Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report


Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
to the
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Working at Shore Health is more than
a job for the members of our team.
I see this every day as our clinical
staff interacts one-on-one with our
patients and as our team takes pride
in keeping our facilities clean
and delivering meals with a smile.
Kenneth Kozel, FACHE, President and CEO,
Shore Health System
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Your Shore Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Your Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Meeting High Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Among the Best. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Our Physician Partners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Community Partnerships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Philanthropy: Many Ways to Give. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Financial Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Memberships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Contact Us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
My first year at Shore Health has
been exciting and rewarding in
large part because of the people
I have met and the milestones we
have achieved together.
leaders. I appreciate their
perspective as we rise to the
challenges of providing health care
in a geographically and culturally
diverse rural community. I extend
special thanks to our Board Chair,
John Dillon, an engaged and
committed leader, who helps us
set the vision for the future and
offers support every step
of the way.
The Places of Shore Health
The Shore Health network spans
four counties, where we operate
two hospitals, Maryland’s only
freestanding emergency center
in a rural area, and outpatient
services in towns throughout
Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot
and Queen Anne’s counties.
The Faces of Shore Health
Working at Shore Health is more
than a job for the members of
our team. I see this every day as
our clinical staff interacts oneon-one with our patients and as
our team takes pride in keeping
our facilities clean and delivering
meals with a smile.
Physicians step up every day to
champion our patient quality
and safety initiatives. The work
they do is directly tied to our
accomplishments and I rely on
their intellect and expertise as
we make plans for the future.
We depend on the generosity of
donors and volunteers, whose
gifts of money and time make it
possible for us to purchase new
equipment and enhance the
programs and services available
to the people of our community
through all phases of life.
The Shore Health Board
of Directors is comprised
of experienced business
professionals and community
state and national level. While we
know that we provide exceptional
care, it is gratifying for our team
to get national recognition for our
efforts. Several of our service areas
also gained first time accreditation
and others earned re-accreditation,
confirmation that we meet the
highest standards of clinical care.
And our patient satisfaction scores
tell us that our commitment to
quality care is appreciated by
the people who turn to us in a
medical crisis.
Preparing for the Future
Soon after arriving at Shore
Health, I began working with my
colleague Jim Ross, President and
CEO for Chester River Health
System, and members of the two
Systems’ Boards of Directors, to
With the support of our University assess the healthcare needs of the
of Maryland partners, we have
region. Together we have held
continued to expand services
dozens of meetings and talked
by opening new facilities and
to hundreds of people. Through
offering specialty clinics in our
these efforts we are incorporating
hospitals. One of our most visible ideas and information that we
additions this past year is Shore
have collected to help shape the
Medical Pavilion in Queenstown.
vision of what is right for our
The opening of this facility signals community today, tomorrow and
our continuing commitment
in the decades ahead.
to the people of Queen
Anne’s County.
I am confident that our success
will continue long into the future.
The Results
My confidence comes from
Dedication, commitment and
knowing that the team members,
compassion have earned us a
physicians, volunteers and donors
reputation that reaches outside
of Shore Health have one mission
of the walls of our hospitals. One
in mind – to provide exceptional
of our organization’s proudest
care, every day. Together – and
moments this past year occurred
with your support - we are
when we got the news that US
Shore Health!
News and World report ranked
Shore Health number nine in the
State of Maryland and number
Kenneth Kozel, FACHE
one on the Eastern Shore.
President and CEO
Likewise, the extraordinary
results of Target Zero – our
commitment to eliminating
healthcare associated infections
– have been recognized at the
Shore Health
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
During a year of transition and challenges, Ken Kozel has demonstrated
visionary initiative, strong confidence and a keen ability to communicate
with all constituencies.
Under Ken’s leadership, we took a significant step in the development of
our plans to build a new regional medical center in Easton. In September
2012, Shore Health submitted a Certificate of Need application to the
Maryland Health Care Commission for a 126-bed regional medical center
to replace Memorial Hospital. Reaching this milestone was a significant
accomplishment, which required analysis of financial, environmental and
logistical issues in partnership with local and state agencies. These diligent
efforts resulted in the support of our Board of Directors and the University
of Maryland Medical System for what will be a $240 million investment.
Another issue - one being faced by every health system in the country - is physician recruitment. Ken and
his team continue to build positive relationships with those physicians who are already practicing here,
while actively recruiting new doctors to live and work in our community. We are particularly pleased to have
welcomed several highly qualified surgeons to our system as we prepare for the growth of our medical staff
in the months ahead.
Reflecting back on 2012, I am particularly impressed by the financial accomplishments that Ken and his staff
achieved despite a challenging economic environment. Particularly noteworthy is the national recognition
that Shore Health received for clinical excellence while reducing the cost of operating two hospitals and
outpatient facilities in four counties.
One of the Board’s top priorities is ensuring that all people in our community have available to them the best
medical services. Over the next few months and into 2013, we will continue to work with all of our colleagues
to ensure that excellent health care is accessible for the Mid-Shore region.
John Dillon, Chair, Board of Directors, Shore Health
Shore Health Board of Directors
Front row, L-R: Jack Stoltz; Phyllis Matthai, Assistant Secretary; Charles Lea, Jr., Vice Chair; Kenneth Kozel, President and
CEO; John Dillon, Chair; Robert Chrencik, President and CEO, University of Maryland Medical System; John Ashworth,
III, Senior Vice President, Network Development, University of Maryland Medical System; Martha Russell, Treasurer; and
Neil Mufson; back row: Walter Zajac, Assistant Treasurer; Richard Loeffler, Vice Chair; James Peterson; Joseph Shultz,
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary representative; Keith McMahan; Robert Carmean; David Milligan; Ida Jane Baker, Dorchester
General Hospital Auxiliary representative; Stuart Bounds, Secretary; Michael Moran, MD; and Michael Joyce, MD.
Unavailable for photo: Ludwig Eglseder, III, MD; Marlene Feldman; and Myron Szczukowski, Jr., MD, Chief of Medical Staff.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Medical Pavilion Opens in Queenstown
Shore Health expanded its presence in Queen Anne’s County when
Shore Medical Pavilion opened in December 2011 next to the Queen
Anne’s Emergency Center in Queenstown.
Learn more about
Shore Medical Pavilion at
At Shore Medical Pavilion, residents from Queen Anne’s County and
around the region can find:
• Maryland Primary Care Physicians, whose physicians and nurse
practitioners serve 3,000 patients a month
• Specialists in urology, neurology, otolaryngology (ear, nose and
throat), gynecology, general surgery and cardiology with plans to
add orthopedics and gastroenterology
• Physical and speech therapy for people of all ages
• Diagnostic and imaging services, including x-ray, MRI, digital
mammograms, bone density scan, diagnostic ultrasound
and laboratory testing
• Cardiovascular diagnostics testing, including electrocardiograms
(EKG), basic cardiac stress testing, Holter monitoring, cardiac and
vascular ultrasound with plans to add nuclear cardiac stress testing
• Shore Works occupational health services for employers who require
pre-employment testing and whose employees need medical care
for work-related injuries
• A four-bed sleep lab for overnight sleep studies
• A coffee shop that serves beverages and light snacks for the
convenience of patients, visitors and staff
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Health staff and leadership joined representatives from the University of Maryland Medical System, the University
of Maryland School of Medicine, Maryland Primary Care Physicians and the Queen Anne’s County business community
to dedicate Shore Medical Pavilion. Over 100 guests attended the dedication, which included a ribbon cutting and tours
of the facility.
Diagnostic testing
services available at
Shore Medical Pavilion
include x-ray, MRI,
digital mammograms,
bone density scan,
diagnostic ultrasound,
and laboratory testing.
Shore Rehabilitation Services staff use state of the
art equipment in sessions with people of all ages.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Wellness Partners: Innovations in Community Health Care
The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene chose Shore Health System’s Shore Wellness Partners as an
example of an innovative program that combines clinical innovations with supportive financing mechanisms to improve
health, enhance patient care and reduce cost. The program is staffed by a specialized team of advanced practice nurses
and a medical social worker, who visit people in their homes, providing them with the information and resources they
need to manage chronic diseases while avoiding unnecessary hospital readmissions. The Shore Wellness Partners team
members help patients make medical appointments, manage their medications, and address the financial demands that
a chronic illness such as heart disease or diabetes can place on patients and their families. Pictured are (left to right)
front row, Sharon Stagg, DNP, MPH, RN, Director, Shore Wellness Partners, and Lori Geisler, MSN, RN, Community
Case Specialist; back row, Dionne Walker, Department Assistant; Melanie Hampton, MSN, RN, Community Case
Specialist; and Kawana Webb, LCSW-C, Medical Social Worker.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Todd Suites Dedicated at DGH
Generous donations from the community made it possible to enhance palliative care services offered at
Dorchester General Hospital. The two new palliative care suites were dedicated to Rufus M. and Loraine
H. Todd, whose gifts were used to convert four patient rooms into two comfortable suites designed to help
patients and their families have a more private, comfortable experience. Suite amenities include flat screen
televisions, a microwave, refrigerator, rocker/recliner and a sofa that converts to a double bed for family
members who opt to spend the night.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd’s gifts were made in honor of Michael Moran, MD, Eugene Newmier, DO, and Brendon
Paltoo, MD. Funding for the suites was also raised during the 2011 DGH Luau, for which the Dorchester
General Hospital Foundation was the presenting sponsor. Other support came from the Neall Family
Charitable Foundation.
To learn more about Shore Health’s Palliative Care services visit
Ken Kozel, President and CEO for Shore Health, (standing, right) thanks
Loraine and Rufus Todd (seated) for their gifts to support palliative care
services at Dorchester General Hospital. Also pictured is Ida Jane Baker,
(left) President of the DGH Foundation.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Behavioral Health Unit renovations nearing completion
By the end of 2012, the Behavioral Health Unit at Dorchester General Hospital will be larger, brighter and more
comfortable for patients and staff. The $2.5 million dollar project, funded partially by a $1 million grant from the
State of Maryland, DGH Auxiliary, DGH Foundation and community fundraising, increases the number of beds from
16 to 24, and enhances the staff’s ability to care for patients diagnosed with mental health and substance abuse
issues. Pictured is Unit Secretary Jenna Banks in the newly renovated nurses’ station.
Home Care and Hospice Team Marks 15th Anniversary
Shore Home Care and Hospice marked 15 years of serving the community in November 2011. Skilled nurses, home
health aides, social workers and rehabilitation therapists provide home care services, hospice care and the “Lifeline”
personal response system to Mid-Shore residents. Pictured are (left to right) Rita Holley, MS, BSN, RN, Director, Shore
Home Care and Hospice, with the team members who have 15 or more years of service: from left, Penny Deshields,
clinical information processor; Roxie Palmer, home health aide; Carolyn Duvall, OTRR, Lifeline Coordinator; Lisa
Glessner, RN, hospice nurse; Caren Grant, RN, customer service intake nurse; Kelly Lord, Home Health Supervisor;
Trish Focht, RN, Hospice Supervisor; and Marjorie “Pete” Fox, RN, hospice nurse.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Diabetes Center joins University
of Maryland Network
Shore Health operates a specialized clinic
for people diagnosed with diabetes and
other endocrine disorders. In 2012, this
center, located at Memorial Hospital,
marked one year as part of the University
of Maryland Center for Diabetes and
Endocrinology, a network that offers the
highest quality of care to the people of
Maryland. The Shore Health team led by
endocrinologist Kenneth Ligaray, MD,
(standing, left) includes endocrinologist
James Mersey, MD, and a team of nurses
and diabetes educators, who provide
medical care and educational programs.
Pictured with Dr. Ligaray are (left to
right), seated, Sharon Slacum, Access
Representative, and Cynthia Tucker, BSN,
RN, CDE, Diabetes Education Coordinator;
(standing) Carolyn Crist, Medical
Secretary, and E. Michelle Harrison,
Certified Medical Assistant.
Swallowing Program Offers Hope
The Shore Health Swallowing Center, now open at the Diagnostic and Imaging Center in Easton, offers hope to
Mid-Shore residents who suffer from a swallowing disorder. Malinda Larrimore, MA, CCC-SLP, speech-language
pathologist, (second from right) uses digital equipment purchased with a gift from the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary to
conduct swallowing studies of the internal structures of the body and to assess progress being achieved from speech
therapy. Digital images can be transmitted through the Internet to physicians anywhere in the country. Pictured with
Larrimore are (left to right) Neal O’Shea, past President, Memorial Hospital Auxiliary; Teresa Blem, PT, Director, Shore
Rehabilitation Services; and Pat O’Shea, Director of Development, Shore Health.
Learn more at
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
You expect us to meet the requirements of state and federal agencies that inspect our facilities and services
to ensure that the care we provide meets the highest clinical standards. What might surprise you is that
we take extra steps to acquire accreditations that are not required and that demand investments of time
and resources. We do this to prove that our care is among the best and to keep us striving for higher levels
of clinical excellence.
Shore Health and its affiliates have earned the following accreditations:
The Joint Commission – The Memorial Hospital at Easton
The Joint Commission - Dorchester
General Hospital
National Committee for Quality Assurance Recognition Program – University of Maryland Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology
American Association of Cardiovascular
and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
College of American Pathologists
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems - Primary Stroke Center designation for The Memorial Hospital at Easton
State of Maryland Laboratory Licensure
American Association of Blood Banks
Magnet® Recognition from
the American Nurses Credentialing Center - Shore Health System
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems - Memorial Hospital and Dorchester
General Hospital Emergency Department Base Stations
Commission on Cancer of
the American College of Surgeons – Shore Regional Cancer Program
Maryland Institute for Emergency
Medical Services Systems - Shore
Health System EMS Training Center
American College of Radiology and the American Society for Radiation Oncology - Requard Radiation
Oncology Center
American College of Radiology for
Ultrasound (Memorial Hospital, Dorchester General Hospital,
Diagnostic and Imaging Center, Easton); Mammography (Memorial Hospital, Dorchester General Hospital, Diagnostic and Imaging Center, Denton and Centreville); MRI and CT (Memorial Hospital, Dorchester General Hospital, Diagnostic and Imaging
Center, Easton)
The Joint Commission - Shore Home Care Home Health and Hospice
The Joint Commission – Shore Health System Surgery Center
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities – Requard
Center for Acute Rehabilitation
American Diabetes Association University of Maryland Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology
Clinical Laboratory Improvement
Act (CLIA)
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Intersocietal Commission for the
Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories
Intersocietal Commission for
the Accreditation of Echocardiography Laboratories
College of Pastoral Supervision
and Psychotherapy
National Children’s Alliance - Talbot
County Children’s Advocacy Center at The Memorial Hospital at Easton
Food and Drug Administration Mammography Quality
Standards Act
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Requard Center for Acute Rehabilitation Celebrates Milestones
The Requard Center for Acute Rehabilitation celebrated its fifth anniversary with a reunion of patients who received care at
the first and only comprehensive rehabilitation center of its kind for the Upper and Mid-Shore region. Since opening in 2007,
the Requard Center has served 3,000 patients recovering from an accident, injury, surgery or illnesses such as a stroke. This
celebration also marked the Requard Center’s re-accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
(CARF). To earn accreditation for another three-year period, the staff participated in a rigorous peer review process and
demonstrated to a team of CARF surveyors during an on-site visit that its programs and services meet the highest
quality standards. The Center is named for Eleanor Requard (seated, center) and her late husband, Thomas, who donated
$1 million to the Memorial Hospital Foundation for the center. Mrs. Requard is pictured with the staff as they celebrate
these two milestones.
Learn more about the
Requard Center for
Acute Rehabilitation at
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Regional Cancer Center’s Requard Radiation Oncology Center was awarded a three-year term of accreditation
in radiation oncology by the American College of Radiology and the American Society for Radiation Oncology. This
accreditation assesses patient care and treatment, patient safety, personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment,
quality control procedures and quality assurance programs. Pictured are (left to right) Robin Ford, MS, RN, radiation
oncology nurse; Vicky Dunlap, RTT, radiation oncology technical coordinator; Paula Larrimore, CMD, senior dosimetrist;
Rich Seier, MS, DABR, medical physicist; Phillip Sawyer, MS, lead medical physicist; John Mastandrea, MD, radiation
oncologist and Medical Director of the Requard Radiation Oncology Center; and Brian Leutner, Director, Oncology Services.
Learn more about Shore Health’s cancer programs at
The cardiac ultrasound laboratories at Memorial Hospital and Dorchester General Hospital earned re-accreditation by
the Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of Echocardiography Laboratories. Echocardiographic testing gives
physicians an accurate view of the heart and its valves, blood flow and pumping function to diagnosis and treat a variety
of heart conditions. Pictured are (left to right) Cilica Nita, MA, RDCS, cardiovascular sonographer; Melissa Svehla, BS,
RDCS, RVT, Technical Director; Amanda Helgason, BS, RDCS, cardiovascular sonographer; and Bruce Helmly, MD,
Medical Director for Cardiology.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
The Vascular Labs at Memorial Hospital and Dorchester General Hospital
earned three-year accreditation from the Intersocietal Commission for the
Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories. Registered vascular sonographers
use state of the art imaging technology to measure blood as it flows through
the veins and arteries throughout the body. The results of these tests help
physicians diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions, such as
deep vein thrombosis, peripheral vascular disease, vascular complications
of diabetes and blockages in the carotid artery. Pictured are (left to right) are
Amanda Helgason, BS, RDCS, and Cilica Nita, MA, RDCS, cardiovascular
sonographers; Charles E. DiNapoli, MD, Medical Director, Vascular Lab; Lori
Bratten, Department Secretary; Dudley Soulsman, RVT, Clinical Vascular
Specialist; and Russ Lucas, RVT, RRT, vascular sonographer.
Learn more about Shore Health’s cardiovascular and pulmonary services
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Health ranks in top 10 of Maryland Hospitals
In the 2012-13 Best Hospitals report, U.S. News & World Report ranked Shore Health one of the top 10
hospitals in the state of Maryland. Ninth in Maryland and #1 on the Eastern Shore, Shore Health was cited
for high performance in diabetes and endocrinology; gastroenterology; geriatrics; gynecology; nephrology;
neurology and neurosurgery; orthopedics; pulmonology; and urology.
The quality initiatives that contributed to this recognition were researched and implemented across
Shore Health. Teams working at both hospitals and all around the system deserve credit for their ongoing
commitment to continuous improvement in patient satisfaction scores and in the ratings received from
accrediting agencies in many fields.
Target Zero – Shore Health’s commitment to eliminating healthcare associated infections – is a perfect
example of a system-wide program that brings together the expertise and commitment of everyone
throughout the system. Using proven techniques to keep patients safe, Target Zero has wiped out healthcare
associated infections for extended periods of time when patients must have a catheter, a central line or a
ventilator as part of their course of treatment.
Science coupled with the commitment of physicians, nurses, clinical care providers, food services staff and
housekeepers have produced results that most people in health care thought was impossible – as many as
three years in some patient care areas without a healthcare associated infection.
These results have brought Shore Health state and national recognition and invitations to speak at
conferences around the country about lessons learned from implementing Target Zero. The Maryland
Patient Safety Center chose Shore Health as the 2012 winner of the Minogue Award for Patient Safety
Innovation. Shore Health was honored by the Maryland Hospital Association for maintaining zero central
line associated blood stream infections for over a year in the ICU’s at Dorchester General Hospital and
Memorial Hospital.
Throughout the year, teams celebrate Target Zero milestones. Some examples from the last year include:
• The Respiratory Therapy staff at Memorial Hospital was applauded for their diligent infection
prevention practices, which resulted in more than two years without a case of ventilator
associated pneumonia.
• The Neuroscience Unit staff at Memorial Hospital celebrated 1,000 days without a catheter-associated
urinary tract infection.
• The Telemetry unit at Memorial Hospital logged 12 months without a catheter-associated urinary
tract infection.
• The Memorial Hospital Intensive Care Unit has gone over two years without a case of ventilator
associated pneumonia.
• The ICU team at Dorchester General Hospital set a Target Zero record – three years without a ventilator
associated pneumonia.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
The ICU team at Dorchester General
Hospital set a record by going three years
without a ventilator associated pneumonia.
Pictured are (left to right), back row, Nikki
Short, RRT, respiratory care practitioner;
Vicky Collins, CNA; Mike Bass, RRT,
respiratory care practitioner; Mandy
Bounds, MSN, RN, Clinical Coordinator;
and Jeannine LeMieux, RN; front row, Anna
Chamberlin, RN; Glenda Cornish, monitor
tech; and Ramona Taylor, RN.
Rob Carroll, Director of Performance Measurement and Improvement,
Julie Bryan, BS, RN, CIC, Infection Prevention Coordination, and Ken Kozel,
President and CEO, Shore Health, accepted the 2012 Minogue Award for
Patient Safety Innovation.
Target Zero went public in September
of 2011, when staff invited visitors
and patients to “Ask me if I washed
my hands.”
To learn more about Target Zero, visit
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Nursing Excellence Awards
Shore Health System honored the recipients of its first Nursing Excellence Awards during Nurses Week.
The 2012 Nursing Excellence Award winners were:
Mentorship/Advocacy: Rhiannon Cummings, BSN, FNE-A/P, Intensive Care Unit, Memorial Hospital
Leadership: Barbara Marshall, RN, Telemetry Unit, Memorial Hospital
Commitment to Others: Michele Williams, MSN, Multi-Specialty Care Unit/ Pain and Palliative Care
Specialist, Memorial Hospital
Professional Nursing Award: Christina Ball, BSN, RN, Neuroscience Specialist, Memorial Hospital
Queen Anne’s Emergency Center won the Unit Excellence Award. Pictured are (left to right), front row, John Durcho,
MSN, RN; Mary Alice Vanhoy, MSN, RN, Nurse Manager; Mary Shepherd, RN; and Ann George, RN; back row,
Christopher J. Parker, MSN, RN, Senior Vice President, Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer; Carolyn
Sutch, BSN, RN; and Lisa Lyle, RN.
Learn more about the Queen Anne’s Emergency Center at
Marcia Groton, MSN, RN, (second from right) Nurse Manager, Digestive Health Center, received the 2012 Karen
Spies Nursing Excellence Award for her research on colonoscopy preparation. Pictured with Groton are (left to right)
F. Graham Lee, Vice President of Philanthropy, Shore Health; Karen Spies, RN, for whom the award is named; and
Pat O’Shea, Director of Development, Shore Health.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Everyday Heroes
Inspire Gratitude
The Everyday Hero Program gives
patients and their families an
opportunity to honor a Shore Health
physician, staff member or volunteer
by making a financial donation in their
name. Among the honorees this year
were neurologist Terry Detrich, MD,
and Medical Staff Executive Assistant
Sue McLaughlin, who responded
to a special meal request made by
a hospice patient.
To make a donation in honor of an
Everyday Hero, call the Memorial
Hospital Foundation, 410-822-1000,
Patient Satisfaction Winners
During fiscal year 2012, two departments traded the honor of being top scoring inpatient unit - the Joint
Replacement Center and the Requard Center for Acute Rehabilitation.
Outpatient Units cited for exemplary patient satisfaction in FY12 were the Dorchester General Hospital
Surgical Day Care Unit, the Ambulatory Surgery Center in Easton, Shore Home Care and Shore Regional
Breast Center.
Every quarter, one department is recognized for making the most improvement in patient satisfaction scores.
Groups who have celebrated this honor included Shore Rehabilitation Services at Easton, the Memorial
Hospital Surgical Nursing Unit, Outpatient Cardiology and the Requard Center for Acute Rehabilitation.
Accepting patient satisfaction bowls
on behalf of their departments are
(left to right) Sherry Dolby, RN,
Nurse Manager, Requard Center
for Acute Rehabilitation; Martha
Clark, BS, RN, Nurse Manager,
Surgical Unit, Memorial Hospital;
and Jacqueline Mowbray, BSN,
RN, Nurse Manager, Shore Health
Ambulatory Surgery Center.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Dr. Szczukowski Named Medical Staff Chief
Myron Szczukowski, Jr., MD, an orthopedic surgeon on
the Shore Health medical staff and Medical Director
of the Joint Replacement Center at Memorial Hospital,
was named Chief of the Shore Health Medical Staff. Dr.
Szczukowski, the 2010 winner of the Arthur B. Cecil, Jr.,
MD Award for Excellence in Healthcare Improvement, is
the first Chief of Staff for the combined medical staffs of
Memorial Hospital and Dorchester General Hospital.
Medical Executive Committee
Pictured are (left to right) Chris Levey, MD, Chief, Radiology; Kenneth Kozel, President and CEO; Betsy Mason, MD,
Chief, Pediatrics; Myron Szczukowski, Jr, MD, Chief of Medical Staff; Dennis Forbes, MD, Chief, Anesthesiology; Bruce
Helmly, MD, Chief, Medical Specialties; Brendon Paltoo, MD, member at large; Dennis DeShields, MD, Chief, Medicine;
Salvatore Verteramo, MD, Chief, Emergency Medicine; and Lakshmi Vaidyanathan, MD, Chair, Clinical Excellence
Committee. Unavailable for photo: Patrick O’Brien, MD, Vice Chief of Medical Staff; Philip Bowman, MD, Chief,
Obstetrics and Gynecology; Jack Foley, MD, Chief, Surgery; John Snell, MD, Vice Chief, Anesthesiology; Jane Wang, MD,
Vice Chief, Emergency Medicine; Ramesh Kolli, MD, Vice Chief, Medicine; Adam Weinstein, MD, Vice Chief, Medical
Specialties; Elizabeth Wroth, MD, Vice Chief, Pediatrics; Chris Evans, MD, Vice Chief, Radiology; and Wes Palumbo,
MD, Vice Chief, Surgery.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Roberta J. Lilly, MD, MPH, and Dale Jafari, MSN, CRNP
Dr. Lilly Joins Breast Center
Shore Regional Breast Center welcomed Roberta J. Lilly, MD, MPH, as
Medical Director. A fellowship-trained breast surgeon – the only one
on Maryland’s Eastern Shore – Dr Lilly has experience with a full array
of benign and malignant breast diseases and she delivers her expertise
with a special interest in quality, patient-centered care.
With nurse practitioner Dale Jafari, MSN, CRNP, Dr. Lilly leads a
comprehensive breast health program that begins with diagnosis and
continues through to survivorship.
Founded in 2000 at Memorial Hospital, Shore Regional Breast Center
provides services for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment to help
women make prompt, informed decisions. The Breast Center provides
digital mammography, ultrasound, breast MRI, biopsies
and surgery along with a survivorship program and other resources
for patients and their family members.
For more information about Shore
Regional Breast Center, visit
Education is a top priority for the Breast Center team. Outreach
workers travel around the region to raise awareness about breast
health and the importance of early detection through mammograms
and breast self-examination.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Wound Care Specialist Brings Expertise to Clinics
Thomas Lubeski, DO, FACOS, joined Shore Wound Care to
provide advanced treatment plans and education at Memorial
Hospital and an outpatient clinic in Easton. Dr. Lubeski and
his nursing team meet the needs of patients who require
treatment for wounds resulting from diabetes, surgery, severe
skin irritations, burns, traumatic accidents, and for people with
impaired blood flow.
You’re in Good Hands
Brad A. Case, MD, FACS, now practices at Shore Surgical Care in
Easton. Dr. Case is a general surgeon with more than 20 years of
surgical experience and a record of distinguished military service.
He performs a full array of surgical services, including minimally
invasive and laparoscopic abdominal surgery; laparoscopic
hernia repair; gallbladder removal; colorectal surgery; peripheral
vascular surgery; anti-reflux procedures; and thyroid and
parathyroid surgery.
Find a doctor at
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Physicians earn board certification in sleep medicine
M. Walid Kamsheh, MD, and Bilal Saulat, MD, MPH, of Shore Neurology and Sleep Medicine, and Peyman
Otmishi, MD, of Midshore Pulmonary Associates, completed certification by the American Board of Sleep
Medicine. Earning certification demonstrates that these physicians have the skills and knowledge essential
for the delivery of high quality care for patients experiencing sleep disorders. These physicians join Peter
Whitesell, MD, Medical Director of Shore Regional Sleep Disorders Center, on the sleep disorders team.
Shore Health offers sleep studies at Memorial Hospital in Easton, Dorchester General Hospital in
Cambridge and Shore Medical Pavilion in Queenstown.
To learn more about the Regional Sleep Disorders Center, visit
Peter Whitesell, MD, Medical Director
M. Walid Kamsheh, MD
Bilal Saulat, MD, MPH
Peyman Otmishi, MD
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Health extends beyond the walls of our hospitals. We meet you out in the community, staffing health
fairs, walking for a cause and cycling for a cure. With our partners in health care, we raise awareness about
how to prevent disease and promote wellness for people of all ages.
Supporters of the Talbot County Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) tied blue ribbons to the tree in front of Memorial
Hospital to commemorate April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each ribbon represents a child who, in the last year,
received services through the CAC, a partnership between the Talbot County Department of Social Services and Shore
Health. The CAC, in collaboration with law enforcement, medical, mental health and social services experts, provides
services to children who have been victims of abuse.
As part of its commitment to
educating the community about
diabetes prevention and treatment,
Shore Health sponsored the first
annual Eastern Shore Tour de Cure,
a national cycling event organized by
the American Diabetes Association.
Shore Health team members rode in
the cycling event and staffed the Stop
Diabetes Pavilion, where they offered
cholesterol testing, nutrition tips,
diabetes risk assessments and wound
care education.
For more information about Shore
Health’s diabetes services, visit
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Health staff and their families laced up their sneakers to participate in the American Heart Association’s 2012
Chesapeake Heart Walk. Seven walking teams represented Shore Health, raising nearly $11,500 for the cause while other
staff offered blood pressure and cholesterol screenings and met with event goers to discuss heart health, nutrition, home
emergency preparedness, and stroke and diabetes prevention.
Despite rain and cold, 85 Shore Health walkers raised $5,500
for the first Eastern Shore Komen Race for the Cure. Komen
recognized Shore Health as the Team Challenge winner for
the largest number of participants in the family/social category.
The Birthing Center walking team once again
lined up to March for Babies, supporting a cause
dedicated to preventing birth defects, premature
birth and infant mortality The team’s fundraising
efforts netted $8,500 for the event.
Middle and high school students
learned about careers in health
care at Adventures in Health
Science. The young scientists
interacted with professionals in
the fields of nursing, physical
therapy, emergency medicine,
nutrition and radiology. Sherry
Councell, BSN, RN, HSMI, Shore
Health’s Nurse Support Program
Specialist, (pictured) facilitated
the program with colleagues from
the Eastern Shore Area Health
Education Center and the Talbot
County and Caroline County 4-H
programs run by the University
of Maryland.
For more information about the Shore
Health Birthing Center, visit www.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
More than 200 active members of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary volunteer at the hospital, greeting
visitors and patients. Volunteers also lend a hand at Shore Regional Cancer Center and at the Diagnostic and
Imaging Centers in Easton and Denton. The Auxiliary sponsors fundraising events throughout the year and
operates Maggie’s Gift Shop at Memorial Hospital and the Bazaar at 121 Federal Street, all of which benefit
the programs and services of Shore Health and its affiliates around the region. The Memorial Hospital
Auxiliary Diane Bisanar Scholarship Fund underwrites the cost of education for eligible Chesapeake College
nursing and allied health students.
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary officers installed for two-year terms are (left to right) Joyce Kent, Recording Secretary;
Janet Granger, Corresponding Secretary; Alex Collins, President; Debbie Hayes, First Vice President; and Sandy Engle,
Treasurer. Unavailable for photo: Terry Stephan, Second Vice President.
The Memorial Hospital Auxiliary’s 28th Annual Tree of Lights fundraiser met its goal to raise $5,800 to purchase
equipment for the Requard Radiation Oncology Center of Shore Regional Cancer Center in Easton. Philip Sawyer, MS,
(right) lead medical physicist for the Requard Radiation Oncology Center, explains to Nancy Espenhorst, chair of the
Tree of Lights campaign, how the Auxiliary’s gift benefits patients who need radiation therapy.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
The chapel at Memorial Hospital was re-named to honor Marian Miller, a volunteer with over 16,000 hours of service
and a special calling to maintain this spiritual sanctuary for guests, patients and staff. Cutting the ribbon at the Marian
Miller All Faith Chapel dedication ceremony are (left to right) Patti Willis, Senior Vice President, External Relations,
Communications and Marketing; Neal O’Shea, past President, Memorial Hospital Auxiliary; Marian Miller; Ken Kozel,
President and CEO, Shore Health; and Brian Childs PhD, Director of Ethics and Spiritual Care.
Shore Rehabilitation at Denton
added the Keiser® Infinity Trainer
to its collection of physical therapy
tools thanks to a donation from
the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.
With two adjustable arms to
accommodate high and low
positions and an assortment
of attachments, the equipment
gives patients the ability to work
on range of motion, strength
training, building muscle and
power. Physical therapist Lamont
Thompson, DPT, (kneeling) shows
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
Treasurer Sandy Engle how to use
the cable bar accessory with the
Keiser Infinity Trainer.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Dorchester General Hospital Auxiliary
The men and women who volunteer for the Dorchester General Hospital Auxiliary offer their time and talent
at the hospital, where they greet patients and visitors and offer comfort to patients and their family members.
Volunteers operate the Hospitality Shop, which is stocked with specialty gift items and snacks, and the Robin
Hood Shop in Cambridge. They sponsor fundraising activities that benefit the programs and services of the
hospital and support future nurses with annual scholarships.
Dorchester General Hospital Auxiliary officers inducted for a one-year term are (left to right) Nancy Gale, Financial
Dues Secretary; Dick Hargis, Treasurer; Janet Lawrence, Membership Dues; Ida Jane Baker, President; Alexandria Snell,
Recording Secretary; Suzanne Press, First Vice President; Susan Buscemi, Corresponding Secretary; and June McKelvey,
Second Vice President. Unavailable for photo: Doris Brohawn and Carole Kramer serve as members at large.
The DGH Auxiliary donated $35,000 to the Dorchester General Hospital Foundation for renovations underway in the
hospital’s Behavioral Health Unit.
Learn more about the hospital auxiliaries and how to become a volunteer
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
The Robin Hood Shop at 416 High Street in Cambridge is one of the more lucrative fundraising efforts of the DGH
Auxiliary. The resale shop also benefits the community by offering gently worn clothing, fashion accessories, jewelry and
household items for sale at reasonable prices. Pictured are (left to right) Manager Helen Travers, Jo Ann Dixon, Carole
Kramer and Debbie Thomas.
Annily Jones, a DGH Auxiliary
volunteer, coordinated renovations
to the hospital chapel, a quiet corner
for visitors and staff to rest and
reflect. Materials for the upgrades
were donated by local businesses,
including new upholstery for the pews
and new floral arrangements
for the altar.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Community Associations
Members of the community associations live in the Mid-Shore region and take seriously their commitment
to learning about new developments in health care. They meet regularly with members of the Shore
Health management team to raise questions and present issues they know are of concern to their friends
and neighbors.
Church Creek
Karen Tolley
East New Market
Brie Breland, RN, NP
Bertha Dockins
Rosalie Dolan
Chief Kenneth W. Malik
Col. Werner Rebstock
Noller, President
Deborah Luthy, Vice President
Nancy Spicer, Secretary
George Ames
Ruth Braxton
Jerry T. Burroughs
Margaret Brigham
C. Edmund Connelly, DDS
Mary (Sue) Connelly, RN
George Fox, III
Wendell O. Foxwell
Roger Harrell
Tamara Jackson
William Jarman
Herschel Johnson
Mildred (Millie) Judd, RN
Charles W. Kelly
Barbara Lake
James Lewis
Berthena Pinder
John (Pat) Neild, Jr.
Martha (Maggie) Malkus
Bonnie Rimpo
Joseph Schulte
Bonnie Shertenlieb
William Shertenlieb, Sr.
Steve Disharoon
Sharon Wall
David Lee, President
Robert Knowles, 1st Vice President
William Collier
Carolyn Green
Pauline Pinkett
Evelyn Robinson
Ida Jane Baker
Vera Block
Wayne Sandberg
D. Graham Slaughter, MD
Caroline County
Patsy Fearins
Ronald Fearins
Queen Anne’s County
Diane Brown Brandt
Jane Coppage
P.J. Councell
Wye Mills
Michael Schiwy
Trudy Schiwy
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Talbot County
Joyce Jones
Leanne Allen
Karen Bailor
Jody Baker
Sue W. Carney
Ronald Chiste
Walter J. Cuttler
Joseph English, MD
Elaine Farquhar
Cassandra Guy
Thomas Herbert, MD
Jennie Hyatt
Melissa Taylor
Marie Zinninger
Mary Holston
Anastasia Wrightson
Julia Strong
St. Michaels
Les Callaway
Kathleen Hughes
Nancy Knowles
Kathy Deoudes, President
Jim Barton
Sharon Carrick
Bobbi Cusimano
Isabel Cusimano
Alan Ettman
Elizabeth deGuzman
Andrew Langer
Maggie Miller
Karen Oertel
Diane Pappas
Pete Pappas
Barbara Siegert
Richard Smith
Catherine Willis
Jim Brown
Rev. Arlene Jackson
Stephanie Joyce
Kathy Kelly
John Murphy
Vicki Paulas
Charlie Brooks
Jennifer DiDonato
Jennifer Franks
Dr. Ron Franks
Aliki Katinas
George O’Donnell
J. Thomas Rhodes
Audrey Scott
Carrie Sutherland
Clay Washington
Marion Waterman
Mareen Waterman
Tracy Welch
Jack Broderick
Linda Friday
Sandy Morse
Gene Ransom
Kelly Corchiarino
Sharon Dobson
Suzi Eakle
Rich Fisher
Moochie Gilmer
Kimberly Kratovil
Laurie Lewis
Lee Marks
Dan Pompa
Merry Tobin
Sharlene Zanini-Linn
Church Hill
Lindsay Blume
Faye William
Diana Carlson
Alisa Pipkin
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
PHILANTHROPY: Many Ways to Give
Philanthropy comes in many forms. Generous donors write checks of gratitude for care received by a
loved one and in response to annual appeals. Planning for the future, individuals name Shore Health as
a beneficiary in their estates and fund endowments for nursing education. Members of the community sit
on planning committees for events attended by friends and neighbors, who turn out to show their support
for the affiliates of Shore Health.
F. Graham Lee, Vice President of Philanthropy, returned to Shore Health in
2012. A fundraising professional with more than 36 years experience, he was
Vice President of Development for the Memorial Hospital Foundation and
Shore Health System from 1989 to 2002. During this time he significantly
increased the assets in the Memorial Hospital Foundation, enhanced the
Foundation’s planned giving program, and established relationships with
donors, staff and volunteers.
Memorial Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees
Charles T. Capute, Esq., Chair
W. Moorhead Vermilye, Vice Chairman
Keith McMahan, Secretary
Walter Zajac, Treasurer
Douglas Croker
Kenneth D. Kozel, President and CEO, Shore Health System
William H. Munn
C.E. “Ted” Peck
Joseph Shultz
Charles T. Capute, Esq., Chair, Memorial Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees
Shore Health System relies on philanthropic support and the donations of generous individuals in
our community to fund capital improvements and to purchase equipment used in our hospitals
and outpatient centers around the region. To make a gift, contact: Memorial Hospital Foundation,
PO Box 1846, Easton, MD 21601, 410-822-1000, ext. 5915
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Thank you, Delia
The Memorial Hospital Foundation honored Delia Denny as one of the longest standing members of the
Board of Trustees. During her 25-year tenure as a Board member, Denny led a number of committees,
including the Foundation’s Annual Support, Classic and Gala Committees.
“Delia has done so many things for us over the years. We are grateful for her commitment and dedication
to health care in our community,” says Charles T. Capute, Esq., Chair of the Memorial Hospital Foundation
Board of Trustees. “Delia’s knowledge of this community has been a priceless asset to the Foundation. Her
guidance and advice will be greatly missed.”
At her last meeting before retiring,
Delia Denny (second from right)
accepts a special thank you gift from
(left to right) Charles T. Capute, Esq.,
Chair, Memorial Hospital Foundation
Board of Trustees; Pat O’Shea,
Director of Development, Shore
Health; and Ken Kozel, President
and CEO, Shore Health.
Tablets Translate into Safe, Effective Care
Every year, the Memorial Hospital Foundation invests in technology and clinical services that enhance
patient care around the region. Support in 2012 included funding of $325,000, which was used to purchase
47 Hewlett-Packard tablets for the staff of Shore Home Care and Hospice and Shore Wellness Partners.
The tablets, similar in size and capability to a small laptop computer, are used in the field by nurses,
physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers and a bereavement coordinator, who care for
patients at home.
The tablets give nursing staff access to their patients’ electronic medical records 24 hours a day, wherever
they are. This information includes medications, laboratory results, advanced directives and physician orders.
In addition to improving document legibility, which translates into safe, effective care, the tablets provide
the staff with a secure mobile tool for interacting and educating clients in their homes.
Melanie Hampton, MSN,
RN, Community Case
Specialist for Shore Wellness
Partners, uses a tablet
funded by the Memorial
Hospital Foundation to
update a medical record
at the patient’s home.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
PHILANTHROPY: Many Ways to Give
Dorchester General Hospital Foundation Board of Directors
Ida Jane Baker, President
F. Levi Ruark, Vice President
Ted A. Brooks, Treasurer
E. Thomas Merryweather, Secretary
Robert W. Costos
Morris Z. Effron, MD
Michael J. Fadden, MD
Kenneth Kozel, President and CEO, Shore Health System
Kim C. Liddell
Russell E. Stevens, Jr.
Rufus M. Todd
William Wise, III
Ida Jane Baker, President, Dorchester General Hospital Foundation
Elks Lodge #1272 of Cambridge donated $1,500 in
response to the Dorchester General Hospital Foundation’s
annual appeal to benefit Shore Behavioral Health Services.
The Elks’ check was the first donation received for the DGH
Foundation’s annual appeal, which will support the renovation
of Shore Behavioral Health’s existing unit. Pictured with Ida
Jane Baker, President of the DGH Foundation, is Gage
Thomas, Trustee Chair for the Elks Lodge.
A $7,500 gift from the Dorchester General Hospital Foundation made it possible to purchase a Stryker Big Wheel
Stretcher for the hospital’s Emergency Department. This specialty stretcher, which can accommodate up to 750 pounds,
has a built-in scale that helps the nursing staff weigh patients without having to move them to a separate scale. A fifth
wheel, located in the center of the stretcher, makes it easier to transport patients to other areas of the hospital. Pictured
are (left to right) Cathy Weber, RN, Manager of Emergency Services, Dorchester General Hospital; Ida Jane Baker,
President, Dorchester General Hospital Foundation; and Amy Brockson, RN, Clinical Coordinator.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Fundraisers Support Renovations to DGH Operating Suite
The operating suite at Dorchester General Hospital received a facelift that was funded in part by gifts
from the community and with the generous support of the DGH Foundation, presenting sponsor for two
fundraising events - the Snow Ball Masquerade and for The Art of Caring.
The upgrades to the surgical services facility include new flooring and paint in the pre-procedural room and
a redesigned “hub” for the nursing station, physician consultation area and office space.
“Our Dorchester General Hospital Surgical Department is composed of the most caring and compassionate
healthcare professionals you could find anywhere,” says surgeon William Bair, MD. “The staff has been
recognized locally and regionally for a variety of service excellence awards. The proceeds from fundraisers
provide much needed upgrades to our facility so that we can continue to provide world class care close
to home.”
Jane Flowers, MSN, RN, Manager, Surgical and
Ambulatory Services, (left), shows off the newly
renovated surgical suite area at Dorchester
General Hospital to Ida Jane Baker, President,
DGH Foundation, (center) and Penny Pink, MS,
RN, Director of Surgical and Ambulatory Services,
Shore Health.
The Art of Caring committee members celebrate
a successful fundraiser for surgical suite upgrades
at Dorchester General Hospital. Pictured are (left
to right) Rose Joyce, Kathy Effron, Jennifer Brant,
PA-C, Kim Bair, RN, Alma Colburn, Lorrie Moran
and Kirsten Strohmer. Unavailable for photo:
Dr. Rosa Mateo and Dr. Lois Narr.
To make a gift to the Dorchester General Hospital Foundation, contact: Ida Jane Baker
PO Box 439 Cambridge, MD 21613, 410-228-5511, ext. 8401
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
PHILANTHROPY: Many Ways to Give
Shore Health expresses sincerest gratitude to everyone who made donations to support our programs and
services. The people and businesses listed on the following pages made a contribution during the fiscal year
July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. During that same time, many other gifts were designated for specific
services and as tributes to special individuals.
A night of laughter devoted to affairs of the heart raised nearly $70,000 for cardiac care. The night began with a
reception at Scossa Restaurant & Lounge followed by “Defending the Caveman,” the longest running solo play in
Broadway history, at the Historic Avalon Theater. The Memorial Hospital Auxiliary was the presenting sponsor for the
fundraiser, which benefited the Shore Health cardiac equipment fund. Planning committee members pictured are
(left to right) Dr. Sharon Liu, Mary Van Dervort, Cami Pecorak, Susie Dillon, Carol Rolle, Karyn Walsh, Cookie Strong,
Cammy Passarella, Mary Lou Peters and Delia Denny. Unavailable for photo: Judy Munn.
Cancer Services/Programs/
American Legion Hurlock
Post 243, Inc.
Ms. Christine R. Baker
Mrs. Nancy O Bartell
Mrs. Linda B. Blythe
Ms. Cindy Bollinger
Mrs. Sara B. Brittingham
Mrs. Mary M. Chansler
Clipper Ship Salons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Colon
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Alan Dyott
Mrs. Jane Escher
Ms. Christine F. Fike
Mr. William Finnerty, Jr.
Ms. Charlotte Fletcher
Mrs. Margaret H. Jackson*
Keith D. Stoltz Foundation
Mrs. Rita C. Kulley
Mr. and Mrs. William Livingston
Ms. Danielle Mangold
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Miller, III
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ofte
Mrs. Jan Frances Page
Ms. Betty J. Parsons
Mr. Don A. Pennington
Mr. Daniel Gordon Peters
Ms. Roberta L. Roberts*
Ms. Grace Rustan
Sailwinds of Cambridge, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sard
Ms. Cindy Lou Saunders
Siljeholm Construction, Inc.
Mrs. Charlene Stagg
Mrs. Lyn von Spaeth
Ms. Margaret M. Vance
Ms. Susan Willey
Child Development Center:
Sunshine Club - SHS Patient
Financial Services
MHE Equipment:
The Auxiliary of the Memorial
Hospital at Easton, MD
MHE Intensive Care Unit:
The Neall Family Charitable
MHE Palliative Education:
Mr. Michael P. O’Donnell and
Mrs. Kimberly Grane-O’Donnell
MHE Palliative Care Suite:
Mr. J. Edwards Adams
Mrs. Shirley S. Gooch
NOTE: The Memorial Hospital Foundation makes every effort to ensure that this tribute to donors is accurate. If there is an error,
please contact the Foundation at 410-822-1000, x 5915
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Operation Power Purse:
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Counts
Ms. Kathleen A. Smith
The Brighter Christmas Fund - c/o
Star Democrat
Shore Home Care:
Mrs. Anne M. Kimberly*
Shore Regional Breast Center:
Ms. Greta M. Corkran
Headrush 180
Mrs. Heather M. Smith
Union Baptist Church
Ms. Marie E. Wroten
SHS Caring Fund:
Ms. Vivian Adams
Ms. Jessica A. Adkins
Ms. Thelma E. Aldridge
Ms. Teresa Ames
Mrs. Wynne Aroom
Ms. Cynthia L. Backer
Mrs. Rosalie Bailey
Ms. Antoinette E. Baines
Ms. Diane Y. Baltimore
Ms. Alisa L. Banks
Ms. Joyce Banks
Mr. Joshua Barnes
Ms. Kimberly K. Barrera
Mrs. Jenifer G. Batchelder
Ms. L. Rachel Belanger
Ms. Megan Bennett
Mr. Gary C. Bigelow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bilconish
Ms. Theresa L. Bildstein
Ms. Carla A. Blake
Mrs. Florence L. Blough
Mrs. Angelina B. Boado
Ms. Delisia Boulden
Mrs. Elizabeth Bourdin
Mr. Edison Bowens
Ms. Julia M. Bratcher
Ms. Charlene J. Brice
Ms. Dorothy L. Brice
Ms. Twilla E. Brice
Ms. Joanna M. Bridges
Ms. Sheila Broadway
Mrs. Jeannie C. Brower
Ms. Tina M. Brown
Ms. Mary A. Brummell
Ms. Deborah B. Cahall
Mrs. Karen P. Callahan
Ms. Pamela Callahan
Ms. Noshima Camper
Mr. Robert P. Carrillo
Ms. M. Denise Chodnicki
Ms. Chanere Christian
Ms. Martha A. Clark
Ms. Mary N. Clay
Mr. Charles J. Cocklin
Mrs. Ronni Colbert
Ms. Mary E. Collins
Ms. Vilma Condon
Ms. Latoria D. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cook
Ellen C. Cooper
Ms. Vivian E. Cooper
Ms. Christine E. Copper
Mrs. Charlene H. Copper-Pierce
Mr. James A. Cornish
Mr. Otis Cornish
Mr. Shannon R. Cornish
Mr. Charles Courtney, Jr.
Ms. Kimberly L. Crews
Ms. Christine M. Custis
Jack and Nancy Dail
Mr. Michael D. D’Arcangelo
Ms. Patty J. Delos Santos
Ms. Deborah Dempsey
Mrs. Lisa Deneau
Ms. Mary C. Denny
Mrs. Mary Deshields-Basilio
Ms. Phyllis D. Dickerson
Mr. G. Donald Dietrich
Ms. Chamice K. Dill
Ms. Salena D. Dixon
Mrs. Susanne M. Draper
Ms. Ginger Duncan
Ms. Sheila Dunning
Ms. Patricia Ebner
Ms. Donna Elbourn
Ms. Kelly D. Elzey
Ms. Mattie Evans
Ms. Dawn M. Feher
Dr. Catherine Ferara
Mrs. Linda J. Ferara
Ms. Diane Ferguson
Ms. Patricia J. Ferguson
Ms. Kathy Flamer
Ms. Jane Flowers
Mrs. Mary Jane Flynn
Ms. Mary E. Forbes
Ms. Charlstine Foreman
Ms. Laurie L. Fountain
Ms. Karen Fowler
Mrs. April W. Freeman
Ms. Inez Freeman
Ms. Kathy Freund
Luther and Lori Geisler
Ms. Davina E. Gibbs
Mr. Gregory A. Gibson
Ms. Gail Gilless-Pardoe
Ms. Bernadette K. Golt
Ms. Suzanne Gray
Mr. Thomas R. Gray, Sr.
Mrs. Sheila M. Greenwood
Mr. Edward Greer
Mrs. Deborah L. Grimm
Mr. Laird Grinnell
Mr. Ray G. Grossman
Mrs. Cynthia M. Gullion
Shannon C. Haden
Ms. Rebecca M. Hall
Ms. Christine Harding
Ms. Margaret Harper
Mrs. Charlotte Harris
Ms. Michelle Harrison
Mrs. Ann E. Hash
Ms. Sylvia Hayes
Ms. Nikki Lee Hazel
Ms. Romaine Height
Mr. Charles W. Henry
Mr. F. Bruce Herman
Mrs. Robin L. Herman
Ms. Debbie Hernandez-Ponce
Ms. Rochalla Higdon
Ms. Tracy K. Hindle
Mrs. Felicia M. Hitch
Ms. Gladys Holland
Ms. Stephanie L. Hope
Dr. Mary L. Horseman
Ms. Nadine Houston
Ms. Lillian M. Hubbard
Ms. Kimberly D. Hutchins
Ms. Providence A. Hutchins
Ms. Tina Hyde
Mrs. Dale G. Jafari
Mrs. Julie R. James
Ms. Nicole Leatherman Janes
Mrs. Theodosious H. Jenkins
Ms. Monica A. Jensen
Mrs. Maryanne Jester
Mrs. Evette C. Johns-Brown
Ms. Carlotta M. Johnson
Ms. Linda V. Johnson
Ms. Phylis B. Johnson
Mr. Wordell Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia L. Jones
Ms. Harriett V. Jones
Ms. Maurita Jones
Mrs. Rebecca L. Jones
Mr. Roland E. Jones
Ms. Lashonda Kane
Ms. Linda J. Kehayias
Ms. Rebecca Kennedy
Ms. Lutitia F. King
Ms. Sarah J. Korisher
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Kozel
Ms. Rose M. Langrell
Ms. Morgan Larrimore
Ms. Shirley A. Larrimore
Mr. Timothy T. Lawson
Ms. Edith S. LeBrun
Ms. Jeannine M. LeMieux
Ms. Linda C. Lesperance
Ms. Connie L. Lewis
Ms. Susan B. Lewis
Ms. Melissa S. A. Lourie
Dr. Thomas Lubeski
Ms. Norlaine W. Lucas
Mrs. Jeannette P. Lusby
Ms. Lavanda L. Major
Mrs. Jessie R. Malone
Ms. Linda M. Mastro
Mr. Dennis Mathewson
Ms. Virginia L. Mathias
Dr. Andrew D. McCarthy
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
PHILANTHROPY: Many Ways to Give
SHS Caring Fund (cont’d.)
Mr. Irvin McClain
Ms. Ruth McCord
Mr. James McFarlane
Ms. Carolyn McFillin
Ms. Renna McKinney
Mrs. Sue D. McLaughlin
Ms. Melaney L. McLellan
Mrs. Rose F. Medeiros
Ms. Tyra R. Meekins
Mrs. Vonnie J. Mende
Mrs. Deborah T. Merceron
Ms. Jennifer L. Messix
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mitchell
Mrs. Edna Molock
Ms. Michelle A. Molock
Mrs. Patricia Annette Moore
Mr. William E. Murray
Ms. Mary A. Neubeck
Ms. Sherry Newcomb
Mrs. Mary G. Newell
Ms. Amanda M. North
Ms. Megan Novak
Mr. Corey A. Palmer
Mrs. Roxine W. Palmer
Ms. Terri Palmer
Ms. Martha A. Patchett
Ms. Judith L. Paul
Ms. Sara E. Pender
Ms. Joan Peters
Mr. Christopher Pettit
Ms. Amy L. Peugh
Ms. Mary Ann Pierce
Lee A. Pierson
Mr. Roger Pinder
Mrs. Patricia P. Plaskon
Mr. Dwayne R. Potts
Ms. Amalia Punzo
Okima A. Rahim
Ms. Vernetta Reed
Ms. Alexandra M. Reese
Cordia Reilly
Ms. Sharon K. Richter
Mrs. Suzette J. Riggio
Jamie J. Riley
Mrs. Valena Roberson
Mrs. Lise K. Robertson
Mr. Ryan H. Rosenstein
Ms. Eva Ross
Ms. Joan M. Russell
Mr. Kenneth R. Sample
Ms. Lenora J. Sampson-Taylor
Ms. Ma Amparo G. San Juan
Mr. John P. Sawyer
Ms. Donna Scharch
Ms. Julia P. Schuyler
Mrs. Eugenia L. Scott
Ms. Bernadette D. Serie
Mrs. Barbara S. Sherwood-Hill
Mr. Ira W. Short
Ms. Melinda Simpkins
Ms. Melissa A. Singleton
Ms. Roxanne A. Sisco
Ms. Tina M. Skinner
Ms. Glory A. Smith
Mr. Judea A. Smith
Ms. Molly B. Smith
Ms. Tammy Smith
Mrs. Marguerite M. Spies
Ms. Karen Sproul-Serrano
Ms. Krystal Stacey
Mr. and Mrs. William Stagg
Ms. Sandra Stanco
Ms. Angela Starkie
Mrs. Patricia Steele
Ms. Lisa Stofer
Ms. Sheila Stuart
Mrs. Tracy N. Supcoe
Ms. Mary M. Sutphin
Ms. Michelle M. Swartz
Ms. Carlene L. Taylor
Ms. Kimberly D. Taylor
Ms. Donna A. Thomas
Donsha Thomas
Ms. Sherry L. Thomas
Ms. Stella L. Thomas
Tracy Thomas
Ms. Vanlee A. Thomas
Ms. Ruth A. Thompson
Ms. Tenishia J. Tillery
Mrs. Carolyn Timms
Mrs. Barbara A. Todd
Mrs. Gail N. Todd
Mr. Richard Todd
Ms. Sarah E. Tolley
Dr. Michael C. Tooke and
Ms. Susan Piggott
Ms. Monica L. Townsend
Ms. Gladys M. Tracey
Carol Travers
Mrs. Raynette Travers
Ms. Sandra L. Travers
Unknown Donors
Anne Usiondek-Benjamin
Mr. Fred Van Dusen
Mrs. Mary Alice VanHoy
Mr. Juan Vazquez
Ms. Elizabeth J. Verplank
Ms. Deandra l. Walker
Mr. Dionne N. Walker
Ms. Pamela Wallace
Ms. Christine C. Walton
Ms. Catherine Warfield
Mr. Jason Warner
Ms. Kimberly Warren
Ms. Aimee Watkins
Ms. Delilah Watson
Ms. Kawana Webb
Ms. Pamela M. Welch
Ms. Paula H. Welter
Mrs. Audrey L West
Ms. Ellen V. White
Ms. Laverne A. Whittington
Ms. Andrea M. Williams
Ms. Floretta L. Williams
Mrs. Beverly A. Williamson
Craig and Patti Willis
Mrs. Lenora B. Wilson
Ms. Loni Wilson
Ms. Patricia G. Witte
Ms. Julia A. Wood
Margaret B. Wood
Mr. Jermaine D. Woolford
Ms. Krista L. Wooters
Ms. Andrea Wright
Ms. Tonya Wright
Ms. Lacie M. Yacko
Mr. Joel R. Yacks
Mrs. Bonnie K. Zajac
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Zajac
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Zimmerman
Queen Anne’s
Emergency Center Giving
Ms. Elizabeth S. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Beacham
Best Care Ambulance, Inc.
Mr. Perry L. Brown
Mrs. Alice V. Cook
Mr. Robert W. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. DiGregorio
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Drake
Mr. John J. Durcho
Mrs. Anna May Ellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fasolo
Foundation for Community
Partnerships, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Franks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. Wallace J. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Hauer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Heinz
Jim and Roni Holthaus
Mrs. Susan J. James
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jensen
John A. Grier Typesetter Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaljee
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Kauffman
Ms. Marjory J. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard
Ms. Catherine Lowery
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Minahan
Ms. Lucy J. Mitchell
Lawrence and Mary Morris
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Mrs. Theresa A. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Palmer, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pickles
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Polyanski
Ms. Betty L. Reid
Dr. Harry C. Rhodes
Mr. Robert A. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Richardson
Ms. Marie V. Roskosky
Mrs. Marchelle Ryans
Larry and Amelia Schuler
Mr. John E. Schwemmer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Silanskas
Mrs. Mary M. Smith
Ms. Bonnie L. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield H. Stewart
Mrs. Joan C. Studnicky
Ms. Tina M. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Tolliver
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield S Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. B. Michael Verne
Ms. Mary Lou Vitrano
Mr. Thomas M. Garvey and Dr. Jane Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Mareen D. Waterman
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gregory Watko
Mr. Ernst Winkler
Matching Gifts
These companies provided matching gifts
to donations made by members
of their company programs:
GE Foundaton
Mid-Shore Community Foundation
RBC Wealth Management
The Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation
Susan T. Forlifer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben Stagg
Adam J. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weinstein
Elizabeth Lennox Charli Franks
Dr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Franks
Jeannette Williams
Ms. Carolyn H. Williams and
Mr. Colin K. Walsh
Francis R. Hauer
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Hauer
Erin Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Bell, Sr.
Douglas F. Wiseman
Ms. Angela M. Galassi
Kristin Johnston
Dr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Franks
Lisa Lisle
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Anthony
Lakiesha McCroy
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips
Sue D. McLaughlin
Dr. Michael C. Tooke and
Ms. Susan Piggott
MHE - Emergency Department
Mrs. Eunice B. Shearer
April Motooidhak
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips
Oliver Noyes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Seibert
F. W. Pfordt
Ms. Norma Howell
Gifts In Honor of
Requard Center for Acute
Rehabilitation Staff
Charles and Iris Fricker
Mrs. Marclyn S. Hendon
3 East Multi-Specialty Unit
Rosalie M. Reveron
Ms. Eva M. Lake
All Veterans
Veterans of Foreign Wars #7460
Rachel Schiming
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips
Joseph Ciatola
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield S. Tompkins
Shore Regional Cancer Center Nurses
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Neary, Jr.
Earl Delawder
Mrs. Susan J. James
Andrew T. Sommerlatte
Mrs. Betty J. Jones
Dennis M. DeShields
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips
Tracy N. Supcoe
Bob and Naomi Hyman
Terry P. Detrich
Dr. Michael C. Tooke and
Ms. Susan Piggott
The Myers Family
Mrs. Theresa A. Myers
Michael J. Fisher
Taffe Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips
Matthew B. Troshinsky
Oliver and Regina Grogan
Frank Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Detweiler
Eva Ashby
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Keene
Rory Askins
Mr. David W. Milligan
Elizabeth A. Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ball
Ladies Auxiliary - Oxford
Volunteer Fire Co.
Shirley Baynard
Mr. Leroy Baynard
Lloyd L. Beatty
Mr. John M. Touchard
Philip H. Beaven
Ms. Phyllis B. Pensel
Gloria J. Beulah
QAEC Employees
Mrs. Mary Alice VanHoy
Conwell Brittingham
Mrs. Anne B. Clucas
Pearlie M. Claggett
Ms. Lillie P. Williams
Margaret E. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sokso
William H. Condon
Mrs. Julia B. Condon
Charles and Elizabeth Conway
Mrs. Jacqueline Martino
Barbara A. Cox
Mr. Robert W. Cox
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
PHILANTHROPY: Many Ways to Give
Gifts in Memory of (cont’d.)
Preston C. Creighton
Mrs. Susie Creighton-Embert
Carmella Danzo
Mr. and Mrs. John T. O’Keefe
Keith B. Davis
Ms. Tina M. Thomas
Donald Dragon
Mrs. Arlene C. Dragon
John S. Durcho
Mr. John J. Durcho
Melvin F. Edwards
Mrs. Mildred F. Edwards
Margaret B. Ferree
Mr. John Swaine, Jr.*
Jacob Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kelsey Brown
Mrs. Marguerite Y. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hunter
Ms. Michele Lechowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McGuinness
Bette and Frank Meyerle
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riehl, III
Leonard I. Nichols
Mrs. Sally Anne Nichols
Harry F. Kaufman
Mrs. Margaret A. Kaufman
Barbara A. Norman
Mr. Harry R. Norman
Herbert O. Kaufman
Craig and Patti Willis
Sidney R. Orem
Mrs. Margaret D. Orem
Patricia A. Kenton
Cardiac Rehab - 7:00 Group
Our Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Pyper, Sr.
Anne M. Kimberly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Norcross
William A. Perry
William and Debra Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wieland, IV
Samuel J. Lanahan
Mrs. Sheila S. Lanahan*
Jay C. Lowery
Ms. Catherine Lowery
Robert C. Lowery
Ms. Catherine Lowery
John Luthy
Mrs. Marilyn H. Luthy
Martha B. Marvel
Mr. L. Everett Marvel
Stan Polyanski
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Polyanski
James and Jo Ann Quick
Mrs. Mary G. Quick
Clarice L. Rosenfield
Aaron & Sandy Rosenfield
Kenneth L. Rosette
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Rosette
David H. McCurdy
Ms. Barbara A. McCurdy
Lenette D. Satchell
Mr. Peter M. Dietz
Judge and Mrs. Carville D. Duncan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Rauch
Patricia McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Levin E. Eastburn
Barbara A. Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scheck
Gerry Garvey
Mr. Thomas M. Garvey and
Dr. Jane Wang
John C. Mease
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mease
Claiborne W. Gooch
The Chris Gooch Family
Dorothy Metcalf
Mr. J. Malcolm Bahrenburg
R. Donald Goslin
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Goslin
Kathleen S. Milligan
Mrs. Dorothy E. Era
Willard A. Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Fichtner, II
James and Gloria Gibson
Mrs. Camilla Kneale
Londonderry Retirement Community
Ms. Melissa S. A. Lourie
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Schilling
Tiffany Greene
Ms. Eva M. Lake
Mr. Richard M. Price
Stertil-Koni USA
Maxwell Greeson
Ms. Victoria D. Jones
Julia Mills
Ms. C. Priscilla Andrews
Charles B. Haas
Mrs. Mary Margaret McQuay
Rose Ella Monroe
Ms. Eva M. Lake
Joan Holliday
Ms. Eva M. Lake
Betty R. Nagel
Ms. Sandra B. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Collins
Mrs. Betty Jean Davis
Mr. Warren A. Frase
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. McMahan
Frederick B. Fox
Mrs. Claire F. Weibe
William J. C. Hughson
William J. C. Hughson Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Emma Johns
Ms. Lavinia Johns
Robert M. Schroder
Mrs. Jean M. Schroder
Ira R. Sewell
Mayor and Mrs. Robert C. Willey
Lena Mae Sharp
Mrs. Betty Jane Burklew
Ms. Jean H. Roche
Mrs. Jane P. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Taylor, Sr.
VFW - Noah W. Barfield Post 5448
Robert A. Smith
Mrs. Frances D. Smith
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
The Shore Health System 2011 Golf Invitational raised $55,000 for the Shore Regional Cancer Center. The Talbot Bank
team took first place gross with team members (left to right) Scott Beatty, Butch Townsend, Moorhead Vermilye and
Will Shannahan.
Daniel R. Spielman
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. C. Gore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. McKinnon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell C. Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Richards
Ms. Betty E. Spielman
SHS - Laboratory Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Trego
Bobby E. Williams
Ms. Carrie A. Sampson
Janet Winkelmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimes
Leach Wallace Associates, Inc.
RBC Wealth Management
The Whiting Turner Contracting
Co., Inc.
Pro Sponsor:
Maryland Primary Care Physicians, LLC
J. Lawrence and Mary Wood
Mrs. Dolores W. Fountain
Hole In One Sponsors:
Aqua Pools and Spas
David Wheeler Honda-Kia of Easton
Mabel C. Thompson
AAA Club Partners, Inc.
AAA Mid-Atlantic
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Adams
William B. Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Harding
Bob and Ruth Carmean
Jane H. Zwemer
Mr. Howard A. Zwemer
Diane E. Tolley
Mr. Michael V. Keene
Ms. J. Lynne Mills
Ms. Ruth L. Tolley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Wielgosz
Tee Sponsors:
Best Care Ambulance, Inc.
Bartlett, Griffin & Vermilye, Inc.
Blood Bank of Delmarva
Provident State Bank
Reliable Pest Control
Lydia Tang
Mr. Thomas M. Garvey and
Dr. Jane Wang
Paul Upaul
Mrs. Margaret Ann Upaul
Gladys I. Wagner
Mr. Glenn C. Wagner
2011 Golf Tournament Presenting Sponsor:
Pepsi Bottling Ventures of
Salisbury, MD
Masters Sponsor:
Clark Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Daisy P. Waltemeyer
Mr. Gary E. Waltemeyer
Eagle Sponsors:
Clark Construction Group, LLC
The Auxiliary of the Memorial Hospital at Easton
Leonard T. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bobitka
Ms. Cindy Guillion
Birdie Sponsors:
Cannon Design
Best Care Ambulance, Inc.
Bloom & Associates/MAMI
Charles T. Capute LLC
Chester River Health System
Choptank Transport, Inc.
Eastern Shore Emergency Medicine
Physicians, LLC
Easton Bank & Trust Co.
Easton Utilities and Easton Cable
eReceivables, LLC
Handcraft Linen Services
HKS Architects
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
PHILANTHROPY: Many Ways to Give
2011 Golf Tournament (Teams cont’d.)
Bill & Judy Munn /
Ralph & Melissa Panebianco
ROI Eligibility Services, Corp.
Sodexo Health Care Services
The Orthopedic Center
The Talbot Bank
Tri-Gas & Oil Co., Inc.
Dr. R. Lane Wroth
2011 Defending the Caveman
Presenting Sponsor:
The Auxiliary of the Memorial
Hospital at Easton
Sandy and Bruce Hammonds
The Widgeon Foundation
The Medical Staff of Shore Health System
Delmarva Radiology
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Granville
Miles and Stockbridge Foundation, Inc.
University of Maryland Medical System
Aberdeen Asset Managemen, Inc.
Cowdrey Thompson, PC
Easton Utilities and Easton Cable
Holiday Inn Express and
Comfort Inn, Easton
Dr. Sharon Liu & Dr. John Serino
Judy Munn
Susan and Jack Stoltz
Tri-Gas & Oil Co., Inc.
Mr. Jonathan Abbott
Mrs. Holly Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Baumann
Mrs. Katherine Bayh
Mr. Perry L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William Burruss
Bob and Ruth Carmean
Sharon Maenner Carrick
Charles T. Capute LLC
Sen. and Mrs. Richard Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. William Corace
Ms. Diane Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cruikshank
Mr. Jake Davis
Susan and Dick Deerin
Dr. Edward L. Delaney and
Dr. Elizabeth L. Anderson
Mrs. Delia B. Denny
Mrs. Kathleen Deoudes
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert H. Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dillon
Mrs. Lois K. Ditman
Mrs. I. Sharon Dobson
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Domurot
Easton Utilities and Easton Cable
Mrs. Addie C. Eckardt
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fisher
Mrs. Christine A. Franey
Mrs. Lilja A. Gabardini
Ms. Angela M. Galassi
Mr. Dennis B. Geraghty
Mrs. Shirley S. Gooch
Mr. and Mrs. N. Bryson Goss
Ms. Laura Griffith
Mr. John Haught
Andrew Heiss
Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Hilghman
Martha F. Horner
Mr. and Mrs. D. Curt Hutchinson
Dr. Gail S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kerridge
Mr. Alonzo Kieffer
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Levey
Dr. Sharon Liu & Dr. John Serino
Mr. and Mrs. James H. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. L. Nash McMahan
Midshore Surgical Eye Center, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. I. Terence Mullikin
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mussenden
Ms. Kathryn Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. O’Reilly
Mr. Neal O’Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Passarella
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Peck
Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Pecorak
Holiday Inn Express and
Comfort Inn, Easton
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Poole
Ms. Deborah Proctor
Ellen Rajacich
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riehl, III
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Rodgers, III
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rolle, Jr.
Reinhardt Sahmel, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Shanahan
Shore Bancshares, Inc.
Shore Health System
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sinder
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Slatkin
Mr. and Mrs. Lon H. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Snell
Mr. and Mrs. William Stagg
Susan and Jack Stoltz
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Strong, III
Mrs. Melissa L. Svehla
The Hon.* and Mrs. Russell Train
Ms. Jane Valantino
Mr. and Mrs. Judson B. Van Dervort
Mrs. Lisette Vazquez
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Walsh
Dr. Jane Wang and
Mr. Thomas M. Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Wise
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Wiseman
2012 Flamingo Fling Golf Tournament
ACELL Incorporated
Katherine R. Adler, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Alnutt
Mrs. Judith Anglada
Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Appleby
Aquacare Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Lou Armstrong-Peters
Ms. Elaine R. Ashenfelter
Mrs. Karen Ballance
Mrs. June L. Bennett
Mrs. Mary D. Blair
Mrs. Rose Marie Bowles
Mrs. Nancie N. Buscher
Mrs. Carolyn C. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butler
Ms. Donna Cantor
Mrs. Kathy Canzoniero
Mr. Charles T. Capute
Mrs. Betty Jane Carroll
Mrs. Patricia Casgar
Mrs. Jean Cashen
Ms. Ruth M. Cecil
Mr. W. E. Chase, Sr.
Choptank Closets, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. A. James Clark
Mrs. Nancy Collins
Mrs. Barbara M. Cook
Mrs. Jean Cooper
Mrs. Lillian S. Cornett
Ms. Dorothy E. Cosden
Ms. Brenda L. Crabbs
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cruikshank
Mrs. Katherine M. Dankmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Darragh, Jr.
Mrs. Sara J. Davidson
Mrs. Ruth M. Decker
Deco Recovery Management
Mrs. Delia B. Denny
Mr. and Mrs. James Denny
Mrs. Susan C. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Ditman
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Doetzer
Mrs. Mary B. Doetzer
Mrs. Beverly V. Domurot
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Domurot
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Duff
Ms. Sheridon A. Duncan
Mrs. Marie Therese L. Dwyer
Easton Bank & Trust Co.
Easton Utilities and Easton Cable
Mrs. Addie C. Eckardt
Mrs. Charlotte G. Ehlig
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Ehlig
Mr. and Mrs. W. Frederic Endy, Jr.
Mrs. Yvonne Z. Endy
Mrs. Pamela Epprecht
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
The Flamingo Fling 9-Hole Golf Classic, sponsored by the 9- and 18-Hole Lady Golfers of Talbot Country Club, raised
nearly $83,000 for Shore Regional Breast Center’s outreach and education program. The Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
pledged $25,000 as a Leader Board sponsor. Pictured are (left to right) planning committee members Mary Lou Peters,
Rose Marie Bowles, and co-chairs Julie Wojcik and Jo Ann O’Reilly with mascot “Pink Floyd.”
Mrs. Jane Escher
Mrs. Jean C. Everngam
Mrs. Frances Every
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Every
Mrs. Maxine Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. W. James Farrell
Mrs. Shirley T. Freestate
Mrs. Dorothy V. Frenz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Frenz
Ms. Joan A. Frey
Mrs. Iris A. Fricker
Ms. Alicia Gannon
Ms. Catherine German
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arthur Gnospelius
Mrs. Linda Goss
Mrs. Anne S. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Granville
Ms. Rosalie A. Griffith
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Guthrie
Mrs. Joan Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hall
Ms. Kelley C. Hanbury
Mrs. Deborah D. Hayes
Mrs. Bobbie Jo Hayton
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Heaton
Mrs. Joan E. Heiss
Mrs. Shirley D. Hepler
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Higginbottom
Catherine V. Hill
Dr. and Mrs. W. David Hill
Hill’s Drug Stores, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Hockmeyer
Mrs. Ann D. Hurt
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hutchinson
Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchinson
Mrs. Dale G. Jafari
James S. Maffitt, Esquire, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Jana
Mrs. Sandra Johnson
Mrs. Annilly H. Jones
Mrs. Betty J. Jones
Mr. C. William and Dr. Gail S. Jones
Dr. Gail S. Jones
Mrs. Mildred E. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Kaufman
Mrs. Martha G. Kavanaugh
Mrs. Patricia Keller
Mrs. Nancy Klein
Knade Financial Group, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. John I. F. Knud-Hansen
Mrs. Patricia A. Krieger
Mrs. Nancy Latham
Mrs. Leslie S. Leaver
Mr. and Mrs. F. Graham Lee
Mrs. Evelyn M. Leszczynski
Dr. and Mrs. Donald T. Lewers
Ms. Gabrielle A. Lewis
Mrs. J. P. Lewis
Mrs. Mary A. Long
Mrs. Edna F. Lynott
Mrs. Judith Arnold Madole
Mrs. Maureen K. McCullough
Mid-Shore Women’s Health, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Millar
Mrs. Dianne N. Miller
Mrs. M. Carolyn Miller
Ms. Marylois E. Miller
Mrs. O. Marian Miller
Mrs. Jane H. Monteith
Mrs. Patricia Annette Moore
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
PHILANTHROPY: Many Ways to Give
2012 Flamingo Golf Tournament (cont’d.)
Mrs. Judith A. Munn
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Munn
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nily
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. O’Reilly
Mrs. Jo Ann O’Reilly
Mrs. Christine Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Hamish S. Osborne
Mrs. Patricia O’Shea
Mrs. Melissa Panebianco
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Panebianco
Parker Counts Melton & Goodman, PC
Mrs. Karen Parker
Mrs. Kay B. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Perkins
Ms. Sherrie Petermann
Holiday Inn Express and
Comfort Inn, Easton
Anne L. Pilert
Mrs. Chloe Pitard
Mrs. Karen W. Pohlhaus
Mrs. Kathleen M. Radcliffe
Mrs. June H. Railey
Mrs. Linda Raughley
Mrs. Marlene Razzetti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Razzetti
RBC Wealth Management
Mrs. Patricia K. Reynolds
Richard J. and Ellen G. Bodorff
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Richardson
Mrs. Margaret A. Richardson
Mrs. Deneen Rickwood
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Riedlin
Mrs. Mary Riedlin
Riehl Estate Management Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riehl, III
Mrs. Margaret Riehl
Mrs. Sarah Rogers
Mrs. Carol A. Rolle
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rolle, Jr.
Mrs. Gail S. Romain
Ms. Adrienne W. Rudge
Mrs. Marjory B. Rue
Ms. Alice R. Ryan
Mrs. Lynn Sanchez
Mrs. Margaret A. Schabdach
Mrs. Susan Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne N. Schelle
Mrs. Julia Schen
Dr. Russell A. Schilling
Mrs. Joyce D. Schriver
Schulman Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Maureen E. Scott-Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Segal
Mrs. Susan W. Segal
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Seger
Mrs. Roberta Seger
Mrs. Jeanne Shannahan
Barbara and Mike Sheridan
Mrs. Nancy Shuck
Mr. Joseph Shultz
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Slattery
Mr. Albert L. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Smith
Mrs. Lindsley Smith
Mrs. Marguerite M. Spies
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sproule, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy F. Stafford
Mrs. Susan L. Stoltz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Strobeck
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Strong, III
The Auxiliary of the Memorial
Hospital at Easton
The Frederick W. Richmond
The Hammonds Family Fund
The Michael & Nancy Klein
Foundation, Inc.
The Talbot Bank
Mrs. Priscilla Thut
Tidewater Physical Therapy &
Rehab Associates
Mrs. Rosemary K. Trippe
Sam and Rosemary Trippe
Mrs. Elizabeth Tuttle
Mrs. Mary Van Dervort
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moorhead Vermilye
Mr. and Mrs. H. Peter von Pawel
Wallace & Company, CPA’s
Mrs. Constance I. Wallace
Ms. Pauletta H. Watts
Ms. Margaret B. Wellington
Mrs. Dyanne Welte
Mrs. Barbara Wheeler
Whelan Family Holdings LLC
Mrs. Sandra Whelan
Mrs. Ann White
Mrs. Phyllis W. Widerkehr
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wieland
Wilcoxon Consulting LLC
Mr. Robert Willey
Mrs. Yvonne E. Wilson
Mrs. Julie C. Wojcik
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wojcik
Mrs. Brenda L. Wooden
Wye Financial & Trust Services
Annual fund
giving societies
J. McKenny Willis, Jr. Society - ($25,000 +)
Mr. and Mrs. A. James Clark
Dorothy A. Metcalf Foundation
Mr. Franklin Hawkins*
Mr. James W. Shields*
Care Giver’s Society - ($5,000 - $9,999)
Mrs. Virginia Donohoe*
Sustainer’s Society - ($2,500 - $4,999)
Dr. and Mrs. Tucker Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Lea, Jr.
Mrs. Ellen Rajacich
Benefactor’s Society - ($1,000 - $2,499)
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Marion W. Bevard, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Vance Carmean, Jr.
Carmean Grain, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Cecil, III
Charles T. Capute LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Granville
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus P. Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Mandl
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Meyerhoff
Monet Family Fund of the Community
Foundation of New Jersey
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Munn
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Peck
Mrs. Jennifer Stanley
Mr. Thomas O. Stanley
Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church
The Firstman Family Foundation, Inc.
The Frederick W. Richmond Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. G. Albert Turner
Compassionate Aid Society - ($100 - $999)
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Abruzzese
Katherine R. Adler, Ph.D.
All-Shred, Inc.
Major General and Mrs. Andrew H.
Anderson USA (RET.)
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Andrew, III
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Bank
Mr. Jerome Barsky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Baumann
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bednarz
Rabbi and Mrs. Donald R. Berlin
Mrs. Constance T. Blades
Dewey E. and Connie T. Blades
Mrs. Joan R. Bolling
Curtis and Brynja Booth
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Bounds
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Bracy
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bright
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Britt
Mr. John H. Brothers
Mr. Norman H. Brown
Ms. Mildred Callahan Bullock
Mr. John C. Butner
Mr. Donald M. Butterworth
Robert and Shirley Byrnes
Mr. Charles T. Capute
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Carraher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Chlan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Covey
Mr. J. Gary Cox
Jim and Betty Crothers
Mr. and Mrs. R. James Crowle
Joan and Richard Crowley
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cuttler
Mr. Hugh C. Daly
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Danner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Daspit
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Deakins
Deco Recovery Management
Delmarva Laser Eye Center
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Denton
Mr. C. Leroy Dixon
Mrs. Arlene C. Dragon
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wade Dudrow
William and Sally Dunton
Ms. Cecelia A. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. George P. A. Eysymontt
Ms. Nancy J. Feezer
Mr. and Mrs. G. Philip Feldman
Mrs. Marie Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Files
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Flynn, Sr.
Mr. Philip Carey Foster
Mr. W. Thomas Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. John Freitag
Charles and Iris Fricker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Fuguet
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard E. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Gardner
Mrs. Sylvia H. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. David B Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Gipe
Mrs. Madeline D. Girard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Arthur Gnospelius
Mrs. Myra S. Goldgeier
Mr. William G. Greenly
Ms. Lana W. Harding
Harmony Farms, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Craig V. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hazen
Mr. Thomas C. Hazen
Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Hendon
Henry and Anne Reich
Family Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Herbert
The Hermitage Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Herson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hewes, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hollingshead
Holt Paper & Chemical Company
Col. Richard D. Hooker USA (RET.)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porter Hopkins
The Hon. William S. Horne
Mrs. Martha F. Horner
Nina Rodale Houghton
Luke and Ann Howard
Mrs. Hilda Hrechun
Mr. David P. Hunt
John and Jennie Hyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hynson, Jr.
Mr. J. B. Jarrell, Jr.
Ms. Lavinia Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Kaouris
Mr. Edward L. Smith and
Dr. Ona M. Kareiva
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly, Jr.
Capt. and Mrs. Fred K. Kieser
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Kilduff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kimberly
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Kingman
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kinnamon
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Kittredge
Cyndy and Harold Klinger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Knowles
Dr. John P. Knud-Hansen
Al and Evelyn Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Lowman, Jr.
Mr. Philip L. Mackie
Mr. and Mrs. C. Reed Madary, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Masters
Mr. & Mrs. Ned McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Dufferin R. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCrone
Admiral and Mrs. Kinnaird McKee
Mrs. Alice H. Mellen
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Merriken
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Millar
Lawrence and Mary Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mufson
Mr. Edward J. Murn, III
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Murray
Dr. Cecilia V. Nobel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Nolker
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Oskin
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pagenstecher
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Passarella
Mr. Walter L. Patton, III
Mrs. Loisann Pearsall
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Peterson
Mr. John M. Pinney and
Ms. Donna Cantor
Mr. and Mrs. David Pitard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Prahl
Professional Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion R. Propst
Mrs. Martha M. Read
Mrs. Norma M. Redele’
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Reynolds
Dr. Harry C. Rhodes
Mr. Robert A. Rhodes
Mr. Donald S. Rice and
Ms. Elizabeth Loker
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riter
Mr. John J. Roberts
Jim and Marjorie Robfogel
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph C. Rogge
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Russell
Mrs. Sara B. Ryan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Seger
Mrs. Eunice B. Shearer
Tom and Nancy Sinnott
Ed and Andy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Steffens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Stephens
Mrs. Jo Ann Storey
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Strong, III
Mr. John Swaine, Jr.*
Dr. James B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuart Thompson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Thomson
Mr.* and Mrs. James Thorington, II
Mrs. R. Carmichael Tilghman*
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus M. Todd
Mr. John M. Touchard
The Hon.* and Mrs. Russell Train
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tucker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Tulloch, Jr.
Rob and Randi Turner
Union Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moorhead Vermilye
Acie and Linda Vickers
William and Clarissa* Vowler
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Walbridge
Dr. James C. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. S. Waxter
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Weintraub
Miss E. Jayne Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. White, Jr.
Ms. K. Nancy Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Womack
Ms. Teressa C. Wright
William and Lois Yeager
Friend’s Society - ($1 - $99)
Mrs. Arnita Adams
Mrs. Olga S. Balcer
Pat and Grif Bates
Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Batson
Jack and Carolyn Batty
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Beacham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Betz
Ms. Doris L. Beulah
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Bilbrough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bishop, Jr.
Mrs. Irene G. Blake
Mr. Francis H. Bohlen, III
Mr. and Mrs. C. Leslie Booze
Mrs. Delores J. Bowens
Ms. Gina Maria Brent
Mr. Leroy W. Brooks
Mr. Walter M. Brown
William and Lorraine Bruckner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Buczek
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Burton
Mr. Wayne Butler
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Callaway
The Hon. and Mrs. Earl F. Capuano
Mrs. Sue Carney
Will and Judith Chambers
Mrs. Margaret O. Cheesman
Mrs. Marion A. Clark
Rev. Robert E. Coine
Ms. Louise Copper
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
PHILANTHROPY: Many Ways to Give
annual fund giving societies
Mrs. Judy Corkell
Ms. Greta M. Corkran
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cover
Mrs. Grace L. Covington
Mrs. Patricia C. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Crouch
Dr. Victor Crown
Ms. Betty L. Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Davidson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman DeMaris
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Dembo
Mr. Charles K. Dennis
Mrs. Helen S. Dettbarn
Dr. and Mrs. David Dianich
Ms. Joan M. Dickson
Lewis and Ann Doom
Mr. George E. Droter
Mr. and Mrs. A. Adgate Duer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Dunner
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Earp
Ms. Louise W. R. Edmunds
Mr. William N. Embert
Mr. Harold G. English
Ms. Helen V. Faulkner
Robert and Susan Feldhuhn
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fink, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Fisher
Mrs. Joyce S. Flamer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Fluharty, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard N. Foxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell O. Foxwell
Mrs. Kathleen A. Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Frase
Mr. and Mrs. Brad M. Frost
Mr. James D. Gardner
Dr. and Mrs. Melbourne F. Giberson
Ms. Helen Gocs
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Goedeke, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Goll
Mrs. Alice Lois Gondeck
Good Scents Company
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gore
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gouge, Sr.
Mr. Bernard L. Grove, Jr.
Mr. Roger R. Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Haddaway
Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton
Mrs. Florence B. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Haymaker, Jr.
Mrs. Jeanne B. Hechmer
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester K. Helminiak
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Henkel
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Hite
Mrs. Sylvia K. Holland
Mrs. Beverly Huxster
Mr. Billy L. Insley
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel E. Jackson
Ms. Shirley Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brooks Jansen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jenks
Mr. Kenneth D. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kaspar
Wayne and Willa Jane Kellenbenz
Mr. Dale R. Kellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kelley, Sr.
Ms. Deborah A. Kennedy
Mr. James M. Kennedy, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kingsbury
Gene & Libby Klee
Mr. Alan E. Kleppinger
Mr. and Mrs. Clement L. Klug, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lagana
Mr. Denis L. Lamparter
Mr. Kim A. Leatherman
Robert and Suzann Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lobera
Mrs. Carolyn L. Lockhart
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilmot Mann, Jr.
Mrs. Joanne Parrott McCoy
Mrs. Sharon Ann McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McGuinness
Mr. George S. McManus
Mrs. Mary Margaret McQuay
Mrs. Emilie T. McWilliams
Dr. Vinodrai M. Mehta
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Meredith
Bette and Frank Meyerle
Mr. David M. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Miller, III
Mrs. Louise Mills
Mr. Paul S. Moorhead and
Ms. Rebecca W. Otter
Mr. Thomas B. Morison
Ms. Susanne G. Mothershead
Ms. Noreen G. Neely
Mark and Eugenia Newberg
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard I. Norris
Mrs. Vivian B. North
Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio Novey
Mrs. Margaret D. Orem*
Overeaters Anonymous
Mrs. June Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Parkerson
Mr. Royce A. Peabody
Col. and Mrs. Edwin F. Pelosky USA (RET.)
Mr. William A. Peoples and
Ms. Charlotte D. Kabaci
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Radcliffe
Ms. Karol B. Redline
Ms. Lynne L. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Salvator James Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Runnels
Joyce Santo
Mrs. Katherine R. Seese
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sellner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Shanks
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Shepherd, Jr.
Mrs. Reed Shoemaker
Mrs. Heather M. Smith
Mr. Sonny Sollars
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Speakman
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Spedden
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield H. Stewart
Mrs. Theda Warren Stubbs
Mrs. Agnes L. Sturtz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Tate
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thorpe
Mr. Kenneth W. Tindall
Mrs. Helen C. Travers
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Trego, Jr.
Richard C. and Marian B. Trippe
Mr. Richard L. Tucker
Mr. Earnest S. Turner, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad A. Ullah
Mrs. Deborah H. Urry
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Valliant
Ms. Dorothy S. Vanderpool
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. VanGilder
Mr. Glenn C. Wagner
Ms. L. Marlene Waldis
Mrs. Joyce Ann Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ward
Major and Mrs. Neill J. Willoughby
Mrs. Helen L. Witt
Ms. Marie E. Wroten
Mrs. Lula R. Zlock
PHOTO OPPOSITE: Funds raised by the Queen Anne’s Emergency Center Capital Campaign Committee are helping the
community’s smallest patients. Nearly $36,000 raised from “Our Roots are Planted for a ‘Shore’ Future” was donated
to the Queen Anne’s Emergency Center, a portion of which was used to purchase the Panda warmer. This equipment
uses the most up to date technology for warming, delivering oxygen to and monitoring newborns and infants. Pictured
with the Panda warmer are (left to right) Stephanie Brock, BSN, RN; Mary Shepherd, RN; Carolyn Sutch, RN; Mary Alice
Vanhoy, MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, NREMT-P, Nurse Manager; and Pat O’Shea, Director of Development, Shore Health.
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
DGH Equipment:
Dorchester General Hospital Auxiliary
Dorchester General Hospital
DGH Palliative Care Suite:
Dorchester General Hospital
DGH Vascular Lab:
Dorchester General Hospital
2012 Art of Caring
Presenting Sponsor:
Dorchester General Hospital
Delmarva Radiology
Eastern Shore Emergency Medicine
Physicians, LLC
Midshore Surgical Eye Center, Inc.
AIM Transport, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William Bair
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brant
Delmarva Power
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Effron
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Maloney, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Moran
Lois A. Narr, D.O. LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Newmier
Tri-Gas & Oil Co., Inc.
Tudor Farms, Inc.
George E. Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. William Bair
Bay Country Security, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brant
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
Choptank Animal Hospital
Sen. and Mrs. Richard Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. William Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dail
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ding
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Eckardt
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Effron
Dr. Christian Evans
Mike and Bree Fadden
Mrs. Debbie Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grier
Haddaway’s Service, Inc.
Hebron Savings Bank
Mr. Jeff Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Joyce
Dr. Christopher Levey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Loeffler
Mr. and Mrs. William Malkus
Dr. Rosa Mateo
Mr. and Mrs. William McAllister
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Keith McMahan
Mr. and Mrs. L. Nash McMahan
Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Moran
MTS Broadcasting
Dr. Lois Narr
Ms. Jackie Noller
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Oliver
Mr. Neal O’Shea
Jody & Bernard Panzenhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pasden, Jr.
Karol B. Redline
Ms. Francesca Rendell
Robert B. Sanchez, MD, FAAFP
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Strohmer
Ms. Theda Warren Stubbs
The Drug Store
Dr. Christine Turner
Dr. Lakshmi Vaidyanathan
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Waggoner
Ms. Diane West
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
(in thousands)
Net Patient Revenues
Other Operating Revenue
Net Operating Revenue
237,464 244,124
121,828 126,156
14,785 14,217
3,260 3,567
90,661 90,082
230,534 234,022
Other Operating Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Results
Net Operating Profit
6,930 10,102
Non-Operating Revenue
13,014 (3,234)
Total Net Income
19,944 6,868
Statistics FY2012
Patient Days Dorchester
Queen Anne’s
SHS Surgical
Avg Length of Stay (days)
Avg Daily Census
Ambulatory Surgeries
1, 693
Inpatient Surgeries
Emergency room visits
Births (System Wide)
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Health is a member of:
The American Hospital Association
The Maryland Hospital Association
The American Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association
Association of Community Cancer Centers
The Caroline County Chamber of Commerce
The Talbot County Chamber of Commerce
The Queen Anne’s County Chamber of Commerce
The Dorchester County Chamber of Commerce
The Kent County Chamber of Commerce
The Maryland Healthcare Ethics Committee Network
The Hospice and Palliative Care Network of Maryland
Shore Health System is committed to ethical business practices and compliance with applicable laws, regulations,
and policies governing the provision of health care. Shore Health System provides access to healthcare services and
employment opportunities without discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age,
national origin, disability, marital status or any other basis prohibited by law.
2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Shore Health System
219 S. Washington Street
Easton, Maryland 21601
Dorchester General Hospital
300 Byrn Street
Cambridge, Maryland 21613
TDD 410-228-7685
Balance Center
15 Sunburst Center, Cambridge
Birthing Center
Memorial Hospital: X 5700
The Memorial Hospital at Easton
Dorchester General Hospital: X 8367
Memorial Hospital: X 5805
Shore Medical Pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-827-3805
219 S. Washington Street
Easton, Maryland 21601
TDD 410-820-5704
Center for Cardio-Pulmonary
Fitness and Wellness
Dorchester General Hospital: X 8201
Memorial Hospital: X 5208
Queen Anne’s Emergency Center
115 Shoreway Drive
Queenstown, Maryland 21658
Shore medical pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive
Queenstown, Maryland 21658
Memorial Hospital Foundation
121 Federal Street, Suite 2
Easton, Maryland 21601
410-822-1000, X 5763
Dorchester General Hospital
Attn: Ida Jane Baker
PO Box 439
Cambridge, Maryland 21613
410-228-5511 X8401
Critical Care University
Graduate University
219 S. Washington Street
Easton, Maryland 21601
410-822-1000, X 5357
Antithrombosis Services Clinic
Memorial Hospital: X 5283
Center for Integrative Medicine
607-B Dutchman’s Lane
Child Development Center
Memorial Hospital: X 5922
Community Wide Access
(patient scheduling)
410-822-1000, X 2600
410-228-5511, X 2600
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services
Inpatient Services:
Dorchester General Hospital: X 8363
Memorial Hospital: X 5532
Requard Center for Acute
Rehabilitation, Memorial Hospital:
X 5845
Outpatient Services:
15 Sunburst Center, Cambridge
920 Market Street, Denton
10B Martin Court, Easton
Shore Medical Pavilion,
125 Shoreway Drive
Suite 280, Queenstown
Diagnostic and Imaging Centers
Dorchester General Hospital: X 8350
Memorial Hospital: X 5678
2540 Centreville Road, Centreville
838 S. 5th Avenue, Denton
10 Martin Court, Easton
Shore Medical Pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
Dialysis Vascular Access Clinic
Memorial Hospital: X 5067
Digestive Health Center
511 Idlewild Avenue
Endoscopy Services
Dorchester General Hospital: X 8336
Joint Replacement Center
Memorial Hospital: X 5406
Kidney Transplant Clinic
Memorial Hospital: X 5050
Neurodiagnostic Services
Memorial Hospital: X 5824
Nutrition Center
Dorchester General Hospital: X 8474
Memorial Hospital: X 5339
Patient and Family Advocate
Dorchester General Hospital: X 5828
Memorial Hospital: X 5828
Patient Financial Services (Billing)
For in person payments and
29515 Canvasback Drive
Easton, Maryland 21601
For mailing payments:
Memorial Hospital
219 S. Washington Street
Easton, Maryland 21601
For telephone assistance:
410-822-1000, X 1020
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
Memorial Hospital: X 5820
Physician Services
Chesapeake Ear, Nose &Throat
29466 Pintail Drive
Suite 3, Easton
Shore Medical Pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
Chesapeake Neurological Surgery
401 Purdy Street
Suite 204, Easton
Shore Comprehensive Urology
505 Dutchman’s Lane
Building A, Easton
2 Aurora Street, Cambridge
Shore Medical Pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
Shore Family Practice
2540 Centreville Road, Centreville
Shore Family Medicine
836 S. 5th Avenue, Denton
Shore Gynecology
401 Purdy Street
Suite 203, Easton
Shore Medical Pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
Shore Neurology and Sleep
522 Cynwood Drive
Suite 300, Easton
404 Byrn Street, Cambridge
Shore Medical Pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
Shore Pediatrics
8579 Commerce Drive
Suite 104, Easton
Shore Pediatrics
828 Airpax Road, Building B
Suite 600, Cambridge
Shore Surgical Care
505 Dutchman’s Lane
Building B, Easton
Shore Medical Pavilion
Regional Sleep Disorders Center
Dorchester General Hospital
Memorial Hospital
Shore Medial Pavilion
410-822-1000 X 5338
Regional Swallowing Center
10B Martin Court, Easton
Respiratory Care/Pulmonary
Function Services
Dorchester General Hospital: X 8367
Memorial Hospital: X 5810
Shore Behavioral Health Services
Dorchester General Hospital:
Inpatient services: X 8120
Outpatient services: X 2147
Substance abuse program: X 2100
Memorial Hospital:
Substance abuse program: X 5452 Shore Health Laboratories
Memorial Hospital
Dorchester General Hospital
15 Sunburst Center, Cambridge
2540 Centreville Road, Centreville
838 S. 5th Avenue Street, Denton
10 Martin Court, Easton
Shore Medical Pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
Shore Health System Surgery Center 6 Caulk Lane, Easton
Shore Home Care Home Health,
Hospice and Lifeline Services
121 Federal Street
Suite 3, Easton
Shore Regional Breast Center
Memorial Hospital: 410-820-9400
Shore Regional Cancer Center
Requard Radiation Oncology Center
Lenny Satchell Chemotherapy Suite
509 Idlewild Avenue, Easton
Shore Regional Pain Care Center
Memorial Hospital: X 5226
Shore Wellness Partners
505 Byrn Street, Cambridge
Shore Works Occupational
Health Services
2 Aurora Street, Cambridge
410-228-5511, X 8470
Shore Medical Pavilion,
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
410-822-1000, X 8470
Spiritual Care and Clinical Ethics
Memorial Hospital: X 5259
Dorchester General Hospital: X 5259
University of Maryland Center for
Diabetes and Endocrinology at Shore
Health System
Memorial Hospital: X 5757
Vascular Center
Dorchester General Hospital: X 8367
Memorial Hospital: X 5809
Shore Medical Pavilion
125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
Wound Center
Wound Healing Center at
Memorial Hospital
219 S. Washington Street, Easton
Shore Wound Care
505 Dutchman’s Lane
Building A, Easton
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2012 Annual Report
Attachment OO3a, 2012 Shore Health System Annual Report
21 9 sout h w as h ington street
easton , m ar y l and 21 6 01
To our friends and neighbors at:
C A R E ,
D A Y .
Thanks to you, we are among
the top hospitals in Maryland.
WE’RE HONORED. Shore Health System is honored to be ranked among the top ten
hospitals in Maryland in U.S. News & World Report’s 2012-2013 edition of Best Hospitals.
We take great pride in our accomplishments, but we’re most proud of serving you.
Shore Health is ranked #1 on the Eastern Shore and a high-performing hospital in nine
specialty areas.