development strategy - Općina Gornji Vakuf
development strategy - Općina Gornji Vakuf
DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GORNJI VAKUF – USKOPLJE 2010.-2015. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GORNJI VAKUFUSKOPLJE 2010 –2015 Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje, 2010. Editor Sead Čaušević Publisher Općina Gornji Vakuf - Uskoplje Proofreader Nedžad Milanović Photography Bajro Ljubunčić Translation from Bosnian Ale Ljubunčić Design and production Printed by Studio VAG Donji Vakuf Edition 600 copies CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Nacionalna i univerzitetska biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo 338.2(497.6Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje)"2010/2015" DEVELOPMENT strategy of the municipalitiy of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje 2010-2015 / [editor Sead Čaušević] ; [photography Bajro Ljubunčić ; translation from Bosnian Ale Ljubunčić]. - Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje : Općina, 2010. - 84 str. : ilustr.; 30 cm Izv. tekst na bos. jeziku. - Bibliografske i druge bilješke uz tekst. ISBN 978-9958-879-02-9 COBISS.BH-ID 18521094 THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GORNJI VAKUFUSKOPLJE FOR THE 2010-2015 PERIOD HAS BEEN PRODUCED BY THE STRATEGY WORKING GROUP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Sead Čaušević, BA (education) ........................ Omer Ljubunčić, BSc (economy) ..................... Senad Prijić, BSc (mechanical engineering) ..... Nikola Milić, BA (education) ........................... Senada Ljubunčić, LLB (law) ........................... Brane Matijanić, LLB (law) .............................. Suad Šišić, BSc (metallurgy) ............................ Branko Šain, BSc (construction) ...................... Enes Čemer, BA (sociology) ............................ Jozo Jurina, BA (education) .............................. Ivo Juričević, BA (sociology) ........................... Marijan Šekerija, BSc (economy) ..................... Miroslav Stojanović, BSc (agriculture) ............ Ejub Zukić, MD (specialist) .............................. Reuf Ajanović, BSc (economy) ........................ Enes Kurbegović, BSc (agriculture) ................. Igor Blažević, BSc (economy) .......................... Working Group president Working Group coordinator Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member Working Group member In cooperation with: - REZ Agency Zenica – Aladin Ormanović, lawyer - OSCE Travnik – Mladen Marijanac, economist TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 3 A. SOCIO‐ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE MUNICIPALITY ..................................................... 7 1. GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Area, size, mountains, rivers and lakes ........................................................................................................ 7 1.2. Climate ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 1.3 Road infrastructure ...................................................................................................................................... 8 1.4. Geostrategic position of the municipality ................................................................................................. 10 2. NATURAL RESOURCES......................................................................................................................... 12 2.1. Mineral resources ...................................................................................................................................... 12 1.2. Arable land and forests .............................................................................................................................. 12 2.3 Environmental protection .......................................................................................................................... 14 3. POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 15 3.1. Municipality population size .................................................................................................................... 15 3.2. Birth‐rate/death‐rate; movements between 1997 and 2007 .................................................................. 16 3.3. Age structure ............................................................................................................................................. 18 4. HUMAN RESOURCES AND LABOR MARKET ......................................................................................... 19 4.1. Unemployment by qualification structure ................................................................................................ 19 4.2. Unemployment by gender structure ......................................................................................................... 20 4.3. Unemployment by age .............................................................................................................................. 20 4.4. Employment and wage .............................................................................................................................. 21 5. INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................... 22 5.1. Education .................................................................................................................................................. 22 5.2. Sports ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 5.3. Culture ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 5.4. Health ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 5.5. Social protection........................................................................................................................................ 27 5.6. Telecommunications / fixed telephony ..................................................................................................... 27 5.7. Energy sector ............................................................................................................................................. 28 5.8. Public and utility services .......................................................................................................................... 28 5.9. Water supply network ............................................................................................................................... 29 5.10. Sewage network ...................................................................................................................................... 29 5.11. War damaged buildings ........................................................................................................................... 30 5.12. Business infrastructure ............................................................................................................................ 30 5.13. Financial institutions ............................................................................................................................... 33 5.14. Spatial plan of the Gornji Vakuf‐Uskoplje Municipality .......................................................................... 34 6. MUNICIPAL ECONOMY ....................................................................................................................... 35 6.1. Economy .................................................................................................................................................... 35 6.2. Agriculture ................................................................................................................................................. 37 6.2.1. Crop yield ........................................................................................................................................... 38 6.2.2. Vegetable yield .................................................................................................................................. 38 6.2.3. Number of cattle, poultry, bees ........................................................................................................ 39 6.2.4. Organic production ............................................................................................................................ 39 6.2.5. Capacities in agricultural production ................................................................................................. 40 6.3 Tourism ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 6.4. Gross domestic product (GDP) .................................................................................................................. 42 1 B. DEVELOPMENT VISION OF THE MUNICIPALITY ............................................................. 43 1. SWOT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................ 43 2. VISION AND STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS .................................................................................................. 45 2.1. Vision ......................................................................................................................................................... 45 2.2. Strategic directions .................................................................................................................................... 45 2.2.1. Strategic direction 1: Advancement of economic development ....................................................... 45 2.2.2. Strategic direction 2. Development of infrastructure ....................................................................... 46 2.2.3. Strategic direction 3. Environmental protection ............................................................................... 47 2.2.4. Strategic direction 4. Advancement of human resources ................................................................. 47 2.2.5. Strategic direction 5. Development of sports and culture and advancement of health and social care .................................................................................................................................................... 48 2.2.6. Strategic direction 6. Establishment of efficient and transparent local administration .................... 48 C. ACTION PLAN FOR 2011 ......................................................................................................... 49 1. LIST OF PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS .................................................................................................... 49 2. PROJECT IDEAS ................................................................................................................................... 52 2 INTRODUCTION In the post-war period, the municipal administration of the Municipality of Gornji VakufUskoplje was established by a Decision of the High Representative No 114, dated 15 September 2001, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Federation of BiH, Constitution of the Central Bosnia Canton, Law on the Principles of Local SelfGovernance in the Federation of BiH and Law on Local Self-Governance of the Central Bosnia Canton. Following the issuance of the High Representative’s Decision, a session of the Municipal Council was held on 1 October 2001, in which the whole content of the High Representative’s Decision was approved. Today, the administration of the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf is established in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Principles of Local Self-Governance in the Federation of BiH, Law on Organization of Administration in the Federation of BiH, Law on Civil Service in the Federation of BiH, Law on Employees in Civil Service Bodies in the Federation of BiH and other relevant regulations. According to the above-listed regulations, the Municipality is a unit of local self-governance whose bodies are the Municipal Council as the representative body of government and the Municipal Mayor as the executive-administrative body of the Municipality. For the purpose of exercising administrative, professional and local self-governance duties within the competency of the Municipality, administration services are established by a Decision of the Municipal Council of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, while internal organization of municipal administration services is regulated by the Rule Book on Internal Organization of Municipal Administration Services, adopted by the Municipal Mayor. Municipal Administration Bodies and Administration Services are governed by the Municipal Mayor in accordance with the competencies provided for by the law, Statute of the Municipality and other regulations. Managing civil servants assist the Mayor in the exercise of the above-mentioned duties. Municipal Services of the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje for exercising administrative, professional and local self-governance duties are the following: - Service for Economy, Finance and War Victims - Service for Civil Defense, Housing and Utility Affairs, Reconstruction and Environmental Protection - Service for General Administration and Social Activities, - Service for Property Affairs and Cadastre - Service for Urban Planning, Construction and Spatial Planning Administration duties within the competency of the Municipal Services are exercised by civil servants and employees. Table 1. Structure of municipality employees1 Qualification level University Junior college Secondary school 1 Number of Up to 10 years employees of service 16 4 12 1 18 1 10 – 20 years 20 - 30 years Over 30 years of service of service of service 3 9 1 6 4 5 8 4 Municipal Service data 3 Highly skilled Skilled Unskilled Total 3 2 51 1 7 9 1 2 26 1 9 An analysis of qualification structure data shows that 14 employees in the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje fall into the category of civil servants, while all others fall into the category of employees, except the Municipal Mayor and Chairman of the Municipal Council, who fall into the category of elected officials. Public Administration as a Civil Society The development priority of the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is a need to improve efficiency, accountability and transparency of municipal administration, as well as create preconditions for more active participation of citizens in public affairs. In connection with this, a particular emphasis is placed on the necessity to improve management of financial and human resources, as well as of municipal property, with a view to enhancing quality of rendering services to citizens. A major obstacle to transformation of the municipal administration into a modern service for citizens is inappropriate space in which the municipal administration operates (on two locations), inadequate material resources and technical equipment, lack of an efficient INFO center or a “one stop shop” and insufficient level of IT networking between municipal services, although the municipal administration has an installed IT system “Lotus” for internal exchange of data and dedicated information systems for data processing for the Registry Office, accounting services and geodetic office. The current organization of municipal services is not the most optimal, while the structure of employees does not really reflect the needs of the municipal administration, and there is a requirement to work in the future on the improvement of the employee qualification structure and raising the level of professionalism and accountability to as high a level as possible. Limited budget funds are a result of a low level of economic activity, current tax policies, and an inadequate level of collection of original municipal revenues. Shortcomings in management of financial resources are reflected in unsatisfactory control mechanisms at the Service level and insufficient control of budgetary spending on the part of budget beneficiaries. Criteria for allocation of budget funds to civil society organizations are not defined clearly, while political and other types of influence on the creation of budget lines are frequent. Besides, there is no record of municipal property (e.g. land in municipal ownership), which prevents effective management of these resources. Apart from the unsatisfactory condition of the municipal administration in terms of technical equipment, factors that impede improvement of communication between citizens and local authorities are also insufficient levels of awareness of citizens of their own rights and responsibilities, possibilities of information dissemination, and ways of participating in management of public affairs. Citizens are not interested and aware enough of the impact they can have as right-holders, and because of insufficient trust in elected government representatives they think they cannot have a considerable influence on decision-making. Therefore, there is a need for stronger engagement of municipal authorities in the field of information sharing and incentives to citizens to become more active, as well as promotion of cooperation and coordination with local media and civil society organizations. A considerable advantage are also the current communication mechanisms and participation of citizens in the 4 decision-making process (citizens’ guide, developed local community network, regular printing of the Municipal Official Gazette, etc.). The existing mechanisms, though, should be improved and used more effectively for a two-way information flow. There is an evident need for regular printing of citizens’ guides and periodic municipal newsletter to provide information about the most important events in the municipality. From the aspect of human rights, it has been observed that that some population categories often stay on the margins of public life, including unemployed persons, displaced persons and refugees, returnees, rural population, old and needy persons, persons with special needs, young people. The gender commission offers an opportunity for promotion of gender equality in the managing and decision-making process. Civil society organizations can play an important role in developing and maintaining the culture of participating in public life, and their influence can be strengthened by means of networking and joint actions with local institutions. So far, certain civil society organizations have made considerable steps forward and established partner relationships with local authorities. Obstacles to their more active activities are insufficiently built capacities and lack of funds. There are no clear criteria for funding civil society organization proposals and projects from the municipal budget, which has a particularly negative impact on the organizations representing interests of marginal categories. Civil activities are underdeveloped as well as the very promotion of voluntarism and voluntary activities. Along with these obstacles and advantages, the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is also faced with a range of external threats which, to a certain extent, slow down the process of modernization of public administration and they are reflected in a lack of legislation and other implementing regulations for a complete reform of public administration, inefficient tax system and inefficient judiciary, or slow operation of mechanisms and enforcement of judicial decisions. Still, existing civil service regulations in the F BiH, tax system reform (introduction of VAT) and implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information represent considerable possibilities. Besides, the interest of international organizations in municipal administration reform can also contribute to the improvement of work of the municipal administration in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje. The document which is before you represents a Development Strategy of the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje for the 2010-2015 period, which was developed in the past 10 months in coordination with representatives of the Municipality, economy and civil society, and which should respond to all formerly specified challenges and improve living and working in our municipality and create conditions for development and further progress. I hope the Strategy will serve all of us in planning and working. Sincerely, June 2010, Gornji Vakuf - Uskoplje Mayor of the Municipality Sead Čaušević, BA 5 Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Coat-of-arms Position General information Entity Federation of BiH Canton Central Bosnia Municipality Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Population 19,2482 (Assessment in June 2009) Area 402.7 km² Density 48 inhabitants per km² Unemployment rate in BiH 44.40% Unemployment rate in the region of Central BiH 51.70%3 Unemployment rate in the municipality 58.3%4 Code number (+387) 30 Postal code 70 240; 70 280 Administration Mayor Sead Čaušević Chairman of the Municipal Council Marinko Krajina Website: 2 Monthly statistical review of the F of BiH 9/09 Socio-economic analysis of the region of Central BiH 4 Federation Employment Office, Bulletin August 2009 3 6 A. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE MUNICIPALITY 1. GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY 1.1 Area, size, mountains, rivers and lakes5 The Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is located in the central part of south-western Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the upper Vrbas River basin, while in regional terms it belongs to the Central Bosnia Canton. It is surrounded by mountain ranges – Vranica Mountain from the east and north-east and Raduša from the south and southwest. The Vrbas River created a narrow valley, 27 km long and about 2 km wide. Besides the Vrbas, another five rivers mark the territory of this municipality: the Bistrička Rika, the Dobroška Rika, the Trnovača, the Krušćica and the Voljišnica. The area of the municipality is 402.7 km2 (which represents 23.7% of the territory of Central Bosnia Canton), and the altitude above sea level ranges from 650 meters at the village of Humac to 2,112 meters at Natkrstac, which is the highest peak on Vranica. Table 2. Mountains in the municipality MOUNTAIN Vranica (Natkrstac) Raduša (Idovac) ELEVATION 2,112 1,956 As shown in Table 2, the municipality is characterized by two mountains which represent two highest peaks in the central Bosnia region. Vranica is located between Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje and Fojnica. The positions and elevations of these mountains make them ideal for development of winter and mountain tourism. Large grazing areas with the specified altitudes make a good basis for development of cattle-breeding and healthy food production. Table 3. Rivers in the municipality RIVER Kruščica Voljišnica Trnovača Bistrička Rika Vrbas Dobroška Rika KM (in the municipality) 3 8 4 14 35 4 All rivers flow into the Vrbas River Basin, i.e. the Great Black Sea River Basin. 5 Municipal Service data 7 Table 4. Lakes in the municipality LAKES Ždrimačko Pasje Pijavičko km2 0.095 0.05193 0.003234 NATURAL/ARTIFICIAL N N N All the three lakes are natural. They are situated at the locality of the village of Ždrimci. The biggest is the Ždrimačko Lake with a diameter of approx. 100 meters and a depth assessed to about 20 meters. Like the Ždrimačko Lake, the other lakes are also up to 20 meters deep and approx. 70 meters and 50 meters in diameter, respectively. Figure 1. Ždrimačko Lake Figure 2: Vranica 1.2. Climate The climate of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is temperate-continental with characteristic extremely cold and long winters and short and warm summers. At higher altitudes, the climate changes from temperate-continental to an extremely mountain climate with a long-lasting snow cover. This geographical position and a favorable climate are suitable for development of agriculture, in particular vegetable farming and tourism (Vranica and Raduša mountains, Ždrimačko Lake, Ždrimci waterfalls, Pijavičko Lake, Pasje Lake, Vrbas, Voljišnica, Trnovača, Bistrička Rika and Krušćica Rivers). The Vranica and Raduša mountain ranges shield this area from strong winds and the Vrbas Basin is used for irrigation in agricultural production. The Vrbas River occasionally breaks its banks, causing damage to certain areas and populated places in this municipality, so that this municipality is occasionally faced with big floods. 1.3 Road infrastructure6 The M16.2 trunk road passes through Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, linking this municipality to the important Zagreb-Banja Luka-Mostar-Dubrovnik road. Asphalting works on the R-439 regional road are slowly coming to an end, and, once completed, this road will link Gornji 6 Municipal Service data 8 Vakuf-Uskoplje with Novi Travnik, i.e. with the central parts of the Central Bosnia Canton. There are 12 km more to be completed and this road will have a new categorization (trunk road). Since 2000 to today, the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf has invested a great deal of funds into reconstruction (paving) of local and non-categorized roads and town streets (funds donated by IFAD, OdRaz-Sarajevo, Federal ministries, F BiH Government, BiH Return Fund, Central Bosnia Canton Government Travnik, Road Directorate, including the Gornji VakufUskoplje Municipality’s own funds and funds of municipality residents) to the total value of over 3,000,000.00 KM, which reconstructed (paved) over 50 km of local and non-categorized roads and town streets. The only shortcoming reflects in the fact that, due to a shortage of required funds, local roads were mainly constructed as one traffic lane, approximately 3.0 meters wide, with an insufficient paved layer, which is not thicker than 5.0 cm on average in a compacted state, and because of a lack of required funds, these roads are badly or not at all equipped with vertical and horizontal signalization. Local and regional roads, i.e. the road network in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje area is currently well planned and covers a large part of the municipality, considering that the territory of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality is quite broken, with an area of 402.7 km2 and 15 local communities encompassing 50 villages which are well connected by a network of local roads, in the total length of 202.7 km, of which 94.6 km are paved roads and 108.1 km dirtroads7. Although there are about 220 km of street, local and trunk roads on the municipal territory, the vertical and horizontal signalization is in a very bad condition due to a shortage of funds. Because of a lack of a town by-pass, the M16.2 trunk road passes through the town center (16 km) intersecting town streets in three places. No intersection has traffic lights to regulate traffic, which leads to congestions and traffic jams in the very center of the town and represents a great security threat to citizens. The street network in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is in a very bad condition, since the road structure is old and requires a fundamental and general reconstruction. The M16.2 trunk road - Bugojno-Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje-Prozor-Jablanica - links the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality with the north-western parts of BiH (Livno, Banja Luka) and the south-eastern parts of BiH (Mostar, the Adriatic Coast), while the R 439 regional road Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje-Novi Travnik - links Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje with central Bosnia. Changing the categorization of the R 439 regional road (15 km) into a trunk road would place the Novi Travnik-Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje section under the jurisdiction of the Road Directorate of the Federation of BiH, which would considerably improve possibilities for funding the construction and maintenance of the mentioned section. Construction of a Lašva-Bugojno fast road and the 5C Highway combined with the failure to construct and categorize the R 439 road into a trunk road pose a threat of isolation as traffic will be diverted to those sections. Distances between the municipal center and some intersections on the M16.2 road are as follows: - Bugojno 18 km, - Donji Vakuf 30 km, - Jajce 63 km, - Travnik 70 km, - Zenica 106 km, 7 Municipal Service data 9 - Banja Luka 140 km, Bosanska Gradiška 186 km, Okućani (highway) 202 km, o Jablanica 56 km, Mostar 102 km, Sarajevo 156 km. Figure 3. Position of the municipality in relation to larger regional centers 1.4. Geostrategic position of the municipality In terms of its position from the aspect of traffic routes, the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality has the advantage of being a transit area between Dalmatia and central Bosnia. Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is situated in the upper basin of the Vrbas River, in the Skopaljska Valley, which is 27 km long and only 2 km wide. Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is located on the routes Sarajevo – Novi Travnik-Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje – Bugojno – Split or Sarajevo – Novi Travnik – Gornji Vakuf - Uskoplje – Prozor - Rama – Split and Banja Luka – BugojnoGornji Vakuf-Uskoplje - Mostar. The distance to Sarajevo is about 150 km, Mostar about 100 km, Banja Luka about 140 km, Split about 190 km. It is surrounded by Vranica Mountain on the eastern side and Raduša Mountain on the western side. It lies on six rivers: Vrbas, Bistrička Rika, Trnovača, Krušćica, Voljišnica and Dobroška Rika. The municipality lies at the altitudes between 620 m and 2112 m. It encompasses an area of 402.7 km2. The Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is linked by a road network with Herzegovina and south Adriatic (Mostar-Neum-Dubrovnik), western parts of BiH (Donji Vakuf-Jajce-Banja Luka) and central parts of BiH (Bugojno-Donji Vakuf-Travnik-Zenica-Sarajevo) in one direction and with the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje-Novi Travnik-Vitez regional road in the other. This geostrategic position of the Municipality is one of the important benefits for its development. Located in the central part of BiH and viewed in the light of communications, this municipality is considered to have excellent geostrategic conditions, because it is located on a natural route which links the continental parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina with its Mediterranean parts and the Adriatic Sea. The Road Directorate of the Federation of BiH continuously measures the number of vehicles on the main roads in the Federation. The measuring point on the M 16.2 trunk road in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje records the following data for the summer period: 10 Table 5. Number of vehicles in the summer period8 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 Daily average 3,900 3,950 4,705 4,900 Monthly average 117,000 118,500 141,150 147,000 As shown in the table, there has been an increase of traffic on the M 16.2 trunk road (Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) in the past three years by 25% and this represents a considerably greater number of vehicles in traffic than on the section Jajce-Donji Vakuf (3,839) and Donji VakufTurbe (3,153). Admittedly, it is unknown whether this increase is due to the opening of the Novi Travnik-Bugojno section, shortening the distance between central Bosnia and the area of Herzegovina or this is due to an increase of vehicles in traffic, or both had an impact on this. These data give us hope that, if we take into consideration the fact that the distance between the central part of BiH and the Makarska Riviera via Kupres is 280 km, via Mostar 313 and only 215 via Novi Travnik and Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje and then on to Prozor and Tomislavgrad, construction of the Novi Travnik-Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje trunk road would lead to a further increase of traffic, which would enhance possibilities for transit tourism, strengthen the services industry, while the distance between Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje and the central parts of BiH (Zenica and Sarajevo) would be considerably reduced to benefit economic activities (transport of goods and services) from 106 km and 156 km as is the situation now via Donji Vakuf to 72 km and 132 km. Table 6. Distance from main development centers, airports and ports Distance from Airport Belgrade, Serbia Airport Sarajevo Airport Split, Croatia Airport Zagreb, Croatia Banja Luka BC Doljani BC Izačić Port Bar, Montenegro Port Koper, Slovenia Port Ploče, Croatia Mostar Sarajevo Tuzla Zenica 8 Distance (km) 434 150 190 291 141 192 226 440 549 184 102 156 255 106 Road Directorate of the F of BiH 11 2. NATURAL RESOURCES9 2.1. Mineral resources Table 7. Mineral resources Minerals/Ores Lignite Quartzite Gypsum Granite Location Gračanica Gunjača ( MZ Voljevac) Bistrica Vranica Quantity/tons 10,657,000 400,000 2,000,000 Unexplored Current reserves of coal at the locality of Gračanica-Humac, deposits of quartzite at Smrčevice» and very good quality gypsum at Bistrica, deposits of decorative granite at localities on Vranica, represent important natural resources of the municipality. However, levels of utilization of these resources, for different reasons, are not satisfactory. This opens possibilities of domestic and foreign investments into specific branches of economy. In the last twenty years, no research has been Figure 4. Gračanica Coalmine conducted on the municipal territory into the quantities and quality of natural resources or possibilities for their exploitation. The municipality with its limited revenues was not in a position to work in this field, while responsible cantonal and federation institutions did not show interest in these issues so far. 1.2. Arable land and forests Table 8. Breakdown of arable land and forests Arable land (ha) Plough-field 4,900 9 Orchard 350 Meadow 7,192 Pasture 3,200 Forests (ha) Uncultivated 21,547 3,000 Municipal Service data 12 Arable lan d and forests ( ha) Uncult iv at ed 7% Plough-f ields 12% Forests 54% Orc hards 1% M eadows 18% Pas ture 8% P lough-f ields Orchards Meadows P ast ure Forest Uncultiv ated Figure 5. Graphic representation of arable land and forest ratio Agriculture and cattle-breeding also represent great opportunities for development and employment in the area of this municipality. The area of the agricultural land amounting to 15,642 hectares represents 39% of the overall territory of the municipality. Arable land in the municipality, as the greatest natural resource, has become the least utilized resource. A lack of intensive agricultural production and processing capacities is evident in this municipality. Agricultural producers tend to adhere to the customary and traditional rules of vegetablegrowing, and are oriented to market-production. There is no facility for processing and storing farming produce and their marketing.10 Figure 6. Field preparation for cabbage planting 10 Figure 7. Cabbage field More in Chapter 6.2 Agriculture 13 2.3 Environmental protection The Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje belongs to a group of municipalities with a well preserved environment. Considering that this municipality abounds in waters and other natural assets, the situation is worrying because there is a large number of garbage dumps in the vicinity of rivers, roads and other places that should be a real wealth of this municipality, and even of the state. In terms of air pollution on the territory of this municipality, the situation is somewhat better, as we do not have large air polluters in this municipality, i.e. there are no large-scale harmful emissions into the air. It is, nevertheless, assumed that in terms of air quality in the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, the greatest problem is traffic pollution and various kinds of fumes that occur in the summer period because of burning of garbage dumps. It needs to be stressed that considerable areas of agricultural, forest and other land are degraded, which caused erosion of the eco-system and its values to a large extent. Soil pollution is a very serious problem and the consequences could be long-term, and their elimination could be longer that in relation to air Figure 8. Cleaning of the Vrbas River and water. It is necessary to carry out significant efforts on reforestation of degraded forest areas and stop excessive wood-cutting, as well as turn non-cultivated land into farming land. The Municipality of Gornji VakufUskoplje has ideal natural resources, however, our rivers, lakes, mountains and forests need protection. Problems with garbage dumps, protection of rivers, indiscriminate wood-cutting, reduction of green areas in the town, low standard of living culture, insufficient protection and under-utilization of the cultural, historical and natural heritage, disregard for current environmental laws, insufficient education of young people and non-participation in the creation of a more beautiful and cleaner environment – these are all the consequences of absence of a local environmental action plan and mechanisms for its implementation through active public participation in planned solution of these problems. 14 3. POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHY 3.1. Municipality population size11 According to the 1991 Census, Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje had 25,181 inhabitants living in 50 settlements organized into 15 local communities. Unfortunately, some of these settlements are totally abandoned today, and the municipality is assessed to have 19,513 inhabitants today. Three ethnic groups live in this municipality: Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs. The BiH war resulted in demographic changes in relation to the 1991 Census. The assessed population size of the municipality for 2007 was 19,513, which represents 22.50% less than the size recorded by the 1991 Census. Table 9. Municipality population size Year Total Bosniaks Croats 1991 25,181 14,063 10,706 1998 19,036 12,695 6,306 1999 19,510 13,079 6,395 2000 19,727 13,211 6,478 2001 19,805 13,362 6,505 2002 19,898 13,325 6,535 2003 19,999 13,393 6,568 2004 20,096 13,458 6,600 2005 19,459 13,032 6,390 2006 19,506 13,063 6,406 2007 19,513 13,068 6,408 Serbs 110 35 36 38 38 38 38 38 37 37 37 Others 302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Bosniaks Croats Serbs 1991 Others 2007 Figure 9. Graphic representation of the ethnic structure of the population 11 Statistics Office of the Federation of BiH 15 3.2. Birth-rate/death-rate; movements between 1997 and 200712 Table 10. Natural movements Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total births 303 260 222 205 228 251 234 193 192 180 Male births 174 137 105 94 109 126 125 109 94 92 Female births 129 123 117 111 119 125 109 84 98 88 Total deaths 141 123 134 124 135 150 137 157 145 173 Male deaths 72 74 79 78 70 87 65 74 81 90 Female deaths 69 49 55 46 65 63 72 83 64 83 Natural movements 1997-2007 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Births 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Deaths Figure 10. Graphic representation of natural movements between 1997 and 2007 According to the Federation Statistics Office data, natural population growth in Gornji VakufUskoplje has drastically fallen in the recent years, introducing a risk of a negative birth-rate, i.e. depopulation or a larger number of deaths than births. The situation is not alarming yet, because natural population growth is not negative yet, but is close. A drop in the population size from 20,096 in 2004 to 19,513 in 2007, along with a positive population growth up to 2007, is a sign of migration trends in the municipality. This 12 Statistics Office of the Federation of BiH 16 migration is of an economic nature, i.e. it is caused by employment opportunities in larger centers and migration of population from the municipality to these centers. If we consider that, in the majority of cases, the municipality is abandoned by younger people, this trend could lead to a decrease of the number of working-age population in the future. Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje: Annual rates13 Table 11. Population growth – annual rates Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Population Natural size movements 19,036 162 19,510 137 19,727 88 19,805 81 19,898 93 19,999 101 20,096 97 19,459 36 19,506 47 19,513 7 Birthrate 15.92 13.33 11.25 10.35 11.46 12.55 11.64 9.92 9.84 9.22 General death-rate 7.41 6.30 6.79 6.26 6.78 7.50 6.82 8.07 7.43 8.87 Vital index 214.89 211.38 165.67 165.32 168.89 167.33 170.80 122.93 132.41 104.05 Vital index 250 200 150 100 50 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Vital index Figure 11. Graphic representation of population growth from 1998 to 2007. 13 Statistics Office of the Federation of BiH 17 3.3. Age structure14 Table 12. Age structure Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total 19,036 19,510 19,727 19,805 19,898 19,999 20,096 19,459 19,506 19,513 0-14 6,732 6,001 6,067 5,992 6,020 4,384 4,405 4,188 4,198 4,199 0-14 (%) 35.36 30.76 30.75 30.25 30.25 21.92 21.92 21.52 21.52 21.52 15-64 9,566 10,985 11,107 11,151 11,203 12,915 12,978 12,922 12,953 12,959 15-64 (%) 50.25 56.30 56.30 56.30 56.30 64.58 64.58 66.41 66.41 66.41 65> 2,738 2,524 2,553 2,662 2,675 2,700 2,713 2,349 2,355 2,355 65> (%) 14.38 12.94 12.94 13.44 13.44 13.50 13.50 12.07 12.07 12.07 In the 90s of the 20th century, considering a relatively high share of very young persons (0-14 years of age) of about 35%, Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje belonged to the so-called progressive biological type of the population age structure, the main characteristic of which is an increased pressure on education (first primary and later secondary and tertiary) institutions. The share of youth in 2003 fell to 21.92% and, in this way, according to the specified indicator, the population of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje went into the regressive type of age structure (share of youth less than 25%). This structure is not favorable from the aspect of needs and future reproduction of population. Population age structure in the municipality in which the working-age population is dominant (64.58% in 2003 and 66.41% in 2007), which represents an important contingent of workforce and, at the same time, a relatively high share of persons over 65 years of age (12.07%), confirms the fact that this population has transformed from the mature into the old type of population. However, one must not forget the fact that not all working-age population is also gainfully employed population. In this case, we are talking about unemployment, which is a challenge in itself for each country. In the context of planning economic policy with regard to the population structure the passive share of the population should always be joined with the share of unemployed working-age population to get a clear picture of the population participating in the production processes and the population who are only consumers. 14 Statistics Office of the Federation of BiH 18 4. HUMAN RESOURCES AND LABOR MARKET Table 13. Employment/unemployment ratio, August 2009 Non-working population Municipality Number of registered working-agepersons Number of % of registered Number of Unemploym employed working-age unemployed ent rate persons persons persons Number of inhabitants Universi ty students Nonuniversity students Retired Total 37255 16073 658 14070 12124 260 250 15 240 170 5288 2620 30 2403 1996 3590 2221 50 1759 2259 9138 5091 95 4402 4425 9643 4834 357 5099 3914 4463 1839 209 2536 1872 46.3% 38.0% 58.5% 49.7% 47.8% 5180 2995 148 2563 2042 53.7% 62.0% 41.5% 50.3% 52.2% Bugojno Busovača Dobretići Donji Vakuf Fojnica Gornji Vakuf Uskoplje Jajce Kiseljak Kreševo Novi Travnik Travnik Vitez 19248 320 2950 2540 5810 5459 2271 41.6% 3188 58.4% 24319 20710 5624 24859 55000 25052 235 229 80 300 1740 450 3354 3332 786 4000 9177 4085 3001 3183 1037 3500 5750 3834 6590 6744 1903 7800 16667 8369 6428 6342 1853 7755 18579 10072 2950 3812 1319 4018 11571 6169 45.9% 60.1% 71.2% 51.8% 62.3% 61.2% 3478 2530 534 3737 7008 3903 54.1% 39.9% 28.8% 48.2% 37.7% 38.8% Total 254992 4289 40021 32724 77034 80335 43029 53.6% 37306 46.4% A high percentage of students in the population of the municipality (1.70% - fifth municipality in the Canton by the percentage of student participation in the total population) represents a strategic force of the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje. The greatest challenge of the municipal administration is how to use this potential in the future, i.e. how to attract young experts to return to the municipality and, in this way, contribute to its development. The long-standing industrial tradition in this municipality implies that the municipality has a high percentage of working-age population, which, at the same time, represents a well-trained workforce in metal and wood industries. 4.1. Unemployment by qualification structure15 Table 14. Unemployment by qualifications 15 Year Total University Junior college Secondary school Below secondary school Highly skilled worker Skilled worker Semiskilled worker Unskilled worker 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2,729 2,840 3,230 3,242 3,432 3,365 3,064 3,123 19 16 23 33 23 28 32 43 45 43 62 60 45 43 37 37 360 397 459 533 570 537 500 539 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 6 6 8 7 4 3 1,133 1,191 1,408 1,399 1,511 1,455 1,317 1,338 86 81 84 69 78 64 59 56 1,083 1,108 1,188 1,142 1,196 1,231 1,115 1,107 Employment Office of the Federation of BiH 19 As the table shows, 2009 recorded a continued growth of registered unemployment and the number of unemployed persons for the period 2002-2009 rose by 405 persons. This trend was most influenced by the growth of unemployment in the category “Secondary school” (173) and “Qualified worker” (215). The rate of registered unemployment in August 2009 was 58.3%, which represents, after Busovača, the highest unemployment rate in the municipalities of the Central Bosnia Canton (average unemployment rate in the Canton is 46.4%). As the data show, one of the basic problems in the municipality is unemployment, which is a reflection of the overall condition of the economy and situation in the country. The number of unemployed at this time does not represent a limiting factor for economic development only, but also for the overall development of the municipality. On the other hand, these high numbers can be alleviated a little by the fact that there is a great deal of illegal employment that is not officially registered. 4.2. Unemployment by gender structure16 Table 15. Unemployment by gender structure Month/Year Total Women 12/2002 12/2003 12/2004 12/2005 12/2006 12/2007 12/2008 12/2009 2,729 2,840 3,230 3,242 3,432 3,364 3,064 3,123 897 968 1,078 1,121 1,225 1,230 1,175 1,176 Women (%) 32.87 34.08 33.37 34.58 35.69 36.56 38.34 37.66 4.3. Unemployment by age17 Table 16. Unemployment by age GORNJI VAKUF15 to 18 to -USKOPLJE 20 EMPLOYMENT 18 OFFICE 2008 3,065 6 118 2009 3,123 37 186 16 17 YEARS OF AGE 20 to 24 336 306 24 to 27 to 30 to 35 to 40 to 45 to 50 to 27 30 35 40 45 50 60 258 264 244 255 422 419 460 450 437 436 323 340 400 398 60 to 65 61 32 Employment Office of the Federation of BiH Report on the work of the Employment Office of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje for 2009 20 4.4. Employment and wage18 Table 17. Employment and wage Years 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Average number of employed persons 2,298 2,253 2,339 2,366 2,490 2,108 2,262 Average net wage 380.13 415.72 456.23 433.90 483.20 539.12 609.96 Comparative overview of number of employed persons and average wage 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Average wage 2006 2007 2008 2009 Employed Figure 12. Graphic representation of the number of employed and wage ratio between 2002 and 2008 18 Statistics Office of the Federation of BiH 21 5. INFRASTRUCTURE19 Property records are kept, as a rule, at land registry offices at municipal courts – although some records of ownership are kept in municipal cadastre offices – possession records. Accordingly, property owned and possessed by the municipality should be kept in these records. The municipality operates with the data of the new aero-photogrammetric survey conducted in 1985/86 (which is, partially, in the public domain), which, among other things, contains records of property owned by the municipality, but due to a lack of congruence of these data with the land registry data we encounter obstacles which we eliminate in various ways. A public exposure of these data in the whole municipality by the cadastre and land registry offices (possible only after adoption of the Law on Cadastre and amended Law on Land Registry) would establish these records publicly and they would reflect the real situation with the property and appropriate records. The goal of this exercise is reconstruction of separate functions of the cadastre and land registry and their integration from the current state into a new integrated land administration system which should ensure to users quick, highquality and reliable information on property. 5.1. Education There are four primary and two secondary schools on the territory of the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje. 1. «GORNJI VAKUF» Primary School located in Gornji Vakuf - Uskoplje, total number of students - 672 Three branch schools: a) Voljice Branch School with 44 students b) Bistrica Branch School with 39 students c) Vrse Branch School with 27 students Total number of employees: 57 The teaching process in the central school in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is carried out in a newly built school building with well furnished cabinets, but absence of a gymnasium is a great problem for a proper education process. In the three branch schools, the teaching process is carried out in classes from Grade I to Grade IV in somewhat reconstructed classrooms, and the number of students is Figure 13. Gornji Vakuf Primary School decreasing every year. 19 Municipal Service data 22 2. «USKOPLJE» Primary School located in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, total number of students - 939 Four branch schools : a) Dobrošin Branch School with 39 students b) Ždrimci Branch School with 30 students c) Pidriš Branch School with 8 students d) Trnovača Branch School with 161 students Total number of employees - 62 The teaching process in the central school in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is carried out partially in reconstructed premises, while there is a lack of space and teaching aids. The primary school has a gymnasium, which is in need of renovation. The central and branch schools at Podgrađe are heated by liquid fuel, which increases costs considerably. The branch schools at Trnovača and Pidriš are new buildings, while the schools at Ždrimci and Dobrošin Figure 14. Uskoplje Primary School barely meet minimum conditions for a modern teaching process. 3. «VOLJEVAC» Primary School located at Voljevac, total number of students - 327 One branch school Borova Ravan with 34 students The branch school at Borova Ravan is a new building with a modern sports facility. Total number of employees – 37 4. «PAJIĆ POLJE» Primary School located at Pajić Polje, total number of students - 356 Two branch schools: a) Bojska Branch School with 38 students b) Grnica Branch School with 20 students Total number of employees – 37 Primary education encompasses 2,331 students, and employs 193 persons. 5. «USKOPLJE» Secondary School, total number of students - 335 Total number of employees - 28 Courses – vocations: general gymnasium, economy, hair-dressing, cooking, surveying, construction, plumbing and central heating, metal working. 6. »GORNJI VAKUF» Secondary Mixed School, total number of students - 384 Total number of employees - 38 23 Courses – vocations: general gymnasium, economic technician, salesperson, hairstylist, miller and metal worker So, there are 719 students enrolled in two secondary schools, and 66 employees. The teaching process in the two secondary schools is carried out in a new building, in one shift, while there is a lack of teaching aids. The secondary school has a gymnasium which is not adequately sized and furnished. The education reform process develops slowly and unevenly. The goals specified by the MidTerm Development Strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2004-2007, in the education sectors, are not realized to the required and sufficient measure. Education institutions capacities, related to the level of implementation of new methods in the educational process and reinforcement of practical skills, are very poor, both in terms of employees and in terms of the means they use. The Municipality lacks programs for professional re-training and education centers, re-qualification and upgrading of skills. 5.2. Sports The following sports clubs operate on the territory of the Gornji VakufUskoplje Municipality: Croatian Football Club - HNK „Sloga”, Handball Club – MRK „Sloga” – Males, Karate Club „Sloga”, Karate Club „Uskopljak”, Sports Club for the Disabled in Sitting Volleyball SKISO „Sloga”, Chess Club „Sloga” – competing in the First Division of the Chess Association of the HZHB (Croat Community of HerzegBosnia), Motor Club „Jastrebovi” Figure 15. Sports hall under construction Enduro Motocross „Gas” and Tennis Club „Podgrađe”. In the football season 2009/2010, the HNK „Sloga”, competing in the Second Division of the F BiH – South, aspires to enter a higher level of competition, which, unfortunately, is not founded on stronger commitments of businessmen both financially and organizationally, although public interest, in particular younger generations for membership and working in the club, has grown greatly. „Sloga” has five competing categories, as follows: beginners, pioneers, cadets, juniors and seniors. The football school (ages 7 to 10) has about 150 children who compete and the total number of members of this club in all categories is about 300. The MRK „Sloga” competes in the First Division of the F BiH – South, and has three categories: cadets, who compete nationally, juniors, who also compete nationally, and seniors. The club has between 100 and 150 members, which oscillates during the year. The club does not have its own hall and plays its domestic games at the KSC Bugojno Hall, and trains in the hall of the „Uskoplje” Primary School. It is partially funded from the municipal budget and other sponsors. 24 The Karate Club „Sloga” Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is a club with 178 active members – from beginners, yellow belts, orange belts, green belts, blue belts, brown belts, black belts, and one master with CP 1 dan. In four years of the work of the Club, over 306 members have gained certain karate titles. The Club works in three sections: Town Section, Voljevac Section and Pajić Polje Section, which all have all age categories, including seniors. The Karate Club „Uskopljak” has been operating in this municipality since January 2009, and it has 118 members, although it still enrolls new members. They train in the gymnasium of the „Uskoplje” Primary School. They compete at the national and Federation levels, and considering that they are a relatively young club, they achieve outstanding results. Three main coaches have black belts, which currently meets the requirements of the Club. They are largely financed from membership fees, parents’ assistance and partially from the municipal budget. The SKISO «Sloga» competes in the Second Division of the F BiH. They train and play on the premises of the primary schools at Pajić Polje and Voljevac. The club has 18 members and is financed by the municipal budget, War Veteran Association and other donors. In July this year, the third motocross race for the BiH Championship for the 2009 season was held at Uzričje, with participation of the MK ”Jastrebovi” and Enduro Motocross Club ”Gas” from our municipality. The following organizations also exist in this municipality for recreational purposes, rather than achieving sports results. Their goal is to maintain and promote good health. They are: ”Raduša” Mountaineering Club, ”Goran” Mountaineering Club, ”Ledenica” Speleological Society and fishing and hunting associations. Unfortunately, sporting and recreational centers in the Municipality have considerably deteriorated over the last two decades. Only a few have managed to renew their activities in full capacity, due to a shortage of funds to renew the infrastructure and institutions. The municipality, with its limited revenues, could not develop the mentioned institutions and facilities sufficiently. There are 4 sports gymnasiums in the municipality, and one under construction, 2 grass sports fields and 16 concrete indoor football pitches. 5.3. Culture In the field of culture, active cultural associations are the Croatian Cultural Club – HKD “Napredak”, Cultural Club – KUD “Halil Mršić”, Bosniak Cultural Community “Preporod”, “Hrvatska uzdanica” and Youth Center. Cultural associations promote cultural values of the Croatian and Bosniak peoples of this area and wider, and, for that purpose, they organize forum discussions, book promotions, lectures, carry out publishing activities and organize some already traditional events. Particular Figure 16. Education and Culture Center 25 mention should be made of the event “Uskoplje’s Autumns” /Uskopaljske jeseni/, which has been organized for a number of years now by the HKD “Napredak” and which, apart from local cultural clubs, welcomes cultural clubs from abroad. This event has become known and appreciated both near and far and should be supported so it can continue promoting culture and customs of this area. The “Napredak” has 150 members. The “Hrvatska uzdanica” is an association of citizens established to “preserve, promote and spread Croatian culture and spirituality of this area and educational work in general, assist talented and poor students with scholarships and promotion of their cultural and artistic work”. Although the field of activities of the “Hrvatska uzdanica” is broad, it has become recognizable in the recent years, primarily by its publishing activity. The Bosniak Cultural Community “Preporod” regularly organizes festivals of religious songs, in addition to its drama and music section, and it has about 140 members. They perform their activities at the Cultural Center. The Association of Citizens “Youth Center” is a multi-purpose info-communicational and service center of the local community. In appropriate premises, it offers IT, technical, organizational and public communicational basis for individual, collective, local and community interests. The Youth Center offers different services to citizens and gradually forms certain additional, specific services tailored to the needs of the beneficiaries of the community in which it operates. Services – IT training – foreign languages – internet access for the whole local community – bookshop – office services – seminars and trainings. The Youth Center, gathering young people, emphasizing juvenile delinquency and abuse of narcotics and other activities through various forum discussions, certainly deserves credit for its work. This municipality also has an Education and Culture Center with its own building with a cinema theater, room for meetings and other events, library and two full-time employees. 5.4. Health There is one Medical Center in the Municipality with 81 employees, founded by the Municipal Council of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje. Of this number, 58 employees have medical qualifications (19 – university, 1 – junior college, 38 – secondary school) and 23 employees have non-medical qualifications (1 – university, 1- junior college, 4 – secondary school, 8 – highly skilled, 9 – unskilled). The Medical Center has its branch clinics at Voljevac and Voljice, which were renovated last year. Renovation of the central building of the Medical Center is in its final stage, as well as the works on the second building of the Medical Center on Paločki put street, so we expect several medical facilities to start working soon. New equipment has been provided for doctors and laboratories with a view to providing faster, better and more effective service to the citizens. The Medical Center offers primary medical care services, and its organized Figure 17. Medical Center emergency service is at the disposal of the citizens. The Center also provides specialist and consultative services. The Medical Center has appropriate spatial and technical capacities for providing these services. The Public Institution “Ljekarna” /Pharmacy/ also operates on the territory of this municipality. This institution was established by the Municipal Council and it employs 6 workers of whom 1 is a pharmacist, three employees are pharmaceutical technicians 26 (secondary school), 1 worker is a cashier (secondary school) and 1 employee (unskilled) takes care of hygiene. The pharmacy operates on its own premises which are appropriate to the requirements of the work. Apart from this pharmacy there are two more private pharmacies. There are 15,200 beneficiaries of health insurance on the territory of this municipality. 5.5. Social protection The public institution Center for Social Work operates on the territory of this municipality, addressing the issues of professional work in the field of social protection, protection of families with children, protection of civilian victims of war, guardian authorities with public authorizations, family protection, health protection. The founder of the Center for Social Work is the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipal Council. Material costs and remuneration of the employees of the Center are funded by the municipal budget, while the funds for exercising beneficiaries’ rights in the area of social protection are ensured by the Central Bosnia Canton and Federation of BiH budgets. Bearing in mind the specificities and sensitivity of issued addressed by the Center, we can say that the premises on which the Center operates are not adequate to the needs of the Center. The Center employs 6 workers, of whom 2 have university degrees in social sciences, 2 social workers with junior college qualifications, 1 lawyer with junior college qualifications and 1 economic technician with secondary school qualifications. The field of operation of the Center is regulated by the Law on the Principles of Social Protection, Protection of Civilian Victims of War and Protection of Families with Children. The Center can provide monetary or other kind of material assistance, assistance for establishing one’s own livelihood, accommodation in another family, accommodation in a social institution, services of social and other professional work and other forms of social services. The records of the Center show that in 2008 there were between 93 and 98 beneficiaries of permanent monetary assistance with a family bonus for an incapacitated family member, amounting to 80 KM per month, where the bonus for an incapacitated family member amounted to 7 KM. One-time assistance during 2008 was distributed to 342 persons in amounts of 30 KM to 250 KM. 164 beneficiaries acquired the right to health care along with the right to monetary assistance. The Center records 154 persons as civilian victims of war, whose benefits depend on the exercised rights: from 92 KM to 514 KM. The right to children’s allowance was acquired in the previous year by 166 children, amounting to 24 KM per child. 5.6. Telecommunications / fixed telephony On the territory of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality HT Eronet currently has 1,700 fixed telephony subscribers, 340 postpaid GMS users, 1,100 prepaid GMS users and 420 ADSL users, while on the other side, BH Telecom has 1,950 fixed telephony subscribers, 310 postpaid GMS users, 1,510 prepaid GMS users and 465 ADSL users. The major part of the primary network is over 20 years old and is in continuous need of replacement and reconstruction. There is also a need to transfer the aerial network into the existing and future sewage network. 27 There is an optical cable laid along the routes M 16.2 and R 439 in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality. Access cable network has also been laid for Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje and lowland rural areas. A mobile network system has been developed so that the municipality is covered with signal of all the three operators. Considering that HT and BH mobile operators also have a portable optical cable network, all future additions and new constructions are technically feasible. It is available to the construction/building zone and is in mixed ownership – state, small shareholders, BiH companies and surrounding countries. 5.7. Energy sector The Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is supplied with electricity from the supply transformer station TS 110/2x10/10 kV. The total length of the low-voltage network in the area of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje is estimated at approx. 315 km. The length of the aerial lowvoltage network is estimated at 299.5 km, while cable low-voltage network is estimated at 15.5 km. All settlements in the area of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje and the industrial/construction zone are supplied with electricity. Currently, there are three mini hydro-power plants on the territory of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, and construction of another four mini hydro-power plants is in progress. All mini hydro-power plants are located in the area of the local community of Voljevac which has the highest elevation and the best conditions for construction and operation of mini plants. Also, there are realistic prospects to continue research and construction of mini hydro-power plants on the Vrbas River and its tributaries, as this is a pure form of energy production. This implies a choice of technical solutions which should be maximally adjusted to the nature. Utilization of renewable sources of energy is becoming more and more prominent in the BiH's energy policy. Possibilities for utilization of renewable sources of energy in the municipality (hydro and wind), and existence of investors to use these energy sources (energy potential) represent a great development opportunity for this municipality in the future. There is a real need to explore possibilities for construction of mini wind-power plants, as there are realistic prospects for this. 5.8. Public and utility services Coverage of the municipality with public and utility services, for the time being, is on average some 45%, with the two public utility companies founded by the municipality, i.e. JKP „Vodovod i kanalizacija” d.o.o. /Water Supply and Sewage/, which is basically specialized for maintenance of the water supply and sewage systems and JKP „Radovina” d.o.o. which is specialized for public cleaning (collection and disposal of garbage, maintenance of public areas, road maintenance, etc.). These two companies are largely funded from collection of fees for services they render to physical and legal persons and from collection of bills for the supply of drinking water, maintenance of the water supply and sewage systems, maintenance of cleanliness in public areas, collection and disposal of waste/garbage, maintenance of roads and from payments for works they are awarded as the most favorable bidders in public competitions in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement of BiH. There is no adequate and managed landfill for waste disposal. Waste is disposed of at a landfill at Krupa, which is near the Krušćica River and Batuša, Bistrica and Krupa settlements. Apart from this landfill, there are a number of arbitrary dumps located near populated areas so that they directly jeopardize the closest living space. 28 5.9. Water supply network There are a number of drinking water sources in the area of the Municipality of Gornji VakufUskoplje, so that this municipality has sufficient quantities of drinking water. Water is mainly supplied through local water supply systems managed and maintained by local communities, i.e. local residents who took part in their construction and which, therefore, are not part of the water supply system managed by the JP „Vodovod i kanalizacija“ d.o.o. The Crni Dol town water supply system, which supplies the largest part of the municipality with water (town and settlements downstream alongside the Vrbas River in the north-eastern part of the municipality), is owned by the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje and is managed by the JP „Vodovod i kanalizacija“ d.o.o. It was constructed in the 70s of the last century, and was subsequently expanded. The current Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje water supply system is pumpgravitational for the high and medium zones and gravitational for the low zones. The existing reservoir capacity (two 1000 m3 chambers) meets consumer needs, but due to high loss of water in the network there are shortages and rationing of water supply at times. Because of high network loss, age, inadequacy of pipe material and pipe profiles, the primary water network is in need of reconstruction. 5.10. Sewage network The existing sewage system of the town of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje consists of separate faecal and precipitation sub-systems. An exception is a section of joint conduits. In both cases, the recipients are the rivers Vrbas, Trnovača, Voljišnica, Krušćica, Bistrička Rika, although precipitation is also fed into the Paločki put canal, which flows into the Trnovača River and into the Barica canal, which flows into the Vrbas River. Both systems are more than 50 years old. In Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje’s existing faecal sewage, the primary faecal pipes are largely made of asbestos-cement, while a new section is made of PVC. The length of faecal primary conduits is approx. 14,000 m, which does not meet the needs of the town. The precipitation sewage network is made of asbestos-cement and concrete pipes, and there are also some brick canals and open canals in certain areas (streams). The length of the precipitation sewage collectors is approx. 6,000 m, and this does not meet the needs of the town. In some parts of local communities, faecal sewage is organized in such a way that the recipients are the local streams or rivers such as the Trnovača, Voljišnica, Bistrička Rika, Dobroška Rika, etc., while some areas, including even some peripheral areas of the town itself, do not have a feacal sewage at all, so that the local residents are forced to build cess-pools, which, due to the configuration of the terrain and large quantities of underground water, fill up quickly and create very big problems to the residents themselves, posing a threat to human lives and health as well as polluting the environment (areas of Paloč, Pajić Polje, Hrasnica, Ploča, etc.). In order to protect the environment, water and human health, it is necessary to build a general feacal collector with adequate waste water filters (local and regional), which would collect all existing primary and secondary conduits as well as newly planned feacal conduits. The utility infrastructure (water supply, sewage, collectors...) requires a thorough and general reconstruction with a prior preparation of project documentation for construction, reconstruction of old underground installations (water supply, feacal sewage, precipitation sewage, lighting, etc.). Precipitation and faecal drainage systems are separate in certain locations, but generally they are joint or non-existent altogether. Precipitation sewage is made of asbestos-cement and concrete pipes, and there are some brick or concrete segments, curbstone gutters and open canals. 29 5.11. War damaged buildings The housing stock of the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje was destroyed to the extent of over 60%. Currently, the official record is about 180 registered displaced and refugee families and about 350 severely destroyed residential buildings. Return of displaced persons and refugees, as well as reconstruction of the destroyed housing stock, can be considered to be on a completely satisfactory level. Assisted by various donor organizations and all levels of government, returnees succeeded in reconstructing their homes, quite often with their own means, too. With regard to assistance for reconstruction of housing units, it is currently more symbolic than substantial for these population categories and in the future, this trend of reduction of assistance for reconstruction of war-damaged housing units will continue. A certain number of displaced persons and refugees decided to stay in the countries in the region or neighboring municipalities or changed residence within the municipality. The return process is considered to be nearly finished and donor interest in assisting this population in reconstruction of their homes has been completely lost. 5.12. Business infrastructure In the process of drafting a Feasibility Study for Establishment of Industrial Zones in Central BiH Region, developed by the REZ Regional Development Agency for the Central Bosnia region, the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf identified two areas stipulated for future industrial zones in the municipality, i.e. the Kamenica industrial/business zone and the Batuški Lug industrial/business zone. 30 The Batuški Lug industrial/business zone20 Table 18. Characteristics of the Batuški Lug Industrial Zone Terrain characteristics Terrain topography Is there a risk of flooding Soil characteristics Zone size and infrastructure Zone area Number of buildings Proposal of interventions on buildings Assessment of investment into buildings Assessed value of land in the zone per m2 Availability of free plots for zone expansion if necessary Existence of construction permits for buildings in the zone - Existence of town development plans for zone area - Designation of zone area Existence of urban development limitations Stipulated purpose of buildings Encumbrances on property (mortgage, etc.) Infrastructure Flat, with a mild gradient No Stable 48.1 ha 6 Can be renovated economically N/A 7 KM Yes, 50 ha Yes Yes Industrial/Business Zone No Production and business buildings No Electricity Gas Water (drinking, industrial) Waste water drainage Possibility of disposal of solid waste Telecommunications infrastructure Transport infrastructure within zone Legal status of proposed industrial zone 50% public; 50% private It is situated at the locality of the former Yassa Factory (sports garments) and UNIS (UTL). The UNIS Factory is out of operation and is recorded as property of the Gračanica Coalmine, which is a public company. The industrial/business zone is equipped with all infrastructure. In the previous period, the municipality carried out some activities on renewal of the infrastructure here. The zone is 50% developed. The zone currently 20 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Figure 18. Panoramic view of theBatuški Lug Industrial Zone Feasibility Study for Establishment of Industrial Zones in Central BiH Region for 2009 31 encompasses the following companies: Rose Wood, Saraj Komerc, Vis Konfekcija, Komerc Tri, Vranica Vranicatrans prevoz. Expansion capacities are available and there is some municipal land next to the zone. The Kamenica industrial/business zone 21 Table 19. Characteristics of the Kamenica Industrial Zone Terrain characteristics Terrain topography Is there a risk of flooding Soil characteristics Zone size and infrastructure Zone area Number of buildings Proposal of interventions on buildings Assessment of investment into buildings Assessed value of land in the zone per m2 Availability of free plots for zone expansion if necessary Existence of construction permits for buildings in the zone - Existence of town development plans for zone area - Designation of zone area Existence of urban development limitations Stipulated purpose of buildings Encumbrances on property (mortgage, etc.) Infrastructure Legal status of proposed industrial zone Flat, with a mild gradient Yes, partially to the right of the main road along the Vrbas River Stable 23 ha 10 Buildings are functional N/A 14 KM No Yes Yes, and a new spatial plan is in progress Industrial/Business Zone No Production and business buildings No Electricity Gas Water (drinking, industrial) Waste water drainage Possibility of disposal of solid waste Telecommunications infrastructure Transport infrastructure within zone 100% private Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes It is located on both sides of the M 16.2 trunk road, between the town and the village of Trnovača on the right-hand side of the road along the Vrbas River. The zone encompasses the following companies: Vintex, TOM, Korak, Ingrup, Ćiro promet and Paloč. The industrial 21 Feasibility Study for Establishment of Industrial Zones in Central BiH Region for 2009 32 zone is 100% in private ownership. The zone is equipped with all necessary infrastructure. More than 50% of the zone is not used. Except these plans for industrial zones, there is no other form of organized support to development of SMEs in the Municipality (incubator, entrepreneurial center, technological center, etc.). As already mentioned, so far, the Municipality has only identified the locations of the future industrial zones, without developing any forms of business infrastructure. However, existence of Figure 19. Panoramic view of the Kamenica Industrial funds for development of business Zone infrastructure (Federation Ministry, EU, etc.), opens a possibility for the municipality to be in a situation, in a few years, with commitment and dedication, to have a developed infrastructure and defined supply to attract investment and develop entrepreneurship. BiH’s direction towards infrastructural development and its participation in inter-regional infrastructural projects (Western Balkans and SEE countries) will have a positive impact on the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality. Availability of EU’s and other donors’ funds is a possibility for additional funding sources for projects in the municipality. The State and the Federation of BiH have not yet adopted a regional and local development policy and committed funds accordingly as an incentive for development, which is one of the obligations in the EU integration process. 5.13. Financial institutions Table 20. Financial institutions Name SPARKASSE BANK D.D. SARAJEVO HYPO ALPE-ADRIA-BANK D.D. MOSTAR UNICREDIT BANKA D.D. MOSTAR PRIVREDNA BANKA SARAJEVO D.D. SARAJEVO LOK SARAJEVO Type of institution Bank Branch - Agency Bank Branch - Agency Bank Branch - Agency Bank Branch Microcredit organization Office Organizational unit 33 5.14. Spatial plan of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality The Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje spatial plan specifies the conditions for long-term regulation of the municipal territory, appropriate use, purpose, formation, renewal and rehabilitation of construction- and other land, environmental protection and, in particular, protection of the cultural heritage and valuable segments of nature and landscape. The basic goal of spatial planning is to establish a well-balanced spatial development adjusted to economic and environmental factors by means of an interactive spatial planning and assessment of possible influences. Development of the spatial plan has been entrusted to the ECO-PLAN company from Mostar in accordance with a public competition results. The draft spatial plan was adopted by the Municipal Council in October 2009. The spatial plan is expected to be adopted in 2010. Although the spatial plan is only adopted as a draft, the municipal planning services endeavor to adjust their activities maximally to the draft spatial plan as a document providing general planning guidelines. 34 6. MUNICIPAL ECONOMY22 6.1. Economy Some twenty years ago, Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje was classified as a medium developed municipality. There were about 5,300 workers in the municipality, of which about 4,000 industrial workers. With 1,987 persons who were „guest” workers abroad, the municipality was ranked fifth by the share of this population in the total population of this municipality in BiH. The largest number of industrial workers were in the following fields: Metal industry approx. 1,000; Wood processing approx. 1,000; Textile approx 600; Mining approx. 600; Forestry approx. 100; Shops approx 250; Utility services approx 50; The trades sector employed about 50 workers, primarily in the production of hand-held coffee-grinders. There were also blacksmiths, hair-cloth workers, etc. A considerable number of workers were employed in shops such as: baker’s, butcher’s, hair-dresser’s, shoe-maker’s, watchmaker’s, goldsmith’s, etc. It should particularly be emphasized that we had, and still have today, a large number of cafes and coffee-shops. The economy of Gornji VakufUskoplje was until recently looked at by the ownership structure and it was divided into companies which were still state-owned, companies that were privatized and newly established companies. In the period between 1992 and 1996 the economy of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje was totally destroyed. A poor privatization model and slow development in the post-war years have led to a drain of technical professionals from the municipality. Also, a large number of students who graduate from universities in Sarajevo, Zagreb, Mostar, Zenica, etc. do not return to the municipality because of poor employment opportunities. Today, we can say that the majority of companies which were state-owned have changed their ownership structure, i.e. to a large extent they became private property. Concerning higher valued companies, the privatization process has not been completed in the Trnovača Furniture Factory, although a major part has been privatized. The Bearings Factory is not privatized yet, but since it is in Figure 20. Some of «TOM»'s products the ownership of the Gračanica Coal Mine, it falls under the competency of the Federation. Data of the Pension and Disability Fund show the condition of employability in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje. The majority of 22 Municipal Service data 35 companies in the municipality procured their equipment thirty and more years ago and a good portion of this equipment is outdated. This condition reflects in lower quality and costeffectiveness of production. The data presented by the Pension and Disability Fund show the structure of employment in this municipality. As of 31 August 2009, the Fund recorded a total of 2,271 persons. Viewed by sectors, it is as follows: Metal working Wood processing Textile Mining Forestry Shops Utility services Agriculture Public administration Education Health Telecommunications Traffic 355 181 94 205 75 183 25 33 115 259 83 25 22 The majority of these persons were employed with one of the 175 legal persons, as many were registered in the area of the municipality in 2008. A significant segment in the economy of this municipality is the portion of economy related to independent and artisan businesses. The official record of registered businesses for 2008, maintained by the Service for Economy, Finance and War Victims is the following: Figure 21. A view of one of «RoseWood»'s plants catering …......…………………..……96 trading ….....………………………...108 crafts …......………………………....147 The greater part of these registered businesses have one registered person – license holder or sometimes two persons (another person on a part-time contract). According to our assessments, there are between 200 and 300 unregistered workers in private businesses in this municipality, in other words, illegal work is still present. Federal and cantonal administration bodies and inspection services are aware of this problem, and the constantly implement measures and activities to prevent illegal work. Employment outside of the framework of public competition is still present in practice, in particular in the private sector. Moreover, work conditions with today’s private businesses are not a great level with regard to exercising employment rights, working hours, annual holidays and other benefits. Unfortunately, a high unemployment level and a great supply of labor are the facts 36 that today’s private businesses use in the majority of cases for their own benefit in the relations with their employees. A great number of residents of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje are still abroad. These citizens maintain strong links with their homeland. Some of these citizens have important and influential positions in their states or they have become entrepreneurs and successful people. 6.2. Agriculture Agriculture and cattle-breeding are a considerable segment in the economy of our municipality and provide opportunities for engagement of a larger number of unemployed persons in this field. Implementation of the IFAD project „Development of Cattle-Breeding and Rural Funding”, commenced in April 2003, consisting of four components: development of cattle-breeding, development of SMEs, development and creation of savings-credit associations and development of rural infrastructure represented an important segment in the economy of this municipality, which largely improved the conditions necessary for development of this branch of economy. In the recent years, significant capacities have been built on the territory of this municipality and a good basis was created for further development of agriculture and cattle-breeding. The livestock has been renewed to a considerable extent, and the number of heads of cattle and sheep has grown. The Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality has vast potentials and natural conditions for faster development of cattle-breeding. Construction and operation of the „AGROCENTAR” dairy plant at Pajić Polje, with a capacity between 10,000 and 12,000 liters of milk per day and processing of milk and dairy products, created preconditions for further Figure 22. Raspberry field development of farming. The „FLORES“ company represents an important capacity in the field of medicinal herbs and cucumber markets in the area of this municipality. In early March each year, an event entitled „ORGANIC PRODUCTION DAYS“ is held in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, in which „FLORES“ representatives made a guarantee to buy out unlimited quantities of cucumbers produced in the municipality in 2009, which, in fact, is the greatest fear of those who are faced with a dilemma whether they should produce something or not, i.e. whether marketing of their products is guaranteed, which is now resolved with this company. Similarly, the buying station „Rubus“, located at Voljevac, guarantees the marketing of buckwheat, planted on 20 hectares of land in the municipality. Besides, it is common knowledge that Vranica and Raduša mountains are rich in medicinal herbs (cranberries, gentian, blueberries) and forest fruits which represents an important natural resource. Unfortunately, this development is not adequate yet and does not rise up to the level which we should have in the municipality. 37 6.2.1. Crop yield Table 21. Crop yield in the Municipality of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje in tons Wheat t 754 Rye t/ha 2.6 t 100 t/ha 2.5 Barley t 473 Corn (kernel) t t/ha 38 2.5 Oats t/ha 2.7 t 75 t/ha 2.5 Corn (fodder) t 900 t/ha 18.0 The share of grain plow-fields in the total area of plow-fields in the Central Bosnia Canton (48,143 ha) is 1.16% (555 ha). Comparing grain production in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality with other Central Bosnia Canton municipalities shows that the Gornji VakufUskoplje Municipality realized the following percentages in total production within the Canton: 15,00% 8,90 % 21,00% 8,50% 2,80 % 17,00 % wheat rye barley oats corn (kernel) corn (fodder) Concerning kinds of grain, it is notable that the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality has a significant share in the total production of wheat with 15.00%, barley 21.00% and fodder corn with 17.00%. 6.2.2. Vegetable yield Table 22. Areas and yield of major vegetables in the area of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Potatoes ha 750 Total t 4,500 Beans t/ha 6.0 ha 7 Total t 7 Onions t/ha 1.0 ha 7 Total t 56 t/ha 8.0 Cabbages and savoy cabbages ha Total t t/ha 150 2,250 15.0 The share of vegetables in the total area under vegetables in the Central Bosnia Canton (4,951 ha) is 18.50% (914 ha). Comparing vegetable production in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality with other municipalities in the Canton shows that the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality realized the following percentages in total production: potatoes beans onions cabbages and savoy cabbages 21.50 % 1.20 % 1.20 % 24.50 % Concerning vegetable crops, it is notable that the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality has a significant share in the total production of potatoes (21.50%) and cabbages (24.50%). 38 6.2.3. Number of cattle, poultry, bees Table 23. Numbers of cattle, poultry and bees in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Cattle Cows and Total heifers in calf 2,713 1,899 Sheep Pigs Total Breeding sheep Total Breeding sows 8,959 7,167 840 526 Poultry Beehives - 620 Comparing cattle, poultry and bees in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality with other municipalities in the Canton shows that the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality realized the following percentages in total number of cattle: cattle sheep pigs poultry beehives 6.60 % 11.20 % 7.00 % 10.70 % The indicators presented in the table above show that the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality has a significant share in the total number of sheep and beehives. 6.2.4. Organic production Development of organic production in the municipality is on the rise. In the recent years, the area of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality was recognized as a suitable area for organic production. This area abounds in exceptional natural resources, forest berries, medicinal herbs and it has a favorable geo-strategic position for development of organic production. The Vranica area, from the aspect of its geographic position and quantities of forest berries, is considered to be one of the larger cranberry and blueberry sites. Buying stations, certified for organic production, have been operational in the municipality for a long time, but their capacities are insufficient to accept all fruits and herbs picked on the territory of the Figure 23. An example of a highly productive apiary municipality. The Gornji VakufUskoplje municipality has recognized the importance of organic production and included it as a strategic goal of municipal development in the agricultural sector. The municipality has recognized the importance of promotion of organic production and supported the project «Days of Organic Production», implemented by the Association of Organic Producers of Medicinal Herbs and Berries in the Central Bosnia Canton. Incentives by the Central Bosnia 39 Canton and the Federation and interest of investors make this branch of agriculture suitable for development in the municipality in the future period. 6.2.5. Capacities in agricultural production Table 24. Capacities in agricultural production Capacities Number of farming households 1991 800 2008 1,300 Number of tractors 450 290 Number of tractor attachments 410 260 Number of motor-cultivators 380 310 Number of motor-cultivator attachments 350 290 Number of grass mowers 90 80 Number of combine-harvesters 5 7 Number of lacto-freezes for milk 3 15 Number of buying and supplying storage facilities 4 3 Number of agricultural pharmacies 2 4 Slaughterhouses for small and large cattle 3 4 6.3 Tourism Due to its geographic position and climate conditions (height above sea-level is between 650 and 2,112 m) the municipality of Gornji VakufUskoplje has all the preconditions for development of tourism. The Raduša and Vranica mountains have always attracted hikers, not only from these areas but also from the areas of the Former Yugoslavia (marked hiking routes on Vranica). There is a regular hiking expedition entitled «Vranica March» organized by the «Goran» Hiking Club and «Vranica Days» organized by the «Raduša» Hiking Club. Because of its rich flora and fauna, these mountains offer ideal possibilities for hunting, summer and winter tourism. A hiking lodge «Rosinj» is situated at the locality of Smrdivode, which is a part of Vranica Mountain below Rosinj, at the altitude of 1,680 m, owned by the «Goran» Hiking Club, with an accommodation capacity of 50 persons. Apart from this lodge, there are also lodges at «Zekina gruda» at the altitude of 1,356 m, with an Figure 24. Ždrimci waterfall accommodation capacity of 20 persons and «Radovina» at the altitude of 1,490 m, with an 40 accommodation capacity of up to 50 persons. Construction of a ski resort with two ski runs is under construction on Raduša Mountain. The first run is about 800 m long and is completed, while the second is 1,200 m long and will be completed in this year, as well as other facilities (ski-lift, restaurant, etc.). There are also two motels in the municipality – «Raduša» Motel and «Saraj-Komerc» Motel, which is temporarily closed, and SRC «Zlatna dolina» /Golden Valley/. Popular recreation areas near Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje are: the Ždrimci lakes with a beautiful waterfall nearby, the Bistrička Rika (well-known fish-farm), Vranica and Raduša mountains. The Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality is situated at the sources of six rivers: Vrbas, Bistrička Rika, Trnovača, Krušćica, Voljišnica and Dobroška Rika, which are ideal for fishing as they abound in brown trout and grayling. Apart from this, on the other side of Vranica Mountain, the Fojnica side, is the Prokoško Lake,which is not only famous for its beauty but for its endemic amphibian Triton. Gornji VakufUskoplje also boasts a historical monument -„Clock-Tower”, which was declared a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2008. Figure 25. Rosinj” mountaineering lodge Figure 26. Clock Tower Figure 27. Raduša ski resort Figure 28. „Raduša” motel Figure 29. „Zlatna dolina” sports and recreation center 41 6.4. Gross domestic product (GDP) The gross domestic product (GDP) is the most important economic indicator for the municipal level. However, back in 2004, the Federation Statistics Office stopped publishing data broken down by municipalities. The same is the case with the data on the number and operations of businesses. Considering this, and appreciating the need to provide at least orientation values and positions that the municipality holds, the gross domestic product has been calculated for the municipality following a simplified method on the basis of the available data. Statistical offices of the F BiH and RS calculate the GDP for the entity level in relation to data on production, inter-phase consumption, added value (base prices) and taxes on products and subsidies. The GDP per capita, calculated for the entities on the basis of the above data is still imprecise because of a lack of valid data on the population size, which, after 1991 has always been founded on assessments. Therefore, the only available and verified data for the municipal level are the data on (assessed) number of inhabitants and the data on the number of employed persons and their net wages. For the needs of this simplified methodology of calculating the GDP per capita, the chosen value is the one obtained by multiplying the number of employed persons and the number of entity inhabitants (Federation and RS). This value is a share of the percentage of the total value of the gross domestic product of the entity. Following this methodology, an orientation value of the GDP per capita was calculated. Gornji Vakuf - Uskoplje: BDP (BNP) i BDP per capita Table 25. GDP and GDP per capita Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 ANE 2,253 2,339 2,366 2,490 2,108 ANW (KM) 415.72 456.23 433.90 483.20 539.12 GDP (KM) 41,374,990.14 49,362,768.09 48,120,031.80 57,944,257.74 56,991,272.94 Inhabitants 19,999 20,096 19,459 19,506 19,513 GDPpC (KM) 2,068.85 2,456.35 2,472.89 2,970.59 2,920.68 ANE = Average number of employed; ANW = Average net wage Movements of the gross domestic product per capita 3,500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 0.00 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 GDPpC Figure 30. Graphic representation of the movements of the gross domestic product per capita 42 B. DEVELOPMENT VISION OF THE MUNICIPALITY The development vision of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality specifies the framework and guidelines of future development of the municipality. A socio-economic analysis works out in detail all important indicators of economic development which will be addressed here in the context of development opportunities and threats. In this sense, there follows a detailed SWAT analysis, i.e. analysis of development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats after which follows the development vision of the municipality with its strategic directions, programs and projects. 1. SWOT ANALYSIS The analysis of development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) is an instrument for identification of key development strengths and weaknesses and their placement in the context of the conditions and trends in the wider environment (SEA). As such, it represents a key transition from the basic analysis towards thinking about future directions of development, i.e. determining development vision, strategic directions, priorities and measures and projects. - STRENGTHS High percentage of working agepopulation in metal and wood industries High percentage of students in the general population of the municipality Diversified network of local and regional roads Presence of determined quantities and qualities of lignite, quartzite and gypsum Geographic position Presence of NGO sector Relations between local administration and citizens Spatial plan - WEAKNESSES Unexplored quantities and quality of granite Lack of technical equipment, old equipment Lack of cultural and sports facilities Lack of an administrative center (municipality building) Utility infrastructure (water supply, sewage, collectors...) Lack of intensive agricultural production and processing capacities Poor condition of town's road network and R 439 regional road Vertical and horizontal road signalization Pollution and low awareness of environmental protection Lack of business infrastructure (industrial zones, incubators, excellence centers) Lack of centers (programs) for retraining and upgrading of skills 43 - OPPORTUNITIES Change of categorization of the R 439 regional road into trunk road Unexplored quantities and quality of granite A large percentage of municipality's population abroad Availability of funds for development of business infrastructure (Federation ministry, canton...) Availability of EU's and other donors' funds Availability of investors into winter tourism Availability of investors for utiliatation of renewable energy sources (energy potential) Investment and incentives for organic production - Town by-pass THREATS Negative birth-rate Complexity of education system Lack of funds to stimulate local development Isolation from major traffic routes Political instability Economic crisis Occasional floods due to natural disasters 44 2. VISION AND STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2.1. Vision The vision of the municipality is a desirable picture in the future that has to be realistic, credible and attractive at the same time. Flexibility of the determined vision reflects in its being often formulated as a kind of image, enabling thus appropriate need-driven changes. Shaping of the vision begins with the stock-taking of the current situation by means of implementing a basic analysis. A vision, once specified, represents a basis for laying down strategic directions of development and concrete drafting of the strategy in the form of programs and projects. The development vision of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality describes the desirable condition to which the municipality aspires in the long term. The vision of the Gornji VakufUskoplje municipality has been developed by creative elaboration of the future on the basis of existing resources of the municipality identified by a thorough analysis. The development vision of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality is specified as follows: The Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality will be an economic center linking the continental and the Mediterranean parts of BiH as well as with the Croatian coast, with a developed environmental awareness and intensive organic agricultural production, tourism, developed human resources, and which will represent a pleasant environment for business, living and working with a high level of utilization of renewable energy sources and natural resources. 2.2. Strategic directions Strategic directions of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality are derived from the defined vision, which is here further elaborated with a view to its implementation: Strategic directions for development of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality are the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Advancement of economic development Development of infrastructure Environmental protection Advancement of human resources Development of sports and culture and advancement of health and social care Establishment of efficient and transparent local administration 2.2.1. Strategic direction 1: Advancement of economic development Advancement of economic development as the first strategic direction will be realized through four defined sub-directions and 25 projects. The first strategic sub-direction is advancement of agricultural production with an emphasis on organic production. 45 The second strategic sub-direction is development of tourism. The third strategic sub-direction is development of production-based entrepreneurship. The fourth strategic sub-direction is utilization of renewable energy sources. Advancement of agricultural production with an emphasis on organic production Drafting strategies for development of agricultural production Establishing incentive systems for agricultural production Training in the field of organic and conventional agricultural production S1.1.3. through organization of seminars, trainings and round tables. Promotion of organic production through organization of fairs and support S1.1.4. to fair participation S1.1.5. Branding and industrializing agricultural products Protection of indigenous breeds, species and varieties (grouse, chamois, indigenous brown trout, grayling, crayfish, Vranica cranberries, S1.1.6. blueberries, gentian, Triton) S1.1.7. Strengthening of municipal agricultural service S1.1.8. Activating and reconstructing a cattle market S1.1.9. Construction of town’s market-hall S1.1.10. Buying and processing of medicinal herbs, forest berries and fruits S1.1.11. Buying and processing of cabbages and cucumbers Regulation of land registries by means of establishing a property cadastre S1.1.12. (after adoption of the Cadastre Law). S1.1. S1.1.1. S1.1.2. S1.2. S1.2.1. S1.2.2. S1.2.3. S1.2.4. S1.2.5. S1.2.6. Development of tourism Drafting a tourism development strategy Promotion of tourism and tourist destinations in the municipality Adoption of regulation plans for sports/tourist centers Defining benefits in the construction of tourist infrastructure facilities Creating conditions for development of hunting and fishing tourism Creating conditions for development of speleological tourism S1.3. S1.3.1. S1.3.2. S1.3.3. Development of production-based entrepreneurship Establishment and development of industrial zones Establishment of a local development department Creating an incentive system for development of entrepreneurship Drafting an analysis/study on possible new branches of production in the area of the municipality and establishing an incentive system for opening new production branches S1.3.4. S1.4. S1.4.1. S1.4.2. S1.4.3. Utilization of renewable energy sources Drafting a water potential feasibility study Drafting a wind potential feasibility study Raising public awareness on the advantages and harmlessness of using renewable energy sources 2.2.2. Strategic direction 2. Development of infrastructure Development of infrastructure, as the second strategic direction, is realized through two defined sub-directions and 15 projects. 46 The fist strategic sub-direction is development of traffic infrastructure. The second strategic sub-direction is development of utility infrastructure. S2.1. Development of traffic infrastructure S2.1.1. Paving and reconstructing town streets S2.1.2. Regulation of town’s intersection M 16.2-R 439 S2.1.3. Paving local roads, approx. 20 km S2.1.4. Continuation of constructing pavements along the trunk road in urban areas S2.1.5. Placement of vertical signalization on paved local roads Re-categorization of R 439 into a trunk road and Dobrošin-Mejnik into a regional S2.1.6. road S2.2. S2.2.1. S2.2.2. S2.2.3. S2.2.4. S2.2.5. S2.2.6. S2.2.7. S2.2.8. S2.2.9. Development of utility infrastructure Development of project documentation for water/sewage network in populated areas Reconstruction of town’s primary water/sewage network Construction/reconstruction of water/sewage network in populated areas Establishing a cadastre of local sources and water supply systems and their protection Regulation of the Vrbas River bed in the town area Cleaning of the river bed and construction of embankments in flood-critical areas and suspension of illegal construction in the water zone Rehabilitation of the existing dump and other unregulated dumps and specifying a location for a new town’s landfill Drafting an analysis on construction of a town central heating plant Street lighting in populated areas 2.2.3. Strategic direction 3. Environmental protection Environmental protection as the third strategic direction is realized through 7 projects. S3.1. Environmental protection S3.1.1. Drafting a local environmental action plan LEAP S3.1.2. Educating youth in school institutions on the importance of the environment S3.1.3. Protection of the Ždrimci lakes S3.1.4. Protection of the Ždrimci waterfalls S3.1.5. Protection of the Raduša lake S3.1.6. Protection of the Krušćica River as a hatchery and source of drinking water S3.1.7. Regulation and maintenance of green areas (promenades, parks) in the town 2.2.4. Strategic direction 4. Advancement of human resources Advancement of human resources, as the fourth strategic direction, is realized through 5 projects. Advancement of human resources S4.1 Development of programs for re-training and upgrading of skills in the field of metal and wood processing industries to work on modern machines (CNC etc.) in S4.1.1. cooperation with the employment office and economy. S4.1.2. Advancement of the education system in accordance with market needs Establishment of a financial support system for student scholarships with a S4.1.3. particular emphasis on deficit professions Advancement of pre-school education through initiating operation of the public S4.1.4. institution – “Zvončić” Kindergarten. 47 S4.1.5. Rehabilitation and modernization of schools in accordance with the municipality’s financial capability. 2.2.5. Strategic direction 5. Development of sports and culture and advancement of health and social care Development of sports and culture and advancement of health and social care, as the fifth strategic direction, is realized through three defined sub-directions and 14 projects. The first strategic sub-direction is development of sports and sports infrastructure. The second strategic sub-direction is development of culture and cultural buildings. The third strategic sub-direction is advancement of health and social care. S5.1. Development of sports and sports infrastructure S5.1.1. Establishing a sports association S5.1.2. Supporting work and development of sports clubs Popularization of sports and raising the level of sports culture among the S5.1.3. population S5.1.4. Completion of the construction of the sports hall S5.1.5. Construction of new sports facilities S5.1.6. Development/training of professionals S5.2 S5.2.1. S5.2.2. S5.2.3. S5.2.4. S5.2.5. S5.3 S5.3.1. S5.3.2. S5.3.3. Development of culture and cultural buildings Supporting work of cultural clubs Reviving the work of the town’s library Observing dates of importance for the municipality Establishing a radio station Rehabilitation of cultural and historical monuments in accordance with financial capability of the municipality. Advancement of health and social care Supporting development of clinics (Voljevac, Voljice, P.Polje) Establishing a system of support to socially vulnerable categories of population Creating preconditions (infrastructural, spatial) for construction of social protection institutions (advancement of programs and infrastructure for social protection). 2.2.6. Strategic direction 6. Establishment of efficient and transparent local administration Establishment of efficient and transparent local administration, as the sixth strategic direction, is realized through 7 projects. S6.1 Establishing efficient and transparent local administration S6.1.1 Reorganization of existing services with a view to raising efficiency S6.1.2 Completion of the new municipal building S6.1.3 Establishment of central hall for services to citizens Introducing e-government – vital records certificates (birth certificate, citizenship S6.1.4 certificate, etc.). Improvement of information dissemination among citizens and analysis of S6.1.5 citizens’ proposals S6.1.6 Establishing partnerships between local administrations and citizens S6.1.7 Modernization of infrastructure and equipment 48 C. ACTION PLAN FOR 2011 1. LIST OF PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS The action plan proposal for 2011 contains 33 programs, projects and measures which need to be implemented in order to resolve identified problems. The implementation of the plan refers to the final quarter of 2010 and the whole 2011. The plan partially relies on the municipal budget, and partially on participation and financial support of partners, higher levels of government, international organizations and donors. Before the end of 2011 and adoption of the budget for 2012, the action plan needs to be reviewed and assessed against the measure to which the planned programs, projects and measures were implemented. Working groups to be established will define priority activities for the next year, and the activities which are not implemented in accordance with the action plan of the current year will need to be transferred to the plan for the next year. Ser. No NAME OF PROJECT S1 S1.1. 1 S1.1.1. 2 S1.1.3. 3 S1.1.4. 4 S1.1.7. 5 S1.2. S1.2.3. 6 S1.2.6. 7 S1.3. S1.3.1. 8 S1.4 S1.4.1. Value in KM Implementation level ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Advancement of agricultural production with an emphasis on organic production Drafting an agricultural production development strategy 10,000.00 FINAL Training in the field of organic and conventional agricultural 15,000.00 IN STAGES production through organization of seminars, trainings and round tables Promotion of organic production through organization of fairs and 20,000.00 IN STAGES support to fair participation Strengthening municipal agricultural service 20,000.00 IN STAGES Development of tourism Adoption of regulation plans for sports/tourist centers 50,000.00 FINAL Creating conditions for development of speleological 15,000.00 IN STAGES tourism Development of production-based entrepreneurship Establishment and development 750,000.00 IN STAGES of industrial zones Utilization of renewable energy sources Raising public awareness on the 49 S2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 S2.1 S2.1.1. S2.1.2. S2.1.3. S2.1.4. S2.1.5. S2.2 S2.2.1. S2.2.2. S2.2.3. S2.2.4. S2.2.5. S2.2.6. 20 S2.2.9. 21 S3 S3.1.7. 22 23 S4 S4.1.3. S4.1.4. advantages and harmlessness of using renewable energy sources 5,000.00 DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE Development of traffic infrastructure Paving and reconstructing town streets 500,000.00 Regulation of town’s intersection M 16.2-R 439 50,000.00 Paving local roads, approx. 20 km 1,500,000.00 Continuation of constructing pavements along the trunk road 1,000,000.00 in populated areas Placement of vertical signalization on paved local 150,000.00 roads Development of utility infrastructure Development of project documentation for water/sewage 100,000.00 network in populated areas Reconstruction of town’s primary water/sewage network 3,000,000.00 Construction/reconstruction of water/sewage network in 1,000,000.00 populated areas Establishing a cadastre of local sources and water supply 50,000.00 systems and their protection Regulation of the Vrbas River bed in the town area 1,500,000.00 Cleaning of the river bed and construction of embankments in flood-critical areas and 150,000.00 suspension of illegal construction in the water zone Street lighting in populated areas 80,000.00 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Regulation and maintenance of green areas (promenades, parks) 100,000.00 in the town ADVANCEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Establishment of a financial support system for student scholarships with a particular 300,000.00 emphasis on deficit professions Advancement of pre-school education through initiating 60,000.00 operation of the public institution IN STAGES IN STAGES FINAL IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES IN STAGES FINAL 50 – “Zvončić” Kindergarten S5 24 S5.1 S5.1.2. 25 S5.1.3. 26 27 S5.1.4. S5.1.5. 28 S5.2 S5.2.1. 29 S5.2.2. DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS AND SPORTS INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIAL PROTECTION Development of sports and sports infrastructure Supporting work and development of sports clubs 350,000.00 IN STAGES Popularization of sports and raising the level of sports culture 30,000.00 IN STAGES among the population Construction of a sports hall 1,500,000.00 IN STAGES Construction of new sports 100,000.00 IN STAGES facilities Development of culture and cultural buildings Supporting the work of cultural 125,000.00 IN STAGES clubs Reviving the work of the town’s 50,000.00 IN STAGES library S6 30 S6.1.1 31 S6.1.2 32 S6.1.5 33 S6.1.6 ESTABLISHMENT OF EFFICIENT AND TRANSPARENT LOCAL ADMINISTRATION Reorganization of existing IN STAGES services with a view to raising 50,000.00 efficiency Completion of the new municipal 1,500,000.00 IN STAGES building Improvement of information 50,000.00 IN STAGES dissemination among citizens and analysis of citizens’ proposals Establishing partnerships 50,000.00 IN STAGES between local administration and citizens 51 2. PROJECT IDEAS Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding source Project value S1.1.7. DRAFTING AN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY S1 ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S1.1. Advancement of agricultural production with an emphasis on organic production GORNJI VAKUF – -USKOPLJE MUNICIPALITY Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton 10,000.00 KM Project goals: - Advancement of agricultural production with a particular emphasis of development of organic production Higher level of utilization of natural resources of the municipality (forest fruits, medicinal herbs, etc.). Improvement of cattle stock and construction of mini farms Expansion of dairy capacities Channeling agricultural producers to production of products in demand Improvement of cooperation between agricultural producers in local communities Brief project description: - Establishing a municipal team for drafting the agricultural development strategy Production and printing of the strategy (collecting data, data processing, public debates, etc.) Expected results: - Construction of new buildings for processing agricultural products - Employment of new workers – about 300 new jobs Faster development of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2011 52 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding source Project value S1.1.3. – TRAINING IN THE FIELD OF ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION THROUGH ORGANIZATION OF SEMINARS, TRAININGS AND ROUND TABLES S1. - ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S1.1. - Advancement of agricultural production with an emphasis on organic production Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipal budget 15,000 KM Project goals: - Train active and potential producers in both organic and conventional food production Brief project description: - Organizing trainings in the form of seminars and round tables Organizing trainings in the form of practical work in the field Expected results: Awareness raised to such an extent that producers produce organic food and this production can yield more profit than conventional production Popularize production to the extent of becoming a recognizable municipality by production of some agricultural products, and create jobs in this production which can provide for a decent living for people living off their own work. Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010–2015 53 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding source Project value S1.1.4. – PROMOTION OF ORGANIC PRODUCTION THROUGH ORGANIZATION OF FAIRS AND SUPPORT TO FAIR PARTICIPATION S1. - ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S1.1. – Advancement of agricultural production with an emphasis of organic production Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipal budget 20,000 KM Project goals: - Promotion of agricultural production - Fair sales - Creating new ideas in agricultural production Brief project description: - Support to organizing fairs with organic products in the area of this municipality - Support to exhibitors of agricultural products in fairs organized in other municipalities - regions Expected results: - Popularize production to the extent of becoming a recognizable municipality by production of certain agricultural products. - Opening new jobs - Assertion of the municipality Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010- 2015 54 Name of project S1.1.7. – STRENGTHENING MUNICIPAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE Strategic direction and program S1. – ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S1.1.- Advancement of agricultural production with an emphasis on organic production Proponent (institution) MUNICIPAL MAYOR Possible funding sources Municipal budget Project value 20,000 KM annually Project goals: Better education of agricultural producers, enhance the quality and quantities of agricultural production, both organic and conventional. Brief project description: - Introduce a new job in the job classification scheme of the municipality in the Service for Economy, Finance and War Victims – cooperation with agricultural producers. Expected results: - Appreciation of agricultural reduction. - Raised awareness of local population that agricultural production represents an important part of overall economic development. - Agricultural production as a source of self-employment Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010 – 2015 55 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value S2.2.3.ADOPTION OF REGULATION PLANS FOR SPORTS/TOURIST CENTERS S1. – ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S1.2. Development of tourism Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality + Concessionary Ministry of Spatial Planning, Reconstruction and Return of the Central Bosnia Canton 50,000.00 KM Project goals: Create conditions for development of winter and summer tourism Brief project description: Develop a regulation plan in the specified area with all contents and activities for this kind of business. Conduct a public debate and include local population in the development of the regulation plan. Expected results: Popularization of tourism, healthy living style, creation of unity, wish for assertion in sports, creation of new sports men and women (skiers) Employment of new workers Faster development of the municipality. Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2011 56 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value S1.2.6. CREATING CONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SPELEOLOGICAL TOURISM S1 – ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S1.2. – Development of tourism Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation, EU 15,000.00 KM Project goals: - Expansion of tourist supply in the area of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Protection and preparation of two speleological sites for tourist visits Raising awareness on the need to protect speleological sites in the area of this municipality Creating preconditions for further exploration of speleological sites in the area of this municipality Brief project description: - This project refers to regulation of two speleological sites (the so-called Krupa caves) in the immediate vicinity of the town. The distance of speleological sites from the town is approx. 5 km. After regulation of these sites, they would be opened to visitors. The second activity would be conducted in the field of further exploration of the specified speleological sites and other speleological sites in the municipal territory. The project stipulates construction of necessary infrastructure for safe access and stay on these sites. Expected results: Vicinity of the two mentioned speleological sites provides for an interesting tourist destination and more visits to these sites could be expected. Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2015 57 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value S13.1. ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ZONES S1- ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S1.3.- Development of productionbased entrepreneurship Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation, EU 750,000.00 KM Project goals: - Improvement of the business environment in the area of the Gornji VakufUskoplje municipality Regulation and expansion of current industrial zone «Batuški lug» All undeveloped space is state-owned Brief project description: - Regulation of the industrial zone – clearing underbrush, removal of unmanaged soil dumps and mechanical leveling of the soil Construction of necessary infrastructure on the part of undeveloped industrial zone Dividing the zone into plots for construction of new industrial buildings Expected results: - Construction of new industrial buildings Employing new workers – about 500 new jobs Faster development of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality Better living for all inhabitants of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje municipality Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2015 58 Name of project Strategic direction and program 1.4.1. RAISING PUBLIC AWARENESS ABOUT ADVANTAGES AND HARMLESSNESS OF UTILIZATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES S1- ADVANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT S1.4.- Utilizing renewable energy sources Proponent (institution) Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Possible funding sources Project value Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality 5,000.00 KM Project goal: Continue construction of renewable energy sources Brief project description: Familiarize the population with the benefits of projects for construction of renewable energy sources Expected results: Enhancement of employment Reduction of impact on climate change Reduction of air pollution Study for using renewable energy sources (RES) with maps of RES forms Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010–2012 59 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.1.1 PAVING AND RECONSTRUCTING TOWN STREETS S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.1- Development of traffic infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation, other donors 500,000.00 KM Project goal: Reconstruction of existing damaged paving on town streets and paving of non-paved town streets Brief project description: Reconstruction of town's streets implies rehabilitation of old and damaged asphalt course, and its removal (scraping) as necessary, and laying down a new asphalt course with a prior rehabilitation of the base or laying down a new asphalt course over the existing asphalt. Replacement of existing destroyed and damaged concrete curbstones, construction of drainage for removal of precipitation, reconstruction of pavements and parking areas and other necessary works. Town streets are areas of general interest and are very important for our municipality from the esthetic aspect, security aspect for all participants in traffic, functionality and quality of communication. Expected results: Improved esthetic picture of the town Increased security for all participants in traffic on town's streets Reduced street maintenance costs. Proposed timeframe : 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 60 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.1.2. REGULATION OF TOWN'S INTERSECTION M16.2 – R 439 S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.1- Development of traffic infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Federation 50,000.00 KM Goal project: Increase intersection capacity, increase security for all traffic participants, modernize the intersection by means of installing traffic lights. Brief project description: Expansion of the intersection by insertion of a third left-turn lane from all points of access to the intersection and installation of traffic lights, reconstruction of existing pavements and construction of new ones. Reconstruction of the intersection M16.2 (Bugojno-Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje) with the regional road R-439 (Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje-Novi Travnik) and Branka Mikulića Street would modernize it and enable better and safer communication thereon. Expected results: Increasing intersection capacity, reduction of waiting time necessary to join traffic from secondary roads/streets on the priority road, increasing security of all traffic participants, modernizing the intersection by installing traffic lights. Proposed timeframe : 2010–2011 (beginning-end) 61 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.1.3. PAVING LOCAL ROADS, APPROX. 20 km S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.1- Development of traffic infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation and other donors 1,500,000.00 Project goal: Reconstruction (paving) non-paved local roads in the municipality. Brief project description: Laying asphalt on local roads on a previously prepared and examined surface with all other necessary works, such as: preparatory, earth, concrete and assembly work. Local roads are infrastructural projects of great importance for every municipality, including ours, because they provide for a quality communication between populated areas and the center of the municipality and enable development of rural parts of the municipality, preventing a drain of rural population to cities. Expected results: Improvement of road communications between populated areas and municipality center, reduction of road maintenance costs and enhancement of quality. Proposed timeframe : 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 62 Name of project Strategic direction and program 2.1.4. CONTINUATION OF CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS ALONG THE TRUNK ROAD IN POPULATED AREAS S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.1- Development of traffic infrastructure Proponent (institution) Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Possible funding sources Project value Federation 1,000,000.00 KM Project goal: Completion of commenced construction of pavements on both sides of the M 16.2 (St 19+000 to St 21+000) Bugojno-G.Vakuf-Uskoplje on the town's territory, construction of pavements along M 16.2 through the villages of Dražev Dolac-Pajić PoljeDuratbegović Dolac Brief project description: Continued construction of pavements on both sides of the M 16.2 (St 19+000 to St 21+000) Bugojno-G.Vakuf-Uskoplje on the town's territory in accordance with project documentation. Drafting project documentation and construction of the pavement along the M 16.2 Bugojno-G.Vakuf-Uskoplje road, on the right-hand side in the direction of our municipality through the places of Dražev Dolac-Pajić PoljeDuratbegović Dolac, along with resolution of the drainage of precipitation and regulation of the road drainage. Concrete curbstones have already been placed on the mentioned location. Expected results: Enhancing traffic security for all participants in traffic, in particular for pedestrians, i.e. primary school children who use pavements to access the primary school at Pajić Polje. Proposed timeframe : 2010 – 2015 (beginning-end) 63 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.1.5. INSTALLATION OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SIGNALIZATION ON PAVED LOCAL ROADS S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.1- Development of traffic infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation and other donors 150,000.00 KM Goal project: Installing vertical traffic signalization on paved local roads for the purpose of enhancing security of all traffic participants Brief project description: Provision, transport and installation of all necessary traffic signs on paved local roads. Expected results: Installation of vertical signalization would mean that all traffic participants on local paved roads would be aware of any dangers, compulsory orders and other information and rules of conduct for all traffic participants, which would greatly enhance security of all traffic participants. Proposed timeframe: 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 64 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.2.1. DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT DOCUMENTATION FOR WATER SUPPLY/SEWAGE NETWORK IN POPULATED AREAS S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.2- Development of utility infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation and other donors 100,000.00 Project goal: Construction and reconstruction of water supply/sewage networks Brief project description: There is a need to draft project documentation for areas in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality which do not have a water/sewage system or this system is unusable because of old age and it represents a health hazard for the population of these places and proceed to its implementation. This project documentation would systemically resolve the problem of water supply and sewage of waste water, i.e. it would create conditions for raising necessary funds and construction of water supply and sewage systems. Expected results: creating preconditions for finding possible donors prepared project documentation for water supply and sewage networks in populated areas populated animated to co-fund implementation of these projects. Proposed timeframe: 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 65 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.2.2. RECONSTRUCTION OF TOWN’S PRIMARY WATER SUPPLY/SEWAGE NETWORKS S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.2- Development of utility infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation and other donors 3,000,000.00 KM Project goal: construction of new water supply/sewage network in the town zone creating better living conditions for 5,000 inhabitants of the town zone sustainable town development expansion of the urban zone Brief project description: Existing water supply and sewage networks, because of their age, insufficient capacities cannot meet the current needs of the population, which causes frequent stoppages of water supply and waste water flowing into open areas and rivers. All this causes certain health problems to vulnerable population, children and old people. This project would completely reconstruct water supply and sewage networks of the urban areas, and enable quality and healthy life style as well as sustainable development of the town and construction of other infrastructure. Expected results: Improved quality of life Ensured sufficient quantities of drinking water for all inhabitants of the urban area Reduced risks of waste water flowing into open areas and rivers Easier maintenance of the water supply and sewage networks Created preconditions for expanding the urban zone and economic development Proposed timeframe : 2010 – 2015 (beginning-end) 66 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.2.3. CONSTRUCTION/RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY/SEWAGE NETWORKS IN RURAL AREAS S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.2- Development of utility infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation and other donors 1,000,000.00 KM Project goal: construction/reconstruction of water supply/sewage networks in rural areas creating quality living conditions in rural areas placing water supply system under supervision of authorized companies Brief project description: Existing water supply and sewage networks in rural areas, because of their age, insufficient capacities and unskilled construction cannot meet the current needs of the population, which causes frequent stoppages of water supply and waste water flowing into open areas and rivers. The water supply system in rural areas is not constructed in a professional manner so that the population is supplied with drinking water from unexamined and uncontrolled smaller sources. The sewage network is also a problem, because waste waters are drained individually into nearby rivers, which is an environmental problem for the wider community. Expected results: Improved quality of life Ensuring sufficient quantities of drinking water for all inhabitants of rural areas Reduced risks of waste water flowing into open areas and river Easier maintenance of water supply and sewage networks Proposed timeframe: 2010 – 2015 (beginning-end) 67 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.2.4. ESTABLISHMENT OF CADASTRE OF LOCAL WATER SOURCES AND WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS AND THEIR PROTECTION S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.2- Development of utility infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, other donors 50,000.00 KM Project goal: Identifying and mapping existing drinking water sources Protection of drinking water sources in the whole area of the municipality Brief project description: The existing water supply infrastructure in the municipality was not built in a planned manner and does not have the necessary documentation. Establishment of a cadastre of local water sources and water supply systems would provide a complete picture of the existing water supply infrastructure and possible improvements in using drinking water and further construction of water supply systems and their protection. Expected results: Developed cadastre of local water sources and water supply systems with a description of required protection Proposed timeframe: 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 68 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.2.5. REGULATION OF THE VRBAS RIVER BED IN TOWN AREA S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.2- Development of utility infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Agency for Waters, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation and other donors. 1,500,000.00 KM Project goal: Act preventively against floods Regulation of the Vrbas River in the town area Brief project description: Unregulated banks of the Vrbas River in the town area represent a problem when the water rises, as well as illegal construction by irresponsible citizens. As a result of unregulated river banks in the town area, the River Vrbas causes vast damage when it floods, both to material goods and to infrastructure. The Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality and the River Sava Basin Agency have recognized this as one of the pressing issues when it comes to water protection. Therefore, a regulation project has been developed for 2 km, and implementation is in progress for 300 m, while project documentation is currently being drafted for another 2.5 km. According to the existing project documentation, river bed regulation should be completed in the length of 2 km to avoid possible damage and protect the population. Expected results: Regulation of Vrbas River bed completed Protection against possible floods Prevention of illegal construction and other works in the river bed and on the banks of the Vrbas Security provided for the population and other material goods Promenade along the river built Proposed timeframe: 2010 – 2015 (beginning-end) 69 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.2.6. CLEANING OF RIVER BEDS, CONSTRUCTION OF DIKES IN FLOOD-CRITICAL AREAS AND SUSPENSION OF ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION IN WATER ZONE S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.2- Development of utility infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Agency for Waters, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation and other donors 150,000.00 KM Project goal: Protect river beds from flooding Stop illegal construction in the water zone Brief project description: Because of unregulated river banks and frequent illegal actions in the water zone, flooding of agricultural and housing buildings is frequent. There is a need to carry out regular maintenance of critical locations by means of cleaning debris and constructing defensive stone embankments in cooperation with responsible institutions. Expected results: Protection of river bed in the municipal territory completed Protection against possible flooding Prevention of illegal construction and other interventions in the river bed and on the river banks Providing security to the population and other material goods Proposed timeframe: 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 70 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value 2.2.9. STREET LIGHTING IN POPULATED AREAS S2- DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE S2.2- Development of utility infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation and citizens 80,000.00 KM Project goal: Modernize and urbanize larger rural settlements to improve quality of living. Brief project description: In cooperation with citizens, install street lighting in larger rural settlements on the territory of the whole municipality, because local residents are very much interested in this type of project. Expected results: Migration trend from rural to urban areas stopped Quality of living in rural settlements improved Development of rural areas Proposed timeframe: 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 71 Name of project Strategic direction and program 3.1.7. REGULATION AND MAINTENANCE OF GREEN AREAS S.3.- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Proponent (institution) Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality Possible funding sources Project value Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality 100,000.00 KM Project goal: Raise environmental awareness of citizens Regulate green areas in the town and improve the esthetic picture of the town Brief project description: Green areas in the town are not sufficiently regulated and they create an ugly picture of the town and citizens who live in it. The municipality, in cooperation with the Public Utility Company “Radovina” and other interested organizations and physical persons, should regulate green areas and maintain them regularly in a clean and beautiful condition. Besides, citizens’ awareness would change and the natural environment would be preserved better, and the attitude towards nature, public and green areas would also change. Expected results: Developed environmental awareness Esthetic picture of the town is better and maintained Inclusion of citizens into preservation and maintenance of the environment Proposed timeframe: 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 72 Name of project S4.1.3. ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR SCHOLARSHIP TO STUDENTS WITH A SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON DEFICIT PROFESSIONS S4.-ADVANCEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality 300,000 KM Project goals: - assisting poor students - ensuring deficit professionals with a view to enhancing economic development of the municipality - motivation of students for choosing deficit professions - reduction of the number of deficit professions Brief project description: Adopt a Rule Book on Scholarships for students on the municipal territory which would define procedures for allocation of scholarships and which would provide additional points for deficit professions and, if possible, allocate higher scholarships for deficit professions. In accordance with economic needs, i.e. situation on the labor market, a responsible authority will specify deficit professions every year. Expected results: - reduction of the number of unemployed - strengthening of economy - higher quality of primary and secondary education Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2015 73 Name of project S4.1.4. ADVANCEMENT OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION THROUGH PUTTING INTO OPERATION OF THE «ZVONČIĆ» KINDERGARTEN Strategic direction and program S4.- ADVANCEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality, Federation Ministry of Education, Government of the Republic of Croatia 60,000 KM Project goals: - creating conditions for pre-school children for optimal physical, intellectual, emotional and social development for successful further education - influencing positive emotional and social child development - developing children's potentials for future living - forming moral qualities, working and cultural habits for children Brief project description: - complete all necessary works on the building of the „Zvončić“ kindergarten such as electrical installations, heating installations, plumbing and ceramic works, rehabilitation of walls, provision of equipment for the kitchen and other furniture, teaching aids for pre-school education - appointing administration or management bodies - ensuring required professionals Expected results: - physically and mentally developed pre-school children prepared for further education with acquired working and cultural habits and positively channeled in emotional and social development. Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2011 74 Name of project Strategic direction and program S5.1.2. SUPPORT TO WORK AND DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS CLUBS S5 – DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS AND CULTURE AND ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH CARE AND SOCIAL PROTECTION S5.1.- Development of sports and sports infrastructure Proponent (institution) Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Possible funding sources Municipality, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Central Bosnia Canton Project value 350,000 KM Project goals: - Improvement of working conditions in the clubs and adequate representation of the municipality and clubs Strengthening interest in sports Brief project description: Everyone wishing to train with a football club (all age groups) can do that completely free of charge because this is that makes this football club probably unique. This positive example should be replicated to other clubs by means of supporting clubs in order to attract a large number of young people. This project plans to procure the necessary football equipment (balls, cones, ladders, markers and other equipment for sports clubs) for all age groups, and provide uniform sport kits for trainings and matches, e.i. competitions. Expected results: - creating quality conditions for training and representing clubs and the Municipality in official matches or competitions. increased interest in sports, both competitive and recreational Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2015 75 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value S. 5.1.3. POPULARIZATION OF SPORTS AND RAISING THE LEVEL OF SPORT CULTURE AMONG CITIZENS S5 – DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS AND ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE S5.1.- Development of sports and sports infrastructure Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality, Ministry of Science, Education, Culture and Sports, Ministry of Health of the Central Bosnia Canton 30,000 KM Project goals: Proper development of young people in the sense of development of their psychophysical capability and popularization of sports and raising cultural awareness. Recruiting new talented football players and their inclusion into regular trainings and competitions. Brief project description: Organizing sports competitions (indoor football and handball) in all primary and secondary schools in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality. This would enable inclusion of a large number of children into sports activities, which would channel them from an early age into creating working habits, healthy life style and creation of units, because football and handball are by far the most popular sports. Competitions would take place in September. Expected results: - popularization of sports, healthy life style, creation of unity, wish to assert oneself in sports - increased interest in playing sports Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2015 76 Name of project S 5.1.4. CONSTRUCTION OF A SPORTS HALL Strategic direction and program S5 – DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS AND CULTURE AND ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE S5.1.- Development of sports and sports infrastructure Proponent (institution) Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Possible funding sources Municipality+Canton+Federation Project value 1,500,000.00 KM Project goals: Improvement of conditions for playing sports Proper development of young people in terms of development of their capabilities and popularization of sports and raising cultural awareness. Recruiting new talented players and their inclusion into regular trainings and competitions. Brief project description: Complete the building which is under construction. This would enable inclusion of a large number of children into sports activities, which would channel them from an early age into creating working habits, healthy life style and creation of units, because football and handball are by far the most popular sports. Expected results: Popularization of sports, healthy life style, creation of unity, wish to assert oneself in sports. Creation of «domestic» quality players. Proposed timeframe: (beginning-end) 2010–2015 77 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value S 5.1.5. CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SPORTS FACILITIES S5. DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS AND CULTURE AND ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE S5.1. Development of sports and sports infrastructure Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation, other donors Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje Municipality, Central Bosnia Canton, Federation, other donors 100,000.00 KM Project goal: Development and popularization of sports Inclusion of youth into sports activities Improvement of health of the population Brief project description: Build sports facilities in the areas which do not have any in order to enable young people to play sports more actively as well as provide to the rest of the population recreational opportunities. After construction of sports buildings (grounds) it will be possible to organize sports competitions, which would result in popularization of sports in the area of the municipality. Expected results: Constructed sports facilities (grounds) Youth involved in various sports clubs Positive effect on a healthier life style and health of the population Higher quality of life in the area of the whole municipality Proposed timeframe: 2010–2015 (beginning-end) 78 Name of project S 5.2.1. SUPPORT TO WORK OF CULTURAL ASSOCIATIONS Strategic direction and program S5. DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS AND CULTURE AND ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE S.5.2. Development of culture and cultural buildings Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality, Ministry of Science, Education, Culture and Sports of the Central Bosnia Canton, Federation Ministry of Culture and Sports 125,000 KM Project goals: - strengthening cultural clubs and establishing new groups - encouraging young people to get involved more in the work of cultural clubs - preserving traditional cultural events (Uskoplje Autumns, Festival of Religious Songs) - preserving and promoting customs, i.e. cultural heritage of this area Brief project description: - provision of music instruments, costumes, various kinds of equipment required for the work of the cultural club - promotion of work of the club with a particular emphasis on traditional cultural events - designing a website for the cultural club Expected results: - more diverse cultural events - promotion of the work of the cultural club and traditional cultural events - increased interest for working in cultural clubs Proposed timeframe: (beginning-end) 2010-2015 79 Name of project S5.2.2. REVIVING THE WORK OF THE TOWN'S LIBRARY Strategic direction and program S5. DEVELOPMENT OF SPORTS AND CULTURE AND ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE S.5.2. Development of culture and cultural buildings Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality, Public Institution – Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Education and Culture Center, Federation Ministry of Culture and Sports 50,000 KM Project goals: - reviving cultural activities in the municipality - opening new jobs - animating young persons - access to all editions of the town’s library over the website Brief project description: Before the war, there was a town’s library in the municipality which was named the People’s Library. As a consequence of war events, the library is not operational today and it needs to be activated. The library’s work is of extreme importance for all the citizens of the municipality. A certain number of books is preserved and is held in the library of the Gornji Vakuf Primary School and 600 books and 600 journals have already been returned. The final stage of the return of all books from the Gornji Vakuf Primary School library is in progress – some 5,000 books. Expected results: With the opening of the town's library the citizens of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje would finally be able to find and use many editions for education and other purposes. Proposed timeframe: (beginning-end) 2010-2015 80 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) S6.1.1.- REORGANIZATION OF EXISTING SERVICES FOR BETTER EFFICIENCY S6- ESTABLISHING AN EFFICIENT AND TRANSPARENT LOCAL ADMINISTRATION Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality Possible funding sources Project value 50,000.00 KM Project goals: adjust the organizational form of operation of the municipality to the needs of citizens and other service beneficiaries establish a harmony between changes in needs and demands of service beneficiaries and change the manner of rendering services ensure competency and motivation of employed persons for exercising their jobs, carry out continuous education of employees to exercise their duties and tasks more effectively ensure that criteria of expertise, professionalism and achieved results of work are a basis for remuneration and advancement of employees in the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Create preconditions for employment of human resources in demand Brief project description: Appropriately regulated internal organization of public administration bodies represents an unavoidable assumption for successful exercise of duties and tasks within the competency of public administration. On the basis of the Law on Organization of Administration in the Federation of BiH and other laws and by-laws related to this field, each body adopts an appropriate Decision on Organization of Administration and Rule Book on Internal Organization and Job Classification, starting from the competency of the administration body specified by the law or other regulation and from generally determined principles which are based on: - Consolidation of identical and similar or mutually connected jobs in appropriate organizational units - Lawful and timely decision-making on the rights and obligations of citizens, companies and other legal persons - Efficient management of organizational units and permanent performance supervision - Efficient cooperation with bodies, companies and other organizations with administration powers - Inclusion of scientists and experts into the organization and practice of making proposals, decision-making and taking appropriate measures - Application of modern methods and means of work Expected results: - effective and efficient performance - better motivation of employees to improve performance - training employees to use modern technology in service provision - possibility of easy and quick replacement of employees - «recruitment» of new employees - creating teams for implementation of «complicated» projects - planning employees' career development, etc. Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2012 81 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) Possible funding sources Project value S6.1.2.- COMPLETION OF NEW MUNICIPALITY BUILDING S6- ESTABLISHING EFFICIENT AND TRANSPARENT LOCAL ADMINISTRATION Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Federation of BiH, Central Bosnia Canton, Municipality 1,500,000.00 KM Project goals: - Rehabilitate and reconstruct the building of the former «Raduša» Hotel to be used as the municipal administration building according to the designs developed by the «Tomić» Design Company. - Relocate municipal administration services and municipal bodies of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality from the locations on Fra Anđela Zvizdovića Street and Bistrička Street to the new building of the former «Raduša» Hotel on Vrbaska Street. Brief project description: The project refers to rehabilitation and reconstruction of the accommodation part of the former «Raduša» Hotel in Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, in accordance with the designs of the «Tomoć» Design Company. The project stipulates rehabilitation and adaptation of the building for accommodation of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje administration. Expected results: - higher quality of accommodation of municipal services and better working conditions for the employees - reduction of material expenses of the Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje - easier and more efficient realization of the needs of the citizens of the municipality - more efficient management of organizational units and permanent supervision over work execution - more effective and efficient execution of works - higher motivation of employees for better performance in work execution Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2012 82 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) S6.1.5. ADVANCEMENT OF INFORMATION DISSEMINATION AMONG CITIZENS AND ANALYSIS OF CITIZENS' PROPOSALS S6- ESTABLISHING EFFICIENT AND TRANSPARENT LOCAL ADMINISTRATION Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality Possible funding sources Project value 50,000.00 KM Project goals: The main goal of the project is to ensure transparency in the work of the local administration in the following ways: - internal information dissemination (notice board, instructions, reports, visual representations, etc.) - external information dissemination (electronic media, print, internet, service telephone, etc.) - regular controls and audits of work of all segments of local administration - providing direct insight for interested citizens into the work of the local administration and ensure participation in and influence of citizens and tax payers on the work of local administration and decision-making process in the municipality for the purpose of promoting work, adoption of higher quality and acceptable decisions and higher level of citizens’ satisfaction with the work of the local administration Brief project description: Local administration is required to ensure transparency in the decision-making process, which includes publication of conclusions/decisions/plans/programs in the stages of preparation, adoption and realization, familiarizing the public with the bases and the reasons on which decision-making is based and building mechanisms for participation of citizens in decision-making. Local administration is required to ensure transparency in all segments of its work, primarily in: - publicizing work program, agendas and work reports of the Municipal Council and all bodies of the Municipal Council in a manner available to the broadest public, - publicizing work program and report on the work of the municipal administration - publicizing information on the conditions and prices of public services and work program and reports on the work of public companies and institutions within the municipal competency, in a manner available to the broadest public. Expected results: - more effective and efficient performance of local administration - adjusting procedures and services to beneficiaries, in particular in terms of clarity and simplicity of procedures, bringing service provision locations closer to citizens - ensuring high quality of services within the competency of the local administration - lifting monopolies and introducing a principle of competition in service provision, wherever possible, in particular in the sphere of public services, as well as in regard to availability of jobs and human resource solutions - ensuring maximum economy in service provision Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2015 83 Name of project Strategic direction and program Proponent (institution) S6.1.6.-ESTABLISHING PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN LOCAL ADMINISTRATION AND CITIZENS S6- ESTABLISHING EFFICIENT AND TRANSPARENT LOCAL ADMINISTRATION Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Municipality Municipality Possible funding sources Project value 50,000.00 KM Project goals: - Involving citizens in new kinds of work - Increasing levels of law compliance in the local community - Acquiring experts without spending budget funds - Resolving conflicts between citizens’ interest groups - Meeting pre-election promises - Introducing qualified personnel who do not wish to run for public office - Providing mechanisms for the minorities to express their opinions - Building public consensus on controversial issues before adopting decisions Brief project description: Participation of citizens is the backbone of the democratic idea and citizens who are committed to democratic values, aware of their civic duties and who commit to the political life, represent the core of the democratic life of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In accordance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government, European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life, UN Agenda 21, Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matter, Law on Principles of Local Self-Government in the Federation of BiH and Municipality Statute, the Municipality ensures various forms of public participation and development of partnership relations between citizens and local authorities. A partnership is a contractual relationship between two or more parties – where one party is the Municipality, and the other party are the citizens, where they work together to realize common goals by means of creating and implementing activities aimed at resolving commonly identified problems and division of responsibilities to achieve a common result. Formally established civil society groups are potential partners in the civil society sector for partnerships in implementation of municipal tasks and responsibilities at the local level - Non-governmental organizations (NGO), - Civic associations - Local communities - Citizens (individually) Expected results: - Improved service delivery - Improved quality of life - Improved quality of cohesion and capacity of the community - Increasing credibility through improved transparency and responsibility of work - Developed new capacities and introduced new operative procedures - Increased effectiveness and efficiency, - Increased community support, - Legitimacy, - Realized goals. Proposed timeframe (beginning-end) 2010-2015 84 GORNJI VAKUF-USKOPLJE