May 2013 - Deschutes County 4-H


May 2013 - Deschutes County 4-H
4-H Youth Development
Over the Clover
M AY , 2 0 1 3
A monthly publication for the 4-H members, leaders & families of Deschutes County
Cloverstems 4-H Club “Gameaholics”
Take Top Award in Middle School Division
TechStart Education Foundation, Oregon’s nonprofit that provides teacher professional development and student learning activities in computer science education, held the sixth Oregon
Game Project Challenge (OGPC 6.0) on Saturday, May 4 where they honored high school and
middle school champions in computer game development. The CloverSTEMs 4H club’s
“Gameaholics” earned Best In Show middle
school division. TechStart, along with sponsors
ETIC, Best Buy, and Branium, hosted 48 teams
comprised of over 250 students and coaches
from around Oregon and southern Washington
at Chemeketa Community College in Salem for
the annual game competition. Sixteen teams were honored with awards for their computer games designed to educate and propose solutions to urban planning challenges.
What’s Up?
Small Animal & Dog
Noodles, Needles, & Stuff
Shooting Sports
Catch Pen
After School
Horse’n Around
OGPC is a competition that brings together teams of
four to seven students and introduces or nurtures their
interest in computer science. The OGPC competition
season runs from December to May each year, concluding with the statewide competition in Salem. Both high
school and middle school teams compete by presenting
original computer games to nearly 30 judges and panelists. Judging criteria was based on awarding points to
teams for completing public and hidden achievements.
This methodology is a feature common in today’s commercially produced videogames and was adopted by
OGPC to emphasize cooperation over head-to-head
competition. Hidden achievements focused on specific
points of emphasis and teams were rewarded by going
above and beyond the learning goals of the challenge.
Teams scoring the highest points were honored with an
award. For more information about the Oregon Game
Project Challenge, visit
(Continued on page 3)
Aug 14
Sep 10
Record Book Training; 6:30 pm
Presentations Contest, Comfort Suites,
Intro to Econ #1 w/ Shoffner; 6:30 pm
Advisory Meeting; 6:00 pm
Intro to Econ #2 w/Shoffner; 6:30 pm
S.E.T. Leaders Meeting; 6:00 PM
Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting; 7:30
Junior Horse Bowl #2; 6:00 pm
Dog Judging Contest; 6 pm NSister
Intro to Econ #3 w/Shoffner; 6:30 pm
Sheep and swine weigh In; 4—7pm
Goat Weigh In; 5—7 pm
Juniper Livestock Show
DCLA Spring Horse Show
Executive Committee Meeting; 6:00 pm
-youth; 6:30 pm ALL
Awards Meeting; 6 pm
Leathercraft/Photography Skills; 9-12; N
Science Fair; 1-5 pm; NSister
Auction Committee 6 pm
Record Book Check #1; NSister 4-7pm
Summer Conference; Corvallis, OR
Fairgrounds Community Service; 9:00
S.E.T. Leaders Meeting; 6:00 pm
Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting; 7:30
Advisory Committee Meeting; 6:00 pm
Record Book Check #2; All Communities; 4-7 pm
Record Book Check #3; NSister/B SR
Cntr; 4-7 pm
Small Animal Weigh-In; 5-6:30 pm;
Swine Barn
State Livestock Judging Contest; Salem
Final Record Book Check; NSister; 4-7
Cinnamon Roll Camp; NS; All Day
Auction Committee; 6 pm
Fashion Review; NSister
New Leader Training; 6:30 pm
State Fair—HORSE
Auction Committee; 6 pm
First LEGO League Kick Off Event
Advisory Committee Meeting; 6:00 pm
New Leader Training; 6:30 pm
Executive Committee Meeting; 6:00 pm
Youth; 6:30 pm ALL
Auction Committee; 6 pm
S.E.T. Leaders Meeting; 6:00 pm
Shooting Sports Leaders Meeting; 7:30
Record Books DUE for Judging 4 pm
Executive Committee Meeting; 6:00
pm—Youth; 6:30 ALL
Nov 2
Dec 7-8
Record Book Interviews for judging
Statewide Animal Science Training
Auction Committee; 6 pm
Leaders/Members Banquet
Advisory Committee Meetings; 6 pm
Auction Committee; 6 pm
S.E.T. Leaders Advisory; 6 pm
Shooting Sports Advisory; 7:30 pm
BIG Deal
*Changed Date.
All meetings are at the Extension office unless
otherwise noted.
Project committee meetings are open to all leaders,
members, and parents. This is where decisions are
made regarding your project area. Your
attendance is encouraged and most welcome.
Advisory Meetings
(Note: July Date Has Changed)
Tue, May 14
Tue, Jul 2 (Note Change of Date!)
Tue, Sep 10
Tue, Nov 12
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
General Session
Following 5 Project Areas Split:
Livestock, Horse, Dog, Small Animal and
Home Ec
Shooting Sports and S.E.T. will meet on their
own day (typically the Wed after)
What’s Up?
A section for upcoming events, items, or information pertinent to ALL 4-H families
(Continued from page 1)
On a similar note…
About TechStart Education Foundation
TechStart Education Foundation
( is the 501(c)3 non-profit
founded in 2003 by the Technology Association
of Oregon ( to support technology education in the state’s K-12
classrooms and after school programs. By
providing teacher training and student enrichment activities in computer science and engineering, TechStart will make Oregon’s K-12
schools a model for delivering a relevant 21st
century education that inspires students to become leaders in technology and innovation.
Record Book Check
Dates Set
Record book checks are required for any 4Her (except clover buds) who plans to exhibit
at the County Fair. Members take their up to
date record book to any of the following dates
and sit down with a volunteer to review their book.
It’s best to attend early so if changes or additions
need to be made you have time to do it. If you cannot make any of the dates listed below, you may
send your record book in with someone else or call
Candi for an appointment. THIS IS ONLY IF
THESE DATES! Remember these details:
 At least 4 items in your advancements must be
new (in every project that has advancements)
 You must have your community service complete
 You must have an additional educational event
complete (leadership retreat, idea fair, presentations, food booth, etc.)
 Last year’s records must be complete
 This year’s records must be up-to-date through
June 20.
Who Needs Wood? We Do!
If you or someone you know has some good
hardwood (pear, apple, cherry, juniper, oak) of
which they are willing to part with, the 4-H program will be more than happy to pick it up.
Each year the Buyers’ Barbecue and the Recognition Dinner require a lot of wood to make the
coals. Call 548-6088 or email [email protected] if you can help
What’s Up?
Want to Host a
Japanese Exchange Student?
We are still looking for families to Host
Japanese students. Each year, Japanese students
come to Oregon to live an American life for 4
weeks (July 21 - August 18). Your son or
daughter would be a host brother or sister for the
4-week stay. We need to find homes for boys
and girls, between the ages of 11 and 17, and in
many cases, we really need to make a match
before May 1. If you would like more
information, you can call Shelly Creach (541388-0686) or Laura Cuthbert (541-306-0779).
Photo ID Opportunities
Don’t have your photo ID badge for the fair
We will be set up to take your photograph at
the following events.
May 30 - Weigh-in 4 - 8 pm
July 8 - La Pine Record Book Check
July 11 - Bend Record Book Check
July 15 - Redmond Record Book Check
July 18 - Extension Office 8-Noon
July 19 - Extension Office 12-5pm
ID badges are free for new members and
members changing levels - $5 for lost or replacement badges.
Executive Meetings 2013
Mon, Jun 3
Mon, Sep 16
Mon, Oct 7
Executive Committee Meeting; 6pm
Executive Committee Meeting; 6 pm
Executive Committee Meeting; 6 pm
Oregon 4-H Volunteers
at Regional Forums
Oregon 4-H volunteers are encouraged to attend
the Western Region Leaders’ Forum (WRLF) in
Billings, Montana, March 27-30, 2014. Active
volunteer participation will be helpful as the Oregon 4-H Program (a partnership of 4-H members, volunteers and staff) prepare to host the
WRLF, March 5-8, 2015 in Portland. Plan now
to attend the WRLF at Billings, MT. to learn,
network, be inspired, and have fun with new 4H friends. Go to the Montana website soon
at: for information about
hotel accommodations in Billings and details
about submitting a workshop proposal – due
June 1, 2013! A copy of the workshop proposal
form is attached. Consider proposing a workshop presented by adult and teen volunteers,
and/or Extension staff partners. AND Save-theDate: March 5-8, 2015 to attend the WRLF in
Portland, OR!
Scholarship funds are available for these forums, and they are definitely worth the time and
Any youth out there who want to teach a class in
Billings with me?
Record Book Check Dates 4: -7: pm on:
Mon, 6/24 in Redmond ~ Mon, 7/8 in several communities ~ Thu, 7/11 in Redmond & Bend ~ Mon, 7/15 in Redmond
“4-H: Make It Your Own”
June 26-29, 2013
At Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
Youth Grades 7-12
Cost: $200
(many counties cover part of this fee)
Registration Open
May 1 – June 1
Enjoy fun classes and incredible speakers!
Make memories and get to experience OSU’s
beautiful campus!
For more information, go to:
What’s Up
Still in Need of
Fair Award Sponsors for:
Sheep Carcass of Merit @ $10 each
Food Skills CH @ $40
High Point Beef Exhibitor @ $100
High Point Goat Exhibitor @ $100
High Point Sheep Exhibitor @ $100
Leathercraft CH @ $40 each
Performance Horse & Ranch Horse
Highpoints @ $100 each
 Ranch Horse Reserve High Point @ $75 each
 Ranch Horse Showmanship @ $40
Give Kim a call if you can help out….
Enrollment Fees Increasing
for 2013/2014 4-H Year
During a recent Executive meeting the decision
was made to increase enrollment fees slightly in
an effort to recover some of the increasing costs
of doing business, including event scholarships,
facility expenses, insurance, etc.
A $5 increase raising enrollment fees per member to $45 per year (regardless of the number of
project areas) and $50 after Jan 15. The 3rd
child and Cloverbud rates will remain the same
at $25.
These fees cover several direct costs like a $15
per member state fee, our small medical insurance policy for members and volunteers, and all
project materials. And, of course scholarships
are still available.
Skills Contest 2013
Don’t Forget About the
Silent Auction Opportunity
Remember, any member who does not weigh in
a market animal/pen has the opportunity to sell
something at the Silent Auction. Same benefits
as livestock youth. Bidding is done at the Buyer
Appreciation BBQ and all who eat have an opportunity to view each item closely. You can
submit an item, a basket of items, etc. Lots
(Auction Items) should be about your project
area, something you made or manufactured, or
something significantly about your project. If
you have a fiber goat, you might submit some
spun fiber and a how to crochet book or leathercraft participants might make a pair of spur
straps and matching reins, or horticulture members might put together a container garden.
Items will be juried for quality and content. If
you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask. The
auction committee will take a 5% administration fee, all other funds will be written back to
the exhibitor.
Summer Conference
Special Opportunity,
but we need your help
This year we have an amazing opportunity, but
I need your help. We have a local donor willing to grant us a full Summer Conference
scholarship and grant us up to 4 more full
match scholarships, meaning if we find donors
of a full scholarship, they’ll donate up to 3
more—I have one already…. The cost is $200
and we need these commitments fairly soon—
checks should be made payable to Oregon 4-H
Foundation. Thanks for your help! This gives
us the potential to pay full or nearly full scholarships for 9 youth to attend this really cool
As always we have partial scholarships for
Summer Conference Available too...
What’s Up
RV Camping at the Fair
(Not Horse Fair)
Applications are Available
You can find applications for camping during
the traditional fair on our website or the
Deschutes County Fair Website. The fair will
not be receiving applications until April 24.
Please remember, if you want to camp together,
you should submit your applications together.
The complete application is available at:
Looking for Pictures & Stories
We would love to have stories and pictures of
your club; what projects you’re working on,
what activities you’re doing and anything you’d
like to share about your club. Maybe you are
baking bread or making jam; sewing a fun project or learning to use a camera; practicing archery or practicing with your firearm; showing
your small animal or working your dog; working
with your market animal or taking care of your
production animals; doing community service or
doing a club activity; whatever you’re doing,
we want to know about it!
It is so fun to share these stories and photos on
our Deschutes 4-H Facebook site, our DCLA
website and in our Over the Clover newsletter. Please take the time to email your pictures
and stories to us and we will get them out there
and show everyone what we 4-Her’s do!
Want to Have a Better Understanding
of the Economy and the Economics Behind It? Join us for this Economics Short
Course...Excellent for adults and youth 7th-12th
Intro to Economics, May 2013:
Anna Shoffner received her Associates’ Degree with
a concentration in economics from COCC in 2010.
Since then, she has attended Hillsdale College, where
she studies under great political and economic thinkers like Brian Wesbury, Gary Wolfram, and Larry
Arnn. In summer of 2012, she went to Washington,
DC, where she worked for Virginia Thomas and Star
Parker’s think tank, CURE, and helped lay the foundation of a new political coalition, The Rosie Project.
This lecture series is intended to help its listeners
understand the basics of economics. It will be spread
out over three 90 minute lectures, covering basic
economic theory, graphical analysis, and terminology. If you’d like to understand and be able to evaluate what’s going on in the economic world when you
turn the TV on, this course is for you.
Rough Lesson Plan:
Lecture #1, The basics of Supply and Demand,
Graphing, and the Division of Labor:
Lecture #2, Ideological arguments and the Socialist Calculation Debate:
Lecture #3, Applications, and Implications for
Economic Growth:
Please RSVP to Reaza or Kim at 541-548-6088.
6:30 to 8: pm on:
 Mon, May 13
 Mon, May 20
 Wed, May 29
What’s Up
Over the Clover Café Schedule
Sign your club up now!
Do not fear fair is not here. But, the OTC Cafe schedule is. Now is a good time to sign your club up for a shift in
the OTC Café. Each morning shift needs 3 adults and 6-8 youth. Each lunch shift needs 4 adults and 7 youth.
The dinner shift needs 4 adults and 6-8 youth.
Don’t wait until the last minute to fill a spot. If it were not for the Café, the Leaders’ Association would
not have been able to provide scholarships for KYSG, OSU Summer Conference, HDLR, Camp, Japanese
Exchange program, College Scholarships, and much more.
County Fair
7 AM to 11 AM
10:30 AM to 3
July 30, 2013
2:30 PM to 7 PM
6:30 PM to Close
High Desert
Central Oregon
July 31, 2013
Aug 1, 2013
Sew Sew Excited
Aug 2, 2013
Shear Delight
Chickens Ect.
Aug 3, 2013
Hands & Hooves
Bend Rabbit
Bunny Brigade
Aug 4, 2013
Cinnamon Roll
If you have not participated in
cinnamon roll camp, you just
need to sign up. It’s a funfilled half day making a variety of cinnamon
rolls to be sold from the Food Booth at the fair.
It’s a great community service and lots of fun.
We need two shifts on Monday, July 15th of
crews: 8-12 and 12-4, contact Karen to sign up
at: [email protected] or
Small Animal & Dog
A section for members and their families involved in Small Animal Projects
(including, but not limited to: herptiles, dogs, pigeons, poultry, rabbit, cavy, and exotics)
Dog Judging
Contest Date Set
Brush up on all that DOG
knowledge and join us at the
dog judging contest on Wednesday, May 22 at 6
pm in the North Sister building on the fairgrounds.
Pull out your project materials to study—include
dog breeds and types, equipment, parts of the
dog and general health and knowledge. This is a
terrific opportunity to find out what you know
and what needs work—don’t miss out!
Are You Leasing an Animal?
Remember leases are required on all leased animals. Your lease must run from the animal
possession date (May 15, June 1, Apr 17, etc.
—depending on your project area) through the
state fair. One you lease the animal and exhibit
it at the fair, no one else may exhibit it at another fair. If you are leasing a horse and have
questions about the owner riding it on occasion, better call Candi, so everything is clear—
she really hates to disqualify folks because they
don’t follow the rules. 541-548-6088 x 7954
Dog Judging Contest
Don’t Miss This Fun & Educational Opportunity
What is dog judging? This is an opportunity for
your member to view four obedience competitors and four showmanship competitors and be
the “judge” placing them in order, then comparing those placings with an official at the contest.
Additionally, a variety of written tests gauging
the participants knowledge about dogs will be
administered. Study up on parts, skeletal and
digestion (depending on age), breeds, grooming
equipment, and general health questions. Then
bring a pencil and demonstrate what you know.
When: Wed, May 22; 6 pm (finished by 8 or so)
Where: North Sister Building on the fairgrounds
Rabbit Hopping?
If you are planning on doing
rabbit hopping at an upcoming
event or the county fair, remember you must practice a couple days a week
several weeks prior to the event. If you want
your rabbit to hop, you want him/her in shape so
lots of hopping competition will do no harm. So
get those bunnies hopping!
2013 4-H Fair Judges
Rabbit & Cavy: Gene Kneiling
Poultry: Robert Anderson
Dog: Ann Dickerson
Dog: Andi Foley
Dog: Lori Nickeson
Small Animal & Dog
One Training Date Set And one is Tentative
Animal Science Training
Livestock, Small Animal & Dog!
Advisory Meetings
Tue, May 14
Tue, Jul 2 (Note Change of Date!)
Tue, Sep 10
Tue, Nov 12
Deschutes County 4-H Leaders, Members, and
Families are expected to attend. Leaders, for
you, this is a must attend event! We have done
nothing statewide of this caliber for some time.
Put this on your calendar now:
Livestock, Horse, Dog, Small Animal and
Home Ec
In Deschutes County, Redmond, OR
October 11 & 12, 2013
Same/similar training is tentative set for November 15 & 16 at Clackamas Community College
Jeff Goodwin, Nationally known livestock
ethics educator and speaker will be the key
note and a workshop instructor.
 Judges’ training specific to the dog project
 Many leaders workshops specific to each
project area
 Other workshops might include (not limited
 Feeding & Nutrition
 Equipment
 Including Science in Your Club
 Including Youth Development in
Your Club
 Mitigating Risk
 Working with a variety of age groups
 Handling
 Ethics Expectations
 Round Tables in variety of topics
 Needed State Fair Changes
 Statewide AnSci needs
 Working with Difficult People
 Much, Much More
Share your ideas for workshops and we’ll try to
include. Contact Candi: 541-548-6088 or
[email protected]
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
General Session
Following 5 Project Areas Split:
Shooting Sports and S.E.T. will meet on their
own day (typically the Wed after)
Fair Theme for 2013
“Fun For the Whole Herd”
Don’t Forget About the
Silent Auction Opportunity
Remember, any member who does not weigh in
a market animal/pen has the opportunity to sell
something at the Silent Auction. Same benefits
as livestock youth. Bidding is done at the Buyer
Appreciation BBQ and all who eat have an opportunity to view each item closely. You can
submit an item, a basket of items, etc. Lots
(Auction Items) should be about your project
area, something you made or manufactured, or
something significantly about your project. If
you have a fiber goat, you might submit some
spun fiber and a how to crochet book or leathercraft participants might make a pair of spur
straps and matching reins, or horticulture members might put together a container garden.
Items will be juried for quality and content. If
you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask. The
auction committee will take a 5% administration fee, all other funds will be written back to
the exhibitor.
Small Animal & Dog
Small Animal Judging
Contest Results
Below are the results for the Small Animal
Judging Contest. Unfortunately, there were a
couple challenges with results, so I want you to
be aware, all members who did oral reasons received 20 points (the reasons were not actually
scored by the judges) AND there were no officials created for the pigeons, so those results are
not a part of the contest. You can pick up your
cards and a detailed report of scores, at the office or give Reaza a call and she can mail your
club to you.
Ashlyn Simpson
Katie Grubman
Maya Gritzner
Miah Turner
Rya Higgins
Emily Allen
Jyssica Hogge
Erin Klepper
Caroline Hicks
Kayla Gierke
B, C
Griffin Purtzer
Azza Borovicka-Swanson
Sydney Davis
JT Wilson
Elizabeth LaDuca
Susan Beckson
Megan Bushnell
Brooke Parker
Grace Sehorn-Hurst
Zoe Andrews
Mallory Weedon
Hannah Clawson
Rain Fulton
Janessa Birge
Eli Golden
Savannah Hernandez
Athena Luna
Emily Bettger
B, C
Kailey Kees
Oskar Kotu
Joel Miller
Mitchell Swan
Alli Golden
Hannah Klepper
Samantha Grace
Alea Minar
Sophie Meyers
Madeline Rottum
McKenna Paulson
Beana Davis
Annie Leitner
Allison Renninger
Ella Brown
Sydney Sorrels
Mollie Wiviott
Alyssa Minar
Cheyenne Sproat
Anthony LaDuca
Clare Alsup
Mallory Silvey
Samantha Almeas
Faye Bandet
Tara Giffoni
Destiny Beamer
Serena Shane
Marie Carr
Savannah Puckett
Breanna King
Connor Purtzer
Holly Silvey
Mary Black
Judah Hunter
Jessica Mitchell
Miabella Treadwell
Sarah Brown
Eden Vanderhoek
Jona Paladijczuk
Alice Jennings
Danie Penner
Morgan Dyne
Meredith Wolkom
Tyler Surface
Mallory Hatanaka
Chloe Weeks
Alyssa Hatanaka
B, C
Small Animal & Dog
Zoe Vanderhoek
Noe Hannon
Gatlin Cyrus
Molly Mosier
Jaime Burke
Julie Bond
Abby Chunestudy
Megan Glenn
Brooke Murphy
Katie Duggan
Morgan Kaler
Mackenzie Kolkman
Brooke Snyder
Brittany McConnell
Meghan Lummis
Madi Anderson
2013 Small Animal Show
Fair Theme for 2013
“Fun For the Whole Herd”
Noodles, Needles, & Stuff
A section for members and their families involved in home economics and expressive arts project areas
(Including, but not limited to: foods, clothing, knitting, crocheting, quilting, photography, & leather craft)
Skills Contest Results
Clothing Skills
Phase 1
Chawndra Craig
Cylie Lago
Natalie Sitz
Hayley Lantz
B, C
Phase 2
Genevieve Burk
Emily Osborn
Abbie Colvin
Marrin Nyman
Jessica Burnett
B, C
Tiffany Shirt
Knitting Skills
Cylie Lagao
Crocheting Skills
Food Skills
Magic with Milk
Tiffany Shirt
Madelyn Oster
Intermediate Mini Meals
Caprial Long
Senior Mini Meals
Elizabeth Moss
Intermediate Foods of the Pacific Northwest
Caprial Long
2013 Skills Contest
Senior Foods of the Pacific Northwest
Elizabeth Moss
Clothing Judging Contest
Junior - Phase 1
Hayley Lantz
Natalie Sitz
Cylie Lagao
Junior – Phase 2-3
Abbie Colvin
Marrin Nyman
Emily Osborne
Genevieve Burk
B, C
Senior – Phase 2-3
Chawndra Craig
Foods Judging Contest
Junior – Phase 2-3
Madilyn Oster
Intermediate – Phase 4-6
Caprial Long
B, C
Don’t Forget About the
Silent Auction Opportunity
Remember, any member who does not weigh in
a market animal/pen has the opportunity to sell
something at the Silent Auction. Same benefits
as livestock youth. Bidding is done at the Buyer
Appreciation BBQ and all who eat have an opportunity to view each item closely. You can
submit an item, a basket of items, etc. Lots
(Auction Items) should be about your project
area, something you made or manufactured, or
something significantly about your project. If
you have a fiber goat, you might submit some
spun fiber and a how to crochet book or leathercraft participants might make a pair of spur
straps and matching reins, or horticulture members might put together a container garden.
Items will be juried for quality and content. If
you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask. The
auction committee will take a 5% administration fee, all other funds will be written back to
the exhibitor.
Noodles, Needles, & Stuff
Photography Skills Contest Registration
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Due in the Deschutes County Extension office by Friday, June 7, 2013
Slots will be filled in the order they are received.
Name: ____________________________________________________ Grade: ____________
Email: _______________________________________ Phone No: _____________________
Leader’s Name __________________________________County: ______________________
E-mail registration is NOT an option for this contest!
Questions?? Call Reaza @ 541-548-6088.
Photography Skills Contest will be held at the Deschutes Co Fairgrounds, North Sister Bldg
Saturday, June 15, 2013 from 9am—12pm
You will be tested on the following:
 Parts of a Camera
 Terms
 Judging photographs
 Take pictures showing High Contrast and
Low Contrast
Please make a separate copy of this form for
each participant in this year’s skills contests.
Send registration forms and fees to:
Fee is $5.00
Fees will not be refundable after 6/7/13
Deschutes County 4-H
Skills Contest
PO Box 1251
Redmond, OR 97756
Noodles, Needles, & Stuff
Leathercraft Skills Contest Registration
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Due in the Deschutes County Extension office by Friday, June 7, 2013
Slots will be filled in the order they are received.
Name: ____________________________________________________ Grade: ____________
Email: _______________________________________ Phone No: _____________________
Leader’s Name __________________________________County: ______________________
E-mail registration is NOT an option for this contest!
Questions?? Call Reaza @ 541-548-6088.
Leathercraft Skills Contest will be held at the Deschutes Co Fairgrounds, North Sister Bldg
Saturday, June 15, 2013 from 9am—12pm
Please make a separate copy of this form for
each participant in this year’s skills contests.
Send registration forms and fees to:
Deschutes County 4-H
Skills Contest
PO Box 1251
Redmond, OR 97756
Fee is $5.00
Fees will not be refundable after 6/7/13
A section for members and their families involved in Science, Engineering, & Technology
Science, Engineering & Technology
“Tech Support” Workshops
Want some help getting those science clubs going? Year-round ideas? Need more information
about “science inquiry?” or Maybe some help
with how to start a robotics club, steps to programming, or other important factors. We want
to get you started right and increase knowledge
of experienced leaders,—please EVERYONE
join us at our upcoming workshops:
What: Year Round Science Clubs, Science Inquiry, Getting Started with Science and/or Technology, FAQ
When: Wed, Jun 5; 6-8:30 pm
Where: Extension Office in Redmond
Why: To help with success
Let’s get you prepared to get those FIRST robotics teams going. What it all means, who can
participate, potential lesson plans and time lines,
tips for success.
When: Tue, Jul 9, 5:30-8 pm
Where: Hollinshead Barn, Bend
Why: To help with success
Please RSVP:
to [email protected] or by
calling: 541-548-6088
Doing Technology and Wondering
What Else You’re Supposed to Do?
Record Books. Just like other clubs, Science,
Engineering, and Technology clubs are required
to do record books if they want to exhibit at the
County Fair. Each member should have a:
Permanent Record
Science or Generic Project Record
4-H Notes
Members should have the basics filled out in
their permanent record and project record. The
Notes must be completed from the previous
year. Notes can include actual notes or a story
about your 4-H experience.
Complete registration and materials for the science fair available at or
by contacting our office at: 541-548-6088 or
[email protected]
It’s easy and will help you build a life skill.
Community Service. Each club is required to
do a club community service. If members can’t
participate, they should complete three hours of
individual service to community.
Educational Opportunity. One additional educational opportunity should be completed. This
can be Idea Fair, Game Challenge, Presentation
Contest, or something established by your club
All record book information can be found at the
Extension Office and most records are available
at the Oregon 4-H Website Online or
Technology Leaders Unite!
*July Date has Changed
Hey folks I’m committed to having technology
clubs among us. With our first meeting under
our belts, we’re beginning to have some direction—the potential is large. Things to be thinking about: integrating technology for communication, record keeping and other activities, future skills contests, project records, and more! I
look forward to working together to building
this area and make it fun and educational.
For now, we will meet independently of the general advisory meetings, but don’t hesitate to attend the general advisory sessions on the second
Tuesday of odd months. However, most importantly, please join other S.E.T. leaders at the
Extension Office, 6: pm on:
Every 3rd Wed of odd months 6:00 pm to 7:30
Shooting Sports
A Section for members and their families participating in the shooting sports project areas
(Including: shotgun, archery, pistol, small
bore, muzzle loading, western action shooting)
Shooting Sports Leader Training
La Grande Oregon
A Leader training is being offered in La Grande
Oregon May 17 and 18. Archery, Rifle, Pistol,
and Shotgun will be offered. There is a requirement that each discipline have a minimum of
five people registered to conduct the class.
The Registration form is available on our website:, click on program,
then Natural Resources.
Advisory Meetings
* July Date Has Changed
Future Dates: Wed, Mar 20 6 pm
*Wed, May 22 6 pm
*Mon, Jul 1 6 pm
Wed, Sep 18 6 pm
Wed, Nov 20 6 pm
As we add more disciplines and therefore more
shooting sports leaders, it’s important we take
the opportunity of advisory meetings to work
out details of events like the county fair, creating
advancements and other various joint endeavors.
Call me if you have any questions, Candi:
541-548-6088 x 7954
For now, we will meet independently of the general advisory meetings, but don’t hesitate to attend the general advisory sessions on the second
Tuesday of odd months. However, most importantly, please join other shooting sports leaders at the Extension Office, 7:30 pm on:
Every 3rd Wed of odd months 7:30 pm – 9: pm;
Future Dates: *Wed, May 22 7:30 pm
*Mon, Jul 1 7:30 pm
Wed, Sep 18 7:30 pm
Wed, Nov 20 7:30 pm
Catch Pen
A section for members and families involved in the livestock projects
(cattle, dairy, goat, sheep, swine, and llama)
Still in Need of
Fair Award Sponsors for:
Sheep Carcass of Merit @ $10 each
Food Skills CH @ $40
High Point Beef Exhibitor @ $100
High Point Goat Exhibitor @ $100
High Point Sheep Exhibitor @ $100
Leathercraft CH @ $40 each
Performance Horse & Ranch Horse
Highpoints @ $100 each
 Ranch Horse Reserve High Point @ $75 each
 Ranch Horse Showmanship @ $40
Give Kim a call if you can help out….
NOTE: Changed
Weigh-In Dates Set
Sheep & Swine: Tue, May 30, 2013; 4—7 pm
Behind Sheep & Swine Barns
Animal Science Training
Mark Your Calendar NOW
Where: Deschutes County Sisters Buildings
When: October 11-13, 2013
Look for a date on the west-side too!
You won’t want to miss this opportunity, from
dogs to rabbits, and chickens to cows, PLAN
Weights for 2014
Because our resale buyer is only paying to a
certain weight, maximum weights for sheep
and goats will show additional change in 2014.
Market Lambs will be: 110-150
Market Goats will be: 75-105
Goat: Tue, May 30, 2013; 5—7 pm
At Sheep Barn
Shearer will be available from 3:00-6:00. Cost
is $5.00 per head. It would be helpful if kids
bring trash bags and brooms to help cleanup the
Auction Meeting Dates
Auction meetings have been set for 2013. Generally, the committee will be meeting at 6:00 pm
on the third Tuesday of all months, except August and December. Remember, if there are not
enough agenda items to warrant a meeting, it
can be canceled; so check your email if you
have any doubts. Specifically, meetings are currently scheduled for 6:30 pm on:
Tue, Jun 18, 2013
Tue, Jul 16, 2013
Tue, Sep 17, 2013
Tue, Oct 15, 2013
Tue, Nov 19, 2013
Catch Pen
2013 4-H Fair Judges
Beef: Amanda Schnoor
Swine: Dustin Frank
Sheep: Loyal Burns
Dairy Goat:
Meat Goat: Todd Maddux
Pygmy & Fiber Goat: Carol Ronan
Tri-County Livestock Judging
Contest Results
Sam Mitchell
Judah Keeton
Rhiannon Curley
Noah Keeton
Caroline Curley
Willie Hunt
Garrett Greene
Zane McCoy
Hayley Lantz
Brady Kunz
Chance Greene
Ashley Hunt
Levi Brant
Trystan McCoy
Sarah McCoy
Nathan Hunt
Market Animal Purchase Date is:
For ebsite
w n on
, the
.des rojects
ww on p
County Fair
Small Class Changes
Junior Cow: July 1, 2009—Aug 31, 2011
Senior Cow: born before July 1, 2009 and must
have calved within the preceding 12 months.
May Gilt: Born May 1-May 31
April Gilt: Born Apr 1—Apr 30
February/March Gilt: Born Feb-=Mar 31
January Gilt: Born Jan 1—Jan 31
Fall Gilt: Born Aug 1– Dec 31, 2012, has not
Aged Ewe is no longer a class option
May 15
Catch Pen
One Training Date Set -And one is Tentative
Advisory Meetings
Animal Science Training including:
(Note: March Date Has Changed)
Livestock, Small Animal & Dog!
Deschutes County 4-H Leaders, Members, and
Families are expected to attend. Leaders, for
you, this is a must attend event! We have done
nothing statewide of this caliber for some time.
Put this on your calendar now:
Tue, May 14
Tue, Jul 2 (Note Change of Date!)
Tue, Sep 10
Tue, Nov 12
In Deschutes County, Redmond, OR
October 11 & 12, 2013
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Same/similar training is tentative set for November 15 & 16 at Clackamas Community College
Livestock, Horse, Dog, Small Animal and
Home Ec
Jeff Goodwin, Nationally known livestock
ethics educator and speaker will be the key
note and a workshop instructor.
 Judges’ training specific to the dog project
 Many leaders workshops specific to each
project area
 Other workshops might include (not limited
 Feeding & Nutrition
 Equipment
 Including Science in Your Club
 Including Youth Development in
Your Club
 Mitigating Risk
 Working with a variety of age groups
 Handling
 Ethics Expectations
 Round Tables in variety of topics
 Needed State Fair Changes
 Statewide AnSci needs
 Working with Difficult People
 Much, Much More
Share your ideas for workshops and we’ll try to
include. Contact Candi: 541-548-6088 or
[email protected]
General Session
Following 5 Project Areas Split:
Shearer Coming to Weigh-In
We do have a professional shearer coming to
weigh-in again this year. Bring producers or
market lambs. We would like to have all producers come early, starting at 2:30 pm, he will
finish with market lambs around 6 pm. $5 per
head. Thanks Bob for making the arrangements, please let Bob know if you are bringing
producers and when. 541-420-8156. ccb
Central Oregon Ranch Supply
Fitting/Showmanship Clinic
Thursday, May 23, 2013 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm at
Central Oregon Ranch Supply in Redmond.
Fitting, Showing and Feeding Field Day. There
will be a hotdog dinner at 6:00 pm.
For details on times please see the Central
Oregon Ranch Supply web page at http:// Questions
call CORS 541-548-5195.
Catch Pen
Juniper Livestock Show
A Bit Different, but the same mission
The June Juniper show is no longer a jackpot
show….but it’s still fun and still an excellent
place to get those fair animals out, practice and
learn! Central Oregon 4-Hers, this is your prefair, you won’t want to miss this opportunity for
practice. Join us on Saturday, June 1—
Deschutes County Fairgrounds—Sheep & Dairy
Barns, Redmond
Registration Materials Available on our website
Withdrawal Times
Medications, Feed, & Feed Supplements
Do you know what a withdrawal time is? It’s
the time that an animal must be off of the drug/
feed/supplement, etc. before slaughter.
This is just a reminder to carefully manage what
goes into your Market Animal. NEVER forget
that your market animal is going into the food
chain. There is no amount of money from a
jackpot, no big purple ribbon, and no growth
rate worth the potential consequences of harming a human by feeding something to your animal that you should not have.
Check every feed tag! Yes, feed tags, many
feeds have additives that have withdrawal times.
All supplements and additives must be for market animal consumption. Read all the documentation, tags, and labels. If you are not sure, ask
your veterinarian or Candi and she can help you
Most dewormers have withdrawal times, lice
dust and mite dust usually have withdrawal
times—read the labels.
NOTHING should go in your animal that is not
intended for that species. Medications should be
administered upon veterinary advice only.
NOTHING may be administered at fair without
Candi or your FFA Advisor’s knowledge and at
the advice of a veterinarian. Questions, call
Candi and ask.
Want to Know if What You
are About to do With Your
Show Animal is Ethical?
According to Jeff Goodwin, the Nationally Recognized expert on show and food animal ethics,
you need only ask yourself these 6 questions:
1. Does the practice violate FDA law?
 Like feeding Paylean to lambs or giving Butte to a pig?
2. Does the practice harm the animal?
 Like beating a lamb so it feels firmer
to a judge
3. Does the practice result in fraudulent misrepresentation?
 Like lying about your animal’s age or
painting over a white mark to make it
fit into the breed class you want
4. Do you have to lie to cover it up?
 Like when you exhibit someone
else’s animal at state fair that you
didn’t exhibit at the county fair
5. Would the public be offended?
 Like withholding water from an animal
6. Does the practice conflict with real world
agriculture practices?
 Like drenching a lamb for some other
purpose than re-hydration.
Questions provided by Dr. Jeff Goodwin, Colorado State University and his Line in the Sand
media publications.
Are You Leasing an Animal?
Remember leases are required on all leased animals. Your lease must run from the animal
possession date (May 15, June 1, Apr 17, etc.
—depending on your project area) through the
state fair. One you lease the animal and exhibit
it at the fair, no one else may exhibit it at another fair. If you are leasing a horse and have
questions about the owner riding it on occasion, better call Candi, so everything is clear—
she really hates to disqualify folks because they
don’t follow the rules. 541-548-6088 x 7954
After School & School Enrichment
Check Out What Else 4-H is Doing!
A Variety of Summer Day
Camp Activities
4-H Sponsored and Facilitated
These are fee based programs administered
through a partnership with
Are you interested in testing out some 4-H stuff
on a short-term basis? Want to try out robotics
or science, but don’t want to commit to a year –
round project? Or maybe you have a sibling
who is interested in something a bit less traditional than our regular 4-H offerings…. If any of
this interests you, watch for the Summer Parks
and Recreation Guides from Redmond and Bend
or go online in May and look for 4-H Offerings:
Day Camps Include:
 Cascade Wilds
 LEGO Robotics & Science
 Competition LEGO Robotics
 Photography
 Under Water Robotics
 Horticulture
The Bend Summer Guide is online, check it out
Camps are already filling up,
so get your spot now.
What is going on right now?
4-H Science Day at Tom
This Friday, May 10 4-H is taking a variety of
activities to the Tom McCall 5th graders. We
will be delivering a special science experiment,
animal science, and something aerospace
like...should be a very fun day!
Catch Pen
Market Fair Weights ~ 2013
Market Lambs
110—160 pounds (formerly 110-165)
Average rate of gain in 2012 was approximately:
.68 lb/day
Market Hogs (same as 2012)
225-280 pounds
Average rate of gain in 201 was approximately:
1.62 lb/day
Market Steers (same as 2012)
1100-1450 pounds
Average rate of gain in 2012 was approximately:
2.72 lb/day
Laura Cuthbert is teaching a general FUN
Science afterschool class at Highland Elementary through the first week of June
Market Goats (formerly 80-120)
75-110 pounds
Average rate of gain in 2012 was approximately:
.38 lb/day
Matt Yaeger is facilitating Cascades Wilds
afterschool teaching survival techniques
and natural resources
*Average rate of gain is calculated from
pre-fair weigh-in to fair weigh-in.
Horse’n Around
A section for members and their families who are involved in the horse project
DCLA Spring Horse Show
Coming Your Way
Central Oregon 4-Hers, you won’t want to miss
this opportunity—it’s your pre-fair...Get your
horses out and see what else you need to work
SAT & SUN; June 1 & 2
Redmond, OR
Of course, this is also an Open Show, so adults
we want you too! Registration materials available on our website at:
Ranch Horse
 Gaming
 Performance
Advisory Meetings
Tue, May 14
Tue, Jul 2 (Note Change of Date!)
Tue, Sep 10
Tue, Nov 12
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
General Session
Following 5 Project Areas Split:
Livestock, Horse, Dog, Small Animal and
Home Ec
Shooting Sports and S.E.T. will meet on their
own day (typically the Wed after)
Educational Displays!
Get to Work!
This year, educational displays that you wish to
use for potential scores in high points and overall
knowledge based contests will be turned in on
Friday (showmanship day) of horse fair. You
will sign up with your fair entries, so you can be
given an interview time, you will interview on
Friday with your display. This allows this display placing to potentially be a part of the versatility and overall knowledge based awards. We
will then keep your displays and put them on display at the county fair, as well as allow them to
be considered for state fair eligibility. So work
on yours now, then it will be done when the
weather gets good and you can spend your time
outside instead of working on your educational
You may also turn it in and interview during regular fair, but any placing will not be a part of
overall horse awards.
Here’s a link to everything you need to know
about Oregon 4-H Educational Displays:
2013 4-H Fair Judges
Show/Trail: Tabatha Bielemeier
Perf/RH/Gaming: Anne Garrett
Perf/RH/Gaming: Jan Wallace
Fair Theme for 2013
“Fun For the Whole Herd”
Central District OHSET Meet
For your scheduling convenience.
Meet #3: April 19-21, 2013
State Meet
May 16-19, 2013
Meet #1: Feb 21-23, 2014
Meet #2: Mar 28-30, 2014
Meet #3: Apr 18-20, 2014
State: May 15-18, 2014
Horse’n Around
le at
on Av
Horse’n Around
High Point Awards Changing
The NEW High Point Criteria for Horse Project
High Points will be as follows:
Performance High Point (JR, INT & SR)
 One rider, any horse(s) combination
 Showmanship Score
 Plus, 3 BEST performance class scores,
these include: trail, driving, equitation over
fences, western equitation, hunt seat equitation, saddle seat equitation, ground training,
and in hand trail
 Actual class scores will be used, NOT premium points
Ranch Horse High Point (JR, INT, & SR)
 One rider, one horse
 ALL Ranch Horse events are included
 Actual class scores are used, not premium
Gaming High Point (JR, INT, & SR)
 One rider, any horse(s) combination
 Best 4 out 5 or 5 out of 6 events (number of
events available depends on your age division)
 Top 10 times are placed in each event and
awarded points; 10 pts for first, 9 pts for
2nd, etc.
Versatility Award (JR, INT, & SR)
 One rider, any horse(s) combination
 Best 3 “knowledge” Based Scores
(presentations, horse bowl, horse judging,
hippology, RH Skills, Educational Displays
 Best Showmanship Score (only get one)
 Best 6 Scores—Maximum of 3 in any one
division (Ranch Horse, Gaming, Performance)
 Must participate in a minimum of one class
in all 4 divisions: (Knowledge, Ranch
Horse, Gaming, & Performance)
 Calculated using premium points
Knowledge Based Award
Changes Slightly
This award recognizes the Junior, Intermediate,
and seniors who outperforms others in
knowledge based contests. This year, Educational Displays and the Ranch Horse Skills classes will be added to those classes who’s scores
may potentially be used to calculate the best 4
out of 6 contests (previously best 3 out of 5). In
addition to these two new options, hippology,
presentations, horse judging, and horse bowl are
included. ccb
Still in Need of
Fair Award
Sponsors for:
Sheep Carcass of Merit @ $10 each
Food Skills CH @ $40
High Point Beef Exhibitor @ $100
High Point Goat Exhibitor @ $100
High Point Sheep Exhibitor @ $100
Leathercraft CH @ $40 each
Performance Horse & Ranch Horse
Highpoints @ $100 each
 Ranch Horse Reserve High Point @ $75 each
 Ranch Horse Showmanship @ $40
Give Kim a call if you can help out….
Horse’n Around
Horse Bowl for Juniors #2
is Coming Soon
The first event of two is happening right now as
I write this reminder. Come to Junior Horse
Bowl round #2 on Wednesday, May 22 at 6pm
in the North Sister building. Enter through the
back (North) door. This is NOT a scary experience, come and enjoy the fun. You only have
to study 2 items: The Project Book and the
Contest Guide. Come and enjoy the learning
and fun!
Are You Leasing an Animal?
Remember leases are required on all leased animals. Your lease must run from the animal
possession date (May 15, June 1, Apr 17, etc.
—depending on your project area) through the
state fair. One you lease the animal and exhibit
it at the fair, no one else may exhibit it at another fair. If you are leasing a horse and have
questions about the owner riding it on occasion, better call Candi, so everything is clear—
she really hates to disqualify folks because they
don’t follow the rules. 541-548-6088 x 7954
This Event Raises Funds for the Deschutes
County Horse 4-H Leaders
Tack, clothing and equipment consignment sale during the High School Equestrian State Meet May 16-19 Deschutes
County Fair & Expo Center
NEED YOUR HELP!! Encourage 4-H members to help set up, work and/or take down along
with parent or leader!!
Wednesday May 15th Set up lattice fence, tables and bring over donated items to 4-H from
storage at 4 p.m. need minimum of 2 people…
Need name and phone number
Wednesday May 15th: 5-8 p.m. take in sale
items; Minimum of 2 people:
Thursday May 16th (3 people each shift)
9 a.m. –noon:
Noon-3 p.m.:
3 p.m. – 6 p.m.:
6 p.m.- 8 p.m.:
Friday May 17th:
9 a.m.-noon:
Noon- 3 p.m
3 p.m. 6 p.m.
6 p.m.8 p.m.
Christina Bates
[email protected]
& Kathy Russell
[email protected]
Saturday May 18th:
9 a.m.-noon
Noon- 3 p.m.:
3 p.m.-6 p.m.:
6 p.m.- 8 p.m.:
Sunday May 19th:
9 a.m. – 11 a.m.:
11 a.m. – noon help check tack back to sellers,
tear down booth and put donated items back in
storage for DCLA
Christina Bates: 541-419-1055
For the Record…
Deschutes County
Extension Staff
3893 SW Airport Way, Redmond, OR 97756
541/548-6088 or Fax: 541/548-8919
4-H Staff
Candi Bothum, 4-H Program Coordinator
541/548-6088 x 7954, 541-419-6350 cell, or
[email protected]
Reaza Mansur, 4-H Program Assistant
541/548-6088 x 7966 or
[email protected]
Extension Service, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Scott Reed, Dean & Director. This publication was produced and distributed in furtherance
of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30,
1914. Extension work is a cooperative program of
Oregon State University, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, and Oregon Counties.
Oregon State University Extension Service offers
educational programs, activities, and materials
without discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status,
national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status. Oregon State University
Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Kim Griffiths, 4-H Office Assistant
541-548-6088 x 7969 or
[email protected]
AND hundreds of volunteers
that make all the difference!
Deschutes County 4-H
Leaders Assoc
3893 SW Airport Way
Redmond, OR 97756
Deliver to the family of: