2013 E-Report - Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens


2013 E-Report - Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
“We make a living by what we get in life. But we make a life by what we give.” WINSTON CHURCHILL
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens is often called the “people’s garden” because
it was created by ordinary people with extraordinary spirits of generosity. And
because that giving spirit continues, CMBG will always be the people’s garden.
We are honored to recognize the people who made financial donations in 2013
to support our three-fold mission of horticulture, education and research. Those
gifts enabled nearly 100,000 visitors from around the world to explore the exquisite gardens, stunning stonework, exceptional natural landscapes, waterfalls and
sculptures. In 2013, donations of all sizes supported a range of needs including
daily operating expenses, education programs, internships, special equipment, the
Master Planning process, artwork, the boat dock, land acquisition and endowment.
On behalf of everyone at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, we thank
the people who make life richer for all of us through their generosity.
Supporters who made annual donations of $150 or more were invited to vote for their favorite garden at
CMBG. As annual gifts came in, many people reported that they simply could not choose one “favorite”
because all of our beloved gardens evoke their own unique appeal. There was only one conclusion:
At Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, every single ornamental and themed garden is a winner!
This network of more than three miles of
footpaths takes visitors through some of
the Gardens’ most beautiful forests and
ledges and along nearly the entire length
of its mile-long waterfront. Most of this
trail system showcases trees, shrubs, wildflowers, ferns and
mosses indigenous to the property.
Thanks to a generous challenge gift from the
Harold Alfond Foundation, the Bibby and
Harold Alfond Children’s Garden opened to
a crowd of more than 3,000 people in 2010.
It encompasses two acres of woods, ponds
and intensively designed theme gardens inspired by wellknown children’s books by Maine authors. This is a garden that
celebrates wonder, discovery and fun; a garden for kids of all
ages that remains interesting for adults.
Meandering paths and a changing elevation
make this garden of less than a half-acre
seem much larger. Paths circle around
through five distinct regions designed to
emphasize each of the senses, descending
slowly to a weir separating two ponds before rising again to
the exit. Opening in 2009 after many years of planning and
a generous gift from Daniel and Lyn Lerner, the garden was
carefully designed to be horticulturally interesting and fun
for all visitors regardless of their level of physical ability.
The Giles Rhododendron Garden nestles
into a hillside on our northeastern
edge and is located approximately one
third of a mile from the central gardens
surrounding the Visitor Center and Bosarge
Family Education Center. The location is comfortably
removed from the hubbub, allowing visitors a quiet amble
through winding paths up a hillside featuring more than a
thousand rhododendrons as well as a tremendous spring
bulb display.
With generous support from Dan and
Susan Haney, the Haney Hillside Garden
features massive ledges and outcrops
that dominate the property. The land
lies atop an old fault line formed when
a section of the earth’s crust slammed into another at a
glacial, but relentless geological speed. The pressure of
this slow-motion collision created steep cliffs that run
north to south and slope generally to the west. Over
time, the cliffs eroded and softened while still imparting
dramatic topography and elevation changes. It features
three terraces linking 1,000 feet of switchback paths set
between major outcrops of ledge.
After a generous gift from the Vayo family,
construction began on a long-imagined
meditative garden—a quiet retreat for
those seeking the tranquility of the Shore.
Featuring large granite blocks of pink,
gray, black and white brought in from quarries stretching
from the Midcoast to the shore and islands Down East, the
stone had to be hauled down the hillside piece-by-piece.
Visitors thrill to the monumental stone basin carved from
a single boulder of Ellsworth Schist by Maine sculptor,
David Holmes, and a stone path patterned like a spiral of
DNA that leads through ferns and moss to a granite bench
overlooking the garden.
The Woodland Garden, surrounding
the ceremonial lawn and just west of
the Cleaver Event Lawn, is a study of
how gardening beneath trees can be a
challenge because of the shady conditions.
These forest giants capture most of the available sunlight,
nutrients and water, leaving little for the shrubs, flowers,
ferns and mosses growing in their shade. By removing
diseased and smaller trees that are weak or overcrowded
along with the lowest twenty to thirty feet of branches,
the opened canopy gives the space a loftier, vaulted
feeling. Light levels on the forest floor double while root
competition is cut in half. Thus, plants that flourish in shady
conditions thrive and the greatest possible diversity of tree
species remains.
During construction in 2006, the pond was
excavated and lined then planted with
appropriate shrubs, trees and pond plants.
The pond quickly filled with frogs and
aquatic insects and large stepping stones
were set into the water. Semi-aquatic plants were planted
in the mud at the water’s edge and held down with stones
placed atop their roots until they were established. The
most obvious truly aquatic plants are the beautiful water
lilies whose sweetly scented flowers appear continuously
throughout the summer. These water lilies are all forms of
our native species so they are completely winter hardy.
Planting herbs, vegetables, fruits and even
medicinal plants within easy reach of the
kitchen can be as simple as scattering a
few seeds in the dooryard or cultivating a
window box or two. Thanks to a gift from
the Burpee Foundation this garden began as part of the
Visitor Center construction in 2006. To meet the demands of
our café and provide it with signature herbs, edible flowers,
fruits, and vegetables, it was located where the chefs could
access it easily. In 2012, the wall that surrounds the garden
was extended to create a more intimate atmosphere. At
the same time some beds were expanded and café tables
were added to invite diners not only to taste the fruits of this
garden, but to enjoy their food in it as well. Visitors delight
in the Sentinel Island stone sculpture and water feature by
sculptor, Gary Haven Smith.
The lovely small Kousa dogwood—
a relative of our native flowering
dogwood—blooms from June into midJuly and the large, pure white flowers have
an undeniable matrimonial aspect. Weddings are regularly
held here in the summer months, so it seemed natural to
marry the first plant collection with a ceremonial space
large enough to accommodate several hundred guests.
With a generous gift from the Cleaver family, construction
on the Cleaver Event Lawn began in 2008. While the view
from the grass is lovely, the vista looking up at the masses
of perennials and flowering shrubs is even better from the
Lerner Garden of the Five Senses located below. In keeping
with the celebratory theme of this garden, the planting
design relies heavily on white as well as pastel pink, yellow
and blue-flowered species.
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens is committed to a business model that blends revenue from earned income and fundraising along with disciplined
financial management. While many botanical gardens that are highly dependent on corporate, government or private funding for operations
have struggled in recent years, we feel our blend of mission-relevant, entrepreneurial earned income and strategic philanthropic investment is a
model for innovation and financial sustainability in the 21st century. As a still-young botanical garden we raised $24.5 million to purchase the land,
to design and create a dozen ornamental and display gardens and to build the physical plant necessary to support guest services, operational
facilities and mission-based programming. Our fundraising for the first Master Plan centered primarily on operations and capital expenditure.
Growing the important-yet-modest endowment is now a top priority in the Master Plan that will carry us through 2035.
A full 75% of revenues went to
programs and services in 2013.
8% Fundraising
Fundraising costs
were only 8%.
Only 17% of
revenues went to
administrative costs.
Coastal Maine
Gardens operates
according to the
“best practices”
standards of
Charity Navigator,
America’s largest
charity evaluator.
Annual gifts have been called the
lifeblood of a nonprofit organization.
That’s because annual donations
pay for the budgeted expenses—
the daily operating costs—of the
nonprofit. No nonprofit can fulfill
its mission and be sustainable on a
long-term basis without loyal and
generous annual donors.
At Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, it’s annual
gifts—whether $25 or $25,000—that assure the
highest quality in:
ú Horticultural excellence on 270 acres of exquisite
gardens, stunning stonework, exceptional natural
landscapes, waterfalls and sculptures.
ú Accessible and innovative formal and informal
learning experiences for preschoolers, K-12 youth,
adults, gardeners with disabilities and Master
ú Exceptional staff members who work as full-time,
part-time, and seasonal employees as well as
interns who serve in every area of operations.
We proudly salute all of our annual donors. To
those in the annual giving CIRCLES, we appreciate
your special generosity to CMBG. To everyone who
supports the Gardens year-after-year, we say “every
gift matters and every dollar counts!”
Barbara and Theodore Alfond
Marie Taylor Bosarge
Walter and Helen Norton
PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE | $10,000–$24,999
Rebecca and Thad Hutcheson
Margaret and Bob Reiser
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yardley
DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE | $5,000–$9,999
John V. and Nancy S. Abbott
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Brodie
Ms. Carol J. Hancock
Miss Selina F. Little
Louise W. McIlhenny and Hugh C. Riddleberger
Stephen and Cynthia O’Brien
Larry and Jean Pugh
Beth and Tom Renyi
Pat and Joe Schubert
Jou and Mabel Tchao
Mr. and Mrs. Monte J. Wallace
Max and Evelyn Schacknow Foundation, Inc.
A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Foundation
Sempra Energy Foundation
LEADER’S CIRCLE | $2,500–$4,999
Karen Bartholomew
Rick and Susan Copeland
The Doering Family
Blythe Bickel Edwards
Ms. Faith Cory Gardiner and Mr. Terry Kungel
John R. and Sarah H. Giles
Drs. Mary B. Neal and Wendy J. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pollard
Susan and Cliff Russell
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Schreiber, Jr.
David and Paula Swetland
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Welter
Mrs. Sally A. Wood
The Community Foundation of Sarasota County
Northeast Sustainable Energy Association
The Catalyst Fund
FOUNDER | $1,000–$2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Akre
Mr. William C. Allison, IV
Betts and C.D. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bauman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Blakelock
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Carr
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Emge and Mrs. Gail Lanouette
Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbons
Polly Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Griffin
Daniel Q. and Susan P. Haney
John and Martha Heald
Mr. and Mrs. Ardon B. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Kresge
The Kurzius Family
Mrs. Sandra Blake Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Matthews
Betsy Morrell
Ted and Mary Gene Myer
Mrs. Nancy Brown Negley and Ms. Tammy Barter
Joanne and Dick O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. O’Connor
Ms. Sheila Olmstead
Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuel Parkhill
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierce
Nancy and George Putnam
Dr. Marianne Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. William Royall
Ms. Anne H. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Saltonstall
Dr. and Mrs. Seabury Stoneburner
Nancy and Bruce Tindal
Barbara and Larry Townley
Mrs. Marie Vayo Wood and Dr. Donald N. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wallace
Ms. Elisse Walter and Mr. Ronald Stern
The Cartwright Foundation
INVESTOR | $500–$999
Ms. Katharine B. Alfond and Mr. Joseph P. Donahue
Bob and Kitty Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K. Buck, Jr.
Mr. Robert Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaal
Ms. Anna-Lisa Gotschlich
Wilfred H. and Emily H. Hall
Ms. Louisa Hart
Mr. John H. Kilbourne
Mr. Jack D. Mahle
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Medd, M.D.
Mrs. Rona M. Metcalf
Ms. Suzan J. Mitchell
Wells and Mollie Moore
Mr. and Mrs. K. Scott Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Newell
Ms. Judith Nightingale and Mr. Franklin A. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Eliot Paine
Ms. Ann Beha and Mr. Robert A. Radloff
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rehm
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Robitaille
Gita Rothschild-Berry
Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Spinner
Mrs. Elizabeth O. Volckening
Ms. Margo Wintersteen
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wishcamper
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wolfram
The Garden Club of Mount Desert
Maine Women’s Forum
Gagne & Son Concrete Products
LMNOP Pig and Crappie Farm
SUSTAINER | $250–$499
Rosamond W. Allen and Paul E. Landry
Ms. Jinny Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Blakeslee
Mrs. Sara L. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burchstead
Elizabeth and George Burns
Mrs. Jean W. Burrage
Mrs. Edward V. Bush
Mr. L. Russell Cartwright and Mr. Donald Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheston
Ms. Reneta Cloutier
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey S. Conover
Merry and John Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Downing
Ms. Nancy G. Fax
Ms. Francesca Galluccio-Steele
Anne and Walter Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner
Ms. Susan H. Gays and Mr. Richard F. Gays
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Gervais
Dennis and Marty Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Grosset
Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Haberland
Mrs. Christina M. Haiss-Koehl and Mr. Hans H. Koehl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Henderek
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hincks
Cynthia B. Hosmer
Claire Hunt
Ms. Pat M. Jeremiah
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Johnson III
McKown Point Family Partnership
Dr. and Mrs. Brian E. LaPointe
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Lathbury
Mrs. Cotheal Linnell
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Liteplo
Ms. Martha Barrett and Mr. Stephen L. Malcom
Dr. and Mrs. James A. McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Miller
Ms. Jane V. Miller
Ms. Susan V. Morris and Mr. Chip Newell
Mr. William Muirhead
Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nemrow
Mr. Ernst A. Benzien and Ms. Susan Newbold
Neil and Margaret Newton
Ms. Barbara Nims
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano
Mr. and Mrs. Dann N. Batting
Capt. and Mrs. Donald F. Rahn, Ret.
Ms. Susanne Raynor
Mr. David M. Rines and Ms. Alisa A. Pascale
Mr. Kenneth E. Schaller
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron R. Scharff, Jr.
Dr. Joanne Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smaha
J.P. and Kaki Smith
Mrs. Cynthia W. Smith
Ms. Patricia J. O’Reilly and Mr. David B. Soule
Ms. Deirdre Strachan and Mr. Jose F. Mas
Dr. Betty M. Torrance
Mr. and Mrs. Eyk Van Otterloo
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Siclen
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wicker
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Winslow, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joe H. Woody
Tindal & Callahan Real Estate
Elsie & William Viles Foundation
Harpswell Garden Club
FRIEND | $150–$249
Ms. Sally Amory
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Barker III
Mr. and Mrs. Art Batson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Birlem
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. Bither
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bouton
Mr. and Mrs. William Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brazeau
Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Brinegar
Frank and Karen Brower
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burnes
Mrs. Carrine A. Burns and Mr. Peter H. Bouman
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Carlisle
Ms. Ellen Catlin and Mr. Thomas Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Cerel
Mrs. and Mr. Margaret G. Coit
Ms. Catherine E. Conn
Major and Mrs. Jeffrey Conover, USA (ret.)
Mrs. John P. Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Craig
Ms. Marquerite Cutroni and Mr. David J. Maki
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Dench
Edie Denney
Mr. and Mrs. James Devine
Ms. BJ Dobson
Ms. Nancy Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Dwyer
Ms. Jacqueline J. Elderkin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Emmons
Mrs. Bette Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Evans
Mrs. Margaret R. Fearon
Mrs. Mary B. Fenn
Ms. Marcia B. Fenn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ferguson
Ms. Cathy Fisher and Mr. Robert Stanley
Mrs. John C. Fitch
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodyear
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Grew
Dr. Bernie Dahl and Ms. Jan Halloran-Dahl
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hays, Jr.
Mrs. Madge H. Henning and Mr. Warren N. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Hess
Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Higgins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoglund
Ms. Elizabeth P. Hunt and Mr. George L. Cushing
Mr. and Mrs. Jervis Janney
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jenks
Ms. Elizabeth L. Johnston
Ms. Helen G. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Bill T. Knowles
Mrs. Esta Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laprise
Mrs. Margaret M. Logan
Ms. Carolyn Lumbard
Mr. and Mrs. Will MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Magnus, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mangum
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Manny
Ms. Ann Maude
Ms. Mary McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Grier H. Merwin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mitterling
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Muzzy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Napolitan
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Newstead
Mr. Lorrel Nichols
Mrs. Martha O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. David Otto
Ms. Lea R. Parson
Dr. and Mrs. John Pulvino
Rachel and Joel Reck
Ms. Patricia B. Rice
Mr. Todd Richardson
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Richter
Mr. and Mrs. William Robb
Ms. Ann P. Robinson
Mr. Steve Rodgers and Mr. Mark Mullis
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rogers, Jr.
Ms. Jean Rosenberg and Mr. Peter Southwick
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton N. Ross
Ms. Barbara A. Ross and Mr. William A. Carito
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ruhl
Ms. Constance A. Saindon
Ms. Mary Anne Schneider and Mr. Charles W. Eldridge II
Mr. Derek K. Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Warren O. Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherman
Ms. Margo Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Simonson
Mr. and Mrs. Slavet
Ms. Sally Giddings Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David Sortor
Mr. Jim Staples
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stuart
Mrs. Jeanne Myers Suiter
Ms. Joan P. Tilney
Dr. Magdalena Tosteson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Trouern-Trend
Dr. and Mrs. Herman Turndorf
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tyrrell
Ms. Katharine J. Watson
Ms. Margaret Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Wedemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weil III
Ms. Susan R. Welch
Ms. Rhoda Weyr and Prof. Fred Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill H. Whitley
Ms. Debby Wolak
Bath Savings Institution
Rocktide Inn
Now You’re Cooking
Scott Simons Architects
Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation
We appreciate every gift to the Gardens.
Listed below are donors who gave up to $149.
Ms. Joan Alderisio
Ms. Joyce Amici
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Anderson
Mr. Rufus Ansley
Ms. Lesley Arnott
Ms. Joyce A. Bailey and Mr. Dave Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bensen
Ms. Lois-Jean Berry
Mr. and Mrs. John Bertuzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Brown
Dr. Philomena M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. George Browning
Ms. Mary Ellen Brzozowski
Mrs. Jean Buckley Smith and Mr. Robert Smith
Ms. Lisa Cameron
Ms. Anne M. Wright and Mr. Terrance L. Campbell
Ms. Christine F. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Canton
Ms. Sally Carignan
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Carmolli
Ms. Barbara Carson and Ms. Amanda Carson
Ms. Elizabeth C. Cassidy
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Cataldo
Ms. Noreen D. Chabot
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cheston, Jr.
Ms. Cecelia L. Cierpich
Ms. Grace Cleaves and Mr. Michael Miles
Ms. Sally F. Clifford
Mrs. Richard Coffin
Ms. Sylvia L. Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Cuthbert
Ms. Shelley L. Dal Pra
Ms. Claire Darrow and Mr. A. Myrick Freeman
Mrs. Judy Davidson
Mr. and Ms. James Dennison
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deskus, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Deucher
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dodge
Jim and Sarah Bowie
Mr. and Mrs. John Dranchak
Ms. Hannah N. Dring
Ms. Susan Dugovic and Ms. Bonnie Dill
Dr. Carol Dukes Hamilton and Dr. John Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Dunsford
Ms. Betsy Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. William Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Etzweiler
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Evjy
Ms. Phine Ewing and Mr. Donald Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Fairfield
Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Farris
Ms. Gail Fels
Ms. Ruth Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Julian D. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Found
Mrs. Linda M. Frinsko
Ms. Paulette Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Gardiner
Ms. Florence Garvie
Mrs. Dale Genimatas
Ms. Jennifer Glick and Mr. Dale Bruce
Mr. Daniel Goldberg
Ms. Dorothy A. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guarino
Ms. Christina M. Guy
Mr. Donald Hale
Ms. Carol J. Hamblet
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hankinson
Ms. Karen Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris
Mr. Philip H. Haselton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hassan
Ms. Eleanor A. Heacock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy
Ms. Karen J. Henderson
Mrs. Lucile P. Hicks
Mrs. Laura S. Honey
Mrs. Vivian Horoshak and Mr. Robert Hawkins
Ms. Sue Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hoy
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. John James
Mrs. Alice J. Jenkins
Mrs. Barbara D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jones
Ms. Joanna E. Jones
Mrs. Joanna M. Jones
Ms. Tammy Jordon
Ms. Rebecca Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kaciuba, Jr.
Ms. Julia G. Kahrl
Mr. and Mrs. David Keay
Ms. Deborah A. Keefe and Mr. John E. Sedgewick
Drs. Michael and Robbie Klemm
Ms. Deborah Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kowalczyk
Ms. Leslie N. Kremer
Ms. Laureen LaBar and Mr. Scott Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lemieux
Mrs. Annamarie Lightfoot
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Lingel II
Ms. Jennifer Litchfield and Mr. Peter Felsenthal
Ms. Laura Livingston and Mr. Gordon N. Hyson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Long
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lunt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. MacCormac
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Martin
Ms. Martha G. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Mattson
Mrs. Peggy Mazzola
Ms. Marian F. McAleenan
Mrs. Beverley B. McCoid
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDonough III
Ms. Maeve McGuire
Ms. Eileen McNally
Mr. and Mrs. George McNeil
Ms. Janet E. Mead
Ms. Elizabeth B. Meirowitz
Ms. Florence Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Micoleau
Mr. and Mrs. David Mills
Mr. John Moncure
Ms. Jytte P. Monke
Ms. Patricia Moore
Mrs. Sandra Morrell Rooney and Mr. Charles Rooney
Ms. Sylvie Morse
Ms. Tina Muecke
Mrs. Gretchen S. Murray
Ms. Heather Myers
Mr. John B. Nason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ness
Mr. and Mrs. James Newell
Mrs. Mary Jane O’Connor and Dr. Susan O’Connor
Ms. Anne Olivo
Ms. Tonda L. Olson
Dr. Francoise Paradis
Mr. and Mrs. Irv Paradis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parkhurst
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pelton
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Polewarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Pratt
Ms. Cynthia S. Reardon
Ms. Margaret M. Rhinelander
Ms. Gail N. Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Riddell
Ms. Mary Ann Rideout
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ridgeway
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rines
Ms. Sharon A. Ring
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Ripley
Mr. William L. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosen
Diana Royce Smith and Larry Smith
Ms. Jeanie K. Rubio
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Russell
Ms. Meredith Rutter and Mr. Gary Marple
Ms. Alison M. Ryley
Jean Marie and Nelson Sanger
Ms. Pamela Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Saxby, Jr.
Ms. Marge Schmuckal and Mr. Paul Brume
Ms. Christine Sears
Mrs. Sandra Seifert
Drs. Orrin and Linda Shane
Ms. Patricia N. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Sherr
Mr. and Mrs. Foster M. Shibles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shippee
Dr. and Mrs. Barry P. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sinclair
Ms. Melinda Y. Small
Mrs. Margaret M. Smith
Mr. Ralph L. Snow
Mr. Charles Snyder
Ms. Robin Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Spock
Ms. Susan Goodwillie Stedman
Mr. and Mrs. William Stenson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stephenson
Mr. Chris Stewart
Ms. Susan Q. Stranahan
Ms. Kristin G. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Talmadge
Linden Thigpen
Mrs. Kimberley Thompson
Ms. Jessica Hans and Mr. Jonathan Tindal
Mr. and Mrs. RJ Trabona
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tucker
Ms. Dorothy O. Turcotte
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Turner, Jr.
Ms. Elaine D. Unger
Dr. Elaine Vande Hei and Col. Richard Vande Hei
Ms. Catherine W. Verrillo and Mr. Paul F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Vietze
Mr. and Mrs. Whit Vye
Mr. and Mrs. James Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Walters
Ms. Donna Ward Smith
The Reverend and Mrs. Donald Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wellman
Ms. Nancy S. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Whelan, Jr.
Mrs. Doris A. Wible
Dr. Nancy G. Wilds
Ms. Muriel L. Wilhelm
Mrs. Barbara Williams
Ms. Jennifer Williams and Mr. Bill Card
Ms. Frances W. Williamson and Mr. Donald B. Johnston
Ms. Cecelia Widup and Ms. Sherron Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Winchester
Dr. Cynthia Winne and Dr. James Newton
Mr. Jeremy Wintersteen
Mr. William Wood
Ms. Gayle Yarnall and Mr. Neal Kuniansky
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Young
Ms. Karen Zielinski and Ms. Constance O. Crocker
Quintel IV, LLC-McDonalds
Southern Maine Garden Club
Autodesk, Inc.
In addition to annual donations, we are grateful to donors
who made gifts for special purposes:
With a $4 million endowment, CMBG
has established a meaningful start on
building a reliable basis of sustainable
support. Annual distributions from
our endowment accounts (held by
the Maine Community Foundation)
are calculated as 4% of the average
account balances for the previous
12 quarters as of September 30th of
the previous year. It is also CMBG’s
policy that all new projects include a
minimum of 20% for endowment.
ú Stephen and Cynthia O’Brien
úMarjorie Twombly
CMBG depends on students from
colleges around the nation and right
here in Maine who receive real world
experience as they pursue careers in
horticulture, education, marketing
business administration, philanthropy
and nonprofit management.
ú John and Charlene Bridge
ú The Helen Clay Frick Foundation
(Arabella and Nat Dane)
ú The Pearson Family Charitable
Thanks to the generosity of Mel Rines,
our splendid waterfront pier makes
CMBG the only botanical garden in
the U.S. that can be accessed by land
and water.
ú The S. Melvin Rines Family
Foundation (Mel and Mary Jo Rines)
As a hallmark of sustainability, our
second Master Plan (2015–2035) has
as its goal to protect and preserve the
wilderness and water resources of
our rural coastal region. Well-planned
and well-designed recreational and
learning space will enable CMBG to
accommodate 300,000 annual visitors
by the middle of the 21st century.
ú Blythe Bickel Edwards
ú Rebecca and Thad Hutcheson
ú Louise W. McIlhenny and
Hugh C. Riddleberger
ú Drs. Mary B. Neal and Wendy J. Wolf
ú Joanne and Dick O’Connor
ú Susan and Cliff Russell
ú The Sears-Swetland Family
For a variety of unique needs at CMBG,
benefactors made donations that add
greatly to the CMBG experience.
ú Acorn Foundation funded “Maine
Days” which provides free admission
to all Maine residents over the three
day Memorial Day Weekend.
ú John R. and Sarah H. Giles funded
a spectacular stone bench set on a
moss and stone terrace in memory
of their son, Charlie.
ú Cynthia Hosmer assisted in the
design and donated the Sentinel
Island stone sculpture and
water feature by sculptor Gary
Haven Smith displayed in the
Kitchen Garden.
ú Institute for Museum and Library
Services awarded a Master Planning
grant to help fund the project that
will plot the course of the Gardens
through 2035.
ú Lyn and Daniel Lerner funded two
challenge grants that included the
launch of an innovative website
to fully integrate our technology
systems and the purchase of a
22-acre parcel of land adjacent to
the Gardens to bring CMBG’s total
campus to 270 acres.
ú The Lunder Foundation provided
generous funding to design,
develop and pilot an innovative,
standards-driven curriculum for
Maine’s seventh grade teachers and
students that combines history with
ú Stephen and Cynthia O’Brien gave
special funding for the purchase
and installation of window shades
to facilitate presentations and
learning in the Bosarge Family
Education Center.
ú UNUM awarded a grant for
supplies and equipment for CMBG’s
horticultural therapy program
that serves people with a range of
disabilities by working with plants
and a horticultural therapist.
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
is the proud beneficiary of
two challenge grants from the
renowned Kresge Foundation.
The first challenge grant was
issued in 2005, and in 2011,
a second Kresge Challenge
created a 1:1 challenge to build a
$1 million maintenance reserves
fund. This fund allows the Gardens
to allocate more monies to
gardens, landscaping, education
programming and applied
botanical research by ensuring
funds are readily available for
planned and unexpected major
repairs or replacements.
The benefactors that enabled us
to reach the goal of $1 million
are listed at right.
Mr. Rufus Ansley
Ms. Betsy Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K. Buck, Jr.
Karen Barthlomew
The Doering Family
Anne and Walter Gamble
John R. and Sarah H. Giles
Mrs. Betsey Hall
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hauser
Claire Hunt
Joan and Nick Hurd
Mrs. Linda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Wade W. Judge
Ms. Felicity J. Kerr and Mr. David C. Reynolds
Lyn and Daniel Lerner
Wells and Mollie Moore
Drs. Mary B. Neal and Wendy J. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Newstead
Stephen and Cynthia O’Brien
Joanne and Dick O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierce
Ms. Jean Rosenberg and Mr. Peter Southwick
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Selby
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Spinner
Dr. and Mrs. Seabury Stoneburner
Mr. Phililp M. Syphrit
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Taylor
Marjorie Twombly
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Warren
Katherine N. Wheeler
W. Mark Wheeler, III
Mrs. Sally A. Wood
Grayce B. Kerr Fund
The Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation
Love Family Charitable Trust
Kearns Family Foundation
A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Foundation
Sacajawea Charitable Fund
Gifts given in memory of the following individuals in 2013
Lillian Aubens
Walter and Jean Bayer
Dr. Sumner Berkovich
Dr. Edward Corbett
Lauren Emery
Ned Freeman
Beatrice Gherardi
Charles F. Giles, II
Rollins Hale
Deborah Harding
Dr. Thomas Hilton
Bob Jeremiah
Beverly Kirill
Molly Levin
Mildred Lofgren
Katherine Mabley Lyons
Ethel Martin
Edith Mason
May Irma Pardy
George Pew
Al Plumer
Louise Nystrom Reed
Laura Roberts
Pat Ryan
Judith Catherine Siegmund Smith
Mary Lou Swasey
Wendy Turner Tabor
Andrea Dickson Wells
Betty Wenniger
Gifts given in honor of the following individuals in 2013
Wayne and Jo Ashby
Alice Boyd
James and Caroline Bristol
Patricia Noe Bursaw
Ginger and Calvin Carr
Sue and Curt Downer
Ann Dugovic
Robert and Rachel Guerin
Jillian Higgins
Cynthia Hosmer
Pamela Hunt
Dan and Lyn Lerner
Mollie Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nickels
Bill Phinney
Mel and Mary Jo Rines
Bob and Martha Sayler
Pat and Joe Schubert
Foster and Mickey Shiles
Mariellen Whelan
Maggie and Dick Zieg
TOTAL 2013
Maine Superintendent Regions
participating in the Lunder New
Naturalists Program
participants in
the Trees,
Timbers and
We have made every effort to acknowledge our supporters accurately. Please accept our sincere apologies for any omissions or inaccuracies
that may have occurred. If you have any questions or corrections, please contact Dorothy Freeman at [email protected].