
Fall 2007
FA L L 2 0 0 7
Dear Readers,
I hope everyone is enjoying the Eid as much as I am.
With all the festivities, we are glad you have made
El Gouna your destination of choice for the holidays.
There is plenty to do while you are in town; check out
suggestions for the entire family with a book selection
for all ages and an activities spotlight on tennis and
horseback riding.
This issue also takes a more in-depth look at some
of the best sports and leisure activities available in
El Gouna, from diving and kitesurfing to all day island
Book Reviews
Sports: Tennis
Dine Around
trips. Be sure to make time for evenings out at the
suggested venues in the nightlife review—which
reminds me—don’t miss the Nancy Agram concert in
the marina... see you there!
Keem Schultz-Fares
Managing Director
8 Yalla! Let’s go horse riding!
10 Taking the Plunge
Managing Director: Keem Shultz-Fares
Production Manager: Shereen George
Account Executives: Paul M. Case, Rawda Wahid
Writers: Francoise Ohayon, Laurie M. Pierce,
Brian Wright.
Copy Editor: Laurie M. Pierce
Photography: Adel Ibrahim
El Gouna Magazine is published by Icon
Communications, S.A.E.
Discover El Gouna’s diving wonderworld.
16 Family Day on the Isles
Spend a truly unforgettable day exploring the natural beauty
of El Gouna's islands.
20 Kitesurfing
The up and coming crowd.
© All rights reserved. Reproduction in any
form is strictly prohibited without prior
consent from the publisher.
24 Nightlife Special: Sun is down and party is on!
We welcome your comments at:
(02) 303-4654 /8 or or (012) 749-3617
[email protected]
28 Getaway to Taba Heights
For advertising inquiries, please contact:
[email protected]
(012) 821-8782
34 Fasting and Celebration
Looking for something to do after hours? Read this guide.
Trip to El Gouna’s sister town in Sinai.
A look at the history of fasting and feasting.
36 Boat Show in the Marina
Abu Tig hosts Egypt’s first International Boat Show.
Le Deauville
A symbol of chic and art de vivre, Deauville is an internationally famed
seaside resort in northern France. In El Gouna, Le Deauville stands for
classic French cuisine in an elegant yet cozy atmosphere. Francoise
Ohayon is a regular guest at their table, for good reason.
Le Deauville was the first restaurant opened by Tarek Sharif
in El Gouna in 2000. In the following years, his company
Badaboum launched La Scala, Maison Thomas and the
Oriental Grill in El Gouna, in addition to several restaurants
in Cairo. Vacations spent in Normandy on a regular basis
inspired Tarek to open a classic French bistro. The Deauville's
decoration was undertaken by his wife Shahira Fahmy, a
successful interior designer from Cairo. Marine tones of blue,
beige and white are dominant and are both reminiscent of
classical Deauville postcards and perfectly fitting to Abu Tig
Marina. Vintage posters and old restaurant menus brought
from Deauville by the couple decorate the walls. Tarek's
personal photo collection of the French town is on display and
a careful observer might spot a couple of pictures featuring
his father, the famous Egyptian actor Omar Sharif.
In a Northern-French kitchen, ingredients such as mussels,
fish, butter and cream hold a place of choice. Chef Rikke
Anderssen explains that quality fresh ingredients are of
utmost importance at Le Deauville: “We are limited by what
we can find in Egypt, so we have to go broader and include
specialties of other French regions as well, with an accent
on sea products.” The restaurant has a good customer base
willing and able to pay for quality, and the Chefs will go to
great lengths to select the best possible ingredients that will
make it into their kitchen. “We are on the same page with
Tarek: you just don't cut corners if you want good results!”
exclaims Chef Rikke, who elaborates “we don't do cookiecutting; if I find a great product and I am satisfied with the
quality, I will buy it even if it costs more. If the difference is too
big to absorb, I will raise the price on the menu accordingly.”
The Chefs are working hard to keep a high quality level, and
they are succeeding. On a busy night, Le Deauville may count
up to 120 covers. The average tab amounts to approximately
LE 180 per person, including starter, main course, and half
a bottle of wine, which represents excellent value. Service
charge and applicable taxes are added to the bill.
Menus are changing with the seasons and depend on
the arrival of fresh produce. This particularity is reflected in
the presentation of the carte du jour, which is not printed on
paper but written on a chalkboard, thereby allowing frequent
updates. Some of the classics are always to be found at Le
Deauville, such as the veal “à la Normande”, consisting of
escalope, chops or t-bone depending on supplies, flambéed
with calvados, mushrooms and cream. I am a big fan of Le
Deauville's signature dish, the crevettes flambées au Pernod.
The shrimps are fried in butter, flambéed with anise liqueur,
and then cream is added, followed by lemon juice. If you are
as surprised as I was at hearing that you can mix cream and
lemon without making a disaster of it, the trick is to reduce
the cream first to increase its fat contents. “The secret lies in
chemistry” imparts Chef Rikke; I suddenly regret not paying
more attention on the school benches…
Other items regularly found on the menu include pâté
de foie de volaille, gratinated mussels, beef filet with green
pepper sauce or a rack of lamb with mustard sauce. For
dessert, meringues à la Niçoise (with fruits) are popular, and
Chef Alex's cheesecake is divine. The restaurant features a
very good selection of imported wines, cognacs, whiskies and
liqueurs. Here again, quality is offered at great value, with
French, Italian and Australian wines ranging between LE 185
and LE 300 per bottle. Champagne goes for LE 450 a bottle.
For a good sampling of the best produce found in the
kitchen, let Chef Alex Nyhus select a three- or five-course
menu for you. Our meal started with his favorite cocktail, a
Sidecar made of Cointreau, cognac and lemon juice, perfect
to clean the palate. We were then served a grilled goat
cheese salad with an Italian Chardonnay sparkling wine,
which was also wonderful for the terrine de foie gras d'oie that
followed. The goose foie gras was presented with oranges
confites, glazed onions with cinnamon, home-made fig jam
and aromatic salt, which could be combined at envy on crispy
toasts. Pure bliss on a plate!
After that, we enjoyed a basil-marinated beef carpaccio,
served with vinegar-marinated mushrooms and white truffle
oil, which my companion declared “stunning”. The carpaccio
was accompanied by a La Vida Egyptian wine that was
pleasant and light enough not to overpower the subtle taste
of the dish. As main course, I had the poisson à la Alex,
a bassa filet seasoned with herb butter, lemongrass, lime
pepper and coriander seeds, and served with a ruccola and
sun-dried tomato salad. My companion was presented with a
sole meunière and butter that enhanced the delicate taste of
the fish. The recommended French Cahors red wine, aged in
oak barrels, was fruity with a slightly spicy note and served at
the exact right temperature.
For dessert, my companion opted for crêpes caramel and
glazed apples complemented by a beautiful calvados. I indulged
in a sabayon au chocolat topped with black- and blueberry
spuma. Great attention was given to presentation throughout
the meal up until the end, with a caramel sauce dotted with
blueberry flowers to accompany the chocolate sabayon. An
excellent Port was a perfect conclusion to this sumptuous meal.
“Most stunning food I had in months, full of flavor and texture!”
was my companion's verdict. I couldn't agree more.
We felt in very good hands with Chef Alex, who cooks with
passion and spends time with patrons. Recommendations on
food and wine were excellent and the succession of plates
was timed precisely. “French cuisine is evolving to integrate
international influences” stated the Norwegian Chef, who
proved his point by offering us a rest course of salted and dried
reindeer heart and white goat cheese between starters and
main course. This exotic Scandinavian specialty turned out to
be a combination that worked well with the rest of the menu.
I particularly appreciate the ambiance at Le Deauville,
which manages to be both refined and unpretentious. “We
have regular guests who come all dressed up and make an
event of this night out, but also groups who casually come to
enjoy a good meal” says Chef Rikke. Whatever the occasion,
you can rest assured that a spectacular feast for the palate
awaits you at Le Deauville.
On the Shelf: Book Reviews
In these 2007 releases you'll find a fascinating glimpse of women's lives
in faraway Afghanistan, the story of a woman who cast away life as she
knew it and went to sea, and a resource that will help you open your
child's creative horizons. Enjoy!
Reviews by Laurie Pierce
A Thousand Splendid Suns
By Khaled Hosseini, Riverhead Hardcover (2007)
Hosseini's second book has been nearly as well-received
as his first novel, The Kiterunner. Set in 20th-century
Afghanistan, A Thousand Splendid Suns tells the life
stories of two Afghan women. Mariam, the illegitimate
daughter of a wealthy businessman from Herat, lives a
life of ill-fortune from birth.
Laila, two decades Mariam's junior, has a happier
childhood, but the tragedies of war wreak havoc on
her life, and she finds herself orphaned and alone
in adolescence. By a series of twists of fate, the two
women find themselves forced to marry the brutal
widower Rasheed, who beats both of them severely and
continually. Mariam and Laila form a strong alliance in
the face of such ill-treatment, and the novel climaxes
in a troubling event that ends in the death of one and a
brighter future for the other.
Unlike The Kiterunner, in which events take place in
the world of men, A Thousand Splendid Suns explores the
relationships between women. The novel is event- and
not character-driven, and Hosseini fails to fully develop
the emotional potential and complexity of his characters.
In spite of this, most readers will be moved by the way
the two women continually re-evaluate their relationship
with each other, with their deceased mothers, and with
the world around them.
Some of the novel's twists and turns are implausible at
best, and I found it unrealistic that Hosseini's characters,
after their marriage, seem to live in a vacuum despite
being part of a society where neighborhood and extended
family interaction is highly valued. The author's skill
as a storyteller, however, is unquestionable, and his
glimpses into Afghan life are much more informative
to his readership than the war-related news clips that
otherwise are their only glimpse into the culture of this
fascinating country.
The Cure for Anything is Salt Water
By Mary South, HarperCollins (2007)
At any given time, El Gouna's Abu Tig Marina serves as
a mooring place for several dozen visitor yachts. The
stories of these yachts' owners are as varied as the
countries they call home, but most have in common that
they left their old lives behind and went to sea.
Mary South's book, subtitled How I Threw My Life
Overboard and Found Happiness at Sea, tells such a
story. The author, as the subtitle suggests, certainly
threw her life overboard resigning from a posh editorial
job, selling her home, and buying a boat. However, the
“at sea” part of the title is a little misleading, since the
journey described in the book spans a mere three week
period during which South piloted her trawler up the
Atlantic coast of the United States.
As I read the book I kept waiting for something more
to happen, but I admit that my expectations (shark and
pirate attacks, circumnavigations of the globe) might have
been unrealistic. Adventure isn't completely lacking from
the book: South and her companion weather more than
their fair share of nasty storms on their way up the coast,
and her descriptions of these storms make good reading.
However, I found the lengthy passages detailing her
craft and the ins and outs of captaining it to be a bit dull,
though they might interest the more nautically-inclined.
The author's reflections on her personal life are more
interesting, and I thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful glimpses
into her childhood and the poignant observations of her
early relationships. Mary South, one feels, would make a
wonderful friend. (For some reason, though, descriptions
of her later relationships fell flat).
I enjoyed the personal aspects of the book, but I found
myself waiting for (but not finding) the profound insights
into life that supposedly come to those who go to sea.
Again, perhaps my expectations were too high. In the end
I don't know that the book was worth my time, but I ended
it with the feeling that knowing Mary South would be.
electronic entertainment is fine in moderation, in excess
it contributes to child obesity, isolates children, and limits
their creativity.
The book's short preface speaks of the problems
associated with electronic entertainment, but the bulk
of the 400-page volume is devoted to a mind-boggling
array of play alternatives that meet the needs both of
children and their (often tired and harried) parents.
All forms of play in the book were tested on children.
“When the kids rejected a game or an activity,” says the
author, “I rejected it too. When a game inspired them
to come up with a variation on their own, I appropriated
their invention.”
Unplugged Play is divided into three sections. The first
has games and activities suited for one and two-year-olds,
the second is for ages three to five, and the third is for
ages six to ten. Most helpfully, each section is subdivided
into activities that are suited to solo play, parent and child
play, play with other children, or large group play. The
section on solo play for toddlers was especially helpful to
me, because as a mother who works from home I need
plenty of activities for my daughter to do on her own as
well as activities that she and I can do together.
The book ends with a first appendix called “Family
Game Night,” and a second called “The Well-Stocked Toy
Cupboard.” I can't recommend this book highly enough
for parents. Some of the activities will not suit your
child, family or lifestyle, but others are sure to give your
children (and you) delight for hours.
Unplugged Play
By Bobbi Connor, Workman Publishing Company (2007)
After our last move, which involved lugging an obscene
number of heavy boxes up two flights of stairs, I swore
off my habit of collecting books. These days I'm prone
to give a book away as soon as I read it or, better yet,
simply return it to the library or friend I borrowed it from.
Unplugged Play is one of a few exceptions because, as a
parent, I'd be unwise to let it leave my shelf.
In Unplugged Play Bobbi Connor, who served for two
decades as host of the popular American radio show
The Parent's Journal, provides parents with a treasury
of over 700 games and activities for children ages one
to ten. And not a single one of these options requires
a game console, electricity, or batteries. What, you
may ask, is wrong with children watching television
or playing video games? Connor answers that while
Let's go
horse riding!
Yalla Horse Stable, a distinctive feature of
El Gouna's recreational offering, promises
fun and adventure to animal-lovers of all
ages. Yalla caters to a wide range of horse
enthusiasts, from those who wish merely
to give a beautiful animal a friendly pat to
those who yearn for a wild gallop on the
beach. Whether you admire the animals
as you pass by, take a carriage tour of
El Gouna, or embark upon a camel ride
into the desert, the Yalla experience is
guaranteed to add countryside flair to your
El Gouna stay. By Francoise Ohayon
In the year 2000, long-time El Gouna resident Dolly Gallo
Mostafa opened Yalla Horse Stable under Swiss management.
Today, the stables are home to seven Arabic-cross horses
including a foal, a family of three donkeys, two camels, a pony
and a dog. Two new arrivals were celebrated this year: the foal
Sapphire was born on January 10, followed by baby donkey
Junior on February 20, 2007. The little stallion is as black as
the baby donkey is snow-white, and the two make quite a pair
when freed to run around the stables!
A friendly pony is available to take the smallest equestrians
for short tours. There is no minimum age requirement, and
Dolly is fond of saying that she knows children who sat
on a pony before they could walk. Safety is a top priority,
and beginners and children are led with a rope. The stable
provides riding hats and advises guests to wear long trousers
and closed shoes. “We check that people can manage before
setting off for a ride, and we always send a guide with them,”
said Mostafa. Children can begin proper horseback riding at
age eight or nine, and depending on their experience level, the
riding may include trotting and galloping. Promenades to the
beach take one to three hours, and a trip to El Gouna's oasis
takes four hours and includes a tea break with the Bedouins.
Trips can be done by horse or by camel; horses can carry a
weight of up to 100 kg, while camels are strong enough to
carry two riders.
Sightseeing trips with horse-drawn carriages are popular
and can accommodate up to eight passengers at a time. For
a more romantic version, a sulky can be had that seats two
persons. A tiny carriage made specially for kids is drawn by
the donkey. For a unique experience, try the sunrise package:
a carriage will pick you up from your hotel and drive you to the
beach, where you can ride a horse or a camel while enjoying
the spectacular Red Sea sunrise.
“People keep coming back year after year, especially
families with kids,” explained Dolly with pride. “It's every girl's
dream to ride a beautiful horse on the beach,” she added.
Residents and visitors are invited to pass by and say hello.
Bring apples, carrots or dried bread to feed the animals, and
you will have four-legged friends for life - or at least for the
duration of your vacation in El Gouna!
Yalla Horse Stable is located on the road to Abu Tig
Marina, opposite the go-kart track, and it is open daily from
sunrise to sunset. Advance reservation advisable. ext 2344,
www.yallahorses.ch.vu, [email protected]
Photo: Khaled Mahmoud, TGI
Taking the Plunge in El Gouna
Not all explorers of the underwater realm are patented frogmen:
today's disciples of Cousteau come in different ages, physical
conditions, and levels of experience. By Francoise Ohayon
1 0
Scuba diving gives us otherwise landbound human beings the incredible
opportunity to explore a different
world and discover new sensations.
Granted, the weird contraptions on
your back, the Jaws-inspired fears,
and the idea of breathing out of a tin
might be off-putting. But if you can
look past all that, the rewards are
immense. When you enter the water,
you connect with your environment
in completely unexpected ways. You
move effortlessly and weightlessly
through your surroundings (ok, so
this couldn't be farther from the truth
when you're fumbling awkwardly
Mohamed Adel, Dive Tribe
around with your weight belt on the
boat deck, but be patient: this too
shall pass). Once you get up close and personal with the
weird and wonderful life under the sea, you'll find yourself
hooked on compressed air and salt water.
On my very first dive, I wasn't thrilled to be at the mercy
of strange equipment and another person who (hopefully)
knew how to make it all work. On the other hand, my desire
to be in control of the experience was a great incentive to
get a proper diving education. Dive schools worldwide follow
a variety of teaching systems, the most common of which is
through the international Professional Association of Diving
Instructors (PADI). All dive centers in El Gouna offer PADI
courses, and some of them also teach according to other
standards including CMAS/FFESSM and Barracuda. The
PADI Discover Scuba Diving program is convenient for the
beginner who simply wishes to try the sport. This program
offers regular intro dives, and if the individual later decides
to pursue diving further, the skills learned can be credited
towards PADI Open Water Diver certification.
Most people, however, start directly with the Open Water
Diver course, which lays out the nuts and bolts of scuba
diving. This course begins with lessons on how pressure
affects your body, what to consider when planning dives, and
other related material. Remember those physics lessons you
slept through during high school? Here's your chance to catch
up! Beginners needn't worry: the theory is very accessible,
and short quizzes help confirm your mastery of key concepts
and ideas. Basic diving skills ranging from gear set-up to how
to get water out of your mask without surfacing are taught in
confined dives in a swimming pool, and emergency skills,
like sharing air, are also taught. After mastering the basics,
you graduate to open water dives, where you practice your
newly acquired skills and fully experience the underwater
realm. The Open Water Diver program can be completed in
as few as three or four days, and it takes you from complete
novice to a skill level where you can dive safely with a group
or partner of the same level.
Open Water Diver certification is only the beginning.
Afterwards you have the chance of further developing your
skills through the Advanced Open Water Diver program
and a wide range of specialty diver courses. Depending
Mohamed Adel, Dive Tribe
on your individual
preferences, you
can choose a
specialty course
in the technicalities
of underwater
Khaled Mahmoud, TGI
navigation, peak
buoyancy or enriched air diving. Less
technical, more recreational options
include courses that teach one to be
an underwater photographer, cavern
diver, or underwater naturalist. For my
part, I enjoy wreck diving, night dives
and drift diving (why kick your way
ahead when the current can drag you
Khaled Mahmoud, TGI
Khaled Mahmoud, TGI
Once you have your certification, it's time to take the plunge!
Here are some insider tips on the best dive sites around
El Gouna. For an easy dive, Jill Falkous, instructor and
administrative employee at TGI Diving, suggests Erg Abu
Nugar (Shaab Iris), a shallow coral garden. “During this dive,
you should pay attention to detail” she explains. “You can
see many kinds of nudibranchs, as well as scorpion fish and
the strange 'Red Sea walkman' [which doesn't play music
but strolls about on his fins instead].” Falkous remarks that
Dive Tribe
Dive Tribe
a large variety of sea life can be seen on this dive, citing the
glassfish that swim around the blocks, which in turn attract
jackfish. Often a large moray can be spotted tucked in close
to the blocks, taking time out while cleaner shrimps give it
the once-over. Turtles can be found munching on soft corals
in the surrounding coral garden, and the occasional diver is
lucky enough to see an eagle ray or even a leopard shark.
“This dive ranks as one of my favorites, because even on an
average day there is much to see,” says Jill.
Mohammed Adel's preferred dive site is El Gilwa, on the
south side of Big Syoul Island. The Dive Tribe's operation
manager finds conditions at El Gilwa perfect for creating the
lively compositions he seeks to capture on film as an avid
underwater photographer. “From the very first moment you
Most dive schools are prepared to accommodate divers
with special needs, but some have gone the extra mile
to develop a range of facilities specifically tailored for the
diver with physical challenges:
TGI Diving: The diving center, boat jetty, surrounding
pathways within Sheraton Miramar and dive boat are
wheelchair accessible. Sufficient space is available to
maneuver on board, and several staff members have
experience with disabled divers.
Easy Divers: This dive school welcomes groups of
handicapped divers every year, and staff are trained to
assist disabled divers, even those not accompanied by
their own guide. One of the center's boats is adapted for
reduced-mobility guests and is wheelchair-accessible.
The Dive Tribe: The only SDI (Scuba Diving International)
“Scubility” center in El Gouna, the school has three
fully qualified “Scubility” instructors, a wheelchair-friendly
diving center and a wheelchair accessible dive boat. The
Moevenpick is a disabled-friendly hotel that offers several
fitted rooms close to the diving center.
1 2
put your face in the water, you spot some massive
table corals standing outside the reef and surrounded
by many kinds of fish,” he relates. Further down, says
Mohammed, is a sand slope where a quiet, slow
approach sometimes affords the diver a glimpse at one of
the shyest residents of the reef: the leopard shark. At the
end of the dive Mohammed enjoys exploring every inch of a
coral block he calls an underwater city. “It is amazing how fish
defend their territory, and how everything bonds together,” he
A well-kept secret - at least until now - is Small Gobal,
also called Bluff Point. This dive is a favorite for Serge
Albert, manager of Easy Divers Academy. The site features
two wrecks and a beautiful reef. The first wreck is a small
boat lying in the lagoon at about 15 meters, and it makes an
interesting site for night dives. The other wreck, the Ulysses,
was a steamboat of about 100 meters carrying cables for
the Bombay/London Telegraph line and bound for Penang,
India. The ship sank in the late 1800s, probably due to a
navigation error. “It is amazing to see how marine life has
made the wreck its own. Crocodile fishes, trigger fishes,
anthias and lots of other species dwell within, and hard and
soft corals also create a beautiful underwater architecture,”
relates Serge. His advice is to spend 20-30 minutes on
the Ulysses and, conditions allowing, finish the dive in drift
towards Bluff Point, as the current can be strong. “Seeing
morays, anemonae, clown fish, lion fish, and perhaps turtles,
Napoleon fish and dolphins will make your day,” says Albert.
Nominated by many experts as an all-time favorite wreck
dive, the Rosalie Moeller is a challenging dive reserved
to advanced divers due to its depth. The British merchant
ship loaded with coal was sunk during World War II and lies
upright and in pristine condition on the sandy bottom. “The
lower than average visibility gives a misty, almost haunted,
feel to the dive, and you cannot help but be impressed by
this beautiful wreck,” says Jill Falkous. Sometimes it is hard
to see the ship itself for all the glassfish circling around. Jacks
and tuna sweep in to pick off an easy meal, huge lion fish
can be found patrolling the decks, and a careful eye can spot
some beautiful nudibranchs and other small creatures. “This
is definitely one of the nicest wrecks of the Red Sea, with an
amazing fish life to observe,” agrees Niko Baumann, owner
of the Dive Connection.
It's almost never too early to begin diving, thanks to special
programs geared towards children. The PADI Bubblemaker
program is a fun and safe way for youngsters age eight
and above to join in the family fun of scuba diving. Children
should have confidence and ability in the water, but they don't
have to be excellent swimmers, since the maximum depth is
only two meters. The PADI Seal Team is for young divers who
are looking for action-packed fun. In this program, divers go
on exciting "Aqua Missions" in a pool that involve diving with
flashlights, taking digital underwater pictures, and floating
effortlessly like an astronaut.
These programs allow children to have fun in the pool and
meet friends as they learn the skills needed to navigate the
underwater world. Certification courses are also available
for older children and teens. The Junior Open Water Diver
program is open to children age ten and above, and teens
15 years and older may take the standard Open Water Diver
course. Kimo, the young son of Jill Falkous and Khaled
Mahmoud of TGI Divers, is a perfect example of the next
generation of underwater explorers. The four-year-old is
already a proficient snorkeler, and he declares that he “can't
wait to go see the fish!”
In recent years PADI has partnered with the National
Geographic Society to develop a new learning program: the
National Geographic Diver. Designed for both the beginner
and the experienced diver, the National Geographic Diver
program helps those interested in undersea adventure to
discover, study, and enjoy the underwater world with the eye
of a scientist or explorer-no science degree required!
Depending on the individual diver's level, the National
Geographic Diver program can be coupled with the PADI Open
Water Diver program for beginners, or followed by certified
divers as a stand-alone course in the form of a National
Geographic Portal. The program comprises a classroom
educational session followed by practical exercises in the
areas of navigation, buoyancy and species identification, as
well as an exploration project to be completed during a dive.
It promises to take a diver's skills to a new level by providing
them the chance to learn from new adventures, explorations
and conservation opportunities.
This program went international in 2005, and 11 National
Geographic Dive Centers have been registered in Egypt to
date. Only one has its home in El Gouna, and that center is
the Dive Tribe.
The opportunity to explore the underwater realm surrounding
El Gouna is also extended to guests with reduced mobility.
Many persons with physical challenges can easily learn
the skill set necessary for diving, though more space and
time is often required. Adapted equipment is available, but
most disabled divers do not need highly specialized gear.
Many physically challenged people are able to complete a
standard scuba diver course with minor adjustments made as
necessary, depending on the type of disability. As is the case
Helen Chambers
The Whale Shark Awareness Red Sea Project, in
collaboration with PADI Project Aware, is on a mission
to collect information to assist researchers who want to
learn more about whale sharks. Sightings of the gentle
giant cruising through Red Sea waters have increased
in the past few months, including in El Gouna, an Easy
Divers' staff member relates that a whale shark has
been spotted by the dive center's guide and snorkeling
The Whale Shark Awareness project aims to
educate divers and snorkelers about this fascinating
creature, and organizers encourage people to
report their sightings to the Whale Shark Photo
Identification Library. In this way divers can contribute
vital information to researchers studying whale shark
migrations. Such study is essential to the protection
of these huge and harmless fish, which have been
labeled “vulnerable to extinction.”
The Photo Identification Library uses a special
computerized technique to identify individual whales
by their skin spots. Divers can help by sending in
photographs of the left and right sides of the whale
shark above the pectoral fins near the gills. The
Photo Identification Library has formally identified
five new Red Sea whale sharks since November
2006, bringing the total count of individual sharks
identified in the Red Sea to ten. However, the
number of encounters suggests that there could be
more. The total number of recorded whale shark
encounters worldwide stands at 3,853, with only 860
individual fish identified. Every effort counts!
Have you seen a whale shark in the Red Sea?
Want to learn more? Call +20 11 192 6898 or write
to [email protected] with details, the
Whale Shark Awareness Red Sea Project would like
to know as much as possible about your encounter.
1 3
for anyone who seeks diving certification, a medical questionnaire
must be completed at the outset. Divers suffering a handicap are
required to produce a medical certificate stating that they are fit to
dive. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, it is advisable to get
in touch with the dive center of your choice and discuss individual
needs in advance.
Dive Tribe
Long-time El Gouna residents Gijs Roozendaal of the Netherlands and
Christine Yossef of Egypt were treated to a surprise underwater wedding organized by friends at the Dive Tribe and TGI Diving.
Family and friends dressed as Neptune and mermaids awaited the unsuspecting couple at the bottom, and laminated slates
inscribed with phrases like “Do you take this man/woman?” were used to perform the ceremony, which ended with a bubbly kiss of
the bride. The event, although unofficial, remains a cherished memory for the newlyweds. Another non-legally-binding underwater
wedding was organized by the Dive Connection last May. In addition, TGI Diving staff have witnessed several underwater
proposals. Their stories don't reveal whether the grooms-to-be got down on one fin at the bottom…
Blue Brothers: PADI, CMAS and Barracuda courses
in English, German and Arabic. Snorkeling is also
offered. TTC Ocean View, ext 77975
Colona: PADI courses in English, Swedish,
Norwegian and Danish. Snorkeling is also offered.
TTC Rihana, ext 300 or 2221
Dive Trek: PADI, CMAS and FFESSM courses in
English, German and French. Snorkeling is also
offered. Sultan Bey, ext 2381
Easy Divers: PADI and CMAS courses in English,
German, French, Flemish, Italian, Spanish and
Arabic. Snorkeling, glass-bottom boat and fishing
trips are also offered.
TTC Rihana, ext 2327
Euro Divers: PADI courses in English, German,
French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic.
Only accepts Club Med guests, ext 10
Orca: PADI and CMAS
courses in English, German,
French, Italian, Spanish and
Arabic. Snorkeling is also
offered. Turtle's Inn, mob
012 248 0460
TGI Diving: PADI courses
in English, German, French,
Dive Tribe
Dutch, Italian and Arabic.
Snorkeling, pedalos, canoes, windsurfing and glassbottom boat are also offered. Sheraton, ext 19
The Dive Connection: PADI courses in English,
German, French and Dutch. Snorkeling, pedalos,
canoes, windsurfing and glass-bottom boat are also
offered. Panorama, ext 4100
The Dive Tribe: PADI courses in English, German,
French and Arabic. Snorkeling, canoes, pedalos,
windsurfing, speedboat rental with captain,
kitesurfing and Zego also offered. Moevenpick,
ext 36
Abu Nuhas: Medium/Advanced level, depending on
weather conditions. This famous ship graveyard has great
coral life and more ships than any other site in the area,
inclusing the Ghiannis D, Carnatic, Chrisola K and Kimon
M. Distance: 2.5 hrs
Shabaha: Medium/Advanced level. This site has a small
free-standing reef. The north side offers layers of table corals
coming out of the reef wall. The south side is a wonderful
coral garden where lobsters are common. Shabaha is ideal
for night dives and photography. Note: current can be strong.
Distance: 1 hr
Blind Reef: Medium/Advanced level. The north plateau of
Blind Reef is populated by red-tooth triggerfish and African
smoke angelfish. Glassfish are also present in all the caves
and crevices, and white tip sharks can be seen on the dark
side of this reef. Distance: 2 hrs
Gota Abu Galawa North: Medium level. This site's impressive
coral garden sports barracuda, octopus and solefish. Triton
shells can often be seen. Distance: 1 hr
Shaab El Erg (Dolphin House): Beginner/Medium level.
Dolphins are this site's main attraction, and the fusiliers,
silversides, turtles and napoleon wrasses are also worth
seeing. Note: current can be strong in the channel.
Distance: 1 hr
Thistlegorm: Medium/Advanced level, depending on the
current. Sunk by German aircraft in 1941, this freighter's cargo
is still virtually intact and includes railway locomotives, bren
gun carriers, trucks, motorcycles and a host of ammunition.
The wreck is home to bat fish, jacks, barracudas, surgeon fish,
nudibranchs and rabbit fish grazing the hull. The wreck can
only be visited by safari boats. Distance: 3.5 hrs
Rosalie Moller: Advanced level. Bombed just two days after
the Thistlegorm, this sunken wreck is in pristine condition and
serves as home to prolific fish life and a magnificent array of
hard and soft corals. The Rosalie is a deep dive (over 30m to
the deck), and thus it is less crowded than other wreck sites in
the area. Distance: 1.5 hrs
1 4
Family Day on the Isles
More and more families have escaped the rat race and come to live
life as it should be in El Gouna. They build up businesses in town, send
their kids to El Gouna schools, and become full-fledged members of the
community. They also take advantage of the many opportunities this
Red Sea town affords its residents, including day trips by boat to
explore the seas and islands nearby. Our magazine's Francoise Ohayon
recently accompanied two families on a day out at sea.
“Abu Tig Marina, this is Serendipity going out for the day!”
After radioing this message, we set sail. I was delighted to be
invited along on the day's sail to nearby deserted islands, and
I was eager to see what the day would hold. The morning's
first order of business was to cruise by the platform in front of
Club Med, where osprey can often be spotted. As hoped, a
couple of the majestic sea eagles were perched on a beacon,
and we ventured as close as the treacherous reef right below
1 6
the surface of the sea permitted. We could see a nest, left
over from the last breeding season, atop an umbrella on the
platform. According to our host Thomas Rach, the ospreys
are likely to occupy the nest again, and he regularly checks
out their favorite spot in hopes of catching a glimpse of the
next generation in the making.
After watching the sea eagles our party set off for Tawila,
a popular destination for day trips departing from El Gouna.
Photos by Adel Ibrahim
Although the Serendipity has a maximum speed of 35 knots,
we cruised along at a leisurely 8 knots (approximately 15
km/hour) as the kids played on the sundeck and the adults
conversed quietly at the back. The best thing about this mode
of conveyance is that the journey is as enjoyable as the
destination. Thomas has practiced his navigation skills well
and found his way easily between the shallow reefs.
He has shared ownership of the boat for two years, and he
explained that in the beginning he and his family sailed with
an experienced local captain to learn the waypoints. Rach is
employed by a software company in Germany and commutes
to his job on a regular basis while his wife, Claudia, owner
of El Gouna's Sun and Moon Boutique, stays behind with
the children. The boat, a 28-foot Regal speedboat, was
purchased in Florida, USA, and shipped to Egypt. “It took
more than eight months to get it here,” recalled Thomas, “but
it was well worth it.”
Our day lived up to the boat's name, with serendipity
striking when we came upon a pod of bottlenose dolphins.
The animals glided effortlessly along the bow and escorted
us for a while. From time to time one would roll over onto its
side and appeared to look us right in the eye. It was tempting
to slip on the snorkeling gear and jump into the water, but
we were advised against it: the dolphin group included two
babies, and adults are likely to get protective under those
circumstances. Nonetheless, the dolphin encounter was as
exciting for the parents as it was for the children.
Soon thereafter, Tawila came into view. Tawila's small
beaches, interspaced by boulders, make perfect coves,
providing a degree of privacy even on busy days. The
location, sheltered from the wind, offers easy anchorage, and
boats can be pulled in as close as five meters to the shore.
Tawila's shallow sandy beaches are perfect for swimming,
and it wasn't long before the kids were off to explore the
surroundings. Many a colorful shell and hermit crab were
admired, but we adhered to the old axiom and took nothing
but photos and left nothing but footprints.
As the younger crew members splashed happily around
For those of us who don't yet own a boat, yachts are
available for charter (with captain):
CBS Yachting has boats for charters and fishing trips.
(Abu Tig Marina, ext 77910)
The Galatea can be chartered for organized day trips
and tailor-made excursions. (Abu Tig Marina, mob 012
228 2218)
Wanna I is availably for over day as well as fishing and
snorkeling excursions. (Abydos Marina, mob 012 774
The Dive Tribe has an Italian-style launch that can be
chartered for day trips or sunset champagne cruises.
(Moevenpick, ext 36)
The Abu Tig Marina office can direct interested parties
to appropriate services. (ext 2249)
1 7
Several of El Gouna's restaurants will prepack snacks and meals for day trips. On our
day out, we enjoyed Armenian finger foods
from Garo's.
The selection included oregano manaish
(vegetarian mini-pizzas flavored with herbs),
beef and cheese beoreg (a kind of samosa),
and sweet tahini (sesame paste) bread, all of
which are great warm or cold.
Garo's serves Lebanese and Armenian
snacks. Downtown El Balad, ext 2448
The Moevenpick's Food & Beverage
department offers lunch boxes to order.
ext 36
Maison Thomas offers an array of
sandwiches and choice cuts of meat.
Abu Tig Marina, ext 77906
7th Star has a wide selection of baked goods,
sandwiches and pastries for your picnic
basket. Abu Tig, ext 77972
Le Deauville will clean and cook to order
your catch of the day. Abu Tig Marina, mob
012 239 8525
1 8
the boat, the grownups settled down and enjoyed an
aperitif. A delicious Californian rose wine and finger foods
complemented the view of arid island and turquoise sea.
Later, as lunchtime approached, a portable grill was put
together on the beach, and the aroma of German sausages
and juicy steaks soon filled the breeze. We sampled the
delicious food casually on the beach or even sitting in the
water, trying to stay cool on the hot summer day. These island
aficionados have developed their very own dishwashing
technique, which consists of playing frisbee with the plastic
plates until the dishes are clean or they players are tiredwhichever comes first!
After a long day in the sun, the group was tired and ready
to move on. On our way back we took full advantage of the
boat's powerful engine and glided at high speed over the
smooth water towards Bayout, where we embarked on a
quick snorkeling expedition. This shallow sandbank in the
middle of the sea is a favorite destination from El Gouna and
can be reached from the town in as little as five or ten minutes, depending on the speed of the boat. The well-spaced
patches of coral on the sandy bottom may look unimpressive
at first, but surprising discoveries await the careful eye. Pairs
of colorful nudibranchs (a.k.a. sea slugs or marine snails) and
pipefish (a tube-like fish of the seahorse family) can be seen
there. The shallowness of the site allows up-close observation of marine life, while the sandy bottom makes it easy for
kids to stand up without risking injury to themselves or damage to the reef.
We sailed into El Gouna and radioed Abu Tig Marina that
the Serendipity had returned. The deckhands tied up the boat
securely, and the island trip came to an end. The two families' day hadn't ended, however, and they shared a round of
drinks on the shaded terrace of the marina promenade. “We
always invite acquaintances out on the boat,” say Thomas.
“It's a great way to get to know people, and we've made lots
of friends this way here in our new hometown.”
Kitesurfing: The Next Generation
Meet the up-and-comers on the kiteboarding scene who find El Gouna
their favorite place to train for the sport. By Francoise Ohayon
El Gouna has made a name for itself as a world-class kite
destination by becoming the favorite training spot of championship kitesurfers like Kristen Boese, who won the title of world
champion in both 2005 and 2006. Now, a new generation of
kiteboarders is coming on to the scene. Many of the sport's
youngest enthusiasts are making professional grade even
before finishing secondary school, and with its prime location
and first-rate kite schools, El Gouna has become a breeding ground for the next generation of championship kiters.
El Gouna Magazine caught up with some of the new blood
between training sessions in the water and doing homework
on the beach.
Sebastian Bubmann - Germany
This 19-year-old finished his A-levels and couldn't wait for
2 0
school to end in June. “I decided it would be senseless to sit
around in school and look out the window at the grayness,”
said Sebastian, “so I packed in my homework and booked
a flight to Hurghada and a room at the Captain's Inn in El
Gouna. The flights are pretty cheap, and with only four hours
of flying time and a one-hour time difference between Egypt
and Germany, it's easily doable,” he explained. Sebastian was
favorably impressed with the destination as a whole: “When I
arrived, I was surprised by the size of El Gouna. Compared to
other spots in Egypt, there is a lot going on, and you can meet
many nice people and even have some parties.”
For his training, Bubmann chose Kiteboarding Club El
Gouna on Buzzha Beach, which had been recommended by
one of his sponsors, the equipment manufacturer Flysurfer.
Sebastian praises the spot's configuration. “You can find any-
Sebastian Bubmann photos courtesy
Kiteboarding Club El Gouna
thing from groundswell at
the outside to choppy or
flat water in the hip-deep
lagoon.” He also spoke highly of the weather conditions, saying that the wind was suitable each day for a kite between
10 and 12 square meters. This is ideal for training purposes,
since the kitesurfer can choose a kite that is neither too big nor
too small. Sebastian has fun even when he isn't kitesurfing,
and enjoyed time spent at the Club. “Those of you who think
you can play kicker [table soccer] should try playing against
Thomas Beckmann [owner of the Kiteboarding Club] and his
friends sometime,” exclaimed Sebastian.
Bubmann calls himself a pro, and he explained that a kiter
can hope to make a living at the sport once he or she becomes
sufficiently well-known in the scene. “It isn't all about competitions,” he explained. “Being present in the media is almost
more important.” Sebastian's list of achievements is already
impressive. He began competing in 2002 and won the title of
Junior World Champion at Snowkite in both 2004 and 2005.
Then, in 2006, he was named German Kitesurfing Champion.
This year he is set to participate in the entire German tour as
well as several of the World Tour stops. In between competitions, he plans to return to El Gouna as often as possible.
Silvester Ruckdaeschel - Germany
Inspired by kiters he saw on the beach at Tarifa, near the
Spanish town of Marbella he calls home, Silvester started
practicing the sport at age 15. “The first day I stood on a
board, I knew that this is what I wanted to do,” he exclaimed.
Ruckdaeschel began taking part in open competitions one year
later and won the title of German Junior Champion in 2004. In
2005 he was named German Champion. His 2006 season suffered as the result of a bout with appendicitis, but Silvester was
still able to shoot a video for the magazine Stance: Kiteboarding
Attitude (www.stance.fr).
Ruckdaeschel prefers video shooting to competition but
continues to compete, since he still wants to show that he can
“ride better than the next guy.” In El Gouna Silvester trained at
Kiteboarding Club, and his blog chronicled his time in the town.
In an entry entitled “El Gouna, it's blowing!” he writes, “So this
is my 11th day in El Gouna, I ride my 8m Impact and 9m Tribal
almost every day, only had one calm day, wicked! Yesterday
we started to record some moves, got some funny bails, today
I learned something new, gotta see it on vid!” Keep track of
Silvester's kitesurfing adventures at http://silvesterr.com/.
At 19 years of age, Silvester describes himself as someone
who studies but is also a professional kiter. The youth already
makes a living at the sport, and at the same time he stud-
ies for the German
Abitur via distance
learning. His advice
to young kiters is “stay in school!” He explained that it's much
easier to remain in school than to try to study between plane
flights, training and competition. With time, said Ruckdaeschel,
“it is getting harder and harder to become a team rider [find a
sponsor].” Silvester's future plans consist of traveling the world
for two or three more years before settling down to “a normal
life in a big city.” He has no idea what kind of a job he would
like to get at that point, but is possibly interested in something
in the kite business.
Lukasz Ceran - Poland
At the ripe old age of 26, Lukasz is considered a veteran by
kitesurfing standards, and he has been a watersport aficionado
for two decades. At age six he learned to sail a small Optimist
boat before moving on to freestyle windsurfing, and he competed in that sport as a teenager before settling on kitesurfing
as his sport of choice. Ceran is currently in his sixth season as
a competitive kitesurfer. “I like the atmosphere of competition,
and the adrenalin that goes with it is addictive. The lifestyle is
pretty cool since we travel and get to know new people.”
Ceran was named Poland Kite Champion in 2006, and he
concentrated on the Polish tour while studying towards his law
degree. This year he will attend the World Cup in Brazil. His
decision whether to participate in the 2008 World Cup Tour will
depend on the outcome of this year's competition. Lukasz is
conscious of his age and says wryly, “I am old! Nowadays, world
champions are 20.” He explained that he is part of a generation
soon to be designated “Masters,” a category for kiters above
the age of 30 who no longer compete against young kiteboarders. In addition to his competition-related goals, Ceran hopes
to become a team manager for the Diverse Extreme Team, and
he is already involved in teaching the next generation of kiters
eager to compete in his wake.
Over the past year, Lukasz has spent an average of two
weeks every other month in El Gouna. He has chosen Red Sea
Zone as his training base in town. “I know what I get when coming here,” said Lukasz: “good winds, a safe environment, and a
good school. Also, since I know the spot, I can concentrate on
the training.” Recently Ceran was accompanied by nine young
kiters between the ages of 10 and 17, whom he helped prepare
for competition by teaching some of his best tricks.
Asia Litwin - Poland
At the other end of the age spectrum from Ceran is the 13-yearold Asia Litwin, who took her very first kiteboarding lesson from
2 1
Left: Silvester Ruckdaeschel, courtesy
Kiteboarding Club El Gouna.
Center: Lukasz Cera and Right: Pro Camp
training both courtesy Red Sea Zone.
Red Sea Zone owner Mike Zimowski here in El Gouna last
year. Previously Litwin had concentrated her talents on snowboarding, but later found kiteboarding to be “more fun.” By her
second trip to Egypt Asia had learned to ride and jump, but still
had some problems landing. She is currently back in El Gouna
for the tenth time and has chosen Lukasz Ceran, whom she
met in El Gouna, to be her official trainer.
Meanwhile, Litwin has made a promising debut in Polish
competitions, ranking third in the women's freestyle category
and first in a kite loop contest, both times out of four contestants. Freestyle is her favorite discipline because, as she
says, “it's not a race - it's all about jumps and tricks.” In May
2007, Asia took part in her first international competition, the
Diverse Desert Kite in El Gouna, and she obtained second
place out of three contestants in women's freestyle. She will
attend the Brazilian stop of the World Tour and, if the results
are good, she plans to ride the whole tour in 2008. Coach
Lukasz cites Litwin as a fast learner and feels her chances of
finding sponsors next year to cover her travel expenses and
provide her with free equipment are good.
Asia displays healthy attitude towards competition for one
so young. “I am very happy about it, of course, but I have a deal
with my father,” she said with a smile. “I must have good results
at school to be allowed to kite. And I wish to seize this opportunity to thank him, as he is my most important sponsor!” Asia
explained that she leads a normal life, with time to hang out
with friends like any teenager. While attending training camps
she takes her homework to the beach to study in the evenings.
Like most 13-year-olds, Asia is uncertain what career she
wishes to pursue as an adult. “For now,” she said, “I just want
to have fun-that's the most important thing.” My conversation
with Asia was another first for the young kiter: her first interview
with the press. “I feel a bit shy,” she confessed. “Get used to
it!” advised Lukasz.
For a complete list of kitesurfing schools in El Gouna,
please see pages 42-43.
World record attempt at distance
kitesurfing off the shores of El Gouna
Two world class kitesurfers, Kathrin Borgwardt of Germany and
Maarten Moens from Belgium, chose El Gouna as the place for their
attempt to break the existing world record for distance riding.
The current record is held by Philipp Knecht from Switzerland,
who rode 300 km along the Brazilian coast in November 2006. The
competitors selected El Gouna for their attempt because of nearperfect conditions, including small waves, a downwind along the
coast, 365 days of sun, and 14 hours of daylight in June. Borgwardt
and Moens currently work as managers of a kitesurfing school in
Boracay, Philippines, and the two riders consider El Gouna one of
the top kitesurfing destinations worldwide.
The attempt, sponsored by OHD and the Moevenpick, started at
sunrise in El Gouna with a downwind trip along the Red Sea coastline towards Marsa Alam. Unfortunately the time of their visit turned
out to be one of the few weeks without wind in El Gouna, which left
them stranded in Safaga after traveling only 170 km.
It remains their goal to break the current record for longest kite distance, thereby making it into the Guinness Book of World Records.
Accordingly, the two have planned another attempt on the Red Sea
in March. During the summer they took a shorter trip: a Baltic Sea
crossing by kite from Rostock in Germany to Gedser in Denmark,
accompanied by a ferryboat.
2 2
The Best of El Gouna Nightlife
El Gouna has the nightlife for you whether you want to kick off your
shoes and feel the sand between your toes as you sip a drink in the
moonlight or dance the night away in a trendy club. Whether your idea
of nighttime entertainment involves a game of pool with your pals or
admiring the endless whirling of a Tanoura dancer, and whether you like
champagne and caviar or beer and potato chips, you'll find something to
suit your taste from the following offering.
Smugglers Bar, where the vibe is classic English
pub meets Indiana Jones, finds its home in Abu
Tig Marina. Sussex native Richard Boys serves
up drinks behind the bar. If you find yourself
incapable of making up your mind between the
two, simply visit one pub after the other, in true
English fashion!
Irish whiskey finds suitable representation in
El Gouna at Tambel Irish Pub. Here the music
is loud and the pool competition fierce. The pub's
selection of liquors and alcohols includes Irish
whiskey and cream as well as Guinness and
Kilkenny beer. Saturday nights are host to vodka
parties when patrons buy one get one free from
9pm to midnight. The same deal is in place for tequila boombooms on Tuesday nights, and cocktails are discounted on
Thursday nights.
No contest here: the prize for the smallest bar in El Gouna,
and perhaps in the whole of Egypt, goes to Barten. With its
modern, funky decor and exciting atmosphere, Barten is the
place to be! And best of all, it stays open until the last guest
leaves, which can be pretty late in these days of booming
marina nightlife.
Those looking for a quintessentially British experience will face
a tough choice between Boxers and Smugglers. Both establishments are authentically English and wildly popular with El
Gouna's British expatriates. Boxers Bar, located downtown,
serves light bites and showcases sports events on satellite TV
on the terrace or in the air-conditioned bar. Famous boxing
matches are shown on designated evenings, and menu offerings on Wednesday, including traditional English steak pie and
braised pork with apple, have become a staple.
Powered by Kiteboarding Club El Gouna, Kitepower, Red Sea
Zone and The Three Corners Ocean View, the Kites Lounge
is the premier hangout for the kiteboarding scene, with kite
videos showcased on a large screen. Wednesday and Sunday
evenings play host to Gounies Get Together, an event in
which Manager Andrzej Zimowski guarantees that no hip-hop
or techno will be played. Instead, a comfortable and intimate
ambiance is enhanced by a saxophone player and a singer, or
by oldies tunes to which patrons dance the night away.
2 4
Also developed with kiteboarders in mind, Tides Lounge Bar
welcomes the exhausted rider to relax on huge comfortable
couches. The décor is modern, and color splashes brighten the
lounge. Music videos are played on a large screen while guests
sip some of the best coffee blends in town. Billiard tables are
also available, as well as a nice terrace spilling out onto the
marina promenade.
The second floor bar at Le Tabasco is the place to see and be
seen, and it is in high demand during holidays, when crowds of
Cairenes come to party by the lagoon in Kafr El Gouna. Food
is served downstairs, and the selection includes meats, crepes
and salads.
There is no shortage of places to kick off your shoes in El
Gouna. The Club House, which serves as a second living
room to many a Gounie, is one such place. On holidays, when
special entertainment and live bands are featured, the establishment fills up with repeat visitors. This Kafr El Gouna bar and
restaurant provides the added advantage of a pool, into which
partiers often end up taking a midnight dip. Regular events
include beach barbecues, beach volley competitions, and quiz
nights, and calling the ambiance of the Club House “relaxed”
doesn't begin to do justice to the friendly atmosphere!
Located at the end of the marina promenade, Moods has
something for everyone: a lounge bar, a beach restaurant, and
a terrace overlooking the most impressive powerboats. Good
oriental and international cuisine is served, and many a partygoer has praised their original alcoholic drinks at good prices!
A favorite with Kafr El Gouna residents, the Sand Bar is
a laid-back place to grab a bite and enjoy a game of pool.
The coldest of beers and a full range of spirits and chilled
wines will satisfy the most demanding drinker, and a selection of non-alcoholic cocktails is available for those who
prefer to keep a clean head.
A pool table, a large TV screen and oriental music await
you at Dunes. This downtown restaurant has a varied
menu and offers water pipes in its Arabian corner. Located
just before the bridge leading to Kafr El Gouna, Dunes is
popular with local youth.
Holding the trophy for best sports viewing, Jobo's has made
a name for itself in Tamr Henna. You name the sport - they
show it. And they have the cold ones, loaded potatoes, and
steaks to complete the ambiance! Supporters decked out in
their favorite team's regalia congregate for big matches, and
the cheers for goals scored are heard near and far.
No premier leisure destination is complete without top-of-theline watering holes. In El Gouna, a white floating barge along
the marina promenade is home to the distinctive Pier 88, the
perfect location to enjoy an evening breeze while sipping a
flute of champagne. This restaurant and bar also offers a
large selection of local wines by the glass, non-alcoholic and
alcoholic cocktails, and fine liqueurs, as well as an excellent
European menu. A cigar humidor awaits the connoisseur,
and the cozy atmosphere is made complete by the presence
of a piano and guitar which guests are invited to play at will.
Café Vienna welcomes its guests in an exclusive atmosphere on the Hill at the Moevenpick's Spa extension. The
contemporary paintings of the Safar Khan Art Gallery are
displayed in this inviting lounge. With its cozy fireside, Café
Vienna is the perfect venue for an after dinner drink in an
elegant ambiance, enhanced by the recitals of musician
George Karkour.
The Aladin Casino will keep the most demanding gambler
awake all night with an offering of slot-machines, multi-jackpot
poker machines, roulettes, blackjack, oasis stud pokers, punto
banca, and Chemin de fer. The casino is also home to a cocktail
often join Wael on the stage, and the audience is regularly
treated to improvised concerts given by talented residents
and visitors.
Several outlets around Abu Tig compete for the best DJ music
award, making the marina a late-night hotspot. DuPort Pool
Club, featuring guest DJs from Europe, is a cool place to hang out
with friends and chill by the pool on huge lounge beds. Thursday,
Friday and Saturday nights are party times, with sunset cocktail
hour followed by DJ music and dance to till you drop.
Chiringito, located directly on Marina Beach, is a cocktail
bar and beach lounge popular all week long. The music volume
gets cranked up dramatically on Friday nights, when Chiringito
is the scene of wild beach parties with live DJs and barefoot revelers drink the night away to one of the loudest beats in town.
bar, a lounge, and a late night snack parlor. Free limousine service is available in Downtown Kafr to and from the casino.
Masters of karaoke (and less experienced singers who are
not afraid of trying out their skills in public) can head to Palma
Karaoke Café, where the selection of 3,000 tunes in 9 languages ensures you will find your favorite song. Don't miss the
karaoke contest every Monday! Palma also presents outdoor
entertainment on a daily basis on the lagoon beach, and the
offering includes a belly dancer, live music or fire shows.
Created to bring live entertainment to the marina, Studio
52 offers a great selection of music, good ambiance, and
karaoke fun. It is the ideal place to hang out with friends while
enjoying a musical performance by owner Wael. Guests
2 6
Opposite the restaurant Bleu Bleu lies the aptly-named
De l'Autre Côté, which offers impressive views of the surrounding marina. Built in concentric circles, the establishment features
a bar, surounded by a dance floor, bordered by couches leaning
against glass wind-breakers, making it a sheltered setting to
either dance the night away or watch other people doing so.
A trendy bar and eatery, Peanuts has one of the most
interesting assortment of snacks in town, with plenty of fancy
drinks to wash them down. In addition to DJ, 70s/80s, salsa
and Latin music, entertainment also includes karaoke nights,
ladies nights and Gounie nights, as well as special monthly
themes that keep the fun going.
At Mirage Disco, El Gouna's only open air disco, you can
dance the night away right under the stars. The animation team of The Three Corners Rihana regularly presents
spectacular shows, and look out for special events during
the feasts. The Mirage is open on Thursday and Saturday
nights from 10:30pm onwards. Entrance fee LE 35.
Famous among the guests at Panorama Bungalows,
The Cave also welcomes “outsiders” and offers trendy disco
music that will shake you all night long. The Cave is open
daily from 10pm till 2am, and a minimum charge of LE 50
applies for outside guests.
An all-time favorite with regular guests in El Gouna, the
Marina Street Festival transforms the Abu Tig Marina into
an outdoor extravaganza. Live music and wonderful shows
are featured, and food stalls and buffets presented by
El Gouna's hotels make for a lively street party atmosphere.
The Marina Street Festival takes place every Friday from
8pm onwards. This season, Party Time in Abu Tig Marina
happens on Monday evenings too, with live music and a
handicrafts corner.
A cozy square between the domes and arches of Downtown
offers the perfect setting for Kafr El Gouna Live, when the
resident population and guests come together to be entertained by live music and shows. The surrounding bars, restaurants and shops offer special discounts for the occasion.
Kafr El Gouna Live takes place every Tuesday and Saturday
from 8 pm onwards.
Tamr Henna Under The Stars features the best Oriental
dancers on the town's main square. Surrounding bars and
restaurants spill out into the square, offering food and
drinks to onlookers. From Nubian shows to belly dancers to
Tanouras (whirling dervishes), the mesmerizing performances will leave you breathless every Sunday and Thursday,
starting from 9:30pm.
Only in El Gouna can you experience an authentic Bedouin
oasis in a spectacular desert setting only ten minutes from your
hotel. On Oasis Night, guests are treated to an Egyptian buffet
in a traditional tent followed by folklore shows. While you are at
it, why not ride a camel, drink Oriental coffee or smoke a shisha?
Oasis Night is every Wednesday from 7 to 9:30pm. Information
and bookings through your hotel's Guest Relations.
For an early evening on the beach, hop on a boat departing
from Sultan Bey Hotel and head for Zeytouna Beach every
Sunday at 7pm. A delicious barbecue, Oriental show and
special live entertainment await you in this beautiful setting.
Entrance is 15 Euro and includes the typical Oriental “Jellabia”
dress. Information and bookings with Sultan Bey Hotel.
To party till you drop, the Mangroovy Beach Party is the
place for you. Sit around the bonfires or dance to the DJ's
beats all night every Sunday and Wednesday from 10:30pm
onwards. There is usually no end in sight, with the party wrapping up only when the last guest leaves.
For a complete listing of bars, pubs and party outlets
please see pages 54-55
2 7
Photos at left by Francoise Ohayon
El Gouna's little sister in the Sinai is making a name for
herself. Francoise Ohayon crosses the Red Sea to visit the
growing destination and discover what the buzz is all about.
Taba Heights' slogan promises “Setting, Seclusion and Style
in Natural Luxury.” Designed and managed by OHD, the
resort offers five luxury hotels, an international marina, a
professional golf course, and a downtown village, and it is an
excellent base to discover the region's natural treasures and
historical wonders.
Located on the eastern coast of the Sinai peninsula, the
resort can be accessed in six hours by road from Cairo or
three hours by road from Sharm El Sheikh. Taba International
Airport receives direct flights from major European cities, as
does Eilat Airport in neighboring Israel, and a regular ferry
route connects Aqaba in Jordan to Taba Heights. Rumor has
it that domestic flights from Cairo to Taba and from Hurghada
to Sharm El Sheikh are in the EgyptAir Express pipeline,
but since these haven't yet materialized, the ferryboat from
Hurghada to Sharm is currently the best option for travel
between El Gouna and Taba Heights.
The Red Sea Jet ferryboat was scheduled for a 9:30 am
departure from Hurghada, which made for a relaxed start
to the day. However, I found port facilities not quite up to
par. “Arrive one hour before” connotes checking in and then
sitting down to wait, but the reality was a one-hour wait in the
sun for the gate to open. Nonetheless, the boat embarked
nearly on time and crossed to Sharm in just over two hours.
2 8
An antique Peugeot driven by a Bedouin in galabeya
awaited me in Sharm. Those wishing to travel in style and
willing to pay a bit more will be happy to learn that taxis built
during the present century are also available! An encouraging
“Taba Heights 175 km” sign awaits you at the first check
point out of Sharm, as you leave the sea behind and
engage in a trench between the mountains.After traveling a
landscape punctuated by dark-red peaks, the road joins the
coastline again at Nuweiba, where riders get glimpses of
the thatched roofs of beach huts (some of them comically
topped by a satellite dish) that provide accommodation to
hippie wannabes. I had no need to ask the driver whether we
were there yet, for the architectural style and colors of Taba
Heights are unmistakable to anyone familiar with El Gouna.
Taba Heights is a little El Gouna hugging a mountain slope
that plunges straight into the turquoise sea.
After checking in at the brand new, five-star Intercontinental
resort, I made a beeline for the beach to take a short but
refreshing dip. I had a mere three days to spend in Taba
Heights, and my schedule was chock-full of exciting activities.
On my first evening I joined a two-hour sunset quad bike trip
with Canyon Motor Safaris. Their thorough safety briefing
and excellent equipment were impressive; helmets with visor
are a must, while gloves and elbow protections are optional.
The quad service can facilitate young riders, providing a
dedicated guide and 80cc bikes suited for children. Our ride
took us into a nearby canyon, and we were welcomed by
drinks and fresh-baked bread at the Bedouin tent sitting at
the deepest end of the canyon. A short walk among colorful
rock formations takes you to an ancient waterfall, and on the
way back, we were given the opportunity to test our skills on
the technical circuit (also known simply as a “bumpy ride”),
which was good fun.
On the following day, I boarded the Henry de Monfreid
for a snorkeling and diving sailing cruise. A pleasant sail
took us from the marina to Farun Island, and the morning
light afforded sublime views of the resort. We snorkeled at
the foot of the Salah El Din fort, which unfortunately couldn't
be visited during this trip because a different type of permit
would have been required. I enjoyed exploring a coral garden
where I was greeted by the distinctive sound of parrotfish
munching on hard corals, and I couldn't resist teasing a little
Nemo, who wasn't afraid to take me on and bump into my
mask to defend his anemone. Meanwhile, the novices aboard
received a brief introduction to scuba diving. After lunch on
the boat, a small group of experienced divers went for a dive
on a site named Fjord, which happily was warmer than its
Norwegian namesake! A remarkable pinnacle covered with
glassfish awaited us there, and we were lucky enough to
spot a well-camouflaged frogfish. I am told that such unusual
creatures are actually quite common in the Taba Heights
area, as are seahorses and pipefish.
Our trip was organized by Red Sea Waterworld, Taba
Height's sole watersports provider. A five-star PADI Gold Palm
Resort and National Geographic Diving Center, Waterworld
provides from entry level to specialized diving education.
The school is VDWS recognized and, as such, teaches
catamaran sailing as well as windsurfing. A full range of other
aquasports, including deep sea fishing, parasailing, water
skiing, wakeboarding, glass bottom boat, semi-submarine
and canoe is also available.
Like El Gouna, Taba Heights features a Dine Around
program, giving its guests the opportunity to sample a wide
variety of cuisines ranging from international and Oriental fare
to seafood, Italian, Far Eastern and Indian specialties. While
most of the restaurants are located within hotel premises, an
interesting selection can also be found in the Downtown area.
I chose to try El Fuego, the Marriott's Mexican eatery.
From the terrace, the sunset view of the resort sprawled at
my feet as well as the three countries poised on the opposite
shore of the sea was an impressive and soothing sight. The
cocktail list was inspiring, and the Chilean house wine was
good and reasonably priced. My companions and I sampled
almost every starter on the menu, including spicy chicken
wings, chili con carne, stuffed jalapenos and quesadillas. We
followed these with a fruity chicken salad and fajitas as main
courses. El Fuego lived up to its full potential, both for the
palate and for the eye.
On the next day, after a short walk through Downtown
Taba Heights (which, in fact, perches uptown), I set off to
Castle Zaman. The place was irresistibly appealing, living
up to advertisements that bill it as neither child-friendly
nor a place to wear high heels! Castle Zaman sits atop
a cliff overlooking a pristine white sandy beach, and is
located a mere 15 minutes by car from Taba Heights. A true
architectural achievement, the castle was built according
to ancient techniques, with each and every stone used
in the construction hand-selected from the Sinai. Special
attention was given to making the project eco-friendly.
For example, every sink and shower outflow leads to a
different tree in the garden. The castle kitchen specializes
in slow food: beef legs, lamb shoulders and whole fish
are prepared in original Egyptian earthenware and left
to simmer at low temperatures for long periods of time,
guaranteeing a tender and juicy feast. I spent most of the
afternoon playing in the pool with the three house dogs,
one of which is a local celebrity known as “Mokka the diving
dog.” This unusual pooch literally dives two meters deep to
retrieve his toys from the bottom of the pool!
As the day wound to a close I was tempted to indulge
myself at the spa, but I decided to forego indoor treats and
take in more of the breathtaking landscape. The sunset made
a fabulous spectacle, and I admired it in peaceful solitude
from the Hyatt jetty, which stretched out towards the ochre,
red and purple hues in the distance. After a scrumptious
international dinner buffet, I retreated to my comfortable hotel
room, where I caught the American series Nip Tuck with both
Arabic and Hebrew subtitles on TV. Yet another advantage of
standing at a confluent of cultures and languages!
I dedicated my last day in the Sinai to a visit to the famous
St. Catherine's monastery. Most organized groups make
a two-day trip of it and climb Mt. Sinai by night to watch
the sunrise from the top, which is described as “a spiritual
experience.” I opted instead for a daytime drive, and the local
travel agency ProTours organized a private transfer by taxi this time a spick and span modern version. The journey from
Taba Heights to St. Catherine's took approximately 2 hours
with plenty of stops to take fantastic pictures on the way. The
desert landscapes, with their multicolored dunes, are aweinspiring. Spiky red mountains give way to smooth golden
rock formations, and ochre hills streaked with greenish-grey
stripes tell of the land's chaotic geological past.
A couple of Bedouin settlements could be seen in the
distance, and we were met on the road by a herd of camels
roaming freely in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere.
The road to St. Catherine's is an easily accessible and
memorable desert experience, which is just as well since
the monastery ended up being closed that day. Although
St. Catherine's is usually open to the public every day but
Fridays, Sundays and religious holidays, I was met by a
polite but firm “today closed, festival here.” I should have
been more prudent and called ahead... At any rate the time
had come for me to return to El Gouna. On the trip back I
discovered that when the weather is fair, even the ferryboat
crossing is pleasant!
www.redseawaterworld.com, www.castlezaman.com
2 9
The El Gouna Tennis Club
Since the beginning of summer Gounies have begun to take
advantage of the town's newest sport facility. El Gouna Magazine's
Brian Wright checks out the recently opened Tennis Club.
Take a drive along the road leading from El Gouna's
downtown to the Marina, and you'll pass a myriad of
construction sites where more activities and services are
in progress for El Gouna's visitors and residents. One of
the largest projects along this road is the El Gouna Tennis
Club, brainchild of Momo Belkeziz, Director of the town's
Events and Communication Departments.
While construction is still in progress in some areas, the
club officially opened for business on June 21st of this year.
Currently four full-size clay courts are ready for play along
with two smaller courts designed for younger tennis enthusiasts. A large multipurpose court is also open, and soccer, volleyball, and basketball equipment is available for use on that
facility. All of the club's equipment is imported from Europe,
ensuring the highest standard of quality.
The facility also boasts El Gouna's first paintball court,
which has also opened recently and can be counted as
one of the best in Egypt. Players separate into teams or
stage their battle one-on-one, and matches are held in
a grassy enclosure complete with a maze of obstacles.
Top-of-the-line equipment ensures that the experience is
a highlight for everyone.
Guests are currently welcomed to the Club in a large
tent offering a range of drinks as well as ample shade
from the bright El Gouna sun. The tent lacks air conditioning, but construction has started on a new, full-service
clubhouse that will have showers, a pro shop, and a bar
3 2
designed to pamper players to the fullest extent.
Courts are rented on an hourly basis, and costs start
at LE 30 for a half hour during the day and LE 40 play at
night requiring a floodlight. If you neglected to bring your
own equipment to El Gouna there's no need to worry. The
Club can set you up with a standard racket and 3 balls for
the entire day for only LE 70. Use of the Paintball battleground runs LE 25 for an hour and around 200 balls.
Those who have never played tennis before, or those
who simply wish to refine their skills will be glad to learn
that the Club recently acquired certification from the ACE
International Tennis Academy from Belgium. This allows
the Tennis Club to provide lessons from professionally
certified coaches to players of all ages and skill levels.
Top-of-the-line instruction can be had in private lessons
from the French and Belgian head coaches for LE 180
per hour. If your budget is a bit tighter, you can opt for
a lesson from an assistant coach for LE 100 per hour.
Those looking for long-term lessons can take advantage
of group packages starting at LE 625 per month, or longterm individual lessons.
The Tennis Club is the latest step in El Gouna's quest
to be a self-sufficient town offering activities for all tastes.
The Club will allow tennis lovers to keep up their game
as well as enabling beginners to try this fun and challenging sport, and we welcome this valuable addition to our
Laurie Pierce examines the origins and practices of
the fast of Ramadan and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.
For one month out of every year, the rhythms of life change
dramatically for almost a fourth of the population of planet.
That month is Ramadan, when Muslims around the globe
observe a strict fast from sunup to sundown.
Ramadan is a deeply communal period of time for the
world's Muslims, who fast together in an experience of
global unity. On a local level, friends and family unite for the
sunset iftar meal to break fast together. Most Muslims follow the prophet Muhammad's example and break their fast
with dates and water before proceeding to more hearty fare.
Different countries and cultures have special foods that are
served and customs that are observed that add a festive air
to the nights of Ramadan.
In the Qur'an, Islamic fasting is portrayed as part of the
monotheistic tradition of ascetic abstinence as well a way in
which believers keep themselves from evil and heighten their
awareness of God (Q. 2:183). According to Islamic doctrine,
all healthy adult Muslims are to abstain from food, drink,
smoking, and other activity in the hours from dawn to dusk.
Exceptions are made for those who are unable to fast for
physical or circumstantial reasons.
In addition to being a spiritual and communal experience,
Ramadan serves to commemorate the revelation of the
Qur'an by God to the prophet Muhammad, which is said to
have taken place first in the month of Ramadan. For this and
other reasons, participants are urged to spend time reciting
3 4
the Qur'an during the month-long fast, and the holy book of
Islam has been divided variously into 30 and 7 parts to facilitate daily or weekly recitation.
The most important single event during Ramadan is
known as the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr), in which the
Prophet is said to have received his first revelation. Sura 97
of the Qur'an is dedicated to this event and describes the
night as “better than a thousand nights.” During this night
it is written that angels descend and specially bless pious
believers who spend the night in prayer and recitation. The
Night of Power is believed to have occurred on the 23rd or
27th of Ramadan.
The month of Ramadan comes to a close with a three-day
feast of celebration known as Eid al-Fitr. Eid begins in the
morning, when the family prays the first daily prayer and eats
a small meal together in commemoration of the end of the
fast. Afterwards, the faithful gather en masse in mosques,
stadiums, and open areas for a special communal prayer,
and then festivities begin.
All Muslims must give special alms before the morning
Eid prayer, but other Eid customs and rituals differ from
place to place. In every region it is common to visit family and friends, buy new clothes, eat special foods, and
distribute sweets and small monetary gifts to children,
and for most Muslims Eid al-Fitr is the most joyous time
of the year.
3 5
Abu Tig Marina chosen to host
first international
boat show
Organized by Marine de Cléopatre under the
auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and His Excellency
the Governor of the Red Sea.
Egypt’s first international boat show, organized by Marine
de Cléopatre under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism
and His Excellency the Governor of the Red Sea, took
place in El Gouna from the June 6-10. “The choice [of location] was obvious,” stated Osama Atwa, General Marketing
Manager of the Egypt Boat Show, “because El Gouna’s Abu
Tig is the number one marina in the area and probably in
the whole of Egypt.”
The show’s theme was “Enjoy the Aquatic Life,” and 35
exhibitors hailed from Egypt, Italy, Switzerland and the United
Arab Emirates. Luxury yachts, sport boats, marine equipment
and accessories were showcased, as well as related services
including insurance, safety equipments and communication
systems. Visitors and residents of El Gouna admired the
spectacular boats during this prestigious event, and despite
stormy weather, organizers declared themselves satisfied
with the event, which they aim to repeat annually.
3 6
Sunseeker Egypt
The official distributor for new and pre-owned Sunseeker boats, Sunseeker Egypt has a newly appointed
sales and service office located in El Gouna's Abu Tig Marina with a range of luxury motor yachts ranging
from 35ft to 37m. With the town's new marina project and many surrounding unspoiled areas still to be
explored, El Gouna is sure to be a hotspot on the world boating map. El Gouna Magazine had the opportunity of meeting with Veysel Karagoz to hear of the new and exciting plans for Sunseeker Egypt in El Gouna.
How did you come to be involved with Sunseeker?
VK: I have been living in El Gouna for nearly a decade and
worked as a captain supporting existing Sunseeker owners with
after sales support and services.
Who are the people making up the Sunseeker Egypt team?
VK: Sunseeker Egypt is run in collaboration with my business partner Fady Iskandar, former Real Estate Sales Director
for OHD. Our newest members to the Sunseeker team are
Executive Manager Salma Abd El Kader, and Ibrahim Turky in
charge of Service Support.
Why did you choose El Gouna as the headquarters of
Sunseeker Egypt?
VK: Having lived and worked in the Abu Tig Marina for the last
eight years, there was no doubt that Sunseeker had a very
strong presence here and we felt that El Gouna was particularly
well geared to capitalize on the growth of the brand.
How is Sunseeker Egypt doing so far?
VK: We already have an impressive number of Sunseeker boats
in the marina and this success has led to the opening of an
additional office in Cairo. Numerous other branches are to follow
in various locations throughout the country, from the northern
Mediterranean coast to the southern Red Sea at Marsa Alam.
What service does Sunseeker Egypt offer clients?
VK: The single greatest influence on whether a customer will return
to a place of business is the degree of personal attention received
before, during, and–most significantly–after the sale. Receiving
delivery of a new Sunseeker is an exciting time. As part of the process we provide a complimentary handover with a fully trained professional captain to ensure that both the owner and/or appointed
skipper are familiarized with all the systems and safety features
onboard. Sunseeker owners also have access to the Sunseeker
International Worldwide Warranty Team comprised of technical
specialists and support staff. The service network has an
established and regular support cycle in El Gouna. With the
imminent opening of the Sunseeker Egypt dedicated Service
Center, Sunseeker owners will enjoy the added benefit of
dedicated residential specialists that compliment the existing
service network.
Aside from selling new boats, what services do you offer?
VK: We also deal extensively with used boats and charter.
Our business partners in Europe have been busy building a
Sunseeker network throughout Europe and we are at a stage
where we are able to offer almost every model for charter
within the Mediterranean. I'm also delighted to confirm that
later this year we will have the first Sunseeker available for
charter in El Gouna. She will be a brand new 60ft Manhattan
complete with a jet tender, full crew of captain and stewardess. There will be many more Sunseeker boats arriving in
El Gouna in the near future, which will also be available for
charter. Additionally, our brokerage department is rapidly
expanding, with an extensive range of used 34ft to 108ft
Sunseekers available.
What news do you have on the Sunseeker brand?
VK: Sunseeker has recently launched three exciting models to
compliment their already impressive range, which includes the
new flybridge Manhattan 70 and Manhattan 52, together with
the Predator 52 sports cruiser.
All said, it appears there are very exciting times ahead for
Sunseeker Egypt, which can only contribute towards making El
Gouna the Red Sea's premier leisure destination.
3 7
el gouna community
Magazine Hits the Road!
The second delivery of El Gouna
Magazine's Summer 2007 issue was
the victim of an unfortunate incident
on the Cairo-El Gouna road when the
pickup truck transporting 5,000 copies
went off the road. The truck came to a
halt after turning over several times and
showering magazines across a secluded patch of desert. We are happy to
report that no one was seriously injured.
Thanks to the quick action of Sherif
Abdel Aziz, Events and Communication
Manager of El Gouna, the magazines
were recovered, but unfortunately they
proved unsalvageable. Through the generous sponsorship
of Hamza Selim, Vice President and Managing Director of El
Gouna, and Mayar Abdel Aziz, Vice President of Marketing
for OHD, the damaged copies of the magazine were
reprined and delivered in due time to El Gouna's hotels and
outlets. Thank you for your patience and support!
Divine Design
Scandinavian fashion meets Egyptian style at Divine
Design, which opened last month in El Gouna. Located
at the marina, the showroom features wallpaper, fabric,
furniture and flowers. Divine Design is the exclusive distributor of Design Emporium from Cairo. Trademarks represented include Designers Guild, Mulberry, Sandbergs,
Swedese and Casa Decor. Catalogues may be accessed
and downloaded at www.swedese.se and www.designersguild.com. Divine Design, www.divinedesign-egypt.com,
[email protected], contact Ingrid Bergander at
mob 010 497 2516.
Art Shop Opens in El Gouna
Sea Star, the creation of Austrian artist Ruehmut Fenkart,
opened in September in Downtown El Balad. The artist's
abstract and figurative paintings, including some renditions
of El Gouna, are for sale. Fenkart works in acrylic on paper
and canvas, and she has also designed sea star lamps in
various materials and colors that are guaranteed to make
an impression. Art supplies such as canvas, paper, brushes,
colors, oil, etc. are sold there as well. Sea Star is located in
the newly-developed El Balad area behind the China House
Restaurant in Building H10, open from 10 am to 12 noon
and 4 pm to 10 pm, mob 010 850 9152.
Cedars Leabanese Cuisine
Maged Maher, experienced restaurateur and owner of
Moods Restaurant and Beach Club, has recently opened
a new establishment. Located on the marina promenade's
north end, Cedars restaurant serves traditional Lebanese
cuisine including a variety of appetizers, shawerma, lamb
chops, kofta, mixed grill from the charcoal, and desserts
such as the famous Om Ali. Cedars is open daily from 2pm
to 2am, and takeaway and delivery are available everywhere in El Gouna at no extra charge. Discounts of 10% are
granted to homeowners and discounts of 25% to residents.
Abu Tig, ext 77963
3 8
Premier Football at Boxers
Dedicated to showing the best in
sporting events, Boxers Bar now
opens at 3pm on Saturdays and
Sundays and shows Premiership
football matches and other worthy sports events. In the kitchen
arena, fish and chips and beef
lasagna have been added to the regular menu. Traditional
English foods are still served on Wednesdays and Sundays
and may include steak pie, chicken tikka masala, turkey
and ham pie, toad in the hole, braised pork with apple, liver
and bacon beef stew, mixed grill, ham-egg-chips and beans,
chicken and mushroom pie, cottage pie, pork chops, and
anything else the chef comes up with! Located Downtown. To
know what's on the TV and the plate call ext 4105, mob 012
816 7845, or owner Andy at 012 149 7987.
Five Years at Palma Cafe
Palma Karaoke Café celebrated its fifth anniversary on July
7, and the party featured live music and spectacular performances. Palma Karaoke Café offers a choice of 3,000 songs
in 9 different languages. Don't miss the karaoke contest every
Monday! Downtown, ext 2125
Better With Age
The Club House celebrated its tenth anniversary on Aug
23 with an event that was an El Gouna summer highlight.
Multicultural performance artists hailing from Brazil, Northern
and Southern Egypt, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, the
US, and Australia presented an entertainment extravaganza
mixing flamenco, fire show and belly dance to the beat of DJ
K-Castillo from the Netherlands. The theme was “White,” jokingly referred to as “a cunning plan to turn the evening into a
wet T-shirt contest.” As customary, most of the revelers ended
up taking a refreshing midnight dip in the pool, and the party
extended well into the wee hours. “It was a party for and from
our people. We wanted everybody to be here to remind our
friends that they are responsible for the warmth found at The
Club House,” said Club House Manager Hoda Mansour. She
added, “it is their character that gives the Club House its charm
- from the annoying Cairo Kids and mad German scientist to
the psychotic Belgians and ex-strippers-we have seen them
all. The world comes to El Gouna from all different walks of life
and hangs out at The Club House.” Downtown, ext 2412
Waterski Step by Step Coaching
The Orange Concept has launched a new method
for teaching water skiing and wakeboarding in Egypt.
Communication is key in learning moves quickly and
correctly, particularly in these two sports where timing
and technique are crucial. The system introduced by the
Orange Concept is called “Headzone Real-Time Coaching,”
which is the first 100% waterproof wireless communication
system for action sports. The principle is simple: wireless,
direct communication from coach to athlete, parent to child,
or friend to friend, and it can be applied to any action sport.
The system includes a helmet with waterproof speakers
and a standard handheld communication device through
which the coach talks directly to the student. Check it out
and see how quickly you learn to ski or board! The Orange
Concept office is located in the Marina, ext 77976.
Dive the Thistlegorm
Good news for all wreck-diving fanatics: Easy Divers
Academy has announced that its boat, the Marion, has
recently been equipped with two new engines (2x Mann
450 HP), allowing it to reach the MS Thistlegorm again.
As the Marion holds a safari license, it is entitled to offer
daily dives to the famous shipwreck, which is otherwise
only possible through overnight safari trips. This precious
license also gives them the possibility to continue organizing night dives, which were recently forbidden to nonsafari boats. All divers are welcome, and special rates are
granted to fellow diving centers. Easy Divers, ext 2327,
mob 012 234 9114
New Web Magic
Magic Property Management and Rentals is proud to introduce a new and upgraded website that features over 40
units with photos, descriptions, prices, available services,
and other detailed information. Another addition to the
Magic website is the brand-new resale page. Check out
www.magic-property-management.com and find your next
dream home in El Gouna! Tamr Henna, ext 2523 / 2423,
mob 012 233 8065.
Safety First
An excellent health and safety initiative was taken by the
Dive Connection, which sponsored first aid courses for various El Gouna employees. The first round of training was
undergone by Abu Tig Marina personnel as well as public
and industrial security staff members. One-day courses in
Arabic and in English took place during the month of June,
and lessons were based on the Emergency First Response
course developed by PADI (Professional Association of
Diving Instructors) and included cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and first aid. All books were donated by the Dive
Connection. The dive center intends to continue providing
this valuable service to the community, and training sessions for the Panorama Bungalows pool attendants are
planned for the near future. Dive Connection, ext 4100
3 9
el gouna people
a consequence, he was
elected Swiss Sportsman
of the Year in 2005. Luethi
spent his second visit at
the Moevenpick indulging
in his newly discovered
passion for kitesurfing.
He is very enthusiastic about the infrastructure of the resort,
including the excellent kitesurfing station Kite Tribe: “The place
is perfect for kitesurfing, offering good wind conditions and an
ideal setting for beginners, with the shallow water allowing
easy access on the kite board. At the same time, I can relax
and stay fit with the hotel's gym facilities. This is definitely not
my last visit, and I hope to come back soon”. Tom Luethi was
accompanied by girlfriend Fabienne Krapf and Elite Grand Prix
Team Manager Daniel Epp.
Miss Belgium Pre-Selection
Nancy Agram: In Concert
Don't miss hearing the exceptional Nancy Agram in concert
on the second day of the Eid feast at Abu Tig Marina. The
Lebanese mega-star will perform at an event to take place
on the 14th of October 2007, starting at 9 pm. The concert is
accessible by invitation only, and it promises to be the highlight
of the Eid week and indeed of the whole Fall season!
World Champion Motorcyclist
In August the Moevenpick hosted Tom Luethi, Motorcycle
GP World Champion, for a leisurely visit. The Swiss-born
Luethi won the Motorcycle GP title in the 125cc class, thereby
becoming the sixth-youngest world champion of all time. As
4 0
The Miss Belgium competition
organizers have chosen El Gouna
as the site of the national pre-selections, which will be held abroad
for the first time in the pageant's
history. The competition dates
back to 1967, and the 55 candidates vying for next year's Miss
Belgium title were selected from
a pool of 600 young women in different Belgian provinces over the
past three months.
From September 30th to October 6th, these women will
be guests of El Gouna's TTC Ocean View Hotel, and during
their stay they will explore El Gouna and test their abilities in
various activities including kitesurfing, golf, snorkeling, diving
and much more. They will also get a chance to relax and soak
up the sun between daily rehearsals for the election show.
On October 5th, 20 finalists will be selected from the 55 candidates during a spectacular show in the Abu Tig Marina. An
international jury made up of experienced professionals will
appraise the young ladies, who will appear both in evening
dress and in swimsuits. A choreographed event is designed to
showcase their dancing skills. The election is slated to start at
7:30pm, and the show will be hosted by a Belgian television
celebrity. The event is the subject of a television series broadcast in Belgium, and it will be covered by 20 of Belgium's major
media representatives. The contestants who do not make the
cut will leave immediately after the show, while the winners are
scheduled to stay on and receive their first training classes in
preparation for the Miss Belgium final election in December.
The elected Miss will go on to represent Belgium at the Miss
World and Miss Universe competitions.
El Gouna has long been a familiar destination for the Miss
Belgium organization. Virginie Claes (Miss Belgium 2006),
Tatiana Silva (Miss Belgium 2005), Ellen Petri (Miss Belgium
2004, featured on the cover of El Gouna Magazine's Spring
2007 issue), Joke Van de Velde (Miss Belgium 2000) and
Veronique De Kock (Miss Belgium 1995) all participated in
photo shoots and television shows hosted in El Gouna. The
current Miss Belgium Annelien Coorevits is a huge fan of the
resort: “I can't wait to be back,” she said. “I fell in love with the
fantastic climate, the hearty atmosphere and the exquisite setting.” Darline Devos, organizer of Miss Belgium, is enthusiastic
too: “It is as if El Gouna was predestined to host Miss Belgium.
I feel at home with the Belgian management and hospitality at
the Three Corners Hotels and Resorts.”
New Head of Security
El Gouna welcomes new security manager General Said
Sewilam. General Said graduated from the police academy in
1974 and has served in a number of prominent positions such
as Consultant in Public Relations for the UN in Cairo and Chief
of the Investigations Dept. for the Ministry of the Interior in Cairo.
Sewilam holds a degree in Business Administration from the
AUC and has taken part in the program entitled “International
Visitor for Legal Systems” in the United States. On a more
personal level, this renaissance man writes poetry, and some
of his verses have been sung on television by famous Egyptian
performers. General Said looks forward to practicing his English
with expatriates and gaining valuable experience in working
with the El Gouna community. General Said can be reached in
Building 26 in El Balad on ext 2037 or 8488, on his mobile number 012 246 0000, or via email at [email protected]
New GM at Captain’s Inn
The Captain's Inn started the summer with a fresh outlook under
the management of a young and talented hotelier. Prior to joining the team, Franziska Hansen worked in Germany, Canada
and subsequently for OHD, where she gained experience in El
Gouna's Sales and Marketing Department. In June of this year,
Hansen's impressive performance brought her the promotion to
Resident Manager of the Captain's Inn. The German native was
already a familiar face on the marina promenade, as one of her
previous tasks was to set up and open the Tides Bar. Franziska's
goals for the Captain's Inn include adding a feminine touch to
the establishment as well as making the hotel more attractive by
upgrading the service level across the board. An active sportswoman, Hansen would love to see a women's soccer team in El
Gouna, but in the meantime she enjoys long walks with her dog.
ext 2293, [email protected]
Sultan Bey Welcomes New GM
The Kafr El Gouna 4-star hotel Sultan Bey welcomes a new
general manager in the person of Sebastian Krug. The German
national was educated in the UK and Botswana, and holds a
Hotel Economics degree. He has built up an international career
in Dubai, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, and the UK. The hotelier’s last post was in Cardiff, UK, but it is the Alpujarras, near
Granada in the Spanish Sierra Nevada, that he calls home.
Sebastian Krug, together with wife Ina and 13-months-old son
Kilian, is looking forward to being a part of the El Gouna community. Sultan Bey, ext 14, mob +20 12 799 1351, [email protected], www.optima-hotels.com
New Faces at the Golf Club
After five years with El Gouna
Golf Club, Jacqueline and
Rolf Boehmer are leaving the
resort to take on another challenge on the Red Sea coast.
Taking over as their successor
is Brett Johnson, an Australian
PGA Member since 1980, who
assumed his duties in September 2007. Johnson has a depth
of experience in the golfing industry, looking back at a very
long working career in China for the past 12 years, and is
looking forward to meeting and assisting all current and future
golfers at El Gouna Golf Club. Johnson will be supported by
Dagmar Fritz, an El Gouna resident for the past three years
who brings in a wide background in the hotel business. You
may contact Brett Johnson and Dagmar Fritz on ext 2285, mob
012 746 4712, email [email protected]
4 1
The Complete
Guide to El Gouna
A great advantage of vacationing or living in El Gouna is the myriad of
options it offers as a complete community. Whether you are looking for
the ideal place for dinner, the ultimate sporting experience, or simply
where to fill a prescription, this guide will help you know where to go
or who to call. In these pages you'll find a comprehensive listing of the
town’s services, sports, dining, entertainment and much more.
From outside El Gouna, please dial
+20 65 354 97 02/03/04
for the operator and ask to be connected
to the extension of your choice.
Aqua Sports
Boat Charters
Hospital & Pharmacy
Information Center
Interior Design
Internet Facilities
Real Estate
Spa & Beauty
Sports & Fitness
Travel Agency
page 42
page 58
page 43
page 44
page 44
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page 58
page 58
page 58
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page 59
Aqua Sports
El Gouna's beaches and lagoons provide the perfect opportunities to indulge in your favorite water sport or discover a new one!
Experience water-skiing, windsurfing and kitesurfing, catamarans,
banana boats, and more!
Beach Volleyball
Enjoy sandy courts on the beach at:
Mangroovy Beach, ext 2260
Zeytuna Beach, ext 5317
The Club House, ext 2412
Kiteboarding Club El Gouna
Kiteboarding school awaiting IKO certification.
Northern Mangroovy Beach, mob 012 884 2839
[email protected], www.kiteboarding-club.de
Kite Family
Kitesurfing, windsurfing, small catamaran for 3 persons.
Zeytuna Beach, mob 012 402 4688 www.kitefamily-elgouna.de
VDWS-recognized kiteboarding school.
Mangroovy Beach, ext 2506
[email protected]
4 2
Kite Tribe
Kiteboarding school awaiting IKO certification.
Mövenpick, ext 36
IKO-certified kiteboarding school.
Northern Mangroovy Beach, mob 010 295 5209
[email protected], www.redseazone.com
Sports & Fun Aquacenter
Windsurfing, wakeboarding, glass bottom boat.
Steigenberger, Mangroovy Beach, ext 2241
Water Skiing
The Orange Concept offers a range of water based
activities including waterski, wakeboard, wakestate,
wakesurf, fun tubes, and more. ext 77976, mob 018
418 9080, www.theorangeconcept.com
Beaches and Islands
Spend all day, every day of your holiday in El Gouna
on the beach and you’ll never have to go to the same
one twice! Have drinks delivered right to your chair at
your hotel beach, enjoy cold refreshments and groove to
music overlooking wild mangroves or pack a box lunch
and head to the glorious isolation of the nearby islands.
Zeytuna Beach
Lively and beautiful, Zeytuna Beach is located on its own
island surrounded by the sea and lagoons. A 400 meter
jetty provides access to deeper water and the coral reef
plateau. Beach services include towels, drinks and food,
a bar offering drinks and a light menu, bathrooms and
fresh showers. Enjoy camel riding, volleyball, snorkeling,
football, dancing and more. Beach Access: Shuttle boat
from Downtown and Sultan Bey, or walking bridges from
the Sheraton and Hill. ext 35317
Mangroovy Beach
Soak up the sun while enjoying the view. Sporting options
include kite and windsurfing, snorkeling, volleyball and
football. Look out for beach parties and summer BBQs.
Services: towels, restaurant, bar, bathrooms, showers.
Shuttle bus departs from downtown every 15 min. ext 2260
Buzzha Beach
Enjoy the feeling of being away from it all while only
being 15-min from downtown. Besides soaking up the
sun and watching kitesurfers, activities include billiards,
table football, beach volley and a kids' playground, all
free of charge. Beach services include a restaurant
under Swiss management featuring the only wood-fire
pizza oven in town. Sun lounger and mattress LE 15
(no charge for residents), towel LE 5. North Mangroovy,
open daily until sunset, mob 012 741 2100
Tawila Island
Enjoy the secluded beach at Tawila, just over an hour
from El Gouna. Take a long walk on sparkling white
sandy beaches and revel in the island's natural beauty,
Red Sea Zone
or take a swim in its clear water. The boat ride itself is a
joy and spotting dolphins is very common. Charter boats
will arrange food and drinks on the beach.
Gobal Island
A little over two hours away, this gorgeous island offers
breathtaking snorkeling from the uninhabited sandy
beaches. Island connoisseurs hail Gobal as one of the
most beautiful islands ever! Enjoy lunch on the beach
and own an island for a day.
Marina Beach Club
On the northern side of Abu Tig, beach services include
sun beds (LE 20 including 1 soft drink) and towels (LE
5). Free access with owner’s card, and for guests of participating hotels (Ocean View, Captain’s Inn, Turtle’s Inn
& Ali Pasha). A massage parlor also does henna tattoos.
Restaurants service is provided by Moods and the beach
bar remains lively until late. Access: shuttle bus Marina
line. ext 77966
Mahmeya Island
Colona Dive Center, TC Rihana, ext 300 or 2221
Diving: PADI. Snorkeling.
Dive Trek, Sultan Bey Hotel, ext 2381
Easy Divers Academy, TTC Rihana, ext 300, 2327
Diving: PADI, CMAS. Snorkeling, glass bottom boat.
Euro Divers, Club Med guests only, ext 10
Diving: PADI. Snorkeling, windsurfing, catamaran.
Orca Dive Club, Turtle's Inn, ext 77739
Diving: PADI, CMAS. Snorkeling.
TGI Marine Sporting Club, Sheraton, ext 19
Diving: PADI, CMAS. Snorkeling, pedalos, canoes.
The Dive Connection, Panorama, ext 4100
Diving: PADI, CMAS. Snorkeling, windsurfing, glass
bottom boat, pedal boat, canoes.
The beautiful beach has been maintained true to its
natural environment while making it the only island with
services. A beach restaurant serves up great grilled platters, seafood, and pizza while you relax on the beach
with a hip mix of backdrop music. Located just over an
hour from El Gouna. Access: charter boat.
The Dive Tribe, Mövenpick, ext 36
Boat Charter
Abu Nuhas
This famous ship graveyard has great coral life and more
ships than any other in the area; includes the wreck of
Giannis D. Level: Advanced. Distance: 2.5 hrs.
CBS Charter & Lease
Offers a range of motor boats and yachts enabling you to
travel from island to island in total privacy. CBS has boats
up to 16 meters with top speeds of 50 knots for weekend or
week-long charters and fishing trips. ext 77910
M/S Galatea welcomes you onboard for an unforgettable
day on the Red Sea. Leaving Abu Tig Marina daily at
9am, enjoy a 2 hr cruise to Gobal Island for snorkeling
and other activities. Observe the lively colors and rich
marine life of the coral reefs (snorkelling gear included
in price). A delicious BBQ lunch is served. Guests have
a good chance to see dolphins and an amazing sunset.
Discounts for residents, tailor-made excursions organized
for groups and special occasions. M/S Galatea, mob 012
228 2218, booking through the Info Center. ext 2100
Diving Centers
El Gouna is a real divers' destination as its heated pools
and calm local reefs provide an excellent start to your
diving experience and the range of walls, reefs and
wrecks are the finest in the Red Sea. As a protected
area, dive sites offer frequent interaction with marine
life, in particular, wild dolphins. Be sure to ask about
Diving Specials for Kids!
Blue Brothers, TTC Ocean View, ext 2326
Diving: PADI, CMAS, Barracuda. Snorkeling.
4 4
Diving: PADI. Snorkeling, windsurfing, glass bottom, pedalos, canoes, waterski, speed boat rental with captain.
Blind Reef
The north plateau is populated by red-tooth triggerfish
and African smoke angelfish. Caves and crevices. Level:
Medium-Advanced. Distance: 2 hrs.
Rosalie Moller Shipwreck
Bombed just two days after the Thistlegorm, the sunken
wreck is in pristine condition and hosts prolific sea life.
The north side offers canyons full of table corals coming
out of the reef wall; lobsters are common. Great for nightdives. Level: Medium-advanced. Distance: 1 hr.
Thistlegorm Shipwreck
Sunk by German aircraft in 1941, the freighter's cargo
is virtually intact and includes railway locomotives, bren
gun carriers, trucks, motorcycles and a host of ammunition. The wreck is home to bat fish, jacks, barracudas,
surgeon fish, while nudibranchs and rabbit fish graze
the hull.
Countless opportunities for fun, fitness and fresh air are
sure to satisfy every age group and inclination. Relax and
enjoy the best equipment with professional assistance.
Zoom around town with scooter & bicycle rentals. ext 2183
Burn rubber on the carting circuit on the road between
the downtown area and the marina. Operated by German
management. Open from 11am-11pm. ext 2188
Golf Club
Paintball Battlefield
All equipment needed to play paintball, including helmets,
suits and paintball guns is available for rent. Next to the
Tennis Club, open 7pm - 1am daily. ext 2515
Quad Runners
Go for an exciting desert safari, a full moon trip, or a
Bedouin trip on quads available for 2 hour slots, half or full
day trips. Guides and BBQ arrangements. ext 2324
Tennis Club
Four clay courts and tennis lessons by the Belgian ACE
international Academy and squash courts are available next
to the go-karts, ext 2515
The El Gouna Golf Club offers an 18-hole championship
course with driving range, chipping and pitching area,
and putting greens. Rental services for clubs, trolleys and
carts available. Tee times must be reserved in advance.
For non-golfers, check out the Golf Introduction with PGA
professionals every Wed and Sat, 3:30-5pm. ext 2285
Tennis & Squash Courts
Horseback Riding
Ride horses and camels at the Mövenpick (ext 2241) and
Zeytouna Beach (ext 5317) or go for full service at Yalla
Horsetables (ext 2344). Yalla offers professional service
and trained staff to assist you in enjoying their Arabian cross
horses and ponies for children. Don't miss their exclusive
horse-drawn carriage trips!
Professional tennis and squash courts are available at:
Club Med, ext 10
Mövenpick, ext 35
Steigenberger, ext 2241
Most hotel health clubs and facilities offer aerobics, free
weights, body building equipment, spas, saunas, steam
baths, jacuzzis, and massage services.
Club Med, ext 10
Mövenpick, ext 8140
Sheraton, ext 86050
Steigenberger, ext 2241
Sultan Bey, ext 14
TTC Ocean View, ext 3020
TTC Rihana, ext 300
Panorama Bungalows, ext 4100
Angsana Spa
Conceptualised, developed and managed by the awardwinning Banyan Tree Group, therapists at the Angsana
Spa implement a refreshing blend of treatments that
place emphasis on the use of natural ingredients including flowers, fruits, herbs, spices and plants. Massages
vary from US$ 75-80 for a 20 minute session, packages
run US$ 65-125.
Angsana Spa at the Mövenpick, ext 178100
Angsana Spa at the Golf Club, ext 78018
Beauty Salons
Find exclusive massage services, hairdresser, nail treatments and more at:
Classic, ext 2241
Nefertity, ext 77974
Mövenpick Salon, ext 36
Tamr Henna Salon, ext 2157
TTC Ocean View, ext 3020
Yasmin, ext 14
4 6
Children are valued members of our community, which is
why El Gouna has such a great variety of fun and educational activities for its smallest visitors.
Arena Inn
Children’s activities and playground facilities.
Ages: 0-6. ext 4110
From Spanish Divers and Picassos to sea horses and
crabs, the aquarium will delight the whole family and
especially kids. Don't forget to ask about the piranas and
baby crocodiles. Kafr El Gouna, ext 2408
Creative Memories
Age-appropriate programs and themed days include
Indian day, Party day, Pirates day and Handcrafts day.
Hours: 10:00-1:30 and 14:00-17:00. ext 2221
Now your dive plans can include all family members. Ask
your dive center of choice about discounts and tailored
diving programs and courses for kids. See the diving section for Diving Centers.
For speed lovers: let them get their engines going around
the track. ext 2188
Golf Champ
Rihana Trixie Kids Club
Complete program includes water polo, diving, beach
games, balloon games and activities coordinated by the
animation team. Hours: 10:00-17:00, 19:00-20:00. ext 19
Kid's Club, playground, activities and games indoor and
outside. Ages 4+ months. Hours: 10:00-17:00. ext 2241
Sultan Bey
Different activities led by a professional team. Ages: 4-12.
Hours: 9:00-17:00. ext 2381
Hit the golf course’s driving range with your kids for a full
day of family fun. ext 2285
Horseback & Pony Rides
Yalla Horsestables offers pony rides for kids from ages
2-10 and kids of all ages can enjoy watching the horses
and their foals. A special pony carriage is perfect for kids
or a larger carriage can take the whole family on a sightseeing trip through the fish farm and marina. ext 2344
Island Adventure
Take the jetty to Zeytuna Island for a day of snorkeling,
horseback riding, and a photo-op on the back of a smiling
camel. ext 5317
Try your luck at pint-sized golf in the Abu Tig Marina.
ext 2351
Youth Club at Fanar
Activities for young adults include billiards and movie
nights for adolescents and teens. Fanar Restaurant &
Youth Center located on the go-kart circuit. ext 2351
Les Petites International Nursery
Childcare and excellent educational programs for kids 3
months to 5 yrs old. Programs include dress up parties,
face painting, garage sales, playground, sleepover, entertainment, and more. Next to Mirage disco, mob 012 393
4407, ext 2225
EE 4 9
With costumes, make-up and the spirit of fun, you and
your kids will have an unforgettable make-believe experience and get to take home the evidence: a family portrait
from the Fuji film shop. Tamr Henna, ext 2184
Interactive sports and games both in the water and outdoors. Hours: 10:30-13:30 and 14:30-17:00. ext 36
7th Star Restaurant
Bella Italia
Authentic Italian pizzas, pastas and salads. Abu Tig,
ext 77912
Superb pastries, high quality coffees, and a renewed cosmopolitan menu. A special breakfast is served for residents
from 7:30-11am. Abu Tig, ext 77972
Abu Raya
Billiard Café
Restaurant and cafeteria with Middle Eastern coffee shop
and shisha corner. Also offers a grill for barbeque and
shish kebab. El Balad, ext 2036
Have a drink, play pool, smoke shisha and relax.
Captain's Inn, Abu Tig, ext 2164
Art Village Café
Well known for its delicious platters served on a romantic
terrace facing the sea. Abu Tig, ext 77928
Arabian atmosphere with open space. Work on your art or
relax with a shisha or drink. Tamr Henna, ext 2336
Athena Greek Tavern
Restaurant bar with a unique atmosphere and terrace.
Kafr El Gouna, ext 22416
Bleu Bleu
Café Maritime
Greek specialties. El Balad, ext 2429
A Variety of seafood and Scandinavian specialties served in a
unique atmosphere overlooking the sea. Abu Tig, ext 77971
Bua Khao
Café Vienna
Thai food in a fresh, open tropical atmosphere. Also offers
a wide assortment of seafood dishes. Mövenpick, ext 36
Gourmet coffee shops offering fresh pastries, French specialty breads, and Mövenpick ice cream. Mövenpick Hill, ext 36
Buzzha Restaurant
Beach restaurant featuring the town's only wood-fire
pizza oven. Theme evenings include Italian buffets and
BBQ parties. Northern Mangroovy, mob 012 741 2100
Lebanese cuisine and mixed grill on the charcoal. Abu Tig,
ext 77963
El Sayadin
Specialty Belgian restaurant with mouth-watering cuisine.
Live piano music. Rihana, ext 300, Ocean View, ext 2301
Fantastic Oriental and seafood specialties with a unique
location overlooking the sea. Mövenpick, ext 36
China House
El Taybeen Café
Great Pekingese and Shanghai food with authentic
ingredients. Downtonw El Balad, ext 2314
Assortment of sandwiches, pasta, pizza, and special salads. Live band on Thursday. Kafr El Gouna, ext 2460
Dolce Vita
Enjoy the real flavor of Italian pizzas and pastas. Rihana
Resort, ext 300, Ocean View Hotel, ext 2301
Elegant yet cozy with daily buffet themes and uniquely
Egyptian fare. Steigenberger, ext 2241
El Basha
Fanar Seafood
Egyptian specialties and a large assortment of recipes.
El Bustan, ext 707-2034
Enjoy the finest cuisine and appetizers under the stars.
Cocktails and assortment of juices. Go-Kart Track, ext 2257
El Bustan Café
Ferrari Club
Egyptian coffee shop and shisha bar. El Bustan, ext
The menu is a blend of Italian and Egyptian specialties.
Kafr El Gouna, ext 2071
El Bustan Foodcourt
Food Court
Oriental food, kebabs, pizzas, refreshments, and more.
El Bustan, ext 707-2024
Oriental food, kebab, pizzas, fresh juice, and fetir among
other tasty items. Tamr Henna, ext 2145
El Diwan Café
Foool House
Oriental woodwork sets the tone as you sip one of the
many traditional drink varieties. Abu Tig, ext 77905
Authentic Egyptian cuisine at great prices. Home delivery
available. Hours: 6am-3am. Downtown El Balad, ext 2088
Chez Pascal
Garo's Snack Stop
Lebanese and Armenian specialties along with delicious
snacks and salads. Downtown El Balad, ext 2448
Hedra Café and Restaurant
International & seafood cuisine served all day. Snacks
& sandwiches. Delivery, takeaway. Tamr Henna, ext
Il Limone
Mediterranean specialties with starter buffet and main
courses served at the table. Mövenpick, ext 36
In Cielo Café
Array of appetizers, juices and gourmet coffee.
Abu Tig, ext 77907
Jobo's Sports Bar & Restaurant
International & Scandinavian cuisine. Per & Anna
welcome you to view sports events live! Tamr Henna,
ext 2127
Legendary Italian-style hospitality mixed with heady
aromas of garlic and red wine. Kafr, ext 2407
La Piscina
Exclusive atmosphere around the pool with live music
and entertainment. Sheraton, ext 19
La Rôtisserie
Exclusive menu inspired by Mediterranean flavors. First
class service in a glamorous ambiance. Open for dinner
everyday from 7pm. Steigenberger, ext 2241
La Scala
Pamper yourself with high international cuisine in a
classy atmosphere. Abu Tig, ext 77933
Le Deauville
Elegant French cuisine from a chef that keeps the offerings seasonal and varied. Abu Tig, ext 77902
Maison Thomas
Signature sandwiches, salads, pizzas in great
ambiance. Abu Tig, ext 77906
Moroccan cuisine in an authentic atmosphere and the
ideal setting of the marina. Abu Tig, ext 77855
Mangroovy Beach Club
Scenic beach bar & restaurant, with parties on Sundays
and Wednesdays and a Bedouin tent. Mangroovy, ext 2260
Marina Beach Club
All-in-one international and typical Egyptian food and
cocktail bar overlooking the beach. Abu Tig, ext 77966
100% all-beef chili, cheese hotdogs, chicken sandwiches and all-American steak sandwiches. Tamr
Henna, ext 2131
5 2
Orient 1001
The Hut
Lebanese-Egyptian food in an authentic Oriental atmosphere with live bread making. Sheraton, ext 19
This beachside restaurant offers an assortment of grilled
and fried seafood. Check out the bonfire pit in the back.
Abu Tig Beach, ext 77980
Oriental Grill
Oriental atmosphere sets the mood for mezzeh,
barbecue and oriental pastries. Downtown Kafr El
Gouna, ext 2261
Steak House
Vienna Café Servus
Tasty American-style steak dishes cooked to perfection in a great atmosphere at the Captain’s Inn on the
marina boardwalk. Abu Tig, ext 2298
Varieties of coffee, cappuccino, lattes and chocolate. Austrian
specialties, pastries, fresh salads and sandwiches. Tamr
Henna, ext 2149
Tamr Henna Food Court
Oriental food, kebab, pizzas, fresh juice, and fetir,
among other tasty items. Tamr Henna, ext 2145
International seafood delicacies in an exclusive atmosphere featuring live music around the pool. Seafood
BBQ on Saturday. Sheraton, ext 19
Tandoori and Mughalai specialties of chicken, meats,
and seafood at the only authentic Indian restaurant in El
Gouna. Abu Tig, ext 2351
The Club House
Our Scandinavian Chef welcomes you to a new fine dining experience. Panorama, ext 4100
White Elephant
Thai specialties include a basic menu of curry dishes,
stri-friend meat and seafood. Downtown El Balad,
ext 2427
Irresistible pizzas, pasta and salads in a lively atmosphere
and popular meeting place. Kafr El Gouna, ext 2412
5 3
Meet with friends for a drink, try your luck at the casino,
or dance the night away at one of El Gouna’s lively after
hours hot spots.
Aladin Casino
Slot-machines, multi-jackpot poker, roulettes, blackjack,
Oasis stud pokers, punto banca, and Chemin de fer.
Cocktail bar, lounge, and late night snack parlor. Free shuttle bus and limousine service. Downtown Kafr, ext 2400
For a great night out, Egypt's smallest bar with its modern,
funky decor and exciting atmosphere, Barten is definitely
the place to be! Open from 9pm until the last guest leaves.
Abu Tig Marina, ext 77903
Beach Party
Enjoy BBQ, bonfires, and great music every Sunday and
Wednesday from 10:30pm onwards. Mangroovy Beach,
ext 2260
Head to the all-English bar for chilled beer and a light bite.
Satellite TV shows sports events. Downtown El Balad,
ext 4105
De l’Autre Côté
Surrounded by impressive yachts, it is the perfect setting to
enjoy a drink or dance the night away. Abu Tig, ext 77928
Choose indoor seating in a secluded Arabic atmosphere
or relax in an open Bedouin tent. Music for romance,
excitement, or just plain fun while you're served appetizers and cocktails. Downtown, ext 2193
DuPort Pool Club
The ultimate lounge experience. Cool tunes, private lounge
beds, swimming pool, and delicious food. Funky music every
Thu, Fri, and Sat by European Djs. Ocean View, ext 2301
El Gouna Oasis
The oasis features a natural grove of date palms with roofed
huts, Bedouin tents, and gardens. Buffet dinner and oriental
show every Wednesday from 7pm. For info, ext 2100
Kafr El Gouna Party
Saturday Night Live, a fantastic party with live music special
entertainment every Saturday in Kafr El Gouna from 8pm.
For info, ext 2100
Le Tabasco
Cool interiors and good music. Meat, crepes, salads and
more. The bar is on the second floor, so after your meal be
sure to go upstairs to enjoy the rest of the night.
Kafr El Gouna, ext 5515
Marina Street Festival
Don’t miss the biweekly party where guest DJs and
live bands guarantee an outdoor extravaganza of
fun. Every Mon and Fri from 8pm. Info, ext 2100
Mirage Open Air Disco
Enjoy the show, snack and party on Thursday and
Saturday from 10:30pm onwards at El Gouna’s
open air disco. Downtown, for info ext 2306
Lounge bar, good oriental and international cuisine and nice cocktails by the boats, on the beach
or on the open sea with great alcohol at good
prices! Abu Tig Marina, ext 77966
Palma Karaoke Café
Live your dream of being a karaoke king! Palma
has a chilled out atmosphere where you are sure
to find your favorite songs, choose from 3000
tunes in 9 languages. Kafr, ext 2125
This trendy bar and eatery has become one of
the marina’s hotspots. DJ music and regular
themes keep the fun going. Abu Tig, ext 2326
Sand Bar
Seriously cold beers, a full range of spirits and
chilled wines will satisfy the most demanding
drinker. For a clean head, a selection of nonalcoholic cocktails is available. Kafr, ext 2123
The vibe is classic English pub meets Indiana
Jones where Sussex-native Richard Boys serves
up drinks behind the bar. Abu Tig, ext 77927
Studio 52
Specially created to bring live entertainment to the
marina, Studio 52 offers a selection of music, good
ambiance, and karaoke fun. Abu Tig, ext 77962
Tamr Henna Square Event
Oriental show and entertainment every Thursday
from 9:30pm. Tamr Henna. For info, ext 2100
Tambel Irish Pub
Cold beer, hot music, and delicious mezzeh.
Great selection of liquors including their famous
Irish whiskey and Irish cream. Kafr, ext 2190
The Cave
Trendy disco music to shake your body all night
long. The entrance fee is all inclusive, so drink up!
Panorama Bungalows, ext 4101
Tides Lounge Bar
Billiard tables available until 3 am at Captain's Inn
Hotel. Abu Tig, ext 2293
5 5
Al Nol
Bedouin House
Beit Sitti cottons
Eg. Women Crafts
El Pasha Kaftan
Lebanese Crafts
Rayan Moroccan
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Kafr El Gouna
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Kafr El Gouna
Kafr El Gouna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Kafr El Gouna
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
ext 77977
ext 2129
ext 2107
ext 2102
ext 77945
ext 4032
ext 2169
ext 77929
ext 2191
ext 77973
ext 2156
ext 2217
ext 77921
ext 77928
ext 77915
ext 2362
ext 77914
ext 4034
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Kafr El Gouna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
El Balad
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Ainedter Boutique
Casual Wear
Cotton Club
Cotton T-Shirt
Elegant Sportswear
IQ Casual Wear
Italian Fashion
Jeans House
Norma J
Queeny Boutique
Sun & Moon
T-Shirt Shop
Abu Tig Spicy
Art Center
Art Village
Candle House
Dolphine Shop
Eben El Balad
Khan El Gouna
Little Palma City
Paper Moon
Wannas Gifts
7th Star Bakery
Best Way
Best Way
El Mohandes
El Ezba
Farid Ateia
Fish Market
Karakeesh Bakery
Tamr Henna Bakery
1000 Wishes
Glass Style
Lana Leather
Leather Handmade
5 6
Al Sandara
Al Sandara
Divine Design
El Dar
Inside Out
Nancy House
O' Mamouhe
Safar Khan Art
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
El Balad
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
ext 77908
ext 2117
not available
ext 3333
ext 2331
ext 77968
ext 8085
ext 77904
ext 77951
ext 77934
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
4 locations
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Black Diamond
Bright Silver
El Fayrouz
High Style
Jasmine Jeweler
Shiekh Mounir
Wannas Jeweler
Egyptian Perfumes
Isis Bazaar
Isis Perfume
Jasmine Papyrus
Khan El Khalili
Museum Shop
Night Shop
Oasis Perfume
Tut Papyrus
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
El Balad
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Tamr Henna
Abu Tig
Abydos Marina
ext 77926
ext 77969
ext 7234
ext 2184
ext 77911
ext 2358
ext 77965
ext 2340
not available
ext 2177
ext 77974
ext 4031
ext 77961
ext 2340
Art Marine
Book Shop
Exc. DVD & Video
Fuji Photo Services
Les Fleurs de Rita
Lodos Marine
Look at Me
Lotus Flower
Mobile Shop
Phone Appliances
Wanna 1 Charter
Info Center, ext 2100 Hours: 9am-11pm
Telephone, to connect to the El Gouna Operator:
From inside El Gouna dial 0
From outside El Gouna dial +20 (065) 354 9702 / 3 / 4
Banks & ATMs Note: Most banks are closed Fri & Sat
Bank Audi, Tamr Henna, (065) 358 0095
CIB, Marina 77970, Mövenpick 36, Tamr Henna 77970
Credit Agricole, Downtown, ext 2243
HSBC, Abu Tig Marina, ext 2421/22
Misr Bank, Tamr Henna, (065) 358 0205
National Bank of Egypt, Steigenberger, ext 2241
National Bank of Oman, Tamr Henna, ext 2137
Hospital, ext 2222, 2201, 2202, emergency ext 2200
Vet Clinic, El Bustan, ext 707 2020, mob 012 458 0052
Hospital Pharmacy, 9am-2pm, 6pm-9pm, ext 2073
Tamr Henna Pharmacy, 9am-11pm, ext 2600
Abu Tig Pharmacy 10am-10pm, ext 77920
AUC Field Center, ext 4401, www.aucegypt.edu
El Gouna International School, ext 2224
Internet Facilities
Orascom Net, Abu Tig Marina, ext 77930, 2283, 2198
internet café 2-11 pm, tech services 9 am - 4:30 pm
Link Zone, DSL service provider, ext 600
Marina Club, Abu Tig Marina, ext 77930
ProLink, Abu Tig Marina, ext 77000
Romolo Club, Downtown, ext 2170 /71
Radio, www.romolo.com/stream.htm
Event Planning, X-Nation, ext 4444
Post Office, Hours: 9am-2pm, closed Friday, ext 2151
Church, El Bustan, ext 707 5005
Mosque, Behind Hospital, ext 2389
Housekeeping Services
Better Life
Best Service
Tamr Henna, ext 2340
Tamr Henna, ext 2345
Downtown, ext 2006
Interior Design
El Dar
Idea Co.
Inside Out
Nile Kitchen
Downtown, ext 3333
Tamr Henna, ext 2331
Abu Tig Marina, ext 77968
Hill Parking, 012 547 7378
Investments Services
Information and support for upstart business activities.
mob 012 244 2725, [email protected]
5 8
Real Estate
Commercial Property - Orascom Housing
Bus Service to Cairo
El Gouna Transportation Company
OHD Sales Office: Downtown Kafr, ext 2005, 2041
Mob 012 366 8002, [email protected]
High Jet Company
[email protected], El Balad, ext 2006
Customer Services (OHD)
Homeowner concerns and Owner’s Cards. El Balad,
ext 4455 / 4466, [email protected]
OHD Authorized Sales Agent
Tamr Henna, ext 2194, Abu Tig Marina, ext 77913
Mob 012 366 8002, [email protected]
Resale Services (OHD)
Property management for resale, third party rental, concierge, and other services. Kafr El Gouna, ext 2005
Resale & Rental Agents
Vacation Rentals Abu Tig Marina, ext 2552
Tamr Henna, ext 2423
Tamr Henna, ext 2006
First class service LE 65 per person per way
VIP service LE 55 per person per way
EG to Cairo: 2:00 am (First), 9:30am (VIP), 1:30pm (VIP),
5:30pm (First), 1:30am (VIP)
Cairo to EG: 8:30am (VIP), 5:30pm (First), 12:30am (VIP),
1:30am (First)
Runs from Ahmed Helmy and Nasr City stations in Cairo
Tickets must be bought in advance. For info call ext 4555
Travel Agency: Pro Tours
Arranges local excursions within Egypt and handles your
international travel arrangements. For packages
and tailored tours and excursions, call ext 2175/ 6
Airline: Orascom Aviation
Private charter within Egypt, to Europe, MENA and Gulf.
Day Tel 02 335 7440, Night 012 655 1131, 012 329 4798
Limousine & Taxi
Car and limousine rental, private taxi service.
Mob. 012 227 2957, 012 734 0173, ext 8784
Sharm Ferry, Bookings through Pro Tours, ext 2175/ 6
Shuttle Bus & Boat
Purchase a ticket prior to boarding the bus or boat shuttle.
Tickets available from the Info Center, your hotel's front
desk, the Kafr boat jetty, or at sales points around El
Gouna. Daily ticket: 5 LE; Weekly ticket: 15 LE. ext 2100
Tok Tok
This mini-cab will pick you up from any location and take
you anywhere in El Gouna.
Downtown, ext 2338
Abu Tig Marina, ext 32338
El Bustan, ext 707-2338
Bus to Hurghada
Buses leave every 20 min (00, 20, 40 min after the hour).
Departure from El Gouna between 07:00 and midnight
Departure from Hurghada (Dahar) between 06:20 and 00:00
LE 5 per person per way, tickets may be bought on the bus.
5 9
Real Estate Office (OHD)
First class service LE 100 per person per way
VIP service LE 85 per person per way
EG to Cairo: 9:30 am (VIP), 2:00 pm (VIP), 4:30 pm (First),
7:30 pm (VIP), 12:30 am (VIP)
Cairo to EG: 7:30am (First), 1:45pm (VIP), 12:45am (VIP)
Runs from Tahrir Square and Nasr City stations in Cairo
Tickets must be bought in advance. For information call
ext 2287. Cairo tel (02) 574 1533.
Bleu Bleu
Chez Pascal
Dolce Vita
With a top quality chef, the restaurant
specializes in French cuisine served at
an ideal location in the Abu Tig Marina.
Enjoy a variety of seafood dishes either
inside or on the marina boardwalk.
ext 77928
Feast on wonderful culinary delights at
our specialty Belgian restaurant and
savor mouth-watering cuisine. Enjoy a
fantastic meal of fabulous dishes from
all corners of the earth accompanied by
soft, live piano music while you dine.
ext 300 or ext 2301
Authentic Italian cuisine with
sounds, sights and aromas from the
Mediterranian. Come visit us at our
two distinct locations at the Rihana
Resort and the Ocean View Hotel.
ext 300 or ext 2301
ll limone
La Piscina
Located at the Mövenpicks Hill
Extension, this restaurants serves
Mediterranean specialties with a starter
buffet, a selection of main courses
served at the table and a choice of desserts. Food credit LE 30 per person.
ext 36
We feature authentic home made Italian
specialties! Enjoy our cozy atmosphere
and the unforgettable view over lagoons
at our a la carte restaurant. Fantastic
selections of delicious antipasti and
authentic Italian pasta main dishes. Laura
welcomes you daily from 7-11 pm.
ext 2407
Saturday seafood BBQ! Enjoy lavish
international seafood delicacies in an
exclusive atmosphere around the pool
featuring live music and entertainment
from 19:30 until 22:30 every Saturday.
Free alcoholic welcome drink.
ext 19
La Rotisserie
In the mood for a fine dining experience?
Celebrating something special? This is the
place where you can have it all! Enjoy our
exquisite menu and pamper yourself with
an unforgettable evening. We offer a daily
4-course gourmet menu or a la carte
options for your own delight.
ext 2241
Moroccan cuisine that is a feast for the
senses. The world famous cous-cous
and a variety of tajines and authentic
Moroccan specialties are enjoyed in a
beautifully decorated restaurant on the
marina promenade.
ext 77855
Feast on wonderful culinary delights
from the nightly theme buffet dinners
with local delicacies and international
dishes. Most of all, have dinner with
a unique view of the Red Sea unlike
any other in El Gouna.
ext 2301
Orient 1001
El Sayadin
Steak House
Enjoy Lebanese-Egyptian food in an
authentic Oriental atmosphere with live
traditional bread making and a variety of
hot & cold mezzes and char-grilled seafood
& meats. Live show every Friday night.
Special set menu for Dine Around with
optional additional dishes at extra charge.
ext 19
The renowned a la carte restaurant for
Oriental and seafood specialties boasts
a unique location overlooking the crystal blue Red Sea. Spoil yourself in this
breathtaking ambience for all romantic &
casual moments while enjoying the finest
delicacies from the menu.
ext 36
If steak is what you like...then you’ve
hit the jackpot! The Steak House
offers a romantic setting overlooking
the Abu Tig Marina. Great American
style steak dishes are served in a
beautiful atmosphere with a classical
high standard of service.
ext 2297
Enjoy a culinary voyage around the world
with nightly themed dinners. Asian,
Scandinavian, Oriental, Mediterranean,
Indian, French, Italian and international
succulent dishes are enjoyed in the setting
of your choice: under vaulted ceilings and
chandeliers or directly under the stars.
ext 14
Enjoy fabulous Tandoori and Mughalai
specialties at the only authentic Indian
Restaurant in El Gouna. Visit our new
location in Ali Pasha Hotel at the Abu
Tig Marina entrance. A la carte choice.
Food credit LE 50 per person
Set menu also available.
ext 2351
A unique offering from El Gouna's
hotels. For program specifics and
reservations, contact the Guest
Relations agent at your hotel of
residence, or call the Info Center
at ext 2100.