October - Palomar RC Flyers
October - Palomar RC Flyers
October 2005 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER AMA Charter #141 Page 1 Transmitter The News letter of the Palomar RC Fly ers Octobe r RC Web Site — www.PalomarRCFlyers.org Parents please pass this copy of the Transmitter on to your Junior Member (s) as you see fit. Meeting Minutes General Meeti ng Sept 15th President George Dawe ope ned the meeting at 7:30 and covered new business. F irst up was an error on the Christmas Dinner menu by the club Food and Beverage Director. The me nu should have read roast beef and turkey , not roast beef and ham. Ticket prices are $20 .00 for adults and $5 .00 f or unde r 18 members. Tickets are available at the meetings, or by mail from David Truax, 1312 Sha dow Hill drive , San Marcos 92069 . Ma ke your check out to Palomar RC Flyers. The senior center will allow up to 250 pe ople in our room at table seating. We may be limited at less than that to allow room for table s for the raffle prizes etc. Seating will definitely be limited. Harvey reported that the club treasury should scra pe through until t he end of the year so we can start the new year with no debt and all the membership renewal money to look for a ne w field and to develop it. Gary Thompson reported on the success of the RC car track off road serie s. Gary is still recruit ing helpers to run the car track to earn Palomar dollars. Thumb of the month taught (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) President’s Column Octobe r 2005 Pre side nt’s Column Its Octobe r! What does that mean to the Paloma r R/C Flyers? Well, first it is a slow month. However we do have an informal Cont rol Line fly-in schedule d for Saturday, October 8 , 2005. We also have an Ope n B C ombat event, (Raid on Bougainv ille), schedule d for Octobe r 22 , 2005 . But the most important event scheduled for this month is the October 20, 2005 Club meeting! Why y ou might ask? Because the October meeting is primarily reserved for Club Officer and Board of Director nominations for the upcoming election. By now you should have in mind people you would like to nominate to he lp insure that our club continues to prosper. I personally have several people in mind to fill t he shoe s of retiring Board Me mbers and Officers. Oh sure , many of the se people have told me “if nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve” but I am going t o nominate a couple of them anyway and just see what happens! Y ou never know who will ste p up to the plate whe n duty is thrust upon them! We shall see . In this issue y ou will find our projected initial budget for next year, 2006. This budget is only meant to give the membe rship a n idea of how the finances might look, given conservative rene wal figure s and expe nditure s. It is by no means intended to hog-tie the next a dministration’s spending. That said I would recommend t hat the next administ ration continue t he “ne w field” search. In doing so, the new boa rd and new officers should plan to spe nd the cash surplus wisely-only on a new field! Yes, we st ill have Johnson Field, thanks much t o the efforts of Tom Mine gar. Yes, J ohnson Field and Car Track could still use some improvements. But we have promised the C ounty of San Diego t o refrain from doing any such improvements in exchange for an exemption from a use permit. ( At this time that agreement still remains in effect!) I would like to take the time to thank all t hose that worke d and participated in the Club’s Septembe r 2005 Airshow and Swap Meet! It was a big success! I would particularly like to thank Bob Lang for doing the anouncing, Gary Thompson for doing the organizing and Curtis Kitteringham f or arranging the food and organizing the swap meet. It was a wonde rful time had by all who attended and we saw some great flying. As always, we use this show to attract new membe rs, and we had several join on the spot! Again my congratulations to all! On a different subject, our final big yearly event, theNUED Holiday/ (CONTI ON PAGE 2) Page 2 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Christma s/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/(insert your own politically correct holiday name here) dinner is sche duled for December 17 , 2005 . As a reminder, There will be no re gularly schedule d club meeting on Decembe r 15 , 2005! Instead we will have our Holiday/ Christma s/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/(insert your own politically correct holiday name here) Banquet. Ticket a re available at $20.00 pe r pe rson from David Truax (760)747-3485. I hope to see you all t here! The main menu include s Turkey , R oast Beef and all the trimmings! To be eligible f or t he final raffle drawing y ou must attend this banquet or have a friend attending t he banquet claim your prize for you! Pylon Notes By Dave Truax The Schedule f or pylon races for next year has not yet been finalized. However the last race f or this year at our field will be on November 19th . We will be running three classes, which are : Quickee 500 Sportsman Combat Ope n B That is all I have for this month! Your Pre side nt, George Dawe EDITORS APPEAL I Enjoy putting t his newsletter t ogether. Composing, f ormatting and printing is a lot of fun. It takes a lot of time but it’s my contribution to the club and I realize that a lot of me mbers donate a lot of their time to keeping this club alive. However there is one facet of the newsletter that is mind numbingly boring, time consuming and aggravating as any past editor will attest t o. That is the folding, tabbing, addressing, andstamping of the finished product. It takes about three hours for one person to do it. S oooooooo, I would like t o appeal t o just three me mbers that live in the Poway area t o join me once a month at our shop t o he lp do this not so plea sant task. It will take about one hour or less and with the conversation and discussion that ensues that goes by in a flash. I’ll provide soft drinks (or bee r) and a friendly atmosphere . If anyone out there is able and willing plea se Email me at [email protected] or call 858-486-6771 First Weedwackers will be running three classe s also, but the re is a difference to be worked out with them for compatibility. They are: Quickee 500 Sportsman 1/12 scale warbirds ( House of Balsa T6’s) We are hoping that our Combat 2610 class can be made t o be compatible with their 1/12 scale warbird class to enhance c ompetition. This will be t he subject of some discussion and negotiation. First Weedwacker’s sche dule for the rest of this year is: Octobe r 29th December 17th Any question s or discu ssio n call Dave Truax October 2005 IMPORTANT NOTICE As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, the DECEMBER meeting will be held in conjunction with the annual Banquet on Saturday 17th DEC. So don’t show up on Thursday 15th You’ll be all alone!! See page 4 for more details. October 2005 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER PALOMAR FLYERS AIR SHOW September 17th Body English Food Page 3 Page 4 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER MEETING MINUTES (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) us not t o leave a charged NiMh battery in our pocket with our spare change while launching our plane s. The re sult ing reaction distracted the pilot enough to lose his plane in the only t ree on the 20 acre fly ing site . Charles Le wis brought in some items a month ea rly for October’s club auction and won Model of the Mont h because no one e lse entered a mode l. The Holiday Banquet is schedule d, as mentioned before, for Decembe r 17th at our present meeting place and will be held instead of our usua l December meeting on the 15th. So for those of you who don’t already know: NO MEETING IN DEC EMBER Tickets f or t he Holiday Banquet can be obtained at the October and November meeting, or from: Board Meeting Sept. 28th Attendees: George Dawe, Harvey Atkinson, Dave Truax, Glen Pohly, Tom Mine gar, David Drowns, Gary Thompson, Butch Abongan, Roger Corley Called to order 7:00 p.m. San Marcos, C A 92069 Or call him at 760-747-3485 Prices are $20 .00 pe r adult and $5.00 for under 18 Make checks out to Palomar RC Flyers. Space is limited so re serve early. MENU Palomar Flyers Income -------------- $30700.00 Holiday Banquet Expenditure s ------ $ 11600 .00 Sat.Dec17th 2005 All debts are almost paid off so we should start 2006 in good shape . George proposed t hat we hold several hundred dollars in re serve to pay the future water bill, which so far has not been claimed by any water district, but no doubt, will pop up soon. The surplus funds should be earmarked for field developme nt eithe r at the pre sent fie ld or some fut ure one that we may have to acquire . George ha s been informed t hat there is a possibility that the property north of our fie ld may become the site of Cal State Fallbrook. The decision will supposedly be made on November 3r d. That date will be pivotal t o the future of our club. OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMB ER 2,16 , 6,20 , 4,18 Championship Series The Championship Series was concluded on Sunday, October 2, with the 8th and final race of the series. There were 99 competitors that participated in t he Series which consisted of 3 classe s: 1/8 Scale Buggy - sponsore d by HobbyTown San Marcos George gave us a rundown of the propose d budget for 2006. Based on me mberships for 2005 it is reasonable to expect the following numbers: Surplus of ---------- $19100.00 By Johnny Pumphandle 2005 OFF-ROAD Dave Truax 1312 Shadow Hill Dr. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 October 2005 Carving Station – Roast Beef and Turkey • Gravy and Au Jus • Garlic Mashed Potatoes • Green bean and Cranberry Side Dish • Salad and assorted dressings • Assorted deserts • Coffee and Soft Drinks Seating will be limited Tickets available at the meeting or by mail from:Dave Truax 1312 Shadow Hill Dr. San Marcos, CA 92069 Make checks to Palomar RC Flyers Nitro Truck - sponsored by Discount Hobby Warehouse in Kearny Me sa E-Truc k sponsored by Hobby Ce ntral in Poway The racing was very close in all 8 races and came down to being decided in Sunday's final which wa s a double points race. In the E- Truck class Aaron Jensen was the points leader coming into the race and manage d to hold on to his lead by a single point to beat out Ray Ramirez, who screamed through the electric class becoming Top Qualifier and the n won the A-Main to come within a point of the points leader. Jules Martin of Hobby Central was there to hand out prizes to the winners of the electric class. Here are the Series winners: 1st - 87 pts - Aaron Jense n 2nd - 86 pts - Ray Ramirez October 2005 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER 3rd - 80 pts - Dan Ward 4th - 70 pts - Aaron Corona do 5th - 58 pts - Eric Winter In the Nitro Truck class it was Dan Ward all t he way . Da n ha d built up a commanding point s lea d having competed in all 8 races and garne red several 1st place finishes. Dan finishe d 2 nd in the A-Main to keep his point s lea d intact. Chris Raceles tried his be st and took Top Q ualifier and finished 1st in the AMain, but didn't manage e nough points to catch Dan. The top 3 received prize s from John Weaver, Discount Hobbie s. Here is the Nit ro Truc k Serie s winne rs: Page 5 Thanks to all the competitors in the Series for creating some exciting races and please show your appreciation to our sponsors who helpe d make this racing serie s a success. Complete details of the races are on the website at www.Paloma rRaceway.com along with some picture s of the competitors. 1st - 73 pts - Dan Ward 2nd - 70 pts - Chris Raceles 3rd - 48 pts - Rich Yelkin 4th - 41 pts - Baldy 5th - 35 pts - Travis Hughes The 1/8 Scale A-Main on Sunday was a 20 minute race with t he Championship up for grabs. K ris Moore t urne d 4 laps in a row under 30 secs to take a lead and went on to finish 1 st in the A-Main. James McDonald turned in a brilliant pe rformance to finish 2nd and collect 34 points and an extra attendance point , which was e nough to secure 1 st place in the Series Championship. Close behind wa s Pat Lowrie, who ha d worked his way up from 2nd in the B-Main t o start last in the A-Main and then finish 7th to just stay ahead of Paul Self, who had the points lead coming into the la st race. Here are the 1/8 scale buggy winners with prizes being handed out by Bill Woodfine from Hobby Town San Marcos: Gary Thompson - your t rack Coordinator. 1st - 121 pts - James McDonald 2nd - 119 pt s - Pat L owrie 3rd - 115 pts - Paul Self 4th - 96 pt s - Tim Dunn 5th - 96 pt s - Jose Newman (Tie break by best points in a race) PRIZES AW ARDED E-Stock (Hobby Central Class) - 1st-Losi Matt F rancis II car kit, 2nd-JR XR3 radio, 3rd-Dy namite 3600 pack Nitro Truck (Discount Hobby Class) - 1 st-Spektrum Radio, 2nd-Spekt rum receiver/module, 3rd-JR 9000 hi-t orque se rvo 1/8 Scale (HobbyTown C lass) - 1 st-OFNA Monster Blazer SST RTR , 2ndSpektrum DSM, 3 rd-OFNA .21 Picco e ngine , 4t h/5th-gift cert. Newsletter articles To place adds, submit articles or any other information for the newsletter, call me at :858-486-6771 Ask for Sean or E-mail me at [email protected] Page 6 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER October 2005 October 2005 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER Scale Notes By Ron Peterka GETTING AND KEEPING A S HINY PL ASTIC CANOPY Ron Pete rka It seems like inevitability to see small scratches show up on your favorite model clear plastic canopy. It just happe ns! But, there is a way to prevent a lot of those scratches and have a sparkling and shiny canopy. The answer is S.C.J ohnson Wax ‘Future’ clear acrylic polish sold in the floor polishing section at the super market . Othe r acrylic floor products may work a s well, but Future is proven. Future is a clear, watery thin, liquid acrylic that is designed to a dd ‘shine’ t o synthetic floor-coverings that can’t be waxed a nd buffed like older floor cove rings like linoleum. When spread on the floor covering in a thin coat, the liquid sets up in a very short time and retains its shine even in areas subject to heavy foot traffic. So how does this fit in our models? Well, Future can be applied by air brush or dipping. It can be brushed, but can be a little difficult to get a smooth thin coat. It can be thinned with a little denature d alcohol, but be pre pared t o wait a little longe r for it to harde n. Clear pla stic part s like canopies should be thoroughly washed with Windex or a water/ammonia mixture. When dry, y ou airbrush the canopy inside and out with Future. Clamp the part at a corner, or onto a scrap area that will be cut off later and hang it to set up. If you dip the part, let surplus liquid drain and place the canopy on paper t owels to dry. The reason for cove ring inside and out is t hat the Future will protect the inside of the canopy from the ugly marking that you can get when you attach the canopy with cyanoacrylate (AC) glue . And,the canopy should a ppear much ‘clearer’ than without t he coating. The Future will se lf-level as it sets and should give a great shine that can be repa ired if it gets small scratches. In t hat case you will remove the Future using Windex or ammonia/water mix and rea pply the Future. Your canopy frame can be painted onto the canopy over the Future. Use a low tack viny l masking tape to minimize a dhesive transfer to the canopy surface. This process should be exceptional with electric powered models whe re there is no nitro/methanol/ oil mix t o be concerned a bout . I haven’t tried it on latex paint, but it might be compatible for a nice shine Page 7 on that normally dull surface. Test first. Don’t try any new process on a model t hat repre sents a lot of time, energy, and money. This liquid acrylic material is one more useful tool for our e soteric hobby. Try it . Below is a B-26 Marauder for your consideration for a scale project. This image was scanned from “Scale Aircraft Drawings”, a publication of Model Airplane News Page 8 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER October 2005 Model of the Month Model of the month was stumbled into this month by Charles Lewis who got his dates for the club auction crossed and showed up with several planes for sale. Since there were’nt any other entries present for this month Charles was encouraged to enter a model which then was voted “Model of the month”, unanimously, I might add. Someone commented that this was the only way he could win anyway. Just kidding Charles!!! Display that trophy proudly. No camera was present to record the moment unfortunately. NO-FLY QUICK CHECK ASSEMBLY INSPECTION • Check Security - Engine, fuel tank, wheels, receiver, battery, servo s. • Pull Test - Linkages and control surfaces. • Receiver Antenna - Fully extended and away from metal. • Verify Center of gravity location. • Conduct Range Test- with transmitter antenna collapsed. PRE-FLIGHT(EACH FLIGHT) • Check receiver voltage under load. • Check transmitter power level. • Check engine high speed, nose up. • Check engine idle, nose down. • Extend transmitter antenna. • Check control surface direction and response. October 2005 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER Palomar Dollars - 2005 $100; Butch Abongan; Harvey Atkinson; Joseph Bukovchik; Frank Burke; Janet Cole; Jim Cole; Roger Corley; David Drowns; Steve Harlan; Henry "Clay" Hoag; Larry Hufford; Curtis Kitteringham; Jr, Charles Lewis; Varley Longson; Adam M aciel; Jimmy M azurek; Larry M cdougle; Tom M inegar; Tom M oriarty; Sean O'Connor; Ron Peterka; Ted Schwope; Gerald Shelden; Ren Solomon; Robin Solomon; Dennis Teason; Gary Thompson; Kevin Tice; Richard Treaster; David Truax; Richard Van Slyke; Bruce Van Wagner; Dave Walker; Donald White; Robert Wylie; $90; $80; Pete Goulding; $70; George Baran; Robert Romers; Tim Waldon; Joe Whitley; Joseph Phelan; $60; Tony Irizarry; Graham Lloyd; Erwin Vigilia; $40; Duarte Cabral; William Hill; Dale Russell; $30; John Giblin; Thomas Johnston; Kyle Perry; Stan Perry; Bob Peterson; M ichael Sugamele; $20; Justin Barry; John Clark; Jack Dedrick; Ryan Lofthouse; Jesse M azurek; Andrew M clanachan; Tom Pollinger; Ron Smith; Paul Stenberg; Charles Swope; Jerry Toppel; $10; Earl Boyer; Brian M ackey; Jet Thompson; Other Clubs Other RC Events By Johnny Pumphandle Pylon Racing Is making a comeback 1st Weedwacker Ae ro squadron in Lakeside has 2 Py lon events schedule d this year. 3 C lasse s to choose from: - 1/12 Scale War birds, AT-6, etc..25 BB engines, 8x6 prop, 16,000rpm Limit . - Sport Quickie, AMA 424 , .40 engine s, 9x6 prop, 16 ,000rpm limit - Sportsman, flat bottom high wing ARF Traine r, .40 engine, 10x6 prop, 13,000 rpm limit Octobe r 19-and December17 Hi, Cactus Park, Lake side I'm Dick Knapp, Sec./Tr eas. o f the Coachell a Vall ey R C Club . We currently have 105 memb ers and run two events every month. We have a web site, which is being updated, at www.c vrcclub.com where you can access a map to our flying field. The events that we have on schedule for the remainder of this year are: VETERAN’S DAY FLY IN Sunday, Oct 2 Clubs Assn. F ree Registration Pylon race for Sonic 500 aircr aft Sunday, Oct 23 Cactus Park, Lakeside sponsored by S D C ounty Mode l and lunch for S D County C lub members. B ring a warbird. Unlimited Combat Sat.-Sun. Oct. 29-30 Scale Fun Fly including night flying on the 29th Sunday, Nov 6. CVRC Club Demo flights & Trainer class pylon racing. $50; Diego Alvarado; Pete Brundu; Joe Clow; Evan Davidson; Tim Dunn; Ernest Emery; Leon Friedman; Jonathan Schleif; John Sebastian; J. D. Staten; Les Staten; Page 9 Sat.-Sun. Nov. 12-13 3rd Annual Toys for Tots Fun Fly All of these events are open to any AMA member (with license in hand). Entry fees ar e typically $5 -$10. Further info: call me at (760) 836- 3848. I would also appreciate r ecei ving information on your events so our members can visit your field. SEE FULL PAGE ADD ON PAGE 8 Page 1 0 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER FOR SALE WANTED Race Directors nee ded f or t he race track - 2006 season. Run 4 races and receive a free Palomar RC Flyers Club Membe rship. Only 4 S undays to commit and they are your choice (first come, first serve). Assistant volunteers also needed a nd ea rn up to 30 Palomar dollars per race. Enjoy some exciting races and at the same time help y our Club. Contact Gary Thompson, 858 7944665 or email promotions@ palomarraceway.com Pe rforma nce Plus Fuels: 3/05 10% $12 per gallon 15% $13 per gallon 20% Off Road $ 17 per gallon 30% Car $ 18 per gallon 30% Heli $ 19 per gallon Call: Robin Solomon 760-480-5834 Cell, be st one to use 760-420-3692 World Models Super C hipmunk ARF . No damage hist ory over approx 12 flights. 3 /05 OS 91 FS with approx 50 flight s. Hitec 7 ch receiver, 4 Hitec se rvos, and a 1000 mAH flight pack. Change xtral to y our channel and fly! Will email pictures on re quest . Call Jerry Samsen 858-349-6878 or email: [email protected] FOR SALE Retiring from the RC Airplane Hobby! 7/05 Every thing goe s, plane s, engines and accessories. Speed racer Sig 1/5 Scale Ryan STA with 0.90 4 cycle Model of t he Month Radio & servos Pica 1/5 Scale WACO YMF3 0 .090 4 cycle Model of t he Month 2nd Place at Pasa dena Radio & servos Mic Reeves 1/5 Scale Supermarine MK 4 0.090 2 cycle Radio & Serv os Many more for fair offer. Call: Tom Bernhardt 760-722-3408 e-mail: t [email protected] Valuable RC Mode ler Magazine Collection. 08/05 Find out how RC the way we fly it today, got started in the '60's. Complete bound collection issue #1 October 1963 t hrough 1988. $ 200 - call Peter Berg 760-591-4400 or email [email protected] October 2005 LOST - FOUND at the field contact [email protected] FOUND: Wheel Transmitter left at the track. 4/05 Identify ma ke and channe l to claim. FOUND: Flight box left at t he field approx May 1 . 5/05 FOUND: Allen wrench - left at the field 6/3 FOUND: Pola roid Camera . near the car track. 9/05 FOUND: Magnifying glass. at t he Flying fie ld. 9/05 FOUND: Transmitter left on Monday, 10/3/05 FOR S ALE HANGAR 9 C AP 232 RC AIRPL ANE W/ SAITO 180 LIKE NEW 9/05 This is a Hangar 9 Cap 232 remote controlle d airplane . It ha s a Sait o 180 engine and the engine/airplane have a total of 8 flights. It has never been damaged or crashed. It ha s been in storage for about 1 year and the e ngine was store d with Marvel. It has an Expe rt On Board Digital Glow Driver, a YNT De sign BC-6 (glitch counter, battery level indicator and lost mode l alarm), JR six channel receiver, JR NES-4131 Servos, pullpull rudder de sign. The receiver and on-board glow batteries may nee d replacement. Have over $1200 invested. 74" wingspan and 66" long. Asking $700/obo This auction does not include: the transmitter, wheel fairings, starter or any other field equipment. Call Caleb Taylor at 760-519-6658. Kit ACE R/C 4-120 BIPLANE Planes -All have flight s on the m. R/C 1/2A Airtronics Warlock 05 October 2005 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER Page 1 1 Page 1 2 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER October 2005 October 2005 PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER Page 1 3 Club Directory CLUB OFFICERS PRESIDENT VI CE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER BD MEMBER George Dawe Gary Thompson Dave Truax Harvey Atkinson Tom Minegar Robert Wylie Butch Abongan David Drowns Varley Longson Roger Corley Glenn Pohly 760-415-9111 858-794-4665 760-747-3485 760-747-7024 760-436-2301 760-741-5828 760-724-1207 760-740-1715 760-723-1335 760-726-5235 760-438-5221 CLUB OPERATIONS Membership Aircraft Cars Advertising Newsletter Editor WebMaster Glenn Pohly Varley Longson Roger Corley Gary Thompson Sean O’Connor Gary Thompson 760-438-5221 760-723-1335 760-726-5235 858-794-4665 858-486-6771 858-794-4665 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS Car Chairman Scale Chairman RC Combat Chairman Helicopter Chairman Gary Thompson Ron Peterka Jim Cole Bob Lang 858-794-4665 760-788-9022 760-727-7666 909-679-1263 LOST AND FOUND Richard Anderson 760-744-5631 SAFETY COMMITTEE / HEAD INSTRUCTOR Charles Lewis 760-758-3103 SAFETY OFFICERS Duarte Cabral Les Staten Larry McDougle 858-578-6375 909-696-9557 760-945-8998 INSTRUCTOR LIST AIRPLANES Butch Abongan Randy Alderman David Drowns Charles Lewis Varley Longson Glenn Pohly Mike Sugamel e Robert Wylie Gary Thompson Les Staten Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight Basic Flight AEROBATICS Larry McDougle Duarte Cabral 760-724-1207 760-432-0214 760-740-1715 760-758-3103 760-723-1335 760-438-5221 760-743-5734 760-741-5828 858-794-4665 909-696-9557 858-578-6375 Please direct correspondence to: PALOMAR RC FLYERS, Inc. P.O. BOX 141 SAN MAR COS, CA 92079 Fax : 909-679-7465 E-MAIL: [email protected] Catch us on the web at www.palomarrcflyers.org Page 1 4 Meeting Notice: PALOMAR R/C FLYERS NEWSLETTER October 2005 The Thur sday, October 20th club meeting will be held at 7:30 pm, at the San Marcos Joslyn Senior Center, 101 Richmar Avenue, San Marcos, CA. Members, guests and visitors are encouraged to attend. 2005 Calendar of Events DATES AND EVENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE October 20 - Club Meeting - CLUB AUCTION 22 - RC Combat - “Raid on Bougainville” Open B November 17 - Club Meeting Dec 3, 4 - RC Combat - “Pearl Harbor Classic” 15 - Club Meeting All RC Combat events are AAA sanctioned. PALOMAR RC FLYERS P.O. Box San Marcos, C A 92079 Return Service reque sted Stamp October 2005 Address
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