CANINE DACHSHUND Miniature Wirehair


CANINE DACHSHUND Miniature Wirehair
Miniature Wirehair
Submission Form • Laboratory of Veterinary Genetics • DNA Analysis
DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES Direct: 450-778-8151 Tel: 450-773-8521 ext. 8243 or 514-343-6111 ext. 8243 Fax: 450-778-8107 Send Samples to:
Sample Reception, CDEVQ
DiagnosVc Services Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Montreal, 3220 Sico^e St.
Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada J2S 2M2 ANIMAL / OWNER INFORMATION
Direct Inquiries to : Dr David Silversides 450-­‐773-­‐8521 ext. 8464 [email protected] Ms Isabelle Daneau 450-773-8521 ext. 8226 [email protected] VETERINARIAN NFORMATION Name of animal:________________________________________ Veterinarian:______________________________________ Breed:____________________________ Age: _______________ Veterinary Clinic:___________________________________ Sex:
Address:__________________________________________ F
Colour:____________________ Identification:__________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Dossier No:____________________________________________ Tel:__________________ Fax:______________________ Owner Name:__________________________________________ e-mail:___________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Tel:__________________________________________________ e-mail: ______________________________________________
Submission Date:_______________________________
Sample Type submitted:
Buccal Swab Sample (4X)
Bill To: Client
Small Animal Hospital (CHUV)
Blood (EDTA) 2 to 5 ml
DNA ANALYSES FOR DACHSHUND Miniature Wirehair : Please check off test(s) you wish to have done.
Epilepsy (Lafora) (M408)
Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIa (MPS IIIa) (M517)
Narcolepsy (Dachshund type) (M513)
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 1 (NCL-1) (M456)
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 2 (NCL-2) (M412)
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Dachshund type) (M548)
PRA-CRD4/Cord1 (M540)
Cream (Agouti/dominant yellow) (M419)
Dapple (M414)
Dilution (locus D) (M427)
Long Hair (locus L) (M537)
Recessive Red (E locus) (M430)
Genotype, parentage (G401)
Other :________________________________________ Send completed submission form and samples to:
Sample Reception, CDEVQ, Diagnostic Services, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Montreal, 3220 Sico^e Street, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada J2S 2M2