construction requests for
new service, increased capacity, and line
relocations into line designs and layout
consistent with approved construction
methods and specifications, keeping in
mind right-of-way requirements and
company policy on construction. This
position will report to Gold Beach and
will serve both Gold Beach and Brookings
service areas. Minimum Requirements:
Associate’s Degree (A.A.) or equivalent from two year college or technical
school; or six months to one year experience and / or training in engineering; or
equivalent combination of education and
engineering experience. Valid Oregon
McNair True Value Hardware
Help is just around the corner
1935 N. Oregon St., Port Orford
(541) 332-3371
driver’s license, understanding of 29 CFR
1910.269 Subpart R OSHA regulations.
CCEC is an equal opportunity employer.
We offer a competitive wage and benefit
package including NRECA Retirement,
401k match, and group health and life
insurance. Submit resume to resume@
ccec.coop, fax to 541-332-8839 or mail
to Attn: Human Resources PO Box 1268,
Port Orford OR 97465.
PARKS SUMMER WORKER Approximately 3 months of employment,
starting at $8.45 per hour. Monday through
Friday, 7:30-4:30. Starts June 1, 2009 and
will run through August. Duties: mowing,
brush cutting, brush hauling, changing
trash cans, shoveling and digging, general
labor. Operate brush chipper, chain saw,
weed-eater, lawn mower, and other duties
as assigned. Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
Must have valid Oregon Driver’s License
and a good driving record. Obtain Job
Description and Application materials
at the City of Port Orford, 555 W. 20th
Street, Port Orford between the hours of
7:30-4:30, Mon.-Fri. Application period
closes May 29, 2009 at 4:30 pm or until
filled. “The City is an Equal Opportunity
CCB # 152469
Close Quarter Specialist
Fruit Trees
60’ Boom
12” Chipper
All Consultations Free!
Call 347-7400
hereby given that the Port Orford Planning Commission will hold a Public
Hearing on June 9, 2009 at 6:00 p.m., in
the Council Chambers of Port Orford City
Hall at 555 W 20th Street, Port Orford,
Oregon, for the purpose of considering
proposed amendments to the Zone Text,
Title 17 Zoning Provisions, and addition of the Flood Map of Port Orford to
the Comprehensive Plan. All interested
members of the public are encouraged to
attend the Hearing for more information.
Testimony that is relevant to the requested
zone amendments will be taken at the
hearing. Criteria to be addressed includes
compliance with the Comprehensive Plan
and other applicable provisions of Title
17. (Ord. 2009-04) Chapter 17.19 Flood
Damage Prevention is to incorporate
prevention measures to keep current with
flood prevention regulations so citizens
can be eligible for flood insurance, and
to replace Chapter 15.20. (Ord. 2009-05)
Chapter 17.18 is to amend Storm and
Surface Water Management Standards
to comply with the requirements of State
Continued on Page 10
Page 10
The Cat’s Meow
Vacation Cottage
Quaint, comfortable, affordable
503 Jackson St.  (866) 503-5003
80’ to beach access
All reservations made in advance.
Classified Ads
Continued from Page 9
statutes and benefit the citizens and the
fisheries of the City of Port Orford. (Ord.
2009-06) Comprehensive Map is to add
the FIRM digitized Flood Map of Port
Orford to the Comprehensive Plan. These
proposed amendments are available at
City Hall and in the Library. For more
information contact Patty at City Hall,
NOTICE OF INTENT to file application
for federal assistance: Notice is hereby
given, that the City of Port Orford intends
to file an application for federal funding
assistance with the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service
for improvements to the City water system
and impoundment facility. The federal
assistance funds would allow the design
and construction of the proposed City
of Port Orford water system improvements. The City of Port Orford will hold
a Public Hearing to hear comments on
the application for funding assistance
for the proposed water system improvement on June 4, 2009 at City Hall in the
Gable Chambers. Please submit written
comments by June 2, 2009 to: City of
Port Orford, PO Box 310, Port Orford,
OR. 97465. Comments may also be presented in person at the Public Hearing.
For further information, please contact
David Johnson at 332-3681.
City Council of the City of Port Orford
will be conducting a Public Hearing on
Revenue Sharing for the FY2009-2010
Budget just prior to the regular Council
Meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at
3:30 p.m. at Port Orford City Hall Gable
Chambers at 555 W. 20th St., Port Orford,
Oregon, for the City Council to obtain
The Crazy Norwegians
Hours: 11:30am-8:00pm Every Day
Class of 2009!
citizens’ views regarding Revenue Sharing. Written comments are also welcome
and must be received by May 29, 2009.
Both written and oral comments will be
reviewed by the City Council. Written
comments by mail should be sent to PO
Box 310, Port Orford, OR 97465; e-mail
comments should be sent to djohnson@
portorford.org or call David Johnson at
School District is accepting bids on the
following surplus equipment: 1986 IHC
65 passenger school bus (#12); 1991 IHC
71 passenger school bus (#14); 1989 Ford
F250 (runs poorly); Kubota farm tractor
with attachments (not running); Parts
washer/solvent tank; Air Compressor
(horizontal) not used for 3 years. The
district will accept bids until 3:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, June 10, 2009. Bids may be
mailed to: Port Orford-Langlois School
District, P.O. Box 8, Port Orford, OR
97465 attn: Brenda. Bids may also be delivered in person to 45525 Highway 101,
Sixes, OR 97476. Please mark envelopes
“Surplus Equipment Bid.” Please call
(541) 348-2176 for additional information
or to view the equipment.
taking applications for food, art and craft
vendors for our three day Jubilee event
in Port Orford at Battle Rock Park. We
offer a three day space for only $20! You
can email me at [email protected] or
call (541) 332-9082 or (541) 425-0155
for application and information.
GARAGE SALE: Cleaning out storage.
Antiques, tools, household stuff. May 2223-24-25 from 9 to 5, Armstrong Storage,
1040 Arizona Street.
Dental Care that
fits your life!
New patients and Emergencies Welcome!
Bandon Family Dental Care
347 -4461
BEADS, CRAFTS, Collectables, jewelry, incense, good used items. Bargain
prices. 11:00am – 4:00pm 7 days a week.
Sixes Grange Market Place. New things
added weekly.
Co-op is open 7 days a week, 11-4. Collectables, arts, plants and fruit. 12 venders and consignment items keep a great
assortment flowing in. Local donations
pack our thrift section for affordable recycling. Thank you all for remembering
Sixes Grange with your donations. We
are ready to start our weekend parking
lot tailgate & trunk sales.
now for a space at our June 6 swap meet
at the community hall. Bring it on… the
more the merrier. Space is only $5. Call
Wendy at 332-9082 or 435-0155 to reserve
your space. [email protected].
6TH 8:30am-4:00pm, 6 Geer Circle.
Something for everyone. Lots of tools,
household goods, fishing gear. Many
other items.
STORAGE SALE: Tow bars. Tools.
Household stuff. 1040 Arizona Friday
9 to 5.
STROKE VICTIM needs exercise bike
free or cheap. 332-2030.
storage units, 150+ climate controlled.
Airport-U-Stor, across from Ocean Spray
100 & 250MIN PHONE CARDS are
now in stock at the Downtown Fun Zone!
$5.50 & $12.50 respectively..
Continued on Page 11
Pampered Pooches
Monday thru Thursday
9:00am – 3:00pm
332-0520 For Appointment
Classified Ads
Continued from Page 10
NEW VIDEOS: “Fanboys”, “The Ramen Girl”, “The Devil’s Tomb”, “Powder
Blue”, “New in Town”, “Carnivorous”,
and “Outlander”. Please remember all
items are due back by 3:30pm the next
business day. Reservations must be prepaid so cannot be taken over the phone.
Downtown Fun Zone, Inc. Open 9:305:30 Mon-Thurs and 9:30-6:30 Friday
and Saturday. Closed Sundays.
Don’t throw it out! Fix it! Downtown
Fun Zone, Inc. now offers disc cleaning/
repair services. (single sided) $3.00 for
basic cleaning, $5.00 for deep scratches.
See store for details.
OLD PHOTO RESTORATION, photographic services, individual tutoring;
photography and PhotoShop. Call 541332-0353 for appointment.
Valley Flora at Seaweed Natural Grocery.
every Wed. 6 to 9 pm. 75% payout. Great
crowd and Sams delicious entree.
Runs good. Needs a tune-up, oil change,
etc. $600.00 obo. 332-8899.
2 TRAILERS, one travel, cute small
850.00. One enclosed metal trailer 5x6x8
fully enclosed with ramps $850.00. Foam
love seat fold out comfy 40.00.
Metaphysical Life Church
Reverend Chirstine Richardson D.D.
(541) 332-0381
Myrtlewood factory and gift shop. Unique
wooden products plus souvenirs, T-shirts,
jams, salt water taffy. FREE factory tours.
1205 Oregon St.
(541) 332-5201
CAR 02 KIA RIO. Nice car 34 to 40 mpg.
New belts. Small dent in hood. $2995.00.
frame. Must be in great condition. 3320376.
lawn & stack firewood, cleanup property.
Will pay $10 hour. 332-0728 or 290-1885.
Letter to the Editor,
I would just like to thank you for your
support in passing City of Port Orford
Measure 08-63, to continue the funding
of our Port Orford Police Department
for our wonderful community. Like you,
I was dismayed at the results of the November election. I am sincerely grateful
for your commitment in funding Public
Safety to our community and your confidence in your elected councilmen and
David B. Smith
Councilor-Port Orford
Police Department News
“The City of Port Orford has an employee on administrative leave.” This
is the only official information the City
of Port Orford has released according
to instructions from the city attorney.
This regards Police Officer John Fink.
He was placed on unpaid administrative leave following a complaint filed
Fine Chocolate &
Espresso LLC.
Drive-thru & Coffee House
(541) 366-1051 # Port Orford, OR
By Driftwood School on Hwy 101
RV Parking
Page 11
The Powder House
Vacation Rental
343 9th St. 541-332-5039
Great in-town location
Bright & cheerful - 3 blocks to beach
Specialize in Hiking Information
against him which was then investigated by the Oregon State Police. The
OSP then turned over their findings to
the Coos County District Attorney and
that’s where the matter is currently.
Living History Skits
The Friends of Cape Blanco, Port Orford, announce a series of Living History skits for summer 2009.On State Parks
Day, Saturday, June 6, the skit “Jane and
Annie at Home” will be presented three
times during open hours at Hughes Historic House, 10:00 am to 3:30 p.m. This
presentation features Jane Hughes in her
70s in conversation with her daughterin-law Annie Hughes in her 30s. Approximate times for the skit are 11:00
a.m. and 1:30 and 3:00 p.m.
During June, July, and August living
history will be offered at Hughes House
the second and fourth Wednesday of
the month. The above skit will be presented on the second Wednesday; “Tea
With Father Keveny” will be given each
fourth Wednesday. This skit has Jane
Hughes talking with Father Charles
Keveny, a traveling priest of the Roman
Catholic Church.
PHS Graduation
The Pacific High School graduation will
take place in the gym at the high school
on Friday March 29, beginning at 7:00
PM. The last day of school for underclassmen is Wednesday, June 3.
Coasties Hair & Nail Salon
1320 Oregon St., Suite D
Port Orford, OR
(541) 366-1067
Page 12
Now in Port Orford every
Business, family & single line plans
Pre paid wireless plans (no contract/no credit check)
Existing customer services and equipment upgrades
Free phones W 2 yr service agreement
Come see Shelly Hall behind the paradise cafe!
Corner of Hwy 101 and 19th St.
11:00AM -3:00PM EVERY WEDNESDAY starting June 3rd!!
Or call Shelly for an appointment 541-951-9808
Hawthorne Development
The Hawthorne Family development
adjacent to Battle Park is now construction. A contractor has been hired and
major renovations have begun on the
former Coast Candle Building which
will become the Hawthorne Galley.
The Shell Shack building is also set for
major change and will be enlarged and
remodeled into a restaurant. As for the
Wheelhouse Restaurant here’s a note
Chris Hawthorne sent us about its future.
The Wheelhouse Bldg. is going to be
demolished in June. If there are any
components of the inside and outside of
the building that anyone is interested in,
contact Chris Hawthorne at 332-7635.
Some items that are available include
toilets, sinks, small hot water heaters,
shelving, florescent light fixtures, windows and other items. Removal of all
items by appointment only.
Letter to the Editor,
Gary Carter’s well-done article on local
gardeners was unintentionally misleading as he reported on the Kincaid vegetable garden. Since I was the one he
interviewed, the article came off as if I
was the one and only one making any
effort toward our garden. Since Dave
does the hard work of tilling; the back
breaking seed-by-seed planting, and
then keeps it all hoed, I barely deserve
a mention. I water, pick, can and cook,
but it is definitely a joint effort. Credit
where credit is due...
Lee Kincaid
Letter to the Editor,
Thank you for voting to continue, at a
lower rate, the police levy for the City
of Port Orford. We can now reconstitute our police department and provide
the kind of police protection that our
citizens desire. Traffic enforcement on
Highway 101, business and neighborhood patrols, emergency response coverage, coordination with fire and ambulance, our highly regarded reserve program, and other public safety services
will continue and can even improve.
Jim Auborn, Mayor Pro Tem
Sing Your Heart Out!
There are some folks at the Senior Center who would like to get a sing-a-long
group going like they had years ago and
they are looking for interested men and
women to join them. You don’t even
have to have a great singing voice; they
just want to have fun. The group meets
on Tuesdays at 1:00pm at the Senior
Center but you don’t have to be senior
or a member of the Center. Come and
exercise your singing muscles! They are
also looking for a couple of piano players to accompany their sing-a-longs so
if that is your talent, please get in touch
with Marcella Gupton at 332-0215 for
more information.