L. R. Heydlauff
L. R. Heydlauff
s >5 .C H E L SE A 'S HOME N E W SP A P E R FOR 68 DEVO TED TO TH E IN T E R E ST S OF YEARS TH IS SECTION _____ i VOLUME L X I X — N o . 8. C H E L S E A , M IC H IG A N , T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2 1 , 1 9 3 9 r S U B S C R IP T IO N $ 1 .5 0 P E R Y E A R MttNMMMMMNNMIMNNMIWHMUMIIUIIMWHUUmtUnUMMt..................................... .......... Drug Store 5 lbs. W r isle y ’s B ath, C ry sta ls W ater S o ftn e r ...................59C Albom ist N o s e a n d T h ro a t D rops7..................... ..„,'.f. ...;25c - 39c . Sani-Ped F o o t P o w d e r fo r fo o t c o m f o r t ................................ 35(i DeW itt's G ocoan ut O i l S h a m p o o ? ; ^ " " 2 3 c - 47c Mi 31 S olu tion A n tis e p tic M outh W ash, p in ts ”..,...............,49c M srtely's H a ir O il D r e s s i n g ............ ................. ........... „.............. nva 1 1 . Ch I m - - T> Rexail S h iw a v ln m gg-lH in b of tio n .... ....v - ....... —^ Rubber G loves, p e r fe c t fit\,.....,............ „........ /.... 29c - 49c Hot W ater B a g s , . . . . . , . ^ , .................................... jB 9 a . $ m - u p ^ Electric H e a tip is -P a d s ^ ^ T .....;. .$1,98 - $ 2 .9 8 - $ 3 .9 8 * $5.00 O ne-half g a l, L a m so n ’s M ineral Oil ........................................ 98c ^ 16 oz. M elO-M alt w ith Cod L iv er O i l ... ........... ^.................. $1.00 Plans for Community Fair Near Completion Plana are nearing completion’ for the annual Community Fair which' w ill be held a t the public school on Friday and Saturday, October 6 and 7. Some c h a n g e have been'made for th e loca tion of exhibits, and it is now planned to have the hobbyrshow in th e agri cultural room of the high school, with theiflaw er-show ..occupying the kinder* garten room. The agricultural prCdi ucts and canned fruits and vegetables will, be placed in the auditorium , .and "the livestock will be on the school grounds. Highlights Of State’s Uniform Traffic Laws Editor’s N ote: These^are the fifth and sixth of a series o f ten articles, prepared by th e Michigan State Po lice, high-spotting M ichigan’s new traffic law. Im portant changes have been m ade.in customarjG-driving-hab* its. G reater safety— and few er traffic arrests— will result from a d o s e study of these articles. , ' f_ Two Local Business ; Places Burglarized r- * ’ Burglars entered the A. B. Clark grocery store la st Thursday'night and took cigarettes valued at about $250,' and $25 in cash. The safe w as opened and papers w ere scattered about the floor, the culprits no doubt expecting to find m oney in th.e safe. Entrance: ■i1■— ' -II .1 . .. .mm•, 9 the;thieves--V-:\ -• ,-V«r going upstairs to the grocery ^room. Their car w as parked at the rear o f the store, w here the loot was loaded. -Sheriff’s officers inve stig ated but no clues as to the id entity of the rob bers have been found. B u i c k for 1940 ON DISPLAY O vertaking and Passing An important section, of M ichigan’s Those who plan to make entries for new traffic law from the standpoint of the show are requested to notify accident prevention regulates the con Harper’s G arage w as entered on Thomas Bust, agriculture teacher, not duct o f the m otorist overtaking and Tuesday n igh t and. about $250 worth Forham ’s L a r g e S iz e -T o o th P a ste w ith later than Monday, October 2 , so ’that passing other vehicles. of m erchandise and equipment, and a Gum M a ssa g e r .... .......... ......... :...........................•........ ;...... z ample space will .be p ro vid ed forp lac-” N o vehicle shall be driven to the sm all amount o f cash w as .taken. The in g the exhibits, which m ust be in left side o f highw ay on the approach burglars broke a g la ss from a side For tr e a tin g se e d w h eat,' 1 ib. can C eresan tr e a ts _ place by Friday noon, October 6 . A s to the crest o f a hill or upon a curve door in an effort to gain entrance 32 b u sh el .... .7.............. :..................... :......... ;...;............................. 75c previously announced, displays of a g where the driver’s view is obstructed there, but could not unlock the door. ricultural products, canned goods and to such an exten t a s to make it un- They then clim bed up and broke a Gilbert’s Chocolates window but could not g e t in there, and liv e s tock, will bo limited^-to^d-H^chrtf sa fe to p ass. Outside of cities" and villages the finally broke alm ost an entire window' and F , F. A. members,- with th e hobby and flower shows haing npnyy to th° horn must be -sounded before passing f ram e from; the large rear door and" opened the door. ' public. Prizes will be awarded in all another vehicle, ' t , •.--....L UL-L • 12 d ivisions. - — — —------------------— ----The l oot included f o u r —new tir e sA s soon an a drivor ia aafely-ctea r Some of the superintendents in of~an Overtaken vehicle he should re and tubes, batteries, new heavy duty, charge of exhibits will be on hand at turn to a normal position as fa r to the generator, electric drill, paint gun, s all times to see that the displays are right as possible. U sually only about reamers, grease guns, etc., in addition , not disturbed. The superintendents 1 2 seconds are required to pass an to some cash. other car. Sheriff’s 1 officers who investigated are: 3 m orning took. - -finger I f the driver ahead h as signalled his W ednesday Cattle—<Don Cook, LeRoy Loveland. intention to, turn left he must not be prints, and the tire tracks at the rear Sheep^—N. H. Miles. Roland H eim — of .th e, g a r a g e -w h e re the c a F -w aa 'passed=arr-the-left., ~ ~ “ " HogSr^William Heurion. No m otor vehicle shall be driven to parked show th a t .it was the same car ■Poultry—'Loren Koengeter, Arthur the le ft side o f a highway when ap* that-w as-parked a t the rear o f Clark's Schiller.. preaching within 1 0 0 f e e t of_an„inter grocery when th a t store was robbed - -W ool— Warren , Heim, ‘ section or railroad crossing. Michi last w e e k .. r * *• . " P et Stock— Roderick McDonald. A n intensive search for the vandals gan State Police point out many--lives ‘ Grain'—Oramel Schiller, Roy Broeswould be saved aim ually if this rule is being m ade by the sheriff’s depart amle.^------- -— ..... ment and it is hoped they will be ap was never violated ^ 7■■Potatoes— Warren Hoover, Lloyd prehended a to m e a r ly date.-------- — i Collins. •. ____ • T urning— . A pples— Ed. V isil rThs-v ehicle- rhoving straight ahead egetableS— Robert Schwartzmiller. at a prudent speed is rarely the car -■ D om estic Stock — Mary Sullivan, involved-.in.-an- accident.—But-the -new - ~ - “ a t c Joan WaLworth". M ichigan traffic law takes recognition Jlobby—Mrs. P. G. 5^hnih1p ihat-whbh-that vehicle-44 AU grades o f Salmon w ill be higher ! By \AJayne/Van Orman F low er,sh ow —Mrs. Warren Dariiels, turned from its straight course, th e T tite r Mrs... K ent Walworth. Chelsea’s first football game of the accident risk increases*Canned F h iit— Miss Muzzal. ■ season is scheduled for Friday, Sep The act provides th a t ihe right turn i. * be m ade as in the past. Keep as close tem b er 22, a t Clinton. Last year Chel as practicable to the. right curb or sea defeated C linton in a close game, six to nothing. Itrls destined to Hp~it _edge 6 f "the h ig h w a y r close gam e F riday, the teams -being — T h e4 eft-tu rn -isrtb “'be^made^by en tering the intersection in the lane to v ery evenly m atched. During la st w eek’s practice there Few changes in regulations cover the right of and neatest the center were two unfortunate injuries. Early ing the taking of w aterfow l and. mi line a^nd by leaving the intersection in Uie ‘week. G eorge Knickerbocker, gratory upland game .birds duying the ih the Ime to the right e f and nearest sta r guard o f Chelsea, received a approaching season are announced by the center line. * In -'oth er: words, crqcked,. riby and a day later Stanley Michigan now h a s the ’’inside turn.” the M ichigan. Department of ConserA t traffic sig n a l ;lpcations, vehicles Policht, a likely-looking Freshman, k" , rK/ '■... . .~ ; . 9.. . back, received “a shoulder injury. . : Federal seasons, shootirig'hours and intending to turn le ffsh a ll permit ve H ere is a list of the boys who hicles bound in .th e opposite direction Cl m e ^ s by: Which w aterfow l and upland tdrrifed out for the' first two w eeks’ to. pass the intersection before; turn gam e birds m ay be taken are practi practice: Backfield, Schneider, White, >IHIfl»4tllHU4llllltlHHHHIWt14MMtllinilMim4IMUMIMMIIIItl4IIMfjm/M'MMIM4lllMMMrnll»4lMII4irniniailM4MIIH<IINI*im«4HQ cally identical with the 1938 regula ing left'. • This ' satne i-ule applies at A. Policht, W est, Holbrook, S. Po> tions except that bow and arrow majL non-signalUzed intersections. -Before turning,-one-m ust signal his lich t, Gadd. Combs. Slaine/W a lz and f be used’this year; \ ; ' - •■ - • intention by extending the hand ahd K ern; on th^rli ne there were W inans, Schiller, Lindauer, Only changes of importance are the arm straigh t out from and beyond the Knickerbocker, raising _of the ' possession lim it on le ft side o f the vehicle. The n ex t step, Riemenschneider, Dietle, V isel, Striethe M ichigan State ,Police .point out, terrK u stereiT rL ane, Grieb^NieKaus, lowering Of the daily b a g timd p osses is to move into the proper Jane; If Pargpnsi Rademacher, Clark, and “There is hardly anything in the world sion lim its on geese^j This. ^'dsdn the proper signals are indicated by. a Hale, that som e man cannot make a little daily bag will ibe foifr and the posses driver about to change' his course; Worse and sell a little cheaper, and the sion lim it-:e ig h t - - A daily bag of five other drivers can handle their cars in GRANGE “BOOSTER” MEETING people who consider price only, are geese, with 1 0 In possession,'w as aK accordance with su?h sign als and. this m an’s lawful prey.” Cavanaugh Lake and Siorth Sylvan lowed in 1938. ■ • avoid "the'accidents" so common when Granges will hold ,-a j’o int “ Booster” Daily bag lim it on rails,-gaTlinule* confusion and m isunderstanding at- m eeting Friday night, September 29. a t SalenrG rove church at 8:00 o’clock. and-snipe has been_ increased from 1 0 tend_a.change in course"or speed. The 4-H Garde"n club wllL_exhihit: to_J,5j_ with 15 in possession. D aily - Phon,® -No.- 6 - _______Ambulance— -from their gardens^ Mr.' Bust will, allowed bag o f woodcock is four. Daily BOYCE-LA SOVAGE W EDDING — bag lim it on coots has been increased M iss Dorothy^ Boyce, daughter' of judge their products, stating his points from 10 to 25 per day on advice of th^ Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Boyce, 2Q7 West and reasons. I\ A one-act comedy entitled O. S. Biological Survey. A n enormous Middle St., became the bride o f Stan increase in the species-is reported. ley La Sovage, son of Mr. and Mrs. lind’s W edding” will be presented. Rosalind, Miss Irene The- woodcock season h as been ad Anthony La Bovage of Caspian, Mich, Characters: Wahl ; her .fiance, Miss V itginia Leh justed to coincide “as "nearly as pos on Saturday, September 16, _at "2:00 man; aunt,” RutH Schweinfurth; Hilda sible with the upland gam e bird sea o’clock. The ceremony was performed (the bad luck prophet), Claribel Hop* spn in both the upper and lower penin by_Rev. Lawrence Dorr at the St. _pe; Rosalind’s fariter. MrSi G. Wahh sulas and -th e-lo n g -sea so n allowed- in -Mary-s-roctory. -------------- !— P ot-luck lunc h w ill be serv e d ._____ -other.-.years_on snipe,-rails and galli ....The bride wore a costum e-suit- of Every member be a “booster!” nules has. been shortened to coincide grotto blue wool crepe with brown acw ith the w aterfow l season. The wood cessories and her bouquet w as of FA RM ER S’ CLUB ELECTS cock season in the upper peninsula gardenias. The bridesmaids, Mrs. w ill be fr.om_.Qctober 1 _to_20,. inclu M errilLH ighlandf-aister o f the-groom , _ The September... h ieetin g__of— thesive, and in the rower /peninsuta^the wore maroon corded satin with col W estern W ashtenaw Farmers'* club & dates are October 16 to 81, inclusive, ored accessories, and Miss Ruth was held on Friday evening a t the Other seasons, all dates inclusive,' Boycet sister o f the bride, wore, a home o f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allmenare: Ducks, geese, brant, coot and grape colored su it with m atching ac dinger, Crooked Lake. A picnic sup jacksnipe— October 1 to .. November cessories. Their corsages-w ere talis- per was served on the lawn to— 48 14; rails and gallinules (except coot) man rosea. The groom was attended members, after" which the follow ing by his brother, W alter l a Sovage, and I officers were elected for the ensuing .. — -—October to — November ,^'im iiiiiuH| | )|ln|n ,M||)|n ll|l| IHim|l| | l||, | | | | t| |, |ln i|||||i|iiiiiiniitnim riiniiiiiitiiiiiiii'iiinM|||llinininll)r|iiii| |y M imiuiiim ------------—1-— -— -----p-— 14. — ' ' ' year: ' . - p— ■ mb* Hours of legal shooting for ducks, the bride’s~BrbitRer, EHi ^ Boyce. President—T. G. Riemenschneider. IIH.MIIIIIIIIIMHII'l'i'd geese, brant and coot are 7 a. m. to A reception w as held at the home Vice-President— W alter Harper. 4 ' p. ni. and for jacksnipe, rails and o f the bride’s parents for relatives and Secretary— Mrs. Evelyn Smith. gallinules (except coot) and woodcock friends. The bride’s cake was a three Treasurer— H enry Musbach. are 7 a. m. to sunset. A ll time$ arc tiered oblong cake with pink and w hite ' 9 ' ■' The evening w as spent in a social floral-decoratidns and tapped w ith a • ■ . ■ X Eastern Standard, < ..,........... -.......: bridegroom ._JThe~ groom’s . c a k e -w a s way., . Bag lim its for ducks is 1 0 , with 2 0 a two layer ice cream cake with as the possession lim it, provided that straw berry .filling, decorated with CIRCLE M |5ETS IN,PLYM OUTH when any daily lim it-includes canvasroses and the "names of^the bridal^pair. — Twenty-lthree members of::the Cenback’; redhead, , bufflehead and ruddy Lighted white tapers in co stal hold tral Circle of the M ethodist^church ducks, not more than three- o f any one ers were at each end and sprays of motored to Plymouth on ThursTday, of these species nor more than three pink and white flowers were arranged where; they were entertained at the, in the aggregate m ay be taken, and on the ‘buffet table. hoihe o f Mrs. Blake Fisher, a former the possession lim its of th ese particu ; A fter a wedding trip to N orthern member. A co-operative dinner was lar iu c k s a r e not more-than.,six of-any -Michigan Mr. and Mrs. La Sovage served and plans for winter activities one kind or six in the aggregate." will reside in Chelsea. were discussed. Mrs. Merrill Highland, assisted by 31 ENROLLED IN' MVSIC SCHOOL Ruth Boyce, entertained at a shower A N N O U N C E ENGAGEM ENT The enriillment of St. Mary School in honor o f Miss Boyce on A u gu st 22. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scrip ter an o f Music numbers th irty-on e,...Those nounce the engagem eht o f their son students who take thirty-six lessons WILL HOLD BOOSTER NIGHT Lowell, to Miss Jeanne I. Martin, and give satisfactory work will be B o lste r N igh t will be observed by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P erry Mar awarded a certificate. __ ' • .L afayette—G range-on-T hursday eve-: tin of Ann-Arbor,— ^ —The anrtuaFSTusicale'Will be held a t njng, Septem ber 28, at the Grange the end of the scholastic year. This hall a t Lima Center, to which th ey ex TH IEV ES GET PEACH ES is a source o f encouragem ent and ap« tend a hearty welcome to the entire During the p ast week thieves pick .predation to the pupils for their in community. There .will be a program ed about 1 2 bushels of peaches at the t e r e s t .4 n=ttha.-,find-.arts,^Llko?dse-=.thei and entertainm ent for all, followed by R ik e r fr u ttfa r r a . parents- have an opportunity of fo l pot-luck lunch. lowing the progress of the work made Come' one, come all, 1 by the other members of th e Class. To the Lima Grange hall, —a t Regneris Tavern, 8 jm tles w est of M eet your neighbors at your left, The periods after 8:80 have been Chelsea on U S - 1 2 next Sunday, sta rt set aside fo r-th o se students not a t -M eet your friends a t-you r-righ t, P H O N E 41S-W C H E L S E A , M IC H . ' L afayette invites you fo r ’ Booster ing at , 10 a. m. Everybody welcome^ | p,iiimniniwu>WUH«MinminmwiwmiiniiiiiMiMi»nKWHrmwiiHUiiiHHinin»imitHtMiiHiMiHiniw>HHinuMiih>HWwl tending St. Mary school. , • Olio Johnson. ■ , 5 tf . ., ■ — Sisters o f St. Domlnic< N ight! R E N R Y ll. Seie These New Cars A t Our Showrooms 'a W . R . D A N IE L S FENN PHONE 58 THIS I Phone 112 SPECIALS 10 lbs. Granulated S u g a r....... ........ .62c 2 lb. pkg* Seedless Raisins ;. ....... ..15c Royal Gelatin or Pudding ... f . __ . 3 for 14c 3 lbs. Blue Rose R ice.................. ....... 14c 2 No. 2 sizeXiiished P in e a ftp l^ 1 lb. Fresh C ranberries.... . . . 15 l Ib. Trueworth Cocoa . ...........TTr?: 2 large Heads Lettuce .. 241/2 lb, bag Acme Flour 3% Safas Tax Included 11 iffi'-: k W THIS ^ f i ■ 2 lbs. Nucoa Oleo ............ — . . . . — ., .35c 2 Ige. pkgs. Rinso .. i ................ . . . . . . . .39c 4 bars Lux or Lifebuoy Soap .. .... .25c -B^kgs. Boyal Gelatin or Pudding Powder 14c 2 lge. cans Defiance Crushed Pineappl_e._. 29c Football Game Friday 45c 2 cans Defiance Red Salmon 4 bars Olivilo S p a p ......... . . . . . . 21c Get a loaf of Health Bread today! SpeciaLPrices on all Canned Goods-in^quan^ tity lots. Now is a good time to lay in a supply! Few Changes Made In Bird-iHimting Law¥ i t .(f ; . -ir is' T+Sfrt -~ m - A : ■ slF •;i f GROCEltlis and MEAT8 ■ v 'i v<r > '- i ■ ; - •. i-jsw V ' I rt v ■ f ■ irt-j I : : ‘j - BUILDING SUPPLIES ASBESTOS SIDING Plankell Funeral Home ^ cem ent Prom pt D elivery For easier drilling and lower cost of produc* tion Use _ r._._ V. C. FERTILIZER Treat your seed wheat with Ceresan for smut. 1 lb. treats 32 bu. — —- — Lumber, Grain Farm ers’ Supply Co. PHONE 184 CHELSEA PHONE 112 % V :.l: -I ■,Ji m M . ROY C. IVES fv ':) f :: New Norge Inventions SPECIAL For ONE I : ) ,,' ! : : ',4 Revolutionize 3No. 2 cans Peatf (Quaker Melting) ... • 39c 3 No. 2 cans Whole Kernel Corn-.. .. . . .41c 3 No. 2 cans Bantam Cor n— . . . . . . • 35c H lb. Tea Pot Green Tea . . . . . . . : ,^ c _ 3 No. 2 cans Grapefruit ... . . . . . . • • 39c 3No. 2 cans Crushed Pineapple • • • <• •®^c 3No. 2y2 cbns Sliced Pineapple . 3 No. 2 Red Kidney Beans y^ extra votes with each unit of Scans pur-'" rnased during this sate. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at all4times. Oil CirculatingHeaters 15 'ill ...V ' (or Homes, Stores, Offices. The Newest, Most Beautiful, Most Different Heater in the World! SEE THE NEW TRAP SHOOT A. B. CoaKo. * B4 l - U - L. R. Heydlauff \ t THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER o, .... T H E CHELSEA STANDARD. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN entom ologist, for crop reports indicate if® amount of poisonous reaidn* ^ Purebred Sheep Breeders’ association. | C h a i r i l l & I l G l V 6 S R 6 S l l l t S The p ark in g-ligh ts w ere o f “candle” a harvest o f more than e ig h t m illion fee arsenic, Over that 1 ^ ^ * * ^ power. The appearance o f the: car, A t lea st 800 of the b est rams from j J bushels in Michigan. T o w ash that jm>»t be washed. parked n ext to a DeLuxe 1939 model* flocks in the state a r e to be assembled Publish*! I w r TbunAw m any apples wvould be costly, t o have g a n ’a m ost popular v a r ie t y t h T w 1* drew a large crowd of spectators. — for grading by G, A . Brown and C, th a t m any wormy would be hum ous. Intosh and the Spy, C S f i • ^ W. McGLUBE» Reporter. L. Cole of the co lleg e animal . hus L ansing— H ugh E. van de Walker, Science a t M ichigan S ta te College The secret lies in a com bination of bandry department. chairm an o f the Michigan Crippled h as been'invoked over a five, year e x nicotine sulphate with bentonite, a skin * ^ hea y y aruepical w a id u effi H OW ELL— In a cribbage gam e perim ent in apple Orchards to find a N early 200 anim als are to be se Children Com m ission, in a statem ent g s blotching 2 .5 ® Diowmng o f the skin skincolorw typ e of clay found in large, depo sits in brings lected’from the top grad es for sale-to la st week m ade reply to criticism s played a fe w evenings ago by Sam new spray com bination which, controls because th e residue spots perm# is® W yom ing and other sta te s. Michigan flockmasters. This is to pre. regarding o v eid ra fis t on-., appropria Vreeland, Owen Fisher and W esley the codling m oth, p reven ts wormy ap O rdinarily, says P rofessor H utson, cede the annual tour o f the ram truck tions fo r the care of crippled and a f W ilson a t th e Wil-Vreo Service S ta ples and y et does not leave a fepray the nicotine sulphate has th e im m e is A nother e f f « t o f'th e which in other years has carried out flicted children under the state law’ tion, Mr. Vreeland held the very rare residue containing so much arsenic date areenlfl. ^ 0UH f. d iate pow er to kill the codling m oth date arsenic, standing breeding anim als into var and pointed to sayings amounting to hand o f 28 points, so much hoped for th a t the apples need w ashing before is U>« poetefBet at but is so volatile and soluble th a t in ious counties in the sta te to buyers. m illions o f dollars' resulting from the by cribbage players. Vreeland’s hand g oin g to m arket. Htoed class natter. sufficient residual effect rem ains. S u f ‘In dians’ in Poland Second of the even ts is to be held rehabilitation of crippled children, consisted o f three five spots,- and the Nearly 500 orchard owners in the ficient am ounts o f the cla y are m ixed . . tw o G oral wom en of Zakonim* ten spot o f diamonds, and th e fourth at Lapeer on Thursday, October 26. who m ight otherw ise have continued(U sta te have- b een , u sin g the new typ e to force a s uitable percentage o f the th e fa m o u s tourist resort of P o B -|b*wtt»tieB »rteei 11.60 per. five-sp ot w a s turned on the deck. —* f his is to be the first state consign*, as public c h a r g e s .<?# mb U ; four months. 10 spray in 1039, help in g to prove w ith nicotine to.rejnain volatile and soluble d r e s s alik e. The tourist her* m ent sale of M ichigan’s beef cattle “W e have been criticized over a long County P ress. other' 1039 p lo t te s ts by the college w hile: the remainder continues to pro- see m ou n tain eers who S t f t J a blue bloods. Sale catalogs are avail p erio d -o f tim e forv the amount of Consolidation .of th a t a less harm ful spray s till p r o tec t! vide a residual protectibiL oyer a p e r - h im o f A m erican Indiana $ 2 able through R. C. L o tt.L a p c e r , coun- m o n ey expended for the care of ch il Chelsea Herald, established 1871 ASON-r-The Lansing g a s bomber the crop. iod o f d ays until growth \o f th e fr u it w a r m o c c a sin s w d ^ a i ^ r ^ S M ty agricultural a g e n t and general dren,’;* sa id . Mr.^van de Walker, “but -lh a Chalsw Standard, established 1888 non-plussed over his failu re to g e t hawk-like hAurir.nirA ca n e, w hile they d u * leq u ires another application. And this is im portant this year* The Chelsea Tribune, established 1807 sale manager. son . starlings. He is now certain sa y s Professor R ay H utson, college until the present tim e we have been, like Ojibways. P resen t federal food standards lim it - F ifty anjmals o f , the ,sta te ’s ■best utterly w ithout control over those e x Mason birds carry g a s m asks. The purebred beef breeding herds are to penditures because the legislature, un- bomber’s efforts to g a s Mason birds be paraded down th e main street of til this year, had seen fit not to eon- have resulted in flat failure. I would Lapeer,- S a le -b y -a u e tio n b e g in ^ arr fC ruporrus-any authority-f or- tfie-oom like^tb—see -som e one ^ try^ ou t ~M ontyJ-; 12:30 p, m., preceded by a cattle judg m ittm ent o f these children _nor any V oss’_su g ^ estio n o f f e e d in g , m ash j ing contest. control over the length of tim e th e y then p ick in g up the intoxicated birds, Wednesday ev en in g before the sale 'were^ allow ed to „ ........... Two events designed with the eo remain under treat-. destroying the starlings and blackh*0 Sp i t a l s ~ operation- o f Michigan S ta te r C o lle g r j^ e r e ^ is - 7 o -b e ; a ^ a n ^ t - ^ - L a p e e - c J - ^ ^ Y - -birds-and sobering—u p _ a n d je le a sin g _ _ . - livestock breeding j i^ c . Rather, head o f the college farm to spread better . “Ten years; ago the Crippled Chil the robins and other songbirds. * * * anim als throughout the state are on crops department, and G, A. Brown Commission served:notice on the The L eslie Local-Republican, is inter the calendars of .leading .livestock men of the animal husbandrj’ department dren Governor and the State A dm inistra ested in M ason's fight again st sta r are two o f the speakers assigned to in Michigan. tiv e Board th at there was im m inent lin gs and offers the suggestion that September 23 ■-marks ftrst livestock the serious portions o f the5, banquet prospect of the funds being over spent the top s be cut out o f all the. trees. . / . , show .usage "of the n e w ly 1 completed program. . because of lack of such Control,- U n til That’s like burning down the barn to livestock pavilion on. the campus at th is year th e state.appropriated',roon-. kill th e rats,— County N ew s. E a st Lansing. M ichigan’s first state P rem ier R adium U ser ey for crippled and afflicted children wide ram show and sale is to be held The United S ta te s is the world’s and provided 83 uncoordinated outlets SO UTH LYON—T w enty-tw o silver through sponsorship of the Michigan largest consum er of radium . for spending it. The intejntion was the dollars; handed to South- Lyon Kiwan‘ " hut the method w a s 1 a direct bid for overdrafts and trouble. by la s t Monday night w h en d u b m em s t | In oach countv the probate judge cciul (1 bers turned in the dollars and their 5l>■ that -commit children .when when satisfied" eam in gs. Each" member of the club \ C r itic s a g r e e / . -thp f am ily o f _the patient cbuld not- had been given a dollar, w ith instruc ’ ---------------bear the cost, and the cost of..pareT tlons to see h ow much he could m ake V. t Prologue to Love “ v. .The great N* then becam e a charge on the state or, it grow b y Sept. 11.-—Herald. Northwest.. translated into breathtaking beauty,.. t ' m -som e cases; on the county. There, Sww.1. andsincereromance." Chicago Herald-Examiner. A w as no centralized control, ^ E g y p tia n 'B a k e r s . “Under the new k w com m lttm ente ■ % ProlOgUO to Love “A novel W hich from j' ^ v - / are to be cleared in advance of actual bake r a ise d bread. It w a s the cu s kt*v »tart to finish is pure romance. ,. Something wild '' * ent throughithe Commission at tom to k n e a d -d o u g h -w ith -th e ..feet, t _ and untamable in the human drama which ; %> > s s “*A ^ treatm L ansing, w here the., outgo can be though th ey, kneaded clay .by hand. , . \ s -' Ss m easured to the money available. f t - develops.” Boston Transcript• T h e d isc o v e r y of leaven in g w a s th e g»& M C • Prologue to Love “Fits inta.the pat- . “I b eliev e 1 w e can assure the people resu lt of a m istake by an E g y p tia n H SV tefft of popular fiction . . ..A modernieed love o f M ichigan that there w ill be no , se rv a n t w h o m ixed left-over dough ]Wfien an emergency strikes, you are prepared— witK a into h er fre sh dough; ferm entation overdrafts against the appropriations story.” New York Sun. , " w. th is year, even,-though the money p ro had sta r te d i n the left-over dough. telephone. A prowler comes in the night— fire tRreatens m. • ProlOgUO to Love “Melodramatic—~ vided and allotted to counties . is, so r~*, complication, among the mountains of British sm all th a t som e counties :will-m ot be your home— a nek baby takes a turn for th e worse* Columbia . .. It has all the’necessary.elements.” able t o care fo r even one crippled M * New York Times, child, unless the legislature provides No matter wHat may be the emergency or when if may —4---z-yfurtherjfun ds. “ F or-exam ple, Oscoda county-has_a. come, help is no farther away than the nearest telephone* m onthly allotm ent of $9.09 for the care of crippled -children, or a totall o f e c o st of the $109.08 fo r the yean Try oar Dari-Rich C hocolate— care of crippled childr^S in th at coun Delicious Hot o f Cold— — ty fo r 1937-38 w as $1,976.80. The sit-, •' - — Solti At-----uatidn is quite sim ilan m Roscommon B IN D E R E R BROS. county, ■w hose monthly allotm ent is R E D A W HITE STORE $10.13, a total Of $121.56 for-the-year. The Chelsea New Apple Spray Is i 1 Invented By College Of Crippled Child Care Two State Sales Will Aid LivestockBreeders Help is as near as yonr Telephone! WESTSIDE DAIR1L Pasteurized Milk^and Creant S e r ia lly In These Columns E xp en ses there ip 1937-38 were $616.64. M ontmorency county w ill receive $14.50 a m onth, a to ta l of $174.00 fo r the vear, and the total cost there fo r 1937-38 w as $345.05. _ “The average cost of care per c a s t w a s approxim ately $165,00. Gan you tell me how these counties a re goin g to-care_for m ore than one jihild in a .year? There is not one county in the” S ta te which w ill receive m ore than one-half of w hat w as spent in th a t county during the la st fiscal, year. . Mr. vafi de W alker declared^ th at during the life of the Michigan C rip U.S pled Children Com m ission, 8,074 per-sobs. have been-rehabilfyated,. that is physical deficiencies have been cor rected and th e-ch ild ren have been given vocational training. The la te st figures from the M ichigan D epart m ent pJL R ehabilitation show that th ese persons are earning an~ayerage of $18.25 per week. ' • t a k i n g an even 8 ,0 0 0 rehabilitatedpersoris as the basis of ”our figures, th at w ou ld be a total earning for the group of $146,000 p e r . w eek,” co n tinued- Mr. van de walker, “m ultiply th is by four and yoti w ill-arrive at tha total of $584,000 a m onth ..,LN ow -a g a in ^ m u ltip ly the $584,000 by 12 and you-have a total income for, th ese rehabilitated people of, $7,008,000 a year. is-said -th at-th o-ayerage ea rn period of- time jn the- life_of a person — T shall not attem pt to figure this out,"but you can readily s^e th a t it would run into a tremendous, su m .-,. .. / “It seem s to me th a t -with all th e Kullabalocr th a t h a s-b een —made—ovorthe expense incurred, incident to the operation of the Commission' when t these figures" are taken into account '^ ^ fi^ 'atejm u ath 'gverm -ad e c o nsiderable financial gain by having these people taken ou t'of'tJie '‘red’ and made se lfsu stain in g persons .7 s in addition to th is, m any o f them are m arried and are supporting fam ilies o f their own -^-others who are unmarried are m ak in g contribution toward the support o f their fam ilies,, and in some in stan ces are the sole support. “ It has been stated by an em inent hospital authority in th is state th a t it costs* approxim ately $385.00 per year to m aintain an individual in one of the institu tions o f the sta te, , I f th is 1 s “tn te r and reven one-half -of th is eig h t thousand w ere public charges, as they w ere before th ey were found, rehabilitated, educated and ta u g h t a tradg, the c o st of their m aintenance before this w as dtfne should a lso be added to f their preSeht earnings in or der to g e t a true picture o f 'th eir statu s so fa r as the State is concerned as of today.” This WeekL 4 COOKING SPEEDS plus'‘Free”Heat .. . a Heat for every need!— HIGH for top cooking speed right from the ,«tart» MEDIUM LOW SIMMER for deep fat frying and open pan frying.-----for vegetables, cereals, preserving, dried fruits*^ for “waterless” cooking, soups, «te*l, iau5ct,_ FREE MEAT Heat Saver cook* many foods for 50' minutes without electricity, after the uni7ilt has been on “high” only 10 minutes) Only Westinghouse .offers you the many advantages of the Solid-Top Coro* Economfiter Unit. The FOUR alwayt-even heats provide the “ex actly right’* heat for every cooking MM 0 0 % f*M W" * * 1 ... thm “lew11 •« wdlnory moH* ^operation — g h « yon better cooking results. And, ‘ free * heat from the eeooowy* Heat-Saver cooks many foods for 50 [IVt* tlm- minutes after the unit has been oa “high” only 1 0 minutes. Let us prove that electric cooking cotta much leaa than you think. Wo "low." ' have the K ftohon^rovotf last*. CAae •*- aee them* . SIMMER REIT ta CHELSEA & (VERY HOUSE N f f O S Wf S M N G H O U S f Our Neighbors D U ND EH r-pH owm any Dundee peo* p ie remember the'old Brush car, m a n ufactured in D e tr o it some thirty y ea rs ftgo?' One o f their 1910 models carne breezing into tow n on W ednesday un der its own power from M aybee.w h ere its owner lives, I t. w as a classy tw oseater model and boasted a lo t of brass trim ming. Sm all tanks for acetylene gas to. feed the h eadligh ts w ere carried on the running board. West * S id e M I CHJ[ 6 A N Dairy BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY • I f yon emn*t nhop in person, thop by telephone Now is the time to trade in your old stove while you can ^ e t a big allowance on. a handsome Automatic Gas Range. Get a new thrill out of cooking - shorten your kitchen labors - turn put perfect baking that will delight your family. ' • lL L O W ANCE F o r_ Y o u r O ld Stovtfe ANY NEW CABINET-TYPE GAS RANGE INCLUDED IN THIS SALE M agic Chef 1 ® ®%$ * ® 1 0 . 6? ” ■ ■ - - $83.50 Regular Price $20.00 Allowance $63.50 Plus Tax in st a l l e d i 1 ■ 211 East Huron St. Gas Co. ANN ARBOR ibMTRSDAY, • i ' SEPTEMBER 21,1939 U Years Ago Th^rfldayi Septem ber 23, 1915 u {«3 Esther BJemenschneider of v /rufliiea and Jam es M oulds of Detroit , married};op Saturday, Sfeptcm- have been in D auntless, Alberta for several years, are gu ests of her par; ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Chandler. 34 Years Ago Cassidy Lake Events We were invited to the “open house" of the National Park Service Waterloo Project last Sunday at Portage Lake, Several fine talks were .g iv en by Fletcher Reynolds, L, Claire Hulbert, W alter P. -Nickel]. C ._ A. Paquin, Chief, Division of Education, State Conservation Department, acted as m aster of ceremonies. Mr. Reynolds talked on the subject “Reptiles of the W aterloo Arep." Mr. Reynolds is from the. Toledo Museum of National H istory, Toledo, Ohio. The subject of .Mr. Hulbert’s talk w as“ Birds o f the Waterloo Area," He, is president of the M ichigan Audubon Society. Mr. >N1 ckell, ,a member of th e technical, -staff-of-Cranbrook Institute o f Science talked on the plants of the Waterloo area in autUpvn. A fter the short talks those who were interested took a short hike. Mr. Reynolds took the group interested in reptiles, Mr. Hulbert the group' inferesed int birds, ancT, Mr. Nickell those interested in plants. A m otor tour was taken over the entire W aterloo area after the hike. Thursday, Septem ber 21, 1905 ^ o ' S m i t h o f Cavanaugh Lake will Frederick G eorge Widmeyer of J e Saturday for D etroit, where he U p position with th e -Universal Limu township died on- Monday, Sep tember. 18, 1905. i ^ifoe^'see Y ourself A s Others See The marriage o f M iss Minnie Vogel You" at the Princess on Tuesday and and A. K. M arriott w ill take place this Wednesday evenings, drew large aud evening at the home of the bride’s iences. These pictures were taken, on parents, Mr. and Mrs, Israel Vogel. our Streets and m ade into lantern Geo. T. English o f Sylvan is having iJJd^s and caused^ considerable am use. the barns on his farm rebuilt. - _ Fred Artis has purchased 30 acres ^Miss Josephine Bacon ga v e a week of land in Sylvan from Frank Eder, end house party a t Cavanaugh Lake. .ThfclandJkannfisite the farm of Thos. Leach and Mr. A F H 'w jn ^ gn T U u iT jr 5 3 Chelsea were present. ing a residence on the property at — ;■■■ ■ • .. At tKe D etroit M ethodist Episcopal once. Conference the follow ing appoint T he firm of Geo. H. Foster & Co. ments for Chelsea and vicinity were dissolved their-partnership on Tues Side on Monday: C helsea, G. H. day, Henry Gorton h as-tak en over Whltheyj Dextev, D, H. Campbell; the stock of plum bers’ and steam fit Omss Lake, S. J. Pollock; Munith, ters’ goods, Geo. H. F oster and son Q, p, Hathaway; Stockbridge, W. G. Harry have form ed a partnership and Stephens; M anchester, Simon Scho they have taken over the windmill, field; Ypsilanti,. H . AV Leeson. ;; -welLdrlving-machinery-and-ptumbers 1 — Robert^Gallahairhas obtalnetT'irjob Mr. and Mrs. H TJ. Thierman," who tools. _ , in, the Federal Screw Works plant in Chelsea. Callahan, a form er Cassidy youth, is. in the drafting department, Food Price Boost Called Boon to State Farmers H ow ! H A ttorney General Thom as Read re plied Tuesday to^ the complaint of D e troit’s Mayor, Richard Reading, about food profiteering with the following -statement:.-— ~ ~ ~ - ■—----------“We acknowledge your letter of the 7th instant in which you suggest that this office assist in overcoming? the alactiee-of Michigan. ^ “Should there, com e to your attentionranjrspecific and concrete evidence of the existence ..of-conspiracy-to-create a monopoly in or to fix the prices of any commodity* w e know you will bring the facts to ( our- attention. W e assure you that’ on receipt of such evidenc_e__ we MlL_ com m ence immediate action and do all in our power to e n force the law. ■ “It is well to. bear in mind, how ever, that it is generally'acknowledged that for m any years our farmers have been underpaid fo r their produce. En-. _deavors_Jia.ve beervm ade to find some way to increase the. price of farm com m odities to a ' parity factured goods. It' m ay be that!-the present crisis w ill succeed that which niniiHi ntin nnanmviic 'isms! have failed i to do. Natural price changes should not be—confused with price advances based on criminal con spiracy." . . A. M agnificent Serial k L Don’t m ilt a single in stallment of "Prologue* to Love" as It unfolds serially In this.paper. A dramatic, powerful tale hatred in the. —hrountains o f Bri tistr Columbia, IM s-one o f Martha Ostenso’s great est, most v ita l. stones. COMMENCING IN THIS ISSt TET OF THE € H E L S E A STAND AR D M cK inley’s A n cestra l Home ■President M cK inley’s" ancestral hom e is now on th e-4ou fist m ap of Europe and is found at Conagher, near D errock in Irela nd's Antrim. It is but a cottage of one living room. • Farmers’ Exchange Tavern PHONE 124 :Call andBeliveryiService s v-........ BI G CARD OF THANKS We w ish in tliis way to thank our friends and neighbors for their many acts o f kindness shown us during the sickness and death o f our husband and father; also fo r the beautiful flowers, and Rev. Mumby for his com forting words, and Mr. and Mrs. Niehausi-----------. Mrs. Geo. Fauser and faihily, Brothers and Sister. '(JK eSafety9Aag school. Such accusations had become so firm ly fixed in his mind that it wa.( im possible for him to ward off tem p By Judge Malcolm LH atfield tations? No matter how he tried, he could not escape the “W hat’s . the Getting the Jump on Mother For many years a mother stead u s e ? ’’ feelin g that seem ed to per fa stly hoped th a t her daughter would m eate his entire life. outgrow many undesirable traits she had acquired. But this program o f M alnutrition Studied wishing and hoping failed to correct The board of education of St. the habits which the child had formed. Louis has ordered an investigation The result w as that by the time this of m alnutrition and other bodily im girl reached l^er sixteenth birthday, pairm ents among children living in her headstrong disposition made life the central business and industrial miserable for herself and for the en district there to determ ine the con nection of health with m ord.than the tire family, v i Finally, when the daughter 'took usuad am ount o f failures throughout m atters into her own hands and r e the area. mained away from h o m e /o r days at a tin\e, the m other went to the juve nile court judge and frankly admitted her own inability to cope _ with the problem, When brought into court, the: giri immediately adopted a defensive po* nitron and-assum ed the attitude th a t the court ’'had it in for her.” To her intense- surprise she accomplished nothing with such tactics; . For the first tinie^in-her- life she was confront ed 6 y ‘ a situation—which^eould-not-be circumvented byvher uaual d isp lay'of temper or tantrums. Children In Court Fislpkin F atriotic lta liB s w om en soon wM be w earing sh oes m ad e of flshSCTl to save leather and fyslp th e c a o * paign tor national self-sufflclenojr# D isplays of these sh oes, m ad e frotn the skin of a certain kind of larg# fish, w ere a feature of the fisher? fair held recently at Ancona, XtaJjr# Cause of R ed N o se j Vienna doctors, after a stutfjV have concluded that a red a o i# m ay indicate unbalanced hormone** and m ay have nothing to do Wttb drinking. Other causes may b t poor circulation,>.changes in temper* ature, nervousness or congestion from over-indulgence. Chelsea V illage Taxes Are Due Taxes for the Village of Chelsea are Due and Payable at the office of the Village Treasurer at my place of buwness J^orthM ain Street. Payments may be made on any day m FINAL DATE FOR PAYMENT OF TAXES HAS BEEN” EX TENDED TO OCTOBER 1. M. J. B A X T E R Village Treasurer •Thursday night', September 21, Cas sidy Lake is sponsoring another dance. Music w jlllbeifurnished-by-L c Roy Smith and his orchestra frotn -BeLiqjLT— Thm e~is no odmlnpii™ Everyone is invited. Monday evening) S ep tem b er'1 1 ,,C and D' groups combined against A and B cabin grobps for a game of ; touch football.. The game ended in a 6-0 tie. Tuesday evening they played off the tie; A arid B cabin groups' won 6 -0 . Bob Beecham has left camp to go to college while Bob Godderd has left camp to go to worksa t Flint. \ h> T ® '-vi ! 4s T v. f f t - T F T " - A steak, dinner was venjoyed~by^tlTCboys in 4-A' cabin' Iast''TKursday_eve iling) at Lake Wjnnawana. “Katie" K ftchenm asier- ^and1 “ Cappie"- DeM eyere were unable to attend. They w ere confined to the hospital with colds. Local Agency Now Located At Y O U ■ ; .- Carelessness in driving is increas ing on our highways. The figures for the first seven m onths of 1939 show an increase oyer' those for 1938. Are our law enforcem ent agencies becoming discouraged?/W o find police are; very anxious to enforce the law, but in m any cases w e find a growing tendency on the part o f our courts to become lenient and lax in enforcing the la w s .. : Educational“ agencies- are^'trying their best to bring before the public the need o f safe driving and instruc tions on how to do it. Wo must have law Enforcement agencies and ;the Constantly Repeated Ideas Become : Fixed Habits Weldon Wilsop is g oin g to attend courts to assist sa fety people in thi% The case o f a certain high school the University of Michigan a t Ann work so that we w ill have a maximum Arbor xthis year. W eldon-w ill take of protection while we are driving or boy definitely proves that no child over succeeds in any undertaking a course in aeronautical' engineering. walking. The .'newspapers have done a splen which lacks a definite purpose. When this boy was-interview ed by D u e .tQ.i the lack of transportation, did job in calling this to the minds of th e-b oys h ave-; been—hitchhiking- trr their-readersi-and-w e -urge thatrmore- ^re-judge, he frankly adm itted th a T lm Chelsea on town nights. Reports are stirring editorials be written in re knew that he w a s . vimating^the law rd- to the need—for-^3 tw ,t-^aw th at it isn’t as b a d -a s4 ^ m ig forcem ent. took a young lady for a ride.—How ever, he was w illing to take^a chance. A phcbsant flew through the Svindi, since this was the only means he .had i V entriloquism Mebhapism ueTd of Alton Scott’s car last Wed The essen tial m echanism o f ven- of seeing her alone for an holir or so. nesday morning. Mr. Scott, project iriloquism consists in ta k in g a fuj] ■Wh§ri theiboy fe lt sorry that he hnd. electrician, w a s . on h is -w a y -to. w orlq-t: when he w as startled :by som ething breath, then keeping Hie m u scles of brought-disgrace, on his parents, he crashing through his windshield. U p the ch est and neck fixed, and speak did not ask for 'len ien cy' because he on investigation he discovered a 'fu ll ing with the m outh alm ost d o se d ,* realized that he had made a serious grow n pheasant in his car. Mr.' Scott and the ups and low er jaw as m o m istake and. was prepared to pay for tionless a s p ossib le while air is it at the expense o f his freedom* w as uninjured, very slow ly expired-through a nar The youth’s stoical attitude Was di row glottis. N o air m ust escap e rectly-attributed to his parents, who — Sijrn b oys-en tered -cam p -last Wed had continually charged him with, be nesday. They are Glenn Gallop, iDen- through the nose. ing bad arid with taivntings that he cil King, T h om as' Embury, Marvin K illinger, and Russell V ittitow , all of T ry Standard Liners for Results— 25c would ’eventually land in the reform W est Branch, Michigan, and Charles Spicer of Alpena, Mich. They all en tered on the same day. Swiss Cleaners P A Y S ■ THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA. MICHIGAN 1 ' ' ( v -B lg: Brown B ear Robert; Colthart, shop instructor of the Dunsm uir, C alif., high school, while' trout fishing-dh-4he-m iddle. of the stream had the .doubtful thrill of seein g a biiLbrown bear com e out* of "the forest, wade across and~eat his. entire .day’s catch of rainbow .trout,___In the m ean tim e, Coltharitransferred-him self-from . the stream to the branches DIVI D E H — it appears Buick is going to be the spark, plug o f t h e 1940' General-Motors ~lihesf * W E think the statement quoted above takes in altogether too much territory. .... be desired* ■. Everyone knows o//General Motors edrs are gdod cars and good values—no one division needs tp “ spark plug” that great line. you to learn about in connection with snaking our famed Dynafiash engines even more td . :..— . ~. ' ...... ___ ^ ___ . In ^^rv Buick there’ll be more swell features of ride an^stride than you’ve got time to count. Just the same, it’s true that here at Buick w e’re straining our guspendet’s to produce something special for 1040* So, whether we’re “ spark plug” or not next year—who cares? ~ ‘ W e’ve spent, for example, eight Millions more for toolsrdies and new plant equipment to make sure of that. . ■ ■^ The main thing is, we’ll be “ in there pitch* in g ” with the grandest—automobiles youever saw! i ... ■ -4 We plan to offer you for next year not only our accustomed four Series o f cars, but two completely new numbers also, There’ll be something .pretty important 'for Irv Y our H om e l own “from.i f«ccn( lf»ue of. the mifizine, 1- i i s t ^ Our Deposits Are Insured According to Federal Regulations. \ ^ X ^ sN N ^ s' ^ ' S\ ' S N ' \ s. *\ S \ .............................. T H U R SD A Y ,SE PT E M B E R S THR fiHFTJiBA S T A N nA R P, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN LIBRARY NEWS Mr. and Mrs, A lbert C. Johnson HONORED O N 35th A N N IV E R SA R Y M iss Ethel Bel! o f T raverse City is Mr. and M r * Louis Stapish w ere a, g u e st at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. motored to B elding on Sunday to visit The Community F a ir is again close pleasan tly surprised on . Sunday, Sep his sister, M rs. O tis Currie. it hand— you know th a t m eans ex? M rs. L. P. Vogel is a p atien t in the 0 . H . Hinderer. tem ber 17, a t a dinner given a t the ■ Mrs. N ina Coe o f E atoii Rapids is Mrs. Louis Eppler is leaving today .llbits yo f all kinds, including your V . o f M . hospital in Ann Arbor. hom e o f t,heir son-in-law and daugh spending th is week a t the hom e of for a v is it wi(th her nephew, Richard Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ray attended an Mrs. A . D. Baldwin. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jarvis, in honor hobby. H ays you been working hard Mens and fam ily in Columbus, Ohio. to g e t ready fo r your contribution to -anniversary party in Toledo on Sun* o f their 85th wedding anniversary. M r. and Mrs. G eorge M iller o f Ann the F air? Mr. and M rs. Paul EiBele and chil 4 ay evening. A rbor were Sunday g u e sts of Mr. and dren w ere entertained Sunday at the .T h ose present were: Mr, and Mrs. The Library is again offering Hobby Pred Everett of S eattle, W ash.,, is a Mrs. David J. Miller. Harold B olts and fam ily o f Monroe, home“ bf their aunt, Mrs. M. L. Noon Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stapish, Mr. and 1 books for your use. Here are a few g u e st a t the home of h is sister, M iss M r, and Mrs. E .'G . Lindemann .and at Wolk Lake. , . . Mrs. Lawrence Fowler and fam ily and o f them: J e ssie Everett. Mr. and Mrs. W ilber K lingler spent Popular C rafts for Boys— H am il M rs. Florence H owlett had the mis* Mr. and M rs. Bill Sm ith o f Chelsea, Mrs. Liva Richards o f Chicago is a Sunday afternoon in Coldwater. ton. fortune to fa ll on Tuesday afternoon g u e st at the home o f Mr, and Mrs. M iss Eva Stapish of Ann Arbor, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. AU yn Kaercher and and receive severe bruises on her face ®Modern Handbook for G irls— Lan Donald Dancer. and Mrs. E arnest Sheill and fam ily son of Ann Arbor sp en t Sunday a t the and left arm . ders. ■ o f D etroit, Mr. and Mrs. H arley N ich Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hall and son hom e of his father, J. A . Kaercher. Children o f the H andcrafts— Bai Dr. H. T. Lawson, who has been a ols and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin W ells o f Duane sp?nVSunday w ith her parents, patient a t Chelsea. -Private i hospital Mr. and M rs., Clayton A r ts o f De' Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. H om er Stofer ley. Mr. and M rs Charles M ohrlock.The Box Book—Show alter.— — tro it were week-end g u e sts at the for several w eeks, returned. Tuesday and fam ily and Beatrice Hawkins, o f Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Steele and hom e o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Da* to his hom e on E a st Sit, lO rT K ings fo r G ir ls T o Do—Harth. N orth L ake, Mrs. Eld. Stapish, Mr, daughters of D etroit apent Sunday as Wood Carving Made Easy— Sowers. Mr. and Mrs. Jay W einberg and and Mrs. Clarence Stapish and daugh vid'AJber. » gu ests o f Mr. and Mrs. John Hummel. Bird Houses Boys CafPBuild— Sie* Mr. add Mrs. E llsw orth F letcher daughters le ft the first of the w eek te r , A rt S tofer, George Stofer and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cutler have pur* and daughter Florence o f Mason spent on a m otor trip through th e Eastern son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S to fer and pert. ( •chased a restaurant in Y psilanti and Sunday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. S tates and they will also v isit the B asket Pioneering-Lpouch. Mr. and M rs, Kenneth P ia tt and fa m w ill *move- to that city in ' the near W. S. Davidson. A rt Metal xWork— Leekowitz.' W orld’s F a ir in N ew York, “ , 7 . ily o f Chelsea* future. Mr. and Mrs, A. G. H indelang, who N ew Tin Can Projects— Leekowitz, The g u e sts o f honor w ere presented M r. and Mrs. Roland W enk . and Mr, and Mrs. C. F. D ietle spent Tecently m oved to Detroit, have pur W orking W ith Tools— Hobbs. w ith a lovely g ift. ’ -_ _ - ’ fa m ily , were, entertained Sunday at Sunday ’evening w ith ’ his parents, Mr, chased a house at 9940 Som erset Ave. —A * Garden in th e House=s-Wilson. * the hom e o f Mr, and Mrs. W illiam and Mrs, Edward D ietle o f . Manin D etroit, w here they will be located How to D esign Your Own Clothes— COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Luick in Lima tow nship. . Chester. -----in a few w eek s. . Council Rooms, Sept. 5, 1989; Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H all o f Z iy i *1 • Mr. and Mrs; Russell Day of Jack; Mr. and Mrs. H arry Culp and Boy Scout Books Council m e t in regular session. : "'daughter Christine o f Grand Ledge sin g and Mrs. Caroline G oodwin of -son-and.Hrof._and Mrs, C. Worrell of Wood Carving. .■ • :r _ . • M eeting called - to order by -P resi " spent" Sunday^with her mother, Mrs; -Ithaca’_w r e ^ v e e k * e n d ^ u e s t s ^ t ^ h y Ann Arbor w ere guests at the homo Leather W orking. , ^ \ dent H arris, ; hom e of Mrs. A. D. Baldwin. E. E. Koebbe. of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. H eininger on C raftsm anship, Wood, Book-binding, Roll call. Present : T rustees W eber, M iss Luella H uston and Fred S te in - Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Amarie Tefft and M iss Anna Adam , H inderer, Winans, Beach, Kus? Cement. , May Beuter of Jackson w ere guests abaugh of .D etroit and Mrs. M yrtle Mrs. Robert Lawrence, daughters terer. Pottery. > ■ o f Mrs. E. H. Dancer from Thursday H artford o f Plym outh spent Sunday Ann and Marcia, arid M iss Mary Metal Work. M inutes o f A ugust 21 read and ap at th e home of Mrs. M ary' Huston. until Saturday. 1 Moore of D etroit were Sunday visitors Handicraft. proved. at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. L. ;B. Leathercraft. The follow in g bills ‘were read by •Lawrencer ■ r ; the Clerk: " ” '' Wood-work. _ Conductor Keith Howard, George Basketry. t ' .Protective Rhodes, Frank Lerch and G. L.i Schaf* Wm. A tkinson, ’s mo. salary $ 50.00 From the boohs and m agazines in ferr^ h e -la tter-th ree-a ll -retired M. C. -thfe Libiary,_one -boy. haa_congtructed. R. R. m en o f D etroit’, called on Miss storage to Oct. 1 . . . . . . . . . . 30.97 many b o a tsin n rir iia tu r e —-replicas of T,i7.7.iA Mflvrmpy nn TTif^fifiV afternootW some of our fam ous ships th a t have E ngineering and Public Works been kriown -in—H istory. This coHecH~ Callers a t' the John Reily~home_orr "Mr~C7 TR. R., demurrage, Saturday w ere Joseph O’R eilly, son four cars $ 2 0 0 .2 0 tion will be displayed at the Commun? ■Jogeph^^T^d-wi^fe^and=J5anJShirlejL Er^H H 3handlerrfreight r r r r r r ^3t20- d t y Fatrr==Get-bt»syr old^and—youngrf o f Ann AT&dr,. Mrs. Ann O’R eilly and F . H offman, 54 hrs. at-50c . . . . ‘27.00 and have your hobby ready fo r exhi M iss Sarah Steeple of Philadelphia, Ed. Eder, 51 h r s - a t 50c . . . . . 25.50 bition at the B ig Community ;Fair on Penna. ' V. H a le , J5„'hrg. at 50c . . . . . . . 17.50 October 6 and 7. The 1938 exhibits 2.25_ w ere splendid. L et’s make 1939 big — Mrs, "Edward Beissel, daughter E li R. D ancer,-4V i-hrs._at.10c . . . 9.00 g e r 7arid befferi U se'y o u r library for’ nor arid son Edward, accompanied by A. Eschelbach, 18 hrs. at 50c . . -Mr.-and Mrs. Richard Beissel o f Ann K. P iatt, 50 hrs. at 50c . . . . . 25.00 leads. 9.00 * F ollow ing is the list o f recent Arbor, spent Sunday with Sister W . Joseph, 18 hrs. at- 50c . . . books: — - '— Standara_O ilrGOir 7884'g a l ^ o . Mary Ju liu s at Notre Dame, Iridr Harlequin H ause-^ Sh arp .^ 0 oil ~at 3.95c ■ .......................81X42 '~Mrs. D oraH a'yser and son Edmund The’ Middle W indow— Goudge. have m oved from the A rm strong cot? Ann Arbpr Const, Co., applying Three W heeling ThroughxAfrica 41,910 gal. oil, rent on grad tage at Cavanaugh Lake to the pMuaWilson. er, tractor and broom . . . . . .1874.20 i>ach residence on E ast Sumrint St. Death in F ancy Dress-r-Farjeon. 4.50 This is our beet grade o f paint and Victor K ayser o f Chicago spent Sun F . Hoffman, 9 hrs. at 50c . . . Tellers of T a le s— Maugham. Ed. Elder, 8 8 hrs. at 50c . . . . . 19.00 th e beat and purest you can buy at day w ith h is m other and "brother. The ■Ownley Inn— Lincoln. * K. Piatt; 48 hrB. at 50c . . . . . . 24.00^ any price. This sp e c ia l low price (for Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Craven and Mrs. Skylark—RaphaelBom — -— V, H ale, 10 hrs. a t 5 0 c . . . . . . 5.00 September only) m eans real savin gs Bertha Bush spent sveeral days o f the Wi U i aimT-Rd om-t-Rosm an. W . Joseph, 10 hrs.' at 50c , . . , 5.00 foryou .Q n you r_p ain tin g job 'past w eek ' w ith -rela tiv es-a t-A u b u ra r O tto Scha n z r % mo. salagy^E^—57.50N; -^Y; C. A. “Craven, who has spent" Ramona—Jackson. Chas. M eservp, W mo. salary 57.50 the past tw o m onths with his daugh April W as When It Began— Bene W. S. D arley & Co,, drinking— ter in Fulton, N . Y;,—returned^-w ith : fountains _______. i . . . i .... 42.27 field. "them.on S u n d ay.---...... .;■ — D eath F rom .a Top H at— R aw son . _ H. Alber, 20M»\hrs. at 50c i . . .1 0 .2 5 ; Mr. and Mrs. R55irt~ScTuller and F; Hdffmun, 13 hrs. at 50c’ .. L'On the Dodge— Raine. 6.50 s o n s ,' E lw yn and Duane, of Freedom, J. Bauer, 20V6 hrs. at 85c .., Tomorrow’s Prom ise-r-Bailey. 17.43 60% Pure White Lead Ground/in— Mrr and M rs. Paul Bauknecht and Mrs. R. Laritis, 330 yds. sand and. N o t Peace But a Sword— Sheean. 30% Zinc and 82% Pure Linseed Gil M atthew A lber o f Bridgewater arid Fanny_ Kembletr-Arm strong. gravel a t 76c K. .. 252.00 19% Titanium ___12% T hinnef'and Dryer She Knew TTiree Rrothers— WidrieM r _ a n d _ M r s_ E m e s t—Eitzmier-_were Spaulding -Salesr-gas . . . . . . . — 3;58 mer.' ’ Sunday dinner gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Wahl & Ffrorpgas __ 2 .0 0 ITL.LASTS LONGER BECA USE IT'S M ADE BETTER! ■ Leroy. S a lte iih w a lte . Charley M anning— Gor,bett. Chelsea L, G. & C. Co., . You and H eredity— Amram. supplies ...Mr. and M rs. Floyd Boyce, who’ 21.75 Leonardo De V inci-~V allentin. have occupied the Hoppe residence at I. H. W eiss; 252 yds. sand •Here is th e ; fifst library patron to 189.00 207 W est Middle S t for several m onths a t 76c . . . . . ........... fill, the requirem ent fo r sum m er read will have charge of the-Sn ow W hite Public U tilities ing. M arlene H eydlapff has reported Inn; located on U S-12 near Ann A r E ..L . & W. W r D e p t., on thirty-three books and has been bor, and w ill m ove to their, new home Order Nb. 2 7 ^ . V. , . , . . . . .$1000.00 t h is w eek r-M r.-an d-M rs. Ben-W alker -L e g isla tiv e rE x e cu tiv e and Advisory - .’i ssued a “Vacation Reading ' Club’’ diploma; I have rented the Hoppe"residence and Roy H arris, partial paym ent, Phone 32 1 _ ! Who* w ill be the n ext to earn the will move from the Munro residence P resid en t . . . . . . 75.00 diplom a? Chelsea Standard, p rinting, on Chandler St. A u gu st .................... ................... 34,50 OBITUARY Motion made by Adam- and sup ported- by—H in d erer-th at bills be a l __ G eorge_E m lerick _E auser-,_57,-died lowed arid “orders drawn ; fgr the- Satu rday, .S e p t. 9 at H 'h o m e , on; North Territorial road,- \j, .,cer^t 6 Wnam ounts. ; , ^ ship. The son of JPhilip and Louise Roll call: Y eas all. H eselschw erdt Fauser, he w as bom Motion carried. ■ *July 29,-1882 in W aterloo township, - Motion made by K usterer rind sup ported by W ebe£ th a t V illage T reas and w as married to Lula H aw kins off urer be authorized to proceed w ith Sept. 12, 1907. He is survived by the widow; nine the collection of - Special A ssessm ent children, Clarence, at home, A rdell, of R oll of taxes as set forth in said Spe Jackson, LaV em e of Ypsilanti,- Mrs. cial A ssessm ent R oll and certified by Special Board of: R eview , <President Frances Joseph of Chelsea, Donald, John, Clifford, K atherine and Gerald, and Clerk. 'jat hom e; a brother, Philip F au ser of Roll call: Y eas all. . Sylvan tow nship, and a s is t e r ,. Mrs. Motion carried.* K atherine W altz of Jackson; and five Resolution W o m ie n ’s h alf sisters, Mrs. Fred H afley o f S yl Be it Resolved and it is hereby R e solved that the in terest and right of van, Mrs. EJdward E ngelm yer o f Clin the V illage of Chelsea by virtue-of the ton, Mrs. Lyle Gibson of-O nsted, Mrs. SHORT ENDS of best-grade, extra heavy provisions of a certain lease in the Charles H am ilton of Grass. Lake, Mrs.^ - . Heavy-pan^vool, itt all colors— With-and W illiam Maurer o f Jacksorip and two 42-inch. Reg. 35c yaluri— — follow ing described lands: without collars— .• . ■ ■ ' Preinises located in the V illage o f h a lf brothers, Carl arid Otto Straub "Chelsea, County of W ashtenaw,. State o f W aterloo-tow nship, and 12 grand children. * [ ~ r : — of M ichigan: __ :- a Funeral services w ere held at 3:00 “Being part o f Lots 25, 26 and- 27 o’clock Tuesday afterrioonv la st week, o f Block No. l - original plat of; the a t the Staff an funeral home, w ith Rev. V illage of Chelsea, com m encing a t a point on the South line o f-w h a t w as Fred /D. Mumby -officiating. Burial form erly North Street, 114 fe e t south w as in Oak Grove vcem etery, 70 degrees w est from the northeast New styles for st i eet,- home oi: dressy w ear.' Suedes in fahcy tie and gore styles—Oxfords M ATTHEW J. G U IN A N com er of Block 1 o f said original for school or work, and shoes for comfort.and.home wear—________ .__ :__ -________ plati-th en ce- south 2 0 . d egrees e a st 31 M atthew J. Guinan, lifelon g resi feetT thence sbuth 70 d egree?’- w est dent Qf Freedom township, died Mon 53.05 feet; thence riorth 20 degrees day afternoon on the . farm where he w e st 31 fe e t to the south line o f said w as born A u gust 18, 1865. H is par N orth Street; thence north 70 degrees ents w ere P eter and M argaret Flynn e a st 5,3 fe e t to the place o f beginning, Guinan. In 1925 he w as married to — •,* together with all that part o f N orth Elizabeth Sm ith. S treet lying northerly o f the prem-. Surviving are the widow; four ises just described, being a strip 5 3 Vi brothers, Edward and Eugene of fe e t in width e a st and. w e st by a p Cleveland, Frank of D etroit, and proxim ately 25 fe e t in length north Thom as o f Freedom township, and a ■, and south, said la st m entioned strip sister, Mrs. A lice Nordmari o f • Chel_ _ ■■ _ being that nortiori o f N orth Stree t e x sed.’ . ■ ■• -We-are^hoNyitvga-^good-rjrnge'tif-patterns Funeral services will be held this cepted from the vacation thereof, aa in all wool materials, well tailored, single described in a resolution of the, Com m orning at 9 o’clock fn St. Mary’s or double breasted models— i—if you prefer. Many patterns (all wool m on Council and Board o f T rustees o f church,; M anchester. R ev, .'Frr^nranas -the V illage ’o f Chelsea, vacating North" M cMahon officiating. Burial w ill be ~ o fc b u r^ any S treet in said^V illage, dated A u gu st in Cljnton cem etery. 1 st, 1910, arid recorded A u gu st 22nd, style you wish. Delivery 10 days or when 1910 in Liber 179 of D eeds on P age Y O U N ti PEO PLE MEET you wish. 203, in the office o f the; R egister of T O P The Young People’s Society o f St. D eeds for the County o f W ashtenaw , P au l’s church held a party on Tues , ,. Price Subject to Change— • In correct style yles. All wool fabricsM ichigan.” , ’ ‘ day evening. The members assembled — be released, assigned, conveyed and a t the school house and dispersed ,for surrendered to the C helsea Spring a scavenger"hunt, in . which Marian Company, a M ichigan Corporation and E isele and Bobby. Stricter, w ere the the President and the Clerk are h ere winners. Later, h weiner roast was by authorized for and irt behalf o f the enjoyed a t the home o f M arion Dietle You*ll.be pleased with the style - fit - wear V illage to execute a quit-claim deed and games'' wore played. . _ - . . Correct shapes, in Qreys, Greens, Browns to effect said release, assign m en t, con Blacks.and Browns. Dress or sport wear— veyance and surrender. .6 , D. LUICK R E -A PPO INTED !* Motion made by . H inderer and su; A t the state convention of the ported by K usterer th a t resolution Grand Lodge, K nights o f Pythias, held adopted. la s t week W ednesday^and Thursday Roll coll: Y eas all. in F lin t, O. D. Luick was re-appointed Motion carried, , by the Grand Chancellor ns a member Motion made and carried to ad o f the flpance-com m ittee of the^Grarid journ, Mr, Luick w as the delegate , James Munro, Clerk. Lodge. from the local K. of P. Lodge, PERSONALS m ] $ r * : Ip Pm m : S i n c l a i r S u p e r F lrm e Fuel O ik r % C on tain s no g u m o r su lp h u r, m o re h e a t, le ss carbon. Compounded t o your particular burner! B ert Foster, A gt. Will Trolz, Salesman ' Phones: 95 - 52 -SPEQAL-SEPTEMBER rmIvs-.i ■ tr* ‘, .- Boydell Bonded HOUSE P S IN T mwsor -This. Is W hat You Get When You Buy BOYDELL BONDED HOUSE PAINT m ^ y jT H yH R T lB B THAT STOW 4 TQ l » a fTBBT QCTCKBB* U S ROYAL MASTER C om e i n T o d a y ! M t k t thedramatic wet-glass demoostratioa! It sh ow s you in one m in u U -h o m d t tk id d t d Royal Masters stop quicker; : ; con trol aldds: : ; give protection o n the slipperiest of w et pavements, MACKS SUPER SERVICE R. A. McLaughlin, Prop* Phone 51-W ^ ■h Chelsea Hardware Company -— THE MIRACLE BREAD V Kroger’s Extra Rich, Extra Flavory Miracl e L oaf CostaonlyBfc a_pound. Harctyare and-Furniture— —7- - A N e w D r e s s fo r A u tu m n ! Lgv^Iy Wearable Styles, Beautifully Designed In New Fall Mater ials, We Nowr Have a Good Selection, With More Arriving Daily. Friday and Satu rday Specials Bridal Tubing Coat Sweaters r&zi:- [rr-J Special -25c yd. Sale - $1.98 FalVs Important Shoe Fashions $2.25 to $5.00 SUITS; : $17.50 up New Fall Hats $1,95 to $3.50 f.* . ” Fresher Black Walnut RAISIN BREAD . ‘£.T10e Krogar’a Rich Flavored, Full Btidied Spotlight 3-? 3 9 « CO FFEE MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE GRAHAM haf Fresh As The lb. lLWa»_Roaaled ■___ CA» 2 A 15c CRACKERS Delicious; S Layer Milk CHOCOLATE CAKE •«. 25c Famous, Delicious, Dote PINEAPPLE JUICE 25c The Balanced Flour PILLSOURY’S .- 5 - ^ 2 3 0 Pure, Freeh, Spicy 1 RINtiER 3NAPS . 3 ib.. 2 5 c 6 Reverie Silver ^ T e a s p o o n s Just « fraction of Actual Value I with Complete Certlflcates book only , . , _See CompIcte DUplay a t. Kreaer* I 77 ★ STAR FALL VALUES AT KROGERS ★ F R U IT C O C K T A IL GREEN BEANS DeHeriotis New. Pick 6 cam 736 2 No.it cans 25? 2 12 cam 1.10 ‘ No. e»n 10 c » Beam 45 0 2 No. a cans 1 5 ? G R A P E F R U IT J U I C E cs r r i2 « '» u s e 3 No. 2 cans 2 5 ? Country. .:.... Club K ID N E Y B E A N S TOM ATOES « A V O N D A LE C O R N Ripe Pack 12eano95C 3 “ 'r a i r ' Country Club P I E C H E R R IE S 12 cam 73C 4 12 cam 1.10 ... COUNTRY CLUB FLO U R T ... Guaranteed No, a earn 2 5 ? ■A No. 2 cam 2 5 ? No.2 e»o 1 0? Ziffl* t b 73« M EAT $23.75 up . . Bacon ----------------'____ lb. 27c Skinless Weiners . . . . . . . . . . . . ...lb. 25c Beef Pot Roast ............. ...... lb. 25c Bacon Squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 17g New Oxfords PRO D U CE $2.75 to $5.00 Tokay G rapes.................... .......... lb. 5c B ananas----- ------ ---------- .......... lb. 5c Sunkist Lemons . . . . . . . ; ., . . . . ,3 for 10c Cauliflower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h e a d 10c COATS $15.00 up *Tm* ft*** U n I MOnn Iio# 4 l« ta V«*«Oaltkw Tku CmtmmUm I N,wTUm. ~ ~ rr'— ■?-.— xA \k for a P u t 'Demonstration# Roy Harris, President, ' KROGER ,V U. .4 -'U, - mtibSPAY. SEPTEMBER 21 .1988 TH E CHELSEA STANDARD. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN perso n als Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ishain snent SS Mr. arid Mrs. G. G. Hopper and daughters and Mrs. John H ieber v is>ted relatives and friends in Jackson on Sunday. W ill Schatz, Thomas Howe, John Keusch, Robert Howe and V eryl HafIcy were in NorthviHe on Thursday to see Joe Louis in training bouts a t the NorthviHe fair grounds. < Mr. and Mrs, John Fischer returned home on Friday .after a month’s visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford H. K etz, at Schenectady, N. Y. j Mr. and Mrs, Earl George and chil dren, Marvin andJH arlene, and Mr. and Mrs. A_._ Green of D etroit were entertained Sunday a t the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs, W alter Helrigle, ' Mr. and Mrs. Waite* Koch o f Jackson awHMr. and Mrs. Paul Koch of Detroit were Sunday visitors a t ths home of their parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. Koch. Herman Schatz, Ed. Keusch and W ill/^chatz were in Brighton on F r k day to see Bob Pastor, the pugilist w h o-w as training there for h is fight with Joe Louis, ■: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. -W ebster 'and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Bodkin of Florence, Ont. were Sunday dinner gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. J, George Webster. "v My, and Mrs, F. E. Storms and Miss Lillie Wackenhut spent the week-end in Detroit at the homes of Mr. and M rs, Adolph Eisen and Rev. and Mrs. Jairies R. Lee. - Mr. .and Mrs, William Geddes and children, who have been spending the summer ^ w ith~ her ^p aren ts^ M rT - and: Announcements T t a c t o y .a"d if - and Mrs. OHn H a rt spent the The Storm s Group o f the Ladies’ *£end with friends in B ay City. Guild of th e Congregational church mm Ida iDamon has returned from w in have a bake sale a t the Chelsea I two months’ v isit in Illinois and Chelsea relatives on Sunday. Hardware on Saturday, September 23 a™! Mrs. Dale Boyce have rent at 2 o’clock. Adv. ^Mr0Iand Mrs. H arvey Fischer and ed the MscGafflgan residence on Gar A ttention, m em bers of .Oliye Lodge field str e e t/ AUdren spent Sunday as guests of N o. 156, F . & A . M.— Fapfily N ight, Mr. sand Mrs. Charles Krocker of M rs. Alma Bangs, Anh Arbor, • which w as to be held Tuesday, Oct. 3 Chicago spent Thursday at the home Mr. and Mrs, N eil Brown of Pittshas been postponed. Regular m eeting ^ r8' Heininger. 4<,rd were guests on Sunday at the as usual. The M isses Jane and Josephine fame of M r/and Mrs. W atson Hart. The Storm s group will serve the ■■ Mrs, Vivian A tkinson o f Chicago Walker and Mrs. Joseph Dreyer were pot-luck birthday supper at . the Con wetted a L th e h o m e o f Mrs. Ida pa- Detroit .visitors on Thursday. gregational church th is evening, Sep „ Mrs. Homer Grove spent Sunday in S p y e r the week-end. ; tember 21, at 6:30 o’olock. A special f|J r. and Mrs.: John Bird are now Holly with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; table for those w ho.have birthdays in ■ s p y in g .the vH offm an residence op. Fred Downing. M ay, June, July and August. Mr. and Mrs. A. Doper and fam ily flhuth S t Regular m eetin g K. o f P. on Mon spent Sunday in F lint with their son, ‘Mr. and Mrs. D ean Munro of Jackday evening, Septem ber 25 at 8:00 Edward Dorer. son spent Sunday as g u e sts of Dr. and o’clock p. m. . ,-y The Cytherean circle was enter Mrs. A. L. Steger. American L egion Auxiliary in stal tained at the home of Mrs. D. H. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge A . Barlow and lation of officers Wednesday evening, children were Sunday gu ests of her W urster on Friday afternoon. S e p t 27. A ll m em bers requested to J. F< Hieber & Son are constructing be present. D inner w ill be served at mother, Mrs. Jennie Burt, Ann Arbor. . _ m. J • ' ^ A W n lil A 'il« ma' J a- new modern fro n t o n ................. -6:30 in -th e - Legion qottage. Those Mrr and Mrs. Donald Adam . and occupied by Kolb’s Restaurant. w ishing a rid e m eet at Hinderer Bros, daughter Mary K ay o f Mt. Pleasant ■Mr. and Mrs.. Bert R. Foster have store. have been spending several-days With purchased the A. G.. Hindelarig resi R egular m eetin g of Pythian S isters his parents, Mr. and M rs. E. E. Adam, dence on Congdon street. w ill be held n e x t Tuesday eveningr Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roderick have Mr. and M rs/C arl Thrasher of Ann September 26, a t 7:80. A ll officers announced the .birth o f a son, Gary Arbor spent Sunday as guests o f Mr. and members please be ..present. ■ ; ■ ■: •• _• ; t . Floyd, on Friday, September 8 , at and Mrs. Lyle H aselsw erdt at Cava-' naugh Lake. ^ University hospital, A nn Arbor/ HOLD A N N U A L MEETING Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Nothnagel arid Mr, and Mrs. H. L. P a u l and fam The Chat ’N Se'au held ttieir annual ily wore Sunday callers at the home daughter were gueBtq q f his brotherm eeting "on . Tuesday evening a t the of Mr. and Mrs. J a c k . Kraft, Pinck in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs, David home o f M rs. Elm er Lindemann, Schulert of Lwising on Sunday. ney. - ........ --- - . -Tw enty-two m em bers and guests were Mr. and Mrs. Norm an Gttmwade Mr, and Mrs. George Seitz, Junior p r e se n t.. The follow ing officers were and Betty, "Mr. “and Mrst.Carl Mayer and fam ily spent Sunday in Farmingelected for the ensuing year: «T)rj-i]aughter Lynda, a rid-Miss Leona ton w ith ju s parents, Mr. and Mrsr. AIPresident— Mrs. Ed. Frvmnt.h Moeokel, accompanied by Mr‘. and Mra b e r t l G r i m w a d e ; ___ " 1st vice-p res.-^ M rs/A lvin Fobr. Charles Hartman o f Ypsilanti, Mr. ttj — 2nd v lee -p rg s^ -M rs^ JL —n . Rnv Mr. and Mrs. Philip Broesamle . ac t nVn . on-Thursday fo r Lakeland, -snd'Hrfc Herman N agel and Mr. and companied by'M iss Augusfh*’Benter of , Sec. .and Treas.—Mrs. Fred! Hall. Mrs. Eldine H aw ley of Jackson'and Francisco attended,' the Washtenaw F la., where they will spend the w in Refreshm ents werg served. The as ter-m onths,-------— =----------- --------------sistin g h ostesses w ere Mrs. H r W; County TSfoth'erhood m eeting which enjoyed a picnic Sunday at Fram’s w as held at Napoleon on Sunday af Schmidt and Mrs. O, H. Hinderer. hake, near Concord. ternoon and evening. NOTICE O F MEETING O F_. _ Adolph . Roedel of- Colorado COMMISSIONERS ON CLAIM S Springs, who has been ..the gueBt of N o. 30674, . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alber and .other relatives, and w as the guest speaker State of M ichigan, th.e Probate Court here a t -the “church^on Sept./^ 1 0 , refor the County o f ,WashtenawL tum ed to h is h ome Tuesday."* In 4 h ^ M h tteifb f the-E state o fM a ry Oscar Kalmbach and fam ily were Miller, deceased. callers a t th e Fred--Notten hom e on H aving been appointed commission SundajrlJvening. PHONE 182 ers to receive, exam ine and adjust all M rs. Frank Tyler of Wenatchee. claim s and demands of all persons Wash, visited Mrs. Lina W hitaker on against said deceased, we do hereby W ednesday. * give notice th a t four months from the Herm an Schatz of Chelsea w as a 18 th day o f September, A. D. 1989 caller at the home-of~M r. and Mrs. Any Size Chunk were allowed b y said' Court for credi F red-N otten-on-T uesday tors tq present their claim s to' us for Wm. Broesatnle and fam ily were at examination and adjustment, and that Munith on Sunday, the..guests of Mrr w e, w ill-m eet a t the._lawi^-office- of and Mrs. Ed. Broesamle.— — ------1W Jam esr-GiFHendley.-Chels.earMichigan Mr. and -Mrsr-Pr-H. Riemenschneider had as guests on Sunday, Mr. and in said County, on the 25th day of November, A. D. 1939, and on the 25th Mrs. W alter Riemenschneider, Mr. 'day of January, A. D/ 1940, at ten and Mrs. M^T. H ew ett and fam ily -of Milford, and Mr. and Mrs. M. W . Mc o’clock in the forenoon' of each o f said d a y s,-fo r - th e- pu rp ose*o^ exam in in y Clure and daughter of Chelsea. and_jadjusting said claims. M rs."Nina Lehman and daughter Dated, Ann Arbor^ September 18, A. Nadine, Mrs. Alm a -Kalm bach and D. 1939. ' - . :> daughter B etty je a n were in Y psi EHLERT J. NOTTEN, . lanti' on Monday, where N adine and JO H N KALMBACH, Betty, Jean, entered Cleary C o lleg e .' Sept21-Oct5 Commissioners. Mrs. Tena Riemenschneider w as the T ■Ygu est of Mr. and Mrs. JameS Richards ■ ORDER FO R PUBLICATION on Sunday. . . .j ‘ FinaLAdm inistratjon Account . Mrs. Kenneth Proctor g ave a party _ . Whole TASTEE to several of their friends and rela ~ ' ' " ■ N o. 30411 ■ ; !:” or Shank Half TENDER.. tives in honor pf Mr. Proctor’s birth State of M ichigan, the Probate Court day, Saturday evening. for. the County of Washtenaw... L. T. Freem an is givin g his build A t:a -se ssio n of said Court, held at ings a new coat o f paint. Farm ers have their farm work well the Probate Office in the City of Ann in hand. B.ean.h.arvestihg is 'about,• Arbor, in said Countyj-on the-18th day finished, corn nearly all cut, silos of Septem ber, A. D. 1939. Present, Hon. Jay ,G. Pray, J u dge about all -filled, and piany haVe start* of Probate. ed to seed their wheat. In the M atter of the E state of Am y Mr. and Mr§, Fred Notten. were in E. Morse, deceased. ; Jackson on Monday. Bruce "Plankell, Executor, . haying filed in said Court his final adm inis TEACHERS M UST FILE OATHS tration account, an d h is petition pray ' Superintendent A. C. Johnson has in g for the allowance thereof, and for received a supply of teacher’s oath th e-assign m ent and distribution o r th e form s from the .. Superintendent ,of residue of said estate. Public Instruction a t Lansing. A c It is Ordered, That the ,18th day of cording to A ct 54 o f - the Public Acts October, A . D. 1939, at ten o’clock in oFl93f),- all- persons holding a Michi t h e , forenoon, at isaid Probate Office, gan teacher’s certificate are required be and is hereby appointed for exam to file an o a th .o f allegiance, properly ining and allow ing said account and notarized, in the office of the Supers hearing said petition, , . iptendent of P u b lic-In stru ction be It is Further Ordered, That public tween the dates of September 26 and notice thereof be givei^by publication December 27, 1939, in order to protect o f a-copy o f this order, for three suc the validity of the certificate. _ cessive w eeks previous to said day of 'I'he act applies to teachers in pub- hearingrin^the^G hel sea Standard lie. and parochial schools and also to new spaper printed. and circulated in *—w m r persons who hold certificates but are said-County. not now in the ^teaching profession. he High Q uality Paint that A s good a Paint a* caT\ b e made Jay G. Pray, Judge of Probate. 'After the oath fs filed, Dr, Eugene B. A true copy. >vers 25% m ore area and keeps at price it sells. It ‘ Sept21-Oct5 Elliott, Superintendent of Public, In N ora O. Borgert, Register of Probate. » freshness one to three-years. coders well, h a 8 struction, w ill send: the certificate nger than ordinary Paints— and dries to a nice high gloss— holder a card certifying the fact that ORDER FOR PUBLICATION thfr.oath has been, filed. Proper fo rms for filing the oath, which need be filed 'StateTof' M ichigari/the- Probate Court 'fo r the County of W ashtenaw. o n ly once, m ay also be-secured from A t a session of said Court, held at County Commissioner Julius Haab and the Probate Office in the C ity of Ann Superinte^fent of Public Instruction Arbor in sajd County, on the 15th day E lliott at Lansin'g, _____ i■ \ ‘i o f BeptemberV A r D n 939; “ Present, Hon. Jay G. Pray, Judge BREAKS LEFT ARM of Probate. Clare, son of ,Bir. and Mr3 . M. L. In the M atter of the .Estate o f MavKnickerbocker, fell from a scaffold, on tin-GottSohling,' Jr., disappeared. Sunday afternoon at the home on W. Martin- Gottschling, Sr., having-filed Middle St.,-breaking his left arm be in said Court a petition praying that low the shoulder. He was . taken to; the adm inistration of said estate be St. Joseph’s .Mercy hospital, Ann A r granted**to_Martin-GottschHng, Sr., or bor, for an X-ray and treatment. to some other suitable person, It is Ordered, That the 8 th day o f January, A. D, 1940, at ten o’clock, in the forenoon, a t said .jjggbate office, be and is Hereby appoi'riWa fo r hear ing said petition; — It -is Further Ordered, -that public notice thereof be given by publication of a, copy o f this order, once each month* for four months prior to the mdnth set for said hearing, in the Chelsea Standard, a nowapap&Lprint ed and circulated in said County. y > r — It is Further Ordered, th at notice thereof also be given, to each person rt&med in said petition as. heirs-atlaw , or n ex t o f kin, by depositing copies o f th is Order in a postoffice, in envelopes addressed one. to each of them at their respective last known postofflee addresses, duly registered and postage prepaid, within thirty days after the filing of said M itio n . Jay G. Pray, Judge o f Probate. A true copy. ............... .....— — - f N ora O. Borgert, R egister o f Probate. Notten Road J SlaLBacon lb. 20c Bacon Squares. . . lb. 15c Smoked flams lb. 22c lb. 27c Beef Kettle Roastsib. 2 0 c IN T O CHURCH CIRCLES CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Service of Divine worship on Sunday at 10:00. Sennon next Sunday: “Blacked Out.’’ * - Sunday school at 11:15 with classes for all ages. Choir practice on Thursday a t 7:30. This evening (Thursday) beginning a t 6:30 there w ill be a birthday sup per at the church, sponsored by the Storm s Group o f the Ladies’ - Guild. Those who have had birthdays during M ay, June, July and -A u g u s t- are guests. A ll are invited to come. On Saturday afternoon the Storms Group w ill hold a bake sale a t the Chelsea Hardware store at 2:00. We invite your patronage. th is w eek w ith relatives in Jackson. J Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Loveland and fam ily and Miss Enid M yers o f Grass Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rentschler and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Dillman Wahl and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. H arley Loveland and fam ily enjoyed a picnic dinner Sunday a t M iller’s Park, Eaton Rapids. The occasion w as in honor o f Mrs. r Thelma Rentschler’s birthday. ,- v Mr. and Mrs. Keith H arvey _sp en t la st Thursday at the' H arvey home. Mri and Mrs. J. M itchell Reid of Dearborn and Mr. and Mrs. Erie N ot ten and Mrs. Polly M itchell attended the Drum and Bugle Corps contest at the high school stadium on ^Sunday, including special exhibition, by the world-fam ous American Legion Zou aves. I t certainly w as a beautiful sig h t to see. Elm er Pierce have been chosen a* delegates to the S tate Grange conven tion a t Traverse City, October 81 to Novem ber 8 . ■ A T T E N D W EDDING Mr. and Mrs. F . E. Storm s, M iss Lillie Wackenhut, M iss Jean- Luick and W alter G age were in D etroit on Saturday evening to attend th e w ed ding o f Robert EiBen, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Adolph E isen, and M iss J ea n H ew itt, daughter o f Mr. and M rs, John H ew itt, which took*' place a t sev en o’clock in the Bethel church. A. D. Mayer BURGLARY - ROBBERY A N D PA U L ’S EVANGELICAL Thursday, Sept. 21— \ HOLDUP IN SU R A N C E ' LA FAY ETTE G RAN G E 2:00 t>. m.— W om en’s Union at the m onthly No one knows when or where It home o f Mrs. W alter Beutler. 1ST ” " m eetin g Thursday evening, Septem ber Sunday, Sept. 24— , will strike next! 10:00— H ardest Home Festival 14. W alter Beutler w as the presiding M aster in th e absence o f E lm er Pierce. V PH O N ES: (Germ an). B alloting for-candidates fo r the State 11:00—German Comm uni on; Residence—80 . Executive Committee and plans for . 11 slS-^Sunday school. Office—256-W Booster^ N ig h t -was - t h e — outstanding work a t the m eeting. Mr. and Mrs. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev. Frederick D. Mumby, Pastor Morning worship at 10:00. Anthem. Junior Choir. Sermon them e: “N ot Peace But a Sword.” War is the re s u lt o f having too little practical r e ligion. Desperately: in need of Truth . / . . Prepare at the Jackson Business University the. w orldds-full o f Lies. Tho-religion of Christ "and H iy P a ssio n =ero;s O ur G rm duates-are^fhoroughty tra in ed Tnid^placed in -P erm a— hope of the world, and world Peace. n en t, P rofitable P o sitio n s. ; ^ Sunday school a t -11 rib — Glasses^bv . Write for catalog1today—^mrobligation, all departm ents.; October 1 is Rally arid Prom otion. D ay. Come to church and stay for Sunday school. Epworth League devotional m eeting 234 S. Mechanic St., Jackson. at 6:30, Program. Election of offi A Fully ACCREDITED Business ScKooV cers. -■ '' Women’sH om e-M issionary^ S o c ie ty W ednesday, Septem ber 27. The m eet ing will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. Edwin Koebbe, a t 2:30 p. m. All members are requested to attend;—- — ' -------- -— — ST. HOW TO GET A JOB JACKSON BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 8T. MARY CHURCH Father Lawrence Dorr, P astor First Mass . . . . . . . . . 7 7 . 8 : 0 0 a, m. Second M ass . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 a. m. -Mass on week days . . . . /r 8 iO(Hfc-m. SA LEM . M ETHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev. Henry Lena. Pastor : Sunday school at-IO o’clock. *. Communion service at 11 o’clocKT” All. the members are cordially, -in vited to attend. CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE . . . . t t t t t lb. F riz e Winner T ao lv d 6 cans 25c TENDER LEAF L- B laik oii^half lb. N o r th 'F r a n d 8 C O : Mrs. Bertie.O rtbring is spending a w eek-at Ann-ZArbor. Mr, -and Mrs. Millard Harvey and daughter .otf D exter spent Sunday af ternoon and evening at the Harvey hom e......... ..... . - - ----------- ■ Mr^r Mabel Taylor of Ann Arbor, w as a Monday gu est of Mr. arid Mrs. John -Miller.— — — ;— .— —i— -• Mr. and Mrs. V efne ISoore "and daughter of A llegan spent Sunday'at the Frank-M ooreJ homer and Mr. and Mrs. Moore .accompanied them home for a short visit.__ , 1 , _; Mr. and Mrs. H a ro ld . Stroebel and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schofield of Jackson - spent. ' Sunday evening at the Clarence Lehman home. M iss Virginia Lehman is spending CLEAN QUICK 5-lb. box Chocolate ^ S u n s h in e GROCERY DEPT. MEAT DEPT. S T E P Protect Your Home W ith The Lasting Beauty of Pittsburgh Paints! ■ WE FEATURE Sunproof ____ Fiasco P er Gal. $3.25 P er Gal. $2.70 temember - Pittsburgh Paints Are Made To Give You The Most For Your Money! U niversal Cooler LET US SERVE YOU! for only J. F. HIEBER & SON Chelsea, Mich. You g et Tit, fine tailoring, and more for your money in a Custom-Made Suit. Ail wool fabrics - $25.00 up. BUY NOW ■YOU WON’T BE SORRY! New Fall “Curlee” Top Coats and Over coats ■>‘Portis’ H ats - ‘Bradley’ Sweaters‘Peters’ Shoes - ‘Interwoven’ Sox and otner well known good merchandise. Walworth & Covered with 5 year Warranty ,1 l C l A T D I? E Chelsea, Mich. Phone 128-W T H E CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER »i W39 fashioned a little con ceit about th is “ D on't faint, darling, It's rea lly m e! •ooth ed her with little wordu the daughter of J a r v is D ean to go her hips. "N ow , se e here, H ector," Jbeil, Autum n, P erh ap s you would Down, P at, you jealous* Old thing I' sh e e x c la im e d , “ are you going to be home in an autom obile, would it? ” rem em bered lik e to know what it is.” “God b less m y s o u l!” J a r v is e x H ector sm iled . “ One o f m y hunt as u n reason ab le as father has been chUdhood. “ Hannah. H annaS?, ,he? “ Do tell m e, H ector.” claim ed . “ W hat’s this, w hat’s th is !” Old M uzzy.w uzzyl" t annab^ Uttli ers? I have only one left, m y dear, about m y coin in g back w here I be - 1 H e sm iled boyishly. “ It is like “ I tell you, it's m e, d a rlin g l" bdt you are w elcom e. Are you go long? He h a s been p erfectly ridicu . J*rW a D ean drew himself u« ^ H er father placed an arm trem deroualy hi his chair " c w Up ^ lous about it a ll this tim e. I'v e been th e Odell w om en. Its beauty c a s ts a ing to ride in those clo th e s? ” sp e ll Over a vast distan ce. Its m u blingly about her and held h er.for a he ! thundered* “There'U *,*""*:' “No. I'll telephone for m y lug fed up w ith Europe fo r tw o y ea rs. s ic echoes and re-echoes into e te r m om ent w ithout speaking. P r e sen t gage. I have a biding habit handy I w an ted to com e back when I w as en ou eh tor that! P ut die ItM .ft* nity— and? haunts you forever. It ly sh e heard his voice, a *voice alin a • bag. You see, I had it all through c o lle g e —and I certain ly a s an elfin soul, m y dear, and its .m ost a w h isper, the d e fen se le ss m “k* f t * planned. Where is the telephone, should h a v e com e if it had not been H annah drew aw“ay * and pow er is black est m a g ic .” v o ice o f a sleepw alker. for Aunt F lo 's Illness. If I ever s e e Hector? Isn ’t that frightfully stupid 1 p a tted her a^ectionateW Autum n .c la sp e d her hands and “ Autum n—m y little Autum n l It's the only thing about the hot^e I a F ren ch w atering place again I'll shoulder. “ Y e e , ^ J 5 . ^ laughed with delight, although an in She thrust him back from her, exp lod q t” have forgotten.” Old H ector rubbed his p alm s ner-. com p rehensible trem or stirred With laughing w ith excitem ent. “ Oh, D ad to ^ a lk e a , T ^ * ^ h®,^ ^ ® aaddayj H ector pointed to a low Jap an ese T o ^ g a t a 1!?. “ eVM goto« “ gilt and black lacquer screen , that vou sly togeth er. ‘‘I know, Autum n, in her. “ You w ere m ean t to be a dy—let m e look at y o u !” poet} H ector—not a co llecto r of an I know. B ut—your father is, not a H e stooped and . picked up h is stood below a Seventeenth century » Pattered away can e, then turned and took a couple th e kitchen¥ and brass lantern clock with sin gle hand. happy, m an , m y dear! H e—he is tiq u e s,” sh e said gay ly . Autumn sat g iven to m ood s of m elancholy—o f— ' The doorbell rang and H ector w en t of ste p s up the stairw ay. H is g rea t “ •Back th ere,” he said. • • s e t a on th e eetta . e f f . W hen she had arranged for the of brooding. M oreover, he h a s n ev^ quickly to answ er it. A utum n’s lug . you are counting w a ta v in * i»v im m ediate transfer of her luggage' er con sid ered the ranch a proper g a g e had arrived. b e r e ,’’ her father said * ytag to H ector C ardigan's house, she re en viron m ent for you. I'm afraid it ,tu r n i h« P and run Autum n D ean reined in*where the turned to the fireplace. H ector had w ill d istr e ss him very m uch that road curved out to a steep in clin e -laughed!1' fl0Ck' D“ " « « la id another log on the fire, and the you havd c o m e back.” ' M l . pitch w a s snapping spiritedly. He A utum n flung her head im petu above the town, and looked back J a r v is D ean’s head sank forward' had also brought out a rem arkably o u s ^ upw ard. “ That is sim p le non dow n upon the diam ond-studded v a l on h is ch est. “ W ere you not weU cut old E n glish d eca h ter with' a ruby' se n se -declared . ” 1$ M onte le y she had left. When she w a s a* enough off with your aunt, then?” CH APTER I strange, incredulous am azem ent to glass snake wound about the’ neck. Carlo m y proper environm ent? Is little girl she had thought of .t b f h e a sk ed her. som ething Verging'upon1- pain. “ His Two fragile w ine g la sse s stood oh M ayfair?" S h e reacHed for a cig a tow n o f K am loops by n igh t a s a jew* — ” 1 h a v e nothing again st Aunt Flo Forgone o l those m in u tes th at are hand reached uncertainly out toward the tray besid e it. and the liquid rette on th e low .lacq u ered table be e le d brooch lyin g on a bed of b la ck D a . .Shq h as A lw a y s been lovely to not reckoned a s tim e, but rath er as her, as though he exp ected her to within them glow ed with a fixed and sid e the cou ch , lit it'a n d w aved it v e lv e t, the river a ribbon o f d im a .curious vessel to hold exp erien ce, vanish before his e y e s, then his finixiviolhtp coruscation. On a M eis trium phantly. “ I've put tip w ith e r u silv e r festooned about it. “ W hat brings you home, then?" * sh e had stood still on the station -g e r s grasped- the door knob until sen porcelain plate w ere tiny frost dition and polishing and a ttem p ts to The m ile s slip p ed aw ay behind J a r v is D ean s voice w as deep, his . platform , rapt and b rea th less and the knuckles 'g le a m e d w h iter His ed c a k e s and shortbreads, m arry m e off to anem ic noblerften her, and now sh e recogn ized the fe a b reath ing labored. / ** ' \ ' unm indful of the inquisitive g la n c es face had becom e-drained o f all col tu res o f her fath er's land, the be ”0 , H ector! You s w e e t!” Autumn until I'm sic k of it, and now I'm “ I ’m fed up with all that mean-that rested on her taut figure. The or, and alth ou gh -sh e saw that his cried, kneeling before the wine to 7 hom e. I'm hom e because I belong ginning o f th ose thirty thousand in g le ss ex isten ce—ajad-_,_this-is-my j! d e sir e had been acute to fling out hand leaned heavily on the door look at the light flam ing through it. here—h ere in British Colum bia— a c r e s that led sh e e r up into the dusk h o m e .” A utum n's voice quivered h e r . arm s to the circle of the m oun- knob for support, Autum n laughed “I take back all I said about m y here in th e U pper Country—here b e o f the southern m ountains, and and broke at the realization of the tains that »roae from the v a lle y like gayly, stepped over the -threshold, Spread fan -w ise to the river on the w elco m e,” She seated h e r self upon tw een the R ock ies and the C ascades. fa n ta stic h e a rtlessn ess of the .situa a r prodigiously wrought gold and and flung her arm s about his neck. • battered hassock and took the D oesn't th a t sound dram atic? And north. T h ere on one sid e of the trail tion, B ew ildered and appalled and purple bowl filled with the w in e of “ H ector, Hector! D on’t you know w a s ; the som b er prom ontory how; glass he offered, her. She sipped the here I’m goin g to stic k !” . cru sh ed , she struggled to regain sundow n in May. She had stood, m e, you old goose?” she dem anded, wine and reached for one of the “ Y ou 'll probably, stick, a s you thatTJutted out like a m onk's co w l control of her v o i t e ^ ' D o you mean a w are of the cool star on t h e ;south shaking his ^shoulders a s she sm iled tem pting little cak es. s a y ,” H ector com m ented. “ You’v e above the abandoned copper miner—y o u r e a lly don’t want me here.e r n crest. and of the silv e r shallop up at h im . ■■ ■ * ■ : ~■ ■ ■ got enough -of-.-Jarvis - Deamr 1 n=you“ ^ and. on her- right -t h e -g r a s sy tra il D a?” a h e-a sk ed - o f the new moon a-sau with its r v ‘Forg'ivke j n e r child;’.' he said. — “Chablis, isn’t It?1’- s h e rem arked? for that. And if you hadn’t—th ere’s that led through ghost-gray hunt' H ector sm iled at her ; over his T heold m an sh ifted uneasily in - v e iled and m ystical cargo. Then “ You—you startled m e. I hadn’t glass,*and it seem ed to her^that he still the blood of M ilticent O dell, m ock s o f sa g e up a ste e p hillsid e h is ch air. “ H ere? What kind of a th e-JK ord s^ ad shaped th em selv es exp ected —but here, com e inside.' My and down again to the s h eltered valw as-m ore^ -h is- old se lf again; the If you don't g e t what you w ant from p la c e is th is for a girl like you?” in silM S ^ u apj /on lipSi, words she v t * her uv» r w » v» s w » iv im u aanners iU iu ia aare i c •. ^ .v , abominable.! ” e e r stubbornness, you'll g et it be- le y w here th e lam b ing corrals w ere. he^dem anded. had paused far bac k in They p roceeded 1 into the low. sh a d -; su jp riaing y d - eternally k n e w ^ w -hi She paused to listen for a m om en t, c a u se no on e w ill have the heart to old se lf that* sh e had known, Puck A u tum n’s e y e s darted^helpiessiy , her childhood, waiting for her re- owed living room, Autumn pausing and across the dim solitude c a m e and' Pan and Centaur, all in one, .r e fu s e y o u .” from one ob ject in the room to an m am T^You beautiful! Oh, you beau just within the door to let her ey es “ A very dangerous com bination, the lonely tin k le o f a sh eep belL and so m etim es Ariel and so m etim es other, a s though sh e were seeking tiful!" sw eep over the place. §he wanted T he sound" carried her poignantly eh, H ector?” Autumn observed. Caliban—all the naive and grotesque refu g e from the overwhelming and Only a few m om ents before, she to m ake sure that the character of She refu sed a second g la ss of back to her childhood, when sh e had and i im pish legendary beings she “ 1 tell y o u it’s m e, d a rlib g t” cruel stu pefaction that had come had checked her luggage without this extraordinary room had not w ine, although H ector filled h is own ridden her pony on spring even in gs “ giving h er n a m era n cfth e slight-nar ch an ged .—-N o,-excep t for an’ added, knew. upon her. "W hy—w h atever can you tonce m ore. She moved to the m an- su ch a s th is—the L aird’s disapprove 'v o ic e resbunded- in the h a i l r “ H an“ YoUr education , is co m p lete, I rowing, .of the old c l e r k ’s e y e s-h a d e -o r "‘ ^ld“ ^ R ^ T H ^ 5 i ^ o m ^ d o W r H e b e l i e v ^ ^ ” 3 m y — S g ^ re~ IcaD'L brought a twitch of a m u sem e n t-to when she had las! seen it—a haunt s e e ,” he laughed. . Autumn laughed. leT itn d e x a m ined one o r two^of the 8 o lo m ' P eek , the faithful herder, his can e sharply on the stairs. “ H ancu rios upon it, am ulets, ancient dice, her mouth. She rem em b ered him ing^ m ed ley of the cen tu ries, the oak ........................ • Her father held up his hand with a n -I ta lia n -d a g g e r with a jew eled w h ere he tended th e-lam b in g ew es. n a h ^ L s a y f ” w ell enough, and although it w as w alls dim and secret with their tap a p erem p tory-gestu re. “What did !' hilt,, a strin g o f Inca b ead s hanging At the sw e e t thrust o f m em ory her T h e old w om an’s voice responded te ll you in E n glan d last Christmas mine years since he had seen her— estries, the Louis XIV Gobelin, the down over th e Dutch tiles. Som e of e y e s .filled with tears. She shook from ab ove, breathless from e x c ite w hen you w anted to com e back here she had been but. fourteen then—it fragile and; -priceless R enaissance the tilin gs sh e- could recall, others the rein s and follow ed the trail w e s t m en t. " I’m com ing, I’m . com ing. w as evident that som e recollection G rotesque with its quaint assem b ly w ith m e ? ” had been acquired by H ector in his w ard along the valley. W hat in th e world has happened?” Stirred, behind the old m a n ’s eyes, vanishing irretrievably 'into the “ I n ev er b eliev ed -th a t you really travels-strrarsh e had la st seen him* -H e r e , at la st, w as the little school“ Com e down, you dunderhead, m ea n t th a t I couldn’t come back. P erhaps, after all, she m ight have w eave, vanishing back into the dead P r e sen tly her eyes fell upon a house, with“its pile of season ed fire- and se e for y o u r se lf!” “ ’ told him she w as Autumn Dear, . s o hands of the w eaver, and the bold W hy, it's—it’s the m ost unreasona* stran ge b r a ss object With a strap.. _ Wood, i t s pathetic little -outhOuses, H e turned to Autumn and. put his b le-th in g F v e ever„heard of. -We’ve -that he m ight be the first to know Francois Smerinx of D elft with! its »rit~ to its tor w arnh er m d -lts e l fin- ho st-o f^ m em o ries-th a t «efinger8 t that the Laird's daughter had com e , heraldry challenging Tim e. Auup. In sta n tly a sound of unutterlurked,; in ev ery shadow and d an ced again st crying out. Then he began —H e_w as .one,_of. the 1 ‘relicsj-tu'rhn’s_eves Quickly over 0 V1 'the . “ turnn’s_eyes m oved quickly g eth er and I— ” . > ,• - ;• . ab le pu rity-pierced-the room with a before~her under the pale ligh t of w alk in g uncertainly down the stairs, o f BarkerviU e,” . as her father ..used /Lracim,.. resting' for a fleeting m om ent 7 J a r v is “ Dean rose abruptly to his ’ I h e s.tar.s. _What K icTbecom e o f lf ia F l- Autum n m oving before him , her to call them affectionately, those old 1 0{ delight upon one dearly .rem em g r e a t h eig h t and th e anguish in his to d rift on and on, beyond th e 1 con troop of boys and girls with w hom v o ice vivid afid young in the au stere m en who had becom e as legendary , bered treasure after another, untilfa ce w rung her heart in amazement fines o f the bedecked w alls. Star she had rorpped in the d a y s , w hen • 8 ..that long-dim m ed field of gold, L Hector's v o ice, from Where he'stood sile n c e of th e-lofty hall. i and m ystification.__ “ Let’s talk no tled and entranced with “ he ^beauty. sh e he^fri r -had-*biedn-'Ohe' 'of fobm-?“ O,' D a ! :J -e a n Lt- tell -y ou -w h at i t , I t would have b een fitting to teIIJ near the fireplace, recalled herr m ore about it,” he said wRF an ef* of the sound, Autumn, turned to H echim fir st/th is old'm an who was; t h e I. »BufThe C areys 'and the C ornw alls, the .m ean s to be hom e again .” She fort— ' *You:have-come_and_yQU_.wilL_ to r and' s a w ' thathe had risen and eSSence of everything to which she j tum n?” he asked, his voice firm Lloyds and the'M urraysT Ju st there; "turned upon him suddenly and threw; h a v e to sta y —-for a decent length of w as com in g toward her, < __ w a s returning, this fabulous,.rcm an- : now; With its oId co u rtly -in fleetio n . under that dark pine, young L arry her arm s about him once. m ore. “ I tim e, anyhow —or people wilLFaye ■tic northland of her girlhood— But-; “ I picked th at-u p inr-Spain-on- a - S u th erlan d -h ad -w ash ed h er-facew ith - "didn’t-s d y -a w ord -to'you about m y “ I've just come.' r w a lk e d rig-ht som eth in g to w ag their damned silly" it am used her to keep her secret a w alk in g trip F t o ok“o n e !y^ ar thro ugh a handful of the first snow of the Coming, darling, becau se I—I didn’t ' up here from the station ton gu es about. I’ll not have them little longer, -to be to herself alone the m ou n tain s,” he told her. “ ft is y ea r. And here young Sandy C am - w an t you to know.. I w anted to sur.._.._t‘ But.-youn.father_ .didn’t tell m e . talking—about the D ea n s.” theda.ughter"pf^oId_Jarvrs~D?ari7 the“ a—B asq u e—b ell—a— Basque—sheep- -ftgoii_hari-fnnght with Rnm a Landor -.prise you." ; . — A -ch aiige c a m e over him, so swift Laird of the “ Castle of the Norr.s." ..you w ere com ing h o m e .’’ b e ll.” . —- who had e lected h im self her c h a m H e looked at her sternly. " D b fft Autumn.(tossed h e r hat and. purse and brilliant that the horrible T hat phrase brought an alm ost .un“ I’v e never heard anything so pion—though sh e had been a m ere lie^'to nffe, you young b ra t,” he “ bearable, ennui for what had b.eer.; on th e low Spanish settle, ruffled her lovely 1” *Autumty e x c la im e d , turning^ slip of "eigh t or nine y ea rs at the w arned h e r ,: w ith enough hum or in thought sw ep t through Autumn that ■when she herself had so nam ed her fingeFs through her. hair, and ca m e the bell up to exam in e it m ore care, tim e, and B ruce had been f iv e y e a r s h is e y e s to take the sting from his p erhaps he had, for the agonizing •father-s house. v —— - over and stood beside him, her f.eet fully.' . _ her. se nior— Bruce Landor, jeyhose words.. “ You d idn’t tell m e about period ju st p ast, been mentally de* spread boyishly apart, her hands ranged. H is head, w ith its smooth■ H ector looked down at it and father had shot him self down there it b e c a u s e , you knew I ’d forbid it. - -The ... m urm ur -of the valley t.own, “clasped behind her bacfy_She looked w a v e s o f w h ite hair, rose proudly,' w h im sica l w istfu ln ess cam e (into his m the little ravine that ran through like" "the warm sound o f a? human T h at’s w h y .” . * .... a h a ll m ock in g sm ile played about face. “ I should like you to have it, the northern end of the D ean a c r es. - h e a r t within the cool heart, of the- at H ector wlth_gr.a.ve am u sem ent." ; Autum n k issed him and laughed. “ H e i s n ’t.expectir.g m e ,’’ she said Autumn,"! he said . “ When you com e She had often thought of B ru ce, the “ W hat differen ce d oes it m ake, you his stern m outh, but his eyes jvere hills, lay- below ‘ her how as . she ■’ in again , tak e it out w ith you. There W istful-eyed young dreamer', a lw a y s d ear r a sca ll We belong together— w istfu l a s h e ca m e toward Autumn m ade her way qt,..ckiy up"the steep 4i ghtl yr-"— “ Your education is com p lete, • H ector sta rte d.Autumn looked w ith h is hands outstretched. _is-no-one_else-I w ould give a little sa d because of the traged y dark street—to—the- house—she- • re and we-belong-here.-_- That..ought. to ’I s e e ,” ............... .. . at him sid ew a y s, frowning a little.,'. dear—not even your fa th e r .” — She got up“ quickly and put her that had befallen him , and o f his m em bered in1 the m ountain’s cleft..: be re.ason enough for ahything.” .. a rm s about him , beating back the . A few new dw ellings had appeared, Then he began fingering the black She^cri too, and ate, another ca k e in one “ R eason? Reason?^. There is no tea rs th at th reaten ed . “ Poor old along som ehow and ruled the Lanthe spade trees had— . --there silk guard of his glasses,, his lips -m outhful. ple as ed surprise, hoi r e ason in-any thing you do. You’re a ... dor ranch with a fierce will th at D a l” sh e said softly. “ I should nev w a s. a denseJ^ f e ick et of. shrubbery tightening that it chim ed again , light and clear “Oh, when I w efit'oyer.,” she .said; w om an, and the d e v il h im self is in flanking the t, b.ut the curious ! '" H e' isn ’t ' ' es^ M ih 'g you?. You. “ they w ere teaching children to as the echo of a fay' song in som e had won the respect o f the cou n try er h a v e c o m e if I— ” ; w om en I But go into the room there "E n ough of that! You are here," upward clim b of the way w as- tln~ m ean h e doesn't! know you are com drink so that th ey would stop beg . unearthly p l a c e .. ‘‘Do you really sid e. It w as ten years sin ce he and get som e light oh you so I can ing h om e?’’ He turned from her. “What’s keep* i rnstakabie,,,. There, where the g ray-. had bade her a rather lofty and m ean that, H ector?” She said softly. s e e w h a fy o u look lik e .” ___ ’tflTsT sc ^ -A u tu m n-told-him .-“ And ging .for another, w a r .” H er m ood grown-up—good-by—w h en —at—eight* •■ <#1 road -took 1 a prankish •turn...as. ing-you, H an n ah ?” “I know how you h ate to part with changed then and stye frqwned down Autum n! turned from him and' “ I’m com in g d ir ec tly ,” Hannah re een, !h# w ent aw ay to .college. She Hvough seeking greater- seclusion un • I h aven’t phoned”the 'ranch, b ecau se your treasu res—and th is one—" at the last drop that lay i n ‘the crysskipped toward the - doorway that, plied querulously. Had been thirteen then, ana had der the brqw o f the hill, old H pctor I want-.to surprise h im .” . “ It’s very o ld ,” H ector m urm ured, tai hollow of the g la ss. “ Seriously, siow iy aw ay. opened into the draw ing room. She The old m an shook his head slow- * •Cardigan’s cottage peered through, - H ector •. turned though, that’s Why T w an ted to com e and. his eyes narrow ed with a w ept despondent, little-girl tea rs at pushed the button on the w a ir in d ■ ;' H -mm y e s , 'H ie -sjaid,-thoughtfully. half suspiciously as-she had rem em ly. “ S h e’s about done, that one," he -th e departure of |ier hero who had hom e, Hector!' I had to get aw ay strange absent d im n ess, as! though the. long room b eca m e flooded with m uttered , ! " $h e’s m ore misery to. outgrow n her. Before his-retu rn for< bered it, as though it had-m ade its “ It will be a, surprise to h im .” from the.constant reliv in g of a night he w ere looking into the rem ote past “'•'Besides, you old fraud, I 'w anted a pleasant am ber radiance. Autumn m e ’ than sh e is help, b u t . there’s •p^way from ' the' iniier secrecy, of the m m e r vacatidn, ..she . h. .e.r.self m are that my g en eration m isse d .” where" his spirit abode in a brilliant the' su ,____. ... clasped her hands a s she stood still moirntaift-and Were of half a mind to to surprise you. .Think of it,.H ector, “ I * kitow—I k n ow .” H ector re-,- reality. “ Som e shepherd—in th§ bad be®n despatched, protesting, to “ for a m om ent, her se n ses possess- nothing I ca n dd about it. I cant return there.. Her heart gave, a :lit-: :t's nine, y e a r s since you saw . m e m arked. ; _ ___ E nglapd. kick the old dunderhead out at her ' -• P y ren ees, perhaps—heard that bell ing the room , m aking vits sim ple ^tle leap of dulTgtrt.a.y^he-saw -tirT r lOSt:”' r_____V____ -: ' ... : tim e -o f-life “ grand-— — Three m ile iTTT lie only real -thing in the pam - fifty y ea rs ago—when yo h arm on ies her own again. v ^ m on k ey-p u zzie-^ ^ t^ on the -tiny.'' \ g a * y ,s^gm s lrhpossibls.“ T he m ore need you ’ll have for me pered life of. Aunt F lo w a s the jo ss m other w as a girl here in these the! m a ssiv e pillars of field, ston e Jarvis seated h im self before the ■front la\vtV,. an'd ti.e t’.vo som ber, m e- ’ ^ re .getting older, I,.m apabout the p lace, D a ,” Autumn ob that stood at the entrance to the ticulouslv clipped ^veWs on ei.'hen ' ^ “ aching .my. dotage., child. But you of her so n t-m y cousin F rederick, hills, just over from Ireland. When C astle o f the Norns. The n am e still w hite m arble fireplace^ where a pink se rv e d arch ly. “ your grandm other’ w a s breaking sidfi.' of .m e shell-l'Tne.'i w ailc't'T h e'' — Y™ are eternal youth itself. You you kno\y. I-;-don't know whether H er fath er turned on her brusque suited t h e place as it had done when , glow: slum bered in the violet-colored hearts up an'd down, thp Okanagan,' there is such ; a word or noV-^Vhere ancient: wrought-: non Italian f ;arili2_ dye- the heritage of your m o th er,” ash. From a tiny; lem on-hued satin ly. '“It’d be a poor creature that- ~ -ought—1^—be— but—Aunt—F lo—sim ply- m y—dear ,, so m e -.sh ep h erd -h oy- .sitaa. she w as tw elv e years old, her fan cy - s e t t e e o p p o site r -Autum nH odlrcd-Ftr coutdn’r g e F alhng^better without el* -* Auturnsn's: Tbugh ; pealed 'out d'elT*. hung as df’“oTd'ir. the narrow cryp r steep ed in ancientT ore. Her father voluptuated in her lo ss.- I:couldn't listening, to, th at p lain tive note on h im r “His long, bony hands w ere ther of y o u ,” he told her. qf the 'porch',-'.buf. instead of the. w an sio’j ^ y . .“ But not her beauty, H ec . so m a m ountain-side—on the other,. had been p leased with the n am e she liv e -w ith it any. lo n g er.” . clasped above, h is can e, his leonine _ l y . flicker in g_o.il,'. v.uck.va ...dim pie.-trir; tor : “ T h at’U be enough of that fool talkhad ehosen for tKat.odd_pile..with.its " ’ — “i t —isn ’t the sa m e back hom e side of th e - world*” bulb glow ed, steridhy ' hehuYd the ' “_Ti.at w as w h a t startled m e when as^-’ curious gray stone turrets and para- head ju 1 1 ed' forWard“ and there "was for th is night,". said old Hannah as “ What a lpvely th ou gh t,” 'Autum n parchm ent.. Old Hector, it ad had his I.. sav.; you at the.door; You: are her p ets, the like^of which had proba in his eyes a naked look of—w as it she en tered the room and came to “ Oh, Indon’t m ea n th ey are ' a l l t observed-eage'rly. “ B ut w^s Grand '■ house wired, then ’ h . . ;.' im a g e .” . .. w ard th em bearin g her loaded tray. bly never adorned another ranch fear or m ere p erplexity? Autumn like Aunt F lo ,” sh e h asten ed to add. m other Odell su c h 'a heart-breaker, did not know.. He m oved to the c o u c h .th a t.‘f aced A utum n laughed and placed a Her impulse was A j go .h ou se in all the world. .U ncharita “ But there is som eth in g sm othery Hector? I have n e v e r been told m uch A hideous feelin g cam e upon her sm a lL ta b le before the fireplace as . ble p eop le in the Community had up the steep- httle steps two. at' a’ •tl|.e fireplace,-, sea ted h im self,—and about Engl§nd- n ow ,' with' all those about her. F o r th a t- m atter, they called it “ Old D ean’s F olly," but j^that this w as not her fath er at all her father, sank once more into ms tim e, as -she h a d ' been, wont -to- -do,'’. clasped his hands betw een his knees. hungry-eyed w om en stepp ing on h ave never spoken m uch of m other, Autumn ju r n e d, -and but she reflected (pucklv that -Hoc- •-----------------^ ...... - looked down each oth er’s toes. Do you know w hat either—and I h ave a lw a y s wanted to •Autumn had adored it from her e a r who sat facin g her,, but som e gro- chair. - tesque old ch an gelin g with a demontor, grown older and mbiV than ever ' hlrn' and a w ave lot sw ift pity I m e a n ’ ’’ know—” Her voice faltered and she lie st m em ory. ... : r (To be continued) given to solitude, from hep father's | for brim sw ept over her, obliterating She ch eck ed her horse to a walk ridden soul. H is e y e s burned as he “ Y e s ,” H ector ad m itted . “ I think shrugged her shoulders as. if tb d is searched her fa c e , his m assive reports: of him. m ight be‘ startled ' -for a m om ent the bew ilderm ent and I do. You w anted room to breathe m iss the subject. -- - j ...... . a s sh e rode up the gravel approach betw een .the tall pines. A light w as hands clenching the 'arms of his Chinese*Japanese Arts: at. such an intrusion.v ,Instead, site” dism ay that w ere grow ing,upon her in. W ell, you are right, to o .’ Only— H ector took the bell from her ran lightly up • the Jflight to the' .,at‘ the stra n g en ess ofyhis reception. your father isn’t the s a m e m an e i hands and held it thoughtfully on d iscern ib le now in the east tow er of chair. Havd Same A trem or took possession of her so ..........t oak; .. ........... carved , narrow; ,door,■ d nd Tim e, the m er c ile ss in vader, w as ther5. You w ill find h im very diffi his palm , stroking the satiny tex the C astle. H er father’s study w a s th a U n er shoulders quivered invol clutched her- handbag ' to still the l storm ing.,the fine citadel-of that galM ost of w h at has been ^aaid. of cult at tim es. H e r a r ely co m es to ture of its sem i-sp h erical upper half there, and he him self would proba art applies also w excitem en t.of her heart as she lifted lant old sold ier,, and already had see m e any m ore— and. you know with hia eloquent fingers. “ The Odell bly be se a te d now in his dee{> leath untarily. She twined her fingers J a p a n e se “the heavy brass knocker. She re com e an intim ation of the ruin that how devoted I h a v e been to h im .” w o m en ,” he said slow ly, “Had sm a ll er -c h a ir, lost to: his surroundings in tightly together and bent forward. - C hinese a r t T here is greater use “ Tell m e—w h at is Wrong?” she the p a g es of one of his old and be m em bered that the knocker had w as to be. Autumn went quickly o f ston e in arch itectu re and 8ca!p‘ “ F ath er has a lw a y s been difficult, resp ect for h ea rts.” •said softly. ------and sea ted h erself beside him , ■ tak* been level with her e y e s when she ture. T h ere is m ore that is.J J * Autum n leaned babk, resting her loved books. E xcep t fof the subdued Hfector. But I ’ve a lw a y s loved him , The old m an ’s body seem ed to sag, tesq u e and leas that is deeprauve ing his brown'feand in her own. . glow .of the light in the sp aciou s-h all w as a reedy kid of fourteen elb ow s on the m a n telp iece behindJ “ Is .this dll the w elcom e you give h ev erth eiess—and he h as alw ays her, and glan ced up at him diffi the house w a s in darkness. Old Han '•exhausted,'" into the depths of his In C h inese art. But in their tapai That w a s H ector's step now , quick ■...... '.. ............ m e?" she ask ed . “You look as If loved m e .” '■ nah, the housekeeperr who had b eetr _chair,__“ YQUr_m other’8 -h a ir —bur ism , s y m b o llim , indifference to ute and m ilitary still in its precision. “ C ertainly.' He lo v es the ground dently ’ from beneath her lash es. I had brought you the plague. A utum n’s nurse, would have gone to nished as October",” he said absent* hum an figure, and preference w She coulil rem em ber that long pol W hat’s w rong, H ector?” you w alk on, I think, p erh ap s, that “ E v en m other?” she asked, hfted his head slow ly. ob jects tak en from nature, the twg ......... - - - - - - }Jxt H e sw ung the bell juBt percepti bed long Since. ished panel of hardwood flood of the He looked at her thoughtfully, then w as one of the re a so n s he didn't bly, and the eerie thren e of it, a ^Nothing is .w fon g, m y child, noth- n a tio n a l .sy stem s o f a r t arejnu c N ow from within the house a dog hall within; polished to m irror luster got to hia fee t. want you to com e back :” ... . ....... -° ^ a lik e. T h e conventionality of Ch by H ector h im self, as no servan t . “ L isten, H ector,” Autum n said , vanishing wraith of Sband, caught at barked—on ce, tw ice, a deep-throat “ T h ere's nothing wrong, my_deair. The-Sound of H annah’s footfall on n e se a r t is p erhaps even mote proed and p m in o u sso u n d .A u tu m n h u r -could do it, had the o ld m a n ever It's ijust the surprise, I suppose. It shaking a finger at h im , “ I know her throat. It m ight b e the m ingled been able to afford a servan t. The h as knocked m e quite -silly. H e r e - father wanted m e to S tay in E n g te a r s and lau ghter of a ghost heard ried up the steps u n d glan ced the sta irway broke the m om ent’s noun ced. T h e high place given through th e heavy glqss panel o f the sp ell M d'Auturnn got up as the old to ca llig ra p h y a s a r t is an e door opened q u ic k ly rb o ld ly , ih ,its let m e g e t you som e tea“ land. He w anted m e to' m erry and from infinity. H ector did not reply housekeeper hurried nervously into c e lle n t illu stration . In both Ch door. H er father’s great Irish w olf at on ce. ; ......................... " ‘ old mariner of brusque inquiry. And the room. f “ No, no, H e c t o r ” Autumn prd- settle down overJ there. ,, , , W hy?” , and J a p a n often specim ens of . “ You knew m other very w ell, hound w as com ing down the sta ir there stood H ector, erect find fiery, tested . f .-“ I had dinner just before 1 1 H ector, epughed ligh tly and tqok “ H annahl” c a se with his loping, m agnificent w ritin g hung upon the walk « d id n ’t you ?” sh e prom pted him , - fastid iou sly groom ed as o f bid, seii stepped off the train. B esides I a e t h e r sip from his g la ss. “ If JarT h e,w om an halted suddenly, her room s for p u rposes of dec° r®L d v e r cly dinner-jacketed, his gray hair m ust hurry along before it-gets too vls tya 8 any reason for n o t’w anting' “S h e couldn’t have been m ore than gait. S e tried the door, found it hand clutching at her breast. She In fa c t, In the six arts unlocked, and entered. ’ grayer now but com bed a s e v er Uarlt.--.. •. —_ ‘ . i you back here,” h e ' s a i d finally, ten y e a r s younger than you .” eyed Autumn incredulously, than by th e C h inese—n a m ely , ceremorU “ Old J a r v is.D e a n , his heavy briat “ M illieent O dell— It m ight have With sculptured nicety. - H e stood “¥ e s^ yes'ro* course. T ^ ere’il be 1 Prdb'ably tell you w hat it is drew her breath * in a quick gasp. m u sic , arch ery, charioteeringr stick in h is hand, was com ing slow been the Wine he had had, Autumn , very little above her own height, tim e enough for visiting later on ” better than I could, m y dear. so that it seem ed to her ;thbt she “ “ P le n ty ,” Autum n declared. “ j*m : Th<>ugb, f o r m a t m atter,' I am in thought, but it seem ed to her that ly down behind the dog. At the jlr s t Autumn hurried toward her and put ing and m a th e m a tic s—p a i a ^ .^ * scu lp tu re are included u n d c r wrkmg w a s s m llln g o n a level with his ey e s. com in g in to spend a whole day with ci l n ? d „ t 0 a g r e e 1 With h im In this, I for an instant he w as quite oblivious sigh t of her he let his cane fajl and ber arm s,about the bowed shoulders supported h im self with 7 one hand on Hanfiah-*-fionit you know m e? ” of her p resen ce; Hia n arrow , brown This is rem in iscen t .of A s sh e w aited fo f his recogn ition , you ju st as soon as I get settled at ” The only im m ed iate response w as the w rftten ch aracters s t i l l.u ... fa c e with its m yriad fin e s e a m s the shining black balustrade. The “ What do you m ean by that, Hec a curious thing w a s happening. She h om e.” glow ed a s though ho w ere listening other m oved slow ly a cro ss his a aob that shook the old w e a n ' s w ere d erived m ore or less tor?” “ H ow are you going out?” ; had snatch ed off her hat and stood brows. eat •I m ean—you Should not F aV r! ard en tly to the m u sic of that nam e, fr Hwe au l he olun* 40 Autumn. from p ictographs, with her head flung back, her hair A u tum n patted one of his brown . . ..... ____ Autum n rushea up the sta irca se. , , b a b y - m y . b ab y!” Hahnah ■ “ th e n w n & jo f her m other, tw enty h and s affection ately. ‘T m going to C 01™ )a home," H ector s a id abruptly, : shaken v ivid ly about her ch eek s. “ H ello, D a l” she cried, and flung H ecto r's e y e s w ere fa sten ed upon ride on e o f your_ hunters,” she told ! . Autumn got lm patlen tly to her feet yea ra « a d ! T h in he glan ced down her a rm s about his stooping form . ken and incredibly old T ^ —^ a t the beU once m ore. -"T have her fa c e with a look that g rew from | him .- " It w ouldn’t look right for ,tood before him , her hands on PRO LO GU E / TO LOVE t MARTHA OSTENSO Background! Autumn drew Tier close and World war as a signaling metnoe. UOBTOAGB SALE ----if v« an«, NOTICE OF BE A R IN G CLAIMS xtheteu, default baa been m ade in ^ n disposed of by Will or otherwise; . Slrtneftt of m oney secured by a S i ^ BEFORE COURT such 5®f«ndarit8 cannot be J J r S dated the 8 r d d a y o f March, personal^ served with process, thereNo. 80666 ? orn 1080, executed by John T O on Motion of John B. Mellott, one State of Michigan, The Probate Court A* i i w e r d t and E lisab eth Hasel- of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs, for the County of W ashtenaw. his w ife, o f th e Township _ In the M atter of the E state o f aPPoarance • f S ^ u n t y o f W a sh ten a * and v ! f w * l a i d ? efendant 8 a n d e a c h 5nd Henry Kalmbach, deceased. of Michigan, to T h e Prudential ®'} ®f- ™em be entered in this cause • Notice is hereby given that four S a u c e Company o f A m erica, which wlthm three months from the date of W m o rtg a g e waa duly recorded in this order; that in ca$e of their ap months from the 14th day of Septem SfoflBce of the R egiater o f Deeds of pearance that they cause their answer ber, A. D. 1939, have been allowed for wSabtenaw County, M ichigan, in L'i- to the Bill of Complaint to be filed and creditors to present their claim s 2 ! i6 8 of M ortgagee, on P age 609 at a copy thereof served upon the Attor against said deceased to said Court K q JJlock A. M. on March 8,1980. neys for the Plaintiffs, within fifteen fo r examination and adjustm ent, and that all creditors o f said deceased are Aad Whereas, b y th e term s o f said days after service upon them, or their required to present their claim s to Jrteage. it is provided th a t in case Attorney, of a copy of said Bill, and said Court, a t the Probate Office, in be made in th e paym ent o f any that in default thereof, said Bill be th e City o f Ann Arbor in said County, K lim e n t of principal or o f the In- taken fis confessed by each of said on or before the 20th day .o f January, r L * tax^B, assessm en ts or insurance Defendants, and it i%further Ordered A. D. 1940, and th at said claim s w ill £ any part thereof on a n y day where- that the said Plaintiffs cause a copy b e ;heard by said Court on Monday, * the same is m ade payable, and of this Ord^r to be published in the the 20th day o f Novem ber, A. D. 1980, JjLjd the same rem ain due and un- Chelsea ^Standard, a newspaper print and on Saturday, the 20th d ay o f Jan* S for the space o f 80 days, thence- ed, published, and circulated in said liary, A. D, 1940, a t ten o'clock in the &th, the principal a\>m o f said mort- County of WaBhtenaw, and that such f o renoon. L w together w ith att interest, taxes, publication be continued therein once Dated, Ar\n Arbor, Septem ber 14th, Lessm ents and'lnsurance paid, shall, m each week for six consecutive A. D. 1 9 89.' ; Sept21-Oct5 T the option o f th e m ortgagee, be- weeks, or that, the Plaintiffs cause a Jay G. Pray, Judge o f Probate. ^ c se and be due and-payable. forth- copy of this Order to be personally ^th, and default havin g been made: served upon the Defendants, and upon - NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE 1 jn the payment o f th e in terest and each of them at least twenty days be D efaults having been made (and taxes provided in said m ortgage, fore the time prescribed for their ap trfiich default: h a s continued "for more pearance or that the Plaintiffs cause such defaults having continued for than thirty d ays, th e said m ortgagee this Order to be otherwise served as mqre than ninety days) in th e condi doth hereby exercise it s option to de- i provided by law,, authorizing the tions o f a certain m ortgage m ade by dart the principal sum o f said mort service off orders by-Registered Mail,' Edward F . Schweikert and Rose Geb. W. Sample, Circuit Judge. Schweikert, husband and w ife, o f the gage arid all'arrearage o f in te r e s t and City of Ann Arbor, of W ashtenaw Countersigned: ” taxes due and payable. County, M ichigan, to HOME OWN And Whereas, the am ount claimed Luella <M, Smith, Clerk. ER S’ LOAN CORPORATION, a Cormi said m ortg a g e Is the sum To the.Said Defendants; poratign. organised under ..the Jaw s o f of $4500 principal and interest of Take Notice, that the above causeTnthe U nited S tates of Am erica, dated $245.28 to-July 20, 3989, and the sum yolves the title to the following de A u gust, 8 , 1984, and recorded in the of $58.07 taxes and $85.00 as a n a t - scribed premises situated and being in office of the R egister of Deeds for rney fee stipulated for in said the City of Ann Arbor, County vof W ashtenaw . County, M ichigan, on mortgage, :arid th e whole* araottfit Washtenaw, and State of Michigan: claimed to be unpaid on said m ortgage ; Lot number three, excepting arid Am gust i«^E934; in Liber 2 0 3 ^ M o r t' is the sum of $4808.20, and no suit or reserving therefrom the south- • nine gages, on P age 288, and said m ortgagee having elected un d e^ th e term s proceeding h a v in g been instituted at feet, in block two nqrth of range num o f said m ortgage to declare the en law to recover th e debt now remain ber three, east, according to the Orig tire principal and accrued interest ing secured by said mortgage^ or any inal Plat of the Village, (now City) thereon due, which election i t does part thereof, w hereby t h e - powerlilpf. , , U)LAnn Arbor^County of Washtenaw hereby, exercise," pursuant to which Unlimited^isibiiity HERE are perhaps few reports more - welcome to an aviator than that of "unlim ited rlsi4Uty,” with Its assurance of a clear atmosphere, unobstructed celling, smooth passage. Not alone to an By PATRICIA LINDSAY aviator, but to others also, Is the 4} Sell Syndicate.—WNU Service. phrase significant, hinting some HY is it n ecessary for the mod thing deeper than the mere teehnical implications. For Instance, in what e m w om an to use. an artificial ever w&lk of life one may find him m ethod to strengthen her m uscles self, w hat peace and Joy would come and to prom ote good health? It is from an assurance of definite, con b eca u se our m anner of living of tinuous progress with no obstruc _ — fe r s alm ost no opportunity to use tions or reversals! Such assurance is by no mejsns im* .the larger, im portant m uscles of the body—the abdom inal, back and possible of achievement. If one were to depend simply upon mortal the thigh nutecles. ories and panaceas for guidance and We liv e in active lives. We travel Inspiration, he might sometimes en fey m otor or train m ore than We joy temporary success, but ultimately w alk . We do our housework with be would experience disappointment electrical a id s or have servants do and frustration. Yet in turning to it for u s. M ost office jobs dem and the truth; founded on the Scriptures, eigh t hourB of sittin g and frequently he would have the sure basis fori a is in poor posture. Selling work in hope, and/realize progress and well being. Throughout religious history, stores requires the over-use of the the consclouBUbss of unlimited good le g s and feet. Sewing, writing, has Been the experience of many de bridge ansi m an y other so-called ac vout and- spiritually-minded: m enand tivities- are actually;, inactivities! women. Christ Jesus possessed, In the blghest-d^gree, true spiritual vis G am es N o Substitute. You probably think that recrea ion, which enabled him to overrule tional sports such a s terinjs, bowl every untoward condition presented, in g, badm inton, golf and riding are to him. John, In the bleak setting of Patsufficient ex ercise. But they are not, T hey stim ulate the body moe, was so Imbued with spiritual light th at be received a glorious vis through .in creased circulation and ion of "a new . heaven and a new allow the skin pores to secrete earth" (Revelation 21:1). . . . w aste but they do not build the body The term "visible" is defined,- in sy m m etrically because they are part, as "perceivable by the eye;" “ one-sided^' Seldom ;' is'T rw om an and aiso as 44nentally^percepliblfiZ adept in using both her right hand When o n e . grasps in some measure the great fahts of spiritual 'being and her left hand in sports. r ' Walking can be an excellent ac* which are not cognized by physical ic rinnft nr Pr sight, the possibilities of spiritual viBi?n nrtt spifn tri iw^iimitefl a^d low s a spring to the step and if the unimpeded by m aterial, finite condib od y4s carried with gobd-posture^at -Mona and would-be obstruettonB. in a ste a d y p ace and if you wear loose the wordB of Paul (II CorintbianB clothing and correct walking shoes. 4:18), one learns to "look not at trie Sw im m ing is the exception in rec things which arei seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the reational sp o r ts/ It exercises all things which are seen are temporal; uirtontamed -in-eaid-mortgage-has- ^md-State-of-Michigan the m uscM sjot the body providing po r but the thlrigs-which are-not seen, there^claim ed-j^rbe-ffne-and unpaid become operative, one stroke -is overpracticed, arid if are eternal." These eternal verities, PA Y N E and MELLOTT, on said m o rtg a g e a t the d ate o f th is — Now—T h erefore,-N otice:_i 8 _,hereby Attorneys for Plaintiffs, develops, th e 'body sym m etrically discernible to spiritual sense, Include notice for-p rin cip al _and in terest th e given that by virtue o f the said power and- beautifully;- -; — — tllim itable-goodrie8Srafftuence,-and sum of eig h t hundred eigh ty-eigh t and of sale, and in pursuance o f the s ta t Business A ddress: 812 F irst National 92-100 ($888.92) and mo s u it or pro . 'V harmony. « Spiritual man Is fetterless, unfall ute in such case m ade and provided, ' Building, A nn, Arbor, Michigan; ceeding a t law or in equity h a v in g T h e s e E x e r c is e s en, reflecting infinite Mind, God, biB Aug31-O ctl2 the ‘said m ortgage .will be foreclosed A True Copy: been instituted to recover th e debt se torigjin. Man's possibilities for ex-_ Luella M. Sm ith, Clerk. by a sale o f th e prem ises therein de cured by said m ortgage or any part W ill H e lp pressing good and blessedness are scribed, at public auction, to the high thereof; therefore as unrestricted and inex So, ydu s e e , unless you can swim ^ STATE OF MICHIGAN est bidder at t t e a q u ^ ' front door of haustible, as his source.: _in human NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of d aily it feecom es quite necessary tbf boiifiB in tha c ity o f Ann Ar In the Circuit C6 urt~for~ the "County : experience, the argum ents that would th e power o f sa le contained in _aaid for you to* resort to corrective ex- make for mistiness bbr, in the County o f W ashtenaw, on of W ashtenaw, In Chancery. or obscuranesB— m ortgage and pursuant to the Strife e r c ise s if you desire good health fear, doubt, discouragement; ignorthrlOth d a y -o f October, -A .-D . -1939* George Fr-Millerf-Dr G. M illerrM innie utea- of th e S ta te o f M ichigan in such and_a supple, body. E xercises th at ance. worldllnesa, sin— are the outat ten o’clock' in th e forenoon -of sriid E, Miller and Charles D . Miller, Plaincase m ade and-provided, N O T IC E -IS w ill offset the ravages of our sed eik cozne of the nellef^that man has ia day; which said prem ises are 'd e tiffs,_____ -----------HEREBY ■GIYENLthat b n Monday, tary, inactive living. Here are two mortal existence separate from- God. scribed in said m ortgage, as altsthafc vs. October 23, 1989 a t ten o ’clock, in the for flririing the v ita l abdominal mus- -But-Chr!«tian=S<siehcp reveals man ascertain-piece-or-parceLofJamLsituate. forenoon, E astern Standard Tim e at c le s, or in other words, for .flattening the individual “expression of divine GeorgeW —Noyes;— Martha N oyesr and being in th e Townships o f Aharon, the south outer door o f the Court your tu m m y! Why not begin scien- 'M ind, incapable of' knowing aught^ David E. Lord, Hervey. Austin, MephiCoiffity'ijf'Washtenaw and- - S ta te -o f -tiflca lly tn_rieve 1np a pleasing- fig.' but perfection,^sirice Mind is perfect. H o u s e ln ih e C ity of-Ann Arbor,-Coun^ bosheth.i TScott,’’ C astle 'SoulbefTarid, -All-afbibutes-bf-God,-including d i s Michigan, to-vrit: ,. u*e7. Nancy Ann Southerland, Charles Mos* ty of, W ashtenaw, M ichigan (th a t be cernment, wisdom, and ability, are The w est s ix ty (6 0 ) acres of the ley ^ J o h n M o sley^and-Adam-Jr Sauer, in g the jplace o f hoIding Circuit Court ^expressed by m a n .. (Exerd sel) Southeast quarter o f Section nine (9) or their unknown heirs, devisees, lega in said County) said m ortgage wflTBe ^Freedom from a falee sense-ofT e^ and the E ast h a lf o f the E ast h a lf of tees and assigns, Defendants. the Southwest quarter of-Section nine Order for. Publication ' (g)T'glso, t lie^-N orthw egt^quarter-bfA t a Session of Said Court, held at the Northeast quarter o f Section six teen (16), and th e. E a st h a lf of the the Court . House in the C ity o f A n n Northeast'quarter o f the N orthw est Arbor, in said County, on the 2nd. day quarter of Section sixteen (1 6 ), aJl in of A ugust, i'939. .' Township three ( 8 ) South o fiR a n g e ""Present: Honorable Geo. W. Sam three (3) E ast o f the'Principal Merid ple, Circuit Judge. ian, c o n ta in in g o n e .hundred sixty On reading: and filing the bill of (160) acres, m ore or l e s s . , complaint in said cause and the affida . Bated; July 20, 1989; vit of A lbert E. Blashfteld t attached — The Prudential insurance Com thereto: from which it satisfactorily pany o f Am erica, Mortgagee; appears to the Court that the defend ants above named, or their "unknown BURKE A N D BURKE,' ■-£ ' Attorneys for M ortgagee. .. heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns, Business A ddress: 215 Ann Arbor are proper and necessary parties de Trust Building, Ann Arbor, Michi fendant in the above entitled, cause; ' ■ - - -• gan. July27-O ctl9 and, It f urther appearing that a fter dili STATE OF MICHIGAN gent 'search and inquiry it.-cannot be In. the Circuit Court fo r the County ascertained, and .. it is not known — of-W ashtenaw, Jn_C hancerv - --------- szhether_or riot aaici defendantyare livr •Ing o f dead, or where any o f rhem Kikbr Kourouian andiO lga Kourouian, m ay reside if, living, and if dead, Plaintiffs, : ,/ whether they have personal represen ■-••VS. Vr ......... , foreclosed“by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder o f the prem ises described in said I m ortgage, or so much thereof a s m ay be necessary to pay tjie am ount due as aforesaid, and any sum or sum s which m ay be paid by the undersigned at or before' said sale fo r taxes and|or insurance on. said, prem ises, and all other Sums paid by the undersigned, w ith interest thereon, pursuant to term s o f said m ortgage, arid all legal costs, charg e s and expenses; including an ' attorney’s fe e , which 7 prem ises are described as fo llo w s That certain piece or parcel of land situated in the C ity o f Ann Arbor, County of W ashtenaw , ’ Michigan, more particularly described as: The w est 40 f e e t in length of lot num ber-eight in block three north of Huron. Street, ran ge 2 e a st according to the plat o f th& V illage (now C ity) a f-A rm-Arhor a s recorded in the office o f the R egister o f D eeds on transcript page 152. Dated: July 27, 1939, Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, Mortgagee haroletd. g o lds; Attorney for M ortgagee. Business A ddress: 615 Ann Arbor Trust Building, Ann Arbor, MichiJuly27-O ctl9 igan. Autumn, Airives; Here’s the Route Exercises to T W For Stout Woman Lie flat on your back, arm s at sid es—parallel with body; Bend k n ees back to abdomen. Then pull knees- w ith .-clasped hands back to ch est, gradually raising the hips from floor three to four inches. Low er hips—keeping knees bent. Re-, p ea t four tim es arid'relax. Repeat pot m ore than 1 2 tim es each day. ■ (Exercise 2) : aponsiblllty arid - the depressing- fear ■of failure are won as one-realizes man's Eternal oneness with his heav en ly-F ath er. What serenity comes from: the recognition that naan, as_ Godjs-idea-or-reflection,-i 8 -dependent only op Mind for all capability and sagacity, and that this reflection is -immutable,.eternal, and irreversible! Likewise, to man," the flawless mani festation of Life, superstitious be liefs- regarding sickness, age, acci dent, are unknown. However ag gressive, terrifying, or stubborn the appearance of discoid may seem to material sense; spiritual harmony . alone is supreme and .rbaH’. 4APPr^ bending this fact importunately, andconalstently, one can triumph 'over false beliefs and prove his God-given dominion. "God’s gifts put man’s best dreams to sham e,’’- a well:loved pbet once, wrote, as perhapB a gentle, though forceful rebuke to the human ten dency to>nuilin£ what one might con sider best and most desirable for bis welfare —fnJ-Sctence and Health with Key t<Tthe ScripturerH 'pr691) Mr* Eddy defines Mind, in part, as " D eity ,, Which Outlines but is not outlined.” y . . Love has established all good, and maintains His Idea, man, in har-' 4 mony, completeness; perfection, ana Autumn Arrives officially here and throughout the northern hem i sp h ere on Septem ber 23, bringing w hat astronom ers call th e "autum nal . equinox" when, the sun crosses from north ,to south across the equator. In the above chart, w hich show s the various "leanings" of the earth w ith regard to the sun at. the start of each season, the earth is show n to b e som ething like a great m ovable floor in space. ^Tbe snn is near t b e ’< center of this door and the earth m oves around the outer t d g e of it, TWO APPEES SHOW t)tD , NEW SPRAYS These two McIntosh apples,-sprayed-in the -old.and_the new^Ways, Ulustrate-what^ Michigan- State College entomologists have found in a . five year series of experim enter-N either of-thesa/apples-is-w orm y, but the one at the left, protectedon the tree with an arsenical sprayt needB washing before iit. could be marketed. On the^right, also-prO^: : tected 'and not-w orm yr-is-an-apple- with- no; appreciable residue and what' l i t t l e - Bpray -Still-rem ains is-harm less-becauBejthe spray was m hicbtirie product.'' Adoption of th e . new spray by Michigan, apple growers-is expected to aid in marketing_a.heiter quality apple without? -necessity- of washing,,, which often bruises the skin , and adda ta production c o s ts .' ■ — Memorliri-To^Pirst Michigan T rading P ost tatives or 'heirs living or where they or some of them may reside, and fur- t}\at the ^ r e se n t whereabouts, of th evdefendants nrf> are unknown, unknown, and and th th aa tt the nam es of the persons who are in Idled, acts as inw in one’s human cluded, therein without being ,named, experience, supplying whatever the need may be— harmonious relation but w ho, are embraced therein under ships, home, food, clothing, employ The above monument commemorating the first trading post is the title of unknown heirs, .devisees, ment. erected on the original site of the village of L’Anse on the picturesque logatpgg-ftttd assign s, cannot be ascerProgress, —In— Lts:_ highest sense, shoreadf Kewcenhw Bay in the Upper Peninsula. Built of red sand tained after diligent search and ' in means working with GotL-nniHs-evt-stone and situatcd->nH.He^beautjfuI-LtAnee-township park it present# T ty Standard Liners fo r R esults—M s quiry; / , •*' . denced In one’s intent and conduct a’ very striking appearance to Michigan1 tourists. It's setting is For Thin Woman with rather than in merely material en steeped in Indian lore and .when ,recently dedicated over 6,000 people On m otion of Albert hi. BlahTmula; -Rrotrudinq-Abdomon — richment, Brit right reward necessari* -watched a magnificenMndianipngearit depicting the "Coming of the attorney for plaintiffs, It I s Ordered, ily follow s righteous' endeavor, and White Man; to the Land of Hiawatha,” Part, of the pageant was that the said defendants and their un Sit on floor with legs wide apart Is Inseparable from it. In these in* enacted on the water and the rest on tbe adjoining Jake shore as tha and knees slightly relaxed. P lace known heirs, ^devisees, -legatees- and wnrdfl Mtr. Eddy has assured spectators! watched from a huge natural am pi theatre. The park and hands palm downward just behihd us of ever-present divine- help (Mis assigns. Cause their appearance tty be thFTuonument were constructed by youth workers of the Michigan hips for support. Now push your cellaneous Writings, p. 1 1 3 ): "Di entered in this cause within - three National Youth Administration. The inscription on the face of the abdom en out, to right, back, to left vine Love is our hope, strength, ahd -memorial reads: “This monument marks the site .of the first trading m onths from the date 6 f th is order, post established for,the American Fur Trading Company by Peter —m aking a com plete circle such as shield. We have nothing to fear and in default 1thereof that said bill off Crcbassa in 1887. This tablet was presented by the students of yoy ’would in a Hula-Hula dance! when Love is at the helm of thought, com plaint be taken as confessed by the L’Anse Township schools and the National Youth Administratioa-r A s you circle consciously tighten but everything to enjoy on earth and said defendants, their unknown heirs, 1938," In heaven."— The Christian S cien ce" -the m u scles. Circle five tim es with* devisees, legatees and assigns. ' , Out stopping. Relax, Circle five -Monitor.___ /■___ ; .. ......... It Is Further Ordered, that, within tim es in opposite direction. Circle forty days plaintiffs cause a ,cop 5L £: tw enty tim es in all. ; this order to be published in J h e Chelsea Standard, a newspaper print ed, published and circulated jn said County, such publication to be con tinued therein once in each week for six w eeks in succession^-.If you are the nervous, high-strung ' Geo. W. Sample, Circuit Judge. tyfee of individual, why not learn to relax your way. to poise. Take Irene A . Seitz, . T o her childhood home In the things ea sy . Rest. E xercise to r e D eputy Clerk of th<r Court. beautiful mountains of British la * only. Stop worrying, Take N otice, that this suit, in which C o lu m b ia Cornea lo v e ly j It is never the thoroughly relaxed the foregoing order Was duly jnade, Autumn Dean, seeking hap person who suffers from insomnia. involves and is brought to quiet title piness and lo v e .:...... —L ack o f s le e p iOSURlly. A sym ptom to the follow ing described pleee o j of a harried mind or a nervous dis parcel o f land situate and being iri Autumn's search is mAde order, Much cah be done to o v e r the City o f AAn A'^ or> County of almost hopeless by her father's com e Insomnia. W ashtenaw, State of M ichigan, de past, which rises to keep her Regular sleeping hours are quite scribed as follow s, to*wit: • ^ from the man she loves. But n ecessary. Make it a habit to retire The south one fod of -4et-—number love proves trio strong for the sam e hour and to arise the sam e seven and the north ^ petty hatred, and a happy i hour until you are relaxed. , her eig h t in. block five south o f Huron comea to this intensely D o not overeat or eat too fast. ransre four east, according to Both are likely to7gIve ybu regtiessr human drama. J e d Ar.n A r t o nights. You can skin a m eal a day "Prologue to Love" is a Land Company’s Addition to tine Vil if you wish, Or substitute for two - story that will thrill you. It'a m ea ls each day* a g la ss of milk ev' , one of Martha Ostenso's best! County of Washtenaw and State ary four'Hours and g la sse s of fruit Juices in between. Michigan. Do not resort to nerve sedatives Piaintlffs, "aJCer diligent ALBERT E. BLASHFIELD, u n less your physician advises them ®aainch and inquiry, th ey have been un* A ttorney for Plaintiffs for you. “ fWfrrtcf w c e r t M r t h T w m e r w where 1 0 0 5 -F irrit-N a tio M l scene Scene rcenaciea reenacted xrequenuy frequently on Michigan highnigh, important^ duty of conservation officers her, M ichigan. A uglfr-Septsi ways, aa Michigan Department o f Conservation supplying of road information and assistance when any of them or an y o f th e successors, COMMENCING THlSliSSUE L fn eri G ^ ^ officer lends hand with stalled automobile. An needed to out-state and Michigan motorists alike. devisees, leg a te es, or assign s, "sum dw d Liners Got R e s u i t s - » c OF THE CHELSEA STANDARD •os reside, or w hether ^ in terest as t-r-* Orville Cook, L evi Cooki The Bank of Washtenaw, M arshall , W. ^ Stevens, .Marshal- W. Steven s, Em ily RuthStevens, D ew itt W ait Steven s, D ew itt "W. Stevens, M arvin .Cadwell, guardian of Ruben M. (Stephens,' Reuben M.’ Stevens, E m ily R. Stephens, Martha Stephens, ; minors, Ruben M, Stephens, Em ily R Stephens, M artha E. Stephens, D ew itt W. Stephens,-D ew itt Wflrit Stephens, Bewit W. Stephens, Adam Schritar, Adam Schriten, Adam Schutan, Adam Sohraten, Adam Schrater,. John A. Schrater, J o h n 'F . Lawrence, John F. Laurence, and th eir unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, successors, and as signs, D efendants. '( Order fo r Publication , At a session of, said Court, held at the Court H ouse, in th e City o f Ann Arbor, in said C ounty, on the 26th day of August, A, D« 1939. Present: Honorable G eorge W. SamPie,„Circuit Judge. th ia ca u se it appearing by a Bill of Complaint duly verified, presented find filed and to the satisfaction, of the __£oupt, that the above named D e fendants and their unknown succee d s , heirs, devisees, leg a tees and as* ®Jgns, are necessary arid p ro p er p erties to the abbve entitled cause, and ere interested in the, subject m atter thereof, arid w hose nam es appear in “ e office of th e R egister o f D eeds for tho County o f W rishtenaw, as having, e t , some tim e, claim ed a righ t, title; interest or estate in the subject m at ter of said cause, or som e portion o f it, or as having a Hen or charge there on without having conveyed or re leased the sam e, and w h o m ig h t a t any time under the provisions or legal offeet of certain instrum ents or record/ in. .or _attem pt to claim , o r be en titled to claim benefits thereunder; ^ d 'it further appearing to the sa tisfaction o f the C ou rt th a t th e above named parties are dead or their wnereabouts-unknown to t h e , said any TO LOVE MARTHA GOOD SAMARITAN HINT-OF-THE-DAY IN EVERY ISSUE j g g g g P A Y , S E P T E M B E R a, 1939 T H E CHELSEA STANDARD. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN D akota, Dr. and Mrs. F . D . W alm sley j liam ston. Mrs. Mary Barber returned o f D etroit and Mr. and Mrs. B. R. ■hom e with them after . spending the 1 ,, Rev. and Mrs, W asson, daughter Van D e n o o r t o f Oak Park, 111. ■week t h e r e . * i Mr, and Mrs. A rthur W alz and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ramp left RELIEF, front fpot-punishing, stiffRhoda and Miss Annabelie Vicar,v artattending the United Brethren Con-; and Mrs. Lyle Walz and children vis* Thursday on a trip to the Black H ills - as-a-board* work shoos is easy. ited at the home o f Mrs. M aitha Glenn of North Dakota. ference at Grand Rapids this week. W O LVERINE SHELL H ORSE. j John Lehmann spent Saturday and There will be no church services or in Jackson on Sunday. H ID ES are so ft as old m occasins— Mr. and Mrs. Em ory Ituncimaiv v i s - ' Sunday with his son Roland'am i fa m am azingly com fortable— yet w ear Sunday school next Sunday. On Sun ited at the home o f ljlr^vFrancis Bar-' ily in M ichigan Center. like iron; Let us show you. Qual day, Oct. 1 all newly elected officers tig o f H enrietta on Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. Reuben J. Moeckel and will take charge. -8 ity Shoe Repair. * Mr. and Mrs. Camden and fam ily son Kenneth o f Stockbridge were Sun Miss Isabelle Hitchcock o f D etroit spent, the week-end w ith her parents, o f Jackson were Sunday visitors at i day even in g callers o f Mr. and Mrs. FOR S A L E — A -l Concord grapes. Pick your own, 00c per bu. E ast the Ed. Schulz home. '• T ■Milton A. Riethm iller and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Hitchcock. , side o f N orth Lake. R. Vergin, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra J. Moeckel a n d : Mrs. V ictor F. M oeck el., -Visitors during the p a s t 1 week at phone 116-F2. - 8, the Allan Hitchcock and. Louis Ramp 'daughter Odema spent Sunday with ? Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stafford, Mr. and home were August Ramp o f Lead, So. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Walz .\>f W il - 1 Mrs. Herbert Stafford and fam ily of FOR SA L E — Catsup bottles, case of D etroit spent Saturday and Sunday 2 dozen, fo r 25c. Kolb's R estaurwith Mr. and Mrs. D allas Stafford, . ant. « -8 Mr. and Mrs. John D ykem aster, Mr. and Mrs. V em Garfield and son COMING— The" 1040 Ford-M ercuryJackson “ spent Sunday with" their Lincoln Zeplyrr Models. W atch for m oth er, Mrs. Lizzie Beeman. fhom vamr them very ‘ 30OIL. Palllier Motor Mrs. Emanuel Walz ofVW illiamston 0 Sales. spent'M onday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra H ELP W A N T E D -2 men to work 5 J. Moeckel and M rs.'M ary; Barber. days^ and 2 'evenings w eekly until M r ., and Mrs. Victor F . Moeckel C hristm as; one retained perm a spent Sunday afternoon w ith Mrs. nently. W rite for particulars to B. M agdelene Lehmann v and daughter A. M cKay, 814 Packard, A nn A r Am ahda in Manchester. ■ , bor. _ . -0 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lovejoy of Jackson, Dr. H. H. Riecker a n d s o n s of: Ann Arbor spent Sunday w ith Mrs* FOR. SALEr-r-One young Durham cow, i fresh. W alter Mohrlock. . -8 Theresa Koelz. ■ Mr, and Mrs. Afidrus Taylor,'' Mr., FOR SAL! irapes, and grhpe juice. and M rsi-Leo Taylor, R oy-T aylor and Phone 202- <"‘3. Harold Eschelbach. friend o f Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. ■ -8 Francis Marsh and son o f Jackson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E l .FE R TIL IZ ER — A large supply Of m er M a r sh .' . 1 -Sacco fe r tiliz e r on - hand a t all Mr. and Mrs; Harold Barker, Mr. tim es. W ill deliver, G eorge J. and Mrs; Jack E lliott, M iss Eleanor Loeffler, p h t% 146-F21. -11 E lliott and V irgil Stevens o f Lincoln wL iiiaLr-E- -— R -D- E A L E| jit RS nf now n v » .... -? average vw-» -Hark1 w ete^Sunday dinner- g u ests c-f F U "oyer $27.50 weekly at start. Mar Mr. and Mrs! D allas Stafford. ried m an w ith, car, one raised on Mr. ahd Mrs. O rson 3 Beem an, Jr. farm preferred. Write Fuller Brush gave a lovely party for the second Co.. 506 RoeV Tnw»ty ■.n»trnjfc. for birthday o f their arm- Thnao present ^9 interview in Chelsea. were Mr. and Mrs. W eston Smith; T’S the beginning of a new school year. Thou Claude, D eE tta, LaVern Sm ith, Mr. sands upon thousands o f our beloved young atid Mrs.' P ete Carty, Helen Thrasher, FOR R ENT- -Sleeping room in modsters are making their way schoolward .through e m hom e. 189 -E .J3um m it^St.^ - 8 Red Ward o f Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. crowded streets—five days a week. Those in A lva Beem an and daughter Luelia, FOR SA L E — H olstein cow and calf, charge o f guarding their safety have done everyMrs. B um eton oT Stockbridge. • thing possible to protect the lives of. these chil or will trad e for youqg cattle. OsThe W aterloo ball team held a pic: _ c a r B a reist -on Dancer- co a d r ju st dren. T hey have, assigned special officers - to south o f Dexter-C helsea road ... - 8 school duty—slowed traffic in scboordistricts— . set up many types o f warnings to approaching R E S G U E D F R O M L iF E B O A T W A N TE D TO BU Y —Good used ty p e motorists ifrjchool blocks. . . , " i w riter and -adding—machine. B ert D ouglas -Miller— of-rAnn-Arborp who Although-the-automobileis k hooa to-mankind, F oster, phone 52 - 95. . 8 w as a passenger on the N orw egian it becomes an instrument-of destruction in the i freigh ter Ronda which was sunk~when: hands, o f a careless driver. With this in mind, CIDER M A K IN G every Tuesday and 1 it struck a m ine off the northern coast we urge yoii to be mindful o f the need.for extra Friday u n til further notice. Barrels o f The N etherlands, is a brother o f caution in driving through school districts.. and SjWeet cider for sale. Fred Koch* David M iller o f this place. H e ^ a s Remembcf, caution in driving, as well as mod Jerusalem . Phone_144-F21. 3tf one..of the fou r Am ericans who wereeration ia a ll things,~h a highly commendable at sea in a sm all lifeboat two days | F O R -R E N T -quality ome that- commands the^respect and— 'Without food., Mr. Miller, in com pany garage. N e w ly decorated. Electric 'admiration of your fellow men. So, once again :Wtth s a friend had-been^m akinjr'arbi and stoverT irW rD aT vf we say -^For T ¥eir ~Sakes_, . . ~Drive C arefullyf cycle tour o f Scotland, England and _cer,.-221 Jefferson- St. -8 F ra n ce^ PFEI FFER BREWING COMPANY FOR SA L E — 11 head White Faced '-* ■T ! .v. . " ljf ..—t- - ;-------.’— 7-i TIT '____ -Herecford ateers—grass fed. M erle * J l i i 'o i JAL-Uii lT/\f HOUfW ' v McVay, Fred Sager farm . Phone Mrs. Jacob Houk o f ^ B attle Creek 2044F5. ^ -8 died on Sunday night; Septem ber-V17. Funeral, services and interment" wdre CIDER M AKING— I will m ake cider i in B attle Creek on W ednesday a fte r every T uesday and Friday until fur-r, : no'on.1 ” M rs. Houk w as a form er resi ther notice. -W hiskey barrels and dent, o f Chelsea an^ was the m other sw eet cid er for sale. Clarence o f Mrs. A. R. Jones o f this place. ' Trinkle, phone'145-F 4. 4 tf Waterloo L IN E R COLUM N For T h eir S a k e s . . . I cataracts, p terygium s and treatm ent A P P L E S—M aiden * Blush, W ealthy, Snow* Jonathan, G rim es G olden, o f diseases o f th e eyes. Consult th e G reening, King, W inter Banana, occulist Dr. L. O. Gibson, Packard, D elicious—all No. 1 apples, Pick a t Hill, Ann Arbor. tf them yourself fo r 75c bu.; or $1.00 FOR RENT— Good 160 acre farm lo 1 delivered. Riker F ru it F arm . 7 tf cated ju st e a st o f Chelsea on south . side o f D exter road. Farm now oc r .BALDWIN GROUP M EETS cupied by Lionel Vickers. Inquire The Baldwin Group held th eir S e p a t farm; ___ __ ' ... -3 tem ber m eeting in th e church parlors SPE C IA L S— ’38 Ford and Chevrolet on Thursday afternoon. A short pro Tudors; ’85 and '8 6 Ford p ick u p s gram w as given. S ixteen m em bers Palm er Ford S ales, phone 77. 9 and g u e sts were present. D elicious home m a d e 1 ice cream and w afers FO R^SALE— Modern 6 -room, house; were served. The h ostesses were Mrs. ‘ bam , garage and poultry house. 3 Darwin Downer, Mrs. Paul B'elser and ,acre 8 _of_ ground, *with fr u it o f a ll Mrs. Ross' Munro. kinds. Located 3 m iles south o f Chelsea at 845J W aitrous Road Fred A. Gentner, phone 143-F11.' 8 FO R SA L E — Barn fram e affiT tlm , .bers.' Inquire a t H art’s Garage, -9 FO R „RENT—4-room apartm ent, w ith . all m odem conveniences. Schenk / A partm ents, phone 254-F13. 6tf IN V A SIO N OF ARM V o f Hunters w ill soon sta rt! Buy your "No H unting’’ sig n s a t the Chelsea - ’'"Standard /office. ’ -• ^ FOR SA LE— 100 of those b'eautifuT large E nglish W hite Leghorns at $1.00 each; also^ 70 two-year-ohi Leghorn hens a t 60c each. G. H "Allmendinger, South- Side Crooked Lake, ' . 8 lllg frirfl E le c tric R a n g e -E x p o s itio n - FOR S A L E -»A p p les, honey, vinegar and sw eet ciderr — N . W. Laird. Plrone~422^F2. . 2 tf MOBHXJAS, M obfloil, G reases, Blue F lam e K erosene, fu el oil, trsctor - fu el. Prom pt 'service. .; B u y th e b est! ,R. F . W enk, Distributor, phone 195. i 4tf W A N TE D —W orn-out horses, to be killed fo r theii* m e a t W e will not work them or se ll them alive. Call or w rite H itchcock & Ramp Mink Farm , R.- 8 , Gras s Lake. Phone __W aterIoo-7^Sl,— . ......— — — 4 9 t f H E A T R E3 AIR CONDITIONED A D M A T / n n n M u sic a l C om edy s t a r r in g B in g C rosb y, L o u ise L in d a -W a r e , N e d ’ S p a r k s, L a u r a TTope C rew s a n d W a ite? D a m ro sch . , ; N E W S ... C A R T O O N Sunday,Monday, Tuesday, Sept. 24-2fc?6 4 ^ e g e n d a iy M e lo d r a m a -sta r r in g L o u is H a y w a r d , Joan Benn e tt, W arren W illia m , J o se p h S c h ild k r a u t, A la n H ale and W a lter K m g s f o r d r ^ r .— ;— ~ ^ {~ The Three’Musketeers and the Immortal D'Artagnan re turn in the most amazing adventure in all history! . •> ~ ’1*’* 1* 1 1 . y ~ ■ ' ' —• ■ • - -- : • ■ ....... , .. 1 Wednesday and Thursday, September 27-28 --DOUBLE FE A T U R E - - ' and . ■ Made At Night” - A c tio n D r a m a , w it h P r e sto n .F o s te r , __Lyrni~Bari, ^ Russell G leason ; G e o r g e B a r b ie r . Floyd Boyce (Dixiq Service , Station), Agpnt Phone COLLECT, Chelsea 169 or Ann Arbor phone 22244 CENTRAL DEAD STOCK CO. Sund ay-—3 : 0 0 -c o n tin u o u s . T w o s h o w s th e rem ain d er of w e ek , s ja r tih g . 7 : 1 5 an d 9 :1 5 . A d m is sio n 10c and 25c. RED & W H ITE R E D & W H1TE R E D i t W H IT E RED d W H IT e T BEANS r ED & WHITE* T E M PL A R BANTAM CORN 1 cans BLOSSOM TIM E tomatoes N o. 2 cans T E M PL A R S W E E T W RINKLED PEAS No. 2 1 LOST— Boston bull dog, 6 months old. Finder please call D exter’s M arket; phone 132. *3 f t p STOCKBRIDGE LIVESTOCK SA LE EV ER Y T U E S D A Y — Tuesday, Septem ber 26 we have listed . 150 head o f sheep: Black t o p - e w e s , som e good young ones, feed er lambs, and bucks. Other livestock aU 6 . J. A. M itteer, M gr., R. H . M itteer, Auc„ tioneer.. ; „ . 8 and Economical! G R E E N & W HITE COFFEE GENERAL ® ) ELECTRIC L eigh 8 FOR S A L E — No. 1 re-cleaned tim oth y , seed*, $2.00 per bu. T h is year's abed. * K iingler Bros., phone 147-F4. -8 * * Chelsea, M k h . - C u t G reen o r W a x - FOR SA L E — 6 -room m odem house, located on W ashington S t Inquire o f Mrs. Blake F isher, 676 Bur roughs St., P lym outh, phone 381-W , or see Norm Grim wade. 10 r-........ 1 ----■ ■-- - ...... — 111 ....... F or exam ination of th e e y e s and xgla^ ses m ade to order, rem oval o f 2 can N'ACO 14 OZ. BOTTLE RED & WHITE TALL CA NS CATSUP ■BLUE AhWHITR GOLDEN BANTAM MILK CORN 3 ® 25c 4 for25c 2 2E1.2c.„J for 21c No. 2 O O a cans « O t TOMATOES BLOSSM CORN w^ ^ ^ ^ f p r l 8c COFFEE blue & w h ite ! ; lb. 23c TOMATO JUICE ARM0^ « » 3 for 25c G O Q D L U C K -* ™ ^ ^ I GLOVES LEATHER FACE—Lad(e^’ «l*«pjair 29c MAGIC WASHER washing 23c KIRK’S Hard Water Castile Soap fi 'b f t r S 25C L U X S o S P F la k e s Large Box each22c CAMAYToiletSoap . . . 4 bars 25c FOR SA LE— 5-yr.-old H olstein cow, to freshen first of November'. W al ter Mohrlock.—— -8 FOR S A L E — Tim othy seed. Luick, phone 156-F21. WHITE 0 FOR R E N T — 6 room house, 5 m iles south o f Chelsea; garage, chicken coop, eleotricity furnished. M ust have references. $20 month. W rite — Box^oT^OOTtJhfelSearStsmdartf. g Joia the swing to the electric ISttgerThe new G-E simplifies the fine art of good cooking— makes it easier to stay young. 25e H olm es FOR SA L E — Child’s bed, jum per, auto sw ing, gffiall w agon. Mrs. H enry ■Mohrlock, 764 South Main street. Phone 402. . . -8 Fast! Clean! B L U E and s t cm us 9- C O R N —RED and-WHITE—Whole-K^rner G. Bantam-No. 2 can 2 foT 27C B IN G S SUNSHINE —Fresh Round Butter Crackers 777. . lb . BOX 15C FOR SA L E — A few stew in g hens, B oy’s ’su if and topcoat. Call 43. - 8 INSTALLED RED & W HITE T H E » 4 3 lb. can SPRY LARGE BOX j51c We Deliver g a p A WHITE . ; M u sic a l C om edy .w ith B o b H op e, S h ir le y R o ss, U n a Merkel' G en e K ru p a, R u fe D a v is a n d B e r n a r d N e d e ll. . DEAD or AUVE! Farm animals cgU —lected promptly. Sunday service. FOR SA LE— Concord grapes, 50c bu. '^Pick-your-own. ,Mga—Edwr-RetaseL phone 315,... , 8 FO R SA L E — U sed crates. E s t a t e ,. 146. E. Middle St. " T h e Y a r d le y Telephone 413-W Standmrd Llaew—y^iy Friday and Saturday, September 22-23 FOR SA L E — N ew crop o f re-cleaned tim oth y seed. W idm ayer Brothers, Chelseai— — ^ ^ FOR SALE-r - 6 year old H olstein cow with c a lf 3 w eeks old; also Guernsey bull 16 "months old. Frank D. Sm ith, phone 193-F21. — -8 — [-EQR-SA L E — 1-9»6 1-E ssex coach4n-very good condittony— cheap. \W aterjop G arage, Glenn R entschler, Prop. - 8 with Lamp and Condiment Set MILLENBACH BROS. CO. Phone- Collect Ann Arbor Michigan’s Finest Small Town Theatre! ' W A N TE D — To buy boy’s used - bi cycle in good condition. Inquire o f — Wm.- G. Kolb. FOR_SALE— Sm all dining table; also 4-wheel chassis. Call ph on e'172. -8 - Sm all anim als removed free, r O H iy ~ H O R SES AN D COWS . $ 1 . 0 0 each CHELSEA, MICH. FOR SA LE—Choice Shropshire ram s, . and ram. lambs^ H ardscrabble F ruit F a n n L phone 262.F22. ______7 tf AUCTION Saturttey* Septem ber 23, at 1 p. m ., E. M ain' St., Grass Lake. TT F d m iture and antiques, In nice con dition. Mrs. Vfcrft Seeger. 3 R E D & W H ITE • ■• x• . ____ FOR- S A L E = - O np^young Guernseycow, fresh. W alter Mohrlock. -8 THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW R ange T WOOD FOR SA LE— A lso m arl at 25c a yard. Phone. 142-F23. . 6tf W ANTED-r-Job ~Ym" farm or as truck driver. EXperiehied. Call at F .'P . Fow ler farm , fifctet house north of Jerusalem> on Haist_road. ~ .8 M E A«»r0 ta* to tl» u t i cowim*. WAblTED-^-Old w om -ou t horses to be killed for their m eat. W ill not re sell or work them, A. W. Fahrner Mink Ranoh, Phone 872. *10 -- DITROIT, MICH. 1 4 £ . fo r dead livestock Phone HED A WHITE RED O WRTTIE P e p A WHITB ;\ 226 WHltg.