Term 1 Week 4 - Samford Valley Steiner School
Term 1 Week 4 - Samford Valley Steiner School
19 February 2016 | Samford Valley Steiner School | 07 3430 9600 Term 1 Week 4 “The Healthy social life is found when in the mirror of each human soul the whole community finds its reflection and when in the community the virtue of each one is living.” Rudolf Steiner I would like to offer a warm thanks to all of those parents who have stepped up to be Class Contacts this year. The role of the Class Contact is to provide a communication bridge between the Class Teacher and the parent body and to be a point of liaison for the Class Community. The Class Contact [CC] has an invaluable contribution to make towards the well-being of the school, aiding in the maintenance and nurturing of the community spirit. During the year you may receive many email communications from your Class Contact and requests for support and help; please take the time to read them as they will contain important information about happenings in the class and the community. Your Class Contact will be giving a significant amount of voluntary time to their role during the year; please support them with good will and helping hands as much as you are able. Our school is nurtured and strengthened by parent participation and effort and to maintain a healthy, lively cultural life we need ongoing interest and participation from our parent community. At SVSS we hope that parents will recognise that the education of their children is not the school’s job alone. You, as a parent have a unique opportunity to form a dynamic partnership with teachers, children and the other families in the school community. When you choose to actively participate in this relationship, you give your children a much greater opportunity to experience the life-enhancing value of co-operative effort and personal and social responsibility. In the early days of a school’s biography it is easy to garner volunteer support, as a pioneering mood and a feeling of being “all in it together” pervades. As the school matures it can become harder to keep parent activity alive as it can seem that everything is in place and those earlier levels of voluntary effort appear to be no longer required. However, the school does not have the human resources to organise unaided all of the wonderful cultural happenings that occur in the school year. The Bush Dance, Music Under the Stars, Craft Group, Cuppa Time, festiValley, Friday Foodies, Family Camps and BBQS etc. are all parent initiatives that greatly enhance and bring life to the school year. All of these activities have grown out of the work of previous PAFA groups. At present we do not have an active PAFA (Parents and Friends Association) and many of these rich community activities are in danger of falling away without ongoing organisational support. Last week the Class Contact group came together to discuss thoughts and ideas for re-establishing an active Parents and Friends group. The three key thoughts that emerged during this meeting were that PAFA efforts and activities would be enhanced by: more guidance from the school administration more support from school administration and the broader parent community further community awareness and recognition of the important work that is done by this group. I see the active involvement of the parent community as an essential aspect of the healthy functioning of our school and am very willing to engage with a group of parents around the aforementioned thoughts to find a way for the school and parent community to offer each other mutual support. I would very much like to hear from any parent/s willing to work towards the reestablishment of our PAFA. All contributions, small or large, to our community building efforts are valued and appreciated. Working together to support the school, and in turn the children, can be wonderfully fun and richly rewarding. Warmly Pep Wright “One of the Golden Words that must govern social life in the future is Love; love of that which we have to do. In the future, good deeds will be done simply out of a love for humanity.” Rudolf Steiner Dates to Remember Tuesday 23 February Community Forum, 7pm Thursday 25 February Kindergarten Parent Night 7pm Saturday 27 February Working Bee & Open Day Friday 4 – Sunday 6 March Learning Support Conference Thursday 17 March RSEGB AGM, 7pm at the Hall SVSS LIVE THEATRE PROGRAM The High School and I went to London on Saturday..... Each year in the HS I organise our Live Theatre Program offering our students opportunities to experience and engage with live performances. Through this they experience classics, newly devised and modern tales. They hear, see and are moved by so many stories including indigenous stories and issues that are brought to life in 3-D with living actors! On Saturday the Year 9-12 students went to the National Theatre in London via Palace Centro cinema. Together we went back to 1847 and met Charlotte Bronte's bold fighter for human rights - Jane Eyre. This classic story from 1847 was re-told dynamically by an ensemble who devised the work before this live performance was broadcast around the world. The play had a live band performing and supporting their re-imagining, and using minimal props, their own movements and gestures they built Jane's outer and inner journey. Thanks to the teachers and teacher aides who came and helped me! Molly Brumm POWER OF THE WORD Each year the Class 8s and I explore the power of our English language to communicate, entertain, convince and sound delightfully. The culmination of our ML was each student presenting a persuasive speech to Jacek, myself and their classmates. We heard strong arguments why Australia's flag needs to be changed to represent our indigenous traditional owners, why gay marriage should be legalised and recognised, why gardening is crucial to our health and many more. The students wrote well organised and thoughtful speeches, coped with their butterflies and spoke clearly and on occasion passionately. It was a wonderful start to 2016 - so welcome Class 8! Molly Brumm Page | 2 WHOLE SCHOOL FACULTY ARTISTIC ACTIVITY COMING SOON: WORKING BEE – SATURDAY 27 FEBRUARY The first Working Bee for 2016 is on the last Saturday of this month from 8am – 1pm. This is a wonderful time to connect with other community members while doing ‘good deeds’ around the school - so please leave a space in your diary. All families welcome – and encouraged! Many hands make light work and your help is greatly appreciated. ANY WELDERS OUT THERE? I am keen to find someone who could help with building 2 soccer goals. We have metal posts (fencing posts) which could be used for this project and reduce, if not avoid, any costs. We also have all welding equipment in the shed, however I am not an expert in this field. If someone is interested and keen to help me with this, we could go and have a look at it. I have attached a picture of the goal we could build but we could negotiate if there is better idea. Please contact the High school office if you can help. Thank you. Jacek Sicinski Page | 3 A PASSIONATE SCHOOLING – 15 We continue with Steiner’s ideas about the threefold nature of the human being body soul and spirit. In education as in medicine, therapy and all activities which involve human beings, Steiner emphasised that we need to consider our threefold nature. In the first chapter of Theosophy Steiner introduces the basic trinity of the human being as comprising body, soul and spirit. He describes these and the three sides of human nature they reflect, as follows: The human body is the objective physical material reality of what is human. Through the body’s senses we perceive the world about us, thereby revealing our environment. The objects revealed to us by our senses are ordinarily accepted as objective facts. The soul is the subjective reality of the human being: Steiner uses the word soul to mean all that people carry within themselves as their own private interior world such as their thoughts, feelings and intentions which are inaccessible to normal bodily senses. Through these we develop personal impressions of the world which may not necessarily represent an objective reality and with these impressions the world takes on meaning. Pleasure and displeasure, desire and aversion, and other emotions are experienced in the soul, sometimes in ways that move us towards feeling and sometimes in ways that move us towards intention and action. In contemporary times the ‘mind’ or ‘psyche’ are more widely used in referring to this aspect of the human being, although both terms tend to suggest a closer relationship to the brain than Steiner’s broader concept of ‘soul’. Steiner believed that the personal interior world was spiritual in origin but has its psychological reflection not only in the brain (thinking) but also in the heart/lung/circulation of the blood (feeling) and in the limbs/metabolism (will/intentions). The spirit, for Steiner is the objective non sense perceptible (invisible) reality of the human being (as distinct from the subjective world of soul.) Next time more on ‘the spirit’. Compiled by Tricia Scott from “A Passionate Schooling” by Dr. Alduino Mazzone (Available from The Treehouse bookshop) Class 6 - Roman marching Page | 4 CALL FOR BOARD MEMBERS: NOMINATIONS DUE THURSDAY 3 MARCH AGM THURSDAY 17TH MARCH, 7PM AT THE HALL Please note: Last week there was a typo in Board communications re the date of the AGM: Thursday 17th March is the correct date. The Board is calling for nominations from members of the School community who have a passion for the School and its long-term development, particularly with skills and experience in one or more of the following areas: Audit and Compliance Board Governance Capital development and property management Financial Management Law Marketing and Communications The Board of the Rudolf Steiner Education Group Brisbane (RSEGB) is the governing body of SVSS, which formally delegates the operational responsibility of managing the School to the Director. The line between governance matters and operational matters remains very clear. You must be a member of the RSEGB to nominate for a role on the Board. The Board consists of nine roles, shown below. There are six vacancies for this coming AGM: Two executive roles of Vice-President and Secretary; Four non-Executive Director roles, one of which is the Anthroposophical representative (nominated by College of Teachers). Role Board Member Status for AGM President Karen Dunshea Remaining in role until 2017 AGM Vice-President Fiona Garnes Retiring from role; vacant for 2016 Secretary Michael Ryan Re-nominating for 2016 Treasurer Rob Hewitt Remaining in role until 2017 AGM Non-executive Amanda Bradley Retiring from role; vacant for 2016 Non-executive Olga Bruvel Remaining in role until 2017 AGM Non-executive (Anthroposophy) Alan Drysdale Re-nominating for 2016 Non-executive Vacant Vacant Non-executive Vacant Vacant If you are interested in nominating for a Board position, please consider the following information: The role is one of governance and Board members do not become involved in operational matters. Page | 5 There is a focus on ethics and professionalism in undertaking our governance duties, including evaluation of our own performance. Our workload is consistent, with substantial increases in time commitment required at different times throughout the year. Professional development as a Board member is expected. Nomination forms are available here: http://www.samfordsteiner.qld.edu.au/wpcontent/uploads/2016/02/RSEGBBoardNominationForm2016.pdf They must be received by the office no later than 4pm Thursday 3rd March 2016. The Board focuses strategically on four areas and our tasks in these areas are guided by our Annual Work Plan. The four areas are: Compliance (legislation, policies, corporate requirements) Financial sustainability Performance management and Stakeholder relationship management The benefits you will receive as a Board member are many: an opportunity to influence and contribute to the success of SVSS, professional development, valuable governance experience, and the enjoyment of working with an excellent team of committed and skilled professionals. Membership is for a 2-year term, however it is beneficial to have people who have a long-term commitment to the School’s development and may be interested in taking on executive roles in the future. Prior to nominating it would be useful for you to have a discussion with me in order to get a picture of what is required and expected of Board members. [M: 0408 876 531 or e: [email protected]]. If you are not interested in a 2016 Board Member position but may be interested in future roles and would like to be updated please send your details to [email protected] Warm regards Karen Dunshea President (on behalf of the Board of the RSEGB) CUPPA TIME A huge thank you to Pep for taking the time out of her very busy schedule to come and talk to us about the three specific soul gestures that children need to experience to promote healthy development. It was lovely to see so many faces join around the table on a Friday morning again. Next week Friday 26th, we will have Peter Kearney coming to give us an introduction to Biodynamic Gardening. Listen to Peter Kearney, our, local biodynamic gardening expert, introduce you to some of the concepts of this fascinating and highly effective method of farming and gardening initially developed by Steiner. Cuppa Time is held every Friday morning from 9am-11am at the Hub. All are welcome to come and learn more about the different facets of Anthroposophy and Steiner Education. These talks are given by very knowledgeable staff members, teachers and sometimes by visiting experts from other Steiner schools or other Steiner Communities. Keep an eye on the newsletter and PAFA Facebook page for announcements for upcoming talks. Any contributions to morning will be greatly appreciated. Page | 6 SVSS CALENDAR 2016 Remember to pick up a copy of our very own SVSS calendar for 2016, if you haven't yet. It was lovingly put together by our very own Dave Gilbert. And the photos were taken by our talented professional photographer parents Catherine Lowe, James Harvey and Danielle O'Brian. The calendars are $15 each and all funds raised goes towards the school. You can purchase them via the Primary school office or the Tree House. And next week we will also be offering car park sales every afternoon at pick up in the Primary School car park from Tuesday 23rd-Friday 26th. CRAFT NEWS A fantastic day at craft this week with our silk painting, the silk was then made into gorgeous silk pillows, thank you to everyone for coming along. Next week we begin our Autumn craft, let’s hope this brings on some cooler weather! This is our Autumn Story set, Alice has written a beautiful story about the adventures of Herbst the gnome and how he came to meet Schnecke the snail, come along and make this kit and read the story to your children. Schnecke is needle felted and glued into a large snail shell and Herbst is a hand stitched felt gnome. For his hat you will have a choice of autumn toned hand dyed felt (thank you Avril) or you can needle felt autumn tones onto the felt hat. The cost for this kit will be $12 and this includes the story which is an Alice original. If you wish to make one for yourself and donate another towards our festiValley stash your kit will be half price. This set also makes a lovely nature table display when not being used to tell a story, Herbst and Schnecke are sturdy enough to be played with by children as well. Hope to see you next week at the Hub. Warmly, The Craft Team ASSOCIATED INITIATIVES These Steiner/Anthroposophically related activities and services, whilst not directly related the school, can be seen to be in sympathy with and supportive of the impulse of Steiner education. Biodynamic gardening workshop This Camp Mountain 2 day workshop on 19-20 Mar at the beautiful gardens of the workshop presenter, Peter Kearney, will introduce you to biodynamic gardening methods, first developed by Steiner. Workshop information is here http://cityfoodgrowers.com.au/calendar.php or call on 0401156532. Register early for this informative, inspirational and nurturing weekend. Page | 7 The Brisbane Branch of the Anthroposophical Society The Brisbane Branch warmly Welcomes Everyone to join us for the 2016 AGM and Monthly Meeting held this Saturday 20th February, this will take place in the meeting room opposite the Library, the day will be as follows: 10am Start AGM 11am AGM Finish 11.20am Rob Birse will be speaking on 'The farm as a Living Organism', Rob has worked at the Steiner School for 16 years and many of you would know him and value his extensive knowledge with Anthroposophy. 1pm Lunch, Bring a plate to share 2pm Lorraine Birse will guide us through how to care for ourselves and the importance of this to bring about balance and harmony to our four-fold and three-fold bodies. Many would know Lorraine through her healing work with adults and children in Etheric Massage, she too has a wealth of knowledge to share. 3.30pm We finish. Contribution of $10 would be greatly appreciated. Shared lunch If you would like more information about the AGM or the Speakers or to RSVP please contact me Monique Davies [email protected]. 0414 291 491 Public workshops Jonathan Anstock, (MEd Steiner, BA, Teach Cert) author of Teach the Children Well - Our spiritual investment, will be presenting four public workshops at the school this term, 9.30am - 3.00pm. During his 40 years in education he has been a teacher advisor, teacher mentor, coprincipal, senior teacher, teacher assessor for NSW Institute of Teachers, Steiner teacher and Steiner school pastoral carer. He is passionate about the creative and health-giving aspects of the Steiner curriculum. He is currently principal of Queensland Teacher Professional Development. $150 school funded *** $100 self-funded/QTPD Follower *** $50 student/unwaged concession Samford Valley Steiner School, Wights Mountain, (25km NW Brisbane CBD) Monday 7th March 9.30AM-3.00pm (5hrs CPD) Click on workshop title for further details or BOOK NOW MOVEMENT AND SENSORY LEARNING IN THE EARLY YEARS The twelve senses and ways to support the development of movement, touch, balance and joie de vivre in the early years and primary school. This workshop is aimed at directors, principals, PE/movement/dance teachers, learning support personnel, class teachers, parents etc. Tuesday 8th March 9.30AM-3.00pm (5hrs CPD) Click on workshop title for further details or BOOK NOW GUIDELINES FOR PURPOSEFUL EDUCATIONAL ENGAGEMENT Getting the most from child readiness, teacher personalities and children’s characters (temperaments) in the early and primary years. This workshop is aimed at class teachers, specialist teachers and support staff who work with groups of children. Monday 21st March 9.30AM-3.00pm (5hrs CPD) Click on workshop title for further details or BOOK NOW Page | 8 School Contact Information Phone: 3430 9600 Fax: 3430 9630 Email: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/SamfordValley-Steiner-School106275046117815/?ref=hl Website: www.samfordsteiner.qld.edu.au Address: 5 Narrawa Drive Wights Mountain QLD 4520 CRICOS Registration: RSEGB T/A Samford Valley Steiner School CRICOS 03326J SUPPORTING THE CHILD’S SOUL AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE EARLY AND PRIMARY YEARS In consideration of Rudolf Steiner’s indications and the UNESCO* statement that, “The human individual as an independent spiritual entity should be the starting point for all efforts aiming at the renewal of our society”. * United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century, 1994. This workshop is aimed at directors, principals, religious/spiritual educators, carers, teachers and parents. Tuesday 22nd March 9.30AM-3.00pm (5hrs CPD) Click on workshop title for further details or BOOK NOW EDUCATIONAL SERVANT LEADERSHIP Educational leadership in the early years and primary schools from a servant leadership* perspective. *The great leader (should be) servant first. ... because that is what he/she is deep down inside”. The Servant as Leader, Robert K Greenleaf This workshop is aimed at directors, principals and anyone interested in educational servant leadership. Study Group A study group at Narrawa Drive in Samford Valley, next to the school, meets on the last Sunday of each month. Its next meeting is 28 February, when the group will commence a study of Georg Kuhlewind’s book: “From Normal to Healthy – Paths to the Liberation of Consciousness”. Those interested in joining are welcome to contact John Ayre 3511 0346 or Monique Davies 0414 291 491 for further information.” This book is a practical guide to the self-healing of consciousness -it is both a spiritual psychology and a contemporary manual of the inner life - it begins by laying out very clearly the unhealthy, unfree nature of today's consciousness. Copies of the book are available to purchase. All welcome. Art as Healing- Veil Painting and Charcoal Workshop with Therese Allen (Dip in Painting Therapy and Artistic Painting) and Wakako Motoike (Post graduate diploma in Art Therapy, Adv Dip in Holistic Counselling AThR). This is a one day workshop with charcoal and veil painting based on the laws of light, darkness and colour, suitable for adults and teenagers. No prior artistic expertise is required. Wakako and Therese will be working with exercises in charcoal and veil painting which are based on a method developed by Liane Collot d’Herbois. Her work was inspired by the colour theories of Wolfgang von Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. Sunday, 6th March...9.30am - 3.30pm at Sunspace Cafe, Cnr Beddington/Noosa-Eumundi Roads, Doonan. Cost: $75 All materials and a wholesome organic morning tea from Sunspace Cafe are provided...For bookings and questions contact Wakako [email protected] CLASSIFIEDS Please note: All Classified Advertisements are submitted by individuals for the community benefit. They do not in any way express the views, opinions, endorsement or policy of the school and should not be relied upon as such. There is a flat $5 charge for each advertisement and payment is required prior to inclusion. Interested in making a Waldorf Limb Doll or Snuggly Doll? Birgit Dowit is running a new class on doll making starting next Tuesday 23rd February during school hours at her house (next to Page | 9 preschool). Birgit is making snuggly dolls for an orphanage for Tibetan children. If you are prepared to make two snuggly dolls for the Tibetan orphanage (you make at no cost to yourself) then you can make your own doll and just pay for the kit plus wool for hair but not tuition. ($50 - limb doll kit plus wool for hair or $20 -cuddly doll kit plus wool for hair). If you want to make a doll for yourself and you don’t have time to make the dolls for the orphanage you pay for the kit and hair as above and then $10 per 2 ½ hrs of tuition. Do You Have A House You Want to Rent? In the Samford area, but will consider as far as Dayboro. This house needs to have at least 2 bedrooms for my 10 year old daughter and I to live in. I would also like to run a Rainbow Bridge Family Day Care service 3 days a week. Rainbow Bridge Family Day Care is a community and Steiner based Family Day Care and I would generally be caring for up to 4 under school aged children per day. Landlords require special insurance for Family Day Care but I am willing to pay any excess. There would also be the need to put safety film on some of the windows and I would cover this cost. I would have my own Public Liability Insurance. Long term lease preferred. If you wish to discuss or make an offer please contact Emma Forsberg on 0400 826 991. Kate Sharp Creative Arts Therapy & Counselling MA (creative arts therapy) Grad Dip Art Therapy & Couns MIECAT, Member ACA Using the Arts, Sandplay and Story: to support and move through times of difficulty and change; to bring soul nourishment, an opportunity to regain inner equilibrium. Individual sessions suitable for either adults or children at Highvale near Samford. [email protected] www.katesharpartstherapy.com ph: 32897227 mb: 0402884205 Sacred Cacao Ceremony - Camp Mountain Date: Saturday March 12 Time: 4 – 9.30pm Working with the highest quality plant medicine sourced from Guatemala, we engage in a deeply transformative earth & heart-based practise designed to clear old programs, cells and belief systems that are ready to go. Page | 10 Gathering on the land, under the stars in Sacred Ceremony with Cacao, we use meditative practises and body-based release techniques & the witness of the bonfire to re-align and emerge standing powerfully in our authentic self. Intention setting practises from Peru close the Ceremony. Beautiful experience for couples due to the active components in the Cacao that open the heart. Cost: $55.00 For complete event description & more info contact Petra Lane 0401 107 187; [email protected] Organic Meat Co-op – All Welcome to Join Monthly delivery of quality free-range organic, gluten-free and preservative-free meat products at discounted prices. Other dairy and supermarket lines available including goat and bath milks. Order is via email then meat is delivered to school in a refrigerated truck from The Meat-ting Place on designated Friday afternoons during school term. Minimum spend $50 per month. If happy with products, commitment to monthly orders requested. Next order due Mon 7 March for delivery Fri 11. For a product list and further info on how and who to order through, please contact: Camille Jeboult (mum from class 5) at [email protected] or 0421 106 441 SpiritEducation.com.au is providing a FREE seminar: Transform your life through mindfulness. March 13 @ Samford Community Centre 2pm-4pm. For booking call Radana on 0422 095 514 or email: [email protected] Massage for Children 0 - 7yo Home Healthcare Workshop - March 9th For parents who wish to learn about and use anthroposophic healthcare as preventative healthcare and support their family through every day illness to build strong immunity and overall wellbeing. There is a large practical component to this workshop complemented by a deep understanding of the role of a caregiver to support a child’s development from 0 - 7yo. You will experience how to apply “sphagni rose” with the rhythm used by anthroposophical practitioners to help develop a sense of self as well as provide a buffer that protects the forces needed for growth. The Rose Blossom Children, Camp Mountain 9 - 10:30am $25 (limited free childcare) Phone Louise 0439 896 025 or Lorraine 0403 760 680 Vegetable Growing Workshop Through popular demand, Millen Farm is presenting a two-day vegetable growing workshop on 6 and 20 March. This comprehensive workshop is aimed at vegetable gardening in the cooler months offering you relevant learnings that you can apply at home immediately. There is an enormous array of vegetables you can grow in autumn through winter. And in our sub-tropical environment, there are plenty of veggies you can grow that aren’t considered crops for this time of the year in books written with temperate environments in mind. This workshop will cover everything from testing and building healthy soil and composting, raising seeds and seedlings, pests and disease and companion planting through to those vegies that will grow locally at this time of the year. If you are starting out in vegetable gardening and would like a complete guide to doing so in two days, this workshop is for you. Equally for experienced growers, this workshop will provide an opportunity to ask questions based on your own experience and take your growing to the next level. Or maybe you could make a keen gardener very happy by buying a ticket as a birthday gift or mother’s day gift. Register through our website at www.millenfarm.org and select 'Learn' followed by ‘Workshops'. Numbers are limited so don’t delay in securing your ticket ($200 per person). Page | 11
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