March 17, 2013 - St Juliana Parish
March 17, 2013 - St Juliana Parish
MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. and 12:00 Noon Saturday for Sunday Obligation 5:00 P.M. “COME WALK TOGETHER THE WAY OF CHRIST” Monday through Friday in Chapel 7:00 and 8:45 A.M. Saturday Morning in Church 8:30 A.M. Holy Days in Church 6:30, 8:45 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. RECONCILIATION Saturday following 8:30 A.M. Mass and 4:00 to 4:30 P.M. in Reconciliation Room of church or call for appointment. BAPTISMS First and third Sundays of each month at 1:30 P.M. in church. Arrangements must be made at parish business office at least one month in advance. First-time parents and parents new to our parish must attend a preparation meeting at 7:30 P.M. on the third Tuesday of any month prior to the Baptism. WEDDINGS Arrangements by appointment with a priest should be made at least six months in advance of the wedding day. CHURCH 7201 N Oketo Avenue CHAPEL 7200 N Osceola Avenue RECTORY 7158 N Osceola Avenue · Tel 773.631.4386 Pastor: Rev. Stephen Kanonik Associate Pastor: Rev. Krzysztof Paluch Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Donald J. Ahearn Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Philip Dressler Retired Associate: Rev. Roger Caplis Deacon Couples: Elizabeth and Edward Dolan Margaret and Robert Ryan PARISH CENTER & BUSINESS OFFICE 7200 N Osceola Avenue · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.4127 · Fax 773.631.4150 · Pastoral Associate: Pam Francisco, D.R.E · 773.631.2239 Music Director: Margie Shiel · 773.774.4956 Business Manager: Jeanne Anderson Health Coordinator: Cindy Brennan Parish Services: Joyce Browne Administrative Assistant: Diane Holmen Bulletin Editor: Claudette Link SAINT JULIANA SCHOOL SAINT JULIANA PARISH 7400 W Touhy Avenue · Chicago, IL 60631 Tel 773.631.2256 · Fax 773.631.1125 · Principal: Kathleen Barton Fifth Sunday of Lent March 17, 2013 I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. — Philippians 3:8 · WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE · Bereavement Ministry Choirs/Hand Bells Christ Renews His Parish Eucharist Minister Family Liturgy Holy Hour of Adoration Lector/Commentator Liturgy Team Ministers of Care LENTEN REMINDERS Daily Masses 7:00 a.m. in chapel 8:45 a.m. in church Stations of the Cross are every Friday following the 8:45 a.m. Mass. TAKEN FROM OUR MASS JOURNAL Imagine how your life would change if you opened yourself to the voice of God by asking: “God show me one way in this Mass I can become a better version of myself this week.” Visit: Page 2 Order of St. Francis Parish Council Servers/Ushers · WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL LIFE · READINGS FOR THE WEEK MON Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:12-20 TUE 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 1618, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT “God, Show Us the Way” The past can trap us. But it cannot trap God. In Jesus, God did something radically new. In him the story took a wondrous turn toward the light. The response to human sinfulness became abundant mercy, not anger, much less destruction, allowing for our ongoing transformation into children of God. (Taken from “Living the Word” -WLP) WED Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52 -56; Jn 8:31-42 THU Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:5159 FRI Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 SAT Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 SUN Lk 19:28-40 (procession);Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 2324; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49] Mercy Home Sunday Mass Has New Channel and Time...The weekly Sunday Mass broadcast from Mercy Home for Boys and Girls has moved to a new station and time. The Mass is now broadcast Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. on WGN-TV Channel 9, Chicago. to receive a Mass guide, attend a taping or view the celebrant schedule. WEEKLY OFFERING CONTRIBUTIONS We Pray to the Lord That those who feel too ashamed to go to Confession will put aside their fears and recall Jesus’ words — “There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” Thank you for your support! Sunday Offerings Fiscal Year 2013 2012 2011 Week #37 $ 11,530 $ 15,091 $ YTD to Budget $ (73,084) $ (54,684) $ (24,887) YTD* 16,067 8.8% *Percentage of Sunday Offerings paid through Give Central this year. Our goal is 30%. Please register today at Additional Offerings III Brendan Dietz & Megan Furlong Accessibility Fund FYTD $ 25,042 Parish Projects FYTD $ 17,345 School Support Fund FYTD $ 18,275 Page 3 DONATE ONLINE · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · SAINT JULIANA SCIENCE FAIR Saint Juliana School Board 2013-2014 Nomination Form The Saint Juliana Science Fair took place on January 23. The students displayed their projects in the School Hall and judging took place after school. The School Board relies upon you to recommend quality candidates, so please take a moment to nominate yourself or someone else you believe could contribute their time and talents to our school. The mission of Saint Juliana School is to teach and experience the gospel message, to provide excellent academic preparation and to help our students accept responsibility for themselves and others. Below are pictures of some of the winners. According to Article 3, Section 2 of the School Board Constitution: Any person wishing to serve on the Board must be a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in Saint Juliana or a registered parishioner and no less that 21 years of age. The following persons are not eligible for membership on the Board: Full and/or part-time employees of the School or Parish, their immediate families (spouse, child, parent, brother, sister or in-laws). No more than one person from an immediate family shall be eligible to serve on the Board at the same time. Congratulations! I wish to nominate the following person as a candidate for the Saint Juliana School Board : Nominee Name: ________ (Please print first and last name of person you are nominating) Nominee Address: Nominee Email:_ ________ ____Nominee Phone: ____________________ Nominee Signature: Nominated By: (Please print YOUR full first and last name) Phone: _______________________________________ Please return all nomination forms to the Parish Center Office or School Office no later than April 20. Thursday, MARCH 21 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. In the School Extended Care Room (Room 12) We want you to know that we invite ANYONE who is home caring for young children to join the group. While the tots are having fun, moms, dads or grandparents can get together for some adult conversation. Tots and Company is held in the school extended care room (room 12). Please ring the extended care room doorbell located on the northwest door on Osceola Ave. Coffee and … will be provided. Questions, please call Joyce Browne 773.631.4127 All Moms, Dads, and Grandparents are WELCOME! Page 4 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · In Partnership with Presence Resurrection Medical Center “Let’s Move Our Numbers” Health Screening Sunday, April 7 from 8:00 - 10:45 a.m. In the Ahearn Activity Center Complete Lipid Panel & FBS (glucose) (Total Cholesterol, LDL. HDL, Triglycerides) Thyroid Screening (TSH) Prostate Screening (PSA) $20 $10 $20 Please make your appointment by calling 1.877.737.4636. Cub Scout Pack 3965 would like to thank all of those who supported our 45th Annual Pancake Breakfast. Payment can me made with cash or checks made payable to Presence Resurrection Medical Center. Results will be mailed to you within 2 weeks. This year we served 960 people, an increase from last year. 9th ANNUAL ST. JULIANA MEN’S CLUB FINAL FOUR BASKETBALL PARTY We would also like to thank out placemat sponsors and raffle donors for their generosity. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2013 3:00 - 10:00 PM Thanks again for ALWAYS making this a successful fundraiser. SAINT JULIANA SCHOOL HALL 7400 W. Touhy Avenue FOOD – BEVERAGE – SQUARES – RAFFLES – SPLIT THE POT $30.00 AT THE DOOR – INCLUDES ALL FOOD & DRINK ***The admission fee will automatically register the participants as a Men’s Club Member*** ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT SAINT JULIANA SCHOOL & PARISH CANCER SUPPORT GROUP MEETING Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m. Parish Center Volunteer Massage Therapists & Reflexologists will join us for the evening. If you have been recently diagnosed, or are dealing with cancer, as a patient or caregiver, please consider joining us. Cancer survivors are always welcome to encourage and support our parishioners. Any questions call Tina Pusateri at 773.775.8789 or email at [email protected] Hope you can join us! Page 5 MASSES FOR THE WEEK PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SERVE Saturday, March 16 United States Air Force Senior Airman Steve Czyz Airman 1st Class Christopher Earle SSGT Timothy D. Fonseca Captain Kyle Radke Major Franklin Shepherd Captain Claudine Ward United States Army Captain Grant Banko SGT Jason Bono Captain Thomas W. Dorrel, Jr. PFC James Heiderman, Jr. SPC Andrew L Kawula Captain Brian Lutz Major Michael Mannion Major Ryan Melby Col. John Moreth LTC Kevin Powers Major Louis Rago, II Private Benjamin Rios SSG Daniel Roche SGT Javier Sanchez Captain William Ryan Schober SPC Gregory Spina Private John Walsh Major Kevin Ward PFC Michael Gregory White Major Laura Wood SGT Daniel R. Zielinski United States Marines LCPL Joseph Curtis 1st LT. Katharine Dietz 1st LT. Jack Kane LCPL Kevin Kiesgen LCPL P.J. McGrath LCPL Francis J. Thierer PFC Joseph F. Wallace United States Navy LT. Cmdr. Susanne Connolly MA3 Michael Donnelly LT. Sean Driscoll Ensign Kevin Hastings LT. Cmdr Nathan Scott LT. Michael Sturm Ensign Erin Sullivan Cmdr. John Tutwiler LT. Jennie Wood LT. Paul Wood 5:00 William Casey/Roger & Tim Hejza /Alan Karl/James, Donald, Kevin & Christopher Wolf/Louis Werderitch/John & Margaret Mulkeen/Wozniak Family Sunday, March 17 7:30 Intentions of Al DeLorenzo/Intentions of Sue Zurcher/Terry McDonaugh/ Mary E. Rzany /Harry & Chester Perkowski/Jerome Stopa/Sister Remy Schaul/Martin Cleary/Cecelia, William & Robert M. Schulte/ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McDonaugh · 55th Wedding Anniversary 9:00 Patrick Buttkus/Jim Greene/Maureen Esposito/Michael & Eileen Farrelly/ George, Ruth & Mary Lou Jess/Tony LaCorte 10:30 Mike Provenzale/Harriet Kolodziej/Sandrino Mori/Nancy Martin/Robert C. Mester/Daniel Mooney/Anna Swiderski/Wozniak Family 12:00 Joseph & Bernice Feret/Walter & Helen Kostrzewa/Joseph Peluso/Al Smith/John O’Rourke/Frances F. Bruno/Michael J. O’Laughlin/Robert Dooley/Conor Ryan/George & Helen Simon/Donna Shibovich Monday, March 18 7:00 Chapel - William & Blanche Weber 8:45 Church - Wozniak Family 6:30 PM Chapel · Holy Hour & Adoration Tuesday, March 19 7:00 Chapel - Jeanne Fitzmaurice/Jozef, Jozefa & Gene Perkowski 8:45 Church - Ralph Fisher/Greg Schuster/Roger Hejza/Jozef & Jozefa Tracz/ William & Henrietta Waldron/Wozniak Family Wednesday, March 20 7:00 Chapel - Gregory Creason/Frances & Louis VonderHeide/Bud Sabres 8:45 Church · School · Ann Schwaba/Wozniak Family Thursday, March 21 7:00 Chapel - Harry & Chester Perkowski 8:45 Church - Loretta Gaughan/Matt Riley/Wozniak Family Friday, March 22 7:00 Chapel - Father’s Day and Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquets 8:45 Church - Pat Losinski/Jim Donnelly/Robert S. Moon/Wozniak Family Stations of the Cross Following Mass 3:30 Brendan Dietz & Megan Furlong · Wedding Saturday, March 23 · Church 8:30 Wozniak Family 5:00 Pedro Rojas/Ed & Pauline Wojcik/Mike Provenzale/Maximo Angeles/ Roger & Tim Hejza /Al, Marie & Mary Ann Great/Ashley Smiegowski/ George & Helen Hickey /Thomas Przyborski/Edward R. Riccio/James, Donald, Kevin & Christopher Wolf/Wozniak Family/ All Military Personnel Page 6 MASSES FOR THE WEEK CONTINUED Sunday, March 24 7:30 Tom Melzl/Louis VonderHeide/Albert Legittino/Mary E. Rzany /Harry & Chester Perkowski/Prudy Denisi/ Esther Messina/Jennie Cappa /Joe & Grace Antenore/Sister Remy Schaul Deacon Phillip Disparte 9:00 Virgie Smith Long/Thomas Melzl/Maureen Esposito/John Pelrine, Sr./John Mollica/George, Ruth & Mary Lou Jess 10:30 Joyce Epifanio/John Pritchard/Marie Straus/Harriet Kolodziej/Pat & Tom Losinski/Mary Corey/Robert C. Mester/Anna Swiderski/Wozniak Family 12:00 Rudolph & Florence Micklich/Frances F. Bruno/George & Helen Simon ALTAR LINENS HOLY HOUR Mondays in the Chapel from 6:30 - 7:30 P.M. “He comes from heaven for you personally, to offer you companionship and consolation.” St. Peter Julian Eymard Apostle of the Eucharist. PRAY FOR OUR SICK Marge Arbogast John Belka Gina Blease Jamie Bower Beverly Breen Megan Brennan Sam Bruno Terry Byrne Rev. David Carter Maureen Cavanaugh Jolanta Chmara John M. Connolly Patricia Crouse Clara Czachorowski Al DeLorenzo Corinne Dodovich Maureen Doherty Domke Fran Draths Ziggy Estka Alex Evans Garrett FitzGerald Claudette Fitzmaurice Tom Fleischhacker Helen Flood John Foggia Margaret Mary Fournier Joaquin Gamboa Cardinal Francis George Peggy Halloran Patricia Hanlon John Hoffman Baby Cameron Hoffman Mark Jesski Julia Joslyn William Kaczkowski Michael Karalis Dolly Kaspari Frank Karl Baby Liam Kelly Kim Kiesgen Janet Kilian Ken Kilian Rich Kindstrom Rose Kinzle Baby Braeden Klotz Chris Koeune Terri Dapper Koncos Norbert Kosinski Eleanor Kurtin Baby Benjamin Krueger Madeline Lane Martha Lazaro Helen Leonard Bob Losinski Jean Losinski Anna Luczak James Luczak Mark Lukasiewicz Joseph & Carole Macuba Jan Mallory Walter Mason Erin McDermott /child Mary McDonagh Lillian McIntyre Connor McKenna/child Evelyn Merkl Nancy Michna Emilie Mierzwa Mary Monaghan Luke Muellner/child Vince Nally Katlynn O’Reilly Annie O’Toole Jean Ortale Donald W. Pack Mary Palacz Joe Panek Lisa Perko Tyler Platt/child Rita Pleines Richard Potter Andrew Prociuk Eileen Quinn Manuela Ramirez Kayla Reardon Benjamin Runge Jagmohan Sahni Adam Sanchez/child Frank Seiser Evelyn Slupik Margaret Smith Page 7 Mar. 16/17 Mar. 23/24 Betty Howlett Vivian Morrissey Robert Smith Andrea Soehn Jospehine Sokulski Theresa Steinmetz Meg Stevens Marion Stiens Mary Sutton William Sweeney Clare Swiontek Irene Szewczyk Victor Tiedmann Rev. Fred Tomzik Les Torrey Baby Alison Turek Tish Vanoni Eileen Varisco Frank Varisco Dorothy Vicksna Tom Waldron Amy Walsh Marge Welter Lou Wojtowicz Evelyn Yore Joseph Zicarelli Jeanine Zycwiciel New to Prayer List June Gura · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · Saint Juliana 85th Anniversary Benefit Gala Advertising MOTHERS’ CLUB CALENDAR LOTTERY It’s time to place your Ad in the Saint Juliana 85th Anniversary Benefit Gala Program! Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity to put your message in front of hundreds of attendees! 2013 Business Rates: Full Page Ad $200 ½-Page Ad $150 492 305 310 174 240 109 26 Winning Calendar Numbers Mary Bargo Patricia Reibly Kate & Patrick Bazarek Jeremy & Kat Walsh Kathleen & Mickey Donnelly Tom Philbin Joan Travers Approximate Ad Size 7.5” x 4.0” Approximate Ad Size 3.75” x 4.0” For the first time ever, we’re offering our business rate sponsors even more for the money! Using social media, the event website, our weekly bulletin, and our weekly email, your brand will live on well after the event, creating a long-lasting bond with a grateful parish. Your name/logo will appear in the following locations: • Business logo/name featured on the event website & Facebook site • Business logo/name on the BidPal onsite auction bidding device • Business logo/name on onsite signage • Business logo/name on the bus transportation onboard LCD screens • Business logo/name featured in four (4) bulletin inserts throughout the year 2013 Internal St. Juliana Organization/ Ministry & Family/Friends Rate: Full Page Ad $100 Approximate Ad Size 7.5” x 4.0” ½-Page Ad $ 50 Approximate Ad Size 3.75” x 4.0” 2013 HOLY WEEK LABYRINTH At St Celestine Parish 3020 N 76th Ct. Elmwood Park Sun 3/24 - 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Mon - Wed - 3/25 - 3/27s - 3 - 7 p.m. Thu 3/28 - Noon - 7 p.m. Fri 3/29 - 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. The Advertiser agrees to place an advertisement in the Saint Juliana Parish 85th Anniversary Benefit Gala Program and will: 1 Complete the form below and send it along with your check (made payable to Saint Juliana Parish) to the address listed below 2 Supply “camera ready” art for the ad with the contract. You may also email your ad as a PDF attachment to [email protected]. A business card may be submitted. If the ad copy is not provided, the Ad Committee will use the space purchased by the advertiser to display the name and address of the advertiser. Advertising copy will not be returned and proofs will not be furnished. 3 Mail the required documents and payment by April 1, 2013 to: Saint Juliana Parish 85th Anniversary Benefit Gala Saint Juliana Parish - 7200 North Osceola Ave. Chicago, IL 60631 For more information, feel free to contact the Advertising Committee via email at [email protected] or call Linda Leonard at 630.730.7828. Thank you for supporting the St. Juliana Parish Community! ___ Check Enclosed ___Ad Copy Enclosed or __ Ad Copy Emailed $ Amount Enclosed:_________________________ Contact Name: _________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________________________ The labyrinth is a simple walking path used to meditate or quiet the mind. It is a path of reflection, contemplation and clarity. Beautiful and rewarding way to pray and reflect this Holy Week. Company Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: _________________________State: _____________ Zip: __________________ Signature of Advertiser: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________ Page 8 · PARISH COMMUNITY & SUPPORT · Our Celebrity Host is… DEAN RICHARDS · WGN TV and WGN Radio Entertainment Reporter & Critic! We are very excited to have Chicago’s Very Own Dean Richards as our 85th Anniversary Host! Dean's entertainment reports and reviews are seen on “WGN Morning News,” “WGN Midday News,” “WGN News at Five”, “WGN News at Nine” and on WGN Radio 720 with "Dean Richards Sunday Morning", Sunday from 6:30 11:00 a.m. and every Thursday at 5pm on "The Garry Meier Show", where he interviews national and local celebrities, reports on showbiz, and reviews the latest movies. He has also hosted and coproduced specials such as the award-winning “Bozo, Gar & Ray: WGN TV Classics,” the Oscar preview special “The Envelope Please” and “Stories of Hope: Facing Breast Cancer.” He has been involved with the MDA Telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association since 1980 and is WGN-TV’s long-time co-host. Shop Local & Show Your Saint Juliana Green! Have you ever considered how much the Edison Park community helps Saint Juliana? It's pretty impressive. And so is the level of sponsorship given to us by our local businesses. Many of our parish groups and events receive a helping hand from these businesses like the Mothers’ Club, Men's Club, Fine Arts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to name just a few. So we're asking everyone to let these businesses know how much we appreciate them. Every time you shop local let them know you’re from Saint Juliana. Put a little "St J" on the receipt or ask the cashier to let the manager know Saint Juliana appreciates everything they do for us. Let’s paint the town Saint Juliana green! Big Pre-85th Anniversary Gala Raffle! Coming Soon! That’s right! It’s time for our pre-event raffle and this year small is the new BIG! We can’t give it away yet but we have another pre-event raffle that will give you the best odds this side of picking the Blackhawks to end up with a winning record! Keep checking the Gala Gazette to find out how you can win!! Share your Saint Juliana photos and stories! Were you baptized at Saint Juliana? Did you graduate from Saint Juliana? Perhaps you got married here? Or maybe all three! We’re looking for your stories, pictures and memories to help us tell the story of the last 85 years. Drop off your stories or Email them to us at [email protected] or join us on Facebook. PS: Listen on Facebook to the hilarious auditions of celebrities who wanted to be our host! Extend Your Gala Evening at the Marriott Now you can make the night even more special with our discount room rate at the Chicago Marriott Suites O’Hare. Our room block will be under the name of the Saint Juliana Parish Room Block. Reservations for our group will be accepted until Friday, April 26th, 2013. Our reservation code to book online is SJPSJPA. You will receive an email with your reservation link shortly. Please make sure guests are verifying themselves as part of the Saint Juliana Parish Room Block group staying at the Chicago Marriott Suites O’Hare, located at 6155 N River Road, Rosemont, IL 60018. 800.228.9290 or at 847.696.4400 Hey Alumni: Try Our Instant Class Reunion Challenge! Did you want to have a class reunion but no one from your class wanted to put it together? Guess what? Here’s your chance! Simply bring together members of your alumni class and bring them all to the 85th Anniversary for a mini reunion all in support of your school! Tickets will be available online and at the parish office starting in April. So start calling those classmates and lets see which class still has Saint Juliana Spirit! Auction Items Needed Have you got something spectacular that would make an awesome auction item for our benefit gala? Do you want bragging rights for offering the auction item that gets the highest bids? We’re looking for a few good items like a vacation home, sports tickets, concerts/performing arts, unique experiences, to help make this 85th Anniversary memorable! Let us know: [email protected] Sponsorship Opportunities and the Program Book Want a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of the 85th Anniversary Benefit Gala? Great! We have several levels of sponsorship for individuals and businesses to help benefit the parish. Put your company's name in front of everyone and on everything from the top of the BidPal devices to being featured on signage and the Sponsor Showcase in the Gala Gazette! Contact us to find out more! [email protected] or look at page 8 of this bulletin. Page 9 · SAINT JULIANA PARISH · WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE · MARCH 23/24 Saturday 5:00 P.M. Celebrant Commentator/ Lector Sunday 9:00 A.M. Sunday 10:30 A.M. Sunday 12:00 P.M. Father Bob Grib Father Steve Kanonik Father Steve Kanonik Father Kris Paluch Father Roger Caplis Powell Wagner McDonald Rottman Dombai Plier Schwab Schwab E. Moriarty Powers Frantz Feld Rzany Longo Gehrling Mulvaney Dombai Reese Reisterer Barrett Bobko DeCarli G. Moriarty E. Moriarty Wegmann Jan Walsh Rabiola Coughlin MacGregor Scouts Dillane Skierch Belz Jaeger Conway Eucharistic Ministers Ceiplik Clark Hermes Hejza Altar Servers Snarich Valdez Herion Sunday 7:30 A.M. SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE · SAVE THE DATE · School Hall & Ahearn Activity Center Doors Open 4:30 Games Begin 6:40 $4500 + in Raffles & Bingo Prizes!!! Mar 19 · Friendship Club Marytown Trip Mar 21 · Cancer Support Group Meeting Tots & Company Mar 28 · Tots & Company Market Pick Up Mar 29 · Good Friday · NO BINGO Apr 6 · Final Four Apr 7 · Coffee, Tea & Thee Health Screening Apr 8 · Men’s Club Apr 11 · Sit & Knit Apr 27 · First Holy Communion May 2 · Confirmation May 18 · 85th Year Celebration - Watch for Exciting Details! ENTIRE CALENDAR ONLINE AT WWW.STJULIANA.ORG /stjulianaparish /stjuliana /stjuliana /saint-juliana-parish Scan with your smartphone to visit Authorized Lennox Dealer ED THE PLUMBER Azzo Heating & Air Conditioning • SERVICE • SALES • INSTALLATION 10% OFF Any Service RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FREE ESTIMATES • ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate 24 hrs. - Call 773-965-1259 - 7 Days a week Over 15 yrs. experience - Emanual Azzo, Owner Satisfaction Guaranteed As STUARTS LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING & TREE REMOVAL 8025 W. Golf Rd. Niles (847) 581-0536 6250 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago (773) 774-0366 A Leader in Orthopaedic care for Chicago and the Northwest Suburbs for over 30 years. Alan R McCall, MD Daniel Sullivan, DO Gregory Fahrenbach, MD Richard J. Hayek, MD Christopher Mahr, MD Brian McCall, MD Todd R. Rimington, MD Paul Paperski, MD call for appt. 773-631-7898 6682 ½ N Northwest Hwy Call Chicago, IL 60631 773-775-6700 (next to Emerald Isle) for pick-up or delivery orders Red Hots • Beef Polish • Corned Beef • STIX FUNERAL HOME 6000 ROO 773-471-1444 S F I N G PECIALIST S Cebulak Construction Inc. Roofing & Remodeling 773.719.6206 Free Estimates • Insured Parishioner Discount Heating and Cooling Service & Installation of Furnaces • Boilers • Air Conditioning Free Estimates • Same Day Service 10% Parishioner Discount Michael Higgs 773.620.2186 Electrical Systems Our Specialty (773) 775-3431 7254 N. Milwaukee Niles, Illinois Phones: Niles 847- 647-9320 Chicago: 773-631-1199 Edward A. Tylka, Manager/Director Thomas A. Turkowski, Funeral Director Kevin A. Meyer, Funeral Director Transfers To Poland Mowimy Po Polsku Children’s Room • Catering Available N. Milwaukee Ave. 773-774-4100 Off. 847-233-7395 Res. 773-631-7768 E. J. SIEVERS CO. Plumbing - Heating - Service & Installation Tease Salon & Spa 20% OFF ANY SERVICES 6693 N. Northwest Hwy. Edison Park Lic. No. 3536 M 773.763.4247 9209 B. Ivanhoe, Schiller Park, IL Dr. Melissa Grandinetti-DeGroot, O.D. G. ELECTRICAL Rick Glorioso 773-685-7477 312-720-7474 773-774-2283 No Job Too Small! 847-318-7672 Free Estimates Insured Comprehensive Eye Exams, Glasses and Contacts. 7215 W. Touhy, Chicago, IL 60631 1063 N. Northwest Hwy., Park Ridge, IL 60068 MEDICAL ALARM 773-792-0433 COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE CENTER Family Dental Care Malec & Sons St. Juliana Parishioner Lic# 055-026066 Parishioner Discount SKOKIE AUTOMOTIVE CORP. Dr. Elise Grandinetti-Adley, D.D.S. Dr. Samuel Grandinetti, D.D.S. 7215 W. Touhy Ave. Design • Shrubs • Sod • Tree & Bricks Senior Citizen Discount - First Time Only We Do All Our Own Work Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” PROTECTING CATHOLIC SENIORS NATIONWIDE ✂ and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers ✓ 25+ Yrs. in Business ✓ A+ Rated with BBB ✓ Dr. Recommended ✓ Made in the USA ✓ Waterproof Button ✓ Price Guarantee ✓ Monitored in the USA ✓ Lifetime Warranty ✓ Tax Deductible* $19.95*/Mo. - Holiday Special Toll Free: 1-877-801-8608 *First three months only *Check with your accountant (847) 696-4848 “There’s STILL Such A Thing As A Community Bank” Mowimy Po Polsku 7601 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles Advertising here helps your parish & your business. Call Dave Urquhart 847.529.0526 [email protected] Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Joanne & Roger Hejza 7307 W. Howard St. Chicago, IL 60631 Century 21 McMullen Real Estate Harlem & NW Hwy. 773-763-1528 773.297.8300 E-Mail [email protected] JOHN M. SISTO, D.D.S. Oral Surgery • Dental Implants 350 S. Northwest Hwy. Ste. 118, Park Ridge 847-470-0700 JOHN & DIANNE GUEST JACK GUEST I. D. # 356524 SAM’S REMODELING For All Your Needs Kitchen • Bath Plumbing • Tiling Carpentry Exterior & Interior Painting Free Estimates Low Rates 847-823-2813 512117 St Juliana Church (B) RESTAURANT Join us for our: NEW WEEKEND BRUNCH! Sat-Sun 11:30 am - 4 pm • $5 Mimosas & Bloody Marys 847.647.8282 6881 N. Milwaukee Ave. • Niles PRIVATE PARTIES UP TO 100 PEOPLE For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 DR. MICHELE T. Rose’s Beauty Salon Permanent Wave Specialists BOGACKI Patrick & Sons Plumbing & Sewers • Repairs • Remodeling • Rodding • Hot Water Tanks • Boilers Patrick Broderick 773-699-1819 10% Sr. Disc. FAMILY DENTISTRY Lic.# 058185315 Suerth Funeral Home $10 off Any One Service First Time Clients 773-777-4800 • New Patients Welcome 847.292.1445 • Evening Office Hours 59 Summit Ave. Park Ridge, IL 60068 • Emergency Care • All Ages Welcome Family Owned & Operated at the Same Location Since 1927 Dennis S. Krawzak Donald R. Krawzak Peter T. Heneghan Nancy K. Haran 773-631-1240 6754 W. Northwest Highway DIPLOMAT TRAVEL AGENCY “Your Ambassador For Travel” 6835 W. Higgins Ave. Chicago IL 60656 NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. 708-456-7300 Welter Plumbing Inc. • Certified Nursing Assistant • Caregivers & Companions • Short & Long Term Care • Live-in & Hourly Care • Personal Care & Assistance • Licensed-Bonded-Insured All Plumbing & Sewer Licensed & Bonded Lic. # 11475 Lic. # 055-008817 TH U N DE R REMODELING INC. Roofing, Windows, Siding, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Porches and Deck (847) 965-1883 Pella Windows • Vinyl Windows Deal Directly with Owner and $AVE 880 Lee St., Ste. 210 • Des Plaines Licensed • Bonded • Insured SINCE 1987 (847) 707-0514 CALL Norman Jay Parishioner Discount Owned & Operated by the Cooney Family 1-800-862-5326 Call for monthly specials Serving Park Ridge since 1977 847-685-1002 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago Call Your Local Parishioner 7230 W. Foster 773-763-7117 Chris Lendzion 312.485.1500 5907 Northwest Hwy. 773-930-4633 Niles Animal Hospital Appointments: (847) 647-9325 773-588-5850 ORI BROTHERS FLOORING, INC. Rugs • Carpet • Tile • Linoleum • Wood • Laminates U-HAUL AUTHORIZED DEALER 6010 Northwest Highway, Chicago 7278 N. Milwaukee Ave. Family Owned & Operated MARGE NAEGELE Broker 773-631-4193 708-257-5023 Pre-Need Arrangements 1 Free Key • Single-Sided • Non-Personalized • One Per Customer • With This Coupon Remax City Real Estate SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles • (847) 966-7302 The helpful place. 2 Locations to Serve You Dave Muellner 847.414.2620 625 Busse Hwy., Park Ridge and Bird Medical Center Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Water & Fire Restoration 773-625-6280 Video Sewer & Locating Service Lic. # 14636 Lic. # 055-024301 [email protected] Our 37th Year Power Rodding All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure 847-824-5221 773-774-2727 Hair Color Specialist 4452 N. CENTRAL AVE., CHICAGO 7502 N. Harlem 1-773-774-3308 Area Resident MICHAEL J. ATHANS, Ph.D. 7715 W. Route 14 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 Child, Adolescent and Family Psychology F. O’NEILL PLUMBING & PIPING 32 Main Street Park Ridge, IL 60068 PARISHIONER DISCOUNT 15% 773-329-1082 Lic# PL16242 Lic# 058-160854 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED (847) 823-4444 Steven D. Baggio Agent & Parishioner DISCOUNTS FOR TEACHERS, POLICE OFFICERS, FIRE FIGHTERS 773-315-1621 [email protected] PAUL A. MEYER, D.O. MICHAEL J. MEYER, D.O. Physicians and Surgeons, Osteopathic Board Certified Family Practice Hours By Appointment Oak Mill Mall, Ste. 2-23 847-966-9878 7900 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles Todd Gentile, CMFC O’Neill Insurance Agency Park Ridge [email protected] AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS KEVIN O’NEILL - Parishioner (847) 384-9050 6129 North Elston Ave. 773-763-4279 © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company Family Owned & Operated Since 1936 847-823-1171 120 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge 512117 St Juliana Church (A) Chicago Clement J. Ryan — Michael C. Ryan 773-792-1811 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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