Koeze Nuts Catalog - Downtown Optimist Club
Koeze Nuts Catalog - Downtown Optimist Club
, es FAMOUS COLOSSAL CASHElNS You desire a thoughtful way to say "Thahk"'}"ou," "Happy HOloWay'/ or "Merry Christmas." May we suggest our famous Colas iU ;diews? vVhethec in our gold and ced gift box or our festive ced ti~ the'S(¥ holiday dassics are ahv::lYs appropnate and alwafs appreciated. #31262 Koeze Colossal Cashews 14 oz. Gift Tih #32918 Koeze Colossal Cashews 10 oz. Gift Box - $15.75 $20.75 ~ <Ill GRAND COLLECTION A huge jar of cashews makes a grand cn tr;w ce in this basket joined by a strong supponing ca-st of almonds and Koe'Zt~'S most coveted confections. • Colossal Cashews 3 lb. Jar • Jvlilk Chocolate Pecan Turtles 19.5 oz. DeC;lllter • Roasted Almonds 16 oz. Box • Chocolate Toffee i\.ll11onds 10 oz. Bag • Chocolate-Dipped Blackberries! Tbspberries 10 oz. Bag #32851 Grand Collection $171.00 COLOSSAL CASHEW DECANTERS You have found the world's biggest and most fhvorful c<lsh,-"Ws~ Roasted to golden perfection, dressed up and ready-to-'~ive in our custom glass decanters and gold gift boxes, Koe'Le Colossal Cashews make a truly memorable gift. vVhen Koeze cashews arrive, the celebration begins! #3295530 oz, Decanter - $43,00 #32954 20 oz. Decanter - $29,50 For Colossal Cashews in Large Glass Jars, sec page 20. ('Ill Il~~/\I ('I\~UC\I\I~ '::I Share the Love -<4 HEART OF GOLD BASKET TIlis tempting collection of Koezc tre,lto io llI~dt for ,haring_ Filled with SOllll' of our most popular sclecti ons, rll i s basket proves that yOll C<lfe. • Co!o"al Cashews 1007_ Cold Cift Box • Milk Clllleolatc Pec;1n Turtles 5 oz. Gift Bo_" • Chocolate TolICe Almond, 100"1.. Bag • Milk Chocolate Raisins 10 oz. l3ap: #32867 Heart of Gold Basket - $53.50 APPRECIATION BASKET .. You'll leave no doubt abolLt how you feel when you ,tnd the Appreciation l3a,ket. Contail!" tlll:; :;election of j(Ot7C hvorires: • Colossal Cashews 20 oz. UeC<lnter · l\ldk Chocolate Pec,lll Turtb 8 oz. Gift Box • Ch(lco!ate Toffee Almonds 10 oz. lhg • Chocolate-Dipped Dried FrUit Trio 10 oz. Rag #32835 Appreciation Basket - $85.50 • KOEZE FESTIVAL Your friend" hillily mcmbers and uusint" will he thrilled to receive thi~ delectable collection of Koc'ie'-, most popubr hO[ld,ly trt:,lt~, tucked 111 all i nrrica te, silver-wire Ga, ke t. ,ISSUCJdte:; • Colo,sal Cilshews 30 • ]VTi 1k Chocola tl' Ol. Decanter T 1I rtko 1':).s 07. 0(,(,\ n tcr • [V(ixed Nuts with IVl.llaJ~mlao 10 m:. nox 'IVlilk Cho(o!ate Almonds 10 O'i. Bag • Chocolate-Dipped Dried Cherries 10 OL. H<lg • Chocolate T of1'ee l\Jmond, 10 oz. H,lg • Tiramisll Car'lmds 10 oz. R"g PCCcIIl #32815 Koeze Festival - $162.00 Turtles on Parade MILK CHOCOLATE TURTLES ~ The fiw:.~t turtle.~, made wirh our t:.xduSlve ~oft caramel recipe., Jolloped 011tO SourhcIll pecan pie.ce~ and core.reu In ~ilkv milk chocolate. Still made by Koez,e here III Ollr '<,mtl{ contectionery anJ ,lv"ibh\e r1o\~hcre d~e, #32860 Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles 8 oz. Gold Gift Box - $16,00 ~ DARK CHOCOLATE TURTLES 'vVe carchilly selected ,\ medIum dark chocolate to comp1clllel]r our slOl-...-cooked, cre:1IllY CHaine!. Your reward will be in givin/!." ;}nd t;}stmg a perfectly balanced confection. #32862 Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles 8 oz. Gold Gift Box - MILK AND DARK TURTLES ~ Dnrk chocolate is gcttin~ more popular ye:lr-'l.f(cr-year. but pt'fb,\p~ you're not (<.lInpl.etcly ready to join "the dark side," Hand-packed in pur cu,tOIll gift box are h,tIf III ilk nnrl hal f dark choco!ate tll rtle.s. #32864 Milk and Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles 8 oz. Gold Gift Box - $16.00 $16.00 Give the Gift .. DARK CHOCOLATE PECAN TURTLES The intense fl.lvor of dark chocolate is the " _._.., perfect contmst to our <oft, swect Clra[11eJ ,\Jld . . _~?l~;~t:?'-:r""J .:ri.sp pe.c:ll~s. COllie, c~·tful\.v h,IJllI-p'lcled in --: . -' ., Koczc;: Slgnat\Jrc 19.) (}'I.. decanter with gold ((IiI gift bo;.. or in OUf 8 oz. gold gift (sec: p"gt: 5). #44050 Dark Chocolate Pecan \;0\ Turtles 19.5 oz. Decanter - $39.00 #32862 Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles 8 oz. Gold Gift Box (see page 5) - $16.00 MILK AND DARK TURTLES ~ \V c h'lnJ-pJ.ck our dn",\I\ICr with half milk chocobtc: penll turtle> ,md half dark c:hocobte pecan turtk~ for those who like w h~ve their cake: and eat It to(). #44051 Milk and Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles 19.5 oz. Decanter - $39.00 #32864 Milk and Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles 8 oz. Gold Gift Box (see page 5) - $16.00 of Chocolate MILK CHOCOLATE TURTLES ~ "1 guaral1tcc rhc't: arc the be~t tunlt:, Y<lu've cvcr t<lsccd," .Jeff KOC7,e, 4th generatio[] OWller. Smooth rich milk chocolatc, soft buttery car'ltllel anJ Southern \'CC,tllS willl1lake you wonder if it really IS bett!::r ((l gIve tb,tJ1 to receive_ (Jrc~enred lJ1 our ~le'\I11ing glass decantcr with our pre,entatlon gold (oil gift box or our 8 oz, ~old gift hm. (see paiie 5), #44049 Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles 19.5 oz. Decanter - $39.00 #32860 Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles 8 oz. Gold Gift Box (see page 5) - $16.00 <II CHOCOLATE DECADENCE A decanter of our (1llHlIlS tllrtles b surroundcd by an indulgent ,tlectlon (If <lur customers' favorite chocohHes, Crovined with ,\ box of our signat ttre Colossal C,lshcws, this decadent gIft will "WCt~tcn everyone's fcstivltie~_ • fl'lilk Chocobrc Pce"n Tllrt!<;s 19.5 oz. DCC;lntcr • C010SS,lJ Cashc,"v;; 10 0", Rm, • D<lrk Chocolate Pecan Turtle'S oz. Box • Clwco!ate-D'pped Dried Cherr'tes 10 ()Y,. lh~ • Chocolarc-Dipptod Bl.lLkberriesl Rlspberne, 100'1.. .lhg • Koczc Premium TIdgian !vJilk Choe.obrc 1),lr 1.2 ()Y,. #32888 Chocolate Decadence Box - $112.00 7 ~~~~-"wCream-Nut nr~~~~=::~~~i'~,ii;;=::' .: ~f'~"'i~"fI." ~ Brand CREAM-NUT PEANUT BUTTER CLUSTERS Albertu, l(oC7C began mak.;ng LUllous Cream-Nut lklnd Peanut Butler in 1925. 1\1's ,on SCOCI, anJ rLlUgbtcr-m-law Ruch. created .1 smooth, rich peanut butter 'IllJ whire Cholo!ate c:rcam {jilin!!; for Koe:le\ Cream-Nut Pealluc Rutter Clust(;;~. LtlScious chol(ll,ltc and a layer of pec,lns (omplcte th is onc-of-a- kind confection. #44053 Milk Chocolate 19.5 oz. Decanter - $39.00 #31271 Milk Chocolate 8 oz. Retro Gift Box - $16.00 #31273 Dark Chocolate 8 oz. Retro Gift Box - $16.00 CREAM·NUT ROASTED VIRGINIA PEANUTS AND ~ REO-SKINNED PEANUTS Using the cxperieJlCe of over 100 years in the nut business, lye find and buy the rl nC5t pealluh aV;lihblc and rodot them to perfection. These h'lndsorne, vintclf;e-stylc j~r5 hold 42 ounces of (he best pe,muts you\'e en;r taqed. Avail.tble both blancheJ (,kins rell\oveJ) or with the red skino on. #31287 Blanched Peanuts 42 oz. Jar - $28.50 #31285 Red-Skinned Peanuts 42 oz. Jar - $28.50 ~ KOEZE ALL-NATURAL PEANUT BUrrER SINCE 1925! Unchanged f(lr over three gt:ntnnions, Crcam-::'\ u[ peanut butter is nlade by Glrenllly roasting the finesr Virginia peanut." then slowly gli 11 din/j them to perfection anu aodi ng a pinch of se~ 'alt. Sweet Ella's 100% organic peanut butter i~ made precisely the same \"''3.)'. but with n~tur:llly sweet org'tnic Sp~nLsh peanut,. Simply rhe linest <J1j natural ptan III bu ttcrs made. ;\va il~f,le in 5mooth 0 r CTlJl1chy, #30341 #30645 #30644 #30646 #50341 #50645 #50644 #50646 8 CREAM-NlJT RRANn Cream-Nut Smooth 17 oz. Jar - $6.49 Cream-Nut Crunchy 16.5 oz. Jar - $6.49 Sweet Ella's 100% Organic Smooth 13 oz. Jar - $7.29 Sweet Ella's 100% Organ ic Crunchy 12.5 oz. Jar - $729 Case of 12 Jars Cream- Nut Smooth - $67 88 Case of 12 Jars Cream-Nut Crunchy - $67.88 Case of 12 Jars Sweet Ella's Smooth - $76.68 Case of 12 Jars Sweet Ella's Crunchy - $76.68 Ann vnllR r-(lppnRl!Tt= I nr-il Tn (\1 10 Indulgent Combinations A NUT AND CHOCOLATE COMBINATION for !lut and ch<Jc<JLlte lovers, combine .1 10 (]7, bo.\. of your ,-hOKe of Colnssal Cashew'- or \h\.ed Nuts with l\Jacadaml'[o with bo.\.cs of milk ch,)co]atc flInks. Prescnted in our elegant ~Ll i r-st(;:!' box (0 r a trul v l\n pre" IVC: :<;1 ft. #32761 Cashews 10 oz. Box and Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles Two 5 oz, Boxes - $39,50 #32764 Mixed Nuts with Macadamias 10 oz. Box and Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles Two 5 OZ, Boxes - $38.50 T MILK AND DARK CHOCOLATE SIGNATURE TURTLES To s<ltisfv ,11J your chocolate cravings, "hoost; either two boxes of milk :ombincd with ['NO boxe, of dark or four boxes of 11Illl, A11 presented in our intriguing f()jl stair-step box. #32769 Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles Four 5 oz, Boxes - $38.50 #32766 Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles Two 5 oz. Boxes and Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles Two 5 oz. Boxes - $38.50 G OOD AS GOt KOEZE , • I ~ • L I l " ,,., " .Q I " GUARANTEE Thud CO!J<ir P~irlrtt.:rs wilnl, ','Oll (0 be d{'ll~htctl wllh e'.'nylhlllg you p\lrr.ha~;t.: ItOm'lhls ci].,~lo~, If J10t, pJeJ5(' cQlltal't llStlI '.'(lUI llmd riJl$1nt.~ h;f;JUp [,)r rep~<lccmLtll OJ \'OUI purd)~lSe 1>11 IT I\Cr'I\/\ITCDC 9 Gifts To Impress ... COLOSSAL MAC MIX GIFT BOX A triple treat fi)r the chocolate ,uld nut lovers on your li't. This beautiful box of favorites is sure to he remembered fondly. • .Mixed Nuts with 1vlJ.(adaml<ls 30 oz. Decanter • Nfilk Chocolate Pecan Turtles 8 oz. Box • Chocobtc- Dipped Dried Cherries 10 oz. Bag #32703 Colossal Mixed Nuts with Macadamias Box - $72.00 COLOSSAL CASHEW GIFT BOX ~ Koezc's excl u~i ve gift box is fIlled with 0\\ r th rce best-selling items. You Clil'! go wwng-! • Colossal Clshewo .10 07. Decanter • .l\·lilk Cllllcoldte Pecan T urtln R oz. Bux • Cho~'()bte-l)ipped Dried Cherries 10 oz. Hap; #32706 Colossal Cashew Box - $73.00 ... BLACK FOREST BOX You will he l1e,mily thanked and fondly remembered f(Jr a gift collection of our rich c11ocohte confections and our unequaled cashews. To our famous Colossal Cash~w" we added a g-itt hox of our signartlrc d.lrk chocolate turtles, a bag- of rich, triple cboeolate toffee dod a hag of exquisite old world Black Forest Caramel,. • Colo~~al C3~hews 20 oz. Decanter • Dark Chocolate Pecan TlInle~ 8 oz. Rox • Triple Chocolate Toffee 100%. Ihg • Bhek J:'orest Caramels 10 oz. Rag #31259 Black Forest Box - $76.00 .. DARK CHOCOLATE EXECUTIVE BOX .. CASHEW EXECUTIVE BOX Custotn<;rs h,lVe a,ked for !11ore ,tnd more dark chocoL\te. To meet Tlw name Executive tell> you th'lt this is one of our most vour request, we've Tl1<lCched :l ,0 oz. tIecantcr of our golden Colossal popular business gifts; all unforgettable way to show YOlir C,l,hews or tempting \In,ed Nuts with I'I'hcs with ,119,50:<;. dccanter appreciation to cmployee:<, huslIles$ associ,nc:< and custOf[]t::rs. of our IHc01,tiblc dark chocoLlte turtles. Aho completely suit<lb1c for pkasJIlg your 6m iiI' and frieJld,. T111S llnpressive box pair,; twO Koe2e-made cLlssics: golden #31284 Colossal Cashews 30 oz. Decanter Colossal Cashew" <lnd lusCloLls miJk chocolate turtles. and Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles 19.5 oz. Decanter - $79.00 #31286 Mixed Nuts wtth Macadamias 30 oz, Decanter and Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles 19.5 oz. Decanter (not pictured) - $78.00 You C\o'c go wrong pairing- .1 dcc;Jnter of Illixed nutS "vith rich, butten' \lacldam ;:1,S anJ a decanter of our f.lbLlI()ll~ 111 ilk chocolate tmtles. .... NOTHING BU-r--NU'TS EX'e'C'UTrVe-BOX-"'--- ~ --,.- ---c;: Featuring two of our most popular prClnlllm nuts: golden Colossal CaEhcws and ]VIil..eJ N 11 ts with pe.arl y l\1.l(;)cb 111 i.lS. Sure to pIe.ase #31594 Mixed Nuts with Macadamias 30 oz. the most d.lscflmlIl<lting reCipient on yom 11'1. Decanter and Milk Chocolate Pecan Turtles 19.5 oz. Decanter $78.00 #31595 Colossal Cashews 30 oz. Decanter and Mixed Nuts with Macadamlas 20 oz. Decanter $73.00 GIFT BOXES 11 FUND RAISING GROUP ORDERS For stand:\rd group orders, Third Coast Partners requires :\ three business day turn-around from the: day you place your order to the day it leaves the Koc7e warehouse. \V~ c;tn give you ,Ill es6mafl'd delivery date when you place your order. PERSONALIZATION INFORMATION CORPORATE LOGO SILK-SCREENINGfMINJMUM ORDER Third CO:1St Partner,; call oilk-\creen '.l comp,my name or logo on any 30 oz. or 20 O'l.. decanter of Koeze nuts. The minimum order is '+8 Jeulnters of the ,:tme nut item in the same size decanter (all 30 oz. or a1120 oz., not half of e:\ch). LOGO ORDER AND PAYMENT DEADLINES FORA PERSONALJZATION ORDER Thanksgiving Delivery: October 24, 2013 Hanukk.ah DeLiverv: October 24, 2013 Christm:ls Deliver;': November 18,2013 Decanter Qyantity Cost per Decanter Standard Color LOGO COLOR OPTIONS AND PRICES 48-74 • Artwork needs In be in c'\tuera-readv format or in an,. electronic format except .jpg (not enough resolution). There may bc an ,~dditional $35.00 J.rtwork charge if no acceptable art IIIe is availahle. $3.45 75-99 $2.85 100-124 $2.35 125-149 $2.15 150-174 $2.05 175-199 $1.90 HO'WTO ORDERJORDERPAYMENT 200-249 $1.80 Have your fund raising grO\.I)) fotlvard yom company name, logo, contact name, contact phone number and email address to Third Coast Partners, by em~lil or m:\il: 250-299 $1.70 300-349 $1.60 350-399 400-449 $1.55 450-499 $1.45 500-999 $1.35 1)000 + $1.25 • The logo will be printed in a ~ingle color. You may choose cither a standard color (gold, red, green, white, black, yellow, or bluc) or a p:vrs color. There is a $.'3$.00 charge if yom color is not a standard color. Please note, glass is different than white paper 50 the color will look a little different. Call for a quote on <1 multi-color log-o. Email: info@t11([(!coastp,\rtoers.coln TvTail: Third Coast Partner, 2')55 Burlingame Ave SW Grand l{'lpids, :\11 4')509 Pavmcnt: j\hkc chccb pavabk to Third Coast P,lrtners or call cr~d it C:I rd in filrm.l t'1I)1l. ' \IS with $1.50 GIFT SHIPPING PROGRAM INFORMATION ORDER AND MAILING LlSTREQUIREMENTS Third Coast Partners (;<111 ohip /(,)c',;e products directly to gift recipients in the United State, or Canada. The minimlun order for G ift Shippin~ i::. 12 recipients. For e;L(:h recipient, please provide in a clear, legible torm<lt: • Kline & address • Item(s) ,md quantity to be slllppcd • Gift Message (up to 200 characters, mcluding space::.), or YOll rn;IY supply a gift card (no larger than 4"x6") or business card, to be included with c,ll:h package. ORDER/PAYMENT DEADLINES FORA GIFT SHIPPING ORDER Thanksgiving Deljvery: November 6,2013 H"nu kkab Delivery: Novem bel' 6, 2013 Christm<ls Delivery: November 20,2013 SHI PPING/HANDLING CHARGE PER ADDRESS V\rhen using this chart. you must 1.1:;e the ,uggested rerail price of the products yOll arc Sllipping to determine the shipping/handling char)2,'e:; per addre,::.. These shipping ratcs are f()r the continent:,1 (J .S. onlv. Call for rates to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Vi rgi n Is lands. Rates to Canc(({~ are hoipled. Chocolate &. candy itl:1IlO; m,t exlt-a to ship during warm weather. Pleasc call fc)r ,h ipping Up to $25.00 $7.95 $25.01 to $45.00 $9.45 $45.01 to $60.00 $12.45 $00.01 to $80.00 $14.45 $80.ol to $100.00 $16.45 .1\100.01 to $120.00 $18.45 $120.01 to $150.00 $20.45 Over $150.............. 15% of Sh ip-to toul rates from April September. Anv q\le~til1n~ n:g~mling Ordering, Personalization or Gift Shipping? Call Third CO:lst Partners at 1-800-253-6887 and speak with onc of our repre,l::n tatives. 1? nRnt=R /pt=R.~nt\1A I 17 ATln1\1 /r-.II=T _~1-l1 PPII\I r-. 1I\II=nRMATtnl\l • DOUBLE DECANTER Yuu havt: t:nollgh dt:l'i,ion, to makt: thi, time of ye.lr, so your friends hert: at Koeze don't WJnt rOll to struggle:; with tht: imro"ibk ~bui~t bttwe:;t:n our fabulOllb nuts or chocolates. Solution: ,\ 20 oz, de<.antt:f of C,\ohnv, or ]'vlixtd N lItS wIth l\hcaJami<l6 pairul with a 19.5 oz, c!t-CJnter of milk chocolate turtles. #32715 Cashews and Pecan Turtles - $70.00 #32712 Mixed Nuts with Macs and Pecan Turtles - • $69.00 Givc ,1 dazzljnp; and delicious duo - a 20 oz. dccJntcr of ColosoJJ Caol1cwo or JVIixtd Nut, with 1\1ac\d:lmlilS .md twO 5 oz, h')xes of milk chocoLtte l1Jrtlcs. Packaged in a bcallti ful custom g'ih box -,(~~tnte:;d with ddi~iou, dlO~'()latt: ours. #32705 Cashews and Pecan Turtles - Was $4.9:{)6 #32702 Mixed Nuts with Macs and Pecan Turtles - Was $4-&88 Now $40.50 Now $41.50 Magnificent Macadamias~~ T MIXED NUTS WITH MACS Huge, butter), pearl white .:'>J'lCdJamias ,tar III this mix wlth Koeze's Co!o,sal Cac,l!cw" almonds and Southern pecans. Our sign,lturc glass dCCclnter and festivc gift box ,how off both our tine tree nuts and your good taste, C~Ji (ornia #32957 30 oz. Decanter #32956 20 oz. Decanter - $41.25 $28.25 For l\'lixed Nut, with )'vi ~ead,lm ;as in Large Class Jars, sec page 20. 14 MIXFIJ Nt JT~ WITH MAr,~ Classic Mixed Nuts .. FESTIVE NUT GIFTS Our j'<:stivc reel tin~ of nut, arc :llways in dctn:Jllel. E<'lu.L11y well-suited for gift'> or your own holiday get-together,. #31262 Colossal Cashews 14 oz. Gift Tin - $20.75 #31261 Mixed Nuts with Macadamias 14 oz. Gift Tin #31263 Classic Mixed Nuts 14 oz. Gift Tin - $19.25 $19.75 .. RED GIFT BOXES A f.lvonte for }'e'Jr~, our UJlCOlllTll,mly ,.ntr'lCtive red l!;itt blnes hold the most s01lght after nUTs of the seasoll. #3291 8 Colossal Cashews 10 oz. Gift Box - $15.75 #32912 Mixed Nuts with Macs 10 oz. Gift Box - $15.00 #32909 ClaSSIC Mixed Nuts 10 oz. Gift Box - $14.50 KOEZE'S CLASSIC MIX ~ [(oezc"; ,:Iasslc blend of Colossal Cashcw" almonds ,11ld pt::CJllS is alway, a wc!come ~uC"( at 'Jny family or business celehration. TnH: to tr"uilion, the nut, in Koe7.c·~ CLlS,ic Mix arc earefullv selected anu roa,ted using methocb; perfected ill over ;1 century of crafting fine foods. Packaged and "teaJy-to-g-ive" ill our o,du,;vc gLt" Jeootcr and deK<lllt rcd f;)il gjft box. These oms arc ,l tre'lsured holiday tr"ditiol1. #3295330 oz, Decanter - $40,50 #3295220oz. Decanter - $27.75 CLASSIC MIXED NUTS 15 monds, Pecans & KOEZE'S ROASTED ALMONDS C ,1re lu!ly roasTed ,Ill J "ll ted C .\11 fo rn ia altl'll,n cis h,we ,t,llTcd with our ~ashews in ](OC7.":" JllL\eJ lluts lor deCIdes. The~c dd'riou:, nut~ h:1\'C become so popuhtr Thev now get solo hill i n,g-, \Ve're brin::;ing them to yOI] n;;\J.v for center ~tagc in our ero\vd-plt::asing glass j,lr, custom glass decanter in .1 foil gift box or in our rcd gift box. #328824.5 lb. Jar - $63.25 #31404 32 oz. Decanter - $29.50 #2111616 oz. Red Gift Box - $17.00 BIG AND BIGGER PISTACHIOS ~ If your gift \,st cont;lin, a piSl'lLhio lover - or;l crowd of pistacbio lovers - VOll .He on the right page. l30wl them over with n fcw pound" of p;'(;l(hio perfeaion contained in a decorative #32878 6.5 lb. Jar #32871 3.5 lb. Jar ~ gl.\~~ dCClr1t..:r. $110.00 $63.00 KOEZE'S ROASTED PECANS Delicious Southern ~)ecans arc the most lraulti()ll',l] holiday nut gift. Koe~e "e1ea~ and ro,l;:ts the hest ;lJld otTer, them to you in our gIns decwtCf and r(lI! gift box, festive red girt- box or llllf impre~~ivc brge ghlS;: jar. #32875 3.5 lb. Jar - $68.50 #3140326 oz. Decanter - $36.00 #2110914 oz. Red Gift Box -$19.25 CASHEW ALMOND EXECUTIVE BOX OUf ;:ip:natufe Colo"Sa( Cashews are t.\~tcfl.il!) p,lJred with a glcammg gla;:;: decanter of sdeet Callf-omi.l almonds. The perfect gift for J.fi ri oHad(), of fine nu rS, #31288 Colossal Cashews 30 oz. and Almonds 22 oz. Decanters - $67.00 16 NUT GIFTS ~ ... Pistachio Perfection KOEZE'S PISTACHIOS ~ 11lla1;\inc you r fi-i ell <is, (1m ily or hu, lIle~~ ,l:;:;OClates g-<Hhered ,1 round the plStachiu jar, hre'.dong opel) the finest n'.mlr'll \,i~tJchios trom Koeze, and chatting ..lbout Wlt.lt '.1 great gift you scnt th~'t1L \"Ih.lt ,I wOIll1erful way to srart a cclehr:ltlOll. #3140226 oz. Decanter - $31.50 #2111014 oz. Red Gift Box - $17.75 6.5 lb. 3.5 lb. GRATITUDE BASKET ~ Show your gr'ltitude with d generous g<esture; ,\ hug-c jar of tasty rJlSt,lchios paired ,I decanter of Colossal C,L"hews and surrounded by ,11) equally Impressive 'lrray of holid ay ,weet,. with • Pi"t,lcbios 3 5 lb. J,lr • Co!os:;,tl C.lshcw~ 30 oz. Decanter • flJilk ChocoLlte CaLlInel Pecan Turtle, Roz. Box • KOC;:/,C;: CdLtllleJ Crunch 8 oz. Tin • Chocn!ate-D'p)leJ Dried Chcrrie: lOo?. R.lf': • Three Chocolate Ornaments 2 07. r;:>lch • Gold ,md Silvn ChoLOLlte Stars 5.507. Box #32854 Gratitude Basket - $175.00 Indulgent & Delightful -4l EVENING MIXER Show off your good tNe by giving" gift wit Ie something for everyone to eojoy. • Colossal Ca~hew~ H O'l. Rig • ;\'hxed ~uts with l\1acadamia0 8 oz. ~dg • l\liJk ChocoLlte Pecan Turtles 7 oz. Thg • Chocolate- Dippeu Drieu Cherries 10 oz. Thg • Triple Chocolate Toffee 10 oz, Bag • Chocobte-Dipped Blackbcrries/Raspberrie'" 1() (Ji';. Bag • Chocolate Toffee ,Almonds 10 oz. Bag • S Gold and Silver Foil \Vr"ppeJ Chocolate Sur:.. #31300 Evening Mixer - BIG RED BOX $88.00 A. P~cked wi th your Etvorite~, thi~ fcstive gilt box will he f<mdly rCillembereJ (or monrhs to come. In .ldultioll to red, we'vc added tbree ,e,\son,,] box dc;:igJl~ !(H you to ,:hoosc ti-om. • JVIL\t:u Nuts with lVfacadamias (or C.I,h ew 0 ) 20 oz. Decanter • I\lilk Chocolarc recall Turtk; Two 5 oz. Boxes ,.. \., • C h(lcola tc- Dipped Drieu Cherri t~ 10 oz. Uag • J(Ot7.C Premium Belg'ian I\1'ilk Choco!<ltc Klr 1.2 0:(, #32810 Colossal Cashews - $64.00 #32806 Mixed Nuts with Macadamias <II $63.00 TASTES OF THE SEASON You 'JJ raise tll e lli\r for ~''«(i tem cn t ,mJ Uste when yo II give thi,; hug,; varict)' of [(OeLt tre,n,. Three selections of chocohttt:-Jipped dried fruit, two selenium of nuts, two varieties of eararnt:!,. Chocc.,late Tonec j\l!nnnd, and of cou rse, our sign a tll re til rtle,. • Colossal Cl,hnvs 8 oz. B',lg • ~·'lixeJ \: uts with ;\bcadami"., Hoz. RIg • l\1ilk Cho(oLlte Pecan Turtle, 7 oz. Rag • ChocoLlte-DLrpcd Dried Cherne,; 10 oz. Bag • ChocoLlte-Dippcd Dried l3lueherm, 10 oz. Bag • Cho(;ll!ate Tllffce Almond, 1ll IlZ. Bag • Black Forest Caramels 10 oz. fbg • Tv[ilk Chocolatc Rusin> !O oz, Fbg • Cheesecake Carameb 10 oz. B:lg, #31269 Tastes of the Season - 18 GIFT BOXFS $95.00 YOU AND YOURS ~ Your filmil}', )'Ollr friends, your erllplo)'ccs, your C\lsto[)ler~ - we gll:lntntee the) will <111 be delight<:d with your Koeze gifts. This wi nrer-tbeme.d box i.> no exception, cont'linmg: , Colo~sal Ca«hews 20 01.. DCC~1l1ter • j\·lJl.k Chocolate. Pee,ln T urrlcs .j oz. no\. • Dark Chocolatc Pt'Clll T1lrde~ )' O'L. 1)ox • Chocohuc Toilet AIJl)ond~ 1007. Bag #32830 You and Yours - $69.50 HOLIDAY TRIO You can judge these gifts by their wrapping~. Rich red \-'chret surrounds a trIO of K.J.lc?;c', finc nut;, and chocolate,. A fe.1;tivc gift of good taste . • Colossal Cashew, 1() 02. no>, '':'111k ChocoL,te Pecan Turtles Two 5 oz. Boxes • J\·1ilk Chocohltc Jhi,ins 8 oz. 130x #32845 Holiday TriO - FAVORITES BOX Thl, elcgaut bm.. is $51.50 ~ ovcrtl(lw;n~ wirh ht:st-seUing Kocze hvo[ites: our slgnat\.lrt: Col()s~al C,\,hew'i, hL\.llriolb )1)j Ik ,hol'oL!te furtles ,lnd lu~eio\l'; ~hocobte-ctipred dried Cherries. A thoughtnd way to say "Th,)nk rOll" or "Sensun's (";rcctin.I!,"" to an} Df the 'p"'·1-.11 people in Y<lur lif~. • Col(ls,;,d Cashew.. 14 m:. Gifl Tm • Milk ChucoLltt: Pecan Turtle:; Two 5 oz. Boxes • Chocohte-Dippccl Dried Chcrne, 10 oz. Bag • Koc'lc Premium 1:3clgi.11l j\/Illk Chnc'olatc Bar 1.2 0/" #46010 Favontes Box - $59.00 GIFT BOXES 19 ... LARGE GLASS JARS KOC7C Coloss,tl Casbews bave no equal. Over 75 years ,tnel (our gel1Cf'JrrOllS "ve hdve perfected the ,lrt of sdening and roasting the ).\rgesr ,I11J heM-tasting cashew" i,', the world, YOUI' gdt of one of these gi.lnr jar.; (If cashews will get the hoillby ie,tlvirje~ rolling like norhillg else. Afrer thc lluto ;Ire gone, the huge and heavy ,~L1SS j.trs will r~~Il11lld everyone of your generosity nil year. #32880 #32876 #32883 #32865 Office Party 121b. Jar (13-1/4" high, 27" around) - $265.00 Holiday Reception 8 lb. Jar (9-3/4" high, 27" around) - $180.00 Crowd Pleaser 4.25 lb. Jar (8-1/2" high, 21-1/2" around) - $96.75 Open House 31b. Jar (6-5/8" high, 21-1/2" around) - $68.50 12 lb. 4.25 lb. 31b. ... HUGE GLASS JARS OF MIXED NUTS WITH MACADAMlAS Gct tile holiday feotiviries rolling wi.th '1 gl.lnt jar of Koe:r.c's J\/ixcd Nuts wirh J'vbcadamias. VVe offer our I'lle,t mi." III (our ,ius - big, bigp:er. hu;;e and enOrillilUS - to allow you ro thrill ,:rowJo of 'lny sizt:. #32877 #32868 #32879 #32881 Office Party 12 lb. Jar (13-1/4" high, 27" around) - $248,25 Holiday Reception 8 lb. Jar (9-3/4" high, 27" around) - $171.25 Crowd Pleaser 4.25 lb. Jar (8-1/2" high, 21-1/2" around) - $92,50 Open House 3 lb. Jar (6-5/8" high, 21-1/2" around) - $66.25 31b. 20 LARGE JARS LET lIS HFI P V()I I C:I-lID Til C\/COVl"'\,,, ..... """A I MAJESTIC BASKET .. VV'hell owner Jeff Koele challenged LIS to creatc a ba~ker ample enough to hold .. 11 of hiS boljday ElVorires, we weren't sure we cOllld fJnd a b;lsket large enough. Here it i;:, Ollr most lavish presenmrion ever! Imagine how thrilled your clients, friends or family will be when this ;:pectacular haskt:t arrives at thei r door. • Colo:<:<al C>lshew~ 4.25 lb. hr • IVTilk Choco!-Jrc PCCII1 Turtb; 19.5 07. Decanter • Dark Cl1ocohw.: Pecan Turtles 19.5 07.. De,~alltcr • Co lo~sa I Cashews 14 oz. Ti 11 • Classic J\li..'\ed Nu [S 14 oz. Tin • j'vltxed Nuts WIth l\Ll,adami'ls 14 (ll. Tin • Pi;:tachlOs 26 0':;, Decanter • Almonds 32 07.. Dec<\ntcr • Cashew Brinle with Chocolate 26 oz. Till • ;\hl ted IVI il k I:hlJ:; 19 In. J.ir • ),J(lk Chocolate Cashew Clusters 8 oz. nox • N1ilk Chocolate Pe.. nut Burter Clusters 8 oz. Box • ChocoLltc-Dirrcd Dm:d Chcfrie~ Three 10 Of:. Rags • IvIilk Ch()(.:olate RaiSim. Three 10 07.. Rags • Four Chocolate Ornaments 2 oz. Each • Cold ..od Silver Chocolate St;)rs Two 5.5 oz. Boxes ::;~~ '. :~ #31260 Majestic Basket - $535.00 .• ~1. .. ~"'_ O::; • . • ".'- ~ This magnificent basket is p,\ckcd with a tDouth w,\terilll' ,election of our best season,u dclic;hts. This rcspJcnd en t gi ft iss ure to briTl g g,\SPS of admiration and satisfy everyone's holiday cravings. • Colos"J Ca,hew~ 30 Ol. Decanter • ;'\lixcd NUb With IVLlcadam la~ 30 O'l. Decanter • Pistachi()~ 26 OL. Dectnter • Dark Choco!ate Pcc,w T unies 19.5 oz. Decanter • I\lilk Chowlate Pe<lllllt Butter Clusters 8 oz. Box • -Milk Ch(](:obte C\,hew Clusters R O'l. Box • N1i1k Cllocohtc Pecan Turtk., Two 8oz, Boxes • Cbhew Briltk with Chocolate 26 oz. Tin • Chocol<lte-Dipped Dried Cherries 10 oz. llag • Milk ChocoLHe-Covercd Allllond~ 10 O'l, nag • Milk Chocolat<: Rai~ins 10 oz. Bag • Choco!a te- Di ppcJ R1.H;kberne~1 Raspberm:s 10 OLe, 1hg • Three Chocobtc; Orn.unctl(s 2 oz. Each • Foil-Wrapped Chocolate Gifts 5.25 oz. Box • Cold and Silver Chol.;o]ate Stars Two 5.5 0'.0. Boxes • Four Cho('olate CO-Il1' ....~ (! ... #32856 Opulent Basket - $355.00 ~IFT RA~KFT~ 21 <II CLASSIC CONFECTIONS You are sure to find a t;lVorite among our Iestl\'l:: bag-s of dHlc'obte dipped dr'led fruit 'lnd chocolate, or tolfee coatecL ,dnwl\(k The perK·(.'f size for a last-minute gift, to acccnt a 110liday gathering, (,r !tlr ,l (]11Ie:t moment of indulgence <!ITlOI1f'; the holi&lV nlsh. #31058 Chocolate-Dipped Dried Cherries 10 oz. Bag - $13.00 #31063 Chocolate-Dipped Dried Blueberries 10 oz. Bag - $13.00 #31 091 Triple Chocolate Toffee 10 oz. Bag - $13.00 #31061 Milk Chocolate-Covered Almonds 10 oz. Bag - $13.00 #31060 Fruit Trio 10 oz. Bag - $13.00 (Cherries, Blueberries and Apricots) #31052 Chocolate Toffee Almonds 10 oz. Bag - $13.00 #31085 Blackberries/Raspberries 10 oz. Bag - $14.00 CLASSIC CONFECTIONS IN VINTAGE JARS ... ,\Vc've assembled d collcction ofyollr favorite: c.:onfcctions and showclsed them in striking reproductioll gllssjar,. From hard-to-find ~caloam to ddiclOUS chocolate-dipped dried cherries to chs,ic malted ITl ilk balls, chocolate raIsin" ,\lid ,llnwnd,. here :\'ou can find a delighdtd gift ddi,~htfI.lU)' pack.lgeJ. #31255 #31299 #31278 #31282 22 Chocolate-Dipped Dried Cherries 32 oz. Jar $40.00 Malted Milk Balls 19 oz. Jar $24.50 Milk Chocolate RaiSins 32 oz. Jar $26.00 Dark Chocolate Seafoam 14 oz. Jar $26.00 CLASSIC C:ONFFC:Tl0NS #31252 Milk Chocolate Seafoam 14 oz. Jar $26.00 #31279 Chocolate Toffee Almonds 30 oz. Jar $29.00 #31281 Milk Chocolate Almonds 32 oz. Jar $29.00 --,...----......-- KOEZE'S CASHEW BRITTLE ... We found tbe only way to upr;rade Koc,£s Colossal Cashews: uwer thelll III .1 1.Iyer uf buttery. LTundr\ bri ttk, 0 r even be ncr yet. in brj tt Ie drent hed wit h .1 lllxmiallt robe of rich rl1Jlk. choeohte! \Ve're thrilled to offer thi~ Koe1e cbssic in a feHive holiday tin. \Ve love this brinle and yOll will too. C\lar'lntccd. #31093 Cashew Bnttle with Chocolate 26 oz. Tin - $38.50 #31090 Cashew Brittle 22 oz. Tin - $31.75 CARAMEL CRUNCH & CARAMEL CRUNCH WITH DRIED CHERRIES ... Koe::~ \; h uttery caram eI thiLkl-" cua Is freoh popcor\l ,1Il d a p len til'ul hel pin!!: of our f,ttnuus Culossal C ,\shews, ttKad',lJl1ia nuts, pecllls "nd ~Jll)ollds. YOLI llligh r S,l}' it's iIllpussibk to improve OIl our C<tr'lJl1cJ Cnllleh, but ,1f'ter tasting it with dricd cherries, you mig!l t disagrec. Eithcr W,l)', YOIl'1I linn rh:lt our Caramel Crunch is ao extraordinary trcat. #31229 #31235 #31232 #31236 Caramel Caramel Caramel Caramel Crunch Crunch Crunch Crunch 38 oz. Jar - $46.00 20 oz. Jar - $24.50 with Dried Cherries 38 oz. Jar with Dried Cherries 20 oz. Jar - $48.00 $25.15 CASHEW CARAMEL CLUSTERS ... The classic turtle is hard to bC'll, but )'01.1 n1 (ght just .1grce wirh the KOl?e confeaionn that carellne!, ro,lsteJ L'l,hew piece" .IllJ 111i Ik chocolate wins by a nose - or a l,lS!C bllfL A KO~7~ orig'ina!, made in small hat~he, jlL\t iJke uur pecan clLlmd turtles. #44052 Milk Chocolate Cashew Clusters 19.5 oz. Decanter #32861 Milk Chocolate Cashew Clusters 8 oz. Gold Gift Box - $16.00 Was $39:-Be Now $33.75 -- . Gifts With the ~ ONLY THE BEST BASKET YOll arc looking at the lJ:1ske( with our customers' live all-time f.wori(e gift Items. You ean'e go wrong when you send only the best: • Colossal Ca:,hews 30 oz. Decantcr • lVlilk Clw..:olate Pecan Turtle, 1<).5 0/.. Dec;J.nter • Dark Chocol.Jte Peun Turtles 5 oz. Box • Chocolate-Dipped Dried Chcrri<.:s 10 oz. Bag • j(oc'ze Premium J3dgiall j\!ilk Chocolate Bar 1.2 oz. #32874 Only the Best Baskel- $123.50 DELEN BASKET ~ .In Dutch, delen mean" ,!Urt;: 'lild thh ba,ket .:~¥:\~\\¥~Provjde, enough tre,lt, to sh·.Irt· 'lrld ,!lJre ..~~:~ alike. Call to get your shipment tra,:king ."s1R~f.Jf-:r:·" number, because you'll want to f~)llow .=~=_1:":~=~::m:::,,,,~E':~S;~"" the deli,rery truck rip;lu to the door. ... • Colossal Cashews 30 oz. DcC\ntcr • 1\1 ilk Chocolate Car:llllc!l'cC\ll Turtles 1').5 oz. Decanter • Pi,tach i os 14 0"1.. Red G i fr Box • l\lilk ChocolJte Peanut Butter Clusters 8 oz. Bo.\. • C'lmmei C ru nch ~ oz. T 111 • Cho(;o!ate- Dipped Dru:c1 Cherries 10 oz. Ra~ • Cheesecake Caramels 10 oz. Bag • Milk Chocohttt Raisllls 10 oz. Bag #32822 Delen Basket - $180.00 .. MERRY COLLECTION The morc Koele's the lllcrricr~ Spread good cheCf ,.v·.ilb chis collectioll of Koe."Lt'>~ tinest. • Colo,;sal CJshew" 30 \lZ. De\',mter • JY1ixed Nuts With J:VLtcadami,t" 20 O;t. Decanter • l'vlilk Chowlate Pec~\n Turrle~ R ()7. f)()'l • rvlilk Chocohtc Cashew Clusters 8 oz. Box • Caramel Crunch 8 oz. Till • F0I1-\VrappeJ Cho("IJ.te Gilts 5.2S oz. Box #32847 Merry Collection - $144.00 24 ~IFT RA~KI;IS FliNn RAI~J=R NAf\I1F J? pI--lnNF It Wow Factor KOEZE DELIGHT BASKET ~ Brimm; ng with deliuo\l,' Colossal C,\,hews aDd nlrdcs, thi' lovely basket will "dchgbt ~IP" ~~I\Y holiday ('ckhratlo!1. • Colossal Casbc\\'~ 20 oz. DecaJlter • 1\Ifilk ChOl:ol.lle Pecw Turtles 195 07,. Decaliter • Chocolate.:- Dipped Dried Cherries 10 oz. Ihg ·tElk Chowl,Hc i\lmol1ds 10 Ill'.. Bag #32843 Koeze Delight Basket - $109.50 GOOD AS GOLD BASKET ~ Deliver thi~ g-ift person,tUy or try to he around wbell it "nwcs. You WO!l't W;lllt co lHlSS th~ party. • Col",s,J. C.\shc\Vs 30 0/.. Dev.lllter • lVfilk Cho(..ol.ttc Pecan Turrks 19.5 oz. Dec,ulte::.r · Mixed Nut, with I\Lu':Jdamias 10 oz. eolct Gift Box • Choco!<ltc-Dipped DrieJ Chcrri<:s 10 oz. Bag .r-ili])... Chocohtc R:llslm. 1001.. l:hg • K(,eze Premium BelgIan (V{ilk Chocolate Bar 1.2-97~_. #32820 Good As Gold Basket - $139.50 -~ ~¥:~ GIFT RASKFTS Baskets Elegant ~ FRIENDS AND FESTIVITIES BASKET You've got the friends 'lnJ the ~ea,;on provides the festivltl.es. All you nl;l;d is the perfect i'ifr to tie it all together. TIllS haskn i, guaranteed to do the job: • Cojos~,d C.lshe"vs 20 oz. De.cantl;r • J\1ixeJ Nuts with I\'hcad.\lni'h 20 oz. Decanter • J\hlk Chocoln.IC PeelJl T unles 5 07.,. Bo>.. • Dark ChocuLltt~ Pecrn T lIftleS 5 <II.. Box • Chocohm-Dipped Dried Cheme, 10 oz. lhg .. Cbocolate-Dipped Dried l3luebnril;' 10 oz.lt\(2: • Gold and SlIver Chocohle Stars 5.507. Box • Koeze Premium BdgidlJ Nldk Chomhte Bar 1.2 (l-I.. #32873 FriendS and Festivities Basket - $130.00 ABUNDANT BASKET .. Too abundant to dc,uibe, it illcludl;s: • Colo~sal C a,hew8 3002. Dec,llJter • Milk ChOLOh\t\: Pecan Tunk:, 1').5 oz. Decanter • I\JiIk ChoU\late Pe,mut Butter Cluster;. 8 oz. Box • J\lixeJ Nilts with )Vhcadalllids 10 oz. Gox • Milk ChocoLJlc Raisins 10 (r/.. Ihg • Chowlute- Dipped Dried Cherries 10 O·i. Bag • CheeseClke Carameh 10 oz. Bag • Chocolatc Toffee AlmOlld8 10 (r/" B'lg • Cho(ola tt- Dipped 13 hekherrie<.JR asp bl'rrit~ 10 oz. Bag • Gold and SilvC( Chocohte Sfars 5.5 lW. Box • Two Chocolate Ornarnl;nto 2 oz. £.lcb #32848 Abundant Basket - $196.00 ~ COLOSSAL BASKET Named for our famous cashew" thi, gi ft will m~ke ',1 lasting impression. i\ beaUtiful wickcr baSKet artfully packed with: • C(llo~~'lJ Ca8bew, :-;0 07.. Decan{cr • J\Iixcd N II (S wi th J\lacad:llll r.h 20 lYl. Dccan ter • .Milk Chocolate Pec:Ln Turtles 8 oz. Box • Dark Chocolate PeOIl Turtle, Ho·/.. Box • :'vI ilk CllUcolatc C,lshew Clu,ters S 07.. Box • Chocoblt'~Dlpl'cd Dried ChtTrit~ 10 oz. Bag • Chocolatc-Dipped Dricd J31uebelTles 10 oz. Bag • Chocolate ToHe[; Almonds 1() 07. Bag • Cbecseukt C:lrarnd8 10 0'1.. Rag · Foil- \Nrappcd Cholobre Gifts 5.25 Ol. Box • Four Chocolate Ornaments 2 oz. Each #32814 Colossal Basket - $205.00 & Extravagant CLASSIC COLLECTION ~ Everyone love, a ClasSIC and our Classic Collection is no c.'Cception. Brimming with our most popular nuts and chocolates. A bvorite gift for years. o Pistachios 26 oz. Decanter o Col()~~al o Milk Chocolate Caramel Pecan Turtles 8 0%. Cashews 20 (J:(;. Decanter BOA • ChocoLm-Dipped Dried Cherries 10 oz. Rag #32853 Classic Collection - $101.00 Nothing says "Let the celebration start!" like the arrival of a gift basket from Koeze. Bt:,lutifully displayed, this basket is sure to ignite a celebration any time or any place. lndudes: • Colossal Cashews 30 ()z. Demnter • Milk Chocolate Pecan TttrrJes 8 07.. Box • Dark Chocolate Pecan Turtles 8 oz. Box • Chocolate- Dipped Dried Cherries, Dluebcrries and Strawberries 1001.. Bag • Checscclke Caramels 10 oz. Bag • Two Chocolate Ornamenls 2 oz, Each #32834 Celebration Basket - $120.00 Third Coast Partners Quality products & custom services - guaranteed. PO Box 90117 2555 Burlmgamc Ave. SW Grand Rurids, iv11 49509 1-800-253-6887 fax: l-R66-261-5604 Koeze products are of the absolute highest quality, backed by our Good As Gold Guarantee. For information on our custom services, please contact your local fund raising group or Third Coast Partners at 1-800-253-6887. Special product offers are featured on front. in fO(Q)lh 1rdcoastrartners. com vvww.thirdcoaslparlners.com BRILLIANT COLLECTION £lep;'lntly dr~>~cd lor the season in our exclusive boJid'IY box, thi~ tasteful gift featurto an extraordinary >clcetioo of l(oCZI;\ f;n~st nuts and confections. From our sig-natun; Co!osql Cashews to our indulgent, family reci pI; ca ramel runles, this box is the briJ1i ~nt choice fi,r ~nyonc on your list! In addition to the c~rJin<l1 box, also available ill our red gift box. • C'lshew (or Mixed Nuts with Ivfae;l(bmias) 20 oz. Decanter • i\li1k Chocolate hCIIl Turtles 8 oz. Gift Box • Dark Chocolate Pecan T urtlcs 8 oz. Gift Box • Chocolate-Dipped Dried Cherries 10 oz. Bag • Gold alld Silver Chocolate Star, 5.5 oz. Box • Koeze Pr~mi\llll nCW'an Milk ChoC0latc Bar 1.2 ilL #32885 Colossal Cashew - $91.00 #32891 Mixed Nuts with Macadamias - $90.00 PRlCES GOOD THROUGH JULY 2014,\ '